A 26 yr. old woman/girl who loves everyone and everything... truly. I am striving to heal my inner child who I may have damaged beyond repair. I am searching for happiness and love, but I am lost in a wilderness of mirrors... P>

"It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!" ~Friedrich Nietzsche~

{Below are my favorite diaries with direct quotes from their pages... I figure their words would be better than my own in this case.}:

My favorite diaries:

dfunk14 profile - diary
comments: �You grab her hair, I�ll kick her in the box.�
argentum profile - diary
comments: �I hate it when my cheese commits suicide like that."
augustdreams profile - diary
comments: �I never wear underwire bras - there are plenty of places where bits of metal should lurk. Beneath my breasts is simply not one of them.�
fadein profile - diary
comments: �I�ve come to realize that the only thing I really care about is laughter. And, yes, I�m well aware of the irony of saying that sincerely.�
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: "Hair does not taste especially bad, but I was surprised by just how bad it felt. It felt exactly how I had imagined it would, except only exceptionally worse.�
givemeabreak profile - diary
comments: �Well, I hope you are fuckin' happy, my inner boobular groove, as well as my thighs and every other concealed part of my body is sweating like a whore in church, which makes me even more cranky than usual.�
unrealsnow profile - diary
comments: "there's this guy dressed up as a drop of blood and he's walking around on campus today telling us that if we donate our blood we'll get free pizza. in that case, it's not really free."
blakkrayn profile - diary
comments: "Hopefully, one day I'll have my own funeral home, Ive put alot of thought into it and already know what I want the name to be, the color scheme, etc."
cubjam11 profile - diary
comments: "I'd say we received about 2" of the white stuff, and it was just the right amount to piss me off. Shouldn't there be a law? Mother Nature in handcuffs? Puh-lease! Show me Father Time in a leather harness and I'm so THERE!
thisisjohn profile - diary
comments: "I went to Delta, Utah today. You may not have heard of Delta, Utah, because once you get within 30 miles of this town, you begin to disappear."
loathe profile - diary
comments: �We all need to accomplish the impossible sometimes. I am moving out into the world I have grown to loathe. Time for the adventure to truly begin.�
slippin-m profile - diary
comments: "And the cookies just keep ooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnn comin'."
boymonkey profile - diary
comments: �Luckily, i somehow avoided the imminent collision...i kept looking up the side of my window to see if the spider was still lurking there. one of the times i looked up, he was flipping me off and fucking my wife. my anger was unparalleled.�
jaykay617 profile - diary
comments: "He got his revenge for the bath this morning: I went upstairs to get his leash and walk him out when I saw it was a little too late � he left me a nice little present by the door."
epiphany profile - diary
comments: "Thankfully, I showed Frankenstein to my shitty junior class - the Kenneth Branagh version - and they're way into it so I could sort of step back and let them enjoy seeing Robert DeNiro's junk as he flops around in the slime..."
blofeld profile - diary
comments: "You stuck me in hold for a long time and nothing happened!" Yeah, well, that's why it's called 'Hold', you dumb fuck. If that's where everything "happened", it would be called 'Action'!"
bluemeany profile - diary
comments: "Holy shit, if I had Husband with me right now, I would jump him so fast he'd think he was lost in Compton with a neon "I'm White And My Clothes Are Stuffed With Money" sign flashing above his head."
crayon profile - diary
unclassy profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Doors
comments: "Realms of bliss, realms of light, some are born to sweet delight..." {End of the Night}
Tears for Fears
comments: "I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had." {Mad World}
Rufus Wainwright
comments: "But in turning back the brackish waters will not reflect you, after you have turned the color black of death or something like that." {Waiting for a Dream}
Sigur ros
comments: Always makes me cry... happy tears. Sheer musical perfection.
Ben Folds
comments: "And in a white sea of eyes, I see one pair that I recognize..." {The Luckiest}

My favorite movies:

Boondock Saints!
comments: "Shut your fat a** Rayvie... I can't buy a pack of smokes without runnin' into nine guys you f*cked!"
comments: "It's better to help people than garden gnomes."
Napoleon Dynamite
comments: "Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter."
Donnie Darko
comments: "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion."
Wet Hot American Summer
comments: "Now finish up them taters, I'm gonna go fondle my sweaters." {I am a MOVIE FREAK... so I just listed my most favorites.}

My favorite authors:

Steven King
comments: J. D. Salinger, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Franz Kafka, Harper Lee, Ernest Hemingway, Kurt Vonnegut
comments: Jack Kerouac, Milan Kundera, David Sedaris, Phillip Pullman, William Faulkner, Ray Bradbury, Nancy McKenzie
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
comments: Lois Lowry, Alice Walker, Geoffrey Chaucer, Hunter S. Thompson, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Max Lucado
Edgar Allan Poe
comments: Josh McDowell, Yann Martel, William Shakespeare, Peter H. Capstick, Alice Sebold
Russel Banks
comments: Daniel Quinn, George Orwell, Douglas Adams, J.K. Rowling, T. S. Eliot, Ayn Rand, Sylvia Plath...

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last updated: 2008-03-07 08:49:22
this user's total entries: 153
user since: 2002-05-07

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