messages to so-charming:
(click here to add new message):

from stepfordtart :
Hey! Thanks for adding me! Much appreciated. s x
from wifemotherme :
where the hell did you go?
from bitchslap69 :
is anybody out there?
from wyndspirit :
Welcome back! I've missed you!!!
from dukkha-tanha :
Ha ha. If my husband asks for a divorce, I'm having a party. Big party, everyone's invited. I call this "wishful thinking".
from joleen :
That's weird, I remember you leaving me a note saying you weren't terribly interested in me or my life anymore, something about drifting apart, or divergent interests or something. Huh.
from wifemotherme :
Catching up at livejournal. (per 9/20/05) Apparently the good stuff gets accidentally emailed to those in your address book, so I am requesting to be added to said address book. Hope enough time has pasted that you don't cringe at the thought, but OMG FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER READ! .........You still love me if I laugh at your pain right -as long as its 2 years old?
from wifemotherme :
thanks for the note, where are you. I sure do miss reading you. [email protected]
from dream-cafe :
Hey, thank you for adding this diary to your favorites! -cat
from wistful-blue :
I don't think it's self-absorbed in the least; if anything, that my whinging has helped in some way makes the whole exercise feel less self-indulgent. -cat
from dangerspouse :
Ha! Thanks for setting me straight about the "hypo" prefix. And to think - I have a Masters in Experimental Psych! That'll teach me not to be so smug :)
from wifemotherme :
Its so wonderful to have you back! gawd you were missed!
from wistful-blue :
I knew it was a good day to praise Jeebus. YOU'RE BACK! HALLELUJAH!! (Maybe the apocalypse *isn't* so "nigh". Hee). Thank you for your comfort regarding Sybil - I hope she doesn't come back too! I'm so glad to see your handle lit in red!!! YAY!
from dukkha-tanha :
I miss you, Amy! =)
from wistful-blue :
:'( Noooooooooo!! Okay, I do have an LJ account (whisper_of_blue). I use it to read the folks who've had the nerve (THE NERVE! :-D) to leave Diaryland. I'll e-mail it to you as well. -cat
from wistful-blue :
Are you ever coming back? :'( 'Cause I miss you! -cat
from workcrush :
I just emailed you. Yep, I'm incognito. Oooooh.....
from bathtubmary :
hello, darling. if you're handing out new p.w.s i would love one - you can send it to bathtubmarygirl at gmail dot com. xoxo, d
from neko-carre :
Hi! I see you're locked. Hope everything's okay. If you'd like to share the pw, email me at Qkari AT yahoo DOT com.
from liviasgarden :
Are you locked up for good? Miss reading you. * Cat
from bitchslap69 :
i wish i could quit drinking too
from goldieknox03 :
wow. just found you through sanetwin. Your hilarious. I think ill add you. Looks like some of my fave people read you too. good taste. OH and happy MOms day!
from kilowatt :
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." ~ Voltaire ~ I thank you immensely for adding my site to your list of favorites. May your day be a delightful adventure of bliss, laughter, discovery, satisfaction and inspiration.
