Bunny Dump

I'm just an old fart who needed somewhere to vent. This seemed like as good a place as any.

Note: I can't spell to save my life, so ignore the spelling errors.

My favorite diaries:

toastcrumbs profile - diary
comments: This girl makes me laugh. Funny Stuff!
wilberteets profile - diary
comments: "Usually I attract guys I wouldn't spit on if they were on fire"
yamaa profile - diary
comments: I'm the 25th person to add her to my buddy list. Ta Da ...
zencelt profile - diary
comments: The first person to add me to their buddy list. Also has a wacky mother.
batten profile - diary
comments: part of the zen, arc and sixweasels group
sixweasels profile - diary
comments: Locked - part of the zen, arc and batten group
invisibledon profile - diary
suzannadanna profile - diary
comments: Funny
badbadzoot profile - diary
comments: is a hoot (yeah, yeah, I'm sure I'm the first to think of that)
vibinghigh profile - diary
melwadel profile - diary
comments: Housewife Extraordinaire
smoog profile - diary
comments: not updating much
skibigsky profile - diary
marn profile - diary
comments: Go ahead and stain the spousal unit. I'm sure I've had similar thoughts for similar reasons.
jenniam profile - diary
bluemeany profile - diary
comments: Funny Army Gal
her-story profile - diary
comments: busy lady
idiot-milk profile - diary
forty-plus profile - diary
essaywriter profile - diary
smedindy profile - diary
comments: Funny man in Indiana
thecrankyone profile - diary
comments: A single mom with a name I can really relate to
bassclargrrl profile - diary
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: locked
sunshine0221 profile - diary
warcrygirl profile - diary
bindyree profile - diary
yeahimadork profile - diary
comments: Not a "crazy cat lady" - Locked
golfwidow profile - diary
randh profile - diary
comments: Most of the time when I try to be funny, I fail miserably. And when I'm trying to be serious, it's funny. It's a curse that follows me everywhere.
marlen816 profile - diary
phlint profile - diary
theoutpost profile - diary
comments: The Assholian Outpost
anita-girl profile - diary
m-lewis profile - diary
dragging-ink profile - diary
comments: locked
yarnsmith profile - diary
annanotbob profile - diary
cosmic profile - diary
joiedv profile - diary
d1mndn3r0ugh profile - diary
brightopal profile - diary
eitherorboth profile - diary
comments: locked
janedoe0 profile - diary
boxx9000 profile - diary
gr8chick profile - diary
lilpinkhouse profile - diary
cocoabean profile - diary
normaltoilet profile - diary

My favorite music:

This decade
comments: Coldplay, Fuel, Gwen Stefani, Hoobastank, John Mayer, Sarah McLachlan
comments: Poe, Live, Nirvana, No Doubt, Seal
comments: Asia, Chicago, Foreigner, Genesis, Journey, Madonna, Queen, Yes
comments: Bee Gees, John Denver

My favorite movies:

Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
comments: Can't help it ... stayed around for all 6 of them
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

My favorite authors:

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diaries which list bunny828 as a favorite diary
last updated: 2015-12-31 04:55:04
this user's total entries: 423
user since: 2005-05-26

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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