messages to quietthought:
(click here to add new message):

from kitty-clawz :
hey, you added a new entry a couple of days ago. that must mean one of 2 things. either you're alive and still functioning, or someone has found the password to your account and taken over. i'm hoping it's the first one. how have you been?
from notanias :
i just wanted to let you know that i've moved diaries (unfortunate things happened). so i'll be updating over here, now. (the former) beatpoetgrrl
from anticrew :
i dont EVER write this but i mean every single syllable: i know exactly what you mean. this is the sum of all my friendships which has left me lurching into the shadows to run away from people who seem compassionately void. good god, am i ever feeling this entry, mister.
from anticrew :
please take care of mechy and make sure she doesn't get gauze-faced in the tubes!
from damodred :
It says you updated but when I try to go to your diary it is blank. Just an FYI.
from damodred :
In regard to self-torment, I can relate.
from synthecrux :
Entries*, i am not into weed...and yeah, i have fun talking to myself.
from synthecrux :
Maybe they weren't meant to be amusing, but i find your entry..amusing. Amusing the ones that didn't want to be amused can be a talent...or maybe not. Anyway, that is pretty much i will type some random shit at other's diaries.
from dope-slave :
Now, this is interesting. You've got a few things right, but your head is in all the wrong places. Conspiracies? They're for children. Everything you ponder over is, so to speak, mechanics of the little box you exist in. Do you want out? Seems as if you do. The answer is important, think carefully. If you say "yes", you can't turn back.
from carnageus :
I saw it at the pic-a-tures and recommended it to a friend. Who watched it. And said it was the worst film she'd ever seen. It's a sad day when you know someone who'd be rejected by the Dawson's Creek fanclub on grounds of poor taste.
from ripetomato :
You need to visit right now. Yesterday it snowed, then today it rained and then froze. Now everything is all shiney and deadly. Signmyguestbook doesn't like me.
from anticrew :
see, but if you have no goals isnt the same feeling as having achieved the ones you set out? and, as you said, boredom sets in. so it's like you're damned if you do/damned if you dont. all the energy seems to be in the process cause i dont think there ever comes a time when the feeling of achieving something 'great' lasts. ive been having similar thoughts about goals and such for awhile but my thoughts have come to me differently. in economics, they're always talking about how 'incentive' for wealth and 'scarcity' are what drives the economy and people as individuals. we run around like assholes trying to collect money and big homes and hot lovers cause we're all afraid. afraid of the scarcity of our own youth, the scarcity of our ability to earn an income, the security of our jobs and so forth. so we all believe it and accept it and we're basically all living in anxiety just waiting for something to go to hell. but i thought to myself, what if we lived in a world where we got EVERYthing we ever wanted and all our material needs were taken care of so we didnt have to sweat life out like slobs, what would be doing? what sorta goals would we have, then, if obscene wealth wasn't one of them. and it just seems like an impossible question to answer because then you just know we'd put value on something else. and the point of this note turned letter is that, well, i have had similar thoughts. thank you, good night.
from beatpoetgrrl :
happy birthday to you! (chachacha) happy birthday to you! (chachacha) happy birthday to quiethoughtttttttt, happy birthday to youuuuu! (chachacha)
from kitty-clawz :
hello dear quiet has been a while hasn't it. time has faded, we've gotten older, but yet you still remain alive...remarkable :P :D well on your entry about that 2 pages of depressing writing? BURN IT!! burn it burn it burn it!! woo go crazy!! i once did that to a book i read about this guy who cut out his cat's eyeball with his pocket knife when he was drunk. then he hung it. i burned that book and let the images b charcoaled it. well i hope to hear from you. luv ya --accident prone amanda
from watty :
Happy birthday! Have a fun-filled day celebrating. All the best to you. =)
from treewillow :
Happy Birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day.
