messages to dullstar:
(click here to add new message):
from clammy05 : |
Wow, tough crowd on your IHTM today. I for one enjoyed reading it! Haters gonna hate and all that... |
from clammy05 : |
I'm so sorry for your loss. Grieving sucks and I hope you take good care of yourself. |
from bliss-sad : |
Thank you for the advice! You're right about asking millions of questions and writing down everything my boss says. If there are any other insights you have to offer, I'd love to hear them. I remember that, in addition to working like nine jobs, at one point you were an Office Superhero! Battle stories very much welcome. =) |
from sky-rocket : |
why locked? are you giving out a password? |
from papersails : |
can I have your password? |
from bliss-sad : |
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words of support, I can't express how much better I feel. It was a wonderful affirmation of femininity, and very much needed! All the love in the world to you, doll! |
from z765323814 : |
I am wondering if this is locked to everyone! If not I promise I'm not a stalker, just interested in your writing. Long time reader, loved your diary but I've been away for ages and wonder what's up. I started reading forever ago and check back every now and then, sad it was locked! Hope all is well! |
from bliss-sad : |
Ooh, god, I can relate!! I left my first ultrasound feeling like a rape victim. I hope you get to feeling better, though if it's the kind of woman issues it sounds like, you probably won't feel better until you can cut your uterus out, stomp on it repeatedly and shoot it at close range. Sending love and good energy!! |
from bliss-sad : |
I miss reading your diary; I hope everything is going well for you!! Sending you bunches and bunches of love and positive energy. <3 |
from kateness : |
is your diary locked to everyone? i miss reading x |
from pettyquarrel : |
(I've wondered the same thing.) |
from synchestra : |
Argh how did you get home? Obviously it starts raining. Haha! Part 5. ONE more night to sleep on the job decision. I can't believe I still don't know! |
from synchestra : |
Gross eh. I can't stop telling people. I've just been told I've put someone else off their lunch. Forever. |
from synchestra : |
I say keep doing what keeps you sane. That is an interesting perspective to me -- working full time is just what you do. Isn't it? I too have offensive pants. These are of the tracksuit with heels variety. Serious. |
from synchestra : |
BridesMADness I tell you. Madness. This is my second time. Slow learner! |
from synchestra : |
Two boozey nights down without cigarettes, this is a piece of cake. Only because I want to stop. I just think of the taste now and it's enough to put me off. Ridiculous how hard you have to work to get addicted. It's gross. Silly. |
from synchestra : |
It's really a time factor for me too -- would that I was born with a head full of hair that was washed and dried at least without frizz. At least. First world problems, eh. One-million-and-one more worthy things to do with my time than do my fecking hair. |
from errantnights : |
i sure hope you are working tonight because i am pretty sure i'm dying. |
from errantnights : |
pancakes. |
from waterstain : |
it was from a man with three teeth and a "jesus saves" sign. so, no. although he did go to all the trouble of digging in the dumpster behind jack in the box to find that receipt to write the note on, and if that's not romantic i don't know what is. |
from errantnights : |
edit? |
from bethshort : |
I love solitary walks through cities. DC sounds interesting. |
from stellarose : |
end of may...some vague date in the 20s. :) i WOULD just go now if i fact, i keep thinking about shirking tutoring and job responsibilities and just packing like a crazy person and getting the hell out of dodge first thing in may. i just signed a lease (eeep! won't see the apartment until april 3!) that starts may 1, so i could just get settled and get sorted. find a waitressing job. cuddle the cats. sigh. |
from bliss-sad : |
Thanks for your worry! Me and passenger were both fine! Which is incredibly surprising. Slick roads, swerved for a deer, met a pole. Ooh, the MidWest! |
from waterstain : |
i did; i took that picture in 2002, in galveston. unfortunately i don't have the original anymore so the one you see is the largest image size i have. too bad. also: thank you. :) |
from stellarose : |
i miss you on the evil f@cebook. and i missed your birthday, didn't i?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! xoxoxo |
from abhorgod : |
i think im going to IM you, and youre going to fall in love with me. but that's just a guess. |
from sky-rocket : |
i used to read you, then you locked, and i changed diaries. password please? [email protected] |
from stellarose : |
