messages to heydomsar:
(click here to add new message):
from readnglst999 : |
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account - |
from onlyemma : |
Hi, you don't know me and this might sound a bit weird, but I just read your email to your future self on and realised you would've received your email by now, so thought I'd write you a note to mention that. It was a good email, what did you think when you read it? Is it weird to be 30, looking through your eyes again at 25? I hope you're the happy guy you wanted to be in your email. Maybe I'll have a read and see, if that's ok by you. Emma |
from lonelilyb : |
Seems like you've been going through some need to elaborate, i understand. Not everything, but the feeling. Things have been rough for me to, Kens with my best friend who he got pregnant a copule months ago. So im living with my parents for an indefinite amount of time. Well be getting a divorce soon. Funny where life takes you huh? Where are you living nowadays? |
from kiosh : |
Hello, my old friend. It's been a long time, huh? Know you're very dear and that there's a guy in the Moon who appreciates you a lot. Big jazz hugs! |
from raven72d : |
Just found you via InkFruit... Very lovely writing, I must say. |
from beckers-j : |
Hi, Dom! I'm actually not giving out a password this time. I'm going through something really challenging right now and just want to document everything. Nobody gets to read it. I'm afraid of judgment. ;) But thanks for your interest! If I were giving out passwords at all, you would be so in. Hope all is well with you! |
from dandydandy : |
Nope, I didn't get the email. Try this: hanheron atgmaildotcom. |
from liquid-mojo : |
well I got hungry writing all that, but yeah, ill take any opportunity to indulge in sizziling steak drenched in butter... =p |
from smedindy : |
Hey, it's MUSIC WEEK! Woot! |
from beckers-j : |
Wrong no matter what you say? You really do function off of some ridiculous stereotypes about women, you know. The bidding high thing is not a bad idea. Maybe I'll give it a shot. Although this is the nonprofit world, so it's doubtful that they'll go for it. I appreciate the tip. |
from beckers-j : |
Wrong, Dom! Wow, you really are bad with women, aren't you? I never want the guy to just listen. That's what annoys me about Ted. He just listens a lot of the time. I don't want to be offered a solution unless I ask for one, but I do want to know what other people think of my logic - whether it's sound or lacking in something. Thanks anyway. |
from smedindy : |
Hey! I need the 411, dude! Stat! Pronto! Etc... |
from alure : |
hey dom! my laptop died...with all my passwords...can you email me yours? |
from classicrose : |
i thought I remembered your pass info but i don't. send it to me? |
from liquid-mojo : |
She was drinking bloody marys too, so we were on equal ground. =p |
from sparkspark : |
Hey, man--if you're sending 'round passwords, include me in! Please. :) sparkandfoamATgmailDOTcom XO Violet |
from dandydandy : |
The mohawk bit didn't have much to do with the Tennessee story, more of a tangent. If anyone thought bro's hair was goofy, they didn't let on. Maybe it isn't clear in the pic, but bro's hawk isn't faux--he's quite bald everywhere but that strip in the middle. |
from liquid-mojo : |
I'm guessing you are performing reconstructionve surgery on your blog, but in case you are locked up permanently, please do share the password. :) |
from danddteacher : |
Are you all locked up? Sharing the password? |
from liquid-mojo : |
thanks :) |
from smedindy : |
I did like it, though the ending was a bit too "feel good" perhaps. But the super-freak thing was classic! |
from smedindy : |
As a songwriter, yeah, Joni's up there. But not for this song. I don't know who to put in her place, though. |
from liquid-mojo : |
Yeah, I kinda figure a secondary rebound is somewhere around the corner... |
from culotte : |
Larry Birkhead is the dad. |
from dandydandy : |
Okay. I did realize the diarists are "famous," I just wasn't sure how the snippets of their entries worked. Clever idea for April fools! |
from dandydandy : |
Do you realize you are one of a very few number of people who get my humor? I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Ha. |
from dandydandy : |
I apologize for my Friday downer. I didn't really intend it to be depressing--but I suppose it's an unavoidable emotion given the subject matter. By the way, thanks for the reminder. There is always a plan and I sometimes forget that. |
from physicsgrad : |
Hey, thanks for the comment! The girl situation is... well... getting better. But onto things I do have a firm understanding of... On the map of science you have up I'm right on the border between astrophysics and quantum mechanics. I work with neutrino scattering inside of neutron stars... which requires using quantum electrodynamics and models of the weak nuclear force at very high temperatures and densities... a regime which has historically been pretty difficult to work in. Lots of neat stuff with lots of neat math... |
from sparkspark : |
The song isn't even really Evil--I don't know why it's in the Evil Rock book. It's totally stupid--"Thunder Island" by Jay Ferguson. XO Violet |
from liquid-mojo : |
although cookie dough is indeed good stuff, i am willing to wait until it's baked =p |
