messages to ghanima:
(click here to add new message):

from joshuakane :
i enjoy your writings, they send shivers up my spine and make me feel uneasy, I like that feeling.
from cosmicgiggle :
I wanna read your diary
from foreversaved :
Hey, it's been a LONG time, but would you mind removing the note below with my old address on it? Thank you.
from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite} On behalf of the circle, I invite you to join our writer's group. I have noticed your shown interest in poetry/writing. If you are interested, please note back. :) ~Circle Counsil
from isabelviolet :
Please have meant so much to me. I knew you were busy so I felt like it would be an act of assholery to bug you about updating...
from raven72d :
A capsule hotel would be for me alone-- the only way I travel now, but also the only condition in which one seeks out a capsule hotel.
from raven72d :
So-- no updates here?
from suta :
Nihao! I saw your diary and I loved your entries. Makes me jealous cause it's the opposite of my diary. -_- hehehehehe Yeah, I think I will put you in my "favourite diaries" list.. Have a nice day! (<^_^<)(>^_^>)
from raven72d :
Ahhh... the layout image for Liturgy of Hours. Most alluring.
from xsoulsearchx :
you are a gay
from candoor :
so long since I explored your online worlds... it was darker last time... still, I remember now why I love it and suddenly miss reading you (strange how these feelings sneak up :)
from halfdevoured :
I just read below that you were not receiving guestboook notifications. I actually signed your guestbook a few days ago. When you have a moment, take a look and get back to me at my email address: [email protected] (it's finally working). Thanks!
from invisibledon :
happy monday!
from elgan :
from elgan :
I too have not been receiving notifications about guestbook entries, so I'm leaving you a note instead. I already do have a �friends-only� livejournal page, specifically so I can read Ilonina�s other diary, but I don�t update there because I prefer D-land for that. I would be glad to add you as a friend, though, if you don't mind.
from i-am-jack :
;^{' I would be very dissapointed if you shut your diary down. I don't comment much, but I really love your writing, and would be sad to see it go. It seems like all the good writers are leaving, or are tempted to leave diaryland lately.
from a-iphigenia :
Yes, a little but I have followed the signposts and breadcrumbs and I am comforted I will find you elsewhere. I just chased out the crickets myself a few days ago. My place needs some cleaning up but its still not half bad. :)
from knock-first :
Hate giving out advice, but hate insomnia even more. Cut sugar (if you can), insomnia is a sign of this addiction, so many Americans suffer from. Made a huge difference in my life. Unfortunately this can also mean cutting excessive bread intake. At least I can sleep now and weight loss is an added bonus.
from smallraven :
have you seen this? YUKI-ONNA The Lady of the Snow, Winter Ghost, Snow Queen. A chilling, haunted blend of bergamot, lemon verbena, sandalwood and jasmine. .purchase 5ml. .purchase 10ml. .view cart / check out.
from jonathan :
I thought it was dark blue text on white, that's what I've got, it might be a Mac thing ... I change a lump of some other HTML into ffffff everything just to see what would happen. Nothing in Netscape. So its an Exlporer thing. Oh hell.
from jonathan :
Lusting after a ghanima literary fix. I think I've made my diary legible. Assistance has been offered from various quarters - it may receive an erato make over :) Mmmmm. P.S. Being Henry has its drawbacks and pleasures ... so what do I not write about?
from erato :
Darling, I miss you. I am in a stolen computer and cannot stay long. I have turned myself upside down again. It's lovely and mad. I have lost my bearings. God, I LOVE to do this to myself. I am enjoying every moment. But I miss you!
from jonathan :
The HTML in mymindbursts ressembles barbed wire on the Western Front after a six month bombardment; I've lost control of it! HELP! Any suggestions welcome, though with a head like marshmallow soaked in gin it's better I don't attempt surgery at the moment. All the best. P.S. I'm having a love affair with my iBook anyway - back to a MAC after four years absence :) And I have an office, a cuby hole in the top of a 17th century townhouse in the ancient town of Lewes - to write. No phone. No broadband. No house. No kids. No view. I won't even allow the doorbell to be attached.
from erato :
Ah, darling! How these workload days leave me missing your lively conversation.
from beagle47 :
wherever i go, there i am...
from funda :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from earthandseed :
This place is beyond compare.
from isabelviolet :
Will you take a look at my latest entry? I found it tasty at first, but the writing seems to have a bitter aftertaste that I can't decide if I like or not. Be brutal. Or David Bowie will eat your soul.
from elgan :
Okay sweetie, entry posted as promised, and it's only 1 p.m. your time!
from cadetloki :
How I never made the connection before, I do not know, but I just discovered the military-family reason you are in Japan. This has, no doubt, and in no small way, subconciously made you a shining light in this sometimes bleak net-scape that is diaryland. I will, in about 16 months myself comission into the Air Force. Fate allowing, my poet girlfriend will accompany me on my adventures. And to think... I found your diary because I thought your banner was pretty :)
from amantium :
Anaiis, darling, Anaiis. She is back from Hades, eyes wide open.
from amantium :
i thought you would enjoy the rebirth of this one. For now, the whole world can see.
from thole :
best congratulations on your published book! i will certainly pursue a copy, in january.
from youscareme :
would you like a description?
from youscareme :
Would you prefer I don't? ;)
from isabelviolet :
I want my damn postcard! loves!
from je-reviens :
Dear Ghanima, Please send me the passwords for your novels. I read the excerpt from your Arthurian one on Nanowrimo and am dying to read the rest. Thank you for your time.
from deepq :
From "Dune": ghanima: something acquired in battle, with the additional overtone that the something was no longer used for its original purpose. Am I right? And I'd like a password, please.
from sammybob24 :
Thank you! I'm afraid I don't know how to delete the note though. I'm a computer moron. If you would show me, I would be happy to get rid of it. : ) thanks again, KW
from sanchezcafe :
Thank you! I finaly found a writor on this place. I'm a writor,too but can't find any others. I'm hoping to read your work;mostly The Daughter's Tales. please and thanks! -MDMM
from thole :
a password, please?
from nakedpride :
The password would be much obliged. Thank you.
from elgan :
Yes, definitely put me on your password passout list! Please (and thank you)!
from greytanit :
Password me, please!
from mirrizimm :
from ladyvivien :
Always assume, chere.
from erato :
I have wronged you and disappeared. I will offer my explanations as time allows... for now, just know that I watch you now and again and miss you as you would not believe.
from iamchristian :
thank you very much! would you mind if i printed out your story, for my own ease of reading? if not, i will continue to read it on the web. you have so much talent. -sarah
from the-la-story :
Since you have learned not to overreact, maybe you could learn to also think before you speak. Simply saying "dont get mad" doesnt prevent people from feeling hurt. There was no way to say what you wanted to say that wasnt going to be offensive. If I hadn't known the quote, I would have felt stupid. If I had, I would have felt insulted. Thats all I mean by thinking before you speak. Its something that would have been much better left unsaid. And since you "take shit" from people all the time, as you say, I would think you would be a little more sensitive to how others might take things.
from the-la-story :
If you expect that your words will not make someone angry, or at least hurt their feelings, you might consider refraining from offensive words like "mangle." Its rather disappointing to see that someone went to the trouble of clicking your banner and leaving you a note only to insult your intelligence. You might consider that alot of people who use Diaryland "put themselves out there" so to speak, on a daily basis, and its not very compassionate to take advantage of that vulnerability.
from raven72d :
I cannot take seriously opinions about honorifics or respect language by someone who believes in things like academic feminism and/or the existence of acdemic feminists. Any belief system which trades in egalitarianism or accepts the idea of ancient mother goddesses is simply not worth considering. Neither can I belief in anyone who thinks cultures are to encountered rather than made up as one goes along.
from elgan :
[email protected]
from a-iphigenia :
my dear - writing-wise I am not able to keep up with the lovely parisian crowd, and, wishing no discourtesy to those who do, I must ask to be removed to the time being and continue in my role as delighted reader. I am attempting nanowrimo, and lacking your powers of focus must gather my scattered whims and sequester myself, allowing for singular focus. I hope that at another point I may be permitted again to partake of that lovely sanctuary. (fire tainted air kisses) alusz
from jonathan :
Thanks. You're right. I've sobered up for a three day writing binge - watch out! The kids are away, I'm in front of the computer. I have something to say.
from pieceofmind1 :
we are agreed, then.
from pieceofmind1 :
re:genesis-how lovely that you could see beauty and meaning in a simple gesture of assistance. Many of us wait for that kind of magic, only to find that we make it for ourselves. There is no Prince Charming. We are the ones to chant the charm that will create the environment and circumstances we wish for.
from donnaisblue :
thank you so much
from jonathan :
Am I trying to wind you up? Or Ttrying to get you to say what utter shite I write? No. It's simpler than that. I detest having to review; I'm better at making sarcastic remarks from the back of the class. I thought what you said about nx2x2x2x2 ... was perfect and acurate. I've ben struggling with a reply ever since! And dam me I don't want to put in the work that is required. I cold htough, I keep getting lines, having ideas that would 'clean it up' as it were. As for the 'poems' offered by Montparnasee (or elsehwere) Either I like something or I don't, either I understand it or I don't. I like an easy read, you rarely are, for me. I have a simple, crude mind and am poorly read. With few exceptions I only read poetry I was obliged to read for school exams and the only comments I had were those I learnt from classes. The exception being Jacques Prevert, but I was a teenager and my girl-friend was French. I knew you'd pick me up on 'obfuscation.' Am I qualified to suggest what to do? I'm not. Most poetry like Country music leaves me cold and glazed over. Yadadadaddadaddad.
from banshee-rose :
wow deep. That is all I can deep
from gaansau :
Oooh! Greek! I just wish they would do Nanowrimo in a month where everyone I know won`t be in Japan to visit me.
from futilehorn :
Gah, I didn't say I didn't like you. Anyway I didn't mean it. The 'you suck' bit wasn't me being disapproving as... well, I would say whimsically contrary, but you can have ornery. I think you're entertaining, which I suppose is about as good as you can do for someone you don't know. Come come I'm a fan.
from literatim :
Well, saw the design and it is fabulous. I'm not sure how to fix the index page except that it took a few tries before that blue template went through (I'm not sure the reason behind that, though, dland or my own computer). I wish I could offer help, but anything I would suggest are things you've probably already tried. Chalk it up to the ineptitude of dland and wait a bit to see if it goes through?