EXACTLY. that's totally it. and what i said point-blank last night was, "are you sure you don't just want to be single?" i do believe that this whole situation is what has pushed him over the edge to seriously questioning his life as it stands. but i am as prepared, i guess as much as i possibly can be, for the very real possibility that the dissolution of his marriage does not equal eternal (or perhaps even temporary) bliss for us. BOLLOCKS. |
from stellarose : |
sunday through wednesday...crashing with a friend after sunday night (they put us up in a hotel while they're determining whether or not we're good enough for them) and just kicking around the city. |
from stellarose : |
where are you? i worry when i haven't heard from you in over a week. |
from emperorincxt : |
heya, im on a new comp and dont have your pw.. could you resend it pretty please?? [email protected] thankyou! |
from z765323814 : |
Hi, can I have a password? Pretty please? I used to read you when I had a computer, and now that I have one again, you're locked! [email protected] |
from stellarose : |
why won't your page load?? :( |
from alanajar : |
No wonder I haven't been able to read you in forever. I don't have your password. :( Thanks for the comments to me though. It always means a lot. |
from justjones : |
Hey, you were at Soho, one of my favorite SB spots! We'll be there Sunday night to see Glen Phillips (sadly, not for free). Come have a drink with us! |
from justjones : |
Thanks for the password. I'll have absolutely no difficulty remembering it. :) |
from emperorincxt : |
aloha, pw please? [email protected] I meant to email you, apparently I got distracted, sorry! |
from justjones : |
Howdy, longtime reader here. Can I have the password? Please? ~Kim |
from stellarose : |
it's been a million and a half years.....and two million and a half since first we read one another....bah! no point to this, really, just funny how that time thing is, yah. |
from forty-plus : |
{{{Hugs}}} from someone who understands. |
from forty-plus : |
I am as FAR from a saint as one can get. Trust me on this one! :) |
from forty-plus : |
Happy New Year! |
from tailbonelust : |
My deodorant is not solid, it's more of a cream. Maybe that's why. |
from tailbonelust : |
When I shave my pits and put deodorant on right after, it burns like hell. Haha. Are you just trying to get me to do it so that my vulva burns? |
from hotpinkviews : |
hey! wer'e from hotpinkviews...and we're wondering if you still want that review you requested, i dunno, couple of years ago?! haha..we're thinking of bringing the site back up, and wanna keep track of requests. hope to hear from you soon! XO bender |
from curiouoso : |
Thanks, for adding me to your favorites. I hope I can live up to your standards! I write for myself usually though the big wedding has taken precidence lately. Such a beautiful bride, such a shameless hussy of a 16 yr old cousin, (I lust for that girl, Too bad I'm too law abiding and old for that crap), especially such a handsome father of the bride! Enjoy, I suppose you'll drop me after this! Goleta, an amazing place to live. I remember bank of america being repeatedly burned down in the early 70's in protest of vietnam, UCSB a really fine school. Good luck, Curiouoso* |
from unknown- : |
and i still think your fabulous, of course. |
from rs536-2000 : |
Are you still a big Michale Ian Black fan? He was on Celebrity Poker Challenge this week--sure to be re-run on Bravo if you wanna see it... |
from waterstain : |
maybe i need to stick to diagramming other peoples' sentences. :D by the way, any news on your dad? |
from lasvegasliz : |
I LOVE Paris! She is so rocktacular awesome. |
from lasvegasliz : |
Dude, we're totally doing a whole bunch of crap for Shasta college, like all these documentaries and stuff. That's just weird. Also, I have cramps too. Thank you. |
from lasvegasliz : |
dude, why aren't we myspace buddies yet? That is a travesty! I am here -- yay! |
from forty-plus : |
Woe is YOU? Pooh on you, more likely! :) |
from forty-plus : |
I always tip 20% and more when the server is really good. That's the way it should be! |
from forty-plus : |
It is my pleasure. |
from lasvegasliz : |
hey lady...congrats on 3 years. That really IS a long time and I wish you well and all that stuff. Muah! |
from neshachan : |
Hey there, I am super afraid of spiders too, I hate them with the burning fire of 10,000 suns, but I have a suggestion. I got a bunch of those super-sonic silent bug-repelling thingies, I thought it sounded like a joke, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try them. I put two upstairs, and one in the basement, and I would guess that the spider population of my home has gone down approximately 80-90%. I really think they work! Can't hurt to try. |
from unknown- : |
ARGH. I decide not to log into diaryland for a while and end up completely missing you in seattle. I suppose I should also check my email more often. I'm sorry I suck so much. |
from tailbonelust : |
Why, thank you. I was thinking it was [shame] Cyndi Lauper. :( |
from stellarose : |
