messages to lkvw23:
(click here to add new message):

from purplebanana :
shit. your current state of mind is less than satisfactory. maybe the chemicals from your new hairdo will seep into your brain and you will realize that i am the only thing you ever need. you hear that, justin? just me, colin, and taco bell. and maybe a kitchen table to good measure. i love you like diarhea, kid.
from fulminous :
It's good to know that we still have some kind of connection -- even if now it manifests itself through a certain Ms. Parker Posey.
from dsdiary :
sweetheart i'm so sorry. let's wear 'i hate fags' tshirts together. cause lord knows that most gay men are morons. i feel like saying 'call me' but that doesn't work. so, dear boy, email me. love daniel.
from dsdiary :
hey justin. i like this template. you had another diary and didn't tell me? bastard. i like this one. so cute on the steps.
from purplebanana :
what about your alison-homemaker ass?
from purplebanana :
seriously, i'm ready to bite. to give your bait a little nibble. remember when you told me about a walking, talking hello kitty? tell me more.
from eighthwonder :
bring it, bitch. you can't burst these bubbles.
from fulminous :
Anything for you, peaches.
from purplebanana :
you went out to tea. what are you, british?? i keep telling you you need a man with a british accent. and i know somebody HOT that lives in london. true, it's a woman and she doesn't know any cute guys...but.
from purplebanana :
oh, you silly little bitch. the actor that played timmy has DIED. do you not keep up with any important world news??
from dsdiary :
yeah, you wish.
from dsdiary :
um, your mother.
from dsdiary :
you such a ho
from dsdiary :
bullshit. she's just as pretty, and with none of the stuck-up fake britishness. and SHE hasn't been in "shallow hal".
from dsdiary :
throw up? naw. it's really really cute. congratulations, you've got it.
from dsdiary :
a woman came into b&j yesterday and gave me a friend discount. i had never met her before. i'm going shopping with my mommy.
from dsdiary :
oh shut up you baby. you know your heart went all aflutter when it told you that someone had a crush on you.
from dsdiary :
JUSTIN DON'T! don't eat at mcdonald's! they make tire fires and extract a chemical from the smoke. that's what gives the hamburgers a 'smoky' taste. please don't eat there.
from dsdiary :
through the insults, i know you love me. and through the bitchiness, i love you. thanks for stuff.
from dsdiary :
from dsdiary :
there really IS nothing better than flirting from afar...and as you get off the train, watching his head turn around as the train is pulling of. oh man.
from dsdiary :
hey homie. i had a slushie grand marnier and strawberry today.
from fulminous :
Hey dollface - I am at least moderately smashed at present, as I tried to feel up the hot muscle boy with whom I traded clothes at the bar. So it seems a perfect time to offer you a heartfelt HELLO and a kiss on the nose.
from dsdiary :
go on aim. i tried to send you a message with the word whore in it and it said you were unavailable. you whore.
from dsdiary :
i'm only doing this because i know that you're online. hello hotstuff. you do realize that the last six notes are from yours truly. how bout that.
from dsdiary :
I WOULD LIKE to try a slushy drink. i like slushies. as long as there is no rum. vodka over rum, that's what i say. or, i would if you asked.
from dsdiary :
hey bitch. favourite bitch, that is. i like your hair shorter, i've decided.
from dsdiary :
I WILL ADD YOU TO MY FAVOURITES LIST IF YOU TELL ME TWO THINGS: what the significance is of lkvw23, and who fulminous is. it's a tough test, but everyone has to go through the same process.
from dsdiary :
buffalo chicken is usually good. subway does a good job. but i have an affinity for subway. emotional attachment, if you will.
from fulminous :
I think you're cute, even with red skin. Coming Soon: Gold Membership For Fulminous. Be prepared.
from fulminous :
Whatever NOTHIN'!
from dsdiary :
what? you're flawed? oh no. me too. ugh. oh well, we can be flawed together.
from fulminous :
I couldn't help myself. So sue me. (laugh!) You know what I know? I know that you're going to write me or call me or something.
from fulminous :
You are a goony, goony boy. Upsetting "intellectual d-landers" indeed! (laugh!!) Whatever would I do without you?
from dsdiary :
seeing as how i left that guestbook thin a MONTH ago, i thought i'd leave you a note. when i find out about things that are great and have been going on for some time (ie your diary) i wish that i had found it earlier. i don't know why. because. just because. but yeah. you're fun.
from christopherj :
scorpios have been known to share these traits. (2002-05-12) peace
from eighthwonder :
Maybe some of us feel like it's an accomplishment to have been able to put our wisdom out there 100 times, my bubble-bursting boy wonder...
