messages to usmcsis:
(click here to add new message):

from imaphatpig :
she's okay. she's just having to clean through her archives/inventory and then she'll be back up and running in no time. seriously. she's okay. you can email her if you want at her diaryland address i think - [email protected]
from kitchenlogic :
Thanks for your kind words on this bad mood day!
from nutashamed1 :
Sorry to read that you'll be leaving diaryland. Good luck in the future. XXX
from krugerpak007 :
I am sorry to hear you will be leaving. xoxox
from soverycherry :
Clue? Is like one of the greatest movies of all time. I used to watch it over and over again when I was little with friends; our favorite part was when the singing telegram girl shows up, and she sings, "I, am, your singing telegram!" and then BAM! Shot. Awesome. I think I might need that on DVD. Pronto.
from krugerpak007 :
Cool. I just got a dvd player this week and don't really have any dvd's. Need to start working on that ASAP!!! Enjoy!
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for the smile
from krugerpak007 :
Post pictures of the purses, please... I know that feeling where all you wanna do is cuddle and not get out of bed. take care honey and I hope you are not working on Sunday. have an easy day at work. xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
I think you are gonna have to introduce me to your brother one day! congrats on his medal! I hope you are ok and I hope you have an awsome weekend! xoxox
from forty-plus :
Yesterday there was an Amber Alert here in CT. Thankfully they found the little 5 year old girl safe and sound. I wish all the stories could end as well. Thanks for sharing this information.
from forty-plus :
Thank you.
from krugerpak007 :
I LOVE those shoes! Glad you got the card. xoxox Kathy
from forty-plus :
Take that compliment and run with it!
from forty-plus :
Purty shoes!
from imaphatpig :
Thanks a bunch for the note. It gave me a lot to think about and I'm glad to hear that my ambitiousness and enthusiasm for life, in general, is appreciated. You don't know how much it means to me. ;) -A
from forty-plus :
Good for Will, with the time difference and everything, he remembered to call! Major brownie points for the boy.
from forty-plus :
Great Mother's Day info; I never knew. Thank you for the swell wishes!
from forty-plus :
I am sending my best for your friend's dad and yours. Good luck with the job search.
from krugerpak007 :
I am sorry to hear about your dad. Thinking of you. Thanks for your lovely notes, I had missed them! Thanks for all those nice things you said. Good luck with the job hunting. I am glad you are looking for something new, it is awful being stuck in a job that you dislike. I hope you find something you like! Take care sweetie, have a nice Sunday at the flea market (I LOOOOOOOVE flea markets!) and a good week. xoxox Kathy
from retailharlot :
Hey, I just thought of something. I know that you list a lot of books on ebay, and was wondering if you'd considered Half is ebay's sister site, and it's not an auction setup. They don't charge fees unless you sell, and once your items are listed, you don't have to relist them. That might be a little easier (and cheaper) for you, if you haven't tried it before.
from forty-plus :
Thanks, Sweetie!
from forty-plus :
Hopefully that moron doesn't have majority custody of his children and there is a really good mom waiting to hug the damage away.
from forty-plus :
A while ago I realized you can love someone and yet not like them. The key is to keep it civil for your own sanity, which works better if both parties agree on the civility. I hope you enjoy your time off!
from retailharlot :
that freaking sucks ass. there is NOTHING I hate more than pouring my money into "necessary" expenses before it's even payday. i'm sorry you're stuck doing that.
from krugerpak007 :
Being a grown up sucks most of the time, yip I agree. Feel good! xoxox
from cosmicrayola :
"fucking Scott lovers" Gee, why don't you tell us how you really feel, lol.
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for your note. I have missed you. xoxox Kathy
from retailharlot :
about the social security thing...... have faith. they reject almost everyone the first time around.
from soverycherry :
I totally have those brown flip-flops in off-white and pink! Except my off-white ones are now half brown because they're the shoes I was wearing last weekend when my car got stuck in the mud; oops. Target flip-flops fucking rule!
from forty-plus :
This is sad about your Grandma Lillian.
from sassyfras :
I guess I'm a dork, too, because I clearly remember how excited I was when my star turned turquoise!!
from sassyfras :
Oooohhh, red shoes - very cool. Enjoy them!
from forty-plus :
Jack Russells excel at flyball and agility also. There seems to be many tournaments down your way also, there's got to be lots of teams. I tried with my Border Collies but when it comes to some rescues - it doesn't work out. A disappointment for me, but they are still happy, spoiled pooches! :)
from forty-plus :
I just caught a moment or two of Jack Russell Hurdle Racing on PAX. They are sooooo cute! (And SPEEDY!)
from retailharlot :
what, precisely, is a drive-through doctor?
from forty-plus :
Best wishes to your friend's family. It sounds like your dad and Beavis need some TLC and antibotics. Both furry little fannies need to get to the doctors! xx, Y
from sassyfras :
I know just how you feel about having the whole internet and nothing to look at. If I'm nowhere near a computer I randomly think of about 25 things I wish I could look up online. Get me to a computer and absolutely nada comes to mind. Go figure.
from forty-plus :
Happy Easter!
from forty-plus :
Good luck today!
from krugerpak007 :
We want pictures!
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you feel better!
from krugerpak007 :
Hope your eyes feel better! Blind dates are hard hey? I guess in a few months when I feel ready I will have to begin...mmm. Someone tried to make me have a blind date here in hospital, and it went terribly...ughh. Anyway if you guys go out this weekend, have a good time sweetie. xoxox
from forty-plus :
Yah for your super productive day! Love that movin' in the right direction.
from retailharlot :
I am such a freaking conformist. It never occured to me that I could order two chicken quesdadillas. I just always order #7. But I am so going to order two of them, like RIGHT NOW.
from forty-plus :
Just the most wonderful gift, for everyone involved!
from gypsy-poet :
hooray to your Aunt for taking the road less travelled and being the bigger person.. what a wonderful birthday present for your Mom...
from forty-plus :
Happy Birthday to your mom! Go give her a big sloppy kiss!
from retailharlot :
Oh god that would drive me INSANE! She had no business telling your boss anything, or even jumping to her own conclusions. You ought to slit her tires. I mean, that might be a bit extreme, but everybody's got to learn at some point to mind their own damn business.
from cosmicrayola :
Nice shoes! I got my package today. They are all adorable!!! One question. Do you have a tape fetish???? LOL
from forty-plus :
There are nosey people in every workplace, try not to take it personally. Enjoy your sleep tonight! {{Hugs}}
from imaphatpig :
Oh i know right? It's a hot item this season. I've been on the fence about so many dior things in the past but I am so digging the detective!!! *sigh* I'm going to have to wait a bit before I start the search for a knockoff on it though because it just came out and seemingly all the knockoffs will be kind of crap. We'll see if I ever find a decent one.
from forty-plus :
Blah! Feel better!
from weymouth66 :
So where has your Christmas tree been since Christmas?? Love, Jess xx
from impetuousme :
sorry to read someone is giving you shit about your entries. they can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. for me, my day is not complete until I've caught up with every thing in your life. so thanks for keeping on. Sam
from forty-plus :
Print out that to-do list so you can check those babies right off as you finish them! Thanks for the kind words. We will both be A-OK!
from retailharlot :
from retailharlot :
it really does mean a lot. thanks! :)
from forty-plus :
Such a nice thing for the mailman to share! Love and kindess last forever.
from wellnessplan :
Thanks for the encouragement over at Wellnessplan. I wish this weather would break so I can play outside! Do you have spring flowers peeping out yet? We got another 2-3" of snow this morning. Blah.
from retailharlot :
ha! thanks. and I bought some of your crap. well, I bid on the ashtray. honestly, I love crazy-ass things like that. I don't even smoke. and I wonder why I have a problem with clutter.
from lunablossom :
I agree the owner should be charged with something more than a leashlaw violation but I know three very loveable, patient, kid friendly pitbulls who would be very put out if they were outlawed. I have a 6 month old I trust with these dogs. On the other hand, have you ever been bitten/vicously mauled by a poodle. I know tons of people who have.
from mindlesspop :
she took the diary down!! i'm going to run around and do a happy jig!
from june-first :
i seriously think pit bulls should be outlawed! last month alone there were 4 cases in my town, I just dont get why people have them as pets.
from cosmicrayola :
What town/state was that in? That is so wrong that the only charge will be lease violations. I am totally blown away.
from forty-plus :
You know what's weird? That girl only has one person who has listed her as a fave, meaning she is doing all this crap for herself! I wonder if she will disappear and if Andrew can/will do something about her. About the pitbulls. It is the owners' fault. The owners' should be charged with some form of murder. That poor woman, her dog and her loved ones left behind.
from mindlesspop :
thank you!! and you're right - she's definitely teetering the the "total nut job" side of the spectrum. you're awesome though - thanks so much for what you said!
from forty-plus :
Happy 4th Diaryland Anniversary!
from impetuousme :
i'm sorry that happened to you. it doesn't make YOU a loser. and perhaps someone needs to report this guy before he rapes somebody.
from imaphatpig :
i know that date was totally torturous for you but I gotta say that I LOVED IT!!! Seriously. I see dating, by and large, to be solely for entertainment purposes. I mean, yes, it would be nice if you could come off of one with a winner but for the most part, they are all about the laughs and the cringing. So much worse than coffeeguy for me! You made my day with that one. Thanks! Love ya! -A
from forty-plus :
from krugerpak007 :
Well you do not bore us! Hope you feel better! xoxox Kathy
from forty-plus :
from krugerpak007 :
Have a good weekend! xoxox Kathy
from impetuousme :
they HAVE stuff to get rid of bunions ya know...