from liquid-mojo : |
Yeah comments are back. :) Was I supposed to be a guest poster in the last round? If I missed it, my apologies, I've been kind of out of it lately, if not then never mind. =p |
from dandydandy : |
I totally failed the guest entry! I have a good excuse though. But damn, a missed guest entry is like a missed free ride! |
from dandydandy : |
Canada, eh? Stay warm! Any particular day? Or do your guests just hope they don't bump into each other (or wait, maybe your guests DO hope to bump into each other?). Thanks for the invite--I'm a much better guest than I am host. |
from beckers-j : |
Cool! Have a good trip! |
from beckers-j : |
Yes, two pints of Stella in the middle of the day with only a salad for lunch does get me drunk. A little. ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
The video was totally cheesy, but hey it was the early 90's man... =p |
from beckers-j : |
Hey, Dom-Dom! I miss leaving notes for you! ;) Thanks for the vacation advice. I might just do that, depending on how badly I decide I want the job. Also, I responded to "The Forrest Question" over in my comments. In case you're still interested. It's more drama than it's worth, really. Have a lovely weekend! |
from liquid-mojo : |
Thanks for not rubbing it in. For that I won't hold it against you that you are a Packer fan. ;) Seriously though, Packer fans are pretty hardcore. I'd say there are more hardcore Packer fans than there are hardcore Colts fans. It's part of the Wisconsin culture, that and cheese. =p But what would fotball be without it's rivalries? It's wierd but you would think both teams would be used to inclement weather, especially the Bears with no dome stadium, but its crazy how much that ball got fumbled by both teams in the big game. Nice tie-in w/ the Purple Rain song. I can't believe Prince did the whole halftime routine in the rain. It was almost poetic. :) |
from liquid-mojo : |
Yeah, I hear you on that one bro. Sorry your car stereo got ganked. Looked like an amateur job too. Stop parking in the ghetto man! ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Just to clarify, it wouldn't be telecommuting. I work from the Long Island regional office most days, but because the grants department is based in the Manhattan office, my boss makes me go into the city one day a week. For absolutely no reason at all. ;) |
from acornotravez : |
I'm glad you like the quote - It's just that you're always so solid in all your comments and notes, etc., you're always super-nice, yet honest, and tell people what they need to hear, but in a good way. But you're not cheesy about it, you're cool. It's good to have someone like you here in d'land. :) |
from the-cad : |
I found your diary ages ago when you did a guest entry for Beckers-J, and I'm glad I did, I like your diary. Cheers, The Cad |
from kiosh : |
Duh! I'm a total baka with short attention span or something. Well, I meant what I said there, even if it was on the wrong place. Sorry about that. I'll buy you something to make up for it! =0) |
from liquid-mojo : |
I think we have a couple more months of winter, but I think my cough is actually winding down. I just got through my 3rd bottle of formula 44 and I hope I won't have to pick up a 4th. |
from natgirl15 : |
Hey i love your diary come on give me ideas you know me!!!!CAll me i heart your diary |
from smedindy : |
Dude - Holiday Themed? Just you read Disc 1 is NOT holiday themed, and wait until you see Disc 2... |
from smedindy : |
Dom - I'm said you haven't piped up about a mix, either wanting it or wanting one for your very own. Baby Jesus is crying! Heh.... |
from liquid-mojo : |
thanks man. hopefully i don't tank the whole thing. =p |
from liquid-mojo : |
Haha yeah, I pass by the Wellington stop all the time. Right now I'm taking the Damen stop to the Loop and coming home I get off @ Belmont and walk over to the Clark bus stop and take that to go home. The closet stop to the condo is on State and Lake, which is pretty convenient. |
from smedindy : |
I do think you're right - but I liked it mainly because you could list almost your entire collection on there and all that. It's pretty thorough, I think. Whatever! My music taste rules all, of course! |
from la-blue-eyez : |
I will have to look up those cities you mentioned. Lake Como, one of the surgeons told me the other day that it is a hot place to buy land at right now. He said it's very inexpensive but it's one of the most beautiful places he's ever seen. It's interesting to hear another opinion about it. On the same note, he hated Venice. You made the Cinque Terre sound like heaven! I'm starting to think maybe I should take her up on that offer and just go right now. |
from liquid-mojo : |
It can't be just any box though, it has to be a black, steel box that is closed of from the outside environment with a geiger counter and a radioactive substance that has a 50% chance to decay and a trigger mechanism that is set up to release the gas of a bottle of hydrocyanic acid when the geiger counter is set off, all set up on the inside with the cat. If people assume the cat is dead I'd say they are only half right. ;) |
from la-blue-eyez : |
