messages to pyromania:
(click here to add new message):

from kidtwist :
lol i don't even know what to say. 2002 was so long ago. lol how are ya????
from kidtwist :
yeah man, it's such a song. great minds...
from chuzzlewit :
Hey! Seattle is the coolest. Sounds like you're doing well.
from blulinepaper :
Well, let's see. Elvis married us about four days ago in Vegas. I've almost lost my ring at least once already. I'm gonna' be a great husband! :)
from notme2000 :
Hey, if you still read my diary the username is "reader" and password is just "password".
from meanatheart :
Yet another meaningless comment from me. Onlynew and improved with more advice :) If a guy asks you to stop doing stuff, or is getting pissed off by your little quirks that, as far as I can see, make you YOU, then he's not a very good boyfriend is he? Now, if boB gets mad at me for this then... well whatever. He needs to understand that he should like/love you for EVERYTHING you are, not just strange certain things. The good, the bad, and the hyper.
from meanatheart :
Hewwo my wub. Just dropping in to say HELLO!!! and that guys are assholes sometimes. Even the nicest guy you know is going to end up being an asshole at one point or another. There's different ways they are too. Sometimes by being the one you like, they are an asshole in that because you just broke up with your boyfriend. Others are just all around assholes. I don't know the guys you hang out with, but some of them sound like assholes. Okay I've used that word way too much now. Just know that I'm here if you wanna talk about guys, kk? I'm all about that! And, just because you like a guy right after you're broken up with someone else doesn't mean you're bad or anything. If it did, I would be damned to hell for eternity. Its if you're only using the guy you like to hurt your ex. But I know you wouldn't do that. To end this, I'll give you the same advice I give lots of people. Fuck 'em. Guys suck and wish we did more often, so who needs 'em? Fuck them all.
from mtimman :
Hey, just wanted to drop by and say "Hello". Haven't talked in a long time, just wanted to drop in and say I hope things are going good for ya'll and life's treating you good. Hit me up on AIM sometime. -Matt (from DLO waaayy back in the day, if you don't remember)
from blulinepaper :
Dude! That list of six things? I can drive. All the rest of that stuff holds true for me and I'm 28! Gah!
from meanatheart :
Hey! I think maybe you should get the job... it's only a job! And despite all the poseurs inside and associated with it, it's a good place if you like that kind of music... or mostly any type of music. Plus it sounds like you'll need the green. So, go for it hun! If you get it, think you can get me a discount? Haha only jokes. ~Shelby
from meanatheart :
I'm so happy that you're happy *hugs* You rock. That's so cool that you're winning an award!!! *hugs again* Keep on rocking ~Shelby
from blulinepaper :
Dude, the image of a white Darth Vader alone is enough to make me vomit. *shudder*
from lovely-lass6 :
I'm sorry I thought you wanted "it" for some other bad.
from meanatheart :
Hello! Thanks sooo much for the note. No, I don't look like a jack rabbit, and I agree that they're probly the ugliest things on the earth. (But then again, so are those hairles cats. Sorry if you like them... no offence then.) But yeah, thanks a lot. Haha my friends are all getting together again, w/o Cody. GR. Thanks SO MUCH for the note again. It rocked. My dad thought I was crying, I was laughing so hard over the jackrabbit thing. lylas, Shelbyers
from meanatheart :
Happy birthday!!! Haven't talked to you in a while, but hi!!! Happy birhtday to you, hapy birthday to you! Happy birthday crazy band geek, Happy birthday to you! Hope it rocks ^-^ Shelby
from mtimman :
Hey, long time no see. I was just checking out the 2006 DCI schedule and I saw that the Mandarins are going to be in the capital of the Great State of Ohio (Columbus, a 3 hour drive from Toledo) on August 6th. Hey, maybe I'll see ya. -Matt
from lovely-lass6 :
Happy early 17th birthday because I don't know when it really is!! Have a great day!! :D
from meanatheart :
Haha well it's good to know I'm totally not alone
from blulinepaper :
If you want to get better at Halo multi-player, I highly reccomend the Team 7 Halo Boot Camp. Seriously, if you can stand getting your butt kicked by the Overlords of my clan (man, I felt like such a dork saying that) once in a while, I can gaurantee improvement! They made me not suck as much, and I used to really suck! If you're on Live nowadays and looking to beef up that friends list send a friend request to Backlash555 - that's me! We can shoot each other through the power of the Internet! Hooray!
