Nicole's Mind

34 year old Married mother of 2. Life is generally good, but I can always find something to rant about if needed.

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My favorite diaries:

laurie2002 profile - diary
comments: So funny, and very down to earth!
weetabix profile - diary
comments: Possibly the funniest diary I have ever read. Even better that she's from Green Bay!
quoted profile - diary
trancejen profile - diary
comments: I was actually laughing out loud reading some of her entries. I think my co-workers think I'm crazy. (They could be right)
unclebob profile - diary
comments: I was practically falling off my chair laughing.
peytonsplace profile - diary
comments: One of my favorite diaries, and a great friend I've met on here.
alicewonders profile - diary
comments: Amazing diary, I can relate to her on so many levels, and she says things the way I wish I could.
soapdays profile - diary
comments: A must read. This is Erika's ongoing novel. I'm already addicted.
tommy212 profile - diary
comments: Absolutely hillarious and so sweet.
gofigure profile - diary
comments: A great diary , and beautiful layout. A strong person with a great heart.
mgottlieb profile - diary
comments: We agree on so many things, and I can relate to her so much.
groupie94 profile - diary
comments: Our profiles are almost identical! Looking forward to reading more!
jamsjunction profile - diary
comments: So down to earth, I love this diary.
sillyme00 profile - diary
comments: Another wisconsin dweller, and also another great mommy!
freetobemee profile - diary
comments: A new start, and she sounds so happy! Also a great mommy!
peterkeating profile - diary
comments: Love reading his diary, I just wish he had more updates!
dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: Unbelievably funny! Although a bit of a beer snob.
nixtress profile - diary
comments: She's got a terrific name, what more can I say?
nascarwidow profile - diary
comments: She found me, and now I'm reading her!
captvfirefly profile - diary
comments: Awesome diary. What more can I say?
suz324 profile - diary
comments: A great friend, glad she's back!
foursquare profile - diary
comments: So glad she's here. I would have missed her!
maineland profile - diary
comments: Judy - one of my favorite people.
ameliorating profile - diary
libbyo profile - diary
comments: Somehow she got off my buddylist. Not sure how, but I love this diary.
wifemotherme profile - diary
starlight42 profile - diary
comments: Theresa
janie12975 profile - diary
bettyalready profile - diary
imadad2 profile - diary
comments: Great dad, very honest.
laila726 profile - diary
comments: Woo hoo! She's back!
manda-d profile - diary
comments: We have a lot in common, and she's great to chat with!!!
manthyj2 profile - diary
her-story profile - diary
comments: She's a "researcher" how cool is that? Hee hee. Love this girl, I think if she lived closer we'd be good buds.
bldgmemories profile - diary
comments: My other diary with my best friend in the world. A place for us to remember the memories we are building.
amb1valent-k profile - diary
ingridwrites profile - diary
comments: She rocks. Enough said.
nicolerenee profile - diary
Spring-Da1sy profile - diary
comments: so glad she's back!
reese219 profile - diary
comments: So strong and a wonderful mom!
shear-madnez profile - diary
comments: new find!
cleanstart profile - diary
comments: Miss her.........wish she'd update soon!
sunshine0221 profile - diary
jess1976 profile - diary
wannagowest profile - diary
reading-girl profile - diary
dnyl22 profile - diary
comments: she's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
booeffinghoo profile - diary
comments: a gay man from idaho!
irreverent1 profile - diary
eloi profile - diary
chaosdaily profile - diary
Lerin profile - diary
comments: New read!!!

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last updated: 2010-01-06 19:02:53
this user's total entries: 852
user since: 2003-01-17

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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