from banshee-rose :
We have some things in common. I enjoyed your diary. Good luck with the wish list. I had one up but gave up and took it down.
from weirdlilgrrl :
you're quite interesting. an artsy person. i love artsy people. i am one, i think. you may look at me and say no. for i dont know if i am or not........ anyway, i love your templates. do you have a design site??
from raven72d :
Once someone has been in a quarrel with me, I can't ever really trust them again. I know that they're capable of thinking bad things about me and probably *are* still thinking bad things about me even if they say they've made up with me. [Much like asking a girl out-- if she says No, you can't ever see her, speak to her, or be in the same class/room/bar/office with her again, since you know she despises you] I do indeed feel wronged. I was not the one who began being hostile. I enjoyed reading you and rather looked forward to your thoughts. My own policy is to simply ignore things I really disagree with in others' writings, the better to avoid all argument and just be pleasant. So bear in mind-- I never began to atatck you. I don't even know what I did that was so wrong that you had to say that I was morally and psychologically flawed.
from girl-aflame :
*nods* Well said, I see your point.
from poul :
i just remembered - 'ghanima' means 'war booty' in arabic. did you know?
from katharos101 :
Yes, I found out a while ago. I had this account by then, though, and I didn't want to change my username. Thanks for signing, though.
from greytanit :
I've opened a new IM account and expect to be online more often; I am sticking with my oracular theme--it is very appealing right now. I wish I could apprentice in Delphi...*sigh* IM me: thesibylqueen
from raven72d :
Hawks and falcons are Good. Like ravens, snow owls, penguins, and puffins. And the Small Domestic Archaeopteryx. And, yes: Artifice is better than Nature. Always. However not? Artifice is the product of thought, whimsy, planning, style. Hard edges are more stylish than fleshy swampiness. And there is no Gabon. You miss the fun in random and arbitrary assertion. I've never understood that. Any more than I've understood why you decided to hate me.
from literatim :
FINALLY! someone noticed.
from daath :
I took the test last year with the old analytical section so I know what you mean. The essay part is, by far, much easier for me. I just don't know if my conciseness is their kind of conciseness. Then again, considering what they award a score of 6 to, maybe I shouldn't be worried.
from pleasegoaway :
You beautify me. Your words are inspiring.
from hadassah :
you inspire me. Your words are beautiful.
from lastyeargirl :
Oh my Lady Ghanima, I am not happy. I had the CD I made for you returned to me. Perhaps there is some other address I could use, or else you just have to hurry up and visit Edinburgh again so I can give it to you in person.
from speranza- :
...well i think perhaps that...if you share more, people will read more. You talk about people thinking "Fuck" written 500 times on a page as being art... And how you don't think it is. Frankly, neither do i... But we have to remember *why* we started writing here. Was it so other people could come and find us, disect us? If that's why you started and now you know no one is reading you, then fine...stop writing. me, i know i started writing cause i had nowhere else to go; no one *no one* i could tell things too, so here i came. It's safe, as strangers read, and maybe if i'm lucky i get some feedback, and...i know i can put whatever i want up on that page, cause...if they don't like it they can stop reading...and besides, they're "just the interent people"... Personally, i like reading you; i love how you're so intelligent, and use those big words that most people now days don't understand. It's sacrosanctual in a sorts...intelligence. If you stop writing, i'll miss you. But know i'll wish you the best. Don't do your version of art, be it however it is expressed, for other people. That's like selling out. Do it for yourself.
from pleasegoaway :
Yorm. Sigh. Datura is coming in the mail. I've never had a vivid dream in my life.
from mythmaker :
I've read in a few mythology books that the Cumaean Sibyl was granted eternal life from Apollo, who was in love with her. But she betrayed him, and he conveniently forgot to mention that she would want perpetual youth as well. Marina Warner has been my primary source for info about the Cumaean Sibyl--she suggests that Deiphobe is just one of the many names used for the Cumaean sibyl. I got the twelve sibyls from the twelve used by medieval writers as the women who predicted Christ's birth, thousands of years before the event. Michelangelo painted four? of them on the Sistine Chapel. I wouldn't doubt at all the my info is off--I've got about three sources that really talk about the sibyls, and I'm really winging it on most of it. Can you recommend any books on oracles in general? Seers? I welcome the chance for you to educate me. :)
from erato :
Great, because I would never play without you.
from kunos :
I was just kidding, the vibrancy of the pink stung my eyes. However, seeing so many excellent writers gathered in communion is refreshing.
from cpttylor :
Actually, that entry was ENTIRELY inspired by your entry. You should get credit for it somewhere. How about here? And, by the way, you ARE one of the three aforementioned non-offenders.
from erato :
Darling! What a delightful prompt you have posted. I must say I am positively enamoured of your mind of late. You are everywhere. I miss our talks. We must do it again soon.
from poul :
one poem, one novel and two short stories, please :D (licking my lips in anticipation).
from poul :
ha - how could i know what do i want to read if i haven't seen any of it? send me something, or everything, or whatever you like the most yourself. or send me the haiku postcard you promised ;)
from poul :
i suspected as much...which is pity, i'd like to read your 'real' stuff.
from kunos :
Impressive and delectable. You paint vivid images in my mind.
from blueoases :
About Les Singes,I had visited back in August, but never got around to... "applying." I apologize for the lateness, and once I read through all the reviews I found the closing entry, when I discovered I was a bit too late. I enjoyed your reviews. Very fresh and unique.
from mythmaker :
It is only I, Tanit, opening another home for yet another writing experiment.
from pieceofmind1 :
Hi there, I did manage to post a review of the writings from one of the guests lingering over a cool draught at our cafe. It is posted at my own site- am I supposed to post it on the bulliten board at our cafe instead? Oh, and where do I find the prompts? I guess I need a guided tour, and I wouldn't survive on a desert island, even with a map and compass!
from jadefrost :
Hi! Thanks for the help, I did like you said a couple days ago, and did as the prompt said. I hope I did alright. Thanks again.
from erato :
I quoted you, you mad genius. See if you catch the banner. Oh, I saw a very Ghanima-esque banner but when I clicked, guess who it was? SquirrelX!
from officegal :
i did read the page. i clicked around forever. it said nothing. maybe you should organize it bettter. and no im not glad you guys wont review it. i know i have a good dairy. why are u so rude
from speranza- :
Hmmm...i would be interested in the whole mail me thing... If you think i wouldn't screw your head too bad, lol. (Read me, i'm fucked, and wouldn't want to taint you without your knowledge.) Also, i just found you (obviously so, or else you'd know me by now.), and must say that however that layout was made, it is amazingly cool. *smiles* Not in the little "like oh my god, that's so totally cool" sense though. In the aristocratically beautiful way. Te he... *rolls eyes* Okay, yeah, well, i'm out now. Be good; i'll be back checking. :)
from yburuby :
I want a postcard. C'mon, I live in Hawaii so you could get one with a palm tree on it. What could be better than that?
from sammybob24 :
2674 Byng rd Windsor Ontario, Canada N8W 3G3 I hope to hear from you :)
from isabelviolet :
Oh my heavens...get prepared to do some writing! J. Miller 745 N. Lincoln Dietrich, Idaho 83324. Until next Friday. Then it will be: J. Miller 817 Shoshone St. N. Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 I'm so excited!
from daath :
The only thing Nietzche failed to mention about looking into the void is that, when it does finally get around to shoving quiescence into its backpocket and lunges for your eyeball, it can be a relief to lose a little weight and alot of sense. There is a fine line between opalescent dens of vermillion opium and the opprobium of tawdry New Yorker ballads of uncherished ennui, just in case..A. Willette, 27424 Sunnyridge Rd., Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274
from livefan91200 :
I have not received any of these e mails for the subjects that I am supposed to write about, so hence I am not able to know what specifically to write. Yes, I am still interested in writing for this group, even with my busy schedule being back in school and all.... it may take me a while to get on it, but it shall be done nonetheless. Please send me these e mail propts so that I may be more active. [email protected]. L'amour toujours ~LP
from normajean :
I would love to have a postcard from Japan, especially from somebody of such a clever diary. I will certainly send you a postcard. address: 2349 Grove ave. #24 San Diego, Ca 92154
from raven72d :
In a well-ordered universe, there isn't a need for more French Theory-morally earnest-feminista-deeply hermeneutic-aesthetics/philosophy writers. Indeed-- not only *is* there no room for such a person as "Lispector", there *should* be no room for her. It's like "Gabon". I take it for granted that there is no "Gabon", nor *should* there be. A "Gabon"-- a godforsaken, distant, swamp-ridden, so-called country filled with Natives whose intellectuals have a French education --is neither necessary nor excusable, and there should be a positive injunction against its existence. Same with Lispector. Just on *principle*, she doesn't exist and cannot exist in this universe. Iragaray is a joke name, and cannot be taken seriously. At best, she's like Ossian-- a faux-person who's part of an elaborate literary con. Run by Lacanian Argentines, I'd assert. You keep missing the power of arbitrary assertion, and that surprises me. "Random" and "arbitrary" have none of the value for you that they do for me. There is no Clarice Lispector, never *was* a Clarice Lispector, and *should not be* a Clarice Lispector. I'm asserting that. One makes random assertions and then defends the position to the death (of others). Lispector strikes me as a random figure that should be edited out of the continuity of a well-ordered universe.
from nakedpride :
My new look shall be: Albert Camus
from nakedpride :
You may erase Bella. I apologize for not reading the rules with clairity. Does one have to pick an author of the same gender as she is?
from nakedpride :
Excuse me for my ignorance, but how may I display my found pseudonym? I want to be Bella, but if this name is taken, I will be Sophia.
from nakedpride :
Will do. :)
from nakedpride :
Would you like me to move the piece to that domain and remove it from montparnasse?
from jadefrost :
Hi. I'd love to post, but I'm not sure how to. I know that must sound idiotic, but I tried to have my friend explain it to me, and I still was unable to figure out how to add an entry to the site. Sorry Hun.
from raven72d :
Several points... Simply being "flesh and blood" doesn't make one "real" or "a real person". "Real" implies both value and necessity. Why *ever* would I read the "works" of people who never existed, nor *should* ever exist in a well-ordered universe. A "Lispector" book on the shelf is simply non-existent as I walk by. My friend Monique Rhodes used to claim she'd worked with Iragaray, but I finally had to just tell her that, no, she *hadn't", and that I suspected she'd been off the ski slopes of Chile the whole time she claimed to have been working with this so-called "Iragaray"... Not semantic games, by the way. A simple assertion: there never was a real Lispector or Iragaray, anyone who claims to have "known" them is part of a joke or has some nefarious ulterior motive, and that in this universe, we don't need a "Lispector" or an "Iragaray". When people claim that such things exist, one responds the same way as when people talk about Accepting Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior or voting for Lyndon Larouche or Expressing Solidarity With the Uruguayan Proletariat. One nods politely and passes on in dignified silence, well aware that such things do not-- and *should not* exist.
