messages to jimbostaxi:
(click here to add new message):

from swordfern :
I really enjoyed the "Maria and I were..." series of entries.
from raven72d :
I'm glad to hear that things are under control and doing well.
from raven72d :
Are things becoming more or less complicated.
from i-am-jack :
Oh I know the feeling. It sounds like it's just a matter of time before he does himself in. But yeah I have those same kind of thoughts. Even having experienced it catching up to me.
from i-am-jack :
You are right to take the high road and not do it. Even if it's not instant, karma is real and could come back a few times over. And you will always know. I wracked up a karmic debt at a job, and it took years to pay off. And every time I knew. It's not worth it.
from cocoabean :
Dude, its called karma...
from musikoid :
That sucks. Big time.
from musikoid :
Sounds like the boss got a little jealous there.
from musikoid :
I feel ya.
from i-am-jack :
That is sad that Trish ghosted you. I'm sure she either figured it out herself or someone told her. Wouldn't it be something if it was Maria or one of her friends? This is both a good and a sad thing. I think it shows that she liked you more than you liked her. More than friends. She's moved on. Which is only fair. I got the impression that you enjoyed her company but wasn't attracted to her. It's sad that you couldn't be friends but it wrapped up that loose string.
from musikoid :
The recent chapter in your novella actually feels very genuine, if existential.
from hitch-hike :
Just enjoy your own life how it may be. People gravitate to those who have, live and can share their version of joy
from strawberrri :
Just saw Pete's note further down. I too know an expression, which is "Hit the monkey, win a cookie!" :P Good luck on your quest for Ms Right/Ms Right Now. I met Ollie on an internet dating site, although this was quite a while ago (before Tinder) so not sure what they're like these days :) xx
from cocoabean :
Just hang out. She will find you.
from musikoid :
You're welcome. Good luck.
from musikoid :
Sounds like a plan. Stay open.
from swordfern :
Maria sounds quite toxic. Could be fun, could be agonizing. Fortunately you are in a position to choose your own adventure.
from portlypete :
Thankyou for your good wishes. There is an expression, "Slowly, slowly catchy monkey". No, I have no idea what it means! I guess you have to decide if you want to catch the monkey or not.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, thanks. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
It really sounds like one of those she likes the energy/attention but doesn't want to actually have anything, things.
from i-am-jack :
You are doing the right thing. It's not fair to Trish or anyone else, including you, to not be fully present. If Maria selfishly doesn't want you or want to let you go, that's her problem. You are free to go.
from i-am-jack :
Damn... I am sorry. You deserve so much better. At least you know now and can stop playing her game. I really respect you confronting her and asking for the truth, even if it's painful.
from i-am-jack :
She's still playing games. It will probably never change. She just wants you wanting and pursuing her. I get starting over fresh but the vibe I got from that square one stuff is you have to work your way back into her good graces, when she was the one who couldn't stop flirting with other guys in front of you.
from portlypete :
I always wish you luck, but tread caredefully. Good luck.
from i-am-jack :
That sounds good.
from i-am-jack :
Yeah that's how I meant it. Maybe I am weird, but when the words are an experience either sex could be having, I feel the music more than the perspective of the person's sex/gender if that makes sense? Not that it isn't great enjoying Shakira and Rihanna. ;^}
from i-am-jack : Sorry I haven't copy pasted in a few months. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
You can't remember to forget her.
from swordfern :
Sounds like you have both a devil and an angel on your hands. Though, sometimes angels can become a bit devilish - in a good way - once they feel safe. 😈
from i-am-jack :
from portlypete :
I have to admit, I can't keep up with this soap opera. Your emotional turmoil has little to do with the outcome. There will be a time when you know, but when that time comes, don't be an eejit (as I was) and let her slip through your net. You may regret it for years to come.
from i-am-jack :
It's also nice not being stared down and stalked around the building too, probably. Unless you got a kick out of it.
from i-am-jack :
Damn lol. As Jimbo's world turns.
from i-am-jack :
Wow you might never figure her out. She might not even know what she wants. The way she is acting seems very teenage girl. I think you really threw her for a loop by moving on. She isn't used to it and her whole "game" is off now. My brother had some bro dude friends for a while and one of the things they taught him was to basically knock the queen down a few pegs. Not anything too mean. They can't believe it and even though they get mad at first, you are different than the others and it drives them crazy. It can make them want you because they can't "have" you. I don't agree with playing people, but this might be playing out organically.
from i-am-jack :
I probably would have hyped it up too. Maybe it was weird for both of you and neither of you could say anything. I like that even though you didn't have a real conversation, you still called her on her shit just by saying hi. Like yeah, I see you. Did you want something? She seems to have more balls at a distance.
from strawberrri :
Just catching up on the Maria stuff. Yikes! Two "a bit insane" people sounds a terrible mix sorry. Avoid!! :P
from i-am-jack :
I get it. Just don't get sucked in.
from i-am-jack :
Sometimes bread crumbs can become a game of telephone, but I get it. I also get things being more complicated and nuanced for Diaryland notes.
from i-am-jack :
Okay good I am glad you and Tricia are on the same page.
from i-am-jack :
It's true, you don't know what she is really thinking until you talk to her. But do you really want to? It sounds like she is used to doing what she wants and just going through guys. How dare you not stay in the heartbreak Maria trash can? How dare you get up and walk away and talk to other women when you are supposed to be missing out.
from i-am-jack :
Just an outside perspective, but it sounds like Tricia really likes you, more than you like her. Sometimes that love language comes across more as "friends" when really they have deep feelings for you. It has happened to me more times than I would like to admit.
from i-am-jack :
It sounds like Maria can dish it out but can't take it. She can't stand you talking to other women. And yeah she sounds crazy.
from gr8legs :
Maria sounds crazy. Get surveillance! #5.15.24
from strawberrri :
I hope the anniversary wasn't too hard going for you <3
from swordfern :
I miss Fran. She sounds like an amazing woman. Humans need connection, and it's only natural for you to explore new relationships. It's okay to be a bit of a dog - I bet that's part of why Fran loved you. ;)
from hitch-hike :
(5/12/2024) Sending many thoughts of comfort on this not-so-easy anniversary <3
from musikoid :
That's the exciting part. Wondering what it will be.
from musikoid :
Thanks for noting me back. I sorta felt like my last note was kinda dumb, I mean, it goes without saying. But it's a new world of experience you are discovering, and for that you can be grateful.
from musikoid :
That must be a huge gap, man. It's possible no other woman will quite fill that void.
from jimbostaxi :
from strawberrri :
Yes that's the episode! I understand you not wanting to go but if you did it would make a great diary entry :P
from strawberrri :
The Cherise situation reminds me of the episode of Frasier where he's out with a woman but isn't at all clear whether things will take a saucy turn. If I remember rightly the woman orders garlic at the restaurant and he gets invited back to her room but she ends up passing out and he's left none the wiser! X
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
Good luck with the "detox." ;)
from musikoid :
Tricia sounds promising, from where I sit.
from raven72d :
Good luck on Myrtle Beach! Go and enjoy yourself!
from i-am-jack :
That makes sense.
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
Re: Cherise, if you want my advice, I would go with the flow and not press anything.
from i-am-jack :
Have you thought of going on a dating site?
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, right. I hope you find what you're looking for.
from browndamask :
I've been out of the dating pool for ages, but that seems awfully fast, to jump from barely expressing interest to “let’s go on a trip”.
from i-am-jack :
At least you are being honest with yourself and admitting it.
from i-am-jack :
Issues or not, I think you're making the right choice not to go. It's too fast. You probably haven't even been on a date and she wants to go on vacation together? Damn hook up culture is getting crazy,lol.
from i-am-jack :
Damn pimp daddy.
from i-am-jack :
She just wants to whisk you away on a romantic adventure then get you in bed, lol. Sure it will start out as separate beds. Are you going to go?
from strawberrri :
I was either 7 or 8, a girl in my class announced, "My dad says that Father Christmas isn't real." Why did she have to do that!? I hope things are going well with Cherise :) xx
from i-am-jack :
Wow that is moving fast, even as friends.
from i-am-jack :
Yes! Yes and Yes! ;^)
from i-am-jack :
You are doing great. ;^}
from i-am-jack :
You wanted things to be civil and they were. ;^} Hopefully they will continue to be.
from musikoid :
Right on. Might as well be nice to her, while consciously limiting contact.
from i-am-jack :
When I read your entry, I felt like you really needed to know all that. I am not an expert or guru (who really is on that subject?) but I have had experiences my whole life and a fair understanding of these things, as far as I understand anyway. I hope my note made you feel better even if it made you cry.
from i-am-jack :
For spirits to move on, it doesn't mean that they don't love you anymore, it means they are not bound or clinging to a physical life that's over or even a physical person. It sounds like she has settled into the afterlife and has accepted things, which is super important in death. From what I understand, time and space are completely different and to them, it's more like being in another room. She wants you to know she's happy and at peace I think and wants you to be too.
from i-am-jack :
That is a good thing.
from i-am-jack :
Maybe thinking of all the bad things people have said about her made part of you want to prove them all wrong? It's too easy to get so attached to someone or even just the idea of them, that you don't want to believe it or hear it. Not even your own intuition and better judgement. I don't think it was lame to want to just see her, you are grieving and letting go at your own pace.
from i-am-jack :
I'm sorry the church date did not go well, but hey you are putting yourself out there and even tried something different. I am proud of you reaching the not chasing place. Not wanting her anymore. As for civil it takes two to tango. You can only hold up your end. All you can do is keep holding up your end and move on regardless of how she behaves. You are doing great.
from i-am-jack :
She's probably intentionally making you miserable. You want space so she isn't giving you any. When you wanted a relationship, she would not stay. I would block her on everything. It might take a long time but eventually she will get bored and go away.
from i-am-jack :
I wonder if suddenly Maria is in your work area because she requested it, and she gets what she wants. Coming in on her day off for overtime looks suspicious. She might be trying to either win you back or make you miserable. I'm glad it's not working either way.
from i-am-jack :
I second SwornFern's comment. ;^}
from swordfern :
Hahaha look who's shopping around!! Someone's going to get a reputation if they aren't careful. :D
from i-am-jack :
Good luck. I hope you have fun.
from i-am-jack :
She might be as wholesome as milk is what I'm saying, but it might not be a bad thing after what you just went through.
from swordfern :
Jimbo learns a lesson about dating coworkers. :
from musikoid :
Good luck. I have personal stuff about church, going there to try to tune into the message of the sermon and receive something spiritual. When women use it as a place to find guys, it just kinda irks me. I wish all these church ladies would leave me alone.
from i-am-jack :
Well there probably won't be any car adventures, lol. If you are burned out on fast and spicy, this might be a nice change.
from musikoid :
They say church is one of the best places to meet people for dating and such. I personally have a hard time with the whole church thing.
from i-am-jack :
I am proud of you. Stay strong.
from jimbostaxi :
from msafire :
Oh Jimbo No more telanova episodes here... I might have to just watch The Oval tonight instead. Looks like you have made a healthy choice and guessing from reading the notes here perhaps you followed this wise advice from musikoid (Found below- since entries missing had to guess the obvious and read the notes for breadcrumbs!) : "If it were me, I would hope to break the cycle by stepping out of the turnstile before you get stuck in it. Of course, if it were me, I would probably do no such thing. I'd probably just go with the flow until it killed me. But that's what it looks like I ought to do, if I were you, from here. " SO Leave you with this fun song I discovered tonight from a local I like here in VA. Don't CAVE when M inevitably comes back trying to get attention again. You are not that guy. NO, The date carefree without attachment thing NOT a GOOD idea for you as you are one of the good ones who is not dissassocaiteing your heart from body and that is a wonderful thing. Some of us have to unpack our trauma to have both connected again and that requires a healing process. So be proud of being hurt! YOU are not a hardened heart. You are rather a sensitive caring man who deserves respect.
from portlypete :
Well, I haven’t been around much recently, so I go back to December last year and your family get together. Looking back to when I was young, I would probably have acted in a similar way (but without the phones). It is hard to understand grief when you have not experienced true love lost. Also, I would suggest that it was not just Fran’s day: she would have wanted to share it with you. I can’t begin to comment on your recent friendship: you might ask yourself if you can live without her. Early days.
from swordfern :
Hey Jimbo? I think you're exceptionally brave, and there's absolutely nothing to be ashamed about with Maria. I love that you went into it with an open heart and an open mind. People will show you who they are, and it always takes time to see them for who they really are. It's okay to have a little fun along the way. Heartache is part of living life fully - we can't feel good emotions without also feeling tough emotions. You're a major catch, and I'm so proud of you.
from musikoid :
Gotcha. You're welcome.
from i-am-jack :
Wow she respects your boundaries so well! Major red flag right there.
from musikoid :
Nothing in plain sight. Sorry to be such a dunce, but did you just delete all entries that had anything to do with her?
from musikoid :
Maybe I missed a critical entry. Let me investigate.
from musikoid :
I'm trying to get this straight. You DO want to be with her, or you DON'T want to be with her? Which is it?
from patheticness :
Ahhh,ok, gotcha!! Best of luck to you on everything! I'm sure it was a healthy move.:)
from patheticness :
Your diary entries jumped back to last year and this year's entries are not showing. Is it because you deleted them or is it a weird Dland glitch? Just curious, thanks!
from i-am-jack :
You deserve so much more than to just be on the back burner or her angel on the shelf. I am sorry she treated you like that.
from i-am-jack :
Wow you scrubbed her from your life. Don't be surprised if she tries to reel you back in, be ready for it. Especially since you still see each other at work. I am not going make you feel worse though if you go back to her. It's hard to get untangled from people, especially when they mess with your head. The hot/cold come and go thing chemically does things to your brain. Every time they leave it's worse and every time they come back your brain bonds even harder to them. Think of it as quitting a human drug addiction. It pretty much is.
from i-am-jack :
Damn. I get it though.
from i-am-jack :
Maybe you need to politely let him know you didn't like it.
from i-am-jack :
The truth has many sides. It's hard to say, without knowing the people and being able to detect things like face expressions and the energy between them. The boss could genuinely be a nice guy or a total Don Draper. I doubt the wife would be happy if she even knows. The woman could just be accepting his kindness, possibly be putting herself in a bad situation or using her attractiveness to move up career wise. I can't really say. ;^)
from cocoabean :
hard to say. He could just be a nice guy offering her a ride..
from musikoid :
Yeah & maybe the physical attraction will come later. My eyes observe a beautiful Italian woman. But her character, honesty & integrity are what's striking, right now.
from musikoid :
Note my entry "Denise."
from musikoid :
Good there were no games.
from i-am-jack :
I was about to ask Andy's question, but I read the answer. ;^). And I'm sure blowing her off made her more interested in you.
from cocoabean :
sounds like she doesnt believe you....
from musikoid :
You're welcome LOL!!!!
from musikoid :
Is she Maria or Marie?
from cocoabean :
so try just being a friend, and not a lover
from musikoid :
Nice to be loved. She may have been testing you, you know.
from i-am-jack :
Keep standing up to her and calling her out as needed. It's self respect and it probably makes her respect you more too.
from i-am-jack :
It's okay. Now I am thinking of that movie Queen of The Damned. The vampire queen.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email yesterday.
from i-am-jack :
Damn so she's a real force of nature, both in a good way and in a bad way.
from i-am-jack :
Damn, I am sorry. Reading that made me really sad, Therapy might be a good idea. You do not deserve punishment dating. You do not deserve to be punished at all. Fran would not want you to be unhappy.
from browndamask :
Chalk Maria up to experience. Onward and upward.
from portlypete :
I hope you are going Dutch.
from i-am-jack :
You do matter and you deserve better. Stay strong.
from musikoid :
Interested in hearing how it went. (The 3am lunch.)
from i-am-jack :
Empowering and weird at the same time, I love it.
from i-am-jack :
Wow I love how you just came right up to him. You took control of an awkward moment and worked it. Underneath his bitching he was probably pretty thrown off. I love it.
from musikoid :
Ha - the ex-boss was quick to lay the guilt trip on you. But what he does not know is that it would have been worse had you stayed another moment.
from swordfern :
Adding another g/f into the mix can be a really good thing in that you'll gain perspective on your current relationship. I'm proud of you for acknowledging red flags, which can be tough when the hormones are running wild.
from portlypete :
Take care Jimbo - an unhinged ex could be a very loose cannon.
from cocoabean :
definitely tough to date someone you work with. and no, you don't need bullshit. look out for yourself!
from msafire :
I am all for the adding another girlfriend. When you meet "the one" you know it. When it is a fun dating relationship, based on mutual attraction that is also a beautiful thing- but the thing is there are SO MANY different things we can give or get from each unique relationship that monogamy only makes sense when you have such alignment and desire to share lives together AND A SHARED PURPOSE. I mean it works to raise family, right? To build a whole life together. Once you have done that...well the incentive seems low unless you really meet someone really special. There is no formula for when and how someone will fall in love like that. So sure... you just STARTED dating after recovering from grief! You were lonely and Maria is the first woman in your life. Makes perfect sense to me you are ready to branch out and keep dating and learning more about Jimbo in the process. Dating is a process of also discovering who you are now and what to look for in a partner! I think that learning starts all over again no matter what age it is one starts dating again after a death of a long term relationship, through either actually loss of spouse or any other cause of separation. Honesty is key and then it need not be stressful. Seriously! I found little stress when had multiple lovers cause I was transparent with them all. The one would have married me even allowing me to be polyamorous but I could not wrap my mind around that at the time!
from gr8legs :
"car games"? sir, are you doing spicy things? hahahahh #2.11.24
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, right.
from portlypete :
OMG, you’ve taken me straight back to my youth.
from i-am-jack :
Take it easy, pimp daddy Jimbo.
from musikoid :
Right on.
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
Done again? Drag, man.
from raven72d :
I do love the penpal thing. That's something nice.
from i-am-jack :
Yes I hope it does.
from i-am-jack :
Not corny at all. It's a beautiful thing.
from msafire :
Pen pals ! Sooooo cute
from i-am-jack :
That is so sweet.
from i-am-jack :
It is funny, but it's great. The song is fun, alternative 90s stuff.
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
This also could be a good thing, if for now you really only see each other at work. There's wisdom in the generic advice of "taking it slow."
from i-am-jack :
That sounds like it could be a classic rock song lol. Not classic rock, but Liz Phair has a song Supernova. But yeah it sounds like you have all the ingredients there for a hot time.
from musikoid :
Well then, this is a very beautiful thing. :)
from musikoid :
The small stuff makes it. They're like decorations.
from browndamask :
Enjoying the Maria-ness of the recent entries. Hope all is well on other fronts too.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha right?
from i-am-jack :
You are horny teenagers again, lol.
from swordfern :
I don't want you to be alone forever either. Maria is adding a sparkle to your life; I like her!
from i-am-jack :
Lol then it is a miracle!
from i-am-jack :
Awwww that's great she is being supportive.
from portlypete :
Go with the positive, for now.
from i-am-jack :
Damn lol.
from musikoid :
I understand. Good luck.
from musikoid :
If it were me, I would hope to break the cycle by stepping out of the turnstile before you get stuck in it. Of course, if it were me, I would probably do no such thing. I'd probably just go with the flow until it killed me. But that's what it looks like I ought to do, if I were you, from here.
from i-am-jack :
I wish I knew what to say, I am sorry you are going through this.
from i-am-jack :
I am so sorry she said/did that. That is just cruel selfish and wrong. You deserve better than that. What does she want to marry you right now or something? Then divorce you a week later? I know you really like her but she is really emotionally unstable.
from i-am-jack :
That's great! I'm so happy for you.
from i-am-jack :
That's funny maybe I picked up on that. You're moving up the work food chain and pretty fast. Go you! Wow if she posted the roses you gave her, you did break new ground there too.
from i-am-jack :
I read "And I will take his shit." LOL. I'm glad you are taking his shift instead and getting his off days. Yay for things going well with Maria.
from portlypete :
I can't stand the tension, which is why I don't watch soap operas.
from musikoid :
Yes, things appear to be progressing once more. Good on you.
from jarofporter :
"you keep using that word - i do not think it means what you think it means!"
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you got to talk things out and things are back on track.
from raven72d :
I'm glad you got the card! And...all best wishes for the Year Twenty-Four!
from patheticness :
Yes Sarah
from patheticness :
Thanks for your note, Happy New Year and.... writeitout
from portlypete :
Early days ...
from musikoid :
Yes, let's. Happy New Year.
from swordfern :
Just catching up on diaries and am delighted to read that you're enjoying yourself these days :))))
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad she came around but keep your guard up a bit. Hot and cold games, intentional or not, really mess with your head and can get you addicted to someone fast.
from patheticness :
Just caught up with "you"! Wow, lots has been happening! Good luck with Maria!! Exciting for you!
from portlypete :
I’m full of bright ideas. Try browsing for ‘singles holidays to Mexico’. You might need to start saving though, or try closer to home.
from musikoid :
Oh well, maybe easy come easy go. Hope there won't be strange vibes around the workplace.
from portlypete :
I’ve witnessed several workplace romances in my time. I can only recall one that stood the test of time. Adult education classes and clubs are a good way of making friends with a common interest: art classes, creative writing … needlework 😜 ?
from i-am-jack :
I'm sorry. Maybe she's too dramatic and high maintenance anyway. I get why she's mad but it seems like overkill how she's reacting. Adults talk things out. You deserve someone who's emotionally mature.
from i-am-jack :
Maybe you can save it? I don't know exactly what you said, but I'm guessing it was a nervous fumble sort of thing? Give her some space and time to be mad, then maybe apologize and explain? That is if it's worth it. I'm sorry.
from cocoabean :
if thats all it took, youre better off
from musikoid :
Uh oh. Iced out and blocked, eh? Wonder if it's the point of no return...
from i-am-jack :
I just caught up, congratulations on the new office romance. Hopefully tonight goes well.
from msafire :
OH!!! How sweet to read of your new romance! Happy New Year Jimbo!! I am also excited about having the first New Years Eve (perhaps ever?) to share with someone. My first husband was a working musician so he always had a gig. Even when dating they were not the kind I could crash (LOL...or I was always scheduled to work is more likely as worked in human services/group homes back then). Later in life I was always home with kids and it while it was fun over the years to watch the ball drop with the bottle of sparkling grape juice, it will be special to celebrate the New Year with my new lover/boyfriend. HA HA Seriously, the craziest my New Year's Eve ever got was the one year I had a boyfriend over, and he showed up with just chicken nuggets from McDonalds and hell yeah I was judgy; and it somehow seemed apt we ended up keeping our drunk neighbor from getting into trouble by inviting him to share the chicken nuggests on my back porch rather than run around the small town where the cops loved to pick him up. Seriously I was more excited to spend time with my neighbor (my good friend's husband who was funny- she was working) that night than the boyfriend as I recall being super annoyed at my boyfriend for the complete lack of effort. OK so I might be a food snob... but really, chicken nuggets as an offering to say Happy New Year? I mean even a basic chocolate bar could have shown effort... but nuggets? So have a wonderful night Jimbo!
from musikoid :
"It is all synchronized by some mysterious force to keep me on my toes." I love it! Let us know what happens when the clock strikes twelve.
from i-am-jack :
I went downstairs and checked. The coffee arrived. My landlord brought it in for me and left it on my mail spot on the table. Thank you so much. I have Jimbo roast to look forward to now.
from i-am-jack :
Holy shit I just successfully left you a note from the new tablet without blowing it away, like the last 3 attempts! I'm moving up in the world, lol.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you got my card and liked it. I thought it was funny our kind of funny. I'll let you know when the coffee comes. I really appreciate it.
from portlypete :
I wouldn’t pay too much attention to psychologists, however eminent they may be. But what do I know: I once let an amazing woman slip through my fingers (from the best of motives) and have regretted it ever since. I have no advice. Good luck.🤞
from musikoid :
That comes next. How soon, we cannot say...
from musikoid :
Or at least, a Christmas gift. :)
from portlypete :
from musikoid :
Wow that's amazing about Maria! I hope it proceeds well from here...
from i-am-jack :
How am I feeling? Functionally nuts, honestly. I am holding it together freakishly well, but I feel pretty nuts inside.
from i-am-jack :
I loved your Sockman story, that was definitely entry worthy. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
If you still want to send me some coffee I loved that Ridge Roast you sent me last time, the vanilla one. ;^) I sent you a card on the 18th. Sorry I have been scarce, it's been hard to get to the library. Like you say, I am not around but I am not really gone. I am on my landlord's computer real quick right now since the library is closed for Christmas.
from portlypete :
It seems as if you have landed in the middle of some prime-time soap opera: I can’t wait for Episode Two!
from raven72d :
Sounds like she has mastered the subtlest of skills!
from raven72d :
Eyes are amazing.
from whystinger :
It's the eyes that have it... Just dropped by to say hello.
from portlypete :
I've wanted to go to Mexico for a long long time. Copper Canyon sounds amazing. The thing about turning my notes off was that everyone else did know, but without going to 'notes settings' I had no idea. Any way, back now. Do you find yourself humming songs from West Side Story? I like the name Maria - I once dated a girl of that name, but she wasn't from Peru. So I look forward to hearing about your travels.
from musikoid :
Haha. You gotta understand though, I have NIGHTMARES about these Kids. Had 'em last night, matter-of-fact. But you know, gotta wake up and smell the coffee. Every day's new.
from musikoid :
Actually you're probably right. I just hadn't gotten that far in my thinking yet.
from portlypete :
It is the anniversary’s that bring the memories flooding back. I’m sorry you had a wretched day.
from musikoid :
I'm requesting feedback on my entry "Tough Call." I understand if the situation is complex or you don't have sufficient insight.
from i-am-jack :
I just wanted to say hi and let you know I caught up on the last few entries. I laughed about no Christmas music in the operating room. One time I was in the ER around Christmas and I appreciated the lights around the window in the X Ray room. But would not have appreciated music, though it would have been kind stupid and surreal at the same time. As for Fran's day, I am sorry your family were all on their phones playing. Maybe you can go the day before or after and have your own memorial, just you and her. Then have the one with family.
from raven72d :
Peach pie is a favorite of mine! I found a brand of frozen mini-peach pies that are under two bucks, and they've become a go-to microwaveable snack. And I've always wanted to have the kind of money where $10K is just a rounding error.
from swordfern :
Happy Birthday, Fran.
from musikoid :
Thanksgiving was fine. I celebrated it a week early at the Center, it was packed and all kinds of great grub. The actual official was nothing, just another day. It's good you mentioned being thankful you got to see all your grandkids. That's what's it all about--gratitude. I forget that sometimes myself.
from musikoid :
That would have definitely disturbed me. Attachment to devices was seen as more important than a meaningful event commemorating the birthday of your deceased loved one. Why should it NOT be about your feelings? The image I get in my mind, reading that, is ugly beyond belief.
from jimbostaxi :
To Pete, it's always good to hear from you, and thanks for the notes. I like the idea of taking a creative writing course that sounds like fun. My Fran’s birthday coming up lots of sadness remembering her being sick in those last days.
from portlypete :
Congrats Grandad. I redacted the rest of my note, which was meant to be positive. You can't change the world, but you can try to make a difference, which you are doing. That is all we can strive to do.
from swordfern :
Abby's my favourite! Actually, they're all my favourite, but I hope that Abby's little sibling will be as awesome as she is!
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you back.
from i-am-jack :
I am not ignoring your email and I haven't forgotten about you. First I was having a lot of migraines, then the shit kind of hit the fan. Just like you say, you are never really gone, the same goes with me.
from catsoul :
11.25.2023. Being retired isn't all it is cracked up to be, at least not for me. I do more and am super busy. You also have way more time to ponder all about life, people, and such. So you do you, and do whatever you need to do with no fuckin' apologizes to anyone. Peace with yourself man. =^..^=
from portlypete :
Thanks for your note about my note. I am far from being an expert about getting by after such a loss, even though my stock of condolence cards is diminishing rapidly. I have had several attempts at proffering sage advice and failed every time. I don't have the experience! Certainly a trip is a great idea. I might also suggest that you look out for some sort of Creative Writing Course / Club to fill some of your time. You do have a great way with words and, I imagine, many anecdotes to build into a short story or three. Plus, you would be with people with a common interest. Good Luck
from raven72d :
If you make it to Toronto, I wish you a great stay.
from browndamask :
Why is it that ‘surrounded by people but still lonely’ feels lonlier than solitude? Onward to Canada sounds nice. I worked in Toronto when I was young and have always wanted to go back.
from musikoid :
Yes indeed. I am definitely a proponent of "you've got only one life to live" (though I notice some disagree). Thanks for wishing me luck on the doctor dilemma. Today was the first day I awoke with a halfway clear head on the matter--and the decision to make a plan. One Day at a Time, my friend.
from musikoid :
Just read your new entry. I can see how things can seem kinda directionless and that can be lonely. You're still in transition and grieving, and that can take anyone to some pretty strange places. You're a good guy. Hang in there.
from i-am-jack :
It's always good to hear from you.
from portlypete :
Hey. Just because I never post doesn't mean you have to do the same.
from msafire :
Hey next time on LI I will hit you up! I have a couple family members out East, and knew did not have time to meet them all. So stayed with Aunt and Uncle on the one side of the Island (closer to NYC!) Will make it out futher on a future treck to visit my OTHER awesome Aunt and relative. Was pretty close growing up with my counsins out there! (Shoreham). Think you are closer to them. I grew up in Albertson area for most part. Worked in Pt. Washington (that was a hoot! I was a bill collector next to a legit scary Italian one would not want to mess with named SAL) but prior to that had taken the the train from Mineola to get to work out in Syosset at a school for disabled kids for a bit before moving back up to Buffalo. Oh and WHLI/WJOY in Carle Place NY internship for a bit was fun!
from msafire :
Hey Jimbo, Love your latest entry! YES! Since we literally spend more waking hours at work than anywhere else (for most part) it should be a place that you develop that comradarie! I love my one part time job for that very reason. Thought of you as I was on L.I. visiting my Aunt and Uncle and old neighborhood. Went to Jones Beach for a quick walk. Was nice to vist.
from narcissa :
I love that for you!!! Especially after your last job, it’s so great that this place feels good
from musikoid :
from i-am-jack :
She might have a future working at Secretary of State or DHS!
from musikoid :
That's great you have a camaraderie at your job like family. Too bad that lady made no effort to fit in, but it seems best she leave.
from gr8legs :
hey. the fever was a direct result of the operation. i'm glad i pulled through. no new job in sight yet but hopefully there will be something soon.
from musikoid :
Yeah get out there and live man. You'll write when so moved.
from raven72d :
"Pornhub moment" is great. And I like the bench story-- and the idea of having an official bench.
from musikoid :
I agree with Jack. Your park bench & preacher entry was really well-written. I also find I write better when consumed by some kind of sudden passion. I find it a good time to write poetry. Also (not sure if you've noticed this in my diary), I have a bench in front of the hospital where I often sit and chill. But that's neither here nor there. Good luck doing divorce counseling; er, I mean, marriage counseling.
from raven72d :
It's just that Letter of Marque that makes the difference. Documents are everything!
from i-am-jack :
"With no pornhub moment in my future, I switched from pickup lines to preacher." That is golden.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, the prop book was a good idea. Now I am wondering about all those "grocery store novels" I saw behind the bar at one of my jobs. One of the waitresses was a big fan of one of those authors whose books are always at grocery store check outs. I forget the name now. Having any book on hand is a good way to basically say "Don't talk to me." And you have somewhere to put your eyes. I hope you go on a few small fall adventures.
from i-am-jack :
It's good to hear you have been drawing and making art. Prop book? Is that like a sketch book? As for what makes "good reading" I always enjoy your slice of life entries. You tell really evocative stories in vignettes. I'm sure you *could* write about any of those things, it's just a matter of if you *want* to. And that's what's nice about this place. Your diary can be anything you want it to. As for getting out and *living* I have been feeling that a little too. Maybe you can look for Halloween things to do. Find a good haunted house. Go to the cider mill. Just go on little adventures, even if you go by yourself.
from i-am-jack :
I hope things are status quo in a good or at least comfortable daily routine way and you can get things moving again with the stagnant areas.
from raven72d :
Diana Rigg left an indelible impression on a whole generation.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for your kind note and the reassurance ;^) I have been reading. I always enjoy your entries, even if I don't always comment. I have been wondering how you were doing and you are one of the ones I have been meaning to email. I'm sorry that you had an episode at that place. Depending on what happened exactly, either you can come back later but act like nothing happened or if/when it feels right apologize and explain. Sometimes it's easier to just be real and say you have anxiety, bipolar, etc.
from musikoid :
Thanks Jimbo. I appreciate it.
from musikoid : if you get the chance (an old friend of mine died and I'm weirded out)
from musikoid :
I met a few people who reminded me of him on the streets. Had to act tough but were soft inside.
from musikoid :
Bukowski is great. I like his poem 'Bluebird.'
from raven72d :
I agree with that: family or loved ones first, then worry about other things. There was a great website (and a later series of books) called The Burning House were people posted photographs of what they'd take. Some interesting choices, but a lot of people just posted, say, a family photo and captioned it that all they cared about rescuing was family (and often the family pets).
from i-am-jack :
Hey ;^)
from raven72d :
Everybody needs a bigger boat these days.
from raven72d :
You're right about decaying in place. We're like sharks: we all have to keep moving.
from englishsucks :
did you do anything special today?
from englishsucks :
happy birthday! it's 10pm here, I hope I'm not too late! Happy birthday handsome! <3 ox
from jarofporter :
well, i most certainly have an idle button. pretty sure my life has been idling for the last several years! ;-)
from papotheclown :
That Kafka story is beautiful
from msafire :
Love your brevity! So well done.
from musikoid :
Thanks for giving context. I too have felt a great sense of peace and joy come into my spirit after I have offered a meaningful apology to someone who deserved it. It also feels really good to hear the words "Apology accepted!" (Some of us do have a guilt-ridden tendency to apologize too much, however, when we shouldn't. This is not good, because then it diminishes the strength of the apology that's meaningful. I do this myself--I'm trying to get past it in therapy now, that's why it's on my mind. My therapist and I believe it has something to do with Roman Catholic guilt, in my case pre-Vatican Two.)
from musikoid :
This is true, your 'still learning' post. I will add that when one does not apologize for something one really has done wrong, the other person has no reason not to believe they'll go and do the same damn thing again. I don't hold my breath waiting for people to apologize who owe me one, but when they don't, my guard remains up, because I know what's coming.
from gr8legs :
hugs. having dreams about loved ones that have passed are bittersweet. #8.27.23
from i-lost-sarah :
It feels like your Kafka story is an answer to your dreams about Fran, no?
from browndamask :
I'd forgotten this story about Kafka. My 15 yr old is reading The Metamorphosis for the first time, which sent us both down a sort of Kafka rabbit hole last week. I'll have to share this with him.
from raven72d :
I do love the Kafka story.
from hitch-hike :
Kafka spoke the truth about the doll and matters of the heart!
from strawberrri :
Beer is my motivational tool too!!! :) xx
from i-am-jack :
*and even *then*
from i-am-jack :
Awww thanks. ;^) Other people are always out of our control. We can only influence or sway them or the situation so much, without being total controlling assholes and even.
from i-am-jack :
Numbing out after a while is pretty normal. So is being hurt again. I really do hope things get better with her in time. If not, you are doing your best. And yay for momentum.
from jimbostaxi :
To Pete, I've spent a lifetime outside of the window looking in. So I try to make my words count when I have the chance. Thanks for the note!
from jimbostaxi :
from i-am-jack :
I'm sorry Jazzy's move is hard on you, but maybe some space will improve your relationship? Also congratulations on the online course!
from portlypete :
You have such a way with words. In one simple phrase you can reach someone’s soul. You need to harness that talent and use it. To what end? Well, that’s up to you. Good luck
from catsoul :
7.29.2023. Your inner talk should be: I will have a great relationship with Jazzy in our future. I will take small steps to make this happen for us. Peace. =^..^=
from jimbostaxi :
To Pete, yeah I understand that feeling myself. I've read your posts for a while now and in my eyes, you always have a spot in your heart for David when he fights Goliath. :) nothing wrong with hoping these corrupt individuals hang from the highest yardarm.
from portlypete :
I sometimes feel that having the right to bear arms would be a great think, but only to turn the thing on oneself. Don’t worry, even the vilest politician or president is safe from my ire, as much as they mag deserve it.
from musikoid :
It's gotta be a huge change being suddenly single and alone, and without her. You have the space to be exposed to all kinds of things, to have taken a vacation, to make all kinds of choices you could not make before. I think you're doing good Jimbo.
from musikoid :
Hey Jimbo. I'm behind on your entries but just read Violence. This is truth. Some people don't sleep well at night unless they've done someone harm. I've met people like that, a lot of them on the streets. I think what it is is, they get off on feeling they've prevailed over another person, it makes them feel big.
from portlypete :
Peanut butter and jelly - now you're talking my language!!!
from i-am-jack :
The Steve thing is hilarious, because I did that to one of my managers. I was calling him Tony when that wasn't his name because he looked so much like a Tony. You must look like a Steve to him.
from i-am-jack :
Investing in yourself can be a hard one at first, if it's something new and foreign to you. The first time I heard it from my first therapist, it actually both made me laugh and made me mad at the same time. Even if she was right. We do need to be invested in our own selves and our own lives, as much as everyone and everything else we care about. Think about this, your friends and family *want* to see you happy and doing well. You can start small. Just reading a good book is investing in you. Persuing an interest is investing in you. It doesn't have to be a really big goal like getting a college degree, but it can be if that's what you feel excited about doing. You can start by thinking about what interests, excites, inspires you.
from browndamask :
That's a good start. Maybe just taking the one class will help you begin to figure it out. I've been strongly considering going back myself. Rapidly approaching a crossroads and realizing I have want something a little more useful than a BFA in Experimental Art (least useful degree ever).
from browndamask :
Investing in oneself - something that seems easy enough but is so absurdly hard at times. I don't know what kind of investment you're looking to make but I hope you find something that works for you.
from msafire :
Heck Jimbo we do our best and sometimes our kids still have trouble loving us. Last post resonates but hey we keep loving and doing our best and hope for grace of forgiveness. Beautiful you keep on and maintain even imperfect family relationships and hey maybe someday that will be apprechiated. I feel like it is hard but maybe just our availability and willingness to be present is the thing adult kids need. No more or less. Its what I can offer which is accepted sometimes. My kids seem to be upset if not here yet when here act indifferent. I figure just showing up is enough. For me it's just being home when they are here and cognizant even when they ignore me that is better I suppose at anger from them.if not here ! I feel like for you it's the offer to visit and see some of your family even when they act distant or still angry about stuff you never knew was received poorly in the past that is yoir just showing up. Even when apprechiation not given in return. For our own kids it serms ok to do that. Anyine else I would say just let them go...but yeah fir our kids we keep trying. I get it how things I see as innocuous my kids found offensive. Meaning read into something I said or did or failed to say or do that are no where near my perception or intention or thoughts. We cant do more than listen and say sorry and try to move forward. So I am also glad when you invest energy where you find joy. It's not selfish to do so and let go of worry of the family who don't apprechiate you for a time!! Glad you had the vacation. Do schedule time for rest again! And hope work and new people bring joy and you find some who are delighted by your company. Heck at least those here find delight with shared rantings at times!! It's something...
from narcissa :
i dropped off the internet for a few weeks and missed your stories about your trip! I was so happy to just catch up... it's exactly what I would have wanted for you. I'm so glad you had a good time.
from raven72d :
Aha! The postcard collection arrived today! Many, many thanks!
from i-am-jack :
Yes a thick egg and cinnamon swirl, or it's not even french toast at all! Well unless it's those frozen breakfast sticks, but those are their own category. I'm glad you aren't over thinking things with her, sometimes it's good to step back and let things unfold.
from raven72d :
Thanks! I'll look forward to the cards! And Sharon Stone is a good choice as narrator.
from i-am-jack :
It's kind of uncanny I was randomly remembering french toast this morning, and I have not had it in probably decades now! Do you like it with extra egg? My family always made it super eggy. And it doesn't sound like she hates you. Maybe it's a difficult relationship, but it doesn't sound hateful. She isn't ghosting you and you are welcome at her new place
from englishsucks :
hi handsome! im waiting for that pictures! how was your vacation? sorry its been so long. A lot of things had happened but im doing alright. my surgery is set, so all i can do is wait. i hope youre doing well over there.
from jimbostaxi :
Hi Pete,(your notes are off!) Thanks for sharing that note about your grandpa and how you wish you knew him better. It's a shame many of us have those same regrets and only realize our error after those people pass on. God bless you for sharing and your grandpa for all his accomplishments.
from portlypete :
Sorry: I misspelled 'Glasgow'. My Grandad lived in the roughest, toughest part called The Gorbals.
from portlypete :
Believe me Jimbo, in years to come they will wish they had taken the time to listen. Modern life only becomes interesting once it has receeded into the past. I wish I had known my Grandpa better. When I was a kid, he was an old man in a rocking chair. He had come from the poorest part of Glascow, Scotland and made a living for himself. He wasn't rich but, in his prime, he was a firebrand: a man who changed lives and (arguably) had a role in changing British History. He was a campaigner who fought for the poor and downtrodden people of London. I am so proud of him. The country would be so much better with more men like my grandad. He was a labour supporter; an alderman; a man who could see the injustice in society and did his best to combat it. God bless him.
from browndamask :
thank you! i enjoy yours as well!
from swordfern :
Post-vacation depression is real, and it really sucks. I hope that you can be kind to yourself and let the routines fall back into place. :(((
from msafire :
Jimbo would love to exchange vaca pics! You prodded me to review membership status as like to support DL! Think the buttons for membership are not working for a bit. Could not renew and don't think have a masked DL email anymore. Not sure how to DM! Can find me on IG and Twitter and can msg there for email for pics!
from i-lost-sarah :
That's not Gouda enough, you Muenster! 😄
from i-am-jack :
That is one of my favorite songs by her.
from musikoid :
I don't know if the term 'vacation' even applies in my retirement (or if the term 'retired' even applies, for that matter). But when I was working, I went for years without taking a vacation. I could never fit it in. Then when I did get a week off once, somewhere in the mid-90's, I kinda didn't know what to do with it. It sounds like you put your vacation time to good use.
from i-lost-sarah :
I'M PARTIAL TO CAMEMBERT, OFFICER (I'm alive, that made me chuckle 😊)
from i-am-jack :
Here's another one! She loves her vacations. This one is a lot more sad though.
from i-am-jack :
Yes, that was her big break. They are friends and he had her sing on his track. I don't like Eminem but I love that he helped launch her career. I have a few of her albums. She's amazing but so humble and real.
from i-am-jack :
It's a song about vacation drop.
from i-am-jack :
from i-am-jack :
I read today's entry, you've never been on vacation before until now? When I was a kid, I'd get vacation drop really bad. Even after something like the church festival, (which was really exciting to me) I'd be sad and mad for a few days and things that were usually fun, were just lame. It does wear off though.
from i-am-jack :
I hope you feel better soon.
from i-am-jack :
You might get vacation drop, but it's really normal.
from i-am-jack :
I am Jimbo's Rude Awakening. Again this one played out like a movie scene. That was a really cool dream they woke you from but it's also very symbolic.
from portlypete :
from raven72d :
Thanks! I'll look forward to them!
from i-am-jack :
Have a safe flight. ;^) Sorry I've been a bit awol, I have been in a weird headspace, kind of isolating.
from i-am-jack :
Wow your last entry was so vivid, I was almost seeing it like a movie scene.
from whystinger :
I haven't dropped by in a long time, just over a month. I hit your recent entry and read "Coqui" and instantly knew about where you are. So where are you on PR? I haven't been back there since 2017 and want to go back. I need to learn Spanish, but have said that for years. I am glad to hear you are doing well. Cheers!
from msafire :
I am envisioning a new hat for you Jimbo! Hats are awesome.
from i-am-jack :
Your dare to dream entry is really beautiful. Even your boss is supporting you and that is rare. I am so happy and proud of you taking this vacation and all the leaps of faith over this last year. You're doing it. You're getting out there and living life. Keep the momentum going. A vision board could really be helpful. My best friend/old roomate made one and every single thing she included came true. She felt compelled to glue this picture of mountains on it, without knowing why. Now she lives in CO and sees mountains all the time. She began a whole new better life out there and wasn't even planning or expecting to land there.
from i-am-jack :
Ouch! I've had that happen! Yes, get some kind of hat. Scalp burns can get really bad and you'll feel better without the sun cooking your head. You don't need sun sicknesss spoiling your fun.
from cocoabean :
gotta find a hat!!
from msafire :
Jimbo try a vision board! They really can be helpful. Allow yourself to just dream and don't edit or thing your whimsy or desires are impractical or stupid or unattainable. Its a really freeing thing to give yourself permission to actually be happy and follow your dreams. You have held tightly to your role of provider, father, husband and let that be your act of love for your family. That phase is over and its time to find a new way of being which will be one of contentment I am sure! SO HAPPY YOU ARE ON THE BEACH!! ENJOY THE REST YES YOU CAN GET USED TO LIFE NOT BEING STRESSFUL. It actually is a shift and is hard at first when used to being stressed, overworked, lacking sleep- but you will adjust and feel so much better!
from i-am-jack :
Oh it will follow her for the rest of her life, I'm sure. Not worth it.
from i-am-jack :
Maybe he was book smart, but not life smart. It's sad. Either he was desperate or greedy or both. At least he didn't take your wallet.
from i-am-jack :
from musikoid :
I think I missed a whole aura-related thread, something about rosy etc. Anyway I really appreciated your last note. I'm actually ambivalent about the sorrow-drowning thing. Sometimes I think if I hadn't have drowned my sorrows, I would have done something drastically worse. But usually, once I recover from whatever drug or alcohol I used to do the drowning, the sorrows remain -- and are often even worse. Facing the demons isn't easy but it's probably best.
from portlypete :
I’m so glad that things are looking rosy for you.
from raven72d :
Aha! Well, it's a good color!
from musikoid :
Your suggestion sounds sensible, but I think in this case I had to embrace it entirely and face the pain of it, because when I failed to do so earlier I became so discouraged I made a bus and train trip to a different city where I had a connection to a dangerous street drug--which was the only way I could think of to sufficiently drown my sorrows at the time. In any case I did face it and walk through it, and I and the project are better for it. There is still a lot of sorrow, but no sorrow is worth drowning.
from raven72d :
I'm thinking your aura should be a royal blue.
from swordfern :
So what colour is your aura?!?!?! How can you leave us hanging like that?
from i-am-jack :
I am so happy for you that you made a friend. Maybe you should change your shift to see her more.
from i-am-jack :
I am kind of a grey character too.
from musikoid :
Nice lady, Celeste. May you move forward from here, unshackled by bonds past.
from msafire :
I am so happy to read your last entry! YEAH JIMBO You deserve better than the past 20 yrs of miserable workplace and are stepping into it!
from i-am-jack :
We are all light and shadows.
from strawberrri :
Thanks a lot :) The trial has the rest of this month to run and we have some soap opera stars due to come along so I'm still enjoying the glitz and glamour for now! The tattoo chat sounds nice! Haha. Wishing you better dreams and peace in your day to day life xx
from strawberrri :
Thanks a lot :) The trial has the rest of this month to run and we have some soap opera stars due to come along so I'm still enjoying the glitz and glamour for now! The tattoo chat sounds nice! Haha. Wishing you better dreams and peace in your day to day life xx
from babyhead :
I am a hand shaker. All done for congratulations, emphasis, or a pause for connection. I am a hand shaker.
from i-am-jack :
The sky has been hazy and weird too. Sometimes it looks overcast but the sun's out. Before I knew why, I guessed pollution and dry air (not enough moisture to reflect blue?). I smell smoke sometimes but it could be people's grills or outdoor fires. It hasn't been bothering my asthma or sinuses too bad amazingly, but I have been getting light headed. As for shaking hands, that is usually a professional setting thing. It's a world of business thing but not so common in the real world. It might be weird, but try to respond with a strong handshake. It's a sign of confidence. Last time someone shook my hand, it was my landlord's living will lawyer when we went. It was so textbook and weird. Strong handshake. Direct eye contact. Big white smile. They learn all that stuff.
from i-am-jack :
Wow that got there fast! I mailed it out Wednesday. I was going to email you today to let you know to watch for it. I'm glad it made it, you got it and you're happy with it. It is a lot of work, but I enjoy it and I'm glad you appreciate it. And thanks. That would be funny if something I wrote made it onto a T shirt.
from swordfern :
Your heart is so big, Jimbo. I love that about you.
from narcissa :
probably with all your years of working nights you have hella street smarts so you'll be fine
from narcissa :
i don't know.. i figure everyone always knows I'm a tourist and I'm totally not going to fit in so I might as well have fun : ) But I guess, yes, probably better if you feel comfortable!
from i-am-jack :
You really are a good guy.
from i-am-jack :
We're two self deprecating peas in a pod. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
I get that "Ugh". I knew they were right but it was hard to accept. If it makes you feel better, I felt the same way for a long time and I'm still not 100% over it. I think it's a very human thing, but it's more intense for some of us. And no, I didn't imagine you like that at all, I more imagined OCD with the tie clip, lol. It sounds like you do what I do sometimes, you can't control what they think, so you use a little self deprecating humor to get a laugh out of you and the other person.
from i-am-jack :
That's a tricky can of worms and one I was personally obsessed with, until a few good people told me that the level of image mastery I was after was impossible both because it was mind control and because it's so subjective, just like everything else. Two people can like the same thing and have totally different reasons and perceptions of it. For what it's worth, no one *truly* knows anyone. Your coworkers know "Work Jimbo" while we know "Diaryland Jimbo" while your family probably knows you best, but as "Family Jimbo." If it helps, usually people are kinder to us than we are to ourselves, so I'm sure most of them like you.
from narcissa :
oh i was just thinking.. one of my favourite things about traveling is the fruit. You don't even realize how our bananas taste like cardboard until you go to a place where you can eat a banana that didn't have to travel across an ocean
from narcissa :
re: how do ppl see you.. i think it's why it's good to do new things. We get kind of stuck in our little bubbles. I do, anyway. WHEN DO YOU LEAVE?!? i think you should consider getting a shirt with pineapples on it too.
from raven72d :
Thanks! Glad you liked the card! I used to wear a silver ankh back in the 80s, and I still have it somewhere-- still on a silk cord, I think. I hope your trip goes well-- and I always love getting postcards!
from msafire :
@work in my Healthcare job (rehab skilled nursing a hospital 🏥) reading and someone just asked " What are you reading? " 1. Thought of you lol 😆 (reading library borrowed Hang the Moon by Janette Wells...akin to chick lit I guess) and 2. Your entry made me finally understand my Buffalo guy's issue with his once GF carrying around 50 Shades of Grey as a prop. Seriously I thought he was reading into it too much as it never would have occurred to me anyone would use a book as prop! Find it hilarious 3. Poetry- has to be a poetry book cause I think that makes one hot now that I think about it!
from portlypete :
Life is a dangerous business.
from portlypete :
I wouldn’t say “20 years of life thrown in the bin”. I prefer to think of it as “recycling”. Good luck with the job.
from narcissa :
I’m so glad you’ve got a gig at the hospital! It’s weird but I really like hospitals. Not being sick in them, or watching other ppl be sick in them- but I love that there is this whole structure to help people get better. I really think the people who work in hospitals are amazing, and now you’re part of it. Plus it’s just cool to do something different. (And yeah definitely get a hat! And maybe a shirt with palm trees on it : ))
from raven72d :
French cuffs are always great, and so is a good pocket watch.
from raven72d :
Good luck at the new job!
from musikoid :
Any time, Jim.
from portlypete :
Great News!
from musikoid :
I think you'll grow into it, Jimbo. You're still grieving, so it's hard. Hospitals can be great places to work, I'm still volunteering at the one where I was born. All the hospital people are nice here and have a great camaraderie.
from msafire :
Congratulations on the new job! Laughing at your thoughtful book choice.ha ha
from musikoid :
Good luck man. I read the previous long entry from a while back (you said you would delete it, maybe you did.) I didn't want to comment but it seems a drag to end on the note it did. But then, I guess that characterized the whole twenty years of waste, and sort of topped it off. This new gig can't help but be better. Glad you've been reborn.
from swordfern :
Jimbo. Poetry. If you read a book of poetry then they will get a hint of your true soul!
from narcissa :
Love to read about this new job and your upcoming trip. i think you should bring a Puerto Rico guidebook and then everyone will give you their best tips
from portlypete :
I lose my keys, my tools, my mind, my temper, my libido, my ... thread ... what was I saying? I nearly forgot my password to log in here. That's the strange thing; if you asked me what my password was I couldn't tell you, and not just for the security concerns - like I'd have to shoot you (if gun laws in the UK were more like Ron DeSantis would like in the USA), but just because I have to open Diaryland and type my username before some other part of my brain takes over and types it in for me. ANyway, I sincerely hope that you have not become a comma talking to itself on some chat website. There is a lot more than that to you, I know.
from jimbostaxi :
from i-am-jack :
Wow congratulations! I am so glad you safely landed on the other side of your leap of faith. Hopefully you can get some sleep now.
from hitch-hike :
You are my hero for quitting a sh*tty, soul-crushing job. Good for you for leaving on your own terms rather than waiting for some ax to fall. Someday I will do the same and you’ve given me a mental picture for how to do it. I give you blessings in advance for your Puerto Rico trip in advance :D
from i-am-jack :
True, lol. You have to establish the running joke first. What ever happened to Red Sweatpants?
from i-am-jack :
Hey at least you have nice coworkers now. You can be honey and she can be sugar, lol.
from i-am-jack :
That is a big change. The longest I kept a job was 7 years and that was weird to leave, even after things weren't good. I hope you feel invigorated, freed and excited about your new job and your new life.
from i-am-jack :
Someone once told me "Don't ever be afraid to jump from the Titanic." Congratulations on getting out of there!
from raven72d :
You make a very good point. Thank you.
from englishsucks :
naw dont be sorry. lol <3
from i-am-jack :
Oh no I don't draw that good, it was an Internet image.
from i-am-jack :
That's great. I can't wait to see it. ;^)
from musikoid :
My pleasure.
from musikoid :
Puerto Rico will be sweet.
from msafire :
Jimbo be gentle with self as at the anniversary of Fran's death of course your emotions are raw!Grief is a lifelong process when shared a life so will have ups n downs. So good your whole family came together ❤️ One of your recent entries I enjoyed reading much was of the bird. You captured the uniqueness of where you live so beautifully. The daily things taken for granted are often beautiful; and as we don't all live by the shore I so loved that piece! I could imagine it there. I even geeked out and looked up pics and read more about the bird ( that of course now forget name of (lol 😆 oyster fisher??) but before found the bird also envisioned old fisherman on a sunny day and such lovely imaginings.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you back, I hope I helped.
from i-am-jack :
The flowers are pretty mild, I put some on a salad one day to mix things up. The leaves are a lot stronger.
from hitch-hike :
Here’s to many fond thoughts and memories of your loved one, and that they may bring comfort <3
from i-am-jack :
from i-am-jack :
I don't think she'll forget about you. She drew the heart in your sketchbook, so you wouldn't forget *her* after all.
from i-am-jack :
I laughed at the part about no lives being lost during dinner. Abbey sounds really special.
from swordfern :
I would love to see your Mongol horde!!! 😃
from i-am-jack :
I'm thinking of you today. I hope you had a beautiful memorial.
from swordfern :
Say Hi to Fran for me. You may have been the last to arrive that day, but you're the first to arrive now. If we aren't given grace to amend the past, then the world would be a very sad place.
from i-am-jack :
Henbit is edible, but personally I find it super bitter. You can try a leaf and see if you like it.
from i-am-jack :
Okay the first two are Henbit and the second is not purple dead nettle, I'm not sure what it is but the leaf shape isn't right. Purple Dead Nettle leaves are shaped kind of like spearmint and have the same feel. However if Henbit is there, keep looking around the area, since they do grow together/near each other.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks, I will be able to better confirm if it is it, but it's looking really good.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, no! I keep accidentally leaving notes on my own page answering yours. We all do that sometimes, but for some reason I keep doing it. If I ever need a body guard, I'll let you know though. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
Yes, right? I made some this morning and it's really good, just the right roast strength. Thank you again!
from i-am-jack :
You really hooked me up!
from i-am-jack :
It made it here safe and sound! My landlord brought it in for me. I just opened it and wow, that is the biggest bag of coffee I have ever seen! Thank you! It's funny that you read my mind, I was just thinking of getting some vanilla to mix things up and that's what you got me. Thank you!
