messages to brightopal:
(click here to add new message):
from casa-rosie : |
Hmmm...comments are having a blonde moment right for the flogger, you can make a reasonably good expedient (a rat tail switch) by using saran wrap. Take saran, roll it tight, and let it kinda roll off-center so one end is larger than the other, making a rat tail. Wet or dry, that little sucker can HURT! Then again, if 12 does show up, tell him that y'all are driving out to Tombstone for the day where you can have a turkey dinner, get the stuff from storage, and then go home. Heh heh heh |
from selfbiased : |
sure. get on AIM. |
from fairygodmum : |
Thank you gurl... but I think you are better at your job than I would be. Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairySantaClausGodMum |
from moonfaeryy : |
I'd like a letter Opal!! :) |
from maliger : |
Was my birthday yesterday... as well as Boss's Day and Dictionary Day. I'm not much for gossip, I guess I keep my diary to poems almost exclusively. |
from maliger : |
I was using it in the teasing sense. Boring is relative, relatively adult cats are "more" boring than kittens. I love cats all ages, it's a shame I can't have any at my apartment. |
from maliger : |
I've never seen someone swear off love entirely, though I have seen friends switch sexualities over relationships and more. While I do think that a break-up in situations with months maybe even over a year before the next relationship is in order to know what went wrong and be prepared for the next one, I still do think that eventually there will be another one... though don't think about that now, you need time to sort it out. I admire your courage for separating when things go wrong though, I had a relationship that didn't seem to be working, and I stuck with it, and while there were good times in that 6 years, I'm still 6 years older and no longer in a relationship and one of my fear is not having kids before I die, which is still a fear. Anyway, I hope things work out for you, remember there will always be better days! |
from maliger : |
Just a couple tee shirt texts that I've seen worn around college campus a lot, one of them had "South" on the shirt I forget what else, and another one says "Hollister" (spelling?) in a variety of typographies. |
from maliger : |
I'm surprised you can keep up with my posts with notes lol. I have another poem up, and a thought for another on notepad waiting to be written tomorrow if I can hold off that long lol. I might as well link you to my other frequent posts... Thanks that's four links not one lol. |
from maliger : |
Thanks for the new note! By the way I have five blogs (or maybe six or seven I've lost count) and you can find me in other places online googling "poetsespresso" or "dramaartwriting" thanks again for the compliment! - Donald |
from maliger : |
I'm posting a lot more than before too. And yes this economy is in trouble. I stumbled upon you from recent public entries, and like your customization, I need to customize my diaryland more. |
from wordwhore : |
i've told my sister a hundred times i want to live on a farm where we make all our own stuff. this wouldn't be that different, methinks. i'd definitely be into being the gardener in your fictional utopia ;) not to mention knit us all socks and scarves.<br> |
from fairygodmum : |
Yeah, California is a bit more. Its amazing how different it is. Best Wishes for you and 12!!! Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum |
from poolagirl : |
You need to get rid of your albatross or this new thing will fall on its face for sure. |
from for-tart : |
Best wishes for you and 12. |
from sunstarr : |
sounds like 12 might turn out to be a great catch but i like how you're being wise and cautious with the realistic attitude that if nothing else, you two can become really close friends. and, i'm so glad to hear that you're happier than you've been in a long time! |
from poolagirl : |
As long as you carry a torch for Gerrit, your life will stay in a holding pattern. You know what I think. I've said it a million times. |
from sunstarr : |
wow! i feel like a celebrity! thanks for using my suggestion on the nickname. and also for the shout-out! you rock. i'm trying to catch up on my buddy list. it's tough when i don't usually get online during my weekend. if i ever miss an entry, you'll know why! ~hugs~ |
from wordwhore : |