from forty-plus :
I hope you enjoy the seminar and the company!
from cosmicrayola :
You are going together separately.
from cosmicrayola :
I'm high bidder on three of your items! Yay me! (So far) Oh, I'm yourbutton on ebay
from forty-plus :
Have fun with The Dude!
from retailharlot :
it just doesn't get any funner than pure insanity, eh?
from forty-plus :
Kids add lots to life. That's all.
from chickpea981 :
thank you
from forty-plus :
Hubby and I were psyched receiving the camera. We opened it when he got home at 10:30 PM. I would love to see photos of the other two, but I want you to make as much money as possible, so whatever is best for you. Thanks again, Yvonne
from dvlshkitten :
I thought the same thing about Debbie (Debra) Gibson. I was like W.T.F. is she doing in Playboy?!?! I'm imaging her singing "Electic Youth" through the whole photo shoot, which just makes me laugh.
from forty-plus :
I believe she is serious now and goes by Debra Gibson! How's she look?
from forty-plus :
Rest well; I hope you feel much better tomorrow.
from forty-plus :
I received my package! I am waiting to open it until Hubby gets home because he's excited because it is a gift for his father. Thank you, Yvonne
from gypsy-poet :
I am crossing my fingers and various other things that you get to go back to days, and that you are able to transfer into somehting more fun for you... I neeeeed pictures of these purses you make, next to shoes, purses are my biggest weakness....
from forty-plus :
Did you receive my check?
from imaphatpig :
You can borrow from your 401K for any reason whatsoever in my experience. You do have to pay it back or you get taxed on it though. Paying it back usually isn't so bad though because you are essentially paying it back to yourself. Try this instead: take a "99" on your tax withholdings for a couple of months. Did you owe anything on your tax return? Honestly... even if you did, you could still take a "99." Doing this basically means that you claim 99 deductions - the max in what you can claim - this essentially calls you "exempt." People don't know that you can do this but you can change your deductions from your paycheck as often as you want - it's like not benefits where you can only do it once a year. I happen to know some folks who "99" their taxes for up to half a year. The risk you run is "99"-ing for too long and then owing at the end of the year but that can be avoided by doing a little math to estimate when how long you can do it or 99-ing to get caught up on whatever you need and then cutting back after you are caught up (to build up tax money because sometimes bills are just about timing with your monies).
from forty-plus :
{{Hugs}} for your really bad day!
from invisibledon :
good luck with the whole goal thing and enjoy the restfull although assisted happy pill sleep
from cosmicrayola :
Sorry to hear about your pain. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes with pain in the sciatica. I know how that goes. Hop it passes quickly and Yay for the pain meds.
from retailharlot :
thanks so much for your kind guestbook entry. also, sorry to hear about your hip. best wishes!
from sassyfras :
If it makes you feel any better, I have no bed to go with your no couch :D. Sorry 'bout that deleted post. Don't you hate that?? Argh! Oh wow, the news is on in the other room and as I type they're announcing that this is Mark Martin's last full year! You ok??
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for all your sweet wishes, you make me happy. I hope your dad feels better. Take care of yourself! xoxox Kathy
from krazieespy :
just commmenting because I saw you were in my Mark Martin diaryring.. and just saying Hi.. and watch mark martin kick butt this year :)
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks a million for the comment. I hope though that your hip feels better and that you in general feel better. Thinking of you, and thanks again! xoxoxo
from imaphatpig :
Thanks a bunch for the well wishes. I'll live. I think. No really. It'll be okay. I just wish that the drama could give it all a break already because I need a vacation from it!
from forty-plus :
LOVE your pot of gold.
from sassyfras :
That was such a nice entry, with your Valentine's day gifts and your other "gifts" from your Grandmother. Well, except for Aunt Bitch that is. How wrong was that? My aunt died of melanoma w/ her mother and daughters surrounding her. As soon, and I mean AS SOON as she passed, her mother said, "Well, this is such a heartbreaking moment for all of us." She paused about 5 seconds and said, "I want that plant, and those flowers, and Becky, that arrangement would look good in your living room." WTF? How are people so insensitive to the ones they're supposed to love? At least you're around to treasure grandma's memories. Sheesh.
from sassyfras :
Hey, long time, no read :)! I'm trying to catch up on everyone's journals. Two months is too long, lol. Looks like you're Ebaying - good for you. I've bought a lot off Ebay, but I'm too lazy to sell anything. I'd ruin my good name ;). Hope everything is ok with Dad. Keep us updated!!
from forty-plus :
Thinking of your dad!
from forty-plus :
I loved The Secret Life Of Bees also!
from gypsy-poet :
The Secret Life of Bee's is one of my favorite books... I hope you love it.. throw me an email and let me know what you thought...
from forty-plus :
I have never done ebay thus do not have an account or a clue, but that little camera is sweet. If no one else buys it, let me know and maybe we could do something privately. My father-in-law collects old cameras for display.
from impetuousme :
sometimes you stun me. your ranting entry hit home so hard i felt lost in my head for a minute. sometimes, i feel like .. i feel like I feel the way you describe, and it amazes me how you're ablet to put it so clearly. blunt and right to the point. i love your honesty, and your clarity. you just amaze me. always. and sorry about beavis. it must hurt to be part of that. thank you, for sharing yourself ...
from forty-plus :
Poor Beavis! Thank goodness you have been there for him.
from krugerpak007 :
That must have been the scariest thing. Shame poor thing. Hope he is feeling better, and you too honey. ake care and thanks for your comment. I have been missing your comments and well, you, so don't be a stranger. The new template is cute. xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you are ok. I miss you! xoxox Kathy
from forty-plus :
That Aunt was nasty.
from forty-plus :
Will's on my daily prayer list.
from krugerpak007 :
Hoping and praying he is ok. Introduce me... :-) Take care! xoxox Kathy
from orgami :
new to this art form thing new to the Diaryland just got my profile thing happening im forty my girlfreind is cute five feet tall we both had bad relationships before this she is nice and I am changing i am mellow now before i was defiant and controlling but that was insecurity now i am more secure more self esteem it feels good to be in a good relationship instead of the great compromise the release of all goodness just to be liked or have someone so you are not alone anyway that is my note to you Usmcsis
from forty-plus :
I cannot get to your fitness journal!
from impetuousme :
...and I for one... REALLY like the new colors... totally... just the way they are right NOW...
from impetuousme :
YOU are adorable. funny, oh my GAWD that boner pic with the guy.. oh MAN... and your Q&A... you just keep em coming. your rock sweetie... all da dam TIME... S A M
from cosmicrayola :
Now I pride myself on being pretty liberal, but that guy i the neon greenswimsuit? That's just plain 'ole NASTY! YUCK!
from forty-plus :
It is good you are seeing Cathy on a regular basis. Did you have the doctor's office put you on a cancellation list? That way if they have an opening before your scheduled appointment they could get you in. The sooner, the better. xx, Y.
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you feel better. Thinking of you. xoxox Kathy
from forestdream :
Hey there - just letting you know that I've moved my diary to
from krugerpak007 :
Have a good week. xoxox Kathy
from thekirks :
I have to admit I was sad to hear about Johnny too:( I grew up watching his show. Thanks for the laugh with the boners pic!
from forty-plus :
Crabby Girl!
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you feel better sweetie! xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Yey, a facial sounds great! Thanks for your comment. xoxoxo Kathy
from forty-plus :
Valley Girl was the first time I saw Nick. Hubby, then Boyfriend, HASSLED me so bad. Lust was plainly written across my face!
from forty-plus :
Glad you're home safe and sound!
from thekirks :
Thanks so much for your note hon, I will be sure to let everyone know what I hear. Hopefully it's good news.
from impetuousme :
hey, have a good weekend ... with or without the new cookie jar... okay? hugs.. . . Sam
from gypsy-poet :
I would be more jealous if it was a huge slice of cheesecake with strawberry sauce.... but chocolate cake is a close second.... :)~
from krugerpak007 :
Yum, I feel like ice cream now...have a good night. xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Don't feel alone, I am in the same boat...xoxoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Sounds like my kinda night. Have fun and sleep welll tonight! xoxox Kathy
from forty-plus :
Congratulations on the successful newsletter and for calling Cathy!