from hissandtell :
Hi - so glad you found me (and vice-versa); I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying your writing. (Sock drawer clusterfuck? YES!) I'm looking forward to reading more, and sending all my most positive thoughts to you. Love, R xxx
from loner-blues :
Goddess how I would miss you if you left...but I would also soooooooooooooooooooo understand! It's getting to be a rat-trap of a site. -cat
from loner-blues :
Oh yeah, seems D-land enjoys giving it to ALL of us up the ass these days. BDSM via a website. What won't they thing of next? :-) -cat
from dukkha-tanha :
"But the dude with the foofy hair riding Barbie's face? Looks totally gay in that shirt".I have been just cracking the hell up over this comment. Too funny. That's My Scene Ken, and I think he's metrosexual. Oh, and I'm still holding my boobs for ya. =)
from loner-blues :
Hola Aimee, Well for one reason or another D-land is holding my journal hostage by not letting me unlock it, so until such time as Andrew sees fit to correct the problem -- USERNAME: fucked, PASSWORD: over. -cat
from loner-blues :
Oh boy! I see what you mean! Every time I used an apostrophe or a quotation mark, it shows up as a question mark. ARGH! Guess I'd better ask the person who designed the layout, eh? Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
from dukkha-tanha :
Private entries are easy. You've seen the link under the evil white box, I'm sure. And for the link, just add "private/older.html" to your template or HTML or whatever. See, easy? Naw, I'm not anxious to read your rant or anything...PS When you do, I'd love the password sent to dukkha-tanha AT diaryland DOT com. Wow did that sound like it came out of a diva. =)
from loner-blues :
Oh yes! That's MG too! Nothing is ever self-motivated, it's always because that's what everyone else is doing or because of my parents' influence or (my personal favorite) because of my "liberal education." Oy vey! What did our grandmothers do? Take a class or something? LOL
from cats-corner :
Hi Aimee, don't kill me. I deletedes from cats-corner and am starting a new diary on Monday (2/7). If you're interested in reading, it's called "loner-blues," but I promise it won't be nearly as depressing as the diary name leads one to believe. -cat
from liviasgarden :
You hit the nail on the head about the altered self image. I can't wrap my head around it just yet. I hope your episode passes quickly and you fare better because of my incessant whining. Thanks for reaching out. In another life, a night of red wine and debauchery would have been on me ;)
from wifemotherme :
Had to show hubby (the prude) the kids project while locked in her room, he just cracked up .... until I told him she was the same age as N. Oh too priceless! Tell kid thanks for the laugh!
from wifemotherme :
I know woe be it for me to talk to someone eles about updateing, but just wanted to let you know you were missed. You ok?
from liviasgarden :
Happy holidays to you and yours :)
from vickithecute :
Hey, I found you via Dukkha's buddy list and...well, I like your "voice" so I'm adding you to my faves :-)
from cats-corner :
No worries. Thank you for the happy birthday wish. :-) -cat
from klcroft :
I really find you fascinating!
from neko-carre :
Bwahahaha! I don't think I've ever said the word "balls" to my dad, least of all when talking about his own!
from cats-corner :
Yeah, I'm a's my daddy. I was bornded two weeks before his twenty-fifth birthday. -cat
from liviasgarden :
I hope everything's alright with you and yours. You're missed.
from marebear78 :
Hey girl, I really got what you were saying in the entry before today's about the tragic loss of the election. I feel sick, and ready to bolt abroad, but I know that it is up to all of us to stay here and continue to dissent with the government. Now that the Republicans are controlling all three branches of the government, our nation needs us more than ever.
from cats-corner :
Thank you so much for the compliment Aimee...yep, I was nineteen when I wrote that. I told Mom: "Well, at least *something* good came out of that period of abject misery." :-) A lot of pieces from that period are mega-dark...luckily, I've managed to branch out a bit since then. :-D -cat
from cats-corner :
Thank you so much Aimee. I included the poem in tonight's post...I hope you guys like it. And thank you for the condolences for Mr. Bagish. I'm sorry about your teachers passing as well...the world just seems to dim a bit when we lose people like that. Nothing matches a fantastic teacher. -cat
from cats-corner :
LOL And here I thought the squirtgun was part of some sort of weird sex thing! DAMMIT! -cat
from iamhubpluh :
If you are voting AGAINST Bush, check out he is for stoping the war in Iraq, and NOT sending more troops as Kerry is for (based on his debate answers). Vote your heart, not the less of two evils!
from firfan :
hi!make a fren?