well, thanks for trying on the editor, but it won't work for me. it's something to do with the second step, i'm sure of it - because i can't follow the directions from that page at all, i don't have a "tools" option like that page says to select and therefore there is no "install script" option. there is "install" and there is "show script" and i've tried both, as well as tried clicking tools across the file menu at the top - but it's disabled when the file is open. c'est la vie. |
from sunstarr : |
you could just call him 12!!! ha ha! |
from sunstarr : |
glad to see that you're being very careful and cautious. i hope it all works out just the way that YOU want it to. (great writing, by the way!) |
from poolagirl : |
Girl, please be wise. |
from cocoabean : |
just make sure you arent the one that killed that dead body..... no matter how much you may want to! |
from fairygodmum : |
The Knight of Cups musta been reversed! Upsidedown... yikes.. run fast. The last time I got that one, he broke my heart multiple times. Even though he sent me a computer for my birthday, I'm not falling for that old trick! Hugz n thanks for the Bday Wish! Bebe da FairyGodMum |
from poolagirl : |
Listen to the signs! Stay aware of what the universe is trying to tell you! |
from h2ophobic : |
Yes! Finally, you've met (again) a man who knows and appreciates how wonderful you are! A job you can find anywhere (which you've proven over and over.) But to find someone who wants to be with that's a gift. I'm so happy for you! |
from sunstarr : |
i don't know if it's my "new" computer or what, but i couldn't leave you a comment on your widget-thingy. so, i'm leaving it here. anyway, i can understand why'd you're so confused and emotionally torn apart. However, perhaps it might be worthwhile to pursue this new avenue albeit quite slowly, of course. While I know nothing about Tarot, seems to me that you might have found your "Knight". Ya never know!! Good luck, hun. |
from fairygodmum : |
Hey gurl... I'm sure Radiogurl is just waiting for the right offer. Syndicate that so we all can hear you over the radio waves! Best Wishes to you! Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum |
from im2qt2kr : | you kinda asked opinions of the lastest job/relationship possibility thingy (follow that? I'm blonde so bare with me haaa) So, for what it's gut sez you need to listen to YOUR gut. You're a very intellagent and kind hearted person so your instincts must be good too, if you really listen for them and to them. Now, this may sound a bit "out-there" but often, when faced with a delima (damn, no spell check on d-land) I often "program" myself to dream about the situation and tell myself to dream the answer. Most of the time, I wake up knowing just what to do. I know, I know, but it's worth a shot. As for my "gut", first thing that crossed my mind was, "try out the job with the stipulation that the relationship stuff stay on the back burner for at least the first 6 months, so it doesn't muddy up the waters". That make any sense? OK, I know you don't really know me, buttt....Big Hug to you Ms. Opal. |
from h2ophobic : |
No. No. No. We NEED you. We ENJOY you. Whatever you read that made you feel worthless...toss IT in the the trash. You are an amazing woman, mom, and writer. You've touched each of our lives. |
from h2ophobic : |
I too would be suspicious of a recruiter IMing at 10:30pm. That's not necessarily true I guess, because I would be sound asleep at 10:30pm! Enjoy your 4th! |
from h2ophobic : |
I love your new bookcase. I don't think I've see one that was horizonal rather than verical before. It looks nice with your knick knacks on top. I don't know anything about auras. I used to work with a woman who would cleanse hers when she got upset. It seemed to work for her, so who was I to doubt? |
from im2qt2kr : |
I'll be sure and send you all my black licorice coupons. haaaaa |
from wordwhore : |
i sent the link via email, so read away =) |
from sunstarr : |
ya got ya some nice digs there girlie!!! congrats on all the great things that are happening in your life!!!! *grin* |
from poolagirl : |
Nice place! Methinks you will be very happy there! |
from hcatty : |
GIRL. the new place looks glorious. I MISS YOU. On my to do list this week: "MAKE time for BrightOpal Reading, you FOOL." Although, I will admit that there's something to be said for having acquaintances in one's own community lol It's kind of nice. So anywhoo. Just wanted to say HI! And that I've missed you and your zaniness. And your saniness. Ciao! |
from sunstarr : |
I *love* the new layout... very bright, cheery and definitely suites you nicely. However, are you going to bring back your HaloScan commenting?? Hope so! |