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, thanks. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
I'd be ghost pepper flavored potato chips. Painful to eat, but some people keep eating them anyway and like it even.
from i-am-jack :
You're welcome! ;^)
from i-am-jack :
I saw your snack pack comment on Andy's notes. I think you would be a sweet and salty trail mix, with some spicy pieces mixed in sometimes.
from linguafranca :
Yeah, eternal cycle of death and rebirth sort of thing. Plus the snakes, in Florida there are both and they’re often mistaken one for the other because the both have red bands but anyway one is deadly venomous and the other is a harmless noodle. So it’s also got a little duality thing going on too
from swordfern :
Can I borrow Abbey? I bet she'd shred up the trails and leave me in the dust.
from linguafranca :
The current tattoo in progress is a sort of double ourobouros around my upper thigh. It’ll be a scarlet king snake and a coral snake.
from musikoid :
Jimbo the D-Land Pretzel, indeed.
from swordfern :
Haha! That silly oystercatcher.
from musikoid :
Just catching up now, but I want to express how uplifted I was by your Hope entry. That says the best things about D-land for me as well.
from i-am-jack :
What a funny bird! I had to look that up, we don't get those around here. I love the jokes.
from i-am-jack :
I remember that. I had a really old GPS that worked great most of the time, but it died when they changed the satellites or something and I never got around to getting a new one.
from i-am-jack :
It's kind of scary how wrong online maps can be. Map Quest was the worst and now Google maps isn't as good as it used to be. I had to get directions to my new therapy clinic and they told me to take a left when I need to take a right. One of the routes was super nondescript and skipped a few steps.
from i-am-jack :
Right! It's weird, I have had Amazon drivers who have GPS and still could not find it! The streets are weird around here, but still.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you my address.
from i-am-jack :
from i-am-jack :
Just make sure to put the oil in the pan *before* you turn on the heat and keep it super low. It heats up fast. I adjusted it between 2 and 4 as needed and the heat goes up to 8 on his stove, for an idea.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, you should be okay. Just don't pick dandelions from areas you don't know if they have been sprayed. I'd stick to your own backyard, that's what I do. And if it makes you feel better, I hadn't fried anything in oil in probably over 10 years and was a bit nervous, and it went okay. My landlord's kitchen and this house still stand.
from i-am-jack :
I just replied. Medium Roast (French, etc) is my favorite.
from i-am-jack :
Weird and funny, but I just emailed you as you sent me this note. I'm glad that the full time position is legit, just moving along at the speed of sludge. At least something is happening and things are moving. As for the anniversary, I'm sure she will be there in spirit, as well as in your heart. I'm sorry you are going through this. The first year is always the hardest. And the coffee beans, I'm not too picky. I just don't care for super dark roasts, but even those I could use in desserts or eat with chocolate. One day I will make chocolate covered coffee beans, but I am also happy eating a coffee bean with a bite of chocolate bar. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
Wow, it's official? You are being promoted to full time? Congratulations! I'm sorry about the anniversary of your wife's passing. And yes, coffee beans are a great gift.
from raven72d :
My own coffeemakers have tended to be generic brands from big box stores. I'm, well, cheap about some things.
from swordfern :
I love Abbey!
from moodswing :
Surely you have a hit on your hands!
from moodswing :
Abbey and Jimbo, coming to a theater near you!
from msafire :
Either I missed something or some private entry...or personal msg cause the notes here are as fun to read as your entries. I want to hear about the PR gal too !! Ha ha...cause we all know Latinex can be damn sexy!AND Loved the cigarette entry. So lovely how a bit of empathy and time just listening can be so valuable. Tell ya if more folks were like you and more folks were like that young man who took a walk and a breather instead of continuing to engage in an argument the world would be a hell of a better place. Take a damn walk!(and let the other person take a walk and talk/ vent to whoever they need!) So awesome you are making the world a better place as I would put money on a bet you helped that fight de-escalate and certainly helped that guy and the couple. 👏 👏 👏
from i-am-jack :
Glad I could help. ;^) I think you'll really like his channel. And ha ha, right?
from i-am-jack :
I answered both emails.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you back.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you. ;^)
from whystinger :
You spoke to him and whether intended or not, you had a positive influence
from raven72d :
I have always wanted to see Ethiopia...
from msafire :
Jumbo empathy on the speeding tix.
from papotheclown :
I'm trying the micro-sleep thing and am grateful for it. I think since it's all still so new to me, I am still struggling to adjust. But I'm hoping that I can find some other work because the pay is pretty low for this level of mental pain.
from papotheclown :
Yeah, it's terrible on the brain. I felt bad for Jerry back in the day and do so much more now that I am living his life. What have your strategies been for working like this with no sleep?
from musikoid :
Great entry btw, 'The Cigarette.'
from musikoid :
Or like my dad used to say: "You made your bed, you lie in it."
from strawberrri :
Puerto Rico, even!
from strawberrri :
I'm on the train going to work and catching up on all your entries. "She could have been saying what the fuck you smiling at asshole? And I would have smiled and nodded" made me laugh in front of everyone in my carriage. Sorry about the speeding ticket :( but glad you have Puerto Rica to look forward to. Even if you don't talk to Ron again I'm sure you will both remember the moment you shared xxx
from musikoid :
Like one of those things where you're driving along the highway and suddenly enter into a small town and the speed limit changes from like 55mph to 25mph. It's easy to space that out and of course there's a cop laying in wait around the corner.
from musikoid :
25mph over? I see.
from musikoid :
I've been trying to figure out why you needed a lawyer in the first place. Last time I got a ticket was a while ago, but I paid it off and that was the end of that.
from musikoid :
I just got your note about Danielle. Yeah she did update, out of the blue, as it were.
from raven72d :
Thanks for the support-- I will get out the Tarot deck and try to keep a game face in case the day comes when I do just walk out of my office and head to greener pastures.
from i-am-jack :
Keeping your head and avoiding/getting away from the situation, if you can, is what all survival guides teach. The guy I met was a sniper, so he knew all about being quiet and composed, but there were times he was in the middle of the action and that was when he turned on berserker mode. While he admitted to getting a thrill, he also didn't like what he was turning into and was getting out of it after this one last time. You do what you have to do to survive and yeah adrenaline can make you crazy either to your advantage or not.
from i-am-jack :
A bat may not beat a gun or knife, but if you really have no other options, berserker mode can scare the living shit put of them and save your life. I briefly knew a military man who was a friend of some friends and he used it more than once, he was nuts enough to get a thrill off it and still recall them running away in total WTF terror.
from swordfern :
Aww thank you! I love how we are going through job changes together. The future feels bright. :))))
from papotheclown :
I would imagine it's a category that most Diarylanders fall into. But hey, we're among friends.
from i-lost-sarah :
sending you bulletproof boobies ♥️
from msafire :
LOL as love learning something new! Male perspective fun to learn from at times. Jello may never be the same. I am sure I will laugh when have it again and could never possibly explain what I am finding amusing. As for your call for help. Here is a source of ideas: If not on IG it might be time! Your 15 min of fame opportunity LOL I had a postcard on my fridge sent from The NEW Yorker with a cartoon " If you can't say something nice, say something clever and devastating" I am sure you will think of something clever.
from whystinger :
Jello titties? Small titties that jiggle like they are made of Jello? or the larger titties that giggle like a bowl of jello?
from musikoid :
I totally feel ya buddy. Godspeed your liberation from toxicity.
from musikoid :
This isn't advice, but only a statement that I identify. I am not proud of it but I have left jobs with no notice before, for much the same reason. I knew I was putting them in a bind, but the greater evil seemed to be in "dragging it out." Things could have gotten much much worse had I stayed one day longer. So, a certain amount of self-preservation was involved.
from i-am-jack :
You're free to go then, when you're ready. As for the purple dead nettle, if you find it, it will be a patch since it's a mint.
from i-am-jack :
Happy hunting and screw them then! ;^) My last job screwed me around pretty good. They told me they weren't sure if they needed me or not for my last week and they would call me either way. They didn't call so I came to work and they acted like why was I here? They gave away most of my work to other people and saved two clients that I really despised, for my last two days.
from i-am-jack :
If they only care about themselves, then you owe them nothing. There's a chance they'll act all "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out." and tell you they don't "need" you for your remaining week or two. I speak from experience. If you want to leave without notice, go for it.
from i-am-jack :
Yes it's a short lived spring plant. It can show up in March and only lasts through April depending on the weather. You don't have to take a walk in the woods to find it, it likes disturbed areas and yards.
from portlypete :
I think only you can make that call as you know when the new (extended) job starts and what your contract (if you have one) with the old firm stipulates. It doesn’t seem you owe them much, but there’s no point burning bridges if you don’t have to.
from cocoabean :
if you don't plan on going back, no notice is probably ok. I'm sure they've dealt with that before..
from i-am-jack :
Yes that is a big part of the fun. I checked and made sure it grows in your state and it does. I was pretty sure it did. It also can come up red instead of purple. It has to do with the acidity in the soil, but it's the same plant. You only have until the end of the month probably.
from i-am-jack :
I might be able to dry you some, but the real magic is when it's fresh.
from i-am-jack :
I really recommend trying it. It's great. There are lots of super easy plants, like dandelion, purple dead nettle and clover, to start with. Today I fried up some asparagus, mushrooms and purple dead nettle, like I would for the orzo, but instead added a few eggs to the frying pan and made a delicious scramble. I also threw in some dandelion greens. The young greens before they flower are the best.
from narcissa :
congrats on the new gig!
from cocoabean :
soon you will be the internal candidate that gets the day shift!
from jarofporter :
good luck, hope it turns out the way you want!
from i-am-jack :
Never mind Jimbo's taxi, it's Jimbo's rolling office.
from i-am-jack :
Be careful!
from jimbostaxi :
I'm driving and reading ty!
from i-am-jack :
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
from i-am-jack :
It isn't *really* bad, like ants on a peony ball, but I got about 10 ants out of a half a cup of dead nettle. Enough that you don't want to bring them inside, but nothing too crazy.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you a web page about it. You might have it growing in your yard or have seen it around. The only thing is, ants love it. So you might want to wash it and then pull the leaves off on a paper towel outside so they can run away and you won't have ants in your house. They will run away, once you start washing it/taking it apart, so don't worry about ants in your food.
from i-am-jack :
Purple dead nettle actually is a mint, but does not have the mint flavor. The name goes back to when it was classified as a nettle with no sting, hence "dead" but it isn't related to stinging nettle at all. It has this really good, hard to describe savory flavor that comes out when you heat it up. It doesn't have much of a scent raw and has a very subtle earthy flavor that turns into that savory flavor (just a lot milder) when you chew it. It really comes to life cooked though or made into herbed butter.
from i-am-jack :
Happy Easter! I hope you had a good day. I made my wild spring orzo, with purple dead nettle from the yard.
from gr8legs :
thank you for the bday wishes! #4.8.23
from i-am-jack :
LOL damn, yeah we don't need that happening!
from i-am-jack :
Maybe you'll have a burst of good luck?
from i-am-jack :
That is pretty crazy, but also how it seems to happen.
from i-am-jack :
Damn... I am sorry about your run of bad luck. As for fuck you guy, fuck him right back. You don't have to be nice forever either. Right now, you are on probation of sorts, but not forever. Remember who treats you with respect and who doesn't.
from portlypete :
You are very astute:-)
from portlypete :
"Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone". That is so true, and I spend a lot of time trying to make tomorrow as comfortable as I can for those I love. Unfortunately, we can't change the past, however much we wish we could. We can only do our best to shape the future that those, no longer with us, would have wanted for us. Easily said - not so easy to achieve, I know. Keep trying _ I can't say more at the moment ...
from englishsucks :
the june trip - yay!!! make sure to take tons of pics of yourself! and have a great time!
from musikoid :
I have found this to be true (as pertains to the brew.)
from musikoid :
Heavy thoughts, bro.
from raven72d :
Anytime! Glad to be of help!
from raven72d :
Depends on what season you're talking about. NYC summers can be as humid and soul-killing as they are here. But in terms of shirts, you can never go wrong with cotton, and tropical wool works as a 3-season fabric for blazers or suits. I've been buying my shirts from Land's End for thirty years, and they're my go-to source for trousers and sweaters, too.
from raven72d :
I've had a few linen shirts in my time, and my memory is that they were good quality and fit, and not bad for the weather down here, but they were super high maintenance. Though I have a couple of linen blazers that are old favorites of mine.
from i-am-jack :
Never fails. ;^) Have a nice drive.
from raven72d :
I'll defer to you as a native New Yorker on pizza. Those are my favorite toppings, though, and they're the combination I always get when I order pizza (though once in a while I'll replace the mushrooms with red peppers). Should we ever be in the same pizzeria, we'll split an official Raven72d pizza and you can tell me what you think. My treat. I'm taking it that we agree that pizza should be a thin crust, and not Chicago style-- deep-dish pizza is some mutant lasagna; I can't see it as real pizza.
from i-am-jack :
That's great! That's pretty exciting. Maybe go take a walk or do something kind of mindless like cleaning and the entry will come to you.
from i-am-jack :
So true.
from bridgecity :
Yep. Those shards are already catching up with me
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, I thought you'd like it. Yes I am weird and have too much time on my hands sometimes.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email!
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, I really want to see it too. It would be too hilarious. Well, there is lots of fighting and pickles, sure!
from i-am-jack :
We can substitute every cigarette in Fight Club, with a gherkin! There you go!
from i-am-jack :
The pickle edit of Fight Club would be hilarious. Tyler makes and sells pickles. Mischief. Mayhem. Pickles. Of course it would have to be the house on Pickle Street. But Gherkins are just the cocktail weenies of the pickle world. We could throw a few of those in too. Why not.
from i-am-jack :
Sometimes a pickle is just a pickle.
from i-am-jack :
"With a pickle between your teeth you only talk in vowels." And the scene where the Narrator realizes that pickle isn't in Tyler's hand.
from i-am-jack :
It's also funny that in this/your case the other personality is the light side, instead of the usual movie set up.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, true. That's hilarious.
from i-am-jack :
There can't be dark without light. Enjoy letting Sunny Jimbo out to play on your vacation.
from swordfern :
Such a lovely and thoughtful entry today. I'm so glad that you share this part of yourself with this community; it's a privilege to witness your journey.
from narcissa :
I'm so happy that you're going on this trip! The sun will feel so good after this long winter, but also I'm always just excited to feel the energy of a new place : ) (thx for the get-well wishes, I'm getting there)
from msafire :
Congratulations 👏 on Re-inventing your life. NEW JOB a big step. 🙌 look forward to your musings on your upcoming vacation. PR or other Carribean Island. You deserve to prioritize you!
from swordfern :
Just thinking of you. That is all.
from portlypete :
If I had the chance to go to Puerto Rico, it would take three strong men (or preferably women) to hold me back. Or, put another way, it sounds like a nice idea.
from i-am-jack :
That sounds like a fair plan.
from lust- :
Fingers crossed for full time. And, Puerto Rico-yesss! You deserve a getaway. Savour every moment when you're there.
from swordfern :
I was thinking the opposite: that good thing comes in threes and that you will win the lottery!
from swordfern :
Rumor of a full time position, tropical vacation... so many good things coming your way!
from i-am-jack :
I love how you put that, you just have to show up. You deserve to celebrate and just have a great time. Here's to leaving the Bizzaro universe.
from i-am-jack :
That's great that you are going to take the trip! That is a long time to live at two jobs though, damn. At least it will get easier eventually.
from msafire :
The crazy thing about when there is a spark and when not, is that it seems so out of our control. We can't CHOOSE when there will be one any moreso than we can choose to have one disappear when NOT wanted!
from portlypete :
I see our time zones just merged.
from portlypete :
Hey Jimbo, What's with the triple comma thing (,,,) or is that just my browser playing silly games? I hope things are going OK.
from portlypete :
I'm no expert, but I would just say keep talking; maybe find a common interest. As a single mum she will be finding life tough - not much time for socialising. Just keep the communication channels open and seem interested (which I'm guessing you are). Good Luck Aunt Portly
from i-am-jack :
There you go! Maybe you could find a clever way to find Red and say hi. See what happens.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha! I'm Batman. You don't think her Batman voice is sexy?
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email.
from i-am-jack :
Now I am thinking of that song "Lookin For Love In All The Wrong Places". How about sweat pants blonde? You seemed interested in her?
from i-am-jack :
Maybe you just are not attracted to her, even if there is nothing wrong with her. She can be a nice enough person and good looking, but if the energy is not there, it's not there. Maybe it isn't there because you have not gotten to know each other yet.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email.
from strawberrri :
Thanks! Didn't do anything to celebrate but I'll pick up a couple of scratchcards when I'm next at the shop!! I hope you don't slink off into the sunset but understand that people gotta do what they gotta do X
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note. I too have been away from D-land. Time is always short lately
from strawberrri :
I am also chuckling at "jimbosbouquets" a few notes down :)
from strawberrri :
What a wonderful tribute, that's such a perfect name for him! I hope Darlene continues to recover well and is enjoying getting to know her new son. I kinda regret not getting any pro pics of Leo done, I absolutely agree not a waste of money. It is my 7th wedding anniversary today and my framed photo of Frank in the living room is one that my wedding photographer took on the day and I love it xx
from whystinger :
Ghosting and grinding... why am I familiar with that lately...
from strawberrri :
Hi Jimbo, I've not been checking my notes until today so not sure when you sent that but... what a delight to find! Congratulations to Darlene and you of course :) Can you share his name with me? I bet he is such a little treasure. Great birth weight! Leo was only 5lb something, haha xx
from swordfern :
I got your email! I also got COVID! Coincidence? Hmm. Congrats on the new position. Starting a new job is not easy, and I am proud of your bravery. They're lucky to have you!
from raven72d :
Good luck at the new job!
from swordfern :
What is this about a new job? Are you going to have to change the name of your diary to jimboslegaladvice? Or jimbosbouquets? Or... jimboscustomjeanjackets?
from i-am-jack :
Heh, that picture just popped into my head. I imagined a more realistic person reading the entry. Well it sounds like it worked to me.
from i-am-jack :
Emailed you back.
from i-am-jack :
Okay I got it this time.
from i-am-jack :
Sometimes AOL is weird about file sizes. Did you try to send a video or a lot of big pictures? That will do it.
from i-am-jack :
I got the test mail.
from i-am-jack :
Hmmmm I don't see it? It's not in my spam box.
from i-am-jack :
Okay. Cool.
from i-am-jack :
What are you going to be doing at the new job? Is it a second job or are you planning on leaving the cab business? I can kind of imagine sweat pants lady. Factory chick. At one of my old factory jobs there was no uniform and lots of sweat pants, but our boss made a new rule. No sweat pants with words across the butt. He said he didn't want to have to read the girls butts all day. You know "Angel" and "Baby Girl"
from i-am-jack :
It took over a year for the box to arrive? At least it finally did.
from catsoul :
3.4.2023. Great new job, doing what? Congrats. =^..^=
from cocoabean :
Never went to a job interview in sweat pants🥴
from msafire :
Love your brevity. You say so much with so few words effectively.
from swordfern :
Maybe if you stop ghosting the woman the other will stop ghosting you? LOL
from englishsucks :
hello love! hope things are going well for you! sorry ive been gone for weeks. a lot of things have happened and things arent going good but im fighting against that and trying to get better. hows everything going for you?
from i-am-jack :
When it comes to the romantic kind of love, it sure seems like it, doesn't it?
from narcissa :
congratulations!!! He sure took his time : )
from narcissa :
congratulations!!! He sure took his time : )
from narcissa :
congratulations!!! He sure took his time : )
from portlypete :
Wonderful news!
from i-am-jack :
Congratulations! ;^)
from swordfern :
Congratulations, Grampa!!! I'm smiling a big smile over here for you!
from damodred :
Kids can be very sweet when you least expect it. 😃
from portlypete :
In my limited experience, they come when they want to come. I know someone who gave birth on a motorway (freeway) - I'm not even sure if that's strictly legal.
from portlypete :
Thanks for your prompt reply. Fingers crossed for a quick and trouble free outcome.
from portlypete :
? I hope you are well.
from patheticness :
I have changed the password to my diary. For the new password please type your email address here or in my notes and I will email it to you. Thanks!
from narcissa :
Francisco : ) Lovely. Hope all is well over there.
from portlypete :
Stay "loose" - easier said than done!
from swordfern :
I've been snooping around notes pages like a creep, so I'm here telling you that I can't wait to hear all about Francisco!!! Thinking of you all and hoping for a safe arrival for him into the world.
from patheticness :
Thanks for checking my password lock and putting my mind at ease! Appreciate it!
from narcissa :
Feb 1 . Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Amazing! Congratulations to you!!! I'm so happy that your family has this joyful occasion to celebrate. So... how are they doing? Did you get to meet him or her yet?
from patheticness :
Since you are my only reader that I know of, I need to know, is it still prompting you for a password to get in to read my diary? Because it isn't on my end either more, or when I google it by title either. I went into lock diary and it still shows that it is, but it's not! Trying to figure what's going on and I don't think there are any active admins to contact here anymore. Just let me know, thanks!
from portlypete :
An artist, or even a potential one, is always their worst critic. I go to an art class and everyone says how amazing my picture is. I know they are just being kind and it generally goes in the bin when I get home. I guess that's why so many painters go a bit dolally in the end. Please don't do anything crazy like cutting your ear off :-)
from portlypete :
Glad to hear that you are keeping up with your art. They - whoever ‘They’ are, say that the way to improve is to sketch every day. Possibly, that is where I am going wrong. Meanwhile, the things kids say and do always lift my heart, and who can blame Abbey for lusting after your tube of acrylic. Heck! That’s half the reason I took up painting. A pile of those tubes could be a painting in itself.
from narcissa :
Hi Jimbo : )
from i-am-jack :
from i-am-jack :
(((Hugs))) I'm sure she will be there in spirit. Good luck! You can do this!
from i-am-jack :
I'd like to see your sketchbook too, if you'd like to share.
from i-am-jack :
Of course it was a good wow. Just a little awestruck by your last entry.
from i-am-jack :
from strawberrri :
Abbey is the best <3 xx
from whystinger :
Read Cue the Tears. I love the things she brings into your life. That kid is awesome. I did not know that you sketch. I have been tempted to get my pens and pencils out but haven't touched them in forever.
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
I just read 'Cue the Tears.' Abbey's adorable.
from swordfern :
I love Abbey!
from strawberrri :
I loved that lottery entry! Two strangers supporting each other; I hope it was cathartic for you both. Thanks for your latest note too - I can imagine Xmas must have been very very difficult without Fran. Ollie's mum and her severe mental health problems managed to ruin Christmas day so that was a distraction at least, ha! Your grandparents' sunflowers sound wonderful and I bet they really were as tall as the roof :) xx
from patheticness :
Wow. Fate? I don't mean in a romantic way or anything necessarilly, but maybe God, or your departed wife, or both, knew you guys needed each other at this moment in time. Thank you for sharing!
from raven72d :
Emmaline is amazing. Love her voice!
from swordfern :
Aww Jimbo, you made me blush! :)))))
from raven72d :
Emmaline? I will Google her. I always enjoy cool suggestions!
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you back.
from msafire :
Sweet! I swear who we need comes into our lives when needed. Some of us are too self focused and stubborn to pay attention. Good for you connecting!
from msafire :
Sweet! I swear who we need comes into our lives when needed. Some of us are too self focused and stubborn to pay attention. Good for you connecting!
from musikoid :
Yes. Stranger things have happened.
from musikoid :
It may have been meant to be.
from musikoid :
Wow - 'Single Serving' man! That was heavy. Betcha the last sentence says it all.
from i-am-jack :
Wow that was really beautiful. Here's to hoping Katie isn't a single serving friend.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you back. ;^)
from strawberrri :
Hi Jimbo, I just got your note. Sorry this is such a late reply but I've just been catching up with you and want to say Happy new year and I hope you had a manageable Christmas, which it sounds like from your entries! Also the way you handled Mike's family was brilliant. I tend not to visit Diaryland when I'm feeling overwhelmed and this can last weeks. Leo had almost a month off from his pre-school (Kindergarten?) so has been my focus the past few weeks. I hope 2023 has been good to you so far xx
from raven72d :
I still have a couple of sets of good cufflinks just in case I'm ever asked to be a Bond villain.
from englishsucks :
thank you so much! <3
from portlypete :
Amen to your latest post and thanks for your Christmas wishes. Your first Christmas without Fran must have been tough, but super-excited children are just the remedy required to get through the day. It was good that you had family around you. Unfortunately, I tested positive for Covid on Christmas Eve and spent the big day isolating on my own. Happy new year.
from jarofporter :
hey! you weren't late at all, just look 5-6 notes down from your latest one on my list! sadly, it appears that i'm woefully late in reciprocating though, so happy new year to you too!
from swordfern :
Wishing my favourite Jimbo a Happy New Year.
from raven72d :
There is no more important donut than a fresh-made chocolate-iced donut. Goes well with dark-roast coffee. It's even better than a hot, fresh Krispy Kreme glazed donut. Danish are very good, no question there. But I'm a donut devotee.
from gr8legs :
"The most beautiful moments tend to be fleeting and the difficult ones seem to last an eternity." poetic! <3 #1.1.23
from musikoid :
I get it, I think.
from i-am-jack :
How did these people end up in your living room? Maybe you need to get a really big dog that looks scary but is actually really nice. Most people aren't interested in sticking around to find out.
from musikoid :
This may have come up before, but are there other parties with access to your living room? How does it come about that you walk into your living room, and the missionaries are already there?
from msafire :
Merry Christmas Jimbo! Sounds wonderful even the excess! I just did some Christmas Shopping (HA HA- hey I take that 12 d thing seriously. I am not late...have til the Epiphany when the Three Kings give gifts)! We are celebrating tomorrow in my household when kids return from travel to the other half of this weird wonderful blended funky family.
from hitch-hike :
Hennessey! That sounds like a great way to enjoy the job :-D
from whystinger :
Dude, that is huge!
from musikoid :
Thanks Jimbo. I appreciate it.
from gr8legs :
Jimbo! Merry Christmas!!! I'm so proud of you. Forgivness is not easy and it's definitely not linear, there are definitely ups and downs to it. but you did magnificent and i applaud you. #12.25.22
from chakra-nadi :
Merry Christmas. Hope you had a great day.
from swordfern :
Merry Christmas Jimbo!!!!
from whystinger :
Jimbo - WOW! That is growth my brother! Change the way you react to someone and their behavior should change. You should be proud of that, I spend a lot of money to learn that from a therapist. That took precedence, now the reason for the season: MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family!
from i-am-jack :
Merry Christmas! You stay warm too. Now that the wind has stopped blowing through the walls, I can.
from musikoid :
Thanks bro. Merry Christmas, you as well.
from raven72d :
I'll see what I can do.
from raven72d :
I watched it last evening and liked it.
from portlypete :
Early Christmas greetings to you Jimbo. Just remember this is the season of good will!! Have a good one.
from englishsucks :
i love that you left me an email like old school! haha! will email you in a minute.
from englishsucks :
youre too sweet! thank you love.
from englishsucks :
your "Growth" entry - YES!! While you're still alive and breathing - always live for it, keep living, go on adventures even if its small ones. Even if it means spending time with you grand kids is enough but you could do more if you wanted to, you definitely deserve it. As for in laws - fuck them. I'm proud of you! :D <3
from catsoul :
12.22.2022. How freeing that really made you feel. Fran would be soooooooo proud of your emotional growth and acceptance of yourself. Peace within yourself. I would have liked to have seen their facial reaction to what you said. Peace. =^..^=
from musikoid :
I don't remember what the other day was or how I was feeling then. I had a kind of episode around Dec 2-5 but have been mostly feeling good since then, albeit introspective. Thanks for asking - happy holidays.
from musikoid :
I don't think I've ever taken that approach either, though I've thought about it. What I've never done is SAID anything to the people who were making the mean or hostile comments. That must have taken some courage. I hope it works.
from raven72d :
Roasted chestnuts are a delight!
from i-lost-sarah :
I ask if this is happiness a lot, my friend said don't look a gift horse in the mouth, my sister says learn to have an 'abundance mentality', Khalil Gibran says our sorrows carve us out like wells and allow us to contain more happiness -- I don't know...I think you deserve to be happy (but I also don't want anybody to be a particularly deep well?) I send you confused hugs.
from i-am-jack :
Wow that was fast. Thanks for letting me know you got it. When I saw that card, I knew it was the one. That makes me feel really good (and Christmas myself) that the package cheered you up and even made you feel Christmasy. ;^)
from raven72d :
Your card made it in on Wednesday! Many thanks!
from i-am-jack :
Keep an eye out for a small package, ( white bubble mailer) I threw in a little something. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
I sent your card out today.
from narcissa :
Jimbo... yessssssssssss i am happy to think of you with a pina colada in your hand. And I'm doing something right if that's what makes you think of me : )
from i-am-jack :
I got your card. Thanks, that was pretty funny. I have yours written out. I am still making out the first batch and hope to go to the post office in a couple days.
from whystinger :
Happy Christmas a bit early Jimbo! I did put a small-ish explanation in but may push out the whole thing eventually.
from swordfern :
I was just thinking about you and your scrappy little Christmas tree and your family being all around you at the restaurant. I feel sad and happy for you at the same time. If I could, I'd hug you in happiness and sadness.
from raven72d :
I'll keep an eye out! And you should keep one out, too.
from i-am-jack :
It will take some trial and error, but I'm sure you'll figure out the dosing. I still suggest always being ready for it to potentially be stronger than you are guessing. As for the writing advice, I'm glad it helped.
from i-am-jack :
As for writing, it can be frustrating when you can not get in the mood you want to write something. Some of my favorite advice for that comes from Alice in Wonderland when the Mad Hatter tells Alice to start where she is and when she comes to the end, STOP! Sometimes you have to start where you are, not where you want to be. And once you clear that, it will probably be a lot easier. Even if you start where you are as a writing exercise in private. You can scrap if you want, but you'll probably be pleasantly surprised and won't want to.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you. ;^) It sounds like a good idea to hide the gummies from yourself too. Maybe you can adjust the dose? Edibles hit everyone harder and last longer than smoking. Maybe bite off just a piece like one foot, as silly as that seems. Also give it some time to digest and work, before adding more. For me, it starts at about 20 minutes to a half hour and peaks at about 3 hours then goes down. It's probably a little different for you, but it does need time to work and expect it to hit a bit harder than you'd think. Once you have an idea of how much hits you how, it's great. It just takes some experimenting.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for letting me know. I have not started mine, but you are on the good list. ;^)
from englishsucks :
its definitely ok to be happy, but also its okay to be sad at times. I have no place to tell you whats ok or not ok, but you definitely deserve to be happy and I'm pretty sure your wife and your family wants the same thing for you. <3
from i-am-jack :
Sounds like you needed to black out for a bit, after that. I am sorry the dinner was feudalism and organized chaos at best. I am not one for family gatherings myself. You got through it. You are grieving and will be for a while, you will experience happiness and moments of joy (I know you do, reading here) but they will come on their own. You can't force yourself ever, but especially now. Let yourself feel whatever comes. Even if it is resentment for that sad Charlie Brown tree. Maybe it's just sad with you.
from i-am-jack :
Sounds like you overdid it just a little, it happens. You probably needed the deep sleep and black out level relaxation/reset though. I wouldn't make too much of a habit of it though. You need to find the sweet spot.
from whystinger :
Thank you Jimbo and happy belated Thanksgiving to you. I am thankful for you and several other D-landers. My Thanksgiving was great, I made the big trip again. BTW, yes you deserve to DO deserve to be happy.
from narcissa :
jimbo, hi from Madagascar! Thinking of you, these first holidays without Fran. Thought about your last entry for a few days.... Am i happy? sometimes i think so, but if you get those wishes and you get the secret, i want in too.
from cocoabean :
read catsoul today.. she has the answer to your question
from msafire :
LOL I like that despite processing your pain of grief you still can see humor. The Fiefdom comment was hilarious! This is part of love- the pain. It will pass in time. Sorry for how hard holidays are when your beloved Fran is not there. I hope decorating lifts spirits somewhat! Glad also for your family being together. Maybe happiness should be thought of moreso as peace and contentment? NO drama? OR LESS Drama? IDK Certainly none of us really know the "secret" as there are as many different ways folks figure out their own happiness as different people. But good for you for facing each day and trying. That is perhaps one of the keep on keeping on as the feeling of this not being worth it passes and is just a moment. Your post is encouraging in its way even as you are sad. Honestly a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree is better than none!
from musikoid :
Good thinking on your part.
from musikoid :
Your entry "The Secret of Being Happy" made me sad. But I want to say yes, of course, let it be world peace.
from musikoid :
Let me try that again. I left out three words I was thinking but failing to type.
from musikoid :
Your entry "The Secret of Being Happy." But I want to say yes, of course, let it be world peace.
from i-am-jack :
Okay, I just wanted to make sure something wasn't glitching. I hope the memorial dinner goes well. Maybe when things quiet down, you can get into the space. Nothing wrong with a little something to help you loosen up sometimes.
from i-am-jack :
Diaryland keeps telling me you updated (and that your latest entry was today) but I only see the last entry. I'm not sure if you deleted some entries or edited the last one. I even tried in another browser. I hope something is not glitching.
from i-am-jack :
Maybe revisit that video I sent you of Augusten Burroughs on writer's block? I know you liked the part where he talked about jumping into the storm. Maybe have a beer (or whatever you like) and turn on some music?
from musikoid :
Right on. The past is past. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
from i-am-jack :
It was great to see your name light up. I missed your writings. Welcome back, I hope. ;^)
from jarofporter :
thanks for the note jim, hope your holiday was enjoyable!
from chakra-nadi :
Thanks. Have a nice Thanksgiving!
from i-am-jack :
Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy a good meal with your family today. As for cooking, if microwaving macaroni and cheese, and putting some Pilsbury cinnamon rolls in the toaster oven count as cooking, then yes. It's my own tradition. ;^)
from swordfern :
Sending a BIG Thanksgiving hug to Jimbo. Hope that your granddaughters get into trouble today to keep you on your toes!
from raven72d :
Thanks! Have a great Turkey Day!
from musikoid :
You too bro. Gobble away!
from whystinger :
Happy Thanksgiving brother!
from swordfern :
I always feel better after reading your notes. :)))))
from msafire :
AH Thanks Jimbo! Channel Thirteen! Your mention of TV Being on and stopping to watch for a few moments is this juxtaposition of past/present- as I grew up on LI with only PBS being watched regularly for the most part. So cool to think of it being on in the background in your home and then PBS Great Performances coming! It doesn't matter what work is done in future- that moment alone for me is the pinnacle of pride as that was what WE watched! So cool to think of that having been the NY Debut for the kid. For some reason Chuck Mangione Feels so Good pops in my head. There was some ad on Thirteen that would run and play part of this listening as lovely way to start my morning!
from englishsucks :
I’m glad you enjoyed it lol ;) ox
from englishsucks :
I don’t know if I should laughed or tease more but haha! I hope you enjoyed your shower! I felt the same way! I had to take a cold bath after I posted it. Ox
from narcissa :
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey jimbo. I've been sidelined by covid, just re-emerging. I'm happy to read your stories. xox
from strawberrri :
A tray at the movies sounds so fancy! Glad you had a nice time :) xx
from i-am-jack :
That's what makes it so funny, he perfectly mixed farts and philosophy. It made me think of the old story of the master holding his student's head under the water then telling him when he wants knowledge/wisdom as much as he wanted air, he'll find it. Rodney's take is a lot funnier and relatable.
from i-am-jack :
That's cool that you can joke around freely. There are not a lot of work places like that. I think it makes a better environment. You get comic relief and comic venting, and everyone is on a more real level.
from i-am-jack :
*won't wash off
from i-am-jack :
That's great! I'm sure they missed your sense of humor around the office. Hopefully your vacation wash off the first day back.
from swordfern :
Not to worry, middle management hasn't yet extinguished my flame. I've been going for lunch time snorkels in the cold ocean to swim with the swirling masses of bait fish that linger in the shallows, avoiding the humpback whales lurking off shore. And riding my bike the rain, singing at the top of my lungs as raindrops pelt against my face. And staying late into the night at breweries meeting new people and talking and laughing until my throat is sore and my face hurts from smiling and I sort of regret it the next morning but not really. I guess I could write that all in an entry. PS. I love hearing the stories about your granddaughters. They sound so sweet and earnest. I wonder where they get that from. ;)
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, right?
from swordfern :
Hi! I've not been around much lately, partly due to stricter internet rules at my new workplace. All is well! I'm settling into my new job and discovering that I'm surprisingly well-suited to middle management hahahahah. Jimbo, where's your timesheet? It's overdue, and I need to run the metrics!
from i-am-jack :
We were about the same. The last movie I saw was the midnight showing of Fight Club at the art theater with a friend. When she saw they were playing it, she said we had to go. It was really fun.
from jarofporter :
glad to see you're still "getting out there".
from msafire :
Thanks for your notes! (Which I see WEEKS Later LOL) YEs the show was on TV again for FREE on PBS for like one month. I told one of the folks at the retirement community and he watching it; but then wanted to see it again as he couldn't figure out which was my son. When I worked last the staff asked "PLEASE HELP HIM find it again as he is driving us crazy!" HE is persistant and pestered them. Turns out it is no longer FREE! PBS offered it as a "teaser" I guess ! So window closed unless Passport paid supporters!(Hey I did that in past but not now.) The poor staff who were bugged! So nice to hear of your time with family! I was happy one of mine was excited to go to an International Market. That grocery shopping was the most fun had in a while with one kid. Then we all cooked - Korean food HA.Just simple stir fry cabbage and leftover potatoes/veg and steamed pork buns over cabbage- but this kid's obsession (in past- kinda growing out of obsession, or not a "Special interest" as much as before) with KPOP and all things Korean has inspired some great cooking skills! I have been made the prep chef as this kid bosses me around. But hey-if my kids are in the kitchen cooking I will take direction to be the prep chef! On Diaryland alot of late as swear this keeps me sane when not yet working (much!) in betweeen scrolling job postings and applying etc.
from i-am-jack :
Wow, upgrade! I have not been in a theater, since maybe 2016 or 2017? It was a little art theater that plays cult classics. Maybe more theaters have recliners now and I just don't know?
from i-am-jack :
We have one theater here like that, they also serve alcohol. Most of them are pretty standard seating, though some have better bigger screens. There is an IMAX around the corner, like 10 or 15 minutes up the street. I saw the Polar Express there, when it was in theaters. I'm glad you had a good time.
from raven72d :
Definitely use it as a journal/commonplace book.
from englishsucks :
when i was 5, i was happy with sega games lmao. your post about your granddaughter Abby made me lol'd! i needed that laugh. thanks!! i hope you're having a good week! whats your plan for the weekend?
from i-am-jack :
I think them majority of it has not been for the better and we have passed the point of things changing in a way that benefits most people. Like the Facebook model, WE are the product now.
from i-am-jack :
At that age, I was happy playing with one of those plastic Easter eggs and just that. I was a weird kid, lol. On my 5th birthday, I carried around a plastic egg I dug out of the toy box, even though my birthday is in August. I had toys, that didn't light up or make any dumb noises and I loved playing outside.
from musikoid :
Sounds like a plan.
from musikoid :
Ditto what Jack says. Also, sorry my password somehow reverted back to the previous password. I'm just going to keep it there and see what happens. Sorry for the inconvenience.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, damn! She is probably going to want a smart phone or a tablet or some expensive tech toy.
from portlypete :
You need to hone your Minecraft skills.
from i-am-jack :
The people around me knew I was shaken up and upset by the loss of my truck, but they were pretty shocked I said that. They had to tell me that it was a miracle I was not seriously hurt, killed and that I had not hurt or killed the other person. It was black ice, but they "awarded" me responsibility, because he was just driving in his lane where he belonged and my truck lost control and spun into him. I also was not insured, believing my old insurance automatically carried over. Luckily at the time, in that state, insurance wasn't mandatory. It could have gone all kinds of bad.
from i-am-jack :
Despite knowing there was definitely some divine intervention that night, I was pretty pissed about it for a long time. I told God that if he put a hit out on me, then do it right. Finish the job. It was one of those things that had to happen, I refused to leave a bad situation, so I was being saved from that too. "Sorry about the truck, but you just weren't listening." That was the message I got a year or so later.
from i-am-jack :
Well, I got in a head on collision in a snow storm and both me and the other person were okay. It's a longer story, but yeah... I never would guessed I would survive that with only a small bump on the head from hitting the driver side window. I have definitely used up some of my lives. It also makes a point that I am harsh to see sometimes, that I could have died a few times, but I am still here for some reason.
from i-am-jack :
I have an old phone by choice! I kept my old phone that was falling apart until the 5G thing forced me to get a different one. I went with a different company, instead of taking a free smart phone. That is how much I hate them! Someone out there is making a rotary "dumb phone" but it is a kit you have to build.
from i-am-jack :
I have a couple pretty harrowing stories! I love old cars and am afraid one day when cars are smart phones with wheels, I will not be able to figure them out any better than the phones.
from i-am-jack :
That is really scary! I can see why you did not want to drive them anymore. The brake lines on my truck are going one by one. The whole back was replaced in the spring. The driver side just went out Sunday. I am guessing the front passenger is the last one left. I seriously have someone watching over me. The backs broke when I came home from a doctor's appointment. The place was 40 minutes away. The brake line went out at the oil change, that is about 5 minutes from home. I stopped in, because it was over heating and it broke right there above the pit, when I was just about to go.
from i-am-jack :
I'm sorry you felt weird and worried you might be part of it. I realize and am working through my own hang up with that. I can see that it might be straining some of my relationships. I used to be more of an open book, but after constantly making everyone upset and worried about me, I stopped. I just told Catsoul that I am a train wreck and have little to say for myself, while most of my friends are pretty content with their lives. I can be as much of a train wreck and as much of an open book as I want here. Don't spend your whole vacation on a bender! You want to remember and enjoy it, without being hungover or come out the other side feeling worse.
from i-am-jack :
Yeah it was an unexpected expense and ass bite when my brake line sprung a leak on Sunday. It went as well as it possibly could have, but it was a few days and a chunk of cash dealing with it. I was supposed to be trying to rest and take it easy before the suicide games assessment that I have only been having anxiety over for the last 2 months. I was already in a shit place mentally and now had extra shit heaped on this week and this month. At least it happened right around the corner from home, and I was able to fix it before driving out 40 minutes to the hair place on Saturday. If life really hated me, it could have been way worse. I am grateful but beyond tired right now.
from i-am-jack :
You are okay! You are one of my friends here, so I was not talking about you. I legitimately forgot to answer how I was doing. I was focused on replying to you and had just written all that. I think I subconsiously skip that question on the test sometimes. I was just telling another long time online friend that it is an avoidance/anxiety thing.
from i-am-jack :
Enjoy your week off! And thank you for sharing your catharsis with us. Maybe listen to some music that you relate to, to help set the mood, help you get to that place. I'm sure you have some songs that are "about your life."
from i-am-jack :
I'm sure the whole story is too big and well, storied to tell at once. Maybe tell it in "slices of life"? You already write vignette style here. And very well. ;^)
from msafire :
This it is awesome that Darlene made the trip to meet Fran's family! Wonderful! Life is short. Definately worth having spent every penny to have that experience as she can work and earn more to keep on keeping on! Wonderful perspective to also apprechiate all we have here. Heck even when there are blips and life throws challenges, we still have more than so very many! Helpful perspective.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad she had a mostly good adventure and got back home safe.
from raven72d :
I'll give the pork egg fu yung a try next weekend.
from englishsucks :
Good grief! I'm glad Darlene is ok! Tina is so cute! With the teacher's silly question, is it because you look young? hmmm I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, I just hope its better than my weekend <3
from raven72d :
There used to be a tamales place in a converted gas station here. It was...a tamales and chili con carne place entirely staffed by illegal Thai and Malay immigrants. It was also open 'til 2 a.m. on weekends. The tamales and chile were some of the best I've had...but the chili was cooked in big stainless steel pots that were never emptied, only filled up. The chili was something of a gamble. When it was good, it was stellar. When it wasn' could be scary.
from portlypete :
Going back to your post about Prosecco, in the UK there is a children's counting rhyme; 'One potato, two potatos, three potatos, four'. It works quite well as, 'One Prosecco, two Proseccos, three Proseccos, FLOOR!'
from i-am-jack :
My not smiling face used to be real problem at jobs. I got talked to about it a lot. I even got points minused from my employee review because my smile was part of my uniform! Yeah. I used to tell people I don't smile unless there is a good reason for it. Aopparently, I also wear my anxiety on my face. Workers at stores ask me if I need help, I look lost. "No, this is just my face. I have resting perplexed face. I'm fine." They don't even know how to reply, even though I say it with a laugh. As for the reviews, I don't think it is their fault or something they have a lot of control over, if that is the state of the meat and what the suppliers send. I'm glad that you are kind with your reviews.
from i-am-jack :
My friends used to say I had a hole in my lip when I started missing sips like that. They would say it to anyone doing it. "What's a matter? You got a hole in your lip?" It was funny. Oh I get the dopey grin pretty quick and when I am high too. Usually I have either resting asshole face or just not smiling, so it's a dead give away. As for the meat, it's not you being picky. It's just not good and hasn't been for a year or two. I think they are cutting corners and skipping over the steps that usually would make it better quality, so they can bang it out faster and get their inflated money. Can you tell I am tired of it and bitter? LOL.
from i-am-jack :
That's funny about your shirt, so you get the "hole in your lip" after a few drinks, ha ha. I have done that enough times for sure, but the tell tale sign for me is the big dopey grin on my face. As for the beef being dry, you know, meat in general (except for super processed like canned or lunch meat) has all been dry since the time during the pandemic when we started being able to get it again. Even at restaurants. At least around here. Everything has the consistency of dry turkey. Chicken seems a bit better but I bought some tenders (the hot meals to go) that were as dry and bad as turkey.
from strawberrri :
Hey Jimbo, I'm sorry I missed your last note. I love Prosecco (me and Frank used to drink it together when I was visiting :)), it's the bubbles that make you feel wasted! Cava is a great alternative to Prosecco (it's even more dry). You can make your own sangria by mixing red wine and lemonade, but I don't recommend it. I wish Darlene safe travels for tomorrow xx
from musikoid :
Wow I didn't know that. I don't have anything written there, as you know.
from musikoid :
Yeah update it. Kinda seemed like 80's. The Kid turned me on to CAKE the other night and I dug it. Another lady came over and turned me on to Tate McRae. I don't keep up but it seems there is a lot of good newer music.
from musikoid :
I agree with the previous noter, that meal did sound intriguing. I think people can tell when I'm lit for reasons other than shirt spills because I spill food on my shirt every time I et when I'm sober. Btw I just checked your musical tastes on your profile and I like them all except for that Billy Joel dude. If I ever had to play "Piano Man" one more time at that restaurant, I would have flown the coop.
from raven72d :
La Milanesa! Sounds interesting!
from englishsucks :
nice message!! haha!! I hope she delivered the message for you. I know my entries isn't exactly all detailed like your entires. Sometimes I just rant exactly how I feel or what I was thinking at that moment and just didn't know what to do next or what to think afterwards. I wish life was that simple lol Now I'm going to get myself some slurpees ha! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend and doing something really interesting!! What kind of new car did you get? I got a regular 2022 toyota corolla, I thought its perfect for me, you know being single, no kids, and its good for the snow too. It's always snowing in Alberta Canada. I hear its gonna be blizzard, or super freezing this year...for that, I cannot wait! I love snow! I rather live in freezing weather than hot summer weather, lol. What are you doing for the weekend? I just spent 40 dollars at casino last night for my sister in law's birthday. it was stupid, I dont see the point of playing casino haha but it was interesting and boring. I drank 3 cocktails to kill the time and then I'm having canada's thanksgiving tomorrow on Monday, although I don't celebrate thanksgiving, most Native people (First Nations and Native Americans) don't celebrate it. But its turkey and I think I'm just gonna munch on them and appreicate the food, not celebrating anything lol. I'm at work right now, gotta go but wanted to stop real quick and leave you some note<3
from raven72d :
Good choices!
from i-am-jack :
I think you should tell her any good advice you have, even if some of it seems to be common sense. Even if she already knows, it's good to hear it again and have it fresh in her mind.
from portlypete :
In the UK we have a term for such ladies: I'm too much of a gentleman to repeat it here, but it dates back to WW2 and references diminuative stature and the name of a certain warmonger, this one had a moustache. Well earned I'd say.
from raven72d :
Fetching indeed!
from raven72d :
Well, Saint Tilda is beyond earthly gender (she did play the Archangel Gabriel in "Constantine"), which does make Mister Taylor uncomfortable, but he's desperately afraid that he might turn out to be gay after all these years. He sees being gay not as a genetic thing or as a choice, but as something like the common cold. He believes somehow that it's...catching. I've pointed out that this is pure Geo. Costanza, but even being compared to a Seinfeld character doesn't seem to bring him to his senses. Of course, he is still pining for the Dutch-Chinese girl who seduced him by claiming to have slept with her brother.
from i-am-jack :
"She hasn't even left yet and I want her home already." Awwwww. I can only imagine. I'm sure she will be okay and it will be a really great experience for her. Still, you can't help but worry.
from msafire :
Living in the country (sorta- I mean a wealthy suburb on cusp of very rural; my DC friends consider coming out here coming out to the country- but it feels just like a North Shore Suburb of LI) when I go into ANY CITY I smell MJ everywhere! Its like it permeates the environment so consistently folks who live there are used to it! I have sensitivity to any tobacco as well; so yeah hypersensitive ( OH my fav part of that Vanalay Industry episode was Elaine dumping BF cause finds out smoker! HA) Feel for you. Hope open windows to air out help. Bring a sweater/jacket to work!
from i-am-jack :
Luckily I didn't have or get a headache, but it was enough to hear the party, yet alone experience it in smell-o-vision. I can do without smelling their drug store dude bro "pheromones" thanks. Hopefully yours will have to pack it up and go find somewhere else to have their loitering party.
from i-am-jack :
You gotta love the dirty city. Not really. I have the same kind of party people living right under my window and across the street, and of course they are friends now. My room smelled like cheap cologne, weed and an ashtray the other day. Also I hope your daughter stays safe, I would be worried too.
from englishsucks :
lmao @ slurpees. I love slurpee! especially in Canada, I hate slurpees in States but in canada? ITS OMFG!!!! its super addictive. I think its the sugar taste different out here in Canada than it does in States. I love your writing. I hope youre doing alright over there Mr.Jimbo
from portlypete :
It is hard to let go of DL, but even though it is a shadow of its former self, I will continue to follow those few people I still hold dear. Although I have an urge to bang off some diatribe about things that are totally out of my control, I also feel an impulse to support those who are going through difficult times on a personal basis. So don’t expect too many diary entries from me - I shall try to hold my tongue whenever I read the news. But, I will still be here making sure you look after yourself. :-)
from musikoid :
Sounds like you could really use a break.
from musikoid :
That sounds pretty gruesome. I'd have been bothered by it even if I was getting high myself at the time.
from i-am-jack :
Oh yeah, I loved 7 Eleven as a teenager.
from i-am-jack :
I really liked the slurpee entry. It made me remember how I insisted on starting the day with a cherry slurpee (with my own ginseng added) at one of my old cleaning jobs. It really made the day a lot better.
from raven72d :
"Welcome" may not be the word. I have been known to ignore his calls if I'm busy (e.g., watching a film), but when I'm in a mood for a challenge, I'll let Mister Taylor ring through and see what he has to say.
from raven72d :
Apple butter is great stuff. Go invest in a jar and give it a try!
from portlypete :
Hi Jimbo I think I’ve had it with Diaryland. I am sending you this personal message as I count you as one of my few remaining friends on this site. It has served me well through difficult periods in my life, but (and I have tried hard not to admit this) it is a shadow of its former self (or is it just that I am getting old?). I may dip in occasionally, but I wish you well in the future.
from fungal-nail :
He's a pomeranian mix, and I know this, yet every time it surprises me how small he actually is under there. :D
from strawberrri :
If you like dry white wines I recommend a New Zealand sauvignon blanc, or for something more fruity a Riesling (not a sweet one) is really nice. My heart goes out to you and Darlene, it is good to cry and not hold it in sometimes. I hope her pregnancy is going well and she is feeling better after covid xx
from strawberrri :
Ps. White wine with salmon, not red! I chucked a bottle of English sparkling wine from our wine rack in the fridge to have with my fish and chips yesterday. Ollie was horrified as it was a ÂŁ35 bottle and kept saying "don't quaff it, it's expensive". I usually drink the ÂŁ7 stuff so it was a nice treat! :)
from strawberrri :
I'm so glad the robin accompanied you when you were visiting Fran's plot. These sorts of things are really comforting xxx
from msafire :
Thanks for the Seinfeld reference! HA I found the episode- Season 3 18 on Netflix and was happy my log in worked while at work. I played it with closed captions on with speaker really quiet as I sat at the reception desk today during lunch time for the retirement community. ( Generally slower at the desk then!) Made my work day go faster for sure!! Great episode!! HA The smoker...
from i-am-jack :
Just answered it.
from whystinger :
Thanks! Thought I had a lot to tell you but I am blanked out now.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email.
from raven72d :
You're right. Today's news raised the number of shots fired into the car from 6 to 10. Someone was angry at not being able to bring off a robbery. And train crossings in sketchy areas? I will definitely take a taxi driver's word on that.
from i-am-jack :
I hope you are doing okay. Helping people sounds like a great happy place to have, to me.
from musikoid :
I changed it back to what it was before. (The profile).
from i-am-jack :
That is really beautiful that you shared some of Fran's flowers with the other lady's grave. You look out for other people, even in death/the next life.
