words that take flight on their own wings

This diary is a collection of letters that I will never send, to people that I no longer see...all of them are personal, so if you want to read them, be prepared.

My favorite diaries:

for--you profile - diary
comments: A kindred spirit. She is stronger than she knows!
thatkiss profile - diary
comments: Stories of stolen moments, or those that have been wished for. Always beautiful to read the memories and hopes of others.I've written a few entries here
brulelettre profile - diary
comments: She found me and credits me with inspiring her, well my dear I believe that your words are much more eloquent than my own!
bi-pet profile - diary
comments: Watch her words unfold like petals falling from her mouth
ju5tbe profile - diary
comments: Her writing reminds me of my own in my old diary. It will all make sense in the end sweet, I promise
entragian profile - diary
comments: Totally addictive-here is someone who gets the ennui
myheavyheart profile - diary
comments: beautiful, intrinsically woven through short glances of a world amongst the clouds
fuck--that profile - diary
comments: She is the change I wish to see in the world
aryssa90 profile - diary
comments: Engaging. Addictive. Fascinating how 3 little words could be the subject of so many written pages
sidewaysrain profile - diary
comments: new addition I wish I had found years ago. I love her humour, her lists, her projects and most of all, her photos. Read and be humbled and amused simultaneously
sexyatheist profile - diary
comments: Hot. She is brave enough to write the thoughts I have, but can't seem to voice. Our lives seem to run parallel in the most bizarre ways...
moonlit-eyes profile - diary
comments: She writes letters too. And I like the tulips :)
dirtyboots profile - diary
comments: I love her prose. She reminds me of a 'real life' friend (who also rocks)
virginistic profile - diary
comments: I used to read this when she was. The metamorphosis is truly fascinating...
hotwaterlove profile - diary
comments: Quirky, rather than kinky as the name suggests. Look out at the world from behind her eyes as she paints rich scenes with her words.
nononename profile - diary
comments: I love that her life and relationships are interwoven with such fascinating clarity
and-the-way profile - diary
comments: I suspect she is an amazing artist, if her photography is anything to go by. I find myself intensely curious about her life from such small glances, like a peephole into her world
moonsocket profile - diary
comments: "Love is easier made than kept" See absolutely amazing diary for other words that punch you in the chest like a heat seeking missile of truth. Seriously. DO IT!!
loz-er profile - diary
comments: Chin up pet. You are awesome, as are your words :)
pettyquarrel profile - diary
comments: I find myself devouring her words like chocolate. They are amazing and I always wish there were more.
warpednormal profile - diary
comments: I love her pic, I love the way that she draws me into her world. I just love it all.
notlikeyoudo profile - diary
comments: Beautiful. I find myself wanting more...
fangbanger profile - diary
comments: Hot and sassy. Just like the books that we love so much!
fairybones profile - diary
comments: Like a movie script...I find myself perturbed, but unable to look away
permeation profile - diary
comments: Amazingness! I recognize some of her pics as another transplanted to the same foreign land
foreveragain profile - diary
comments: thank the goddess he's back, I was getting bored there for a minute!
avantbedroc profile - diary
comments: Quite possibly the funniest person on diaryland, if you have an ironic sense of humour. I lubz it!
sassymcgee profile - diary
comments: She amuses me, I like way that she rolls (coz she is a super duper chick)
kabukicharms profile - diary
comments: Coming to a Bond film near you (laser shooting monocle pending)
wrappedinyou profile - diary
comments: We have mutual D-land friends. And it's nice to know I'm not the only one who finds post grad study a pain in the ass ;)
atwowaydream profile - diary
comments: She reminds me of Petty. I miss petty, but she's pretty damn close!
zoela profile - diary
comments: I stumbled across her by accident. A happy accident indeed!
Bedwarmhands profile - diary
comments: I stumbled across him again! Oh how I have missed his beautiful writing...
College-kid profile - diary
comments: She reads me, so I thought I should return the favour :)
Samcorday profile - diary
comments: She disappeared for a bit, but now she's back...
papotheclown profile - diary
comments: I wish that I had a brain that was nicer to me too
silver4 profile - diary
comments: She is really passionate about her patients. I dig that

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

leave a note for comebacktome
diaryrings which comebacktome belongs to
diaries which list comebacktome as a favorite diary
last updated: 2020-06-02 07:06:13
this user's total entries: 503
user since: 2003-02-16

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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