Cities on my list are; Rome, Milan, Venice, Positano and Tuscany. And now that also includes; Catania, Acicastello and Taormina. What cities did you visit? I remember the entries about your vacation and loved them and seeing the photos. I don't remember all of the cities you went to though. |
from awittykitty : |
Wanna hear something funny? I was just randomly glancing at your d'land page (with some concert pictures) and I heard an e-mail click and it was your comment about (ahem) "Silver Bells". Is that not freaky?? |
from dandydandy : |
I just checked on it and YouTube is down for maintenance. You aren't missing anything! I simply tend to be fascinated with any ol' boring drivel my kids put out. :) |
from beckers-j : |
Okay, once more. The original writers of Abre los Ojos (one of whom was also the director) were definitely credited in Vanilla Sky. A re-make doesn't have to give credit to the original - it has to give credit to the WRITERS. The writers are what's important. It's their story! Also, I saw/read a couple of interviews with Cameron Crowe around the time Vanilla Sky was coming out, and he definitely mentioned Abre los Ojos as the original, which is how I knew there was an original. I don't see what more you could expect. |
from beckers-j : |
I responded to your comment over at my place. Sorry you weren't in my dream this time. ;) |
from cacophic : |
thank you! |
from smedindy : |
I suppose I'm sensitive about it because I write stand alone pieces (which is why I chose Diaryland) and, well, I think I'm more witty and erudite than the average whiny blogger. Except when I'm not. Heh. |
from liquid-mojo : |
I did think about taking the low road, I mean it's nothing I haven't done before, even here in diaryland, but I guess I felt that it wouldn't really accompish anything. Thanks for your opinions on the matter though because I really respect them. |
from tailbonelust : |
PS: I'm not a man. |
from uncleal : |
I call my page uncle al, cause I'm in love with Laugh-In an old show similar to SNL but it aired in the late 60's - early 70's. It starred people like Goldie Hawn, Ruth Buzzie, and Alan Souse. One of Alan's character was "Uncle Al, the Kiddies' Pal" He did a little kid's show where he was drunk, and didn't like kids. It was one of my favorites. I have the set on DVD, and I watch them regukarly. when I started this journal I had hoped to keep up the persona of a drunk bastard who liked to rant, but I'm not really able to keep in character enough to keep it up. So the journal remains, and the name makes no sense. |
from beckers-j : |
Sorry. I'm a little grumpy again. No, I haven't been sleeping much. Which makes it difficult to dream about you, and that's probably why I'm grumpy. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Just by way of clarification, associating with other guys who show interest has nothing to do with me working things out with Ted. I'm not tempted. Actually, it's kind of nice to know that someone else IS interested. The problem is that I know I can't be actual FRIENDS with other guys who are interested. It gets ugly when guys pretend to be a girl's friend but are secretly harboring deeper feelings. As for Brother's Keeper, it's not scary. It's great. And if you watch it, then you'll understand why so many of the townspeople rallied around Delbert. I'm not saying it was right or wrong that they did, but it's completely understandable in that social context and with Delbert at such a decided disadvantage v. the justice system - intellectually and financially. |
from liquid-mojo : |
That's actually an interesting thought. Though I'm a bit wary of having casual aquaintences haveing full view of my deepest thoughts, I guess wouldn't mind if someone close to me was reading my blog. |
from smedindy : |
$350 plus overnight shipping (of course!) and tax. |
from beckers-j : |
So I had another dream about you. I think it was because I'd just looked at your camping pics before going to bed, and I was thinking about how Ted had so enjoyed seeing me walk around topless earlier in the day. But I'm giving you the explanation before I tell you the dream. Anyway, in my dream, you got to see me topless, too. Ha! I was in the bathroom, and you walked in on me. Ooops. ;) Very amusing how my brain works. |
from beckers-j : | - that's where I've been getting my incest info. ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
yeah, i can tell you from experience you can't make any solid decisions with the smaller head. =p |
from monkey-king : |
And in regards to the creepy girl ballad: Shown on the Catalina Capers episode, available on the ist volume for the MST3k box set. |
from beckers-j : |
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I responded in my comments section. |
from monkey-king : |
In regard to the servo/crow conspiracy: that should be diplomatic enough. Hi! |
from acornotravez : |
Yeah, toes are a little gross. And it's ok to have had a little too much beer, I do it all the time. - I'm off to work on my graphs, thanks for the encouragement! -Acorn |
from acornotravez : |
I sent you a rambling email yesterday. |
from liquid-mojo : |