from i-am-jack :
It's back today but not too bad, but still can I catch a fucking break? And honestly the doctors are so scared to prescribe anything, they tell me to take the equivalent of Motrin 600 and that's it. Maybe try different combinations of the usual OTC shit, except none of it works for me anymore. Basically not their problem. And as for them telling you you're too fat, that is such a fixation of theirs. They are blind and deaf to anything else you have to say. "Lose some weight and come back if you still have the problem..." One of my friends has the non terminal version of popcorn lung that went undiagnosed for YEARS because they blamed all her symptoms on being overweight. "Well lose more weight..." Yes being a healthy weight is important for a lot of reasons, but they are way too obsessed and fixated on it.
from musikoid :
Yeah they were. Also (because I was goofing off) I should correct the ambiguity in the last text I sent you. (It could have been taken two ways.) Will text again shortly.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for checking in, I am mostly over being sick but still more tired and run down than usual, so I am taking it easy. The headache came back, but I am guessing that might be more because it suddenly got hotter today than it's been. Still, I only got one headache free day this week, and that was yesterday.
from chakra-nadi :
Yeah the vinyl tiles are really tacky yet not sticky so go figure.
from bliss-sad :
What a beautiful thing, to share flowers with the forgotten plot. <3
from patheticness :
I liked your entry. Before my mom passed, I was never the type of person to go visit graves. But with my mom, though it was hard at first, it gave me some kind of "purpose" of still taking care of her in a way, all I could do anymore, take care of her gravesite, make it look "pretty" that I'm sure she would appreciate. It continued with my mother in law as well. My husband tells me that he never did this type of thing before but he appreciates that I do and that I have made him appreciate it as well. We always look for signs too. Especially me, since I go there more often. Of course you know all of this as you read my entries, lol. But I just wanted to reinforce to you that I am sure she is there watching over and appreciates it. Sometimes she will send signs, sometimes not, don't be discouraged. Hugs to you!!
from portlypete :
Certainly not forgotten, Jimbo. What a lovely post from you today.
from i-am-jack :
Yeah it is a heavy honest thing to tell people you were not planning to live. I know how that is. But you are here and that does matter and not only are you here (which can take tremendous courage and energy in itself) but you are also getting out there and living, which is huge. I am proud of you.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you. ;^) (To your last note)
from raven72d :
It does matter that you're still here and breathing.
from raven72d :
Sounds *exactly* like my requirements!
from portlypete :
The small company I worked for certainly felt like family - always arguing (just joking). We celebrated birthdays and supported any one who was going through a rough patch. When the company was sold from under us and we all went our separate ways, we had an extremely boozy ‘wake’. And a year later, we had a reunion. One guy came half way round the world to be there and some regular freelances, who had come to love the place as much as the employees had, turned up as well. We have a page on Facebook where we still keep in touch.
from musikoid :
Standing by. ;)
from musikoid :
Yeah for some reason when you said 'research' I thought you meant you had researched, like gone to Grave's mythology or something, read myths about Apollo. I wasn't realizing you'd meant you'd researched my own diary (now I feel honored lol).
from i-am-jack :
I have been unsettled to say the least the last few days.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for relating. I had a concussion and it fucked me up for a year, despite being mild as far as head injuries go. Luckily I was not driving much then. But I am worried that it might be coming back to haunt me.
from musikoid :
Oh I see what happened.
from musikoid :
(That's about Apollo)
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
It's the Apollo syndrome.
from musikoid :
It feels like it's weighing on you, man. I hope food and wine will provide some comfort.
from whystinger :
Got it. Cool
from gr8legs :
i wanna consider it life's little conversation pieces tantamount to "this one time at band camp..." in retrospect, i can get a good laugh out of it. #9/5/22
from whystinger :
I wrote my entry on E then read your diary and saw your entry about Vilma and laughed at the coincidence. E may not be my cup of tea, but I may hang out with her a bit as it was pointed out by a few, including WW that parts of E are "triggering" to me due to my ex and confronting that may be good for me, as well as it will be good for her too and may help her get back into circulation. That may not be a bad idea, but one never knows.
from raven72d :
It's an image burned deep into my brain, too.
from msafire :
To hell with proper. It has become acceptable (Thankfully) even at fancy restaraunts to drink whatever you like! Hey even Miss Manners approves. Exception when a guest at a catered event.
from portlypete :
Did I miss your birthday? - so sorry. I know a teacher who always says that, first day of school, the kids blub, the mothers blub, but as soon as the parent has left, the children just get on with it. Red wine, white wine: whichever gets me drunker fastest is my wine of choice. I hope that Darlene has built up some immunity to Covid by now - fingers crossed.
from babyhead :
My friend, have yourself an indulgent birthday week. Go ahead and let yourself make a couple of slightly regrettable mistakes.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad your birthday feast went well. You made the wine gods proud. Cheap white wine goes amazing with reheated Taco Bell bean burritos the next day. I'm pretty sure that doesn't please the wine gods or snobs, but it sure is good.
from patheticness :
Thank you for your sweet note! I'm sorry if my entry brought back sad memories, but I'm comforted if it brought you the feeling that you are not alone. It's been a while, so I have to catch up on your entries now, and do my own!
from i-am-jack :
Happy birthday! If I remember right, white wine is usually served with seafood.
from raven72d :
I read "Gravity's Rainbow" the summer between high school and university. I'd read Pynchon's "V." already and loved it, so I was looking forward to "Gravity's Rainbow". I had a job that summer working 11pm to 7 am at all all-night self-serve gas station/convenience store, and I read the novel over about a three or four night period while I was at work alone. I remember that-- reading it in my bulletproof glass kiosk 'til dawn. 15 hours sounds about right.
from i-am-jack :
That sounds like a great idea to go see some live music by yourself. Ha ha, the soul phone is working as I always say when those kind of uncanny things happen.
from i-am-jack :
Sorry I have been AWOL. I caught up with your latest entries and I like that you have been going out to eat by yourself and your culinary adventures trying new foods.
from babyhead :
Brunch at TabarĂŠ looks so very good. You should grab Darlene, a stack of twenties and go order yourself the Churrasco a caballo. Then you can tell me all about it.
from babyhead :
Sounds delicious. How was the remoulade? I believe that it is what pulls the entire dish together. I made panzanella salad with roasted calabacita squash for dinner last night. One of my favorites. Have you tried chimichurri?
from strawberrri :
I came here wanting to write a note but wasn't sure what to write. After reading PPete's a few notes down I won't bother as that made me laugh and cannot be topped! But I am here reading and loving the foodie bits still! Xx
from musikoid :
Looking forward to the outpouring of truth.
from musikoid :
Got it. The word in your most recent note that begins with "s," ends with "d" and has seven letters is my own foible. (Or perhaps "fetish" would be a more appropriate six letter word beginning with "f" but let's not go there.) I get that you're taking yourself out a lot & can feel the loneliness on your behalf. I'll look forward to the wine review, and remember what my mama always said: "In vino, veritas!" I'm doing much better, thanks for asking. The episode has given me a lot to think about.
from musikoid :
I think I've caught all your entries but am still hazy on some of the data. I wonder how Vilma is able to get into your kitchen, though you lock the bedroom door. She appears to like you very much. In general, I think we may not well disposed to accepting new relationships close after the loss of the loved one. But also I am not one who would have personal experience related to any of that, since I don't really do relationships. I think you're managing pretty well (and the food you've been eating lately often sounds delicious too.)
from portlypete :
Hi Jimbo Aren’t you full of good ideas? Like pills and beers on an empty stomach and coming up with lines like, “will you punish me if I'm bad?” No wonder you lock your door at night. On the other hand, your breakfasts make my piece of fruit and a slice of toast pale into insignificance.
from catsoul :
8.27.2022. Your dream told you what you needed to know, thou you did know. Dreams are a gate a lot of times to just letting go of control, and then your answer will float on through. Yes, I feel your dream is saying, wait, don't settle. Breathe and wait, the time will come, and then you will have that falling dream. Peace within yourself. =^..^=
from babyhead :
Big fan of farro, but you can keep the chickpeas.
from swordfern :
You are a wiser man than me. 😭😭😭
from msafire :
Jimbo you are rocking it! If Lena (and Mom) are fine on bus ok then; but if not that will start a whole new chapter of stories from your driving which we will enjoy! I can see that being a highlight of days if you end up helping. Comments here on Vinny make me think - yes addiction is an illness and your compassion in handling the work relationship is one we could all learn from. I mean you see him and don't put up with BS, don't enable but also know how to truly have compassion it seems to me in all you have written about being his co worker. Others would have gone out of their way to GET someone with addiciton fired so they don't have to be uncomfortable. Hell lots of people motivated for their own comfort first it seems. SO SHOUT out to you and to all who don't mind being a bit uncomfortable. Those brave enough KNOW ANYONE CAN go to ANY PHARMACY to get Naran! No questions asked. Just a good idea for I think everyone to have on hand. I mean at this point EVEN if folks don't KNOW it or acknowledge it yet- Everyone KNOWS AN ADDICT. The only time it may be obvious is when the person is unresponsive and needs help- so this is the PSA- Narcan is not cheap. *Hope you don't mind this hitting your page! But figure somoene at your work might want to know this too if they don't already.
from whystinger :
I am liking that you are getting out and getting some food, some creative food and working change, that is awesome. It was very good of you to help VInny and intervene at work on his behalf. From your last check in on him, I sort of wondered what he was going through, then he was found unresponsive. For some reason I am not surprised. I do feel that Fran handled her illness with unbelievable courage and you don't need to feel bad about your grief and how it affects you as this is normal and you are keeping your family together, changing and evolving. I think you are doing great given the circumstances. Would I do as well? I really don't know.
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
I kinda have an adopted granddaughter. She sees me as a dad but I don't see her as a daughter, and I don't act like a dad, because I'm never on her case. I may or may not ever see my actual daughter again, nor do I expect her to provide her dad with a granddaughter.
from musikoid :
I'm insanely jealous. ;)
from musikoid :
Good that your daughter gave you a granddaughter!
from musikoid :
Thanks man, good luck.
from musikoid :
I'm not sure if you should speak up or not, it's hard to know what I would want to do in that situation, or what is the right thing to do. I would probably just try to ignore them but I would be stewing. If you're courageous enough to say something to them, when it happens again, more power to you.
from musikoid :
Just read it and I agree with swordfern. Those people may be well-meaning but they could be a lot more considerate.
from swordfern :
Ugh, those people are horrible. I'm sorry that you have to bear their personalization of your devastation.
from musikoid :
Actually I just got feedback from Flood who is in the same field. I don't think a sit-down with John is out of the question. Maybe the four of us should get together and talk, or even (as Flood suggested) just the three of THEM. In any case I need to chill. My head is driving me nuts over this. + I love the Longfellow quote btw. I saw a guy who looked cold at a meeting the other night and thought he was hostile toward me. Later it crossed my mind he might only have been sad.
from strawberrri :
No one can know the depth of your pain and grief but I hope those closest to you are a source of support xxx
from raven72d :
I think Winston snagged the saying about champagne, but it is a saying I love!
from chakra-nadi :
I sent an email to you with the user/pass.
from chakra-nadi :
I am so sorry about your wife. I hope you have some support IRL. Your note wasn't weird, I just think online journaling is weird, unto itself, even though I've been in this community for over ten years. I can give you my user/pass if you want, if you can give me an email to send it to, I'll delete the note afterward. Take Care.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you back. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
I hope you were able to find some peace, taking some time for yourself. I have been on a pretty wild mental health trip, but I'll be okay. I have to be. There aren't any other options anymore.
from chakra-nadi :
...and that just sums up the weird world that is online journaling. How's it going?
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
No it's not that, it's like they're pressuring my ass to complete an intimidating online application within 24 hours after which my $100 holding fee combined with their acceptance of me essentially BINDS me to a contract I'm not entirely sure I want. I just wish I weren't being pressured to proceed so quickly.
from musikoid :
I don't know man. The whole thing doesn't feel right all of a sudden.
from strawberrri :
Thinking of you xxxxx
from raven72d :
I first bought Dude Wipes back during the Spring 2020 Red Death lockdown. I think I was worried about what would happen if the stores closed or all the soaps/cleaners were bought out. And then...I realized what they were really for. Ah...yes. Well, better safe than sorry. (And a good blazer is always key)
from gr8legs :
i'm just now seeing you loss. i'm so sorry. sending up prayers for you. 5/24
from narcissa :
23 may-hey jimbo, just saying hello. thinking of you on a rainy evening in DC.
from blueisnotred :
I'm so sorry to hear, J. Sincerest condolences from your friend across the pond. Thinking of you.
from babyhead :
I truly feel for you and having to navigate your life without Fran. Remind yourself, from time to time, of the rareties you brought to her during your time together. Remember your thoughtfulness, your patience, your humor and presence, because these are the bounties of love and yours alone to keep. My best wishes to you my friend.
from warmntoasty- :
Thank you! I also want to offer you my sincerest condolences, and I wish you peace and comfort as you grieve. <3
from warmntoasty- :
Hello! It's a chocolate chip cookie I made from scratch! And the pink one from my previous posts is a strawberry cookie with white baking chips :) I've been trying to figure out how to keep a specific layout with each post, but all my previous posts change to the same layout. I'm sure with enough tinkering, I can figure out how to do that, lol. I'm happy to be back!
from jimbostaxi :
from whystinger :
Jimbo, my sincerest condolences. I am sorry to hear that your life partner has passed. That really sucks and I can't even imagine what you are feeling. I am sorry that I have not been around DL much lately and found out late. You and your family are in my prayers.
from bridgecity :
Hey man, just sending a message of peace
from portlypete :
I only just caught up with events after some time not logging in to DL. What can anyone say that will wash away your grief? Sadly, nothing will bring her back and the best you can do is to stay strong for those she loved and still need your care and support (especially at this time), but I guess you already know that. I'm shedding tears as I type - I loved your "Dedication to Fran". Keep posting and stay strong.
from moodswing :
that was one of the first things I wrote this morning! happy morning to you :)
from moodswing :
I love you, precious stranger.
from raven72d :
I'm late on this, I know. But I do want to offer you my condolences.
from raven72d :
Wesley IRL? Cool! And she went on to "How I Met Your Mother"!
from patheticness :
I just caught up on your entries and I am so so sorry for your loss!! Though it's not a comfort to hear, I can relate that Death really sucks for us left behind. I've seen too much of it in recent years. I'm shedding a few tears for you right now...
from jarofporter :
hey jimbo - talking about how i felt when i lost someone is a very large topic. if you want to send an email about something you're specifically wondering or concerned with, i'd be happy to discuss that with you, though. just go to my journal and hover over the 'email' link for the address!
from lust- :
So sorry for your loss. Hope you are able to move through the grieving process at your own pace and give yourself compassion while doing so.💛
from swordfern :
jimbo. still thinking of you. wish i could just give you a quiet hug.
from jarofporter :
hey, hope you made it through the funeral today well enough (it's never easy, i know).
from strawberrri :
Had an urge to check in today. You are in my thoughts and I'm wishing you towers of strength. Please don't reply, just know I'm thinking of you xxx
from musikoid :
Thinking of you brother. God be with you today.
from catsoul :
5.14.2022. Jimbo I am thinking about you and your family at this sad time. =^..^=
from hitch-hike :
Sending my condolences and maybe a pint of whiskey your way. I am very sorry for your loss <3
from msafire :
Condolences Jimbo. So sorry. Keeping you and family in prayers 👪 ❤
from life-my-way :
I'm so sorry for your loss, Jim.
from narcissa :
oh jimbo. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ So sorry. Thinking of you.
from musikoid :
I'm sorry Jim.
from cocoabean :
I'm so sorry Jimbo! *Hugs*
from i-am-jack :
That is *really* good to hear.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you are coming together and have each other. It's more important than ever. You have us too, your friends here.
from i-am-jack :
from jarofporter :
'i'm sorry' seems trite - sending healing thoughts & energy...
from swordfern :
from i-am-jack :
I like you too! ;^) This is starting to feel like a hippie back rub circle in each others note section, but I'll take it.
from musikoid :
It's all right.
from jarofporter :
hey jimbo, i hadn't read you in a while but saw your name in the list & thought i'd check back in. i was never very good at flashing that smile, (my face always shows everything). i'm sorry you're having to do it. anyway, i know it's not much but wanted you to know that my thoughts are with you...
from musikoid :
Yup. It does help if you cry every now and then though; that is, in public. Someone sympathetic may appear and be helpful.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad my note made you laugh. ;^) Ha ha yeah that would throw people. I always like your entries. For some reason the coin stacking thing reminded me of something you would see in a mobster movie. I imagined a heavy wood desk, that weird night time golden movie lighting in the background and a hand with a suit cuff stacking the coins in close up.
from i-am-jack :
You can't win. I used to get so much shit over my resting asshole face or just blank face. Especially at work! Just like you can't turn your smile off, I can't turn mine on. I don't really smile smile unless I am laughing most of the time. It *feels* like I am, but when I look, it's barely there. It makes taking family or group pictures annoying for everyone. Sorry, I am doing the best I can, lol. Smile on you crazy diamond.
from musikoid :
I get it but at the same time there are smiles that are genuine and smiles that are forced or fake. People can tell. Yours probably comes across as genuine whether you perceive it that way or not. I mean, I bethca anything.
from raven72d :
"Major Dundee" is a great film. Peckinpah did great Westerns-- like "Ride the High Country" and "The Wild Bunch". I have always liked "Major Dundee"-- something I want for my DVD collection.
from raven72d :
Stacking and rolling coins is fairly soothing. And there's no hangover.
from raven72d :
And steam-powered, somehow! Many years ago I found a book that took Victorian patent-office and sales-copy sketches of steam-powered machines and machine tools and spun out a Gorey-esque tale of the dildo market in the 1870s. Hilarious book! I need to track it down!
from raven72d :
I like that idea-- posting up pages from the mags.
from i-am-jack :
Oh okay, I feel kind of dumb now! Ha ha.
from i-am-jack :
Maybe the bully will be nice to your daughter now, since you helped him out. I hope so.
from musikoid :
Right on -- though of course some of us have no choice. It's the wind chill that gets me, but I can always bundle up.
from musikoid :
Had some bad experiences, eh?
from musikoid :
I'd have thought that dream was real. We had a full-on blizzard here just last week.
from dangerspouse :
Thanks - it's one of my go-to jokes to liven up the mood at funerals and bail hearings :)
from hitch-hike :
I agree with MoodSwing, people may not show their grief the same way. They could very well have a strong front but are falling to pieces inside. Then, everyone has their own relationships with a person who isn't well and they're affected differently. Just because they don't show much doesn't mean anything isn't there. *Hugs*
from moodswing :
4.9: grief is weird. It makes sense you would want them to feel what you are. It validates what you're feeling, makes you feel not-alone in it.
from raven72d :
I like being in restaurants where they know me and my tastes and just take charge sometimes-- "No, that's not what you ordered, this is what you need to order."
from narcissa :
oh hi i'm good.. i just lost track of time and suddenly it's april. I drove through NJ recently and thought of you : )
from raven72d :
Nope-- you're not the Bad Guy. These people picked a really bad time to start suddenly being familial. Fake concern is worse than being unconcerned.
from musikoid :
I wouldn't put it on "bad guy." I can get their feeling like they were never quite there, but we're talking about a severe lifelong oversight, which you cannot possibly be expected to disregard. Their bad is not your bad, and they will sense they are getting their just cumuppins.
from msafire :
Thanks for asking about the kids! Its a funny thing but I try HARD to intentionally NOT write about my kids much ( HA HA Fail... ) but simply cause want to protect THEIR privacy! So try to not reveal TOO MUCH About them. Feels less of a worry now that they are older! We have some interesting family stories which I would LOVE to share in more detail but will wait... what.. twenty years maybe? HA HA And if still writing then can tell some stories I cherish and find both funny and endearing! But since you asked I went back and wrote and updated an entry mentioning kids today!(To extent comfortable). Bummed I did not get to see my kid perform in Winter Drum Line today but the good news is there is still Orchestra. My kid perhaps is the only kid in the history of her high school who was like "NAh I am not taking the Orchestra class. Its boring. I am just going to play the concerts." and have the Band Director say "OK". Swear these kids figure out how to put in the least effort for best results... so I figure they have valuable life skills I never learned! HA HA They are all doing alright! I have FOUR graduating this year! One from the MFA program, one with BA and the two high school seniors! I am *negotiating* with all the kids to try to get them all in one place to have ONE big family party! Will see. I can't post anything about the professional/artistic work accomplishments of the oldest two but they both are rocking their work and I am so proud of them. My oldest just did a poetry reading at a really reputable space. Lots of arts creations of various medium/genres of late from them and those in their worlds which is super fun to be able to watch/see/hear- enjoy. On that note off to watch some TV ;) I am gonna catch up on my fav soap LOL...
from msafire :
Thanks for asking about the kids! Its a funny thing but I try HARD to intentionally NOT write about my kids much ( HA HA Fail... ) but simply cause want to protect THEIR privacy! So try to not reveal TOO MUCH About them. Feels less of a worry now that they are older! We have some interesting family stories which I would LOVE to share in more detail but will wait... what.. twenty years maybe? HA HA And if still writing then can tell some stories I cherish and find both funny and endearing! But since you asked I went back and wrote and updated an entry mentioning kids today!(To extent comfortable). Bummed I did not get to see my kid perform in Winter Drum Line today but the good news is there is still Orchestra. My kid perhaps is the only kid in the history of her high school who was like "NAh I am not taking the Orchestra class. Its boring. I am just going to play the concerts." and have the Band Director say "OK". Swear these kids figure out how to put in the least effort for best results... so I figure they have valuable life skills I never learned! HA HA They are all doing alright! I have FOUR graduating this year! One from the MFA program, one with BA and the two high school seniors! I am *negotiating* with all the kids to try to get them all in one place to have ONE big family party! Will see. I can't post anything about the professional/artistic work accomplishments of the oldest two but they both are rocking their work and I am so proud of them. My oldest just did a poetry reading at a really reputable space. Lots of arts creations of various medium/genres of late from them and those in their worlds which is super fun to be able to watch/see/hear- enjoy. On that note off to watch some TV ;) I am gonna catch up on my fav soap LOL...
from msafire :
Way to go setting healthy boundaries. Maybe if S wants to visit the in laws can meet out for coffee. If she is not up for it or plain not interested just not your or her issue that they did not maintain a relationship.
from raven72d :
It's a great film. And I want someone (maybe the Coen Bros.) to film "Blood Meridian", too.
from raven72d :
Well, I figure that in Steubenville the cops see enough gangland killings so that they'll take their time getting to the diner, and so long as I'm not absconding with the iconic suitcase full of $100s, the rival gangs won't worry too much about a few hundred bucks missing from wallets. I do enough to leave that suitcase full of cash alone. Steal $100 bucks and the Mob won't care-- steal $1 million, and someone will come looking. ($1 million in US $100 bills weighs 25 lbs., by the way)...and I did see "No Country for Old Men".
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, good!
from i-am-jack :
Tell them to crawl right back into the woodwork they crawled out of. ;^)
from jimbostaxi :
from hitch-hike :
Loved the Tablet Talk with the little ones!! That was so sweet and also funny at the same time ("so which room is mine?")!
from raven72d :
Ah, but the pancakes are very light and fluffy and I did bring apple butter. Not bad at breakfast. They also make excellent grits.
from integrating :
Hi! I saw your note to Raven 72d. I figured out today what "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade" means. It means accept your fate unless you can do something about it. Yeah
from i-am-jack :
Oh my God... that sounds horrible!
from i-am-jack :
That made me laugh out loud for real! Once I puked rice pilaf for only one day and I could not have anything chicken broth flavored for a year! Somehow I got over the rice real quick, though that was the worst part. I called it my chicken flavored hangover. If you can avoid a soup type hangover, definitely avoid it!
from i-am-jack :
That sounds like a recipe for a nasty hangover!
from i-am-jack :
Now I'm imagining a pint glass of soup and a pint glass of beer sitting next to each other.
from littlesushi :
It’s amazing how as we get older some sweet simple words from your loved ones can make such an impact. And yes, there is definitely something very therapeutic about having an online diary. I’m glad it’s worked for you, bad and good days alike.
from littlesushi :
It’s amazing how as we get older some sweet simple words from your loved ones can make such an impact. And yes, there is definitely something very therapeutic about having an online diary. I’m glad it’s worked for you, bad and good days alike.
from musikoid :
Beautiful entry about your granddaughters
from portlypete :
Hi Jimbo Treasure those memories. One day Darlene will understand how valuable those brief moments can be.
from musikoid :
I feel ya. I'm about making some 'new memories' myself.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for checking in. I am getting over a real nasty flu. I got so sick I took a Covid test, just to rule it out. I am negative, but this is bug is taking forever to recover from. I can't help but wonder still a little.
from i-am-jack :
Wow now I am remembering eating Progresso Macaroni and Bean soup and one of those mini snack cans of tuna for lunch at my Grandma's house as a kid. That was always my little lunch there. It never tasted/s as good as it did at Grandma's house. I wonder if it's the same soup, just called something different? I don't know, I love soup it still makes me smile. Maybe you should have your soup with just yourself, kind of like having a beer, but with soup. ;^)
from dangerspouse :
Oh man, pasta fazool. My own Sicilian grandmother used to make it by the tubful and and ladle it out at her huge, raucous, family get-togethers. (My British grandmother made better food, but the get-togethers on that side were more genteel affairs, something I didn't really appreciate as a 10 year old.) You should learn to make that dish yourself, Jim. It's very simple, and maybe sitting down to a bowl of it on a cold February's day will bring back fond memories, and perhaps some temporary succor.
from christ666 :
I think your memories from childhood feel more joyous and warm now, not just because of your family and environment, but also because you didn't have to bear the burdens and responsibilities of life as an adult. Having autonomy over our lives means having to suffer through sadness and grief more often. But, it's a necessary trade off, because you get to experience things like falling in love, being a parent, or providing for a family. Happiness is still in the cards, you just have to work with the hand you're dealt until you have the chance to shuffle the deck.
from whystinger :
One foot in front of the other... I now understand more about going thought cancer with a loved one. I didn't really see it as much when my Mom went through her three cancers, but it hit my Dad really hard and that is what brought me to understand. Take care of you.
from musikoid :
My mom always made the Pasta Fazool too. I didn't know that was how you spelled it. What a fond memory though.
from musikoid :
Yessiree Jimbo.
from raven72d :
We all need better stories here in the Year Twenty-Two.
from raven72d :
I hope you have occasion for many a happy story!
from raven72d :
Penguins and lions! Yes! Great story!
from littlesushi :
hi i'm just sending hugs.
from gr8legs :
i love your lion/penguin story. it made me smile. #2.22.22
from christ666 :
When I tell my daughter to pick up her mess, or to turn off the tv, she always growls and paw-swipes at me. Lion children are the best. :)
from raven72d :
Stick around and live. You have a family and friends who'd miss you.
from patheticness :
Hello to you too! Thanks for the note! Hope your family is feeling better.
from musikoid :
Hang in there. I guess it's one step at a time (and sometimes not knowing what step is next). Glad you got to be with your grandkids
from i-am-jack :
Just choosing to live is a huge first step. Keep fighting the good fight!
from portlypete :
It was really great to get an update. Certainly,'stick around and live'. Whatever the future brings, Socarra wouldn't want you to dig your own grave. Please try to live each day to the full. So, the other day you went home hungry and sauce-splattered; would you have wanted it otherwise? (OK, maybe). Embrace the positives where you find them, because, to do otherwise, does nobody any good. Always thinking of you all.
from raven72d :
I hope you'll be able to write again. And I hope you'll have good things to write about.
from raven72d :
I hope things are better, even with the Red Death and the winter storms.
from musikoid :
Not to intrude, I know you got shit goin on. My daughter freaked me out tonight and I left you a voice text. You're a father and will understand. If you have any sage counsel lay it on me. But I turned off the phone so as not to be further freaked out by her dysfunction at midnight PST.
from swordfern :
How are you doing over there??
from i-am-jack :
That's what I was thinking. The test entry was also a place holder/recent activity. I am off to bed now, I keep old man hours these days. But I will write some kind of something tomorrow that's more of a real entry.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for letting me know you can see it. It was just a blip when I tried to refresh my friends list. When I refreshed again, so far, it seemed okay on my end, but this happened to a friend and when he posted entries, no one could see them. It definitely scared me.
from i-am-jack :
Also let me know if you can see my test entry. This morning I got the Diaryland death notice that my diary has been moved off line, which these days means it's gone.
from i-am-jack :
I am being very careful. I don't leave the house much and when I do, I went back to the NK95 mask instead of the cloth one. I hope you get well soon, you and your family. It's scary how it seems like we'll all eventually get it, despite our best precautions. I know a few people who have been exposed to it or had it. I was reading an article saying basically to mentally and physically prepare ahead of time to get it.
from raven72d :
I do hope it's the quick and mild version of the Great Sickness. Best thoughts.
from narcissa :
ughhhhhhhhhhhhh no, not one more thing over there. From everyone around me it seems like mostly it passes pretty fast so I hope that's your experience too. xox Thanks for the wishes.
from musikoid :
Got your note. It's scary. And yet there are people in my community who still strongly object to my personal decision to stay at home. I've fixed the workshop so that every player does their work from home, including of course myself. And yet people object, as though I do not have that right.
from raven72d :
Hoping everyone recovers soon.
from i-am-jack :
Damn, I am sorry to hear that you and your household have it. I'm glad you don't seem to have a bad case. I am praying for you and your family.
from musikoid :
I'm sorry to hear about the Covid cases in your household. They say that Omicron is more contagious but less deadly. I've tested negative so far (with home testing) but I have been alarmed at how many people close to me have been testing positive lately, including four people on my team. Hang in there man.
from portlypete :
So sorry to hear that the whole house is unwell. I can only wish you all a speedy recovery. As always, my thoughts are with you.
from swordfern :
I'm relieved to hear that your symptoms are mild. Telling you to get some rest is likely useless, so I'll focus on the drinking lots of water advice instead. Take care, my friend!!!!
from blueisnotred :
Sorry to hear, I'm in a similar boat, hope you recover quickly!
from strawberrri :
Wishing you a speedy recovery from Covid xx
from musikoid :
from jimbostaxi :
from narcissa :
jimbo, thinking of you. This is going to be a hard year. You know it, I know it. Wishing you strength and grace, and hoping for many small moments of light.
from musikoid :
Never mind. Sent you a vid.
from musikoid :
I have two entries I wrote behind the scenes in case anyone understands my current situations and feels like providing feedback. I just told Jack I would past this note to all possible readers, but I burned after I got to two of them.
from raven72d :
Wishing you so much better for 2022.
from swordfern :
My heart jumps into my throat every time that your name lights up in red on my buddy list. Wishing for a better 2022 for you.
from life-my-way :
I love what you write and I'm sending the very best wishes for a happy 2022 for you and your family. D'land love from life-my-way
from portlypete :
I wish you and your family all the very best for 2022. Much love, PP.
from whystinger :
Merry Christmas and happy new year.
from raven72d :
Just came home and found your card! Thank you!
from swordfern :
I've been thinking about you a lot. It's nice to know that you think of me too. One day I'm going to show up in your taxi and buy a whole shift worth of rides so that we can go for pizza.
from blueisnotred :
Thanks for the note, agreed about rolling my eyes at the person, in person! I noticed your recent entries have gone, I read through them up until about a week ago so I hope you're doing as well as can be expected. hugs from here.x
from portlypete :
Still listening. Nothing to say. Always thinking of you and your family.
from dangerspouse :
Yo, Jimbo! Hey man, thanks for the note. I appreciate it. It's funny, I was reading through your entries just yesterday but couldn't bring myself to leave any notes given your situation. I mean, I was gonna blame that Christmas Day shooting in Hewlett Harbor on you, since it sounds like something you'd do, and maybe the entire COVID crisis also. But...I just can't. I'll just send you my best wishes, and hope that whatever the ultimate outcome is, it's the best one possible. Hang in there, buddy.
from i-am-jack :
I'm sorry. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better, at least a little. I replied to your email and sent your card out today. I hope it cheers you up a little. Like I said in the email, I owe you some coffee.
from narcissa :
a temporary truce is a truce. sounds good.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email. I hope you are doing okay.
from narcissa :
also - hope you've found some time to sleep because also that's important.
from narcissa :
ugh,sounds so bad. When it's so stressful like this and none of us are experts it's really easy to end up in opposite places. Hope you find a way to reconnect.
from strawberrri :
I hope you find some equilibrium with your kids. Thinking of you xxx
from msafire :
PS: incomplete thought.. sorry "those are moments that will pass" YES "This too shall pass" So hang in there!
from msafire :
PS: did not SEE the few moved; but rather just saw that you started ( heading) but when clicked nothing there FYI just for clarity ;0
from msafire :
Saw your last (still public) post and a couple you moved as don't want to share all the dirty laundry- I get that! (Do same at times. I write and DELETE ALL THE TImE knowing it was really just for MY MENTAL HEALTH). Thinking of you and sorry for the challenge of the family battle. It is out of love. Sometimes love can be toxic YES but those truly are moments. So try to set and also respect each others boundaries- and when it comes down to it you , as Socorra's husband, really truly do have the last say in matters (short of power of attorney having been set up or a living will for healthcare - as presume the topic has to be Soccora's care during this challenge of her illness and the awful reality of it). EVEN IF YOu MAKE A MISTAKE in ANY DECISIONING- So hope your kids can respect you are doing YOUR BEST. Try to be patient and hear them out as they have of course valid perspective ( NOT EVEN KNOWING THE DECISIONING/ISSUES/WHAT ARGUMENT IS ABOUT but even if disagree and some choice is made; no matter WHAT IT IS family should respect both the decisioner and the decision- EVEN IF DISAGREE WITH IT. SO I HOPE YOU ALL MOVE PAST THE FIGHTING TO BE AT PEACE. So sorry if YOU ARE NOT BEING RESPECTED OR IF NOT FEELING RESEPECTED AS EITHER ARE AWFUL I am sitting , and I swear felt like I was HIDING in my BASEMENT From my TEENS! LOL Just kidding in one sense... but truthfully in another as there comes a point where THE KIDS GANG UP ON YOU when you are the sole parent! YOU LOST YOUR BETTER HALF IN THOSE CONVERSATIONS AND ARE OUTNumbered now whatever it is disccussing and it is absolutely an awful feeling to have NO CONTROL and feel so disempowered! I GET HOW IT FEELS TO BE FEELING POWERLESS Heck I am a strong personality myself and wonder how the heck I am not able to just say something and have my kids respect and say "Yes mom".... HOPE THIS HELPS in some way. As YES IT JUST SUCKS. PARENTS DO DESERVE MORE and as you are navigating this awful illness in the love of your life, who you have been yolked to - I mean it is like part of you is there in her and vice versa- so the pain is unbelievable. I can't even imagine. So Just sorry for this pain and know it will get better. Prayers for your family.
from retro-cat :
sorry to hear that you are dealing with a lot of bad karma..i wish you all the best, things always seem to work out eventually, for the better i hope!
from retro-cat :
of course anyone can wear an OM symbol necklace or bracelet gives you luck and promotes your well-being.
from portlypete :
In the past, I have been in similar situations, and it is so easy for things to spiral out of control, which helps no one. Such disharmony between family members can sour relationships for ever, and that does nothing to help the one person everyone is trying to support. You need to be strong and take control at an early stage. Explain that you are all fighting the same war but on different flanks. See if you can get help online from organisations well versed in such problems. I wish you well.
from musikoid :
I don't know who would think it would be "simple" to accept such a reality. If it were me, I'd be waking up each morning having to get readjusted to it all over again.
from portlypete :
Hey Jimbo. I haven’t sent you a message recently, not because I don’t care, but because I do - but don’t know what to say. What I do know is that, if I were in your shoes, I would be a complete mess! Please take on board the advice from others here to look after yourself, as that is the best thing you can do for those you love. My thoughts are with you always.
from swordfern :
In regards to 'just accept reality'. What I've come to learn is that we can't simply rationalize emotional experiences away. When we do that, the emotions aren't fully processed and so remain there, just beneath the surface of ourselves. Being needy means that you are being honest with yourself - of course you are needy - you are going through one of the most challenging experiences one can have in their lives. You love her deeply, and she is so very lucky to have you by her side.
from msafire :
Jim, No words really could be adequate but just to say sending empathy and care for you during this super painful time. Prayers for Soccora and your whole family. Glad that your kids are all there for you and each other.
from hitch-hike :
I hear you about needy... wtf, people need people badly during a time like this and I guess the love or what's inside is getting really really really spread thin, especially for healthcare workers. I mean, we can use the occasional reality check but you're doing what any person with a heart would do for those they love. Maybe she needs more donuts, or some good lusting!
from jimbostaxi :
from narcissa :
that battle of eating is so hard. And drinking water. It's like..i dont want to take away your autonomy, but also you have to listen to me. I hope you get some rest. xox
from musikoid :
Yeah but what does she expect? Probably a hardened nurse from stress and overwork, I guess.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha! Nice!
from i-am-jack :
Granted, but people don't go to or visit people in the hospital because anyone is farting rainbows. At least you can admit it, in this new world of toxic positivity, carefully curated and heavily edited "lives". I am so glad we have Diaryland and our little community here, where we can be our real broken selves. It's one of the last outposts.
from i-am-jack :
If she thinks you or any of her patients and their families are needy, she's in the wrong field. She could have at least kept it to herself. I'm sorry you had to deal with her rudeness on top of everything else. It's her,not you.
from musikoid :
from raven72d :
I'm glad you're getting some sleep.
from raven72d :
I still use "xerox" as a verb.
from blueisnotred :
Great to hear you got even a little sleep. I feel for you and hope things turn out well x
from swordfern :
You are now the CWBG.
from cocoabean :
There's nothing wrong with questioning care. Mistakes do happen, and everyone should understand their care.
from i-am-jack :
It's kind of uncanny, the first line has been on my mind all week. It's dark and poetic and true.
from i-am-jack :
Oh no! Damn you must have been freezing.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha! Nice! The wet butt guy!
from strawberrri :
I hope your butt has dried by now!:) Xx
from swordfern :
'the tired wet butt guy'
from i-am-jack :
I thought you would like that. ;^)
from moodswing :
pretty much whatever everyone else has said. Easier to say than to do, but you must have some sleep. I know what it feels like to think you will miss something; that feeling that sleeping is giving in or giving up control... but you'll be no use to anyone if you're strung out and hallucinating. <3
from i-am-jack :
from i-am-jack :
I understand why you don't want to sleep and why your body might not even be letting you, but you really need to try to get at least a couple hours, for your physical and mental health. Your body can only take so much. You might not think it has a breaking/quit point, but it does. Take care of yourself for her, if you can't do it for you.
from christ666 :
If you go to the hospital, try and sleep there if you can. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us on this site. Sending good vibes to you and your family.
from blueisnotred :
Easier said than done and I need to practise what I preach, but try to get a little bit of sleep. The webinar I attended said it does wonders for mood, appetite and function :)
from strawberrri :
Of course you deserve to eat, Soccara needs you to keep your strength for the both of you. Maybe something small but calorie-dense like mixed nuts? I hope you can rest a little. I'm sending all the positive thoughts I can muster your way Xxx
from strawberrri :
I would have wanted to know who the doc was too - they're dealing with the absolute most precious thing, Soccara. Your days must be beyond exhausting, I hope you're trying to eat, and drink lots of water if you can xxx
from swordfern :
I wish things were turning out differently. I'm thinking of you and your family. Sending a hug, for whatever that's worth.
from musikoid :
I'm the same way. Sleep is so essential. Hang in there Jimbo.
from musikoid :
Sounds like a typical Big City doctor to me. I get that the guy is swamped and people who deal with this thing day in and day out need to develop thick skins, but at the same time you're her husband, not just some random pest asking for info. For him not to bat an eye over that -- well, IDK. Thank God I'm a country boy.
from portlypete :
Well, I have no defense for the ‘jobsworth’ nurses you had to battle with in your last post, but I would just say that you might give the doctor a bit of a break. It’s tough, but just put yourself In his place for a second. He is coping with life and death decisions on a daily basis. If he got emotionally involved in every case, he would very soon have a meltdown which would not help anyone! You need him onside. I would certainly say that you should fight Soccara’s corner for all you are worth. Medics are working on the edge pretty much, but ask questions and press for more information. They are only human and can make mistakes when under pressure. Keep pushing and, maybe, ask for a second opinion. I don’t really know the ins and outs of S’s situation, but for your own sake (at least) you need to explore every option. My thoughts are with you always.
from i-am-jack :
My sister and I have made those jokes for years. You are a character and so am I. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, me and my other personalities care. I do have a weird habit of referring to myself as "we" in spoken speech sometimes ( but not in text) but I meant that I am with the other readers here who expressed love and concern.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for writing, even though you are exhausted and things are not going well. We care. <3
from blueisnotred :
5/12 hey, sorry to hear about what you're going through. sending well wishes your way.x
from illusionless :
I can't imagine the amount of exhaustion and fear you must be feeling. All I can say is you have a lot of people here and in your rl who are here to support you.
from raven72d :
Don't stop posting. You do have people here who are listening.
from raven72d :
Sending you good thoughts, FWIW here in dark times.
from narcissa :
also .. yeah, what is there to say. How can you even express it here, it's beyond words.
from narcissa :
i'm so glad you reached out then and I hope you will now again too whenever you want. And it's not the same. My dad is suffering and it's hard, but he's older and this is his time. You are in a different place. None of it is fair or easy. Take care. xox
from strawberrri :
I am thinking of you and your family - I'm so very very sorry you're going through this xx
from portlypete :
My heart breaks for you. I have a friend in a similar situation. I have no words … Please don’t feel pressured into posting, but I will always be here for you if you need to talk.
from narcissa :
dec 3: i think about you so often jimbo. Every single day. There is nothing to say except that I'm sorry you're going through this.
from portlypete :
Hmm! Anything worth saying is worth saying twice.
from portlypete :
Please don't stop posting. I'm still listening.
from portlypete :
Please don't stop posting. I'm still listening.
from msafire :
Love the poem! Thank you for sharing as it is beautiful.
from musikoid :
you too
from i-am-jack :
Happy Thanksgiving!
from retro-cat :
groovy poem!!
from musikoid :
Good deal! I'll be waiting, and I'll look forward to it.
from musikoid :
The writing of poems that don't rhyme is made doable when one realizes that all the aspects of poetry that don't rhyme may now be emphasized. You know, meter, alliteration, that kinda thing. I'm pretty sure there are poets more qualified than me who can help you, but I'd be happy to give it a try.
from musikoid :
Thanks Whystinger.
from whystinger :
Just dropping by to say hello. New job is busy as it can be, but hello. Love the poetry man. Awesome.
from musikoid : (Try not to laugh) the non-sonnet poetry is better, though I should warn you that three of the poems are about street violence that I personally experienced
from musikoid :
Oh okay. Sometimes if I'm down I find myself becoming happier when I see lady who works all night at the 24 hour store. Not that anything would ever happen but the lifted spirits are valuable. About poetry, it will probably become more comfortable the more you practice it. Me, I write sonnets -- the Shakespearean kind, in iambic pentameter. They're hidden deep down the dregs of my website. But I'll reveal them if you like.
from musikoid :
Nice poem! I suspect that lady at that regular coffee stop lifts your spirits.
from i-am-jack :
You posted it! ;^)
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, I worked at a hotel mostly in room service for a little over a year, so I feel that one! There are so many times I would have loved to do that.
from i-am-jack :
I have seen a handful of episodes, usually ones people show me. Way back in the whenever that episode came out, everyone was saying it, and I had no idea what it was, lol. A friend showed me the episode and it's one of the weirdest ones even for that show. But to me it goes with the rest of the J-LO zeitgeist of the times, forever.
from i-am-jack :
Taco flavored kissssses..... Remember that?
from i-am-jack :
You're just Jenny from the block!
from moodswing :
jimbo, you're the sweetest
from retro-cat :
awesome! :) btw, i enjoyed reading your latest entry.
from babyhead :
Hey. I know this is not much but you are on my mind.
from musikoid :
"Coffee" was deeply poignant, as were "Darlene" and "Stand Guard" before it (which I read a while back but did not stop by to comment afterwards.) I think I relate about the regular routines. There's something peaceful or centering about your stopping at the same coffee shop, talking to the same worker there, amid your strife. I have things like that too -- they're like touchstones.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks, I really liked it. I can't take credit, but I can pass it along.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you back. ;^)
from jimbostaxi :
from narcissa :
Jimbo just thinking of you. I hope you’ve had a good weekend with your family
from portlypete :
Thanks so much for your latest note. I will miss your poetic prose. I wish you, Soccara and the rest of your loved ones well. Keep pursuing happiness wherever you can find it. I may still sneak a peek to see how you are all getting on. PP
from blueisnotred :
Thank you for reading, it's nice to know I'm not just writing into some void in the internet. I'm enjoying reading your posts - maybe enjoyment isn't the right word, there's a sadness I feel in your writing but some nice, warm moments too that you describe so well and it's nice to be part of that. -from a friend across the pond
from retro-cat :
Hi, thank you :) btw, gr8 taste in music!!
from i-am-jack :
I meant it more in a trope character way, but hell I have been old since I was a kid. I joke that I am a young old crank, but I am moving into the real thing.
from i-am-jack :
It didn't read that way to me, but sometimes at those moments there is just a loss of words. I wrote you back.
from i-am-jack :
It's never too late. I am you were there for each other.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you liked it.
from i-am-jack :
They played it a lot when Train was big in the early 2000's.
from i-am-jack :
I miss the IMs and the chatroom. That song Only Cab On The Road was in my head when I saw it was only us. I'm sure you've heard that one.
from i-am-jack :
We're the only ones on here!
from narcissa :
Oct 23: omg yes. your teams are my tears Jimbo. I love what you wrote on my page though. Just smile on those good days. ugh. Thinking of you, friend.
from swordfern :
Your diary lately is gut-wrenching. Brings tears to my eyes. Sending love.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you one more.
from i-am-jack :
It's great, it's so catchy.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you some cartoon pig farts.
from i-am-jack :
It didn't have a subject, maybe because I didn't put one originally. I got it okay, it wasn't in the spam box. A diet coke and yogurt. Hey it works, enough-ish.
from i-am-jack :
Sent. We're two peas in a pod.
from i-am-jack :
I am right now! You're psychic! ;^)
from secret-motel :
Thanks, Jimbo. I appreciate that.
from secret-motel :
I hope you and Soccara have more happy days like that. You deserve them.
from whystinger :
Tina, your granddaughter. You have the key right in your diary "resistance is futile." Lol, I am glad she put a smile on your face.
from portlypete :
My advice - never, ever eyeball an infant: they will always win! A lovely, positive post - so good to see.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for letting me know about the email. No pressure ever. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
I am so happy for you that you had some long overdue happy time with Soccara and your family!
from illusionless :
Thank you for your condolences. Yes, a potluck Thanksgiving took the pressure off of us to rely on one person when we're all in grief mode.
from narcissa :
love those unexpected good days! Nice to feel normal sometimes [normal for us :) ]
from musikoid :
Loved "Winning!" Such an affirmation of hope - on many levels.
from babyhead :
Thanks. The layout took a lot of hammering to work for me, but I think it is an easier read. I wish more people would come back to write here. I also worry about what will happen to this site. It's over twenty and I have found it impossible to get ahold of Andrew.
from patheticness :
Thank you for your note. I just read your last 3 entries and I cried. A. Keep praying and I will too. B. I'm glad your mother visited you in a dream and she DOES still watch over you I'm sure of it. C. I will pray for your wife and good job with the donut bribe lol, funny story!
from raven72d :
Alejandra sounds amazing. It's such a great name, too.
from raven72d :
It's sad that getting to see your wife is so hard, even in the time of Covid. The donuts are a good idea, though.
from raven72d :
3 hours of Harley Quinn in those shorts? Oh....yes.
from i-am-jack :
I emailed you at the old address because I talk too much. ;^)
from lust- :
My birthday is the 26th. I just wanted to write about my plans ahead of time!
from portlypete :
Well, I’d vote for you as President. Let’s be honest - you couldn’t do a worse job. But do Putin and whoever rules China like donuts?
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email at the new address.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for letting me know.
from musikoid :
Got both your notes, the email address and the compliment. As to the compliment (thank you), I don't write as well as I "edit." I just edit everything to death until it sounds good, including my diary, including my daily gratitude lists. The working draft of my musical is Draft 5-T, if you want to have an idea how many times it's been adjusted.
from strawberrri :
That donut trick to see Soccara is both genius and delicious (Bear would definitely approve of it) xx
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, “The Donut Hole Gang ”
from i-am-jack :
I love it! It sounds like something out of a movie. I'm surprised it works and I'm glad it does.
from cocoabean :
Yum! Donuts!!
from msafire :
Love this!!! YES Donuts make the world a happier and more congenial place. Wonderful tactic.
from narcissa :
oct 6: thanks Jimbo. i agree that it really does help to know that we're all thinking of each other across the ether in this little community. 100% going to try your donut approach!!! I'm pretty close to breaking my dad out of the hospital at this point, he HATES it.
from musikoid :
We're sorta opposites then. When I blast out a diary entry, I'm usually not self-conscious *enough* -
from musikoid :
It's interesting how much your writing has improved since the early days, when maybe you lacked confidence. I always thought you were pretty bright, and now you're a very good writer as well. On the vaccination thing and hospital admissions, I lost my card when I lost my wallet -- I had neglected to copy it. I was vaccinated back in February and March, and I bet if I got a booster they might not even ask me about it around here, because everybody's so trusting in this community. (In order to get the card, I'd have to return to the low income clinic where they seem to think I'm some kind of low life, which rouses up my "street issues" and probably becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I probably should get a copy of the card, but I may take a friend in with me to make it less likely I'll blow my top.
from raven72d :
Best of luck on many things, mon ami.
from portlypete :
musikoid has said it all, quite eloquently. So, I have nothing to add but my kindest thoughts for you and Soccara.
from musikoid :
About how entries like that are received, I'm pretty sure people feel for your situation and are praying for you and Socorra. (Praying, or the personal equivalent thereof.) Also the writing itself is beautiful.
from musikoid :
Because our friendship has been so jocular, in many late night phone calls and texts, I sometimes forget what you're going through. That was a very beautiful entry, and my heart is with you.
from raven72d :
Jimbo-- so very sorry to hear that. You have all my good thoughts and hopeful wishes.
from narcissa :
Oct 4 - Jimbo, i'm sorry about what's happening with Socarra. I'm thinking of you.
from i-am-jack :
Wow, thank you! I got yours too.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you a couple emails.
from cocoabean :
Hang in there..
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for checking in on me. I am holding it together, but in that holding your breath way. I can't do it forever.
from whystinger :
I was sore for a few days after the prostate biopsy but not too bad. I go to find out the results Monday. I wrote about the experience for several reasons and I knew that generally one doesn't remember much after and that is why I worked to remember and also tried to keep count (via the large snap noise of the biopsy tool. I did remember more than usual, so that was good. I have a few questions to ask the doctor about what I heard during the biopsy...
from musikoid :
from raven72d :
I sometimes still have dreams of street maps. No clue as to what that might mean.
from raven72d :
Dreams are such awkward things.
from whystinger :
I hope you are well and hope your wife is getting better. I've been gone for a while, but am back, hopefully I can spend some time here on D-land.
from musikoid :
I've been going nuts tonight. I don't think the email I sent you will trigger you, but maybe Jack. Let me try to head him off at the pass.
from musikoid :
I can see how it would be. I had a dream that gave me my mother's old phone number from before 2003, and wondered if it was right. I emailed my brother to ask what Mom's last phone number was, and he wrote back the exact number that I'd dreamed about. The mind is vast.
from catsoul :
9.25.2021. I agree. It was your mom. She was there because she is worried about how you have been dealing with your wife's illness. That scratch on her nose means that if you continue it could get deeper and be harmful to one's health. Something to chew on man. Peace within yourself. =^..^=
from musikoid :
Wow. Maybe that was really your mother.
from musikoid :
As one (Italian) father to another, right on. I talked to her today again & it actually went pretty good. If I do two things: (1) hold it together, and (2) love her; things should be all right. Eventually.
from musikoid :
To your first note, yes - the hope was real. That's why I said what I said. I wasn't trying to say I had a direct pipeline to the Almighty or anything like that. Just that the entry gave the reader the "effect" at the end that God was answering your prayers.
from musikoid :
It was outstanding, yes. And there was a note of hope in it, too. It really seemed toward the end that God was hearing your prayer.
from musikoid :
Well I wouldn't have put it quite like THAT -- but yeah beautiful entry.
from msafire :
Beautiful! Keeping Soccora and you in prayer.
from musikoid :
God is hearing your prayers.
from raven72d :
I remember doing a bit in the Eighties, but I didn't like what it did to my heart rate and sinuses. Also...couldn't afford to buy on my own. Robin Williams was right-- "Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you have too damn much money." So I thought I'd avoid Thin White Lines and save my money for books and rent.
from raven72d :
Bolivian Marching Powder is a classic condiment.
from patheticness :
It's good to see you "back" here. Funny you say 4am because every night lately I keep waking up wide awake and looking at the clock and it's 4 am. Then my cat sees me awake and cuddles and purrs and I pet her. Then I go back to sleep until getting up 2 hours later. Not to discount anything you said in your I would have shrieked at the bug thing too lol!
from swordfern :
Oh - and you're right about the witching hour. Midnight is for wimps. Four am is the real deal.
from swordfern :
It's nice to read your thoughts again, even if they are about stressful dreams and intrusive winged insects.
from portlypete :
Sometimes, dreams are not as bad as reality. Glad to see you back (or was that just my nightmare?)
from musikoid :
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha damn!
from i-am-jack :
Hmmmm at least it wasn't bullets coming through the window? Unless that's better than the bug to you? I wonder if it was a stink bug.
from babyhead :
Nice to see (read) you back!
from i-am-jack :
3-4am is definitely the witching hour. That's creepy that right after the gun shots, a big bug fell on your desk.
from musikoid :
It's always darkest before the dawn. More crimes are committed between 4 & 5 in the morning than at any other time because the darker it is, the easier it is for criminals to hide.
from cocoabean :
no one should be awake at 4AM
from musikoid :
Sounds about right.
from catsoul :
9.11.2021. OK, Jimbo, I am going to give you what I think you dream combo is. A bomb going off or threatened at times means that you are containing some explosive feelings. Running is a feeling of getting safe and away. Maybe you are learning to cope better with situations in your life, and trying so hard to get things back to normal. You probably dreamt about the cake while in a gym. Cake often times means something is tempting you. Perhaps you have to make some sort of decision? Anyhoo, this is my thoughts. I just couldn't resist trying to figure it out, from what I have gleaned about you while reading here. Peace within yourself man. =^..^=
from whystinger :
A suitcase of cake. Odd how a dream floats from topic to topic. Mine have been doing that a lot lately.
from i-am-jack :
Write/post what you are comfortable posting. And that sounds very messy!
from i-am-jack :
Wow that is a weird dream.
from musikoid :
Quite the dream there, sonny. Not quite sure what to make of it.
from whystinger :
I took an earlier trip to Rochester in July, was trying to put together a trip to the NY/NJ metro area, but so far it has fallen through.
from i-am-jack :
I know it's a bit late, but thank you for the kind note. I hope you are doing as okay as you can be. I miss your writings on here.
from raven72d :
When I was in grad school, I worked in a bookstore for years. I loved that job. Had authority to order pretty much what I wanted for several sections, was the night manager for a while, and loved talking books with clients. A cafe in a bookstore is always a good thing.
from whystinger :
Just dropping by to say hello and hope you are well.
from raven72d :
I do hope things are holding together. Best thoughts.
from raven72d :
How are you doing?
from i-am-jack :
Hey it's good to hear from you. I saw your profile a while ago, but still wanted to drop you a line in email. I hope you are doing well and finding some of that happiness. For me, it has been a hell of a ride the last 2 months. A dark summer of the soul.
from musikoid :
Mostly doing good, thanks for your note. Kev decided to stay and go to Eastern Washington University so I'm more relaxed about all that. Had to let go of the sound designer and hire a new guy, that has been stressful though he is working out better. Otherwise I'm just working out a lot and trying to stay on track.
from musikoid :
How is Jimbo doing now?
from portlypete :
Really good to hear that you are still with us. I was a bit concerned.
from portlypete :
Did you have to pick up that empty container and put it in the trash? It would be good to know.
from musikoid :
Got your note, and thanks. Yes she is GREAT but also I will lose her at the end of the summer to bigger and better things unfortunately, unless something changes and she decides to stick around the hood. About apologizing, I may be oversimplifying, but I think it's all easily explained by Italiano.
