messages to mom-on-roof:
(click here to add new message):

from violetwoman :
Heya, I just deleted an email from you? from my junk mail folder, umm, thinking it WAS junk mail, only realizing as I pressed the Delete button that your name momonroof/pennyjar was on the danged thing. Anything important? I do miss reading your journal, that's for sure :)
from amorning :
Holy Moly, sista! I logged on to see what you had written about our auction exploit, but you are locked. I am impressed by the crazy amount of people dying to read your quirky writing (impressed but not surprised)! Love ya! -A.M.*
from cosmic :
Hi, I hope all is well with you. Miss ya, kiddo
from wench77 :
Are you still online somewheres? I am, and I'll trade URLs with you if you email me. please. I miss you. inkspotsatvideotrondotca thanks
from plucky4 :
Hi! Miss reading you - I still check to see if you've come back. I hope you haven't given up writing. Wonder how you are -kids,hubby,lil horses,butterflies,fence building - if you are still writing - I'd be honored to have the password. patty at traceymechanical dot com. Hope all is well.
from wench77 :
hey you. I miss you. I check once in awhile. You're still locked. Would you let me in? you can email me from my page.
from scotvalkyrie :
Hi there! May I have access? I miss reading about Sport's exploits! [email protected]
from kitchenlogic :
I'd like the key too, please. I miss you!!!!!!
from mnlady1962 :
Hey, me, too!!!!
from joiedv :
HEY you are red again!!! If you are passing out passwords, I would love to read. At the risk of enticing spammers, please send it to [email protected]. Hope all is well with you.
from greenwitch :
Hey you lit up on my buddy list. Are you letting anyone in? Can I come in? I hope everything is wonderful and fully caffeinated for you.
from wyndspirit :
You're back? Can I come in??? Miss you!
from aliannmil :
Glad to see you back. Let me know when you are open again (I really enjoy reading but I understand you wanting to be private sometimes.) I wish you Peace ~ alison
from artgnome :
wow, D, I miss you very much. worldofjunimoon likes to yahoo at the com, but it's not as much fun without you! Peace, prayers and blessings for you and your family and little wee beasties.
from kitchenlogic :
Oh! When will you ever come back. My days are lonely. My nights are long. I need your peppy caffeinated self to keep me going. I NEED YOU!
from hamlette2002 :
Thanks for stopping by! I should know better than to trust Hollywood with a good book. I got so wrapped up in where it was all wrong that I didn't even notice the music. Gah! Anyway, I still miss you, hope to see you amongst the writing again soon!
from boys2girl1 :
I miss reading you SO much!!! Are you still here??? :) I'd also love your password if you are giving it out. I can be e-mailed at [email protected] Thanks. Hope all is well with you.
from kitchenlogic :
Why'd ya go away again? Was it Poola? Did Poola make you mad? Heh. No. I bet it was Art! Oh that Art! You come back and you tell us what is was that Art did to make you go away again!!!
from chicknamedal :
I am really back...for good this time. Will you please issue me a password? I miss reading you. Wait 'til you read about my past 3 years (if you're interested enough to do so, that is). You will not believe it. Hope everything is good for you.
from yamaa :
Hola Chica - May I be granted the super-secret password so I once again can read your roof-top perspective & laugh my ass off at your observations? [email protected]
from katealiceme :
Are you gone again? If you like then I'd really love to get your login data at [email protected] - have a good time!
from forty-plus :
Happy New Year!
from reader1209 :
Miss you. Have a great holiday.
from smokefree-me :
Happy Holidays to you & the clan Sport. Coming back soon, we hope?
from forty-plus :
Thank you for my holiday card and all the little goodies!
from katealiceme :
Wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
from kitchenlogic :
Times up. Unlock. Thank You. Bye Bye.
from violetwoman :
I hope everything is okay o'er your way! Are you handing out passwords? Yup, I'm another follower, though it took me this long to notice you were locked. Yours is one of the few reads I share with my hubby, and one which gives me faith that there's still great parenting happening in this world. My email is [email protected] In case you feel like sharing.... Kim (violetwoman, but I'm also locked)
from wench77 :
i miss you. I am so sad. Where have you gone? password? please? [email protected]
from poolagirl :
Missing you, darling. More than you know.
from smokefree-me :
Come back soon. If you're feeling froggy, send along the password. email addy in my diary. Best wishes to all.
from mnlady1962 :
What? Locked???? No daily stories of the wee little horsies? No updates on children? No "Project of the Week"? I can't have this!!! If you are passing out your password to trusted friends, please include me. [email protected]. If not, don't worry. We will be here when you are ready to share again.
from hamlette2002 :
Ack! Hope to see you back soon (maybe with a new look - we all deserve a little makeover now and then!). Miss you!
from im2qt2kr :
hey Momila...I'd love to catch up but see you need password. If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to see what you've been up to. email me at [email protected]
from wildrosie :
I knew it. I knew the little horses and the little people and the little golf Kart Kar would claim her one day! *Sigh* wildwestrosie at yahoo is where you can share if you are so inclined darling. I hope all is well with you.
from katealiceme :
uh, you are locked. I will miss you. If you wouldn't mind could you send the details to [email protected] but it's okay if you want to stay for yourself. All the best anyway!!!
from acaldwell :
why did u lock ya diary? can u send the details to [email protected]? thanks!!!
from jamsjunction :
I just wanted to let you know that I have moved my blog. I am now at . I look forward to seeing you there from now on.
from chaosdaily :
gee we could use a good player.. think your husband could come every thursday night for the summer?
from teranika :
I LOVE Carol Burnett and ESPECIALLY the curtain rod skit! My husband is German and I've just introduced him to the show last week - he was rolling on the floor laughing. Patsy Cline: "I'M BACK INNNN BABY'S ARMS! ..." love her.
from smokefree-me :
I'm slow to catch on here. You got down to 114? And you're roughly how tall?? You needed to lose 8 pounds like I need a, well, um, never mind. But you definitely had your work cut out for you. Have fun at that concert. July 1st right? Your boyfriend with Moonlight Drive or sumpin? Dance to your little hearts content.
from teranika :
I am almost 40 years old and I never learned this before now. (but you might have lost me on step 3).
from chaosdaily :
re: the socks... you neglected to mention that the socks found in the sheet corner NEVER match each other..... but still, im grateful to have socks.
from justmouse :
OMG!!! did you watch Wife Swap last night??? (of course, i dont' know if you even get that show where you are...)one of the wives moved her whole family out to the country to pursue her dream of....RAISING LLAMAS!!!! i thought of you immediately! except, she seemed kinda stuffy, and not really as much fun as you...and she wasn't as pretty as you....but...but...LLAMAS!!!
from smokefree-me :
Flatt & Scruggs - kinda the fathers of Blue Grass. I'll send ya a better 'splanation separately.
from catsoul :
Hi, Read your entry today. I will be thinking positive thoughts for you about your appointment. It always seems that challenges come in a group. You will down the road look at your daughter's transition to independence as: "why in the world was I so scared to let her go?' It will be all worth. The hard part for myself(I have a 21 year old son) is allowing him to make his own decisions, and failing when these decisions have been the wisest. Allowing for self-respect and dignity to happen. Anyway, I loved your picture. I enjoy reading your enteries by the way.
from ukned :
I thought you might like to see this blog, there is a picture of freshly clipped alpacas. Aren't they cute?
from pattypat :
Hey! Thanks for your message and birthday wishes. It was a friend's birthday. (I'm actually closer to the big five oh than the big four oh...OH!) I'm imagining that you and yours are having the most FABULOUS Memorial Day weekend, filled with fun and happy things your kids will remember forever.
from smokefree-me :
Know what's good on celery? Peanut butter!! Mmmmmm.
from smokefree-me :
You're certifiable, ya know? Don't worry about the weight loss thing yet. I'm pretty sure it was a combo of stress and de-hydration. I drank a LOT of water today, and hardly any leaked back out. Bummer. My real weaknesses? Peanut butter, cookie dough ice cream, oatmeal craisin cookies. Mmmmmmmmm. We don't keep ANY of that evil stuff in the house anymore, cuz I eat it all. Fast.
from smokefree-me :
Hope you're right. Think you're right. So far, the aftermath isn't as bad as I feared. Thanks for the kind thoughts. Will certainly keep folks informed. (yiminy - was that cryptic enough?)
from smokefree-me :
I dunno Sport, a wager on losing weight? At a 2 to 1 handicap? Hmmmm. What are we talking here - guest entry? Wish list items? Lemme think on it for a day. Might be up for it.
from plopphizz :
Oh, I'm not just plopping in and out. I'm sticking around, plopping onto your site like tree sap on the hood of your car. You will have douse me with that orange-smelling, goo-b-gone stuff and then scrape me for an hour with your fingernail. Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that, as it represents an extremely awkward first meeting, but my point it I will be sticking around. Mommylap thinks very highly of you and she's my bestest-est blog buddy, so there you go. -- Ploppy.
from chaosdaily :
good idea mom. dads not a book kind of guy, but a few articles from the newspaper might be fun... thanks!
from smokefree-me :
Yup, dug that whole hole manually. Took about 4 hours. Funny thing is, I lost the 2 pounds the week before. Week I dug the hole - only lost a quarter pound. No justice I tell ya. Plus those damn sugar cookies are EVIL.
from plopphizz :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from smokefree-me :
Thanks for the note a few days ago sport. Not the greatest of situations, but I'm getting better at managing me and avoiding the typical guy thing and trying to 'fix it'. Surprisingly enough we had a good weekend. Can't figure it out, just rolling with it for now.
from onewetleg :
you simply must give me your email. I hate leaving notes and don't want to reply to your comments in your comments or in my comments. Please, I implore you.
from chaosdaily :
now, now, dont drool on your keyboard. ill make you one for momacon haha
from scotvalkyrie :
Congrats on the new camera! Big purchases always give me the jibblies, too. Hey! I remembered that you offered me yarn at one time, and I've knitted a little something for you. Please email me sos Is knows wheres to sends it.
from smokefree-me :
Shame on me for neglecting the contact info before. Brain dead I guess. I'll be cruising thru your area next weekend, so make sure you wave as we cruise on up I79 to the northlands. I'll be in the white Toyota with my father in law snoozing in the passenger seat.
from wildrosie :
Ih my, that entry brought back the memories of being in first grade. We moved, and I was 2 weeks late enrolling. But once they taught me Dick and Jane, I was off like a shot. I read 141 books that school year. May Zack continue with his love of reading, and I hope dad can manage to slip in a few more quality moments. ~Rosie~
from acaldwell :
yes haloscan!!! free free free whatchoo waitin fer? hehehee
from joiedv :
from willowfox :
Excellent, albeit entirely heartbreaking, story. I vote go with Haloscan. Comments. Done and done.
from wench77 :
drat! once again I posted a comment in the comments box, which exists but doesn't work. So I will copy and paste here again: hehe! well, they know that if someone accused them of not giving a receipt, it would be WRONG, cuz receipt girl would take care of it all, so tidily, with no loose threads, all businesslike, with a receipt ALWAYS! I hope your rings get better soon... and I kept waiting for the $69 to have something to do with the jewelers. I guess it didn't. But now I am very curious about the $69 and the valentine's present. (maybe I missed something??)
from ms-do :
Glad your back Mom i left a message the other day but didn't realise your message thingy wasn't working.....nice to read you again.....did that sound dirty?
from golfwidow :
I would think your "not trusting anyone" would make you the perfect candidate to work there, since you won't let any shady customers come in and swindle the company. Right?
from wildrosie :
Ever read Saki? I think you should have made up a horrific story about WHY you no longer trust leaving anything without a receipt, as (for instance) you used to have a large emerald ring (5 cts at least), but you left it at a store you trusted implicitly. While they were trying to repair it, a group of religious fanatics from Columbia came into the store, abducted all of the store people, took your ring, which, coincidentally was really one of the eyes from a religious statue, and disappeared into the wilds of the jungle, from whence they have never emerged. With no one left to vouch for you, the ring was forever lost. As Saki would say, romance at short notice is my specialty!
from acaldwell :
you can be the new bergers girl. the old ladies will cluck,"have you seen that new bergers girl?" "oh yes, honey, i heard she asked for a reciept, thats how she got the job!"
from ukned :
Welcome back,you have been sorely missed.
from acaldwell :
did you know that this is your 600th entry?? wheeeeeeee!!! loved that sit down resturant review!!! that sounds like a special place!! was it dennys by chance?
from poolagirl : do you really feel about that restaurant? Better stick to Wendy's, huh?
from coffeegrind :
I mean, prove it to me that it's really you. Quick, what Chinese food did you eat at the Mall of America?
from coffeegrind :
I had this thought this morning...that this isn't really you writing again and that somebody hijacked your diary just like somebody done hijacked Poola's diary. Somebody who's a really good impressioneesta writing your diary. But really, it's YOU, right? Prove it to me!!
from sallydallydo :
You have me laughing so hard I'm going to need to sit on my own Kmart bag! WELCOME BACK girl, you have been sorely missed!!!!
from jamsjunction :
Welcome back! Now dont you EVER leave again. Making us worry about you like that. So not fair!
from hamlette2002 :
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but <B>I</B> missed you! I don't know why every single person in my house isn't awake right now. I laughed up a lung, and I thought you could only hork up a lung by coughing.
from allegedwife :
Well, you certainly arrived back with panache! I haven't laughed so much in a long time....and I am truly impressed by your aim, I would have missed the bag entirely and drenched the windscreen or the glovebox. Welcome back Mom, you (and your bladder) were missed. ps. you ate the skittles...didn't you!
from wench77 :
yo! your comments aren't on cuz your supergold is run out or somesuch... so here was my comment, now in your notes: oh my god! she is BACK!! oh thank GOD!! you cannot imagine how starved for momonroof we were. Well, certainly me, and several others with whom I discussed whether you had given out passwords or disappeared or died or what, and if they had heard from you or emailed you or whatever. Anyways, this was a stellar entry thankyou. I have only pooped in a bag while longdistance on a payphone. It is true. There were not any toilets. It had been hard to get through on the longdistance. I had kleenex to clean up. I wasn't seen by any truckers. That pee thing? you are amazing girl. btw, the french quarter? It probably smells like sewer bunge and dead bodies, what with katrina and all the flooding. I am sure you were a spring flower in comparison. anyways, i hug you enormously, cuz I was sure missin you, and I am so glad glad glad to see you back. HUUUUUUUGGGG!!!!
from willowfox :
I MISSED YOU!!! And darlin', this story was WORTH the WAIT. WAY better than my peeing on the AIDS and Hep B in the very center of Boston last week, where I, too, peed on my jeans (but weird that there are so many awkward peeing stories flying around, huh?) Welcome back, Mom. So very glad to have you. :)
from hissandtell :
Personally, I'm amazed that your pee-propensity hasn't ever come out in the wash before this. But I'm damned glad you're back! Love, R xxx
from poolagirl :
YAY! You have returned - and with a PEE STORY to beat all pee stories! OMG! I have missed you so so much!
from artgnome :
oh my are a trip! never drink and drive, it leads to embarrassing peeing exploits. Are you anywhere near Butler, PA? My brother is in Karns City and may visit there again sometime soon.
from chaosdaily :
welcome back mom! i missed you so much that i dreamed about you last night..
from joiedv :
Welcome back, I missed you :D
from plucky4 :
Wow - I just now found a way to get a message to you! (Duh!) Been looking for you every day. Hope you are ok and that you come back soon. I miss you. Still want you to write that novel. Patty
from xnavygrrl :
I miss reading your diary. I hope you are okay.
from wench77 :
Where have you gone? I am so sad to be locked out of your diary without notice. Are you ok?? I wonder about you and your family. If it is ok for me to read, please send me the username and password via email. If it is not ok for me to read, maybe you could just email and say you are fine? Know that you are thought about. Have a good day! I hope the sun is shining.
from pattypat :
I miss you. Not that you are here to cater to my d-land needs. I hope everything is going the way you want it to be.
from poolagirl :
I'm waiting.....patiently *chewing my thumb*
from willowfox :
I'm incredibly busy, but it occurred to me that I haven't seen you around for a while... I see that you're on the roof again, and I get that. Sometimes a girl's just gotta hide. I hope you're okay and when you resurface you feel comfortable enough to come back here.
from coffeegrind :
It's very sad when someone you think your pretend friends with just ups and leaves you without a proper pretend goodbye. I miss your hyperness and hope that you sober up and come back! (At least to proove now that you're not the drunk I just accused you of being!)
from wyndspirit :
Why??? All my favorites are running away or locking up these days. Is it something in the air? If you go somewhere new, of course I want to read you!
from erica8378 :
So sorry to see you go. Stop by and see me if you want at nad if/when you decide to resurface let us know. I always thought you were a good, funny writer and an excellent mom to you little ones.
from teranika :
Sorry to say good-bye to you just after finding your great words. I hope everything is okay (I hope that my being a complete stranger who sent you comments didn't freak you out.) Take care.
from allegedwife :
Let us all know where you are going to pop up. You are already missed. Fi xxxx
from sallydallydo :
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Hope that everything is ok, kids are behaving, husband is behaving (or did I just cover that under the blanket "kids" thing), and that you are granted at least a few days of totally mindless frivolity. Come back when you like, your happy army of support is waiting. :)
from coffeegrind :
Me Dearest Mom On The Rooftop: Why'd you leave us? Are you planning new adventures and needed to lock up so you could reinvent your site and surprise us?! Come back! Or I will surely die!
from poolagirl :
My sister is aimless without you too - and she's getting old. Come on! You gotta be nice to my old sister and come back, Shane!
from poolagirl :
No! This is absolutely not acceptable! You simply MUST come back, lady. Like, right now, dammit! You are one of the finest writers here on Diaryland, lady. One of the finest. You can't just pack up your tent and leave us in the freakin' desert without our oasis! So, send me an email and tell me what the hell is going on. We can drink beer at the same time we read and stuff - kind of a quasi California thing. Come on, Dawn! Please?
from mamabean :
Aw Come ON! Can this week get any worse? My cat dies (really, I am not kidding) and then dear, sweet, charmingly hilarious and dependable Mom-on-Roof just climbs down and walks off. Say it ain't so! Who will make me snort coffee out my nose in the morning? (I know on first read it doesn't seem like it'd be that important, but the nose had a good caffeine addiction going and now is extremely constipated which as you can imagine could be very hazardous to my health). Please come back soon and wherever and sign me up for immediate notification of pertinent detailage. Seriously, I already miss you dreadfully and I sincerely hope you are fine and your family is fine, no, better than fine, and that you get your bummy back up on that stinkin' roof where you belong in no time. Sigh. --Megan
from joiedv :
oh, don't go! You are one of my of the first diaries I ever read in diaryland. Please let me know if/when/where you land. [email protected]
from katealice :
help, you are locked! hope you are okay!!! whenever you decide to "reopen" again, please let me know at [email protected] all the best for you in the meantime. hugs. kate xxx
from onewetleg :
why are you locked? what did i miss? help, it's cold out here! onewetleg at sbcglobal dot net
from jamsjunction :
May health, happiness, and good times greet you & your family everyday of 2006! Happy New Year!
from forty-plus :
Merry Christmas {{hugs}} to you!
from hibiscus101 :
*Happy Holidays*
from xnavygrrl :
Oh god. That was freakin hilarious!
from forty-plus :
Would you like to exchange holiday cards, My Dear? Only if you feel comfortable. [email protected] ~ Y.
from hibiscus101 :
HOLY FANTASTIC MIX CD! I'M IN LUUURVE!:) thanx. happy holidays. hopefully a moment of calm.
from willowfox :
Am I certifiably (sic) insane or did you have some link to a website where I could order books and receive the Best Road Trip Mix Ever or something? Also, am I certifiably (sic) insane to think its hilarious that in a proactive measure against the possibility of anyone telling me that I misspelled certifiably I just decided to put "(sic)" after the possibly misspelled word in an attempt to confuse and befuddle and therefore distract from the possible misspelling entirely? Signed, Laughing My Ass Off And Wanting To Order Books.
from lostinmylove :
Isn't it a cool keyboard? I was wondering just how many people would get one, (or, I don't know if you actually WILL get one or not) at least consider getting one because of my entry. I just thought it was too nifty - and now that I have it... it is even more "cool" than I could have imagined! ♥ And, the picture I am sending out with my cards, IS the one of her looking at her brother. I just adore that one. Thanks so much!!
from artgnome :, I don't do caffiene, it makes me jump like a monkey. I drink copious amounts of powerade and Diet Arizona Green Tea though.
from willowfox :
I love your writing! Such a great, funny diary. You're like every young mom in my family: Sweet, down to earth, frickin' hilarious. And I need me summadem boots!
from forty-plus :
Happy Thanksgiving Sweetie!
from wench77 :
yah, usually you're funny. I guess the humour button is broken in me. But that oprah thing really picked my ass. You don't know how many times I have heard that. I have no sense of humour whatsoever about that not looking idea. When I was trying to get pregnant by insemination people would say 'oh, if you stop trying, you'll get pregnant' and I would want to just sit down and sob. I mean really. By being alone and celibate I would get pregnant? Who knew it was time for the second coming, and it was me. hah. Anyways, yeah, I just need a hug please. No humour. Just a hug. Thanks. 'don't tell me to stop crying, please just hold me while I do' (Julia Fordham, Porcelain album) I really need to sleep. I am not sleeping.
from wench77 :
please don't call me a lying sack of shit. If I cry anymore I'll probably choke to death. And what does that mean? If the heart is always looking and you will get what you want when you stop looking, that means, no hope at all. Zero. none. Anyways, I really have to try to sleep and stop fantasizing plunging knifes into my arms and smashing my head with rocks... cuz it sounds so juvenile I cannot believe it, and we know I'm not going to do anything but cry and lose sleep and probably all my friends for being a miserable snottycrying depressive snarky prick again.
