messages to mizlizzy:
(click here to add new message):

from l-empress :
You're right; I don't go to MySpace. My "babies" are in their thirties, and I don't watch them like that any more. But it's always nice to hear how you're doing. Good Lord, three already!
from l-empress :
Nice to hear from you. The only reason I keep to the site is to see when my long lost buddies update. ;-) Is it two years alread?!
from wyndspirit :
Good to hear from you again! I don't do the MySpace thing. I have all I can do to keep up with this diary and sometimes my writing diary.
from thepeachtree :
Awwah, your comment touches me. Its been so long since anyone has even acknowledged my diaryland. And yeah, i dumped dylan, so i'm happier every day. Thank you so much for your note, it feels good knowing someone out there is listening.
from just2cusmile :
HAPPY 2ND B/DAY TO BEANIE!!! how much did she weigh at birth? they do grow up way too fast :*(
from forty-plus :
Happy 2nd Birthday to the Beautiful Beanie!
from just2cusmile :
happy early b/day to beanie-i'll read ya over at the other space :)
from just2cusmile :
that reminds me of when my brothers friend kept the cute picture of the girl that was in his new wallet and claimed it as his girlfriend...
from prolifique :
Good heavens. I think I may just have to make "Cousin 5x7" my next MySpace name. ;)
from forty-plus :
Sistahs, I tell you, sistahs!
from sunnflower :
Wow, your accomplishments around your home have inspired me. I'm going to go light some candles right now!
from just2cusmile :
im in the same pissy mood minus baby...hope she lets you rest tonight
from forty-plus :
Happy New Year!
from forty-plus :
PeeWee impresses the stars out of me!
from prolifique :
Thank heavens!
from sunnflower :
Hope everything is okay. My prayers are with you.
from cosmicrayola :
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
from forty-plus :
My hugs to you.
from prolifique :
This is a little incongruent with the tone of your entry, but may I wish you a very happy birthday anyway? *hugs*
from just2cusmile :
I have never ever watched GONE WITH THE WIND!! shocking huh-im sure I would love it!!
from forty-plus :
Two days later ... I hope you and PeeWee are feeling much, much better.
from forty-plus :
Mama, what great pictures! It must make you feel so good to know how he sees you. And of course the girls are just beautiful.
from moee :
Beautiful pics!
from moee :
Tell her I understand!MArie
from forty-plus :
Happy 5th Anniversary! Now go celebrate ... again! :D
from just2cusmile :
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I wish you many more happy years filled with sex you lil horndog!! lol ;) your giving me a guilt trip!!
from sunnflower :
Sorry about Jimmy. That's tragic. I don't think you can count on being successful with helping someone who is hell bent on destroying themselves. It's hard to lose a friend who was so special yet troubled.
from just2cusmile :
your right-when a person gets that low in thier lives nobody can pull them thru-so sad and im sorry for your lose...
from forty-plus :
The sadness of Jimmy's life and passing won't be soon forgotten. My thoughts are with you and your family.
from forty-plus :
Poor Brian! That's so funny.
from moee :
Thankyou, for the laugh I can just picture that happening! :)
from dangerspouse :
Hey hey, thanks for such a sweet note! You are TOO kind :)
from forty-plus :
Good luck with the renewed efforts. I there tomorrow!
from cosmicrayola :
Love the Montage!! Nice job picking yourself up and washing off all those bad feelings to start fresh! You go!!
from dangerspouse :
That's an awful lot of wagons. And with gas prices at an all time high, too! Couldn't you hop on a bunch of bicycles instead? Oh well - good luck with 'em all! :)
from just2cusmile :
your montage was great too!! :)
from sunnflower :
Cute videos from the beach and Disney. I really enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing!
from forty-plus :
Up with the fence! Bean has enough people in her life to love her to pieces. I would also try to catch the brat's activities on video tape with audio so there could be no question of who's the beast and who just happens to be the target. xx, Y.
from forty-plus :
Love those quizzes! They are addictive.
from forty-plus :
Stupid you? No. Human you? Yes. Boundaries take practice. Drama can happen all around you, but for it to do you in, you have to participate. I am practicing not participating.
from mizlizzy :
Cosmic, that was wonderful and I appreciate it, I need to keep that in mind! :-)
from cosmicrayola :
Damn that was long! Sorry.
from cosmicrayola :
I have a friend. A really, really good friend. I am a homebody. I don't like to go out, especially at night. This friend will occasionally ask me to go out for drinks. She will ask on a Monday for us to go out on a Thursday. Never on a Friday or Saturday when I don't have to get up or work the next day. The same thing happens every time. I will say yes because I don't want to hurt her feelings. From that moment on, I am trying to come up with an excuse not to go. The next phase is I either come up with a good excuse (and I know it's going to tick her off, but mad isn't as bad as hurt.) or I go and I hate it. This has been our dance for ten years. Just a month ago, she called and we started the dance again. She asked and I stopped dead in my tracks and said no. She asked why. I told her, because I didn't want to. She asked why. I told her I don't like to go out at night anyway, but that I really hated going out during the week. Guess what? I felt powerful! I felt good! She didn't yell, or scream or cry. She just said, "Okay." Okay! I had been giving in for 10 years and Now I find out it would have been "Okay?" Silly me. I have been saying no a lot more lately. To my daughter too! Nobody has died, nor had a heart attack and I am much happier these days.