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
I think a temper comes with the Italian male territory. I wouldn't sweat it, you're not the only one.
from musikoid :
Your writing has really improved a lot lately.
from portlypete :
I don’t really know how to reply to your latest post. I know that a heap of people are going through dIfficult times with the whole Covid thing right now. Most every night, I wake about 03.00 in the morning and churn my thoughts ‘til dawn. Obviously, you have additional issues to cope with. I can only wish you well. I believe ‘that guy’ you speak of is actually a pretty decent person. Don’t be too hard on him.
from portlypete :
Thanks for the 'Big Up' in your last note. So, what stoked the fire in that towering inferno of yours? Something must have fanned the flames.
from musikoid :
I just got your note from a couple days ago. It's heavy when you're used to something one way and it's very meaningful to you, and then things change temporarily to a different way, and sort of prepare you for change in a permanent way (and sort of don't). If that makes sense. I'm definitely rooting for you.
from raven72d :
Yeah, I hate that condescending looking-through-you thing, too.
from msafire :
Beautiful Burrito entry!! Glad Socorra's hives healed. Compile a book of your best shorts; and find an editor. I really think you have created something beautiful here and not only your Diaryland friends but others would think so too and find joy in your heartfelt moving stories. Tales from a Cabbie (or some such obvious title) Taxi... you can come up with something clever and perfect. For real.
from i-am-jack :
Damn I am sorry to hear that. For what it's worth, you have us, your friends on here and friends and family in real life that love you. But I know that alone feeling all too well. I hope you keep writing and get through this.
from musikoid :
You can always call me anytime, man. I'm like you and I'll probably be up.
from secret-motel :
Thank you for the kind words, Jimbo. Please stick around and keep writing.
from cocoabean :
Dude, as long as you are here, you aren't alone.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for the insight on your process. That makes perfect sense.
from i-am-jack :
I eat healthy during the week then let myself have what I want within reason on the weekends. One food I crave but easily makes me feel kind of blahh is chips. I also can only eat a little sugar now without it going right to my head and stomach, when I used to mow on chocolate. My sister still can't get over seeing me eat 6 Caramello bars as a teenager. I sure can't do that now, but I sure miss it.
from whystinger :
Yay for your second covid shot.
from i-am-jack :
As for the Taco Bell and eating healthier, it's scary and amazing how bad your old favorite foods make you feel after you have been eating healthy for a long time. My landlord and I ponder did it always feel that way and we just didn't notice or do you build a tolerance when you eat that stuff and then lose it when you stop.
from i-am-jack :
Sometimes writing is like that. I call it composing. Sometimes it takes a little more editing, reworking than other times. I have put things down and come back to them months or years later. That's just the process sometimes. You should see my desk top covered in writers notes and all the little papers I have around the house from years and years! Anyway however your process goes, you are a really good story teller.
from portlypete :
That's good,about the jab. Just be sure to remember that this doesn't make you invulnerable. The universe is still up for grabs - that wasn't Kryptonite in that vial!
from narcissa :
Don’t be embarrassed at all and thanks for the note and the thoughts. I appreciate it. Take care.
from i-am-jack :
Good for you getting your second shot.
from i-am-jack :
I am so glad that she is okay and hives calmed down in 30 minutes. She might be allergic to things in the burrito like MSG or other additives and chemicals rather than to the actual food ingredients. But are Taco Bell's food ingredients really food? It got out years ago that their meat is 3rd rate food quality. They defended it's because it contains a lot of soy. She might have an allergy to something she doesn't even know she's eating. At least the hydrocorisone helped. That's always good to have around because you never know when something is going to irritate your skin. Also for future reference Bendadryl helps.
from raven72d :
I may have to give that a try!
from cocoabean :
But I thought that was normal for you! Haha
from whystinger :
Dang, it has been a while since I left you a message, sorry Jimbo. I have been reading when I have been around, which hasn't been often. I hope all is well and they burrito is gone along with the rash.
from musikoid :
Thanks bud - yeah the job's the best thing that's happened in a while. Nothing like working!
from musikoid :
Beautiful entry 5/19
from musikoid :
That could be a pretty long ride. Lot of healing to do, considering the crew on board.
from patheticness :
Thanks for your notes, yeah I was a nervous wreck and my arm was so sore this morning I actually didn't go to work and no I was not being whimpy, I literally could not lift it or use it and at work its the majority of what I do is lift up books upon books to check in and out and shelf, etc. I'm about to tell the rest of my story in an entry.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, I am too real too for some people. Remember the chocolate covered turd story? I have actually learned how to weaponize being too direct if someone is making me uncomfortable. I am more way blunt than they are ready for. It's kind of hard to shame someone when they turn it around on you. I am an acquired taste too. As far as your writing goes, I think you're already there.
from raven72d :
I haven't come across a disemboweled midget for a long, long time...but it's best to be prepared. These things will sneak up on you.
from musikoid :
I hear Jack is your new writing coach. With me as your personal priest, I am eager to hear your private confessions. Sex & drug stories are the best.
from i-am-jack :
Writing coach...awwww thanks. ;^) Hey there's nothing wrong with a little sex and violence, venting it is a lot better than doing it. And I don't waste my time with fake and insincerity. I do appreciate how real you are. One of the things I am proud of Detroit for is "keeping it real". I had no idea how great that was until I lived in WI. So I have a more rough around the edges approach to real and a strong dislike or not real, and I appreciate you keeping it real. It was a really beautiful, evocative entry. Your mom was cool to let you explore. I was always picking up cool rocks and off by myself digging in the gravel, so I really related. I still like looking at rock beds and gravel. It's easy to take things like the trees for granted if that's how it has always been for you growing up. There are things I took for granted about my old childhood neighborhood, that I miss now and realize my dad was right about some things. I had some views at one of my jobs, that I absolutely loved and had to stop and take in. Sometimes I daydreamed. There was this one tree I loved. I would imagine I was at my nowhere house, looking out at it and it was my tree. Sometimes the boss caught me, resting too long, but I am glad I did, because it's all gone now including the steakhouse I worked at. So take in that beauty.
from patheticness :
How did you first Moderna shot go? I had mine today. I was really nervous about getting it.
from i-am-jack :
from i-am-jack :
He isn't hold it for hostage or anything, if anything he did me a huge favor letting me use his garage. He moved his own dead car out that he was holding onto, when I told him he really didn't have to. If anything I am the dick that left my old junk in his garage for years. The call would be awkward and I am not sure if he even lives there anymore. I have a coffee maker I need fixed (it's a really good vintage one) but I don't want to call him up after a couple years, to ask him hey can you fix my junk? Also he might tell me to get my car out his garage. No one likes us crazy car hoarder guys and our eye sore "hobby" if you can call it that.
from narcissa :
may 19: thinking of you ... those tests are so scary.
from i-am-jack :
Hoping and praying for the best for you and Soccara.
from i-am-jack :
Oh my god, if my friend's bubble popped, he would have a total nervous breakdown. He actually is a genuinely good person. But he is kind of sad funny in that he is rocket science smart but finds fiber confusing. Yes fiber in food. He also said he technically understands how the immune system works, but he can't trust it to do it's job.
from i-am-jack :
He's the one I named The Boy in the Bubble.
from i-am-jack :
He lives about 40 minutes away. He was a completely neurotic germaphobe before all this,so there is no dropping by. I am afraid to call, because it has been at least a year and things were getting weird between us. I somehow became "people" and he didn't want "people" in his bubble house.
from i-am-jack :
Back when I detailed cars, my coworker would laugh when I would say "Damn modern cars!" or "These modern cars!" They were pretty standard cars, but they were so weird and annoying and at times confusing to me. At the end of the day, after all the cars I drove, I was always happy to get back into my own Nova. Though I did really like the Chevy Sonics, yes the pop can cars as everyone called them. I had to park the Nova a few years ago when the frame rotted out so bad it pulled the transmission cable around and I could barely drive it. I hope my friend didn't sell or cash it in on me. He was letting me use his garage and hopefully still is. The sad part is I don't see myself having that kind of money any time soon to fix it up. Hopefully one day I can at least have it in my own garage at my own place.
from portlypete :
I’m fine, thanks for caring. TBH, it is all those ‘other buggers’ (as we say in the UK) that I worry about. Hoping all is PP
from portlypete :
Frogs coupling is not a spectator sport - thanks for reading though. The really cruel ones are those who are currently bombing / rocketing the hell out of innocent people just trying to get by - and to what end!? I think the answer begins with ’R’.
from secret-motel :
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, I think it's funny. But do you really *want* a new car that is more of a computer than a car with a touch screen, too many features, and a million things to go wrong? I will drive old vehicles as long as I can. To me, cars aren't cars anymore.
from raven72d :
Sometimes you do have to let the past stay in the past.
from musikoid :
I'm also glad you wrote more words than you'd intended. Stick around, it's nice having you here.
from raven72d :
Signing off forever-- no. Don't do that. And for whatever it's worth, you have my hopes and best wishes for you and your family.
from moodswing :
I'm glad you wrote more words than you intended
from anni05 :
I don't use email too much, but thank you. I'm just going to have to wait until I get paid next weekend to get it fixed, thats all. I have to hope it will be fine until then.
from anni05 :
yeah, the mechanics I went to did the diagnostics thing and always said no codes showed up:/
from narcissa :
i have a phd in public health, i know the literature *really* well and know the risks are so minimal. But there's been so much media coverage on it that even i was so comically, "ok clot, take me now"
from narcissa :
yessss! first shot! Me too!
from musikoid :
Congrats on your first shot.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad your relationship is becoming more mutually respectful. I don't think there is such thing as a happy little family. Pack dynamics are complicated, with humans at least. Having an audience definitely eggs people on. That's crappy funny about your arm.
from raven72d :
Thanks, my friend!
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you are feeling okay other than a bit of arm soreness. Your relationship with your daughter sounds a lot like me and my brother the first half of our lives. We fought a lot, but when it came down to it, we always had each others backs. Eventually we became closer, after my sister moved out. Maybe you and her can get a little closer as well, even if it takes a while.
from whystinger :
I shoulda been a cowboy. I shoulda learn to rope and ride
from swordfern :
You and me and our first shots within 24 hrs of each other. Here's to building immunity!
from hitch-hike :
Hahaah!! Nothing like a woman to prod us into doing something (whether it's by shrill words, loving persuasion, or frank reality)!! Welcomed to the Vaxxed Club!!
from babyhead :
Just have to say...after everything, that means, going to work everyday and interfacing with the public, I deluded myself into thinking there would a smidge of celebration. In my fantasy there were balloons falling and confetti explosions. In reality, I got an jab in the arm through a cutout in a plexiglass window, in a room that looked like a converted broom closet, and then released back into the shopping area to parouse the wares for half an hour. No anaphylaxis while surveying the baked goods, but in the end I really didn't want to die on a supermarket floor. Don't mistake my words for ungratefulness, it's just the buildup in my head was larger than what could have been reasonably expected. Congratulations!
from i-am-jack :
Congratulations and that's great that your daughter was your moral support and accountability buddy. I felt a little light headed after too, but not much different than getting an IV. It wasn't as much of a weird rush, but it felt similar. However it lasted the rest of the afternoon. The IV rush goes away for me in probably 10-20 minutes. I hope you have a good normal rest of your day.
from raven72d :
Thanks! I'll drop him an email.
from raven72d :
Have you heard from Dangerspouse lately? He seems to have fallen off the planet.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you are going through with it. But even if you don't, then you don't. I have family and friends who are not getting it. I hope you do though and it goes okay.
from i-am-jack :
That's great that you gave your camera to your 4yr old grand daughter. I think that's a great thing for kids to have. They always end up taking really interesting pictures and often some really good ones too.
from raven72d :
And you have all my best wishes to you both. (And the 4-year old with the digital camera is a very cute image-- maybe you will have a famous photographer in the family).
from raven72d :
Exactly the plan, mon ami. My space, my writing, my rules.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad that she is doing okay. Supposedly some symptoms are a good sign that your immune system is responding. But yeah, I don't blame you for worrying.
from anni05 :
it's good I'm not the only one, lol. maybe it is the late hour.
from musikoid :
Hey Jimbo I am not as overloaded as earlier and, missing you guys & DiaryLand, came back for examination. Some beautiful poetry on your last series of successive entries. Cries of the heart.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad she's doing okay so far. It is the first or the second? The second shot is the one that makes people sick.
from i-am-jack :
Sorry I went a little ranty in your notes. I guess it's been building up.
from i-am-jack :
Yeah they pretty much just pushed them all through with minimal testing. They keep reassuring us that they are safe, but look what happens with things that ARE properly FDA approved. There are so many medication lawsuits. Really Zantac? How long has that been around and they are just now pulling it for causing cancer. I am worried what are they going to find something in 10 or 20 years caused by this damn vaccine. They are already pulling the J and J off the market and trying to make it look like it's just a "pause" in production, so I don't know if you can even get that one anyway and my therapist had the Phizer and has the thinned blood (well it made her existing problem worse) and her coworker got both Moderna and still got blood clots, but so far it appears to be in women. It really is scary. I hope I didn't make a mistake getting this. There really is a lot of social and peer pressure to get it. And they really are handling the distribution horribly. I asked do they really want people to get this or not? You either get lucky and walk right in somewhere on a slow day or fight a fucking goat rodeo to get it. If they didn't handle distribution so badly in my state, maybe we wouldn't be the new epicenter now. Well, that and spring break idiots bringing their Covid orgies home to everyone else.
from moodswing :
"do some good." *sob*
from i-am-jack :
If it's too much of a health risk, it might be better to not get it. I was on the fence about it for a while too. According to my therapist, it can either thin your blood too much or give you blood clots. It's scary that this is an experimental vaccine and it doesn't seem like any shot I have ever had. You just have to make the best choice you can for yourself.
from i-am-jack :
Yesterday was the first day I felt normalish since I got it on the 7th. Yeah. I had to resist the urge to over do it, because I suddenly had energy and felt alive. I am still pretty much done by 8pm though, even taking it easy. Believe it or not, my arm is still a bit sore and I got a black bruise under my thumb nail like I hit it with a hammer. Apparently the shot can make you bruise and bleed easier. I have no idea how I got it. That's cool that you sketched Marla. I know the exact scene you're talking about. It's kind of iconic. I hope she turns up some day.
from whystinger :
I am a similar type of asshole, except I generally say, send or text song lyrics. Maybe I would text someone "I should have been a cowboy" from the Toby Keith song. Man, that sure messes some folks up and makes them scratch their head. They'll call and ask "what the fuck are you talking about you should have been a cowboy." I think it brings come fun to the world.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad the power is balanced in your favor, at least for a while and your job is a little easier. Hopefully by the time it shifts back in their favor, you will be out of there, that is if we have a world left. Fight Club has seriously been my soul movie for a long time now and has gotten me through a lot of shit in my life. Sometimes you need your own personal Tyler as well as your own "psycho boy" narrator who is completely out of fucks.
from i-am-jack :
* I just wish I didn't get sick when most people don't.*
from i-am-jack :
Yeah I got the one and done shot on the 7th. A friend told me Meijer was doing it, so I asked about it when I was there shopping and they had the J and J and were taking walk ins and it wasn't busy, so I grabbed that opportunity, especially with MI being such a hot spot. I got lucky because the appointments are booked up for months everywhere else. I just wish I didn't get sick like most people. I am still feeling weird days later. It is getting better each day and is more like low energy and on and off feeling sick. A lot of it is this weird druggy tired, light headed malaise. I haven't had the real flu in decades, despite never getting my flu shot. I forgot how shitty flu like symptoms are. I am just glad I got the one dose. I am glad you are getting it too.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you aren't JimboLivesInAbox, yet. Uncertainty definitely sucks. I think we all just want some normalcy and stability about now. How am I? Oh all fucked up and all over the place. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
Hey I hope you are as okay as you can be, given everything.
from raven72d :
I hope things go better for you-- and I always appreciate your notes.
from raven72d :
How are things?
from i-am-jack :
Good luck! And no problem. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
Damn, that is fucked up. I call that starvation wages. They keep you starving and indentured to them basically. It's bad enough they have a rip off pay system, but it's so hostile too. It sounds like you work for the mob or something. I really hope you can get out of there and get something better, fast.
from i-am-jack :
I'm sorry it is you against them. It usually is. I was hoping that maybe just maybe you had some resources. You can probably get FMLA, even if you have to do it on your own then you are legally protected for at least a certain period of time from them. I know exactly where you are though, I have been in that same place. Your decision is absolutely the right one and they are evil people for trying to make you choose. It blows my mind that people can even think and operate like that and it's considered business as usual and not them being sociopaths.
from i-am-jack :
Damn, I'm sorry they are treating you like that. That really is horrible. All most jobs care about is the all holy money machine. Are you on FMLA or have it available? Is there an HR person you can talk to?
from i-am-jack :
That's the fun of ASMR there are so many types and they have different responses if you respond. I should have specified the comfort videos are not the same as say watching some one paint (visual) or the whispers and sounds ones. There are ones that are just a voice talking to you and more like a comfort fantasy/meditation/affirmations thing. Those calm me down, but no ASMR response, I'm not sure why they are part of the genre. Maybe I at least gave you something fun/funny to explore.
from i-am-jack :
I'm not sure if this will help, but sometimes those ASMR comfort videos can really help. Especially if you don't want to talk, but want someone to comfort and reassure you.
from raven72d :
Not a bad idea!
from i-am-jack :
There you go. The email didn't seem anxious to me. Just a private note and concern.
from raven72d :
I have that one carry-on bag packed...I don't know where I'd go, but it'll be better than here.
from secret-motel :
Heya, Jimbo. Yeah, I'm still around. Kickin' 'n' stickin', man. Kickin' 'n' stickin'.
from i-am-jack :
Kind of funnily on topic, but I took my meds and am going to bed. I'll respond tomorrow when I am not so tired and soon to be very groggy then out.
from i-am-jack :
It might be AOL, it's weird sometimes. I got it this time.
from i-am-jack :
Yeah it's the same. I sent you a test email.
from i-am-jack :
Hmmmm I didn't get it.
from i-am-jack :
Well, the only reason I stopped with the Xanax was I didn't have a regular prescription. I only had so many and at the time it was just beginning to get harder and harder to get them. I realized it was unsustainable and I didn't want to get addicted and be left hanging, so I switched to drinking and developed a nasty drinking problem for the next 3 years, that was right on the edge of falling over into alcoholism. I got lucky with both. At time the time, I had no idea what long term benzo use can do to you. So it was a good thing I didn't do benzos for 3 years instead.
from narcissa :
March 19: LOLOL I hear you. [Me: i can’t wait for lockdown to be over so I can have normal life. Also me: (anywhere) WHY ARE ALL THESE PPL HERE AND WHY ARE THEY TALKING SO LOUDLY]
from i-am-jack :
Damn, I'm sorry they fucked it up. That's an asshole super power right there. For a while, I was taking Xanax to get through work. Nothing could touch me. Even if that was because I wasn't really here and everything was just funny then meaningless. When I realized that wasn't sustainable, I began drinking after work and then passing out and going to sleep.
from whystinger :
from raven72d :
Keeping your wits is always key.
from i-am-jack :
Wow you were probably higher than a kite, that or you had a really good buzz. I'm a light weight, that would have me either tripping balls or passed out. I don't blame you though. I used to sleep at work sometimes if I had time. Sometimes I sat down to have coffee at my booth and just fell asleep on accident.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you got through it and had something to take the edge off. You survived!
from i-am-jack :
Wow that's a huge compliment. Thank you.
from i-am-jack :
Okay good. Just wanted to make sure. I have a near debilitating fear of the dentist, so I know too well how that goes. Sometimes, I suddenly dry heave, like I am going to throw up on the floor, the day before or the day before that even, I am so stressed. I hope you got through your appointment as painlessly as possible. As for the meds well, there is not much I can do about it right now. But I know what taking this poison with benefits is doing to me, taking it so long. I hope you are feeling a bit more grounded now. But I know how that is too.
from i-am-jack :
I hope I didn't say something wrong.
from papotheclown :
Thanks for swinging by! I love getting notes, so by all means feel free to chime in whenever! It's a pleasure to meet you.
from illusionless :
Thanks. I don't know if this friendship will last or not but at least he knows not to mess with me. lol!
from christ666 :
I appreciate the message. She seemed really cool, and I wish I could have gotten out of my own way so I could get to know her better.
from lust- :
Re: Air BnB's, some of them can be quite secure. It depends what you're looking for really. I've stayed in a couple that I didn't feel super safe in, but it was only for a night or two and I was with another person so it felt better. You really have to use your own discretion and shop around/pay more if you want to get a place of your own. Re: letting go of the past. I agree with you that it is important to honour the past as it has brought us to where we are today. I think it becomes harmful when we begin to dwell, maybe that's what people mean when they say 'let go,' release it so it doesn't have a strong grip on your present reality.
from i-am-jack :
Funny I was thinking about something similar because of something a Youtuber I admire who has helped me a lot, said. I did not agree with her on this one though, but I could see where she was coming from. I don't personally agree with zen sort of peace where everything is neither good nor bad but a very neutral it is what it is and its okay. To me, that would not be peace but like you said, an empty shell. However the past is tricky. I agree that we need it because it made us who we are today and it taught us everything we know, but when it gets to the point of not allowing you to be here today, it might need to be put in perspective a little. Let go, as in not letting a grudge eat you until you die or let it go as in not carrying a torch for someone forever who never really cared, but you can't get on with your life or even hold yourself back for the hope of them. The last one is me, bad.
from i-am-jack :
I have had shaking hands for a few years now because of meds and nerves. My anti psychotic is causing most of it, I am guessing, since I cut back on caffeine and I don't need to take asthma medication all the time, but that will really get it going sometimes. My hands shake pretty easy now just from anxiety. I have a bad twitch in my right thumb that can get my whole hand going. I had it checked out and they confirmed it was just a nervous twitch. There isn't really anything I can do about it, other than just stack more meds on top of it to stop it. It hasn't reached the point I would want to do that, if anything I would want to come off the suspected med making it happen.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks, yeah it is disappointing that it isn't 100%. I really am wondering if it *is* my hands shaking the mouse, and this new one is just more sensitive to it. I'll have to see. Sometimes computer quirks do go away. Sometimes not. At least, other that, I can get on again finally. That makes me feel good that you used some of my suggestions. I actually did notice that the last entries were more poetic, stream of consciousness.
from i-am-jack :
Hey, I just got my computer back yesterday, but it's still not 100% fixed. I am not sure if I am going to take it back in or not. It's much better than it was, but the cursor has a twitch now. As soon as I got it home and booted it up, it was there and pretty bad. I called back and asked if they really checked it out before giving it back to me. They had me do a total restart and that temporarily fixed it, but it's doing it again today, just not as bad. I adjusted the mouse pad settings and it helped a little. I am actually wondering if it's picking up the shaking in my hands now. There is no way to turn down the general sensitivity. I might just get a plug in USB mouse. I am just tired, it's been a long month. But I did catch up on your entries when I was on yesterday.
from swordfern :
Thinking of Darlene. And of you. I've been enjoying your recent entries; your writing captures so much in so few words.
from anni05 :
yeah... I'm not sure why I even go on there anymore. I deleted all other social media but I unfortunately can't delete Facebook because it's linked to my Spotify, and I'd lose everything. it sucks.
from whystinger :
I hope and pray that Darlene's covid is one of he most minor cases. As for the full moon, I can tell when that will happen - my hair is perfect. Ah woo, werewolves of London.
from illusionless :
Haha! I know right??! Never going back there again.
from anni05 :
LOL I'm glad you agree.
from narcissa :
Jimbo, i know what you mean. I really think there aren't words for some things. I had a hard time even writing that entry because it doesn't really even come close to capturing everything that moment meant and means to me. So thanks for your note.
from raven72d :
4 March 21-- beautiful entry.
from portlypete :
"There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be, It's easy ... love is all you need". Your love is a wonderful thing.
from msafire :
Jim you have a way of succinctly and poignantly capturing a moment, a feeling, wisdom with such richness. Loved your last couple entries. YES it really is the KISS that matters; The deepness of the connection uniquely expressed in that moment for me.
from whystinger :
The world needs more love, cherish those moments and love with abandon. We are the force that opens a flower, we are the force that makes the earth alive, we are life and we are love.
from babyhead :
For the moment, that only makes you and me. At least we're in good company.
from portlypete :
That was such a lovely post - it brought me near to tears. The popular conception of cab drivers is that they bore you rigid with their outlook on life. You turn that on its head. In your job you must see / hear the very worst and best of life: every cabbie must have a novel in their head. You write so well, and so poetically - could you find some kind of therapy just jotting down ideas for a story? Even if it never came to anything, I for one would love to read it. "When you can, do some good". As I get older, I realise the wisdom in those words. Stay strong.
from whystinger :
I have been feeling the need to bless some one randomly but so far the right situation has not hit me except for helping a friend/person I do business with. I haven't met the homeless person that I feels needs something (except for about a month ago). I see beggars at the stop lights here, but when they are dressed really well, I get the feeling they don't need the cash. Another time, I come across someone and I just feel "They need help."
from portlypete :
Great news.
from i-am-jack :
I started emailing you back, but I am still having computer problems. It doesn't always let me type now it starts typing -------- by itself and doesn't stop and the mouse pad freezes up. It's probably going to have to go to the shop.
from i-am-jack :
He emailed me too and wanted me to say hi, so I did. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email. You know some dreams make me feel different when I wake up, but in a weird way I'm used to it?
from i-am-jack :
You have never died in your dreams? I have always dreamed in ways people say are impossible since I can remember and my dreams only keep getting more and more realistic. I can see human faces I have never met before, I can read now most of the time. All my senses work. Pretty much anything people say you can't do in dreams is just because they never have or most people don't. Anything is possible. I think I dream the way I do because I am not as in/connected to my body as most people.
from i-am-jack :
I have always had vivid, bizarre dreams but I noticed since starting CBD powder, I have been having even more vivid dreams and more altered states. Maybe your physical body won't really die, but I have died in dreams many times, with different experiences. Usually I turn into a ghost, but I have met God or gone to other places too.
from portlypete :
You missed your vocation - you, surely, should have been a poet. I hope all is well with you. ps I too spend many hours lying in bed thinking morbid thoughts.
from i-am-jack :
All you have to do is remember/realize you are dreaming and eventually you'll get home. The other night I was having this dream I was breaking out of a Russian prison with 3 other American prisoners. I was crawling in a trench, being shot at from helicopters. It felt so real, but I told myself this is really scary and really real, but it's a dream. I'd get out alive and okay, no matter what happened. The dream went on a bit longer, but as soon as I thought that, being shot at in the trenches ended.
from moodswing :
I wore pink to my dad's funeral. Red could be done.
from raven72d :
My various Young Companions well know to be panty-free at my funeral...but always in black (or maybe charcoal grey).
from raven72d :
Not getting hit with the bats was a key thing.
from portlypete :
Who has to Google “Lady In Red” FFS!?
from i-am-jack :
Wow that's some imagery. That's about how sideways conversations go with me and my closest friends, any time of day! I should tell you my joke death wish, but it's probably too gross and a little disturbing to leave in a note.
from i-am-jack :
*But we all do it.
from i-am-jack :
See, you karmicly kicked yourself in the butt. But we do it. You don't have to apologize, I was/am going to answer, things just got a little unexpectedly busy, then I got very tired.
from i-am-jack :
Did you have any guilt about buying them? Sometimes we serve ourselves karma, that only came from our own minds, not anything we actually did that needed any karma.
from cocoabean :
Murphy's law, Jimbo.
from swordfern :
In reading your last entry, and entire movie played out in my mind. A tragedy. Beautiful and sad, and I wished desperately for someone to turn towards you.
from whystinger :
The email was done quickly and not with a lot of detail, just trying to be helpful. Your 01/22/21 entry is poignant, artsy and sort of poetic. That said, never give up.
from portlypete :
Stay strong for those you love. Easily said - harder to do, I know.
from raven72d :
Don't give in to the dark. Not ever.
from musikoid :
Hey I just found out I am five entries behind on you. They look like long ones too (or relatively long). I'll try to catch up when I get home tonight. Hope you're hanging in there.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for writing back and letting me know how you are. It's okay. I didn't think it was all over the place, I could follow and understand just fine. Remember you are talking to the king of tangential and all over the place. ;^)
from whystinger :
I'll reach out shortly, it may be redundant or it may be a bit more info. Crazy busy now.
from moodswing :
<3 it's not the same as playing, but if you want to *watch* people play d&d, there's at least one xmas themed one-shot on the Critical Role youtube channel. I haven't watched it, but I think they all play elves. Like, north pole elves.
from moodswing :
<3 it's not the same as playing, but if you want to *watch* people play d&d, there's at least one xmas themed one-shot on the Critical Role youtube channel. I haven't watched it, but I think they all play elves. Like, north pole elves.
from raven72d :
I hope things get better with your daughter.
from raven72d :
I'm glad the card finally made it! (If a back-up card arrives, just note that I'm obsessive about the mails getting through!)
from whystinger :
I have been feeling well myself, but tire more rapidly. Some of that comes as I can get more sleep. As for my Dad's chemo, he gets very cold, has to leave Coca Cola out at room temperature for him to drink. It is difficult for him to warm up, he doesn't feel good and gets bitchy, but the small pleasures in life seem to help him. He tires easily after chemo and I think some food either doesn't taste good or similar. There is probably more that they don't tell me. Example is he had chemo on 12/31 and yesterday didn't indicate he felt bad, so I don't know if it takes a few days to take its toll, or if they just aren't telling me.
from whystinger :
I learned that my Dad gets really cold from his chemo and loses his appetite. It is a tough thing to see, but you did right by warming her up!
from raven72d :
Well, damn!
from whystinger :
Merry Christmas! Yes, happiness can come from small things and you detailed them all quite well in your 12/26/2020 entry. I am happy for you.
from i-am-jack :
That is beautiful and in a way, like having another first Christmas, but this time as Santa.
from i-am-jack :
That's great. I am glad it's helping. The more you do it the easier it gets and the better it gets, and the more fun it gets.
from jimbostaxi :
from hitch-hike :
You're awake, too?? Merry Christmas! You discovered a new take on it this year and wow... made 9t happen and got some blessings your way!!
from secret-motel :
I hope you had a Merry Christmas, Jimbo! I'm wishing you and your family much peace and comfort.
from swordfern :
Merry Christmas, Sean! err.. Jimbo! Thanks for being there for me. You are the best. My Long Island guardian angel, the one who paints awesome denim jackets. One of a kind, truly, you are one of the best kind!
from i-am-jack :
Merry Christmas!
from raven72d :
Your card did arrive! Thanks very much! Yours is on its way, someplace out there in postal limbo.
from i-am-jack :
Cool. Let me know how it goes. Also another fun one is to grab any book and take the first thing you see as a writing prompt and go stream of consciousness with it.
from raven72d :
Small victories matter. They really do. Joyeux Noel!
from i-am-jack :
Thank you. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
"Happiness,? Its like being blind and describing the color orange" See you can do it. That's great. It just takes some letting go, really more than anything. The best thing you can do is to write total stream of consciousness a little every day. No editing. Write it in one big block. Then you can go back and take the best of it and make other things. I used to do this every day and it made me a much better writer. I miss it. A good way to start is to write everything you are feeling just as "Bored, Mad, Tired, etc. Often times it will turn into something more if you keep going. Not that I think you *need* this, I like your writing the way it is, but this is what I did. Also, I started off very stiff and purposely dissociated like I told you, then something changed.
from i-am-jack :
Wow it doesn't seem like it. It seemed very in the moment, almost meditative. Each of your senses taking in the little things and joys of home. I do a lot editing too sometimes. The brunt of it after it's been posted. Something about it going "live" really hones my skills. I wish I could do it differently, but that seems to be my process. I am just here, trying to chill the best I can.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you were able to find some joy.
from portlypete :
The best Christmas gift you could have had I imagine. Enjoy your day with your loved ones.
from i-am-jack :
The rabbit is probably the main reason people want to see it and keep watching it. And Drew Barrymore if you're a fan.
from i-am-jack :
My sister saw it and had the same reaction. She said it wasn't really that great and had no idea why it's such a cult classic. She said it was kind of dumb and not as cool as it seemed.
from whystinger :
My earlier message either didn't post or was deleted somehow. Pneumonia diagnosis? Good chance it is covid. In Florida, they are under-reporting the corona virus as the Governor wants the state open for tourism, as that is where the State gets its money. Two people I know were diagnosed with pneumonia, had covid tests come back as negative, but they had reoccurring problems and a third test revealed that they had the covid antibodies... As PortlyPete says, mask up! My employer has drawn a line in the sand and told us to be safe or else. Then again, they realize they can't make a profit if we are out sick. Stay safe brother.
from portlypete :
Covid. I guess all you can do is take as many precautions as you can to protect yourself and you clients against this virus: Anti-viral spray everything - often; obtain masks, and insist that everyone who rides in your cab wears one; keep well away from other people as much as you can; maybe get one of those hi-tech thermometers and check every customer. Losing a few fares is better than losing your life. Anyway, don’t you have a union to take care of this shit?
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you saw it and liked it. You need to see the whole thing. It's my only "new favorite" classic. As for Mad World, I never heard that version before, it has very Pink Floyd The Wall vibes. That would be an amazing cover. I have only heard the 80's version and a teaser for a Twenty One Pilots cover. Also I have never seen Donnie Darko (I cheated and read the description). That surprises a lot of people because they think that sounds like something I would like.
from narcissa :
dec 21- sorry jimbo, to drop off the face of the earth. i'm really glad you've got some things to celebrate at the end of this tough year. Hoping 2021 brings better things for you. take care
from i-am-jack :
I hope you watched the Polar Express. Did you like it?
from msafire :
Blessings for Christmas! Your granddaughter will undoubtedly bring joy on that day.
from raven72d :
The granddaughter sounds wonderful! Treasure those moments!
from portlypete :
Re vaccination for Covid - definitely pro the jab. I can’t see the argument against it, unless it’s ‘you might die’. Well, let's work through what might happen if you don’t have it - oh, ‘you might die’. So, now it’s down to probabilities. When I’m eligible, I will be first in the queue. What I worry about is when some of the population have been immunized and regard themselves as bulletproof, whilst others are still vulnerable. Either way, I think it will have to be an annual event.
from secret-motel :
Not really, but Slayer seems like good Christmas-time music. I'm sorta kidding--but not really kidding all that much. Jazz has always been, for me anyway, night-time music. So I play that a lot more when the days are shorter and darker. Also just got a 30th-anniversary remastered re-pressing of "Facelift" by Alice in Chains. AIC definitely works for me this time of year.
from musikoid :
Hey thanks Jimbo! Merry Christmas to you as well.
from portlypete :
You are wise beyond your years !?!? I am constantly amazed at what people are willing to reveal on Social Meedja. A Happy Christmas to you and yours too.
from raven72d :
Just sent an email with the address. Thank you! Send your address and I'll send off a card, too.
from i-am-jack :
That is really sweet. Jelly. Like you are Santa.
from portlypete :
Ah,the wisdom of children. I think I should cut down on the happy meals too! Then I saw the note from Whystinger, and I realised that this is a racially neutral zone. I have never wondered what race people are on this site. There's happy food for thought.
from whystinger :
You are a blessing in your granddaughter's life. That is awesome. As for me, perhaps I shouldn't touch racism in my diary, but I am getting tired of racism, hate and discrimination. It has been bothering me lately. I too have seen a ton of it through my job and I have seen it from more than just white people. For some reason (you can guess what I am thinking) many people the last few years seem to think that hate and racism is okay, it is like society has regressed. Thanks for the note.
from illusionless :
Exactly! Kids are so innocent and cute!
from illusionless :
Awww your granddaughter sounds adorable! I play with my nieces and nephews like that to. Kids are so wonderful. They really heal the spirit.
from swordfern :
You are just the best grandpa in the world for that little ray of sunshine. I love this entry!
from whystinger :
That's what I thought, then I thought that perhaps I had read it in a dream. I hope all is well.
from whystinger :
Did you add an entry then delete it or am I going nuts?
from i-am-jack :
That made me smile a bit. I imagined a fruit basket but full of assorted frozen pizzas showing up at my door. Also I love a Christmas Story use the scene where Ralphie gets lost in the mall and has a panic attack to explain how Christmas made me feel for years.
from i-am-jack :
I am not a big fan of Walmart either, especially the one right by me, but I will brave it if I really need to save money. There are also some groceries I can only find there. But yeah, I was surprised mine was so cheap. Especially with how overpriced things like that are at Michaels, I was expecting her to say $15 or something, but it was $5. I'll take it. Wow, thank you. I hardly know what to say. I'm glad I was able to help, even if unknowingly. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I saw your comment on Catsoul's notes. I understand, but I would be sad if you left. I have been kind of thinking of leaving for a bit too. I am on the fence about it a lot, but your comment is very affirming too. Thank you for making this place special too.
from i-am-jack :
I just got my candle warmer at Michael's yesterday on sale for $5. It's basically the same thing as those plug in coffee mug warmers. My first one was mug warmer but I didn't like it for that, so I used it for candles. It lasted for years and just stopped getting warm like coffee maker burners do. Of course I wouldn't trust it, if no one is home, like anything. The plug in warmers are everywhere. I got one as a house warming gift for a friend, from Walmart years ago.
from i-am-jack :
Yeah really. This year has been beyond fucked up. Maybe you could get her a candle warmer. But once you use a candle on it, you can't light it again because it all melts down and the wick disappears into the middle. I just got another one for some candles I melted on the old one and for some that just burn shitty. She also might like a plug in warmer (for wax chips) if it's the smell and not the ambiance she likes.
from i-am-jack :
I'm guessing either the flame was too close to the glass and heated it or the glass was cheap and couldn't take heat. My best friend old roomate had two glass candle cups explode behind her bed. She had this huge sconce that held 8 cups. She thought the first one was a freak accident, until another one blew. She got rid of the whole thing after that. Glass can be weird when it comes to heat, my grandma was washing a glass for my brother to use and it blew up. Thankfully it didn't cut her too bad.
from raven72d :
Good to hear that things went well.
from raven72d :
07 December 20. I hope things are going well, and that a bit of R&R will lighten the season for you.
from whystinger :
I am glad to hear that you all are getting out for a bit of R&R. I think that should help.
from portlypete :
That’s great. Have a wonderful evening.
from lust- :
Dinner sounds so nice! Enjoy!
from moodswing :
No worries about not being in touch - I feel like this place lends itself well to the come and go. That sucks about med thieves - I will fight them with my fists. Well, probably not, but I will shake them violently in their direction. I am also glad to hear Socarra is back home, though those circumstances are... well, shit. I don't like them either. I'll probably be writing soon about some similar things... boyfriend's mom was diagnosed in November and they're still straightening out the specifics before she starts treatment. Funny - when I heard, of course I had some regular reactions, but then I thought, "I'll probably write about that." and then I thought, "I should warn jimboguy in case he reads it." You are thought of. I go back and forth on the nog, but a couple years ago, the boyfriend made Alton Brown's boozy eggnog recipe, which involves one million amounts of alcohol and months of aging. It was... intense. Good! But intense. I raise my glass to you in whatever holiday spirits grace us this year.
from moodswing :
from your notes, it looks like maybe I missed something in my absence (that is fine) but I've come to say, here is another seasonal hug.
from musikoid :
Sorry I got here six days late. Just wanted to say, it's hard Jimbo. A lot of us have had to see it happen. Just know that you're a good man. A lot of people these days abandon their loved ones at the very times when they need them the most.
from msafire :
Sending good vives. You are being so strong and glad to know your daughter D is doing well and has been a source of pride and strength too! Delighted at her new job! Sending good vibes as Socorra continues her fight. Keep seeing the positive where you can.You are doing really well at being strong through this all! Hey crying to demonstrate loss and grief is not weak but perhaps one of the strongest actions of a man: not being afraid to show vulnerability and love and its beautiful you can acknowledge that, have expressed grief in moments, let go to regain composure in moments to show up for life and then be the rock for Socorra to help support through this. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing as I think in particular men handling such grief at loss of life as had been, may be given support by this. Seriously I feel like this is so crucial!! If even one man reads your words and realizes this big tough Jimbo cabbie who navigates the NY streets, manages to keep addicts at bay, breaks up fights, have many stories of your strng masculinity as the asset of contrubuting to powerful presence, not to mention visceral masculine sexiness- yes all there in moments in your story- yes if you too can acknowledge fear and pain, and at times grief and loss- and ITS OK. Maybe. Just other man out there will overcome fear that doing same somehow makes one less of a man. Doing so demonstrates your human, no less but MORE of a man to express the feeling at times of helpess in face of such awful intrusion of cancer. Yes more of a man to acknowledge this humanity in men. Many Men think they are better by being untouched by emotion when opposite is true. This is alot in response but again thank you as we all need to hear mens honest voices, other than in a crying out in rage. You may write for you but it gives me hope. Perhaps that seems strange, but again. Prayers and positive vibes as you work through this challenge and ancillary to that primary message, I feel some guy somewhere might go talk to anyone, his wife, friend, cabbie, or someone with vulnerability rather than bottling up all that fear and anger til it overboils in some act of violence somewhere. But back to main message- you are doing awesome at finding the good in this bad. Peace where yiu can find it!
from secret-motel :
Thank you very much, Jimbo! Into the gauntlet of holidays we run! I wish you peace and easy breathing--despite all the stuff going on around you.
from portlypete :
OK. Keep letting it out whenever ...
from portlypete :
I was sad to read your latest post. There is nothing I can say that you probably don’t already know. My thoughts are with you and Soccara.
from whystinger :
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I hope things are going better.
from i-am-jack :
Oh my god. That's horrible. I am really sorry. Happy Thanksgiving for what it's worth.
from whystinger :
Mike's sister-in-law needs serious help. Wow, sorry to hear about that.
from i-am-jack :
Damn... I am sorry.
from raven72d :
Sounds like a good dinner to me!
from patheticness :
Thank you for your note. I hope all is well with you and your family.
from raven72d :
Carpe diem, always.
from msafire :
Notes herein reveal I need to catch up on Jimbo drama! Congratulations to Darlene; and joy S healing with such positivity and is such a strong fighter! You are stong yourself and should also be super proud of your strength and perseverance!
from strawberrri :
Ugh, that is just so so awful. The words "broken moral-compass scuzzbucket" springs to mind. Sorry you are going through this x
from portlypete :
Wow! Take no shit from some relative with, I assume, absolutely no medical training of any kind! I think (although I know nothing) that you should just speak to a medic about this, just so that the staff are aware. I rarely swear online but, " what the */ck!". As always, I think of you.
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note, good to hear from you. Sucks that someone close is trying to gank pain pills, your restraint was amazing.
from i-am-jack :
I am glad you were able to keep your head and do the right thing. Also I hope this is resolved fast.
from i-am-jack :
You have a lot of willpower and composure. I would have gone for her throat. Verbally of course.
from whystinger :
In a way, I sell time. I sell my time as a consultant and if I don't sell the hours between say 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM today, I can't return it to inventory, it is gone. If I were selling trees, cars of whatnot else, I could return that to inventory and take a shot at selling it tomorrow. Definitely cherish what you have. I hope all is well.
from i-am-jack :
Throw him to the ferrets! Most of the time they were pretty dumb, sugared up knuckleheads, but they turned into savage monsters when the chicken bones came out. By the time they were done, they were picked completely clean. I could have bleached and dried them. It was scary how they made fast work of them, and they got plenty of ferret food. It's easy to see how they are related to minks, who are 1000 times more ferocious. Thanks, for the fun note. Yeah it is hard to unpack and work on your own shit. It's even harder not to beat yourself up over it. These days I am alone thinking about life and stuff, most of the time.
from moodswing :
It's supposed to be nicer weather and we all need a break, so we might have more fire this weekend. You can come to that!
from musikoid :
I'll try. Unfortunately there are only five pairs of fingers to cross, and it's humanly difficult to sustain such a desperate position.
from musikoid :
Aha! Well I hope you had a nice time with your granddaughter. I'm a little jealous my daughter hasn't made me a grandpa yet. (But from the types of guys she hooks up with, it's probably best for the planet they produce no offspring.)
from musikoid :
So how's the Fat Bastard? Did you trick or treat??
from i-am-jack :
You should! I hope you did. Why not?
from secret-motel :
Nothing wrong with treat-or-treating. My detox officially ended Friday. But it unofficially ended like two weeks ago.
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
Same one as for a long time. Check yer email.
from illusionless :
Hiii! ^_^ I'm doing well thanks. Sadly, no candy this year so I don't know where the candy is at. :( But I do hope you are well. Happy Halloween.
from swordfern :
The timing of your note was perfection. I really needed it. I cherish the fact that you think of me in the midst of your anguish. Sending a hug and a jumbo-sized bag of Cheeotos.
from hitch-hike :
There's never a bad or inconvenient time to give your daughter some appreciation. Or care. Or love. Or chocolate. Or coffee :)
from whystinger :
Yellow sun dress was very much intriguing. Never saw her before but hope I see her again. I hope all is well with you and your family.
from bridgecity :
love the classic garbage truck joke. that's about my speed of joke. What did the fish say when it ran into a wall? Dam.
from cocoabean :
I have a lot of small projects in the house that need to be done. Many.... I plan to go for a walk every day and play some disc golf when the weather permits.. and just enjoy life.
from moodswing :
I like that you said something to your daughter. That's nice.
from portlypete :
Good to hear from you again, Jimbo. Time on your hands? Maybe get those paints out. I understand painting is therapeutic.
from raven72d :
Good news from the oncologist, it sounds like. Keeping good wishes in mind.
from cocoabean :
Good news for Soccara. I agree, too much dead time makes you crazy, glad i still have a job. BUT I'm retiring soon!
from musikoid :
Oh, just saw your last note to Jack. That happens with me all the time. I'm just about to get to the punch line and then I lose it and break out into hysterical laughter. Often it's funnier than the actual punch line itself.
from musikoid :
Three hundred smackers.
from i-am-jack :
I showed that to another friend of mine and he was pretty sure they were all really high. When I watched it again, I was like hell yeah they are. The way they can't even get the jokes out is hilarious and contagious. It's like catching a contact buzz through the screen.
from i-am-jack :
You might get a laugh out of this:
from portlypete :
I just noticed that I sent the following note to myself. Now I’m sending it to you. I must remember to do this stuff whilst sober: ......Thanks for your message Jimbo. I can only imagine what you are going through right now. I know you will let all those Diarylanders, who wish you well during this time, know if there is any news, so just post when you feel a need - we will understand if you don’t want to talk. You and your family are often in my thoughts.
from i-am-jack :
It's good to hear from you and even better that you had good news. I was just about to check in on you.
from gr8legs :
hugs! #10.9.20
from portlypete :
Hi Jimbo, it’s good to hear from you again. Silence can be a worry. I’m rooting for you and your family.
from portlypete :
I hope all is well. Update soon mate.
from cocoabean :
Thanks, Jimbo. I am still doing well, glad things are improving for you!
from raven72d :
Good news, yay!
from whystinger :
I am happy to hear the good news!
from i-am-jack :
I thought you would like that! I'm glad you did.
from portlypete :
I’m happy too. Also, glad to note that you are retaining your sense of humor.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha! That's funny! I'm glad you are enjoying it. You probably aren't the first person to rock out on the clock when things were slow.
from catsoul :
9.25.2020. Oh my god, that brings back a great memory. When Yahoo had chat rooms. I loved the Books & Literature chat rooms. I recall talking a hell of a lot to this, I assume, a fellow, who wrote sensual poetry. You know I love some poetry. Anyway, glad your wife's cancer tumor is shrinking. Peace. =^..^=
from i-am-jack :
Thanks. Even when I was unlocked, I let it go like that. What made me lock up was I was paranoid during my social security case. They do things like have detectives watch you and stuff sometimes. I didn't want them to use it as evidence. I also worried about people I know in real life. I was a total train wreck and was scaring my friends bad enough. They had good reason to read it when they said they wouldn't. When someone is a danger to themselves some bets are off. I just left it locked for now. Also I am the most fluorescent black sheep that ever lived, the way people stare. It's like a bucket of hot pink paint was dumped on my head, but I didn't notice. It's the most popping color there is except maybe that greenish day glow yellow.
from i-am-jack :
I think I catch your drift. I could say some things here but I am not going to. Me too.
from i-am-jack :
"Kind of cool for an uncool kid" Yes that's exactly it was like, in a similar but different way.
from jimbostaxi :
Bahahaha I did Aol chat! But ,,,, my antics were,,, not in the good rooms lol. It's embarrassing to admit that.
from i-am-jack :
"As far as being approachable back than I give myself a -100 rating. now my rating is -25 lol" That made me laugh a little. Back then I was invisible, kind of an after thought of a human being in real life (hence getting obsessed with Diaryland "fame" online) Now I have this lost lamb thing that makes me too approachable. I seem to have this perplexed born yesterday quality about me. I *wish* I could dial it up to -100 or even just -25. But when I try to just pass myself off as grumpy and not interested at best, it backfires! I just try not to be noticed if possible. Sometimes I am invisible and sometimes I am a hot pink lost lamb drawing unwanted attention.
from i-am-jack :
Oh back then I lived on here and on the original AOL. Most of my friends at the time came from here and we would IM on AOL and note chat here like we are now. I made and ran a bunch of banners and had a friend design one for me for fun. For a while I was self promoting and achieved a degree of "fame", well far more attention than I ever got online or in my life. I wasn't one of the cool kids, but I had a lot of people reading. Now I am locked and only talk to you and about 4 or 5 other people on here.
from jimbostaxi :
I missed the music note you left so I'm backtracking a sec. To say I'm a music guy would be a lie. I do have an open mind for new music but my playlists are mostly old rock stuff.,the newest additions are the angry metal lol. As far as being approachable back than I give myself a -100 rating. now my rating is -25 lol
from i-am-jack :
It was a lot of fun. I wish he would bring it back, but I am guessing it was expensive to run. I think he should bring back selling banners. Remember when you could buy so many and make your own? You got to see a lot of cool ones and find new people. Way better than the crap ads everywhere else. It was kind of genius on Andrew's part.
from i-am-jack :
I was funny back then, I was a big romantic, but I was also really dark and angry while also being of a hippie. So I mostly listened to angry music. I miss a lot about those times, but I have definitely grown musically. I still am all those things but I like a lot more music now.
from i-am-jack :
I don't know if you remember but there was briefly a Diaryland chat. If I remember right it was one big room. It was fun while it lasted. I met a lot of interesting people. There was an I-am-Jill and everyone believed we were the same person until one day we both showed up. Neither of us knew about it or each other. It was funny.
from i-am-jack :
I was listening to mostly metal, industrial, angry music then and she still captured me instantly. I got the album Tidal and at first it seemed almost too soft, but I listened and heard it for the poetry it is. I listened to it every night falling asleep for probably a year when I was in college.
from i-am-jack :
I was enchanted by her from the first time I heard her music in the 90's. Then I saw how soulful she looks. She still makes my heart swoon and melt a little.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha okay! Then go when it's interesting. I thought of this. It hurts to see them destroy that retro diner though.
from i-am-jack :
Just go during the day when all the drunks and riff raff are passed out sleeping somewhere. That or go before drunk o clock.
from i-am-jack :
Of course! ;^)
from i-am-jack :
This might make you laugh a little. The other day I had this really soupy tuna. It was the super cheap chunk light that is the consistency of watery cat food even with all the water drained out. I added some sauce and of course it got soupier. I thought of how we were laughing about Soccara's tuna soup. I was like "I know of someone who would *love* this."
from i-am-jack :
If you have one near you, try it. It's so good.
from musikoid :
Good news!
from i-am-jack :
That is so great to hear!
from i-am-jack :
Waffle House was where I first had a fountain vanilla coke and discovered the combination of chicken and waffles. I don't care what anyone says, I love Waffle House.
from musikoid :
Who else would be better fit for a job at Waffle House?
from hitch-hike :
Waffle House rocks!!
from illusionless :
Haha that's nothing! I normally start it in June/July but given the pandemic I had to start later than usual.
from whystinger :
Tweaking a nipple, fun and laughter is good medicine. It is a distraction and helps things be more normal. I applaud.
from i-am-jack :
The skinny eyes made me laugh a little. You actually can gain and lose weight around your eyes. You can anywhere on your body, even weird places like fingers, ears. You might have more sunken eyes from stress, lack of sleep etc. Watch soon "Skinny Eyes" will be a new fashion trend now.
from raven72d :
If it makes you feel happy, or like a kid: go for it.