*grumbles @ haloscan* Well OK It wasn't really a matter of need for the 2nd phone. It was just a phone I have really wanted since it first came out and the price dropped to a resonable enough level (for me at least). Since both my phones are GSM it's just a matter of swapping my SIM card between phones. If you like the Treo, I'd wait a little bit, I think Cingular is coming out with an antenna-less version of the Treo pretty soon. I think it's called the Palm Nitro. I never really like Blackberry type phones, but the Blackberry Pearl looks pretty cool too. As for the Bluetooth watch, yeah, it's really low on the "need" list, but very high on the "want" list and yes the price is steep, but I've seen other watches for over a grand and they can't do what this can do. =p |
from la-blue-eyez : |
lol I've seen a couple of shows from Grey's Anatomy. We don't have as many pretty people working as the show does though. |
from monkey-king : |
Yes, i both saw and read V for Vendetta (actually, there's a cool little art film house here that I took Luva to, and on that night, they were showing V for Vendetta); both are great, and that stands on different levels, since the film is NOT the book (though since they were both exceptionally good, I think Alan Moore shouldn't have had the hissy fit that he had - I mean really, after the butchering of League? Or From Hell?) There's a new-ish web search site, referred to as "Google on Steroids" which should really terrify the fuck out of everybody, but I'll touch on that in a later entry. |
from beckers-j : |
Oh, not you, Dom! I would never want to be a bitch to you. You're so good to me. But the whole "screwy schedule" thing hasn't kicked in yet, so that's not the reason I'm so pissy. That will be about a week from now. Just so you know. ;) |
from kungfukitten : |
I'm on the amateur league at Comedy Sportz, which means I get to do the Sunday cheap shows. I've even performed at the Willamette Writers convention (drunken writers are so easy to entertain) with a small group. CZ offers classes and then workshops - you should totally sign up. They teach you how to be funny all the time and the workshops are great because no one cares if you fuck up, in fact it's encouraged because sometimes that's the funniest moment. |
from beckers-j : |
Thank you, Dom. ;) |
from dulligirl : |
In response to your question about NaNo...that is National Novel Writing Month ( which happens every November. You have one month to write a short novel of at least 50,000 words. You get declared a winner if you send it where it's counted electronically. There's no prize or anything but you get the joy and satisfaction of having completed a novel. It's hard work but totally worth it. |
from tina830630 : |
Hi,I am from China .your image is very beautiful. its show me that the city is different with shanghai. unusual character and style.hehe,welcome to china,welcome to shanghai,welcome to guilin. |
from liquid-mojo : |
Yeah an extended cruise is totally worth it, not that your trip across Europe dosn't look appealing as well. Having drinks as part of the package would have made the trip perfect. Beautiful pictures by the way. I totally need a better camera. :) |
from liquid-mojo : |
thanks, it's good to be back, for the most part at least... =p |
from beckers-j : |
Yes! Here's your cookie - (+). It looks a little bit like a boob, but I swear it's not. I remember every Seinfeld episode ever. It's probably because I've seen every single one of them at least half a dozen times. And I guess I'll just have to keep imagining you in your underwear since you won't indulge me with the real thing. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
You will be the first on my list should I decide I need some supplemental cookies. And I do appreciate that you seem so attentive to my needs. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Yeah, the whole crying thing. I had just had my heart broken again (by the same guy - always the same guy) and was trying out the friends with benefits thing. I was too emotional for that at the time, and I started crying. I really felt horrible about it. We're still friends (with no more benefits). And I'm not allowed to tell you if #10 is about you. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
How did you know I was talking about you? Am I that obvious? Seriously. ;) |
from endless-sea : |
<3 |
from smedindy : |
Ah, I was just having fun with this one. I know people are all a-busy and all that in the summer. |
from beckers-j : |
My comment was in response to Smed's. I know you were talking about peeing, you perv. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
As for the peeing problem, I know it's completely bizarre. And no, I wasn't ON anything at the time. I was just hot and out of it and confused. I'll have to ask Ted about it when I get home. It's very weird. |
from liquid-mojo : |
The list an amalgam of what I've observed in actual life with guys who are most successful at picking up women and what I've read from various sources. Personally speaking, I've done none of those things in that list and even on the edge of bitterness, dissapointment and frustration I could probably never bring myself to do any those things. I'm just pissed that these are the kind of guys that women flock to. |
from beckers-j : |
Treeboy is only my FAVORITE BROTHER! Geez. I know - I'm horrible for even having a favorite, but I can't help it. ;) And thanks for the interview tips! You're right! It's totally in the bag, baby. |
