messages to speaklow:
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from raven72d :
Have you vanished forever?
from raven72d :
W.G. Sebald... You should read Sebald.
from raven72d : Very much worth your while.
from raven72d :
Do update... I miss reading your entries...
from raven72d :
I hope you spent Valentine's with friends... and that you never feel boxed in, there in your new town... And I like laminated subway maps.
from raven72d :
Ummm... you're locked again...
from speaklow :
Open again, now through close.
from raven72d :
Driving the 405? I though driving the PCH at sunset was the Thing To Do... But the description of Xmas morning was lovely... And the OED (on CD-ROM?) as a gift? I'm envious! But-- I do hope 2004 goes well for you!
from raven72d :
May I have a password?
from raven72d :
I worked in a bookstore in grad school... I loved it...*sigh*... Free books, after all. But "The Da Vinci Code"... alas, no. Save your time for more clever books-- "Foucault's Pendulum", "Pattern Recognition", "The Mask of Apollo"...
from raven72d :
Thanks for the thought... And I do envy you snowfall...
from raven72d :
I've never had that happen-- had sudden word that someone in my memories was dead... It's an eerie and terrifying thought.
from raven72d :
I'm a major phone person. One day I'll have to hear your voice.
from raven72d :
Films-- Greenaway's "The Draughtsman's Contract" and of course a film called "Kundun"...and the sheer pleasant vision of "Enchanted April"... rent all those.
from raven72d :
I love the things I've found inside D-Land...
from raven72d :
The Trident sounds wonderful...
from raven72d :
Did you read Kate Moses' "Wintering"?
from raven72d :
Nyago is a good choice.
from raven72d :
What is the Trident like?
from starbreeze :
love your last entry. I'd love to put that in a letter to several people...
from raven72d :
I so loved "Lost in Translation"... And what are your poems like?
from raven72d :
What kind of job did you get/leave? And the comment your mother made was...heartless and thoughtless both.
from raven72d :
Small towns are...comforting...yet stifling.
from raven72d :
Books. Books and dreams. I live in other worlds where I'm not so alone... Though that still leaves the other side of the futon empty and cold.
from starbreeze :
I'm glad you're back. I have been thinking about you these past days.
from starbreeze :
I understand the self-loathing, and how it can come upon you so violently, without much evident cause. Horrible things seem bigger, loom large. Last night I didn't sleep well, kept awake by ghosts that I thought had been at least partially banished. But this morning, after waking, most of them are just sitting quietly around me, reading over my shoulder. Love you, Speaklow.
from raven72d :
Mountains and high desert... Such perfect places.
from odalisk :
Mountains are good places to be alone. I always feel like the mountains are lonely too but at peace with it. One of the only places where solitude is so inextricably twinned with pride, and also with joy. I always want to be like mountains when I'm in them.
from raven72d :
Thank you!
from odalisk :
Loneliness makes you feel young. I think I understand that. I don't own a television, and I'm going to try not to buy one. I do feel like this is a bit of an experiment - you put it perfectly - so we'll see how it goes. I feel awfully frantic a lot of the time.
from raven72d :
Do come back soon... You're missed.
from ursaminor2 :
Swiped your name from amarantha21. thought I would pop in and check you out. Glad I did.
from ricka :
heehee, i saw your name written-up in the alumni rag. (i've enjoyed, just now, saying "alumni rag.") congratulations etc.
from chubchub :
I love you MAN. I read an older entry and saw the words "banana bread" and smiled. ~Putzie.
from odalisk :
How is the Musil treating you? Good choices of museums: especially on a good day, the Musee Rodin is wonderful. The Orsay, too, of course. And the funny thing about the Eiffel Tower is exactly that no matter how hackneyed it is, it is still one of the most amazing sights in the city; I am always rediscovering it.
from ricka :
i cry when the angels are in the library, Every Time.
from serendipity- :
I love your diary. Your writing is surprising and smart.
from odalisk :
Yeah, those peace mongering Europeans are so scary....I fail to understand why anybody would be scared in Europe aside from the (real) risk that Saddam will start bombing European cities because they're targets he can hit whereas the US is too far away. But fearing the Europeans? What are they going to do? Strap you down and force you to watch them painting their anti-war murals?
from amarantha21 :
eloquent, i like :)
from ricka :
cracking a coconut with a hammer on the back deck, my favorite thing for summer. my honey says that cubans eat coco fr�o to feel less sweltered. it works for us.
from amarantha21 :
i love the sparse but expressive writing in your journal. keep writing, i'm reading! smiles
from deadwoodship :
this is the wrong and crappy place to say hi, but...hi. i'm glad you're back because i so so selfishly missed you. happy birthday. happy everything. i'll send better words soon. ~a

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