The fat lady sang

I'm fat, sassy, tired and busy. Will there ever be a time when I'm NOT tired? I love Clay Aiken, musical theatre, being with good friends and laughing!

My favorite diaries:

fatcamp profile - diary
comments: Great diary, they don't write often enough
princessReva profile - diary
comments: She's a funny and nutty, and did I mention getting married!!!
cathieanne profile - diary
comments: A fun read, except she's moved on to LJ now.
chubbychic profile - diary
comments: Ok, read it, you'll wet yourself. POWER TO THE CHUBBY CHICS!
polkadot7815 profile - diary
comments: I miss Dot, she doesn't update much anymore.
Catsnapples profile - diary
comments: My friends Mom, who knew I'd love her writing so much.
trendymatt profile - diary
comments: I'm sure we could be friends, after all, he IS gay.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: The fat Tinker Bell motiff....enough said!
unclebob profile - diary
comments: How come it took me so long to find him? HYSTERICAL!
La the sage profile - diary
comments: Another fabulous find late in the game. She's so honest, I admire that!
Gigantor profile - diary
comments: My friend Mangus in new name and form. He mostly writes in LJ anymore. BOO!
wifemotherme profile - diary
comments: Sweet lady, and one of my 3 fans.
joeparadox profile - diary
comments: She has a new address, but go check her out!
porktornado profile - diary
comments: FREAKING hysterical!
tvzero profile - diary
comments: So funny, but on hiatus!
eastofeden profile - diary
comments: My beloved friend, stuck in the wiles of NM
sleepyzoe profile - diary
cryondemand profile - diary
comments: she's a mystery to me, but she reads me, and I'm happy she's found love.

My favorite music:

comments: I have an irrational love for this man. His voice is undescribably orgasmic. He's adorable, AND I MET HIM!!!
Harry Connick Jr.
comments: YUM! Again, just so enjoyable to listen to, and he always puts me in the right mood.
Barenaked Ladies
comments: I don't know why, I just love the name, and their crazy music.
Norah Jones
comments: Soothing
Dianna Karall
comments: This woman has an amazing and yummy voice. My husband introduced me to her.

My favorite movies:

So I Married an Axe Murderer
comments: Because Mike Myers is a brilliant comic actor, and he reminds me of my brother. AND, this has got to be one of THE most quotable movies of ALL time.
Calamity Jane
comments: It's just a classic movie musical, and I DO love movie musicals.
Waiting for Guffman
comments: I'm a theater person, and this is community theater at its finest. It's a MUST see among any theater crowd. And, Christopher Guest is a genius.
comments: There just isn't anything as great as boys singing and dancing, tee hee.
Bring it On
comments: Look, I know it's just cheerleading and pithiness, but it seriously cracked me up. Not to mention watching the cheer competitions was really fun.

My favorite authors:

JK Rowling
comments: Sorry, but Harry Potter is some good reading. I really enjoy those books, and quite frankly I'm ready for the next freakin installment!!!
Patricia Cromwell
comments: I enjoy her writing style, and I love forensics, so they intrigue me.
Dan Brown
comments: HELLO! If you haven't read Da Vinci Code, it's a crime!

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last updated: 2006-11-24 09:44:35
this user's total entries: 229
user since: 2002-10-09

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