from meanatheart :
personally, I think fuck them. People suck. It's not physically possible to make everyone happy at once. So, fuck them! Just keep your own pace, even if it means running while they're walking and vice versa (if that makes any sense). I dare you to wear your gray shirt to your job, but like cut it really short and like wear a tank under it. Haha see what she says. You can be all "But I'm wearing what you told me to". Haha! I think I'm certifiably insane, but oh well! Hope this kinda helped. FYI, fuck them :p
from meanatheart :
Hey you rock. haha thanks for the advice!
from blulinepaper :
This always sounds cliche, but the grass always looks greener on the other side. I think you'd be surprised to find out that those people that are supposedly having the best time are having just as craptacular a time as you are (or at least suffering some varying degree of crap that seems like a big deal to them). Don't worry so much about whether or not those people are having fun, concentrate on what makes you happy and enjoy it. Don't be afraid to be selfish with your own happiness. And honestly, having a job and going to school and having a life are hard even for people not in high school (believe me). My hat is off to you for taking it on. Good luck with everything pyro!
from blulinepaper :
Dude! They think you have lots of keys? I've got, count 'em, eleven keys, one bottle opener, one Strong Badia stop sign, one Homestarrunner star, and a big blue clip hangin' off my belt! Fie on those assholes! Fie I say!
from blulinepaper :
I think Wednesday and Pugsley were performing a scene from Henry VIII. Whatever it is, it's definately Shakespeare. That much I remember them saying in the movie.
from chuzzlewit :
Nah, you're right, Cranberries aren't old. Because if they were, then that would make me old. I remember when they released their first single. I used to listen to them when I was in highschool. Still have their albums somewhere...
from mtimman :
I'm sorry I missed your IM last night, I had just walked away from my computer for a second to anwser the phone, and by the time I came back there were 2 IM windows, and you had already logged off. I hope things are going okay, I'll talk to you later, Matt
from meanatheart :
P.S, One of our basses decided to play keyboard. now we have one guitar, one bass, two singers, one backup guitar/backup vocals, and a keyboard. still no drums. Our drummer moved to Japan a couple of weeks ago. It sux ass. anyways, keep writing, your diary is soo one of the most interesting here!
from meanatheart :
Hold in there, Pyro. You'll get over what/whoever is making you cry.
from super-suzan :
Too bad the school is so lacking in individuals. My school is only 600 or so, and most of them are band freaks. Strangely enough, it's the sports kids being choked out at our school to make way for our trophy winning band kids. I think you'd like my school. It's the small town thing. When you have to make your own fun it usually leads to music.
from meanatheart :
Hey girl. Keep up the writing, it's what keeps me alive! (jk) Your's is the most bestest diary here. Rock on, bad ass! you know you <3 me, Shel-b
from chuzzlewit :
You got father ted for only 5.99 - even converted to aust dollars its still a bargain! I haven't seen that series in ages.
from mtimman :
Hey, sorry your party thing didn't go well. Hope thing get better. Also wanted to tell you that Tim Jackson's tenors fell off his harness at Allentown. :-P -Matt
from blulinepaper :
Hello pyro-person, I finally checked out some of your demos on myspace. I gotta' say, you guys sound really good for a high school garage band. Keep it up!
from lovely-lass6 :
its called jet lag. hehe.
from blulinepaper :
Thank you dear. Thou are to kind. Although I refuse to accept the "g-word" just yet. *Grin* Don't worry I'll keep reading stuff and bothering people like you now and again; just not much for the writin' these days...
from ladybloom6 :
that's pretty crazy, a drunk(or something like it) girl calling you. I wonder who it is.
from lovely-lass6 :
I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, I just didn't really get into Star Wars. Well I mean its fine if you like star wars but for me, I'd rather sleep. I'm sorry...