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
LOL so what else is new?
from musikoid :
That's great though that you could both get into the kid space of playing, even in the midst of pain.
from lust- :
I'm glad you were both able to have fun and be playful with each other. Good on you for initiating that!
from integrating :
Hi, I still have your email. I'll email you.
from illusionless :
You're right. Thank you for the reassurance.
from musikoid :
Glad you approve. :)
from narcissa :
heeey jimbo. i had to walk away from my computer... just can't be online, it makes me crazy. but i'm good, just chilling these days, it all feels ok. I hope you had a nice birthday.. honestly a nice 6 pack and an overpriced fancy dinner sound pretty good to me.
from i-am-jack :
It's so good. The ranch thing came from high school. We dunked our fries and pizza in ranch and I still do it. I have no idea who started it, but it became the thing we all did. It probably came from buffalo wings coming with ranch and people getting them with pizza. So they dipped the pizza too. Buffalo wings were new back then. At least in my state. I know they were around in NY for a while before they caught on other places. Pizza Hut introduced them here and now they are everywhere. I love them. That's also where I got a taste for hot sauce, ranch and pizza all together. Another way I like to doctor up the Lean Cuisine cheese is add cooked chicken and banana peppers and of course dip it in ranch.
from illusionless :
Thank you. Same for you Jimbo. :) Happy early Birthday!!
from i-am-jack :
*it's the day Sorry manic coffee typing today.
from i-am-jack :
It was on the 6th. You missed it because I didn't say anything about it. These day's it's the I renew my mid life crisis license! You are going to laugh, but it was just Lean Cuisine cheese. It's a nice personal size and actually heats up reasonably crisp in the microwave in 3 minutes. I think it's good, and it's even better when I doctor it up. This time I added splashes of Frank's hot sauce. And I always dunk my pizza in ranch. So it doesn't taste like diet or health food at all. Even by itself, it doesn't. I like the puffy yet kind of crunchy crust and actually crave the way it feels.
from whystinger :
An overpriced dinner and a six pack does sound good.
from i-am-jack :
Happy Early Birthday. I think a lot of people had that kind of birthday this year, but because of the pandemic. My birthday was just another day too. I made a frozen pizza and had some chocolate poundcake standing at the counter by myself. I called my grandma instead of seeing her and going out for lunch like we always do. Maybe you can call Soccara. At least you are starting to get used to the alone time. I hope you can find a way to enjoy yourself a little.
from dangerspouse :
If I had your address, I'd send you a card. As that is not the case, this very impersonal internet "Happy Birthday Soon!" note will have to suffice. And yes, eat expensive take-out :)
from strawberrri :
Ah, I hope you enjoyed the new found Frasier trivia! I'll be sure to pass on any more. Have you checked out Schitts Creek on Netflix? That's my new favourite sitcom, takes a few episodes to get going but is excellent. Amy's weird brother Peter from ELR is in it too. I'm sending the warmest birthday wishes to you xx
from secret-motel :
This is a pre-birthday Happy Birthday! A six-pack and a dinner actually sounds pretty great. These are certainly not the happiest of times. But, we as humans, wouldn't survive if we didn't pluck happy moments from unhappy times.
from moodswing :
what if we send you flowers. Six flowers
from whystinger :
I am glad that the treatments are going well. Wow, what a question, how much to clean up a downed tree? Depends on who you call. Any that have already came down, I cleaned up myself. When Irma hit and I had about ten trees down and I had estimates of between $2500 - $10,500. Depends on the size of the tree, but maybe between $200 and $500? It may be more if they have to haul it away. Call around and get a few estimates. My lightning struck tree near the road and street light was $1,300 to have it taken down, cut up and hauled away. Lady behind me paid $200 to a friend of hers (probably not insured) to have a tree removed. That was probably a bit too cheap.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email.
from i-am-jack :
Hey thanks for dropping a line. I have been reading, but have been kind of lurking. Sorry about that. Sometimes I just fall off the map. I am like that cat that takes off for a while, then reappears on the porch. It doesn't help that an anxiety loop starts. I feel bad for falling off the map and it makes it harder to come back so more time goes by and I get even more anxious. You can see how this self perpetuates. It sucks that I have anxiety and social anxiety online too. I still owe you an email.
from musikoid :
Sounds promising.
from moodswing :
from dangerspouse :
Good luck, man. I hope the trend continues. My best wishes for the best outcome here. 8/27
from raven72d :
22 Aug. 20-- I hope things are better this weekend.
from moodswing :
aw, thanks bud. I might try to give it a walk today. my brains and emotions could definitely use the movement.
from portlypete :
Going back a note, "tying up (my) whole notes page" is no big deal. Tie up the whole ******* internet if you want. Keeping your thoughts to yourself is a fool's game - something I still have to learn.
from portlypete :
I can forgive you a missing word - sometimes I write reams of stuff and then trash it: I am a private person. However, I don't get that the cancer center, "was not pleased when they removed the device and saw all the downtime." Isn't it the hospital's job to check on this stuff!? In the UK, we have a saying, "it never rains but it pours" which is another way of saying that, "when shit happens, it arrives in truck-loads". So glad that Darlene is on the mend.
from moodswing :
I'm glad you wrote something. I was about to check in on you. Which I could have done and still could. But I'm glad you wrote something.
from portlypete :
Hey Jimbo, I hardly like to ask how things are going, but you know, you have a rare way of condensing your thoughts into a simple phase,( I can provide references from previous notes you've sent me) so, I think you could contribute a lot to a support group, as well as gaining from it - not that I know s**t about that stuff! Keep posting , we all care about you.
from musikoid :
Seems to be the theme of the day. I think most dreams are totally random but occasionally there's a meaningful one. My dad always told me: "Dreams don't mean a thing." I think he was true about most dreams but not all dreams. I've had a number of dreams that were too weird not to be meaningful. Like a fairy showing up waving a magic wand and reciting a prophecy about me -- it just seems I was intended to receive those words, they were meant to impact me, and whoever was trying to get that message across to me did it through a dream. But that's not the norm. Most dreams are random.
from musikoid :
Wonder what it means.
from musikoid :
I guess the entry I read was dated a while back, but I'm talking about the dream you mentioned in the entry called "The Voice."
from musikoid :
That's interesting about the dream.
from whystinger :
Just checking in, I finally fixed my computer and seem to have it working. I will check in later. I hope all is well.
from swordfern :
I was just thinking of you. Sending you a big hug and a bag of Cheetos.
from msafire :
Love the entry Greased the Wheels!!! Yes you have wisdom.this might help, but you also show genuine appreciation and encouragement of good care and the simple fact with all you are dealing with emotionally you found time and energy to go to that effort is remarkable! Sending good vibes for chemo, and your own self care as well!
from msafire :
Love the entry Greased the Wheels!!! Yes you have wisdom.this moght help, but you also show genuine appreciation and encouragement of good care and the simple fact with all you are dealing with emotionally you found time and energy to go to that effort is remarkable! Sending good vibes chemo, and your own self care as well!
from strawberrri :
I really wanted to write something supportive and meaningful but I've no idea what to say, I'm sorry. I wish you and Soccara great strength going through this x
from secret-motel :
Good for you for reaching out via the cancer support hotline. One of the big lessons of "Infinite Jest" was don't try to move a weight that's bigger than yourself. Not sure the author, himself, totally absorbed that lesson. Or he would still be with us and cranking out amazing books. It's a tough lesson to learn. One I've failed many times. It takes courage, humility, and wisdom to ask for help. You're already ahead of the curve, Jimbo.
from portlypete :
Good luck with the support group Jimbo - I really think / hope it will help.
from lust- :
That's so kind of you to gift me the name that means "gift!" Definitely very strange that the tenant downstairs was taken away by ambulance. Strange premonition you had!
from musikoid :
Yeah I'm gonna take advantage of the visit to see if he'll test me on the spot. One way or the other, might as well know. Thanks for the good vibes.
from raven72d :
Paints at the beach just may work!
from portlypete :
I had worried about the lack of an update, and started a loooong note of support. I lost it somewhere along the line. Just to say, I have had some weird dreams recently. It doesn't mean you are going nuts. We are all going through weird times ATM, without the added stress that you are enduring, Always routing for you mate.
from lust- :
Good on you for taking the first step to get a therapist. Hope something pans out soon. Hmm, wondering what the dream could mean? As for the question you posed me, regarding a name...I'm not entirely sure. I do enjoy that I can shorten my name as everyone I know calls me 'Des' and I think that suits me. I think it would be nice to have a traditional Indian name with more meaning though. I think my name sounds super whitewashed.
from musikoid :
Sorry man I'm not in the mood.
from musikoid :
Yeah right. Like I'm gonna jog six feet away from a lady on a first date.
from julymalaise :
I'm glad things are more calmer for you emotionally. That dream really sounded creepy. I would just bolt out of my bed and break into a sweat because that would've been too freaky for me. And that dinner sounded good. Sending positive vibes your way.
from raven72d :
Coasters! Have they become that alien?
from illusionless :
Yes you did! ^_^
from raven72d :
I grew up reading things like Louis Auchincloss and John Updike. Plus lots of French films and novels. I assumed that educated professionals in cities had "affairs" (see lots of Eric Rohmer movies and a lovely little film from a couple of years back called "From 5 to 7"). Hookup culture is disappointing in some ways--- there's no room for drinking Rob Roys or Sazeracs at hidden little bars and pursuing elegance.
from hitch-hike : time, give the receptionists massage oils and items that don't look like personal toys but are. That will score brownie points!!
from musikoid :
Oh, I've never done it on the phone, just on the computer from home. I can see how that would be weird.
from musikoid :
Why would Zoom be a deterrent to therapy? I find most things to be easier on Zoom, for me.
from musikoid :
There will always be unusual people, or people who strike one as strange. The more people surround somebody, the more opportunities there are for weirdness. The main thing is for me myself not to be swayed too far in one direction or another, trying to accommodate them. If the group sees me as solid, it keeps things moving.
from lust- :
Hey, it goes both ways! I lost touch, as well. Would love if we can both continue reading each other regularly again. So sorry to hear about Soccara. I hope she's able to recover in time. You're providing much love, support & care. Please spend time practicing in self-care, as well. Sending compassion.xo
from illusionless :
hahaha we are our own worst critic. That's why I always ask for a second opinion. But in the end if you don't like them then that's reason enough.
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
You don't sound psycho. Just devoted.
from musikoid :
Man, just read your "Grease the Wheels" entry. It's exhausting. I think it's good you greased the wheels and it probably helped. But man what a lot of crap to have to go through.
from illusionless :
I find the glasses I get are pretty nice and modern. I don't have any complaints. :)
from portlypete :
You are such a charmer. That's a lesson I wish I'd learnt earlier in life: a smile goes further than a bellow, and it seems a bagel is even better.
from raven72d :
I do need a ushanka! One with the synthetic fur that the Russians call "fish fur"!
from illusionless :
Jumps through the computer and comes to help.
from portlypete :
Hey! Now you have a Raymond Appreciation Society. I have to admit to watching quite a few episodes myself on nights when I can’t sleep, but I couldn’t quote titles at you. It’s a funny show.
from strawberrri :
Hi! Pleased to meet you - I've seen you in Portlypete's notes and would like to read your diary too :) My favourite Raymond episode is absolutely the one where Robert's girlfriend/date ate the fly. That one cracks me up - the actors' delivery (esp Ray in that one) is just flawless. What's yours (if you have one)?
from portlypete :
The thing about these therapy sessions (as I’m pretty sure you know) is that the members have all been there. I hope it helps.
from msafire :
I love how your humor is coming through in your wonderful writing sharing your ordeal. Reading your journal will ckesrly be theraputic to many! Descriptions of your home and Darlene's are fantastic! So glad she is caring fir Socorra and you too! Good for you giving therspy a go, hey can't hurt and might help.
from secret-motel :
Yeah, group therapy would freak me the fuck out, too. Even one-on-one with a stranger. But, hell, give it a shot and see how it goes. At the very least, you'll have a good story to write about.
from raven72d :
Stoli on the balcony and screaming out into the night sounds like a serious plan for tonight.
from musikoid :
Hey Jimbo I just caught up. It sounds like it went as to be expected, pretty much. Obviously it changes everything, so you ARE looking at an arduous journey. One Day at a Time.
from portlypete :
I just wrote a chapter of sh**, and deleted it all. I have no personal experience of what you are going through right now. I hope you have been directed to cancer support groups that can guide you through. Stay strong.
from whystinger :
I hope the chemotherapy went well. Speaking of FB, I am getting tired of FB marketing all sorts of shit to me. I am also tired of the political BS on Facebook too.
from musikoid :
I just caught up and read all your entries from 7/8 till now. Glad I caught tonight's. Good luck with the chemo tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow to see how it went, and I'm rooting for you both.
from raven72d :
Good luck on the chemotherapy.
from portlypete :
I had a way overdue apoointment for a check-up at the dentist. The night before, I had such a vivid and horrendous nightmare (which I won't bore you with now), that even when I woke up, I thought it was real. I nearly cancelled my visit on the spot. In the event, there were so many new procedures and bits of equipment in place that I felt totally safe. Good luck for tomorrow.
from whystinger :
I have not been in your situation, so I don't know how that would go with a therapist. If you do go, be aware that sometimes it takes a few tries to get with a therapist that works for you.
from whystinger :
My former Doctor would sometimes give drugs, like anti-depressants for a certain amount of time, but would monitor heavily. My Therapist was okay with that one time, but not again, instead preferring that "I learn the tools to deal with the stress and issues that caused the depression." I may have even written about it and if I get a chance, I will look. I remember one session when I was on antidepressants and felt that I should begin the tapering off process (I was on a low dose anyway) and told her that I would do it after going on a temporary assignment. She seemed pleased. I went on the assignment, forget to pack my antidepressant and came off it faster than planned. Just do some simple self care things, that can be hard to fit in when you are going through this crazy times. This self-care will also help you be there to help your wife and family. Get proper rest, eat proper and get some exercise like walking. This will keep you healthy to care for them.
from illusionless :
Giving you a big, tight, long hug Jimbo. I agree with the others. You should speak to a therapist regularly so you can take care of yourself through this process. Medication alone doesn't often help. It's a combination of therapy and self-care. I'm sure I speak for all of use here on D-land when I say we'll be here for you all the way through this long road!
from gr8legs :
to think your doctor offered drugs instead of suggesting counseling is gravely disturbing. i know things are really rough right now. i urge you to speak to counselors or some type of therapy group.
from portlypete :
Most importantly - face masks do NOT protect the user, they may help stop others from getting infected. I would suggest total isolation is what she needs, hard though that may be, but I know nothing: follow serious medical advice. Regarding your last note, I agree with the first part, but I have to think that, in the global village we now live in, there is no future for anybody in being isolationist (which totally negates my point in the previous paragraph, but you know what I mean).
from secret-motel :
Ha, I didn't even notice "teading" until you pointed it out! Good thing I didn't go into proofteading. My eyes have been crying out for teading glasses for a few years, now. But I can be unreasonably stubborn--to my own detriment.
from secret-motel :
2020 is probably the weirdest, most bewildering year I've ever experienced. I think there are weirder, more bewildering years to come. Maybe not next year or the year after that--but definitely coming fast down the road. Who knows? Sometimes, intense upheaval and uncertainty can ultimately lead to better times. I try not to step too heavily in optimism or pessimism but focus on being flexible, taking things as they come, and not worrying about stuff outside my control. Most things are outside my control, so that removes a lot of pressure. You know?
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note, got it. As for your Doctor, that is good really. Rely on other than drugs. When I can make some time, I will reach out.
from portlypete :
The E.U. question is now an academic one. We are out! If that is a good thing depends on the deal. I believe the E.U’s days are numbered. I have spoken to ordinary people in countries, outside of Germany and France, who are watching with interest how the U.K’s exit pans out. The E.U. definitely has an inner and an outer circle. It has to be said that the pandemic came along at an ‘interesting time’. In some ways that is a good thing as it has left the negotiators to come to a deal without too much interference from press and minor politicians. We can only hope that the E.U. countries are grownup enough to realise that we all need to cooperate to beat the virus.
from portlypete :
So like you to ask how I am. I tried to write a post, especially for you, about the "pig's ear" our leader in the UK is making of the present crisis, but TBH words failed me. Boris and Donald are two peas in a pod: both running through a tinder-dry forest tossing lighted matches hither and thither, while their staff, following with vast containers of water, try frantically to douse the fires. Stay strong mate.
from dangerspouse :
from dangerspouse :
Hey, don't knock Splooge World. Go there one, and you'll come again and again.
from dangerspouse :
Gay. I knew it.
from dangerspouse :
Haha! Leave it to you to notice something as stupid as that. And I gotta be honest here: there is a correct side that should face out?? Why?
from i-am-jack :
I was just thinking and wondering about you. It's good to see you back. I was getting ready to drop you a line.
from julymalaise :
Thank you Jim! I sure will, I took medicine and am feeling a bit better.
from raven72d :
And many of us here do hold good thoughts for you...and are glad to have you here writing.
from julymalaise :
I'm glad you are back and thank you, you are a great person!
from patheticness :
Happy belated 4th to you too and thank you for YOUR note. Have fun catching up on all my "drama" posts lol, tis my life lately! My thoughts are still with you.
from illusionless :
Thank you for checking in on me. I think of you and how you're doing every day. I'm sure many of us from D-land are. You're part of our community and we all are there for each other. You're never alone. <3
from jimbostaxi :
from raven72d :
Five more months of the Year Twenty... That's still a disturbing thought. But I hope we all make it through.
from raven72d :
Hmmm... I'll work on haberdashery. And I hope life is well for you!
from whystinger :
Thanks for the kind words, Jim. I hope the botfly is not numerous here. I was relieved to find a picture of the flies that were pestering me and they were different.
from julymalaise :
Hey Jim, I'm doing good. How is it on your end ? I hope everything is ok. I know you're going through a lot.
from illusionless :
I'm okay. Just a lot going on. How are you holding up?
from whystinger :
It is easy and normal to feel unloved by God, especially during trying times. I believe that God shares your pain. There is mystery around God and faith, one we really can't understand. You and your family are in my prayers.
from swordfern :
*the entire cardboard display case of cheetos* xoxo
from musikoid :
What you wrote on July 1st, in the 'unloved children' entry, that's me exactly.
from swordfern :
I'd be there to hold you if I could, to protect you from the cruelty of god's handiwork. To give love and then threaten to take it away? There's no worse pain. xoxox
from i-am-jack :
I was in that place for years. I felt like I was one of God's unloved children to the point of living in a place where He didn't exist to me. It can be so hard when you are in extreme pain and grief not to feel like this. It is hard to let the light in when it's so dark. You are not alone.
from warpednormal :
there aren't any words, but do know I'm thinking about you here.
from dangerspouse :
Hey man, I'm never good with these things so I've just been sitting back and reading your latest entries and never getting up the balls to leave notes. I still don't have the balls, but know that I can see how much pain you're in and I'm here hoping you know you're doing the right thing no matter how awful it seems at the time. All the best to you, bro.
from portlypete :
More than anything, Soccara would want you to care for those she loves (which includes you, BTW). That is possibly the best, most constructive thing you can do for her right now.
from msafire :
Sordfern is so spot on!! You need to just be: with her when can and when alone just process this and let yourself grieve and heal. That is OK. Its beautiful that the girls are doing it all managing things. YeS its their time to do so. Stay strong!! OH But its OK when can't...just when you need to be. Let the girls be strong when you can't.
from msafire :
Sordfern is so spot on!! You need to just be: with her when can and when alone just process this and let yourself grieve and heal. That is OK. Its beautiful that the girls are doing it all managing things. YeS its their time to do so. Stay strong!!
from swordfern :
You are doing the exact thing that is required of you in this moment - you are loving. Fully and completely, you are being there for her with love. Let the others in your life make the casseroles. You are doing your job beautifully.
from whystinger :
How are you holding out, just checking in. Continuing to pray for your family.
from musikoid :
Didn't know if your notes were on but came back to read. Hang in there & call or text if you want.
from patheticness :
I just wanted to say I am so sorry for what you are going through and my heart goes out to you. Not sure what else to say....
from gr8legs :
That's what life does. Life makes you want to scream, pull your hair out, cry, etc. It also makes you hope, laugh, dance and love! There is nothing wrong with your feelings because they are yours. You have every right to feel what you are feeling so don't feel guilty about them. Take one step, and one day at a time. Hugs. #6.25.20
from raven72d :
24 June 20. I don't know all the backstory, or all the things you're dealing with. But I hope things have some hope hovering out there. You do have people here at the site who are wishing you a better set of days.
from gr8legs :
Everybody is stumbling around in the dark. No one has everything all figured out. We all approach each day as they come. We have to hold on to God and pray it way through each step of each day. #6.24.20
from gr8legs :
your journal represents lots of things. catharsis. therapy. growth. a way for you to navigate life by talking through situations. snapshots of your life in words. i look back at my entries and i'm in awe of the growth and stagnation in certain areas. this is your life, through your eyes, in your own words.
from illusionless :
You are not useless. You are doing what you can and I'm sure your kids understand that and they are doing the best they can as well. I'll repeat what others have already said here. Let yourself feel your feelings no matter what they are. Let yourself grieve.
from swordfern :
Oh, Jimbo, I'm so sorry to hear about Soccara's diagnosis. She is the sun in your life. You are both in my thoughts.
from whystinger :
By the way, your feelings are you feelings and they are normal, you have every right to feel them. Let yourself feel your feelings (I was going to say embrace them, but that is too clichĂŠ) and don't try to stop them. I don't know if I am articulating this well.
from whystinger :
Remember this is your diary, you can write in it whatever you want. We are here for you if you need someone. You and your family are in my prayers.
from msafire :
So sorry to hear your news Jimbo! You have many friends here albeit neber met in person sending love and support. This is its own quirky community of sorts so know we are thinking of you and your family. You have entertained, uplifted, empathized and brought up the spirits of others so of course its OK to just allow yourself this space to grieve and sit with the sadness of this news and just let those who care to sit in thus space with you. Sometimes there are no right wirds, just being and that is Ok. Just hang in there and take one day at a time.
from i-am-jack :
Write what you want and feel when you want to. You are not obligated to share anymore than you are to be funny. I think it's normal to feel lost and not know what you are feeling right now.
from i-am-jack :
You are not obligated to entertain us or be funny all the time. Especially not right now. You are a real person with real feelings.
from gr8legs :
my heart goes out to you. please don't hurt yourself. you mean a lot to me even though we've never met. i know you are going through a terrible time. i'll keep you and your wife in my prayers.
from illusionless :
I live near a large river. It has a pathway with beautiful fields of grass and some benches to sit on. The air is crisp and clean and looking out into the water is breathtaking. :)
from portlypete :
My Diaryland email went tits up a long time ago, but I hope you will continue to post here once in a while. It can be hard to know what to say to anyone going through such a time as you are, but be sure that we are all rooting for you and Soccara.
from illusionless :
No need to apologize. You are going through a very hard time. I know there is nothing I can say that would give justice to what you're going through so all I can say is that I will include you and your wife in my prayers every day.
from whystinger :
Hang in there brother. You are not alone, you have kids that will need you throughout this. More later.
from musikoid :
Hang in there. 208 398 4357 has gotten me through many dark nights of the soul.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email.
from julymalaise :
I understand. I'm hear if you need any support!
from jimbostaxi :
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
Hey sorry I just read your last entries. I should have done so before coming over here. My passing despair is nothing compared to what you're dealing with. You have my number, my email, and my friendship. Take care of yourself, Jim.
from hitch-hike :
You know where to find me. I am so sorry, you both have been through the fire and back (and again)...
from musikoid :
Notes are back on. I just didn't want anyone to respond to my despair because I knew it would pass. Hope you're doing okay today.
from moodswing :
there's no shame in breaking down. you have to let it out somewhere so it doesn't consume you. and if there's any place more appropriate on the internet, i haven't found it. scream into the void and little bits of it will poke back. we can't stop anything or give you hugs, but we can hold your words and give you space for them and sometimes send them back. <3 <3 <3
from narcissa :
jimbo. i am so sorry. Thinking of you and socarra and your family. There really aren't words for how unfair and fucked up this is, so i won't try. i'm at [email protected] if you ever want to reach out.
from julymalaise :
Take the time you need. It's a hard thing to process now. But just know keeping you and Soccarra in my prayers! 🙏🏻
from julymalaise :
And oh my god, I am so sorry to hear about Socarra! You have my email. Email me if you need to talk about it! Really keeping her in my prayers. I just read your journal and saw it. I'm so so sorry! :(
from julymalaise :
Oh yeah, it's been a hassle getting furniture because none of the stores are open, but we've been buying everything online. We nearly got every major piece of furniture we wanted. I'm kinda glad it worked out that way because I feel like that there are so much more options online. It just sucks because there's no person to assemble things, so we've been doing it ourselves. But hey, at least we are learning how to assemble furniture which is actually not that hard. Just tedious :D. Anyway, I hope you are staying safe!! It's crazy out here!
from hitch-hike :
My luck is totally the same. I'll probably catch a deadly parasite from walking barefoot on grass treated with inpotable water, or murmuring weird things from my nursing home bed where my great-grand nieces and nephews will assume is dementia but is really me confessing sins.
from portlypete :
Stay safe - eat fruit for breakfast.
from musikoid :
It's always possible that you will die that way, but on a serious note, I also feel that I should have died many times over by now. I've been in so many near death situations and pulled out of them, it really does evidence that there's Something Else going on out there, aside from our normal human agency. All that said, I'll probably die when some middle school kid I'm working with gets mad back at me and bangs me over the head with one of those high-tech skateboards.
from i-am-jack :
Damn I'm sorry that she is sick again, I hope it isn't the Covid. I hope she's okay. I'm sorry you are running on no sleep and have the grave yard shift. I've been there. My sleep got so fucked up on the grave yard shift. There were nights I went in on 3 or 4 hours of sleep or none. I can relate. As for dying, I just want to die at home or outside on my property or out in the woods. I'd rather die a natural death and be found as bones, than be processed in the death deli of the funeral industry. I am fine with the animals eating me. My best death joke is that I want a memorial coffee (and tea and hot chocolate for the non coffee drinkers) service. I want my urn to be on the table with the coffee and cream, and I ask that you add a pinch of me in your drink, so I can be with you all. Forever. Most people love the idea of one last coffee with my urn, but not the idea of drinking me.
from i-am-jack :
I have used up a few of my lives too. I always joke I will die without grace, face down on my bathroom floor. Then my pets will eat me, if I am out in my nowhere house. And I am at peace with the idea of going out with a prat fall. It beats dying in a hospital bed.
from musikoid :
This would be a happy day indeed.
from msafire :
Prayers for Socorra! So sorry to hear about her being sick again. Apprechiate the note as well! Did I ever mention that I actually grew up in L.I. It occured to me I haven't but that is as added reason I so enjoy your blog! My son and housemates all fled NYC when Covid hit.They mostly went home to family (or friends/significant other's family). They just decided to give up the apartment they contined to pay rent on as lease is up end of June and all are afraid to go back as Covid not gone and they were actors/waiters/baristas/bartenders so had no work there now. Love visiting NY! Hope you stay safe as more people start venturing out and about.
from raven72d :
Congrats on finding the check! A nice bit of luck, and always useful.
from musikoid :
I think I get it. He's obsessive, and his mind obsessed on the wrong thing. I do that sometimes myself. + I'll be praying for Soccora & the situation in general. Thanks for your note.
from whystinger :
His name might be Richard, but he is a DICK!
from patheticness :
Thanks for your note!
from musikoid :
I know, man. And thanks for reading. It's because I got no money to pay these guys, I feel guilty to set hard deadlines, as though I'm asking more of them than I should. But then, they don't do the work. despite claiming complete commitment. So there's no other choice. And as somebody else said, they'll probably respect me more if I show that level of leadership. rather than always caving into their bullshit and then eventually exploding.
from i-am-jack :
"As far as I'm concerned, the more unrelatable it may appear to you, the more relatable it becomes to me." Thank you.
from raven72d :
The CIA and KGB mugs are from the gift shop at the Spy Museum in DC (visit them! fun place! check the museum website) some years ago. The Stalin mug I actually bought at a street stall in the former East Berlin about a year or so after the Wall came down. They had all kinds of Cold War knick-knacks for sale.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for relating. I have been feeling really unrelatable. My sister and I were not allowed to leave the house most of the time growing up. We didn't have friends, we couldn't join any activities. We were not even allowed behind our own garage, so even part of our own backyard was not allowed. Our parents hardly raised us or had much to do with us and we were punished not comforted for having any emotions other than happy or any problems. All we had was each other and our imaginations, in a very dysfunctional world we were trapped in. That is the only skill set I learned and all this reminds me enough of the bad old day, that it's all resurfacing.
from raven72d :
Really liked the "Richard" entry.
from musikoid :
Like, all those 21 likes & loves are from people who live like 2 or 3 miles from me.
from musikoid :
It's the local Facebook, everybody turned to it during the Quarantine to keep the community together, you know, small town stuff, while we still couldn't really see each other.
from gr8legs :
if you haven't heard it today, you're awesome and appreciated. #6.1.20
from portlypete :
I’m glad to see you’ve retained your sense of humor.
from swordfern :
Thinking about your and Soccara.
from portlypete :
Stay strong mate.
from i-am-jack :
Damn...that is fucked up. I'm sorry it's still in her system. It's scary that they *still* don't understand how this virus works. I hope she's okay and doesn't get very sick again.
from patheticness :
I liked the post remembering your mom. Not to copy, but I should do something similar about my mom when he bday comes in August, both on FB and here. And for my mom-law when the anniversary of her death comes up in July. Thanks for the inspiration!
from illusionless :
Thank you for the sweet note. I'll take that magical hug and give you one at the same time. :)
from catsoul :
5.24.2020. That is such a beautiful tribute of loving words about your mom. Bless your kind and compassionate soul. Peace. =^..^=
from illusionless :
I'm sorry for all the darkness that has been in your life the last little while. Just remember the sun will come out again. Memories, at first I wrote Momeries how fitting, are wonderful things to hold on to.
from i-am-jack :
When I was a kid, I had my shows and cartoons that I really fanned out over. There was a lot of escapism in 80's cartoons, many of them taking place in other worlds. I loved cartoons but spent most of my time playing make believe with my sister and that was our true escape from what we had to live in. When I got older it was music and writing.
from atwowaydream :
I think of you from time to time, and I wonder if you're happy; if you're okay.
from i-am-jack :
Wow I feel old. When I was a kid, those specials were old to me, because my mom said she watched them when she was a kid. That made them more special to me. Now they are really old. The original puppets are still around and come up for auction every so often, but they are not in good condition. I don't think they expected the special to become so iconic and they were made for just that one use and not preserved as anything special. I'm glad you have an outlet, especially if you are the man of few words type in real life. It really does help. I can either be very reserved or you can't shut me up. I am a dichotomy in that I can be very serious but also really funny. I keep most of my catharsis here and with my therapist these days.
from i-am-jack :
A friend of mine showed me that a long time ago. I thought he was joking. But (pun intended) they were real. We have definitely come a long way, I hope we don't start backsliding.
from hitch-hike :
Whoa, the peanut better scrotum/ UV light rectal treatment?!? You SO need to patent it :-D Maybe with the earnings, you can retire!!!
from jimbostaxi :
from i-am-jack :
Sounds like we are going back to the age of Victorian medicinal butt plugs. Yeah that was a real thing.
from babyhead :
Chest of drawers, hmmm.. Organized box of secrets!
from i-am-jack :
I grew up watching all those Christmas specials. Every year. My favorite was Rudolph but I loved Frosty too. I got so excited about those specials or specials of any kind. The Karen conversation made me remember I have an Aunt Karen. She started out super sweet, but after she got married, she turned into such a bitch my family stopped talking to her and going to her functions. She didn't turn into a Karen, but she was just stressed out and mad and anal all the time now.
from i-am-jack :
I'm sorry Covid is hitting your friends, family and life so hard.
from musikoid :
Hey bro. Just read your 5/20 entry. I'll text you soon. Hang in there.
from raven72d :
I'd love to have supervillain resources enough to be able to find out what happened to so many of the people who vanished from online journal sites.
from raven72d :
It's as if they don't understand (or believe) that in the online world a passing stranger might randomly look in and just say hi or nod politely.
from raven72d :
The FB experience sounds familiar.
from i-am-jack :
I would have been too, especially if it was all caps text yelling. Geez. I know what a Karen is, though I knew the stereotype long before I knew the name. A friend of mine used to live in the Karen part of town and said she was the only non-Karen dropping off her kids at school in the morning. It was nothing but blonde Kate hairs, SUVs and attitude. She actually told me they were called Karens. Which I thought was weird, because I always thought of Karen as a sweet name. That was my next door neighbor friend's name growing up and I think of the little girl in the Frosty the Snowman cartoon. I understand you not wanting to deal with trying to answer notes on top of everything else. I thought about dropping an email line, but figured you wanted some space. I am glad you updated us on her situation and that it was a happy ending.
from hitch-hike :
I just found out what 'Karen' meant today... I had to laugh, it was the name of the most popular girl in my class in 1985. How appropriate :D
from babyhead :
My pleasure. I always look forward to read what's rattling around in your head.
from i-am-jack :
Woman? Sounds more like a bratty twenty year old still acting like a bratty sixteen year old. There's no shortage of those types on social media. Sorry I fell off the map with leaving notes. I got used to them being off but I have been reading and I am so glad that Soccara is home safe. That last entry about her feeling much better made me smile.
from whystinger :
I think you are right (your note) something is going on, but only Liz and Harley know what it is...
from msafire :
So sorry to hear of Socorra's health scare.Prayers for your whole family and glad you are feeling Ok and Soccora on the mend.
from portlypete :
Hi Jimbo. Good news - not so good news (Thelma's Dad) from you. Just to say, I have lost about 12 pounds since lock-down began - you can call me Fatboy Slim! Not sure if that cultural reference translates to the US.
from whystinger :
Ok, I will just blurt it out. Do you think that Harley was behind Liz's call?
from whystinger :
I wondered the same thing about the Liz call... but didn't want to mention it.
from julymalaise :
I hope you are doing well my friend. I'm hanging in there. It's been such a crazy hectic time with the virus going on! It's crazy and I just moved in to a new place, so the move + the virus is our insanity. Hope all is well. Thanks for thinking of me.
from whystinger :
I am glad to hear that Soccara is feeling better. Interesting about Liz. Puzzling maybe.
from aryssa90 :
I hope you're doing well!
from illusionless :
lol you read my mind! XD
from narcissa :
4-29: i came to respond to your note, but based on this last entry sounds like you really were there for whatever she needs as long as it takes ;)
from illusionless :
Emotions explode at the strangest times. Don't you agree Fat Boy? ;) lol Joking, joking, sorta.
from swordfern :
This is just the greatest entry ever. I'm smiling a big grin here. You're a lucky man, in so very many ways.
from hitch-hike :
(4/28/20) I'm so glad for Socorra, and I hope the grandkid just has the usual kid-bug they're always catching. Thanks again for the kind note (who doesn't want to hear that they are awesome)! Hugs from my way to you (and some good health vibes spiked in there, too).
from illusionless :
You've been through hell. I'm so glad Soccara is going to be home. I'm going to keep praying for you and your family that this will pass and then you won't have to think about Covid anymore.
from warpednormal :
thinking about you <3 i'm so glad she's coming home
from narcissa :
4-27: Jimbo, I'm so glad that she's going to be home soon. This is a nightmare and I've heard that the recovery is long and slow, so I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that this is happening to your family. I hope Socarra recovers soon. I'm happy your notes are back on xox
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for your kind notes. I feel at a loss of words that this continues to affect your family. Every day I feel like I can't believe this, a little more.
from i-am-jack :
I am not averse to answering notes. I don't always answer them quickly, like any correspondence. Sometimes I like to think a bit before saying something. Other times I just say it. I am probably one of the most note leaving/answering people on this site. Some of my friends notes pages seem to be all me talking. I spend most of my time by myself and I am an introvert/loner but even I am starting to feel like I am living in a void. I feel like I am living in a hamster cage, sailing through the void. I *need* to get lost in my mind about now.
from portlypete :
Thanks for thinking of me Jimbo. I am fine. It seems like some of those close to you are having a tough time though. I sincerely hope they all pull through O.K. All the best.
from hitch-hike :
Keep stayin' safe and healthy, Jim... I'm hoping the best for you and your family! I'm not trying to be cheerleader here... just passing along good thoughts to you!!
from i-am-jack :
This definitely has us all scared for our own families. I worry about my landlord (second dad) getting it, he is in the age demographic. Hell, I worry about all our cats getting it, now that I heard they can. I worry about my friends and family across the map.
from whystinger :
Hey Jimbo, you are right, we really don't know how bad the virus will be. I believe the reason that the government is taking action is that the medical and science community don't have an idea how bad nor how this will affect everyone. The difficult thing is that covid-19 affects different people very differently and they can't really predict what will happen. The bad thing is many are not taking this seriously and many are believing non-credible sites. A friend passed me an article just today claiming that wearing a mask is harmful to people and makes people breathe excess CO2. If that were the case and the masks were not safe, medical professionals would not be wearing them daily before this whole thing happened. I was not sure whether to take the whole thing seriously too, but decided to as I usually run a bit on the reckless side myself. I have some distinct feelings about this and the evidence to me is the country is willing to risk businesses rather than let people die. That tells me there is a lot behind this and I don't believe that this whole thing was cooked up by either Trump or the Democrats as a power grab (yes, I have heard both of those too). Stay safe, don't panic and take reasonable precautions.
from i-am-jack :
Don't worry about leaving long notes. Maybe it is more closely affecting Thelma and it is more about her, but when it's your family, friends and people you love, it is your pain too. This is affecting all of us at different levels. I hope you are doing as well as you can right now.
from whystinger :
Thanks for the message Jim. I am sorry to hear about covid-19 touching your extended family. I hope they do pull through.
from illusionless :
No it's okay. No need to apologize. I just wanted to clear up any misunderstandings. I could have put things clearer as well. I'm not one to get huffy about religion or politics. To each their own. Not sure if you're a believer or not but I think you should live your life the way you want. :) Please don't let it bother you ok?
from illusionless :
Really? I don't see it that way. I know that we control what we do and everything we do have consequences good or bad that's what free will is, but I don't see anything wrong with giving my feelings over to God to let Him take care of things that I can't control or that I can't deal with anymore.
from swordfern :
How are you doing today? I keep thinking about you and your family. Sending love.
from aryssa90 :
Thank you for your message. I'm so sorry to read your 4/15 entry. My thoughts are with you and your loved ones <3
from i-am-jack :
Wow damn... I'm sorry that both of her parents have it. It seems like through degrees of separation everyone knows someone who either knows someone who had it or has had it. My old roomate/best friend's coworker and good friend got it. He survived but will be in physical therapy learning how to walk again for years. There is some not yet understood connection between the virus and a form of Reye's syndrome? I forget what she called it but another name comes before the Reyes and basically paralysis starts at the toes and works up your body until it shuts your lungs down and kills you. He went to the hospital for that and found out he had Covid too.
from moodswing :
maybe if we all join hands we can do the care bear stare. :( <3
from i-am-jack :
I am at a loss of words. I am so sorry this is happening to you and your family. I'm tearing up.
from swordfern :
Heartbreaking. I am crying with you. xoxox
from catsoul :
4.15.2020. May peace wrap your family in loving arms. It is ok to feel, let it out, feel it. Be safe. Take Care. Peace. =^..^=
from i-am-jack :
Hey thanks for checking in. I have actually been sick today. But oddly it feels like the left side of my body? I didn't feel right last night and woke up with a cracking headache on the left side, then that lymph node swelled up and I have a tiny bit of a sore throat, but only on the left. It feels like it took all day just to clean the bathroom and get in the tub. I had to keep laying down. It's the kind of sick where you don't feel crappy enough to stay in bed, but don't feel that great when you are up. Of course thoughts crossed my mind. I have not been out of the house in 2 weeks, so it's not likely. Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better.
from annanotbob2 :
Thanks - I'll put the video in tonight's post x
from loveherwell :
haha! it's a great language :)
from illusionless :
I'm glad you understand. Thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone. I've since blocked her on everything. I know that seems childish, but I think I've done all I can. forging my signature, having a friendship with Garbage who knowingly treated me badly and never apologized to me, pushing my boundaries so much that I had to write her a letter, going back to her old ways of pushing my boundaries again, and now her stupidity and selfishness regarding the pandemic. I think my blocking is justified. I tried, I really did, but my trust in her is completely broken. It didn't have far to go to break anyway. I have nothing more to say to her.
from dangerspouse :
Hey man, hope you had a Happy Easter too :)
from illusionless :
Happy Easter to you as well. You also keep yourself safe.
from u-saved-me :
you do too?? wild that we both have the same thing.. in the same leg lol. Ooh maybe it's something to do with the driving all the time... whooo knoooows, im deffo not going to a doc right now, thats for sure. this leg support pillow thing looks ridonkulous, but i hope it works whenever it makes its way to my place.
from msafire :
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
from msafire :
Lol as realized in the filmed version can't see sign holders! Other way to recognize the particular actor is the one with the guitar on back as that is Balthazar.
from msafire :
Oops forgot the show name Great Performances Much Ado About Nothing now available live stream on pbs. Think free in the NY market. Watch for actor first entering carrying protest sign that says something about Love.
from msafire :
Jimbo. If like Shakespeare check out look for Bathazar...hint is available on line to stream. Good 2.5 hrs long. I enjoyed trip to NYC Public Theater to see it twice when it ran in the summer. :) As for Bellatrix I have nice pics but Too large to upload! I think tomorrow I will try some art therapy and do a pencil drawing of her!
from integrating :
Hi Jimbo! boink! Sorry I didn't reply to your note. I'm always multi-tasking which means I'm always doing things half-ass. There is this great web site that gets your location and tells you where the closest V infection is. I'm in MT and there are no cases where I live. (makes the sign of the cross) The nearest one is 29 miles away....How are you?? (I make playlists all the time. I have a couple of 70's classic hard rock. It is Throwback Thurs. Right? : )
from portlypete :
Your story reminded me of the day I was delivering a matress to a friend's house. Becausse I was carrying the matress in front of me, I didn't notice that there was a step. I fell flat on my face. Luckily, it was a soft landing. The friend thought it hilarious.
from u-saved-me :
heey, welcome, i blather on a lot, so thanks for reading! <3
from dangerspouse :
from portlypete :
The look like mischief! :-)
from dangerspouse :
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. They single...?
from jimbostaxi :
from integrating :
I can't remember the firecracker comment. ?
from integrating :
Thanks Jimbo. I've been having to retrain my mind. I would make a noise late at night and I would immediately think I hope he didn't hear that. He messed me up real good physically by making me move everything by myself. Whatever, my stuff is all here now. Now I'm working on resisting the urge to call him. I was trying to keep it friendly, that will never happen. I got into my apt just in the nick of time cuz I heard the housing waiting lists have been frozen. Very very good thing. I'm strong. Focus on the goal of saving money to get back to my boys. I miss them so bad. Been here 4 yrs in July.
from gr8legs :
thank you for the birthday wishes! i had a good birthday, even in self-quarantine! #4.5.20
from illusionless :
I hope you're okay.
from raven72d :
I haven't looked for a while, but Yahoo Games had a basic online backgammon.
from loveherwell :
like twenty-two or three days i think.
from raven72d :
Backgammon is something I always liked more than chess--- more luck involved. But I like the idea of chess, of strategy as a concept.
from illusionless :
Phew! I think I need a cold shower after that entry. Wooo!
from dangerspouse :
What can I say? I'm just that kinda girl.
from dangerspouse :
Jesus, what an amazing entry! I didn't know you had a cock. Go figure.
from whystinger :
Thank you for the concern, I definitely am careful with chest pains. I knew that I would have having my yearly physical this week and I also did a lot of self checking. If there was any doubt, I would have either drove to the hospital or called for help. I think the main problem was too much computer work and hunched over the pc. Thanks
from integrating :
What's up, firecracker? Are you still able to work?
from hitch-hike :
Hope for humanity? That's one of the big things I hope to get out of this! I'm surprised how far less douchey people have been, even online! I have to admit after reading your poem, the thought of death seems far more real than it did before, but thank you sharing those words and thoughs. **Sending waves your way!**
from ladyofjazz :
Brilliant poem and thankyou for the note. Stay sane!
from dangerspouse :
Now THAT'S a poem I'd enjoy, like any other cream filled thing. Do it! :)
from dangerspouse :
BARRY MANILOW?! Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on. That was a Milli Vanilli VHS tape, pal. SIGNED. Oh - and your poem sucks, too. Barry Manilow....jesus..... (But, er, yes. I do have matching Spongebob slippers. *sob*)
from ninabean :
a note thats NOT from dangerspouse?! Wow I had to do a double take. Glad you found me, sorry I couldn't leave a better first impression but hey... i'll be around reading your entries!
from musikoid :
Thanks, Jimbo. Yeah the helmet makes me "rate" among local cyclists, breezing by daily on Paradise Path.
from whystinger :
Someone needs toilet paper and is going to be selective. I hope they have some newspaper or an old phone book around. Stay well and healthy.
from portlypete :
Hey Jimbo A very touching poem. Delivering passive parcels seems the way to go. Better than carrying potentialy virus-carrying humans fer sure! I had sleepless nights when this thing first kicked off. I worried about pretty much everything. It didn’t help anyone, least of all me as I just felt like s*** the next day. Now, when I go to bed, I read (something light) for a while and then fantasise about a better time until I nod off: it seems to work for me. I’m thinking of writing individual letters to everyone I love to tell them all the things I never have been able to tell them in conversation just in case I don’t make it. I’m doing all I can to get through this thing, but it seems pretty much anybody can die from this. Stay safe and (I don’t know what your politics are but) stop listening to your president - please!
from msafire :
Just catching up. Thank God for people like you in the world. Never underestimate the power of your influence as good to read of the driver went to rehab. HANG IN THERE hope all Ok with your family in this crazy time. I dont even write much about mine just cause of fear they will find it and be furious!lol. All are well thank God!
from swordfern :
Your poem is beautiful and tragic. I want to hug you. xoxoxo
from swordfern :
from secret-motel :
Thanks for the note a while back! I've been lurking but not posting. Your tp entry made me laugh. I'm partial to the Charmin two-ply ultra soft. I'm down to two and half rolls. Stores here have been empty! Walgreens didn't receive their expected delivery, this morning. CVS had only a few packs of Scott one-ply. I bought a twelve-roll pack in case I can't get any of the "good stuff" for a while. I need to find paper towels, but I'm not as picky about those. I hope you and your family are doing well, Jimbo.
from portlypete :
You’re right about these things pulling folks together. Our street now has a local Whatsapp group sharing info and looking after the olduns. On the other hand, it also brings out the low-lifes and profiteers. Reports of people selling bogus testing kits, a burglary on a food bank, a rash of new internet scams and ambulances purposely vandalised! Hell was designed for such people.
from musikoid :
And ye shall know them by their assholes.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha! Tuna soup. I can see it in my mind. Hey, if that's how she likes it. I used to drown everything in ranch, but I never made tuna soup. Does she also like her oatmeal super soupy too?
from i-am-jack :
I don't use all those sauces at once. I only pick one. I actually made it with the Taco Bell home Baja sauce a while back.
from i-am-jack :
The whole toilet paper thing is just getting weirder and weirder. It has never been such a hot topic. People are getting obsessed with it. Some of them still being discerning. Choosy butts choose...hmmm not Jif. How does she like her tuna. Apparently everyone likes it different. I like the chunk light in water (yes only the cheap stuff thanks) mixed with some kind of sauce. Ranch. French. Remoulade. Just in the bowl. I don't usually make sandwhiches anymore but if I do it's in a wrap. My mom used to make it with Miracle Whip and onions and we had it as sandwhiches or on crackers.
from i-am-jack :
The other day at the only store that has toilet paper around here, I was standing with a husband and wife. At first we all just stared in wonder like we couldn't believe our eyes. I felt like mirage that would disappear if I touched it. I grabbed the off brand that was on sale, fluffy 2 ply like the Cottonelle that was $5 more. I joked that it wasn't gourmet but it's fluffy. The wife was sold, but then the husband didn't want any of it. "I like Charmin." Bourgeois Buttholes indeed. And I actually like Scott. The Comfort Plus is my favorite go-to. Not too fond of the one ply, but hey right now if that was all they had.
from i-am-jack :
"I'm still making my daily pilgrimage to pray to the supermarket gods for basic stuff." "I'm not able to go home and stand guard over my hoard of sanitizer and play in my toilet paper fort." I love it. I needed a smile about now. You should write a memoir about this time, someday.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for the note. It's nice to know that what I wrote not only made sense but was also relatable. Sometimes I kind of talk in my own language, especially on here.
from musikoid :
Just read your last six or so entries, what came up. Yeah, there's a lot going on. I'm feeling a similar fragmentation, wondering if my family is quite intact.
from catsoul :
3/20/2020. Howdy Do. Just sayin' hi. Peace. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
JIMBO!! Just checking in :)
from helborama :
This is indeed a very good point (though I have very limited access to fish, so might be hard to implement. I'll try though). And this also probably explains why my sister has in fact been sending pictures of fish to people for many years now.
from whystinger :
For a kick, look up some dream interpretation. Here is one I found for Vampire: To see a vampire in your dream symbolizes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death. The vampire represents contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. It may depict someone in your waking life whose charm may ultimately prove harmful. Deep down inside, you know that this person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to her or him. Vampires also sometimes relate to decisions about sex and losing your virginity. Alternatively, to see a vampire suggests that you are feeling physically or emotionally drained. The vampire may also be symbolic of someone who is addicted to drugs or someone in an obsessive relationship. Shit Jimbo, I am surprised I haven't dreamed of vampires.
from musikoid :
No problem, brother. We all need it from time to time. It's part of being human. God bless.
from portlypete :
A small company I used to work for (but a short time before I joined) generously gave all its employees a company car as part of a pay deal. On day one, one of the guys was taking his gf on a drive through a local park. She decided to repay his generosity by giving him a b/j. End result: he drove the vehicle up a tree, and that was the end of the company car scheme!
from musikoid :
She did. And I believe further fix-its are in the works.
from i-am-jack :
Also I deleted your email from my notes page.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you a password.
from jimbostaxi :
from i-am-jack :
Do you have an email I can send it to? I will delete it off my notes.
from musikoid :
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
No problem.
from patheticness :
Hey thanks for the note, yay! And yeah, salad IS yummy I agree! Good luck to your healthy eating too!
from babyhead :
Isn't that always the way with dream vampires.