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks so much for your comment. I have missed you. Have a good day.xoxox Kathy
from forty-plus :
Hurray for abs!
from krugerpak007 :
I think the 50s decor is cool! xoxox Kathy
from imaphatpig :
Au contraire, mon amie! SUZANNE rocks!
from forty-plus :
I think the medicine cabinet/mirror is a great idea!
from behrwithme :
Hey there. Just wanted to let you know I'll be deleting the Jemima J diary ring, so you can remove the link if you haven't already done so. Thanks for joining, and I hope the migraine gets better. I know how those bastards can really kill a day...
from thekirks :
I hope you get to feeling better hon..
from forty-plus :
How sweet your dad was to you! Hope you feel much better today.
from krugerpak007 :
My home has gotten so out of hand I just dont know where to begin. :-( How are you? xoxox Kathy
from forty-plus :
Before you run out of steam, I've got a basement up here that could use your magic!
from forty-plus :
Like he's rich ... don't you forget it! :)
from gypsy-poet :
((hugs)) migraines just suck the life out of you. I hope that it runs its course and you feel better soon...
from lasvegasliz :
Thanks for the kindly compliment! And also, I really dig your layout.
from krugerpak007 :
Hi love. Just a quicj\k hello. thanks again for the thoughtful card. You are such a sweetheart. Anyway have a good weekend. Glad the visit went well. I am sorry I have been such a stranger...Faster internet now, thank goodness. I was going crazy! Love Kathy
from restlessly :
Happy new year! Love the new layout. Charlie & the Chocolate Factory is a GREAT book. I remember my teacher reading it to us when I was in child in school.
from forty-plus :
Good luck at work today!
from impetuousme :
well YOU are wonderful and i love YOU too... so there... :)
from forty-plus :
Van Helsing was supposed to be serious? No, there were too many quirky lines, misplaced monsters and vinyl clothing. I thought it was supposed to be fun action with very nice eye candy in Hugh and Kate. Worked for me.
from impetuousme :
you've read my novels??? and you loved them??? i don't remember any of this.. sorry.. i'm just kind of fucked in the head today... which did you read? and did you ever write and tell me? anyway, thank you so much for your kind words... you are ALWAYS so sweet to me.. that makes my whole life look more pink.. :) hugs.. and KISSES.. for YOU...
from soverycherry :
Love love love the new look. Also, Wendy Liebman cracks my shit up. Have a good Monday! (If there is such a thing.)
from impetuousme :
hello dear, just catching up over here... so sorry to hear you've been so sick.. that SO bites..and rest assured i have not been grossed out one single bit by your musings... and you just have the worst kind of flu.. .and did i mention i LOVE The way you write.. and just reading over your entries makes me feel like i am THERE.. ya know... you do imagery so well.. and i've missed reading you.. .and that one you wrote about what happend to you when you were little... really got to me... and made me feel kinda weak for never writing about what happend to me... but you said it made you feel better? maybe i'll go there someday too.. but not for quite a while... and just thank YOU... for being so strong and brave.. and i hope this flu goes away, so you can be HAPPY again... and oh... almost forgot.. do you KNOW how funny your postings are some times??? like the one about the cigarette literature... i've thought that same shit.. so many times... i am SO glad i found you... take care.. and i hope your new year turns out better than it has so far.... big hugs... --Sam-
from forty-plus :
Happy Birthday Junebug!
from supermom3604 :
I like the new template - totally my colors! Yes, I'm fine. I knocked myself on the head pretty well, but I do that all the time. Which of course makes me feel even worse, I'm fine and his little leg is broken. It's awful.
from jensanimals :
LOL.. family sharing, I like that. BTW, Love the new template. Feel better soon. Although this bug seems to want to hang on for dear life.
from krugerpak007 :
Love the new template. I am sorry I have been a starnger. Dial up is not for me...Nearly back home!!!! Next Saturday I will catch up. Wanted to wish you a good new year, everything of the absolute best in work and play. Thanks for everything this past year. Your beautiful notes and communication keep me going! Love Kathy
from forty-plus :
Sweetie. ♥
from thekirks :
I always notice my knees and shoulder hurting after being on the computer too long. I should really probably get a life, eh? hehe.
from jensanimals :
Hope you feel better soon. I have been sick with this crud for over a week and I just want it gone!! Heppy New Year!
from forty-plus :
Ugh. Rest well.
from forty-plus :
I think you could be my long-lost little sister! :)
from dullstar :
Hee--thank you! Happy unbirthday to you!
from forty-plus :
I LOVE mah jong! I play and play and play (and pretend to do other things when someone looks at me) and play and play!
from invisibledon :
happy holidays
from forty-plus :
Excellent nippy observation!
from krugerpak007 :
Happy Christmas sweety! Sorry for been such a stranger. My dads internet is killing me. I am glad you had an awsome day yesterday. Enjoy today. I am definitely thinking of you! Thanks for all your beautiful comments, gosh they make me feel like a new person. Like I am cared about! Thanks so much. So merry merry christmas love. xoxoxo
from forty-plus :
Merry Christmas my friend! Have a wonderful day.
from forty-plus :
Good luck with your mom today. Maybe it will turn out to be a good companionship day? One can hope (and keep a good attitude and a thick skin!). Have a great one!
from forty-plus :
I love old photographs!
from thekirks :
Thanks for adding me also. I look forward to reading about your journey and I look forward to 'someday' starting mine.
from forty-plus :
Too bad we live so far apart, I could do a little match making between you and my 28 year old brother! Hummm.
from kateschmate :
Thanks for the travel & Christmas good wishes! I was so sorry to hear about your gramma. Next time you're in the fan, I'll treat for a Christmas coctail.
from dooki :
Man, at least I don't have to deal with fucking soccer moms buying video games for their kids....blech! I feel bad for you! Oh, who am I kidding? Retail sucks the very essence from our souls, turning us into the Robots of Convenience. Wow, that hit home.
from forty-plus :
Almost every retail person I said "happy holidays" to as they handed me my receipt seemed surprised. Like they couldn't believe someone would smile and say something nice. People need to ease up. If you did not want to deal with the crowds, finish your shopping in August. Boobs.
from impetuousme :
Merry Christmas Cindy. I won't be online again till after the New Year, so i wanted to get that in before i went. Thanks so much for everything you've ever said to me. You've been a true inspiration and a very sweet lady. And i'm gonna miss reading your daily travials and even more your kind postings. I hope your holiday goes well. That things happen that make you smile. That people surprise you in GOOD ways and no one lets you down. I with YOu and Merry Christmas, and very, VERy Happy new Year. Till January then, Sam.
from impetuousme :
hey.. thanks so much for the comments you posted today.. and sorry to see you ran into trouble with your graphic on your site... and thank you for always being so complimentary, and i hope work is going ok for you, and i too hope one day there WILL be a line for one of my books.. and for some reason, you giving a shit about any of this.. just has me feeling all teary inside.. so.. i guess that's a good thing.. so thank you for THAT too.. and i hope you are taking care of yourself, oh and i posted on your OTHER deal.. did you see it? and i gotta go.. my cup runneth over ... toot toot.. S>A>M>
from forty-plus :
I don't know if you need it, but for color codes, this site is great:
from forty-plus :
Welcome to The Wellness Party!
from forty-plus :
Sleep well!
from lolamae :
Sorry to hear that!That kind of sucks!
from impetuousme :
nothing wrong with a little avoidance is there? why worry about today what you can put off till tomorrow, or maybe next year? my point? i'm thinking that worrying never really does anything but make you sick. not that i wouldn't be worrying if i were you. but still. the worlds sometimes seems too fucked up to go beyond the front door, much less africa... i understand sweetie.. and i feel for you. and also, there is SO much difference between going on a long trip.. and going on a ROAD TRIP!!! did i evern mention i LOVE road trips? Fuck, i wrote a whole book where most of the whole thing was on.. a ROAD TRIP.. heh... so yeah, perhaps a road trip is what you truly need... the only question being of course.. would it be with someone.. or alone??? hmmmmmm... anyway, hope you find some comfort in your memories and that river in egypt... floats some hope...
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you have a good night and no hangover! xoxox
from forty-plus :
Thanks for the nice words! your therapist, today. Just let her know you are coming back after the first of the year. It will be one less thing hanging over your head. You know, being held accountable is one of the reasons I started The Wellness Party. Another is, it is ALWAYS more fun to have company on any journey. I am glad we are buddies, however we found each other! xx, Yvonne
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you are having a good weekend. God, mine is nearly over-work tomorrow. Take care sweety! Love Kathy
from impetuousme :
hey you have a good weekend TOO... and i hope you get EVERYTHING on your wish list. If i could, i would buy it all for you. :) big hugs back, and love YOU too.... Sam
from forty-plus :
Thanks for joining the Wellness Party!
from forty-plus :
It will be good for you to take the day off from cleaning and organizing. I hope you have a relaxing time.
from krugerpak007 :
Sorry you had a crap time with the chilly. Try Sam's novel. Its amazing and you will not be able to put it down.... Take care and have a good weekend! xoxoxox
from forty-plus :
Thank you for joining the First Love diary ring, also!
from impetuousme :
fuzzy steering wheel covers at Target. How excellent. And we just happen to live like less than two miles from one. This news could make Christmas work out perfectly. Thanks. So, if i might ask, do they have pink ones? Pink ones with paw prints? Heh. Guess we'll see. And yes, i DID think of you over the weekend too, and of COURSE during the glorious game on Sunday. I was hoping you were watching. We don't get to seem them play like THAT very often, now DO we? Anyway, sounds like your new "crack" is takin up your whole life. I hope it's just a phase, cause i like it so much better when your life gets taken up posting to d-land. (and writng to ME of course... ) ((((big HUGS to YOU)))) s.a.m..
from forty-plus :
Thanks for joining my Sassy Girls, East Coast and Singing In The Car diary rings! Fun stuff. I hope you have a great day!
from sassyfras :
I tried playing the Sims and my girl (well, my niece's girl) got stuck on the toilet and I couldn't get her off! (Uh, the toilet.) My daughter had to help me. She informs me we really need to buy the game, and then she can show me how to play. How embarrassing!
