messages to gallinula:
(click here to add new message):

from lostasyou :
Haha, lies! But thanks. I don't see it that way at the moment though.
from lostasyou :
Haha, lies! But thanks. I don't see it that way at the moment though.
from hlao-roo :
Somehow I never got a notification when you left me a note, which made it a pleasant surprise to stumble on just now but I have no clue how long it's gone unanswered. If you're ever in the mood to catch up a bit drop me a line at [email protected], I would love to talk again.
from thatdamnbird :
thanks again for the well-wishes while i weave between my assortment of realities and the outlets through which they reflect. Lately, Thompson has been the bad influence summoning me to misbehavior from the depths of the bookcase. And you, dear friend? what turns and detours have visited your road of late? in the meantime, be well
from hlao-roo :
I sometimes wonder how you are, and where you are. I don't know if you'll ever see this, but if you do, know that someone thinks of you on occasion and hopes that life is treating you the way it should be.
from thatdamnbird :
happy new year, friend. from the place where the sun is a promise and later a threat and winter (such as it is) paints the occasional cloud like a drunken impressionist.
from hlao-roo :
You know what? I've got a collection of books like you wouldn't believe, and it's ever growing... but if someone asked me to list my favorite writers you'd be right there with the best of them; with that handful of books that I keep next to my bed rather than on the shelves in my living room cause their words mean enough to me that I can't sleep right without them near me (I actually do have several of your best entries that I printed years ago and kept in a book just in case you ever disappear from the interweb and i never get to read them here again). My point being, dont ever stop making words turn into beautful (even if sometimes incoherent) sentences. And don't ever think that you're wasting your time doing it.
from hlao-roo :
from thatdamnbird :
funny part is that unlike before, that last time i was sick... back then i could feel the old reaper's hand on my shoulder... I am more confident (perhaps foolishly so) in my ability to have a controlled descent and pull back to safety before i paint myself too deeply into the corner
from sleepystorm :
i cant believe i just asked that. i think i'm really 13.
from sleepystorm :
are you on myspace?
from thatdamnbird :
greetings. it's good to see your words haunting these shores again. damned good indeed.
from thatdamnbird :
happy holidays from the land of the perpetual near-miss. It's all Nick Cave records and cheap champagne down here right now but that's not necessarily a bad thing. a deeper understanding of Henry Miller and Hunter Thompson is underway, Burroughs can rest a while.
from hlao-roo :
well, as long as i'm filling up your page with crap i thought i'd point you to some stuff i've discovered recently that you may appreciate. 1- 2- 3-
from hlao-roo :
ha ha ... i didn't realize how much i'd typed into that little box. sorry for leaving you an incoherent essay. -ursula
from hlao-roo :
wow, that's a pretty weird coincidence about the name. shepard fairey is pretty cool. growing up in new york i remember when the "andre the giant has a posse" stickers first started popping up all over the place. I was a fan of the "hug bombs drop babies" posters he was putting up around election time. From the perspective of an art major, he is indicative of a movement that is becoming increasingly popular especially in places like NY and LA of artist-designers, people who toe the line between what's considered fine arts (assuming that you're willing to accept the street art aesthetic as fine arts) and what's considered commercial art... the whole street art becoming fine art is also pretty interesting, although i'm not sure how i feel about it at this point.. all over new york you find galleries now that are paying graffiti artists to mark up their white walls... or better yet, to mark up a canvas as though it were a 1970's subway car... the hysterical thing about it is that, of course, the kids who are getting their "graffiti" into galleries are upper-middle-class midwestern white kids who have no real cultural connection to the history of this "art form" they've embraced, but people are really buying into that kind of thing right now. But stuff like shepard faireys posters, or the "My Name is..." guy's work, kind of stands out in comparison, because they're intelligent people and you can see that they aren't content to just do what's been done... recently some one started tagging the buildings of my neighborhood with messages in script that say "i love you". The first time i saw one of them i was walking home late at night after a full day of classes and work and on the side of a building a few blocks from my apartment in orange letters it said "things are looking up folks.... i love you". i had a very emotional reaction to it, there was just something very touching about it, a few blocks later an entire block of buildings were tagged "i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. etc". stuff like that makes me happy.
from zaziel :
Thank you. A writing fellowship? I hope you get it. A solution with a new set of problems, but I think problems are better lifesavers than solutions.
from thatdamnbird :
good to hear from you, and yeah, the little beast is regaining both lost fur and missing weight...meanwhile other than bouts of boredom, it is all Interzone as far as the senses can tolerate around here lately
from sleepystorm :
yes, i am. i got back yesterday. as always, london was drab, but brighton was wonderful. x
from charminggirl :
thank you for the note Happy New Year!
from sleepystorm :
hi R. i wont be around to tell you this, so allow me to be early -- Merry Christmas. and rock out on new years.... x
from sleepystorm :
try this: twostarsforarms - im rarely on, but thats the one i use more frequently. x
from sleepystorm :
wha'a? are you calling yourself a weenie? and for what, might i ask? oh, nevermind. i think im just confused. a wee bit.x
from thatdamnbird :
The trip to the ER ws an aberration, i'm already back to my normal routine of ignoring doctors again. Everything else is the side-effect of the girls-like-Enid syndrome. Consequently, Leadbelly has taken up residence in one of the slots in my CD player
from hlao-roo :
would you ever consider writing a manuscript for an illustrated novela? whenever i read your page i think of how great it would be to illustrate some of your writing... just a thought.
from sleepystorm :
youre not in texas, are you?
from sleepystorm :
le sigh ... pinback. lovely, as always. & as to the calexico pics, i took those. they opened up for wilco last month, and those are two of my favorite shots that came out. their music makes me feel like im in a david lynch film. x
from sleepystorm :
dear stranger, "I looked at the orb of what goals usually are, like bullets in the organizer patina of your eye nerves." is a beautiful line. x
from sleepystorm :
ah..for some reason, i had either forgotten that you lived in texas .. or perhaps i didnt know at all. well, you see...its snowed in dallas. ive been here, roughly 17 years...and its definitely snowed here. not anything i would call 'proper snow' ... but nevertheless, ive SEEN a white powdery substance. a hazardless sky, i see that daily... i live about 35 minutes SE of dallas, in a quiet, cozy town, where the roads arent paved, and at night, when you sit on the porch, all you can hear are treefrogs, locust, crickets, and occasionally an airplane flying above. its a beautiful feeling, to feel so far away. but as you mentioned, the dirty city can have its romantic appeals as well ... with its life. (i talk too much) x
from sleepystorm :
"up there"? where are you that makes dallas "up"? & i dont remember the last time it snowed in dallas. wait..i take that back. it snowed one day this year. february 14th. valentines day. by nightfall, it was gone as quickly as it arrived.... x
from sleepystorm :
...thank you... x
from hider :
last night i was convinced you had drown 20 years ago
from pharinet :
You are so lovable. I've never had a soy protein chip, but i'd say about 40% of the soy products on the market are bafflingly inedible and bear no recognition to real food. Of course, just about any "real food" contains some trace amount of soy, but...there's a reason i love chicken. Try the edamame straight and you'll locate the origin of that stale-but-good flavor.
from hlao-roo :
im trying, in my own way... take a look: ... how's life treating you?
from hider :
it's the rain it weights down and makes love heavy; so fucking heavy.
from thatdamnbird :
"you caught me coming out of the den of a hundred fair-skinned, raven-haired girls who wear cat eye glasses" ... too true, too true!
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much for your note. It means a lot to me when my words touch people. My personal opinion? You're a hell of a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. I say this because you're still here. You're still living your life and that takes so much strength and courage, especially now, in this world that is so...wrong. I hope someday, you find your love of art again. *HUGS* -cat
from the-book-bag :
It's funny you say that because for most of my life, I've had SHORT hair. In fact, the longest it's ever been was when it just grazed my shoulder that point, I promptly cut it off. :-) -cat
from hider :
oh, how you slept a sleepless slumber, and thruough the rythm of a timeless season; you are the dark in my soul.