from blulinepaper :
Yeah, bad days were goin' around yesterday. Blah.
from super-suzan :
Rock on! I'm planning on going to the Warped Tour as well. Go Offspring!
from blulinepaper :
The Pants Dance rules. End of story.
from blulinepaper :
I believe said song would be "Lump" by the Presidents of the United States. Begin dancing!
from super-suzan :
Love the t shirt!
from thechemister :
|-|4! 1 \/\/15|-|. I'm no |\/|4D 1337 h4Xx0r. Just full blown geeky. And a little swanky. A little arrogant. But all woman! Oh!, except that bit... But yeah, I'll 5p33k 1337, but the lifestyle's a little over my head, as I'm awful at most console games, I'm more into old pixelated games like Lemmings and Tetris and Asteroids and PACMAN!!! And THe Secret Of Monkey Island. Hey! Maybe I could be 1337 after all! 411 j00|2 p1><31473d b453z 4|23 b310nG 70 |_|5!
from thechemister :
"And Amy, you're cute, so I baked you a pony,"
from thechemister :
Yeah, I figured there can't be many males called Stephanie, but I'm ready for anythin'. You should try D&D, there's nothing like rolling a dice to see if you can give a lapdance to a dwarven wizard then mug 'im. Honestly. Nothing. So, Mac or PC? (Even though Linux p\/\/n5 'em both)
from blulinepaper :
Dude, I was totally going to suggest the jump suit and light bulb thing! Damn! But, at times like these laughter really is good medicine. Personally, I like to have a Strong Bad e-mail marathon or watch a season or so of Red vs. Blue in a room by myself and just laugh for awhile. Taking a quiet walk by myself and escaping into my own head for awhile is also a good thing. The trick for me is to lose myself in the solitude of my own brain; basically turn the rest of the world off for an afternoon or an hour or too and do what I want. Heh. And monkeys. Monkeys alway help.
from chops-4-hire :
Sorry things aren't going well in band. That really sucks. But I doubt you'll be a suck musician. You're in a sucky band and you're probably better than me.... Cheers! Matt
from chops-4-hire :
Here is the link to one of the cadneces:
from chuzzlewit :
Yeah, I like taking quizes, so it was fun. Getting the 'Danny Secretion' result is the closest I'll ever get to being a drummer (aside from the time I did percussion in the year six music competition), so that's cool too. I hope your spring break has picked up.
from kellipotamus :
Alright, third note. You aren't going to end up like this Rebecca Character for liking Cowboy Bebop or any other anime for that matter. I don't consider myself an asian wannabe and I like a number of anime shows (Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Wolf's Rain, Berserk, etc.). In fact, I would say I'm more of a European wannabe...its quite sad really, lol. Anyways, continue getting into Bebop, its the best anime I've come across aside from any of Hayao Miyasaki's movies (Spirited Away, etc.). Rock On, K^P
from kellipotamus :
haha! Most people forget the number. it might help you remember if you know the significance. I believe that 451 degrees fahrenheit is the temperature at which paper burns. I hope that you do read it, its one of my all time favorites. Wow...I read it almost seven years ago...I feel really old now.
from kellipotamus :
As for Lord of the Flies, I found the book to rock far more than the movie. But then, I find most books to rock more than their respective cinematographic interpretations. At the very least, finish the book before you watch the film. Other books you should check out if you haven't already: Fahrenheit 451 and The Jungle. I think all three are incredible statements about human nature and our society. That's my two-cents for ya, :P
from chops-4-hire :
Hi Catrina! I hope things are doing okay. I hope I can talk to you soon. See ya! Matt
from kellipotamus :
I like your style!
from chops-4-hire :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WHOOO! Have a great day! Matt
from ladybloom6 :
Happy Birthday! Have a spectacular day!
from chuzzlewit :
Happy Birthday for Wednesday! Big parties, small parties, they are always fun. Hope you get lots of groovy presents. Chuzzlewit xoxo
from chops-4-hire :
Hey, did you know that Tim Jackson is a member of DLO? I didn't.