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you get some rest sweety. Thinking of you. xoxox Kathy
from sassyfras :
How about a disjointed note? Does Junebug always sleep under the covers? I ask because I have a Rat Terrier and he ALWAYS sleeps under the covers, no matter how hot it is in the room. My sister (disjointed) just bought a house in Dinwiddie (sp?). This world is so small, isn't it?
from jensanimals :
LOL.. I ain't no redneck. But I did not vote either,so it doesn't matter now does it? But I know for a fact my mom and her husband did, so that is close enough. Thanks for the mention in your diary. Just wanted to swing by and let you know that I am adding you to my buddy list. Hope that is ok.
from forty-plus :
You WILD girl!
from impetuousme :
you are MOST welcome. I think EVERYONE should read your journal. and thanks for understanding about the need to kvetch sometimes. although you have much more reason that I lately. but i AM glad to see in today's posting that you are feeling some better. and i'm sorry for not being able to be there for you on the phone, i'm just too weird like that.. and a THREE day weekend for you. that is just terrific. and during christmas shopping season. oh, btw, i heard that target kicked walmarts ass over t-day... way to go YOU... and.. uh.. hugs.. k?
from krugerpak007 :
Wallow all you want. Sometimes its good to have a good cry and let out all those emotions. I am here for you if you want top talk, vent, chat, write, whatever. Take care of yourself. And you are in my thoughts.
from sassyfras :
I think you're entitled to a little self-pity ~ you've had it rough here lately. I hope things start looking up for you soon. Take care of yourself and hang in there!!
from augustdreams :
Here's the order to drag the thingies into the Grow circle (I could't do it either - had to Google for a cheat! *grin*): cube, ladder, egg, circle, gear, hill, pipe, propeller, tornado, dish, rocket, screen
from krugerpak007 :
I am so sorry about your graqnny. Fine friend I have been. so much wallowing in my self pity that I missed the hard time you were going through. I am here sweetie still and I just want you to know I am thinking of you and your family. If there is anything you need please let me know, or e-mail if you need to vent, cry or anything. Lots of love. xoxox
from jensanimals :
Found you through the reptile ring. I was looking for some new reads. Sorry to hear about your Grandmother.
from sassyfras :
Hang in there!
from delynn :
I am sorry to hear about your grandmother.You are in my thoughts.
from forty-plus :
from supermom3604 :
I'm sorry for your loss.
from forty-plus :
You are being awfully brave and I am glad your family enjoyed the memory boards. I will be thinking of you again today.
from invisibledon :
impetuousme said I should read your diary -so I'm starting too do that. Just thought I would leave a note 'cause I like to get them so I figure other people do too
from forty-plus :
I will be thinking of you throughout today and this evening. Take care.
from forty-plus :
You and Missy are wonderful doing all these things for your grandma and family. Please don't forget to take good care of yourself.
from sassyfras :
Oh, Cindy, I'm so sorry. Your family is definitely in my thoughts and prayers. You've had a really tough time lately. I hope that you'll remember the good times with your grandmother and know that she's no longer hurting. Take care.
from gypsy-poet :
I am sorry for your loss. At least she is in a place now, free from pain and that should grant you a measure of comfort. With time this will heal, and you will be able to look back on only the special memories you have of her and find the courage to smile... ((hugs))
from forty-plus :
Honey, I am so sorry for you and your family. I hope your dad can find some peace. Gentle {{hugs}}, Yvonne
from krugerpak007 :
I am so so very sorry. You are in my prayers and I hope you are all doing ok during this hard, trying time. xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Loved your beautifl entry sweety, thanks for all your notes. They are so appreciated! Have a good weekend! xoxoxo
from delynn :
Sounds like everything is going well for you today! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Beatiful entry!
from forty-plus :
Happy Thanksgiving Day! I hope you have a wonderful day with your loved ones.
from sassyfras :
Glad everything is ok with Will. Phew, no wonder you're blood pressure is up!
from impetuousme :
well hi to YOU too... always such a tickle inside when you post (blush).. and thank you so much for the things you wrote. damn, i am going to get all big headed or something. (ok, maybe i already HAVE) seriously, you are so sweet to write those things. man. and, i must say, you ARE teasing i believe, about this road trip up north, now aren't you? and just so you know, if it ever DOES come to pass, and you say things like you have on my postings.. well let's just say there's likely to be big fat kisses right on the mouth... mk??? ok then... have a good second thanksgiving and save me some of YOUR pie, (god DAMN. . . blushing again.. i MEANT since yours is so much better than your moms... ) and please don't forget that i will not be posting till monday.. since T will be home... hugs sweetie... ME
from forty-plus :
Thank goodness Will is okay! I was thinking car problems, but boss miscommunication is much better. Hope you had a good night's rest.
from gypsy-poet :
I hope everything is okay with your Brother..and thank you so much for the ((hugs))
from krugerpak007 :
Isn't it funny how winter can be nice, but also so damn depressing sometimes...Anyway I hope your head is feeling better and that you have a good Sunday! xoxox Kathy
from retailharlot :
Thanks for the tip. I appreciate it! And coffee gives me migraines too.
from sunnflower :
Thanks for adding Suburban Island to your Dland favorites. I am very honored.
from sunnflower :
Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I think your feelings are reasonable and natural and don't reflect any lack of care for your grandmom.
from supermom3604 :
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. ((hugs)) I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel better, but I'm thinking about you.
from impetuousme :
i'm so sorry things have turned out this way for you and your family. there are no words that can help another through a time like this. i only hope you have someone to talk to. that is the only thing that helps. that and lots of hugs. take care, i'll be here if you ever feel like writing. Sam
from forty-plus :
Gentle {{hugs}}.
from forty-plus :
I am so sorry about your grandma's failing health.
from forty-plus :
Thanks for joining the List diary ring, I just got notification. I've added you also and am looking forward to reading lots more!
from forty-plus :
Hi Cindy, thanks for adding me. You should join my All About Me List diary ring. I hope someone has heard from your grandma by the time you read this!
from impetuousme :
sweetie... i had very high blood pressure too a couple of years ago.. wound up in the ER. they put me on a beta blocker (whatever THAT is) but it works. i too had those awful migraines... all the things you've been describing... why not get on a beta-blocker yourself? they act immediatly, are non-addictive, help with mood swings also and you can go off them anytime you wish with no side effetcs? hmmm?
from krugerpak007 :
Thinking of you and your gran!xoxox Kathy
from sassyfras :
Cindy - you're making me nervous. Maybe you should call the dr. with those symptoms. Take care!!
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you feel better soon. xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Thinking of you.....xoxoxox Kathy
from sassyfras :
My husband has a chapstick addiction. My dog has a chapstick-chewing addiction. They don't mix well. Hey, going back to an earlier post you had, my dad lives in Colonial Heights. Are you close to it? Small world, huh? Your family continues to stay in my prayers. Hang in there!
from impetuousme :
two posts from you, in one day. all in the middle of all you are going through. first, you are welcome for the note I left. every word was meant. next. the redskins are testing us like never before. we must not sway. next. yes, i heartily recomend Joan of Arcadia. But be warned, it's a serial. It will take a while to know what the hell is going on. That makes it all that much more emotional when they break your heart into little pieces. finaly, thanks for reading my little story, and for liking it. and now i have these questions in MY head, wondering what were in YOURS. and thank you, again, for the compliments. you are so kind. and once again, i am pleased to believe that i can perhaps take your mind of what is going on in the real part of your life. please know there are people out here that care about you, and that we are rotting for you. as always. take care dear heart, you are a gem. ~-`Sam..
from supermom3604 :
I have nine different kinds of lipgloss/chapstick type things in my purse alone. You don't even want to know how many I have in the bathroom drawer. Nick just sighs when he sees me buy another.
from impetuousme :
hi ... my wife and I recently went through something very similar to what you are going through now... it's a very sad time indeed. i hope your grandmother recovers and has many more happy years, and that she knows, what a wonderful, sweet caring grandaughter she has. my thoughs are with you, and if things get worse, my advice to you, would be to talk to someone that you know will be able to listen, without interupting or telling you what to do. oh, and thank you, for taking the time to post on my site on Friday. what you wrote, made me feel really good. so thank you, and god bless.
from gumphood :
smile right back at you
from krugerpak007 :
I am so very sorry about your grandmother. I wish I could do something for you. Anything. Can I? I don't even know what to say. Just take care and try and be strong for your aunt and your dad. And take care of yourself. And know that I am thinking of you. I hope your hand is also feeling better! Love Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
My aunt had carpal tunnel and had to have injections for the pain so I can imagine how sore it is. Hope you feel better...I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Thinking of her and you. I hope you rested well with your cute little Junebug and I hope you enjoy your Sunday honey. Love Kathy
from sassyfras :
When it rains, it pours, doesn't it? I'm so sorry for all the problems you're having right now. I'm keeping your family in my thoughts & prayers. Hope things start to look up soon!
from giantkiller :
Hi there! I am a Republican with a site at that I'd like you to check out, please! Have a great day. -Miss Priss
from for-you-only :
Hey, there is a new member of the for-readers diaryring; hebes. The idea of this diaryring is to gain readers. Note the other members of the ring, and ask to exchange reading their diary, for them to read yours. :) -Pink
from sassyfras :
Will definitely keep your family in my prayers. Keep us updated, and get well soon!
from impetuousme :
me too, keeping you all in my thoughts.. and prayers...
from krugerpak007 :
doing the rounds I meant....sorry...must be all this medication, which reminds me, I hope you get all that sorted out!
