messages to zaziel:
(click here to add new message):
from wordsofmine : |
I liked the look of your site and was hoping to read more. please write. |
from awittykitty : |
Damn you for luring me in with one of your beautiful art banners and then not satisfying me with one of your wonderful entries Zaziel. You're such a flirt! |
from gazrip : |
Lovely writing style, but why the banner if you haven't updated for a while? |
from for-you-only : |
Interesting blog. |
from catfiction : |
I stumbled across your diary by accident while searching for information about the painting Cupid Chastised by Bartolomeo Manfredi. I have to confess that the last accident I had left me with mild concussion and a black eye, this one left me with a sense of awe at your beautiful, wonderful writing. Thank you. |
from celticsuncat : |
Do you know what happened to squirrelx? I miss her. |
from xanti : |
I know about computer problems. Mine decided it would be a good idea for the power pack to go out, and I had to get it fixed because I'm not so gifted in reparing such things. Sorry about the joyless writing with the RFA. Maybe now you'll get to be an RFA yourself. :) Take care! |
from awittykitty : |
sorry to hear about the poisonous, joyless writing experience with RFA. Its also been joyless without you around d'land. welcome back. Also thanks for the new artwork. You always have the most beautiful stuff to steal (Haeckel) 'Zaz. :-) |
from gallinula : |
Y'know, once or twice during the actualization of my fellowship entry, I felt the joys of killing the darlings of the hour. I'm sorry that the RFA chose that one to put lemon pulp in your eye. Take care, be well. |
from gallinula : |
What you say about 'queerscribe' is that very same sentiment were that I would to apply it to you. I'm working on a writing fellowship application (precisely the only thing right now that could ever save my life), so besides humbling, it's also extremely comforting--you have no idea. Thank you always, Zahz. |
from zaziel : |
"I think my favorite part of being depressed is the rampant accessorization: the cigarettes, the scotch, the head-scarves and black sleep masks." |
from gallinula : |
and remembering me, too |
from gallinula : |
Thanks so much for remebering me . . . |
from floodtide : |
I love the smell of fresh garlic on my fingers, too. What I don't love is the smell of residual garlic sweated into my bedsheets two days later, oy. Thanks for your notes, and I miss you. Love, me |
from sunnflower : |
Thanks for your note about my entry on my friend's stay in the detention center. Your entry on the bread machine made me smile - I've always wanted one too. I bought one for this very same friend I wrote about as I thought it would be kind of relaxing and homey for him and his wife. I guess not. As far as I know it was never touched. Maybe it will fall into a breadmaker's hands someday or maybe he will become a breadmaker himself after all. |
from coldandgray : |
Thanks for letting me know what you know about the squirrel, you are a pal. |
from coldandgray : |
what ever happened to squirrelx anyway? |
from awittykitty : |
I found this quote and really liked it and thought it was good for the Zaziel quote collection. "The day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -Anais Nin |
from candoor : |
somehow, I just spent a year on your site... it was interesting, amazing, humororus, and fun... I'm going to rest now :) |
from luciangrey : |
Thank you for the cordial reciprocation. I assure you, it was my pleasure. |
from thalakos84 : |
You must be a gifted writer to have so many readers. Kudos. � |
from luciangrey : |
Forgive the passage of the uninvited� I happened onto your diary without the normal considerations of modesty, for thus, I perhaps should also be apologizing. I spent the last hour or more leafing through your past, and I wanted to thank you for the literate distraction from my present. |
from chickpea981 : |
I had a superficial moment and clicked the banner with the naked male chest (it was the nipple that got me) and I am so glad there was something of substance in the diary. I share your thoughts on the pope's death. |
from floodtide : |
Hello, my darling. Thank you for coming back; thank you for your thoughts on the pope's demise. You are exquisite. I sent an e-mail to the corto_maltese address, let me know if you got it. Te adore a whole lot. ft |
from rainhammers : |
nice ass banner |
from awittykitty : |
effing beautiful. Especially the fig tree. Okay and the lad next to it, is pretty dashing too. |
from floodtide : |
You and Gralie ROCK. Please share their responses with me when you hear 'em; I'd love to know. I found it lovely and sad and even, at times, devastating. I'll tell Dean that the word is spreading. Hugs and kisses and a pat or two on your bottom, ft |
from floodtide : |
Hello, dear heart. Thanks for your note; just knowing you're there, reading, thinking of, supporting - it makes me feel good at a time I need all the help I can get. I have my own experience of autism, albeit vicariously, and I was aware while reading that the novel was little less than stunning in its accuracy. Check out Temple Grandin's book <My Life in Pictures>. I miss you. Come back and write more, or at least e-mail me, or send me more pictures of your delectable booty. Love, flood |
from queentrixie : |
Show away, darling. You are a wonderful inspiration, you know. Brain snog. |
from queentrixie : |
Happy VD! |
from queentrixie : |
Oh Zaz! How I swoon. It would be an honor, an honor I say, to make you a Valentine. I saw a 2005 Gorey Day Calendar for $1 the other day. I thought of you. |
from floodtide : |