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
It did seem extreme, yeah.
from swordfern :
from swordfern :
Does Canada counts as international? Would you pick up ME?!?!?! :))))))
from narcissa :
yes that's exactly it. i love it. i want the magnet.
from illusionless :
Glad your friend is getting help for his addiction. You should be proud that you were the catalyst for him getting help. You could have saved his life! As for the cyber crime stuff. The only thing I can think of is my computer getting hacked somehow. I have no idea. Especially since I had both cards with me the whole time.
from hitch-hike :
Your driver decided to get help? I'm glad he did something, and yes, your words (and probably that of others) helped something click! Did he know any of the people who OD'd in your area?
from aryssa90 :
Thank you for the sweet note! I'm feeling much better, fingers crossed on the jobs! I hope you're doing well!
from bridgecity :
I enjoy your diary. Thank you for writing.
from loveherwell :
that's truly lovely. i should take that up myself.
from loveherwell :
of course!
from whystinger :
Of course you got the run around, he will deny and is probably in denial. Unfortunately, he may have to lose everything before he chooses to get help. My wife was not an alcoholic, but it took loosing me before she decided to get help for her mental issues. He knows that you are on to him, so that may make an impact. Hope he doesn't hurt someone before he gets help. Bless you my brother, for having the courage to confront him. That ain't easy.
from swordfern :
Ahh I think we all love getting notes! You are going to become the note fairy! 😊
from swordfern :
Your notes make me smile a smile even bigger than my ski smile. :))))))))
from illusionless :
Thank you. I will. I'll be taking a cab back.
from illusionless :
by public transit it's an hour.
from illusionless :
Sounds like it went well. :) I'm happy for you.
from illusionless :
How did it go?
from whystinger :
Do a web search first and expect a push back, let him know you care... or just ignore the whole thing. Difficult call man.
from hitch-hike :
2020-02-10: Yeah, mean!! Dream big about su casa!! I've been meaning to make a list of things I'd love to see in my house. A little plunge pool, hammock, and outdoor shower are things on mine :D
from loveherwell :
thank you :)
from whystinger :
I don't know the correct way to approach an alcohol problem, but you could probably learn online. I do know that if he/she is in denial, they may have to lose everything before they decide to change their life. Be prepared for denial or even some anger, but you also may get a conversation.
from illusionless :
Good luck! .thumbs up.
from illusionless :
I think you should talk to him. At least then he'll know someone cares. Say what you wanna say and let him do what he will with it. You can't control what he does, but you can control what you do. If he does deny it and blow you off at least you tried. That in itself is commendable.
from illusionless :
Thank you Jimbo. That means a lot to me.
from musikoid :
Yeah it was nice chatting with you. Goodnight Jimbo.
from musikoid :
PS you're lucky somebody made you a grandpa already! I'm jealous.
from musikoid :
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble. Shakes had it right.
from integrating :
Yes, it is. Sweet story about your granddaughter. :)
from portlypete :
A lovely post.
from dangerspouse :
Hey man, thanks for the birthday wishes and stuff! You rock :)
from musikoid :
Yeah I feel that. That kind of person crosses my path as well even though I don't have to drive them around in a cab.
from integrating :
Don't you hate setting up new phones?... Ask them who your favorite serial killer is. Then tell them who your is.
from musikoid :
I can see where you would get tired of pretentious people forcing you to converse when you'd rather just drive and not have to fake your way through a superficial conversation.
from portlypete :
I hope the gift was accepted with good grace. Don't they say, "it's the thought that counts"?
from integrating :
LMAO! Have a napkin or something, offer it to them while saying, "Does this smell like chloroform?"
from whystinger :
Just give her the gift if she knows that you bought it. Don't stress over it, you meant it to be nice, so relax.
from whystinger :
Thanks Jimbo! I should have said something to him but he sure became much nicer after that. I let him stew in his own juices, which was probably better.
from integrating :
Give Harley the gift! :D
from integrating :
Thanks! Glad you liked the Modest Mouse song. I'm going to add what songs I put on my playlist. :)....Stories about tormenting your fares! LOL!
from integrating :
Talk with fake accents. Make up a story about how one of your fares was dragged out by sex traffickers. Laugh real loud for no reason. Sing off key. Make them wish they had never started a conversation with you. Have fun with it. ;)
from moodswing :
"..then I tell them the ride's over." k I think you're my new hero, cool
from dangerspouse :
Haha! Dude, it's NEVER too cold when you drink as much as she does. Take a lesson, pal :)
from warpednormal :
Wow! Thank you so much for the comment. Lately I’ve been really into anyone that updates- I know diaryland is not the same but it still brings the same nostalgia for me
from illusionless :
Got it and replied. :)
from portlypete :
Going back a while, I completely agree about mistakes. I still hugely regret a couple of things I have done in the past. One day I hope to say ‘sorry’.
from moodswing :
"It's the days I'm happy you should be worried." Amen.
from hitch-hike :
I often tell myself that if God, Jesus or the Universe can be forgiving, I could afford to be with myself. Happy New Year to you!
from whystinger :
I remember parts of the story and there may have been good reason you didn't act. Hell, we all have done that once in a while (not saved someone or not acted when we should. We are human and we are not perfect.
from portlypete :
There should be a parable about you in The Bible.
from whystinger :
That is a normal thing Jimbo. You are a good, decent man and that is why someone with a bloody face bothers you, especially if nobody else was helping.
from musikoid :
Ooops, it was Jack that used the word Trifecta. My bad, chock it up to Dyslexia. Yeah, I'm in that mode, others too I've talked to are wondering if they can somehow make sure they're cool with others before we all get blown to smithereens.
from musikoid :
Trifecta! Good word! Let's go to the races!
from whystinger :
It sucks when people don't help and it happens way too often. Good thing that you helped him.
from integrating :
I've been posting positive quotes on my Instagram acct for a very long time. I still work at being positive, it's just gotten easier. "You have survived 100% of all your bad days." My favorite. :)
from integrating :
Happy New Year xoxo don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff
from whystinger :
Sometimes it is difficult to not make angry decisions...
from integrating :
I cannot wait to shut my own front door and lock it and sit down and enjoy the peace and quiet. I can't make changes to my profile. Don't see the answer anywhere, I'll guess I'll have to email help@diaryland. Hope you have a really good Christmas. We'll catch up later. Kind of isolating today.
from integrating :
I'm glad you're still writing. What happened is I got an email saying that you left me a note. Of course I freaked out because I thought my diary had been deleted a long time ago. Fast forward, here I am. You can have a look at my profile to see what's been going on with me. ✌
from integrating :
from whystinger :
:-) :-)
from portlypete :
Note to Harley: Did you know you can send pics via your phone these days: it saves the grief of describing a ****ing tree.
from whystinger :
No worries brother! I will simply leave more notes.
from swordfern :
hahhaahahhahaha would you believe that you sent me this note WHILE I WAS OUT SKIING?!?!?!?! How the heck did you do that? Creepy! Happy holidays to you too, Jimbo. May your year conclude with excellent pizza and fresh Cheetos.
from hitch-hike :
Hey, I sent a quick note! It's been a trying time this past month or so, and I don't know what the holidays will be like. I guess I'll just paint a happy face for my relatives when I visit them in a couple of weeks, but plan to spend most of the time at home...
from illusionless :
HAHAHA what a funny accident! You're right though. It can be very annoying and I'm someone who has a lot of patience and if you get me running out of it then you know it's bad! lol!
from illusionless :
I can totally relate to this! I think the answer is anything over 50 times. lol!
from illusionless :
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours. ^_^ Be well and safe.
from illusionless :
Gotta love kids haha! They are so precious. ^_^
from jimbostaxi :
from swordfern :
Hmm you left us on a cliff there but given that you are writing it seems as though your jugular is intact. Happy Thanksgiving!
from swordfern :
I think that figuring out how to be happy is the essential struggle of most people's lives, if not everyone's. You're wise to see that about yourself.
from illusionless :
hahaha I missed that connection.
from illusionless :
I know the struggle. hugs.
from illusionless :
Wise words Jimbo.
from hitch-hike :
Monkees into serial killers??? You totally made me roflmao!! Thank YOU, Jimbo!!
from swordfern :
How's your driver's son doing?
from whystinger :
I ran with a crowd who believed in tipping and also my family does too. "Don't short the workers." Part of the reason I put importance on what I leave for tips is that when I was in college, I would tip, but it was always the minimum because I was broke. I made it a point to make sure I took care of many of those folks. I had the good fortune to be able to patronize those same bars & bartenders which I left smaller tips in college and make it up to them. I enjoyed tipping after getting a job and they noticed. Fast forward to now and all the time I spend in hotels. My employer stopped reimbursing us for tips for maid and airport porters ten or fifteen years ago. I make sure that I tip as I know for some of them it makes a difference. It only costs me ten of twenty bucks out of pocket per week of travel and I figure I save that much in meals while traveling.
from jimbostaxi :
from whystinger :
I probably don't tip that much, but more than I see being left by most. First, I try to tip in cash, so they don't have to report it and it helps them. Then I hover around 20% with exceptions. My minimum tip at a restaurant is $3 for anything less than $15. A $15-$19 check gets $4, $20 gets $5, $25 gets a wee bit more and so on. I still see a lot of people leaving $3 or $5 for a table of three where you know their check was probably $35-$40. If my check is in that range, I will leave a MINIMUM of $8 but probably more. Do I tip light or normal? What are your thoughts. Sometimes it may be higher or rarely lower if the service is bad, but I don't feel right about leaving less even if crappy service.
from whystinger :
Sounds like you ought to see if the kids would go to Friendy's...
from whystinger :
Yes sir, I was catching up with you. Hey, as Swordfern asked, did you let pudding pants back in the cab?
from whystinger :
HI Jumbo, I am finally getting caught up on my reading. I meant to ask, how was the cake that Harley baked for your birthday? the broken charger that keeps on ticking, Darlene's move to Florida not. Puff Puff Pass. Music (I need to go to a concert...) . Pudding break - you are shitting me? (pun not intended). I can't imagine Banana Splits as a horror movie, wait, yes I can... I hope all is well and that you are having some fun!
from illusionless :
from swordfern :
Did they get back into your car with the pudding pants?!???!!?
from whystinger :
At first I thought that she had no right to tell me to not hang out with her adult children, but then thought to myself "this is a gift she is giving me - she creates drama and I don't need nor want drama in my life now." I think there is more behind this shit, but the blessing is this is a warning.
from illusionless :
lol Glad you liked it. :)
from illusionless :
Hehe you stud you! Wish I was that lucky! ;)
from illusionless :
I'm not sure if it resonates with a lot of people or not, but thank you for taking that statement to heart. I hope it helps you in a positive way.
from msafire :
hang in there... good for you choosing not to engage when invited to an argument. Glad you are hanging in there. loved the charger comments LOL
from swordfern :
Darlene! That's a nasty joke. I wonder who she inherited that sense of humor from.........
from illusionless :
That's awful. Especially if it's from someone you care about. I can understand that feeling. I hope there is restitution for what happened and you both can move past this.
from illusionless :
Happy belated birthday! Try not to let whatever words those were to get you down. As for the job situation I think the other note posters are correct. It's wonderful that you put your family first before money. Not many people are like that. You're one of the good ones.
from portlypete :
I guess I should have wished you a Happy Birthday - well, better late than never, but should you be driving at your age? - Joke, BTW.
from swordfern :
You're the best.☺️
from whystinger :
I bought a beater car today and am trying to get it on the road tomorrow, if insurance cooperates, I want to drive it a bit before a long trip and the truck needs some things too... I am very pleased with my voice getting better. I have a follow up with the new surgeon next Tuesday!
from whystinger :
Happy birthday fellow Virgo. Like you, I am realizing that I am old as fuck too. Sorry that I haven't been around much, but looks like you have been busy as shit too.
from musikoid :
I'd appreciate it, Paisano.
from musikoid :
Must be nice to have an all night buddy on a graveyard shift. All right -- I got in again all right. Just leave a note once in a while, so's I know you're with me, and not just a lurk. Peace out buddy boy.
from hitch-hike :
Mr. Jimbo!! Happy belated birthday to my kindred Virgo and blogger! I hope it was a good one and that you enjoyed the bday cake!! :)
from catsoul :
9.8.19. For sure, time passing does make a difference, I totally agree. Peace. =^..^=
from jimbostaxi :
from patheticness :
Hi! How the heck are you btw? Ive just been going thru some of my old notes and dropping notes to old "friends." If you are still interested in reading me sometimes, when I update, then you can email me at [email protected] for the current user name and password. Thanks!
from swordfern :
I'm staring at your name in the 'users online' box. Maybe you're reading my entry right now? Maybe you're eating pizza, as today is your Friday after all. You are far from a fool to prioritize your loved ones above all else. I hope your friend learns a thing or two from you. I think that we all could, to be honest. Especially about painting on jean jackets.
from msafire :
Jimbo you know when to follow your gut! Instinct is different than impulsiveness, so not taking an offer for more money based on your love for Socorra and instinct to do otherwise is definitely following your heart (or gut...) and in this case likely wise. The cost of a commute is pretty high as that creates so much stress so can see not worth it.
from jimbostaxi :
from whystinger :
7/7/19 entry. Really everything has a cost and there is no real free lunch with the possible exception of diversification of investments. What is the cost of this better life offer. 8/2/19 I see nothing wrong with your choice, giving up money to care for loved ones is honorable and more of us should do it. We sacrifice for our families and loved ones and from what small part I see, you are making the best choice. Cheers my brother!
from musikoid :
I think you have your priorities straight.
from gr8legs :
8.2.19 Excellent decision! You know where your priorities reside.
from swordfern :
Did you take this offer? You're so quiet lately! Maybe you took this offer and now you are reclining on the deck of a ship that is sailing across the South Pacific with your lover, eating divine food and drinking cocktails garnished with tiny umbrellas?!
from gr8legs :
question everything. i remember a joke from a long time ago. in the dead of a bitter winter, a bird freezes and falls out the sky. with his wings frozen he walks inside a barn. he gets decides to get warm in a horse stall. the horse poops on him and his wings defrost. as soon as he starts flapping his wings, a cat licks the poop off of him and eats him. moral of the story, everyone that poops on you isn't your enemy and everyone that licks poop off of you isn't your friend. with all that being said, pray and see what God says. #7.7.19
from musikoid :
A Double D Entendre, so to speak.
from portlypete :
Bras? I've never got a grip on the intricacies of the size equation. All I ask of a barmaid is that she gives a full measure.
from musikoid :
Your 6/28 entry almost makes you out to be a brassiere.
from swordfern :
I knew I could rely on you to be there when it counts. ;)
from lanienaked :
thanks for your suggestion. it's not a bad suggestion. the problem is me, and that i'm too lazy. i'd much rather stay home than go out if given the choice. :(
from musikoid :
That would be worth looking into. ;)
from musikoid :
Yeah. Maybe it's because that particular question is heavy enough, people figure it's going to have to lead to a lengthy discussion, and lots of people don't want to discuss that subject. But even still, that would be an odd way of saying so.
from portlypete :
I guess you see the rough and the smooth driving cabs. Life would be nothing without the contrast of good and evil, happy and sad. Sometimes the two get mingled as in your meeting with the dying woman's daughter. That you were able to comfort her was a wonderful thing. We need more human(e) contact like that in this modern world.
from musikoid :
What strikes me as odd is that a question that only requires a "yes" or "no" answer would not be answered on the basis of somebody's being "too busy."
from whystinger :
Thanks Jimbo, I am pleased.
from whystinger :
Yes, my sister came for this voice procedure. Was good and was not quite as intrusive as it was supposed to be.
from gr8legs :
i had no clue my diary wasn't working until the other day. i had been writing entries as normal until i went to check on one of them. i moved mountains on twitter until andrew responded. he got me up and working last night. i think i was down for a good month or so before i noticed. i kept thinking i didn't hit save on my entries or something. no telling if i'm going to get those entries back though. he has to check the backups. #6.7.19
from whystinger :
Yeah, it did sound serious but had to read it twice, then didn't want to make sure I didn't piss you off. I won't know too much until about a week after surgery. I will be banned from talking for probably seven days, then probably go back to Doc for him to check.
from whystinger :
I was just tweaking you about Harley...
from whystinger :
So Harley is back. How was she? Not sure how far...
from dietcokegirl :
thanks! =) Are you a cab driver? (just scanned through a few entries and it seems like you might be) I've always thought that / or being a bus driver must be an interesting profession - so many single serving friends/experiences. I experience that - but only kind of, because I'm only on the phone with people - not riding them to or from things.
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
haha yeah one call tell when one is "on one"
from musikoid :
Never mind, that was my Addict speaking. I woke up happy to be sober and not pissed off at anybody, went through the day straight as an arrow, and once again prayed I will never smoke pot again.
from musikoid :
I have my own personal philosophy about busy. I think our society exalts it and I don't think being too busy to breathe is healthy. But I were busy doing shit that I *know* how to do, and if I were getting paid at ALL for how much I am working, I wouldn't squawk. I don't know shit about stage managing, I'm dyslexic, I've never done an Excel spreadsheet, if Kathy weren't helping me, none of the organizational shit would be happening. And she's never been a stage manager either. I can't believe that nobody's turned up to do that, it's a paid position. And I *eventually* will get paid but I have no idea when. I'll have to talk to Dave about it but right now I'm just trying to keep everything on the up and up and retain a positive impression. I asked him earlier on if I would be paid for being the Casting Director and he said no, that not even he is getting paid as the Artistic Director, but he did say I will get paid to be the Musical Director but he did not say when. As for the computer, my computer at home is fine but I can't lug it around and I just can't stay at home all day because of the nature of the gig that I have been describing. As far as 420, I can't remember a job I have succeeded at doing that did not involve that variable. I'm cursing myself that I suddenly became so God-awful righteous and holy that I thought now would be a good time to quit. I guarantee you I'll be sitting on the steps of the pot shop at 8am and proud of it. I'll even get the Early Bird discount if I'm the first customer and get my wakey and then some for only three bucks. And a 7 mile fast bike ride every morning isn't exactly a bad idea either.
from whystinger :
So how was Matty? I ho[e you are well.
from musikoid :
I can imagine.
from musikoid :
They put a device on your phone, kinda like the ankle bracelet when you're on work furlough serving time at a prison.
from hitch-hike :
Is it me or are we seeing more extremes of lots of shit lately???
from musikoid :
Yes, it really has been a blessing up here. Peaceful, and friendly vibes.
from musikoid :
That must be interesting, that dichotomy. I always wondered how you cab drivers pull it off.
from hitch-hike :
Thank you, Jimbo!
from swordfern :
You are my bagel shop hero!!!! :)
from musikoid :
It's not you man but a trip I get on. I might text you later if you're up.
from musikoid :
from musikoid :
Cool. There's cab drivers in my new one.
from musikoid :
Yeah me too, and I'm sorry if I was an asshole earlier.
from musikoid :
She showed 'em how it's really done, eh?
from dangerspouse :
Muuuch better. How'd you do that?! ;)
from musikoid :
I'm trying to remember which guy. I'm always letting homeless guys crash at my place. You probably mean Joey, the most recent one. I probably wrote about him in a diary entry. He actually worked something out with some other buddy of his. I've only been ripped off once, by this one guy R. but I think that was the result of a mental health condition. He earnestly believed that if I removed a painting done by Jan's deceased brother, a book on spiritual disciplines I had borrowed from my pastor, and a jar of vaseline, it would cause me and Jan to get back together. He said he learned this in a Shamanistic ritual. Later that night he was jailed for Breaking and Entering, when ostensibly he entered into some cat's house and started cooking up a hamburger, and the guy called the cops. Never has shown any remorse either. But now I digress.
from catsoul :
4.28.19. DXM also called Robotripping because it also may cause the individual hallucinations. One of my degrees is in Voc. Rehab. with a focus in drugs rehab. DXM addiction. DXM is a hallucinogen. Not taking too much brings euphoria. A DXM addicts effects can taking large amount of the cough suppressant can lead to intense hallucinations, memory loss, and paranoia. Some memory is never restored and these effects can cause violent behaviors that may cause violent behaviors that may result in assault or suicide. I hope that Kathy reaches the point that she seeks rehab. Just something to be aware of. Peace. =^..^=
from swordfern :
I appreciate both wry Jimbo and reflective Jimbo. We all go through phases, some phases lasting longer than others.
from swordfern :
I am seeing an improvement in your storytelling. I do like your older entries, many of which are hilarious. I'd be sad to see you delete them; punctuation is of minor importance compared to narrative and heart.
from hitch-hike :
What a haunting dream about D. Things like that remind me of the distance we seem to have between so many of the people we feel closest to. I also read about the lady on DXM. There was a neighborhood pharmacist who sold that to people, and a former addict who bought from him tried telling the local LE over and over about it (and nothing was ever done). The pharmacist eventually sold his store and I worked for the new management. I saw multiple occasions where really straggly looking people would hit up the about getting cough syrup and she didn't know what was up with that. Well, him peddling the cough syrup explained the homeless people who hung on that block, and why it took a while before they stopped coming around to score.
from swordfern :
Your dream was oddly coherent... and terrifying. Sending a hug.
from musikoid :
I believe so, Jimbo. As of that last entry, your writing is better than ever.
from musikoid :
Hey man, sorry I didn't get around here till just now. I thought your DXM entry was great. Well-written and obviously on a theme of topical importance as well as personal importance to me. This sentence jumped out at me: "I ask her if she’s sought help for addiction and homelessness and she told me it’s not worth forfeiting her independence." That's exactly how I felt when I was on the streets, 90% of the time. My independence was more important to me than seeking "help" for homelessness, addiction, or some combination of the two. In my case, it was because the "help" -- when I had sought it -- didn't really help as much as it hurt. I got boxed in with a whole bunch of people many of whom were of highly dubious character, ripped off a lot, yelled at, screamed at, barked orders at, and generally treated like a pile of dogshit. Not to mention a lot of those rehabs and such facilities wouldn't let me outside, you were crammed in there practically suffocating with a bunch of other people practically suffocating and complaining all the time, and hell yeah I'd rather camp out somewhere outside and spare myself all the hell, addiction, homelessness, or not. In my case I had to get off the dope long enough to see clearly that what I really needed was a pad of my own in a low rent district, away from the Big City and all that noise. I've been pretty happy up here where I'm paying 1/4 the rent I'd have paid down there on the same S.S. check and have gotten some decent gigs. For me, that's the kind of environment that has been conducive to my becoming happy and healthy, not to mention I don't have to subject myself to the kind of indoctrination that a lot of people swallow in those infernal facilities just because they think their problem is so bad, they'll accept any kind of "help" that comes along. I wouldn't worry about Kathy if I were you either, but just pray for her, like you said. One size doesn't fit all, and it sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders, despite her addiction and the fact that she didn't remember you the first time. My twenty-two cents, thanks for letting me share.
from catsoul :
4.25.19. You know that I am a "readaholic" right. Anyhoo I read all venues. So I think the book you mentioned, is the author, Dennis Cooper if I am not mistaken. I have read a number of his books. You should look into reading his book entitled: "Wrong." Peace. =^..^=
from swordfern :
It's curious that she believes that she has independence when in the throes of an addiction. You are a kind man; the world needs more Jimbos.
from musikoid :
Hear, hear. I might write in my profile that my readers should expect me to delete some entries. It works better for me if there isn't an advanced "chronicle" of every shitty word I've ever said. You make an enemy on this site, and they'll use all that ancient shit on you in a heartbeat. Good on you, bro.
from musikoid :
haha yeah right. I woke up feeling like shit about it. I just found "The Frisk" where I saved it, and I started reading it. At first I thought: "Wow, this is pretty good writing, I could probably make some money writing erotica." Then unfortunately I started to get turned on, so I ditched it. I've got too much work to do.
from musikoid :
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the "Frisk." Yeah, it's totally a true story too, except for that "Dennis" didn't really walk through a door at that moment. I threw that part in just make it spicier.
from whystinger :
Hi Jim, Yes, you could run a cooling fan through a switch and a timer circuit, but a few things first. 1. I wouldn't run that amperage through a switch, I would use a relay in the circuit. Run the fan (higher amperage) through the relay and use the switch to run the relay. Where are you going to get a timer circuit and why use a timer? I would be more tempted to add a coolant temperature switch that closes at a certain temperature and let that run the fan via the relay - it will work automatically. After all, if a fan only ran every 10 minutes and if it was running hot, it may overheat before the fan timer kicks on. You would have to most likely build the timer, so why not automate it for maybe $20 and save time? Here is one kit:
from swordfern :
Thx for the pep talk, Doc. It meant a lot to me and was very helpful. Paige just sent a postcard from Berlin. She says to not worry about her and that she's having a great time on tour.
from portlypete :
I know that ageing / dying parents often strain relationships between siblings Let's hope that you can overcome any past differences. You mother would want that for sure.
from whystinger :
Use positive thoughts and see yourself in a new job/situation with success, safety and happiness and it will help move you in that direction. As the couple's therapist say "do the behaviors and the feelings will follow." The self-help gurus say similar "do the behaviors and success will follow." I hope you get into that art class - it will probably help. Glad your sister will take the papers. Tell her what you would like to see and perhaps that will also help that relationship.
from illusionless :
Thanks. I'm not selfless. If I were then I wouldn't have to cut friends out of my life. I'm just doing something for a friend to help out that's all. We'll see if all the testing goes smoothly first.
from msafire :
who is Paige? Was wondering and realizing missed alot as don't read enough... but really excited that mystery not solved however the other question "Art Class?" was answered as when clicking a few random old entries never read came across the one "thinking of taking an art class" OH YES!!!
from swordfern :
Eating pizza; thinking of you.
from dangerspouse :
What did they find when the did the autopsy on Jeffrey Dahmer? Jimmy Hoffa! Thanks man, I appreciate it :)
from swordfern :
Oh! Paige made the diary!!! :))))))
from portlypete :
You need to do that art class - really! I don't know if you have an artistic streak - it doesn't matter. Whatever you create will be unique (in a good way). It may be crap, but it will be YOUR crap, and you will improve. Also, you will be among people with a similar interest. In my classes, everyone encourages everyone else. Trust me, you will not regret it. Hint: start with acrylics - much easier to recover disasters with that medium.
from whystinger :
If you feel that you are inching closer to the door, start preparing to close one door and open another. As far as art goes, I have lived and visited a few places where someone sold art on a street corner. Art is good, go for it. I need to get back into it. So bad that one of my nieces bought me a drawing pad for Christmas and told me to get off my ass and draw...
from secret-motel :
I think that writing--as much as it is used to communicate with others--also helps the writer make sense of the world he inhabits. Especially when it's a diary, you know? And if you create something that really resonates with you personally, it will probably affect others in the same way--probably not everyone, but the right people. And, personally, I think reaching the right people is highly preferable to reaching all the people.
from loveherwell :
it's my favorite :)
from gr8legs :
omg! Thank you for that scripture! it's exactly what i needed to hear right now. God bless you and thank you for the birthday wishes. I pray that God surrounds you in His perfect peace and daily saturates you with His joy.
from portlypete :
Everyone deserves a 'duvet day' occasionally. None more than me, but somehow they never happen. To be truthful, it's my own fault - I just can't stay in bed once my peepers open.
from whystinger :
Wrapping in the covers and going back to sleep... is sometimes the best option!
from swordfern :
from musikoid :
Nice writing on Harbingers. Good imagery.
from whystinger :
I'll check email later today. Life has been crazy busy.
from aryssa90 :
Thank you! I’m still pretty miserable but I think I’m marginally better. I’m able to like do things now like laundry and dishes. I just don’t have a lot of stamina. I hope you’re doing well!
from swordfern :
Who doesn't love to make a big splash? And guess what - you can't scare away the phosphorescence. In fact, a bigger splash would create an even more dramatic sparkling effect!
from musikoid :
Been drinkin' whiskey bro?
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
I hate forced social situations. Half the time I make some lame-ass excuse and don't even show up. Btw notes are back on.
from swordfern :
I'd have left too. Family can be exhausting when you're not in the right mood. Strangers/coworkers are *generally* far less taxing, in my experience.
from whystinger :
Cheetos... I will see if they will lure my squirrels
from hitch-hike :
Dude, you have a little while to hone your solo loafing times! You just have to ease into it and it will come back to ya!
from musikoid :
Whole lotta leakin' goin' on. Don't spank me.
from musikoid :
Yes you do, Jimbo. Yes you do.
from swordfern :
Three notes!!! You know the part that you wrote about 'is this too round?'... I have a pair that I bought and thought that I'd go very round thinking it'd be interesting. But turns out they are too round, and like you, I am not comfortable wearing them and they sit in the drawer in case of emergency. I should give them to a child in Africa that suits round glasses! All your talk of pizza and rum and tuna and Cheetos is making me hungry. Bye!
from swordfern :
Ahhh!!!! Two notes!!!!! You're the best! Ugh, glasses shopping is the worst. Some genius twelve year old should develop an app that analyzes your face shape and colouring, asks you twelve questions about your personality, and then recommends three frames that will all look great and suit your temperament.
from swordfern :
Hi Jimbo, I've been lurking for a while! I'm from the 'less is more' mayo camp. There should only be enough to bind the salad together. Anything beyond that is... ughhhh.
from msafire :
To resolve the family tuna dispute, just find a copy of the movie "The Cove", and watch it together. That should end the issue once and for all. However in my house, back when people would still eat tuna, I had to open a couple cans and if making tuna salad made one with just actual salad dressing rather than mayo for a mayo adverse child of mine who freaks at the slightest bit of mayo. I could not even sneak a little in. I prefer light mayo- just enough to hold everything together - tuna, chopped celery and onions and sometimes carrots.
from hitch-hike :
Hey Jimbo, thanks for the congrats!! It is sinking in and I'm feeling better. As for the love part, well, Marley the dog has been great. I now see the logic behind cat and dog ladies. I can see pushing aside certain things for more practical (and things far more likely to happen), so I'm with you there!! Peace out, My Man!!
from portlypete :
As leaving the E.U. has divided the U.K, so T.U.N.A could split America. If you care about Omega3 (and who doesn't) check out information on the canned versus fresh debate. But IMHO a spoonful of Mayo to bind the bits of fish together is all you need.
from musikoid :
Meant: "I have to confess I've never noticed that you have one." (An accent. I left out the word 'never').
from musikoid :
On Echo, I've cosigned myself to share her highly elevated moods, even though I know she'll eventually "crash" and realize how badly she doesn't have her shit together. It's just nice to see her happy, even though it's baseless. As to your accent, I have to confess I've noticed that you have one.
from musikoid :
I was probably being vague and definitely being flippant. I love mayonnaise, just not to excess, and I also find that there usually isn't enough of it to off-set the difficulty of managing tuna without it. I wind up putting more mayonnaise on tuna sandwiches than on other kinds of sandwiches, just to ease the eating process. Nothing to the liquid level you described however, nor would I ever eat it out of the jar like Bill Rodgers did. I guess I tend to put a lot of tuna on the sandwich as well, come to think of it. I always want to use up the whole can on a single sandwich, for some reason. this is unwieldy. Anyway, don't trip. These are just my random ramblings around my albacore issues.
from musikoid :
I personally struggle to find enough mayonaisse left in the jar to offset the logistic difficulties that come hand in hand with eating tuna. I would be the opposite of the marathoner Bill Rogers, who was reputed to wake up periodically in the middle of the night for the explicit purpose of eating mayonaisse straight from the jar.
from catsoul :
3.17.19. Oh my gosh, how nasty, tuna soup. I always think less mayo is best. I add small bits of celery and crushed up potato chips to it. Then I toast bread, and put a thin layer of tomatoes on it and a layer of potato chips. My two guys and Laila loves it that way. I am unable to eat this now, because of the mayo which contains vinegar, hence the food allergy issue. I miss a good tuna fish sandwich made my way. You should make your own tuna your way, and/or give my sandwich creation a try. Oh and I also put shredded cheese on the sandwich. Yum. Peace. =^..^=
from whystinger :
I like my tuna salad with plenty of mayonnaise, but I don't want it soupy or floating in mayo. I don't want to bite my sandwich and have mayo ooze out. Did they drain the water or oil out of the tuna first or just make mix mayo in the undrained tuna and make it soupy.
from cocoabean :
I like my tuna meaty!
from illusionless :
Why did I feel deja-vu when reading about your recent entry about tuna? I swear I've heard that before! Is that a meme or something? Either way it was funny. Nice to see you haven't lost your sense of humor. ^_^
from cocoabean :
You can always not rent to him if he's a big pain.. and it IS spring, when does he think you will get that done??
from aryssa90 :
nice to "meet" you! Notes are always acceptable! Thank you so much for checking and I hope you're doing well!
from portlypete :
I'm a bit out of my depth trying to respond to recent posts. All I can say is, try to keep off the lollipops 'cos they don't improve your typing. Hang in there mate.
from cocoabean :
It does take a while to take effect. It has to be absorbed from your stomach so give it some time. Enjoy!
from musikoid :
Yes, but this is about a guy who has gone over to the dark side. I don't think we should discuss him much.
from musikoid :
As for the cab driver, hard to say. Definitely I overshot my expectations. She's probably just doing the cab driver thing, but she definitely steered me onto verboten subjects. See no, hear no. Small town, you know.
from musikoid :
Definitely not an easy task. It feels like cold calling. Fortunately I have a group of "regulars" who have been waiting for the new album to be released. It's mostly a matter of tracking them down.
from catsoul :
3.8.19. Thanks for your note as always man. Congrats on granddaughter. Love her name, "Valentine." Peace. =^..^=
from musikoid :
Great on your new granddaughter. Hopefully the time and place will open up soon.
from musikoid :
I see. Yes, she could be in hella trouble, in addition to her psychiatric situation. I just updated.
from musikoid :
That's weird about the hit and run, and kinda freaky. If evidence points to that the boyfriend was the driver, and not her, I wonder if she will have to testify? Or if they will think her unfit?
from whystinger :
I too had a bunch of entries in my head, but was too busy, then too tired to write them. With your wipers, watch to see if they freeze to the windshield or get bound up with snow.
from musikoid :
I like the Floodgate post. I feel that way a lot. Weird thing about this very small town is that there's not really much of a place where I can step out and let it all out and not go unnoticed. Bright side of that is that they'll often overlook it anyway, if they figure you're generally all right and are just having a moment. If it became chronic, it might attract the authorities eventually.
from whystinger :
Hi Jimbo! How are you? It has been a busy week for me.
from msafire :
Jimbo How could I forget Bella!! You posted pics of her at some point somewhere! Sorry for my self absorption. I feel like I get too caught up and don't always pay enough attention (or take time to think cause had I done so I may have recalled!)
from msafire :
Hey to get away from blues Get a Dog? LOL I am not sure if sound advice but I think it worked for me! Can't wallow in self pity when a dog insists on being taken for a walk! Walking is such a mood enhancer and I think none of us do enough of it. Hope you are feeling better soon. Winter blues are common as seasonal affective disorder does hit many! Maybe come Spring which is SOON REALLY things will feel better. Hang in there-"This too shall pass" as my mother used to say.
from secret-motel :
Hiya, Jimbo! Good to hear from you. I dropped off the face of DL for no real good reason for a few months. But I'm glad I'm here. And I'm glad you're here.
from illusionless :
Thank you for the pep talk on the CPAP. Sorry your experience with the sleep specialist was rotten. Mine is a delight! She is so cool and laid back. Look for another doctor for sure. Hope all is well.
from musikoid :
So do I.
from cocoabean :
Yeah, me too
from musikoid :
I had the same experience as julymalaise. I thought about this guy Bob Dauphenie whom they tried to contact for our 10 year reunion. I had already known he'd OD'd on heroin. And there were many similar fatalities among friends of mine when we were in our 20's. I was in a band one time where the sax player, rhythm guitar player and business manager all died in a 3 month period. We all thought: "Who's next?" and kinda straightened up for a while. + Aside from the subject matter, I think "The Death Spiral of Suburbia" is a really good title.
from julymalaise :
Your latest entry reminded me of the tons of kids I knew who died from heroin overdose, including my childhood friend who I will never forget. It’s an epidemic.
from portlypete :
Catching up here. I am not up to speed with your family history, but I'm getting the gist of it (I think). I'm guessing that Jane got caught up in 'unfriendly fire' and was possibly fed a lot of 'fake news' too. It seems, though, that she has some desire to reacquaint herself with you, so take it steady. here's hoping it works out.
from whystinger :
Jane has offered to go to the doctor with you... that shows that she cares and I think the questions are either that she is trying to connect with you or is searching for answers. If I remember correctly, you and Jane didn't speak for quite a while, maybe due to the divorce. Perhaps you need to reach out a bit more and include her in your life? You will probably have to do it slowly and piece by piece. Maybe she is trying to repair the damage to your relationship that the divorce caused. Repairing that damage ain't gonna be easy, but will probably be worth it. I hope you are over the flu.
from dangerspouse :
You're getting old enough you're gonna start screaming that in your waking hours too, soon ;)
from musikoid :
Thanks for reading. I had a hard time expressing that thought. All these devices have their place, but there's no substitute for real live human interaction. And this is a pretty cool little town. About Jane, one thing that was cool is how she asked if you needed her to accompany you to the doctor. It seems promising. I know how daughters can be.
from musikoid :
That's great you saw "Jane." I think she will always be your little princess.
from portlypete :
There is a well rehearsed line that management always trots out about the staff being 'the company's most valuable asset'. I have heard it countless times during my career. It is bull! Jump ship and write the story of your life - it could be a best-seller.
from whaleart :
I see you rarely post? Most recent entry makes me intrigued enough to add you for your rare posts...
from whystinger :
HI Jimbo, I would listen to some podcasts that would further my education and knowledge, perhaps some personal development. Learn about some things that interest me or that may help me get ahead or accomplish something I want to accomplish.
from hitch-hike :
Tamals for tamales? Yeah, baby! I'll take the Mexican kind and the Colombian kind (Cuban tamals can stay far, far away as possible). I'll definitely need some for the housewarming par-tay!!
from jimbostaxi :
from dangerspouse :
About fucking time you added me to your fucking Favorite List. Sheesh.
from portlypete :
Hi, this is a line that all managers are trained - possibly at birth - to say: "Our staff are our most important asset." This is so obviously 'cow manure' - the bottom line is the BOTTOM LINE! As for dildos and death threats: did you never think of getting a gentler hobby?
from hitch-hike :
Happy new and belated year, Mr. Jimbo!! I'll follow your lead and say, "may this be a somewhat ok kind of year. Rather than shitty, ya know?" :0)
from dangerspouse :
She should have bought two dildos. One for her, and one for him as he seems to enjoy that sort of thing. (Why don't Polish girls use vibrators? Chips their teeth.)
from dangerspouse :
Happy New Year, Jimbo! May Sunrise Highway never flood for you in 2019 :)
from whystinger :
Happy new year!
from portlypete :
Thanks for your note. I'm fine thanks. I hope you have a good Christmas.
from dangerspouse :
Hey, I see you haven't posted in a while. I hope you and the family are ok. Just wanted to stop by and wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. All the best, buddy!
from whystinger :
Baby cuddles are a good thing and that says a lot about you, especially when you look at the entry before where you stood your ground and let teh guy rant at you, diffusing the situation. Still, that could have been dangerous. Tells me you are tough but also know how to be gentle and take in some of life's pleasures. Awesome! Yes, I have re-read The Window entry a few times now.
from portlypete :
You have to wonder when a baby's cuddle makes YOU feel better! Just joshing you. Did those art classes ever happen?
from catsoul :
11.16.18. Babies and baby hugs makes everything so, so much better. Peace. =^..^=
from musikoid :
Sure thing. :)
from musikoid :
That was great, the story of "The Window" and the way you told it. I've had experiences like that before, when at first it was assumed I was some kind of racist, and the initial barrier to a positive start was too huge to be ignored. But then, after some calm and a few overtures at trust and kinship, that dissolves. I'm glad you told this story while it was still fresh. God bless.
from moodswing :
ah, yes. that was a time for being unapproachable, indeed.
from whystinger :
You are correct, you don't want to discuss F's health in a notes page or in your diary. That is why I had to lock my diary... I understand your feelings about her sabotaging her doctor appointments as I went through that with my ex-wife. Certain appointments were always kept, but others were handled carelessly. Selfish is a good term when describing it in some cases. In my case, the appointments she was cavalier with were those that had a major impact on me, ones that if she blew them off would sort of give her the ok to get shitty with me as it would give her an excuse. "Well, its not my fault because I..." I am not saying that is what F is doing but I do understand. At the time, I never looked at Honi's blowing off those appointments as her being selfish, but that fits so well! She was selfish in so many other ways, how did I not see that relative to those appointments? Wow.
from whystinger :
Awesome message, thank you. So Matty did answer the question and it sounds like it is probably not good. He indicated that it isn't curable. Now there are some other issues & (you may already know this) - depending on age and health, they don't always treat prostate cancer. Three cousins and two Uncles have had prostate cancer. Two cousins had their prostates removed but not the third. Doc told him his wasn't advanced enough to do anything. An old fellow I worked with was diagnosed with prostate cancer and they told him at his age and the slow onset of his cancer, he "would die with the prostate cancer, but not due to the prostate cancer." It is a tricky thing. Matty is lucky to have you to listen.
from moodswing :
thanks! i wish i knew which entry you were talking about.
from whystinger :
Unfortunately, I sure understand about missing someone and also disliking them, but loving the quiet and lack of craziness or whatever it was. I was trying to explain that to someone just the other day
from whystinger :
I am not sure what F needs for medical attention, but I had similar issues with my ex-wife not wanting to go for certain health issues. Part of that is what broke us up (one of the many things) and it can be so tough to get them to get the care they need - keep pushing and I know that can be exhausting. I don't know what Matty's diagnosis is, but prostate cancer is not always a death sentence. Depends on what type of prostate cancer (I think) and how fast it is growing. Tell him to get a good urologist and look at treatment options. I have a history of prostate cancer in my family and you read about my journey with an enlarged prostate. Two cousins have had their prostates removed due to cancer and one has prostate cancer now, but doctors say it is in the minor stages and they will watch it to see what they have to do and when. Poor guy is probably freaking out, but again, we don't know what the doctors have told him.
from musikoid :
Yeah, I get that. I'm the same way sometimes, because my own situations so occupy my head. It's also hard on the diary thing to really detect just how the other person is doing. The format doesn't really lend itself to accurate assessment of each other's paths.
from musikoid :
Hm. Hope F's health isn't too horrible. Must be stressful. If - uh - you like, reading my entries "The Sonnet Project" followed up my "Masturbation" may be enlightening, edifying, educational, or entertaining. Not sure you have my user-pass, however. If you don't, send me an email. It hasn't changeed in a long time.
from musikoid :
Oh & thanks for the congrats. :)
from musikoid :
Yeah I'll call you sometime, if you still do graveyard.
from whystinger :
I meant to drop you a line the other day about "Heart Filled with Hate" as I understand that and just went through a bit of it myself, but for different reasons. You ain't alone brother. I see I have missed some good updates, like the former employer and blocking Harley. Seem like you are taking charge of your shit. Kudos to Mike for assigning jobs, that may be a help, maybe a larger help and may help restore peace and be a growth thing for Mike. With Harley, while she is friend with your employers, don't ruin your relationship with your employers but also don't let her prevent you from doing things. I am glad you didn't go and cause a scene, but it would have been cool to go and ignore her maybe... hard to say, I trust your judgement on this.
from cocoabean :
I think you made the right choice....
from julymalaise :
Yeah, paperwork always stresses me out. I absolutely hate it, honestly. Fucking hate it! Lol! And when you need white-out is often never there! ahaha. I hate that as well.
from musikoid :
Interesting about the strong blast of sunlight.
from musikoid :
Hey I get that way too sometimes. The situation will trigger me to the point where I just want to dish out random hate toward the relevant recipients, without regards to consequence, because I think they deserved it and I want to let them know that they "fucked with the wrong guy." It's only the threat of negative consequence that deters me. I keep praying that God will give me some kind of conscience on the matter, but hey I'm Sicilian. It's in the genes. So don't feel bad, I probably have you beat.
from portlypete :
You are right - it's not the way. Hate is indelible: once it spills out, it is impossible to erase. You may think every trace has been removed, but the stain has a way of seeping back when you least expect it. I don't know enough about your situation to even suggest a way through, but if venting your spleen on DL helps, so be it.
from catsoul :
10.24.18. Man I feel it. This sucks for you. I love, love my alone time. You are a bigger person for trying. For your own sanity and peace of mind, they have to move out. Get that fuckin' ball rolling. It will be alright. Peace. =^..^=
from musikoid :
Yeah, you lucked out.
from musikoid :
Yeah, that was a great entry about Shadow Boxer. We have characters like that in the hood here, too.
from musikoid :
I see you turned them on again. Cool - I'll leave you a proper note once I finish reading the scary story.
from portlypete :
Hey, scary story. What you needed was an AR-15. Then again, he'd be dead and you'd be in gaol!
from hitch-hike :
Hey Jimbo, dropping in to say hi! I was gonna ask what work's been like without that addict who died, but you answered it for me. Meanwhile, I see life continues its twists and turns for us all... yee hah!!
from julymalaise :
Sent ya an email Jimbo!
from whystinger :
Interesting how the puzzle pieces fall on Harley - that could explain why you get blown off. They say that folks in substance abuse have no time for relationships, they are too busy with their addiction. Still, could be fun if kept in perspective and don't depend on her. I really think you should do that art class - that can be so good for a person. I have been thinking of getting back into some form or art. For me, it will take a lot of work, but it is therapeutic to be creative.
from julymalaise :
Hello, I'm sorry I took long to respond to your note. It's been a while since I've been in diaryland I'm just getting back to the swing of things. Yes, I love Ten Things I Hate About You, it's sooooo good!!!! I think my favorite part of the movie is when the band Letters to Cleo is playing "Cruel to Be Kind" at the prom because I heart them!!!! Anyway, you can have a note. I will send one to you through email or notes. IF you want a note, just delete it afterwards.
from jenistar2 :
Thanks for the welcome! It’s been a long time since I set down roots here in D-land. It feels good to be home and to find some new neighbors!
from jenistar2 :
Thanks for the welcome! It’s been a long time since I set down roots here in D-land. It feels good to be home and to find some new neighbors!
from secret-motel :
Hey! Welcome back to notesland! I think it's awesome that you want to take a painting class. Go for it, Jimbo!
from portlypete :
OK. Notes are on but still hard to find ("Out" WTF!). I joined an art class. I have zero talent (I have trouble drawing a line), but I love it. Don't get lead down the path of copying pictures - instead, let yourself go and express yourself. Your teacher might frown, but you will have fun. Very liberating.
from catsoul :
10.1.1 8. Waves howdy do to you. Peace. =^..^=
from whystinger :
Happiness comes rom within. Happiness is a choice and sometimes we have to work at it, but some folks bring that out in us. Example: I am happy and I feel that I am smiling, yet people don't think I'm smiling. Kids see me like that and say that I am smiling. I am glad that Harley makes you smile. As far as the Harley Factor, this is the place that is yours to write and you lay out ONLY what you choose... In the Intro to Harley, I know what you mean. Good to hear from you!
from musikoid :
It's hard to know what to say, because I said something earlier having to do with some other woman, and I don't remember what your reply was. But what I said was along the lines of, isn't a marrried guy not supposed to be messing around with another woman? Perhaps I don't understand the situation.
from musikoid :
No problem. :)
from musikoid :
Good that things have cooled between the dueling tenants. Atlantic City sounds sweet. I'd like to visit myself sometime, it's right near to my friend Danielle.
from whystinger :
I left a message the other day, but it did not take. I hope the kids come to their senses and realize that it is important to do the right thing, as you have done. When I was young and impetuous, I would probably be like they are and have had a similar attitude. Young, dumb and full of cum. It ain't easy to take the high road. I salute you Jimbo.
from mistfree :
Yup getting his ass-kicked might be his wake-up call. You can hold out for Karma, but that takes patience.
from musikoid :
I don't know. I still have all this street stuff going on. It just keep sounding to me like somebody's got to punch the guy's lights out. A rod for the back of fools. It might be the only language he understands.
from musikoid :
I don't know. I still have all this street stuff going on. It just keep sounding to me like somebody's got to punch the guy's lights out. A rod for the back of fools. It might be the only language he understands.
from whystinger :
Actually, I am forbidden from talking, so damage does not occur to my vocal cords as they are swollen from the collagen injection. Screaming may damage them for sure. I had a few of those dreams when I was married to Honi. I dreamed that I was trying to scream but nothing would come out. She would wake me up and tell me that I was screaming loudly. I should be approved to talk tomorrow. I can't wait to see how it is. Last time it was very rough and only lasted about two weeks. This time should be much better.
from whystinger :
That sounds like an awesomely scary dream. I have had those and am hoping that I don't have one for a few weeks, as my vocal cords are healing.
from illusionless :
That sounds like a messy situation where tenant and landlord rights were violated. Being a tenant myself I can relate to yours in the sense of not getting notice before entering the apartment. I would have been livid too. Legally the tenant must get at least 24 hours notice in writing before entering the rented persons home. As for your rights the tenant has no right to not pay you rent no matter the circumstances. I think you should have a look at the landlord and tenants board in your area and try to follow the laws written there and have your step-son do the same along with an apology on his part.
from msafire :
LOL typo... meant men are taught to be "tough" guess you can tell my mindset with that ... I like a man that is taught the art and gift of touch....YES That is MUCH BETTER than "tough"!
from msafire :
Hey I liked your comment in April that F means the world to you! Its normal and healthy Not pathetic! No it means you are sensitive and thoughtful and actually know how to really connect with others with interdependence, which the world somehow teached us not to do- counter-intuitively! I heard a few things that your comments brought to mind, one being studies on how men are taught to be touch and not emotional as its seen as weak or needy to care about another (frankly just a lot of BS); and I also heard someone who said that in the African Village where community is the model and everyone lives intergenerationally with all learning to do their part for daily tasks they actually LAUGH AT US in the U.S. for our disconnectedness to our family. They find it so unnatural and bizarre that they find it an oddity. Hmmmm..... Chasing the dollar, and people move to land jobs, but family becomes less important and people end up lonely. I think it beautiful you love F enough to find meaning in your relationship . That is what REAL love is- weathering the ups and downs together and caring for each other. So NO it is not pathetic, but moreso how we ALL should be connecting with each other. It so nice to read the thoughts of a man who is not afraid to admit emotion and NEEDING another! We ALL Need someone! So lovely to hear of F going to help take care of the baby! Wonderful!
from whystinger :
How are you doing brother Jim?
from hitch-hike :
That emptiness feeling. Hate it. I read crap that says ‘oh, but you can’t have good without bad and sadness without joy or you’d have no comparison.” That’s little consolation when you feel blank and wonder like hell when sensation starts coming back! I just ride that emptiness wave until it washes itself out or something manages to push me through.
from whystinger :
Ha ha, I have no problems with what you have written in your diary. I was just commenting how those of us that have lived where you are, have seen this shit with Trump before and we aren't really surprised by it - I know you are not surprised. It is like we knew he would be this way, where others didn't know him and are now shocked at his antics. I haven't lived there for over 20 years and it is like I never left. He's brought reality TV to the Whitehouse...
from musikoid :
I texted you with then new user/pass.
from whystinger :
Interesting Trump comments. Most folks don't understand that if you have lived in the metro NY/NJ or LI areas, you have seen this shit about Trump for years. I still remember all the shit from him when I lived in NJ 25 years ago. It is funny how it doesn't shock us because we've seen the temper tantrums and bullshit.
from hitch-hike :
Announcement surprises? I often preclude them with "this is an easy/ quick thing..." to not get others to panic!! Haaaaah! Congrats to your daughter and you walking her down the aisle!
from musikoid :
I guess the bars close at four in the morning where you are? Or something like that? They close at two out here, and in the last State where I lived.
from gr8legs :
thank you for the birthday wishes!! you have no idea how much my heart is touched by it. thank you for thinking of me :)
from hitch-hike :
Congrats on the new grandbaby!! Soon the casa will have the pitter patter of little feet!!
from cocoabean :
Yay!! Congrats to the family!
from musikoid :
No problem, Jimbo. I'll call again when I get a late night window.
from hitch-hike :
Wow, that is very sad about your co-worker. I’ve been reading about him for a whille and yeah, I’d wish something would happen to make it stop but not that!
from gr8legs :
i'm so sorry about your co-worker. that's terrible to have watch the addiction play out. i'm sending hugs your way.
from whystinger :
I do need to get to Brooklyn, but have been trying to get there for five years. I will let you know if I do start planning it. Yes, I have been called for jury duty twice, two different courts. In one, I had to check some website or call a number and see if my lot had called. I was not called. Second jury duty, I alerted my boss, took the day off and sat in court. I was interviewed and was excused. I did not try to get out of it, but they asked if I had been to court ever. I replied yes, several times. They asked why? I said some were for traffic violations and I also had been to both small claims court and had been to several trials representing my employer. I was excused. Keep a log of your miles and times.They sent me a few buck for mileage and tolls.
from whystinger :
It has been a long, long time since I have been to Long Island. Maybe 28 years. I think the furthest I got was almost to Brookhaven. Are you on Long Island?
from whystinger :
I am sure she hears you and is comforted when you do that when she is having a bad dream. I could sometimes settle my ex-wife similarly when she was having a bad dream. That is awesome of you to do that.
from musikoid :
Beautiful. The March 15 entry. Just beautiful.
from secret-motel :
Hi-5, brother! That's a good buy. Just be forewarned that, once you've been bitten by the vinyl bug, things can spiral out of control really fast. I don't have TONS of records, but I have a lot for the small space I inhabit. So now I make difficult decisions about choosing what to trade in before I acquire anything new.
from whystinger :
I don't know what to think of the Stepdad or how to handle that. Be careful and document all that you can. Seriously if she shows you something, take a picture or screen shot of the threat that way if he shows up at your door and you have to defend yourself or her, you will have proof. You want want to encourage her to talk to an attorney and you, Mandy and the other in the household will want to read Gavin de Becker's book, The Gift of Fear. Maybe he has another book out?
from msafire :
Truth Never can do anything until the death occurs. Its a horrific reality so thank you to you Jimbo for caring deeply about people you encounter. You are likely an empath and of course then it is hard to be happy. So no I don't think it wrong for you to never feel tremendous joy I just hope for you to feel peace knowing you have done your best to make this world a better place through the bit you can. Happiness in fact may be overrated and the most unhappy people in the world are so because they spend their life chasing that concept which is not necessarily a reality for most! I mean to be encouraging and positive! There are moments of joy and fortunately some of us experience them often but I think that is a tremendous gift. I think you have the gift of true empathy and that in itself causes some struggles. But you do your best and I am sure the world is a better place because of your caring big heart. You just never know the impact of your smallest act of kindness and caring. It encourages me every time I read your succinct and thoughtful words. (Darn I envy your marvelous brevity!) SO THANK YOU for sharing your innermost self with us. It really makes my day to know you are caring about Mandy and trying your best to make a different. (Even if it is discouraging, don't give up trying and THANK YOU!)
from cocoabean :
hey send me your email, would you? Thanks
from musikoid :
What you can do? He threatened her life if she "talks" after he abuses her, and NYPD won't do anything. They're basically saying they can't do anything until she's already dead. You either have to take the law into your own hands or do nothing at all. The latter is unacceptable, so you are forced to take the law into your own hands. Proverbs 26:3, see? I even quote the Bible over it. Just the fuck the guy up, it's your only recourse.
from musikoid :
Break both his legs. He won't be march harm to her then, and it will get the point across.
from cocoabean :
Outing someone on social media usually backfires.. I would think twice about that.....
from catsoul :
howdy. You should do what you think is best. Your mom would be so proud of you. I think that Stinger said it well also. Dying peacefully is a gift to the living who remain. Peace Out. =^..^=
from whystinger :
That is always dicey when someone doesn't want to leave a house when they are nearing the end of their life. It is always difficult for most that are either involved or hear about it. As you say, staying out of it is probably best. Either way, it is not easy.
from whystinger :
Your Mom dying in Florida may have been her last gift to you, to spare you the agony of watching her go. Things happen like that sometimes. My Ex's parents both died with her watching, as she needed to be there, for her. I remember my ex=father-in-laws passing. I new he didn't want to pass with his wife there, but my ex was and so was her Mom. He finally expired when I took her (wife) from the room but Honi was there. He knew that Honi needed to be there, but didn't want his wife to see it. Sometimes that is their last gift. I am not saying that about the woman you write about - I cannot really comment on that, but do what you think it right. Cheers brother Jim.
from musikoid :
Yeah that's the problem. I was thinking you might encounter that in the bigger city, but I suspect it happens in small towns too. Earlier when some kids were abandoning their father who was my landlord, it forced me to get close to him and be his immediate caretaker, which then caused the kids to fear he would revise the will, so then they threatened me. I told them I would call the County - meaning the Adult Protective Services, and the son told me: "If you call the County, you will get burned. I can't tell you when or how you will get burned, but you will get burned." So I said ""okay, now that your words are spoken, I don' need to call the County." This ameliorated him, and he said some thing about is dad needing to deal with the Maker. And he talked shit about his dad for a while longer, then got off the phone. After that, I immediately called the County and they sent over a lady from the Adult Protective Services to take care of the guy, so I could book as planned. My daughter had been with me, and she already left, and then I got a much better apartment, but she didn't come back. One month after I left I drove by and saw all of my ex-landlord's stuff being auctioned off in a garage sale.
from musikoid :
Keep me posted.
from musikoid :
Call Adult Protective Services. That doesn't need to happen.
from musikoid :
No problem. It's something I ponder myself as well.
from secret-motel :
Thanks, Jimbo. Those are wise words.
from musikoid :
Maybe it's not about defeating the enemy but embracing the friend. And the real friend is also you.
from shoelacepunk :
thank you! happy belated holidays!!
from hitch-hike :
Have a Merry Christmas and blessed holiday, Jimbo!!
from dangerspouse :
Well THAT'S a no-brainer. The head cook has responsibility for his dish from prep to service, even the parts he doesn't participate in. So a head chef takes responsibility even if the prep boy messed up cutting a carrot wrong. He (or she) is supposed to catch that stuff before it's plated, and if he doesn't, it's on his/her head. Whomever made the chicken and lasagne was responsible for insuring it was served correctly, even if the final touches were done by someone else. (Unless it was a malicious act by the server, of course.) However....since it's you we're talking about here, then it's YOUR fault. Just because. Merry Christmas, buddy :)
from whystinger :
We all have our own versions of heaven and hell and if being the way you are now makes you happy or satisfied, then that is good. As far as the daughter, now I see and yes you are probably right that she thinks you are trying to manipulate her, but it could also be her feeling guilty for not spending as much time with you. I felt hat way with my family until they drive me nuts, I go home and then feel bad that I had those feelings. Just keep on keeping her in your life - that does make you happy! Busy here. Take care and Merry Christmas if I don't get a chance to wish it to you later.
from musikoid :
Consider your friend cheered.
from whystinger :
Why the anxiety? You have to address that. As far as the doing happy, that does take practice and it can work. Your daughter probably feels that you are trying to manipulate her even thought you are not. I see someone posted the choose to be happy deal and I went through that several years ago and it did help me. It ain't easy. You do the behaviors and talk and the feelings will follow. Some of that even came from the couple's therapy I went through with the ex-wife. I hope your days are better.
from mistfree :
12/14/17 Coming from a person who is happy 99% of the time, you do you! When people tell me they are sad or angry, my response is almost always Alrighty then, do you wanna change that? Usually followed by Ok, your choice. Be happy or be sad. Your choice!
from musikoid :
As one dad to another, I feel you.
from musikoid :
Well, now that you've explained all that, it does not appear that you are manipulating her, but I just wonder if she *thinks* you are. If she thinks you are trying to manipulate her into coming round more often, by claiming that your happiness depends on this, it might explain some of her disturbance and hesitancy. She might be thinking, "Dad's trying to lay a guilt trip on me. However, you also said "the problem is people are not real (a lot not all of them) and feel the need to color their answers one way or the other to hide their agenda or feelings." Yes, this is the problem. Well - hope I didn't cross any lines, it's just that I kinda saw my own daughter and me having a conversation there, and her thinking I was guilt-tripping her, and not being able to see the love through the perception of the guilt trip. That's all.
from musikoid :
Brilliant entry 2017-12-13, 1:55 a.m. and yes it is okay not to be happy. IMHO we're not meant to be totally happy here on Earth, but merely content with our lot, and even that we have to work on. People who seem to be happy all the time are highly suspect, and sometimes even commit suicide. HOWEVER if you can take a little critique here (not that I ever could lol), your daughter may be thinking that you are manipulating her. Hence, her silence and the disturber reaction. Are you manipulating her? That's what I would ask. You seem to be trying to persuade her to change her ways in some way, because your happiness, according to you, depends on her. Is that true? Or does it makes sense? Call me.
from hitch-hike :
Anxiety is one of my most steadfast friends. Take it out for a walk, drink or bite. Well, not so easy to see it that way in the thick of it!
from catsoul :
I hear you. Sometimes the best is all we can do. Just be there for her, I am sure that is the most important to her. We can not fix it all. Please, please do not beat yourself up with what you can't do. You are her world to her, just be there with and for her always. Take Care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Need someone to listen. I am here. Worries are tough. Take Care. =^..^=
from musikoid :
I get that.
from musikoid :
What are you worried about?
from gr8legs :
pray and i'll pray with you. God will take care of whatever the situation is.