from forty-plus :
My heart aches for you.
from forty-plus :
Oh no! I am so sorry for your family's loss. Almonzo was well loved and loved you all well. Gentle {{hugs}} and shared tears.
from forty-plus :
You are beautiful, now and always.
from forty-plus :
Will you try something for me? Don't allow yourself to brush your teeth until you have taken your vitamins and medicine. When I was my lowest I made this a rule and sure enough I stopped thinking about doing it and just started doing it. This was the beginning of the journey out of the pit for me.
from moee :
Sorry to hear about Monz. You know all our pet healing vibes are being sent that way! Love you all!
from moee :
Sorry to hear about Monz. You know all our pet healing vibes are being sent that way! Love you all!
from forty-plus :
Mouths are a nasty place and infections can make things look really bad. The antibiotic will help and then things will become clear. I am praying for your little cat and your heart.
from forty-plus :
Good luck with the vet today with Monzie. I am sending my best healing vibes to the sweet kitty.
from just2cusmile :
loved the pictures of the girls in front of the tree and the ones with beanie and her lil pigtails!! so cute
from just2cusmile :
welcome to the wonderful world of Fibromyalgia-I found out that i have it about 8 years ago and its not fun and its hard to explain to people what it is-how it effects might look fine on the outside but on the inside it feels like a death sentence what you can when you can and dont be hard on yourself!! :)
from cosmicrayola :
You better let me know where you are going!!
from sunnflower :
Isn't motherhood great!
from kidneygurl :
3 months of Gold from me to you
from forty-plus :
You should just use a free membership at Photobucket for your imagine hosting needs. That's what I'm doing and it's working out great!
from just2cusmile :
im so glad things are better between you and your husband~i feel the same way about some things should be kept between husband and wife even though you feel the need to talk to someone else at the time!!
from forty-plus :
Sounds like he kissed that boo boo better! Good for you two.
from just2cusmile :
that wal-mart bag was sooo funny-too bad you missed out bidding on it!! :) happy new year!!
from forty-plus :
Have the most wonderful visit with your sweet Lois! P.S. From that picture she doesn't look 13 years older than you. Youthful genes must run in your family! :)
from forty-plus :
Merry Christmas my friend!
from l-empress :
You do need to get out into the sunshine every day -- what little there is. A walk will do you more good than driving in the car -- YOU NEED THE SUN. Feel better: after today, the days start getting a little longer again.
from l-empress :
Why should you be different from the rest of us? (Just so you know ;-)
from forty-plus :
There is so little that amuses me about Tom Cruise, but you were able to squeeze a smile out of me!
from forty-plus :
Happy Thanksgiving!
from forty-plus :
Oh, you got a sexy 50's pinup girl! You sweet thang!
from forty-plus :
I will definitely go through you. Good luck this weekend. You'll do great and they will love you (and buy LOTS)!
from mizlizzy :
You definitely can order from the catalog. I will email you the website, you decide what you want and tell me and I'll put the order in. If you order it from the website I won't be the salesperson. :( After 3 months I can have my own website through them that you can place orders through. :)
from forty-plus :
Can we place an order though a catalog?
from just2cusmile :
I feel for you and know where your coming from-we had that same problem when i got sick and had to quit working-I never worked when my kids were little and that was the best thing for our family.All you can do is do your best and pay the most important bills first and if you get behind on the others-pay a lil bit when you can!! Im still trying to figure out the right "work from home" job but that takes money to start up too-its not an easy thing-just dont blame yourself and be so hard on yourself...good luck
from forty-plus :
I like that 7 Deadly Sins meme. (Your answers made me really think). I hope to do it tomorrow.
from forty-plus :
PeeWee looks perfect!
from forty-plus :
Only bad habits form instantly. Good habits (like making healthy eating decisions) take time and practice. Be gentle and patient with yourself!
from l-empress :
What an appropriate picture! And thank you so much for a page that's easier to read. (I'm shopping for a new eye doctor, but in the meantime...)
from forty-plus :
You two! I love both pieces of artwork!
from forty-plus :
Isn't the love of and loving a baby one of the best feelings in the world?
from sunnflower :
I think your efforts to take better care of yourself - health, diet, etc - are really inspiring!
from f-i-n :
i really like your template!
from sunnflower :
I never lost weight when I was nursing. I hate it when you see those articles about movie stars losing the baby weight in 3 weeks without mentioning their personal trainers and gourmet chefs and everyone at their beck and call 24/7. Don't beat yourself up.
