Halo Askew - I'm a Nutball!

I'm a sassy gal. Sometimes I'm in a good mood and it's all bunnies and rainbows. But I'm usually not that lucky.

My favorite diaries:

Weetabix profile - diary
comments: Funny bunnies.
AtomicBuddha profile - diary
comments: Me likes. Good stuff.
Cruel-Irony profile - diary
comments: A hoot...great stories.
Djraindog profile - diary
comments: Such honesty!
Tater-Fay profile - diary
comments: Kittens and duckies and vinegar drinking...oh my!
CasperWoo profile - diary
comments: "Thank God my cat cannot speak ...she has been witness to my doing the 'running man'...and also unfortunate were the times that I, as the Pope, forgave all her sins with a blessing of one index finger placed on her forehead."
Wicked-Sezzy profile - diary
comments: Quite the sassy one.
SmartyPants profile - diary
comments: *cue Law & Order music*
DangerSpouse profile - diary
comments: "I was excited too, in the way that guys who watch their wives/daughters/pets being raped get."
Piehole profile - diary
comments: What a hoot!
Kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: Where has she been hiding? I love kittens AND ass-kicking violence! (Just not in the same room together)
Andreeb profile - diary
comments: I HAVE A SISTER! I knew my parents were keeping something from me...
Crazy4Muffin profile - diary
comments: LORETTI! DOO!
Ramblin-Bill profile - diary
comments: Because there's nothing quite as classy as a box of wine
Smoog profile - diary
comments: Psychological Wonder Twin power....Activate!
MadamePierce profile - diary
comments: Ducky Lollipops and wiener dog racing! There is a god.
TwelveBeer profile - diary
comments: A veritable plethora of funny shit.
Heidiann profile - diary
comments: Because she loves grid paper and sings songs about beef jerky
BlueMeany profile - diary
comments: "Because, sure smoking will kill you over time, but war will kill you quicker."
JunkCult profile - diary
comments: This, my friends, is SPIKE ASSRAM
LuvaBeans profile - diary
comments: "I have a mild interest in astrology, but don't get all Miss Cleo and try to explain the world based on the dawning of the age of Aquarius."
Yeahimadork profile - diary
comments: Godfather I and II. Cats. Letter writing. What's not to love?
PantryPuff profile - diary
GoingLoopy profile - diary
comments: She cracks me up
Idiot-Milk profile - diary
PorchLife profile - diary
Janetplnetoc profile - diary
comments: My girl!
Smedindy profile - diary
comments: Such a sweetheart! He's a music nutball of the highest order
NiceGuyMike profile - diary
Nilliem profile - diary
comments: Love her to bits
ColdandGray profile - diary
IngridWrites profile - diary
la-the-sage profile - diary
comments: "Because we live in a society that demands next to nothing from its men and yet allows them to set the standard for what they insist on from us."
Awittykitty profile - diary
Wilberteets profile - diary
Devilsdealer profile - diary
Hydrogeek profile - diary
Scotvalkyrie profile - diary
WickedCrazy profile - diary
AdaVeen profile - diary
UncleBob profile - diary
comments: I just spent $20 to upgrade him back to Supergold so his comments work. Gotta give something back to the original master of D-land.
Moonfaeryy profile - diary
Sinsear777 profile - diary
Cardiogirl profile - diary
comments: Love this chicka!
Smashthegas profile - diary
comments: He rocks. Ask him the meaning of "What an absolute Giano" ;)
NakedBarista profile - diary
Toejam profile - diary
comments: So funny
Jonathan29 profile - diary
comments: I wanna curl up on the couch with him and watch HGTV
PeteyPuke profile - diary
SparkSpark profile - diary
Fergie profile - diary
comments: Sass!
Bookafly profile - diary
Tattoobelly profile - diary

My favorite music:

Barenaked Ladies
Stevie Wonder
Josh Groban
Frank Sinatra

My favorite movies:

The Godfather I and II
comments: Once a year, these must be watched back to back, with heapings of lasagna and garlic bread.
This is Spinal Tap
comments: "You can't dust for vomit."
Altered States
comments: William Hurt at his best
comments: This movie is best watched on a breezy cloudless Sunday afternoon, with all the windows open
Garden State
comments: Hilarious

My favorite authors:

Mark Salzman
comments: I met him! Check out Iron & Silk, Growing Up Absurd in Suburbia, The Soloist, et al
Elizabeth Berg
comments: Talk Before Sleep made me bawl my little peepers out.
Michael Crichton
comments: Travels, The Great Train Robbery, Jurassic Park, Airframe...I love me some techno-thrillers!
Lawrence Sanders
comments: The First Deadly Sin, in particular. The main character (Edward X. Delaney) makes fantastically bizarre sandwiches, which always makes me hungry.
David Gerrold
comments: The War Against the Chtorr series. Oh yes, I'm a closet sci-fi geek.

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last updated: 2011-04-12 00:35:11
this user's total entries: 558
user since: 2002-09-04

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