from krugerpak007 :
Definitiely keeping her, and you in my thoughts. I hope she will be ok. Also you, take care. This flu sucks...and it does seem to be foing the rounds...I spent the day tucked up with Fluffy. I hope Trevor does not come home to get clothes, he will freak out! Anyway keeping you and your family in my thoughts! xoxoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Have a good nap...I hope your grandma feels good. I can understand your dad and his attitude towards the hospital... Don't work too hard. And why can't I find the photos that Sam said he saw lower down in the notes? xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Glad you found your grandma. Shame, I hope she feels better...Go for those cordoroy (wrong spelling?) pants baby! Enjoy! You made me smile today! Have a good day sweety! Love you lots!
from sassyfras :
I'm so glad you found grandma. Sounds like those nurses are in for a night! Hope you feel better!
from sassyfras :
I sure hope everything is ok with your grandmother. Please let us know. Lots of prayers that she's found soon.
from krugerpak007 :
Glad you had a good time! About those headaches, also check its not because you forget your meds or something. That happened with me with Effexor ALL the time. With Prozac it doesn't. Anyway I hope you have a good Sunday. Keep in touch honey! Love, Kathy
from sassyfras :
Have fun! Watch out for those big bad scary dildos (dildoes?).
from impetuousme :
well oh my dear god, TWO postings from you. right in a row. how fortunate am i? Well DAMN fortunate, if you must know. i'm just smilin all tickled pink and blue, an shit. ok, SO, you have been tussling with a migraine. i'm so sorry to hear about this. i USEd to get those fuckers, but now am curred, but i CAN tell you i can tottaly understand your musings on the topic. migraines are nothigng to fuck with... heh... double meaning here, but i'm sure you get my drift. also, very glad to hear you are keeping up with the jOnes, re: nano. most excellent. very proud of YOU. and i'm not sure if it's a GOOD thing or not, that someone wishes to sit next to you at a party for protection, but it sounds like a rather amateurish attempt at HITTING on you.. to me... so that's MY two and three quarter cents on THAT. at any rate, i too have a date, with a vacum cleaner, as the clock is ticked and i'm running out of time. so better skidaddle and ya know... feeling free to double post me.. ANYTIME... i like.. like that... mk? ok, have a good party, and a good weekend, and i'll be back monday, bright, clear and amusing. Hugs.... ---> S A M <---
from krugerpak007 :
You know, I met someone from diaryland. I was so nervous. We had only emailed, not even spoken. And it was one of the nicest experiences. We knew each other well because of the diary issue and he was young and refreshing. Don't be nervous, just go and do it. You live once. You are a wonderful person and even if it just turns in to a great friendship, its worth it. A million thanks for all your beautiful words. You keep me going. xoxoxox
from impetuousme :
and good morning to YOU. so, you're all snuggy under the covers as i type. as i close my eyes, and try to imagine you. sleeping. are you dreaming? looking deeply angelic as you slumber through the morning. it's still cold. still raining. there too, i suppose. i imagine there are fewere customers at work on this sort of day. but more clothes. don't you hate that? especially on girls. sigh. yes, i AM still a bit sophmoric. but being male, i suppose that goes with the territory. anyway, was glad to read on your posting that you wrote more. how's it going? is it fun? anyway, guess that's enough for a crappy wed morning. wish i was all warm, and asleepy too...
from impetuousme :
rhinestones huh. yeah, ok, i see. yeah. nice. heh. very nice image in my head right now. you are certainly something... aHEM... anyway, so yeah, nanowrimo. i started thinking, 50,000 in 30 days, is about one and a half thousand a DAY, and that's if you produce on weekends too... so yeah... 3 pages single spaced, every day... damn, that's a lot even if you're home all day.. . but i AM rooting for ya.. and am very much looking forward to reading your final draft on Dec 1. and thanks for wishing T gets better, as i too am wishign THAT very much... and you might be right... it could me something as simple as seasonal shit... so.. guess we'll see.. but thanks again, for caring. for posting. take care dear. oh and should we expect PICtures posted over there.. any time soon???? heh.. just askin ------ S A M
from sassyfras :
Ugh, hangovers. Luckily it's been awhile for me, but not so long I don't remember how they feel. Good luck on your 50,000 words!
from impetuousme :
of COURSE i would sing you that song if you drove down here to see me some day. definitly. and thanks for the well wishes. weekend was tense. but, it sounds like YOU had quite a haloween bash. Good for you. But sorry to hear about your hangover. Smirnoff? ucky... whow... anyway, it bites, truly. and on top of that you're facting 50,000 words TODAY. Yikes. That could get kind of scary. That kind of pressure. You should take a month off from work to do this thing. heh, doenst that sound fun anyway? but i think it's totally cool that you love your job. i love that. just part of your irrepressible charm. and uh, regarding the red bra. sounds WAY sexy to me, and if i recall, i've never made a secret of my mentall illness.. heh... so put THAT in your glass and drink it... and it made ME smile, reading in your entry that i made YOU smile with my remarks, and even if i AM crazy... it is STILL all true... so there you go... miss me over the weekend?
from krugerpak007 :
Why haven't I seen the pictures? Gosh I am going to have to go back and search. I like your template too. And you know what? I like you even more. Thanks for your amazing comments. I am an attention whore and your comments mean so much to me...So I hope work is not tooooo busy, and that you at least have some fun on the weekend. I think you need to pay a visit here. We would paint the town red! No? Love, Kathy
from cassiopeia- :
please join this ring also, stolenhonor: Watch the entire Stolen Honor documentary on-line. See the video John Kerry doesn�t want you to see.
from impetuousme :
hey you... thanks once again for the kind note. i'm not sure if only FEELING like a whore makes you a whore or not. i just do. but thank you for saying i'm not. also, i have seen pictures of you you've posted on your site. and i think you are cute. and sexy too, so there you go. although i'm not sure how much that would help you if the agents/editors are all mostly women. perhaps some go both ways? also, FYI, the novel Kathy was referring to below, is the very same one you are reading now. anyway, thanks again for the things you say. ~~~ Sam
from krugerpak007 :
Great that you managed to combat that panic attack. I am proud of you. And just from reading your diary, I think you are one amazing writer. So believe it and do it. Submit your stuff. And send me some to read dammit. I also read one of Sam's novels and it was one of the best things I have ever read. If you feel up to it, seriously, send me, I love to read. And if you don't, I understand too. Anyway glad things turned out ok in the end at work. Thanks again and again for all your comments. Love you. Kathy
from sassyfras :
Glad things went so well for you at work. Good job working through your anxiety attack. Your Beavis & Butthead comment cracked me up. I'm so immature - every time someone says 'duty' I laugh and think of Beavis & Butthead. Have fun at your party!
from krugerpak007 :
Yey a sleep in. I hope you have a nice relaxing morning sleep! Tomorrow is my turn... My lift to work has started to leave at 6:15am everyday and it's slowly killing me. I get to the office at 6:45 and usually am not out of here before 6pm. So I am waiting inpatiently for tomorrow. To wake up without the damn alarm. Anyway sweety, you have a good, happy day. Thanks again for all your support and beautiful words. You keep me going. Love, Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
A million thank yous for your comment. I feel the same way about you. Don't worry, I will pull myself together! I left work early and have been resting. Am about to take a sleeping pill and head back to bed. Will be in touch tomorrow. I hope work went well! After so few hours of sleep. Love u lots! xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Shame, hectic first day. But you survived and did it well! I am proud of you. Shame, I am sorry you can't sleep. I have also had that the past few nights and it sucks. Today I just want to shut my office door and sleep on the carpet...OH well. have a great day! Love you sweety! xoxoxo
from sassyfras :
Happy first day back to work after vacation. (Think Hallmark makes a card for that?) Sounds like you like your job. That makes life so much easier! Have fun in the pharmacy.;)
from krugerpak007 :
You always manage to make me smile... So you were late? Oh well..How was your first day back though? Was your department under control? And you are so not a freak! And I am waiting for pictures of the jars. I have never met anyone that collects cookie jars. Mmm. Interesting! xoxox Kathy
from supermom3604 :
I love the new template!
from krugerpak007 :
OMG. You have gone through so much. That is just all so freaky. The whole uncle scenario...I am sorry you had to spend all your time moving. I hope you managed to relax just a bit...So good luck with work, hope it will all go ok. Love U! kathy
from kleptica :
ROFL!!!! Love your background!!! Worth leaving a note for ^_^ hehe
from impetuousme :
thanks for the comments on the query letter. I too have worried about the parentheses. and have them IN, then out, then IN again. sigh. if you have any ideas how i might interject as such, please send forth. it would be greatly aprecaited. also, yes, sad but true, the weekend is upon us, and YOU are still hauling things. this is sad indeed. but i do look forward to monday, and hope you will be quite through by then, so you can devote all your spare time to reading and writing with ME. (you DID call me sweetie after all) and oh DRATS, there i go with those parentheses again. sorry. oh, and thanks for the comments on linda's story, sometimes the monster just HAS to come outta the box. anyway, i hope YOU have a great weekend. that you find some fun. and that the weather improves. yeah, for YOU. casue it's your vacation. ok, till monday then. me
from krugerpak007 :
You are on vacation. Relax please! Sleep late. Let yourself go! I hope the moving gets done quickly and you still have time to enjoy and have fun! xoxox Kathy
from impetuousme :
my god you say nice things. thank you so much. your compliments are ALL going straight to my head (where they belong.) i'm so glad you liked that story. and i look forward to you gettin done with all that moving stuff so we can talk too. have fun. :)
from krugerpak007 :
Uggh. Headaches suck. I am the headache queen unfortunately.. So I hope you feel better soon. It's your vacation, STOP working and go out and have some fun. If you were here, mm, who knows what we would be getting up to! Feel good and rest too. xoxoxo Kathy
from sassyfras :
Hey, thanks for the note. I've spent some time in your diary and I'm having a blast! You're the first Virginian I've come across - I'm glad you found me!
