messages to chailife:
(click here to add new message):

from chailife :
What used to be Camp Kilmer is now part of Rutgers University, but it is not in New Brunswick. The "Kilmer Campus", which is now known as Livingston College, is in Piscataway, N.J. Have you tried asking the Army? Try calling any Army Hospital and see if they can tell you how to get a birth certificate for someone born in an Army hospital.
from boxx9000 :
My husband was born at Camp Kilmer Army hospital and it is NOT listed on the New Brunswick list of hospitals. I'm pretty sure that is the correct county, but since it was a military hospital it might be requested another way? The dpt of health will not answer their phones OR return my call.
from boxx9000 :
from xontopright :
um, i have to go soon but i saw ur diary and i was like damn maybe i should get into this and read it more... what is a haloscan? like i said, im in a hurry so i was wondering if you can check out my diaryland and contact me on there and let me know how i can add u.... ? =brian
from catsoul :
Hi there, just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading what you write. At one time in my life I used to feel the same way about talking about my work. I was a high school special education teacher for 16 years. Then over the course of one year I decided that I just couldn't do that anymore, I just couldn't "walk through those doors again." You only have a few more months left to retirement. You can do it! All your crockpot recipes make me almost want to find my crockpot. I can only allow your rule, of looking for 15 minutes, then out for some retail fun!! Anyhoo, take care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Hi there, just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading what you write. At one time in my life I used to feel the same way about talking about my work. I was a high school special education teacher for 16 years. Then over the course of one year I decided that I just couldn't do that anymore, I just couldn't "walk through those doors again." You only have a few more months left to retirement. You can do it! All your crockpot recipes make me almost want to find my crockpot. I can only allow your rule, of looking for 15 minutes, then out for some retail fun!! Anyhoo, take care. =^..^=
from chaosdaily :
since i moved out at 17, my parents didnt know half of the stuff i did. that was probably a good thing!
from chicknamedal :
I love ANYTHING with sweet potatoes. And how could it be wrong with split peas? I would very, very much love to have this recipe. Would you be so kind as to post it? Or email it to me at [email protected] if you'd rather. I really want sounds yummylicious!
from boxx9000 :
from mahvalicious :
I would be suspicious of feline hepatitis. I had a kitty that had that a number of years ago and your kitty's symptoms sound quite similar. I wish you and kitty luck.
from alwaysange :
Just dropped by after seeing your link on a mutual friend's d'land. I much enjoyed the read, so I'm adding you. Thanks.
from forty-plus :
Happy New Year!
from boxx9000 :
To Chai: DONE. My diary is locked so only a small handful of people have access and I think you know most of them. I understand, tho. I'd HATE for anyone to read my diary that I didn't WANT reading my diary.
from melwadel :
And I learned the GW Bridge song from a transplanted Southerner whose mom used to sing it to her. Go know!
from forty-plus :
I tried to leave this in comments but I was identified as a spammer. I'm so insulted! No matter - Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
from boxx9000 :
I got a post card. WheEeeeEEEEeE! THANKS!
from chaosdaily :
thanks for your comment. the teacher doesnt expect him to be able to do everything, he just wants dude to try to contribute as much as he can. i think dude had more hurt feelings than anything, because these are his FRIENDS who were kicking him when he was down.
from misspinkkate :
Hmm, my audition time was 6:30, too- I was sitting next to a young woman who I thought might be your daughter, but guess not. Oh well! Hope one of us makes the big bucks!
from misspinkkate :
Really? What does she look like? What time was she there? Does she remember her number?
from hip2bme :
I hope you feel better and are able to get some sleep. I don't know why, but eating makes me sleepy (ok, I'm strange). Stay well. Kudos!
from voodoochick :
I don't know what to say... :-(
from voodoochick :
Smokers have coo...!!! Just joking and what are cooties? Do you mean nits/headlice?
from voodoochick :
Ahh thank you for explaining that to me. It sounds both boring and pointless! Oh and whoever it was that wrote you sound really American is right but then again I don't know what I expected your accent to sound like!
from misspinkkate :
For reals- straight men are booby crazy. It's a nice change from dating gay men who are teeeeeeerrrrified of the booby!