O, my beautiful-assed darlin', what RAPTURE to see "zaziel" lit up in d-land red on my buddy list. I drank in every word and then drank again. I want more, baby: I want more. All my love, ft |
from bevin : |
I am ready for dooty nadog. Bestow me. |
from floodtide : |
Hoo, boy, how I DO love thinking of ways to deal with naughty boys... My stats indicate that just a short while ago someone linked to the skinny-dipping pics of me from YOUR diary, and that this "someone" is checking us out from none other than the campus of Liberty University. That's right, LIBERTY. Some poor homo with highly Christian parents is out there looking for naughty pictures on the web while on the campus of Jerry Falwell's college. Poor sod... Miss you, hon, so write me. Love, ft |
from queentrixie : |
Zaz! Hi! Miss you! Glad you are breathing and stuff. |
from queentrixie : |
Miss you. And I figured out a prize for for being my 200th signer... |
from awittykitty : |
"Frustration is the price one pays for having goals without cultivating the means for their attainment." (unknown) "Too much of everything is just about enough" (Jerry Garcia) |
from jinxykat : |
Hey, sorry to bug you but I am trying to find out what happened to the person who kept the "whyihateyou" diary? They listed your diary as one of their faves, so I figured I would give it a shot to see if you knew what happened? I, too, neglect my diary every now and then, however, I really looked forward to hearing the acidic rant of hatred coming out in their entries. Any leads would be most appreciated. thanks! |
from awittykitty : |
Those photos of California really made me homesick. Reminds me of the hills between Sonoma County and Napa. |
from squirrelx : |
There's no committee, I'm sorry to say, but if there was, every member of it would be grateful for your kind words, me most of all. :-) |
from zaziel : |
"If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present." Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico Philosophicus |
from floodtide : |
Oh my God. You're a QUOTE FREAK, too? AND you eschewed the LOTR movies for precisely the same reason I avoided them (though I eventually whored myself and gave in). Obviously: I'm up to May in your archives. Love, ft |
from floodtide : |
Okay, so now I'm reading *your* archives, and while I'm dazzled by your stories, your candor, your brilliance, and your use of the language, I'm just as intrigued by my mental picture of you in vaguely sheer harem pants with a black thong barely showing through... The mind reels. I'm also extremely curious as to why you'd have been in prison; in fact I'm extremely curious about lots of things. I want your life story. Love, flood |
from floodtide : |
It is, most emphatically, not *just* an ass! My tongue, like my fingers, is just itchin' to get in there; it's a TERRIFIC bottom, and the rules be damned. Spankings and more for *both* yours and mine... |
from zaziel : |
"Sometimes we run from our fallibility by being decisive. But doubt is the natural human state, and decisiveness--more addictive than anything you might shoot into your veins--is often based on a superstitious belief in the magic of action." David Weinberger, The Cluetrain Manifesto |
from floodtide : |
How *I* envy your pan of brownies - when are you going to smack ME on the bottom? *sigh...* Love, flood |
from queentrixie : |
Zaz, darling.... you poor man. I hereby throughly jinx the culprit who stole your truck. A truck is a sacred thing. He will know no happiness until reparations are made! Beyond all the busyness... I have but one question, are you happy? |
from discodave : |
I feel violated. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you. Dxx |
from discodave : |
Ladies? No. Objectifiers of men? Yes. Not that there's anything wrong with that per se, I was just feeling slightly left out, is all. Dxx |
from queentrixie : |
Your survey answers made my day, darling! Oh, the visuals, and giggles, and gaffaws... oh my! My amazement and admiration of you shall never cease. Seriously, I missed you Zaz. I will send you undies if you update. Or... you can just get them at Target. You know, whichever you perfer. I think you would look smashing in them. As for what I did... I am so stupid darling that I am not even sure I know anymore. I hope the Fiend and Jer come home and ravish you soon! |
from floodtide : |
Hey, hon - No, no, don't delete the link; my sexual vanity is flattered as all hell by the attention. Deep down I'm loving it. Do you realize how OLD I am? That a young hottie like you is inspiring folks looking at my bare bottom - and has said himself that he likes it - sets me all a-tingle. Yes, my eyes are hazel. They actually move to deep, emerald green if I'm crying or if they are otherwise bloodshot; in real life they're a greenish hazel with a little golden brown. (One of my sisters has chocolate-brown cow eyes, the other has eyes entirely that golden color. Where I got the green no one knows; three of my grandparents and both parents are brown; the other grandparent had china-blue eyes, and how did I get going on this? Oops.) Anyway, when do I get a pic of YOUR callipygous behind? Love, flood |
from awittykitty : |
Its funny how my interest in sports (specifically the Olympic swimming competition) suddenly spiked in the last two days. Oh wait...its seeing lovely sinewy men bodies in form fitting swim attire. I knew there had to be a logical explanation. I mean me being interested in sports?? Ha! |
from castigada : |
Mwah! |
from floodtide : |
Anyone who loves books and the word "callipygian" (though I prefer it in the form "callipygous") and a perfect, eponymous bottom is a friend of mine. Thanks for adding me to your list. How'd you find me? Love, flood |
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