from raven72d :
Luce Iragaray? No. Sorry. No one was ever named "Luce Iragaray". It's a joke name-- like Biggus Dickus or Cruz Bustamente or Long Duk Dong or Paddy O'Furniture. Lispector, et al.-- it's all just "Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius", really. And even if such things *could* exist, we should simply pass over them in dignified silence. And the world of aneems and Fuji TV, by the way, is far more real than, say, Sri Lanka or Ecuador or Kentucky...let alone Gabon.
from raven72d :
Space corgis and pikachus most certainly exist, as does the small Stray Sheep and his Invisible Hokkaido Friends. These things are the creations of Fuji TV. They are part of the functional universe and help with its kawaii factor. There is no justification for Lispector et al. existing. The universe has no need of them, and a well-structured and ordered universe simply eliminates their possibility. We should do the same.
from raven72d :
There never was a "real" Clarice Lispector. She was a confabulation. A literary prank. And even if such a person *did* exist, she *shouldn't*. Like Jurgen Habermas or Ludwig von Mises. No such persons ever did...or *should*...exist. Robert Jordan exists, but is known everywhere as a Hack Writer and probable catamite of the Evil Esquimaux. One can walk through offices at the Sorbonne and see rooms which should *by right* have no occupants. Cixous is simply an appalling thinker. But Lispector, like Luce Iragaray, did not-- and *should* not exist. On aesthetic grounds.
from miko-sama :
RYN: I am sorry I have not posted for...ever. The problem is college and work started up and I literally have no time to myself. Hence, it will probably be best if I were to be removed from the ring. My most sincere apologies--when I joined, I had no idea I would be this busy come fall.
from raven72d :
Welsh was invented to baffle the English, who were after all trying to civilize the Welsh. No such language as Welsh-- see those absurd "place names" that appear in "longest word in the world" lists --can or *should* exist. Much like Clarice Lispector. There's no reason for her. She really is superfluous and distracting here in this universe. At best, she's a joke created by bored Sorbonne junior faculty. No one like "Clarice Lispector" *should* exist...on aesthetic grounds, if nothing else. So-- no "Welsh", no "Clarice Lispector". Volapuk was created, yes...but openly so. As an intellectual exercise. Not foisted off by sullen Natives as a supposedly real language.
from raven72d :
Living with a girlfriend during university is still very much a social ticket to be punched. It's something one should have done, even if only for the Story later. Of *course* women can get sex. They have something men want. All the girls look prettier at closing time, the old song says. Being seen with an attractive girl confers both sex and status-- the ability to be perceived as meriting *other*, future attractive girls. Women have bargaining power. Asking an attractive girl for sex is pointless. Not already *having* an attractive girl means that you don't *merit* one. Asking for sex is begging, and everyone has contempt for beggars. I've never had a birthday party, never had a girl remember a birthday, never been invited to a party of any kind.
from raven72d :
There is no Clarice Lispector, nor should there be. Book titles, jacket photos-- at best, a joke. A fabrication. Like the Welsh "language". Created to baffle outsiders. And in any case, the idea of a Clarice Lispector is unacceptable.
from raven72d :
There is no Clarice Lispector, nor should there be. Another un-person. The problem with critical theory is that no one understands that it's fun to play with, but, like libertarianism or religion or Marxism, it's really not to be taken seriously. And any theory created by French intellectuals is suspect from the beginning.
from veuvenoire :
Very sorry about not posting for such a long time, back to school swept me off my feet and to tell the truth I completely forgot. However, I brought myself to my senses and did post to the last prompt just under a week ago. Please accept my deepest apologies, and if you'll have me back I will devote myself utterly to montparnasse. On another note, how exactly do you wish us to go about with the reviews? I'm new to it all and need a little guidance.
from raven72d :
I have no use for Hindoostan (I'm vur' pro-Paki on the Kashmir issue) or the turbaned and misshapen minions of the Andaman Islanders...or Hindoo architecture or thought or history. I have despised Gandhi all my life. Cixous is yet one more faux-Marxist/activist/morally earnest French-theory feminista critic-- a species the planet can do without. You'll note that I despise each of the terms of abuse I've attached to the vur' *non*-belle Helene. I am by no means a relativist. Some things are simply *better*-- more clever, more beautiful, more stylish, more rigorously constructed, more well-crafted, more *correct*. And it strikes me as disingenuous to pretend otherwise, or to say that others' views are all "equally valid".
from raven72d :
Untrue. Not all aesthetics are valid. Consider: the hip-hop/urban, the African tribal, the "Heartland" chic, the Native American (i.e., Red Heathen Savage), the Marxist, the Suburban Christian, the Heavy Metal, the self-consciously rural, the Morally Earnest, the Sensitive and Politically Correct, the Hindoo, the New Age... *Not* valid aesthetics. But Derrida-- Rabbi Jacques, as opposed to Big Jacques (Lacan) on "Deconstructive Dallas" --is as big a fool as Hilton Kramer.
from foreversaved :
A postcard, a letter - There are too few instances of people sending real mail now. I miss the sense of reality. I'd send you a postcard and a long letter to match! Elizabeth Lynn Rakphongphairoj 5757 Ravenspur Dr. #36 Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 United States
from wilder3 :
Simpily Have to posess at least one of your Postcards. They are trying to turn this area int the decorated Mail capitol of the world.Honest. I will try to send you a postcard in return probably from The natural bridge - Park. It Felt Strange writing Natural Bridge. any way Hope I've taken enough of your Time. From someone who is Afraid Of Being Left Behind. Not Left Behind Just afraid. D.B.Froman 209 Brandy Lane Stanton KY 40380
from girl-aflame :
I'll send you a postcard :) although mine won't be as eloquent as yours. But my address is: Michelle Hooper PMB 28491 Furman University 3300 Poinsett Highway Greenville, SC 29613
from greytanit :
I would love a postcard; a care package is in the making. I'm sorry for the deplorable lack of emails. I will make it up.
from caudelac :
you can send me anything, anytime, b'loved. If you don't have my address, e-mail me, and I shall give to you.
from erato :
As I told you when I met you, I am quite charmed, and well armed. This should be a great Apocalypse.
from erato :
Fighting words. I think it high time I got around to seducing you. Hipbones, clavicle, elbows and knees. And everything in between.
from erato :
Are you a woman of your word?
from erato :
Must it be a postcard, or can I send you a plane ticket to come delight me in the flesh?
from pleasegoaway :
Errr, nothing really of import at all. Basically we are in a supremely childish contest to see how fast I can post entries and he can delete them. Which is of course quite silly, but hey, we're all children at heart!@#!!@#!@#!!!....etc...
from pleasegoaway :
hey, you! yah, diaryland guestbook whirlwinds are especially fun when you're either a)on a japanese naval base with nothing to do, b)a loser college student, or c)a loser thirty year old with quasi-pedophilic tendencies.
from pieceofmind1 :
EBB-the Little Portuguese-that's my pseudonym. I love the poems and letters of Elisabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning. Thanks for welcoming me in- I look forward to reading and writing,in collaboration with the others in the ring.
from pieceofmind1 :
hi, Ghanima, Jonathan introduced me to you. Your writing is luminous and full bodied. I joined the monteparnassus diaryring, twice, (my journal and my blog), but I really only need one link. If you want to remove the pieceofmind2 blog link, that is ok with me. Thanks for setting up the ring.
from sicluceatlux :
I will only hate you if you do something to me personally. All I ask is that I'm not pulled into the middle of your feud.
from sicluceatlux :
why should I hate you because I am friends with raven?...
from sicluceatlux :
strange that you should leave a note...I've been secretly admiring you from afar. thank you for your kind words [what you have here is beautiful]
from smallraven :
I just wanted to tell you that your journal is so beautiful. You write in a way that not only do I wish I could write (but lack the grace and style to do so) but seem to see things in a way that I wish I could. Your journal gives me something to aspire to and is part of my pillow book. Your graphics are always lovely as well . . . Thank you for doing what you do.
from isabelviolet :
Can I come be where you are? This veil of sanity begins to slip.
from erato :
To clear the resulting confusion, the quote to which Jonathan made refence and about which you noted him, "Brushes stood in vases filled to the brim with colored-water like man-made flowers." came from my piece "your River."
from starkiss27 :
I was wondering where to find a good template for my diary. If you could, would you mind helping me find a good one? I havn't written in my diary much lately, but I would like to start expressing myself, and with words I could say so much. I want to be able to write, to explain things in such ways that are beautiful, and yet curiously challenging. I havn't had a reason to write, but my life is changing, and so is my thinking. I am starting to love life, and that gives me motive to start caring again. Your opinion would be greatly treasured.
from ladyvivien :
Now how could I resist an invitation to write about you, dear one?
from jonathan :
Wow. Have you uspet someone? Me. I'm bloody f*cking sober aren't I. I've cut and pasted Montparnasse off to read outside in the sun. With a pint of Cranberry Juice and Perrier. Yawn. Yawn. Could comments in Montparnasse link to the piece, rather than post into Notes?
from raven72d :
I am not psycho. I am simply depressed and disspirited. I had enjoyed talking with you; I ceratinly enjoy reading your entries. But you were harsh and struck a minatory note in what you said to me. I am very, very skittish. I never disagree openly with people, I always comment in an apologetic and understated tone. In-your-face people make me depressed and miserable. I have never won an argument in my life, so I do not debate. You managed to attack all my beliefs and preferences and bring up my feelings of being *wrong* and lacking value. Once I've had an argument with someone, I can't speak to them again, lest they hold things against me and/or remind me that I'm invariably in the wrong and a failure. You mistook my lament that I can never go to the Bay Area with a dislike for the region. I am vur' skittish and seek mostly to be petted on the forehead and told that I am Good. That's what I seek from life, career, love: just to be thought of as companionable, as a Good Little Pony. Now I cannot engage you directly, and I'll never get reviewed by the Monkeys-- or reviewed as if I weren't psycho and *wrong*. (That would've been my first review) I don't know why you had to take a confrontational or hard tone. All that did was frighten and anger me and make me aware that I can't debate or argue, because I'm never, ever right about anything. Your comments on my preferences in girlfriends were harsh and hurtful. I don't know why you couldn't just be Nice. One should never ever ever attack the beliefs and life of a small, skittish, but basically pettable and pleasant little hedgehog. It's just cruel and Mean.
