messages to balddragon:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
"Where is everything"? Waddaya mean - it's right here, where it's always been. Where've YOU been, that's the question.
from ddrboy :
Hey, I'm glad you guys are ok. Michelle and I will stop by soon. I just hope you guys still live in the same place by Roly's Shop. :)
from ddrboy :
Hey, I'm glad for you boys. I hpoe I get to see you before the surgery. Oh, if you have an excuse and it's medical, you can't get fired. It's the law! Hugs!
from ddrboy :
Goddamn fucking bitch! I hope everything is going good. I miss you guys and I hope that you will be ok with the surgery! Hugs and more!
from castigada :
I was very amused by your responses to my survey. I cackled like a hen at some of them, causing my next door vecino to pound on the wall and shatter my little Olive Garden fantasia!
from balddragon :
Geez, how pathetic! I'm leaving a note to myself!! LOL... it's just a test, kiddoes! Chill! Peace out, y'all!

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