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My favorite diaries:

aradia13 profile - diary
arbus profile - diary
badsnake profile - diary
beight profile - diary
binx profile - diary
boy-ashamed profile - diary
chinacat profile - diary
choucroute profile - diary
cubiclegirl profile - diary
donnagirl profile - diary
dyke profile - diary
fiimma profile - diary
frulie profile - diary
fruslug profile - diary
glitterfaery profile - diary
goovie profile - diary
grither profile - diary
horvendile profile - diary
hulamoons profile - diary
kuinileti profile - diary
lilacgirl profile - diary
lonelykitty profile - diary
marn profile - diary
marninoz profile - diary
megmarch profile - diary
mischler profile - diary
mocksie profile - diary
norg profile - diary
oggydoggy profile - diary
outbox profile - diary
partygirl profile - diary
quoted profile - diary
racer96 profile - diary
renita profile - diary
rs3 profile - diary
shellzquotes profile - diary
sillyshelly profile - diary
simplify profile - diary
sprhrgrl profile - diary
tinyelf profile - diary
wanjack profile - diary
zaph profile - diary
malice profile - diary
jenaia profile - diary
nictate profile - diary
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oohlala profile - diary
charmcity profile - diary
ann-frank profile - diary
darkarachnia profile - diary
citizenjane profile - diary
notajazzsnob profile - diary
crookedheart profile - diary
badlock profile - diary
x-matt profile - diary
starfishkid profile - diary
sprkid profile - diary
musesfool profile - diary

My favorite music:

moxy fruvous
comments: it's all their fault
comments: groove
dave carter and tracy grammer
comments: tanglewood tree is never far from my cd player
comments: mmmmm. tom landa =)
comments: barbershop harmony . . .hurrah!

My favorite movies:

city of lost children
comments: eerie and beautiful
grosse pointe blank
comments: mmmm johnny
some like it hot
comments: "i'm a man!" "nobody's perfect!"
annie hall
comments: it gets better every time i see it
comments: now that's my kind of love story

My favorite authors:

comments: richard iii, twelfth night, macbeth
pam houston
comments: "the whole weight of me", "out of habit i start apologizing"
lm montgomery
comments: the anne series. every year.
david sedaris
comments: more than the santaland diaries, though that would have been enough
jane austen
comments: "it is a fact, universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a large fortune, must be in want of a wife" . .or something like that.

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last updated: 2003-10-18 01:43:30
this user's total entries: 36
user since: 2000-08-01

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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