The Inner Workings of a Zencelt

I am Queen of the Penises.

I am Corporate Girl.

I am Travel Whore.

I am Yoga Fanatic.

I am Buddha Bellied.

I am Mostly Irish.

I am Nice to Animals.

I am A Fuck Up.

I am Optimistic.

I am a Princess of Assholia.

My favorite diaries:

sixweasels profile - diary
comments: "Princess of Assholia" Friend since college, and alcohol - er - socialization advisor. Really, she saved me from being a lost, boring wallflower those many years ago.
batten profile - diary
comments: A friend in "real life" and a powerhouse of a woman. Don't get me wrong though, she's really a sentimental softie.
captainron profile - diary
comments: Reminds me of the favorites at The Bar, minus the red neck and missing teeth.
rachelliz profile - diary
comments: Another single person living the life.
dolffie profile - diary
comments: One of those people who warm up a room by entering it. Such positive energy!
janie12975 profile - diary
comments: This girl is a riot! If I ever have to go through what she is, please let me have her sense of humor.
nacwolin profile - diary
comments: Warm, loving and hysterical. Keeps me in good with God.
tara10573 profile - diary
comments: My hero. Has kiddos coming out her ears!
duranfanatic profile - diary
comments: OK. I met this guy. He's my hero. He's brilliant. I'm not worthy.
golfwidow profile - diary
comments: To say she is funny is not descriptive enough. Her observations are riotous!
eastportgrrl profile - diary
comments: Reminds me of those USO gals who entertained the troops during WW2. All glamour. Except when sailing that is...
dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: He pissed on his cat, and his dog shit on his bed. Its potty humor to the extreme.
Marn profile - diary
comments: Marn has the lovliest dry humor around. Beautiful.
marlen816 profile - diary
comments: Spiritual advisor, buddy and kick ass woman.
july28 profile - diary
comments: Gets to see kilts more than I do, the wench, er, witch, er wench.
gnomad profile - diary
comments: My first D-land crush, still going strong. So very lickable...but very much taken (bad Zen!)
outfoxed profile - diary
comments: I love the "sound " of his voice so to speak.
oldhippie profile - diary
comments: When I met him for the first time at The Bar, I felt like I'd known him forever.
arc-angel666 profile - diary
comments: "His Royal Highness, the Spiritual Advisor of Assholia, and Master of Slutishisness"
revmetalhead profile - diary
comments: Sleeps with Nacwolin. Very funny. Not the sleeping with part...
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: A guide and mentor I will never measure up to. But I have learned a hell of a lot by reading her. Go. Go now!
youdunnome profile - diary
comments: "fuck jello!" Heart, soul and irreverant humor. What more do you want?
grimshawn profile - diary
comments: Six's friend who seems all too familar. Must be an annexed member of Assholia.
roadiepig profile - diary
comments: Grim's dad and what a man he is. Very cool pics.
poolagirl profile - diary
comments: Real life pirate! Sorta...
bluemeany profile - diary
comments: And I quote: "It Will Suck Itself Before I Give You Any, So Stop Asking, You Mangy Motherfucker."
thunderdave profile - diary
comments: A real, live journalist. Wonderful snippets.
bebegracie profile - diary
comments: British student working through a myriad of challenges that life has thrown her. Wonderful poetess.
bunny828 profile - diary
comments: She's got a wacked out momma too. We have to stick together, we unmothered ones..
crazy4muffin profile - diary
comments: Professional ass kicker and crazy is about right. Keen observations on the criminal justice system and fast food drive throughs.
betchy profile - diary
comments: Betchy is bitchin'!
radiogurl profile - diary
comments: A dear friend of the dynamic duo Dangerspouse and Archangel 666.
wildrosie profile - diary
comments: Exactly what you would expect from the name.
candoor profile - diary
comments: Strong opinions, passion and a beautiful heart in one man.
curiouoso profile - diary
theswordsman profile - diary
comments: Gotta dig a man with a big sword...
dimstar profile - diary
comments: Maybe not as dim as she thinks.
blujeans-uk profile - diary
greenwitch profile - diary
nicim profile - diary
theoutpost profile - diary
comments: The newly single, the original, the bar none Princess of Assholia. We have laughed, we have cried, we have gotten piss faced drunk then laughed some more. This is the public journal of Sixweasels of Assholia.
jarofporter profile - diary
annanotbob profile - diary
comments: a new friend
fairybones profile - diary
comments: lovely lady I met thru Porter
dulligirl profile - diary
comments: new friend via Rachel

My favorite music:

The 70s
comments: John Denver, Gordon Lightfoot and George Harrison formed my happy childhood
The 80s
comments: Howard Jones, U2, The Ramones, The Sex Pistols and Cindi Lauper defined the rebellious, yet soulful teenager.
The 90s
comments: Sting's best stuff and U2s revival. I discovered the Pogues. Smashing Pumpkins: I'm still in mourning.
comments: Listening to Amelie and A Good Year make me want to be French.
Young Dubliners
comments: Thanks C! Introduced me to the most rockin' Irish band in the world.

My favorite movies:

Nacho Libre
comments: Jack Black in blue spandex prancing around a wrestling ring and eating toast cracks me up.
comments: How much funnier does crime get?
Sean of the Dead
comments: I don't know. A sick, twisted sense of humor? Death at a Funeral ran a close second.
The Holiday
comments: Like a dream come true. If only for two hours.
Passion of Mind
comments: I could watch it a million times and still cry like a baby.

My favorite authors:

Diana Gabaldon
comments: The Voyager series touched my celtic heart, and left me with a fettish for men in kilts!!!
comments: Kicks some writer ass!
Wilbur Smith
comments: Raw, uninhibited, third world adventure.
Julia Quinn
comments: Because I love romance, and I love sex. Because I want to write as well as her. The Bridgerton series rocks!
Jane Austin
comments: Charactors after my own heart!

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last updated: 2012-06-15 02:42:45
this user's total entries: 1301
user since: 2003-02-04

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