from boxx9000 :
from misspinkkate :
Thanks- glad you like it! And I don't have to remember to wear a hat- everytime I go outside, my cold head reminds me!
from augustdreams :
I really enjoy your writing. You've got a great style, and I love your love of books and the written word. Ahhh, books. They're such treasures. I'm adding you as a favorite and I'll be back for more. (Found you through your banner, btw.)
from chaosdaily :
but i was happy when she went to kindergarten, and not sad at all. she still lived at home with me...
from voodoochick :
Copied them down now, thank you!
from melwadel :
I followed someone whose "Boss is a Jewish Carpenter" on the way to work today! Had to follow them entirely too closely to read the bumper sticker, too, due to the wonky font.
from caffeinegeek :
Nice pictures. I'm amazed that you were allowed to take them. I've been stopped from taking pictures on the Metro North train several times, even at my local station. You can't take them on the subways anymore either.
from theautoclave :
JOIN THE AUTOCLAVE! A kick-ass new body art database created for diaryland members! Share images, suggestions, ideas, and your knowledge of piercings, tattoo, and other forms of body modifications. Prove your passion and join today!
from caffeinegeek :
Couldn't agree more with you about Gay Marriage.
from thespark :
Hey, come join us!
from forty-plus :
Thank you.
from chaosbean :
I didn't mean to confuse you, I could have been polite and said who I was, but I'm not polite. :-) Hope your trip home was pleastantly eventful.
from spritopias :
I meant to leave that note, sorry. And now, after all this, I've forgotten what I wanted to say.
from chaosbean :
I came to leave you a note and saw Summer Gale's banner. How funny!
from sunnflower :
Happy Mother's Day!!!
from boxx9000 :
Happy Happy Mom's Day
from forty-plus :
Happy Mother's Day!
from better-days :
the moody blues are the shit. :) and so is your banner
from ceildah :
hello! sadly, im a zero point guru, pleased to meet you. salsa with carrot and celery sticks are good. Also bits of cauliflower. Those japanese rice crackers are a good substitute for crackers/chips. sigh! ceildah
from thelatteboy :
Your "Worst banner maker" banner is simply golden.
from frieza-wife :
hey! Just wanted 2 let u know I'll add you my favorites, and i saw your advertisement!!!
from denver-sky :
"the Chum says that the Psycho makes Bill Clinton look like he's made out of sandpaper" fricken brilliant! I love that you call her the Psycho!
from thatgrrrl :
Loved the "worst banner maker in Diarylant" banner. Made me laugh out loud, and click it!
from red-savannah :
Hi Chai! Just wanted to let you know you're my newest favorite :-)
from darkbeans :
i completely get what you mean by the blank a teacher i can say it a thousand times and have a dozen signs and a handout we just went over...and a minute will happen... they simply do not listen. sometimes never.
from hissandtell :
Hi - I clicked on your "worst" banner - twice! - and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your diary; I'll come back for more. Love, R xxx
from life-my-way :
Do you have a reading list for the ya set, summer or otherwise. Our school is still an infant [middle and high school division, especially] and we have nuthin. We want a list, but I believe I over-think these things and so we got squat. If you've a list I'd love to see it. Otherwise, happy reading.
from allegedwife :
go right ahead....we may as well get the most giggles we can out of life :)
from boxx9000 :
Here in California (due to all the budget cuts) we don't even HAVE a librarian. The entire job is run by parent volunteers. The state plans to make even MORE cuts. What's next the custodians? I'll be emptying my own trash cans and vacuuming my own rug. There is a skeleton support staff as it is. I just got home from school. It is 7p.m.
from gem-chan :
I'm not actually so far removed from childhood, but still...I have kept everything I could because nostalgia, not Martha is my actual middle name.
from cosmicrayola : There's one for you.
from boxx9000 :
Thanks for the explanation. I knew you had had the brain tumor, but I did NOT know that was how you lost your hearing. Is everythink Ok with your health now?