ohh girlie girl. you're not going batshit. we're young. we're SUPPOSED to be free. it's unnatural for us to be tied down. and it's scary as hell to NEED someone more than you want to, but fighting it just makes us crazier. i totally feel your fears, and i completely understand where you are. i wish i had advice. i wish i knew answers---to ANY questions. i would say "trust your instincts" but gals like us have twisted our instincts up in our overly analytical brains until there's nothing left to go on by gut. we have to find our own happiness before we'll ever be happy with someone else. i wish i knew if that meant we had to be single to find it.... x c. |
from stellarose : |
oh my GOD i'm totally doing the same thing! i can find the most incredible stuff to flip out about. EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. who knew? our poor men. gah. x c. |
from neshachan : |
I LOVE Mr. Clean magic eraser. It is joy beyond joy. |
from unknown- : |
yes, drinks. And I promise to behave myself too. x |
from stellarose : |
"I bent over to pick up Damien's poo and collapsed due to severe lower back agony." i hate to say it, but it does conjure up images of you landing face-first in poo. funny, in an ICK sort of way. |
from angelicagirl : |
Wisdom teeth are the mad suckage. When I had mine out I ate apple sauce for a week and a half. It was tragic. |
from lasvegasliz : |
I'm right there with you on the storytelling, girly. I want to write, and I NEED to write, but I'm deathly afraid of failure. Geebus. |
from neshachan : |
Owieeeee....T___T |
from nccountry : |
I like your mcdonalds banner! funny! |
from unknown- : |
A few things. First, come visit Seattle. I will take you to Shorty's and kick your ass at pinball. Second, I forget to read your diary for a few days and then spend 20 minutes catching up... And every time I forget just how much I love the way you write. Thirdly, and lastly... Well, there really isn't a third thing. I just wanted to make one up. Xxx |
from toastreview : |
your reivew is up! |
from rs536-2000 : |
thanks for reminding me--I actually have arnica at home. |
from extremesock : |
Those pictures are awesome, especially the dogs!! So cute! |
from rs536-2000 : |
hey, thanks for adding me to your faves. I like the way you write! |
from boogityx2 : |
I am crazy jealous of your clickthrough rates. I don't think I've ever beaten 8%. |
from extremesock : |
Oooh, you're awesome. |
from chibizuum : |
I found you through your banner. HAH, there's an evil monkey in my closet too. =B He cwazy. I shall now add you to favorites. >D |
from unknown- : |
I love you. I love the new layout. I love the fact I'm still reading your diary- because it's the only one I really read on a consistent basis after all this time. I will come to california and beat the shit out of whomever stole your car- that is, as soon as you find out who did it. xxx |
from zostrich : |
i completely agree with you about the youth thing. i'm eighteen (almost nineteen) and a third year in college, but for my entire life, i've felt this strange panic, like i'm running out of time to get things done. i'm transferring in a year, and because i'm also changing majors, i probably won't graduate until i'm 23. it's upsetting because that'll be six years in school, but also because my youth (and my height) have always been sort of my thing, what made me special. now that i won't have that to distinguish me anymore, i will be (gasp) just like everyone else. a scary thought. i might have to start thinking in terms of personal achievement and not on a timeline, which is hard to do these days. |
from zostrich : |
i love your new layout!! |
from lasvegasliz : |
Not that I'm lazy or anything, but go back and read your review that I did, cuz there's a jillion good entries that I linked there. The heartbreak entries were especially captivating. |
from mistresyo : |
Happy birthday!!! I hope you'll have 365 days of fun! ^_^ |
from bedbunny : |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i was hoping maybe i would be the first to wish you a happy 21st-- but of course, i wasn't! :) |
from lasvegasliz : |
Happy birthday girly.. 21 rocks out with its cock out. |
from usmcsis : |
no fuss, just a little happy birthday wish. |
from grody : |
happy birthday! i dont think ive ever said hi before, but hey, ive been obsessively reading you for a while, nice to meet you! have a fun, drunk 21st :) |
from alicefalls : |
I too am a receptionist, today I have done a total of ones here and Im just seeing how sick I can get by spinning in my chair! OH MY GOD! I LOVE Totoro! I used to have a shirt about 10 years ago that I got in China town, I still have a totoro purse and a dustbunny coin purse as well as a purring cat bus. That movie is simply the happiest thing on earth! |
from lasvegasliz : |
Dude, totally. Take it from someone who has read more than a few of your entries.. you have grown, my dear. And yet I know that you're still a bit disenchanted, but that's okay, because we all are. |
from lasvegasliz : |