from mechanica :
Tee hee hee, you sick puppy. I have resorted to licking out nutella packets. Also, fix your broken images, they make me cryyy. 21/03/04
from chiv :
Hello, Qui. I.. yes, I have been drinking, but.. shut up a minute.. 's good to know you didn't kerplode or anything. I have not seen much of you for many months. I must admit that I never fully understood why we apparently fell out.. to me it really didn't seem like anything.. and so I did not feel I had anything to apologise for.. but.. er.. I don't know.. you all that well maybe, and I suppose that I could have utterly misunderstood the situation. Damn, I clearly have no idea where I'm going with this. Just saying hello, I suppose. -nods and departs-
from damodred :
You have your own cheerleader?! I want one now.
from beatpoetgrrl :
oh good, you're not dead or disappeared or anything. we were getting worried.
from cdghost :
still yummy to read...
from icarus01 :
did you ever hear that swing version of Creep? Ace my friend.
from moonshine76 :
I actually tried to go out and buy one yesterday :( but the grocery store didn't have any so I settled on baking oatmeal cookies instead ;) By the way, there's more geri sightings on msn messenger much more often now! ask anybody! xx
from ripetomato :
I dub thee King of Bad Goodbyes.
from anticrew : are SO in love with me!
from snarkster :
Holy cow, pal! With all the messages you've got stashed here already, I doubt you'll ever get around to reading mine. But hey, I'm a sucker for the impossible. Impressive vocabulary, revolutionary ideas, good cleaning tips...your diary is a satisfying read, if I may say so. Stop by and check out mine if you have a chance between reworking society and cleaning your room.
from keryanna :
Re:cloning. Most people are essentially egoists. Once I accepted this fact, their actions made alot more sense to me.
from elliorange :
Thanks for your opinion.
from jen69 :
happy birthday. hope you have a great day.
from ripetomato :
Who might that be?
from hermitage :
qui - that was a rather dramatic entry!!! i am so tired right now, and all essayed out. gaaah.
from icarus01 :
hello :)
from icarus01 :
im so far beyond what-the-fuck its not funny with that beard thing but i still love you sweetheart and you're once again part of my know that your fluffy bunny feet make my heart flutter and my rabbi stroke his goat. xxx
from icarus01 :
you look purty when you twirl around like a ballerina
from kitty-clawz :
wow, we haven't talked 4 years! i can't believe it :0 i mean so much stuff has happened, i almost even 4got you're a guy!!!! well i'm srry cause i just haven't been talking to my friends as much, because of this damned homework >:( leave me a note sometime ^_^ so anyway, i'd better cut this short cause i have a lot of homework 2 do. ttyl --accident prone amanda
from hermitage :
i am waiting.
from hermitage :
Ahahaha! you are never online, you fiend!
from hermitage :
et tu?
from hijinks :
Very amusing you silly sod. Still doesnt answer my question though does it?
from hermitage :
AHAHAHA! the show will be on this week with ME as the host.
from ripetomato :
PS: Arguing vegetarianism vs. meat-eating is pretty old ... call me avoidant, but I'd rather leave the subject alone, mmkay?
from ripetomato :
Since I can't seem to sign the guestbook:<br>I said I was doing it for health reasons. Cannibals prefer the flesh of asians over caucasians, because us whities tend to have a worse diet on average, making for tough, stringy, salty flesh. Not good eating. Does that make them racist?
from hermitage :
MY FRIEND! I NEVER SEE YOU ON MSN ANYMORE! WHERE ARE YOU!!????!?? Ahahahahahaha! have joined the heathenous legions that are in favour of DVDs? Well, curse you! Curse you and your mother! (the mother reference made it sound much more sinister)
from hermitage :
from ink-grrl :
good *pats your head*
from no-answers :
Can anyone tell me why computer labs and their rles are so terrifying? It was a part of college life I was glad to leave behind *shudders*
from ripetomato :
Sims Unleashed? It's already out, and I've got it. Mwuaha.
from hapithoughts :
*harrasses notes* ughhh... runny nose. blah. umm, yes, canada. good good.
from hijinks :
No, life is not fucking perfect.
from hermitage :
best day for you, dude!
from lacee :
hey i like your diary...... lace
from morguecrawl :
I believe, but I'm not entirely sure, that I found you through zerom3ph? If not him, it was someone else I have linked to my diary.
from hermitage :
from pixiia-8 :
Oh shit, your last message in 'the book' is fucking AWESOMELY hilarious. I'd say so there, but as you know, I've been censored. hahaha.
