Contour of a soul

Rivetkid and boot slut. EBM, Industrial, PowerNoise loving Environmental Engineer living in Northern CA. Submissive, but no pain slut. Inflicted with massive amounts of girlcraziness. Toy packrat (robots, dinos, trains, and LEGOs). Blue, Black, or Nude. I plan to become a "boo ghost" when I die. =)

Your youth will never leave you as long as you don't turn your back on it.

My favorite diaries:

ivoryfaerie profile - diary
comments: Industrial music fan, fellow NationState player! And another of my collection of Canadians.
wateryone profile - diary
comments: She collects words (both at home and work). *needs to update more often*
morguecrawl profile - diary
comments: On premartial sex: "Don't you usually test drive a car first!" ;) Also has a kick ass taste in music.
unwittingly profile - diary
comments: Foul mouthed and E-V-I-L synthpop girl. Don't trust her! I don't.
panzer-kitty profile - diary
comments: GI Joe meets Victoria's Secret ... grrrhhhh.
DeepBlueFunk profile - diary
comments: Sexy mom, that basically is taking care of three people.
lysytheea profile - diary
axenic profile - diary
comments: Punk / Rebel, but "seeker" personality as well. Always fun to peak in their heads!
raen profile - diary
comments: A goth girl whom likes video games? I say she should be cloned!
art-thug profile - diary
comments: A future-me perhaps?
little-me profile - diary
comments: moved, but the old entries are great to read
black-dahlia profile - diary
comments: Goth girl you don't argue with, find out for yourself.
casual-ty profile - diary
daysuit profile - diary
tornlace profile - diary
comments: Wonderful art, but more importantly ... her morbid questions really make you think. Isn't that why we read this things? To think and grow?

My favorite music:

Love Is Colder Than Death
comments: German Heavenly Voices / Ethereal
comments: German EBM with a taste of Power Noise
the Church
comments: Ausie Post-Modern 80s Rock
comments: American Power Noise (also Pain Station).
This Morn Omina
comments: Belgian Tribal / Trance Industrial (also Pow{d}er Pussy}

My favorite movies:

Empire Strikes Back
comments: "Wars not make one great."
2001: A Space Odyssey
comments: "Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."
The Godfather
comments: -
The Fellowship of the Ring
comments: -
Blade Runner
comments: "The life that burns twice as bright, burns half as long."

My favorite authors:

Issac Asimov
comments: -> Foundation.
Arthur C. Clarke
comments: -> 2001.
J.R.R. Tolkien
comments: -> Return of the King.
Frank Herbert
comments: -> Dune.
George Orwell
comments: -> 1984.

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last updated: 2005-06-15 14:16:25
this user's total entries: 709
user since: 2000-09-12

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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