from girl-aflame :
Sounds delicious... too bad I'm a rotten cook :D
from pale1purple :
I'm at a loss for everything with this prompt. I know I can do it, but it is the first one I have ever done and my lack of self-confidence is shining through. I feel frivolous and am in a mode of self contempt for not being as well learned as I wish I could be. I am going to do it, but if it's alright I am not going to post the first one or two until my reserved mind quits contracting with every heart beat. If you would like me to send them to only you however just so you know I am actually doing the work, that would be fine.
from radiowire :
you have some of the best writing i've ever seen.
from eden-x :
yesyesyes i would like to join if you;d have me. i can post by the end of the week, hope that is okay with you.
from eden-x :
bonjour amour, i joined the ring thinking i knew what it was all about, then found myself lost. will you please, please, take a moment to explain it to me again? i know it is a bother, but i am genuinely interested. Xo.
from chikmagnet :
haha i loved your banner...the "insomniacs do it for 24 hours"..something. funny.
from raven72d :
It just sounded like a harsh tone. I always express opinions to others in an understated, apologetic tone.
from allumeuse :
there is serenity in shodo (i was always partial to the whispers of an inkstick rubbed against the suzuri- it's like white noise lulling me to sleep) and spiritual refreshment in tea ceremonies. i hope japan finds you well and vice versa; tranquil and inspired for yet another tale after the mountain and ayako.
from raven72d :
I'd have gone missing within the first day of being exposed to a hose where debating techniques were encouraged. Argument only leaves me empty and filled with self-loathing. Debate only makes me feel...well, emasculated, in some generalized sense... And held up to ridicule and contempt. If anyone attacks my positions, I assume ab initio that they must be right. After all, I've never won an argument in all my life. Nothing I've ever believed or asserted or proposed has ever been considered as having "cognitive content" or having any logical, aesthetic, moral, stylistic, or ethical justification. And once people argue with me-- or turn me down for anything, or quarrel with me --I just leave the room and never come back. I can't feel safe or useful ever again, can't ever think something good will happen. I've left seminar rooms, walked off the stage at a panel during an academic conference, walked out of clubs and restaurants and girls' apartments. It always happens that I'm revealed as useless and *wrong* and valueless. I can't face people who've been Mean or rejected me because I wasn't Good Enough.
from jonathan :
I need another week to rid myself of the negativity that is welling up inside me. I'll get through it ... meanwhile, AOL has goen AWOL and I'm lumbering along with Explorer and a broadband connection. I haven't a clue how to email or send messages through Explorer yet. Curses. If I want to write a review I want to do it to the standard of a Cyril Connolly review I came across - I'll send it to you. He must have been a Classics undergraduate. I don't think I'm up to it. I read and enjoy too much trash and can't handle anything if I don't appreciate the relationships ...
from jonathan :
Cat, could we keep comments related to the peice to which they are attached and exchagned notes or emails for the rest please? I can't promise when I'll get back to you on this - sorry. This computer is being ditched and I'm doing some work in the V&A in London.
from raven72d :
I delete any note that might be unpleasant or sound unpleasant or mean. I throw away letters (like bank statements or bills or grades) that might be unpleasant or depressing or disspiriting or mean. I always hope my notes will be Pleasant, that people will say Nice and Kind things. When others read my notes, i want them to think that I'm a good person, that I'm nice, that people have kind things to say; I don't want visitors finding angry or upsetting or harsh things. I want people to visit and think that I'm good and worth being nice to. I delete notes that remind me of Mean things. (And of course I delete anything by anyone male. That was the whole horrible clash with a "z0tl" person in the spring. One cannot speak to Other Males. It just doesn't do one any good, let alone appear seemly)
from raven72d :
You invoked the male/female thing. That's a card to which there's no reply. A woman who invokes the male/female thing is delivering a blow to which there's no reply. To be male and try to reply at all is to brand oneself as retrograde and dense and morally flawed and "unevolved" and "male". Your tone was combative and hostile. I always leave the room when the tone goes bad. I never, ever debate. Debate only makes me realize that everything I say and think and feel and believe is wrong. Debate makes me feel the weight of being wrong, being inferior, being stupid and useless. I have never in all my life made any points at argument or debate, let alone won an argument or debate. I like things that are Pleasant and Kind. Like Pikachu. Or Pochacco. Or Small Messenger Capybaras. Though I should never discuss cultures and places and ideas and art that I like/dislike. My choices are always held up as morally flawed and wrong and somehow indicative of my general lack of perception and usefulness. I can't deal with certain images of, e.g., Montparnasse, because I dislike Paris and the French, can't travel (no money, afraid to board an aircraft), believe that sex is about style/setting/ritual/grace and have never grasped Henry Miller's concept of sexuality, and have no idea at all any longer how one has sex or acquires muses/partners. I cannot travel or deal with people. I cannot argue,since I'm always wrong and have no resources upon which to fall back when Bad Things happen. I know that I'm wrong and useless and stupid and that nothing I believe or admire is of any value whatsoever. Combative tones and argument only make me aware of how valueless I am. I cannot type with more than two fingers; I know zero about HTML. These flaws are right up there with my failure to parallel park, to be able to ask a girl out, or learn any mechanical skill whatsoever. Rebarbative is just not a mood I can deal with. I try vur' hard to avoid confrontation on anything Depressing and Unpleasant. And once someone has argued against me, I can't face them any more. They know that I'm wrong and useless.
from raven72d :
Memory is re-enacted desire. And in desire begins unhappiness.
from jonathan :
"Art is memory: memory is reenacted desire." Cyril Connolly. You should read 'The Unquiet Grave.'
from raven72d :
I never thought his style was simple.
from raven72d :
I may be the last person who likes Hemingway. I was *always* the *only* person who liked "Across the River and Into the Trees".
from raven72d :
Why is about male/female? I simply find Turkey far more fascinating than Greece. The Ionia of Herodotus or Herakleitos means far more to me than Athens ever could. I'd have done Pisistratos' Athens-- never that of Perikles. I can sense the tragedy of 1453, but not as a Greek loss-- Constantine XI dying on the steps of his palace is an end to Rome for me, not a Greek loss. And the Ottoman world is one I do fancy. I have no use for modern Greece at all-- not its politics or its traffic. And I'll never forgive them calling Salonika Thessaloniki. I prefer tall, slender, elegant, icy-sardonic girls with knife-edge cheekbones. It may be unnatural, but I prefer the sculpted to the "natural"-- in gardens as well as women. I never saw Dodona, though I long to. Mycenae was there for me, and Knossos. I walked under the Lion Gate and thought of Agamemnon, and of Aegisthos' line that "exiles feed on bitter dreams of hope". I would like to see Dodona-- if only because Housman is there in my memory: "Tis mute the word they went to hear/On high Dodona mountain/When winds were in the oakenshaws/And all the caldrons tolled." I know enough to avoid Aphrodite. It's grey-eyed, cooly calculating Athene I want as my patron.
from raven72d :
I've spent time in Turkey, and I love Ottoman history, and the cities of Ionia had a spirit that means more to me than Athens... I'm a Medizer at heart. Hemingway's stories mean a lot to me-- more than the novels.
from raven72d :
Maybe it's just Paris. It's never generated an emotional connection in me. I read Stein and Miller and Hemingway and other expats from the 1920s and Paris just wasn't a Moveable Feast for me. But, yes-- why Sapporo? Why Vienna? Why Ulan Bator, for God's sake? The question works that way, too. It's an a-rational thing, an emotional response. I'd have gone to Ionia, but never Athens. I have no idea why I look at some places/times and respond and feel nothing at all about others.
from bijou-review :
Hello my dear, I shall always apologize for your long wait in line, but Lucian has encountered some life issues that have prevented him from being 'around' so to speak. Hence forth, I added you to the front of my list and your review is complete.
from raven72d :
Cicadas... I can't think of cicadas without flashing on a c. 1980 *vur' dreadful* horror film called "The Beast Within"...set in the Mississippi Delta. Due to "Indian magic" people changed into giant were-cicadas and devoured the locals...and (ahem) mated with and impregnated a local cheerleader. All the more reason *never* to drive through northern Mississippi.
from raven72d :
But do you hear the fox-demons whisper in female voices there in the twilight?
from winterfire79 :
hi, I'm Crystal. Pale1purple pointed out your writing/diary to me. I love the way you write. Very fascinating and demanding of attention when i read your work. It's skilfully written with edge that most people, who claim they can write, lack. I've written for about a decade and I feel I have a long way to go before I claim anything. Leave me a note if you like.
from veuvenoire :
my email is [email protected], sorry i took so long to get back to you!
from pale1purple :
No need to thank me, you very well deserve every compliment you recieve. I've only just recently within the last few years began to write... some say I have progressed pretty far within that time, but I shrug at them -I believe I could do better. I've never gone to school, only researched writing in my spare time. I've always held a passion for writing within my palm, but the concept of it was still always out of reach to me. There is nothing better than reading a magnificently wrote story or poem. I believe that artistry is not in the content of a story, but in the design of the wording. To have that type of a talent is almost unheard of this day in age. Never lose it.
from sammybob24 :
I'm excited for you marithon book. I'll be there with bells on. ~KW
from jadefrost :
Your entries are so strong, and breathtaking. I hope I can one day become my own version of what your are able to accomplish through your writing.
from raven72d :
Films about heroic mentor/teachers aren't about indoctrination as much as they serve as self-justification for the failed intellectuals who wrote the books the films were taken from.
from pale1purple :
Your writing intrigues me. It seem to be a cross between Sir Tennyson and Emily with a little bit of Ann Rice. I've only just began to read your diary; I like your style and the fact that you aren't embarrassed of your passion. Email me or leave me a note it would be wonderful to speak with you one on one.
from shadowglass :
colourofeverything @ looking forwards to it.