I have yet to see an Extreme Home Makeover without crying my eyes out. I think it's a chick thing. |
from silver-blue : |
Some people seem to think they own everything and that everyone is casually borrowing off them therefore we owe them something. It's a sad and sickening attempt at attention seeking. Lame and pathetic, better than they deserve really. |
from zostrich : |
canada gave us joni mitchell, jones soda and the cirque du soleil. plus they legalize gay marriage. ergo, that country owns. if it weren't so cold (i'm from florida) i would be up there like a shot. |
from lasvegasliz : |
Dude, I took algebra like 14 times in college. The only reason I passed the last time was because of the gigantic crush I had on the teacher. |
from tunefultuna : |
Redding? I've been to Redding. I live like 4 hours east of there. I don't heard of many people going to Redding so that was kind of funny to me. Hehe. |
from kraven15 : |
I came across your diary through an ad. Well sometimes you gotta relax and not take some things so seriously. But I do agree with what you wrote about those plastic surgery thing. It's stupid. Anywayz, take care! |
from silver-blue : |
Just leaving a note to say I dropped by. Life is far too important to ever be taken seriously. |
from lasvegasliz : |
calm down, beyotch! my story is now up for your viewing pleasure. I have to warn you that the ending is pretty much a big giant cop out and I probably should have taken the time to find some closure with it, but hey man! 50,000! |
from jackthripper : |
Email me if you want the password to my diary [email protected] |
from unknown- : |
*ack* I love you. You know I do. But I especially love you for your most recent entry. My now unlocked diary will explain. |
from soror : |
I'm lovin' your "I'm hatin' it" banner. :D |
from unknown- : |
Oh my dear- I shall email you. Do i have your email? You know I would never deny you passage to my diary..... |
from mr-knowitall : |
You're baiting me... aren't you? |
from mr-knowitall : |
You didn't. But after Flordia 2000 one can jump to conclusions. |
from mr-knowitall : |
If you click on my "why I support "W" link" on my blog, you'll know "why". It's old, and outdated, but accurate as to my position. Regarding the count in Ohio, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell was very cooperative (Kerry even said so) with the Kerry camp to help them get an accurate picture of the status of the provsional ballots. It was based on the information provided by Mr. Blackwell that Kerry decided to concede. There is no scandal, no hiding of votes, there simply were not enough to overcome the 130,000 vote difference. Kerry said so himself. |
from mr-knowitall : |
For your kind words, "FUCK YOU OHIO". It was really nice of you. It gave me a real big warm fuzzy. Plus, it gives me a greater inclination to vote Democrat in the future. |
from mr-knowitall : |
Being a Bush voter, from Ohio, I'm obliged to say... Thank you, and have a nice day. I wish you and your family well. |
from sarkasmo : |
wait a second, that was supposed to say i'm _SO_ embarrassed to live here. wtf? |
from sarkasmo : |
I KNOW. I am so pissed off at this whole election, I could spit. Ptoo-ptoo. I didn't even know that amendment was going to be on the ballot in Ohio (which is where I live). That was sneaky and underhanded, and I'm not embarrassed to live here. On behalf of all the ohio voters who DON'T have their heads up their asses, I am SO SORRY. |
from blakkrayn : |
Congrats on 2 yrs :) I know Ive mentioned it before, but dammit, it shall be mentioned *again* I love your writing style. Take care. |
from sarkasmo : |
webdings, then? |
from the-regret : |
I clicked your banner so i'm saying hello..Helloooo |
from lasvegasliz : |
Our dog isn't as smart as yours.. he watches Animal Planet all day long. |
from kacklefight : |
haha, i like this stuff, funny. dont mind if i add you as a friend? |
from banefulvenus : |
the banner was great your site is amazing! |
from waterstain : | i ask you to read this, and then feel free to delete this note if it messes up the formatting of your notes page. also, so many of these schools taught sight reading before, and NCLB pushes phonics, which is proven to be a much more effective way to teach children to read. i won't touch minimum wage in this itty bitty white box i have to type in. |
from stellarose : |
wow, TWO YEARS ago! i remember the "fall in love with yourself" conversation. time flies. i feel old. merh. xxx |
from sarkasmo : |
i feel your pain, sister. only, *i'm* the optimist (and that's stretching it). but wow yeah, the pizza-buying thing, and the having to deal with the fact that all he wants is for you to be could be ME, except i would never have chosen wingdings as a font on my webpage. pbblt. |
from waterstain : |
i think you are my new favorite. this makes me happy. |
from for-you-only : |
Cool layout. Hey, want a button for your site? Check out Really awesome. Nice banner by the way, I laughed. |
from bedbunny : |
