This is Bing

I moved across the country 2 years ago, I work way too hard, play even harder and still think of myself as a canoe guide gone astray.

Who knew?

My favorite diaries:

dolffie profile - diary
comments: Who the hell wants to get up at 7:15am? Not me, for sure.
aroha profile - diary
comments: Who the hell gets up at 4:30 a.m.? Me, apparently.
rachelliz profile - diary
comments: Really. The most exciting program on television. Next season, you should watch
sixweasels profile - diary
comments: "we can get it to do things like tell people to go away and call them assholes for you." I promised
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: Inside Zeitgeist, Santas began the most important part of the Christmas season�getting VERY drunk.
ann-frank profile - diary
comments: Gentlemen please feel free to reply to my e-mail - subject line: Sweeping Generalizations. Thanks
smartypants profile - diary
comments: how about hearing Picard say: "Geordi! To the locker room!"
rayvenhold profile - diary
comments: Notice to Drivers - Green means go
Jabberwockey profile - diary
comments: But my question is, do I want this new maturity?
sera1231 profile - diary
comments: I'm not too exausted to enjoy my own party.
brokengirl7 profile - diary
comments: It was Marshall standing very close behind me chewing on my hair.
goovie profile - diary
comments: Mmm...hobbits.
witepoptrash profile - diary
comments: The problem being, though, how the hell would I get home?
dudeinski profile - diary
comments: Hey, does this lab coat make me look fat?
squirrelx profile - diary
comments: The first time she tried her hand at it, the results looked like the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust in Cookieland.
joleen profile - diary
comments: I'm too gruff, too blunt, too scattered
miss-miami profile - diary
quoted profile - diary
teclo profile - diary
spacemuppet profile - diary
comments: I am not a slave to the machine - I am a cog in it
grlenamored profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: she made her own pretty hate machine
comments: Tell to stop ragging on Bono - he is the man
New Order
comments: Oh, they have blue eyes, oh they have green eyes, oh they have grey eyes
Dar Williams
comments: Christians, Pagans, talking about when she was a boy.
Tom Waites
comments: The Piano has been drinking (not him)

My favorite movies:

The Shipping News
comments: This is the best movie I've seen in five years (and I watch a lot of movies) Check it out - it's amazing! Drink up your tea while your watching. Tea's a good drink, keeps you going.
Sliding Doors
comments: If you haven't seen it, you need to see it. Watch while sipping vodka stolen from your office.
Being John Malkovich
comments: Kindof Screwy - infinitely entertaining. Watch with a ncie glass of red wine, ideally a cabernet franc.
Vanilla Sky
comments: See above, but this movie calls for white wine, perhaps a nice chardonney
Dr Strangelove
comments: Dark and very very funny comedy about nuclear war. This one calls for pure grain alcohol and rain water.

My favorite authors:

Michael Moore
comments: Left Wing satire - does it really get any better than this? This man would be an excellent choice for President of the USA, but since he can't do that, we'll take him in Canada....
William Shirer
comments: An amazing historian and journalist
Frank Magazine
comments: Get a subscription under an assumed name.

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last updated: 2006-03-25 19:30:30
this user's total entries: 194
user since: 2002-07-07

AOL IM name: leftfieldbing
ICQ number: 23170431
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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