from wench77 :
If you ever say that 'when you are not looking for it you will find it' thing ever to me again I shall crawl directly through this computer screen and choke you with your own tongue. This guy arrived in my life when I was totally NOT looking, totally not dating, not even INTERESTED in dating, feeling FINE by myself, not having ANY libido I was looking to stroke, was working on adopting a kid quite happily by myself. etc. EVERY EFFIN TIME I am not looking and doing very fine by my own little self, someone comes into my life and says "pick me pick me, you fine wonderful thing" and then runs off again, and then when I am crying about having hopes, desires etc lit on fire and then left burning alone, someone says 'oh, when you stop looking love will find you". You will Never Never Never say that to me again. Not about love, not about sex, not about getting pregnant (and no, I never got knocked up when I wasnt trying, and didn't get knocked up when I was trying). You will not say that again. Ever. To. Me. Thanks for your kind wishes. Really, I do not wish you ill. Just that phrase, that idea. Thankyou. wenchie
from wench77 :
Three 'availables' all prefixed by by a negative and one 'unavailable". Zero 'availables' in the positive sense. ack. Ok I am defensive yes I am ack. I am a doormat, I am boring, I am too available, I am nice. I am generous. yah, I should be um, like the last two plus years and just stay on my own track and do NOTHING and NO ONE runs after me. ack. But I don't think three 'availables' in a whole entry, even if they were not negated, is a lot, esp when the whole point of writing this entry was to address the criticism that I am too available. Hard to write about that without using the word. Though I am up to trying if you like. ok, gotta walk the dog.
from wench77 :
well, I don't bike when there is massive snow on the roads. But they plow and put so much salt on the streets that even though they have snowbanks on the sides, they are dry in the middle. And if I have to go far at all I take the bus or community carshare car. But usually it is warmer and faster to pedal than standing waiting for a bus. brrrr!
from wench77 :
Oh like I am SCARED! I already had onewetleg stay with me for a week and it was very fun. Very very fun. You are welcome to visit, yes you are!
from wench77 :
hehe, yah my mood changed eh! The difference between feeling like I am alone and nothing works out to 'ooh, someone came over AND told me something personal AND talked about aphids and molecules AND art!" And you know what mom-on-roof? You are just the greatest, the coolest. You can be my friend. Are you my friend? yeah, you should visit some time. You are a cool person you are. Anyways, not only did he talk on aphids (AND he's bilingual yay), he also knew that the stuffed turtle I have is a parrot beak sea turtle that is about one year old. That is really interesting. Who knew? I bought it at a garage sale. And this from a guy who writes music and paints and plays with his kids. And you know what mom-on-roof? I had NO IDEA about aphids and 40 watermelons. That is a very cool fact. So thankyou. And I hope you are feeling much better. hugs.
from jumpingchi :
I miss you bestest fren' in the whole wide world!
from cruel-irony :
You're 41!? I would've never guessed that but I think it's cool because I'm 41 too. I'm so glad I got a chance to meet you and Darlene at JournalCon although I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to spend any time with you. I did see you at dinner and kareoke but it's hard for me to connect with others when the environment is all hectic like that. I was hoping I'd see you at one of the lunch gatherings or hanging out in one of the conference rooms but, unfortunately, I didn't. However, I'm glad I met you and I have a new diary to read.
from kitchenlogic :
so how about you quit driving me nuts and e-mail me and tell me what company it is you're working for. I promise, I won't tell anybody. I'm just hoping it's not one of those jewelry companies that do in-home parties!!!
from realsnoopy :
I added you to my favorites. You crack me up! *grin*
from wench77 :
glad you and your son enjoyed SAM! He's pretty darn funny! And his girlfriend is too! eek!
from mommylap :
oh shit, sport I was totally going to put right in the recipe text that this pasta would be perfect to use with leftover TURKEY. We should all get stretch it awards. Not for our bellies, but what we find to put in 'em daily...
from mommylap :
You're totally SUPPOSED to eat those grape tomatoes like candy. I bought a bunch of heirloom tomatoes at the Farmers' Market and I am trying to savor them. I had to buy a special batch just for tomato sammiches, and I tell you- I went heavy on the pepper on your recommendation and it was GOOD. I bought WAY too many tomatoes for a house where only I eat them, but I live in the now whenever tomatoes are concerned. Know what? Eating tomatoes is known for keeping you stuck in high beds! That's true- falls out of bed are caused by a tomato definciency..little known fact.
from wench77 :
ROFL re "that is far as I go" with dogs. Ok Ok no doggy kissies! :D
from onewetleg :
well, thanks mom. It doesn't really matter what anyone says, though. my heart is gonna want what it wants. my heart is dumb that way. unlike my amazingly smart head which seems to be taking a vacation these days. i wish you all could meet him and see how nice and smart and sweet he can be. bindyree met him and she said she liked him. she was probably lying though.
from fairygodmum :
Happy Happy Birfday!!! Here's Wishing YOU Many Many MORE!!! Hope you feel better real soon. Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum
from serenaville :
Happy 42nd birthday, AND congratulations on your 500th entry!! At least it isn't the other way 'round, hey? May the next year find you on the roof less, in your renovated shed more, and writing here most. You are one of the joys of my days, gorgeous woman! All the best, and then some. *HUGS*
from artgnome :
be comforted in the fact that you will always be younger than me and have a very happy birthday! I'm so blessed and happy to see you working on yourself and blossoming. I have also seen Drop Dead Fred many moons ago and liked it very much!
from yamaa :
Hippo birdies two ewe! I regularly hug my inner 11 year old boy, just becaue it embarrasses him.
from kitchenlogic :
If you were to come back to the Maul - we could meet and then you'd be more than my Little Richard friend! Happy late birthday you young punk! And happy 500th entry!
from mommylap :
To my very close friend mom-on-roof (who I've never met): Happy Birthday! Do your homework! Meet me in the treehouse later and we'll have some cake. I'll let you play with my best doll- and maybe I'll let you be Kelly if you want, when we play Charlie's Angels. I will! You're that special. Thank you. Thankyouverymuch. (The creepy part is Elvis MOM died at 42 also, and they had such an unnatural attachment that some feel he just couldn't outlive her.)
from forty-plus :
Happy Birthday, Baby!
from greenwitch :
Happy birthday ( with much supportive cooing and a few hugs). If you ever figure out the 3:30am thing let me know. I don't often not see the clock at that time.
from mamabean :
Happy Forty-tooth! Hug hug hug... What is seafoam frosting? Do you mean the color seafoam? mom-on-roof, vintage 1963- Entry #500: This lively blend still sings with the vivid flavor of fresh, early fruit. The entry held me in delicate balance - lightly bitter notes of sarcasm, satiny sweet glimmers of loving motherly protection in a framework of structured self-analysis and limber, fluid ponderings over childhood summers past. Richly funny, crystal clear and intoxicating, the entry finishes with a breath of chocolate cake and lightly stinging waft of fresh blackberries. Drink starting now until forever. Score - 100.
from smedindy :
Well, I would have wish you the best on your comments page - not the stinky notes pages!But they be turned off. I turn the big 4-0 this year. Last March, when Liz achieved that milestone, she expressly stated that there were to be no shennanigans. I do not expect the same treatment, though.
from mnlady1962 :
Happy Belated Birthday, Hon!!! I, too, am 42, however my birthday is next month, so I guess I got you beat!!! Keep telling yourself that the 40s are the BEST years of your life!!!! Repeat.
from nascarwidow :
I'm green with envy! When I lived in Iowa we had milkweed growing behind our "shop" and could watch the process all the time. Would you believe milkweed costs $25 down here? Don't they know it's a weed? Have fun watching the rest of the process, it's so amazing.
from queerfatgirl :
Despite my shuddering aversion to moths, I lovelovelove butterflies, so this all sounds hugely fascinating. I hope you get photo-able by the time your butterflies bust out! And, Mom-On-Roof, you've been a wonderful read the past couple weeks as I've played catch-up in your archives. Thank you for all your wonderful entries.
from acaldwell :
i have not seen a butterfly in real life in a very long time!!! as for pictures, try photobucket!! is free!! easy to use and you can upload a ton of pics there, and post em to diaryland!!!
from hamlette2002 :
Oh, my. Butterflies, eh? I, myself, belong to a guppy cult. Me. The one who said, "Fish aren't pets! You can't PET a FISH. If they're not big enough to eat, they're useless." Now I have three tanks full of fancy guppies. I've gotten special guppies just for getting new colors into my baby guppies. They're livebearers, too, so I have to check the breeding tank (oh yes, they ARE divided by sex, except in the breeding tank) every day after a female gets BOXY looking to see if there are any babies that need rescuing from their ravenous cannibalistic parents, although that's gotten to be less of an issue now that I have artificial BREEDING FOLIAGE for the babies to hide in. How's THAT for a run-on sentence? ---------------------------P.S. Thanks for making me feel all mushy :-)
from onewetleg :
yes, do it rules. i used to do the caterpillar thing when i was i youngstra, meslef. we would find moth coccoons in the barn and take them in the house and wait for them to turn into beautiful moths. i read alot about the monarchs but never got to do one. i did get to see one of those trees that are covered with them, though. that was cool. love, jj
from artgnome :
awesome pretty cult though, and you don't have to shave your head for it. :P
from allegedwife :
Try hosting your photos at They are free and it seems to work well (and, that way, we can all get to see your cattingpullars)
from allegedwife :
I doubt whether sugarbear can be blamed on being a Britishism (not even the poms are that weird). It is, more than likely, just a rampaging gayism. Regardless, hope your day is just totally.....sugarbear.
from mamabean :
Or it could be that he was eating cereal while writing, and saw the cute little bear (who I BELIEVE wore a superhero cape back then and may still do so, though it has been awhile since I have consumed any cereal sporting a bear on its box, seeing as how I have teeth and a waist to think of), and began a bizarre obsession with the bear that made him a perfect choice for writing the sticky sweet ooze he's written for Disney? Anyway, when that song was on the radio, lo these many years ago, my little kid brain assumed Sugarbear was a woman. Knowing what I know now, I've had to substitute all the women I've pictured while listening to Elton's hits with men. Kiki Dee? Man. (and then he re-recorded it with Rue Paul, so...) Tiny Dancer? Man. (well, boy?). Little Jeannie? Man. Nikita? Man. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just sayin'. Thanks for stopping by my little diary. I have another "big girl" diary, where I capture my "inner megan" thoughts. I'll let you in if you are interested in visiting. Oh, and don't forget... Lucy (of sky with diamonds fame)? In Elton's version, Lucy = Man. Sigh.
from saru-san :
Cripes. What an idiot. I left in all my stupid HTML code, and now my comment makes me look... well, like an idiot. Pfah!
from saru-san :
I've heard that Sugar Bear is British blues singer Long John Baldry, who convinced Elton John in '68 that getting married might not be such a good idea, because he was really conflicted about it. Good thing, too, on account of that whole being gay thing.<br><br>I said that's what I've <i>heard</i>... it may or may not be true.
from mommylap :
These are troubled times it seems for smart mommies..very wearing to the spirit. And for me, there are enough bonus positive things thank sugarbear that I can stay very nearly even. But I tells ya my new M-F schedule that makes sure that my only solitary time each day is on the looms there waiting to strike. But I'm online at home now! Not now, now I'm at work, but now as in this generation of the time that seems trying for the smart mommies. Sugarbear!
from poolagirl :
Hey, Sugarbear! You can bet your bottom dollar that I will take you on my ship! WOOOT! I even have a pirate patch for you - and a necklace!
from kitchenlogic :
Wow! Just catching up on my diary reading and read the entry where you wrote about getting your new bracelet - and just in time!!! I'm glad it arrived but please, keep your hugging paws to your dang self! Here's hoping you get lots of Miller Time now that Miss O is gone. Sincerely, Sugarbear
from fireflyez76 :
I suppose I should shake off my lurking suckiness and comment. Although you'll have to settle for a note, your comments are off. I have been secretly entry stalking you for a while now. Other moms of 4 fascinate me. How DO we do it? Next week I send my youngest off to Kindergarten *sniffle*
from hamlette2002 :
My littlest and lastest started Grade K last week. The hardest part was finding an excuse to LEAVE. I kept finding excuses to stay, like, "Oh, he has to give his teacher his lunch money," "Oh, I need to get the bus schedule, even though I'm dropping him off and picking him up from school for the next 4 school days," "Oh, the school schedule is changing next week, so I need to find out the schedule he's REALLY going to need," etc, etc, etc.
from onewetleg :
with god as my waitress, i hope i never have to know the joy of childrearing again. i also hope i don't have to go through you not having comments again. it would help if you had a link to your profile on the template. oh, wait, thats how i got here. nevermind. ok, bitchfest is over. love, jj
from mamabean :
I found you via "lostinmylove"'s favorites and read your current entry laughing the whole time. I am nearly 40 myself and would love to add you to my favorites, as I think it'd be nice to read someone closer to my own age. I have a 10 month old (my first and only), so I'm just starting what you're about wrapping up, but you are hilariously funny and I bet you are also wise, wise, wise. I'm adding you to my own favorites if that is okay? Good luck on figuring out who you are... Just You. I will enjoy being along for that ride, I think! --M
from wench77 :
ooo that was a lovely entry with all the kneecap hanging. I have been "figuring out who i am only me" for about twenty years now, if you count from the end of the BFA, or 25 yrs now if you'd like to count from the highschool grad. And I could use a little someonebesidesmyself and the dog and cats needing me and kneecap hanging I do think. I want to look back with soppy unmitigated joy, and renewed gratefulness of the quiet I do. I am really quite sick of the quiet. Did I say, lovely entry??
from acaldwell :
i love reading this stuff!!! makes me smile!~~ A$$ Sticking in the air!!! woot!!! hurrah for school!!!wheeeeee!!!
from chaosdaily :
did you try tylenol? for O i mean, not you... although it might help you too. and for mothers all over the world, HOORAY FOR THE START OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* sorry for shouting
from forty-plus :
Not only are you a great mom, but you're a super auntie too!
from hissandtell :
It is indeed Sugarbear who saved his life tonight. I don't know who you crazy Americans think Sugarbear is, but ever since I heard that song (when I was, oh, fifteenish, I guess) "Sugarbear" has been one of my favourite terms of endearment - along with Sweetiepiepie. Damnit, *I*'ve been leaving notes all over DL for ages calling people Sugarbear, and noone's ever bothered to tell me it's some goddamned cereal-character-thingy like Tony the Tiger or Snap and Crackle before. Love, R xxx
from smedindy :
I try not to suck - but sometimes I suck at not sucking. Which sucks.
from just-a-nut : has free image hosting..i don't have gold need with flickr! "can't get enough of that golden crisp" nope, just doesn't work.. still sugar crisp here
from wench77 :
hehe, your comment box comes on and then when we type in it it says you don't have comments (yes you mentioned that oops!) this is what I wrote:"nah, apparently it IS "sugarbear" Who knew! :D Sorry bout your bad days. Camping is good. Babies are good. Friends who send real live snail mail are good. Hope things look up! (btw I'm reading entries backwards, so I may not make sense! hehe!) hugs, me."
from smedindy :
Sugar Bear! You know i posted something about how I thought Honey Bear divorced Sugar Bear and that the Crunchberry Beast was going to take her out on a date. Mindless f'n trivia - the members of the band "The Sugar Bears" were, of course - Sugar Bear, Honey Bear, Shoobie Bear and....Doobie Bear. No kiddin'. And Kim Carnes (Bette Davis Eyes, etc.) was the voice of Honey Bear on their records. Ok, TMI. Let us have our Sugar Corn Pops, we know what the hell they are anyway. Geez.
from poolagirl :
I just spoke with Elton, and he said what he really wanted to sing was: "Someone saved my life tonight, sugar bag." I guess he must be hypoglycemic or something.
from poolagirl :
DAMN! I can't leave you a comment, Sugar Bear! I always thought he was saying "super bear." WTF? I guess a super bear has more life saving capabilities than a sugar bear, but neither one makes any sense! FUNEEEEE entry, lady! JournalCon is almost here! I am soooo excited! How's that pirate jar coming along?
from hamlette2002 :
Hey, I just wanted you to know that I'm so glad I found your diary. I think you're completely amazing. *cue stalker muzak*
from iam-perfect :
your children are precious
from chaosdaily :
you betcha im going! just need my plane tickets and to tell .... errrr... ask the man if i can get the time off.
from wench77 :
ps, I don't know if you can like buy amaretto ice cream here either... they made it on the spot right in the restaurant behind the counter! mmmm!
from wench77 :
mmm 7 to 23?? That's 16 days. Though I suppose if I were born at 12:03 am and you were born at 11:55pm, that would mostly be 17 days anyways. heh! Are you really a virgo? Oh so sad... you really could've hurried it up by a few days you know! Yeah, the handyman, what a bummer. grrr. Actually I should get him back to work for another two hours, and then when he expects $, I'll say, oh, but wasn't it the prepay plan?? Seems I already bought those hours. haha!! And andy gibb. Really. You WERE old enough to know better you know! ;D
from wench77 :
Thankyou for your comment, mom-on-roof! I admit I almost put a gag-reflex warning on that entry, but then didn't. hah! Hey, did you ever want to read my comics? If so email me from my main entry page and I'll send you the url.
from yamaa :
Magukhai Isige, the name I use in the SCA, translates out to "ugly baby goat" in Classical Mongolian. The word "Magukhai" was/is also used as an endearment along the lines of "beloved". As Buddhism became more known in Mongolia, Buddhist naming practices started cropping up. Buddhist parents would occasionally name their child in a derogatory fashion to convince evil spirits and the like that the child was worthless so the evil spirit would not harm the child. In Mongolia the goat (Isige is C. Mongolian for a kid, but the real trans. is baby goat) is the symbol of something or somebody which is not serious in manner. The name suits me then!
from wench77 :
Dang, it would be SO hard to dig if you were just flat and grey!!! :) Glad you're back! (and off like a dirty shirt!)
from xnavygrrl :
I have to tell you, I go through withdrawals when I don't read you for a few days! You are an awesome writer. I really felt like I was there when you talked about trying to reel in Shamu out on the lake!
from nascarwidow :
Hey there, just wanted you to know you're being missed! Hope all is well and you're not here because you are having a fabulous summer.
from forty-plus :
Missing you.
from onewetleg :
yar, unfortunatley i know who i have to f%ck to get a better wage there. i'd rather be poor. adopt me, please? i will change the toilet paper roll.
from xnavygrrl :
My pal, keep the password handy. It's only for a week that i gotta keep everyone locked out. I'm on a mission. They messed with the wrong female!
from forty-plus :
The comments you leave always make me feel so much better about myself. You are a treasure.
from forty-plus :
Thank you.
from forty-plus :
Happy Mother's Day!
from allegedwife :
hijack away
from fan4 :
You attempted to link to killowatt's diary (in your most recent entry), but you typed "dairyland" instead of "diaryland" when putting in the URL.
from onewetleg :
email me with your email addy and i will email you for your snail mail addy. i will send you a coin with a hole punched in it. its really hard for me to part with them, so it should be awful powerful. would you like a penny, a quarter, a nickel or a dime? [email protected]
from pattypat :
So nice to hear from you! We just call the casserole thing "Nana and Bumpy's macaroni and cheese" (which usually confuses people because they expect Kraft dinner or something.) Anyway, you slice it like brownies, but if you cut it smaller, you could eat it with your fingers (and I have) a la Nigella Lawson late at night in front of the fridge. It does kind of look like pizza on the top when it is done. It is surprisingly NOT gloopy. Happy mangia!
from kidzpinkcat :
I can tell you the entire deal on the "Turning Japanese" song. First of all the song is rumored to be about hank, if you get my drift, so much that he's going squinty-eyed. The second rumor is the he smokes too much mary-jane and gets all squinty-eyed. The REAL truth about the song is that his girlfriend has left him and he cries till he gets all squinty-eyed. Frankie goes to Hollywood. That's the name of the band. Not your Frankie. Some other Frankie. So that is the story behind the song. You heard it from me! Jayme
from onewetleg :
well, claarrisse, the shirt is an advertisement for a local rival thrift store. i like to wear it on sale days, because no one has time to give me a hassle about it. it says 'get used' referrring to buying resale as opposed to buying retail. on the back it says, 'thrift town, the biggest, best thrift store in the world', or something like that. i love those pipes. sometimes i just sit on the floor in the entry way and take pics from all angles. i have no life, really. the tea kettle is delightful. sometimes i hug it. ow. wait til it cools, i keep telling myself... i woke up this morning and amazingly my wrist no longer hurts AT ALL!! i hate that stupid thing. do you know who my doctor is? my insurance company doesn't. the couch, the cushions, the wheel. how the homeless think is beyond me. i don't ask, i just document. i always liked the kitten with the ribbon and the one licking her neck. i thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend. but she seems so distant... and the brown one sitting behind her looking sad and wistful? a jilted lover? who knows. don't worry, i won't eat you. not even with chianti (which you spelled right). sorry to hear about your hair. trust me, i have been on the bathroom floor crying over mine too many times to count. love, jamie.
from nimiiwin :
I love Dixie Carter, too! I listened to "The Southern Belle Primer" on tape, read by her. I highly recommend it!
from kilowatt :
Today may you experience what you most greatly desire. What pops into your brilliant and beautiful head today? A completely peaceful day? A wonderful new book in which to immerse yourself in? A beautiful crystal vase brimming with lovely, cheerful daffodils, the harbingers of spring? A fragrant loaf of homemade bread fresh from the oven? Sweeping vistas to view from your living room window? A shopping spree at your favorite store? An afternoon of deep meditative silence that will smooth your worries away? Drinking a cup of hot tea or chai while engaged in stimulating conversation with a dear friend? A completely immaculate abode that was not the result of your own labor? Whatever you most desire, may your order be placed and filled today.