you rock! ...carry on. |
from indigo-love : |
great banner! ("i'm hatin' it") :) |
from lasvegasliz : |
your doggy makes me giggle. |
from lasvegasliz : |
your doggy makes me giggle. |
from unknown- : |
a few things. first, i forgot just how much i love reading your diary. I haven't done much but skim it in a while. Your writing style just delights me, and always has. Second, auntie mame is one of my favorite books in the whole world. You are fabulous. And last, I'm glad that you and Aaron are still together and content. It makes me happy. *kiss* keep up the good writing. Don't ever quit. xxx |
from candoor : |
from out of the blue, I hope today is much better :) |
from lasvegasliz : |
I hate people who ask me if I'm tired. What business is it of theirs? Also, are you just getting some wicked banner love? Lots of people adding you to their favorites? It's good stuff, isn't it? |
from iamhubpluh : |
I loved your banner, the Calvin & Hobbs, it reminded me of my 3rd grade boyfriend, whom always carried that book around with him all the time. 'Wild Horses' is on a CD I burned for my beau, it is a great song. I really liked the cover as well, it was in the movie FEAR when he did that thing on the roller coaster... yea, great scene... |
from batouttahill : |
yikes *applause to Queen BS* |
from batouttahill : |
Overanalyzation... aka, BS. |
from lasvegasliz : |
Man alive! Wild Horses is like top 5 most depressing songs ever. But rock on anyway! |
from usmcsis : |
i understand your opinion, even if i don't agree with it. :) but reguardless, i still love to read your entries. toodles ~ cindy |
from batouttahill : |
Yikes, A & P. One of the worst stories I've read, but good luck to you =) |
from usmcsis : |
my brother is one of those "volunteers." eight years ago, when he was 17, he signed his name on the dotted line, knowing that if it came down to it, it would be his duty to go to war and that he could be injured or even killed. he has lost many friends in the past eight years, several in iraq this past year or two. but he is a Marine, it's his job, it's his family, it's his life. i read your diary every day, despite the fact that i don't agree with you politically. i have no intention of trying to change your mind, i don't talk politics with anyone, and i find it interesting and educational to hear other people's points of view. good luck with your paper. ~ cindy |
from thecaper : |
I agree, intimate gigs are much better. The first time I saw them it was an MTV music week thing, so there were lots ofpeople that didn't give a shit about the libertines. The 2nd time it was in a really nice venue that holds 300 people :) |
from thecaper : |
Ohh you saw the libertines! That's awesome. I saw them one of the first times they came to play in Spain about 2 yeara ago, and then the following time they came. It was ace :) I got to meet John (bassist) and the drummer (oops, don't know his name!) and they were really nice and friendly :) There was an old man with them that must have been their manager or something and the girls from the table next to us asked if he was the singer from suede lol |
from banefulvenus : |
love your monkey banner!! :) |
from raven72d : |
Your diary is a delightful random-links find... I will be reading here... |
from apostrophe22 : |
I totally agree, I'm sick of the biased coverage too. I did like the debate last night though I only caught a little of it here and there. : ) |
from ejaculated : |
im also sick of the election... and im canadian. i think, here, ive heard more aboutyour election than i did about my own. |
from thecaper : |
yay for cool concerts! I'm in need of a good gig now...the hives next month! I hope you're not scared by my stalking, but I came across your diary somehow and liked it, so I added you to my favs :) |
from brucegirl : |
I clicked on your cool monkeybanner :-) I can relate to your latest entry (written the 29th). I feel the same way often. Btw, it looks like a great diary. I'll be back for more reading. |
from blakkrayn : |
Came in from a banner... I love the way you come across in a comical sort of way. Good read, definetly will be back. Take care. xo |
from cammella : |
I was caught by you're banner and ability to be so srtaight forward, I likes you mucho! |
from realitychic : |
Your banner caught my attention (pretty funny), but your diary is even greater! Very comical and refreshing. I look forward to reading more :) |
from hamiltonian : |
I love your journal. You look great in that marilyn monroe shirt. You have great style, am I also mean in the way you write. |
from justjones : | have to go check out violetwoman's entry may have been yesterday or the day before. I was reading yours today and had a weird deja vu, because she mentioned the same study about people who keep diaries! Weird. Love your diary, by the way. ~Kim |
from sassykk : |