from impetuousme :
and good morning to YOU... such a sweet thing ... to post like that... you make my eyes feel shiny...
from impetuousme :
hi.. happy monday... :)
from krugerpak007 :
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Good luck with your last work day..I am a little jealous I must admit! xoxoxo
from cacophic :
I love your new template! January isn't too far away, I can't wait. Oh! I read Rachel's Holiday, Marian Keys, that was a pretty good one. Take care Cindy! :)
from krugerpak007 :
Oh shit. I sure hope you are not getting sick...Feel good sweety. Drink lots of tea and take care of yourself...Love, Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
I love this template. Have a good weekend. Whooooo.Three more days and you are on vacation! xoxox
from impetuousme :
your'e right, i DID forget caffeine, but, that's probably because i don't drink coffee or tea... just don't like 'em... and i did chuckle when you wrote that you don't trust your dad to pick something that sucks.. heh... and even more when you posted again to correct that.. you are quite cute that way... and that IS somthing different altogether.. and i hope you are rignt NOW, having a good time getting all sweaty and dusty and dirty with grime. sounds like maybe you should charge admission. but i do know what you mean about that feeling of acomplishement. big smiles all around.
from sketchedpony :
Welcome to the Liv Tyler diaryring.
from gypsy-poet :
Thanks for the note really is the little things that can change a mood around... I know I will be fine, I just need to find the right way to do that.. ((hugs))
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you made it to the library on time!! Have a good day! xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
You are right. You will feel a whole lot better after all the moving is done with. What else have you got planned for your vacation? You must be excited. I know I have just come back but I feel like I could do with a good vacation. But away from me.... Anyway honey, have a good day at work. Thanks for all your beautiful notes. They are very much appreciated! xoxoxo Kathy
from impetuousme :
YOU are most welcome. and i WILL send you the book tomorrow. it will be in two parts. in Word. hope that's ok. i'll send it to your usmcsis thing at hotmail... but fyi, it's BIG, and i'm not sure hotmail can deal with it... so, please let me know. and thaks
from krugerpak007 :
I hope you have a good Tuesday at work! Take care! xoxox Kathy
from impetuousme :
mmm.... i've just been catching up on all your postings. And would like to respond to what you posted on MINE. First, yours. I love the way you write. Truly. How you have such a blunt approach to life, while at the same time, have such a remarkably feminine voice. (I'm gussing you probably got a lot of offers on that one night stand deal.) And yet, through it all, you show such resiliancy. You're such an optomist, without being cheesy. And you're also such a paradox. You call your parents Mama and Daddy, and yet you have piercings and smoke. You work at a job that tires you, and yet you love it there. And you don't feel the need to aploogize to yourself or anyone else for living life the way you choose. I admire that. And they way you write about your family. Heart-touching entries about your father's health one time, his ability to completly forget you exist the next (re: breakfast). It's just fascinating stuff. Like Mark Twain at times almost. Showing us WHY you love these people, no matter what day to day life is like. And then in the next part, there you are, so cute, going to Wendys barefoot in your PJ's, making the male half of us, your audience, hope that no one sees what effect THAT has had on us... and how DO you convey your vageries, your "only human" nature, and humility, without ever once appearing feeble minded, frail or small. It fascinates me. And above all, it warms my heart, reading about your writing efforts. Your "investmensts" in the future. Reminding me so much, of my own journey. Which brings me to your posting on MY site. Yes, it HAS crossed my mind that I flog myself, but the thing is, I honestly belive I deserve it. I fuck up enough for 14 people, yet I am only one. So yeah, if you wanna drop some breadcrumbs, I would be more than happy to follow. Nothing else has worked. And you would love to read my novel? Did you mean for real? If I were to send it to you, via e-mail I mean? I would, if you would be willing. And finally, thank you for the very kind things you wrote at the end of that posting. It meant a lot to me, and made me smile. And I know it must sound weired, but I am STILL feeling just a little dazed that you are writing to me at all. Thank you, so much Cindy. You make the world seem a little less harsh.
from starlight42 :
Thanks for joining my 3's company diary ring! Oh my gosh, when I saw the Today's Special one- it was like a long lost memory! I'd forgotten all about that show...neat.
from krugerpak007 :
Books are always worth buying. Always! I love my shopping. In London I bought 12 books! Of course I had to pay for the extra weight at the airport and Trevor nearly divorced me a few times. Once while packing and squeezing everything in, then when I had to pay extra...Anyway have a good day! xoxox Kathy
from heidiann :
Hi there! Welcome to the Geek Love ring. Thanks for joining. =)
from krugerpak007 :
I can't wait to read your story! I hope you managed to sleep well. Isn't it funny. I am ending my day here and you are beginning. Cool! Anyway, have a good day! xoxox Kathy
from augustdreams :
There's something about the wee hours of the morning that's magic for writing. Maybe it's the quiet and lack of distraction lets you fall more easily into your worlds... or maybe we writers are all crazy. Lunar-tics as the old saying went. Hmmmm. Seeing as I'm making only vague sense in your notes at 2am I'm thinking it's that second one. Yep. ;)
from nochipa :
I don't think u r boring at all. I actually find u pretty interesting. :-D.....I know, i'm so clever.
from barybabe :
Hey. I found you through Sovercherry's site. I used to work at Target in Roanoke, VA. It sucked there too. I could never get hours and I always had to cashier. I still shop there though! :)
from impetuousme :
oh my gawed. goose bumps. thank you so much for the posting. and the compliments and for the ((hugs)) and for being so YOU... there's just something about the way you write, that makes me feel like i know you. or something. in good ways. like if we were neighbors or something we'd like each other. and and btw, growing up, we always called our parents mama and daddy... too... and YEAH man... reading someone else from VA does rock, and have you ever read: she's from VA too (the same town as me in fact, though we've never met.) and, i'm so sorry i forgot to put you on my favs till now. I was just a dumbass. I've been reading you religiously since you posted on ME that one day. You totally rock girl. I am ALL about reading your every word.
from krugerpak007 :
I am so glad you already got the postcard. Wow, that was fast! So we are back. I will have to update you and still have to e-mail you, I know! Glad to hear you sounding so happy. I think Brandon is good for you, and if he is making you smile, I am thinking he is great! Love Kathy
from lasvegasliz :
Sebastian in Axl's lap? Oh dear. A whole new visualization that might just turn me into a stalker.
from impetuousme :
Of course you can post my letter on your bulletin board. What a huge fucking compliment. Thank you so much for making me smile this morning. That was so kick-ass of you. And while I'm here, let me just say that since I began reading your journal, I have become competely adicted. No shit. I read YOUR journal, every morning. First thing. (yesh IF you update). And then, I check again every afternoon. Just in case I might have missed something. I love the way you write, and have every confidence that you will WIN that thing. And, you are welcome for the other comments. And, I'm just all atwizzle that you posted again. Thanks. Big Time.
from gypsy-poet :
Thanks for the note.. it meant alot to me, I feel so lame right now. Like I am the most incredulously stupid girl on the planet, and I have a big sign that says that hanging over my will pass, of this I am sure, just right now it is everything.
from dullstar :
I'm all for the volunteers -- I support the army and all of the corresponding branches unconditionally and I'm proud that they have offered their services to protect their country. I disagree with the guy in charge of them. I don't think that we have any right to tell a country how to run itself, especially in this circumstance in which Iraq was no direct threat and the American public was mislead as to why we invaded them in the first place.
from krugerpak007 :
Thank you for your beautiful, beautiful e-mail. I will reply as soon as I have some quiet time and can focus and answer the way it deserves to be answered. So for the meantime just a quick thank you. I am glad you re feeling good! xoxox Kathy
from for-you-only :
Welcome to the diaryring! The idea is to gain readers and be willing to read their diaries in exchange, since my time has drawn short - I will not be partakeing in this. However, please note the other members of the ring, ask to read their diaries in exchange for them to read yours. I read your latest entry and took the survey to do it myself. :) Feel free to sing up to my review site at :) -Pink
from krugerpak007 :
I loved that. I saw it the other day too, and my need to steal it some time...Thanks for sharing, hope you are well.
from krugerpak007 :
Hey honey. I hope work goes ok, that you get in on time, that you sleep well, that Junebug behaves! Just dropping in to say a quick hi. I hope you are ok, vacation time soon? Great! It is wonderful being on vacation. Wonderful! Take care, thinking of you! xoxox Kathy
from thecaper :
nice diary! I'll be reading you *nods*
from krugerpak007 :
Busy busy note page. I am jealous! But you deserve it, your diary is great and so are you. I haven;t been able to catch up on entries etc because its not my computer and the internet is so damn slow here, I have no patience, but I wanted to drop you a hi!I promise to catch up all entries when I am back home. Love Kathy
from impetuousme :
layout is perfect. and the entry you wrote about your father was beautiful. thanks for sharing it with us.
from catsmeow1224 :
Thanks for the link to my diary from yours. I hope you like some more of the entries I write, but most are pretty dull. Out of curiosity, how did you find me? I see that your name is USMC sis, so did you find me through Marine-y things?