from l-empress :
If I had been fortunate enough to have grey hair at your age (you're younger than my baby!), I definitely would have let it show. I'm still salt and pepper, waiting for the pretty white hair my mother had.
from forty-plus :
Ah, this is exactly what I need to do: choose to live deliberately. You hit the nail right on the head!
from sunnflower :
There's a lot on your plate right now. It sounds like you have things more in hand than you think. Hang in there and many hugs to you.
from forty-plus :
I'm sorry things are so heavy and serious right now. {{Hugs}}
from forty-plus :
Precious Girls!
from forty-plus :
A little one on one time helps calm a multitude of chaos.
from thepeachtree :
Heyyyy... i was just passing though, thought i'd say hi. :-)
from sunnflower :
Great 30, 20, 10 years ago meme. It makes you think how the time flies.
from forty-plus :
Oh my goodness. My love and hugs and love and kisses and all kinds of mushy stuff to you. Absolutely.
from wellnessplan :
My best thoughts toward your dad.
from just2cusmile :
AMEN to everything you said about being a mom and its worth the struggles and less income and everything in between!! :)
from cosmicrayola :
They are beautiful!! Did the outfit fit her?
from forty-plus :
They are just so beautiful (plus one hunky guy)! I hope you are well.
from forty-plus :
Don't push yourself to get out and about. As long as you are taking care of your family, you need not press yourself. A family coccoon is a wonderful thing. Be patient, nap when she naps because these days go by too fast. Take good care, Y.
from forty-plus :
My prayers for your mom and Moee.
from forty-plus :
Thank you for your comforting words and the birth announcement.
from forty-plus :
Love to you, the baby, your mom and Moee!
from sunnflower :
Happy Mother's Day!!!
from forty-plus :
Happy Mother's Day!
from cosmicrayola :
Well that little Dickens! Pacifier, huh? Hope things go smoother now.
from markthehulk :
Perfectly understandable... but wonderful to hear from you. xxx
from thepeachtree :
I'm sure your doing just fine as a mother. The only thing parents can do for their kids is try there best, and hope they turn out okay. A baby is a inniocent, and unable "not love" someone. Your her mother, and no matter what, thats what matters. Keep your head up woman, you'll be alright.
from forty-plus :
One billion ♥ and hugs for you!
from cosmicrayola :
I hear ya on #83. They were horrible to us 'po kids. You need to send me your address so I can send you the book!!
from forty-plus :
You are, indeed, on the home stretch! So exciting!
from cosmicrayola :
Well thank you for updating! I have been worried, but then again, moee updated so I knew you must be fine. Not long now!!
from l-empress :
Home stretch! The time when you're ready to tell the baby to get out and walk by herself. Savor the moments...
from forty-plus :
Take great care of yourself!
from forty-plus :
Every moment will be worth it when you hold the little nugget in your arms!
from forty-plus :
PeeWee's room sounds wonderful!
from cosmicrayola :
Where are you? It's been a week!!!
from forty-plus :
He gets tired after 20-30 minutes!??? I am lucky to see 2-3 minutes, ever! I hope your soreness lessens. Always thinking of you, Y.
from forty-plus :
I always knew you were nicer!
from cosmicrayola :
Orange juice? I couldn't even look at it without getting heartburn when I was pregnant!
from forty-plus :
What a good guy Bat is! But we already knew that. I am glad things are working out, everyone has refocused and you feel much better. You are much loved.
from cosmicrayola :
You are right to go see a therapost. THis should be one of the happiest times of your life. You need to think of YOU now. This isn't being selfesh.
from forty-plus :
Oh my goodness, these photos are so wonderful! You look so healthy and happy. Kelsey is a beautiful little girl, so sweet. Such a nice family you have!
from l-empress :
You are glowing! I'm glad you're feeling good.
from cosmicrayola :
What a beautiful family! And what a big belly! Lucky you!
from forty-plus :
So glad you are feeling better today!
from lolamae :
I came across your banner and I just fell in love with the phrase about the stained glass windows.
from forty-plus :
from candoor :
happy new year :)
from l-empress :
Sure, I slept when the babies slept. If I fed them as soon as we woke up, I had plenty of milk and they were satisfied; so then I could go about my business. Most of the time, it worked.
from forty-plus :
Merry Christmas Sweetie! May you enjoy every second of the day. ♥
from forty-plus :
Opps, the shot is NOT too bad. So sorry!
from forty-plus :
The RH negative shot is too bad. I had to have it a few times. It is over quickly and the Midwife probably gives better shots than my doctor did. P.S. I think it is wonderful how much you love PeeWee. ♥
from forty-plus :
A Thanksgiving {Hug} for you and your family! I hope you have a wonderful day.
from cosmicrayola :
I still like Pele for a name.
from markthehulk :
Awww thanks Lizzy. I see a lot of sleep happening in the not too distant future. If my toolish (so a word) ways can bring you a smile then they are more than worth it. Lots and Lots and Lots of Love ~Me
from cosmicrayola :
Pele? Is that pronounced Peelay? I love it! Seriousley!