from wordwhore : |
thanks - i am taking care of the eye, i promise! it's a little winky, is all ;) |
from rose-phoenix : |
Thank you for your comment on my recent entry. It's always good to feel understood. :) |
from selfbiased : |
ZOMFUG! get on an IM or email me! |
from captainron : |
Just wanted to let you know I'm still around... :-) |
from wench77 : |
Dang, me too, can't find a link to your comments. Where is it? Thanks for the comment over at my place. Didn't even realise you had this opal place. I'll have to add you in as one of my three buddies who has updated in the past threemonths! Besides the new "colors" (or lack of them), what I hate is how the least valuable info (users online and public entries) is in the prime real estate area, and if you make the browser window smaller, you cut off either your prime interaction area (comment box, entry box, list of buddies) or your navigation bar on the far right. Really bad design, besides just being amateurish. And thanks to whomever pointed out there is text in the mysterious white boxes... I wondered what it was for! That is stupid. But in general it is just depressing. And most of us write here when we are already depressed. The old diaryland was sort of silly like adults carrying "my little pony" or "hello kitty" handbags. At least if it was going emo or goth, it could have done something like Emily. It could have even gone pinstriped and it would look better than flat grey (so hard on the eyes with the white and red) Ps, your son is a looker! too bad he's a drinker! I hope he wisens up and the other gets his job back! |
from h2odragon : |
I couldn't find the link to your comments so I'm leaving a note. I'm so happy for you moving on to better things. I know it's broke and scary at first but you've got nowhere to go but UP! |
from hissandtell : |
Hi doll -- your comments don't appear to be working. I left one, but it's not showing up (or else you deleted it!) so I'll visit again later and see if I can leave one succesfully. Love, R xxx |
from augustdreams : |
I've no doubt at all you'll find success as a writer. And I'll be right there to trade autographed copies of our books with you. :) Thanks so much for the comment and yeah, I'm thinking I need to stick a fork in my agent(Not literally - though that would be fun...) and find someone else. Also thinking about pod publishing but need to do more research. Hope 2008 is filled with good things for you! *hug* |
from h2ophobic : |
I tried to leave a comment but it wouldn't take. I also believe that things always work out. Maybe not in the way or time frame we imagine, but they do. When we bought this house, we got it for WAY under market value. It had been a rental for years and was trashed. The previous owners sold it for the balance of their loan, just to get rid of it. It took every dollar we had just to buy it. There wasn't anything left over to fix it up. Slowly over the years we've done this and that. We're still not finished. But I figure, it took us 10 years to do the amount of remodeling that we've done, who cares if it takes another 10 to finish? I say go for it girl! Grab that brass ring. If it needs a little polishing...oh well, it will be YOUR brass ring! |
from selfbiased : |
march sixteenth, dear. you will receive a picture, provided i have a current address by then. |
from cosmicrayola : |
Where did yout comments go?? Anyway, I can't believe he is asking you for money! What is he on drugs? I would just walk away honey. Keep you dignity and your money. |
from starlight42 : |
I'm so sorry that things aren't working out with the hubby. Although, it sounds like your current situation and decision to move etc. is a good one for you! I wish you the best!! You deserve so much better. |
from torchstar : |
I was reading the ultimate girl pirate's entry for today. It inspired a side trip to see what I could see in your neck o' the woods (Oh, uh, saguaros) Nice to meet you brightopal. I look forward to more... |
from ship-jumper : |
Ok...I LOVE the new template...looks awesome! However....I don't see a link for leaving notes on each page! Argghh!! I wanted to say this....Give me your address and I will send you and MP3 player you can have. I have never used is a Phillip's brand and holds a lot of music. I just got greedy and ended up getting an IRiver that held mega mega mega songs. Email me hon. |
from fairygodmum : |
Thanks gurl... somethin to do with fluid in my inner ear floatin around. Good LUCK with the book. Hugz, Bebe da FairyGodMum |
from fairygodmum : |
