Hidden in the potato barn

"I can't relate to 99% of humanity."

My favorite diaries:

bluemeany profile - diary
comments: not blue, not mean - more like hysterical and adorable
saru-san profile - diary
comments: monkey attitude
mag3nta profile - diary
comments: my first supporter - young and sweet
trancejen profile - diary
comments: bringing the snark
yeahimadork profile - diary
comments: draws a mean stick figure; understands that grammar matters
sassers profile - diary
comments: I love librarians.
ramblin-bill profile - diary
comments: brings me the pop-culture news I'm too lazy to find on my own
weetabix profile - diary
comments: my favorite cereal/ a beautiful read
scotvalkyrie profile - diary
comments: loves the right movies - and check out the donkey story
awittykitty profile - diary
comments: a writer, an artist, sensitive and saucy
mom-on-roof profile - diary
comments: I wish my mom had been like this.
wickedcrazy profile - diary
comments: She's NOT retarded.
geek-betty profile - diary
comments: so beautiful, so brave
idiot-milk profile - diary
comments: The. Best. Rants.
smedindy profile - diary
comments: Smed is nice. Smed loves music.
porchlife profile - diary
comments: hangin' on the porch, telling cheeky tales
essaywriter profile - diary
comments: Those eHarmony men should be banging down her door.
bathtubmary profile - diary
comments: separated at birth? Go Sawx!
bettyford profile - diary
comments: absolute perfection. I love, love, love this diary.
coffeegrind profile - diary
comments: food, jewelry, caffeine... mmmmmbbbllallarrggghhh
poolagirl profile - diary
comments: a swashbuckling good read
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: brazen, tawdry tales
kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: can kick your ass
retailharlot profile - diary
comments: prolific and addictive
red-wine profile - diary
janegamma profile - diary
willowfox profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Pixies
comments: I shall have no other gods before them. I shall show steadfast love to the thousands of those who love them and keep their commandments.
The Beatles
comments: For my 8th grade field trip to NYC, I brought my little red Walkman and drew the stares of my classmates as I sang along to "Drive My Car" at the top of my lungs. They were my first obsession; they certainly were not my last.
The White Stripes
comments: Meg isn't much of a drummer, but she's hot, and that goes a long way. Jack more than makes up for anything she's lacking anyway.
The Ramones
comments: Joey Ramone was my first crush; I was in third grade. I thought that I was engaged to him for years...it's a long story.
Throwing Muses
comments: They're from Rhode Island (like I am), plus there are 6 degrees of Pixies separation.

My favorite movies:

Mulholland Drive
comments: The day after I saw this movie, I filled up a notebook with ramblings until I thought I had the whole thing figured out. Then I went home and watched it 3 more times. Then I drove my husband INSANE with my theories. Then I fell in love with Naomi Watts.
Blue Velvet
comments: Laura Dern makes THE face in this movie.
The Big Lebowski
comments: This agression will not stand, man.
Yellow Submarine
comments: I've loved it since I was about six years old; even though I totally didn't get it.
Rock n' Roll High School
comments: It did star my betrothed.

My favorite authors:

Kurt Vonnegut
comments: Love! I've been obsessed since the 5th grade.
Haruki Murakami
comments: The detail with which he describes food and eating is mesmerizing.
Dave Barry
comments: When I was in 7th grade, we had to write a paper on the most influential writier of the 20th century, and I wrote about Dave Barry. I used to cut out all of his columns and paste them in a scrapbook. No wonder I had no friends.
Tom Robbins
comments: Laughed? Thought I'd die.
Howard Zinn
comments: History with a heart.

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last updated: 2006-08-04 09:47:26
this user's total entries: 54
user since: 2003-12-19

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