from im2qt2kr :
I just read your latest entry (haven't been checking d-land for a while) and was so surprised to read you are gracing San Diego with your presence. You DO remember that I too live in San Diego don't ya?
from heathyrmarie :
LOVE your journal! Just love it! I am adding you to my favorites :) Weee!
from xnavygrrl :
As we said in the Navy "I wish you fair winds and following seas..." Here's to praying you write that book!
from kitchenlogic :
I'm so glad to hear that Bean has something that's treatable with drugs. You poor, Scared Mom!!!
from nimiiwin :
You know my sister has epilepsy - she had one grand mal seizure about 14 years ago and thanks to phenobarbitol she hasn't had another one since. If Bean has *any* reaction to her med - itching is one example - call the doc immediately. Otherwise, she'll be driving in 6 months, I'd bet you! :)
from loner-blues :
That wheezing noise you hear? That's me...TRYING to breathe. :-) -cat
from loner-blues :
It's times like this that I wish I could dump a bag full of garbage over Diaryland's head...or at least Andrew's! I locked up (temporarily) last night to make a layout change and now I can't get my diary unlocked. ARGH! So, until I can get the problem fixed -- USERNAME: fucked, PASSWORD: over. -cat
from im2qt2kr :
Hello there Ms. Mom! I just saw that you must have left a message a while back and that I never got a notice of it. Sorry I didn't reply, but soooo glad to hear from you. Big Hug!
from forty-plus :
"Where o where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? ..." I hope you are okay, it's been too long since I've read your words! :)
from xnavygrrl :
I love your new layout! And the story about the garbage on your husband...well, I'll never forget it. I got a good chuckle out of it too. You are awesome!!
from loner-blues :
I know...I was kind of "iffy" on whether or not I should write about the fact that it was my parents' anniversary, since it's really not a "happy" day around here. But it's something I wanted to document, so I wrote it anyway. :-) No wonder most people have trouble understanding me...they can't quite get my penchant for morbidity. -cat
from onewetleg :
well, miss roof. or is it mrs roof? whatever. i will start writing about the kwazy kustomers soon. i have been mulling over an entry about my old buddy marco an the adventures we used to have. lovely snowmen/ladies/persons. i wish you had been my mom. and james garner had been my dad. or maybe bob saget. oo! robin williams! you as my mom and robin williams as my dad. i would have reached my full potential. and you would have been married to the hairiest and funniest man alive! kisses
from kilowatt :
I am so pleased that you took the time to pause upon my doorstep and delicately place upon it, a lovely little gift from you. A most gracious compliment and well-wishes concerning my sister. The act of reading your expressed sentiment was a most decadent treat that shall be the dessert to my day. I thank you for your exquisite thoughtfulness and consideration. You are an absolute delight! For today, I wish you a peace that is transmitted to each cell in your body. And may you listen to the specific high, clear notes of your soul.
from wench77 :
OK dearest... open up your index page template. Look until you see this:"#entry { position: absolute; top: 140px; left: 190px; border: solid; border-style: dotted; border-color: #99CC66; background-color: #CCFF99; filter:alpha; height: 350px; width: 300px;" Now you want to change "width" from 300px to let's say, 600px. That should do it. Easier you cannot ask for. If you try it and you find it too wide, try 500px. Yup. that is absolutely all you need to do, and you can certainly tweak a template design. If you like, write "written by xxx, tweaked by mom-on-roof" if you feel necessary. yup yup yup. There ya go! hugs!
from wench77 :
I'm sorry i'm sorry! I didn't MEAN to get the garden thing resolved, really I didn't!!.... and yeah, what were they THINKING a class at one pm... well now I know why everyone else in the class was a 20 yr old art student or retired. hehe. thanks!!
from xnavygrrl :
oh my god. I about died laughing reading your journal entry. Your life is better than fiction.
from wench77 :
Oh, if you only knew. Prostitution is apparently a personal gripe issue for me. I have a bias against men. Sigh! Well, I just sent the blogowner a url for a new topic and she used it and credited me, so she is not blocking me out. So weird. I wouldn't let people start flame wars about other commenters on my comments I tellya. Leaving personal insults is not really a good way to keep comments friendly nor to keep a discussion ontopic as the flamed person is quite likely to defend themselves. cheers!
from hissandtell :
Okay, here's what your comments section wouldn't let me say: Fabulously interesting! That's the kind of story that sets the heart of a bone-collecting sheila like me all a-flutter. I would have been so excited the first moment I saw the dead deer (ha - that's a Sylvia Plath poem, "All the Dead Dears" - "Rigged poker-stiff on her back/With a granite grin") I would have whipped out my Swiss Army Knife and had that head off before you could say, "Ray, a drop of golden sun". Then I would have put it on an anthill for a few months, and then hung the beautiful bleached specimen on the fence in my gothic garden and secretly wished I were Georgia O'Keeffe so I could paint it. Love, R xxx
from ms-do :
Mom I saw your banner today and i loved it!! I might have to make one
from artgnome :
I can't find an email for you, but mine is worldofjunimoon at that yodeling place dot com. Maybe I can just vent through there.
from littlelloyd :
Um, firstly, holy note section mom lady! Secondly, if I look up the map from baltimore to mom on roof it does not show 6 hours. see. And lastly, it tickles me to know end that you insist to reiterate that you will now call me lahloyd. Really it does.
from hamlette2002 :
LMAO! You called me a DIVA! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I'm done now...
from kilowatt :
Regarding being poked in the chest and berated for making a wise and healthy decision, never forget what a treasure you are. That special person in the mirror may not always get to hear all the compliments you so sweetly deserve, but you are so worthy of such an abundance of prosperity, success, friendship, joy, and love. I thank you for the experience of reading your online reflections. May you continue to enrich the lives of others with your radiance, goodness, and humor. Today make a nest of quilts under your tents in the living room, light as many candles as you can find, snuggle up close to your children, and relish the fact that you are who you are meant to be, and you are where you are meant to be, right now, there is no place else to be, nothing else to be doing. I thank you again for all of the wit, honesty, tenderness, love, frustration, affection, enjoyment, curiosity, ecstasy, bliss, awe, happiness, and all the other emotional and thinking states that are abundant within each of your entries.
from cats-corner :
Hehehe...well, I never did done said I was right.
from hissandtell :
Oh, I'm very sorry you couldn't view the movie. If you have an Apple, you might have a few problems with shaking near the end (apparently) - the footage, not you personally - but otherwise it might just take a little time to load, depending on your setting-thingies. Re: the hermit crabs, what I said is indeed true of elephants. I'm not sure about crustaceans, though - but it could be! I've actually seen male cane toads move in for a bit of "how's your father?" with dead cane toads, and I've read that this phenomenon has been scientifically documented. I don't know if they're trying to revive them or just taking advantage of a cheap furtive grope. There's just no honour among necrophiliacs anymore, it would seem - pachydermal or amphibious. Love, R xxx
from mommylap :
Please be sure to let me know if you're coming to MN for the ice fishing thing you did last year. I will not be so silly as to hesitate to come meet you this year.
from forty-plus :
How about 2-3 days in Washington, DC? Is that do-able?
from poolagirl :
Thank you so much for supporting my career as a pirate. You were part of my diary life through all these changes, and you always had a smile and a prayer in your heart. I really want you to know that I hold that candle in my heart for you too. You have amazing talent, my dear. I would say something about your ship coming in, but that just sounds so corny in this context. Just stay true to the course your heart sets for you, keep your eyes on the sails, and surround yourself with a crew that loves and supports you. It will happen. It's already happening.
from kilowatt :
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." ~ Voltaire ~ You are most welcome for the note of admiration concerning your diary and your immense skill as a writer. I most humbly thank you for your �plain, brown wrapper� words of gratitude. May you encounter copious amounts of delectable delights that result in "mystic deliria" for you today. "Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it." ~ Anne de Lenclos
from forty-plus :
Sounds like we need to organize a "just the gals" long weekend away!
from poolagirl :
Send me your email! I have the funniest thing to send you!
from forty-plus :
I believe all the cleaning elves are on strike and the evil, dirty every dish in the house ones are working overtime!
from forty-plus :
The linky-poo thing is: <a href="">Mom-on-Roof</a>. Hope that helps.
from kilowatt :
I was compelled to leave you a note and thank you for your words of humor, tenderness, exasperation, hope, love, irreverence, and all of the myriad emotions and thoughts you address within each of your entries on a daily basis. Please continue your wonderfully delightful descriptions of your life and experiences. I thank you for the pleasure of reading them. I wish you a crisp bushel of apple-flavored calm, a carnival that blows in while you sleep, feeling beloved on the earth, and an immaculate abode upon waking.
from candoor :
you were mentioned in my notes by cat (cats-corner) so I wish you a merry happy new year :)
from xnavygrrl :
Honey, every mom has a day like that. Being a single mom is enough to drive someone to drugs or drink, and I've been pushed to the brink a few times. Don't be hard on yourself, okay?
from im2qt2kr :
Thanks Ms.'s nice to be remembered. big Hug!
from bitchslap69 :
merry christmas!
from wifemotherme :
Have a very Marry Christmas and a Blessed new year!
from forty-plus :
Yeah, but all mine has done is dirty dishes and stink up the bathroom!
from cats-corner :
LMAO! Nevah! I will never stop tormenting Tyler. Everytime he opens his mouth, I cringe...doesn't keep him from speaking. Karma's a bitch...and so am I. :-D -cat
from wench77 :
Hey, i'm sorry you had a day like that yesterday! Dang. I know those days, but I mostly cry at night in the park while I walk my dog and she's too busy to really notice. She freaks out if I cry at home in the house. I'm sorry I didn't read your entry now, I'm so busy, and so behind... I went there and it was long and then I shut the puter. Hope you are better, and you are welcome to visit here! But for the snow ya gotta visit in the winter. No sledding in June. hehe. hugs and hope you have a better day!
from forty-plus :
He came home "special" to make his deposit. My lips even went numb for a few minutes. Quality.
from arianstar :
i think that french word for "faux painting" is trump-loi (bad spelling) forgive me...
from betchy :
i just read hilseymours entry dedicated to you, so wandered over for a read. love it! to my favourites you go...
from wildrose1 :
happy thanksgiving, Thanks for the reminder that I have bunches to be thankful for. Going to up date right now. ((((((((((hugs))))))))))
from forty-plus :
Happy Thanksgiving Day! I hope you and your family have a great day.
from hissandtell :
Well, mom, I'm not precisely certain what a dongle is. All I know is that I used to be acquainted with an old shearer - the "leader" of the team - who would whip his dongle out and wave it around to entertain the boys when the crutching got a bit boring and flat, and they all needed cheering up. He was always offering to show me his "Warren Dongle" after work, but I declined every time. All I really knew about it was that it was rumoured to be very, very large and have an unsightly wart on it. So I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but I do hope this goes some small way towards clarifying things. Love, R xxx
from wench77 :
dangerspouse is a friend of radiogurl... he's a radio announcer and used to write VERY funny entries (only writes comedy) and won a diarist's award for comedy! And sexy beets huh? well they're rather wrinkly they are! Too much sex in the city or whatever it was for you... stop wearing them black bras and your head'll go right. Um. and WHAT are you selling on ebay. pray tell. Send me an email at least!!
from ms-do :
Air thrusting is just sad really....
from wench77 :
thanks for the nice comment! (parenthically and all!) LOL! :)
from wench77 :
haha, you'd starve eh! Well, it is much less motivating to be here by myself since no one is going "what's for supper.... " I am less self-motivated than vegetable-motivated... when I get these great organic veggies I have paid for and they are threatening to be only good for the compost in two days, it is a great motivator! LOL!
from forty-plus :
A get together on your deck with girlie drinks, giggles and gossip just might get you on that list. If we ended up falling off your deck and laughing so hard we peed our pants, then it would be a number 2 or 3!
from cats-corner :
One biography over several entries coming Of course, I wouldn't be planning such entries if I couldn't think of a way to make them humorous enough to counter some of the crappy occurrances. Gotta have the funny along with the shitty, right? :-D -cat
from findmeagain :
Thank you for the note :)
from cats-corner :
Awww thanks Mom. :-D
from kilowatt :
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." ~ Voltaire ~ I thank you immensely for adding my site to your list of favorites. May the beauty of your world and life leave you breathless.
from purple-momma :
Oh, I had a chuckle today! You sound SO much like me with my oldest! I keep telling myself I need to get a life, it doesn't happen. Now, that she is gone at college, I still wonder what's happening with her -- will it ever go away?
from wench77 :
Oh thank god. I was starting to feel like those were regular family snapshots what with everyone saying "i have photos like those"... those weren't photos of me happening to cry while a photo was being taken for whatever reason. Those were photos specifically framed to be OF me being bad, to prove it. And no I will not burn them. That is my evidence now that my bro is dead (he was good for collaborative back up as in "yes i remember that too") when my dad tells me I make things up to make him look bad. ack. Like don't burn the photos of the holocaust cuz they will come in handy for evidence against holocaust deniers who say "you are crazy, you invent these horrid things to justify your craziness". ack. cheers.
from cats-corner :
Deal...I can already check getting up earlier than usual off my list. I dunno know though...drinking a large, iced latt�...that might be a challenge. :-D -cat
from purple-momma :
Hi! I just found you through . . . well, I can't remember who. Anyway, love your writing. I have 2 girls also (19, & 13) both as different as can be -- at this point, I don't know if I will survive them!
from cats-corner :
Oh yeah, just what I guy over forty who's been road hard and put up wet by "Sport!" :-) Mighty white of you Dawn, mighty white. -cat
from inkdragon :
My father did email the story. Thanks for the loving thoughts.
from serenaville :
Happy 10th Anniversary!!! Traditionally, it's the tin/aluminum anniversary. In more modern terms, it's the DIAMOND anniversary! (Verified on two different sites.) If your hubby wants something to doooooooo, have him take you diamond shopping for your anniversary! *sly wink, grin* Many congratulations on your day! You inspire me, and give me evermore to aspire to. *HUGS!!!* :)
from stitchfish :
Hey! I am one of those people who pick diaries at random who update around the same time as me and you were my victim of the day! Hope you have a great anniversary! Congrats! Most couples these days don't make it that long! What an accomplishment! Have a great day! <><stitch
from xnavygrrl :
That's a beautiful picture of you and your son. How sweet!!
from onewetleg :
thank you ever so much for adding me as a favorite! wow. i am honored. no, really. you are like a real writer and for some reason you added me. thank you. love,
from xnavygrrl :
I just saw your picture in your profile. You go girl! I hope that I'm 41 I'll be a sexy beast too! As for the teacher, I went through this last year. It got so bad that Jackie didn't want to go to school. She was a sourpuss with a bad attitude and her most endearing trait was that she was sarcastic! Ooh. Hate her!! I went to my daughter's curriculum night Wednesday and when they introduced the first grade teacher's and said this lady's name I booed! I can't believe I did that. Good luck. As far as your child, I wouldn't back down.
from kidspinkcat :
You just listen to what everybody is telling you to do about miss. frankie and her bitch teacher. Isn't it wonderful to find out that you have a possy to back you up and help you feel NOT crazy when things like this happen?? It's like MOMS UNITED or something. I had a teacher that physically abused me in the third grade. They are not always right and they are not always the ones who knows what's best for our kids just because they went to school for this kind of career. Follow your instincts. If you don't like her, imagine how the kids feel about her. They have to deal with her five days a week! Take care!
from fairygodmum :
Don't ya just LOVE being carded!!! Act how you Feel.. NOT Your Age! Funny how people who feel young.. people THINK they're young... Kids are always surprised when they find out I"m their Mother's age in my dance classes... rofl..Hugz, Bebe da FairyGodMum
from treesssa :
Oh i love David Cassidy too! He shares the same birthday with my mom, same year and everything.Oh i would totally do Andy Gibb. That there was one fine man.I,in my younger years,was more partial Shaun Cassidy.Went to his concert, bought all the Hardy Boy Poster/T-shirts.He was one fine stud boy, i wouldn't mind taking on. One guy i did NOT care for, and everyone seemed to pant over, was that Leif Garret character...ack!What was that all about? And to answer your question...yeah David might do you...maybe in between those Vegas acts he does. Does that man ever age?I think he's related to Dick Clark in some alien kind of way. Oh by the way i added you to my fav reads, hope you don't mind. I usually don't write long notes like this but I'm coming off a caffine high and your entry sparked my interest. Ta!
from cats-corner :
Damn! It's a good thing *I'm* not a mom or dad. I don't think I'd manage to pass the class! :-D Thank you for the note Dawn. You rock! *Hugs* -catbert
from inkdragon :
Sorry! ;-)
from twisted-mind :
Thanks for the note. Now that you mention it I recall my daughter's Kindergarten teacher saying the same thing. I know preschool did wonders for her in helping her get a head start so hopefully it'll work for him too. Hope your day rocks.
from cats-corner :
Thank you so much Dawn. *Hugs* -cat
from hamiltonian :
Your journal is BEAUTIFUL!
from the-book-bag :
Dear Dawn...what can I say? Your notes and care have meant so much to me that I can't write this without crying. Thank you so much for everything. You're a wonderful person and I will miss you more than I can say. If you ever feel like dropping me a line, my e-mail is [email protected]. Take care Dawnie Marie. *Hugs* Love, cat
from snarkypants :
Hey, mom-on-roof: you rule! Hope your 41st was extremely happy and you spent a whole lotta time doing a whole lotta nothing but enjoying yourself.
from anniesmeadow :
hey, i just wanted to check in and let you know i just finished reading up to your new year entry (2004). just 8 more months to go! i am laughing, smiling, and crying. you are cool. love to correspond via e-mail, if you are into it. i signed up for diaryland and linked my blog via the diaryland page. check it out. i would like to put you on my links page, if it is OK. annie [email protected]
from rican-girl :
plz check out my diary and leave me a note tellin me if its good or not. thank u.
from the-book-bag :
Is that photo of little Dawnie? Oh my God, you're beautiful! I just wanted to say thank you for the note, it had me laughing. Truthfully, the only reason I'm not just walking into Dell and saying: "Give me a desktop computer" is because Mom needs a decent machine in order to augment her business. If it were just for me, I wouldn't give a flying fig, but I don't want to screw her up (or over) just because I'm a lazy butt! :-D -cat
from im2qt2kr :
Thanks Sport...I need all the support I can get. Big hug and lots of love going out your way!
from wench77 :
41 I am 41. Yeah, not exactly a spring chicken as far as starting a family hehe. :)
from wench77 :
hey there, the amazon books I put ARE the ones I illustrated. On each page for a book I've illustrated, I put a link at the bottom so if people want to get it, they can order from Amazon. I scarcely call signing my life away to Amazon to have them put an advertising link on my pages "filching"... I cannot think of anything less like filching than signing up for a link where they have all my info, and have to approve me. LOL! And IF you give me an email addy I might if I like you, give you my website so you can see. ;D
from the-book-bag :
Bad, bad Cat for reducing "Mom" to internet sentimentality! (Althought I mightily appreciate it). (((((((Dawn))))))) -cat
from im2qt2kr :
Purple walls?? Uh Oh...guess I'm starting to rub off on youuuu...RUN! Haaaa.. *Big Hug*
from xnavygrrl :
You have a gorgeous family!
from onewetleg :
it was the tomatoes that pushed me over the edge. i hate raw tomatoes but will eat them in any other form. even chopped up with cucumbers, which i also don't like so much but together they are different. mom's garden was full of them and i know she must have been so frustrated because i wouldn't eat them raw. i refused to even pick them because i didn't like the smell of the plants. gak. i still remember it. tman eats them raw with salt. i bring them home for him because they're cheap and they make him happy. i do love zucchini, though. oh, i added you to my buddy list. love,
from fairygodmum :
You GO Gurl... VAROOOOMMMM!!!!.. Hugz, Bebe da FairyGodMum
from moogleness :
wooooot yes my napkin art is the coolest. ^^; yeah I read alot of your entries. ::very entertained:: thanks for the note. you're awesome!
from the-book-bag :
Hehehe, thank you Dawn. The only thing I'm not allowed to have on that prescription are the M&Ms. No candy for the diabetic. I'm doing better today. *Hugs* -catbert
from poolagirl :
My gosh! I am still sitting here with a big grin on my face! Thank you for the silver lining - thank you again and again! My computer has been a butt, and I couldn't stay online long enough yesterday to read any entries. But I found it this morning! And YAY! You are such a sweetie!
from xnavygrrl :
He is an adorable dog. And that's one UGLY cat!
from ms-do :
Mom where do you get your energy from? Mine seems to be drained at the moment but i do know where it's going and enjoying that!!!
from yarnsmith :
Lucky get to live in Heaven. Northern Panhandle is where my heart lives. I never go without stopping in at Homer-Laughlin in Newell for more Fiesta Ware.
from yarnsmith :
Always enjoy your posts...hope you do submit your work elsewhere. I have the opposite luck with tomatos...No matter where I plant, when I plant or how I plant...I get ONE tomato...the day it ripens either a homeless guy or a critter eats it. Every year, I plant a tomato plant expecting a different result...for 18 years. That is the definition of insanity..when you do the same thing over and over again and get the same result...yet continue the behavior..LOL! Hey...In your posts you have mentioned that night club in Ohio, a trip to West Virginia and now Vermont Red Slate in Pennsylvania...Do you live near the WVA Panhandle. My Grandma and other relatives live in Wellsburg, WV and Mom grew up in Wierton. Go there 2 times per year...want to live me that area is heaven on earth....Always look forward to your posts..Paula
from hissandtell :
Fabulous entry, mom. (Oh, what am I saying? They're all fabulous!) Happy Diaryversary. I just went back and re-read your first few entries. Do you know, I started writing last year on the 15th August. How spooky is that shit? And I LOVED reading about the predatory tomatoes. I had a remarkably similar experience with some mutant pumpkins a couple of years ago - I planted twenty seeds in the milking yard and the bastard-vines took over about four acres by the end. They stalked us shamelessly. After the neighbours started avoiding us, we were taking truckloads of them (pumpkins, not neighbours) into town and hiding them in the backs of strangers' utes. We had freezerfuls of pumpkin puree. Our chooks and pet pig were so tired of eating them they begged me to stop. Everywhere I threw out the pumpkin-innards, more vines came up - especially in the pig pen and the chicken run. Fortunately, they (pumpkins, not chooks and pigs) tend to last longer than tomatoes, so at least they didn't rot or explode (or implode) on the windowsills. Honestly, it was the most prolific breeding I've ever done: thousands of fine, strapping young pumpkins. Who knew I was so fertile? Fecund, even? Love, R xxx
from snarkypants :
And when I say nice, I don't mean in a nicey-nice, June Cleaver way (although if that floats your boat...), but in a funny, cool, and altogether too-good-of-a-writer way.