from portlypete :
No wonder you hate Christmas. Black socks FFS! I hate Christmas for the commercialisation of the day, when all kids want is the most expensive and latest computer game... ... oh ...
from secret-motel :
Well, I'm in good company then. Great minds can't be bothered with mundane things such as matching shoes. AmIright?
from catsoul :
Good Morning. Glad you got to spend some time with Jane. I don't really go to movies anymore, just for that reason, they are never as good as I expected. Did you buy yourself an Nintendo game system for yourself then when you were an adult? Socks, oh boy. Peace Out. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Good Morning. Glad you got to spend some time with Jane. I don't really go to movies anymore, just for that reason, they are never as good as I expected. Did you buy yourself an Nintendo game system for yourself then when you were an adult? Socks, oh boy. Peace Out. =^..^=
from musikoid :
We were just talking, I signed her off and disappeared. Had to get off the Book of the Face, it was starting to take over. Enough's enough.
from whystinger :
Happy Thanksgiving a few days late.
from cloudy-night :
It seems really hard to be a father. I hope you and Darlene still hang out and do things.
from whystinger :
Hope Hicks is smoking' hot!
from hitch-hike :
I agree, you don't have to blow a wad (of money that is, hahahah) just to have a nice time for a birthday or to show love. I'd rather just give someone a puppy :D
from whystinger :
I agree about the Jeep and knowing what you have (sort of as I said below) The used truck I am buying is one that was in the family and I know the history and know the model. I know that it should have about 100,000 miles left of good use, maybe 175,000 in BIL didn't beat on it too bad. My dilemma is driving to get it will be about 800 miles and 12 hours one way. Still, I need it.
from whystinger :
I understand not wanting to hear the bitching. That makes for an unpleasant workplace. Sometimes I have had to say, and it is difficult because it can alienate us from co-workers, "I don't want to hear your fucking bitching." Then the assholes spread around "he ain't one of us" or "he's a suck butt." I have, at times told a few "I understand your beef, but I can't do anything, so talk to management." They still don't like that and they need to find someone else to vent to... Cheers Jimbo!!!! I have to figure out how to get my truck to my place from out of state.
from hitch-hike :
Did you know about the kids's birthday party industrial complex? It's freaking real, man! I've been to kid b-day parties that cost more than a cruise to Mexico. You'd think they'd have marching bands and Cirque du Soleil performers as well. I guess being Bridezilla wasn't enough for some people (and I'm a woman), and now they are Momzilla with the birthday parties! Hahahah!!
from whystinger :
The used pickup is going to be mine, which will save me a ton! Best of all I know the history of it.
from jimbostaxi :
from whystinger :
Sometimes it is best to invest in the vehicle one has - can you replace it for the cost of repairs? In my case, it looks like there is a good chance I will pick up that used vehicle, which is needed and will save me for a while.
from portlypete :
Hmm, not sure I said, or meant ' you suck'. Regarding Gdaughters birthday, with that much beer, nobody will remember the occasion and, in passing, nobody lives within their means these days: that's what credit cards are for - you are soooo old school - you and me both!
from whystinger :
I enjoy scrounging through junkyards and swap meets. What Jeep do you have? There was a closed Jeep dealership near where I used to live in NJ who had a ton of NOS parts. There are a few Jeep salvage yards, I know of one near Statesboro, GA, but that will be too far for you to drive.
from cloudy-night :
He will get his. I am doing well as one can be expected. I have been keeping up with your entries, you disappeared for a while.
from musikoid :
Actually scratch that. Both our notes were a bit over the top. Anyway it turns out she's 21 years old. I got the skinny from one of the local Italians. He just says -- she's fascinated with me. So - let's take it from there.
from musikoid :
Naw. I think it calls for renting a room and the Stanley Kubrick version of Lolita.
from cloudy-night :
I find it disturbing that he is proud of getting women addicted to crack. I bet he has ruined a lot of lives. He will have to pay for the things he's done one day.
from musikoid :
You *have* to read OMG! It's been almost two hours now and I still can't get my heart back into my chest.
from musikoid :
I thought further and must say I am not *certain* he'll get his. After all, how can I be? It occurred to me also that it's probably a lot easier to get away with that type of bullshit for longer in an extremely large city than it would be in like say Berkeley or worse yet the small hamlet I inhabit at this time. But yeah - I wouldn't internalize him too far deep into your being, but if you catch him doing something in his harrassment that is clearly illegal I would not hesitate to call the cops.
from musikoid :
He'll get his. Guys like that just become more and more daring the more they don't get caught. One day he'll take it way past the most absurdly dangerous limits, and somebody will drop the needed dime. His number will come up - I'm sure of it.
from musikoid :
Yeah - good to talk. I might call again tonight if sleep alludes me. I have to get offline now cuz they just closed the A & W, still no Internet at the ranch. Will read your entry in the morning. Shalom.
from portlypete :
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men (and women) to do nothing". At last someone spoke up and Hw's house of cards came tumbling down.
from dangerspouse :
Can you believe how fucking much lamb costs these days? You're goddam right I'm pissed about that! But...that's not what tore apart my hammock. This time. Maybe next time, when I see fucking LAMB SHANKS ARE FUCKING $7.99 A POUND. Seriously, what the fuck! Oh - and do us all a favor and turn that scumbag sexual predator over to the cops or ISIS or someone who will do something about it. Jesus, what a scumbag.
from dangerspouse :
Hey, good news about the eldest daughter moving within arm's length. Yeah, don't be a pest, but...good news, still. Hope you continue healing up, man. Otherwise it's back to La Chica Bonita for more Dirty Old Man gazing. Bastard.
from msafire :
So sorry to hear you are laid up! I am sure you are not a nuisance to your oldest daughter. Nice she is nearby in a good place and doing well. Hang in there... this too shall pass.
from whystinger :
I too, tire of the senseless acts of violence and hate and the hate on social media.
from musikoid :
I might give you a ring.
from secret-motel :
One would THINK so. I certainly would've thought so. But, not really. The taste and smell was sharper. I don't know. Being human sometimes makes it hard to really enjoy things.
from integrating :
Thanks for the note. Hope you're doing well.
from whystinger :
Brain worms! Fuck! Scary. I hope you stick around Jimbo, life would suck here without you. I hope things are going well and your leg heals well.
from musikoid :
Just read your "brain worms" entry. Freaky shit, man. I think I often under-cook my hamburger meat and don't even care. But about your leg infection, how did you get it? My lifelong friend George contracted sipsis a couple months ago, and the bacterial infection spread throughout his bad leg (chopped in an auto accident a while back) and to his heart, where it dissolved the heart valves. They think they've fixed that through open heart surgery, and I don't know if they have to amputate the leg or not, but it's scary how somebody's infection can spread that hugely. Not to freak you out or anything -- it sounds like you're healing up gradually. Too bad about having to lay off the shelter gig for a while, but I believe you made the right choice.
from musikoid :
Also glad to hear you're sticking around. I have trouble expressing feelings in general, and DiaryLand is no exception. I sometimes feel something very strong, but when I try to put it into words, it escapes me somehow. So - you're not alone. But we can all hang together! Glad to have you here, Jimbo. Keep the faith.
from secret-motel :
Glad to hear you're sticking around. And thank you much for encouraging my little wagon ride.
from portlypete :
I don't come by here much these days. I have less time and even less to say. Most of the diaries I used to love reading are empty pages now. Diaryland is a no fuss site which deserves to survive, so laggards like me should make more effort to update. Perhaps I should make that a New Year resolution. Not saying which year though. I hope the leg gets better quickly and as far as the "P.O.S" is concerned, we need people like him to contrast with the caring good guys. Take care.
from secret-motel :
Don't quit DL now, Jimbo! Things are just now starting to pick up around here. Why, I just saw a tumbleweed blow past a row of long-dormant diaries. This site is gonna be big someday. BIG, I tell ya! Seriously, you would be missed around here. But, yeah, life changes happen--and our enthusiasms for things change. I get it, I think.
from musikoid :
I don't think you should be done with DiaryLand. I have a hard time discussing personal things on Facebook or sharing with multiple people my issues. What's nice about DiaryLand is that we can do that here, it's sort of like, it's what it's for.
from musikoid :
About the P.O.S. son, he reminds me of this gut Ken whose dad was Fred, my landlord way back when. Fred was dying of emphysema and all Ken cared about was the money, the will, the estate, the inheritance - it was fucking sick. He even told me flat out he wanted his dad to die. I got stuck being the primary caretaker for Fred my landlord because none of the kids would do it. Ken never returned my phone calls. Then in one message I said: "All right, I'm going to call the County and talk to Adult Protective Services." Then he got back to me finally - with threats. Told me I would "get burned" if I called the County. I called them anyway. I left with my daughter the day the County aide came to take care of Fred. Fred flipped out and shouted at me, calling me a son-of-a-bitch for bailing out on him. Meanwhile, the real kids were afraid he liked me so much he was going to revise the will. But I left, and left him in the hands of the lady the County sent to take care of him. Two weeks later Ken was auctioning off all his stuff in a yard sale. "Hello in There" is a good song, I like the Bette Midler version. "Old people just get older." One begins to think about it a lot, as it begins to happen.
from musikoid :
I don't think you should be done with DiaryLand. I have a hard time discussing personal things on Facebook or sharing with multiple people my issues. What's nice about DiaryLand is that we can do that here, it's sort of like, it's what it's for.
from hitch-hike :
Happy belated birthday, 'Buelo Jim!!!! Congrats on the grandbaby!!
from musikoid :
Great! Congratulations! Please accept my virtual cigar.
from musikoid :
I called you when I was shaken up but it's past. Hey -- you a grandpa yet?
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
Just saw your other note, about the guy your daughter's with. I shouldn't have been so cynical right off the bat. I just figured if you didn't care for him, there was probably some reason other than natural fatherly protectiveness. But now that I come to think of it, I'm not too keen on most of the guys my daughter winds up with, and some of them ae probably pretty decent guys. It's a dad thing - we tend to be like that, I think.
from musikoid :
That's right on what the guy said at the deli, though maybe not exactly what one wants to hear at such a moment. I personally would have preferred to have someone say: "I'll help you STRANGLE the motherfucker!" But we know where that leads. Not to thump but Proverbs 24:17 comes to mind, only because I've been there. (You have to look it up lol)
from jimbostaxi :
His son is a really good kid I just hate how she left all of a sudden , he treats her great he works doesn't do drugs what more could I ask? He's not who I would have picked for her but it's her life not mine,,, I liove her and I just want the best for her that's not too much to ask right?
from musikoid :
Good on you for diplomacy, but I betcha anything the dad was surprised to the point of wondering if you're lying. He knows his son's a P.O.S. if anyone does.
from musikoid :
It says you updated 9 hrs ago (from now being 8:45PST, 8/14), but the entry showing up is the one I already read (about the program director leaving, and your having to rush "F" to the hospital).
from musikoid :
Blood In Aisle 4 gave me another good reminder not to go back to B-town and sleep on the streets. Sorry to hear about "F" - just caught up with your notes and entries. Keep the faith, I gotta jet.
from hitch-hike :
Gathering? I'd love to go if I were in Queens but I do like the invite!!
from whystinger :
Thanks for the well wishes Jimbo! I appreciate it. They had me in the hospital overnight. I understand why they rush you out. I got no rest in there, they woke me every hour. Night staff was great, day staff, not so. Sponge bath was so-so. Mainly scrubbed my pecker and foley catheter. Glad when they removed that this morning.
from whystinger :
Wow, I am speechless.
from hitch-hike :
Congrats on the grandbaby, assuming that was what you were talking about in your most recent entry!! I hope your summer is going well. Mine has had its ups and downs, but as always, my persistence comes through! **Hugs**
from cloudy-night :
Wow, so much drama on the shuttle. I'm glad to hear that the elderly woman is okay and that the nice guy and his wife won't be pressing charges against the mean guy. It is just so crazy how people get into an uproar over silly things. Oh and I haven't contacted the property manager in concerns to my tub drain yet. But I will and I will make sure to let her know that I won't be paying because the situation is never resolved, just temporarily fixed.
from musikoid :
Sounds like a similar scene to what I was experiencing down in the SF Bay Area. The SSI check is basically investment money on a hustle; and a guy who spends about sixty bucks to get his guard card starts acting like a poorly trained cop. But it was a good training grounds for me. It taught me not to believe just anybody, just because they wore a badge.
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
Just read the second one on the same theme. A lot of fights seem about to break out in that arena. Reminds me of my street days, people would threaten to knock the crap out of me at the drop of a hat. I think it was a defense mechanism. I became pretty adept at avoiding fights.
from musikoid :
That mean guy: bad news. 500 bail doesn't seem quite high enough, if you ask me.
from secret-motel :
From one working man to another: that's some stressful shit to contend with. Especially under working man wages. Glad the mean man got cuffed and taken away. Hope the nice man and his wife and the fallen elderly lady will all be okay.
from dangerspouse :
No prob. Glad I could help :)
from dangerspouse :
I also post my entries at WordPress ( ), and WordPress allows you TONS of free pics - even with free accounts. So what I do is write my entries there, with pictures added, then cut-n-paste the HTML code. That code includes the link to each pictures hosted spot on WordPress, so when I paste it into D-Land the pics show up as if I had embedded it there in the first place. It's super simple, and did I mention, free? It's a great workaround to the limited space you get even with Gold Membership here, and as you said, paying $$$ for a photo hosting site. You might want to start a WordPress page just to host your photos, like I do.
from dangerspouse :
I *always* take a yellow cab in the City, if I'm not taking the subway. Fuck Uber and Lyft. Fuck 'em right in the mouth.
from catsoul :
Hi. The lake home is up in Northern Minnesota, so they get twice as much snow than here in Central Wisconsin. Yes we were asked a few times if we wanted the lake home. I wouldn't be able to afford it and the property taxes. I am glad that my sister will be buying it, then my parents can come out there whenever they want to or can. =^..^=
from whystinger :
I have been wondering where the hell you got off to and if you were ok. Catsoul dropped out for like ten days and I'm wondering where you are off to, Is Jimbo ok? Almost even opened up my email and searched for your phone number. Glad you are back.
from musikoid :
Sounds like "Laticia" was a crazy lady. Then again, research tells us the human brain isn't capable of making complete and well-informed decisions till the age of 24. Your entry reminded me I need to get a hold of Sarah the cab driver. I talked to her about two weeks ago. I think she kinda likes me. She's renting a room out in the country from some lady, she's single, says it's beautiful out there - AND she likes that good ganja. My kind of gal.
from cocoabean :
I'll be starting up again soon, I tried to get a new diary here but couldn't get any answer from Andrew, so I am still deciding where I want to go...
from musikoid :
Good to see you back. I'll read your lengthy entry within the next few hours and note you. Right now I'm out on the Farm and have to get a ride back to Moscow in fifteen.
from cocoabean :
good to see you back!
from catsoul :
Whoppee you wrote. Glad you are again. I know sometimes I just don't know what to write about, my life is pretty must wash, rinse, and repeat. Though it is a wonderful life to have. Anyhoo, just glad you wrote something. Peace Out. =^..^=
from catsoul :
What the heck is going on man? Been days upon days since you wrote anything. I miss you. =^..^=
from whystinger :
Great dream. On the previous entry, be careful on BOTH counts. The video and the "prostitution" discussions. You don't need someone saying "Well, Jim told me I..."
from catsoul :
Wow great dream. Your dream is telling you that it is alright for your daughter to have her own dreams. She knows that you will always, always be there and supportive of her. You must have recently had an ephinany also. It will all be alright. Take Care. =^..^=
from cloudy-night :
I think that a lot of these places that are supposed to help people can care less about the people they are supposed to help. I think any place that makes a profit is a business. Whether it be a church, school or shelter. I don't want to think that way, but I see a lot of things that just don't seem right and it is beginning to alter my way of thinking. I hope your friend don't become a prostitute. Not that I frown on one of the oldest profession in history, I just think it is dangerous. I feel sorry for your other friend, I wonder if she knows there is a sex video of her out in the world? My sister's friend was taped performing a sex act with someone. I just couldn't believe it, until I seen it ( won't lie, I looked for it). I wish I wouldn't have seen it. I felt a complexity of emotions. Guilt, awkwardness, and feelings of empathy for my sister's friend. I hope you never see your friend's tape. You never see that person quite the same afterward.
from cloudy-night :
That was a strange dream, but from a Freudian standpoint, it speaks volumes. I can't say what though, but it has to. :P
from cocoabean :
The truth is always best when dealing with the bosses... they have ways of getting information and if you lie, they have ways of knowing. Phew!
from cloudy-night :
Glad that you didn't get in trouble. I know that the "procedure" is to protect the company, the residents and you. However, I think it is silly and that long as you don't bring any drama to the gig, there shouldn't be a problem.
from musikoid :
Word on the streets is somebody dropped a dime. Last time I saw him he saw me, revved up his engine, and no one has seen him since. A couple kids at One World told me that the way they deal with meth dealers in Moscow, Idaho if the user doesn't want to squeal is that the cops grab him, put him in their car, and take a night drive to a distant point in space, with a "Not our problem, buddy boy. We do not tolerate crystal meth dealers in Moscow, Idaho." Three cops came in smiling to ask me if I was all right, and I told them I was getting better. They've left me alone since.
from musikoid :
Not only cab driver scum, but Graveyard Shift cab driver scum. I am a bit uneasy about our proximity. He ain't stupid. Even if nobody dropped the dime, the timing of my quick return would have informed him that I am no "maintenance tweaker." Not too many guys down a fresh teener in less than 24 hours on their own. Coke, maybe. You started fucking with the devil dirt and you don't know what's coming next. The people at the One World are working on finding me a healthier living situation. Let me post SaraBeth's email, I've never seen someone just spell it all out like that. Hope you're still up.
from musikoid :
Well, I'm kinda glad I lost my job, because I've been trying to quit forever. The stress of it was a high contrast to my otherwise positive new start here, and maybe I hadn't worked in a number of years, and maybe I'm getting old, I don't know. I know I'm too old for a job that I dread going to and can't sleep every night beforehand. They'll still let me be a member, they haven't taken back my key, they still will let me play on their piano and organ, and it's not all bad. But the cab driver two doors down is going to be a problem. I should never have wandered into One World. I didn't squeal, but the town is small enough that I think he got a call from Sara Beth. The way they deal with meth dealers in this town is to run them out on a rail. I ran into him once since the event, and he ignored me completely, revved up his engine, and drove.
from secret-motel :
Ah, hiya Jimbo! I still check in, often, to read yall. Haven't been writing much, myself. Not sure if the writer in me is dead, dying, or in an extended coma.
from cloudy-night :
Happy Easter to your also Mr.JTaxi!
from cloudy-night :
Hey, it has been a while. Sorry to hear that you've lost a friend but I bet if you apologize, you can become friends once more. We all trip up from time to time and it isn't a big deal. Mistakes are a part of life and introduce me to a person who hasn't made a mistake, it would be like introducing me to a person who hasn't lived life. I hope you make time for yourself, 18 hours is a lot. And thanks for the note, I get what you're coming from and I won't stop caring for a single soul that inhabit this Earth of ours. I just feel like I make a fool out of myself sometimes.
from lust- :
I don't celebrate, but the sentiment is nice. Hope you have a wonderful time with family.xo
from catsoul :
Hi Jim. Happy Easter to You and your Family. I appreciate your note. Take Care. =^..^=
from whystinger :
Happy Easter to you and yours, Jimbo. Yes the self catheter is a large step forward, I no longer have a bag of piss strapped to my leg. I can now run again, work out and do things the Foley Catheter prevented me from doing. A lot less being uncomfortable and pain. Inserting a self catheter allows me to control the amount of discomfort. The best will be after the surgery, provided there is no damage to my bladder from the enlarged prostate. I do feel better!
from dangerspouse :
JIMBO! Happy Easter to you and yours too! Ya big ham :)
from hitch-hike :
Thank you for your condolensces, Jimbo. I miss the hell out of that big, obnoxious biker, but I value what we had in ways I never thought were possible.
from komachi :
Hi there. I finally was able to come to dland again, and read a couple of your entries. I haven't caught up yet, but I wanted to leave a note(a long one) I had a scary incident with some guy at an apartment I previously lived that I had to call 911 for. While I waited(and I tell you... I was in a full on panic mode) , I saw a security walking around. I thought of going out there to ask for his help, but I didn't because "he" might be out there watching. So I just waited. And I saw this security passing my unit a few times. Police officers came, checked around(the security guy also helped police), everything's ok. A few days later, a staff of the apt asked if I was okay hearing about the incident. When I told him what exactly took place, he said to me... "We think it was our security guy" .... and then he explained how another female resident had the same incident twice, and she moved. But she saw what the man looked like....etc... It just made my skin crawl.
from musikoid :
I'll call you after I'm done being slammed by Holy Week. I've got three services, two rehearsals, and serious anger issues. We should talk after that. Love ya bro.
from musikoid :
I meant - "as it is right now." Typing too fast, kinda pissed.
from musikoid :
Yeah, I see you've been on. It's been a long time. I might call you later on tonight. I've had a seriously bad day. I almost quit my job in a fit of upset. This weird antidepressant the doctor gave me five days ago to "help me sleep" has me not knowing which way is up or down. My hatred for the mainstream medical-pharmaceutical has never been as extreme as it is right. I almost lost my job today because of the same bastards who screwed me out of house and home in 2004. But I'm mostly mad at myself for allowing it to happen.
from dangerspouse :
You got that right. It's a con, and we're all suckers.
from whystinger :
Jimbo, you okay?
from whystinger :
I was just clarifying that I was not doubting you. Just scratching my head about my buddy T. Take care.
from whystinger :
I agree with you. White privilege does exist and so does the bullshit like the overzealous police. I am not condemning all cops, but some are way over the top and it seems as if we as a country are spinning out of control. I was not happy with either candidate this year and I worry about what the Donald may do. I remember his bullshit from 20+ years ago when I lived in NJ. The Secret Service needs to take his phone away from him and block him from Twitter... When he goes on his rants, I wonder what he is trying to cover up or distract people from. In my business, when someone tells me how someone else is stealing or such, they generally are doing something they shouldn't and are trying to take the focus off of themselves. Sheesh! Oh, i don't know why your entry triggered me about my friend. He has been over the top agitating people and it may be because perhaps he is hiding his prejudice.
from whystinger :
A friend of mine (white) would challenge you about the police asking you for ID and tell you it never happened because you are white and you have white privilege and whites NEVER get stopped unless they are caught doing something wrong. He either feels guilty about being white or was so abused in his first marriage and she must have been very bigoted, very christian, very hateful and very abusive. He seems to love to pick fights and is anti-christian and gives folks that believe in God or a higher power a very difficult time, unless they are muslim (which he's not). I know that I don't know what people of color face and experience with the police, but like you, I have been stopped or asked for ID by police for no reason. I know people of color go through worse and a lot more frequently. A black friend at work used to talk about being profiled and I was quietly skeptical as he wore a suit and tie, but shit - I did see him get stopped while I (and others) were with him and asked for ID for NO APPARENT reason. The officer sure changed his tone when he realized that there were people in the back seat of his SUV plus he had OnStar recording the event. I've even had an officer come up to my car with gun drawn (during the day). I wonder lately what has this world come to?
from gr8legs :
i wasn't across the street, i was down the street a few blocks.
from gr8legs :
i wholeheartedly agree on your "the donald" entry. he was able to sell a bunch of refurbished goods like they were brand new and now we are reliving the scariest of eras. 3.1.17
from musikoid :
You're welcome. :)
from musikoid :
Great entry "The Donald" and I agree completely that this has been happening for a long time now and building to the eventuality of a Fascist police state. It's much worse in the urban areas. A small college town like where I am up near Canada is relatively unaffected as of yet. Also, there are those who get off on wearing a badge and throw their weight around just because some minor period of training or some certificate gives them a sense of authority and control. They exist in any time and place, and don't think their shit doesn't stink any less than the rest of us. Probably more, in most cases. Like that guy who got you for "littering." Those kinds of cats are into criminalizing everybody over the slightest transgression. I don't know what makes them tick to be honest with you, I'm just glad I'm not one of them. Good work, Jimbo.
from whystinger :
Seems like your PT boss doesn't realize that it is your ass on the line when something bad happens. I remember when a bus tour line had some shit go down, the authorities hit everyone involved. I can't remember, as it was quite a long time ago, but the equipment was faulty, the company was underinsured and there were other problems. I cannot remember if the driver owned the small minority owned tour bus company or if he was hired. Bravo to you for staying a professional
from musikoid :
Thanks for the warm welcome home. Let's talk on the phone sometime - I'll try to call tomorrow early morning when I get up before you crash. Good to hear from you brother.
from cloudy-night :
I'm glad to hear your daughter and her child are both doing fine. I bet it was a frightening experience for her and all of those who love her. I can understand your anger, but don't do anything rash.
from catsoul :
2/7/17 Sorry she had such a scare. You all had a scare actually. Papa Bear sometimes no matter how hard we try to protect our children we are not able to. Don't beat yourself up for not being there. Breathe, relax, try to sleep and enjoy time with your family. Peace Out. Take Care. =^..^=
from minstrelite :
I just did it bro - I flew off at somebody, then I went down and was out like a light for an hour and a half. I wouldn't do it NOW but the damage is already done. Sleep is so key - I'm convinced the entire country isn't getting enough of it these days. Peace OUT -
from whystinger :
Low sleep sucks and I get all fucking strange when I lack sleep. Yesterday I didn't get a lot of sleep and went to open the fridge. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large bug crawl away inside the fridge. I started moving stuff rapidly. All I found was a small piece of onion skin. Lack of sleep, meh.
from minstrelite :
I'm the same way on low sleep. All kinds of crap just blasts out of my mouth. It sucks, but if I can manage a decent nap, it takes care of it.
from cocoabean :
I sent my $2 to Andrew to prove I'm not a bot... just waiting for a response from him. I would think money would wake him up....
from cocoabean :
I would like to start a new one on dland, but andrew hasn't answered my request, since I didn't send him any money. Probably then it will be wordpress... but it will definitely be locked.
from dangerspouse :
Lol. Don't ever worry about not leaving me notes. I'm the same way. Life gets in the way a lot. We're both working stiffs. I know what it's like :)
from cocoabean :
Yeah, Jimbo, I'm here... reading... think I have to start a new blog....
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks for putting up the "Cast of Characters" column!! That really is very helpful, I mean that. Makes it much easier to follow along. Shame you're never gonna see "Half a Beer Blond" again.....
from cocoabean :
It's interesting where help appears when needed....
from musikoid :
Yeah I know - I'll call again soon.
from shoelacepunk :
a belated thanks to you!!!
from zenayda :
Yep, sometimes strangers make the best friends!
from mistfree :
A beer. A blonde. And babble. Sometimes its the perfect combination for a much needed distraction. Therapy doesn't always have to come from a professional.
from whystinger :
from cloudy-night :
Maggie seems like a fun gal!
from whystinger :
from musikoid :
Yeah I know. You need a woman in your life every now and then.
from musikoid :
Your having a beer with Maggie reminded me of when I was still smoking weed (well - wish me luck, it's been 17 days now since I've smoked) & I called a cab after I got paid one night and had the lady cab driver drive me into Washington State, where marijuana is legal. Turned out she was a stoner and she came into the pot shop with me to buy some weed. We it it off really well, and I must admit I was smitten for her. I asked her if she wanted to burn one, but she said she didn't think her boss would like it. I've only called a cab twice since then here in town, and each time I got her boss, unfortunately.
from whystinger :
Drinkin' with Maggie. Actually sounds pretty good to me too. As for the physical therapy, I think that is an excuse, but they will work her hard, but not too hard. When I did my shoulder and knee rehab, the would stop me when I was having difficulty and was trying but could not do. She called me a stubborn fucker because I would keep trying. Cheers brother.
from whystinger :
Great idea to see your MD, then get some sleep and working with a therapist can be awesome. Be aware that sometimes it may take going through several therapists to find one that you jell with. There are some tricks to finding lower cost providers, hit me back if I can help.
from musikoid :
I just saw the other note. You're a good guy, Jimbo - you genuinely care about people. It shows in your writing, in the kinds of things that are on your mind. I just hope you don't run yourself ragged trying to survive in the jungle. I know you wont be the only one if you do, but try to go easy on yourself. (I should talk.)
from minstrelite :
Three months, wow - it doesn't seem that long. Congrats on keeping it all together, under the circumstances, with F's health & everything else. On people coming up and asking if you're okay, and there being the sense that you must not be hiding your emotions very well, hey - you're Italian. You probably don't hide your emotions any better or any worse than anyone else, it's just that we Italians have a lot more emotions to try and hide. Or rather, we tend by genetic composition to be more passionate, and more effusive about our emotions. All that said, a therapist might be a good idea, in the sense of having someone to meet with regularly to talk it all out. But for me, lack of sleep is *the* killer, as far as mental health is concerned. If you're like me, you're probably functioning on nervous energy. That'll drain anybody's reserves after a while. Go easy on yourself, bro. One Step at a Time.
from catsoul :
Be kind to yourself.
from musikoid :
I left my new number. I have yours too so may call at around 5:30pst some morning this week and we can catch up. Hang in -
from minstrelite :
No worries, I didn't think you were an asshole. But I'm wondering about you, though, since it's been a while since you've updated.
from minstrelite :
Sometimes this is what it takes to bring family back together.
from hitch-hike :
Happy new year, Jimbo!! Let's ride this prick like a cowboy!! It can't be worse than 2016, I hope!
from musikoid :
Must have felt good for her to turn to you for comfort though.
from catsoul :
Fuckin' a man, congrats to your daughter and you. Gotta love those little babies. Awesome man. =^..^=
from whystinger :
Fate can truly be a bitch. I think it is good that you will be there for your youngest. Life can be crazy. Dreams... those can be wild. I had a nice dream about that lady I have been trying to date. Not quite as far as you and Suzy. So, does Suzy have a husky & sexy voice? A friend argues that all the screamers have husky voices. Happy new year!
from whystinger :
Glad to see you back for an update. Take care of you, so you can take care of your family. Merry Christmas Jimbo!
from musikoid :
I wrote back, but I think the tambourine effect that is catching your ear in an annoying way is probably the ride cymbal. I want it to be there, but not nearly as loud or intrusive. There is a way to do that, though it would take some work. Probably my ear has been focusing away from it just because it wants to hear the other stuff. But I want to do a whole new take on it, that's much slower, closer to the way I hear it in my head, less bubblegum, less loony-tunes, more folksy and profound. I've been sort of humming it that way and I think I can pull it off. Give me time. You haven't updated in a while. Hope and F are well.
from integrating :
I'm sorry you are going through such tough times. The sun will shine again.
from komachi :
I will be praying for F, and sending good thoughts her way.
from musikoid :
I'll pray for F and hear from you when I hear from you. Don't worry about not saying "happy Thanksgiving," I don't think I ever said it to anybody this year.
from whystinger :
Seeing blood in the bag made me nervous as hell. Once I understood, I was able to calm down.
from musikoid :
It has not yet reached the *superhuman* stage, though I suppose that's coming soon.
from musikoid :
That's good. I might not have read the entry very well, I was a bit distracted with my own issues at the time. I'm feeling better today, so far. It took me a while to realize that it's not as though Mary and Greg no longer "like" me because I - er, guess I sort of slammed a door there, didn't I? It just brought back weird memories. One time back in '79, I was mad and as I shut the door of my fiancee's 69 Ford Mustang, the window shattered into pieces. What can I say? I've been doing my push-ups lately, and sometimes I don't know my own strength.
from musikoid :
I just surfaced and read your Wednesday night entry. I didn't know "F" was still in the hospital. Kinda sucks that they seem to play favorites. I'm glad your shelter job is going well.
from musikoid :
I know. I wear a few of those masks myself.
from musikoid :
It says you're online, I wish we could Skype. I'm telling you the Sicilian in me has been roused. I am planning to methodically, systematically fuck this guy up. I'm already getting my homeys in line. If you can't talk me out of it, bro --
from mistfree :
Any updates? Is F still in the hospital? I hope all is well (as best as it can be at least).
from musikoid :
I'm trying to get hits on these two public blogs of mine, so I'm posting the links in a note here so maybe some of your other readers will see these as well. The first one is "The Bottom Line" - and the second is "A Whole Lot of Love" - they're both a bit better written than my random rambling rantings on DiaryLand, though dealing with the same angst. Also, trying to figure out of you're up driving you cab around and maybe we can Skype. I'll be up late due to a skewed sleeping schedule.
from musikoid :
Glad you wrote. There's been a lot of death around me lately. I'm glad the worst is over. I gotta call my friend Rob now in Stockton and see how his Dad is doing.
from whystinger :
Praying for F and also for you. You will need to get some sleep so you will be around to care for F and your family. Find a way to get some sleep. I am alive and well AND adjusting, FYI
from musikoid :
Praying for F. Hang in there.
from hitch-hike :
Wow, what a week it must had been!! I sure hope all goes well and that "F" gets good care and treatment. As for you... yes, please let yourself rest or take it easy when you can. I agree with your night shift worker about staying well.
from catsoul :
Wow. Hang in there both of you. After this procedure she should feel so much better. Sending healing vibes to the East for you all. Take Care. =^..^=
from musikoid :
Yeah - it's just what lack of sleep does to you. You probably handle it all right, but I hope you can get some rest.
from musikoid :
Be careful, man. You're starting to remind me of the Al Puccino part in that movie *Insomnia* like where he blacks out driving down the road with the young chick in the car and almost gets in a head-on collision.
from integrating :
I hope she can come home soon and you get some much-needed sleep.
from secret-motel :
Having a good guy like you at her side definitely makes a big difference.
from secret-motel :
Hospitals are no fun. I hope F is doing okay and gets to go home soon.
from mistfree :
Sorry to hear F is in the hospital. Best of Luck! And btw- thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a couple of beers that night. And shots. It was fun. :)
from musikoid :
The Danielle messages were just kinda dumb, about whether I'm supposed to be Uncle Andy or Grandpa Pope to her baby Joseph and why, it's been tossed around for a while now. So, probably anticlimactic there. I know what you mean about hexing something if you talk it up too much. The less noise you make, the better chance you have of making it into something great.
from musikoid :
divorce rate, not right. Freudian innuendo. I drank last night & haven't completed a morning cup of coffee yet.
from musikoid :
Sorry if F is having complications. You're a good man to hang with her - well - this used to be called common decency, but me being from Cali & the very high divorce right, 'thru sickness and thru health' hasn't seem to matter to a whole lot of people whom I've seen come up with a reason to divorce their spouses as soon as they become too sick to be any fun anymore. Part of the Me-First emphasis - actually that might not just be Cali but since I've made this move it's incredible how much *less* self-serving people are up here. On the shelter gig, I was thrown the first time I read it, only because you portrayed it as your "only glimmer" of hope, and I was thinking, that's fucking cool, man - you get to teach chess to the kids in the shelter. That's the kind of volunteer stuff that selfless people do, so you are to be commended, in my book. P.S. I just left two messages for Danielle on your Skype by mistake.
from bantenhut :
Bahaha! Yes! Everyone must love PBJ, or ELSE! :D
from musikoid :
Thanks. I'm kinda really all over the map right now, can't seem to settle.
from dangerspouse :
Er, make that "Chinese ESL" course. I must have a brain tumor. Sheesh.
from dangerspouse :
Don't be such a pussy. If you wanna write like you've got a brain tumor, do it! It's YOUR diary. Just because I'm right - again - doesn't mean you should change your idiotic style. I mean, the real, only, important thing in life is getting laid, right? So come back with a "Fuck you, Danger. If I wanna write like I dropped out of a Chinese ESP course in the 2nd grade, then that's how I roll, dickwad. Suck it!" Don't worry. I'll be able to decipher your incoherent ramblings one of these days. Be strong! :)
from lust- :
Amazing news about the chess club! I'm sure the kids will be so happy to have a hobby to partake in. And, yep, people are definitely assholes. Some of them see time as money so why would you spend time volunteering for something if it isn't making you any money?! Buncha dicks.
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, about not leaving you notes in a while. It's not me, it's you. You and all your abbreviations and cryptic shorthand and (I'm guessing) drunken shitfaced nonsensical word salads. Seriously dude, maybe it's all my painkillers but most of the time these days I can't figure out what you're writing about, who it involves, or what planet you're even on. And by the way, I don't have to pay anyone to jerk me off. Groupies are written into my contract. Now, onto the actual serious content: I think that's absolutely tremendous of you to start that program, and I hope you realize your dream of expanding it to other markets. Good luck, really!
from dangerspouse :
Wow. I never would have guessed from the way you write that you're smart enough to play chess. Good for you, man! Don't let those kids bully you. ;)
from whystinger :
Shit Jimbo, sorry that I forgot to say thanks, I got the message! Doing fine so far.
from catsoul :
Holy Crap, you sure have a lot going on. Just keep at it. Sad about Sarah. How is the wee one doing? I love babies so, I could sit and hold them all day. Laila would be outside with me all bundled up while I worked, except for the snow shoveling, I had to wait for Randy to be with her so I could do that. Anyhoo, take some time for you and take care man. =^..^=
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note. I did a proper entry for Stepfie. I'm sitting here now with a foley catheter and... waiting.
from hitch-hike :
What's your email?
from musikoid :
Scratch that last comment. I couldn't resist. But the thing is, I'm cool with the kid now, I was pissed off at first but like I said to Paul, it's not the money, it's just that I want there to be positive communication and trust among us if we're going to play music again, which at this point looks doubtful. There was this sense that on some level, he thought I was horning in on his gig, stealing his fire, getting the most applause on my solos and that kind of thing. But it's not as though he wasn't hot, I was just the new kid on the block and so he was old news to the house. I'm pretty sure that once he understands that because I had already been told I would be paid, the question was quite natural and in no way crass, he'll mellow. I'd be surprised if he doesn't chill after Paul explains things to him, and I'm not going to say anything until I hear back from them. I got a paying solo gig out of the deal, and a new audience. That's worth more to any musician than a mere Jackson and change.
from musikoid :
I'd have blown it up my nose when I was SIXTY-3.
from integrating :
Good plan, tell mgmt to check out security tapes and leave you out of it.
from musikoid :
Got your email and wrote back. Thanks, Jim. I am sorry to hear about the loss of Sarah.
from whystinger :
I see you heard about Sarah. It hit me pretty hard the other day. God, I am going to miss her.
from hitch-hike :
Abigail!! A new friend!!! I don't think kids really forget people, even as babies!
from musikoid :
I'm sorry to hear about Sarah. I didn't know her - she was just a name I saw here a lot. What happened? Send me an email if you can.
from cocoabean :
She will for sure be missed..
from musikoid :
You used to have Welcome to the Jungle as a ringtone, you crack me up.
from integrating :
Hey dude...hangin in there I see. :)
from lust- :
She sounds precious!
from catsoul :
Wow, you are a baby soother!! You are going to be the go to baby soother now grandpa!!! That is so cool. Glad you got to hold her and she brought back some awesome emotional memories for you. You lucky guy you. Take Care. Peace Out. =^..^=
from musikoid :
I'll buzz you right now.
from musikoid :
I'll buzz you right now.
from musikoid :
We actually arranged to talk at 10am tomorrow morning PST, which would be 1pm your time I'm pretty sure. If you can be on Skype then and jump right in that would be cool. I'll send you my Skype ID.
from lust- :
Jeez. That kid is a right sketchbag, but on to happier things-Congrats on the wee babe! Hope everyone's happy and healthy.
from musikoid :
Ah. Well, I should have known it was not the first, cuz you'd have said. Hey do you have Skype? Cloudy Night just logged on. We could all three do a conference call.
from musikoid :
Ah! Just saw that. Mucho congrats - this your first time grand-dad or no?
from musikoid :
Ergh - what do you say? "Yeah, I know you won't rat me out." I used to hear those words a lot. in my world at the time, what they really meant was: "You rat me out and I'll blow your brains out."
from integrating :
Congrats on the new grandbaby!
from catsoul :
Holy shit Batman.....a BABY.....luv babies.....congrats. =^..^=
from komachi :
Amen to that. And...Thank YOU for your entry about "HOPE" (*^^*) I've been taking a Reiki Class or an Art class is a part of that for me. It is kind of a late start (being 50+ and all) but what can go wrong by trying, right? Let us keep on moving forward! (^^)
from integrating :
Hi Jimbo...sounds like things are picking up for you. I'm glad.
from musikoid :
You're welcome.
from musikoid :
If DiaryLand had a "like" button I'd have pressed it on your "We All Need Hope" entry. Boy, don't we ever --
from musikoid :
Oh & by the way thanks for that note. I do hear the love in that (though it took two readings for it to shine thru to me.) Yeah you're right I'm not just some dweeb, I can get off my ass and get my hustle on, all it takes is a positive attitude, confidence, and footwork. Thanks bro. :)
from musikoid :
Yeah I know, the weed fucked me up for a while there. It was for 9 days in a row, and I stopped about a week ago. I'm not going to go out and get any more. Fortunately it takes money and effort to get to Washington State and back, and even walking on all those hills where the Greyhound lets you off so you get to the shitty industrial area on the edge of town where the pot shops are is no fun. Honest I won't do it anymore. Maybe once in a while if somebody offers me a hit at a party or something, but I won't seek it out. I need to get off my butt to make more money, you're right. I also just got a letter from Social Security saying they decided I owe them $226 for not reporting soon enough my move to Idaho. That's pretty tight and I might contest it but you know, welcome to life.
from musikoid :
Just got the note. It sounds like it could be a totally cool gig. I think I need to find some kind of part-time, or maybe piano students or some way to make more money than just social security and the church gig. They've already chopped $140 off of my SS payments because of working and leaving high-cost Cali. I'll let them chop the whole thing if I can find more decent work. I may be an O.G. but being on disability sucks - especially when you know in your heart that you're an able & competent man. Kudos on the new job, happy for you.
from musikoid :
Great! I don't know if those will always be your hours, but I had a part-time once that was 9-12 M-F, and it worked well for me (since I had an evening gig at the time, 4 nights a week.) They're like totally manageable hours, because no matter what kind of shit goes down, you can always tell yourself it won't be long before you get to go home.
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
Hey that's great man! It's cool that your new boss is a nice lady, too. It sounds like it's a good thing you let go of the bus job, because this shuttle job sounds like a mick. Happy for you. I also wanna call again sometimes, because I've really enjoyed our phone calls - I just haven't been getting up as early lately.
from catsoul :
When it rains it pours. Sorry to read about it all. Some days it all goes to shit in a hand basket. Now you should just chill, sip something wet, and do whatever!!!!! Movin' on. Peace Out. =^..^=
from mistfree :
Don't let the PAA have any credit for how you feel. Take the medication and get relief from the pain in your neck. That pain is a sign of your strength and willingness to fight against the bad stuff. You'll win in the end!
from musikoid :
Then you know exactly what I mean. Like I said, "precious." :)
from musikoid :
By the way, thanks for your note of appreciation on the Echo chat. It was too precious not to share. :)
from musikoid :
I think mine's been fixed. I've also been able to catch all of yours - but some of my readers, I still can't. It seems to be an issue with the url not changing when the pages change, thus restricting the number of accessible pages. It should be an easy fix, if we van get Andrew's attention. I've been suggesting people send him an email with "Can you fix DiaryLand, please?" in the subject line. If he gets enough emails with a single subject, he might be more inclined to reply. (It's worked in the past.) I'm also trying to get him to reply to my earlier email in which I told him I haven't been able to change my log-in password. Hum bums back in B-Town used to hover over me at the library while I was composing DiaryLand entries, these cats have way too much time on their hands, and you never know what kind of shit they'll try to pull if they think they're having a brilliant moment.
from musikoid :
Is the most recent entry of mine that you can pull up the one called "All in the Family" or the one called "Friendship Square?" I purposely haven't written one since then.
from musikoid :
Is anybody besides me having trouble with DiaryLand navigation? My most recent entry at this time is but I'm pretty sure you can't access it except by pasting that url into your browser. It doesn't show up in the archives are on index.html. I'm experiencing a few other sources of frustration here as well, so I thought I'd "ask around." Apologize for leaving the same note for everybody - but in this case, it seems the thing to do. Since I have two diaries, the complications are compounded, and so I'm not sure how much of the current navigation issues are mine & mine alone. Let me know, please, if you can. Thanks.
from minstrelite :
Yeah. Check your email.
from integrating :
Looks like you have a wonderful family. :)
from hitch-hike :
Thanks, love!! I appreciate your note and the assurance that I can remain relatively sane!! Lol...
from minstrelite :
Yeah I know what you mean. Same with me.
from musikoid :
Just wanted to say I really enjoyed your Abigail Effect entry. It was kinda profound. Almost anybody whom I went to high school with in California and then reconnected thru Facebook or elsewhere on the Internet has since written me off without saying a word, but two guys I went to the same high school with who stuck with me through friendship over all the forty years or so have never written me off at all. I should have realized as soon as you did that I had nothing to say to those guys. I should probably have just told them I'd found Jesus, and that way they'd have written me off even sooner, and we'd all have been spared four or five years of pointless relational hell. But then running into Abigail kinda drove another point home. One guy from my high school got arrested a while back for robbing like fifteen banks to support his heroin habit. He was the "nicest guy," too.
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, it's like a car payment per ounce alright. But having said that, there's a TON of saffron threads in an ounce. Nobody buys that much. You can actually get enough to flavor a fair number of dishes by purchasing a 10 - 20 dollar packet. And yes, a reputable purveyor is always a good thing. I like Penzey's myself, but there are some others. The reason it's so expensive is that each thread has to be plucked out of a flower by hand, and each flower only has two or three each. Takes for-freakin'-ever to get even a thimbleful, and that's even with child slave labor and their tiny nimble hands (best use of children ever, btw).
from dangerspouse :
Poor Abigail. Such a waste. If only she'd gotten hooked on saffron instead....
from komachi :
Hey, Jimbo. Sorry about that. I unlocked it now.
from cloudy-night :
Hey, a little eye candy can't hurt every once in a while. I thought you were trying to stop working so hard, so why are you trying to find a part-time gig?
from integrating :
Hey Jimbo! Thanks for the note. :)
from whystinger :
No need to explain why you locked. don't do rash things and if you think you need help, get it. There are affordable ways too. Still processing the the thing with the cashier. Got to go to work, reach out if you need me.
from cocoabean :
keep us updated...
from ladyofjazz :
Gone privado. Intrigued.
from hitch-hike :
from musikoid :
doesn't seem to work --
from integrating :
And I should've been more careful sitting down in my chair. Boy I am now!
from integrating :
Oh I didn't faint again, I just fell again. I now have a night light. I'm not made for walking in the dark, lol. And yeah, you're right about the lesser of two evils. I just regret leaving TX. I should have just stuck it out and saved enough to get out of there.
from whystinger :
She was awesome. I have to see if I can date her or if she is only very friendly because she is building a business...
from musikoid :
I was tired last night and down on myself for spending money in a situation where I didn't want to reveal how impoverished I am. So I kinda dodged your rebuttal by focusing on a more-or-less superficial aspect of it (the thing about the acting or cinematic quality). But to be honest with you, as you would want me to be, yes I think pornography sucks. I'm actually surprised that you watch it. It's this horrible industry that's degrading to women, and we as men have better things to do than to buy into it in any way. Sorry if I seem like an overly righteous religious freak, but that's what I believe. I really like you, and I was really surprised at you. OK that's the truth. Now that the cat's out of the bag (as if it was ever in the bag in the first place) I will concede that you're a big boy and you can do what you want. I'm not one to judge, obviously. It's not as though I've never stared at a naked pair of tits in my life. But you have to also understand that you're dealing with a guy who's conditioned from Day One to believe that Zeus is going to zap him with a thunderbolt (or the Roman Catholic variant thereof) if he ever puts his hand on his dick for any reason other than to take a leak. So there's that going on too; and me for myself, I've only got three days of celibacy, which I suppose is nothing, but it's three more days than I've been able to accumulate ever since I've been inside again and didn't have to worry about getting arrested ducking behind some bush in order to take care of the business. So I am relieved and just want to stay on track. But that's just me. Like I said, you're a big boy now and you can make your own choices. When I call you later on today I'll tell you who it was in my family who was in that industry and how they treated her, so you can have a little inside information. Pornography sucks.
from musikoid :
Oh I know I'm terrible. You don't ever want to rent a movie with me of any sort, everybody else is following the story line and I'm complaining about the acting and the camera angles. But believe me I understand.
from musikoid :
I don't know anything about gaming, other than that I once lost the woman I was hoping to marry to a computer game. It must be really addictive - I tried playing a computer game once and I couldn't get into it, it just seemed boring to me. I lived with a bunch of guys that were into Dungeons and Dragons earlier in life, and they all worked at Straw Hat pizza where they played what in those days we called "space games." (Early 80's.) They're all into computer games now, but I must admit that all but one of them became really successful computer guys with top salaries - one of them was making $2,000,000 a year last I heard, and he was buying a car with cash at the time I talked to him. The one who didn't make it married a computer-game-addicted girlfriend with one eye. They both spent all their time playing computer games, and I guess they were on disability or something, and he got really fat. On the subject of porn I have no position other than that it seems boring too. The only time it's interesting is when one is hormonally charged up, and then it becomes immediately uninteresting when BAM! all of a sudden one is not. There was a diarist on here earlier whom I liked who was really into porn and probably a tweaker, although she didn't say so, but it takes one to know one and I could sense the symptoms over cyberspace. She said the same thing. Porn is boring. I've looked at it sometimes and thought - geeze you'd think they could hire better actors and have better directing and incidental music that THIS! So then I tried to write some porn myself, figuring I'd change my name and make a mint. I recently read it, and if I do say so myself, it was much more compelling and provocative than what passes for pornography or even erotica these days. Then I threw it away because I have better things to do and you probably do too bro. Just sayin.'
from musikoid :
maybe tomorrow on the phone - although i may not be awake - if i am at 530 i'll call.
from musikoid :
Yeah I read about that, didn't know what to say. He made a bad call but he didn't deserve that.
from cloudy-night :
Sorry to hear about your friend. That sucks, to lose everything in an instant like that. It is just so sad. I hope that he can recover.
from musikoid :
Probably because my phone's turned off so as to save battery power. It seems to charge up fast but charge down faster. Bear with me on the phone, it's my first smart phone - even once I finally got it to actually ring instead of only vibrate, I realized I didn't how to answer it. Turned out you're supposed to take one of the little icon thingies and DRAG it over to the green phone-like-looking thing, and I'd have never thunk it had I not located a youngster who was more than willing to exhuberantly explore all the options. If I can figure out how not to drain the battery while the phone's turned on, I'll let you know.
from musikoid :
I got your email and replied.
from atwowaydream :
Wherever the H went, you don't need it. Sometimes my upbringing rubs off on me and I pronounce wash like "warsh." And I always pronounce crayon like crown -- I've gotten into petty arguments over it and actually recorded myself pronouncing it just to prove them wrong. They were right. But who the fuck cares? ;)
from dangerspouse :
I want you to know that I took your comment in the most homosexual way possible. Because I know that, deep down, that's how you WANTED me to take it. Faggot.
from musikoid :
Right, what dangerspouse said. Sometimes if I'm depressed and I stop to help somebody out, and I can see that it blesses them, I catch the same blessing in my head, and the depression is relieved. Good on you, matey.
from komachi :
Gazillion thumbs up for you! (^^)
from dangerspouse :
Dude. Giving that ham and cheese sub to the homeless guy makes you a saint. Fuck that Mother Teresa poser. You rock.
from integrating :
Doh! That's so cute about the roses!
from integrating :
Just gotta keep savin my money. Car, then back to Texas where I belong.
from hitch-hike :
Feliz cumpleanos, Jimbo!!! Here's to a good 5-0 and more to come... and **raises glass of Coors Light** here's to Jimbo!!!
from komachi :
Happy belated birthday to you!!
from secret-motel :
A very merry Happy Birthday to you, Half-Century Man!
from musikoid :
Happy Birthday. You need that drunk every now and then. I came back, by the way. I was just in a space of self-disgust.
from integrating :
Happy Birthday Jimbo!
from atwowaydream :
If I were in New York, I'd buy you a beer or five and give you a birthday hug. I hope whether you have a nap or some quality time to yourself or with others that you have a happy birthday!
from lust- :
Happy Birthday! Hope ya get some cake in ya...and maybe the Italian alligator shoes shall come later. Enjoy!
from dangerspouse :
Get the shoes! GET THE SHOES! Seriously. I'm tired of smelling your hideous feet.
from catsoul :
9/1/16...Hello. I vote to spend your money on getting more ink work done. I too have a hard time saying it is ok to spend money on myself. I think it was how we were brought up early on. Pay bills first, take care of family, and lastly ourselves. So again I vote to spend it on getting more ink done. =^..^=
from musikoid :
Leaving DiaryLand now. No more. You have my email & I have your phone number. I'll call you once I get a cell phone or a land line.
from musikoid :
Oh - about your email about the "tambourine" no it's not a tambourine (there is a tambourine player but I haven't used it) - but some kind of excessive cymbal. Your note actually informed me, because I've tuned into the fact that there's too much cymbal work all throughout all of my drum parts, and I'd really like to cut about half of it out and replace it with more solid booming tom sounds and the like, in keeping with the overall tone and feel of the piece in general. Be patient with me though as this will be an arduous technical feat. It's best for me to just stick with my program and still try to get the specific numbers done on 'schedule' - rough drafts of them anyway - and go & fine-tune the rest of it once I've gotten a complete score A-Z that I can look at more closely. Believe me, I have pages and pages of fix-it notes on this puppy.
from hitch-hike :
It's Mercury ducking retrograde for the next 3 weeks. Everything from communications to people flake out during this time then gradually go back to normal.
from musikoid :
Thanks, Jim!
from cloudy-night :
I hope you get to spend some time with Jane soon. So they are working you a lot? I hope you're able to get a few hours cut. My mama is doing fine. She had a slight heart attack and that's why she admitted to the hospital.
from whystinger :
Howdy Jimbo. Sorry I have been gone. Seems like I missed a ton of shit with you. Hey, thinking of hitting Brooklyn in December and maybe NJ.
from hitch-hike :
I hope you're feeling better soon... Who else can you call on to take you someplace and get you smashed (or make you laugh or also cry in their beer with you)? Every friendship comes with one free "consolation night" gift card, so cash it in!
from musikoid :
I'm glad you got to spend some time with Darlene and more on Saturday. Hopefully talk to you tomorrow. Mostly good stuff on my end so far.
from dangerspouse :
Live sex show for you dirtbags, huh? I would, but I'm still on the DL. How 'bout I send wifey over for a solo gig? I'm pretty sure she'd be game, as long as there was booze and pizza. Hey, sorry I haven't been around much. Tough doing this shit with only one fist. FWIW, I've been reading your entries. I just can't type out comments easily. And dude - all your entries lately have been just so fucking sad! I'm not sure I would have left comments even if I was back in full working order. I only know funny.
from jimbostaxi :
from cloudy-night :
You did what you had to do to provide for your family, it is an honorable thing. Yeah, your situation is very similar to that song. Hopefully it won't stay on repeat.