from cats-corner :
Thank you Aimee...I *really* appreciate it. :-)
from cats-corner :
Thank you Aimee! I'm tickled that you like both the layout and the poem. I was searching for something that fit both the painting and me, and just couldn't find anything. Then I mentioned to long-ignored (the woman who was kind enough to design the layout): "Well, I have this poem..." And that was what I used. Your entry was FANTASTIC! One of the most clear, concise and honest pieces I've ever read concerning a pro-choice argument. There was no way I could go without listing it as a favorite entry. :-D -cat
from girlinshadow :
Thank you for adding me to your favorites list. I appreciate it. -Shadow
from cats-corner :
Thank you so much Aimee! You made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...oooo wait -- that was a hairball. :-D -cat
from cats-corner :
Oh please don't feel badly Aimee...I'm sorry if my comment about "lack of response" made you feel that way. It's don't have to say anything if there's nothing you want to say. I appreciate the fact that you like my diary enough to keep it as a favorite *and* continue to read it. Hey, I'm not so great about leaving comments either! Most of the time, you have me falling off my chair with laughter. I *love* reading your diary. :-) So no worries. cat-scratch-fever
from cats-corner :
Broke-Ass-But-Well-Read...damn! If the name wasn't so long, I'd make a diaryring for us! :-D Sorry you couldn't watch the Hot Latina's get their groove on. That sucks. -cat
from cats-corner :
Broke-Ass-But-Well-Read...damn! If the name wasn't so long, I'd make a diaryring for us! :-D Sorry you couldn't watch the Hot Latina's get their groove on. That sucks. -cat
from closr2myself :
that mushroom recipe sounds AWESOME, no wonder you just had to find it....but 3 lbs sounds like a lot of many servings is it meant to be? i think i will give it a go with dinner tonight, but i don't want to be stuck with a tupperware container full of mushrooms when i'm done :) thanks for posting it!
from cats-corner :
*Smile* Thank you Aimee. *Hug* -cat
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much for reading my diary Aimee. I will miss you greatly. *Hugs* -cat
from pandionna :
Start with the 90 minutes a week and see what happens. I think part of my problem is that my body is just used to a certain routine. And I have a bum thyroid, which makes things that much harder. My routine is probably going to be a Firm Tape (30-45 minutes depending) every other day for muscle toning, followed by 45 minutes of the treadmill walking uphill. On days when I'm not doing the tape, it will be just the treadmill, though I think 90 minutes on a treadmill might bore me to tears. That may end up being just an hour. I don't know yet. And I will still probably have one day a week where I just don't give a hoot. Yeah, I know, sounds like a lot, but I work out in my apartment, so there's no travel time to a gym or anything.
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much for the suggestion Aimee. It's going down in the "Books to Read" notebook. -cat
from typelove :
hello. i saw your link on the love-online ring and i was wondering if you would like to join my diary. it's a place for people who are involved in online relationships to write their feelings and support each other.
from the-book-bag :
Hi Aimee, may I have the password to your diary...if you're giving it out, that is. [email protected] Thank you. -cat
from pandionna :
Howdy! I was just catching up on comments from a few entries back, and saw that you mentioned your husband. I think the lovely Fuzzy One has mentioned him too. You folks all just had dinner together not long ago, yes? But I'm curious (okay, nosey) but would your dearest also be certain gentleman who used to write on d-land with "1129" in his name? (Trying to be discreet here.) I seem to remember him mentioning you, back when he was on d-land.
from fuzzmom :
Happy anniversary!
from the-book-bag :
Eh, I don't buy it. I think it was just a way decent customer service will become a trend. :-) -cat
from mom-on-roof :
Holy Crap! GREAT rant! But the eating boogers part is making my stomach churn. GaaaaHH!!
from wilberteets :
Thanks for doing my surveys! It was fun to read your answers.
from rdhdprincess :
Heee! I think that was the funniest first sentence in an entry that I have ever read! Thanks for the laugh,and yes, it is a shame!
from tothefloor :
hi aimee, i have you listed as a favorite and i've been catching up on your entries (i love 'em) and was wondering what the policy is on getting into the locked "from before" entries? if you'd let me, i'd love to read them too. i'm at [email protected].
from trinity63 :
consider yourself added:)
from trinity63 :
Hi - I found your journal through la-sage. You are one incredible writer. Do you mind if I read you, or list you?