from snarkypants :
Happy Diarylandbirthday! This is a much nicer place with you in it!
from ms-do :
PREDICTIONS FROM MYSTIC DO.......Mom, which ever happens will happen it won't matter 1 month after that time, it will be great!! That will be your new life. Your gonna be gently waving goodbye to the yellow school bus, then rushing off to book signings quicker than you think.
from serenaville :
The way you are about your Dad and his 'squonky' face, is the exact same way I get about my mother, and what we call "The Sharon Face". It defies description, but induces much angst. Maybe I ought to sic 'ol Ed on her.
from im2qt2kr :
I think one good swipe at a Horse Fly on old Eds "Fly" would have fixed that attitude of his. *wink*
from elliemay23 :
Loved the story about Ed. He sounds like a winner. All of my family is from WV and I think New River Gorge is beautiful. Glad you made it safely back to shore. xoxo, Ellie
from wifemotherme :
You are such an awesome writer. At least once a week I find myself reading your stuff aloud to my husband (who would rather eat a worm than read DL... even his own wife). Your just so very talented that I feel I should be paying to read you.
from inkdragon :
Shit. We missed you, too!
from hausfrau :
The really scary thought, to me, about the girl scout moms is that is the way they are at the core. There is no there there.
from elliemay23 :
You crack me up...maybe they are at home writing the same things in their online journals. xoxo,Ellie
from the-book-bag :
That's funny because the only males of the homo sapien variety who engage me in conversation tend to be under 12 or over 60! Maybe I SHOULD be looking for the octagenarian of my dreams in the produce section!
from niceguymike :
That was beautiful.
from im2qt2kr :
You're just havin' toooo much fun with that new camera Ms. Sport...I LOVE IT!!! Haaaa.
from inkdragon :
Glad everyone had such a great time!
from poolagirl :
Get your goddam spinnaker out of my jib! Dang! I just hate when that happens! I hope you had fun sailing. I was thinking about you (hoping the boom didn't knock you overboard).
from elliemay23 :
I don't really remember how I stumbled up you, but you are too funny. xoxo, EllieMay
from im2qt2kr :
LMAO...You're just too funny! Now that's the last thing that entered my mind. You were joking, weren't you? Thanks so much for your kind words.
from hissandtell :
You're my hero, mom. No, really. You should have your own Lifestyle Channel show. With Laurence, even. Yes, you're THAT GOOD. Love, R xxx
from nitpick :
Hey there! I really like your journal. You are a great writer! Thanks for letting me peek into your world!
from poolagirl :
AHA! You liked that Play Dough hair image, huh? I figure if I let it go another day or so, I will be a Rasta Girl. WAHOOO! I'm also glad you were puzzled about that G-spot injection thing. Good grief, Charlie Brown!
from im2qt2kr :
Welllll...they claimed that because the Penis makes MORE contact, due to the enlargement of the "G-Sport"(haa), that the woman is supose to be able to have an "O" almost everytime. I think it'd be cheaper to just send the man to "Kama-Sutra" school. Haaaa...
from inkdragon :
I thought that photo was great before your explanations. Now it's a masterpiece!
from hissandtell :
His SEX FACE? While he's tossing horseshoes? I bet he's completely thrilled you shared that piece of information, too! Fabulous entry, mom - absolutely beautiful. (And I adore my FIL, too. And he adores me. Isn't it wonderful knowing what a wife has to look forward to when gravity takes it course?) Love, R xx
from poolagirl :
Congrats on your unexpected windfall! I guess they aren't called windfalls if you expect them, right? Yep - jest settin' here on the porch waitin' for a windfall.......It doesn't ring very well.
from inkdragon :
from inkdragon :
Sorry about your tender toe valley! I've been stung twice lately and while the dance might have been entertaining to witness, the pain could have been happily skipped. Hope you get chocolates, gentle foot rubs and lots of sympathy!
from im2qt2kr :
Hmmmmm...I showed my butt, then you did...I showed my toes, and now you've caught....Hmmmmmm...what should I show next??? Haaaaa....But we've gotta get you some toe rings too! Those are toes deserving of rings, don't you think???
from niceguymike :
OK, here's the thing about bee-venom therapy. The people who need it don't go around getting themselves stung. They buy special bees in little tiny boxes and ask other people to slide the lid off *just enough* to grab a bee with some tweezers (not letting any other bees out in the meantime and not killing the bee with the tweezers). Then you hold this bee on someone you presumably care about until it decides to do its sting-thing. And then they scream and welt up and you find a place outside to get rid of this blessed bee (blessed be?). Because a few minutes after this horrific episode, the stung person will actually be feeling a lot better. The reason I know this? One of the women I dated for a couple of years has MS. Bee-venom therapy is supposed to help quite a bit, and it did seem to do good things for her. I just hated catching the damned bees all the time and stinging her. Oh, and to continue with your other bit, we broke up because she had an affair with someone she met on the internet. Even though I told her she was beautiful and never screamed at her about pot roasts and things, and even though I loved her enough to hurt her with those damned bee stings.
from inkdragon :
I'm always interested/repulsed by the notion of what underneath ... at my house. Needless to say, it's all the children's and hubby's fault there's crap under everything.
from poolagirl :
OMG! I should know better than to open up your diary whilst at work! The microwave photo is just too much! How funny! I absolutely adored the green and yellow bracelet thing!
from hissandtell :
Icky-blechh shudder. But really, mom, what we all want to see with your new battery-power is a photograph of what's IN the microwave. I know mine gets so very, very scary sometimes...
from hissandtell :
Yes, a brian is indeed a terrible thing to waste. If only I had one! (Just catching up on your older entries that I've missed, darling.) Believe it or not, I taught a boy named Desmond Brain Someone (his mother couldn't spell - she actually believed she'd named him Brian). Mind you, I also taught a boy named Andrew Joesph Someone, whose mother couldn't spell either. And lots of Micheals, too. I do so enjoy illiterate people; I only wish they didn't inflict their idiocy on others. Love, R xxx
from the-book-bag :
You know...that's one of my favorite episodes of the Simpsons. Thank you so much for your note Dawn; it means a lot to me that you care. *HUGS AND KISSES* Love, catbert
from ms-do :
Thank you mom, i know she needs my help and i will keep fighting.
from poolagirl :
There you go again - writing an entry that makes my soul yearn for the joy of our youth - and the delicious harvests of who we are now. It was absolutely lovely! Come on, Dawn! Write that damn book already!
from yarnsmith :
Your posts about your sister always make me think of my sister and Thank God for her too.
from inkdragon :
A perfect summer to be remembered forever.
from ms-do :
The summer of Oliva sounds wonderful, thanks for the note
from poolagirl :
I want a pony too!
from inkdragon :
If I had a sister, I'd want her to be YOU!
from poolagirl :
It was fun to read about Brian at Dairyland. My gosh - how do you ALWAYS surprise me like that? Go eat some chocolate-covered pretzels - just the thing for PMS.
from inkdragon :
I know exactly what you mean about making plans for a thousand different projects and getting nothing completed. It's frustrating and it's my own fault. Hope you shake the PMS quickly and without bloodshed!
from yarnsmith :
I buy the hubby stuff I want all the time. A digital camera, a book I wanted to read and I am sure he mentioned once that he wanted 8 placesettings of fiesta ware...I know I heard him say that!..Enjoyed your post.
from im2qt2kr :
When it comes to's every woman for herself! I'm also guilty of putting silk flowers in the yard. I hated when the daisies in the window boxes died out. So, I planted some ivy (for constant green) and added silk daisies, and no one's the wiser (until now!)
from poolagirl :
Wow! What a lovely tribute to your father. Shall I say it again? Okay. "You are an amazing writer! Go get published!"
from snarkypants :
Aw, shucky-darn, mom-on-roof. Thanks ever so much! BTW, that sure is a cute little Pokemon card fan you got there!
from im2qt2kr :
I think it's somethin' in the water here. Haaaaa.
from iambucket :
I'm so confused! You tease us with a back-door story that you won't share, as your journal is PG rated. WHAT? Then you speak of cocks, speaking dirty to your man, and cotemplations of 'hiring' the boy across the street! Oh PLEASE!! Just tell us, tell us, tell us!! And so sorry that you weren't able to push your Hoover naked....did ya think to just lock the back door?
from ms-do :
Your kids are lucky to have you, tell them i said so!!!
from im2qt2kr :
When I was little (the olddd days before DVD, VCR, etc..) Mom would check out books on different countries to read to us, and we had the same reaction your kids did. Then she tried a new approach..."Mexican Day!" She get a book on Mexico, we'd prepare Mexican food for dinner, make paper bag ponchos, a spanish speaking neighbor taught us a couple words and a song in spanish, etc., we LOVED it! I know sounds like a lot of work, but I still just thought I'd pass it on. But hey, think "Irish Coffee". Big Hug.
from im2qt2kr :
Alright Sport! Who's this "WE" and where do they get off making demands of a true Princess??? Haaaaa. Big Princess Hug to you!
from chaosdaily :
yea and the weirdest thing about the dream was that it was all true... but i dreamed it 15 years in advance of the actual occurence. now THAT is weird.
from the-book-bag :
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Not the suppositories!! Damn woman, you really are a mom, aren't you? :-D I promise, I'll be good. -cat
from the-book-bag :
Hehehe. Thank you Dawn. I'm glad I made you laugh. Yes, I do my best to be considerate of my parents and their need. :-D -cat
from ms-do :
Mom keep saying no to guns. When i went to USA that was my biggest issue the guns thing. There is underbelly of guns wanting to be used over there....could feel it. I even gave into and was firing them just to satify peoples obessions with my not using them. There is no going back from an accident with a gun.
from hissandtell :
Oh, mom, I agree with you completely. Exchange the truck for the 500 big ones and hope the rest is forthcoming. Or not. I don't think your husband needs to start thinking seriously about owning guns at this stage of his life, especially if he's resisted them so far. Stick to your, um, guns. Love, R xxx
from ms-do :
Hmmmmmm, i think i would call, but i would certainly stand my ground. $700 is $700 i do think though there might be good out of this....just a feeling....make it that way mom!! (good karma anyway). I just gave away my old fridge to a girlfreind but that's different, i know she is struggling just like me and you!
from poolagirl :
I think wheelchair man wants to bargain or barter. You just never know. Call him. He might be an angel in disguise. They do that, you know.
from the-book-bag :
Okay, lots of things to address in this entry. First of all: I'm so glad you and Aunt Sis are getting together again! Woohoo!! *Happy dance* Secondly: I think it's great that you're reading THE FOUR AGREEMENTS. I haven't managed to get around to reading it myself, but I hear that it's a great book and I say, whatever helps someone feel better is a fantastic thing, whether it's a self-help book, watching children play, or just peeling carrots in your kitchen sink. Third: Wow! What a cool slate of summer activities you have planned for your kids! I think that's fantastic. (Especially if it gives you more "me time" to garden, read and write)! Lastly, regarding wheelchair man: I'd probably call him, to see what sort of a deal he was thinking of...maybe he is just hopping you'll allow him a payment plan. (In which case of course, get everything in writing so you don't end up getting stiffed). But if you call and you think he's giving you a song and dance routine, I'd politely tell him that his idea just isn't feasible. After all, neither you nor your husband are're not looking to bilk anyone out of their last dollar for your old truck and as you said, you have your own bills to worry about. There is nothing wrong with tending to your own ten acres. Oh, and I fully intend to write a POY response on all the ways your diary inspires me! You're fantastic Dawn and I'm thrilled to have the chance to read your words. *HUGS*
from poolagirl :
What a remarkable entry! It made me think of an old folk song with the words "Sometimes, I feel like a motherless child." Only I would re-write them as "Sometimes, I sail in a rudderless boat."
from ms-do :
I really enjoyed that entry and i for one am glad you got up at 4am to write it. sounds like a great time, thanks for sharing!!
from poolagirl :
Thanks for dropping by with your wit, your joy, and your support. You are such a sweetie!
from the-book-bag :
Hi Dawn. I miss hearing from you. :-( I hope everything's going all right...that things have worked out or are on their way to working out between you and your cousin. *HUGS* I'm also writing because I've been reading a diary for a while now that I think you might like...she's kind of like me. (That is, if you can handle another one like me. Haha!) Her diaryname is "erraticbrain." I hope when things simmer down, when you start to feel better, that you get a chance to check her out. My heart is with you and your family right now. *HUGS ALL AROUND* Love, cat
from iambucket :
Dear sweet roof momma. Your pain is felt, shared and carried by all that read your writings, and that is why you let it all out as you did. Don't apologize for being real and vulnerable. Kudos for using this space to heal yourself, and allow those you have touched to pary for you, and send you strength. Enjoy that deck in the backyard as you DO deserve it, and keep loving yourself-and loving Aunt Sis and all of her nastiness. Let your love touch her too. (((((mom-on-roof)))))
from pattypat :
I'm so sorry - sisters are so wonderful and terrible. I hope that you can apprecite what a WONDERFUL person you are (yes I know I only get to hear your side, but there are things that ring true no matter what, and your kindness and creativity are amazing.) Sometimes it helps to just not pick up the stones that she throws in your way.
from poolagirl :
Oh, you sweet, dear Dawn! My heart goes out to you! Sister relationships are so important, and they can be so painful. People can get so tied up with what's "fair" that they don't see the hearts and souls of those they love. I will pray for you and your sister. Living in her angry world must make her so lonely. Take care. You are in my thoughts. And thanks for the free-balling idea. I laughed with all my heart!
from niceguymike :
Just wanted to drop you a quick note and tell you how much I enjoy your entries. You were recommended to me by hissandtell, who is a discriminating peruser of journals indeed. Looking forward to more!
from the-book-bag :
Thank you Dawn. *** HUGS ***
from hissandtell :
I am impressed by your idea of the "Self-Service Yard Sale", mom. I hope the universe smiles approvingly and does the right thing by you. In other news, I do recall your ice-fishing tiara with a great fondness. When we meet for coffee, we shall be able to recognise each other instantly by our queenly headwear (and regal bearing). Oh, and I'll be with Laurence from "Changing Rooms" that day if you need extra identification strategies. Also - I'm pretty certain you do have a Map of Tasmania there somewhere; you've probably just been looking in the wrong place lately. I'll send you over a, uh, map if you like - along with Jeff from "The Wiggles" to help you follow it...Love, R xxx
from poolagirl :
You are definitely riding the big waves, lady. Babies, proms, snorking hub-unit, etc. I know how it can feel when it seems surreal and just plain....ODD. Speaking of odd....I need you email address again. When they operated on Mr. Gateway last month, I lost my entire address book. *sheepish grin* Mine is [email protected].
from ms-do :
not so pointless really, i loved it, could see everything
from hooterville :
Wow, babe... I can't even imagine what that's like, having two girls going through such amazing physical changes. Though I must say, you're so unbe-freaking-lievably right to be "Oh YES that 17 year-old is thinking about that." And if Bean thinks he isn't, you REALLY need to watch it. Not that I need to tell you that. I mean, after all, you ARE the coolest mom ever. God I love reading you. Okay, I'll stop gushing now.
from poolagirl :
HOO-RAH! HOO-RAH! Your 200th entry has arrived (along with spring, a new baby girl, proms, Mother's Day, and countless other miracles and mysteries). Congratulations, lady! You are a gift to us all. Bless you.
from the-book-bag :
Okay! Will definitely check back later...if I'm conscious that is. :-D Have a great day! -cat
from the-book-bag :
Awwwwwwwww that's so sweet, dedicating your 200th entry to me. I'm so honored and flattered!! And I'm going to read it right now!! -cat
from serenaville :
May I join the chorus, and lend my warm wishes for a very happy Mother's Day, to one of my most favorite moms on D-Land. I hope you were able to relax and enjoy today! *HUGS!!* :)
from the-book-bag :
from wifemotherme :
from poolagirl :
*drum roll in avid anticipation of the 200th entry*
from serenaville :
Your entry about your sister was simply beautiful! Please, don't you dare feel embarrassed of your sentiments, people so genuine are such a rarity anymore!! You are one of the first updates I click for a reason, you know. I have no doubt that the Muse will yet again touch you for your 200th. As for the jazz hands? I think I'll keep mine a while longer. They lend a bit of snazz to an otherwise drearily mundane existence. Now, if I could just get myself some juju, I'd be set!
from poolagirl :
Make sure you read this one:
from xnavygrrl :
Congratulations on the big 200. Oh, and I'm so happy to find someone else that uses the word "juju"!
from poolagirl :
Sport Out! What an amazing couple of entries! I was just about to sit down and write you a note, and another popped up RED! YAY! It was mom-on-roof in RED! You know what that means! You never cease to amaze me. As always, I stand in awe of your brilliance and charm. Happy New Baby Day (maybe) and Happy Nipping of the Nads Day (for sure). Keep us all posted.
from poolagirl :
So hurry up and write three more entries, dammit! I have one of those party favor thingies that flips forward and goes "HWONK-KA HWONK-KA" just waiting for the moment. Get busy!
from poolagirl :
Coyote piss sprinkling requires a special outfit. I wear big-ass rubber boots and a raincoat for that. When I'm finished, I go stand up at the drug store and watch people eat ice cream until I get arrested. Then I wear another outfit - orange jump suit with SDCJ (San Diego County Jai1) stenciled on the back. If I talk about my bunny suit whilst wearing the orange jump suit, they take me to a BIG place with lots of nice people, and I get to wear a white jacket with really long arms - long enough for me to hug myself for DAYS!
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much for your note. It means a lot to me that you care about how I'm feeling. Again, I'm so sorry about the favorites list mix-up. I went to read diaries one day and thought: WHERE'S MOM???? I LOVE reading your writing; it always moves my heart. :-D -cat
from hissandtell :
You know, I read this entry about your Sassafras Tea yesterday and needed time to think about it before I felt I could respond. For one thing, I think it's just about the most perfect entry I've ever read. For another, you and your Bean are the most fortunate mother and daughter I can think of right now, to have the kind of communication that exists in your relationship. I envy you both. Love, R xxx
from serenaville :
I did the voice and the jazz hands, every single time!! It was fun, too. :D As for the boyfriend/puppy love/Neanderthal husband issue, I am powerless to advise, not being in said situation as yet (*whew*), but I CAN leave you a nice *HUG!!!!!!* Just remember, we have a standing date on the roof, with some stinky cheese. You bring the *stage voice, jazz hands* SASSAFRAS!!! :D
from snarkypants :
Sport! Absolutely beautiful! I'm going to print this out and save it for when Ballerina goes through that phase. I don't know if your kiddo will be able to "hear" it right now (what with incipient teenaged brain damage lurking), but she sounds like a good, smart, mature kid, so I really hope she does. And if nothing else, you can print it out, and hand it to her, and tell her to put it away, and when she thinks Mom's being a beeyotch (sigh...), she can pull it out and try to understand. Here's hope and good wishes for you through this time!
from im2qt2kr :
Hey Ms. Sport! You're only 4 away from your 200th entry!!!! Oh, and I hear a nice camomile is much easier on the nostrils. ha.
from impeter :
I just stumbled across your diary and I love your writing! It'll take me quite a while to read through all 196 entries but I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for making my day!
from poolagirl :
Mikey's life was blessed by you. Amazing entry. Everything has puddled around my heart. Thank you so much for this one. Thank you. Thank you.
from serenaville :
Oh, that was a poignant entry if there ever was. I am still tightly clenched, like a "wind knocked out of me" tightness. I said a prayer for Mikey Rogers myself, back there. It's hushing, and causes one to reflect on one's innumerable blessings. Thank you for the reminder, and for having the grace to treat Mikey like any little brother. That, is class. Your diary is just aces all the way! *HUGS!!*
from hissandtell :
Oh, what a moving story about Mikey, the poor little bugger. But Andy Gibb? No, sport, you simply can't toss something like that into an entry and not expect a comment. Except, I'm not really sure what to say about him, given the context - except, YUUUCK! Love, R xxx
from poolagirl :
WHOA! What a story! Once again, I see your name in red and I know I am in for an adventure. Thanks again for making me laugh, bringing a tear to my eye, and deepening my soul.
from im2qt2kr :
I can't believe it. My Mom was into cards just like yours. AND....I, like you, hate to spend that kinda money for a piece of paper. I decided a couple of years ago to stop buying them, but instead buy a little gift at the same value and write something on it instead. My Nephews have several little cars that I've written on in permanent marker, little love notes. Their cards....who knows where they are.
from ms-do :
a singlet is like an underwear that people wear as tops these days. Its like a tank top made of 100% pure cotton and its ribbed in texture, feels great against the skin, smells wonderful and is usually white. We call them a 'bonds singlet'we always wore them under our shirts in winter and to bed in summer and winter. I LOVE THEM and yes it is a secuirty blanket in fact. Is that clear now?