Say "Hello" to DangerSpouse! Really miss reading his diary. Oh yes, I read palms too! Spatulate hands... hmmmm.... interesting technology, reading them scanned. Hugz n Lub your headed in the right direction. Bebe da FairyGodMum |
from h2ophobic : |
Dear Friend, I worry about you alot. I pray every day that you are able to leave that place and those people and begin living the life you deserve to live...the life EVERYONE deserves to live. A life rich in relationships with people who appreciate the you that you are...not the you they WANT you to be. If I've crossed a line here, I apologize. But, it's given out of concern for you and your physical and emotional health. |
from fairygodmum : |
I've got every size clothes from a 6 to auhhhhh a 16. The stretch n go work best, but right now I'm filling out the ooohhh too tight in the tummy. We won't say what size ehhh. Besides NOW I have to wear a uniform and my only khakis are in a size 11. OUCH! You'll do just fine for the interview in those heels, just put some flats in the briefcase. We women suffer our toes and our bellies for the betterment of mankind. Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum |
from fairygodmum : |
I just took two and a half bags to the Salvation Army yesterday. Been watching those reality shows that makes you sort out things into KEEP pile, Get Rid of pile and, Trash pile. Still have to go through that keep pile and get rid of 3/4 of it. Wish you lived nearby could mail you a box.... as I have some actually NEW clothes in your size. YES.. I used to be a size 8.... musta been that Fen Fen Craze... way after placental protein shots (remember them?). How'd you lose the weight? Don't tell me the Ole' FAshioned Way. BTW, Piles o junk speaks louder than Moods. Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum |
from fairygodmum : |
Thanks for your encourging words... coming from someone who has reinvented herself more than once. You have blossomed into such a beautiful person, your inspiring words often give me sooo much hope. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum |
from mahvalicious : |
Your photographs are beautiful. And way to go on the weight loss - I work hard at it but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. |
from starlight42 : |
Thanks for the well-wishes hope everything is going good for you guys. :) |
from mahvalicious : |
So glad things are looking better for you. Hope your sore throat is short lived. Lovely Daughter has had one for the last several days - plus everything else that goes along with it. Hope yours is short lived. |
from mahvalicious : |
HUZZAH! Good for Blue Opal. I'm so glad she got out of that mess and can look forward to something more normal. |
from starlight42 : |
I would so do the pay it forward, but I can't think of anything that I can make!! :( I guess that's sad. But I don't knit or anything like that. Oh, and you HAVE to see the movie, I don't know how well or not it did at the box office, but it is personally one of my favorites!! It's just really really good, lots of good actors too, Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, Bon Jovi too, haha. Oh, just wanted to let you know too, that, my rant on my uncle isn't so much about the $$. It's that I feel he hasn't tried to provide for his family, not the small things, or the big things. I mean, when my cousins are 14 and working and having to give him money to pay for the house payment...I don't know, maybe it's because of how I grew up too. I just think it's so sad. It's one thing being a single parent, that's so much harder, it's all on you. That to me wasn't a choice that you made, but I feel like he has chosen what he has done with his life. But, then again, you're right, I don't know the whole story. I just wish it would turn around for them. |
from nilliem : |
Don't. Get. Me. Started. My house would be a homage to Frank Lloyd Wright, if I had my say. Its an old (1870's)farmhouse, with very square lines, and no fussiness, Victorian era nothwithstanding. I would seriously have a very easy time of it. Hell, I might even go as far as mid-century Danish/Swedish stuff; Ikea would make a fortune off me. |
from nilliem : |
Heh...its all about the perspective!!! |
from skibigsky : |
Nope you can keep that 110+ heat. Once it gets past 100, we are DONE, and are inside, air conditioning blasting, the doggies lying on ice packs and us semi-comatose. Eesh. |
from h2ophobic : |