from forty-plus :
Drive safely to get Tiffany! I hope you enjoy your girl time with she and PeeWee.
from forty-plus :
What a precious baby in those ultrasound photos!
from forty-plus :
Congratulations! A sweet baby sister for PeeWee!
from l-empress :
I keep coming up with girl. When I think boy, I don't get any vibes. You know about the doctor who had a reputation for always being right? Whatever he told the prospective mother, he put the opposite on the calendar, so he could say later "see, on this day I told you..."
from vampiratelf :
Ugh. Deep down some strange place inside of me I'm thinking girl. It just seems like it should be. But a boy would be so wonderful too! Either way it'll be great but for a wild (probably wrong) prediction I'm going to say girl. Heh guess we'll see! Yay!
from markthehulk :
A boy!!! :oP
from forty-plus :
It's not very original, but I love that my sons have parts of their father's name as their middle names.
from cosmicrayola :
Happy Birthday Lady!!!
from vampiratelf :
If you're getting a little assemblage on your notes to take that lady out then count me in. I'd be happy to give her a little brain damage upside the head. Wow we are a violent bunch on here eh?
from inkdragon :
You are NOT oversensitive. Lots of people (like me) would be completely undone by something like that happening. Even without being pregnant, I would have cried over my hurt and embarrassed feelings. This woman was a boob, she knew it and the entire room knew it. I am sure no one thought badly of you, including the honoree. Lovey, sometimes we just have to weep. It's the rain before the rainbow. Love, love, love to you. P.S. Sweetness aside, Moee and I will take her out. You just say the word.
from moee :
I'm still willing to come over there and kick some butt if you change your mind!
from inkdragon :
Oh my goodness. What happened?
from markthehulk :
Don't let the bastards get you down Lizzy... You are all kinds of wonderful! I'll send plenty of good time vibes your way! xxx
from moee :
I think our husbands pretty neck and neck! Which make them both the greatest husbands in the world.LOL :)
from inkdragon :
Pretty young mama, pretty blue wall, pretty bedroom. Only 10 days ... hurray!
from inkdragon :
I love the belly dancers' makeup and colors. Feel better!
from inkdragon :
Oh no! You and PeeWee? You poor babies. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery.
from markthehulk :
Hey Hey... I loved the photo! You are a handsome bunch! Hope you are feeling better soon! Much Love -Mark xxx
from inkdragon :
That's silly - mother and grandmother, although I was sad not to see the tum-tum a little better! You have a lovely family. {{Hugs}}
from cosmicrayola :
There is a cream that I used years ago when I was pregnant and had the same the trouble. I think it was Bacitrine, but check with your pharmasist. It numbs it so it stops the itch completely.
from inkdragon :
I feel your pain! I hate yeast infections.
from inkdragon :
{{Hugs}} for you and [[slap upside the head]] for the co-workers!
from sunnflower :
Thanks for your note about my note and the further details of your strategy for success. You are indeed my inspiration!
from sunnflower :
You are so smart to be budgeting and paying off bills. We are trying to do that too and it's really hard sometimes with all the expenses that life brings our way.
from inkdragon :
This is exactly why I send a tender touch!!!
from inkdragon :
I love those quotes! A tender touch for both the babes.
from spritopias :
(you spelled my name wrong on your profile)
from spritopias :
Thanks for your note. I am glad that such fine people enjoy my writing.
from inkdragon :
That photo of the baby looks like an angel in the clouds!
from inkdragon :
"Why am I so surprised?" describes my parents exactly. Exactly.
from inkdragon :
Good Luck! They were lucky to have you as long as they did. xxxxxxx!
from inkdragon :
Mustard! Here I thought I'd heard of or craved everything. You got me here. I think it's a good thing you are finished by the end of October. Tummy calming {hug}, Y.
from coolgirl374 :
hey nice pic maby stop by mine k talk to you later bye
from moee :
They do have there moments don't they!
from inkdragon :
My latest template artwork is you ... as a beautiful water faerie! xx, Y.
from cosmicrayola :
Oh my! I don't read for a week and a half and your Pregnant! Wow! Happy, happy, happy! Estatic! Bless you and Bat and Pee Wee and Baby Bean!
from inkdragon :
Can't wait to see the first Bean photos!
from inkdragon :
Remember, even with the sucky jobs ... you ROCK!
from inkdragon :
You are a STAR, but we already knew that!
from inkdragon :
Hurray for PeeWee! How could she not want this little baby? Her own private dolly? Oh yeah, you better rest the next nine months because after that the fun begins! Kisses & Hugs, Y.
from vampiratelf :
I think PeeWee will handle quite well. She is probably just nervous at the prospect like you said. This is all new to her and she is maybe a little scared about how it will affect her. She is a very loving and accepting girl so once you talk things over with her and help her understand that this doesn't change how you feel about her or her place in your heart and that this just means more love in the family then she'll probably be quite excited. It'll all work out fine. Love yall!