from neuroticaa :
under_neon @ (remove that space). i've already linked montparnasse in my favorites. <3
from neuroticaa :
what a shithead. (how's that for simplicity?) and he didn't even give a plausible reason; magnolia is a crap movie. pay no attention to him, dearie, i love you just the way you are <3
from tienesmiedo :
oh well, the troubles of the internet. hope you have a nice day, darlin
from tienesmiedo :
i think it was to mock your analysis of that boy, because he is far from goth or ignorant. perhaps a temporary lapse in judgement resulted in him leaving such a note to you. but i must say i do agree that telling someone to cease writing the way they do is harsh and also quite unneccesary. you don't like it, don't read it, rather simple. saying that leads me to another question, why add him as a favorite then insult his writing? i'm guessing it's just a simple method of retaliation, but also somewhat hypocritical. believe me, i'm not taking sides or insulting you in any way because i think what he said was out of line, i just wanted to put my 2 cents in xx e.b.
from tienesmiedo :
"morrisey" uses so much eyeliner that, in fact, last night he snuck into my room and used to last of my kohl pencil ::sob:: he doesn't know when to stop!!!
from morrisey :
i did apologise. i was having quite the day. i am very sorry that i lashed out at you and the way you write your diary. i didn't mean what i said to sound as blunt and straightforward as it did.
from morrisey :
i read your calculated response in your diary. and after almost throwing up my own pelvis bone through laughter, i thought, really, why waste your time on me? oh, and i'm not a member of the mtv generation. i've actually never seen it. and in the scale of things, in the canto we live in, magnolia is a frighteningly clever piece of film. but feel free to insult me all you like!! you and your friends! go nuts! i think you need it.
from morrisey :
we're not all guilty. there isn't any god and there isn't any doctrine and there isn't any religion and there isn't any church. we live our lives against other people's. you can choose to be guilty, but you can't choose to be innocent. ok, number two. stop writing like you do. the most beautiful things in the world are very very simple. your writing is layered and thick with words and poetic devices and it just reads like somebody trying too hard. stop trying. and watch the movie magnolia. and sorry. just having a bad day.
from raven72d :
The current Chinese-calendar mini-season is "Heaven and Earth Become Strict". Go figure.
from raven72d :
Sometimes one longs for the Takla Makan.
from sbspsd :
the reason for changing them is because we believe in maintaining the high standards of the site! simple.
from sbspsd :
thank you for using a graphic link from our site. please comment on our handling of the situation at hand. politics------> what do you think of it?
from sbspsd :
if you would like to say anything, please contact jellybelly84, who reviewed your diary. For RE-REQUEST RELATED things ONLY, you may consult me through Sepia's Notes. Also, please use a link from our LINK US section on Sepia REviews site.
from jellybelly84 :
i reviewed your diary, you can tell me what you were thinking at [email protected]
from sbspsd :
we all have different perspectives. why not we find a most suitable reviewer for you? how would that be? we believe in 100% customer satisfaction.
from sbspsd :
very sorry to hear your comments. that particular review was done by a new reviewer. we assumed you wanted a re-review and put you back on the pending list. we are nice people :)
from sbspsd :
Your review is complete and is up on our site. You scored 55/100. You may request for a re-review up to a maximum of 4 times, if the committee feels that your review was not done up to standard.
from sammybob24 :
I really love your you write them all the time? ....... i also wanted to ask you if you happen to be(or know) "sheherezade" because adore her story too (although i've not quite finished reading it) and I would like to know if she(you) is going to finish it. If you happen to know, drop me a little message. Keep writing! ~kw
from youreviews :
Your review is done it is located at You have a great love for writing, and If you think that I have been harsh or you have any comment please just email them to me at [email protected], And I will feel free to discuss it with you!
from blue-satin :
yes. that's fine. sorry about that. emma.
from raven72d :
The Digamma, like the Quagga (the small animal, *not* the Greek ex-letter Qoppa) is on my list of the forlorn and unjustly neglected.
from adelyte :
so, not only was I amused that you used one of my favorite phrases (various and sundry) but also was I intrigued by reference and allusion to a comic book hero, a classic game show, an Arabian night, Chaucer, Bill and Ted, my personal favorite search engine, and an eating disorder... all in one little entry. makes me wonder what else i might find.
from raven72d :
The open kimono is a beautiful and alluring image... Cipangu-- barley ripens in mid-May, rice in early September... In the winter the quails metamorphose into sere grasses...
from raven72d :
I have a Psyduck stuffling there on my desk, but...I understand that not everyone has the same odd identifications that I do.
from raven72d :
I seem to have a link to Les Singes in my diary now...
from raven72d : read Jennifer's blog... A Heian layout would be lovely. I'll see if I can recall the steps for cut'n'paste (I've done it exactly...once...before). I'll find you the Japanese...
from isabelviolet :
I would love it. I'm completely computer-illiterate, despite the State of Idaho's attempts to mold me. sigh. Thanks so much. And your entry concerning the kimono--made me want to get another tattoo, oddly. Which I don't quite understand, but it was a beautiful response to a beautifully written exposure.
from sacredwhore :
absolutely beautiful.
from raven72d :
I hope you'll do a vur' Heian layout... vur' Japanese...but perphaps with the Psyduck or Ein the Space Corgi rather than a geisha... (2) exactly what steps does one take to cut'n'paste a link?
from fadedlight :
aw... I had hoped that you had accepted and not overlooked the modifying "briefly" in the phrase "I will even briefly unlock my diary." I suppose I will unlock it. I've got... em, not all that much to hide, I guess. Er.
from raven72d :
Not a story... She's a semi-legendary ruler in ancient Yamato. There's supposedly an archaeological site down south of Kyoto that may be her burial mound... Look her up.
from raven72d :
Good though. Vur' good thought. You might think, too, of a tale of Queen Pimiko...
from raven72d :
You'll need 72 chapters... I went to singes and used the keyword and then added singes to my fave list... 72 chapters...and a pony. Everyone needs a pony.
from raven72d :
I've never understood why anyone would masturbate in a cinema. It just seems rude. Especially if they're sitting in the aisle seat and someone has to get by.
from raven72d :
You're in...Yokosuka? Yokohama? Must be hellish... The calendar may be found at Liza Dalby's page-- --along with lots o'stuff...
from blueapple :
Yourself and the lovely Rabbit? I offer an emphatic yes.
from poul :
i would illustrate it
from guildenstern :
It is a worthy idea, but if we are talking of the same Diaryland -and I believe we are- I would expect pledges only from those deemed worthy of inclusion, and pouts from those relegated to the stalls. In the celestial chimp's tea party of Dland, everyone is read but no-one reads.
from sammybob24 :
I really did enjoy it, it was awesome! ~KW
from bleue :
Have no fear...I had to stop working on my links section today but I'm not finished!
from poul :
too lazy. sorry.
from damyata :
i am becoming (a) familiar (of/)with the jewel that is your writing. still, i'm willing to recognize a faux-pas, especially if it's mine.
from damyata :
then i offer my most sincere apologies. the offense was made unwittingly.
from damyata :
the knife, coincidence, and the oracle, a reference to the prophet for whom the veils are dropped, dropping.
from nudeplatypus :
I agree with you about SquirrelX. Some of the banners are quite cool and I end up clicking on them and ending up on that diary. By the way, your banner is super cool.
from wilberteets :
Please know that for every "Jessica" that stops by to tear down something beautiful (and envied)there are many more who appreciate what you do. I hope you never give in to that urge to call it a night. This is what a detractor enjoys most. You are very talented.
from ladyvivien :
It's not pretention, it's an IQ. You're supposed apologise for reading, for making intelligent references? Silly flaming people. Still haven't seen your banner yet. *pouts*
from i-am-jack :
You know, people like those fucks would not know what good writing was if it bit them in their ass. Your words are beautiful, poetic. They move me. They have substance, and meaning.
from sadnow :
Your words are wonderful, your stories are amazing, and I heart your diary very much <3<3 -Carrie
from subsequently :
Words of encouragement. Hope everything goes well. Sorry, but I'm currently too poor to make a donation, but I hope others do so.
from caudelac :
The spell turned out verily well, I think.
from funda :
music appeals, but what to choose without knowing what you have available... how about this, if you have a radio (hey, I don't have a TV, so I don't assume anything), turn it on at 4AM Sunday morning and whatever song is playing on the first station you tune in, write to that... if it'll work for ya.
from russianteaze :
Your cool. Just thought I would another person to tell you that. May your life be as blunt as as the color of a cut brass wire.Fish are good.
from flying-zebra :
Clicked on your banner, and I really like the transition you have to your site. Reminds me of that site. How do you do the transition you have, if you don't mind me asking? I really love your image too. Very pretty. Peace.
from gaansau :
Greetings from Setagaya! How are you enjoying this rainy season that never ends? Being non-existent gets me into trouble sometimes, but in this case I`ll make an exception!
from subsequently :
I found your diary when I clicked on a banner that took me to a diary that linked to your page, explaining a bit about the Blogathon. I think the diary was Proofrok's, but I forgot to bookmark the diarist's page so I can't be sure. Thank you for your note.
from dalyrical1 :
it was only five bucks...i'm scrounging right now...but i hope it helps! uh...the only topic i can thing of is soul are a beautifil writer and that topic should be a peice of cake for you.
from funda :
I wish I had more to give, but then, I am giving my time and fingers (and whatever mind I shall have left) to this as well. Surely madness and something strange with four legs will follow us for the remainder of our days, or at least for 24 hours.
from blue-satin :
wow. you dwarf my raisings, but every little bit helps, right!? i'm so glad you found blogathon. i think it's a great idea. and it's such an easy way for us bloggers to make a difference. to use our incessant online writing for good. good luck and if you want to chat during the 'thon, you know how to reach me.
from raven72d :
Everyone needs a 1923-vintage typewriter.
from ravynespeaks :
:) Anything from the Indigo Girls and how about around 3 pm your time, which will be 6 pm mine. Also, I plugged you on this diary and will even put up a link to your site under "I Support These Sites". Best of luck!
from sassandbrass :
I will be there..wouldn't miss it for the world :)
from sassandbrass :
okay, you talked me into it ::grins:: I gave you an extra 10 pts for the quick response to adding a credit. But darlin, you need to do something about those scroll bars (laughs)
from sassandbrass :
ahhh, never mind, I see that you've added the credit :)
from sassandbrass :
::smiles:: you could always credit both of you so that anyone else reviewing your site won't dismiss it because there is no credit. Just a suggestion.
from isabelviolet :
Funny you should mention Alice in Wonderland in your comments about me. Alice Liddell is my great-great-grandmother (the little girl the stories were written about). I am flattered that you added me to your favorites list.
from autumnal :
from allumeuse :
Something bad, something good, at least until thinking makes it so. I am flattered and delighted for the addition of two names to your veritable Parnassus, Arrakeen princess. The compliment shall be returned forthwith.