from chops-4-hire :
Dear Catrina, With my pessimistic view on my life, I have to say something. On the off-chance that we never speak again, I just wanted to say somethings; It has been very nice talking to you, you helped me through alot of tough times, and you are a very good person and it should take you far. And if I never speak to you again: Good bye, Good luck, and God Bless. If you're ever in Northwest Ohio, look me up. Signed, Matthew Peter Timman
from blulinepaper :
Okay, your Quote of the Day forces me to comment. Andrew's bastard friends quote is actually a quote attributed to a guy named R.A. Dickenson or something. I don't even know who that is (it might be Dickson - my brain is a sieve), but it's one of my favorite quotes from this quote book I have. I had to laugh to learn that someone else in this wide world had stumbled upon it. Carry on!
from chuzzlewit :
Happy New Californian Year! Hope you had a good one. Thanks for the notes. I did have a good birthday and a cool New Year... actually the new year was spent in Big Bear where it was snowing and cold and I went to bed early. But anyway, it was still cool.
from blulinepaper :
It was indeed, thank you! Hope you have a great new year (in other news I think I'm finally going to update again this week - yay!).
from bandgeek34 :
from ladybloom6 :
Right back attcha! Hope you have a good year!
from pyromania :
Honestly? I think I'm dying...
from pyromania :
from chops-4-hire :
Catrina! It's SNOWING OUTSIDE! It's 12:30am here, and noone will talk to me, so I had to tell someone! IT'S SNOWING!
from ladybloom6 :
Cheer up, your Thanksgiving may be better than you think it will be. If you're going out you might see a hottie or two..think about that. :D
from ima-bandgeek :
Sure you can! Those people are stupid... Just the thing is, drummers are stereotyped at stupid or idiotic (like the band dictionary on my site says), just as trumpets are stereotyped as having HUGE egos. Drummers are just as much a part of band as anyone else - and they can be bandgeeks too! Even tho the thing is, most don't ::want:: to be! If only you knew our drumline... they are the perfect model of stereotypical drummers (just check out my "one time at band camp" stories!).
from extremesock :
Hey, its kittyleopard. New diary. Party party.
from mesdoram :
LOOOOOSER!!!!!!!!!!! j/k. you know youre loved C/K atrina! I'll see you at our spot ;)
from mtimman :
Hey Catrina, Haven't talked to you in a while. I'll talk to you later sometime. See you around... Hope everything is going well.
from ladybloom6 :
Cheer up old chap. Things will eventually get better even if it doesn't ever feel like they will. You have to make things better for yourself so please try. I know being sad is really unfun. Halloween is coming so let's celebrate that!
from kittyleopard :
Killer. WOO.
from kittyleopard :
Tenors, fool! And you?
from kittyleopard :
You have a Mr. I always wear black and look like a priest teacher TOO?!! Freaky. When I first read that teachers name I could have sworn it said Mr. Salami. As in the processed meat. Weird, no?
from kittyleopard :
Haha, when I read your comment about my diary, I was like..."You stole my thought!!"... Scary, how alike we are.
from blulinepaper :
SQUEEEEEEEE! I'm jealous, man. Every time I walk into a toy store that has that Beast figure I wind up staring at it for like ten minutes, yet I never seem to buy it. Good call senorita!
from kittyleopard :
I added you.
from ima-bandgeek :
Hey there! Thanks for adding me to your favs! Great to see a fellow devoted band-ee out there! :D Yeah, it's sad that bandgeeksaa isn't around anymore... you can't even get to it because it hasn't been updated in so long. It had a good start but kind of tapered off... It was really too bad.
from kittyleopard :
Super-friggin-wicked-awesome diary!
from iamhubpluh :
If you are voting AGAINST Bush, check out he is for 100% EQUALITY right for the Gay/Lesbian community as well as for stoping the war in Iraq, and NOT sending more troops as Kerry is for (based on his debate answers). Vote your heart, not the less of two evils!