Thanks for the comment miss Thing. I edited my entry and changed the name while you were posting on my comments page, so, your coment isn't viasble to others, I just wanted you to know that I didn't delete it. You have a good point in regards to Kerry. This is part of my supreme frustration and aggrivation. I told a friend of mine today that finding a good date is as difficult as finding a good politician. Like your blog... you are heading for my favorites. Thanks againg! |
from jackthripper : |
Ajax eh? Not my cup of tea but whatever suits you. That's alright. I like a lady with a little spunk in her step.:) |
from jackthripper : |
Hmm... |
from jackthripper : |
You have an interesting way of writing. Tell me...have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? I can assure you he'd love your "patented" death stare.. |
from taintedviews : |
review, finished, finally |
from austinliz : |
Wow. You're like.. smart and stuff. |
from unknown- : |
great. now you tell me about the evil customers! I'm pretty good at dealing with bitchy people though, so i'll be okay. i love your page layout btw... |
from dtreview : |
Yo. Your review is finally up. Sorry for the wait. |
from alicefalls : |
yesterday a giant woman sat down beside me and pulled out of her backpack a giant peice of stick meat, kalbasa? pepperoni? it was bigger than my arm and stunk and she would just tear a peice off with her teeth and eat it open mouthed. I gagged many times. |
from unknown- : |
$12.25 an hour. But then agian, I'm getting hired as a lead teller instead of just basic teller. And the benefits are GREAT! |
from batouttahill : |
*hug*! "Everything will work out, if you let it." |
from blinkrevu : |
Your review's done. |
from austinliz : |
I sympathize with your light situation... I hate light, and I hate glare, and I hate being home when there's light because it makes me feel all hateful-like. I put a sheet on my window so I can pretend it's always dark! I also sympathize with you on the cheating thing. Completely, as a matter of fact. |
from blinkrevu : |
Yo, it's Josh. We'll get your review started. Be forewarned that I'm in a shit mood. See ya. |
from blinkrevu : |
Hey, we need people to review. You in? |
from pandorasrain : |
Your diary is great. I love your entries. We have a lot in common, the dreams.. leave the light on a little longer than usual.. A few other things I won't mention now.. I added you to my favorite entries, if you don't mind. Take care. - Kimmie |
from blondie364 : |
Hey there. Followed your lamp banner to your diary. I sympathize with the receptionist-ness, as I too am one (for the moment anyways.) Gotta love ordering supplies...and filing...and...other stuff that we do. I'll read more in between answering the phone (not that it ever rings). |
from pandorasrain : |
My favorite aspect about bipolar is the hypomania.. You feel euphoric; Like you could conquer the world. Then some asshole says the wrong thing and screws it all up. Ha Ha ;) I ran across your banner a smidgen back and thought I would say hello. So, Hello. By the way, You're more important than a box of Kleenex, a ghetto lamp or a computer in a back room. Ciao -Kimmie |
from rixbear : |
As with the others, I followed your banner and enjoyed what you had to say. Thanks. |
from augustdreams : |
I couldn't resist the banner-ad that said your diary was 3 years old and this was it's first banner. I really enjoyed reading your 75-facts list. I'll be back! :) |
from pornoviolent : |
marry me please |
from sugar-slit : |
I just added you as a favourite. I clicked on a funny banner of Stewy from The Family Guy and it took me to your diary. I'll be busy reading all of your archives this weekend! Come by and check me out if you ever have time. |
from antihoyhoys : |
That's one of my favorite quotes from the 'Perk Of Being A Wallflower'. I like your diary a lot. :) -SEw |
from argolam : |
The last thing I want is to disappoint your diary. Banner rejection at age three can be very traumatic. Hi, by the way. |
from austinliz : |
First of all, I can dig it too. Second, I too had to go to the dentist two or three times so they could go digging, and that was after not going for a couple of years. Spooky, eh? |
from unknown- : |
hi. missed you. i've been away for a while..... |
from sarahsundae : |
i wanted to say i enjoyed your diary and that i enjoyed your 75 things. i am also very obsessive and i love #20 "I'm really apathetic". apathy is my favorite word right now. rock on! |
from blueeyes19 : |
hey dullstar i just wanted to tell you that I love your diary. You are witty and have a knack for writing. I hope it is ok to add you as a favorite. I understand the whole receptionist thing. I am a receptionist too and it definitely is enough to make me want to have a nervous breakdown sometimes. check out my diary if you want! steph |
from austinliz : |
Isn't it strange that at this time, we are both in sucktastic receptionist jobs that we hate and where we are fully undervalued? Thanks for reading my stuff... when I reviewed you and merely suggested the thought, I didn't think you'd actually do it! But it does make me feel all squishy and special, so rock on. And wow, you get to make Phone Cards? I wish I got to do something other than getting the mail and answering the phone! I'm jealous! Die, receptionist position. |