from lastyeargirl :
When you were younger, did you ever have an imaginary world inside your head you used to hide in (like I did, or does that just make me weird?) and if so could you tell us about it for the entry in which I own you? ;) xx
from dust-settle :
just read your latest entry and the visuals you wrote about were beautiful. great stuff.
from lastyeargirl :
Oh, the pressure! I'll need to think about it - I'll get back to you before I go on holiday, promise.
from m0nique :
Wow . You are a truely cool person . Clicked on your banner as im 19 year old with daddy issues in need of a spell checker . Just thought i'dd say hi , drop by sometime . :)
from dalyrical1 :
your writing is completely awesome... the most lovely experience i have had in a long time... *sigh* i hope you don't mind that i add you to my faves list... feel free to drop by my spot anytime. i will most surely be back thanks for the lovely read!!
from raven72d :
Everyone needs a small golem. If I write "Bandai" on the forehead of my own small golem (everything good comes from Bandai), it comes alive and talks not of Rabbi Loewy and Prague, but of the Bakumatsu days in Hakodate...
from raven72d :
Do look into the Giant Japanese Salamander... They seem quite manatee-like.
from raven72d :
I miss the austral as Argentine currency. It was such a cool name. My own favorite piece of political grafitti-- "The Day of the Muffled Oar is Coming", painted on a wall in Stamford CT.
from raven72d :
Keep me posted on your new sites-- and on your life there on Honshu...
from raven72d :
Solidarity With The Argentine Proletariat? What's the story behind that?
from raven72d :
Lingua Ignota, On the Nature of Diaries, Psalm at Midnight-- those are achingly beautiful.
from raven72d :
I'm not on your favorites list any more. *Sigh*... Just when I thought I might be Harry Haller.
from proofrok :
This entry of July 11 is to me the most gorgeous lyric and captivating writing I've yet seen from you, and possibly anywhere on Diaryland. Ver powerful. Thank you for writing it.
from autumnal :
from renewedgrace :
Just passing by...nifty diary...keep writing! Have a great day!>>>>>----->
from babyisblue :
hey sweetie, found you via your banner, (which had a really cute backround by the way) just wanted to tellu that i love your diary and the way when you click on it, it get's darker and then leads into it, i've never seen that before but i love it! xo♥xo♥
from caudelac :
Hm. My own Hadesnature blinks, and sniffs, and scratches. Whether in kimonos, gowns, or patches-- thou art Beautiful. Welcome to your new clothes, Empress, Gamine. May flocks of nimble-fingered nymphs be everpresent to take them in or let them out at thy need. On another note, I otherwise thank you for the wake-up scent of your 'persephone unbound' entry, as I have now decided what I want to do today. Amate.
from ursaminor2 :
My naivet� demanded that I click your banner add in alarm at the thought of someone so young advertising herself in such a way to attract every sicko in d-land. On the contrary it appears that you are not the dimwit I mistook you for. I was pleasantly surprised by your latest entry. I have seen your style attempted by many before, but never pulled off so well. Good job to you. I will be adding you to my relatively short favs list.
from nebulous615 :
many apologies regarding the password. that detail somehow escaped me when i joined the ring. i'll be the extramarital writer-reader, the one without the ring but much of the pleasure. [grin]
from raven72d :
I'd bet myself a bottle of Qoo on that...
from erato :
You are a creature whose passion must be centered--very well. Love me and every word. Or hate me, and every notion. If I didn't know better, I would take you for a Scorpio. Everything or nothing at all. Let's dance until we are dizzy and mad. Have you an email address with which perhaps I could contact you via MSN?
from erato :
I have just read your note. I actually found (and consequently joined) the ring after reading Rebecca's entry. And Jonathan's. And yours. Yes. Let's know each other. It may do away with the ambivalence. It may deepen it. Either way, I know both you and I will thoroughly enjoy every moment.
from erato :
Can a thinker resist the minds of others? Can a poet resist the bottle of absinthe? Can a writer resist a seat on a quiet Left Bank cafe at the side of such brilliance? Can I resist a dare? No. I will not. Count me in.
from autumnal :
I am amazed by the ways in which you write some of the passages. You make her sound and feel and look like an animal. You bring the life into it and the music.
from autumnal :
THE LITTLE DEER - Henry Miller may have written this about his June but it suits you, "She demands illusions as other women demand jewels". But you create the kind of illusions you can put to pen and paper. I am amazed and drunk by your words and find the, beautiful and full of vision. They connect, they create a path, they have weight. If I seek one thing more from this piece it is to be moved...moreso. I feel the setting, the descriptions, the imagery, the precision, the everything of it is so damned good and powerful but I should like a closer human look and a bit more emotion. (Unlike my deer which I know was very far removed) but that is what is coming to me on this prose piece. I loved it though...too.
from jonathan :
Thanks for the wake up call, the shake out of drunkeness. I'm back at the keyboard, I will press on, and press on you. Anyone. I need an audience, I should become a stand-up, write ballads again, busk ... perform, entertain and irritate.
from ladyvivien :
Count me in, darlingest.
from ladyvivien :
Prufrock? For some reason it just screams 'small dog' at me. Which is a tad worrying since I just sat an exam on 'The Love Song of...' Email me, darlingest. Missing you...
from raven72d :
Many small Japanese dogs have Estonian names. No one knows why. But every puppy must have a good name.
from autumnal :
I arrived in Boston last night. I am home. A displaced person, still shaken, but free. How? Why? A terrible 48 hours, drunken violent ragings hurled at me out of the blue, walking outside in the city of seattle till 200am, packing all morning, 5 suitcases, a large carry on, a purse. A 60$ taxi ride to a 150$ hotel for the night. A surcharge of 100$ to change my flight. $160 for extra luggage - new luggage to reduce my load - and dinner, and some toiletries - 280$. a friend picked me up at the airport last night, I am here back in the apartment I've had to take my sites down because I've recieved nasty messages from my own family, one member, and her friend. It's awful. She was blackout drunk, I believe, but misunderstandings are no excuse for hurled below the belt insults and threats of violence. I'm still in shock but I know I do not deserve this. I miss the baby deeply, truly. But I will keep my soul intact and I will rely on myself - and my inner world - and the energy of the universe or what not, nature - to be my guide, and to give up the illusion I have a connection in blood that will be my happieness. I wanted to let you know I'm okay and will be getting a website which only a few will know about when I find some work... it will be nice for undiluted anonymity. ill keep the others, but keep them about anais and about my graphic work, sans gbook. nothing personal however. have a good day. lets reconnect soon.
from raven72d :
No Japanese labyrinths, my Shinto sources say.
from guildenstern :
Altogether now, one, two, three.... "Who said that?" When I said 'everyone', I may have exaggerated. A LITTLE.
from raven72d :
I rather like the image of a Small Domestic Minotaur. What will your house be like?
from raven72d :
Caves, yes... But not labyrinths off the top of my head. I'll have to do some thinking...
from caudelac :
i verily might go about some sort of visual treat for you, ange.
from jonathan :
Trusting all is well. We're back from a wedding. The groom was big on classics; his speech went over everyone's head.
from raven72d :
Cipangu = 17th c. European term for Japan... I've been phobic about flying since the late summer of 1997. I'm afraid to fly. Two bad flights-- near-miss by a private plane over Akron/Canton, severe thunderstorms over Memphis. And now with security upgrades, I'm afraid of lines, waiting, crowds, screeners, and doomed airliners. I can't drive over bridges or in major urban traffic, either.
from raven72d :
I so envy you being in Cipangu... Japan is a dream of mine, but beyond my reach until I'm once more able to fly...
from raven72d :
E-mail me sometime soon... And enjoy the trip.
from raven72d :
My apologies for missing your birthday.
from raven72d :
April is always a cruel month.
from posthumous :
What comes next? The story. You will want to tell stories. Suddenly it will not feel as though the world is privileged to have your words. You will feel that the privilege is yours, and you will strive to please whoever it is gracious enough to read you. You will strive to hold their attention. In other words, you will become Sheherezade once and for all. Either that or a drug-related demise.
from gallinula :
Congrats, I am very happy and excited for you!
from supercilious :
My most sincere congratulations.
from raven72d :
There are Grails waiting on every shelf, in every souk and arcana shop...
from jonathan :
Beautifullyput, I likeit best when your language trips over itself, when I can sense you mind working, when I can feel your fingers tripping over the keys, stumbling to find the right word, the right combination of words and doing so without force, or editing. Truth comes from the spontaneity of thoughts extracted from our minds and put down on paper, or in to the net. Online. Fine.
from posthumous :
Tommy better be a good host or he'll hear from me!
from ladyvivien :
Hmmm...near the checking-in desk? If all else fails, it's a small airport. Just call me/shriek really loudly. See you Sunday!
from ladyvivien :
Any idea about flight details yet? Am all excited...
from raven72d :
I don't remember bathrooms...I remember parlors and sun rooms and studies, hidden little rooms in the dark Victorian homes of my grandmother's friends...
from raven72d :
PoMo's a delight to play with, though... I'll have to tell you about the game scow "Wheel of Foucault" or the all-Lacan version of "Dallas"...
from posthumous :
ghanima, I just reread your entry on my notes page. You don't need permission to review people! Go review more of your favorite poets. Inspire me with your inspirations! p.s. wouldn't an interview have been REALLY REALLY cool, though?
from ladyvivien :
*Bounces up and down* Nine days to go! Must buy alchohol...(and food. That would help too).
from raven72d :
I've missed hearing from you... But do enjoy Edinburgh...
from posthumous :
I don't speak often of angels, but Pearl is your guardian angel. Mine is Tony, who gave me my first haircut.
from ladyvivien :
Oh, frabjous day! Will tell my boss to not give me as many hours at evil pub then. Far more fun seeing you anyway. But come in when I'm working and I'll pour you a pint ;)
from jonathan :
I'm writing. A tangled maze.
from enidhere :
I'm thankful your creativity can come to you anywhere...what a delight to witness.
from posthumous :
I'm afraid I might like your crap better than your casserole... but it's all good! Congratulations on Diane! I have such high hopes for our poetry section!
from posthumous :
There is no better way to counter an accusation of "terrible" and "boring" than to write something as stunning as your latest entry. My congratulations.
from ladyvivien :
Humph. Stil no letter. Yes I'm being a sulky child. You love me anyway. So write, missy!