from mtimman :
Hey, what's up. Haven't talked to you for a while. I'm usually long gone by the time you come online. I'll talk to you later some time. Matt
from vampyrate :
i have a friend who got some kick ass boots in london...they look like a pair that Joey Jordison from Slipknot has...will YOU be my friend?
from ladybloom6 :
How, when, and why are you going? You are freakin lucky.
from pyromania :
OH MY GOD!!! I'M GOING TO ENGLAND!!! And my guestbook isn't working, but I'M GOING TO ENGLAND!!!
from mtimman :
sorry I haven't been on for a little while, I've had alot on my mind, and been going to sleep early. I'll be around later in the week most likey though... see ya later...
from pyromania :
from mtimman :
I don't know what just happend with AIM, I tired to IM you with another profile and you were gone. So... See ya later. matt
from ladybloom6 :
Thank you, I appreciate it. Only one hugger for me...oh well it's better than nothing.
from chuzzlewit :
No, please don't change, I like you just the way you are. I think you are very cool.
from he-left-me :
i just started this public diary, so im letting ppl no, that u can leave an entry. so plz do and if u have any comments leave me a note.
from depplady12 :
and btw.. all that shit that person wrote in the little post down there.. u should ask andrea what it says.. cause its all in spanish.. but anywho!!!!!! U ROCK HOMIE!
from depplady12 :
AWW!! CATRINA U ROCK!! u put the shes number one thingy by my name thingy.. UR MY NUMBER ONE TOO HOMIE!!!!!!!! dont lose the cereal box!! WAHAHAHA.. anywho!
from pyromania :
from ladybloom6 :
Well it's not just that. The things that I used find enjoyable just aren't fun anymore. All I feel like doing is sleeping. But I think I might be sick too so that could be part of it. Oh well I'll live.
from pyromania :
Who in the world was that person?! I'm so confused.
from jcesar :
when is shit, I just read the whole 2000 lines in one second, you get it.
from jcesar :
music, rime is my theme, not talking lol 7 not good or so, music, drums, guitar. give more inspiration. you arlready gave me so now i write more in english with no correct wrammar. are we arquieng???????/ cool!
from jcesar :
Let me start like this So me like star song of the, Mucic and rime is my thing Inspiration, on mtv you will see me Thank you, I love this Nena solo quiero lo major para ?????????? No sabes lo que estoy cantando Pero estoy escuchando celcio pina Como nena, mueve tu culo Desnuda, palabras no significan nada Que rico es la coca, con 7 por fucking 3 hours, and 8 times Nena nena la poesia te va ayudar Na na, na, da na, da da d a d a nandna Come lo que quieres pero si es Nachos over your tits. So it is, nena rica Todavi te quiero cingar
from ladybloom6 :
Yeah I suppose you're right. Romeo is a bit of a pansy. That'd be great to mock him or anyone in the play for that matter. !Gabby!
from ladybloom6 :
Mercutio? Urm...isn't that a dude? Oh well whatever floats your boat. hehe. later. !Gabby!
from lunchladies :
Please come visit us sometime :) The Lunch Ladies of Mordor
from ladybloom6 :
So what happened? That dude seems sort of hot. Please do tell, sorry if I seem nosey...just a bit curious is all... !Gabby!
from ladybloom6 :
Yeah the book is sort of depressing but it does inspire you to keep on track and not even attempt to use drugs. Hey just curious, do you have a gold membership? I'm guessing so but it could supergold. Whatever. Yeah well later buddy! !Gabby!
from flint- :
Beautiful template. Smashing. Absolutely smashing.
from insomnia-101 :
I was checking randomly through the anti-cancer diary ring and I found your diary. I was impressed by your writing... I am also a band geek, enjoy Jhonen Vasquez, and the likes... So, I am adding you as a favorite. Talk to you later. -meg
from flint- :
You are something special. You are the other half of my brain. You rock.
from maried :
Dredg is awesome. I saw them in concert in Chico and they just ruled like no other. Thought you should know!
from wretch101 :
you have the same birthday as me. go groundhogs go!!!!!!!!! -luv ella, who you've probably never heard of.
