Here is a list of katiedoyle's favourite diary entries by other members:
ugggghhh failure am i by cheese1180 comment:   the part about the cat. i. died. laughing. Or, Massively Hot Chicks With Sexy Protruding Bellies Whose Mission In Life Is To Make You Feel Bad. by sundry comment:   "You know, the tiny closet to Narnia (but�you know, depressingly sans Narnia) area in which you sit, floating in purgatory, wearing your open-backed gown..." my idea for a new project by soulwatcherx comment:   Great idea. I love she thought of it. by fergie comment:   Look for Oct. 6: the one about the body. Here's the link, because for some bizarre reason, Dland refuses to acknowledge it. About Me by weeme comment:   I think this is my favorite "about me" page ever. Again, charming and delightful. I hate her. smoking pussies by golfwidow comment:   "People at work do not acknowledge my devastating command over the English language." One English language savant to the other, right on sistah; right on. would we be homesick too? by wateryone comment:   There's no one quote to single out; there are too many. Beautiful and thoughtful and exactly the way I feel about earth. How does she do it? Popcorn Anyone? by sunnflower comment:   "I could see the dollars of electricity floating out the door with our heat and the popcorn smoke never to be seen again." I Hate My Dog by plaguegirl comment:   Handsdown the most hilarious frigging story ever when it comes to doggy destruction; a must-read for anyone who's ever had the experience. "My dog must have sensed this, and because he despises me and wants me to be unhappy, he made a note of where I put the hat when I took it off." rent me by fergie comment:   "Each oversize square shaped sign sits atop a long wooden pole stuck in the ground, making the entrance look like Wyle E. Coyote gave up on the Roadrunner and took up apartment management." Yeah, I'd Crap My Pants Too. by cuppajoe comment:   Goodbye, Mr. Scampers. Thus, I refute Scampers. Swankolicious sticky trap goodness. Even if it's not all that humanitarian, afterall. Joey, how could you? What are a few squished mouse guts between a man and his condo, really? Wild Safari: Condo Edition by cuppajoe comment:   Because good humanitarians are hard to find. Plus it's pretty damned funny. :) my parents by jettemarie comment:   "You are worth so much more than this, I hope you know that. I really hope you do." So do I. Pennies from Heaven by sunnflower comment:   "It was like the sea witch in Little Mermaid had made her way to land." The Purloined Poster by sunnflower comment:   "Even a pirate needs rescuing." ::siiiigh:: :) Along Came a Spider by sunnflower comment:   And not just coz she mentioned me, either. "It's amazing how many questions you can ask while pirouetting about like a crazed ballerina." you waited a week for this? by goodlovin comment:   Beautiful voyeurism. Beautiful on the sentiment, voyeurism on my part. Go read. this of course makes me cry. by maredeath comment:   "this of course makes me cry." Viva la Paul Krugman, Plus, More Exploration of the Parenthood Thing by rumblelizard comment:   "Actually, yes, I think if I did have a child, I would love that child very, very much. (Although maybe not to bits, because a whole child is better than one in fragments.)" Newsflash by mattferrara comment:   I don't even know where to start. I laughed several times. Be sure to read the "tickers" near the bottom. It's easier if you sort of unfocus your eyes, like with one of those pictures made out of spots hidden in the spots. It's just like the movie, right? by mollyx comment:   "It was good to hear questions again." And how. I hate the president by coffeeadikt comment:   Short, succinct, to the point. Plus, I agree with him. Don't Shoot, I'm Canadian! No Really, Look At The Maple Leaf Tattooed On My Ass... by cuppajoe comment:   "easons Why This War Seems Stupid To So Many People:" Go, Joey, go. A Moment Of Truth For DaSauce by dasauce comment:   "The ideals of freedom, liberty, and justice (including the justice dictated by law and order, and even the international laws that we helped to craft) are withering away." When you do the body count, don't forget to add in the living by marn comment:   "When you do the body count, don't forget to add in the living" They May Be Closer Than You May Think by cuppajoe comment:   Because I truly believe, and it's totally cool he shared. In which ann-frank confesses, backs up, confesses again, but ultimately leaves an unintelligible mess by ann-frank comment:   80's music-fu. Lying to the cops. Fire and brimstone. Just another day in the life of Ann-Frank. Who, you know, is going to hell. baby, the human league's got nothing on me by ann-frank comment:   "Not only that, but I recorded the soundtrack on a cassette tape. And so you are thinking big fucking deal � but really - not just on a tape that was hooked fancy-pants tape deck hooked up to the TeeVee that would have at least given me somewhat decent sound. No, we didn�t have that technology in my household back then. Instead I was forced to take an actual MONO TAPE RECORDER..." I can't believe I watched it either. by porktornado comment:   On the women of Joe Millionaire: "Here is why you were attracted to him...He is about nine feet tall, muscular, and good looking. You think he has a crazy pad in France somewhere, and you�ve seen pictures of him modeling with what appears to be a family of ferrets in his underwear." Conservatively Radical by charmcity comment:   I am constantly surprised I can like a Conservative as much as I like what this guy has to say. But he's thoughtful, so that makes it pretty easy. Nobody Expects The Girlish Imposition! by dasauce comment:   "Is there some unwritten code of ethics when you wear the X-chromosomal pile that says you have to wander around singing Matchmaker from Fiddler On The Frigging Roof?" listen, stand still and be bold by lunaadored comment:   Excellent poem. The Kyoto Rant. Feel free to avert your eyes. by marn comment:   Amen, damn it. Well said. cleavage by lunaadored comment:   A)that's exactly why I go to gay clubs. B)that's exactly the reaction I would have to a stranger singing karaoke to me. C)Absolutely stellar last line. :) It's BIG. It's COLD. Is it a THREAT? by marn comment:   Big. Cold. Threatening. But still nice enough to provide a map. Jump Start my Bones by charmcity comment:   Love the inner dialogue...nice to know I'm not the only freak on the planet. I laughed. Hard. the dangerous attentions of careerist historicizers by smartypants comment:   80's music-fu. Singing out loud while shopping. The perils of negotiating Chicago streets. Obscure googling. Mimi Smartypants can not be stopped. I'm an alcoFROLIC. There's a difference. by smartypants comment:   Llama handpuppetry on public busses. Maybe I only think it's funny because I have made the odd handpuppet movie myself. Albeit in the quiet privacy and solace of my own home. All of this is sans actual puppets, you understand. Oh, just go read. The Gender Politics of Crock-Pot Cookin': A Holiday Primer by ann-frank comment:   Beer-drinkin' on a Monday. Crock Pot Cooking-Fu. Toy store returning joy at its finest. It's All About The Jack-O-Lanterns, Baby. by cuppajoe comment:   Pumpkin carnage made festive. And, you know, scary. Sort of. Iron Chef -- spawn of Satan or what? by marn comment:   Iron Chef. 'Nuff said. This is the sound of your brain recoiling in utter horror. by sundry comment:   One of the best anecdotal stories ever, I'm telling you. Those with arachniphobia could be stoked to nightmares, so read at your own risk, spider-wienies.
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katiedoyle has 1 entries listed by k1ttykat as favourites katiedoyle has 1 entries listed by dasauce as favourites katiedoyle has 1 entries listed by apyjo as favourites
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