from the-book-bag :
Maybe you're olfactory abilities are highly sensitized. My mom has the same issues when it comes to scents...she smells EVERYTHING!! -cat
from the-book-bag :
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! love, cat
from wifemotherme :
Happy Mothers Day~
from the-book-bag :
I know I can just take a seems like such a waste though...spend the money for a Gold Membership then say: "Oh gee, I need to take a break." -cat
from the-book-bag :
Of course I'm following you...look out your window right now. Go on! *Waves* "Hi! Yep, it's me!" :-D "Mind if I come in for breakfast?" -cat
from candoor :
I like your sense of humor (at least I think it's a sense of humor :)
from the-book-bag :
No, I haven't seen them yet, but guess where I'm headed right now?!! -cat
from the-book-bag :
Congratulations on nailing the rash culprit!!
from isislovesyou :
I joined your atheism diaryring, but, well, I have no idea how to get it to show up on my diary. It keeps getting blocked behind things.
from isislovesyou :
I joined your atheism diaryring, but, well, I have no idea how to get it to show up on my diary. It keeps getting blocked behind things.
from closr2myself :
Hey- After I read your entry about Demeter's line, I wanted to find out about it for myself, and lo and behold, I was in Sephoria today and they have the whole line of them. I don't remember if they have Sephoria out in the Chicago area or not, but if they do...then you can go sniff them all :)
from wilberteets :
Does the prince work for An-eel Sheepfucker too?? Poor guy. Mr. S is going to be steamed if he sees his real name here on your notes page!
from wilberteets :
Funny!! Useless claws!! hahaha. Of course it is also tragic and only funny in a solemn and untaunting manner. hehe
from the-book-bag :
Oh boy, am I in trouble now. I have such a weakness for perfumes! Ack! No, I can feel the pull of the perfume siren's song as we speak!! -Cat
from wilberteets :
It's great that you get along and have fun with your in-laws. Some people are not so lucky. haha. Thanks for that funny comment about cat barf. I laughed myself silly on that one.
from neko-carre :
BAAHAHAHA! You have such a knack for story-telling, Aim.
from parlance :
It's amazing how they get you for your wheels touching the line; yet don't even bother when you park illegally.
from wifemotherme :
My the spirit of the unwedgies be with you today! N swears that after about 10 minutes you wont notice anymore and will crave floss up your butt for life, thus never going back to regular drawers!
from wifemotherme :
((hugs!)) Its not that I am laughing at your misery but you do tend to crack me up when you "piss and moan."
from thinartist :
Thanks for asking about th art show. The show will be up October and November (2004) at a little bistro in Madison, Wisc called Fyfe's Corner Bistro. I'll keep you posted as to when the cheese and crackers opening will happen. :-)
from dangerspouse :
You know, if you euthanize the cats and then have them stuffed and mounted, it'll probably be cheaper and you can take them ANYWHERE without worrying about shots or a cage. That's what I did with my wife, and believe me, it was money well spent. Good luck :)
from neko-carre :
Let's see a picture of the new hair!
from gem-chan :
*snort* I'm sure my mother would sympathize. After all, I was supposed to be spending the gift certificate she sent me on work clothes. Instead I bought a t-shirt that said: I Heart Pirates. Poor moms everywhere.
from wifemotherme :
Even though it happens almost every single time you write about your daughter I am always blown away by the similarities in our 2 daughters. They share a brain! That is why they are always doing stuff like this!
from dangerspouse :
Your daughter could be a Mensa inductee,but horemones will win out over brains every time. Besides - I bet the shirt looks absolutely adorable on her! Put up a pic, won't you?
from wifemotherme :
I hate to sound like a vain selfish ass but I have been simply miserable since I cut my hair. I do feel Samson's Pain! I think I lost my mojo! Dont cut it off! But go ahead and layer it. I permed mine for a change and then cut it short and then layered it. Layering is such a simple change but it does make a big difference. I feel stupid for steps 1 and 2, when I would have been content to just layer. Its not as traumatic going short.