from boxx9000 :
I work at a public school attached to a deaf and hard of hearing school. I thought there were hearing aids that fit completely withing the ear without anything on the outsde? My Dad had the kind that fit entirely inside his ears. Is there a choice? Or only for some types of corrections?
from boxx9000 :
I'll take a need to tell me later....I'll never know.
from boxx9000 :
What triggers a diverticulitis attack? My mother-in-law had that and she could never eat nuts or seeds or lettuce? My doctor recommended that I get *scoped* this year. I said, "no thanks".
from life-my-way :
Happy Birthday to you!!! January 12, 1952 and another librarian is born. I hope you enjoy your day as much as I enjoyed your story. Best, Katherine
from wifemotherme :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! May you have a year blessed beyond messure!!! ((((**HUGS***)))
from boxx9000 :
My father-in-law had shingles after heart surgery. Doesn't it have something to do with the chicken pox and cold sore virus? He said it was super painful.
from boxx9000 :
OK, I took the quiz.
from boxx9000 :
You're RIGHT!!! I forgot to think of the kids as *OURS* (rather than just mine) i DID get the BEST. Woot! Woot! (football end zone victory dance) I needed to hear those words today. repeat, repeat, repeat.
from forty-plus :
It is such a pleasant surprise when they do! :)
from sunnflower :
I make my latkes from a mix too. I also like the sweet potato pancakes. My family requires them both! I also make the homemade potato pancakes - grated by hand. Their fabulous too. Thanks for your kind note about my mom. We are hoping she makes a full recovery after her stroke.
from theatrical :
I found your journal today, and I'm really enjoying reading it. I shall be back, that's for sure. What is a latke? It sounds like a Jewish pastry or something. You know, I could just look it up in the dictionary, but that wouldn't be quite as fun :)
from forty-plus :
I love the idea of the pink bracelets being part of the shower favors! Creative and compassionate, great combination.
from sunnflower :
Thanks for the note about your Suburban Island Friday Find. How funny!
from forty-plus :
A happy Thanksgiving {Hug} to you! You have really gotten me into the baking spirit. I made Macaroons last night. They're so good, I'm not sure I'll be bringing them to the In-Laws today! Just kidding. I hope you and your family have a wonderful day!
from ilmomof3 :
Can you come bake at my house too? :-)
from sunnflower :
I love your gallery of hats entry.
from ilmomof3 :
I love that quote -- it's one of my favorites. I almost put it under my Scream picture on Nov. 2.
from ilmomof3 :
"Another" tattoo? Can I be like you when I grow up? ;-)
from melwadel :
Okay, but if I come back with hantavirus, I'M BLAMING YOU!!! :-D
from tou-mou :
you know, i've always had a good experience using McAfee's anti-virus softwear. maybe it's something to look into the next time around?
from forty-plus :
When you transferred your gold camera membership from one account at Fotolog to another, how long did it take them to process it? Thanks, Yvonne
from milkmaid :
Re: The Draft... From your mouth to God's ears. I had a really hard time sleeping last night after re-watching Farenheit 9/11 AND reading about those secret draft memos they found through the Freedom of Information Act. I've been watching the news, but of course - not a peep. Anyway, I hope you're right.
from inkdragon :
I'm so happy you are clear, but they had no right skipping the sensitivity. You deserved comfort, it wouldn't have cost them anything but a moment of their time. The good news is you don't have to darken their doorway for another year.
from trinity63 :
I like it, do you like it?
from chaosdaily :
nice template!!
from milkmaid :
Wow! I love the new template! Very nice colors - subtle and easy on the eyes... You have to fix your "comments" button though. It doesn't work yet.
from gem-chan :
The list of words was from the computer admin who helped set up the blocker, apparently when they were testing the software they wanted to see how well it worked so they came up with a long list of words and terms and plugged them in to see what would happen. It's a great list, so much fun to read.
from life-my-way :
"The windows are either broken (and won't open, not cracked), or inaccessible because of all those damn books." I laughed when I saw that--I cannot tell you how many time I've had thoughts that included "those damn books" since school started. My library professors would be mortified, but most of my professional problems would be over if "those damn books" would just take a powder. Ironic.