from inkdragon :
I'm in tears I'm so happy for you! A million hugs to all FOUR of you!
from markthehulk :
YAAAAAY! Congratulations to you and Bat! It was all of the reverse psychology I think... Just when you decided that this was not the year of "having a baby", you go and get pregnant! :oP I am so happy for you! xxx
from inkdragon :
I'm sorry my Lovey.
from inkdragon :
What a great update! Have a great 4th.
from inkdragon :
Happy Birthday to Bat!!!
from inkdragon :
Look at you with the flower and mic. Sing it, Baby!
from mizlizzy :
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
from sunnflower :
I agree that a diary doesn't need to be an everyday thing to be a good diary.
from cosmicrayola :
Glad things worked out! Strikes can go on forever sometimes. I'm just glad his didn't.
from inkdragon :
Thank goodness the strike was only four days. I saw picketers (sp?) here. I always beeped and gave a thumbs up. I don't know if it's the same union, but I like that people can stand up for themselves.
from sunnflower :
Congrats on the debt management you have accomplished. You are quite inspiring!
from markthehulk :
Glad you are feeling a bit better. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are one heck of a lady. Lots of love, Mark xxx
from inkdragon :
{{Love and hugs!}}
from markthehulk :
You are beautiful and we all know it.
from markthehulk :
Thanks for the hug Lizzy... I love you i do!!! The day is improving. Thank you muchly!
from cosmicrayola :
Wonderful news! Good things happen to good people!
from inkdragon :
Yesterday was so excellent for you and today is Friday! How much better can it get? Have a great weekend, Y.
from markthehulk :
I am glad you are back... I missed you... :oP
from inkdragon :
I hope you're well.
from trinity63 :
Your children are GOREGOUS!!!!!!! and OH MY GOD you got to see Hall and Oates!!!!!!! How were they?
from inkdragon :
Oh my word! That first photo is a classic! You should have it blown up, matted and framed. And Girl...nice boobies! P.S. I am working on a little something for you and Moee (ref: fitness).
from inkdragon :
The exercise/good living measurements are very good. Don't worry about the increases, your body is reacting to the demand you are placing on it. Keep up the good habits and those increases will become decreases within the next six weeks. So many great things you are doing for yourself! I hope you have a perfect weekend. xx, Y.
from markthehulk :
Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes... I hope 23 is a wonderful year for me too! xxx
from inkdragon :
I did the quiz and got Walt also. Not much of a surprise there, huh?!
from inkdragon :
Smooooch! I love you too. Happy St. Patty's Day.
from cosmicrayola :
Yes, beauty does indeed come from within. It shines through by way of thoughts and deeds. I no longer have breasts and I also have a three inch scar above where they took my breasts. Am I still beautiful? You bet. My husband tells me, my friends tell me and I feel it myself. But I feel and am beautiful because of who I am, not how I look.
from markthehulk :
Lizzy... I have returned to merry old diaryland, albeit with a new diary. It is a fresh diary for a fresh start. Looking forward to reading your diary again. Mark
from inkdragon :
I love the idea of your created sanctuary. Leads me to think about my need for one. Have a great day, Y.
from inkdragon :
I hope you send the letter.
from sunnflower :
I didn't know about your dad. I'm so glad he's doing better.
from guderian :
Aloha mizlizzy, I am sorry to hear about your Father's illness and I want you to know that I am praying for him, as well as for you and your family. God Bless You and Yours, Love Guderian and Marty
from cosmicrayola :
I will say the prayer I usually do in situations like this. I will pray for God to let your dad be ok, but if it is his will to take him, I will pray for strength and faith and love to help you all through it. I rarely pray for God to save my love one. I think it is His decision to make. But I do pray for acceptance and faith.
from inkdragon :
Winter blues. Don't listen to Sarah too much. I do that when I'm feeling down (I have four or five of her CD's) and even though I adore her voice, the messages bring me deeper into the silent pit. Tell those little voices in the back of your head to look out your eyes at your wonderful husband, cherished daughter and the many people who love you (don't forget all your diaryland ME!). Spring is coming. Lovin' ya, Y.
from inkdragon :
LOVE! the correct way to weigh ourselves pic!
from inkdragon :
Great grateful Thurday to you!
from inkdragon :
I think you are God's unique gift! I hope you heal quickly from such a nasty fall. {{Hugs}}
from obscurelady :
those pictures are so cute:) thank you for sharing them!
from inkdragon :
"Sorry for tooting my own horn. I just wanted to write this down for myself." Play it loud Girl!
from cosmicrayola :
I am so sorry for your loss. I too, had a Mrs. R. Her name was Mr's Rutherford. Many afternoon would find me having cookies at her house and playing her piano.
from mnowicki81 :
Lizzy... My diary (when you get this note) will be no more. I am so sorry, I just cannot keep writing my diary. I hope everything goes well for you, that life is beautiful and that I will speak to you soon. My email address is [email protected]. Take care and lots of love ~Mark xxx
from inkdragon :
Happy New Year. This year is gonna rock for us!