from pixiia-8 :
hahaha, I swear i didn't know Qui! Yes, he is quite wonderful isn't he? Calming like a newborn baby, really.
from deadeyedick :
"3. At what age did you lose your virginity, if at all? (all) NEVER! Quiet never loses! " haha great answer!
from ripetomato :
Damn this small, straight, symmetrical nose of mine ... it *would* have to be the only perfect feature on my face (minus the infected ring, that is) .. hmm, maybe if I have someone punch me in the nose, I'll be more alluring.
from hermitage :
from l0st-girl :
oh, er..dont worry about it..
from l0st-girl :
sorry for..?
from chiv :
well, i did say that it'd be recognised post mortem.
from chiv :
actually, you posted twice in my guestbook, and no, i don't need to update ag, done that, then it died. apparently they need to ask the artist's permission to give their shit'm not hopeful..they won't even ask most of the people i want to download. ugh.
from ripetomato :
This is where you email me and tell me you don't hate me. That's nice that you're not worrying about it, but that doesn't mean *I'm* not busy being way too upset for my own damn good.
from ripetomato :
Hey, I don't know who the hell had FUN last night, but I sure didn't. I thanked some friends for trying to make me feel better, that's it. Though I don't know if you meant me. Meanwhile, I most certainly would have talked to you had I BEEN ABLE TO. Why won't you let me?
from hermitage :
Hello. I cannot find the link to your guestbook on your page. Also, your layout hurts my eyes a little bit, but I also like to whine. YAY!
from entropica :
i can't say i have a reason... i found your diary somehow, and liked it, so i's on my list... anyway, with the link with the = in it... it didn't work because the page isn't there yet... i'm still working on recreating my personal site. well, thanks for the note :)
from mister-ed :
from chiv :
hey, i know more people online than in person...actually, that's not true, i just wish i didn't know most of the people i do. it's not making friends that's hard *shows one he made earlier* a mess, isn' it? it's making good ones.
from chiv :
that makes you ripechester utd, ripey the vampire slayer, lara spears, larawars-attack of the tomatoes, and so on. erm..oh..*something about qui's update*
from ripetomato :
Hmm ... if Chiv is mainstream, what would that make *me*?
from hermitage :
a new layout = fantastic!
from quietthought :
Dammit, people leave interesting notes but don't have diaries. Yes, since you ask, it's the boy genius, "How to be a Genius on 50p a week"... great book!
from giffordlewis :
Favourite author Jason Cowan? The schoolboy genius or the IT wizard?
from chiv :
and where in the fuck are your notes?
from mister-ed :
heheheheh, "spielberg" inded.
from chiv :
but, would your dad go to the trouble of cutting off your hand?
from mister-ed :
from chiv :
pyow. don't you just wish there was more to this, than..that?
from pure-milk :
i love you qui. Will you love me?
from chiv :
yes..maybe i should come along, too. it might be nice to get deported, just once. i want to be able to say i'm banned from new zealand, or something.
from pure-milk :
THAT'S SO NEAT!! Is it Captain-like?
from pure-milk :
You had a birthday? (heheh) How was it? How old? And how's that beard??
from chiv :
*adds belated birthday note, having slept through said birthday*
from mister-ed :
*adds note*
from chiv :
hehe. oh, my. why on earth do i find you amusing? ah, well.
from hermitage :
from raq :
Why on earth do you want to use frames?? Frames suck. But besides. I can still help. I know 'bout frames and all that. So Moo! to you too!
from raq :
la la la la la
Told ya I could help you w/ that HTML....all you have to do is ask :)
from chiv :
*may possibly be seen in shadows, but you can't prove it, and neither can you*points*or does he?*
from carnageus :
Oi! You can't go flashing that intrigue around in public - you'll have someone's eye out!
from mister-ed :
*displays intrigue*
from ripetomato :
It's like I explained with the whole genitalia thing ... the nipples are censored. And of course Barbie's a freak ... the humans who come closest to ressembling her are drag queens ... only they're far less terrifying.