from life-my-way :
Thanks for looking at the photo's--and I enjoyed yours too. Your school looks like the gulag where I went to high school. Enjoy your weekend!
from catinasnit :
I just love KOHL's. Wish we had one nearby. You said you went to Kohl's to get a bra then you also said you were looking for a new gadget. My mind was still on the bra when you said "I just needed a little one." I started laughing when I realized you were talking about the gadget thing-y.
from life-my-way :
"Why do people think that as long as he's not literally, sexually, screwing someone, then he's the moral standard of the universe?" Sing it, Sistah!!! We school librarians, we're terribly clever!
from pink-enigma :
Hey, one of my friends sent me this link and I thought you might want to hear about it because of your connection with the GSA - - spread the word :)
from sasori-gal :
Thanks for your message. It's nice to be back and get my daily dose of chailife again! You certainly have been busy! Your energy is an inspiration to me. By the way, I enjoyed the convention as well which we watched a lot during our vacation. :)
from misspinkkate :
Thanks for the encouragement!
from tariqa :
LOL. I live 16 miles from Sacramento in the safest little town. Guess where my youngest daughter went as soon as she graduated from UCLA...New York. Lived in Little Italy, waitressed a few times a week to pay for dancing classes, and modeled for Cappezio to keep body and soul together. Tips were so good she was able to take a cab home after work (to keep mother happy.) This was in the late 70's...perhaps things were different. Worry is such a waste of energy, don't you think?
from chaosdaily :
you are welcome re: the quizzes, but i get them all from boxx9000!
from inkdragon :
Thank you for the everything wishes!
from starlight42 :
I loved your missing socks entry. Very creative.
from haus-frau :
I like that - "under-tall". Hey, the tree poision really gets me every year too. Darn trees and their a-sexual reproduction! Hope you feel better soon!
from melwadel :
Of course, that should read *two* sudafed. I blame the drugs.
from melwadel :
Believe me, I only do sudafed if I have the day ahead of me - one's my normal dose. Afrin as in *not* the otc spray? And knowing someone else lived thru it makes me more up for the "sinus-cam." But only if I can get a video & add roller coaster sound effects!
from chaosdaily :
how fun. i used to babysit for the kids who grew up in my house. their parents bought it when they got married, and i got to visit my house often!!!
from misspinkkate :
Thanks so much for adding me to your list of favorites!
from lostinmylove :
I just wanted to say I like your diary. It got my attention because I absoloutley LOVE to drink Chai.
from misspinkkate :
Well thank you so much for saying so :-D
from chaosdaily :
ok, it took me 2 days to figure out your note, but dang, you are right. and i used that last night during the family meeting when we talked about rules. he was talking about what he would do if we enforced the consequences, and i said... but that would make me very unhappy. and since you dont want me to be unhappy, you sure wouldnt do it, would you? hmmm he didnt know what to say, but i could tell he wasnt happy that i was using that against him. thanks!!!
from ktdream :
Just wanted to say I like the photo on your layout and what you've written. Happy birthday too!
from chaosdaily :
ty for the note, i believe my son knows what hes doing. hes very smart, and always can find a way to manipulate his friends. i just never thought he would do it to me. the manipulate-ee is always the last to know.
from dombilly :
happy bday!
from skaistarr :
heppy birthday! have an awesome day and many more!
from toxicdesire :
Happy birthday!
from kathiec :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a great day... heck, have a great year! Love and birthday hugs, Kathie
from autumn-kitty :
Happy Birthday, Sweet Cheeks! It's fate that I'm reading your diary while sipping my chai tea, so you must listen to my advice: EVERYONE needs therapy. Seriously. Have a good one, or rather fifty-one!
from preciousgift :
Happy Birthday =) {{HUGS}}
from peytonsplace :
Hope you have a Happy Birthday!
from macfarlane :
Happy Birthday *hugs*
from bluecharis :
Happy Birthday to you! All the best to you on your special day. I hope, that many good wishes as well as heaps of gifts are on their way to you! Greetings from Germany, love, Charis :-)) PS: Who knows, maybe 51 will be your lucky number? ;-)
from pastagirl :
Happy Birthday!! Have a great day!