from hissandtell :
from hissandtell :
Ahhh, I totally adore Valley Girlisms. They are a considerably underused lexicology these days, in my opinion. I'm envious of your continued close proximity to them. My personal favourite is "Grody to the max" which a friend who went to Yale from here in the early 1980s used to inundate me with in his letters. Like, gag me with a spoon...
from hooterville :
Ah... IFs... When I was a wee lass, my imaginary friend was E.T. and he lived in my closet. I would sit in the closet with him for hours on end, and he would use his finger as a flashlight so I could read my books and hide from the neighborhood bullies. I'll never understand why I didn't just make him go agro on my foes. i mean, it was freaking E.T. man! I'm just saying.
from hissandtell :
I'm so pleased to hear of your son's new friend. When I was teaching K-3 for a few years, I only met three kids with imaginary friends. My favourite was the little boy (G) with his I F Ben. While Ben was usually well-mannered and enjoyed joining in with our class activities - even needing his own chair on many occasions, for things like art and music - he was sometimes naughty and made G do all sorts of things he was not responsible for and wouldn't have dreamed of doing without being incited by a bad influence. (And yes, mom, I had an I F, too, when I was a child. His name was Raeme Freddy Pimple. He was very, very special to me. That's all I'm sayin'.) Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Do you mean he doesn't still tiptoe around you anyway, hoping for even more sex?
from hissandtell :
This story about the "little buddy" and the "vaccines" was truly beautiful, sport. Your incandesent joy about your kids jumped right through the computer and grabbed me around the neck, and left me with tears in my eyes. And me being a hard-bitten old childless goddess and all - who would have thought it?
from serenaville :
Wow. I am right there with Poolagirl, please know that Donna and your family are in my thoughts. I pray that she will get the help that she needs, especially since she isn't getting it from that poor excuse for a doctor, who should be reported. The evil part of me almost put a 'd' where the 'r' is. *ahem* Hugs to you, and to Miss Donna too.
from im2qt2kr :
You are NOT evil! You are a kind, generous, loving woman who I am proud to have as a friend. Perhaps after she has been helped a bit with anti-depres. Someone will be able to convince her to change doctors. Now, all that can be done is to remind her how much she is loved and of all the reasons she would be missed in your family's lives. I will keep both of you in my prayers.
from poolagirl :
My heart goes out to you....and Donna. The doctor is an idiot. Any way you can get somebody who knows what they are doing? Man, this is really sad :(
from xnavygrrl :
I thought I was the only one who put things back willy nilly. (snickering)
from rishi :
Damnit! I was going to with-hold the name of the broccoli in exchange for making you let me explain why it's so freaking BAD to just put stuff back wherever. I love you, mom, but I'm having to control my fist of death right now. Do not TRIFLE with a girl who's facing the beginning of a 1 day sale today. It will NOT turn out in your favor.
from serenaville :
'Broccoli florets' <--- Broccoli sans stems, or with just a scant tendril-ly bit still attached. So, there you go. :)
from the-book-bag :
Thank you for the advice mom. :-D I will definitely be giving it a try. -Cat
from poolagirl :
You wrote an amazing entry today, roof-dweller. Once again, I am in awe. I leave in an hour to meet the caregivers of this wonderful dog - who are only maintaining her while her elderly owner dies in the hospital. I wish they had never called. I really do. I am SOOO ready to have her in my life!
from anonadada72 :
4/7/04: Thanks for reciprocating the fave-add. Oh, and I loved today's entry. I got a chuckle out of the way you described Joe -- one of those funny-if-slightly-scary laughs. ~Jess.
from chaosdaily :
sorry, fresh out of valiums.....
from im2qt2kr :
Perhaps I should write a 12 steps program. There's a thought!
from the-book-bag :
Your note made me laugh! Hehe, it's good to know I'll have friends waiting for me at the looney bin. -Cat
from whereibegin :
You'll always be Saint Sport to me. Fuck 'em. :)
from poolagirl : fighting with hissie? Careful! She polishes her claws on those sharp Australian opals. answer your question.....nope, I don't have boring days. Fruit can be deadly if given the chance. Please be careful!
from anonadada72 :
4/6/04: From what I've read, that application for sainthood should have been granted. Or, at the very least, you should have received an honorary mention. Barring that, a simple "thank you" should have definitely been forthcoming. In any case, the reason for this note is to let you know that I've some how found your diary, enjoyed reading what you write, and have added you as a favorite. Maybe you could petition for reconsideration of that application? ~Jess. :)
from hissandtell :
Catfight imminent - listen, mom, don't think I'm not onto you. You want Jeff from the Wiggles, you want my Laurence in his puffy shirt - and in return I get tit-slinging Charlie from Ground Force? Or Andy with his "shit, innit?" attitude? Well, forget it, sport! (Although I could give bouncy Charlie to my husband and extract other favours from him in return - because for some reason I can't fathom, he is quite transfixed by her when she's on screen...) Love and scratches, R xxx
from the-book-bag :
Thank you for your note. Everything's okay now. I worked things out with the other woman, so neither one of us left the situation with bad feelings. And I kept reading your diary even when I was gone. I just love your entries. -Cat
from hausfrau :
Here's my laundry putting away trick: both of their desks are right next to the door, and I stand outside the door, and reach my arm in to stack the clean clothes on top of the other clean clothes that haven't made it into drawers or closets yet since the last time I did the wash.
from theprocess :
i *know* why i can't breathe in messy rooms around here... the funk of 16 year old boys is not to be believed. the den couch is the official laundry depot, and so be it. but *not* cleaning the *virtual dirt* sounds more like common sense than a one way handbasket ticket to me... ~snort~ ...but what do i know? stay tight.
from im2qt2kr :
Breath my sweet friend, BREATH.. and always remember to take some "ME" time (I know, easier said than done.) Mom felt the same way about putting away laundry, Especially my Brother's room (Dirty socks, dirty magazines...Don't ask) She finally had my Dad build a small shelf outside each of our bedroom doors to put clean clothes on. If not put away within 24 hours...GONE! For good!!! It worked! ha.
from serenaville :
That wrenched me, and now I am all schmoopy too. This is my future in a couple years, I'll be reading with interest to see how you do it. Not that I'm trying to make you feel on the spot, or like some scientific experiment. The prospect of letting go four times over in my life is just TOO overwhelming. I'm going to go eat a cheesecake now. Meh.
from poolagirl :
Why, thank you, most exalted roof dweller and writer exceptionale. I take your compliment with humility and gratitude. YOU are the best, lady!
from inkdragon :
That is a beautiful tribute your daughter wrote. I know how you feel and thank goodness for shower cries. Take care.
from poolagirl :
Yeah, I know how you feel. I've had that too. I also show up in Google searches as "Dutch oven feces." Go figure! Hope they sign your book - and I hope you NEVER leave Diaryland! NO NO NO NO NO!
from serenaville :
Yep. That same search has showed up in my stats, twice. Not that it will make you feel any better. I really hate when people don't at least leave a note... that stuff DOES get seriously creepy. I don't blame you. Hope you don't have to actually shut your space down. *HUGS!!*
from purplecigar :
"...or she's afraid for the situation in Albania, or something..."---Now THAT is funny. Thanks SO MUCH for your kind words. They are my very first here at Diaryland. They really meant a lot to me. Thanks as well for adding me to your favs. Also my first, other than a friend who added me. And lastly, I have a 15 year old son. It appears we can maybe help each other through this!
from poolagirl :
You know, I did the urine thing a couple of times, and always in the appropriate area. DAMN! I'm slipping! And....yes....haven't we all been screamed at to HAVE FUN, DAMMIT!
from serenaville :
Based on your hysterical entry today, I am giving you a 10. Lucky Charms as ALL of a good dinner. Pizza in oven for two days. "I put it in my HOT SPOT!" Tooooo funny! Love those shower games, what great ideas! If ever someone in my family has the (mis)fortune to procreate, where the dubious distinction of "Hostess" falls to me, I'll have to shamelessly swipe those games and take all credit. I know you'd want me to! :D hehehee Kidding. Still... you are a rip. That made my morning much better! Thanks. :)
from im2qt2kr :
Ohhh, give yourself an extra 20 points from me (I'm feeling generous). No wonder you're so tired, the shower sounded wonderful but exhausting. The next one I plan, I'm stealing some of your cute ideas. I'm tired of playing "Dirty Diaper". Hugs!
from hissandtell :
Oh, sport, today's entry made me laugh and cry. The imagery of the kids "stomping out the devil" is too wonderful. And your dilemmas as a mother of adolescent girls - well, I can't begin to imagine how hard it all must be, of course, but I adore the fact that you're able to write about it with such dry humour. And I'm so glad you're not indulging in any Bad Moods just yet - you must have taken back what that bad ol' Satan took from you, hey?
from poolagirl : say the sweetest things! You really ARE a dear, even when you huff and puff (and never really blow the house down). Thanks for brightening my diary day - and every day.
from hausfrau :
Maybe I'm not so cryptic as incapable of coherent writing? I'm a delicate flower and I have difficulty with the whole open and forthright thing ;)
from im2qt2kr :
LOL! Mom always said that if I ever had to call the paramedics for her, before I did I better make sure I brushed her hair, put her on a good t-shirt (not the holey one), brush her teeth, and for goodness sake, make sure the bottom of her feet were clean. If I didn't, when she came to, she was gonna kill me!
from poolagirl :
mom-on-roof was RED again! YAY! I've never heard of anyone having as much with Lent as you do, lady. You are hysterical!
from poolagirl :
You wrote SUCH a lovely entry today, lady! May I touch the hem of your skirt?
from inkdragon :
I love these kind of moments. They will forever be carved upon my heart. Thanks for sharing this precious moment.
from serenaville :
The entry about your son dancing with unconscious abandon was achingly poignant and eloquently written. I Know Just What You Mean. Rare would be the parent who did not. Thank you for sharing that 'snapshot' of your life with us. It reminds me why I do this, when my own snapshots are too few and far between. *hugs*
from im2qt2kr :
I'm just so thrilled to hear from you again that you can refer to yourself any way you'd like Ms. Sport. Big Hug!
from hissandtell :
I'm hoping that you, Bill and your butt-toys have a blissful future together in your special magical place, and that both Principal Skinner and Bill's wife are able to deal with it maturely, reasonably and with no jealousy and ugly scenes.
from snarkypants :
I think it's 23 days, 9 hours and 51 minutes. Not that I'm counting.
from wifemotherme :
I was not ready when My daughter started school, she was not ready either. I didn't know at the time I could keep her home for another year or I would have. I chalk this up to my very worst parenting mistake of all time (thus far) She is a sophomore this year and she never quite caught up. Every single year I look at her and think she would be just fine if she was starting the grade she just left. Now days unless a child is seriously flunking out they will fight you tooth and nail not to hold them back a grade after they have started.
from hissandtell :
Jeez, that was moving. I'm in deep melancholy mode after reading it. Do you know the Ry Cooder song "Always Lift Him Up"? []It has the line, "Just remember he's some mother's precious darling" that always rips my heart right out of my chest. I hope your son finds what he needs. (And at least now I'm singing that song to myself and not the bloody Human League.)
from hausfrau :
Soooo sweet. :)
from poolagirl :
WHOA! You had a real angel that night - your knight in shining blue jeans. I have been in that very spot myself, and it is really scary! Glad you got away safely, because he probably would have hurt you. And then you probably wouldn't be writing in your diary. And then all of our lives would be diminished. See how that goes?
from snarkypants : thought you were going to give us sordid details on bumpin' uglies. You're just a diary tease, aren't you, you dirty little diarist! Seriously, can totally relate to looking back, wondering how you survived things you did when you were young and naive. Keep on keepin' on!
from boxx9000 :
I once had a dentist tell me that my son had SEVEN cavities. (his teeth had been sealed) I requested the xrays and went to a different dentist. He had NO CAVITIES! I filed a complaint.
from poolagirl :
The lady who runs your dental office sounds like something from Marathon Man! She needs a serious attitude adjustment. And are just a DEAR HEART for saying such nice things about me! I got tears - REAL ones! I told everybody at work it was dust. YOU are a delight - hang in there. I wish you could some to San Diego and let my dentist take care of you. His office doesn't do shit like this.
from mommylap :
laparmy on that woman's ass like yesterday Sport! I can't believe that I don't have to come over to your house and clean up the brains on your ceiling from when your head exploded! Good Vent! Good laugh! Good God!
from im2qt2kr :
So glad Mom's getting her spunk back. There's also something very freeing about cutting those wires lose and lets the "twins" out for a bit of freedom! (Hope you got my email) ((((Hugs)))))
from poolagirl :
Holy momma! Was that all blush wine talking? Is that a Wiggle under the sheets or are you just happy to be writing again? Wheee! You want me to delete my note? Hmmm......let me think about that.
from hausfrau :
Funny you should mention that, I haven't had a haircut since before Thanksgiving, it is getting rather shaggy around her. Just today, I debated the long hair siren as I tried to tame my scary locks.
from poolagirl :
I agree with your feeling about Spaulding. He was an amazing man. The lyrics that keep threading through my head are from "Vincent" -- "this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you." He was incredible. Glad to see you lighted RED on my buddy list!
from serenaville :
I've been catching up on my fave reads, and my heart clenched to read about how things have been for you lately! :( You're in my thoughts, with much positive energy and strength being sent your way. Damn good reality check for me, besides, and I thank you sincerely for that. Get better soon!! *HUGS around your head, like your kids do*
from poolagirl :
How sweet you are! I can really see Al down on one knee with his arms outstretched! YAY! Your song is beautiful too. My song for you is more like "Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay." It goes like this: "Hooray, it's mom-on-roof, hooray, it's mom-on-roof! It is a banner day! What does she have to say?" Thanks for being in my life. You give me root beer laughs!
from xnavygrrl :
Let me know when you find that church because I'd like to find one here in St. Louis. We were investigating Episcipalian but they never got back to me. :( I was really excited about that too.
from inkdragon :
Pain sucks. I'm hoping the nerves realign themselves and you can be rid of this pain in the butt (and back and legs...). Thinking of you, Y.
from poolagirl :
Nice to see that you come up for air - even when your ass is on fire. I have missed you! My heart leapt at seeing the red highlight next to your name on my buddy list! YAY!
from hissandtell :
If it's a church fulfilling those modest requirements you're after, why not found your own? You could call it "Church-on-Roof" and sit back waiting for a congregation to beat down your door and climb up. I'd join, and then I'd give you all my money too.
from ms-do :
Just new to this, been bouncing round dland today and stumbled over your writing. It's very good and being a Mum who is turning 43 soon (yes i'm older, take comfort in i can relate. Although i'm divorced and other stuff etc etc....i've kept reading your diary, feel a bit like i'm invading your space. Thanks....hope you get better.
from hissandtell :
I'm missing you. So is my husband, who reads your every word. I'm very sad you're on a rollercoaster ride right now, and I'm sorry your bottom is sore, too. Love, R xxx
from im2qt2kr :
Yeah! "m-o-r" is back! Me so happy!! I'm sorry things have been rough for you lately. That butt ache could be worse, imagine having a pain in one the size of mine! ha(hope you're smiling). I've missed you on dland. ((((Hugs)))))
from im2qt2kr :
If I may... from a former caregiver... Pleassssse keep your emotions in check by taking time each day "just" for you. The longer you caregive, the more you will need it. Try and keep her as independent as possible, making her less dependent on you. It's truly for her own good. For instance... time the wash cycle, then give her a kitchen timer to set so she'll know exactly when to go back and get her own laundry...No excuses...she can do it herself and feel proud of even this little accomplishment. Please be good to yourself too! You deserve it. I'm sharing what I wish I had known years ago. Feel free to email me if you need a friend who's walked in these shoes, to chat with or to vent.
from rishi :
Geeze, sport... That's such a big burden you're taking on yourself. It just goes to show what a kind heart you have. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.
from inkdragon :
I think you are wonderful for helping Miss Donna. Extra wonderful.
from im2qt2kr :
Cross my heart! They called him "Rat" for short. He was actually very handsome and looked like the early "Marlboro Man". Silver hair, tan muscular arms, and a butt you could bounce a quarter off of. I had quite a crush on him as a little girl.
from serenaville :
"Her name was Mom-on-roof. She was hysterical..." That comment ROCKED. *sweeping into a deep curtsey* I am not fit to wear the fishing tiara, forgive my coveteousness. Thanks for making this nut-case belly laugh. a snuffle might have been heard between snorts. That is SO getting quoted!! Be prepared. :)
from pattypat :
LOVE your diary! Thanks!
from serenaville :
"I could just go back to Meals on Wheels on Thursdays at 10:30. I could get my own route this time. I�d probably be the youngest person there. I should do that. My son could go along with me, those people just eat up little kids!" <---- I just hope the people won't mistake your son for their meal!! *big wink* I think what you are planning to do is highly commendable, as I've long admired the service that Meals on Wheels provides. Volunteers are so needed, and in such short supply. You have inspired me to look into volunteerism in some form after our move. Go you, get your Elmer back!! Thank you again, so much, for the add to your faves/buddy list! Take care. :)
from poolagirl :
You are such a dear! The world needs more people like you. Elmer is a lucky man.
from im2qt2kr :
Oh "m-o-r" I'm sorry someone's comment effected you that way. You're one of my favorite people. If it's any consilation, I too was under the impression you couldn't have two male cats in the house together. I certainly know it proved true both times I attempted it with dogs. I'm wondering, would it be an option, if there's still problems after surgery, to make him an "outside" cat? I know some people would hate that idea too, but a lot of people have outside cats, and they do just fine. This cat already started life that way, so it'd probably be an easy adjustment. Luv ya "m-o-r"
from im2qt2kr :
You're so sweet,thank you. Here's the real funny part. I couldn't take V for his interview yesterdat because I had an appt with the Ob/GYN(REALLY). She said, "Oh, you just had a b-day! Looks like it's time to schedule your mamogram again!"
from absinthesigh :
I have 9 cats, mostly male and they all get along... after "the operation". A female kitten will be just as much trouble as it comes into heat, howls like crazy and humps everything in sight... you will still have to have indulge in "the operation". A female kitten will be just as rampuctious as a male. You gave the kitten a home, keep your promise to it. (No offense intended, I do animal rescue all day and it breaks my heart) with love, ophelia
from chaosdaily :
ummm.... errr..... no thanks, i already have 3 cats.. but my 2 males get along, other than the occasional "kitty pounce"
from snarkypants :
Hiss&Tell: We used to call it Camel-Twat. But that was in college. Mom-on-roof: I *don't* know "funny uncle." Please enlighten!
from mommylap :
oh good lord woman, like I don't love you enough! You quote my fave TH song (there was awesome T-Rex guitar on the dance remix in 1986) you advise me on mammograms (and my mother just stated-HEY it's time for you to start) and pronounce you like dick. Could you BE anymore endearing? If I want K-lo for President, then you are definitely the VP...
from mnlady1962 :
Hey! I think I have been ripped off! I have had three or four mammograms and NOT ONCE had I received any little green nipple covers. Who can I call to complain???? Anyway, glad the exam went well. They never bother me, either, but my sister always says they hurt. Whatevah!!
from hissandtell :
Please let me explain that one of my more modest goals as a high school English teacher was promoting the correct spellings of the words phlegm, catarrh and diarrhoea. Later, when I taught early education classes, we enjoyed learning such comical words as snot and snarb during the "sn" phonics lessons. (Actually, snarb and fart were pretty good value in the "ar" blends, too.) Anyway, we'd all sing, "Don't let it be forgot/That once there was a spot/For one brief shining moment/That was known as Camel Snot." Hey, it's riotous stuff when you're six...
from im2qt2kr :
But....I'd give up all the Spaghetti-Os in the world for one day of "Mom can I haves".
from poolagirl :
Geee willikers! Did I spell that right? Anyway.....thanks for all your support, kiddo. You make me laugh, you make me think, you make me wonder. I am honored that you are sitting on the roof drinking wine (since you have no vodka). Thank you. Thank you.
from im2qt2kr :
Oh surrrreeee! You just could stand for ME to be the only one with a "butt shot". Butt I was still first in our little group so, na,na,na,na,na!
from hissandtell :
Yay! A bottom-shot. You and im2kt2kr should get together and do a calendar. I'd buy it!
from poolagirl :
Nice moon! Some restuarant chain here features a dish called "Moon Over My Hammy." That might work for you too, huh?
from poolagirl :
Your spousal unit sounds like a total sweetie, in a really gentle and sincere little boy way. How cute!
from hissandtell :
Awww. He sounds like an ol' silvertongue. Gosh they're funny creatures, aren't they. They're like dogs; they always seem to do something cute and endearing when they've gone that bit too far and know you're going to rouse on them and send them outside to their kennels - it's a self-preservation thing. (And don't listen to poolagirl either. It's phlegm...)
from needisaymore :
Oh, Queen of Passive Aggressive Torture, we bow to your wiley ways! We can all only hope to learn from you. Actually, reset button on the marriage or not, you do a great job of keeping your marriage strong. Your loyal steward, Anita.
from poolagirl :
Marriage is a journey, and you CAN hit the re-set button as often as you need to. Phleghm....I think that's right. Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.
from im2qt2kr :
You're so sweet, and funny. You know, I'm glad your user name starts with "Mom"....It fits! The butt thing.....the problem is too much of a big ol' bubble butt. Butt (Pun intended), the comment triggered off a thought I may use for my next entry. Thanks for caring and for sharing. ((((Mom))))
from xnavygrrl :
Awwww! You're making me blush! Oh, and thanks so much for the kind note. :)
from xnavygrrl :
You are a fantastic fascinating writer. I'm in awe of your supremeness! (Is that a word?)
from im2qt2kr :
The thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you have expressed are all signs of being a truly loving, caring, and kind and gentle person. I have to think they're all quite normal, other wise, there's something wrong with BOTH of us. These are all the things that make you a wonderful Mom, and someone I'm proud to call my friend.
from poolagirl :
You absolutely blow me away with your writing, lady. I am, once again, in awe. Super entry about "the line."
from poolagirl :
How funny! There are no accidents in this world - we are bonded forever by strawberry marshmallow Peep-like things - - and our writing. I guess we should include that, huh?
from mommylap :
Thank goodness that like all good writers you know exactly to which degree to depart from the truth for effect. But like a good daughter, you still disclaimed. I have noticed that Johnny Depp is every bit as constantly affectatious as a 5 year old. Like Madonna, he must feel that residing in a country (france) makes you entitled to speak as if you were a native. I love much of his work,(Ed Wood!) just not his bod.
from hissandtell :
Poor Margaret Hinkle. She sounds like a narwhal.
from poolagirl :
Shower games? YES! There IS that stupid game where you put Vaseline on your nose and pick up cotton balls! YES! There is also the mystery baby food taste testing. THAT is nasty!
from the-book-bag :
Oh boy! Handing in my journal entry wouldn't go over very well. Hehe. Besides, I'm not THAT mean. :-D -Cat
from mommylap :
California roll. No actual raw fish involved usually- just avocado, fake crab and cucumber with rice. You would like that I think. Heard anything from Al on the sly? I understand when you are too busy to update on one hand, but on the other hand, I worry about the crazy poeple poised for attack,y'know?
from hissandtell :
Poor Harrison. Isn't that how he met his fiery demise in "American Graffiti" all those years ago, in his pre-earring incarnation - drag racing in a red corvette? How tragic.
from hissandtell :
Maybe, because of all the inscrutable, indecipherable hiragana (or katakana, I can never remember which) on the packaging, you actually bought the Ass Sushi by accident. Maybe there's another jar made from more palatable fish-body-parts (like Lip Sushi, or Elbow Sushi) out there in the aisles with your name on it?
from poolagirl :
GAAAAA! I would have done the same thing! I mean, who ever came up with the idea of eating RAW fish? Your daughter amazes you. That is a good thing.
from poolagirl :
HA! You're right about Harrison Ford. I have a really good friend, a motivational speaker, who looks a lot like Harrison - about the same age. He pierced his ear a few years ago, but he didn't do the penile extension thing. He told me it's more sexy to be "subdued." Guys are really funny, aren't they?
from im2qt2kr :
I do not have a way to contact you except through here. But....I feel we know each other, we connect, we are friends. If you need someone to talk to, I am a good listener, I have strong shoulders, I care. Love to you.
from theprocess :
Thanks for your note. Thought of you yesterday as I crawled out ~where?~ on the roof in a stiff wind to tack down an errant piece of siding that was once attached to a gutter that was once attached to my house... ~chuckle~ And I feel you on the whole "My Day" thing. And I tell people it's P.*U*.M.S.--Putting Up with Much S*** -- that triggers the monthly meltdown. Have a great week!
from absinthesigh :
I love Monkees. Especially Peter. hubba hubba. Just kidding . I felt compelled to say hello and tell you how much I like you. You are *extremely* talented and I like your style!!! with love, ophelia P.S. I really do love Peter.
from im2qt2kr :
But notice that, even though she's not talking to me, I still keep tabs on that baby boy of hers. I don't understand how anyone can be so casual about their children. Your kids are blessed to have you as a Mom. You go girl!