from austinliz : |
Dude, watching Behind the Music 100 times is only the first signs of obsession.. it is sure to get much, much worse. Thanks for the shout out! It made me all squishy inside. |
from punk-reviews : |
Hey it's KizzyKim from Punk Reviews. You're up! Thanks for requesting. |
from fuckyouviews : |
You've been judged. |
from r-e-v-i-e-w : |
Your review's finally up. |
from austinliz : |
Hey! Rock on. |
from clarity25 : |
Hey, I found you on a review site on the pending list..Something about your name made me click on your link. I've been reading through your diary and really enjoying it, I'll be back. Just thought I would say "hi!" |
from gumphood : |
hi. Well good. I am glad I can keep you entertained. Any requests about a topic you want to read about!? |
from gumphood : |
hi dullstar. YOu like reviews I see...hmmm... anyway. Hoz it going? |
from truth-review : |
Hi, your review is up. |
from cherryrevue : |
Your review is up! Thank you for requesting a review and hope you enjoy it :) |
from dani-lou : |
Your review is up at Boughetti-Reviews. Toodles, Dani. |
from critiques : |
I've added a new rule at Critiques. Please check it out to make sure it isn't a problem in your journal. If it is, either fix it or let me know to take you off the pending list. Thanks. |
from austinliz : |
and also you're making me want to go back and read my own diary! because I used to be amusing, once. |
from austinliz : |
As your new self-appointed stalker, I must tell you that Mean Girls has that whole "And this is what happens after the movie" thing at the end. Also, they said something about Damien in the movie and I thought of your dog. That's not weird, is it? Rock on. |
from unknown- : |
Yeah, I know. I already looked at WaMu, but they aren't hiring for full time postions right now, which is really the only thing that I would leave my current job for. Benefits. *sigh* But thank you for caring sweetie. Seems like Cali is going well for you. |
from austinliz : |
Hey, um, not that it matters because you liked your review anyway, but some of the links were all messed-up like and went to things that I didn't really want them to go to, like the bridget jones and my most favortist entry. Just so you know! I'm shutting up now. |
from my-reviews : |
You've been reviewed, woman - Rock on. |
from acidreviews : |
Your review is up. |
from bbreviews : |
your review is up. |
from bbreviews : |
Your review will be posted on the 26th of April. Thanks for you patience |
from bbreviews : |
It's Bondagebear here. I'm back on track with my reviews and am going to redo your review tonight and hopefully post it tomorrow. Sorry for the wait. You are an angel of patience. |
from sporkreviews : |
Heya, your review is up on spork, hope you like it. - Kylie |
from unknown- : |
*gasp* goodness. I forgot just how much I love you... |
from crashreviews : |
Your review is up |
from justreviews : |
Your review is up! |
from stoner-girl : |
Hiya sorry it took so long but your review is up at Well done for getting a such a good mark. |
from false-apathy : |
Personality through grapefruit... Very interesting. ^^; |
from slutreviews : | |
from gayboyspurse : |
That Coke commercial sounds almost as if it's borderlining the promotion of bulimia. Eat everything you want when no one is looking, otherwise hide it. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. I haven't seen it yet. Sounds like it's going to piss me off though if I do manage to catch a glimpse. |
from unknown- : |
*gag* Nasty hipster pubes! |
from unknown- : |
Ohhh, I would hope that I would never do anything horrible to you. I can't imagine myself doing anything overely horrible anyway. |
from nannercafl : |
Seriously, where ARE you? I hope you're okay. |
from unknown- : |
Where the fuck are you? Dammit. You haven't updated in DAYS. |
from alonereviews : |
your review is up at |
from unknown- : |
Top Pot doughnuts are the bestest of the restest. Chicago is icky and cold, I agree. xoxoxoxox |
from tool-nin-fan : |
The layout looks great. I like the playlist feature. |
from candor : |
Happy schmappy you! |
from tool-nin-fan : |
Happy Birthday! |
from unknown- : |
Oh, and I'm not fat. |
from unknown- : |
*snort* yeah, because you are SOOO fucking chubby. Hell, if you are chubby, then I'm fat. |
from tool-nin-fan : |
*luck* |
from unknown- : |
ah, and I am the glad. *crosses fingers that you will find an equally fabulous job* |
from unknown- : |
*grumble* You finally come in to my place of work, and I friggin missed it?!?!?! |
from unknown- : |
Moving is one of the most stressful things that can happen to a person. I hope for your sake everything turns out okay. And that you get to keep your doggie in the end. |
from compendious : |