from thecrankyone :
Happy Birthday!! I lost my dad to a heart attack 7 years ago and it is still hard sometimes. Hope you have a good birthday!! (((hugs))) PS your G*book kept telling me I didn't fill out all the required fields when everything was filled out. Go figure??
from mkboog :
Happy Birthday!
from mickey225 :
Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a great day! �o�
from elliorange :
♥ Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your special day!
from sketchedpony :
I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday.
from treewillow :
Happy Birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day. And I am sorry it's your first birthday without your parents.
from sasori-gal :
Have a wonderful birthday! It's not so fun to be in both physical and emotional discomfort, but pamper yourself and we'll all be celebrating here with you! Cheers and happy birthday!
from misspinkkate :
Let me be the first to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
from chaosdaily :
i make a lot of turkey breasts at work, and thats how i do them, in water, with foil over them. they cook in about 2 1/2 hours, and are tender and juicy. then i can use the water/juices for gravy......... only difference is, i put them in a deep roasting pan, so the stuff doesnt slop all over me when i take it out.
from chaosdaily :
chai, you should live in wisconsin, land of cheese..... and the best string cheese ive ever had is made in a cheese factory about 3 miles from me......
from chaosdaily :
oh i cant wait until my kids are coming home to visit hahah
from auntie-mari :
I always like to come here, you never fail to amuse me, so I enjoy it immensely. Sometimes I wonder about who my kids think they are. Im glad yours know who they are. I would think that if one knew who they were it would be easier to get where they want to go. Take care and have a good day tomorrow.
from chaosdaily :
we havent had any snow yet waaaaaaaaaa
from sunnflower :
Glad you like my banner. You can never have too many banners as far as I am concerned. Banners are fun!
from chaosdaily :
oooo you know a chocolate malt might make you feel even better
from l-empress :
Ah, I see. My friend Gloria says, "don't give me a canary."
from golfwidow :
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! (Try to get my mom to tell the "Doggie bad!" Thanksgiving story; it's too funny.)
from sbspsd :
Hi there. This is Sepia Reviews. We're currently looking for reviewers so could you help us out by reviewing for us? It's a diary a week or so - nothing heavy (more if you can!). Let us know. Thank you!
from l-empress :
Ever seen a comic strip called "Mallard Fillmore." I won't say it's conservative or reactionary; but I will say that it's anti-liberal. Though I lean toward liberal, I often find it amusing and thought-provoking. Today: "I'm a great teacher, but the union won't let me be paid more than a mediocre teacher. The union collects dues from me and makes contributions to causes I don't like. The union doesn't let me complain. I guess NEA stands for No Excellence Allowed."
from kitchenlogic :
After reading your comment to me just now, I added this comment behind it, but really wanted you to see it: "I missed the part where I said I thought teachers should be better than other people. Where is that part? I hate it when people think I'm stupider than I know I already am. I really just wanted her know that her tool for communication wasn't working. Man, Purple, where in the hell did I say that? As you can see, I'm a bit touchy about this as Thing 2's lack of motivation matched with the Teacher's lack of motivation has made our home a very unhappy place to be right now. Thanks alot for adding to the fun here by making up stuff that I didn't say!"
from l-empress :
Which Star Trek? (I go back to the Original Series -- the first time it aired.) I liked Enterprise -- until this year. Now I can't follow it. (I tried to put this into your guestbook, just to try it. It didn't like me.)
from l-empress :
Even better than "my mother made it" is, "I made it," especially if you can say, "oh, I did this while I was pregnant" or something equally in the distant past. 8-)
from l-empress :
loved reading about Grandpa Sam. I didn't know mine as well, but there's something percolating here...
from inkdragon :
I enjoyed the story of your Aunt Rose and the photos were precious. Thank you.
from cosmicrayola :
Haha! I got 33.5 on that quiz and got a blue sneaker too!
