
I love reading blogs/journals/diaries, and what I love best of all is reading bio pages. I always read them first. Problem is, I'm too sleepy to write one of my own at the moment. Tomorrow. I'm good at doing things tomorrow.


* I'm 36

*I work in corporate communications

* When I grow up, I want to be an internet porn star

* My favourite food is green apples

* I am indecisive

* I like to sleep

* My favourite colour is blue like a deep blue, cloudless sky

* I am not a *tidy* person

* I almost always remember to floss my teeth

* I do not like getting my hair cut

* I frequently get lost

* My friends say I am a bad driver but I think they are wrong

* It makes me happy when people sign my guestbook. Drop me a line, why dontcha?

My favorite diaries:

fluff328 profile - diary
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ms-m profile - diary
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unclebob profile - diary
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i-am-weezil profile - diary
bonkrood profile - diary
peth profile - diary
minderella profile - diary
smartypants profile - diary
evany profile - diary
ergoatlas profile - diary
daysuit profile - diary
nudeplatypus profile - diary
rumblelizard profile - diary
faux-pas profile - diary
dirtnerdluv profile - diary
ida-red profile - diary
heckafresh profile - diary
colddigits profile - diary
lucklacking profile - diary
arcasha profile - diary
mr-sparkles profile - diary
orpheusd0wn profile - diary
addieplum profile - diary
ladeeleroy profile - diary
cuppajoe profile - diary
redblur profile - diary
motherlode profile - diary
redhott27 profile - diary
dana-elayne profile - diary
guavagrrrl profile - diary
fadein profile - diary
theshivers profile - diary
iota profile - diary
soleclaw profile - diary
dasauce profile - diary
piehole profile - diary
savecraig profile - diary
greengrl profile - diary
greschya profile - diary
chauffi profile - diary
be-naked profile - diary
purplebanana profile - diary
discothekid profile - diary
lobotomybabe profile - diary
chipzdarsky profile - diary
tvzero profile - diary
groundhogday profile - diary
oedalis profile - diary
kittybukkake profile - diary
atatons profile - diary
ataraxy profile - diary
casperwoo profile - diary
cockywrds profile - diary
mylostdream profile - diary
yamaa profile - diary
andrew profile - diary
robin-smith profile - diary
cindie-loo profile - diary
fusco profile - diary
evil-edna profile - diary
sunnflower profile - diary
travelogue profile - diary
widower profile - diary
nosafehaven profile - diary
alnovo profile - diary

My favorite music:

Van Morrison
The Band
Daniel Lanois
Soul Coughing

My favorite movies:

The House of Mirth
Singin' in the Rain
Chop Suey
Ghost World

My favorite authors:

Richard Russo
Jane Austen
Anne Tyler
Margaret Laurence
Jonathan Franzen

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last updated: 2008-03-14 09:59:20
this user's total entries: 1051
user since: 1999-09-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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