Ordinary Girl

Nature's first green is gold. Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down today. Nothing gold can stay.~Frost~

My favorite diaries:

marywa profile - diary
comments: Adventures with Mary, SAH, 2 boys and a girl in Washington.
cariboutwo profile - diary
comments: "So, now I'm 41. Which feels remarkably like being 40 and, as every other age has, remarkably like being 15."
missleigh profile - diary
comments: "With less than two months to go until the wedding, I appear to be the very picture of calm. Of course I don't sleep at night, I've gained five pounds from stress eating, and my fingernails are bitten to bloody nubs."
lobotomybabe profile - diary
comments: LoBabe, husband Ed and daughter Joey in the Pacific Northwest.
the-queen profile - diary
comments: "Well, it is amazingly quiet in these parts. Funny how taking one kid out of the house and the whole atmosphere changes. Usually doesn�t matter which kid either."
marn profile - diary
comments: "Ah, the glories of being in your fifties. These are the years when you begin to pay for those sins of omission. "
alicewonders profile - diary
comments: "Oh, man. I hate it when *real life* gets in the way of my fun."
weetabix profile - diary
comments: "I am having my standard pre-trip panic attack and Esteban has exacerbated this by bidding on a car and then thrusting a fistful of financial paperwork at me with the plea �Fix?� like he�s four and just made a boom boom in his pants."
christy13 profile - diary
comments: "All in all it was ok. There were no references to vegetables feeling pain or fish not being meat, and we went home shortly after midnight."
sundry profile - diary
comments: "My idea of a rockin' good time involves a Warren Ellis comic book and a comfy pair of Old Navy yoga pants."
clarity25 profile - diary
comments: "Tonight I was lying in bed beside Eric. I just stared into the darkness while he slept and felt this crushing sadness. It just overwhelmed me."
irishblueyes profile - diary
comments: "I'm 25 (almost 26) instead of 22. That's exactly how I feel, like my life has taken a drastically wrong turn and now I'm on a path I can't get off of."
atomicbuddha profile - diary
ubergrrl profile - diary

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last updated: 2008-10-01 17:24:07
this user's total entries: 525
user since: 2002-09-22

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