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much for your note! I'm flattered that you like my writing. -Cat
from poolagirl :
Well-turned entry about Kay Endicott's mom. My gosh! I could almost smell her dirty old housecoat. You have a real gift, lady. Yes, you do.
from the-book-bag :
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I closed my old diary (sidhequeen) and made a new one (the-book-bag). And I love reading your entries; especially today's about your Aunt Rach. -Cat
from im2qt2kr :
Too funny! On that rarrre occasion (yeah, right!)that I'm less than pleasant, if someone dares to ask me (It's always a man.), "What's the matter with you, PMS?" My favorite answer...."NO! It's PMO, You're Pissin' Me Off!" Feel free to use it. ha.
from rishi :
You know, I think the guac is a pretty original idea, but the prune... that may already have been done. Other true, but failed, jello flavors include: chocolate, coffee, celery and tomato. This concludes the useless trivia part of the show. A-thank-you.
from theprocess :
ROTFL! i'll be back for more comments like your take on "NippleGate" and tours of LA salons for women from Burma and pop stars exposing internal organs in an ongoing attempt to be shocking. off to develop an affordable disposable speculum-cam to capitalize on what's sure to be the next trend. good luck with your house.
from poolagirl :
Thanks, kiddo. Your sentiments came through just fine. Juan was a real sweetheart. He is the best star in the sky now.
from poolagirl :
Got any tequila to go with that jello?
from poolagirl :
HA! Believe it or not, I actually have a LIST of writing prompts (done on a cold and cloudy day last year when I was unemployed and looking for something to do). I'll dig it out and make another list! Maybe, I'll even create a few entries. By the way, my tiara did NOT arrive yet!
from snarkypants :
Have you ever tried rainbow Jell-o salad? I made this once for my kid's birthday, and she was all, "Eh." But it's absolutely beautiful if you're a Jell-O fanatic. (I'll try to find the recipe and post it). You take purple jello, put a layer of it in a big glass casserole, let sit, then mix some reserved jello with cream cheese (pale purple) and put it on top and let sit. Then repeat with blue, green, yellow, orange, red. It's gorgemous. And it's like there's a party in your mouth and everyone's invited.
from hissandtell :
Hey, here's what you could do with ginger ale - make a DOUCHE! Ingredients: 2 oz melon liquor, 1 oz vodka, 1/2 oz vinegar, Splash of ginger ale. Directions: Fill glass with ice, add ingredients in order. Serve in highball glass. Enjoy!
from sidhequeen :
Thank you so much for your note! I love reading your diary (and I just started yesterday). I also love your name. Never were truer words spoken. -Cat
from betenoire05 :
Thanks for the,"heads up"... on the added benefits of visiting the gynecologist after turning the big four ohhhh. My time is just around the corner.
from im2qt2kr :
Thank you for you kind words. I can only hope and pray you're right. I just don't know anymore.
from mommylap :
The "agnostix" momment was the point when I realized that Randy was far more hapless than he was cute. And the rest of the house is thinking he and Robin are having a "deep intellectual conversation" um, okay- if you say so. I am glad my kids already know that's stupid at age 7. I actually have more respect for that dumbass Brad now, because he just accepted his stupid mistake and moved on. He's apparently the grown up. It's hard not to cling to the safety of Disney Channel movies. While I still can.
from poolagirl :
You're right, I really DO suffer from tiara envy. I know it's treatable. There is a 12 step program too. TA. I can't wait to get up and tell my story! Please send the tiara FEX EX NEXT DAY AIR. That should only set you back about $35 or so. Thanks for the new title too. I feel so.....ROYAL!
from poolagirl :
I don't know what happened. I guess I fell and hit my head or something. Maybe if I wore a TIARA in the Minnesota COLD WINTER while ICE FISHING with some YA YA SISTERS, I would feel better. Just kidding. Actually, the image of your little one singing "My Girl" while coloring pictures is absolutely precious!
from poolagirl :
Holy crap! I just read your entry about the car-jacking! Amazing story - amazing writing. You have a real gift. I am in awe.
from im2qt2kr :
Oh SURE!!! and after I go in and erase the evidence, you go in and tell everyone I did it anyways! Oh wait, guess I kinda told on myself, didn't I? Never mind!!
from im2qt2kr :
First, fountain of knowledge that I am, Toupee glue does the trick (don't ask!) and second, wait 'til you explain sex change operations!!
from rishi :
Soo... I have a question, Sport. I'm really geographically challenged, but just how far is Philadelphia from Pittsburgh? Just curious since I go to Philly almost every summer. I thought I could skulk outside your bedroom window, or TP your house, or maybe treat you to a huge burning bag o' dog poo on your front porch. You know. Pretty standard stuff. What? No? *psh!* What a freakin' baby!
from poolagirl :
Ingrown pubies can be nasty. Been there, done that. And they HURT! And they do other things that rhyme with "hurt" if you press hard enough. Eeeeeewwwwww! So.........did you get to keep that tiara?
from im2qt2kr :
Oh, don't you go making me cry now. If you do, I'll be forced to give that late night "cat lover" of mine your number! Here Kitty, Kitty! teehee Now I'll give you a laugh on me. I went in (AGAIN) and entered this note under my own note page (AGAIN). Had to cut and paste. Funny thing is, at least it cheers me up, as when I go back to my email, I see I have a message from dland (even if it was to myself) I have learned to erase. ha!
from im2qt2kr :
You're adorable! Not at all what I'd expect the "pissin' on fish--snoring and fartin'" type to look like.
from poolagirl :
More urine stories! YAY! We are bonded! Hey there, MOR, nice tiara!
from redstarhelix :
thanks for the laugh, the picture alone was worth an embarassing snort, not to mention any reference to urinating on fish.
from poolagirl :
You are going to the MALL? WOW! I used to live in Minnesota when the stadium was still there, but I have since returned and gone to the MALL! Say howdy to Snoopy for me. Maybe you can get one of those Viking hats with the yellow braids attached. Might go well with your shiny minnows. Good lord, are you REALLY going ice fishing?
from sunnflower :
I wish I could go to the Mall of America and eat Panda Express food and drink fancy mixed drink afterwards as the winter weather swirled around outside. Especially as you'll be wearing sunflowers - the perfect flower summer or winter.
from im2qt2kr :
Purple! A woman of fine taste I see. Sure it will go well with those kiwi walls I know you'll eventually do! You always make me smile!
from im2qt2kr :
Toilet in Laundry Room: Here's a thought. Stick flowers in it and call it an object-da-Art!
from poolagirl :
Sunflower panties? OMG! You are one of the funniest people on the planet!
from poolagirl :
My God! You make me laugh! Your laundry room is fabulous! I have one question - are those plastic sunflowers in the corner or is it some sort of fabric?
from inkdragon :
Good Times, indeed! I'm going to be smiling through my laundry chores today just thinking about you! A few years ago, right after Halloween, I found one of those spiders but thought it was a spider ring, reached down to grab it and it jumped. All five feet one inch of me hit the ceiling and held on the pipes for probably an hour. This from the girl who loves to photograph spiders!
from im2qt2kr :
Your daughters sound a lot like me as a child, and you very much like my own loving and protective Mother was. As one of those daughters, I have this advice. PLEASE, although you can't change your ex, you can continue to encourage your girls to be all they can be, for success is the greatest revenge. And one more word of advice. The letters my Mother wrote to me over the years of her love, encouragement, and pride of me,are now amongst my greatest treasures. Please, print up the letter you wrote to your ex, and gift it to your baby girls. It is something they will always treasure.
from inkdragon :
Keep looking at and loving those girls. That's who should fill your heart along with their brother and sister and your loving husband. You are a beautifully loving woman, truly.
from im2qt2kr :
Hiya Sport! (yeah, that fits!) My Brother, an avid train collector, would love nothing better than to wake to the sound of rail crossing signals. Boy, who needs an alarm clock around your house? ha
from poolagirl :
YIKES! Yes, she WILL win the science fair thing. My God! Those mummies"enchanting."
from poolagirl :
Thank you, M-o-R. You made my day!
from inkdragon :
That entry was magic.
from rishi :
That entry ruled in so many ways. I'm glad you found me so that I could get to read your awesome stuff.
from poolagirl :
Nice entry, Magic Woman!
from chaosdaily :
thats why i dont keep m & ms in the house. besides, i like the baking m & ms better, they are semi-sweet, not milk chocolate. hmmm i think ill have to make a run to wally world.......
from im2qt2kr :
You silly woman. I know we've never met, so this may say strange but "I luv ya'!" You never fail to tickle me. But next time, have some pitty on those 13 poor little chickens. teehee
from poolagirl :
Attack of the Uber-Omlette! Run for your lives!
from chicknamedal :
Dang, woman! Just looking at that omelet made me hungry, and I just got through eating breakfast. 'Nana Nut bread, though, not a yummy egg, cheese and vegie monstrosity. Mmmmmm. I love omelets...dammit, now I'm gonna have to cook one! See what you did? Re: your note to me. I'm NOT "better" than YOU, goofy! I just can't stand to be not talking to the twit that is my sister. 'Sides, I waited a freaking WEEK before I caved. Misplaced the # -- email me.
from im2qt2kr :
Your Mom's lullabys beat the heck outta "Three Little Fishies!" I also have that Rod Stewart CD. I loved it, I loved it'll hate me for this but....I started noticing a lisp on certain words. Not that there's anything wrong with a lisp, it's just that now I find myself listening for the lisp, instead of just enjoying the music. Silly. I still enjoy it though.
from chaosdaily :
yea i did always like johnny cashs deep deep voice.
from im2qt2kr :
Thank you. I really needed to hear that. I feel better, as I respect your opinion. It's just a lack of confidence with this man/woman stuff, and a bad habit of allowing others to define me. I'm working on it though.
from im2qt2kr :
Blonde dreads! Gotta love it! Thanks for making me smile, over and over, and....
from poolagirl :
OMG! What I wouldn't give to see a picture of you in your Rasta yarn wig! That would be a real treat! You made me laugh this hard before I even had coffee (because it's only 5:00 AM). Not fair! And.....Thanks for your sweet thoughts about Fritzie. I saw his picture twice on light poles in the neighborhood yesterday. Broke my heart. I just hope she doesn't get another dog. She let her pre-Fritzie dog run all over the neighborhood too.
from im2qt2kr :
I was giving you a hard time. But you started me thinkings, so I went to "Ask Jeeves" and the answer I got was. "The loin is the chunk of lumbar spine and paraspinal muscles...." So then, I have to wonder, if it's the lower back, then why do men wear loin cloths? hmmmmm...Guess it's a man thing. ha!
from im2qt2kr :
Do we women have loins? And if so, where exactly are they located? Are they in front of, or behind our little "Wahoos"? Just a point to ponder (and to make you smile).
from rishi :
Thanks for adding me as a favorite, babe! I'm digging your diary as well... We have similar views on hottubs, only you're a much better "sport" than I am. I'd sooner bite somebody's toenails for them than join them in a hottub. Cheers!
from rishi :
Thanks for adding me as a favorite, babe! I'm digging your diary as well... We have similar views on hottubs, only you're a much better "sport" than I am. I'd sooner bite somebody's toenails for them than join them in a hottub. Cheers!
from absinthesigh :
Where do you think Clifford goes potty and who cleans it up? Who feeds that dog? What kind of job would one have to have to afford to feed and clean up after that dog. I do not have children, if I did, I think I would worry that some day they would ask me these very questions. Maybe it's covered in one of the stories... I have never read one all the way through as I read I begin to worry right away. I've been reading your diary everyday and enjoy it immensely. Thank you! with love, ophelia
from inkdragon :
"Bed-time in My Neighborhood" You rock!
from poolagirl :
Hey, Sport. Everything is going to be okay. Just keep breathing. And good luck bubbling in the people juice! I must admit, THAT made me howl!
from sunnflower :
I was leaving a note for need-I-say-more and I saw your diary name. I just had to stop by. I place a lot of importance on how doctors and dentists interact with me. I don't want to deal with someone unpleasant in those circumstances. My daughter used to scream so loud in the dentist off when she was younger that they put her in the "padded room" so she wouldn't scare the hell out of everyone else. She still hates going to the dentist.
from im2qt2kr :
Mom was like your daughter about the Dentist. Gave her headphones, and that seemed to help. Me? I'd rather go to the dentist than the doctor any day. At the doctor, you never know what to expect. At least at the Dentist you get to keep your clothes on. ha!
from poolagirl :
Oh, dear! Permission to call me Butthead is granted. YIKES! What have I created with the dear niece? She is SOOOOO funny - I'm sure she will delight you with her misadventures.
from iambucket :
Mom-on-roof- Helllooo! And thank you for the welcome! Yes, many find me strange with the name bucket...many in the "real world" only know me by this name-they have no idea why they call me this but they continue despite sharing the opinion that it is a bit odd! (The mayor of one of our big towns here works with me on occassion-total ass and liar- and despite several offerings of business cards he only remembers me and knows me by bucket. Oh how professional, eh? (I get my lack of professionalism from thel 'ol butthead-I mena poolagirl!) Thanks again for the warm welcome! As to if the craziness and strangeness runs in the family......I guess you will have to be the judge of that! I do need to go right now however, as I have to get home so that I can do my weekly shaving of lintballs from my underwear. Things get really out of control if I don't stay on schedule with that! Bucket
from poolagirl :
Hello, UBER-BANDMOM! God, you make me laugh!
from im2qt2kr :
Yeeeeeah! I read somewhere, that if you dip the triscuits into something really healthy, like cottage cheese (low fat of course) it causes all the calories to evaporate. Let me know if it works! By the way...thank you. Your message always bring a much need smile to my face.
from poolagirl :
HA! Guess you aren't destined to be grumpy today! HA!
from inkdragon :
The "Tales of the Handsome Man" and Dr. B entry made me laugh. It's good to spit poison once in a while.
from im2qt2kr :
How'd you do that? You and chaosdaily both, mere moments after my entry. Come, join be, I will make you an honorary member. We shall do the "Pig Dance of Joy"....
from mommylap :
But that's the very point! If you can actually write something that cuts down right to an absolute truth, something that is not open to interpretation- how cool would that be? One of my struggles in my young attempts to be a playwright was putting all the realities into the dialogue, because I was taught that any and every director could just disregard any stage direction you wrote. Anything really important had to be conveyed in the speeches of the characters. The ramifications of misinterpretation proved to be too frightening to me. I know that what you said is not the same as that, but to have someone be able to read a statement and have that statement be the sound truth of you exposed, that sounds amazing to me. I mean, not that it wouldn't take courage-sure it would. But if THAT's what you are aspiring to, well WOW. You need to go on that journey. Just the little momments on the way to that goal will fill up your life with such reward that I can't imagine you wouldn't overcome the fear. Even if you don't get there, is that ever worth trying for.
from im2qt2kr :
Thank you. But I realize that to find the one who is really at fault, all I need do is look at the Pig reflected from my mirror. I'm okay with it, I will deal with it. But, again, thank you for caring.
from poolagirl :
Hey, girl! I'd gladly loan you some of my laundry soap, but my goddam neighbor steals mine all the time! Shit fire, no matches!
from hissandtell :
Extraordinary. The leadlight soul laid bare! Artistic, creative angst at its guiltiest. But think of the Dorothy Parker poem: "You might as well live".
from im2qt2kr :
Uuuuuh! How young? (Best Mae West immitation) I like 'em young!!!---- Mae West always was a dirty ol' lady. Something I aspire to be brave enough to be some day. And I really CAN do a very good immititation of both her and Marilyn (Of course it's of them while they were both still ALIVE. Otherwise.....) hehehe "And that's the truth...t-h-h-h-h (Had to throw in a little Edith Ann)
from mom-on-roof :
Dear im2qt2kr, maybe we'll start a new thing at Diaryland! Plus it's so fun to receive notes, even if you have to write them yourself! Loved your Marilyn impression, dead on! But sorry to have to admit this, I was taking "poetic license" with the magnitude of my furnace guy's cuteness. He's really not that cute. But he is young. And friendly. And he makes me feel safe when my furnace is all clean and functioning properly. Snort!
from im2qt2kr :
I don't believe it!!! I'm sooo stupid. Can you believe I left YOU a message at my profile??? Second time I've done that this week. First to chaosdaily and now this. Guess all the furnace talk got me rattled. Anyways, check it out, and have a laugh at/on me.
from poolagirl :
I have more urine-themed entries in the wings. LOL. I just don't want to spoil you by unveiling them all at once! Here's a clue: 1) naughty neighbor boys who loved to trick me, 2) really sweet cow at the diary farm down the street, 3) me truly believing I could ride the goddam cow, and 4) guess who ended up with cow urine in her face?
from chicknamedal :
SWEETIE! You ARE my best friend. You are my best online friend. If I could just hop in the car, drive 20 minutes and be at your house you know I would! Then you would be so SICK of me, thinking thoughts like, "Damn, when WILL this beotch leave?" <big grin> And, even if you are NOT a stalker, I would sorely miss you if you didn't come and try to guilt me, or make me laugh, or make me feel better. Evil Al, on the other hand, really kinda likes the idea of having a's an ego thing. But then, she IS the weirder one of my 2 personalities. Love ya!
from underpanties :
i was wondering if i could have a password to your diary... email it to me at [email protected] or leave me a note, and ill delete it right away. thanx bunches. <333belly
from mommylap :
As much inspiration as I already find in you, I am practically holding my breath to see what you are going to be coming up with when you are actually letting go! Your voice is full of truth and sympathy, whatever your subject matter. Happy New Year!
from hsing-mom :
Thanks for letting us back in. ;-). About people you know reading your diary: I think every diary writer should just plan for that. It's kind of to be expected when you put something online that eventually, the "small world" thing will happen and someone you know will find you. There's a little "read this first" thing that some people put on their pages, basically saying, if you know me from real life stop reading and tell me you found this; you might track that down and put it on your page if it would make you feel better. But it's funny, I was just writing about this last night -- how I never actually genuinely let go in my online diary, like I thought I would when I started it, not only because a few people who know me read it, but also because, geesh, all those people who DON'T know me don't need to know about, well, some stuff, anyway. I think the solution for me is going to be to try to keep an actual print private diary for the super-private stuff, and just keep up the lighter stuff in the public one. Good luck in whatever you decide.
from inkdragon :
I hope you are alright!
from hsing-mom :
dying... fading away... mom-on-roof.... turned off.... my... life.... support..... send password.... please....
from hissandtell :
Hello - I'm DISTRAUGHT as I can't get into your diary. Spare a password for an old ex-leper? Cheers, R.
from whereibegin :
hey... would you be willing to share your password with me? I'd love to keep reading...
from im2qt2kr :
RE: Sugar-coating. Perhaps pretend to be writing to a "different" reader/audience. One who appreciates the uncoated version. Your writing is excellent. I've been enjoying it immensely.