from dangerspouse :
Congrats on the great first day! Hope the rest of your tenure there is this stress-free :)
from ladybug-red :
Good luck to you on the job front. If you feel good about the work you do, it will show. I can sympathize all too well with the shopping issues. I am on the opposite end of the height issue (I'm a certified giant at nearly 6') and I have difficulty with larger size clothes too. I have decided that the clothing industry thinks larger sizes should either be longer or wider without any sense of the fact that we have different body shapes. Apparently if we were a size 2 it would be ok to be either petite, medium, or tall - the clothing industry can deal with that. Since we are a size 20, however, we are just fat and should be grateful we can find anything to cover us. Pisses me off.
from thinartist :
Have you tried August Max? They carry sizes 8-20. Also, there was a 25% off coupon circulating around. If you go, pretend that you forgot to bring it. Most stores will still honor the coupon. :-)
from gem-chan :
I'll send some "good-job" vibes your way. I was at Lane Bryant's yesterday...I bought some happy fun work clothes, too! Woo!
from dangerspouse :
Glad I could give you a little smile this morning, babe! And thanks for adding me to your buddy list :)
from dangerspouse :
Forgive me for saying, but the thought of a 42DD topless woman lying upside down on her bed cheers ME immensely. But that might just be because I'm a guy. Anyway, I hope you feel better, and find out what the mystery ailment is!
from wifemotherme :
Well if you could write about it, it must be better than my story - let just say I know one officer in town by name now and its so utterly humilating I could not even begin to write it. I am thinking about putting her up for adoption
from tarotreading :
Please visit my site if you or a friend would like a Tarot Reading! Thanks.
from ladybug-red :
I am southern and I hate that shit too. I know I must have quite a reputation as a bitch around here because when people greet me with "hihowareyou" which they ALWAYS do, my standard reply is hello. Anyway, great diary and I look forward to more.
from neko-carre :
I can't stand the "Howyadoin?" greeting. Why can't they just say "Hi"? It's so over-used. Where it *used to* be a sincere question, now it's just in passing. I had to learn how to give a proper response with the job I have and - it may be rude - but it's just "fine" or "good" and leave it at that. The reason why is because I'm on the goddamn phone all day and I don't have time to chat. When someone calls and says "How are you?", I used to say, "Good, how are you?" but then the phones would start ringing and, especially when it's a telemarketer who loooooves to take up time, I learned that hard way that I don't want to hear how they're doing. And then there are the people who call every half hour. They say, "Hi." I say "hi." Then they say "how are you?" every freaking time! I've come so close to saying, "I'm STILL fine from a half-hour ago." I know this is more work-related than what you're referring to, but that's how I respond. I've always heard that Southerners think Northerners are rude anyway because we're always in a hurry, so I guess this probably confirms that thought.
from la-the-sage :
My absolute paranoia about being pulled over is what keeps this lead foot in check. Even when I'm in my shitbox Bronco and not my hot rod I am POSITIVE there will a traffic cop SWAT team there the instant I go over the speed limit. Sometimes paranoia can be our friend. ~LA
from la-the-sage :
Good God! Are you truly okay? What a lousy day. And stay far away from Connecticut, my friend. The whole state has a fetish for backing into parking places. If I see a car nose out in a parking lot around here it's almost guaranteed the plates are Connecticut brand. Oh yeah, Will You Be My Valentine? xo~LA
from the-book-bag :
I wanted to let you know my new diaryname: the-book-bag. -Cat/sidhequeen
from gem-chan :
Damn the man!
from sidhequeen :
I tried leaving a note in your guestbook but my computer wasn't down with that, so I'm leaving my note here. I'm sorry everything is so difficult right now. Like Lady M, I am sending positive "vibes" your way. I know, cash would be more helpful, unfortunately, I don't have any to spare either. -Cat
from demora00 :
list thingy completed. :)
from thinartist :
Damn! I've mentioned my IQ twice recently! Ok, this note is to tell you that this braggart has completed the 100 item <b>"quiz."</b>
from so-charming :
<b>This is a <i>test</i> to see if <font size=+3>HTML</font> formmatting works in a </b> NOTE.
from thinartist :
ok, I'd like to do the 100 things cut and paste thing but, how do I create bold type in my journal? (Note: I am technically challenged depite having a relatively good IQ 130.)