from liquid-mojo : |
I don't think I'm looking for a long-term steady relationship right now. That's way too big of a step for me. But yeah, I know what you mean, if the girl is supposed to be with me and she goes off and flirts with another guy I'm not sure if I'd be cool with that, unless we have the understanding that our relationship is just casual. Don't worry about giving me your honest opinion though because I always appreciate honesty. |
from beckers-j : |
P.S. I had another dream about you. We were sharing a bathroom. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Not harsh - just abrupt. I'm off for over a week starting tomorrow, and I'm very busy trying to get things taken care of before I go. Sorry for seeming harsh. I will still be around D-Land. I just won't be posting - at least for a while. I'll check in with you and leave you dirrrty comments once in a while. ;) Count on it, baby. |
from beckers-j : |
No hostility. How could you think that? I just don't feel like writing. End of story. |
from liquid-mojo : |
Palm makes a WiFi SDIO card. Although there is an SDIO slot, it's not exactly compatible with the Treo 650. Supposedly it can be made to work with a few hacks. |
from cacophic : |
thanks dom :) |
from danddteacher : |
That's not what I'm saying at all. There was no swinging last night, but they made sure we all knew what was gonna happen when they got home. |
from beckers-j : |
The country of Long Island is not rich. High median income but also high cost of living do not equal rich. The starting average wage on Long Island have dropped from $41,000 to $24,000 since 1996, and approximately 22% of Long Island households are low-income. |
from liquid-mojo : |
thanx, eye flirtation is a good thing. :) |
from liquid-mojo : |
thanks dom. great pics btw. |
from alure : |
oh he did smack in the stomach. and pretty hard!! i'm not sure what kind of response he was hoping for..."oh baby, i love it when you smack me in my belly, let's do it." and the worse part about it...he seemed to feel hitting girls (and it doesnt matter where) was a perfectly reasonable thing to do! what the hell!! lol. |
from liquid-mojo : |
I guess it is human nature to take what we have in front of us for granted. I'll take your advice and look out for all the little things that are already in my life that can bring happiness to me and add that to my quest to be a better person. Since you are a guy I'll preserve your rep and officially say you last comment wasn't cheesy at all... ;) |
from beckers-j : |
I know you would never just run off and leave me alone like that. Maybe I'll just have to remind Ted that he has some competition. ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
Yeah that's true, the fact that one's blog is public implicitly implies that the author wants it to be read by the public. I'll think about the stats counter thing. Meanwhile, have a great trip. |
from beckers-j : |
Hey, Dom! Yeah, camping was definitely a blast. The weather was absolutely perfect - not too hot during the day and not too cold at night. That thing we were driving is called a 'mule'. It's just a little four-wheel drive work vehicle that belongs to Ted's parents. We use it to get our gear in and out of the woods. It's very handy. So, when do we get to read all about your big trip? ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Geez, Dom. I didn't say I have SEX with chicken mole! You're such a perv. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
OH MY GOD, DOM! I LOVE YOU! That is the best. I am laughing so hard I'm crying, and I can't wait to show that picture to Ted. Then MM. Then everybody else we know on the face of the earth! Bwahahahahaha! You are AWESOME! ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Silly Dom. I'm glad you liked the entry. You're the only person who commented on mon petit morte. It wasn't that shocking - coming from me - was it? ;) Geez, I'd better shut up now! I'll confess too much! Anyway, glad to hear that I don't have to worry about the guest entry so much. I'm looking forward to the assignment. :) |
from cacophic : |'s my name at the club, and i just like the way it sounds...gina bradshaw, ladies and gentleman!! happy late easter |
from beckers-j : |
I dreamt that we were at this party in some kind of basement club, and you and I were planning to leave together. But I kept mingling and flirting with everyone and getting distracted, so I had to apologize to you. You were mingling and flirting, too, so it wasn't a big deal. Then some other guy started hitting on me at the bar, and that's about the time I woke up. Before we could leave together - damn! |
from beckers-j : |
I had a dream about you last night, Dom. Or early this morning, rather. Unfortunately, I woke up before it could get dirrrty. ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
Yeah, haloscan has been giving me attitude and I haven't had a chance to troubleshoot it yet. I have a feeling it's because I have my diary set as a "weblog". Anyway, it been tough, but I'm hanging in there. |
from liquid-mojo : |
Those are all good questions and the answer to all of them is I don't really know. Those are things that are definitely worth investigating. I'm in need of new tunes, so I'll definitely be checking out your latest playlist when I get a breather. |