from raven72d :
"Phish-listener"... Not a band I have any brief for, but an odd choice for an insult...
from raven72d :
What is the whole story of Ghanima v. Genghis Jon...? [And Chingiz or Chinggis is the currently acceptable spelling, anyway]
from raven72d :
Mia Sara, Mia Kirshner... I have crushes on both. (Mia K. leads-- she studied Russian lit at McGill...) I must admit that my doctoral thesis never got turned into a book because I was too convinced that it would be rejected everywhere even to bother submitting it... [and, yes... I type with 1.5 fingers and own no computer and couldn't afford a typist for 400+ pages...and quite simply didn't know *how* to prepare a ms. and choose a publisher...]
from posthumous :
That's much better than any rejection I've ever gotten, except for the woman who said I was too manly and threatening for her.
from raven72d :
I hope you're a fan of Ballard's Vermilion Sands stories...and his "The Crystal World"... Poets on my shelves-- Rilke, Lady Daibu, Basho, Auden, Eliot, Jeffers, Charles Williams' Grail poetry, Pound, the Persian Sufis, Geoffrey Hill...
from jonathan :
One day your name will be mentioned in the same sentence as Nabakov, Vonnegut and Ballard. You have a deliciously rich mind that will gradually establish how to communicate with enough people to justify publication. The trick is to separate what you write for yourself and what you write for them (your readers).
from maralisa :
No "xx" on the end of the password, it's just passport and control - I was being cute, but that doesn't work when instead everyone gets misled... ;)
from raven72d :
I have a desk drawer full of Moleskines... I do collect them. I'm a stationery fan...
from raven72d :
Many thanks for adding me to your favorites... I'm teaching two classes this term. I can do the lectures in my sleep, but I want always to add new stories, new twists... Do tell me about Dark Dancer...
from raven72d :
I must entice you into telling me all about "The Wisdom of Crocodiles"... And of course (politics, lit, philosophy, oddly random topics) you're encouraged to e-mail me. Discussions and correspondence are my life.
from raven72d :
I always use granate-- "pomegranate" --ink in my fountain pens... I always write letters on long yellow legal pads. I sometimes wear a silver ankh on a black silk cord. I've always loved it when a girl wears a black jewel at her throat.
from maralisa :
username=passport, password=control xx
from genghis-jon :
I'm torn between two possible beginnings... The first is... Ghanima, do you take some sort of Stupid Pill or something? The second is.... "And in few countries would I be beheaded for writing what I do." Do you see how unjust the world is? "My entier point was that you, like most Amercians, are blithely willing to say "war is neccessary!" and slaughter anyone you care to via a vote, because nothing is personal to you. No one you know will die. " First, I'd like to say that a friend of mine who I've known since high school is in a submarine right now somewhere in the Persian Gulf. So there goes your theory about no one I know being involved in this war, or that it's not personal. Nice try! You got a little egg on your face there.. Second, I just want to ask how you became so much smarter, and fabulous then the rest of us mere Americans? And how can we, as mere, lowly Americans, (albeit; not fabulous like yourself) become as smart and enlighted as you? I got the part about not getting my info from television media, and coffee shop philosophy. But what I really want to know is which celebrity do I listen to become as smart as you? Susan Sarandon, or Barbara Streisand? Yes, it is true. Myself. Like most Americans enjoy slaughtering people with a vote. It's only because we're not as grand as you, and....OK, I'm gonna throw up if I continue this sarcasm. How fucking unique, and superior do you really believe yourself? I take it you're smarter then the United States government, but I'd really enjoy hearing who else you're smarter then? How about the French? They seem to think they're pretty smart too? And while I seemed to be doing the job your daddy should have with straightening you out, I'd like to say that the one's who are taking things for granted are your kind, not the one's supporting this war (which is the majority by the way [but you're not like most Americans!]) We know what we have to do to keep assholes like yourself free to protest whatever bullshit Phish tells you to. You clearly don't even know why we're doing this, as you display with your conspiracy theory wackoism. Do yourself a favor and the next time you want to match challenge in a guestbook make sure the person is less talented then you. Not tons more. Have fun in obscurity, hippy!
from raven72d :
Tell me about your bow... I've been toying with archery since ever I discovered Central Asian history and the Mongol-Turkic world as a mere boy... I dabbled once at learning Persian just to read the poetry; I taught briefly in Turkey a few years back.
from raven72d :
I'll have to look through "Dune"... I only liked the first two of the series; the rest seemed to lack the tragic sense. (Though it was only much later that I realized that Herbert had taken his Islamic background from the Caucasus and the Naqshbandi Sufis more than from Arabia) I've long been a fan of Durrell-- and I've read most of Henry Miller, though only "Time of the Assassins" really clicked with me.
from genghis-jon :
Yes, Connecticut was indeed won in a war. What's your point? "That this behavior has occured in the past is neither and excuse nor an apology." That's weak, kid. If you live in California, it's like living in a stolen house where your rationale is "oh well, that's the past. I don't agree with it but hey...." Let's establish our roles here. You're the hippy that hates war, yet enjoys it's benefits. That's hypocracy in it's finest. Any, and every time you go to a Starbucks without a swaztika on your fucking forehead you can thank our military, and our willigness to use it. Because we aggressively persue potential threats to our country, you're able to freely write your terrible, boring entries, (which, in most middle eastern countries would get you beheaded for being so bad.) Lesbians? When the hell do I write about lesbians?
from raven72d :
SLO? It took me a moment to realize that it meant San Luis Obispo... Though I'm deep in the Deepest South and not a Californian... SLO... I know the Madonna Inn, and I know that somewhere at the university in SLO, teaching history there, is someone who writes over-literate and sometimes funny critical-theory-s/m porn... [And why "Ghanima"? Where did you find the name?]
from raven72d :
The entry about the highway to Las Vegas caught my fancy... Lovely writing. And you can make references to both Abulafia (in the original or as Eco's computer?) and Alexandria (Cavafy, Durrell!)... I will have to spend time exploring your site... Do drop by and explore mine...
from genghis-jon :
Hey, you're in California? Didn't we win that state in a war with Mexico that killed thousands of people? Hrmmm. Anyways, I like you. You're boring as hell, but I like you. Just stop being such a hippy for chrissakes. Signing an online petition does nothing but make a list of hippies. Nobody you want is gonna even read it.
from ladyvivien :
I think that 'fine' is the universal term for 'everything is faling to pieces but since I don't know how to stop it please go away and leave me to my misery.' Would I be right? It's a pretty useful word...
from raen :
Beautiful diary! 0_0
from jonathan :
A mini-marathon is just what I need write now. It would be 'the novel' ... a thousand words on the hour. I'm not sure when I can do it though as 'Darlingest' just warned me she needs to work over the weekend. On vera. GMT+One hour, 7.00 p.m. for four hours Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Early mornings tricky as both kids get up at 6.30 p.m. and squabble over using THIS computer.
from jonathan :
Delicious read. Poetic. It made me think of Dyland Thomas, but this is who, Auden mixed with Anais Nin and henry Miller. Luscious stuff. Has to be read out loud to be appreciated.
from twiggykitty :
Um..hi, you said you were from slo too? thats cool, do you go to slo high?
from jonathan :
Give me ghanima; Hemmingway plods :)
from posthumous :
love the hemingway chapter! now right the rest of the novel! hahahahahaha
from ladyvivien :
So I sauntered over to Marked Accordingly (I don't like being called a wimp, ok?) but the codes confused me. Worried I might break Diaryland if I try to put them up and then you'll all come after me with pitchforks and flaming torches. And I really HATE it when that happens.
from autumnal :
from pollypry666 :
aaaaaaaah, I would not manhandle Ladyvivien - she's far too scary and seductive. No, I just revel in the fact that she is a Hobbit, oh yes she is. And boss, as we continue on our quest to seek and knight M.C. Romeo.
from ladyvivien :
Darlingest, wherabouts in theis godforsaken city can one purchase absinthe? My Moulin Rouge party will not be complete without it. It will not be complete without thee eitjer, but at least I can drwon my sorrow at your absence in green alchohol...
from praetorian :
in Graeciam vades? oh... quomodo te invideo.
from ladyvivien :
Will go to the post office today and sort the books out. Reallyreallyreally.
from jonathan :
Congratulations. Best wishes. Enjoy and relish these few days together.
from neuroticaa :
you got married? how fantastic! it's such a shame he has to leave right after it. how ironic though - i just bought a book yesterday about a couple in your situation. it's called "My War" and its lovely, romantic, in black and white, and the boy does come back afterwards. i wish you all the best <3
from potireviews :
You requested a review from Pretty on the Inside a very long time ago and I was just wondering if you'd still like that review. If not I understand, please forgive us for the atrocious delay. If you would still like a review please leave us a note. Thank you- Shawn
from posthumous :
oh yeah sure, you wrote an entire book but how do I get to see that??? eh?? no, really??? you want to see half a book? Can I tease you like you teased me??
from neuroticaa :
from ladyvivien :
Be you in California yet, madame? *pouts* I want to be in California. But the International Exchange gits haven't gotten back in touch, and I doubt they ever will at this rate...
from zephyrkate :
Beautiful. Thank you.
from mephausto :
your note filled me with the dread of impending immersion; already I feel the riptides of your syallables beckoning and I have yet but let the foam tickle my toes. Grevious Thanks for allowing me the appearance of your existence.
from autumnal :
hey! i have my sched. i am not working weds & fri & sat !
from neuroticaa :
hello, thanks for the offer in the note you lef me... i think i found your diary through autumnal. i read one of your entries and was hooked =). my name is tiana.
from neuroticaa :
hello, thanks for the offer in the note you lef me... i think i found your diary through autumnal. i read one of your entries and was hooked =). my name is tiana.
from ladyvivien :
Come back. Miss you. (And you clearly have the new Tori albumn...)
from cpttylor :
I don't know where or how just yet. I intend to teach English there for at least a year, possibly three. I was planning to apply for the JET program, but I just learned yesterday that departure for JET this year significantly precedes the end of my credential program; so, I'm still researching alternatives. . . I'll keep you posted. Do you know where you'll be?
from ladyvivien :
I have a bonnie freckled nose? tee hee :)
from ladyvivien :
A fragment of the aborted novel lies in the Scrolls, to be finished as and when the Muse sees fit. Do wander along and take a look.
from cpttylor :
Extraordinarily tempting, but impossible at present. Perhaps for the second annual iteration. . .