from supermom3604 :
Thanks for joining my Murphy's Law ring. I like your layout!
from impetuousme :
hey, just wanted you to know i've been reading some of your past entries and am liking your journal. Couple things. One: if you write your journal entires in WORD, then paste them into Notepad, then paste THAT into your little white journal box, you won't lose entires, AND you don't have to wait for Andrew to wake up and let you on whent the servers get busy. Also, i am SO glad you added a "yesterday" and "today" link at the bottom of your entries. Having to reach all the way down to those menu choices really DID suck like the reviewer girl said. And finaly, i think the reviewer girl was totally wrong about how you site LOOKS. I LIKE the swirly shit on the edges, and how the word part scrolls through it. Anyway, i'm liking your entries, and hope you are having fun with it.
from dullstar :
You know how they say, "So cute I could eat you"? Kind of creepy, but that's Junebug. I almost spontaneously combusted because Junebug is Just Too Cute.
from krugerpak007 :
I would love to cuddle Junebug. In bed. Trevor would kill me. I am not allowed pets in the house. :-( So I am still waiting for some photos...The things you bought are cute. I went back to look at the links. And I also read that entry and it is good but I especially loved the template! Anyway I guess your room and bathroom are sparkling now? Which is more that I can say for our dump. I must be the worst wife ever! Thanks for your e-mail, and be in touch, AND have a great week. xoxox Kathy
from mindlesspop :
i am so glad someone else remembers malibu musk! how anyone could forget such a fragrance is beyond me. and as you recommended in my guestbook, i think i'm gonna go trap some sims in a doorless room. :D
from breakangel :
Grah! Guestbooks are still down. Anyway, I always right-click, select all and copy my text before I hit the "add" or "update" button. That way if anything goes wrong I can just go back and enter it in again. Dland does suck on occasion, which is why I'm actually glad I'm not here anymore, although I miss my buddies. *sniffle*
from krugerpak007 :
Personally I think your layout is cool, and different. Pukey? mmm. I am too petrified to even ask for one review because me and rejection do not go down too well, so good for you for even having the courage to do it. Anyway your diary is for you, so who cares what others think, I guess. So don't take it too hard! And I call my mom, mommy. And I am 30. What is wrong with mama? Anyway isn't it the most bloody frustrating thing when you pour your heart out in to that little white box, all the emotions you are feeling at THAT time, and it dissapears. It breaks my heart! I have started writing my entries first in Word because it happened to me so much. Anyway enough of me rambling. Thank you for everything. For sticking by me, for understanding, for your lovely comments. I so appreciate them, and I so wish I could make you feel the way you make me feel! It's actually our fast day today (Yom Kippur-the holiest Jewish day) so I will try and update later depending how moody I am feeling since its 6am here and I am hungry already and the fast only ends at 6:15 tonight! Take care of yourself and don't work too hard today! Love, Kathy
from jaykay617 :
Thanks for joining the june babies diaryring and welcome!
from breakangel :
Guestbooks appear to be down for a while...hmm. Okay, anyway, your colors are totally not pukey. I've told you before that I love them, and that the layout kicks ass because it doesn't take hours to load and it's not too busy for my eyes. She fucked up on the extras thing, just like that one chick fucked up saying I didn't have a cast page. Stuff like that pisses me off because if you're going to review people, then at least have the dedication to view everything in their journal before making yourself look like an ass. I do agree with her on the situation of "today" and "yesterday" links, though. It took me a few seconds (note: I said FEW SECONDS, it wasn't like I had to search for hours) to figure out where the back and forward links were. Maybe you could switch those so that they're up there with the "I was rambling @" thing? Aside, phooey on diary reviews in general. That's why I stopped requesting them. It's ridiculous to get a 85/100 on one review and then 100/100 on the next when you haven't changed anything. I really don't think that any of these people who review diaries are qualified to do so anyway- like you said, 15-year old girls and the like. This is like the longest note ever. Damn you,!
from soverycherry :
Your colors are totally not pukey, they rule. And you can call your parents whatever you want. My mother calls my grandma "mama," and nobody has a problem with it. I got a review once from some chick who said I was a redneck Nascar-lover. I explicitly state in my bio that I hate Nascar and that I hate rednecks. Sometimes you have to wonder if these people even read what they're supposed to be reading! Have a good weekend.
from icedmilk :
All done. Thanks for requesting. -Kelsey
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for your call out. That is so sweet. You don't know just how much your notes mean to me, and I wish i could take you with me to London. Good luck for the novel thing, thats a great idea. I could NEVER do that, so well done for even trying. I hope your head is feeling better, and that you are doing ok. Have a nice weekend, and keep in touch. xoxox Kathy
from impetuousme :
you really think so? i've had my doubts. mostly because it felt like i somehow showed her not only what she'd been missing, but what she might not ever find. like letting children in the ghetto watch the rich people on t.v. you know? anyway, when i saw her the other day, it felt still like i'd taken something from her, rather than given her somethng. but, thanks for your note and your kind thoughts. maybe she is feeling what you said, and is just not telling me. also, thanks for adding me, and now that i know you are here, i'll have to start reading what YOU have to say. :)
from krugerpak007 :
I want photos of you and Junebug!!!!! You are working so hard lately. Long, long hours. You need a vacation! Come with me to London!!! Thanks so much for your kind words. They keep me going, they make me smile, they make me feel good. I so appreciate them. You are wonderful. Take care honey. xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Wanted to wish you an awsome week ahead. Lets hope its good for all of us. Take care and be happy, and of course be in touch. And don't clean too hard... xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Well, we are crazy about you, and it's a pleasure to read your diary. xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Sorry to hear you were feeling crap, and about the panic attack. I had a panic attack only once. It was in hospital though and they gave me a brown paper bag to breathe in. Thats all I remember but I remember that I felt like I was suffocating and that I was going to die. So I totally feel for you, and it's amazing that you are able to calm yourself down like that. I hope you are feeling better now. And that you are not working today and can just relax. With your dad and the dogs. Enjoy and take care. xoxo Kathy
from dullstar :
I recently went through a similar deal with a printer. The company broke it and put off fixing it for a week. My office ended up just buying a new one (it's not like they can't afford it) but don't let them take advantage of you like that. As much as it sucks to be "that customer" incessant bitching and yelling will get you what you want. And you deserve it, least of all because it's their fucking fault anyway.
from krugerpak007 :
Your entry made me laugh! I hope your work day today went ok! As for the damn car words here! xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
I am back and am dropping in to catch up and see how you are doing. I am glad you got the car back! I am sorry about the bra thing, but it still made me laugh. Sorry I know it must have been irritating, but at least you can look back now and laugh about it? Anyway I hope you are feeling better, and that you have a good weekend! xoxoxo Kathy (and those searches...!! Ass cage?) :-)
from nutashamed1 :
People got to your diary via 'ass cage'? wow I'd opt for great on the adjectives list. nx
from cacophic :
God, just one word? Okay, thoughtful. Then lovely. Then amazing. :)
from krugerpak007 :
Thoughtful, I would say. How is Junebug doing? And how are you? xoxox Kathy
from heidiann :
Welcome to the Christmas Story and Beauty is Me rings. Thanks for joining! =)
from cassiopeia- :
Thank you for joining the anti-kerry ring! kisses, cassie
from krugerpak007 :
Happy Birthday to your brother! How are you doing this weekend? I hope you are not only working!!! xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Shame, I hope Junebug feels good soon! Have a good weekend. Kathy
from cacophic :
I hear you...UGH...I HATE that, too. (I heah ya, yo, I hate dat 2) SO ANNOYING.
from krugerpak007 :
For now have all the fun you can. Go out, meet people, experiment and enjoy. The right person will come a long when you least expect it. I am a firm believer in that. xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Isn't it the worst thing when you can't sleep? I hate it. I lie in bed and then I get agitated and worried and it's a big vicious circle...Anyway I hope you manage to get a little shut eye at least. Have a good day at work, and thanks for your comments and encouragement. xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Shame, sounds like you are doing more working than anything else on your long weekend. I hope it goes by ok, that you are not too rished off your feet and that the extra money is worth it. Take care and try and enjoy too... xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Hang in there... 2 more days.Yum, your entry made me hungry. I have been so busy at work, I haven't had time to do a thing, including eat...Anyway I hope you have a good weekend. And that you feel better!@!! xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
You have every signle right to be selfish right now. If your friend can not accept that, and makes you feel bad, then or she just does not understand, or she is not winning any friendship awards. no one knows what you are going through, or how you are feeling dealing with this. I can't even imagine. I just know that you should deal with it in any way that makes you feel better, that you SHOULD think of yourself. That you have every right to. I wish there was something that I could do. Or that anyone could do. Or say even. Thinking of you. xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Oops about the oil. LOL!!! I am glad to hear you sounding better! Just think about all the quality time you will get to spend with your dad now. Making new memories that you will never forget! I have also been feeling sorry for myself, I guess we are human and we are allowed to hey? So lets make a deal and not apologise!!! I am glad that we came across each other. Your comment made me cry. Out of joy though. Gosh, its amazing how people's comments can make you feel better, and change the way you think.And make you feel really cared about. I sat here reading the comments this morning, tears flowing. So I want to say a big thank you. I hope you have an excellent weekend.A happy, exciting, relaxing, beautiful weekend. Keep in touch! xoxox Kathy (and sorry for taking up all your notes section, I got a bit carried away...)