from trinity63 :
I am just catching up on diary reading, and you wanted to know what Dsurvivor was. Well have you ever watched the reality t.v. series Survivor? It's diaryland's take off on the reality TV show. Where diarylanders who are chosed as contestants participate in creative writing assignments, and the judges (past dland survivor contestants) judge those writing assignments which are called Immunity Challenges. Whoever wins Immunity for that week, can't be voted off. There are 13 or 14 people, and two tribes. This years theme is an Island theme, to the contestants are cast aways. At Tribal Council each week, someone is voted off the island, and out of the competition. So the last person standing is the sole survivor. Does that help explain what it's all about?
from trinity63 :
In Italy and the rest of Europe they've been using bidets for years, which is the concept of the Washlet. I love it. I am going to look into getting one. Nothing's better than having nice clean privates.
from cosmicrayola :
Awww, you are too sweet! Thank you. And yes, there is some stiff competition there. I just want to have fun. If I get bounced the first week, I will live through it. I am a fierce competitor, but a graceful loser. No Problem.
from l-empress :
Darned guestbook! I have not been back to my high school in about forty years, but it's still there. It was not built during WWII. Judging from the murals in the auditorium, it was a WPA project.
from trinity63 :
hugs hugs hugs -- place a sign on the door that says, "Perfume makes me ill please don't wear it" would that fly?
from trinity63 :
rotflmao!!!!! Your call was so much better and so much more direct:) hahahahahahaha
from chaosdaily :
absorbent and yellow and porous is he..... lol
from sunnflower :
Brain clouds - that's an excellent description of that foggy brain feeling.
from chaosdaily :
lol i know just how you feel. and how you look, i have the same build. and ya gotta love those extra little treats. i suppose i might have waited till it thawed.......
from chaosdaily :
lol i know just how you feel. and how you look, i have the same build. and ya gotta love those extra little treats. i suppose i might have waited till it thawed.......
from hausfrau :
You said a mouthful. (I'm almost ashamed I said that) Butter Cake! My mom must have the stuff whenever she goes down the shore. She usually brings one home for her brother and sisters, who act as though she has brought ambrosia.
from sunnflower :
They are fabulous little pieces.
from sunnflower :
My mom had a little elf dish like this. I loved it but I have no idea where it went. Where did you come upon these?
from supergeeky :
I hope you don't mind me adding you on my profile list, your diary is a real quite interesting! wow. :)
from candora :
interesting real life reading, pretty layout (and picture :)
from wvbeetlebug :
I just wanted to say I like the new look of your diary. Ciao!
from sunnflower :
Love your new template and your ever so cute little second grade pic! Cograts on your 1 year anniversary - I think mine is coming up in November.
from wyndspirit :
Guestbook not cooperating... Catching up on the other teacher POY essays... I think we need more teachers like Mary. The "good" students seem to be able to muddle through the worst teachers and sometimes even benefit from them (as in MY essay on this topic) while the students that really need the help (maybe not special classes, but just some attention and support) fall through the cracks. But perhaps I have no clue what I'm talking about. There were 32 students in my graduating class, and I went to kindergarten with some of them. We had no honors classes, only special ed, and not even a guidance counselor. Anyway, despite being an IT person, I believe firmly that technology is NOT for everyone, and people should not be forced into it. So many people think just because it's technology it's SO much better. Trust me, it's NOT always better! Interesting essay!
from sasori-gal :
Congratulations on the 1 year mark!! I love the new template with your adorable picture! Thanks for making me one of the "cool kids." Is it a prerequisite to have crooked bangs because yup...I had 'em too!? Here's to a great first year in Diaryland~ you've brought much joy and inspiration and many, many smiles into my life and the lives of others! Cheers!
from strangerlucy :
yes, guestbook is a creep- again- today! NIce new look to the diary- and I love your second grade pic- looks like your mom cut your bangs with the same pair of crooked scissors my mom had, lol; so cute. Happy journalversary to you.
from inkdragon :
10/17/03 Guestbook is being a stinker! I like this template very much. It's fresh and fun with clever link titles. I adore the portrait idea. I may "share" this idea with you, if you do not mind. Happy First Anniversary! I am so glad you came to play.
from strangerlucy :
grrr at guestbook errors! It may have eaten the post in which I tell you how highly I thought of you Something About Mary essay, and what a cool person you both are.

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