from mnowicki81 :
Lizzy, I hope that you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas. You are a special lady and I hope that you have a beautiful Christmas because you so richly deserve it. Lots of Love ~Mark
from cosmicrayola :
Merry Christmas to you also! Have a great time!
from duds :
I'm sorry to hear about your Bruno, it's never easy to loose them, they are after all a huge part of our families... A DOG'S PRAYER by Beth Norman Harris Treat me kindly , my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me. Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do. Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear. When it is cold and wet, please take me inside, for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements. And I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth. Though you had no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than to rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land, for you are my god and I am your devoted worshiper. Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready , willing and able to protect with my life should your life be in danger. And beloved master, should the great master see fit to deprive me of my health, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest-and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands............ Take Care
from leera :
Sorry to hear about Bruno. I hope you will take the time to read my entry for today.I have been a stupid jerk(again).
from simon-lagrue :
My condolences on your loss of Bruno, but know that he's in a place beyond any pain and suffering and his memories will be with you forever.
from mnowicki81 :
I am so sorry to hear about you losing your beloved dog. I hope the sadness fades quickly and that the happy memories of Bruno remain with you and your family forever and a day. Take care ~Mark~
from thepeachtree :
Thats such a wonderful song, i know exactally when your talking about. I'm so happy for you that your still in love, and maybe some day i'll be as happy as your are. Have a very merry christmas sweetheart.
from simon-lagrue :
Thank you!! I am cherishing every second. I hope that after some time has passed that I will feel the exact same way... just like you do with your hubby!! I'd say that we are both very fortunate!!
from inkdragon :
I love that song.
from inkdragon :
You'll have a blast at the belly dancing class!
from inkdragon :
Loved PeeWee's letter to Santa. Little ones are so sweet. (Enjoy it now!)
from simon-lagrue :
I've been where you are now... its a cycle, a rut, and the best adivice I can give is to make a list of the things that are piling up and cross them off. It makes you realize that you are getting things done and you can physically see the list getting shorter. And I would suggest B Vitamins too. Hang in there, okay, I came out of 10 years of being in the same rut and things are really turning around for me.
from mnowicki81 :
A game of trivial pursuit would be marvellous... :oP
from inkdragon :
Love and healing hugs to PeeWee. Poor baby. Glad your family is whole again. :)
from mnowicki81 :
Continue being you. You are a beautifully warm and loving person. Building walls around us just makes us a prisoner. Emancipate yourself, continue to love yourself and no one on this earth can harm you or take that away from you. Lots of love -Me
from wyndspirit :
Nice layout! I think keeping up with the Alanon meetings would be a good idea. Dealing with alcoholism is so far from my situation, I am going to completely keep my mouth shut for a change! And I took that test, but half the questions were either BOTH or NEITHER right for me, but the results (5-6-9 VERY close) fit anyway. Interesting!
from mnowicki81 :
I like the layout very much. It certainly is warm and the image is beautiful. Who doesn't like a unicorn I say?
from l-empress :
The new layout -- warm and lovely!
from inkdragon :
11/13/03 I'm sending you love wrapped up in the kindest hug.
from inkdragon :
While I enjoyed your answers to the survey, I felt an underlying worry about this weekend's events. There were such high hopes, maybe too high? I'm sorry. I wanted happiness and peace of mind for you and your family. Welcome home, honey.
from inkdragon :
I did not think it was long winded at all. I loved every word. You always give me so much to ponder. There are so many things I WANT to believe. Maybe some day. I prayed for traveling mercies for you today. I will also take some time to mention Kitty. I hope all will be well with her. Enjoy your family's love this weekend. Thank you for being my friend.
from mnowicki81 :
Keep your chin up. I love the way you communicate your feelings (through your diary and in general - which I have learned through your diary). Your openness is refreshing and beautiful. Be strong, have courage and believe your fathers condition will improve! Take care. Thinking of you. Mark
from inkdragon :
Oh Miz Lizzy, I snitched some sunshine from your page. I hope you don't mind. I spend quiet time thinking about your messages every day. Thank you for sharing them.
from eggshelldanz :
Dear Mizlizzy, Your father and I are in my prayers, that God grant you both peace and strength at this time. Praying for all the best, that God will be close at this time and that you and your fathere will feel and know His presence. JuNi MooN
from evermind :
Best wishes
from anightwisp :
I wish your dad the best.. BIG HUGG...
from shimmyshimmy :
116; that would be an astounding age to reach- provided one could live that long and still have quality of life, awareness, etc. Birthdays freak me out (as of the past two years), but I still face them with childlike excitement- wondering "what's going to happen THIS year!" I hope you had a beautiful birthday.
from sunnflower :
Happy BD - thirty ain't so bad. I'm hitting the big 50 soon. Now that's scary!