from carnageus :
I've decided I'm going to found a small town in Alaska. We're going to have a few stores, a pub, a cafe etc. Oh, and we're also going to comandeer a Jewish doctor from Flushing, New York and we'll develop many strange - yet somehow endearing - quirks. Know any astronauts?
from quietthought :
Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But... there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Quietside...
from carnageus :
quieted down? There's a terrifying thought. 'Imagine a world where there are no tears, everyone has food on their plate, there is no pain and no one ever suffers. This place does exist. But remember...everything that exists has it's exact opposite. quietworld'
from ripetomato :
from keryanna :
Thanks for thanking me (man this could go on forever.) And thanks for calling me insightful. Don't know how true it is - but it's a nice thought anyway. Hope things have quieted down a bit.
from chiv :
from ripetomato :
Aww, c'mon ... we all know you're really just a big softie ...

Just stick it in an entry ... you don't even have to put it in your template ... pretty please?

OK, this is getting degrading. Nevermind ... *looks around for her dignity which she's apparently misplaced*
from ripetomato :
Hmm ... I'll tell you what .. post the Ripe Tomato banner, and I'll give you that capital H you're after. A little pimping, that's all I ask ...
from carnageus :
Well tough luck. You've impressed now, ripey, and there's nothing you can do about it
from ripetomato :
Unimpressive? Well, I don't believe I was trying to impress ...
from carnageus :
Don't touch me now, Spanky!
from deadeyedick :
Nope...I just needed to make room on my buddies page. I take off ones I remember to read myself and put ones on I won't remember. So don't worry, I'll still be coming back!
from ripetomato :
I think you may be surprised how many of us have these sorts of skeletons in our closets ... like I keep saying .. we could all go crazy ... good god, that was meant to be comforting, can you believe me?
from chiv :
you keep reminding me of someone i know. that's bad, in that he's off his rocker, and keeps going mad at me, but perhaps good (though not for me) that he's probably been one of my better friends. meh, he's probably nowt like you. lot less clean, i expect.
from bigglesworth :
i am playing with my wee wee
from piercingeyes :
Hello hello. Wonderful journaling. Keeping jotting down those thoughts and don't forget to smile.
from pixiia-8 :
Hahahah. That's a good one. Bloody hell, I have enough problems with my own diaryland carnage to involve myself in this lot...besides qui, I'm neutral in this debacle, I like both you and the bug, but I do think the letter was a little 'coo-coo'. Lol, I just thought if you were to suggest this solution to Andrew, maybe you could re-post something that seems really important to you, being a small piece of who you are, etc., and yet you wouldn't be directly calling someone a nazi per-se, as their identity would not come into it this time around, and then it could all go into the 'yesterday's' news file, instead of eating up your diaryland life. Hehe.
from pixiia-8 :
I have an idea. Why don't you repost your rant, since it is how you felt at the time, but don't use her name? It's really just the blatant use of someone's identity in such a violent rage of an entry that seems, well, in all honesty qui, a bit savage. It's just an idea :)
from emilyforever :
Maybe you are just a retard, but I didn't write that reply to you in my guestbook. I don't care if you believe me or not.
from hermitage :
Dude, you are so popular ; )
from keryanna :
I don't know you nor have I really read any of your diaries. I don't know Gingerbug nor have I read any of her diaries. I have no idea the quality of your characters or the details of the situation. And, at least for my post, it really isn't relevant. I just happened upon this whole fiasco and thought you were getting a bit of a pummeling. I think that any behavior that is purposefully malicious to anyone is wrong and inexcusable. Noone deserves to be attacked - verbally or otherwise. However, no matter how much what you say may hurt someone or seem cold and uncaring, you should have the right to say it. Isn't that what this place is all about? People having the opportunity to read what you are thinking ... uncensored. What other people may say may not always be to everyone's liking but if we start censoring someone's thoughts simply because we don't agree (no matter how emotionally involved we are with the person who is attacked) then we are committing a very grave injustice. It is within everyone's right to disagree ... but it is noone's right to silence. Otherwise diaryland would become pointless. We wouldn't write what we think ... only what we think people want to read. We have to allow, with the good, also the bad and the ugly. Remembering all the while that the only power words have is the power that we give them.