from ladybloom6 :
Hey I thought you might like to see these pictures of Dom, unfortunately minus the eyeliner. Damn. Oh well, this the one time I care about Mardi Gras. Here ya go: This may sound perverted but email me if you'd like to see the semi-nude picture of Dom. It's him in the shower and you can see his butt, it's cute. Anywho yeah. ttyl. Enjoy! ~Gabby~
from jcc3 :
Quote:Jared, we didn't change the password, just to let you know. And nice job on the web stuff, what program you using? Fireworks or Dreamweaver? Might want to check out the contrast on the opening screen though. Yeah, I'm just trying to be smart. Plus that thing doing the polka, his name is Brak from Space Ghost, you knew that, right? End quote First off, I'm not using either of those programs, I typed up the html code in Microsoft Word. Secondly sorry I screwed up the colors, I'm not that artistic,(except in music!!! 8P).Third, yes I did know that it's called Brak, but I don't want to point out the fact that I'm disobeying copyright laws. -Jared
from ladybloom6 :
Hey happy 15th birthday! Yeah I think ROTK is going to win Best Picture. They say that they usually don't like to pick fantasy movies for that. hmm...oh well. Yes, I love "Into the West" very much. It's the best song. Very sad, yet beautiful.
from darkoverlord :
So I'm given an assignment, see? Because I keep complaining about being bored I'm told to plug Dark Overlord to random people. You have an interesting screen name, thus, here I am. Check us out at DOL, we're super cool AND have awesome adventures.
from ladybloom6 :
Hey, so what did happen with that guy and the sex twister? hmm...well get back to me. :)
from ladybloom6 :
Yeah it's a school picture. I think it does look like crap. But everyone is their own worst critic(usally). Yeah I don't really dress like that either, my mom makes me dress "nicely" for pictures. It's like the worst day of the year I swear. Yeah I do look hispanic but whatever. What can I do? I'm sure you don't look like a freak. Do you have the picture? I'd like to see. Oh yeah I'm answering this way because it won't let me send you email. aol email has something against my email address. lol. anyway later buddy! ~Gabby~
from pyromania :
Okay...just checking if this works cos I haven't been getting any mail lately...of course, that could just be me being lonely and then emailing myself so I can say that I've gotten mail. Oh well. Namarie.
from andlikedude :
Hi. You seem cool. I like what you said about the "what do you say after a kiss and after sex thing." I don't think I say anything or I just say whatever I tihnk. Anyways, you seem spiffy. -Mandy
from swampgirl :
Hello, pyomania, I like "Lord of the Rings", also. Sincerely, Swampgirl
from pyromania :
Whoo!, how 'bout Cool, no?...Go Marching Band!!!
from indie-snob :
Hello there! I had the wonderful priviledge to see Radiohead the other night and just posted my review for it. I have a bunch of other concert and album reviews here too, including Coldplay, Mogwai and Modest Mouse. Check it out. Thanks muchly!
from ladybloom6 :
I would so love to play Tig. That's such a great game....poor elijah didn't know it was totally made up...hehe...
from endlessfield :
from endlessfield :
Green Trousers ROCK! XD! Migraines suck. And popcorn ish good. XD!
from ladybloom6 :
Hey the TTT DVD is coming out on August 26th! Mark your calender!
from ladybloom6 :
Hey that's great that you get to go to Europe. All I can say is have lots of fun! I know it's not for a while but oh well. Tell me about all the hot guys there...I envy you....european guys...*sigh*...ttfn
from versaillers :
I always get teased for loving You Got Mail. But it's cute and wonderful. Fuck 'em.
from ladybloom6 :
I love your diary! So amusing...mcoverweight...hehe...gotta love it. ~Gabby~ P.S. bleu blee da, esta blockie do P.P.S. hehe...i'm a little weird sorry.....
from zebrapants99 :
Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I am "the girl from my english class". I feel special
from pyromania :
Hi Catrina. I'm just partially signing your notes section so that I can get e-mail, and so that this looks like some people sign it. Okay? Okay.
from lionesspride :
*wishes Catrina good luck on her English presentation tomorrow* ^_^

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