from closr2myself :
wow.....honestly, i think honesty is the best start. it's brave to be able to say all the things you said. i know what it's like to feel like everything is always a struggle....i think you're amazing just for hanging on. best wishes.
from wilberteets :
I gotta tell you, I laughed so hard at your comment, but at the same time, what a truly, deep down disgusting thought it is to think of Mr. and Mrs. Yeti bumping uglies with me in mind. ::cringe cringe cringe:: Egads!!
from sunnflower :
Your note about my car wars entry and your image of the pliers put to nose really made me laugh. I am sorry about the job woes on your homefront and I hope that things sort out for the better very soon.
from wifemotherme :
OMG its almost scary! I have your kids twin living in my house!
from neko-carre :
Yay for digital photos! Poo for them not looking great. I remember trying on outfits for Vegas and thinking how hot I looked in the mirror - then when I took digital photos of myself, OH MY GOD! HELL NO! It's good in a way that I didn't go out looking like that, but at the same time had I *thought* I looked good, maybe it wouldn't have mattered. :-\
from heidiann :
I LOVED your suggestion. I've been trying to figure out why my new layout bugs me and now I've realized it was all the damn red. So thank you thank you thank you! I'm much happier with it now! So feel free to pass anymore constructive criticism along. =) And I wouldn't mind a password as well, if you're so inclined.
from wifemotherme :
from wifemotherme :
to quote from below "your last entry has inspired me" Yep me too, but not to clean ; )
from thinartist :
hehehehe, I am lounging around in a nice comfy Lane Bryant robe (mmmmmm) and drinking tea but your last entry has inspired me. My agenda for the day: housecleaning, grocery shopping, pich-up porn, and do a little spa treatment before the man returns!!! Thanks. I, too, feel less alluring in a house of clutter.
from wifemotherme :
OMG I laughed so hard at your poor kittys distress I about wet myself! WTG ON THE A! That is really awsome! and you know come to think of it after reading the note below this one - I dont have a clue how old you are either! I assumed you were my age and had your daughter young. Good guess?
from meowlizard :
God, you're confusing! That's not to say I don't like your diary, but I have been reading it for weeks, and dammit, I still can't figure out whether you're a teenager, married woman in school, or high-school mom who got married really early and is currently finishing school. It would be nice if you could illuminate your identity...I can't stand mysteries...and I'm confused too often by my own words to enjoy getting the feeling from someone else's.
from stinkycookie :
Thanks for sharing with me, I found some Gladrags (the last box actually, the night time sleeper set) and bought them. Had to ask the clerk to order some more liners though, two probably won't be enough. :)
from wifemotherme :
((((b) I get so fucking weary of fighting with her about EVERY LITTLE THING, ALL THE FUCKING TIME)))) OMG that was what I wanted to write in my diary about me and my daughter but the fact is i am just to damn tired! Mine is doing the exact same thing!!! It is draining to say the least. She is not bp ocd or add, but I tend to give an inch just to keep the war down too. Her big harp these days is "You should let me do what ever I want becasue At least I am not as bad as other kids". She does not understand my arrgument that if that is the case I should be able to beat the hell out of her because at least I am not as bad as Aundra Yates! Have a teenage girl is exhusting! ((((*hugs*))) looks like you needed one. Oh P.S. its not you. Teenagers are crazy!
from sianni :
Heh - that entry about the farting and cats was a cack :) I love people talking candidly about their bodily functions! yes! we are human! we fart, we pee, we crap! :) and burp too ;) I actually came here from lady malfoy's survey because i was reading your answers. I hadn't realised laser hair removal was a cosmetic surgery procedure - i too am of gorilla-genes and look like a Yeti when i'm in my full glory :p i get my upper lip (moustache already!) done, underams (that's been great - no hair anymore, only a few little thin ones) and i've done part of my bikini line. If i could afford to do my legs - baby, i'd get that done in no time. Laser rocks! my moustache has diminished by more than half, but it's still around - not having good success with that one really - i've already done it about 8 times too. I only did underarm 3 times. Ok, i wrote too much :)
from sexybigrrl :
Hey, hope your gas has gone! Lol! love sexybigrrl x x x
from mom-on-roof :
oh, I will take that compliment, and means SO MUCH coming from you, you are certifiable! Love that!
