Mr.Critic's Great Diary

My friend put it best when she said, "Freud would have a field day with you!" I'll let you decide that.

My favorite diaries:

Betabitch profile - diary
comments: Woohoo!
Andrew profile - diary
comments: Evil Overlord of Diaryland
Ann-frank profile - diary
comments: Zombie Fighter Extraordinaire
Anniewaits profile - diary
comments: Come back! I miss you.
Biensoul profile - diary
comments: She makes me "hot for teacher".
CaptvFirefly profile - diary
comments: Too good for words.
ChubbyChic profile - diary
comments: I could read Chubs all day! And her layout makes me hungry.
Cindie-loo profile - diary
comments: A great artist and diarist.
Cuppajoe profile - diary
comments: My Canadian Pimp Daddy.
DiscoTheKid profile - diary
comments: Kicks a lot of ass!
Ehadams profile - diary
comments: Needs to update more often grrrr!
FadeIn profile - diary
comments: Keep an eye out for him. He's going to make it big one day.
Fu-fu profile - diary
comments: He's updating again! That makes my butt tingly.
Fummy-cheese profile - diary
comments: Where are you?!
Fuzzy-grey profile - diary
comments: Representin' all the "healthy" gals out there.
Golfwidow profile - diary
comments: GolfWIDOW <-- she's female folks just like I'm male. We'll spread the word don't worry GW!
I-am-a-girl profile - diary
comments: Running out of nice things to say!
JamieStar profile - diary
comments: Radio and diary personality!
Kyane profile - diary
comments: She's sweet.
LadeeLeroy profile - diary
comments: So good, I'm jealous of her.
Ladiscrete profile - diary
comments: How can you resist a place where you can learn french insults?
Lorster profile - diary
comments: Makes me laugh.
Lukeduke profile - diary
comments: Soon to be lawyer. Too funny for words.
Marn profile - diary
comments: I pity da foo' that don't like Marn.
Maticus profile - diary
comments: He fascinates me as do his cats.
Mollyx profile - diary
comments: She has a CAT named MONKEY. Come on you gotta love that.
Upcountry profile - diary
comments: Hooray!
Ms-m profile - diary
comments: A long time favorite, still one the greatest in this Land of Diary.
Non-descript profile - diary
comments: I've been reading him FOREVER, just finally got around to adding him. Wish I'd done it sooner.
Piehole profile - diary
comments: Evil Queen of Diaryland.
Porktornado profile - diary
comments: 'Cause crazy people are amusing!
Raq profile - diary
comments: She's just great.
Ronkc profile - diary
comments: He's hardcore. He plays Bingo!
Saint-Louise profile - diary
comments: Cracks me up all the time.
SaveCraig profile - diary
comments: Short bursts of diary that always manage to make me laugh and smile.
SaxyJackClar profile - diary
comments: He's one sexy bitch! Look at for him when he gets those butt implants.
SpaceMuppet profile - diary
comments: Top-notch diary, great writer, I want to kill him for that haha.
Sundry profile - diary
comments: Nothing can beat her talking about flinging dog poop over the fence.
Taydo profile - diary
comments: Extremely generous, too nice, and absolutely hilarious. I want him dead.
Thegrayarea profile - diary
comments: Needs to update more often.
TranceJen profile - diary
comments: What can I say, she's the creme de la creme of Diaryland.
TVZero profile - diary
comments: Good times, good times.
Twelvebeer profile - diary
comments: The Best of the Best in Diaryland and I feel fortunate to be a part.
UncleBob profile - diary
comments: A Staple in Diaryland.
Ursamajor profile - diary
comments: Betcha can't read just one.
Weetabix profile - diary
comments: I love her diary so much I hate her. Save some of the good writing for the rest of us why dontcha?!
Fergie profile - diary
comments: I do hope he realizes I completely ruined the alphabetization of my list to add him here. The jerk!
Mommylap profile - diary
comments: Fascinating woman. Fascinating story! Go read. (Again you've ruined my alphabetization grrr!)
MadamePierce profile - diary
comments: I heart her. Read every single entry and each one was funnier than the last.
StormyClaude profile - diary
comments: 'cause it was about damn time I updated this thing
EveRoboto profile - diary
comments: It's EveRoboto 'nough said!
Robin-Smith profile - diary
comments: Smart, funny, I lost my list and forgot to readd her. Grrr!
Skazi profile - diary
comments: Left a flattering guestbook message and I'm glad I check'em out 'cause this dude has a fascinating diary!
Thisendup profile - diary
comments: My bride to be!
Influence profile - diary
Chickie-Legs profile - diary
KristinTracy profile - diary
KungFuKitten profile - diary
LuvaBeans profile - diary
Peytonsplace profile - diary
comments: How did I forget to readd you to my list?!

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

Silence of the Lambs
comments: Two Words: Favvah beans (or however you spell it)
comments: I seem to have a serial killer theme going on here
Dark Crystal
comments: It has captured my imagination since my early childhood
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
comments: Hands down my favorite "mystery movie" I could watch it just to recognize all the toons
Star War Movies
comments: While I'm not obsessed with these movies like some people, the Star Warrior does come out in me now and then

My favorite authors:

Joseph Heller
comments: Catch-22 funniest book ever written
J.K. Rowling
comments: the Harry Potter books are my equivalent of literary crack cocaine!
Billy Shakespeare
comments: I give him "mad props" because if he were alive now a days he'd be sued for copyright enfringement
Charles Dickens
comments: Gotta love that class struggling, I particularly loved Tale of Two Cities mmm mmm good
Edgar Allen Poe
comments: If only all opium addicts were as good at creepy writing as this guy

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last updated: 2006-07-14 08:36:07
this user's total entries: 575
user since: 2002-07-10

AOL IM name: ElCriticoFuerte
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name:
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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