Almost Lovable

That's me on the left.

My favorite diaries:

alicewonders profile - diary
comments: "I wish I could just trust that people would like me if I took off the mask."
brandone profile - diary
comments: "Lost lovers fear the day they depart. I fear the day I get their germ."
edgarfrog profile - diary
fireflea profile - diary
comments: "Yep, just follow the trail of drool, and you can retrace my steps last night. Because, I'm smooth like that."
taydo profile - diary
comments: "I�m terribly happy with my finished project. The dancing undies, the bright, flashing colors, the flying text, all set to a jammin� jammy jam! It�s sure to amuse even the most elite members of the Booboisie in my class."
lostplatypus profile - diary
comments: 'Me: Where�s your cornhole? I�ve never really seen one up close. Her: It�s actually my sister�s. She just got a brand new one for $65 and didn�t want me to damage it."
nividian profile - diary
comments: "It was fun, in that doing-something-with-disinterested-five-year-olds way."
orpheusd0wn profile - diary
comments: "The old oak sulked, I walked near age worn roots, thrusting, crusted rolled under my feet. I leaned against her, coarse bark fitting my back, sticky scents touch me and I slide slow, grinding down my shaded sanctuary."
squirrelx profile - diary
comments: "There's not a stitch of clothing in her bureaus or closets that don't come from the sale racks at K-mart."
wifemotherme profile - diary
comments: She thinks I'm even funnier than Uncle Bob. She must have some great drug connections.
wishiwasout profile - diary
comments: "I used to see him going to and fro in the halls, all the while he would stare at me very intently and grope himself at the same time. Of course, I am attracted to him..."
justbegun profile - diary
comments: "I wish we lived in a more aesthetic world so that when cool stuff in Nature happened, like meteor showers or the sky this morning, we'd turn off the stupid streetlights and enjoy the amazing things around us."
gigantor profile - diary
trendymatt profile - diary
glorybox- profile - diary
dizboy profile - diary
davemarr profile - diary
stumblebee profile - diary
prophecyboy profile - diary

My favorite music:

Tracy Chapman
Natalie Merchant
Ani DiFranco
Suzanne Vega
Sinead O'Conner

My favorite movies:

The Color Purple
Office Space
Harold and Maude

My favorite authors:

Alice Walker
David Sedaris
E.Lynn Harris
Winston Churchill

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last updated: 2004-09-04 10:13:32
this user's total entries: 81
user since: 2002-12-11

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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