from krugerpak007 :
Sorry you are feeling irritated, moody, crappy and dperessed. Sorry about your car. God, that is frustrating! hang in there sweety. Let your dad calm down, and you relax and cheer up.Life is shitty alot of the time I know, but you are alive and healthy and there is a lot of beauty out there, and things to look forward to. xoxox Kathy
from cacophic :
Thanks, Cindy. Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure. I'm so sorry about your father...typical thing to say, and kind of dumb, but I'm so bad with words...just know you are in my thoughts. :)
from krugerpak007 :
Sleep well. Sorry i have been so self absorbed. Work and life have been hell. I promise to catch up soon. I am however thinking about you. xoxo Kathy (Thanks for your amazing notes! xoxox kathy
from cacophic :
Well THANK YOU.(filling out quizzes) What a nice thing to say. I liked your answers a lot, too. :)
from krugerpak007 :
Thank you my dear for the wonderful comments you leave me. You have no idea how they make me smile and how special they make me feel. I am happy that we found each other. Thanks again for all your support and encouragement, and well, just for being you. Have a good week ahead! xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
I am so weepy today that the thought of you walking in to your room and seen that monitor even has me weeling up. Your brother sounds amazing. And I guess you deserve it, been the sweety you are too. So enjoy it. And introduce me to him one day? lol. Anyway honey, have a good Sunday. I am at work, it started off ok, but I am suddenly all weepy. I am acting like a teenager. I have to keep remembering that I am not... Take care (and thanks for letting me rant on your notes page...) xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Again I am speechless sweetie. Absolutely speechless. I can only imagine how it must be to see someone you love so much, someone that has always been there for you, the strong one, suffer like that. I am so sorry. xxoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
OMG. Your entry about your dad has me in tears for you and your family. I am so sorry to hear about all his ailments. Thank God they managed to get rid of the cancer. I am sorry but I don't know what to say. because nothing I write will convey what I feel about you maybe one day having to lose your dad. I know men are stubborn and never want to go to the doctor or share their illness with us. My grandfather was the same. I am babbling here, but again I am sorry I can't do anything for you. Just know that I am always here to read and listen to you, and my prayers are with you and your dad. Treasure everyday with him. I am sorry. Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
I am embarrassed to admit that I have never played sims before. It sounds like a load of fun. Just your diary entry made me laugh. Maybe I should get me some sims. The thing is I barely have my life in control. How can I control others? Well done for doing so well at work. I am sure you deserve a lot of credit. Thanks for your kind comments. They mean a lot. xoxo Kathy
from cacophic :
Ugh...I hate people like that. I'd trip her in front of all the Thanks for the note today, you're right. I'm that much stronger. Thanks. :)
from krugerpak007 :
I can not understand how people can actually stoop to those levels. It shocks me. Why would a person go out and behave like that on purpose to hurt people in that way. I mean at work there are many people that I don't see eye to eye with but I would never ever dream of behaving like that. Shocking! Anyway, hang in there, it seems like your manager at least has his head screwed on and knows whats going on! xoxo Kathy
from cacophic :
Thanks for your support! It is so appreciated. I just finished a pretty good book, Hideaway by Dean Koontz. The funny thing is, I watched this movie 'Godsend' the other night, and if the creator of that movie never read this book I would be in complete shock. Weird coincidence that I just happened to be reading the book when we rented the movie. Anyways...hope you catch up on your rest, and have a great day!
from krugerpak007 :
I am sure it looks great-when are you going to post pictures?.. :-) A change is as good as a holiday, so they say! Have a good week ahead! xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Wow, I think I can't even think of 20 things about me, let alone 130! Very interesting. You have been through alot, and yet you are still postive. I am glad you are feeling well and happy now. Funny about the librarian calling you Sue!LOL. How on earth did you lose so much weight in 3 weeks. I wish! Ok, I am babbling now, I am at work and not in the mood to do anything...Thanks for all your sweet notes and comments, you definitely make me smile. Have a good Sunday and a good week and we will be in touch! xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Hi! So your computer is fixed now? Yey! Sleep well, and enjoy shopping tomorrow..What do you mean-no shoes???? :-) Oh, and men and women, definitely NEVER on the same page. They don't understand us, and us them.xoxox Kathy
from starlight42 :
I enjoyed your POY entry this week. I'm an avid reader and always have been, so it was something I could relate to. I read the Beverly Cleary books too and remember the characters and funny, you just brought me back too. Great writing!!
from krugerpak007 :
Sorry to hear about your computer! You will be missed. xoxo Kathy
from p-o-y :
Welcome to Pieces Of You!
from pinkyredrevu :
Just wanted to let you know that I'm changing the SSC ring as it's not really listed on DL'S rings area as the S category is so long. I will attempt to relist it on the top so more people can see it. I hope you will rejoin once more. If you want me to give you the new name please let me know and I will do just that. Contact me by going to my journal. Thanks 8o)
from cacophic :
I had forgotten about Bridge to Terabithia...god, I loved that book, it was so sad. And Narnia! I loved that series. Your entry made me smile today, brought back so many memories.
from krugerpak007 :
I wish there was an English library nearby. I think would go and get some childrens books out now for the weekend. Glad you had a good time! xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
I feel the exact same way about all the books I read when I was a child. Judy Blume was one of my favorites...Those books helped shape me in to what I am today. My favorite has to be the Magic Faraway Tree. Mmm. I think I am going to have to search for those books and read them again. xoxo Kathy
from cacophic :
Wow. That was awesome. Seriously, that was written extremely well.
from krugerpak007 :
That was excellent! Wow. I want more!!!!
from krugerpak007 :
OMG. That Peter Pan guy, I just don't know what to think. Why? Why? Weird! Have a good weekend! xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
God, between the men you and I attract we could write a book I think. :-) As for Effexor, you know I also had the worst sweating problem ever. no matter if I was freezing cold I would always have these ugly, embarrassing, and well, er, gross wet patches under my arms. At last I went to a clinic and the doctor prescribed me something and I am like a new person. I put it on once a month or so and it is amazing. it really changed my life. I am also nervous to go off Effexor but will need to do it soon. I have the script for prozac and I have to buy it and start. I will be happy to be rid of effexor. Anyway honey, I hope work went well, and that all the lesbians left you alone! :-) Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Have a good day at work...xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
People are funny. I get nervous coming to work late, leaving early, even when I have totally valid excuses. Some people just take such advantage. And they get away with it!! Not fair, I would never get away with it. And you are allowed to rant!!!All I do in my diary these days is to complain and rant. So thanks for signing my map, and thanks for your note. I am going to try Prozac. The doctor seems to think it is safer that Effexor for pregnancy, since in the next few months we may try...I am so nervous of the withdrawal symtoms though. Like I was a few hours late with my medication today and I have this headache from hell! Take care! xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Your brother sounds really nice. Introduce us? :-) Glad you had a good time...Remember to always check whether you have taken your meds when you get those headaches, although maybe it's because you didn't eat all day? xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
No need to ever justify shopping to me. EVER! Have a good weekend, and enjoy your new purchases. xooxx
from ibepiglet :
on a day like today when it's very dark, it's very nice to come home to a note such as the one you left. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, and maybe someday (i hope soon) it will lighten up around here.
from krugerpak007 :
Enjoy your read! xoxo
from krugerpak007 :
And thanks for the birthday wishes! xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Have a good day! xoxox K
from krugerpak007 :
Your dad helps you so much. Can't ever see my dad doing anything for me... Hope you feel good and get to sleep! xoxo Kathy
from ibepiglet :
I'd gladly take back the FXR AND the sweats to not feel this crazy and suicidal. In my comments section for that post at there is a link for a blog about FXR titration. If you decide to get off of it, READ THIS FIRST. I'll let you know if I ever stop sweating.'re welcome!
from krugerpak007 :
I just read your latest entry about your headache. If you are still on Efexor (I found you through that diaryring) then it could be from the medication. Whenever I don't take it for a period of time I have terrible headaches and I tracked them down to the meds. Feel good! xoxo Kathy
from nutashamed1 :
got your name from the narnia diaryring like the way you 'keep it real' with your entries
from chicagojo :
Thanks for joining the iluvmybro diary ring. Now go give him a squeeze, and tell him ChicagoJo sent ya!
from flyjughead :
Hey, congrats on the new job. =) I still can't get your new AIM s/n to work though. It might be just me, so IM next time you're on when I am so I can add you that way.
from fallonator :
So I click on "add new message" to your notes, then the page won't load, so I have to click on it like four more times, then log in, and finally after I get logged in, it takes me to my own welcome page, so I have to go back to your diary in an entirely roundabout way and now I've completely forgotten what I was going to say in the first place. Ugh. Anyway, Juggy told me that Trips is still wrestling too, and he said that Jeff and Trish finally hooked up, which is so totally cool! I've only waited for that for, like, years, and finally after I lose interest in wrestling, it happens. Dagnabbit.
from lregan :
Oh I so know what you mean. We had a giant icestorm last year and our town's electric was out for like a week. You never know the real person behind your other half motherly face until you have live there for awhile. Although, I did not see list of the refridgerator it would not have surprised me if there had been. I will be praying for the rest of my life for no future storms, or I will be getting real used to the cold dark long as it is mine. Later
from big-star :
i very much enjoy reading your diary but i am wondering, as i have not read ALL of it (yet), what's with all the ammminnalls? did you rescue them? do you own a pet store? or do you just like reptiles? and other assorted furry things...? just wondering. have a *peachy* day!

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