from hadassah :
Hi there I found your diary from a banner of yours. It caught my attention. Anyways I just wanted to say I like your diary. You rock girl! Take care
from cielamara :
Dear MizLizzy, I hope you have a perfectly marvelous birthday! May we all be as wise when we are as young as you are. (Thirty's not over the hill, despite what I tell my mother to bedevil her.)Bright blessings to you, fine Scorpio. May the waters flow smoothly and peacefully. ~*Cielamara
from clauren :
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
from mnowicki81 :
Thank you for your beautiful note. It means a lot to me, even though all I know of you is your wonderful diary. Many happy returns on your birthday. May the days, weeks, months and years ahead be full of happiness and harmony. Mark x
from rdhdprincess :
That was a beautiful entry, so positive! Happy Birthday! Great layout, by the way! I'm going to go read more entries now. Take Care - Carrie
from alwaysange :
Happy Birthday!
from guderian :
Aloha mizlizzy, Happy Birthday to you, I've added you to my favorites. Thank you for adding me to yours, I am truely honored. I love reading your diary. Very beautiful layout and so enjoyable to read. God Bless You and Your Family, Guderian
from cosmicrayola :
Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. You're not only pretty, you're lovely tooooooo! (someone give me a mike!!)
from mnowicki81 :
I think your diary is utterly marvellous. I really enjoy reading such positive and beautiful diaries. It is rather humbling that there are people out there whose diaries are so creative, makes mine look rather foolish. Keep up the marvellous work. Mark
from wyndspirit :
Hey, did you know your banner is a broken link? I kept seeing this blank banner, and I rightclicked to see who it belonged to. When I saw it was yours, thought I'd click (actually, took 3x to get in, D-land is ornery tonight) let you know. No fair if they are charging you for views you aren't getting! Who (but me!) would click on a blank banner?
from pushpull :
loved the stained-glass banner, and when i clicked on it, i came to your wonderful diary. i recognized the picture immediately from a piers anthony book which i read and loved a long time ago. if i remember correctly, it is the gaia one, the green mother. lovely site.
from flyinby :
I like your stained-glass banner. I clicked on it. I also like your layout, the series (books) that that picture is from (cover art) is a great one. :) Take care!
from rdhdprincess :
Ooh, that is a great banner! I clicked on the shoe one to get here, because yeah, you definitely should buy one in every color, and I'm so glad someone else does that too, but the stained glass one is even better! I enjoyed your diary, must go read more now. Take care-
from sunnflower :
I think your new banner is wonderful!
from guderian :
Aloha mizlizzy, I love your diary, I first noticed it because of your banner (which is supremely excellent, meaning the stain glass one) Your diary is thought provoking, and I Love that, Ciao Bambina, Guderian
from powerofduck :
HI, I've never actually read your diary. But I saw you're banner and thought I'd check it out. Did you know that the image on your template looks like Melissa Ethridge?
from inkdragon :
I'm blushing. Pleased as punch, and blushing.
from inkdragon :
Opps...pressed the button too soon!
from inkdragon :
I made a banner for you. If you like it just save it as a .jpg file, upload to your images and submit to banners. It's white but it will stand out against the Diaryland blue. If you don't care for it, that's okay too!
from inkdragon :
Good Morning Lovey! Thank you for joining my smooshy diaryring. Eric confided in me last night he is not in love with his girl, but he likes her "a whole lot." It just makes my heart smile. Have a wonderful day, Yvonne
from cosmicrayola :
Guestbooks are flooey right now. Anyway, Take you off my buddy list?? I think not!! Take all the time you need. Your "buddies" will be here when you return. I'm glad you have so much to keep you busy in a good way. Enjoy.
from inkdragon :
09/26/03 How sad! I did not know Robert Palmer had passed. Too many young people have died recently. When I was the fitness director at my senior center, I told everyone they were not allowed to "go" until they were 96 or older and if they attempted to go earlier they would have me to deal with! Try to have a good day, Y.
from simon-lagrue :
Thank you for your nice note; I shouldnt get so frustrated. It seems to be the nature of this plane to be in conflict, so it makes sense that inter-personal relationships would have a degree of strangeness, misunderstanding, and conflict in them. I know I have my own issues which would present problems for anyone who is brave enough to get close to me.
from simon-lagrue :
You're all that and a bag of chips AND the yummy French Onion Dip, too! Lots of people would be lucky to have someone like you in their life!!!
from simon-lagrue :
Thank you so much for your hugs and support!!!
from katehackett :
:O) Glad you like my profile desc.
from sunnflower :
Thank you so much for writing me such a nice note. It really meant a lot to me. Also, I love your idea for how to get cleaning in and still have some time for fun. I'm going to have to try that.
from simon-lagrue :
Thank you, MizLizzy, for your kind words. I'm sorry my story upset you, but its really helped to type it out and I have received such support from people here. Thank you :-)
from katehackett :
you've got props!
from mizlizzy :
Um...hello? Isn't anyone signing this? Hellooooo?
