Burn, Burn, Burn

16, girl, Ohio, Toriphile, check the rings for more

"...because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, made to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn..." -Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Quick other explanations: I work at a Child Care place at a country club (think what you will), I love my friends and family fiercely, I'm emotional, and I've been told I'm "fun" and "funny". Let me know if I'm full of crap, though it'd be nicer if you told me in e-mail rather than hate me in my guestbook. Your choice, though.

My favorite diaries:

a-mandy profile - diary
comments: I'm a Mandy too :)
agitated profile - diary
comments: One of my most regular reads, extremely poetic and lovely
az-is profile - diary
comments: My pal Alison, occasionally updated
cheesycake27 profile - diary
comments: My best bud Sheila who I miss SOO much. Never updated
chris-tian profile - diary
comments: The love of my life...if we were at all attracted to each other. I still love him
ctran profile - diary
comments: Very funny
diarycritic profile - diary
comments: extinct, but I'm still holding onto hope
fuckart profile - diary
comments: Good read...and it says fuck!
genghis-jon profile - diary
comments: Funny and offensive, a great combination
girls-suck profile - diary
comments: Yes they do
glitterygirl profile - diary
comments: seldom updated
guardgirl profile - diary
comments: My pal Kate, I meet her at Penn State (oo, rhyming)
hump-day profile - diary
comments: Great stuff
ihatepizza profile - diary
comments: Wilder than me, which is good
janna182 profile - diary
comments: Hilarious, and quite a cute design (by ::cough:: me ::cough::)
kmasaki profile - diary
comments: Mr. Kenji! Everyone needs one
license profile - diary
comments: my poetry
liquideyes profile - diary
comments: Another great read and refreshing music taste
ms-m profile - diary
comments: Funny stuff
notmebq profile - diary
comments: My pal Lauren
oneword profile - diary
comments: An addiction, really
pelesheart profile - diary
comments: extinct, for good reason
q-n-a profile - diary
comments: My interview site
siopup profile - diary
comments: Great writing from down under
sxb profile - diary
comments: Poetry
zenith215 profile - diary
comments: Mark's, proof that I always win ;)
flauntit profile - diary
comments: It's a Danny!
meeyapede profile - diary
comments: When I recognize intelligence I find it interesting. I found this diary through an ad and it intrigues me.
floyd-man profile - diary
comments: Great to read and turning out to be so much fun. Yay for creepy guestbook messages!

My favorite music:

Tori Amos
comments: the queen goddess, not much else to say, except that *Boys For Pele* is better than anyone would tell you
comments: genuis, although a tad overplayed
comments: not THAT well known, but fabulous...so is Ben Folds
Lisa Loeb
comments: I love Firecracker, and if I were a musician, this is who I would maybe be.
comments: Obvious, I know.

My favorite movies:

comments: I'm a dork, I know, but I really love it
William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet
comments: The '90s version is so damn cool. I love it, and the aqarium scene rocks
Little Women
comments: '90s version again...I have a major thing for Christian Bale
Almost Any Winona Ryder Movie
comments: Reality Bites, Girl Interrupted...etc, etc

My favorite authors:

Melvin Burgess
comments: Wrote one of my favorite books *Smack*
Sandra Cisneros
comments: Even after writing a big paper for The House on Mango Street I can't help but adore her writing, many thanks to Carmen
Jack Kerouac
comments: I feel a bit like a poser putting this down, I've only read *On the Road* so far, but I've done a lot of research on him, and he fascinates me
Nick Hornby
comments: *High Fidelity*, *About a Boy*, great stuff
Ayn Rand
comments: I'm sort of fascinated by objectivism. And I love *The Fountainhead* so much.

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last updated: 2005-01-18 10:40:03
this user's total entries: 899
user since: 2001-06-21

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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