Questionable Milk's Dog and Pony Show

Squirrels are responsible for 70% of all deaths.

My favorite diaries:

pablo profile - diary
comments: Ghostly children are only eclipsed by actual living ones in the amount of inherent terror they seem capable of instilling in me.
bathtubmary profile - diary
comments: Can you smell me from where you are?
red-wine profile - diary
comments: Girl's got her some mad verve.
fuzzy-grey profile - diary
comments: Put the monkeys in the bucket
oldmaid profile - diary
comments: what is it about me that says "bring me a dead mouse!"
seven-point5 profile - diary
comments: Well its too bad they don't give raises for being well-liked, isn't it?
polygon profile - diary
comments: mbcfe!
rumblelizard profile - diary
comments: Also, I wish Jake Gyllenhaal would come and kiss me and make it all better
beagle47 profile - diary
comments: what are you waiting for, decide who you want to be and start working on it.
trancejen profile - diary
comments: "You just don't sell books. It would be like selling my skin. You don't sell books. You keep them. You build a library."
dieselengine profile - diary
comments: So cute, she hurts me.
monkey-king profile - diary
comments: There were also reports of a turkey that ended up in the middle of the dance floor/mosh pit, but I don�t have video of that.
ottodixless profile - diary
comments: I hope he forcibly rams the paintpot onto her head and then jumps out the window of their 5th-floor dockside apartment (with carpeted lift) crushing the roof of their smug convertible parked outside and entirely destroying the Ikea glass occasional tables
somthin profile - diary
comments: Shit happens when the kids hit the liquor closet.
type-a- profile - diary
comments: Well Professor, I fucked a million guys in a huge range and judged the appropriateness and then wrote this paper. Here are some graphs. The 3D model curiously resembles a wang.
sparkspark profile - diary
comments: Like any dedicated narcissist, I'm endlessly fascinated with others' assessments of me - good or bad (although my inclusion of "bad" in that phrase is nothing but an extension of the pretense that I have a thick skin).
hangover profile - diary
comments: I suppose I was manufactured in California
usb-port profile - diary
comments: proper following distance is a sign of weakness
captvfirefly profile - diary
comments: She's aces, my friends.
randomrabbit profile - diary
comments: Erm, I�ve just discovered I�m allergic to Nurofen in a somewhat interesting and fun way.
smashthegas profile - diary
comments: Oh that's nothing sir, you haven't seen me in my pink leotard with stick on fluffy rabbits tail yet!
zeroreverb7 profile - diary
comments: She's back! Huzzah!
portlypete profile - diary
comments: I�ll leave the story of the naked gymnast for another day.
moosehunter profile - diary
comments: So on top of the cold and wet and poo-foot, I had the Sargasso sea in my shorts.
what-a-card profile - diary
comments: Oh, by the way, some sort of unidentified small mammal currently resides IN MY FUCKING CEILING AND IS GOING TO EAT ME.
linkology profile - diary
comments: I just wanna listen to Bob Dylan all day. And Bob Marley. All the Bob's. The two big Bob's.
johnnynevada profile - diary
comments: I'm not sure what I regret more about the weekend-- not sitting and watching the waterfalls for longer or not buying that picture of Liberace, Mohammed Ali, and Hulk Hogan together.
strixia profile - diary
comments: She's baaaaaa-aaaaack!

My favorite music:

The Carpenters
comments: They're so sweet and pure. Just like me!
comments: He's just the dreamiest man alive.
David Hasselhoff
comments: Boy, can that man sing.
Celine Dion
comments: I want to be her when I grow up.
comments: Just some good, clean, family fun.

My favorite movies:

Cool Hand Luke
comments: Holy christ, how did I ever forget about this movie? I deserve to be shot.
comments: Fuck you if you don't like this movie. You are retarded and deserve to be beaten into a pulpy, unrecognizable mess.
Harold and Maude
comments: I feel so cliche and dirty for loving this movie, but I just can't help myself.
Strictly Ballroom
comments: Again, the person who cannot love this movie should eat paint.
Anything Disney or family oriented and also (god help me) made for tv movies.
comments: I am not kidding here. I have this sick love of all things Disney. And there are few family, or teenage-oriented films that I haven't seen. Doing Time on Maple Drive is one of the finest films ever made.

My favorite authors:

The Bible
comments: This is the only book I read. Everything else is too naughty and makes the baby Jesus cry.

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last updated: 2009-02-23 05:21:54
this user's total entries: 1000
user since: 2002-05-18

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