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much for the compliment and for adding me to your favorites list! I'm flattered that you like my diary. :-D Yes, I do own that many books...with more coming in. I finally got my mother to admit that I'm a book-whore a few weeks ago. Hehehe. Oh well, there are much worse things I could do with my time and money. :-D -cat
from festoon :
i often fall asleep in public spaces, and i have become well accostomed to it. sometimes i greet it. like oppurtunities to fall asleep in class rooms after every one has left, or being locked in the bathroom purposefully, during break. i think there is something enlivening about reclaiming the space. sleep is supposedly a private thing, whilst we cannot help but fall asleep admist the dull humdrum of shopping malls.
from brothasistas :
thanks for the suggestions, that was dear and kind of you too. it's a new mattress, extra firm (which is probably a contributor), but i'll flip it tonight. i like your writing. it's a little over my head but that just makes me want to understand. i'm curious about your day-to-day life.
from hider :
stop teasing and publish something , it's not like you of all people can't find the words.
from lullabycure :
how are things lately? long time no see....
from jaws5 :
I found you while I was looking at Hider's notes. I like your spelling and word usage. What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
from thatdamnbird :
other than the project which refuses to die, my spirits in the space of the office are much improved, but outside of that, i sometimes think i would be better off wearing some figurative and literal combination of blinders...too many surfaces to scratch and not enough claws to do it with
from ashesraven :
i hope the world is providing you with the love and respect you deserve
from hlao-roo :
After reading them the first time i decided that if i ever met a man who could write letters like that i would marry him... sitting on the steps leading up from the library, i barely got through the second letter before my eyes started tearing up... "You must not be frightened, dear Mr Kappus, when a sadness arises within you of such magnitude as you have never experienced, or when a restlessness overshadows all you do, like light and the shadow of clouds gliding over your hand. You must believe that something is happening to you, that life has not forgotten you, that it holds you in its hand. It shall not let you fall." words i hope to never forget.
from ashesraven :
i'm glad to see you have returned to writing
from hider :
i guess ometimes it's best to leave things in dreams
from hider :
the anticipation is killing me,the deadliest girl hidden in dreams, did you invite her to the christmas party?
from festoon :
it's too bad you do not live in california, because these sort of things are better to talk about whilst actually looking at someone across the room.
from thatdamnbird :
Thanksgiving was good here, spent with the usual contingent of family. Only strike it had going against it on the whole was that i had to be back at the office the next day....yours?
from glittakisses :
Thank you do much for you wonderful note. I ♥ your diary. x
from raven72d :
Any entry using the word "dulcimer" pleases me.
from cuillin :
I'd forgotten Gilbert Gotfried was on there; I remember more vividly that scary blonde breast implant lady. Rhonda Shear? She was on Howard Stern or something awhile back and had so much plastic surgery in a vain attempt (pun intended) to stop aging that it was just plain frightening. Those movies made for some great barely-teenaged, drunken nights. Those and "Rock n' Roll High School."
from hider :
the doug pray film? i haven't seen it in the past few years, i dated a guy who watched it more than he watched me so i grew to recent it over time; not to say it wasn't a good movie, i liked it a lot, but every time i see it i want to beat someone with a baseball bat
from dislodged :
Thanks. I decided (after my trip to Texas) that I am breaking up with Frank. He broke his last promise to me and...well I'm fed up with it and that's that! Tootles!
from ashesraven :
cactus juice i've never had it before the good thing about rasberry lemonade is that it's not to sweet or to bitter so it doesn't mask the rum taste .. it's good you're writing again you were missed.
from pentup-angr :
thank you for the birthday note. for my birthday i... i tried not to get to deep into thought because i know that would have made me messed up.
from hlao-roo :
Im pretty sure there is a post-it note, i'm just not sure what it says yet. he's a very shy boy... i hope i'm not misreading it and in all actuality it says "i'll be the death of you", or something of that nature. meditation and prayer is welcomed, i need all the help that i can get. heh heh . what have you been up to lately? hope life's been treating you well. raven suggests that i end my notes with: POOF (disappears in a cloud of smoke) i think its dumb but i can't think of a better closing at the moment.
from hider :
perhaps it is merely my blindness but i can see no good in playing a corpse; maybe the lack of pain, but then there is the lack of any feeling at all. there's no shame in making a mistake
from hider :
i've become too preoccupied with how useless my hands seem lately to wonder,worry,or think of anything else
from bowie-firey :
from othelladub :
behold my updated "beautiful women" power-rankings. (hope you're doing well, by the way)
from hlao-roo :
from bowie-firey :
Cooool! The Tick is cool! I want a George Carlin dvd set or something, that would be cool also!
from bowie-firey :
So what dvd did you get?
from piilu :
thank you so much for the sanity and kind words. :) just last night i thought about you. you're puzzle, baby. :)
from othelladub :
my friend, you are the coolest.
from hlao-roo :
how have you been?
from love-drew : password is chacha, in case you or anyone else would like to read that as well. --love
from thatdamnbird :
some days the absurdity levels of the world in general make me wish i was still capable of drinking until the hallucinations of other drunks started to complain about being able to see me, but mostly i cope by smoking more cigarettes and pondering new ways to invent profane or obscene turns of phrase that no one had thought of yet, though so far without too much success, have a good weekend, bro.
from n-passant :
Apologies for doing this here - I would email were you not reclusive in that respect. I'm in moderately good health, although I've taken to spending the best part of most days lying down. It's not a bad way of life. But what of yourself?
from hider :
sometimes i think my weekends have me
from ashesraven :
cloning that's the answer we'll clone you
from n-passant :
You charmer, you. There can be no higher compliment. NP x
from ashesraven :
no it's a community college i'm incapable of leaving this godforsaken city i'd be like a fish out of water although here im a fish in toxic waste
from hand-frost :
i work at a video rental store, and i'd wouldn't waste a free rental on the movie. i might watch the movie if they ended up editing the ending of gigli. had very good ideas for different endings to that movie.
from thatdamnbird :
rain, lightning, adorably deranged housepet, tamping down my own neuroses while bearing witness to the emotional stunts of others and buying (at the prompting of my curiosity, the sale price and the recent mention of it by friends and co-workers alike) a copy of Grand Theft Auto III yesterday, these are the component pieces of the last few days. how goes life along the shoreline, friend?
from ashesraven :
"mistake �raped� for soft, feasible consanants."? i don't think i've ever not understood you before
from ingressofme :
gimme your address (leave it on my notes page and i'll delete it so no one can read it.) so i can send you a password to my diary
from hlao-roo :
i was in the library yesterday looking for something in an art history book when i discovered, squeezed between a handful of books about italian sketch artists and books about seurat, a small collection of old Daniel Clowes, R. Crumb, and Edward Gorey comics. It made me happy... but also a bit confused... it seemed like some one had just left them in the library one day and no one knew what to do with them so they shoved them into the art history shelf. heh heh
from hlao-roo :
I was waiting to afford "David Boring" as well, up until i realized that wouldn't be until sometime this fall. So i grabbed a copy and sat in a cuby hole in the Barnes and Noble near my house and read it start to finish while raven read the Neil Gaiman/ Dave Mckean "Punch and Judy", all the while wondering why libraries refuse to accept graphic novels and literature. You should definitely pick it up when you can afford it. 20 bucks is easy because i pretty much live on candy and coffee. plus i dont have to pay rent. The only things i really every buy is coffee and books, and i've discovered that some of the salvation army stores in my area have a surprisingly good 50� book rack. Also, i never have to travel very far, because everything i need is within a mile or so away from me, if i had to commute to the city it would cost me at least $30 a week just to travel.
from hlao-roo :
have you read David Boring?
from hlao-roo :
I spent the first month and a half of summer looking for work. Every time i've gone on an interview i've been informed that at least a hundred other people have applied as well... so i gave up, and put my self on a twenty dollar a week allowance. which works since all i've been doing is painting, reading, and drinking coffee. What are smart gloves? Oh, and i finally got to finish skinny legs and all, which i had to put down due to school work, it was really awesome.