from dangerspouse :
Um...hi. I was reading through your stuff and got to the one about someone nefarious reading through all your back entries. Just wanted you to know I have no insidious intent - just enjoying your writing. Thanks for the great reads :)
from cassiopeia- :
Happy Halloween! Trick or Treat! BOO! kisses, cassie
from gem-chan :
Well, your banner made me laugh, I swung by, read your journal and laughed some more. Viva Franken!
from stinkycookie :
Reading about your hoglet's bathroom has me laughing so hard that little tears are forming in the corners of my eyes. I wish I could make my day-to-day crapola so amusing. :D
from la-the-sage :
Hey Toots! Do me a huge and drop me a line at: [email protected] so I can get your e-mail address. I've got a letter for you I've been adding to all day. Earthlink is still all screwy and the direct mail link from your page won't cue up for me. Thanks a bunch. ~LA
from thekinkymary :
hi, i thought id stop by and say hi, ttyl buhbye, -mary-
from neko-carre :
Good God! What incompetence! So typically Government - clueless, lacking an efficient system, and absolutely no communication within the department. I hate it when you have to explain the same story over and over and over again to a different person each time and you get different answers with each person. Good luck with that. Oh, and i mentioned you in my entry today. :-)
from joleen :
Not sure is working right now - possibly cross posted, but: Was it something specific I wrote? Or the fact that I never responded to your last email? I'm really bad about writing back sometimes, but I appreciate that you wrote it. Oh well, whatever it was, it was nice that you spent so much time reading my diary. Thank you for that. :)
from dizzy-dame :
Hey, this is Frazzled Imp. Due to certain people in my personal life not having the common sense that god gave a banana feeling the urge to delve into my journal, I�ve decided to pack my bags, and move to a new location. Since this move isn�t intended to thwart my regular readers who have nothing to do with me on an intimate basis, I�m just making the rounds and letting you know where I�ve gone. You�re still welcome to come read, if you�d like. You can find me at: Take care!
from wifemotherme :
Wow - your pretty damn fascinating. 97 is invalid. You could never be just ordinary.
from chickpea981 :
I got the opportunity to see Frida Kahlo's (and georgia o'keefe's) art up close and personal. I learned all about her life and spent a good solid 5 hours in the museum. When the movie came out with Salma Hayek, it really put everything into perspective. I think it's really damn cool that you and I share her as a common interest.
from chubbychic :
Wow.. that seems like a great set of goals. I really wish I was disciplined enough to make a list - let alone carry it out. ;)
from neko-carre :
Oops, sorry. Please disregard the note below. Guestbooks all seem to hate me lately, so that was the copied note to Lydibug. When I went to sign your g-book, it pooped out on me so I pasted the message here, but then realized I hadn't copied YOUR message first. Bllllaaaaah. ANYway, all I wanted to say was Ooooooh! I love your new layout! Muchas better!
from neko-carre :
WOOOOOOO! Can't wait to hear all about it!
from sunnflower :
Wow - I can really relate to your travel finance woes. I just got back from Seattle and nearly had a heart attack when I realized that the hotel had taken the entire lengths stay out the day I arrived and I wasn't thinking that the money needed to be there until the last day I was there - 2 days after payday. I had to pull out the Discover card too and probably went over credit limit and incurred a charge. Sometimes we just have to make do.
from brain-dump :
hey thanks for adding me to your faves. i like your purpley layout. have a good weekend! :-)
from nutmegoli :
Hi, it's Megin. My new diary is up and running (but there's not much here yet). Have a look, leave a note, sign the guestbook (I'm 99.9% sure your messages won't go into the Twilight Zone this time)...
from megin-says :
Drop Dead Fred...was it my guestbook you meant to sign? :P
from miscreant444 :
welcome to the FREEDOM diary ring :)
from neko-carre :
P.S. That "look busy" tip is a good one! I'm gonna put that one in!

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