Just Another Day

I'm not too adorkable anymore. However, I am a product of who I once was, and I won't soon forget it.

My favorite diaries:

cheekymunkey profile - diary
comments: Lil' miss Amanda. One hell of a person, some great kind of woman.
happypumpkin profile - diary
comments: I like it just fine.
johnpowers profile - diary
comments: Amusing. Very amusing.
emogirl21 profile - diary
comments: No glitz or glam. No fancy words. Not to much punctuation. Just as a real diary might be.
andrew profile - diary
comments: The creator and manger of all Diaryland. A simple diary, really, but it's hilarious. I mean, really hilarious.
com-officer profile - diary
comments: I have one of his entries as my favourites. He's an honest guy; I can understand his dislike for the arbritrary.
newhottness profile - diary
comments: An ex-girlfriend of mine. I directed her to my diary and she got one, too. It's bound to be an honest depiction of life.
kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: Who could not enjoy a diary with a Kung Fu Kitten? It's like a "happy-eggroll-super-roundouse" to the face! Heeeeeeee-YAAAaa!
son-souvenir profile - diary
comments: Fluid. Like water pouring over smooth stones.
nymphoinme profile - diary
comments: I like to know how the other side lives. Just because I'm not that way, doesn't mean I don't think about it.
dullstar profile - diary
comments: Don't know exactly how to describe it.
kitty-kaboom profile - diary
comments: The pictures alone tell a pretty good story.
spritopias profile - diary
comments: He has his very own army of boys trained to diagram sentences and kill.
maliger profile - diary
comments: Waterfall words.
californican profile - diary
Tressia26 profile - diary

My favorite music:

Cabaret Voltaire:
comments: I bought the CD "International Language" ex-264 by them not knowing what or who it was. The cover looked nice. And it turned out that it was one of the wisest purchases I've ever made. I love it...I simply love it.
The Lunachicks:
comments: Indie punk I guess you can call these eccentric females..? Either way, beautiful music, powerful music.. They can make "wear high heels like daddy, have a beard like mommy" move me. That takes talent. Heh, I love those Lunachicks.
The Misfits:
comments: A band with an obsession for horror movies that matches mine own. Odd, kind of punk.. but with a 50's vocal resonance.. Indeed one of a kind band. They all have great hair too! Especially Wolfgang..
Classical in general:
comments: Now, classical is one of the few musical styles that is not and does not need to be dependent upon words. There is nothing better than a wonderful classical piece. Especially once techno has got ahold of it!
Tori Amos:
comments: A friend/ex got me seriously interested in her. Tori is her favorite musician, while me... I just like her a whole bunch; the things she can do musically are spectacular. I really admire her as a person, too. And she's not bad looking, either!

My favorite movies:

"An American Werewolf In Paris" :
comments: The movie this is a technical sequal to is a classic..but not at all a great movie. "An American Werewolf in London" was good for its time, but it can certainly be much better. However, this movie is great! Beautiful women, great cast chemistry,
"American Beauty" :
comments: To die happy. Not momentary happy, but forever happy. How criminal for someone to kill another when that freshly deceased arrives there? No. How splendid. I wish I could die with a smile on my face when my time comes.
"Fight Club" :
comments: What a movie!? Wow! When Tyler said that the guy's breakfast would taste better than any meal they'd ever had.. I agree and respect him for that. Sometimes we all need that extreme push to enjoy the glory of things.
"A.I." :
comments: Some people don't like this movie. Personally, I don't feel they understand it. I'm not someone who cries, but through this modern day-and realistic-fairytale.. my tears slipped out.
comments: Peaceful aliens with knowledge that would make us look as naive as infants is certainly NOT a new theme. However, "K-PAX" has that special touch that makes your skin tingle the whole movie through. The soundtrack is great, the acting is wondrous

My favorite authors:

C. S. Friedman:
comments: The author of The Coldfire Trilogy and so much more. Undead sorcerers and warrior preists are always cool. I love all Friedman's works. Go C.S. Friedman!
Anne Rice:
comments: I have not read a single one of her books sad to say, but I saw "Interview With a Vampire".. And if that wonderful movie was based upon one of her grand books.. she rocks.
Philip Kapleau:
comments: "The Thee Pillars Of Zen" is an absolutely amazing book. Read it. Learn something great.
Thomas Palmer:
comments: That name should speak volumes on its own. However, he is a relatively unknown author. If you ever get a copy of his "Dream Science"... you're one of the luckiest people on the planet.
Ayn Rand:
comments: If you don't know this name, you are bereft of a literary legend. "Anthem", "The Fountainhead", "Atlas Shrugged" are all amazing. "Atlas Shrugged" is said to be the 2nd most influencial book; The Bible is 1st.

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last updated: 2013-09-24 05:52:33
this user's total entries: 390
user since: 2001-06-28

AOL IM name: Gavin Fyre
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