from fulminous :
I am most definitely *NOT* dirty. I prefer more descriptive terms like "debauched," "scandalous," or "depraved."
from fulminous :
Christ in a sidecar, I can't believe I just said that.
from fulminous :
Hm, so we're *both* getting marshmallows with cream inside?
from fulminous :
Hey, *my* birthday comes before yours, you know. If I'm sending you a case of pudding marshmallow, what're YOU sending ME? :)
from fulminous :
Yeah, yeah, so you updated yesterday -- but where were you when I NEEDED you? Sheesh. I *suppose* I can forgive you if I really try. (laugh!! You know you're my favorite anyway.)
from purplebanana :
yeah. i do remember having "menengitis" about 12 times a year...but i don't remember the dial-a-nurse thing. or maybe i've just had too many dial-a-nurse experiences. oh wait- that's carolyn!! if you ever have the desire to be a guest contributor to the best-read fruity page out there, email me your stories and i'll post them, yo. i love you like the gay brother i never had!
from eggwhite :
BEAUTIFUL. this new layout is gorgeous like a gay man named justin. oh, wait..
from eighthwonder :
you are so dirty. i just read your note and my throat felt better at the very thought. thanks for the cure.
from fulminous :
I super-love drunken messages!! Thanks for indulging me. :) You're the B-E-S-T. Hell, *we're* the B-E-S-T. Roarrrrr! This was a drunken message.
from fulminous :
And Fulminous spoke. And he said, "Enough of the hiding, already!" Amazingly, I discovered a dial-up solution that should tide me over until my perpetually-delayed paycheck gets where I need it to be, namely, in my hot little hands. So take advantage of it!
from christopherj :
eh, sorry for interrupting you almost continuous stream of other-me postings, but I thought I'd send you a note since I just read the entry that demanded attention. and you know how I love to give attention. Now back to your regularly scheduled fulminous.
from fulminous :
*I* think that best friends e-mail each other. So *I* think that you should send me an email so I'll get into work tomorrow and I'll have an email, because I like emails a lot. [email protected]. :-D
from fulminous :
Und du bist auch sehr interessant.
from fulminous :
I miss leaving notes for you at 2 am! And my hair turned out a bit spottier than I might have liked, but I'm kind of liking the punkish alterna-vibe.
from fulminous :
I can't even believe we're highlighting on the same day. And I'm trying to work out some sort of interim dialup-based-scheme to restore my internet-based-lifeblood. Cross your fingers for me.
from fulminous :
I just looked at your Older Entries archive. I bet you took German in high school or something, didn't you?
from fulminous :
Good lord, I thought the same thing. "Wait...where's the party? It's where I am, duh." So what do long-distance separated-at-birth pseudo-twin best friends do, anyway, besides marvel at the coincidences that brought them together at last?
from fulminous :
Somehow your Leonine nature comes as very little surprise. (I'm July 23rd, myself.) "Leo and Their Friends: Leo/Leo: 'Hi, pal! Where's the party, let's rock!'" -- Gay Star Signs
from fulminous :
You've got a deal. Now the big question, upon which rests the outcome of a great many things, including which page I turn to in my Gay Star Signs book -- when's your birthday?
from fulminous :
So now we just have to decide which is the less messy course. I think I'm leaning towards not being destroyed, although being best friends can be pretty messy sometimes.
from fulminous :
Somehow I'd missed the fact that we both even had our first days at our new jobs together. This is getting eerie. Wanna be best friends?
from fulminous :
Congratulations on the promotion! And congrats on not calling the boy back, too - break the chains of platonic oppression! Cheers!
from purplebanana :
yo, baby pops. i like the new layout. a lot. it looks suspiciously like the name of one of the rings i'm in. the colour, i mean. anyway...niiiiice.
from fulminous :
Your latest entries about "The Boy" sound like carbon copies of my life the past few weeks. Somehow it makes me feel a lot better to know that someone else has to deal with the same crap and has had the same conversations. Damn platonic gay boys!
from blonde32810 :
only as Tony Soprano!.. Note i said that didn't mean i would get with him!!!
from blonde32810 :
hey i do enjoy reading your stuff. check out my stuff as well...
from blonde32810 :
Hey. what's going on? I have added you to my links. I like your attitiude and cynicism. I go off on rants as well Check out my diary and looking forward to knowing more about you
from gaytales :
awww thank you so much for joining my diary ring :) hugs and kisses :)

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