Your review is complete. Thanks for your patience. |
from unknown- : |
No way, rudy's sucks... They have majorly fucked up my hair every time I have gone there. |
from unknown- : |
there are about 4 diaries that i read on a regular basis. yours is one of them. (dont worry, i'm not stalker-creepy or anything.) |
from unknown- : |
pretty pretty princess! :D |
from indie-snob : |
Hey there! I just posted a review for the Spoon show I saw tonight and thought you may be interested. I have a bunch of other concert and album reviews here, too. Check it out, thanks! |
from unknown- : |
suzy sounds like someone who was worth knowing. Life is too bad like that sometimes. |
from on-rewind : |
i related so much to that last entry of yours that i nearly cried. i'm not nearly jaded enough, either. and that angers me like nothing has ever angered me... |
from lvesgurl : |
Hi! You live in Washington right? well do you know a boy named Chris Franck? Maybe not but if you do please tell me! Bye!:) |
from unknown- : |
All right! 5 messages in a row.. I have a plan started to take over your notes section.... Just wanted to tell you I enjoyed your pictures (very hurriane experience reminicient), and think you and *not really* your friends are very cute. Hurrah. :D |
from unknown- : |
When someone loses a friend, everyone tells you "oh, I'm so sorry for you!" or "I once lost a friend too"... But they really dont understand Exactly how YOu feel about it, in YOur situation. I dont know you, except from what I read. So all I can say is, I hope that you heal soon. ~ |
from unknown- : |
I did not make it to the donnas either. sad. |
from unknown- : |
oops, would you delete on of those? I hate when I do that... Anyway, wanted to tell you easy street records over in queen anne is having a free concert on the 23rd,*of febuary* which is this sunday at 2pm, and after they play, they are having a sign and meet n' greet at 4:30... Just thought I would let you know..... |
from unknown- : |
An introduction into another persons life is sometimes a hard thing to take. Most preliminary first glances into someone else�s diary is usually boring and turns you off, leaving you flipping through the most recently updated to find something else to read. Your diary did not do this to me, I think the lovely picture of the naked female helped a little, but your writing is interesting, forthcoming and honest. Also, you are lovely at least what I can see from your pictures, perhaps I will have the luck of running into you on the streets of our fair city sometime�� |
from stellarose : |
hey, you may be wickedly in debt, you boyfriend may indeed be an on-again off-again fuckhead, but you're NOT ugly. *SR |
from goldenshovel : |
Good luck with the smoking thing! I understand how tough it can be. |
from goldenshovel : |
Uh-oh... I saw your pictures. You are cute. |
from goldenshovel : |
thanks for adding me to your favorites. Us seattlites have to stick together. |
from goldenshovel : |
She lives near seattle! She has a picture of a half-woman on her site! She talks about secks! (What else is there?) |
from threadss : |
i think it's awesome that you're some random person across the country that also likes to have a 'retreat from the sun' sing along in their car. rock on. |
from squeeky : |
hey just wanted to let you know that I have gone all covert on your ass and taken my diary underground. email me at "[email protected]" for your password |
from endemic : |
Journals are no longer sacred things. |
from itrymybest : |
hey, thanks for listing me on your favorites . . . i'm hoping i merited the listing for reasons *other* than being cute . . . :) |
from katholik : |
Well, you don't know me, but I have been checking your diary for a month or so. If you be going to livejournal, I guess this is goodbye. As I'm not a fan of them(and I forgot my password). So yes. Bye. |
from sukeboking : |
from silveryrain : |
hey,next time you have something to say to me just say it. By the way, I know its a fucked up thing to say but the truth is much better than the fake shit other people give you. If you want me to fuck off then...why the hell are you saying you want to live with me. Oh lie...oh how I thought I should try to give you the benefit of the mistake. Hey, just FYI I haven't been your friend since your true self came out and I realized how self centered and fake you are. Hence the fact I avoided you for a long time. I was trying to make it work cuz of Suzzi but thats beside the point now. |
from stellarose : |
you're awesome. i like purusing your diary, and your pics are so cute! anyway, i'm glad someone else worries about parental worries. ahh. *SR |
from trealm : |
i have both nipples pierced, and it kicks so much ass. :) |
from srch-n-dstry : |
Do as the prompt tells you to do and remember: Search And Destroy. |
from missmari : |
just a quick note to thank you for joining my ring. i knew i wasn't the only one proud to be a bitter bitch. |
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