from themagicdude :
I don't know you very well, but from what I've read of you - your entry concerning a certain bug -, your humour sucks. Now, of course this is your diary, but I'd like you to rethink some stuff for a while and try to satisfy yourself with less childish thoughts and condemnations that are based on nothing. To tell you the truth, I think there's something wrong with you. Of course I'm being totally serious, and it will seem very strange to you because you've never really thought about it. Maybe I'm even wrong - but letting your feelings escalate and turning a slight provocation that kicks at your pride into something you have to make horrible cynical jokes at: that's bad. I think I'll be reading up on you a bit.
from emilyforever :
You ass. Why the hell would you go and frickin diss Ging like that? She has every right to go and piss on you!!!!!! You must be pretty retarded because I have tons of friends on d-land that read your diary and now they're not because you went to damn far! Gingerbug is our friends and you're not gonna go to far with this Hitler crap!!!!!!!
from chiv :
no, no wondering, that's just how quickly humanity advances until it discovers monotheism, and/or until it pisses off the *ahem* "gods".
from kitty-clawz :
yo!could you e-mail me at [email protected] ? i would really appreciate it cause i just got that new e-mail and i have 0 messages and now just looking at it is starting to piss me pleeze send me a message ^_^ thx. bye --kitty
from mister-ed :
i think it's time to wheel out "yyyurrrrrs!" in the style of the army guy from spaced, complete with arm-pumping motion.
from chiv :
would "ah, spiffy" do, or is a "woo!" called for?
from kitty-clawz :
k thx. 4 telling me that cause @ first i thought it was this java thing (which i know dick all about it. in technical terms! ;) so thx. i thought i was the only one (even though i read the home page thing) anyway gotta go. adios amigo ^_^ luv ya --accident prone amanda
from kitty-clawz :
quietthought, umm......just wondering.....are you able to go on to the "chat with members" think? cause for some reason,it's saying "could not connect to 7777" something like that. anyway i can't figure out what's could you leave me a note if it's happening 2 u? thx. bye :)
from mister-ed :
from hermitage :
from kitty-clawz :
DAMNIT!!!!!!! it wasn't supossed to make 2 notes!!!!!!!!!!!evil computer i tell you! it's evil!
from kitty-clawz :
fixing carnageus' song. quietthought quietthought thinks whatever a quietboy ought! :)
from kitty-clawz :
fixing carnageus' song. quietthought quietthought thinks whatever a quietboy ought
from kitty-clawz :
thx 4 the tip~ ^_^ i just wanna make my diary the way people want it to be or hear about! :) anyway i haver lots of homework right now so i have to get it done.but if i have time i'll be sure to come on! =) l8erz -------accident prone amanda *ouch*
from kitty-clawz :
hey,sup?you read my diary!alright!what did ya think of it??? ^_^ thx. for leaving me a note :) i like getting notes =) so how are you?i like your diary too! c u soon! BYE FRIEND ----accident prone amanda aka ROAR FFFFTTTTTTTT
from carnageus :
# quietpot, quietpot, does whatever a quietboy ought #
from mister-ed :
"quiet-boy!, quiet-boy!, does whatever a quitboy can" ahh it's just not fitting.
from heyred :
non-sensical is not necessarily bad. it's more like streaming thought patterns i think, which are very interesting.
from ripetomato :
I wouldn't worry about the blushing thing. Most people find it endearing.
from chiv :
i've a feeling most of that is ..not too unusual, quiet. it's certainly not freakishly uncommon, is it? also, it's your diary, you don't have to be entertaining with 'every' entry.
from ripetomato :
Um .. *says something fabulously cool that is neither a message of support nor an apology*. Er .. actually I was only asking because the eye pic was pretty hot, and I'm a whore for pictures. Ack. Nevermind my bullshit.
from carnageus :
Yes, and being a Mick I can say that everything you say probably is true. But then, so is everything we say
from evil-edna :
Dammit - you made me burst out laughing. It's not fair - as a fellow hun in this fair isle, if I say anything like that I get people jumping all over me for being a bigot - even though it is all true.