from thatdamnbird :
The roomates? One for ingratitude, another figured out that with his antics was wearing out his welcome and left before it got genuinely ugly and the couple who replaced him for their noise. I worked a different shift from them and did not get in until early saturday morning and those first true deep moments of deep, necessary REM sleep were always interrupted every saturday by the most hellaciously vapid hair-metal, the ingrate's girlfriend was eventually his only redeeming quality, but she's a whole other story unto herself. And as if i had any other kind, it's a long story to boot.
from indie-snob :
Hey there! I just posted a review for the Spoon show I saw tonight and thought you may be interested. I have a bunch of other concert and album reviews here, too. Check it out, thanks!
from ashesraven :
it's odd the comfort i take in you. i just wish i could offer some in return
from thatdamnbird :
Dante is shown heaven and hell by a couple of guides, his tour of hell is led by the Roman poet Virgil at the gate to hell's antechamber and on the sign posted at the gate there is a warning about what lies beyond it finishing with "Abandon all hope, you who enter here"...In the case of the old house, though, there's no hell beyond the doorway, the doorway and the trouble it's cause have been their own self-contained damnation, which reminds me i need to get a new library card as well, i haven't held one since the events i left said house
from thatdamnbird :
hey bro, how's it going? Over here is the usual sine-wave. I can likely plot the rest of the course of the summer without eny of the old technician's tools i used to work on at my old jobs. The subject of the house continues to be a daunting thing, my brother and i having found our new nemesis in the form of the entry way. I will have to fight every temption not to hang the infamous quote from the "Divine Comedy" above th front door by the time the house is sold
from festoon :
whenever i read your words i feel a little more morose than usual. thank you i guess. perhaps it is because there is something beautiful in nostalgia, as well as recognizing that other people notice things the way you do. perhaps i also want to understand more and see the world you do. i only partially see. i am in need of consistent contact, would you like to email me back and forth for awhile? it would thrill me to no end. write back and i will disclose information of which to contact me.
from indie-snob :
hello there! i added a review of a Q & Not U show I saw the other night and thought you may be interested. i have a bunch of other concert and album reviews here, too. check it out, thanks!
from beatnicltd :
unless you mean �building� in a metaphorical sense, you�ve lost me
from hlao-roo :
Ive had an overall lack of luck in the job department. My brain finally reclaimed territory in my head though, so that's good. Mostly i've been reaquainting myself with the television and trying not to spend the money i dont have. something will work itself out...
from ingressofme :
yo .. where did you say you lived again?
from ingressofme :
woah. i definitely haven't seen that one, and definitely need that for my new white trash steez... man.. amazing. .. . .dude.. have you seen the new quarter with helen keller on it? it's totally busted. not as cool as ohio or vermont. for real.
from othelladub :
watching seinfeld
from ashesraven :
here's hoping you're o.k as well
from hlao-roo :
hello, how have you been?
from hlao-roo :
i'm pretty sure you can listen to the whole thing at it's wonderful.
from dislodged :
Thanx. My doctor laughed when I told him I still had them. It's like, well screw you!
from myrkur :
a home must be nice..
from raven72d :
It's a book that I may be readier to read now than at 17 or 22.
from myrkur :
what's the point? i wonder where you go at night..
from thatdamnbird :
thanks, bro. The sentiment is much appreciated.
from raven72d :
I must read "Steppenwolf" again.
from lullabycure :
i don't believe i ever have met a person who didn't love lucy. that certainly makes you unique; probably in a good way, too.
from ashesraven :
I have decided to let other people run my life so pick one and leave me a note saying which 1,writing and literature at bmcc 2, photography at laguardia 3, computer graphics and publishing at NYC tech 4,running around the city with a big box of chalk pretending to be a princess
from ashesraven :
Your writing always demands the a response beyond any words I know
from lushkinky :
What is this movie "Amateur" about?
from ashesraven :
and so a new begining
from discobiscuit :
andrew's dad just laughed. see andrew's dad smokes pot too, and he knows we all do as well so we talk about it a lot with him.
from thatdamnbird :
bro, i never cease to be amazed at the way you write. Just thought it needed to be said.
from ashesraven :
if i whisperd sweet child through the air would you hear it.
from discobiscuit :
hey i tried it, did you still want to know what it was like?
from hlao-roo :
from thatdamnbird :
it won't be down long, though i may decide to lock it, if i go that route i'll let you know and give you access
from hlao-roo :
yes, very junior high. lol. but it can't hurt to try... well, it can hurt, but not too much... like, it would certainly hurt more to lose limbs, so as long as she doesn't have a hatchet you should give it a try. im sure you have more to offer than cents. a person shouldn't measure his worth in dollars and cents... or social skills. or so i tell myself.
from hlao-roo :
how are you?
from loveroflife :
Yes, yes, YES, the 1st and 13th songs alone are worth it. It's poppier, but in a good inventive-indie sorta way. They let Paz (bass/violin from A Perfect Circle) do a couple of harmonies as well--much bettah than D'Arcy ever was. And Jimmy's still my favorite drummer in the world. Go and buy it now.
from ashesraven :
i feel like a should know what you were talking about but i havent a clue please fill me in........uhm i had other things to say but they've sliped my mind.... hope your on the up and up (no uppers though thats a bad idea) write something soon
from lolasavage :
I don't know any one like Duckie but I wish I did. Why do you ask?
from gallinula :
good, brilliant. i wonder why nobody else did.
from che :
from novacaine :
I make what look easy?
from discobiscuit :
hey, nah we haven't tried it yet, but as soon as we do i'll let you know how it went haha
from hlao-roo :
im sorry to hear that.
from wiser :
Is it rude to say I don't think we've met? Hi. Pleased to finally meet you. [I think?]
from orange-cloud :
yeah, i'll probably pick the kiedis book up. are you? why did you wanna know? - jen (saturday march 8, 2003)
from jadedmist :
Hey there, thanks so much for the kind words you said in my guestbook a week or so ago. I'm just now getting around to returning the favor, because I'm so bad at writing people back. But anyway, encouragement is nice now and then, so thanks. And I imagine I'll be around again.
from loveroflife :
Hey there. Things are beautiful here. And you?
from thatdamnbird :
the musical vertebrae trick is pure psychology. In truth, although there are moments when i occasionally still enjoy a good scrape, anymore i don't see it as the great load of sporting fun it used to be. better if i can get my point across to a potential adversary without having to incur the liability that might ensue should the more primitive instincts rule the wit, my willingness to bear the wrath of canned goods upside my head from the offending party's companion if it turned to a point where i got out of hand
from thehumanlot :
there is someone who cares, but no one has ever met him.
from antijamsect :
for the most part. except when i ride the elevator, my ears pop. sometimes i think about i'm working in a very large target, if someone decides to steer a plane into the Amaco building, i guess theres not a whole lot i can do about it.
from kiddykatkill :
happy-belated birthday, hope it was a good one.
from thatdamnbird :
dichotomy of the worlds i occupy: in work i am fairly unchallenged, with the exception of my eccentric behavior and this tardiness of mine that seeps below the chromosomal level the bosses all think i practically walk on water... the cause for doubt arises in matters beyond the office door...
from dislodged :
everything and anything. our relationship, our friends, sex, future, past, whats happening between us now. but, we're okay now. i guess, im going over there again today and yea. the best part about fights is making up.
from ashesraven :
Their only big song here was possum kingdom and it wasn't even big. I love them, I only have the first two albums but I hear there are more if there are let me in on it. On a side note I still assure you that if you ever stop writing I will come straight to Texas and kick your ass. have a good one.
from hlao-roo :
:) that was a good call. I liked the other tracks that were there too. hey, im wrapping up Neverwhere, got any suggestions? in other news, raven just walked into my apartment and anounced that she was asked by two soldiers with machine guns to take her hands out of her pockets while she waited for a train in the subway station...
from passthemic :
haha, they're fine now. i ended up only being in pain for a day.
from hlao-roo :
well, im not one to give praise easily, but i think that at times you really are on to something good... which i've felt since i first found your diary, i'm jealous. i could be wrong, but i do believe that you could be capable of turning out some incredible work, apart from an online diary. im glad you enjoyed joe frank. are you sure you don't get one of the stations that play the show? It's good stuff for a sunday night drive.