from cacophic : |
thank you so much for your encouragement. I hope you know how much it means to me. |
from beckers-j : |
Yeah, I've heard about that Airborn stuff, but what the heck do you do if you're supposed to take it when you're NOT sick? Do you take it all the time? Anyway, let's make out. Right now. I'm so up for trying to get you sick. ;) |
from cacophic : |
i'm okay. starting treatment tomorrow. |
from liquid-mojo : |
I'd check, they have really good deals if you are getting a phone with contract especially with RAZR phones. There's a RAZR sale right now, $50 with $50 reebate so you are getting it for free basically. The camera on the RAZR is a little iffy though, I mean the quality of the photos are mediocre at best and that's if you have good lighting available. There is no LED flash so taking pictures in the dark is no good. If a decent camera phone is what you are interested in, I'd look into the Sony Ericsson K750i. It's been out in the market for a while now so the price is not too bad, it just doesn't have a US carrier so you would be paying full price without a contract. has some of the best prices for unlocked phones, but you will need a paypal account to buy stuff from them as thier regular credit card thing on thier shopping cart doesn't seem to work. That's where I bought my V3i. The K750i currently has one of the best cameras (2 megapixel) on a phone in the market. It's cool because when you hold it sideways it actually looks like a camera and since you have the ipod for your tunes, you can use all of the memory for video and pictures and it has a memory pro duo slot so you can transfer the pics directly to your PC via card reader. The only catch is that it is a triband phone and it doesn't have the 850 MHz band which Cingular uses in certain areas. If Cingular uses 1900MHz in your area then you should be set with that phone. Of course if you want e-mail you would need a blackberry or a palm, but the high data fees would make that choice cost prohibitive. |
from liquid-mojo : |
Yeah, data plans for PDA phones are rediculously priced. The Palm 700 is supposed to be one of the best though. The V3i is pretty cool, it's basically an update to the RAZR V3, with a better camera, a memory slot and music playing capabilities, but almost exactly the same size and shape as the original. As for phone recommendations, it really depends on your carrier and what features you would like. Although the V3 is light on the features, it pretty much fulfilled my basic phone needs at the time, which was to have a cool looking phone with bluetooth wireless capabilities. Let me know your carrier, phone needs and how much time is left on your contract and I can make a recommendation. |
from beckers-j : |
Yeah, I was publicly discussing my crush on you in the 3bubbles chat room. There was some talk of your head getting big, so I got control of myself and stopped gushing. ;) Anyway, why nonprofits? I much prefer nonprofits. There's generally a better vibe among employees, and it's a more pleasant work environment because most of the people actually care about the work they're doing and have that in common with others. I say generally because that's not the case here. That kind of situation most often exists in small to medium nonprofits, and this one is COLOSSAL. And very corporate. Also, I enjoy doing work that is some kind of contribution to those in need or a "good cause" (which is somewhat relative) rather than a contribution that lines other people's pockets. Although, I wouldn't mind lining my own a bit more. And that's the short of it. I appreciate your interest. It makes me wanna kiss ya. ;) |
from la-blue-eyez : |
Yes, the chat window is very cool. That is how I learned about you... Great things were said, though you're not supposed to know for fear of your head getting bigger. ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
yeah it's one of my tragic flaws. i agree though, sometimes you just have dive in head first. congratz on the trip to Munich btw. German beer is awesome. I actually get a buzz off of it, unlike most of the domestic swill. |
from beckers-j : |
Uh-oh! Now you want me to write a guest entry for you? I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into, sweetheart. ;) Just kidding. I'll make it nice. Although I'll need to think about it a while first. |
from cacophic : |
YES!!!! please ;) |
from serenaville : |
My. Thank you, so much, for adding Serenaville to your faves/buddy list! It's a thrill that never gets old, and a privilege never taken for granted. So glad to have you as a member of "The 'Ville Posse", Dom. You bring that much more class to the joint. Thanks again! -Serena |
from beckers-j : |
I left you a comment over at my place. I love, love, love the guest entry!! You're the best. And so dirrty! ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
Yeah, it seems we have quite a bit in common which is cool because there are not too many kindred spirits out there especially among the male of the species, at least for me. :) |
from beckers-j : |