That's so funny about your "$1200 electrical" problem. The SAME thing happened to Shelby yesterday. Bill told her to take her car in for an oil change. When she picked it up the guy gave her a (verbal) list of everything that was "wrong" with her car. Unfortunately for the oil change guy, her dad is a mechanic who knows her car well! They won't be getting any more business from us. I guess he thought since we didn't change the oil ourselves (we're just WAY too busy,) we didn't know anything about cars. Silly man. |
from h2ophobic : |
I love thrift store shopping! All of the shopping we did in Butte was either thrift stores or pawn shops. My best score was 10 books for $5! |
from nilliem : |
Me?? Write a story?? Not bloody likely!! heh I just read them, at Petulant Poetess. I do not write anything but my babblings. Trust me, it would not be a good thing. |
from starlight42 : |
wow, I guess I'm lucky bc diaryland pretty much always works for me, and I dropped my gold!! thanks for all the nice's good hearing a mom's perspective. that's sad about poor toby.. |
from selfbiased : | |
from chaosdaily : |
ooooo try a sewing store, like joann fabrics or something like that for the sheet garters!! |
from nilliem : |
::perk:: Firefox? I use Firefox! Tell me more!! Email me, I'm all ears!! lol |
from boxx9000 : |
WOW! That design looks really good. I especially like the BoXx at the bottom with the star design. HOORAY! Who knows how many times I will switch grades again, but I will always like Van Gogh. THANKS!!! |
from boxx9000 : |
anything you want to do with my template is fine with me. I trust you, |
from boxx9000 : |
You're right, I CAN itemize, but it needs to be a certain percentage of my TOTAL income to be worth any difference on the tax I owe. I never have enough to itemize to make it worth it so I do NOT itemize. I can deduct my school loan interest and that's about it. Oh, and a teacher credit of $250. |
from boxx9000 : |
NOPE, no tax write off. You have to itemize to do that. You can't itemize unless you own a house. I don't want to even THINK about how much money I have spent on ink cartridges alone for printing out pictures of school stuff out of my own pocket. The parents always LOVE having pictures of their kids, they just don't want to have to pay for ANYTHING. |
from her-story : |
Have I said thank you, yet? ;) |
from chaosdaily : |
just make your own! pie crust, the filling is mixed veggies, cooked chicken and cream of whatever soup.. mix it all up, pour it in the crust, cover with another crust and bake. yummy! |
from boxx9000 : |
from tiaris : |
Hi! Clicked over from a certain, er, prolific writer. You had me at the entry in which you mentioned Bush casting spells to get re-elected. Heh! |
from chaosdaily : |
no, i start at 5, and i left today at 9 |
from poolagirl : |
I meant to say are NOT working. Jeeze. |
from poolagirl : |
Your comments are working, kiddo. Just so you know. |
from h2ophobic : |
If you lived closer, I would defintely give you the china cabinet. I was planning to put it in the front yard with a FREE sign on it, but one of Bill's friends wants it for his wife. I have to admit, it makes me feel better to know where it's going. |
from selfbiased : |
are you telling me it doesn't? it appears to on my end. |
from poolagirl : |
Dang girl. Sounds like a shit day for sure. |
from boxx9000 : |
Kelly & Brendan broke up. Their *talk* was to finalize the living arrangements and shared expenses. Brendan is moving out of the house they share by the 1st of May. Kelly is staying with all her animals. (1 dog, 4 cats, 3 lizrds, 2 turtles, 1 frog and 1 hamster) |
from boxx9000 : |
It boggles my mind that a WHOLE house can sell for less than ONE month's mortgage payment here in California. My first mother in law was Russian (my father in law was Iranian) She was NOT allowed to work in the USA but she did anyway. She would bake piroshki (sp?) and sell them to everyone and anyone. My boyfriend from NZ worked here in the states and used a fake SS #. He's now in jail on an unrelated charge (drug smuggling) Maybe that isn't such a good idea afterall. |
from starlight42 : |
That has to be a weird day, to remember someone you once shared a life with, loved etc., is no longer here. It's great you got along with the new wife! |
from chaosdaily : |
next week is the 8th week. he said 8 weeks, minimum! |
from selfbiased : |
thanks. you flatter me in your profile as well. i posess a modicum of wit and charm which has been working unpaid overtime since 1993. also, for reference a phoebe is a kind of bird, similar to a swallow. |
back to brightopal's profile
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