Over Medicated & Under Stimulated

Witty prose from the life and times of a real-life Holly Golightly (only I live in Paris). And my name was never Lula Mae. And I'm smarter than she was. And I would never do something so corny as to sing "Moon River" on my fire escape. And what the hell is a "Huckleberry Friend" anyway?

My favorite diaries:

jennyj profile - diary
comments: my London partner in crime
kimmikers profile - diary
comments: meinen neuer Freunder. Another American Germanophile with a heightened appreciation for G�tz Alsmann
rue-madame profile - diary
comments: Doesn't really live on rue Madame anymore. I miss her tremendously.
kuinileti profile - diary
comments: A really good writer (which is a compliment I use sparingly, remember)
sooner profile - diary
comments: Addictive Squirelaphobe
shanono profile - diary
comments: Displaced Royalty Unite!
life-o-rama profile - diary
pablo profile - diary
comments: Does not drool.
itsmylife profile - diary
comments: Pithy
evany profile - diary
comments: the wittiest of them all
sundry profile - diary
comments: has a mean, fat cat.
coffeebitch profile - diary
comments: is a close personal friend of Garrison Keilor (I'm so jealous).
rfb profile - diary
comments: also hates Ben Aflleck.
paricouture profile - diary
comments: the real deal
gingeryette profile - diary

My favorite music:

Swan Lake
comments: The music is too beautiful. It should be illegal. It makes me alteratnatively dance around like an enchanted bird, or cry over the death of my beloved but treachorous prince.
comments: Love 'em. Especially if they're from the 50s.
G�tz Alsmann
comments: Ich lieb G�tzi-maus! Why won't he love me back!!!
Serge Gainsbourg
comments: Danni aime les sucettes d'anis. So vile. So good. So French.
Pink Martini
comments: Because I don't want to work either

My favorite movies:

Citizen Kane
comments: Cinematic perfection
Henry & June
comments: Features Uma Thurman kissing a girl who looks a little bit like me. One of the many reasons I love it.
Angels With Dirty Faces
comments: The Bowery Boys are sooooo cuuuuuute!
Dangerous Liaisons
comments: John Malcovich. Me-Yow.
So I Married An Axe Murderer
comments: Head! Trousers! Now!

My favorite authors:

Dorothy Parker
comments: "and I am Marie of Roumania."
F. Scott Fitzgerald
comments: Tender is the Night is sheer literary perfection
Oscar Wilde
comments: My idol. I try to live my life as he did, only minus the messy public scandals and prison time
Victor Hugo
comments: Gotta read Les Miserables
J-K Huysmans
comments: Au Rebors was the strangest, most disturbing book I've ever read. His prose penetrated to my very soul and will stay there forever. And La Bas was even better.

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last updated: 2003-05-25 08:30:16
this user's total entries: 1242
user since: 2000-03-13

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