The life and times of moomoo

I'm 25, slightly insane and living in the land of the Queen. I am a lady of leisure who is in love. I live with my parents and devote my time to the fearless pursuit of global domination. I suffer from M.E., P.C.O.S and I.B.S., it's not as exciting as it sounds. I am also on a diet.

My favorite diaries:

chubbychic profile - diary
a-rainbow profile - diary
cyberpurple profile - diary
princesse69 profile - diary
bornearly profile - diary
blue-parade profile - diary
sleepydust profile - diary
fallenorra profile - diary
paper-girl profile - diary
anexperiment profile - diary
laura-diane profile - diary
purplebanana profile - diary
rose2white profile - diary
kiosh profile - diary
red-savannah profile - diary
moon-blood profile - diary
clarity25 profile - diary
prosperpine profile - diary
alisonmarie profile - diary
luna-obscura profile - diary
chakra-chick profile - diary
theflyingrat profile - diary
hunterpoo profile - diary
mozangeles profile - diary
the-moo profile - diary
lilpeanut80 profile - diary
sweet-cynic profile - diary
leckalou profile - diary
newgyptian profile - diary
puter-chique profile - diary
starlight42 profile - diary
princessreva profile - diary
la-blue-eyez profile - diary

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last updated: 2005-11-30 14:31:05
this user's total entries: 208
user since: 2004-01-25

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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