I love this line you left in your comment to me: "unabashedly, relentlessly, overwhelmingly forgive". Nice. And you are certainly no loser, sugar. I'm just a very impatient person. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Ewwwwww - no to Ron Jeremy! You, on the other hand? ;) Don't worry. I've got plenty of a$$ to go around, and it will never be 'small' in the true sense of the word! Also, when am I getting a guest entry, my dear? |
from liquid-mojo : |
It must be more stinging for you as you knew her longer than I haveand I do agree, real life should take precedence over blogging. Still, I think it's cool we had a chance to get aquainted through her. |
from cacophic : |
Proof is in the eye of the beholder ;) |
from beckers-j : |
What?!? They took D-Land away from you? Damn, that's cold. ;) Thanks for the sympathetic comment on my last entry, but I'm okay. I kinda do want to know. Anyway, sorry you won't be around as much, but I'm still very much looking forward to your guest entry! |
from beckers-j : |
Yes! Guest entry! I'm on pins and needles! But don't post it tomorrow because nobody will leave you lovely comments (except me, of course). D-Land people are very bad about not leaving comments on Fridays. I recommend Monday - even though I'm on pins and needs (like I said). Yes! |
from beckers-j : |
"Scientific research", huh? Is that what they call it these days? You make me think very bad thoughts, Dom. Very bad indeed. ;) |
from smedindy : |
Have no fear. It's all made up! |
from beckers-j : |
You can use Eddie Vedder. You can use whatever you want, baby. ;) |
from alure : |
Hey! thanks for the add! i've added you as well :D and thank you kindly for the naked-wednesday comments ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Ooooooh, baby. ;) Thanks for the ultra-flattering comment. You made my day AGAIN! And it's okay if you wanna make a habit of it. |
from alure : |
i know becks explained the phil debate, but the username is lets, password is rock. if you are still interested :) |
from beckers-j : |
I put an explanation of that philosophical argument in the comments section of my entry. You might be sorry you asked. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Dom, my darling, would you be willing to write a guest entry for me? Any time is fine, and any subject as well. I'll go ahead and add you, but let me know if you'd rather not do it. I'll be sure to act really offended. ;) Just kidding. |
from smedindy : |
Thanks for the comment! Yeah, I was feeling good until about 2 in the afternoon, when I had fear and loathing of the rest of the week, and it hit me like a ballpeen hammer in the skull. But I'm better now, I think. Sometimes writing is all you need to for catharsis. |
from beckers-j : |
No, silly. It's not you. And it really has nothing to do with me, just people in general. But thanks for offering to break me off a piece. I accept. ;) |
from goingloopy : |
Thanks for adding me as a favorite. :) |
from danddteacher : |
That's what I thought! *L* I haven't read much yet, but got through your 100 things and thought, "I've got to add this guy!" |
from smedindy : |
Oh, and some of my posts are random crap from my iPod - and any friends, bring 'em over! Thanks again! |
from smedindy : |
Thanks for the comment. i'm sure you have read my plethora of music stuff. And it is a veritable plethora! However, I don't include lyrics (unless I properly cite) because of copyright laws - I know a couple of musicians who are concerned about fair use, etc. Anywho, rock on! |
from beckers-j : |
I KNEW it! You love me. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Dom, you are so cruel! It's SPICEY. It made me WARM. Geez. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Speaking of psycho-stalkers, why the hell do I leave you so many notes, huh? ;) Thanks for doing my Johari Window! I much appreciate all your picks. I think you're pretty spot on, too. Does that make me sound arrogant? Happy Valentine's Day, Dom! |
from beckers-j : |
Nice reference to The Outsiders! And you can have our snow - please do. |
from beckers-j : |
How come I've never listened to Frou Frou?! I love Frou Frou! Thanks, Dom. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Dom, you're a total pyscho-stalker! Stop leaving me so many comments. Geez! You know I'm kidding. Because I loooooove you and your comments. ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
yeah, I'll have to look into the comments thing. being single isn't always cool, but having friends does help. thanks for the note and the net-friendship. :) |
from beckers-j : |
Thanks so much for the encouragement. Really. ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
Haloscan is quite handy. Too bad there is no e-mail notification for new messages though. I live by Montrose and Clark, which is actually the border of Lakeview and Uptown. I actually went to Buenos Aires with family during a Spring break. It was nice there, but it's better to go during fall/winter because the seasons are opposite on the southern hemisphere. |
from beckers-j : |
Yes, you were quite correct in deleting that last note from me. I mean, there's nothing particularly personal about me on MySpace (as compared to here), but I don't want everyone finding me there. And I am quite terrified, now that you mention it. ;) Kidding. Thanks so much for your comment. It really helped. I'm sure I'll be fine. |
from liquid-mojo : |