from inkdragon :
I can't wait to get caught up on Diaryland reading...I've missed your wit. A very happy New Year to you and the family.
from chicknamedal :
You are a beautiful woman, Dawn! And I just *know* you will make it. Happy New Year! Here's to your growth and success in 2004 --
from im2qt2kr :
My Mom was from Alabama, and told me stories of how they would �Lay out� the dead. She too, mention how they were bathed, dressed, and put on the kitchen table. She couldn�t understand how anyone could ever eat at that table again. She also said that the dead were doused in perfume and vanilla, and candles burned to help rid the home of the smells. Someone always �sat up� with the dead around the clock. Before the funeral, hoards of people would bring food, and would meet at the house after the service, eat and tell stories and pay their respects. Then, leave, and leave the mess to be cleaned up by the grieving family. Just thought I�d share this with you, as your story is off to a wonderful start.
from chicknamedal :
"And don't you sugar coat it"??? Uhmmm, yeah. As if! You know me better'n that, my friend! Thanks for the cheery warm welcome! [big grin, blushing cheeks]
from chicknamedal :
You crack me up. Yep, I still exist. And yep, I'm a gettin' ready to update. It will be long. And not even a 100 things! And I *totally* believe you when you talk about at least smelling the milk first...and the styrofoam snow...and the big giant robots...and gosh, I don't think I *could* actually write a journal after the glorious backspace experience.
from needisaymore :
Snow, big family, laughter and naps during church, sentimental gifts, tears, more laughter. . . sounds like a magical Christmas!! You are indeed blessed--as we all are by your writing! Happy New Year!
from mommylap :
I loved your Christmas entry. I loved that you got Mrs. Kibbler's pin. I am pretty sure I just love your mom totally. Happy New Year MOR. If you run for president I will SO vote for you.
from wyndspirit :
What a wonderful Christmas!
from so-charming :
Just wanted to let you know I'm temporarily locking my diary to ward off potential snoopiness by my kiddo while she's at her dad's for the holidays. User name is nosy, password is rosy. :)
from mommylap :
Oh my goodness, are you priceless. Your note to self for the holidays was great. Your attitude is something that I totally strive to emulate. I couldn't help laughing at the "cheap bastard" remarks esp. Even at 5 and 7, that is so true. Happy Happy MOR. You warmed me like a good Tom & Jerry would.
from poolagirl :
I am climbing up on the roof to shout for joy! The Grinch is laughing! In all seriousness, once again, your writing just blows me away. Magnificent imagery - timing - quirky vocabulary. You've got it goin' on!
from nascarwidow :
Thanks so much for that note. I needed it more than you might know. Coming from you it really means a lot. Your writing always makes me smile, you're always so......right on the money.
from chaosdaily :
oh mom you are DEFINETLY appreciated here in diaryland. hugs
from poolagirl :
OMG! Are you okay? Did the chip horking kill you? It must be the day for horking. I horked an Advil all over my nice clean bathrobe - left an orange trail all over the lapel.
from chaosdaily :
good morning mom, and wait until you are in menopause if you think pms is bad........
from im2qt2kr :
Hope you and yours are feeling better soon. Miss that wit and witticisms.
from poolagirl :
You can blush all you want, lady! But you are a DAMN FINE writer! There!
from im2qt2kr :
Found your name at Poolagirls page. What a way with words. I'll enjoy going back over some of your old entries. Have a Blessed Christmas!
from chaosdaily :
mom, im the same way. i cant get through those songs either, for the same reasons as yours. so heres a big hug *HUG* hope that doesnt make you teary too.
from mommylap :
I actually think if the pictures are simple, like stick figures that would actually make the whole thing even funnier. As if anything could. Tell your DIL that I had the same state trooper attend my 2nd accident as did the first accident albiet months later. He actually remembered and said "Oh no, you got your van fixed and now it's totalled again?!"
from poolagirl :
OMG! "Ray's Day Off" will be on the New York Times bestsellers list!
from inkdragon :
That's gonna be the BEST book ever! What a scream.
from wyndspirit :
Oh, my sides hurt!!! If you can't draw anyway, why not let the kids do the illustrations? Make it a FAMILY gift. (And put it in a nice shirtbox.) Gifts like that are priceless!
from amomslife :
Yikes! Happy Puke Day! I hope the little ones feel better soon! Hang in there!
from poolagirl :
Oh, you can't wallow too much with a little one leaping about excited by snow!
from poolagirl :
Man! I meant to leave a note for you and I left it for myself! I must be sweating! Yes, I think little boys can sweat productively at age five - I think.
from wyndspirit :
Don't count on having decorations your way after the kids leave home. If Mom had HER way, she wouldn't do a fraction of the decorating she does, but she doesn't have the heart to skimp because she knows we'd be disappointed. ("Hey!!! Where are those toilet paper roll candles??? Where is that paper candycane that's supposed to hang from the ceiling?")
from mommylap :
I just finally got plain lights instead of multicolored lights this year, and believe it or not the girls love it. "They look like stars!" Too bad our kitten climbs the tree and pulls all the white snowy garland off. We also can't have a light up star on top since I am sure the tree will eventually go down with Daisy climbing it. Nothing breakable. Just garland, lights, and wooden star ornaments we painted last year when we only had about $5 to decorate the tree. I want all the vintage reproduction German glass ornaments that are just like my Grandparents had. I guess it's "Christmas Someday" for us both. At least we won the simple white lights battle.
from twisted-mind :
Oh no thank you. There is no puking allowed in my house. heh Crossing fingers your puker was a one time thing.
from twisted-mind :
Hope all your munchkins are feeling better soon and your mood improves as well. :o) Happy Friday!
from chicknamedal :
Isn't he the BEST Santa ever? It's all real. And, even though you can't really see it in this picture, he has the most piercing, bright blue eyes. And he is the nicest person.
from chicknamedal :
I added a pic to prove that it *was* actually worth the scent of curries past. You should check it out -- it's at the end of that entry or go to my See For Yourself page. <grin>
from poolagirl :
Lady, your writing just takes my breath away. You are amazing!
from wyndspirit :
Goth girl and flannel shirts. THIS is why you are on my favorites!!! (I hope that darling pic will be part of the present display for her.)
from needisaymore :
Hair gelled, clean shaven, smelling good, dressed nice, and an earring?? Honey, I'M turned on!! Seriously, you have all my sympathy/empathy. What is it about having our own captive man at our beck and call that squelches the hots?? If we figure that out, we can package it and be millionaires. <sigh>
from wifemotherme :
Thank you so much for allowing me to spend the day poking around your diary. What a pleasure! Your gothgirl entry brought a tear to my eye. Your just darling. I have added you to my favs and I will be back to read more!
from mommylap :
The goth girl entry is wonderful. I officially want you to write a daily mommy column, star in a sitcom, or host a talk show- something any venue that will make the world aware of your passing thoughts and glorify them.
from chicknamedal :
Thanks for kind wishes...and, you've got it right -- literally -- I *do* have broad shoulders. I always have said I was meant to be a boy (although I am not gay at all) judging from the fact that I am built like my Dad and not slender and delicate like my Mom. Her ring finger is my pinky. And we're the same height. Or we used to be. Thanks again!
from poolagirl :
My friend, dotsjots (Diarylander) said her sons used to call V-Farts "queefs." How funny is that?
from poolagirl :
Off to the roof with you! I'll make you a sandwich later and you can hoist it up in a bucket.
from poolagirl :
Oh, the thrill of having someone GET my humor! Yes! I would LOVE to go to the Sons of Italy club with you and get carried home and tucked under a fuzzy blanket! the way.....nice cankles, lady!
from poolagirl :
from poolagirl :
MAN BOOBS, man boobs, Man Boobs, man bOObs, MANBOOBS, manboobs, manbOObs - so many ways to present MANBOOBS!!!!!!!!
from hsing-mom :
*snif* so sweet. She'll cherish that. She might even SHOW you that she cherishes it.
from wyndspirit :
Don't hate me, I have the same gift! (Minus the beer.) Comes from too many years working nights and sleeping under less than ideal conditions, in my case. Only I usually manage to hold out long enough to grab the pillow that is always near to hand!
from justmouse :
no, dahhhling, i don't live in a cuuul de sac! i live in a crescent...still so nice for the children (but there's an escape route for the adults!) hehe
from inkdragon :
I have no voice, a giant cough and a sore throat. Nothing sounds/looks more pathetic to my two teenaged boys than their mother laughing hysterically with mid-puberty sounding coughs coming from my mouth as tears roll down my face. Thanks for bringing joy to my life through your writing, and joy to my boys so they can spend the next two hours making fun of me! Priceless.
from needisaymore :
A day started with wine, and ended with hydrotherapy, chocolate and sleeping kiddies? You are a goddess to be praised! My idea of a fun day!
from inkdragon :
You are, without a doubt, THE best! I just love reading you.
from poolagirl :
Of course I would mention you in my diary! You are more than amazing! You are usually my first read when I check my buddy list. YOU!
from mommylap :
stop it. stop writing such great entries. the letter to my daughter's teachers was one of my favorite reads here ever. I have a little tear. At work. I take it back though- don't stop it, okay?
from hsing-mom :
a headache. You have a really bad headache. Don't you?
from inkdragon :
12/03/03 What a beautiful letter and story. I'm so pleased for your little girl. The sky's the limit!
from hsing-mom :
I have discovered that when my husband comes to bed poking me, it's far better just to give in. I usually end up enjoying it (I hate it when he's right like that) and even if I don't I get to sleep far sooner than if I protest and he keeps trying to poke me into acquiescing. Quick, burn this note before DH reads it.
from mommylap :
I haven't told you yet today that I love your diary, have I? Oh how I love it. "crooked offering"...bwha haha
from needisaymore :
How you do make me laugh!! Of course, we all know men seldom read the signals right at all! I think the only signal they get loud and clear is if the WIFE climbs into bed naked!!
from nascarwidow :
Another priceless entry! I'll be giggling all day over this one.
from poolagirl :
OMG! Cankles! I had just sat down with a nice hot cup of chai latte when I read your entry! Lady, you SLAY me!
from nascarwidow :
I agree completely that something comes over the guys when they give thanks out loud. My #2 child had us all rolling and crying at the same time. He was thankful we were all at the table together and that the turkey was so beautiful and oh yeah, that there are so many great sales tomorrow for mom to buy me cool gifts! Loved Pete, too.
from hilseymour :
wow. I am moved. That was your most charming entry to date. Good old piss pot pete and his swinging meat.
from betenoire05 :
Jeez, do you need a hug!?! It's probably a good thing that you didn't confront the mother. She might have taken out her anger on the boy later. Of course, in a few years she will be wondering why her "loser" son is in trouble again. Every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, no matter what age.
from betenoire05 :
Jeez, do you need a hug!?! It's probably a good thing that you didn't confront the mother. She might have taken out her anger on the boy later. Of course, in a few years she will be wondering why her "loser" son is in trouble again. Every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, no matter what age.
from poolagirl :
The woman is a psycho. I can only imagine what that little boy has to endure at home. Situations like this are tricky. If you tried to help, you would have most likely jeopardized his safety (and yours). If she was pushing off another adult who was there too, the situation was at critical mass. It's just like the video of the woman beating her kid in the back seat of an SUV last year. You witnessed a serious crime -- and yet there wasn't much you could do about it. Get a license number -- report her. Let the big guys cart her sorry ass to prison. If you work with kids professionally in any capacity (even volunteer), the state/county MUST follow up with any report you make.
from mommylap :
did you get a liscense plate #? It sounds like a case for the lap army. I am sending evil karma on the one hand, and nice comforting thoughts to you and the victim. I know exactly which person in this senario was in fact the "fucking retard" and it sure wasn't you or the kid.
from wyndspirit :
Unbelievable!!! I can see how you would not dare risk your son with somebody with that vile a temper (temperament?) but maybe your horrified reaction will hit home with your own son, especially if you have sat down with him and talked about it. Perhaps someday it will happen to somebody he knows, and he will be able to convince that child to get help. If witnessing this helped another child, I'm sure the boy would feel it was worth it! I know when I wanted to get into social work, my family said, "Oh, you want to be a HOME-WRECKER" (because of our bad experiences with Social Services), but THIS is the reason I wanted to do it. Some kids need to be taken away, need to have SOMEBODY on their side!
from dani-lou :
I'm so annoyed at people that treat their children in such rude, distasteful ways. I can't believe she would do that in public. OMG! It reminds me of the video at some store where they caught the woman beating her child, not sure where though. Regardless, there is no excuse. Don't worry, she'll have her day. Hugs, Dani.
from inkdragon :
If one person reads this, sees themself in your description and changes the way they treat their children, it will be wonderful. I HATE people like that woman. I do my very best to let them know another adult has seen/heard them. I force them to make eye contact with me. There have been times I have made a verbal comment (if I think the child will not be punished worse for my interference). My way of dealing with situations like this stems from no one seeing fit to help me when they saw/heard my father berating or beating me to a pulp, only to come to the 'adult me' and say "I felt so badly for you..." If the child knows at least one person found him worthy it may make a small difference in his life. Thank you for sharing this story.
from hsing-mom :
Oh, man. You did such a wonderful job writing this up, and unfortunately I think we've all been there. I mean, what CAN we do? and yet, doing nothing just feels so wrong. **goes to hug children now**
from poolagirl :
Why, thank you! You are always such a sweetie! Love, Pie. *grin*
from wyndspirit :
Whatever happened with this friendship, it was/is a gift. Now I'm missing my best friend all over again. *sigh* I still have her, but she's so far away and we are in so little contact...
from whereibegin :
I loved your letter to Dar - it crystalizes how I feel about a close friend of mine. It's hard for me when I'm so far away from her, but she will always be one of those people I will connect with regardless of how long we've been apart. I've been meaning to write about her for days... your entry may just be my springboard.
from chicknamedal :
Chick, your friendship with Dar must be like mine with Elaine. Elaine and I met at work in 1984 and just hit it off. We were roommates (along with her now-husband and my other best friend/surrogate husband, Scott). We survived that test and weathered some hard times and cemented our friendship forever. She means more to me than just about anyone else -- obviously, Blue is #1 -- but she's on the same level as Leg (because, yes, I really do love that brainless fool sister of mine). She and Scott are FAMILY and in a much better way than most of my actual family. <grin> It's been 19.5 years so far and we picture ourselves at around age 80, sittin' on the porch in a rocking chair gossiping about everyone around us and cackling at each other's silly comments. 'Course, I will be the Kamikaze Grandma -- still driving and hell on wheels. Watch out, future generations! Elaine is the one person with whom I would give Blue to if something happened to me. And vice versa. A close friend like Dar and Elaine is not easy to get and sometimes not easy to keep but totally worth it. Cherish her.
from wyndspirit :
Yeah, what is it about the mini M&M's? Can you believe, I've never tasted them (and, yes, I love M&M's--they're chocolate, after all!!!)? Mom also swears the mini ones are better. Guess I need to try them... Nope! Got enough chocolate addictions, thank you! But someday... Oh, and none of my critters needs anything shaved (yet) but I have a carpet that desperately needs to be vacuumed if you happen to have a vacuum that can handle long hair! (Four cats, 2 long-haired, 2 short-haired that shed worse than the long-haired ones, and the vacuum only chokes on MY hair.) But good luck dealing with her when you run out of other things to do... (Isn't avoidance a wonderful way to get the house clean, though?) And, yes, you write very well. I'm glad I discovered your diary!
from justmouse :
oh, btw...if you're looking for excuses in not dealing with "that person", my rabbit's ass needs some serious attention!
from justmouse :
thanks for the encouragement on the whole writing thing. i'm really an artist at heart, but not many people know it because i'm afraid to "let myself go" know...just in case i fail. if you don't jump, you can't fall...but then again, you'll never know if you can fly either... ;)
from wyndspirit :
Yow,what a stretch!!! I have a friend who does a LOT of pricey business on eBay... She stopped using PayPal when they refunded somebody's money and took a MONTH to get around to letting her know! Anyway, actually, I was closer to 3 1/2 months--my b-day is the 7th and sis LeAnn's is the 21st. I have read that August is actually the most common month for birthdays. (Count back 9 months and it makes sense!!!)
from poolagirl :
spraying my own urine around my yard while growling at my dog established me as the Numero Uno - Alpha Dog - Supreme Being. He listened to every command like an angel after that. He never went after another dog. I'll write about the time that dog snatched a $100 bill off the table at my friend's birthday party and ATE it - how I got it back - and what they wondered at the bank! YAHOOOO!
from mommylap :
Ooo, I am SO kicking eBay lady's ass in my mind. Here's her-"you made me buy a dress I can't wear!" Here's me-"Maybe you should stop delusionally clinging to measurements you haven't updated in months." If she invested in something and once she got it home it made her feel fat, that's NOT your fault. The fact that she's taking her personal body issues out on you makes me angry. A pox on her.
from chicknamedal :
<People I like: Al Franken. Albert Brooks. Al Gore. Chicknamedal. I like Al's.> Woo hoo! I made it into your list of people you like. What caught my attention at first was Al Franken. I like all of the Als, too, and would add one more: my Dad, Al. Love the words on hate. We don't HATE, either. <giggle>
from poolagirl :
My minister says it so well - "She's on a spiritual off-ramp at the moment." Sounds like your e-Bay numbskull never even got in the damn car!
from hsing-mom :
WHAT WAS BUGS MEANY'S BIG MISTAKE? Skipping her third grade math class too many times, that's what.
from poolagirl :
I'll put a mousetrap in her purse. Loaded. That'll show her!
from chaosdaily :
maybe you should suggest a calculator for her next purchase from ebay....
from hsing-mom :
don't beat yourself up too much. I think we all know a Miss Neurotic Annoyance, and we all love to bitch about her. I have a friend (and she really is a friend, but she makes me feel so guilty about myself that I have to gossip about her or die) who says, when you ask what she does when she's bored, like, say, in a survey, "Oh, I find some cleaning that needs to be done, there's always something. Like dusting windowsills or something." It's tear her to pieces to my other friends or go insane. Easy choice. :)
from poolagirl :
Trading cards! OMG! I should NEVER have hot coffee when I read something from you! Root beer would be worse, of course, but it's too early for root beer. You are SOOOOO funny! Maybe I SHOULD publish trading cards instead of that little chap book I'm working on, huh?
from mommylap :
Every entry endears you to me more! Under the couch? Bond. The sober side of your personality coaxing into a robe and bed while quoting "Where the Wild Things Are"? I am sold. I already was sold, but I'm buying again! You ruuuuuuule.
from sunnflower :
You sofa entry made me an instant fan of your diary!
from poolagirl :
Nice archeological job on that sofa!
from inkdragon :
LOVED "What's under the couch!"
from chaosdaily :
mom, that pic sure looks familiar. are you sure it wasnt from under my couch?
from scifimagpie :
A reading teacher lightening a reading load? I guess when I was in school I was more of a reader than a mathematician; that nonsense doesn't add up to me. It sounds like you took charge of the issue and did the right and clever thing. Way to go, Mom.
from wyndspirit :
Once more as former ISP tech support, I agree... Earthlink would not SUPPORT virus removal, but they would certainly have heard about it and have advice for you on how to go about its removal. I guess I missed that virus... I assumed you were NOT being literal. :) But what I came to say... My sister had had to deal with food pantry, etc., and my best friend when she was a kid. Both had tales of the gross stuff people donated. But even poor people have pets and love them just as much as rich people do. What might not be fit for human consumption might keep a dog from going hungry that day. So don't feel TOO guilty about cleaning out the gross stuff that way. But stuff that's actually edible? Very much appreciated!
from hausfrau :
Speaking of the funny stuff you say, "how yins doin'". Also "do you think this shirt needs ironed?" I went to IUP about 20 years ago. I miss the western PA accent every now and again.
from chicknamedal :
<<a 3 dimensional tongue pops out of the screen and gives me the rudest wettest most unhygenic RASPBERRIES>> Girl, if this is literal, you most likely have a virus. Do you have an antivirus program installed? If not, get one pronto and get a reputable one. It's been several months, but I distinctly remember a sales counselor complaining of a similar picture (how irritating to have your computer stick out it's tongue at you!!!) and it was a virus. I will try to remember to check with my offices' computer techies to get the name of it. Hang in there. If it's a virus, Earthlink can't help you (or won't, perhaps...although any good support person should a) recognize the symptoms, and b) try to assist even though it is technically not their company's problem.
from wyndspirit :
Thanks for reminding me why I would rather be unemployed than doing computer tech support! I could give you 20 things to try, but why not make the folks who are PAID to do that earn their peanuts? Keep calling. If Earthlink is like the ISP I worked for, they document everything. Each tech should be able to see what all the previous techs have had you do. (And therefore should be aware that clearing the cache has fixed NOTHING.) Clearing the cache is a STARTING POINT only, and it doesn't build up in 11 1/2 minutes. (I clear mine, oh, every few months or so. If I remember.) Sounds to me like some techs are being a wee bit lazy. Next time ask them if it could possibly be a Windows issue. If they say no, absolutely not, they're either lying or very poorly trained! They might say it's unlikely, but the point is just to make them start thinking along that line. Then tell them somebody you know who used to do ISP tech support suggested making a new connection and uninstalling and reinstalling the TCP/IP. (You don't need to know what that means. They will know. They SHOULD know!!! And it should be within their support boundaries.)
from officegal :
you have the writing and posting potential of the diaryland goddesses. but please please. your links dont work. and the rings should be on seperate page. you r layout is darling. I approve. !! . so yea. have a lovely day!
