there's beauty in the breakdown...

"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot longer than you'd like." Garden State

My favorite diaries:

mybrokenroad profile - diary
Kestra profile - diary
comments: Melody, a fellow MD mommy
Marn profile - diary
comments: Brave enough to get a tattoo on her nether regions, I admire this woman.
nacwolin profile - diary
comments: She's homeschooling, actually homeschooling! Props to my oldest sis, she's my hero.
reassemble profile - diary
comments: Finding her way in a whole new world.
Katress profile - diary
comments: A fellow kitty lover and great gal!
Brile profile - diary
comments: Leah, mom to curly headed miracle, Salem and another on the way!
sonshinegirl profile - diary
comments: My bestest friend since, oh, like forever, Chastity
marlen816 profile - diary
comments: My other sister who left me for a Texan. I love her anyway. I do miss our late night Wal-Mart runs though.
tara10573 profile - diary
comments: My cousin and close friend. She gives me chocolates with hard liquor inside and sneaks me kahlua and cream at family gatherings. Ain't she great?
aisling2005 profile - diary
comments: Aisling, mommy of 3 adorable boys, and one sweet baby girl.
sixweasels profile - diary
comments: Queen of a**holia, mother of many critters, and great friend.
twoseasons profile - diary
comments: Karen, good friend and mom to 3 cuties.
vikefan profile - diary
comments: Really ought to take him off, he NEVER updates. But he's my BIL so I'll keep him around.
twisted-mind profile - diary
comments: Amy, sweet mom of 2. She doesn't journal anymore, but she is a real sweetheart and I miss her being around.
Smyly profile - diary
comments: My good friend Heather. Also Chastity's little sister, poor thing, hee hee.
cucalifornia profile - diary
comments: Sylvia, she is a real sweetie
drewbears profile - diary
comments: Jenn, another Feb 2000 mommy. Good friend of mine and great mommy.
mswrite profile - diary
comments: A wonderful mom of 3, beautiful writing too!
wifemotherme profile - diary
comments: Life isn't perfect and she doesn't pretend that it is. That is what keeps me reading.
ingridwrites profile - diary
comments: She's really cool
theoutpost profile - diary
comments: Welcome to Assholia
sunnflower profile - diary
comments: Finally a good read found through a banner ad! She has me hooked!
revmetalhead profile - diary
comments: Not your typical Preacher
cleanstart profile - diary
comments: Very sweet person that found me through Marlen's diary. Glad she found me, because then I found her!
zencelt profile - diary
comments: Nothing like good friends, good friends, and great conversation
batten profile - diary
comments: Her strength is an inspiration
babyontheway profile - diary
comments: She's spunky and she speaks her mind!
meggurl profile - diary
comments: My father's cousin's son's wife, which makes her my really good friend of course. (couldn't resist Meg!)
kittyladymd profile - diary
comments: Dina, a way cool Maryland mom to 3 adorable italian sweeties.
steve112073 profile - diary
comments: My dear sweet hubby, who needs to get his butt in gear and start writing!!!
bettyalready profile - diary
starlight42 profile - diary
nmnohr profile - diary
jamsjunction profile - diary
comments: Praying this one gets all she dreams for and deserves!
myexodus profile - diary
opheliafic profile - diary
littledjblue profile - diary
comments: Commonroy, need I say more?
manda-d profile - diary
aliboomboom profile - diary
untamedwings profile - diary
fivehundred profile - diary
comments: Yeah, I should be doing this, but I'm not
gofigure profile - diary
comments: Another blended family. I can so relate to her.
passing-go profile - diary
moodymama profile - diary
zonoria profile - diary
rnbmusings profile - diary
h2ophobic profile - diary

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last updated: 2007-01-24 07:50:49
this user's total entries: 885
user since: 2001-10-22

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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