Ah well congratz on the new job. As long as you aren't cheering for the Packers now we'll get along just fine. ;) Although I probably will at some point, I'll try my best not dissapoint with my experiences in Chicago. |
from beckers-j : |
Hahahaha! Oh, God, you made me almost cry I was laughing so much. That's it! Bill Brasky! I can't wait to show Ted your comment. Did you e-mail me your address so I can send you a dollar? Or just a really nice note? ;) |
from liquid-mojo : |
I did a drive by of your blog as well. That "More" animation you linked to was amazing. Glad to see someone else that's into philosophy as well. It's not something that's easy to converse about mostly because people don't know what the hell I'm talking about. So where do you live nowadays? Still in the Chicago area? I was considering putting up a comments section via gold membership or haloscan. I guess it depends on traffic and the like, but I'll look into it when I have free time. Thanks for the suggestion and the add. |
from beckers-j : |
Ha! I'm sure Ted will be thrilled to know that you feel for him. I'll let him know. But he doesn't have it so bad. We really only have those talks every 6 months or so. ;) Hope things work out with your transmission. Winter is such a bitch. |
from gumphood : |
you are tagged DOM! |
from beckers-j : |
After reading your Napoleon and Before Sunrise/Before Sunset entries (in which I left a comment), I think I might be in love with you. Don't tell my boyfriend. ;) Seriously, though. I'm adding you right now. |
from beckers-j : |
Hey! Thanks for de-lurking. ;) |
from cacophic : |
hey buddy....just busy working and what not. Happy New Year! |
from cacophic : |
i've been here...just too confused to leave thoughts.....merry christmas....:) |
from gumphood : |
I am really glad that you added me. Thanks alot |
from azelya : |
Oh no, I hope that wasn't the first entry you read, because in reality the whole bathroom thing freaks me out and I never even admit I go at all! Or maybe that is even stranger to admit? Anyway, thanks for the note, and my middle child's placenta is buried under a tree in my mother's yard. She took pictures of the burial that are absolutely hilarious. |
from clarity25 : |
I love webcams, Even the small town here in Germany has a webcam set up in the center of the "metropolitan" area that you can access over the internet. I have to check out that site though. Thanks for your last note, I plan on asking for novocaine at my dentist visit. Even if it's not common practise in Germany, I'm going to do it anyway. Mostly because it already aches when I chew. It will probably hurt a bit more when it's drilled. I don't handle pain well. haha. Hope you have a good night! |
from cacophic : |
Who loves answer Little kids are great. And fun to screw with. An not just cause their smaller than me.....okay, yeah it is the reason. |
from heelandlass : |
Hi! Just wanted to say thanks for filling out my survey. I'm really enjoying reading all the answers. And all the new diaries that have been brought to my attention! |
from cacophic : |
there is nothing hotter than a hot chick wearing glasses and a hot chick picking her nose. SCORE FOR DOM. :) and you should totally try a bloody mary...they work miracles for a hangover. |
from claritynew : |
I love the pictures you shared! Any night involving sushi is a great night in my book, Both girls are beautiful by the way:)..nice looking lad in those shots too. *smiles* |
from acornotravez : |
Man, I am *so* down with freaky bjork shit. |
from acornotravez : |
Oh god, no - the hub doesn't like the Carmen Electra cd - we both think it's god-awful. (As it is.) And yeah, Bjork is the best. I regret never getting to see her live. |
from clarity25 : |
Thanks for your last note:), I enjoyed reading your music reviews. I like your take and impressions of different songs. |
from cacophic : |
hey thanks buddy. when i get a minute i'll check out that site. |
from acornotravez : |
no probs - it's just a totally random, interesting quote from your diary. Your insight is stunning, though! (insert tone of whimsical sarcasm) :) |
from acornotravez : |
Thanks, but no - I didn't make it. (That would be a miracle.) One of my buddies told me about a site that you can just plug in all your info and it magically appears on your diary. Cheerio! -Acorn |
from acornotravez : |
Hi there! Thanks for the ND compliments. We were the hit of the party for sure. |
from clarity25 : |
Hi, Thanks for adding me to your fav. list. I started reading through your archive. First of all, I love your template. The clouds moving overhead are so relaxing.. I want to just chill out in your page forever. How did you do that?? I want one of those.. Also, is a great website, I wrote a letter to myself a few months ago to be delivered in one year. It was also interesting to read other people's letters to themselves on the site. Another site you might like is "Postsecret", If you don't already know it. I'll be back to read more in the future..just thought I would say "hi!" |
from cacophic : |
well, i found that picture on myspace. I love the entry today, very interesting website. Did you forget the e-mailo was coming? |
from puter-chique : |
from puter-chique : |
whoo-hoo! first one to leave a note. :) |
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