from hlao-roo :
sometimes when i read your entries i experience these really strong emotional responses that i can't seem to put into words, and i think to myself: i really want to say something to him about this. But i can never seem to figure out what that is... This last entry is one of those.
from ashesraven :
glad to hear about your dad, some times you just have to wait for things to set them self in place
from hlao-roo :
first time. i bought "american gods" last week and got through it too fast (while i should have been answering phones at the office); I borrowed "neverwhere" from the library as i approached the last hundred pages. i want to make it last, it's so good, but i keep on picking it up instead of doing homework and now im almost done.
from ashesraven :
gypsy made me a copy of kill moon light in time you'll love it ...i went to buy one of their other albulms but they're 20bucks so yea
from browncliche :
Hello. Interesting question. Not knowing who would play me better than myself I ask the question of my character. I personally becme the wise, advice giver in situations yet i have a funny personality when needed yet that is a label given to me by people. I have grown to understand the simple things in life are greater than a person can only be only infinfintly finite in a way. Obviously I do have a darker complextion than "white" lighter than "black". If i am still of mystery...Write back.
from angel-awness :
I hope i didnt hurt your feelings, cuz you havent written in awhile~ if so..plz forgive me! Thanx
from simeons-twin :
Sorry you had a headache on your day off, that's awful. But at least you had the chance to sleep it off. I hope you're feeling better today. Thanks for the note.
from hlao-roo :
taking care of business my ass! she was sent to me by the devil, which personally i find ironic since she was given to me by raven (ashesraven)... although you would have to spend an hour or so observing us together in order to see why... seriously though, she's a spiteful little cretin, plotting against me as i type... dear god, im too young to become that crazy old cat lady
from toolateforme :
"ah, love is a voyage with water and stars in drowning air and squalls of bran, love is a war of lightning. and 2 bodies defeated by one burst of honey."
from dislodged :
His mom adores me.
from hlao-roo :
well, as some one who's been there, what do you think... which will i regret more, staying or leaving? on the one hand im scared by leaving i would be being too impulsive. But the thought of staying overwhelms me... thank you for the note though, it's nice to know someone understands where i'm coming from.
from dislodged :
I wouldn't exactly say he was bummed about it. He is depressed about everything else that is going on in his life. He thinks nothing good is happening and I feel so sorry for him. Of course I can't show that because he hates pity. So I am stuck not seeing him, or talking to him, and he's at home sulking about how his life sucks and there is nothing he can do about it. It's depressing, and I wish I knew what I could do to help him.
from dislodged :
frank was expelled from our highschool. he missed one too many classes and refused to go to a hearing with the principle and see a counsler. so, they told him not to come back.
from bugbite :
how are you lately? i hope youre well:)
from movablefeast :
ok so a Pocket Rocker is a mini-stereo, about the size of your palm, that plays these cartridges that look sort of like mini 8-tracks. the cartridges have an A and a B side and you control which song you play by flipping a switch on the Pocket Rocker. It's like a mini boombox the mid80s...i have cartridges by the Bangles [walk like an egyptian/manic monday], the FatBoys [wipe out f/ the beach boys] and the CuttingCrew [i just died in your arms tonight/something else], Pocket Rockers were so damn cool i have no clue why they dont sell them anymore. Anyhoo. =)
from hlao-roo :
...i can't think of a way to sum it up... i could easily fill yr notes with a few paragraphs, if not pages, worth of answer to that question... i really need to get awy from this city, i can't afford (financially, mentally, or emotionally), to keep living here. i also can't afford to leave. nor do i have anywhere or anyone to go to, here or elsewhere. frustrated, dissapointed, tired. heh heh, my diary is meant for this ranting, not your notes...
from raven72d :
A magic theatre, the link from Ghanima said... And, well, 'tis true. And I have to like anyone who can see themselves in "Paris, Texas"...
from thatdamnbird :
True enough, but believe it or not, lately my cravings for things to smoke have been running both ways. but yeah, it would be perfect to just get very spaced while listening to them
from thatdamnbird :
the weirdness always lives just below the surface, it was always there, like koi in a good pond, occasionally revealing itself in loose-cannon flashes of derangement
from kartrinka :
hey homer... buy the cd... best way to go... i used to have all but two of the cures cds out there.. i had the japanese and european versions ... i was so cool.. then i went broke and sold the whole lot of the cure, depeche mode, and bjork.. to include my sugarcube cds.. oh and my bowie ones.. so now i officially suck
from thatdamnbird :
it's a game of expectations really. if i go into each day expecting to take a beating, i get to be pleasantly surprised when the day is not so bad and have the luxury of being ecstatic over even the smallest successes
from ashesraven :
heres hoping thease were little kids becuase the image of 17 year old jocks shiting themselves over something so pointless( doing something so sickning) is to much for me.
from seraphim77 :
I am sorry that I never checked your site out before...I admire your diction and the extent of your vernacular. Mostly I like your abstract prose. Your words flow in the mind like a song. I decided to read all the way back past september. I WILL come back for more.
from lullabycure :
damned straight! and thank you for that!
from declination :
it was a literal statement. it is body problem. odd ones. when i find out aboutit i may write about it here. its pretty graphic. i am just very tired. and i need to know. thanks
from vintagegrrrl :
p.s. thanks for the notes. i havent read much of your diary but perhaps i will in the upcoming days. bye!
from vintagegrrrl :
when i read your note concerning Venus, i thought, "wow, am i so gay that i didn't realize that it's geared primarily towards gay women?" so i checked it out again, and it has more of a feminist focus, and has both gay and straight issues. hm... i have lotsa ideas about stuff i could write, maybe after i finish some of my womens studies classes and am actually educated in the topics. thank you for suggesting that i could, though! and which smiths shirt have you decided on? i like the morrissey ducks shirt - "it takes strength to be gentle and kind"!
from thatdamnbird :
hope the weekend's been good so far, bro... i had one of my dumbass-moments and again answered your note on my own page about the issue of similarity. as such i am pondering what would be the fourth re-write of my current project... that and maybe a criminal act or two in the name of literary research
from ladygoodman :
thank you = )
from thatdamnbird :
pondering the fate of the house as i read it, i think i should recommend "One Hundred Years of Solitude"... as for me i must contend with the occasional termite incursions. That battle, once fully engaged will probably turn in their favor, i fear
from imsensitive :
i just wanted to tell you that i admire the way you write. it's really beautiful.
from lullabycure :
hey, thanks for the note, (here's a secret- i'm really just a hypochondriac who craves a ton of attention)
from chevette :
Ghost World--Finally someone who appreciates the comic as much as the film. Keep writing. You're phenomenal.
from hlao-roo :
im not familiar with the bands... should i be offended? not that i really would be, it's stuff i did when i was sixteen. i found them recently because im being moved across the apartment to the sunnier side (the other buildings are thirty feet away rather than eight), so i've been forced to go through all the crap i've been shoving in corners.
from simeons-twin :
I usually don't need cutting, but sometimes I go through dumb "phases". I'm much better now though. Thank you for your notes.
from coraltree :
goddamit i know, but i couldnt help it. it comes on at such an inopportune time, 11pm saturday evening, so i asked for it as a gift this past holiday, and my wonderful brother obliged me with it. it will hold me over i suppose. ive heard of a complete set in japanese, but that obviously makes no difference. good luck finding one, and if you do, let me know :)
from ashesraven :
don't read house of leaves im telling you if you do you'll up and move(maybe youu should if you dont fear the void)
from crying-dove :
I'm tring, I reli am, thanx for the note, and thanx for caring. x
from analog-girl :
i just read ur guestbook entry. r u from the allentown area ?!?!?. that article was so sad and pathetic. it ruined my whole day. i felt numb ps on a lighter note nice pic on ur page tho
from ashesraven :
sometimes you hurt me in the strangest way's, it's a good thing however. i just had to read up your last couple of entrys.( made me want to get a nice hard kick in the face) don't ever stop writing. don't ever stop thinking.don't stop
from lullabycure :
awww.. aren't you the modest one! as for Blind Date, one of my favorite pastimes is watching the cheesy beefcake boys throwing equally cheesy lines at their silicon-flavored dates.