from ladyvivien :
A letter wings its way to you, lady. And convince me to do the novel thing....My rational mind knows I don't have time, but I want to! *pouts and throws things on the floor*
from candor :
A long time ago, you left me a note and asked me a question which I believe went unanswered. I don't know whether I was too tired or lazy to reply, but eventually I just forgot. I'm a flake. Flakes do that type of stuff. We don't return phone calls or send thank you cards. When we pass you in the hall we look you straight in the eye and don't stop to say hello. Anyway, Plato has been dead for a long time. But another Plato was reborn in the form of Sal Mineo in Rebel Without a Cause. That is what I was referring to. Nothing too deep you see.
from onea :
Sorry I had to run whilst chatting the other night. By the way, have you ever read _The Secret History_ by Donna Tartt?
from shadowglass :
the descent into temptation is long and arduous. but it is sweetened by sweet innocence.
from thevampire :
You have the most unbelievably fantastic layout. Flawless.
from cpttylor :
Many thanks, jedi master. I fear the tweed's stitched in my flesh, and I balk at doffing even bandaids. Still, you've put my hands below the richter's notice, and I itch to bleed. If I can pull it off, some of that blood will be on your hands. My deepest heartfelt thanks.
from penguinwhore :
hi, im removing you from the absinthe diary ring beacuase i couldnt find your ring page (and the link) easily, the picture blocks it... feel free to rejoin once you get the link up.... questions? feel free to mail me or aim-asswiglinpenguin -clare
from ladyvivien :
And thus I am satisfied ;) But you showed me pictures of Matt and made me miss him. Meanie.
from ladyvivien :
Stands on her tippy-toes on a very high mountain, facing the direction she thinks America is, and waves frantically.
from cpttylor :
*The young Jedi patiently amuses himself telekinetically redirecting bird droppings onto unsuspecting Republicans' heads.*
from autumnal :
your design is spooky? ooooooh i take that as a compliment. the other stuff? oh bugger xtian virgins can only go so far in life (say to the corner of an edited new testament and slightly over Tigerbeat august issue) before they reemerge in their 'pre-destined roles' as good lil girls, future clean as fresh pressed white sheets bloodied the first time their Lord hubbies plant a seed in them ...and then they Stepford away their compartmentalized, spiffy bright, cloroxied lives... how special they are, how love thy neighbor, how sweet and giving and compassionate, my goodness, so kind and forgiving i can almost see the faint trail of their stigmatas on the dust of the floor.
from supercilious :
Lavish grins... Your flattery pools blood in my face. To have one such as your self take notice and strike an ant is the ultimate gift. You do me wonderful service. I appreciate it more then you may know. However, I still stubbornly maintain that you are /not/ insane. Cursed by sanity, perhaps. You are no more a member of the flock then the tree Zarathustra indicates to the boy, that sits so near the bottom of the clouds. And a shepherd? I am but a fool stumbling along my own blind path, groping and gasping, bitching and moaning. Ah.. but semantics are a sticky web, perhaps? Your brand of sanity resonates like a canon striking a bell, clear and painful. If, to you, insanity equates to self awareness and gift of thought, no matter the thought or what your clarity of vision has discovered, then insane you are. And to make sure this is known, know that my words have been nothing but the highest praise. Epileptic peacock? How preternatural. How accurate.
from supercilious :
Dancing with the devil, indeed. You do not fool me. Mock my intelligence, will you? HA! I see you, standing there with your clarity. Sanity is not a glass bauble to be shattered in one stroke, in one fleeting paroxysm of passion. Seek the heights, climb forever. Once you stand upon your funeral pyre so that you may see more, then we�ll talk insanity. Think myself grey or black? No, most assuredly not. I am a myriad of colors that would make even the most brilliant rainbow bristle in jealousy. Merely takes someone with a care to notice. Hrm... yes.. chrysanthemums and lilacs. Possibly. HA! Insane... Sanity surrounded by insanity is still sanity. Don�t you see? One who proclaims �I am insane!� is lamenting for their sanity not lost.
from supercilious :
You�re not insane, my dear. You just may be one of the most sane people on the planet. Hrmph.. Most certainly not insane... (yet) What color am I?
from cpttylor :
Thanks. Although I'm disappointed (and, somewhere deep down, relieved) that old scythe-tongue opted out, I'll be more than happy to have the verdict from you.
from cpttylor :
It made my night to learn I'd made your night.
from ladyvivien :
There's this new fangled invention where you put pen to paper and WRITE ME A BLOODY LETTER! La Dame du Lac xx
from autumnal :
since we discussed this on chat.....ill just say thanks:)
from redd :
o as in the o to the x. this isnt exactly the story of o. xo.
from redd :
from glitterscars :
The new design is beautiful x
from autumnal :
let me know what you think!
from ghanima :
still working on the design but its come - rebecca (autumnal)
from guildenstern :
Dear Cat, I'm sorry to hear that you suck ass. You must be most terribly upset.
from cpttylor :
I think my blood desperately needs a jet. Incidentally, your diary is the best I've seen yet. Where does one find ethereal tea leaves?
from cpttylor :
Reading your work has inspired me to strive toward poetry. Thank you.
from caudelac :
sweet-sweet: give us a missive circa decendings, and as for how to move into my humble abode-ephemeral, send me that which every dog of desire requires to fill such requests: a name...
from autumnal :
i found you through jonathan. so glad i did . going to attempt writing a hel of a lot in a mini marathon with you two, while balancing a ton of job interview thingys i must do.
from liminalbeing :
I like your latest one. How are you? I missed you while you were gone- not entering.
from guildenstern :
We think it interesting- though we are much saddened to see you squander your great talent on mere philosophy.
from guildenstern :
We think it interesting- though we are much saddened to see you squander your great talent on mere philosophy.
from conclusions :
It isn't so much that I work at "conserving" words, but that I try to be very precise in my language so that I convey the fullness of my thoughts. Also, what I write is quite literally the concluding idea in my thought paths.
from conclusions :
Your writing and layout inspire a fantasy-like feeling of peace.
from ladyvivien :
Still plague-ridden, lady? Greetings from the Lake. All the fishes say hello. La Dame du Lac
from ladyvivien :
Consider your invitation graciously accepted... La Dame du Lac.
from jonathan :
I bowed out for the best reasons. I think. TBT was up in the night. I was able to let Darlingest sleep in. She is doing 14 hours at this desk every day writing a painful, heavy-weight report. Me? I'm 'pissing in the wind' (she thinks). Kisses on your birthday.
from erato :
taking deep breaths... we ae getting there. getting there, getting there... just a little more
from erato :
boys for pele, good album. about to head out for last cigarette--broke the emergency case. but it is necessary. i am losing coherence...
from erato :
a pity, really. but we shan't be so quick to quit. words stream... margaritas and b-52s. delirium.
from erato :
just you and i, then, bella. i do get the distinct impression that we are the last in the endeavor.
from erato :
wondrous, let's run together. we will beat them to the end of the world.
from erato :
oh, you leave me so soon, but darling the fun has hardly begun...
from caudelac :
re fear na' nor- lovely in a context, my dear-- as a bit woven into somethin greater, like a ladder or a tower or something of the sort. *smiles* Certainly not reprehensible, recalls Wales & Talesin, but needs a frame. Yes. Love you.
from liminalbeing :
hi again; I liked your latest entry, It made me want to practice, as in writing experiments, with people or objects moving. I love how you described how you and the seal moved in relationship to each other. You're very masterful for your age- and I don't mean that I can do better because of mine. have a great day.
from aesthesia :
it would be ever such a pleasure. let's definitely keep in touch and make it happen... how thrilling!
from banana3159 :
Prozac Nation is stupid. I hate Elizabeth Wurtzel. She whines incessently and she's a spoiled brat. She belongs back with that 80's lot-- Tama Janowitz and such. The Bell Jar is an excellent book but I would never compare myself to Sylvia Path or say that I'm following in her foorsteps. She's a genius first of all, and I am not. And secondly my writing has a postmodernist spin and is far less subtle. Hey by the way-- good Ghostbuster's reference in the note you left me.
from liminalbeing :
thanks for your note. I haven't had a chance to read much of your diary yet, but plan to very soon. Your writing is really unbelievably well balanced, graceful, and full of perfect references. Like a dancer who raises one arm and finds the arm on the other side to be at a perfect angle- in symmetry. Nearly unfathomable. I wonder what I can add. How I could benefit you. I hope I can. I will try. My very favorite professor, one whom I still reference even though it has been nearly six years since I attended a lecture with, said to me: "you make things that are complicated so simple, and I don't mean that as a put-down". That is my guess of what I can add, yet I can't promise that, only that I will try. Will read your intricately embroidered diary in the next few days, cover to cover per se, and give you my analysis of the part that seems like what your soul is trying to say. liminal being
from almostgoldsf :
hello there...given your note to me, thought the henry miller diaryring I formed today would be of interest. cheers!
from praetorian :
salve. si vales valeo. ah, the legend of gyges and candaules' wife. i love tales such as those. you have an excellent diary i should say... mystifying.
from f-ckwittage :
ever read any alice walker? 'radio-free europe'.. interesting. i read your entire diary today. it was... different.. to everything else in this strange place.
from glitterscars :
Even aged 15, your words still fly... I owe you an email. I've not forgotten, I've just been busy.
from old-at-young :
Talking of Michaelangelo. Thanks! old-at-young
from erato :
and here we are, in the tangles of the velvet, another sigh in the night, another spy in the house of love, she sighs. she knows better than to speak. her eyes say enough. here you are. a fresh breath of words. to fall through and live through. beautiful, entrancing. deep between the lines where you and i like to take our midnight baths. of course. an addiction we will refuse to quit.
from glitterscars :
Faced with the beauty of your words and your diary I feel anything I could possibly write here pale and insignificant... Let's just say, I'm curious too.
from jonathan :
'Gutted, wrenched, sexless and nullified, coughing and cold, unwanted and undesired'. No more. I've read enough - but not enough. I want it all. You are desired and wanted. I doubt I am alone. Were you Anais Nin or Henry Miller I would promptly buy everything you wrote ... read the journals and letters too. Impressed.
from blue-scribe :
mysterious elaborate well thought out and brillant....
from saintjohn :
well done. the reference slipped past me. oops.
from saintjohn :
My purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset, but tonight, an Emperor lies dying. His daughter called me the dark one. And lost in a sea of broken glass, untouched by flame, my darkness sleeps fitfully within me. I will never return. Send the horror. I will sleep.

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