from simon-lagrue :
It wasn't me!!! Heck, I still haven't figured out who it was who said my name a week ago ( in the EXACT same situation!! If you can find out anything, please let me know!
from simon-lagrue :
Sorry to hear about your ickiness added to your itchiness... damn moon :-( Why does it seem that when it rains it pours? Lots of rest and lots of Orange Juice for you, young lady.
from thepeachtree :
Darling, you are a peach. *kisses*
from simon-lagrue :
Thank you for your note :-) I've been burning with that for months and I *do* feel so much better getting it out. :-)
from tiffaroniroo :
Hey! What happened with the PeeWee stomach thing? I used to be sick every morning cause I didn't want to go to school when I was little (throwing up, major pain) because I was so nervous I'd work myself up until I was sick. I didn't mean to but I was just so socially nervous. I still have the same problem when I get in a situation where I feel socially inadequate. PeeWee seems more outgoing then me so I wouldn't think that would be her problem but who knows. Sorry I started ranting when all I really wanted to know was did you find out whats up?
from thepeachtree :
I was here.
from sunnflower :
Hi - I am stopping in by way of golfwidow's diary. I am sorry to hear about your dad. My dad had a successful sextuple bypass surgery about 8 years ago - it was really scary. My brother is younger than me and has heart problems - he is still going strong and he is well past the tail end of what the suggested prognosis was. So just because there is a certain prognosis, doesn't mean that it is written in stone. I know this is a difficult time but I also know it means a lot to your dad that you are concerned and involved daughter. Keep up the good work. Also, really like your diary and the cute puppy pics.
from miss-edith :
You are so right! We used to have a Rott, and she was so sweet. A friend of mine has a pit bull that is more likely to lick you to death than anything. When a dog is mean, it is the owner who's the real problem most of the time.
from obscurelady :
I'm sorry for the late comment, I haven't been around much.. but I wanted to send you well wishes, and let you know that I am praying for a speedy recovery for your dad. Dealing with the illness of a loved one.. I know how difficult it is, so all I can say is know that there are people that care about you a great deal (even people online, such as myself) that are honestly thinking about you and sending you well wishes.. and be strong
from shimmyshimmy :
I think Oldman will do a wonderful job as Black. He seems an odd fellow in real life, but maybe that's exactly why he's able to brilliantly assume the role of any type of character. He's a flawless performer. I'm excited to see the next movie!...No Lucius Malfoy in "Prisoner..." though, right? That's a shame.
from katehackett :
awe, thank you for adding me...and thanks for liking my description! :O)
from simon-lagrue :
Hello, I just wanted to send well wishes to you and your dad. I'm going thru a similar situation right now with my Grandma, so I empathize. I just hope that you can find the strength to keep your chin up thru whatever happens and that you enjoy whatever time you have left and that most of all should he pass, may he do so without suffering.
from katehackett :
*pokeity* I love you. MWAH! Everything happens for a reason and it will work itself out; have faith in whatever diety you believe in and, of course, yourself. I WISH YOU THE BEST.
from obscurelady :
mmm.. honey.. sounds like you really need to take it easy,recuperate, let your body build up some strength. Though why I'm telling you that, I'm not sure , as it sounds like you've got it under control. Just wanted to let you know that I'm sending you some good thoughts ;)
from shimmyshimmy :
THANK you for the note, and for making me a favorite. I just read your current entry, and, goodness, you summed up so much of what I've been thinking lately. Maybe I'll journal about it and you'll see what I mean. Anyway, I can't wait to read more of what you have to say. Take care. ~Mere
from elizera :
Just thought I'd let you know I'm moving- drop me an email at [email protected] if ya want to come visit :-)
from elizera :
Love the new look- that picture is beautiful! (And I totally must agree on the article you posted the other day- I wouldn't want to be pencil-thin, and I don't agree with society's demands on thinness.
from tiedyed714 :
if you'd like to read my final entry, and the reason why it's the last, e-mail me for the pw and i'll give it to you. it's been real.
from tiffaroniroo :
Don't let idiots get you down. I love you!
from tiffaroniroo :
just so you know I got some wrong on your quiz just cause I thought it would be amusing for you to want to own the souls of your friends... its my secret desire. But I really didn't know where you were born since I wasn't even around. well can you blame me? yeah. uhh
from britneypink :
beautiful diary..and thats so sweet your very own PEEWEE references. I like that. Keep Smiling
from leera :
I love your entry today, and I agree with you. I have had many similar thoughts, but am not as good at putting them on the screen as you are. Hope your first day goes well.
from moee :
just so you know my answers for the tests were exactly like yours. WE RULE!!!!!!!!
from cerebrate :
I "have" to tell you, you have "hit" on one of my biggest "grammar bitch" peeves. It's like people don't even "know" what the "quotation marks" are "for", so they use them for "emphasis". In "other" news, thank you "so much" for the e-mail; I will write you back "very" soon. I "heart" you.

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