from senthangel :
and he sold the car while she was in jail. thats why she wanted to fight him. I left that part out. :p
from senthangel :
my mom bought a bmw from one of them and then went to jail. so my mom tried to fight him in a parking lot but he was scared so he went and got his friends then came to our house. so she really didn't do anything to them. :)
from lullabycure :
sweetheart... you sound like you'd be very sexy.... are you indeed very sexy?
from hlao-roo :
hate to admit it, but i have to agree. blah, people change, c'est la vie. in the meantime, my mother has been collecting snow balls in the freezer. i foresee a very unpleasant awakening scheduled for some time in july or august. how's life on flat land treating you? i dont think i could work where you work without flipping out and getting my hands on a gun.
from thatdamnbird :
I know the feeling, bro... i worked a short stint during my worse days as a directory asssitance operator and called someone an asshole when i thought that i was on mute while waiting for a supervisor (previous operator gave him a bad listing and hew called back pissed and ripped me before i could even get a word out)... supervisor agreed with my assesment though... but yeah, i know that feeling.
from cuillin :
awww! I'm not even in your favorites! What reason do I have to live, much less unlock my diary? You're the one who said that I look like the little sister in Almost Famous, right? I really should look again before I leave notes, but, well, it's typically me. I don't remember what that girl looked like. The last time someone told me such a thing, I watched the movie and found the girl in question repulsive. Oh well, I guess. I'll unlock my diary soon, by the way. I didn't give anyone a password. xoxoxox
from passthemic :
thank you kindly
from noxcomexdown :
i'm going to read previous entries later, as i like your diary. however, i'm cross-eyed and freaked out right now. my friend has "modest" written on her mouse. things like that make life ok. hope you had a great new years. keep well, love Me.
from antijamsect :
from sayit-asitis :
hey, surprisingly enough, i've seen that commercial promoting those kids bop cds. at first the cds had only pop-like singers that the kids would imitate, like nsync or britney spears. but the last commercial i saw had bands like jimmyeatworld and songs like nelly's dilemma. see, what i don't understand is, are the songs better because kids are singing them? i assume that they clean up the lyrics a bit, but it's not that big of a difference. why not the real thing? bah...maybe i'm missing something, or maybe kids bop cds just aren't for me...heh. take care.
from hlao-roo :
it took three hours sitting perfectly still in front of the mirror to get that done. but the result was worth the body ache at the end. you're last entry makes me sad... people make me sad... there was some thing more to that response, words fail me. hmm, no, i think i'll stick to the sketch book a few more days, words just aren't working. -gipsy
from lullabycure :
frankly, it's comforting to meet another person who is not a 40 year old business man (with, 3 kids, a mistress, and a porsche) who has also landed in the hospital for an ulcer.....
from angel-awness :
Happy New Year to you also! I added you to my list of Favorite Diaries! Hope you dont mind!
from crying-dove :
Thanx about the new year note (and the one that just said "write here" lol it's happened before) I've never read anything quite like your diary which is similar to mine in content. You excel in talking about pain or personifications of pain. Which like the one I just mentioned in my diary are everywhere. I hate the fact people exist with the ultimate meaning of their lives being making people miserable.
from novembre :
new year indifferent.
from mydemand :
Some flights went smoothly, some had turbulence...mine just crashed.
from secunda :
standard new year.
from hlao-roo :
oh hey, i changed my SN a little while back. it's Nadjagipsy. if you're bored and in need of conversation
from hlao-roo :
you too. what are you doing tonight? i've spent the past few hours flipping back and forth between weird arabic music videos and the twilight zone marathon. my mommy seems to think it'd be really funny to get me drunk this year... and my best friend seems to think that i should read the bible for a while instead of the hitchhikers guide to the gallaxy. i went outside for a few minutes but the people were a bit too rowdy for comfort, so i bought cookie mix and made my way home as fast as possible. don't think im going to try that outside thing again till i'm sure everyone in new york is home with a hangover. be well
from lullabycure :
awesome....this new years eve, you provide the painkillers, and i'll bring the alcohol... 'tis the season afterall!
from ashesraven :
This new years eve you will met a pretty girl with a big heart and bring in the new years counting the stars that flow from her (rather then the fleeting seconds left in the year) free from the hands of time
from ashesraven :
more likely to get fucked over then fucked ithink im gonna spend the whole day lying in bed drinking and listening to music.....dont let work kill you when ever it gets bad just think to your self "i'll get you before you get me"
from hlao-roo :
merry christmas, or something like that. my minds been blown away by too many hours straight of A Christmas Story. it just keeps coming on, and something about it's availability has made me feel that's it's absolutely imperative that i do not change the channel. also i broke the remote control. the moments i most feel that something else should be infiltrating my brain are the moments i least want to walk over to the television and start pressing buttons. so i abandoned it with the plastic tree and decided to compose this extra long and pointless note. anyway, i second the motion for 2003 to be damned beautiful...
from ashesraven :
Not dead just gone�.and how are things for you ?
from onethought :
my finals went fairly weel actually, thanks for asking =) and how's it going with you?
from hlao-roo :
Apart from the new sleep hours and lack of academic stress, im not so sure what to expect from the next few weeks. To be honest, the prospect of explosive friendships and numbered evenings are beggining to terrify me. Im keeping my fingers crossed for warm nights awake in other people's beds laughing and singing out of tune. Mornings in the library sketching portraits of sleepy readers. A little less emptiness than the past few months have brought. But all that i keep seeing is the day i have to say goodbye, and i'm left lonesome and cold as ever in this wintry city...
from lullabycure :
thanks for your note! it made me smile in the midst of my psychotic nervous breakdown... so hats off to you! see ya around.. take care- luv, sheri!
from sayit-asitis :
heh, thanks for leaving the note. i like what i've read in your entries (although truthfully i didn't have enough time to read much, heh) and i'm saving you as a favorite :)
from thatdamnbird :
Yeah, with these guys, it's like some crazy outburst of semi-quasi-religious fervor mixed with the aesthetics of a drunken house party. It's one guy out in the driveway with one big drum and a bunch of guys in costumes dancing to it... jangly clothes and colorful headdresses...oh yeah, and the whooping...thankfully they must have been out pissing of someone else's neighbors last night - slept like a very tired baby on valium last night, man.
from ashesraven :
mullets?.... so you looking forward to the hpolidays family and all that? i'm gonna get all dressed up in a pretty dress sit on a corner and ither met my futer husbend or frezze to death
from thatdamnbird :
hope you had a good weekend, man. Actually, i got my wires crossed and answered your question in my own notes... my bro and his family moved back here again a few years back, but i've still got a ton of relatives back in CC. yeah, there have been moments where i've thought about packing it up and going out that way myself, if i thought i could successfully make a go of it. Right now though, i'd have to say that SF is my destination of choice.
from alookcloser :
YAY! and I didn't even have to BUY your vote!
from ashesraven :
you should stop going to work and start an underground rock band with hidden messages
from spazzoid :
Hey, thanks for leaving a note. I actually ended up getting a general electric brand dvd player. It was like 90 some bucks. But I trust that brand more then a brand I had never heard of. Plus, I had a general electric vcr for 6 years, and now my aunt has it, and its still working fine. And, I did see the sony player that's small and looks like a cd player. I liked it, but $129 is a little to much. So, but about the first DVD I want to see. I'm not sure. I'll probably end up getting something I've already seen. I want Bully on dvd, and Ghost World. I could go on and on. Sorry this was so long!
from thatdamnbird :
Another week, survived through the midpoint and drawing to its close. Just wading through the myriad miniature shocks and traumas that life among government functionaries is prone to, I should change my last name to Buendia and shamble around a swamp for awhile, or start a revolution for no other reason than because i've no genuine talent for alchemy
from lonegunchick :
thanks for the note! five months and counting..........
from myrkur :
my very own black emperor! there are only so many punches you can take. you must decide to make or break. i am not sure what this is.