from hermitage :
from nata4 :
Greetings Bakewell-boy, You're a funny bastard with a cheeky flair, but don't play too many games- we don't want you turning into Lara Croft (ahem), and you don't want to get square eyes... or something :/ Maybe your pupils will turn PS2 shaped.
from hermitage :
Merry Day of the Night of the Birth of Jesus - or what is said to be in the traditional sense
from hermitage :
Note for you : )
from mechanica :
Me and my nipples missed you! What more could you want dammit? weeeeeeee.
from chiv :
you know...i think i'm actually starting to miss this bastard. it's going to become another goku situation. one, two, three... *noooooooo!* ah! by chance, unicron's theme has just kicked in on my play list. *sheds tear*
from mechanica :
Where the heck are you? Hmm? Come back!! -looks down- Whats a bakewell? Have you been living in a hole? sheesh.
from doighty :
what's a bakewell?
from hermitage :
boo boo
baa baa
says the little ghost sheep
from indiechick :
Love your diary (well the 3 entries I've read from it...)Hehehe Humph.. that was a boring and unoriginal comment. Must try harder. 'Wow, like, your diary, is soooo like cooool!!' hehehe.... ;)
from evil-edna :
If it's any consolation I'm fighting the NEELB for money at the minute and getting nowhere fast. That's why I've spent my sodding weekend doing 14 hour shifts.
from chiv :
don't worry qb, you're still mildly insane. says me. uh
from evil-edna :
Baaaaa. Humph, I have the honour of attending what is probably the ugliest university in the world - Coleraine. Oh dear God, that Tower Block. As we drove up last week, Trips was just going 'that is so ugly'.
from evil-edna :
Don't worry QB, I've decided not to go anywhere and I really hope everything goes ok with you at college. ~hugs QB~ Now, I'd better go because there's a new consignment of sheep due in the field next door and I'm fed up with everyone else getting first pick.
from chiv :
*worries about qb* *goes to bed, miserable....glances at mechy....*
from mechanica :
I still love you =) I'd send you a pic with me in PVC with rigid nipples if it would cheer you up. =).
from mechanica :
mwuhahahaha. Oh wonderful PVC'ed mechanica has signed you little notey things, now bow down and worship me. Ha ha ha. You and my lover Chivvy babe are on my favourite.. i expect some entertaining sonny boy.
from chiv :
erm..lovely. i am starting to fear for the safety of the staff at mr.boy's uni...
from yoshi-c :
Trying to test my serial killer knowledge eh? Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Psycho were indeed lossely based on Ed Gein, as was the character Buffallo Bill in The Silence of The Lambs. But now I think about it, technically Gein wasnt a serial killer. He only killed two women (and it was also suspected he may have had something to do with the accident that killed his brother, if I remember correctly). I *think* that most of the body parts they found in his house were robbed from graves, I'll have to look into that one, and erm, I'll let you know.
from chiv :
slag. ok, maybe i can find something to say then. well, notes rather died on their arses didn't they?
from mister-ed :
i still can't do the scree noise you know. this notebook is more like a note-tower.
from carnageus :
That capital O down there will haunt me for the rest of my days. And nights too, no doubt....
from carnageus :
It's really just like a guestbook, this. There's bread stuck between my F10 and F11 keys. COuld you send someone round to take care of it? Cheers
from hermitage :
no need to worry. you didnt make me flee in panic from the guestbook. i was tired - and i had to be up early today.
from chiv :
so, doom you say? oh.
from hermitage :
yes yes...a nice scary eye and scary pointed teeth. but that's ok. so come join me and chiv in chat.
from hermitage :
tsk tsk! out of a tin! that's vile! we dont have such things in canada! we get macaroni and cheese in a box...and its damn good...pity i have to eat potato macaroni and cheese now
from nata4 :
Dear cutename-person, you said you would ('might' is would), but you haven't!! Scree? [Yes, that sentance makes loads of sense] PS. Irish people dance round bonfires drinking beer, and wearing ivy-necklaces and clogs.
from chiv :
one of these days i will be first to something that offers a prize. muffy? where's my sword? i should stop saying that. hello.

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