from wyndspirit :
What jumps out at me is your saying it's unnatural for a 15-year-old girl to idolize her mother... Yes, it's very RARE (I would not say unnatural, though), but *I* did! :) I didn't stop till I moved back to this area, and now it's mostly a sadness that her life could have been much better if she had dealt with a few things differently, and still could be if old habits weren't so firmly established. It could be because she has told me more now, or because I have become more observant of her unhappiness, doesn't really matter. I still think she's amazing and I will never be half the woman she is, and I respect her right to make the choices she has. And I still think she's the world's best mom. But when I grew up, I did come to form my own opinions and beliefs--I did not continue to take her beliefs as always "right." I would not worry about your daughter. Take it as a tribute that you're doing a great job, and don't worry, when she grows up and starts living a life apart from you, she'll find her own path away from yours.
from poolagirl :
The hamburgesa unveiling is 12:30 here in California - 3:30 Eastern. WHOOOO WHOOOOO
from inkdragon :
I think the second to last paragraph in your "Peanut Shell" entry says it all. That was beautifully written and perfect for the talk between you and your daughter. Faith is a wonderful thing but it cannot be forced upon a person. I'm going back to reread this one. Have a wonderful day, Y.
from poolagirl :
An amazing entry about faith. You always give me food for thought, and today was no exception. I also like your new Santa. When he loaded on my screen the first time, his green mittens looked like huevos...cajones...testiculos. VERY funny!
from chicknamedal :
Re: faith, God, and what tell your daughter. Got some opinions (big surprise, right?) but I'd much rather email them to you. I can be reached at [email protected] if you're interested. Nothing to heavy and absolutely NO proselytizing. (did I spell that right? hmmmm).
from hausfrau :
Freaky. Are you sure that's an EARTHlink connection you've been struggling with these past few weeks? Yours was more thoughtful and well written.
from needisaymore :
Hi, there. . .tried to email you but it returned to me. I have moved my diary and hope you'll keep reading! (From Anita, formerly ineedawife)
from chuffnutt :
That's the closest to 'what a man wants' I've ever read. Reads crystal clear to me.
from thisendup :
well... i now have the answers to questions i didn't know needed asking. now, what to do with all that knowledge?
from hsing-mom :
ack, never mind, I just showed all your notes-readers what an unobservant loser I am. whoops. :)
from hsing-mom :
bee-you-tifull template, dahling! so cute. :) needs a link to your profile and notes, though -- I can just send you the code for your email
from onewetleg :
oh, lordy! your husband ate the playdoh cookie. now that is some funny stuff. love,
from chaosdaily :
earthlink has an online chat if you need help desperately......
from chicknamedal :
You can't go bad being Elaine. My bestest friend ever is named Elaine and she is freaking awesome. I would not survive without Elaine. I love Elaine. I LOVE ELAINE. And I love all of her namesakes, too.
from poolagirl :
ROAR! I feel the same way about AOL most of the time. I am going to refer to your entry every time AOL rips my heart out! I am going to call AOL on the phone and read your entry to them! They ALL deserve to hear this! And....thank you for nice comments about my writing. It really means a LOT to me.
from chaosdaily :
lol good entry. but i have earthlink, and have no trouble with it. i think you do need to call customer service and find out whats wrong!
from poolagirl :
Make me howl! Your hub actually ATE some Play Dough cookies??????? OMG! I need to go pee pee now.
from chaosdaily :
when you find out where to get a clue for your husband, would you let me know??? i know several people lacking any sort of clue......
from chicknamedal :
Tears. I have freakin' TEARS. Thanks for best laugh I have had in days. I just cannot wait to see the lima beans on either side of Meg Ryan's face....
from wyndspirit :
Not caught up on my reads yet, but... Actually? My mom likes my pot pies, I've fed them to her! Seriously, it does cost more to eat good-for-you foods when you don't cook than it does to eat junk. It's sad. I just bought some house-brand mac and cheese 3/$1, that's a couple meals per box. Can't eat much cheaper than that! And, actually, for one person, it hardly pays to buy staples to cook one-serving meals. Horrible, I know! At one point Mom and I discussed her making extra at meals to freeze for me to bring home (I offered to pay, but she wouldn't hear of it), but nothing much ever came of it. She does sometimes, but it's not a regular thing. I suspect I will come back from the farm with a more nutritious meal or two for the following week. :)
from groupie94 :
I have no idea how I came to cross your path, but I am glad I did, The "boy in the house" entry hooked me...
from mommylap :
You built your own PLAYHOUSE?! I am in awe. I am jealous jealous jealous. You have realized all my misbegotten not-so-secret desires of wishing I was Leslie Segretti chick carpenter-seamstress from While You Were Out. You are a real woman. A woman of craft,character, and carpentry! That you build that FOR YOURSELF, BY YOURSELF -is beyond the coolest thing ever. I am grinning from ear to ear. The best thing was, I read all about the awesome girl power, and then I got to scroll down and see the lap army button with its women wrestlers. That's what I'm talking about! Get me to a jigsaw now! (sorry if I got carried away with the exclamation points)
from ineedawife :
You are my hero and my ideal! I think I will print this entry out and keep it around to inspire me to greater things. The shed is beautiful. We should all be so lucky to have a great place to escape to! And to have the history it has makes it even better. I hope you enjoy it for many years to come.
from chaosdaily :
well if you got a pounder bag of m & ms in that little house, you will for sure have guests!!!!
from lookin4liz :
I laughed...I cried...I want a shed of my own!! *grin* It's so very neat, and I think the trumpet vine will look great all wild and crazy. Thanks for sharing! ~lizbeth
from hausfrau :
you rock! And your little house too. Great story.
from inkdragon :
I know, I know! Twisted. Yes, yes, I am!
from dani-lou :
Okay, I completely agree about The Fairly Odd parents. That couldn't be more annoying. However, I'm starting to dislike SpongeBob. It could be that I'm now starting to see re-runs. Hugs, Dani.
from whereibegin :
Oh no - have I become a cable whore? It's a slippery slope - next thing you know, Robert Redford will be offering me a cool million to sleep with him. And then where will I be? FYI... I found your "Boy in the House" entry to be incredibly moving. All children should be as lucky as your son, growing up with so much love.
from the-queen :
When your stats tell you someone has read all your archives, that would be me. I'm not stalking you, I promise. You are just quite funny and very entertaining to read!
from mommylap :
Thanks for joining the lap army! That graphic is from a Love & Rockets comic book called "Whoa Nellie" featuring stories about woman wrestlers, especially tag teams. Los Bros. Hernandez draw great women. Check out more at if you want.
from inkdragon :
You are so lucky to have such a beautiful memory from your childhood. It's terrible this man ruined what could have been as special for your children (and him).
from poolagirl :
An absolutely amazing entry about your special woods that are no longer able to share their mystery. I feel your loss too, because you speak of an eternal, common truth. I grew up next door to someone like your evil neighbor. His behavior really doesn't serve anyone.
from mommylap :
I added you to my faves after reading 1)your notes to chicknamedal, and 2)your diary. I would love to be so egotistical to believe that led millions of other readers to your diary, but I haven't the ego. Anyway- one of the new readers is me, and I don't live down your street.
from mrcleanluver :
I ADORE your diary! I just started reading it yesterday and I'm about halfway through. You rock! :)
from hsing-mom :
*sob* beautiful. ((hugs)). Happy birthday, little guy, and happy birth-day, Mom. I never realized that birthdays were a big deal for the person's mom until I had my own kids.
from inkdragon :
Happy 5th Birthday, Little GQ!
from poolagirl :
Sand fish - baking soda fish! Now this is a LOT funnier than keeping your hands inside your log! You know, they could have said, "Keep your hands off your log." It would have meant the same thing and been even funnier. On a serious note, I hope your friend gets her life back soon. She deserves to be loved and happy.
from poolagirl :
Keep your hands and feet inside your log - exactly! For sure! Truth in every single word. That's why it was so darn funny!
from inkdragon :
Oh, believe me, my man did NOT do that to me. He would no longer be my man, he would be my eunuch!
from chicknamedal :
You're friend could be my sister. Except my sister married the psycho creeptoid. She needs counseling. She won't want to go; he will try to stop her. But she needs it. And she will have to make that decision herself. Leg didn't do anything for herself until the entire family cut her off. Mom and Dad told her do not call them unless she was at the bus station, the police station, or the hospital. I told her do not call me to come get you, to loan you money, to do anything. I moved. I changed my phone number. I didn't give her my new address or phone number. Not too long after we did that, she left. For good. Your friend doesn't deserve this but she doesn't know it and I am sad for her. I hope the idiot rots in jail and that she will see the light while he's there. And I will pray for both of you.
from inkdragon :
I think the prayer for your friend was beautiful.
from whereibegin :
Sorry for getting it stuck in your head - I just couldn't resist passing it along! How's Nanowrimo going? I'm way behind on my word count...
from whereibegin :
If you're a Salt and Pepa fan, you'll probably enjoy this:
from justmouse :
tee hee...i'm a pip! thanks! ;)
from poolagirl :
I think it's time to toss away the other shoe. Marvelous piece you wrote today. Thanks for the internal linkage.
from justmouse :
"cuz he is my best friend George, ayuh, ayuh, and i will love him and hug him and keep him forever, cuz he is my best friend George, ayuh, ayuh!" i so TOTALLY love that reference! i had to change it, though, cuz the kids i hang out with don't get it. what is kinda scary though, is i do an eerily accurate impersonation of Elmira from Tiny Toons, which is the one i do now:"I'll keep him forever'n'ever, cuz he's my cute, fuzzy-wuzzy little bunny head!" LOL! hehehe. thanks for the flashbacks :D
from ineedawife :
You are singing my song! Thanks for your complaints, which we know as wives, aren't meant to be mean. Thanks for griping, for as we know, we all do it. Except that one friend of mine, but she doesn't count. Great entry. And ooooh lala--your man has it going on!! Mmmm Mmmm MMMMMM. (Did I ever thank you for adding me as a favorite? I am quite honored!!)
from whereibegin :
Your "slice-of-life" about your husband describes my situation perfectly. I'm married to an attractive, kind, attentive husband with whom I'm usually so irritated, it's hard to be interested in sex. We've made some progress recently, which is good, but still... I'm a sex camel as well. Thank you for being brave enough to write about it in your diary - it makes me feel a little less crazy.
from inkdragon :
Men. They think romance has to be cards, flowers, expensive food and wine (and too hard to do, so why bother). Hun-hey, just float my boat by taking dirty clothes to the washer in the basement or clean the stairs when you know it causes week-long spasms in my back...that's true romance!
from hsing-mom :
I think today might be my favorite of your posts so far. And I am definitely gonna show it to DH. (but you never did explain the two men bit). Don't you love that kids-climbed-in-our-bed-at-2-am-so-I-had-to-maintain-one-rather-uncomfortable-position-for-four-hours crick in the neck/stiff back combination?
from poolagirl :
You are an exceptional writer. Do you know that? WOW! You just blow me away! And good luck with that absolutely HUNKY spousal unit!
from chaosdaily :
well when you figure out what got into him, let me know!!!!
from chaosdaily :
she does play with her toys. take men for example...... hahahhaha
from poolagirl :
This is another falling into something story - a fountain in Las Vegas - when I had to pee so bad my eyes turned green.
from poolagirl :
I'll write the Falling Into the Pizza Freezer story tomorrow. Actually, I have a PLETHORA of grocery store stories - like the time a detective followed me through the store and made me give him back my can of Veg-All.
from poolagirl :
Okay, dear one. The slipping panties has already been written. Here's the entry code for that:
from chicknamedal :
Just had to let you know that yes, I am inspired. ROFLOL. I have visuals of you chasing your still wiping tears.
from inkdragon :
You crack me right up! Chasing your husband around to get him to squeeze the bags...that detail smacks of truth! You're my kind of girl.
from chaosdaily :
gee and i just read that harrison ford entry.. mel hasnt done much lately, and what i liked most about his movies is where my life was at the time they came out.....
from chaosdaily :
ok, i just read your declaration of independence.. actually, to keep chocolates really safe, one should just eat them......
from hilseymour :
cool. well done. my link doesn't work though. :/
from hilseymour :
How to do a link: n.b. I am using the [ and ] symbols here instead of < and >, just in case it ACTUALLY makes a link, which would be no good! ok. [a href=""]If you put that before some text, like this text, then it will become a link to Diaryland. Then put this...[/a] Simple?
from poolagirl :
Thank you so much! And I know you are not a stalker. Stalkers are never as funny as you.
from poolagirl :
OMG! I just stumbled upon you and made you an instant FAVE! You are amazing! I truly loved the story of the poopy-smelly bath towels in the car!
from banshee-rose :
Great site!
from justmouse :
tee hee, not a stupid question at all. i don't always know how people find my diary, but i have one of those little "GoStats" dealies, where i can check to see how many people have come to visit. sometimes they come in from Google after having searched for something, and then i can see it. usually it just gives an IP address and says they got here from my "buddy list". it doesn't tell me who it is though. i think if you get a gold membership, or maybe a super-duper gold supreme memberships, it will tell you in your stats. i don't know. i have the economy class membership.
from chicknamedal :
Ha ha -- maybe we are doppelgangers from parallel dimension. Sadly, no, I promise I didn't steal from you. This is all way too real. And I'm glad you got the name. I've gone by Al most of my life; although people who know me really well refuse to use anything but my full name (which is not a common name) because they say it fits me so well. Oh, and feel free to stalk me all you want -- I need the attention, dammit! <big grin and wink> I'm enjoying your diary, too.
from inkdragon :
Just thought I'd drop a note to let you know I am enjoying your every word! You are a scream.
from hilseymour :
so the dog is scared stiff of the kitten, and the kitten gets called Chicken? Interesting! Thanks for your nice words about my nanowrimo. I wasn't sure if anyone was even reading it. Watch out though, it's about to get shit - Ive no idea what to write next!
from so-charming :
You are a funny, funny woman. Love what I've read so far. :)
from wyndspirit :
100 Grand bars... New bag in fridge... Think of the poor little trick-or-treaters, all hopeful-eyed. Beggars! Like any of them bothers with MY house anyway! They think I'm a crabby old lady who doesn't like kids. Hmph. And I'm not even going to be HOME till after their bedtime! Hmmm... Just to get a Diet Dr. Pepper. Yeah, sure. That'll do! Seriously, I had no clue so many of my "buddies" were into NaNoWriMo. Awesome! As for worming cats... I know... Actually, my folks did what they could afford with the farm cats. Just wish Dad would comprehend that the big $$$ to spay a few females would save MUCH bigger $$$ in the long run! But *sigh* he absolutely cannot comprehend that. My sweet little Silver is doomed to be yet another skinny mama cat popping out kittens that may or may not survive to adulthood to produce MORE kittens. If I had a decent income, the FIRST thing I would do is spay the farm cats, whether he objected or not!
from hsing-mom :
are you kidding? For a mere $45 you would get rid of something that nods approval to every one of your whims? validates your decisions, no matter how in-valid? (I always want to hyphenate that word to separate it from invalid. I know it's not correct. oh well.) That's gotta be worth way more than $45. Although you're right, it is kind of demonic-looking. hmm. Maybe sell it and get a nodding baseball player instead. Or something.
from wyndspirit :
Sheesh! Whatever happened to picking up pumpkins at the local farmer's market and carving with a paring knife? Or don't OTHER people use paring knives anymore, I mean real ones, not those flimsy-bladed plastic handled things? Sounds like a great time! (And, pumpkin seeds are VERY addictive--and I've never tasted the M.S. variety!)
from wyndspirit :
Wow... Thanks for the nice comment! Quirky? Oh yeah! I do believe you actually "get it." Most people just think I'm weird! :)
from wyndspirit :
Hmph. I got beat out for the only promotion I almost got at this place by a blind guy. I STILL maintain that he got the job ONLY because he was blind and it made the company look good! (We all wanted to vote his dog employee of the month, though!) DISCLAIMER: This is a rant against my company and reverse discrimination and is IN NO WAY a reflection of my personal feelings about blind people! (Just felt the need to say that, with all the hate going aroun D-land these days!) Love your take on life! (And I don't "get" how a blind vet could do his job, either. You think I'd let a blind DOCTOR near ME???)
from betenoire05 :
A knot? A KNOT?!? I am amazed. Where do I send my nickel? LOL.
from mom-on-roof :
good question!
from hausfrau :
How did he discover this special talent of his? That's what I want to know.
from dishdeter :
LMAO! TIE IT IN A KNOT? That's worth paying more than a nickel for. Send me your PO, I'll send the money. That's worth paying for. Maybe he should join the circus with that.
from trapidi :
sick banner dude!
from dishdeter :
Who in the world can hate you for being supportive? Hey, I need all the help I can get. Thanks for reading, and I'll be stalking / reading you too. :)
from hsing-mom :
Preach it, sista! ;-) I'll bet my Mt. Moldylaundry is at least as high as yours.
from wyndspirit :
Pork sausage, the stuff ground up that looks like hamburger. Wasn't overly crazy over it growing up (greasy) but liked it OK. Then ONE TIME Mom made cornbread and put this stuff on the bottom instead of the hamburger she would sometimes put. And didn't tell me. I took ONE BITE... I haven't eaten that stuff since! I am willing to try new things, but if it looks like something else, you had better TELL ME!!!
from betenoire05 :
My mother is a proponent of mystery meat. Bhe once served my grandmother's garden club cronies barb-b-que made with deer meat. My mother thought it was a "laugh riot." Ugh!
from justmouse :
we sorta have a philosophy in our house about mystery foods..."if it tastes good - don't ask!" i have no desire to kill one of my guinea pigs and roast it up just to see how it tastes, but if i'm out for dinner, and the meat looks questionable, but tastes devine, i ain't gonna ask, just in case it used to be a relative of one of my furry critters! but greazy, stringy bird for thanksgiving? bleh!
from hausfrau :
I think the caramel apples look perfect. I could choose caramel OR apple, and no guilt when I throw the apple away.
from idiot-milk :
I really can't think of a better way to start the day than with the Hairy Ass Man. I really can't.
from wyndspirit :
I think I'm glad I'm not the hubby... As for cats and mice *sigh* I've had too many mice/hamsters as pets. My cats are so well trained when I got a mouse infestation in my trailer they would stop and look guilty if they started to chase one. Yep. THREE (at the time) cats and a MOUSE infestation!!!
from janysdrkpoet :
Aww!! Thank you so much for adding me as a favorite! That was very nice of you :) And God help your hubby--obviously he has some major sucking-up-to-you in store, eh?
from janysdrkpoet :
Hi! I found you through clicking on your Callista/Harrison banner and I am sooo glad that I did. I really enjoy reading you! You're a great writer:)
from wyndspirit :
Thank you, I needed that!!! (Just wish I dared tell my coworkers what I'm snickering over!)
from inkdragon :
I have to add you to my favorite are a riot! Thanks.
from betenoire05 :
Woman, you are too funny! I needed a good laugh today and you delivered! Are you psychic?
from betenoire05 :
Woman, you are too funny! I needed a good laugh today and you delivered! Are you psychic?
from inkdragon :
I'm so glad I clicked your Callista/Harrison banner. You are absolutely a scream (at least, you were during your two most recent entries). I'll be back to read more when I don't have a teenager breathing over my shoulder waiting for this computer.
from hsing-mom :
I think it's not so much you being *visible* that makes them harangue you, as it is you being on the computer. At least that's how it is in our house. If I am, say, folding laundry, or emptying the dishwasher, or even reading a book, the kids will be happily playing with Legos or dollhouses or watching a video or doing their schoolwork or whatever. Just let me sit down here, though, and it starts up. "Mommy, this problem is TOO HARD!" "Can I type FOX on the computer? huh, mommy, huh? can I type FOX?" "I'm THIRSTY, I wanna drink of WATER." "Hey, Mommy, look at this!!" It's an interesting phenomenon. I think they see it as a third sibling, or something, and their instinctive rivalry flares up whenever I pay attention to it.
from betenoire05 :
" Plastic or Paper, When grocery baggers go bad!" I think this may be a nation-wide problem. I usually take my buggy out myself so that I can re-bag my groceries as I put them in the mom-van.
from betenoire05 :
" Plastic or Paper, When grocery baggers go bad!" I think this may be a nation-wide problem. I usually take my buggy out myself so that I can re-bag my groceries as I put them in the mom-van.
from wyndspirit :
Clicked your banner because of your name--who could resist? Not that I've been there... Love your diary already and adding it to my faves. Be back later to read your archive!
from hsing-mom :
wow, you have arrived, I saw your ad! I thought, wait a minute, that's MOM ON ROOF! I actually KNOW that person! ;-)
from betenoire05 :
Yuch! I think I would join Marilyn Manson in the closet to avoid animal entrails. Um..on second thought, maybe not.
from hsing-mom :
ohmygoodness. What WAS it with yesterday?? The contrast between your peaceful moment and all hell breaking loose in your "communal living space" was just too much. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. :)
from rosyg :
You need to add "write a novel" to your to do list. Rilly.
from betenoire05 :
OMG! I fear that this experience is right around the corner for me. My 9th grade daughter keeps dropping "hints" about boys. Yikes, but this terrifies me.
from hsing-mom :
oh, I am so envious. I am going to go reread your bath entry again and live vicariously through you, if that's OK. Oh, and I love algebra too. Logical and clean and pure and beautiful, no nonsense, all neatly tied up in a tidy little bundle when you're done. Not much in life is like that.
from betenoire05 :
Great diary! As a mom of 5, I can't even imagine trying to get down to my pre-offspring weight. I know I could never give up cheese. I'm just too weak. You go girl!
from hsing-mom :
Go you! Your "in which the family is golden" had me laughing out loud. I wish I had that kind of luck. ;-)
from hsing-mom :
me again. I just want to assure you that I can handle your vents. ;-). And I must know, is Mishy real? (I now have an active email link from my page so you can use that if you'd rather do that than leaving notes).
from hsing-mom :
you are totally hilarious!! And it's refreshing to find another grownup on this site -- one can only take so much teen angst :)

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