from loamsdown :
I've heard of 'the Secret World of Og', although I've never read it.. I haven't heard of the one you mentioned though... most likely it was turned into an 80's cartoon though -- in those days nearly everything became some sort of Saturday morning fare.
from ashesraven :
they seem to have a relationship with each other if only they would let me in on it maybe my head wouldnt hurt so bad
from kartrinka :
wow. i'm not in your profile for favourite diaries.. so ya. iended up buying my mom these "let it snow" nicknaky things that have snow men ivolved... crafty stuff.. that i can't describe... junk that moms like.. well, ja.. tata
from hlao-roo :
Leggs? didn't hear about that. tell me what you think when you get through the zero girl
from hlao-roo :
:) That would be quite a head trip, yeah, i've been crossing my fingers on that one for years, but i dont think it's going to happen. I was watching the cartoon the other morning. Did you read the one he did a little while back, zero girl?
from hlao-roo :
heh, yeah, i know i'm a moron. how have you been?
from mantha :
It was one of those big, blue stickers that they give kids as a reward for getting an injection painlessly. I guess one of the nurses gave it to him for me, probably as some kind of joke, since I was completely poorly behaved. It was on my bag for a while, but it fell off somewhere in Steve's car in the beginning of November.
from ashesraven :
well did ya do it did ya sing im telling you man you gotta sing to be doing great better then that pretty boy i decided to shove inb a box full of old picture and keep under my bed(can we eat it is it dead silly child it's all in your head) lifes a scream a dream a 747 shoved up my ass....i'm putting off the gun smithing class
from onethought :
i got the number via, you answer questions regarding health and lifestyle, etc. and then they email you how much you're worth. i thought it was pretty funny =)
from thatdamnbird :
love the redesign, and as ever, the content. hallelujah, man. keep it up.
from hlao-roo :
i say take ravens advice.
from ashesraven :
i had a dream that i had a never ending pack of cigarettes and lived in a giant book store i didnt do anything other than smoke and read ...... one day i'll be queen and tehn evry thing will be o'k becuase i'll buil giant hampster cages to keep all the dumb people in.....when you think you stink you should wait for it to rain then go running through the streets in whity tightys singing childreens songs
from hlao-roo :
banker. im watching MASH. there's a boy with a grenade up his ass...
from hlao-roo :
banker. im watching MASH. there's a boy with a grenade up his ass...
from hlao-roo :
a week ago i decided art had never existed in the world, and i had married a rich bankeer when i turned eighteen, only i lost him. I told my academic adviser about my decision and she decided that she had done the same and that we should go down to wall street with signs and find our husbands. This week i decided to get divorced, drop out of school, and go to nebraska with the circus, only... im not sure where to find the circus. or what i'll do once i get to nebraska
from kartrinka :
my grandpa thinks that "harry potter" is satan in a kids costume... the 700 club told him that.. he listens to whatever they say on tv.. on that religious televangilist channel.. it is pretty sad... my best bud won't go cause he wants to read the book first.. so i have to wait... till i can transport myself..
from kartrinka :
my grandpa thinks that "harry potter" is satan in a kids costume... the 700 club told him that.. he listens to whatever they say on tv.. on that religious televangilist channel.. it is pretty sad... my best bud won't go cause he wants to read the book first.. so i have to wait... till i can transport myself..
from sxb :
things are going well. gratitude. just catching up with work that seems so petty.
from myrkur :
ah. maybe i should have read something before i answered your note... obviously, i don't know you. please excuse my paranoia.
from myrkur :
i am enjoying it quite a lot, actually... why do i suspect that i might know you? or, know of you? maybe i am just too paranoid, and you just read it in my diary. uhm. yeah.
from sinistermo5 :
the gossip show isnt until the 23rd. I'll let you know how it goes. Im so very excited. about it.
from coraltree :
hi, i hope you are doing ok, i got reminded of you today, and thought id say hi. i think it was because i went back to work today after a long time i hadnt been working and i got reminded by something you wrote in my notes section about clocking in and out and feeling uncreative. and i dunno, if you came in to my work, i have this strange feeling youd be the type of person i would want to give a free cookie to.
from noxcomexdown :
dark winters. yes. they are good. i'm going to cook you really good food one day.
from secunda :
she's brunette.
from hardluck :
800 miles away would be my Chiccago girly, the one that i can't seem to let go of for some reason no matter how hard i try to stop looking at my phone every 15 minutes to see if she's called yet. *Sigh* i guess only time will tell lies...
from ashesraven :
do me a huge favour read the entry letter to a loved one
from be-u-tea :
thank u for whatever i feel in your text messages<3<3<3
from noxcomexdown :
hello. i went to my friends house and handed out candy, watched scary movies, drank, etc. what did you do?
from be-u-tea :
i like the way u think...Mia Wallace is what i did for halloween...u?
from thatdamnbird :
greetings from a voice in the low deserts, marking time in relative obscurity and strung out on the ozone pollution. have a good weekend
from yellopenguin :
no no, it's fine. no need to apologize. I was just wondering. I'm partial to sarcasm myself, but I wasn't sure if I was spotting it or not. anyway, happy november.
from angellore :
thank you for signing my gbook.. and thank you for caring :').. well i can't move out unless i graduate from university.. that's the way it is in this sick country i call shitland..
from yellopenguin :
I can't decide if that's somewhat hostile sarcasm or what. oh well. either way, the sentiment is noted.
from sxb :
i'm no stranger to the snow as i grew up in salt lake city. i am now in los angeles where i have to pay large sums of money for snow.
from hlao-roo :
funny thing, sitting in class that day i kept thinking about the end of your entry "henry fool". I dont know, sometimes i wish i had the emotional capacity to be at that level. but the fact is, even if i could bring myself to fake that kind of density, the shallowness of that kind of life would probably bring me to tears. so i think i'll stick to my books for now and leave them to their warped mirrors...
from yellopenguin :
your diary is hooking me, indeed indeed. and hmmm. you've always been attracted to girls like enid? I've always wanted to be a girl like enid.
from mydemand :
About your note on spitituality...yes I guess I do have experince in it...seeing as it's one of the major things that take up my thinking time.
from vavachica :
i hope that the request for me to request spoon was sarcastic. channel one makes me about as sick as mtv. gotta stop that mr. daly and his countless fiances.
from hlao-roo :
how goes life in the flat land?
from hoth :
I don't feel bad! Not since you left me another note! I don't think I'm better than anyone. (On the contrary). Well, ok, sometimes I do, but that's just because I'm a little stupid and sometimes it just makes me feel better. Who's donnie darko? In Belgium we don't really celebrate halloween. It's more like an american thing I guess. You're such a nice person. Thanks. x
from almostgoldsf :
thx for theo note and for creating the interpol ring... they are *quite* lovely to listen should be noted I'm no longer the girl whose motto is the same as your water-bottle toting coworker. :-)
from mydemand :
Since when wasn't spirituality perplexing?
from ashesraven :
thanks it's nice to hear from some one i didn't think any one was reading it. i kinda took comfort in that, but i'm finding a lot more comfort in the fact some one is....thanks again
from elchulo :
Incorrect neck position? I doubt it dude. To be honest, I think it's just those muscles being worked in your forearm again. They do get sore as hell man, just keep on playing an hour or more a day, and it will stop hurting as bad. My problem is my right arm, when I play stuff like 'pinball wizard', I can hardly move my arm after about 3 minutes. It's going away though.
from elchulo :
Formal training mate? Wa'sthat? :) Just start out rhythm. Don't get upset that you can't 'play the solo from _______' anymore. And rub your fingertips with rubbing alcohol every day, regardless of whether you play or not. You will redevelop and maintain your calluses, regardless of if you play or not. And PLAY. DAILY. FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS! Ta for the note.
from sweet-blood :
Hey there! Thanks for leaing a message :) I'm better now although in the last three days I've been sick. How are you? Hope you're over the cold. Take care.
from privatemuses :
A hundred thousadn transmissions a day, digital wastes, and an absolute lack of honesty: welcome to diaryland. Thanks alot for the note, it was nice. I appreciated it. The onyl reason Isaid my writting was pointless wa cause thanks to people I dont want reading what I write on here, I cant write what I really want 90% of the time. *shrugs* Oh well regardless thanks.
from occupied :
poiye dogask.g jasmb c...did you want a password? ..and.. if you do. what's your email address?
from elchulo :
Hello, kind soul.
from paperpieces :
hey wow... thanks for tagging me. heh. It kinda amazes me that a "stranger" stumbled onto my little piece on the web - although, okay, yeah.. that shouldn't be so far out of reach eh? but just thought I'd say hi... and now I know about your little piece on the web. :) I'll be reading! Religiously. :op
from hoth :
roses are red, my car is blue ... nevermind
from librarychick :
i responded to your question in my latest entry.... question for you: how'd you stumble on my little ol' diary?
from glam-trash :
Haha, I haven't decided about the hair yet. I think I'll tie it up every other day. See, it's kinda creepy when older men hit on me, but then it's also flattering at the same time. And I do look way better with it down. But if I leave it down all the time everyone at work will think I'm doing it just for the attention...oh, these tough decisions I have to make in life... <3
from pharinet :
Hey. I'm still wearing the pentacle. i noticed many of the characters on it aren't recognizeable to me, one that looks like pi repeating. I type the text into a latin translator and found out the four words at the bottom are arabic letters. So the foreign characters probably are, too. I researched the signifcane of symbols on the pentagram. The trio of Sword, wand, and cup would be significant, but there is a third symbol i'm unsure is a cup. there are also small human figures on it, what might be an hourglass, the symbol for 'healer', and the word Ma-ton-te-tra-gram with 1 and 2 above the te and 1 2 3 above tra. Very bizarre. I couldn't find Matontetragram on Yahoo or Google. I've continued to wear it fervently, and am simplistically hoping a lowered cigarette intake will help my unconsious breathing problems. Haircuts sometimes seem like a conspiracy to keep us from having scalp sensitivity. They made sense back in the days of battle, better to not have a vulnerable ponytail. But really, what is the purpose now? Besides saving shampoo? With hair you'd be naturally warmed in the winter, thus using less artifical heat in your home. Pointing this directly to a Salon-Gas Company conspiracy. Or maybe i'm just tired.
from glam-trash :
Ooh! Care Bears! I wonder where I could find those dolls...
from pharinet :
I'd been bitten by the Brown Recluse sometime before the ATM. I actually had two on the same foot, but the one on my ankle wasn't nearly as bad. The worse one was on top of an already-existing mound of flea and ant bites. Absolute hate-to-love relationship seeing as i'm an obsessive-compulsive bite scratcher. But ahhh, the bliss..long live my toenails. Thanks for caring. Really.
from hoth :
thank you, I love you.
from que-suerte :
grocery shopping tomorrow. oatmeal will be mine.
from sinistermo5 :
hey there! I'm getting alot of my Viva Hate chords from a website called Pashernate Place, this is the address:
from hardluck :
if you were to give me a general idea of something you'd like to have ded into your skin for life, i would be more than happy to try and design it for you...
from disappoint :
yeah! Spoon! It is unfortunate that I will miss the show, but such is life. Q and not U did sound kind of stripped down and minimalistic at the show compared to their recordings, but it was definitely a fun show nevertheless. Thanks for your interest! Getting new notes is exciting, even if you are the only person that ever leaves them for me...peace out, yo.
from hlao-roo :
weekend again. too bad you missed me, i started school this week so i haven't been online much, especially not during the wee hours of the morning. be good.
from blueconverse :
thanks for checking out my diary. you sound quite intelligent, which makes me wonder why you found my drugged ramblings as "interesting" well come back...check it out again
from in-the-trees :
thank god i live on the coast, where people have open minds and open doors... and i exist in a world where i can smoke what i want, and be who i want... i come from a place of affluence and greed... where everyone like gallinula was either my friend, or a fairytale... thank god the ocean is here, and not there... and the climate is warm enough to grow what i want, and the trees with their tall legs and long arms, can hide it from the dea... because we will never be separated enough by our borders that we will be hidden from the dea's helicopters, and bush's cold hands...
from awkwardpause :
Uh... Haha... I really hope you don't REALLY think I'm a NYC taxi driver and that my name is actually Warbuck. Because I'm not. And it isn't. That last entry was just a fictionalized entry that I wrote up for the sake of my own amusement. But feel free to spraypaint my URL anywhere you see fit.
from coraltree :
hi, im not tired of the computer anymore, back back back :)
from secunda :
the redheaded freshman has piercing blue eyes like whiteout contacts and i cannot meet his glance. it's a saga.
from hoth :
cool! I never thought I would have any sort of influence on anybody. You made my day! wait, doesn't this sound a little pathetic? well, whatever. kisses
from stickykitten :
hey thanks for the note, and yay we both love ghost world
from hlao-roo :
Intoxication may be key, but you have a way with words that feels very natural. It's beautiful and rare, i dont know what else to say... if you like you can IM me at [email protected]
from disappoint :
Yes! Iowa City is extremely the ways of love of course. Where you livin?
from sassers :
:) You made me blush. I wish to be another Bukowski...
from hoth :
thanks ps: fuck the navy
from in-the-trees :
unfortunetly nothing more then a pub crawl, with a theme. box social at one point was a get together
from hlao-roo :
its been a while since i've written in my diary, your note reminded me that it existed. i like your writing.
from loamsdown :
My eyes have yet to stop burning. I can't believe that horror that lay in my inbox in picture form... I'd actually delete them if I weren't contemplating using them in some petty mIRC scheme. (For now, their just laying dormant until I can find some way to use them in said scheme without actually having to =look= at them again.)
from fresca728 :
how did you manage to stumble across my diary? and you wouldnt be sad with envy if you saw the computer im typing this on now, its about 8 years old..
from loveroflife :
Two things: 1st, who hired you to kiss my ass and convince me I can write? Hmm? And 2nd, um, well, how to describe On Holiday's music. You know how music (or art, or people) can be absolutely beautiful (i.e. punk rawk or Beethoven) without actually being pretty (Johanne Strauss or Dave Matthews Band) ? Well, On Holiday is both the midpoint between the 2--I wouldn't quite call it pretty, that'd be like comparing Bjork to Britney Spears (asthetically)--plus both extremes, pretty AND beautiful. Beyond that, I guess I can only describe it as a mix of indie and progressive rock (without the stereotypical ostentatiousness that typically come with both), truly strange bedfellows. That, and we tend to push the extremes as far as we can. In the song we always use to end our set, the band starts out demanding that I come in (on tha drums) very gradually, meticulously; the same song ends with me seeing how slowly I can speed up to how fast until a beautiful melody becomes white noise. Yeah. Am I garrulous enough for you? If you live near good ol' Denton, TX, I would invite you out to Mable Peabody's Sept. 3rd to see my debut as the percussionist. Yeah. Bye.
from sinistermo5 :
Hey, you havent missed the El Paso show yet. Its not until Sept. 3rd! There's still time!
from coffeegrrrl :
Thanks for the note! I'll definitely be reading your entries....
from loamsdown :
good luck with that car maintenance thing.. speaking of car maintenance, I should probably get that screeching, thumping, groaning sound in the engine checked out..
from thatdamnbird :
the font of bile that passes itself off as my misbgotten diary has re-opened...meanwhile, keep up the brilliance
from thehumanlot :
dont forget to love me, like we all seem to do to ourselves. lose touch and learn to love it.
from luna-tick :
thanks for the note...I still have half a bottle of limoncello left so I'll be sure to have a shot for you :-)
from thatdamnbird :
leave a note and if you want i will give you access
from bugbite :
greetings.. to answer your question of what ive been up to is.. "a whole lot of nothing" im hoping now to get a job. it took most of the summer to collect the energy and rid myself of the apathy to get around to applying. and astrology is my most active past time, currently. and you actively read my diary even though it isnt on your favs list? well thanks for corresponding...i was feeling lonely.
from thatdamnbird :
haven't made up my mind about ditching my diary just yet, if i do, i may relocate it to a new diary - just not known to precisely all of the same dramatis personae, so if thatdamnbird does actually stop, stay tuned and you may yet find out what new guise i travel under
from luna-tick :
to answer your question about movies...we watched "mistress" on ifc, then later "empire records"...oh yeah and the two hour simpsons marathon that they had on fox :-)
from badhairkut :
my intent is to set the planet on fire. you may help, if you so desire.
from passives :
hey, i like you. the end.
from sweet-blood :
It's the first time I read your diary, sorry it took me so long to thank you for reading mine. I haven't used the diary for weeks up until last week or so. What I just read I liked. Your style is really nice.
from sinistermo5 :
hey there thanx for the birthday wish! keep on reading!
from thehumanlot :
ive always had the urge to taste thoughts. i think it would be easier to indentify an emotion to its fullest extent by the taste and texture, rather than by a descriptive verbal explanation of it. and if i should ever get the chance to lick ones mind, yours shall be first on my list.
from stillunknown :
hi. hope this finds you well. just wanted to thank you for signing my guestbook. i really appreciate it. well, unfortunately it's late. so i must be going now to visit my dreamking. i'll be back again though, when i'm fully awake and running properly.
from loveroflife :
Every boy I know has given up on the idea that grrrls aged 17-23 have any interest in the 'nice guy,' that 99.9 % repeating of them do not know what they want or want to have lotsa fun crazy wild sex with bad boys (which must be assholes as a prereq) and convince themselves that this is 'in love,' that they all want to turn the bad guy into the good guy. This is not to be confused with the I- hate-myself-and-therefore-are-boring-angst, we are long past that. You are beautifully self-aware. Any advice for this lost soul trying to get a grip on the (general, of course) feminine psyche? -
from thanksbitch :
the eratta cd? hmmm...i was planning on keeping it, just in case i ever change my mind about it.
from luna-tick :
Hey there, thanks for the note! I'm still keeping a diary elsewhere, which is actually one I've had for awhile. Not as a plug or anything, but just in case you want to know, it's at: As I said in the entry, I'll still probably post stuff over here sporadically, but for a lot of reasons, I'll probably be doing most of my writing over at the other one for awhile...
from perdita :
assuming it was a compliment, thank you very gratefully
from ghanima :
no. have not given up, but access to the ether-realms is restricted for now...I am bound by humid air and life-in-earnest. Still here, though, somewhere. Glad to hear from you.
from secretus :
time for another trip to the roof top, except this time i'm going alone. perhaps you would like to join me?
from so-much :
thanx for the positive feedback. if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem...keep fighting the good fight.
from unseasoned :
Ha! Thanks for the assurance...
from kateso :
hey, how'd you find me? i really enjoyed your most recent entry. i'll certianly be back. and thanks for the funny guestbook message. people need to learn the art of the guestbook/notes system. i had a good laugh at the constanza way of life. :)
from loveroflife :
Your words astound me. I've never seen your face or your curves and yet I can say that you are beautiful. Will me, please, the ability to one day posess such brilliant articulation as you posess.
from mymetrocard :
tomorrow is just another day and another oppurtunity to say:: lets go.
from desocietas :
Today was a wonderful day. Thank you for adding to it. *hugs* Have a religious-themed snowcone -- my treat.
from loamsdown :
Rico Suave?? Lovely name. He didn't, perchance, wear bandanas over hair extensions, or spandex layers over hip gyrations, did he? As far as my being a janitor goes, I can live with it. I figure having an entire building (nearly) to myself in the middle of the night is as close as I may ever come to my childhood dream of sleeping over in the mall. (Except, in my dream, I didn't have to clean washrooms or empty accumulated garbage..) Thanks for the notes, at any rate... ;p
from mymetrocard :
so ive got this dinner table and all the bullshit that comes with it.. the chairs. the centerpiece. the place settings... and im thinking that maybe you can be the centerpiece so it wont be so hard to explain to everyone that i love furniture.
from cuillin :
Thank you!! You're very sweet.
from ghanima :
Thank you, dear, but for the mere price of a long and tortuous university education and a mother who forces avant-garde french theatre and the allegory of the cave on a toddler, you to can make obscure references that no one else will care about. But here I will stand, like a fourth-grader with hands on my hips and say: "Hey! I like you!"
from loveroflife :
I must admit, I have a cyber-crush on you (cyber crush, how delightfully geeky!). I am hopelessly enamored of your voice. You can simply take this as a compliment, a perk of anonymity. --loveroflife
from thisisamess :
second place?
from que-suerte :
i wish i could say i was...
from jmixtape :
You know the town you live in sucks when EVERYTHING in the food court at the mall shuts down before 9PM.
from coraltree :
what is the rotary club? i probably never will become affluent. if i do, then i give you permission to verbally abuse me in my notes column.
from unarmed :
Heh, I'm from Calgary, Alberta, and that picture was taken in this fair city so it's pretty safe to say that that was not the same car.
from que-suerte :
i think i'll stick to worshiping Larry Tudgeman. plus...i just don't know if i can worship someone who wears bondage pants...but i guess for an 8th(?) grader, Miranda is pretty hip.
from letstakeanap :
eh... if you say so?
from madetosmile :
swim....? the only swimming i do is the adult kind, and that is sunday nights. yeah i skinny dip with space ghost and stuff. no kidding. if that's not what you meant, then i am clueless.
from awannabeme :
trust me when i tell you. its taking me nowhere. nowhere at all.
from letstakeanap :
the note was read after my departure.
from cheapseats :
I will endeavor to stay far from Kelso - aside from sending him some promo CDs, I think I've done a decent job of it so far...
from nextfebruary :
haha, oh i meant my friend ryan would totally give me shit for listening to the white stripes/'s part of the dynamic of our friendship. i saw huggy bear on your profile, rad..i need to listen to them more often. *thanks for leaving me a note* bye, cass
from lamlok :
thanks for leaving the note. you made my day, which cannot get any worse (i so tempted fate by saying that). afraid i did drop the ipod... but it was in a case made of the wet suit stuff, so i don't think it got too damaged. bounced a bit, though. think it has something to do with my old imac, which had a corrupt hard disk. the stuff i backed up on it might have been corrupt as well. so much for my 'biological clock'; i need more sleep.
from letstakeanap :
shhh! i can hear the slime dripping from your nose.
from loveroflife :
I don't know who you are, but consider yourself on my list. Just how did you find out about li'l old me?
from liminalbeing :
Wow, I like your writing and photography. It's folksy, of the earth- this life-these people, but also a kind of high art too. It's kind of like Dorothy Allison, though different as well. Anyway, I wish I could describe it without using another writer's name or the words high art. If you want to work with me on writing, I'd highly value it. Not as in: "I know what I'm talking about, you should listen to me". Just that I'm really dedicated and focused and maybe we could be work together to have a writer's group. I don't even know what that means, it might even just be a way of trying to keep writing. But, I think it would involve ideas for writing assignments and critiquing what the other person wrote. Oh, I've seen Paris, Texas, it was beautiful. But it was eight years ago, and only once, so I'll watch it again soon. I also like that you say that you're destitute, you don't know how honest that is!! It's like the number one taboo in the country. Here, near San Francisco, I KNOW there are a ton of people with no money, but they all refuse to talk about it- you can read it in the way they refuse to relax or laugh though. take care, Kris
from mymetrocard :
let.s cut right to the chase because that.s the only way to get ahead. me+you.
from atomicdog :
nope, i didn't find a boy. :( maybe next time. a girl can only dream.
from ihatepizza :
Thanks for your note! I just watched Ghost World for the first time 3 days ago! I loved it! I love Steve Buscemi and I love movies about teenage girls!!!! I like your diary!
from mingocounty :
I refuse to believe there's only two-and-a-half Ghost World fans in this place. I actually only saw Ghost World (the first time) because I'm a huge Brad Renfro fan. I'd never read the comics or anything. But sometime around the 18th time I saw it, I think I started liking it a little. (ha.) Later on, cat. *paula*

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