from cloudy-night :
Empty nest syndrome is real, I imagine. Do they ever call you to say hi? I know you know that they love you. Oh and thanks, my mama is doing better. She'll be out of the hospital by Saturday (God willing). So sleep is overrated? I'm going have to take you at your word. I love sleep, it keep me far away from this reality. :P
from musikoid :
Sorry I didn't call. Let's try tomorrow (Thursday) same time. I'm pretty sure I can find your number, but I was looking for it when Jim came over from across the way, and I got distracted. Hope I didn't keep you waiting.
from musikoid :
Ok expect my call. I'm rootin' for you.
from musikoid :
phone call tomorrow morning? Wednesday, that is? maybe 5:30 PST?
from zenayda :
Just sending a hug.
from catsoul :
hey man, love is a bitch sometimes. Families and relationships are hard to understand at times. Hang in there man. Glad you share. I get you. Take care. Peace Out. =^..^= P.S. It will be O.K.
from integrating :
I've been there. (drinking at work) I once had a job that caused me so much stress and anxiety I would have 6 jack and cokes before work. I could still function, I was just calmer.
from cloudy-night :
I hope that you've calmed down by now. I don't how it feels to be in your shoes and I can't even try. I guess it's because I don't all the ups and downs that come along with parenthood. I just think that you should be proud that your daughters are strong and independent -- you raised them well.
from musikoid :
I'm like - afraid I'm going to somehow put my foot in my mouth. You remind me a lot of my friend Bruce and also of me myself, somewhat. I'm actually impressed with how much you care about your daughter. Some dads just don't. Also, I do - no matter what it might look like (if you happened to read my "Besties" entry - but all of that stuff came out me more-or-less stream-of-consciousness. I thought I lost Echo for a year once, over this Father's Day thing, and no matter how many times I messaged her, I never heard from her until the day before Father's Day, 364 days later. But I heard from her last night. Darlene is your flesh and blood and you will not lose her. It's way more important for us to stay in touch with our daughters than it is for our daughters to stay in touch with us, because we're parents, and we're (I hate to say this part) getting a little older, but in their eyes we are still these guys who are immortal and we are Rocks and solid and have always been there for them, so they've got it hard-wired into their skulls that we will always be there - and they take this for granted -- but one day we won't be. That day just is not today. That's why you won't get rid of her stuff or post an ad - but you know all this already. Echo loves me, it's just that when she's been drinking she doesn't want to contact me because she's afraid of how she might come across (as is everybody else whom she might call when she's drunk) but she did a very good job on Facebook late last night - she 'maintained' as they say, and though I knew she was drunk, and she knew that I knew, and I knew that she knew that I knew, and she knew that I knew that she knew that I knew -- it was still better than had she not bothered. So - I feel you and believe me I know how livid you might get - just - I can only pray you don't do anything rash. But you won't. Letting it out in the diary is a good thing. Anyway the tweaker stole my wallet and seventy-five bucks in cash, and my challenge today is not to engage with the tweaker but just to try and figure out how to replace the cards and (once again, maddening though it is) survive until I get the check. I thought those days were over by leaving B-town and all the gang bangers, but God just smacked me in the face and said "Wake up!" They're thugs and thieves all over the place, this guy's just lucky I'm a Christian, that's all I can say. A lot of people are, because if you think YOU have rage issues, you ain't seen nothin' yet. As one Italian to another, you feel me?
from integrating :
:( I'm sorry. Hope the smoke clears soon.
from musikoid :
Yes, you did. :)
from musikoid :
You did - and don't think I've forgotten. I just didn't mention you or D. or D. or Alex or any of the other people who have helped me, because it wasn't the subject at the moment, because I was only bitching about whats-his-name. But you knew that already, so I'm just sayin.'
from patheticness :
aww thanks for your note again.:)
from integrating :
I'm the same as you are. Hugs and staring. I get it.
from cloudy-night :
Hey, I'm glad you get to spend time with your daughter. Hope you both enjoy it.
from jimbostaxi :
from hitch-hike :
Ah, yes, Jimbo!! Here's a happy early birthday to you, too! Aren't our b-days the same day (Tuesday this year)?
from musikoid :
Well - I'm not one to talk about letting go. I sure don't do it too well - but I think I understand your sorrow. Do what you need to do, friend.
from hitch-hike :
Do they still call Darlene's situation an "instant family?" Yeah, I've seen my share of that and it really can go either way. It depends on how much all parties agree on the parenting. If she's willing to give that love, excellent, but she'll need to watch it once it starts to tax her and the relationship.
from patheticness :
Thank you for your note. Of course I do not mind you reading me. I was feeling lonely like nobody was out there lol
from cloudy-night :
Your daughter seems very kind. It takes a lot for a woman to play mother to kids that aren't there own. I bet your daughters miss you too. So you went out on a date? *sexy sounds coming from audience* That's great! I hope you get to see your daughters soon.
from musikoid :
Let go, man. Easier said than done, but our prides & joys are grown women now, and as dads, we have to accept that truth. Glad you're getting to see her, and sorry the visit won't be on happier terms for you.
from musikoid :
Um...your wife is ok with that? And liquor at the next movie?
from musikoid :
Beautiful - I'll make sure my grandson gets that name.
from catsoul :
Thanks for the note. There isn't really a whole hell of alot they can test for. It is a crap shot. I build up an intolerance apparently. The previous one was in Sept. 2014, so I think I have been doing pretty darn good. They wouldn't let Randy into the ER with me because I was so close to dying again. Hahahahaha, I bet those fucking odds again. Go me!!!!!! Take care man. Thanks. =^..^=
from musikoid :
okay cool i'll call u in a bit - i was spacing out trying to make coffee and had to dilute it three times to normalize its power
from musikoid :
Hey Jimbo. Almost called you about an hour ago, but it was getting to be later than the time you'd specified, and I was afraid you might be sleeping. I'm thinking tomorrow morning (Monday) might be a good time to call you, at around 5:30 my time, if that's okay. That would be 8:30 your time. Or, name a time that's convenient for you - thanks.
from hitch-hike :
Ok, maybe waterboarding and sleep deprivation is worthy for people who hate Donna Summer and The Capt. & Tenielle. The firing squad is for people who can't handle me being in a sensory-enhanced state while enjoying YouPorn, bahahahaha!!!
from komachi :
What?!?! (O_o)For what? I mean... what was he thinking?! *sits down and waits for jimbo's update*
from komachi :
buy him a dinner?
from cocoabean :
offer her some cigarettes?
from hitch-hike :
Remove and then change a soiled adult diaper? Hold the string on his arm while he shoots up? Keep the getaway car running so a liquor store can be robbed?
from musikoid :
I thought about that later - you'd have told me if it was close. Sorry for inferring otherwise - I just realized I was probably never gonna get it. And anyway I got your email - HILARIOUS. And of course, no - I probably wouldn't have caught that. It has been known to happen, however.
from musikoid :
This could go on forever. It could be "shit in the cab," "pee in the seat," etc. I'll wait until the results are revealed.
from musikoid :
piss in the car
from zenayda :
Solicit her for sex? Pee on her leg? Snap an upskirt photo? Try to sell heroin? Inquiring minds want to know!
from musikoid :
"tell him he smelled" ??
from komachi :
Oh gosh, that's so messed up!! (><)
from musikoid :
That shit's fucked up! Don't let some grease ball besmirch your rep, that whole thing reeks.
from integrating :
Don't take no shit off nobody!!! (Like I'm one to talk, lol)
from komachi :
So may "P" words you found! (*^^*)
from musikoid :
Yeah I got it all, sent you an email. I might have rambled or ranted a bit, my brother pissed me off. I finally looked through the out-of-the-blue email thread and was able to forgive him by saying to myself: "He's drunk." I deleted everything and hopefully he won't remember any of this in the morning. Just threw me for a loop. But yeah - thanks again, will let you know when this gets finalized, probably within the next 6-10 hrs.
from musikoid :
Sent. Just get back to me with any problems or questions.
from komachi :
I am sure he is, and probably watching you at work.
from ladyofjazz :
The girl wearing scarf painting was from a drawing I sketched of my friend whilst we were supping Guinness in a bohemian bar called Vesuvio in San Francisco. I was continuing on my travels after that for a year so I didn't get to turn it into a painting until I got home. I didn't like the look of the pints of Guinness after painting them so I had to repaint some of that pattern after replacing them with coffee mugs. That was the first painting I had done since finishing art college 4 years previous, so it was quite satisfying, though it isn't really finished. Her face is too cartoony and I can't draw hands.
from ladyofjazz :
Well... maybe not so romantic if I tell you I finished the relationship and then gave him the picture. After some time had passed... anyway, he's happy with another and I'm the lonely one. We are good friends now though.
from musikoid :
Yeah that was weird. I can't remember if I wrote about what pre-empted that, how this ex-girlfriend of mine showed up three times in a row and won't acknowledge my existence, and it depressed me, and when I tried to discuss my depression with three people (all of whom happened to be pastors) none of them were the least bit sympathetic. It just triggered a temporary disdain for humanity that I thought was permanent at the time.
from integrating :
Hey Jimbo! Missed reading your diary.
from musikoid :
But if you're referring to the plan to submit my public writings on the topic of homelessness to an editor who owns a publishing company in Chicago and wants to publish them in an anthology, I'm afraid I do like that plan. It lets me off the hook.
from musikoid :
Which plan? I've made so many different plans lately I'm having a hard time remembering. However, if you mean the one in which I decided I would have no contact with any human being whatsoever between now and the day I die (with the key exception of three or four appointed spokespeople whom I would delegate to speak on my behalf in the event of the emergency, and whom I would only contact in such an event), I would tend to agree with you. That plan was pretty sucky. It only lasted a few minutes though. Problem was it took me about ten hours to find an Internet connection so I could remove the plan, but by that time it had already "saddened" a few of my friends on Facebook.
from musikoid :
from atwowaydream :
My condolences for dq. No matter how abrasive someone is in life, it's always a tragedy when they pass on. Sorry I haven't been as active on messenger, but know that you're in my thoughts. And your right -- some people can't be bought. Those are my kind of people. And glad to know another fan of Mr. Robot!
from ladyofjazz :
Hey thanks for the comment. Funny, everyone likes the bench painting. I gave it to my ex, it was the bench we sat on the night we fell in love. Or maybe we were just super high coz it didn't last long.
from sugamaniak :
Uh thats really weird an older man just died in my sisters apt building..and they left the windows open because he had been there a couple days!
from hitch-hike :
I'm sorry to hear about DQ. It's always jarring to have a colleague-friend pass away. May he now be free of suffering and pain.
from komachi :
I am sorry about dq's passing. I can't find words here... I hope his family and friends are ok... and also.. I hope that memories of him can be shared with them.
from musikoid :
I get it - he was the dispatcher. It sounds like it hit close to home. It's hard to know what to say in light of death - everybody deals with it differently. My dad infused in me that the human spirit is capable of dealing with anything and everything - and he would often add "even death" -- he had to float in the ocean for three days with the dead bodies of his buddies all around him after a kamikaze plane split his ship in half, so I guess he would know -- but what was weird was to watch him deal with his own death when it was inevitable. I hope I can do the same. I know this was heavy. My sister was just diagnosed with breast cancer and I'm in a weird space. Email me your phone number again and let me know when's a good time to talk.
from musikoid :
Was D.Q. a cab driver?
from dangerspouse :
That sucks. Had a friend and fellow announcer die the same way a few years ago. Didn't show up for work, found him dead on the floor from diabetic shock. Terrible disease to have.
from cloudy-night :
I'm sorry to hear your friend has died. That's awfully sad. Hope you, her family and everyone else that cared for her will be alright.
from musikoid :
But that's not the same thing as 'organized religion' (the phenomenon en masse.)
from musikoid :
Oh - I answered the email earlier tonight (or this morning) - not a big deal. I also had some thoughts on what you had said regarding 'organized religion' but didn't include them. I've noticed that people who belong to a small, non-fanatic church and who attend regularly seem to me to be happier and more at peace with themselves than most people. I'm going by my experience with the Lutherans, mainly - my earlier church in Burlingame, and the one in Berkeley. There's something of a connection & community that you don't get in too many other places.
from musikoid :
meant - "sober" lol
from musikoid :
It's hard not to worry about my daughter. She usually does make good choices *except* in the areas of personal male-female relationships and alcoholic beverage consumption. If the two go hand and hand I definitely worry. This last guy was sobet and on psych meds but she broke up with him because he didn't want to marry and have kids yet. Then she relapsed on alcohol two days later. No idea if she's drinking now, or sober. But she knows I'm sober - maybe that's what counts.
from cloudy-night :
Man, it sucks when you visit a place that has fond memories and it's not the same. But things change...
from catsoul :
Time sure doesn't stand still and I get it, sometimes you see it differently. Chin up. Just remember what it was like and smile. Take Care. =^..^=
from musikoid :
That does sort of douse the flame a little. Thanks for the heads-up.
from musikoid :
You write too many more entries like 'Flower Child' and I'll be ducking into too many nearby bathrooms needing to take care of the business. Thanks a lot, bro.
from whystinger :
So you barbecued on charcoal or a gas grill? Do it more!
from cloudy-night :
Your last fare seemed very interesting...*wink, wink, nudge, nudge* Flower, fucking power! I can't believe that the people you rented from didn't recognize you, but I'm not really all that surprised. Oh and as far as "Girl Meets World", c'mon... I'm a 90's kid. I watched Boys Meet World, so I had to watch it... I didn't want to man, but there weren't any sports on and I just watched it because I wanted to see Danielle Fishel... she's hot. :P But who doesn't like Spice Girls? I sing "2 Becomes 1" quietly in my head sometimes.
from dangerspouse :
Hey thanks man, I appreciate it :)
from cloudy-night :
Lol, zing!
from cloudy-night :
Wow, so much baby daddy drama. Relationships are horri.... I mean hard. :P
from hitch-hike :
Hey love (affectionately, lol)... I hope you have a good weekend and have your choice of fun or relaxation!!
from musikoid :
I also forgot - my apologies, and likewise. It was kind of a strange Father's Day over here. I was preoccupied with some stuff that my best female friend was going through, over her dad, that was all bad. Made me think. I'm glad you liked the youtubes, though. There should be more where those came from, soon.
from dangerspouse :
HA! It's listening to tapes of myself that helps me get it up without a blue pill, so fuck you. BWAHAHAAA! (BTW, I was on WHLI for years. Really miss that show.)
from dangerspouse :
Nice tat. Put it on your forehead. It'll be an improvement.
from lust- :
Shopping around for the best artist is key! It's good that your other artist already recommended someone else, but make sure you check out his portfolio and decide if his style is suitable for the piece you want. There are so many talented artists out there, definitely take your time to find the right one! I mean, it's your money and your want something that will last. Good luck!
from lust- :
Rad tattoo idea! Hope it works out.
from integrating :
Thanks for the note Jimbo. :)
from integrating :
Don't let anybody contaminate your soul. Kill 'em with kindness. If I say hi to somebody and they don't respond I get right up in their face and say real loud, "HIIII!!" Makes me happy. Fuck em if they don't....Oh I'm one to talk. But I don't like getting yelled at and I can't yell back because I'll get kicked out on my ass so I just stay in my room. Counting down the days to my flight to MT. 12 days and counting!
from integrating :
Yikes!Jaws! Hang in there Buddy :)
from cloudy-night :
That sucks, sorry to hear that the experiment failed. But that's the awesome thing about experimentation; if one thing doesn't pan out, you can always trying something else that will help you arrive to the expected result. Good luck my friend, I'm cheering you on!
from integrating :
Sorry things didn't work out like you'd hoped for.
from musikoid :
Yeah, right.
from cloudy-night :
That was a nice story. The small moments in life are often more memorable than the big ones.
from dangerspouse :
Lynn? THAT Lynn? I did her.
from integrating :
Thanks for the birthday wishes! <3
from musikoid :
I was just pondering whether it's normal to be racist in a bar. I would say it's common, but not normative. I wouldn't assume there was racism, just because it was a pub or tavern, of sorts. It's not in the defining description. But racism, wherever it is, is brought out by the disinhibitions of alcohol, and the racist may be more outspoken then. That's kind of what I think. But then it matters, what area the pub is, who is its clientelle, is it a neighborhood or family thing, and so forth. A lot of factors.
from dangerspouse :
Jesus. Tough room. Pretty STUPID room too, if they didn't get the subtle nuance of my previously brilliant note. Oh well, what do you expect from someone on the Island. Buncha City wannabe's. Fine, how 'bout this card: "Sorry I killed your son's hamster. And you can get those blood stains off his sheets with a little bleach. You're welcome!"
from dangerspouse :
Yeah. It's called a "Get Well Soon. Please." card.
from dangerspouse :
SUUUUUUUUU-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! You got a purty mouth, boy....
from whystinger :
Congratulations on passing the test. You wanted out and you should get out and into a new job with less stress for you. You will begin enjoying life a lot more and you KNOW you can do this job and will enjoy it. Go for it! Also, if you paid for that office chair, take the damn thing with you, especially since the place is sucking the life our of you, unless a coworker wants to buy the chair from you.
from integrating :
Hahaha! Take that chair!
from cocoabean :
Dude, do what you want. I would think bus driving would be safer than taxi driving any day!
from integrating :
Thanks for the note dad has plenty of money, he knows I'm saving for a car, he could throw a little at me. Me and his sister are the only ones who have stood by him all these years because he is such a ...I don't know.
from dangerspouse :
Damn, Darlene's had an eventful couple of days. I hope things get more boring for her soon!
from musikoid :
Hey congratulations!! That's so great - now you can expand. Yeah, I was in Naples for 8th, 9th, and 10th grades. My dad was in the Navy stationed at Allied Forces Southern Europe, and I went to a high school for American military dependents. My brother has flown back there in recent years, and I've often wanted to. It's actually true that the sky is bluer there.
from secret-motel :
Big congratulations on passing that test! Do you realize how inspiring that is? Makes me think I should take steps to create a brighter future for myself.
from catsoul :
Congratulations on your achievements!!!!! God that has to feel so, so awesome!!!!!! Now another opportunity is at hand!!!!! Yippie Skippy!!!!! Fantastic Man!!!! Couldn't be happier, you should celebrate and get a tattoo for sure now!!!!!! Take Care. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Great job passing the test, buddy! We didn't think you could do it. Now get your head out of the future and back up your ass where it belongs.
from cocoabean :
Awesome!! I think you made a good choice, money isn't everything...
from bantenhut :
Thank you for the encouragement, Jimbo! Sorry you were read the riot act upon saying 'hun.' That's a pretty normal word here in Texas. Good for you for having 2 possible jobs lined up! Doesn't hurt to have options! :)
from musikoid :
Oh - and good luck on the road test. I don't think you're a pill head by the way - just makes me slightly wish I had a Xanax script. Anyway I'll be rootin' for you.
from musikoid :
That makes sense. I lived in Naples for three years - in Pozzuoli actually, just North of there, but went to school in Naples. Could see Capri, Ischia, and Mt. Vesuvio from the doorstep of my villa.
from portlypete :
Just remember, loyalty is an outdated concept. Your boss has worked out that a handshake is waaaaay cheaper than replacing a trusty member of staff. As for clothes for the interview - neat and tidy; you're not applying for a place on the board just yet! Good luck.
from cocoabean :
We are all behind you!
from dangerspouse :
She's right - clothes or not! So go nekkid. You'll nail it! Lol....seriously, good luck. Go Jimbo, go! Pullin' for ya here :)
from atwowaydream :
You've got this, Jimbo! Fancy clothes or not, xanax or not, I have absolute faith in you!
from musikoid :
Congrats on passing that 19-A test, whatever exactly it was that wasn't the road test. My commitment to D-Land in general has been sparse, and I'm wading back in to try and keep track. I wonder if you are of Italian or maybe Sicilian descent - just triggered by the thought of your cooking lasagna, and some of the table talk. Half Sicilian myself here - if we're not getting mad, we're figuring out how to get even. Oh, and we don't forget very easily. It's strange stuff to work with at times.
from dangerspouse :
Jimbo! Dude, you nailed it. I'm now The Donald's official hair fluffer. $7.50/hr and all the ex-wives I can eat. Sweet! (FYI, when I was on the WOR morning show a couple of years ago he was a regular call-in guest. I feel so dirty....). Ok, gotta get back to the deer porn. I paid a buck for it!
from secret-motel :
Thank you for those kind words, Jimbo. You really are a good guy.
from hitch-hike :
Marley and I thank you for the well-wishes. The little beastie likes to jump, just doing what doggies do, but we just have to be careful.
from cloudy-night :
Good luck!!!
from comebacktome :
Thanks for your 2c. I need to explain however that it's not THAT easy. We have been on a date and he had to work for that, I didn't go home with him then and there etc. And technically I have only offered to hang again, but with the understanding that what happens after that will not be in the realms of relationship territory, but there may be the option for benefits. He has given me some potential times, so watch this space!
from secret-motel :
Thanks, Jimbo. That's very kind of you to say. And a hearty congratulations on passing that test! A tip of the glass to you.
from lust- :
Congrats, Jimbo! Imma have a beer, or two, or ten...or twenty for you, as well!
from catsoul :
Just posted two pics now on FB =^..^=
from hitch-hike :
I thought of you and your current workplace when I saw this clip! It's titled "The Dude Hates The Eagles!"
from hitch-hike :
Hahahah!! Nice diary photo! So you like Morena (the actress)? Lol... It made me smile!!
from stepfordtart :
Its a moot poinmt anyway - I dont think DL allows for tinkering with user names. This isnt FB, you know! (thank goodness!) ;-) s x
from integrating :
Who's the girl in the picture?
from stepfordtart :
Does this mean youll be changing your user name to jimbosbus? ;-) s x
from cloudy-night :
I'm glad to hear that you go to your class everyday, not matter what. I envy your resolve.
from atwowaydream :
Hey Jimbo! I just wanted to sincerely thank you for the email you sent me earlier -- I definitely appreciated it and ended up smiling while at work. I'm going to write you back soon, and I'll send you my FB information if you indeed still would like to be friends.
from hitch-hike :
You dreamed of Morena? You mean Morena Baccarin? Hahahah!! Even I wouldn't mind dreaming of her :D I look like her-- in my dreams!!!
from musikoid :
Not cliche - I've used it myself recently, to get through tough blocks late at night when there's thugs at every turn. Or - there seems to be. It's definitely the kind of thing that works if a person is humble and knows where he stands with God. Lately, I haven't been that - but it still applies.
from musikoid :
The more criminslly minded street people are seeing the great difficulty I'm having walking, very slow, tedious, nerve-ridden. It's making me really vulnerable to theft and violence. Glad you're praying. I'll write an entry if I can.
from musikoid :
The verdict on the last day of group seems a bit dicey. Hope you get it. I just wrote about my Facebook hook-up happening. I'm glad she and I have mutual friends. I'm going to write a second entry for Sunday night now. This gig with that black gal has saved me a few bucks.
from cloudy-night :
I'm glad training is going well, in spite of the few hiccups you're having. It sounds exciting, what you're doing.
from whystinger :
I can surely understand... I have worked with folks like that.
from catsoul :
I wish I could, I wish I might, I think I will have to pass tonight. I remember those days. Take Care. =^..^=
from cloudy-night :
That's awesome how a little conflict can lead to friendship. I wish it could always be like that...
from catsoul :
Glad you a adjusting and hopefully enjoying your new job transition. Also thanks. =^..^=
from cocoabean :
Yay for a good first training day!
from whystinger :
Hmmm, I didn't find your email. I also cannot find your address. Time to clean out my mail box.
from musikoid :
Haven't got over to my email yet but wanted to let you know I got your note. I'll reply when I can.
from integrating :
Yay!! Congratulations!!
from atwowaydream :
Sorry! I was texting that message and screwed up my own email. [email protected]
from atwowaydream :
No problem. Just email me at [email protected] :)
from portlypete :
Norma is so right. There will always be people you'd dearly love to slap in any job. My ex boss was a manhole in the extreme! I survived by getting to know his weaknesses, such as a fear of anything involving work and a penchant for swapping wives. Knowledge is power, man. I used to be so friendly to him and he hated it when I occasionally turned on him. Just 'cos he was paid more didn't mean he's more valuable to the company, and he knew it. Good luck.
from hitch-hike :
You totally gotta do what's right for you. It's true that no place is perfect, but workplaces tend to be on a continuum of dysfunction and toxicity, and the key is to find a level you can safely manage without it eroding into other areas of your life. Nowadays, people move on so much that it's like a merry-go-around, and it's pretty understandable that people just plain move on (and for a variety of reasons: money, location, bored with what they're doing, etc...).
from cocoabean :
I agree, keep your plans to yourself until they are a sure thing. I lost lots of weight cutting out sugar... but you have to be careful, it is in everything!
from integrating :
Hello Jimbo..Haven't been on in a while. Came to catch up on my buddys..that is so're dieting (lifestyle change), and so am I. I start today.
from portlypete :
It's been a while, and I have NO IDEA who Mr Black is. However, I feel sure he needs to be dissed in a big way if you saved his life and he didn't even have the courtesy to say, "Hmm, that was nice!". On the other hand, if you flirt with F***book, you deserve what you get (IMHO).
from bantenhut : that is shady. Sorry you had to be involved with such a jerk. You're awesome! He doesn't get it. Also, thank you for the comment! :)
from whystinger :
You still rock!
from musikoid :
I'm sure you'll pass. I always wondered what it would be like to be a bus driver. They seem so laid back, just sitting there driving all day. If I had a driving job, though, I'd rather it be delivery. I should probably get my license reissued. Anyway, good luck with that! I'm rooting for you.
from zenayda :
from whystinger :
What's up with the veggies? I am curious and as Catsoul mentioned, make sure you have some protein, even if it is vegetable protein. That will help avoid the lightheadedness and curb hunger pains. Sounds like the new job situation is going well, congrats!
from catsoul :
hi....don't forget protein. Congrats on the new employment. Good for you. Change is tough, just ride the wave. Take Care. =^..^=
from musikoid :
I just caught up with your last several entries. I guess you're in training for your new job now? How do you like it? I didn't catch whether this one is with the bus company or somewhere else.
from hitch-hike :
Oooh.... I hope this new thing goes well!! Is this on the side or are you saying sayonara to the joint?
from secret-motel :
from cocoabean :
from hitch-hike :
Yee-hah!! Way to go with the test!!
from integrating :
Yes, I have to keep reminding myself that I will not live here forever.
from zenayda :
Huzzah! Good job on the permit!
from cocoabean :
Yay! It gives you a good feeling to know you are making progress on something!
from zenayda :
Having friends helps, but I also sense that another reason you feel better is because you took action and took some steps to change things and make your life better. That's always empowering. I'm sure you'll nail the other two tests, too.
from musikoid :
I get bored easily too.
from musikoid :
Thanks haha - sorry I've fallen behind on yours. Once I get relaxed and have my own comp and some privacy it will be easier to maintain things. Today being my birthday I had to deal with thanking these multitudinous people on Facebook, and it got to be vicious. Things will clear up soon.
from hitch-hike :
I agree with Stinger, Mr. Jimbo. Mine keep me sane (most of the time) and I'm extremely grateful for them (even if they piss me off once in a while). Keep up the good work with the CDL... new roads, literally, yes?? **Hugs**
from whystinger :
Mind Unfucked... you needing a friend is pretty sad? Nope, I don't fucking think that is sad at all, that is being HUMAN, that is real life. Having a friend is good, having someone that can listen is real good too. Keep it going and make sure you are taking care of you, so you can be around to take care of your family. I think Jimbo needs to do something for Jimbo. Treat yourself and get some healthy habits going, maybe some exercise, walking or something. I know I need to crank up my healthy habits again. Peace brother. You have my email if you need it, just be aware I don't always check it. I am glad you are feeling better.
from musikoid :
20, eh? Now it all makes sense. :)
from integrating :
Oh, lol...slaps forehead
from musikoid :
How old is Darlene?
from integrating :
What about St. James? (I have to shave my head now. I hopped a ride to the store with Kris. I'm still kinda shaky.) Forgot to mention my penance...had to send a greeting card to each parent and tell them how I felt about them. They loved it.
from vxxen :
I LOVE your face thank you, jimbo! Lol
from komachi :
Hey, Jimbo. Haven't been able to come on here.. Yes, it's good. Lots to adjust, though~ (^^;)
from musikoid :
Just got your note. I think it does help to have a strong support group, large enough so that someone's always available to call at any time. I don't have one myself, just a loose-knit one, mostly friends from the Internet. They're hard to come by. About the crying, my dad taught me that men don't cry; he was a military man; that was just the way it was. I never saw him cry until he found out I was a drug addict; that was very hard for both of us. Anyway, some people are said to use crying as a technique to get their way, but I think that most of that is myth. Usually a person doesn't break down crying until they've reached the breaking point. All I can say for now -
from musikoid :
This is only my opinion, but if you blubber once in a while, it's a good thing. It means the channels are open, and you're in touch with your true heart. I can't cry for the life of me. Today I came close a couple times, though...
from musikoid :
Not sure I grasp the full situation - just caught up with your entries. I don't know how old Darlene is, for one thing. But anyhoo I think you did right by just talking to her to gather information. Once you have reached the conclusion that David is all right, you can gracefully step back from there. And, it seems you have done so.
from vxxen :
LOL yeah, yeah. You and your milk joke lol
from hitch-hike :
My vote is stay out of it. Offer a neutral listening ear if she wants it but ultimately she will make her own decision. Good luck!
from whystinger :
Thanks. Yes, traffic accidents definitely suck! I am glad I am not hurt, but now I am going to have a tone of paperwork.
from whystinger :
I meant to tell you the other day, Danger can't pull your MC for about 30 more days - remember, he admitted he played the flute. Ha ha ha!
from bantenhut :
Wow, I'm the only one who votes that you might want to at least say something. You all live together, right? If that's the case, then their arguments are affecting you to some extent. My opinion on the matter is this: make sure your kid knows that you support her, no matter what happens. So if he's not the one, that's okay, you still have her back. Lending an ear can also help. And if there's a bun in the oven -- well, that can be undone. And there's nothing at all wrong with not having a baby she's not ready for. Expressing these ideas (that you are there for her with or without a baby, and with or without the guy) is the most important thing, at least from my point of view. Good luck!
from catsoul :
No don't get involved. You don't want to down the road be told that you said anything. They have to figure it out for themselves. Have a good day. Take Care. =^..^=
from integrating :
I would stay out of it. They'll probably get back together and you will have your hands clean.
from cocoabean :
My vote would be to stay completely out of it.. its their lives. You can listen to your daughter, but you will end up in the middle if you try to fix it
from hitch-hike :
...I want to find a phrase that is so obscure and arcane, and so blazingly academic that I want to lose the interest of others after the third word! Bahahaha!!
from hitch-hike :
That's right! I'm going to do a nude interpretive dance of the contextuality of Kissinger's decisions in light of the Foucaultian interpretation of power and influence, with Pitbull playing in the background and the presenter being partially nude to demonstrate feminine empowerment and freedom of self-expression (bahahaahah)!! Once again, your spidey senses are serving you well :D
from zenayda :
Wow, so many changes going on with you. But good ones, it sounds like! Don't worry. You put down flooring. The MC should still be valid. :-)
from vxxen :
As long as she knows she can go to you for anything and we'll be there to make her feel better, she'll be ok :)
from vxxen :
Awwww! You're am awesome dad! The same thing my dad says to me :)
from vxxen :
I LOVE that you're and.nah, I'm in Staten island. I'm.not going out that far :'(
from musikoid :
Thanks, Jimbo. :)
from komachi :
Congratulations, Grandaddy Jimbo!
from integrating :
I see you are hanging around here too. Somehow I clicked on bethshort I believe? Read her notes and she is an interesting person.....You made me laugh with your note about what to confess. Oh, believe me..I have a lot to say..but I can't go back to bed til I'm mentally exhausted or I will start replaying all the drama of a former life. One that I'm lucky to have lived through. If you want to call it lucky. This should be an entry.
from integrating :
from whystinger :
Congrats Grandad! The ice-cream was an excellent idea. You rock.
from lust- :
You seem like an amazing dad and will surely be an amazing grandpa. Congrats!
from dangerspouse :
That's more like it. Here's your Man Card back.
from hitch-hike :
Grandpa? You called that one, baby! Ya gots a good radar!
from dangerspouse :
Jesus Fucking Geriatric Christ. Now that you're an old fogey get-off-my-lawn grandfather, you lose your sense of humor? What the fuck kind of serious and sincer response was THAT? You march right back to my diary pal and leave me a note that still shows me you're the dirtback foul mouth cocksucker I came to know and love. DO IT!
from dangerspouse :
Cool! Who's the father? Do they know?
from integrating :
I see you're happy to be a grandpa!
from musikoid :
You know what they say - the grass is always greener on the other side of the border. ;)
from integrating :
Thank you for the note and I'm glad your furbaby is allright.
from whystinger :
Glad Bella is improving and I applaud you for reaching out to family and burying the hatchet. That is big and takes a big person. I remember after my (at the time) father-in-law passed away, his son and son's wife came and met with my wife and mother-in-law. He said "my Dad and Uncle C were at odds, but now that they are gone, we are family and let's just be family again. I appreciated Rob for reaching out and I also applaud you for reaching out. That rocks Jimbo.
from hitch-hike :
Everyone I know who visited Italy loved it! I never heard stories of muggings, druggings, panhandling, or detestable people. If anything, people want to stay there! Hahaha! I guess I could get used to a lifestyle where you have long lunches, chats with your friends and neighbors, siestas, and 2 dinners! How can you go wrong!?
from hitch-hike :
That was quite an intense day!! I hope things go well for your family.
from musikoid :
Don't feel bad. I have a hard time figuring out how a zipper works even *without* the three shots & three beers. :P
from msafire :
HA HA I feel like I have missed a few too many episodes of the soap opera "The Compound" so had some catching up to do. made me laugh as always.... thanks for posting Bella pic, hope she is healing well. U r a good man jimbo even is sometimes C#)@7* up but damn call a cab next time man!! Glad things are overall well enough...
from catsoul :
Glad Bella is improving. Give her hugs and alot of tender loving care. Keep us posted. =^..^=
from integrating :
What was wrong with Bella?
from musikoid :
Whew - that's unthinkably expensive. Good that she is home safe, however.
from dangerspouse :
I'm really relieved to hear that. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my place and let me know. I hope she stays healthy for a lot longer now. All the best.
from musikoid :
That's awful about Bella. I hope you can manage the surgery. It sounds expensive, not to mention she's hanging on for dear life. I'm definitely rooting for you guys.
from dangerspouse :
That sucks big time. Poor Bella. I hope it works out ok for her. I joke around about almost everything under the sun, but dogs are Love Incarnate and I never wish ill on them at all. Keep us posted.
from cocoabean :
Home Depot sells a primer for self-stick tiles..
from dangerspouse :
You have NO HEAT in this fucking weather? Dude, call 311 and find the nearest shelter! Jesus. That's probably why the tiles aren't sticking either. What sticks to solid ice??
from dangerspouse :
HA! I see comedy at your compound is not confined to your basement. Yeah, sending the Scalia's a card in my name might give them the wrong impression. Maybe you could send them a follow-up card filled with anthrax spores? Might be more accurate. But thanks buddy. Even though it was a complete fuck-up on your stupid fucking part, I know you meant well :)
from integrating :
sulphur smell, LOL. You're right. That WOULD smell better than aging B.O.
from cocoabean :
Carpet will be your cheaper option, but you could actually put the vinyl in yourself...
from whystinger :
Sorry to hear about the issues with the Post Office. For some reason, the local post office did NOT like my temp address and insists that my new address be ridiculously abbreviated. They used to be so cool, what happened to them? No, I don't think it weird that you drive 8 miles for a few things. Shit, I have to drive 7 miles to the grocery store... and I do still drive the 23 miles to my old favorite bar, i just don't get there often.
from integrating :
Oh the headaches of dealing with the friggin Post Office!
from musikoid :
I linked to your last entry in a nasty email to Howard.
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks man! C'mon over for cake and Maker's Mark. I'll call you a cab :)
from whystinger :
Very interesting and deep. I am wondering about those white rocks... ;-) Looks like a few of us are going through those dry spells of sex.
from dangerspouse :
What the fuck is this shit? When did you go all fucking Mr. Deep? Not allowed, buddy!
from stepfordtart :
Hahaha! Excellent anecdote that put a smile on my face :-) s xx PS DANGERSPOUSE! FFS!!!! *smh*
from cloudy-night :
Whoa, that's a lot of snow! You probably need a snow week, a day doesn't seem like enough.
from dangerspouse :
Killing yourself in the snow because you're horny? Idiot. Your dog is ON HER PERIOD. She can't get pregnant! You're welcome.
from dangerspouse :
So Jimbo, how much did you guys get? I saw Cuomo shut down the roads by midday. Were you able to get any fares in before he did?
from komachi :
Thanks, Jimbo! (^^)
from dangerspouse :
You're not fooling me. You've wanted to give me that full body search for-freakin'-ever, haven't you. All that other bullshit you wrote was just a smoke screen to make it seem legit. Fucker.
from dangerspouse :
from komachi :
hahaha. Can you go shopping with me next time? Yes, they did, and with an enthusiasms of I-am-giving-you-a-great-offer! I was like... no... I have cash.... (-_-;)
from hitch-hike :
Hey love, greetings from Florida! I think I'll be back a little more. It's always a pleasure to read and hear from you!!
from musikoid :
Gimme your phone no. again if you will - I'm sitting here gushing like an avalanche in ativan withdrawals. I'm with my daughter Ek and her boyfriend Brek and the Cek. I'm crazy, comrade.
from dangerspouse :
I can't BELIEVE those fuckers wouldn't throw in valet service. America's going to hell, I tell ya. And fuck that Fred asshat too - he deserved it. Glad you at least got a new case, though. Buncha fuckers. Sheesh.
from komachi :
Hahaha. Good job. I once was asked if I'd like to finance a 30 dollar phone charger I was buying. P.S. I have a lot to catch up there on your diary, Jimbo.
from integrating :
Lava lamps and mirrors are cool!....Can't hold me to the bald head! I might need a ride to the Dr. lol, but I will be praying the whole time. As usual.
from integrating :
I always wanted a room like the inside of Jeannie's bottle. I think that'd be totally rad.
from integrating :
Take over that garage! Man cave!
from whystinger :
"Huge garage out back." I am so damn jealous...
from secret-motel :
Yeah, it's a nice feeling. Especially when you consider all the parts of the world that get little or no rain. California, for the past few years, has been droughtifornia. So, I appreciate the return of steady rain and a much-needed cleansing of these streets.
from dangerspouse :
It's about fucking time. How could you not be happy during a winter WITH NO FUCKING SNOW DEATH HELL OHTHEHORROR!!!! Eh?
from integrating :
The red crayon? I'm leaning toward periwinkle. I just can't decide!
from stepfordtart :
Your house, your clothing choices. I recommend Batman cape. And nothing else. ;-) s x
from cloudy-night :
Man, Star Wars was good. But it seemed to be similar to the first episode of the first trilogy to me. Good luck with the lottery, I bought two tickets myself. Quite honestly, would be honest just winning a million. Would probably go crazy if I won more than that.
from dangerspouse :
DUDE!! I'll bring the ring to your Lottery Victory Celebration Party! Don't forget the $500K reward you offered :)
from lust- :
Thank you! Happy New Year to you, as well. Hope this year provides you with the r&r that you deserve.
from dangerspouse :
Ha! I like the way you think. Ok, if Woot ever puts a 600-inch TV on sale, I'll take your advice. I can only imagine what The Powerpuff Girls Movie will look like on THAT! Lol...if you get any more members of your family you're gonna run out of letters of the alphabet. Happy New Year to you too, bud!
from cloudy-night :
A hotel, huh? Sometimes it's nice to be surrounded by a lot of people, but not often. It's nice that you got to rest, at least your employers realized you needed it. Me and my brother switching places. Oh no, we're paternal twins. He's like 6'3" and I'm just under 6' - don't think it will work. :P The job I was looking into has already been taken. I want to leave the hospital scene altogether. But I won't lie, it has great benefits and that's the only reason I'm staying for now. I will try to get some certifications and move into the information technology field, that's what I want to do anyway.
from bantenhut :
hah! Yes, MC bantenhut, lol! :D Such terrible rap!
from cloudy-night :
I hope F gets better. I know how you feel. Sometimes I have a hard time writing down serious things because I know that it will make it real if I did. Hope things get better.
from stepfordtart :
Wishing I didnt know how BOTH of you feel. (((hugs))) s xx
from catsoul :
Happy Day to about just taking baby steps to voice your feelings. I know it is hard to face the truth. Anyhoo, sunshine here makes everything sparkly. Take Care. =^..^=
from komachi :
Happy New Year!!
from whystinger :
Happy New Year Jimbo!
from integrating :
Hoping you're feeling at home in your new casa. Have a Happy New Year's Eve!
from whystinger :
I too had a huge crush on Salma Hayek. Now Sofia Vergara is more in the news and I like 'em both. Probably comes from when I dated that Spanish chick from the Bronx... Hispanic, big boobs, long, dark hair and big brown eyes...
from musikoid :
I don't know if I've ever done that at work where my employers could witness it, but I do it routinely with cameras in motel room lobbies and especially those cameras they put on the corridors of U.C. campuses to see if homeless cats who sleep there are doing anything fishy.
from integrating :
jeez louise about V losing her kids. That's such a shame, and right at Christmas time. Poor kids, they're the ones that suffer the most.
from musikoid :
I talk to them directly when I do that, facing the camera, and hoping they're listening.
from musikoid :
Downer about the danger. I would have freaked too if a stranger seemed to be prowling around my property. I wouldn't have shot him, however, because the mental health agents took my 2nd Amendment Rights away from me for five years. Or - Obama gun control advocates disguised as mental health workers. In California, you never know.
from lust- :
Ugh. It'll be sorted soon. Will be nice to finally see the funds! I would've gone to check on the intruder with a weapon in hand. Hopefully you get more of a heads up next time!
from whystinger :
Get a Louisville slugger for intruders. Much less jail time, just don't kill them. Or get a strong version of pepper mace, "Bear repellant." It fucking works.
from komachi :
"a driver was robbed at knifepoint !" That's scary.... :( I am glad he didn't get hurt!!
from integrating :
"How dare he leave his blood here!!!!! " Haha! Made me laugh. :P
from integrating :
"no stab wounds but the guy did get his wallet so he had to go home to get money to check out because the company doesn't accept robbery or death as and excuse." Geez!
from bantenhut :
What an adorable puppy! Also, I've called those hotlines several times (probably 6-7 total,) no shame whatsoever in that. They're there to help. I hope they did help you. If nothing else, it's sometimes nice to have an ear. And you have an unexpected roommate? I hope that's going well for you!
from bantenhut :
Hi, Jimbo! Thanks for reading and noting! :) Well I don't see my dad too often, so it could be him. Or the fiance. Oh, and I don't actually work at McDonald's (not that there's anything wrong with that) - I was just making a comparison. Who knows what it means? Ha! But thanks again for reading! :)
from musikoid :
No problem.
from musikoid :
People I know who are in that mode (dealer, hustler, etc.) may engage in many fine conversations, through which they give you the idea that they're your friend, but basically they're only trying to charm you, when at the end of the day they want your money, and you somehow never see them at any other time. I think I have a plan now, however. I came up with it earlier tonight - it involves contacting a couple people to make specific statements and requests, and these are people who have been wanting to hear from me, and who can possibly help. If all goes well, things will be set into motion after that, and I can relax.
from whystinger :
I-800-It-takes-balls to talk. Seriously. Don't beat yourself up as I (and others) feel you showed strength
from komachi :
No, you are not (^^) Just like catsoul says, sometimes you just have to talk. I am glad that you did.
from catsoul :
Sometimes you need to talk. Glad you reached out to talk. You seem like someone who does alot of listening. Wish you better moments. Talk, people who care will listen. =^..^=
from komachi :
Thank you, Jimbo~!!
from musikoid :
But it's just high quality med weed. I don't think it's laced with anything weird or anything, I got it from a friend of mine.
from musikoid :
It's just the same stuff I've been smoking for a few weeks now. It's very powerful.
from musikoid :
Oh I got your call - actually I got ten calls at once, mainly home boys saying I was MIA. I'll call you back or you can call here at the hotel - I left the number in one of my entries.
from integrating :
Quarters on your nipples...great idea! :P
from komachi :
Hiya, Jimbo. I unlocked it. Nothing much there as I had deleted most of my entries a long time ago. I might stop by to update now and then (^^) It seems I have tons to catch up on your diary!!
from integrating :
Moving sucks. Get your kitchen and bathroom done and find your clothes of course, then chill out a day or two.
from catsoul :
Glad that is done for you. Just rest and relax, chill out and let someone else put things away for a bit. Wow, all moved now. =^..^=
from komachi :
Hi, jimbo. Great to see that you are still here (^^)
from atwowaydream :
Ha, you're totally right! SpaghettiOs are a very serious business.
from cloudy-night :
Thanks for the note. I know there are a lot of people out there who would take advantage of someone kindness and I try to look out for those types. But there are some who truly need help and I try to see it that way, although it's quite hard to do so.
from tithonus :
from musikoid :
Well, here's the deal. It's a matter of timing. It also depends on whether it's time for me to make a break from the guy. He freaks out over things little things that are second nature to me, yet I would never go near some of what is second nature to him. He might just freak out over the very issue we have been discussing, and if I'm going to be moving out and more-or-less gaining freedom from his domineering nature, I don't really see the point in going to excessive personal detail. If I do have to stick it out at his place - and the landlady doesn't raise the rent or flat-out tell him I have to leave -- then yes, I ought to be up front. He definitely would not be approving, so I'd have to be prepared for that.
from musikoid :
For the most part. I'm pretty sure he lied about the shower & the landlady, though.
from musikoid :
Well - I wasn't thinking to "lie" exactly, but maybe just leave it out.
from musikoid :
You, too!
from whystinger :
The chest pain always comes a day after raking the lawn or trying to play golf. No pain until I move just right. I had a stress test within the last two years when I started running. Interesting, but I can run three miles and not pains and none the next day. I move just right and get a shooting pain and it always scares the shit out of me until I figure out exactly what it is The other key is it involved arm movement or neck movement. Thanks for the concern, I do monitor it carefully just in case.
from ahopeinhell :
What a drag!! I hope it isn't that stressful at work all the time. I'm glad to be out of that situation myself.
from yellopenguin :
hi! thank you! do you use the tarot? xo.
from zenayda :
Nice house! Good luck with the rest of the move. I know what a drag moving is. But you knew this.
from integrating :
"Buy a shirt that says "grow the fuck up" :0)" OMG that made me laugh!
from integrating :
How lovely your new place is! I hope you have years of happiness there.
from whystinger :
Nice house!
from cocoabean :
Thanks for checking in, Jimbo... I've been kind of solitary lately
from musikoid :
Cooking Cabby was a crack-up. How old's your daughter?
from whystinger :
Ya know Jimbo, that just ain't fair. Fookin' Dangerspouse likes you better. See? He give you directions and how to cook, but for me, NO, look it up yourself mutha spocker... LOL
from dangerspouse :
LOL!! To be fair though Jimbo, NOBODY can whip up a 7-course meal like me. It's not fair to compare yourself to a god. But take heart: YOU CAN STILL MAKE A PRETTY FREAKING GOOD MEAL DESPITE ALL YOUR OTHER DEFICIENCIES! If you can make pasta, you can really go to town. You got sausages, you say? While the pasta is boiling, chop the sausages into bite sized pieces and saute them in oil til browned, add some sliced (not chopped) onions, a good amount of garlic, maybe some herbs like oregano, and when the pasta is done: drain it and add it to the pan. Add some more oil or butter if it needs it, maybe some grated cheese if you like, and VOILA! A quick pasta and pan sauce. No need to go whole hog and whip up a liquid sauce, like tomato or cream. Just saute almost anything and add it to pasta, and you'll fool people into thinking you know what the fuck you're doing. It's worked for me for YEARS! Suckers. (Oh, and if you have some wine handy you can add it to the sausages while they cook for extra classy sassy. Just make sure it almost all evaporates off before you add the pasta, or it'll taste too sharp.) You're welcome - and thanks for the shout out :)
from dangerspouse :
Lol. Yeah, that's pretty much what every woman I've ever met has said....
from dangerspouse :
Cute kid! She single...?
from musikoid :
Got your long note last night and was about to respond but fell asleep over the comp. Just got up and did the gratitude list on my other diary. I do get it about the scripts and your sticking to your guns. That's good stuff. About the 4th Step, all that stuff came really hard, and I probably wouldn't have been able to cut to the core of my hidden ulterior motives like that if my buddy Howard wasn't so good at drawing it out of me. It's almost like therapy, except for at first I really felt like I wanted to slug the guy - as though *all* he was seeing was me being the bad guy and the guy who offended me being some kind of saint. Of course the reality is that the other guy offended me for good reason on my part. But that's still besides the point of the 4th Step. That's what makes it so hard. Like, the next one I'm gonna do is about this guy who called the cops on me. He made a bad call, and that in itself didn't bother me so much as that he never owned up, but hid from me for four years until he finally admitted it. And he only admitted it because I had to fish it out of him by sending an email saying "Hey man give me one reason why I shouldn't think you're the most wimpy ass chicken shit Mama's boy on the face of the planet." Then he finally got pissed off enough to admit that he did it, and finally told me never to contact him again -- which was easy. Before he called the cops, he and I had reconnected on the Internet and were Skyping a lot. He had been the lead guitar player in my band in the 70's. He dialed 9-1-1 on me because he thought I was in some kind of bad spot, and all of a sudden three Oakland cops were pounding on the door, I was handcuffed, they were searching the place for narcotics and firearms. I think he thought he was helping me somehow. It took me two years to deduce that he did it. Anyway, no problem leaving me a long note. Sorry if this is so long. My point was going to be, I have to find *my* part in the whole thing, as though the guy wasn't a total jerk. It isn't easy, but I'm working on it.
from musikoid :
That really *is* a beautiful picture of "Mariela the Model." :)
from musikoid :
I got it about the scripts. I think I might have had it in reverse from what you said earlier. My problem is I do everything too fast, that's why I don't read very well. But anyway, I just got here and caught up with your entries. You're a pretty funny guy. I wouldn't want to be on your bad side in real life, but I also wouldn't mind having you on my good side.
from integrating :
hahaha! That's funny. Silent revenge. muahahaha!
from musikoid :
I was probably afraid to mention it because something told me it might have been psychic.
from musikoid :
The docs that dish out the scripts and don't do much else for you kinda remind me of Pontius Pilate. The Lord's about to die (for Christ's sake) & he's washing his hands of the matter, as though he's got nothing to do with it. Lemme read yer note now.
from musikoid :
If I already mentioned this, feel free to cut me off like a speeding taxicab. The cab driver Benny is passive-aggressive, alternating between mildly mumbling and murderously maddening. He dabbles in poetry, which makes him something of a romantic. He crushes on this one lady, kind of a rich bitch. When she spawns him, he throws a shit fit, and she proceeds to have a grand mal seizure. But actually - that might be in an earlier version of it. I wrote 31 different versions before I burned out on it. Now, picking it up again, I see it's time for a 32nd. Will get back to you shortly, I'm sure.
from dangerspouse :
Hang in there, Dude. Think about Dante some more. Especially the "Lust" circle.
from catsoul :
Things have got to start moving into the positive/less stressful range soon for you buddy. I sure hope so. Thinking and sending good vibes your way. Take Care. =^..^=
from musikoid :
They are "pseudo-sequenced" from scores I create of music I've composed using Finale 2014 music notation software and the Garritan Personal Orchestra. That's why I write that no human musician is involved, other than myself in a remote way. Say - every time I look at the play, I feel like working on it rather than sending it. I think I can improve upon first before risking getting hit right between the eyes. I want to send you my previous musical that I wrote before this, however, being as one of the seven main characters is a taxi driver.
from dangerspouse :
"Dangergay"! Love it! Although I was thinking "Dangerflounce" might sound a bit more faaaaaaaaabulous, darling ;)
from dangerspouse :
Damn. Poor "F". Doesn't it suck having to go to work when you really think you're needed desperately elsewhere? I hope things are trending towards recovery now. Good luck.
from musikoid :
I got your email about your being willing to take a look at the (incomplete) script and be up front with me. And no, you don't seem like a bearer of little brains from where *I* stand, I was actually thinking the opposite. And anyway, you'll be honest with me, and that's valuable. Just remember it's a musical - you can find a lot of the music on my web site - and it's not intended to be read (like a novel) it's intended to be seen and heard (like a play.) So -- you'll get a feel for it. Just give me some time to clean up some of the formatting. Somehow the file got all fucked up during the computer transfer. Thanks Jimbo.
from musikoid :
Hey thanks - on the update. About the prof, check your email. If you want to see the "evidence," I can send you the script -- such as it is, still highly incomplete after all these years.
from whystinger :
What an entry... Jacobs ladder. Got me thinking...
from musikoid :
About my friend the professor, I hadn't thought of that. It's an interesting theory. From knowing the guy, I did gather he was on something of an ego trip, albeit probably temporary. He was saying things he wouldn't ordinarily have said. But I suspect it was more along the lines of, his ego told him he didn't really have to read the script very carefully in order to make valuable comments. He had read a previous draft that I myself wasn't too thrilled about, and I think he assumed this draft to be no better. The scene I pictured was that maybe he only had 15-25 minutes on a busy day, wanted to get it out of the way, so he skimmed it and made cursory comments he didn't really have to read it carefully in order to make (such as cast size, the way scenes were set up - you know, technical stuff.) Tell ya what - I could forward the review to you, leaving out his private email info, and you could get a feel for it yourself. You're a bright guy - I bet that even without reading my script, you'd get a feel for it -- especially since, imho, his critique really didn't pertain to my script, but to some preconception he had.
from dangerspouse :
So...someone vomits as soon as they look at you? Welcome to my world, pal.
from jimbostaxi :
from musikoid :
It was tainted Xanax. There have been two deaths - but as I learn more about this, I think it was local to the Peninsula where I live. It's just that a guy told me about it right when I was reading your entry. About the critique, I know in my head you're absolutely right, but somehow my heart attached myself to the hope of that person's encouragement at a moment when I was at an impasse. I had been thinking that if he encouraged me emotionally by saying a bunch of good things, it might help me to clear the fog and get through the impasse. My point is that the impasse was there before I asked him to critique it. So, when the critique was negative, it further made it difficult to see how to surmount the impasse. I later figured it out, but by then I was already off my roll with it. You see, I had written the first five scenes in twenty days. Then I didn't know where to go with it, so I thought: "I'll write to Phil. He always encourages me. After I get his encouragement, I'll somehow know what to do." Yeah, it was dumb to depend on one guy's input, but I think you can see how that's exactly what I did. Another thing I didn't mention is that he had just been promoted to full professor at a major University, and when I saw how scathing his critique was, I detected that the promotion had gone to his head. I got pissed off after that, and in an email I wrote: "You can take your full professor and cram it up your ass." I'm sure that didn't go over too well, and I don't really blame him for dissing me after that. On my end, I remained pissed off at him until I finally figured I had enough internal motivation to finish the project. That only happened about five days ago. Now I'm not pissed off at all. Dunno if he's still pissed at me, but -- just thought I'd give you some more details.
from musikoid :
Careful mixing booze and Xanax. There's also deadly bad Xanax going around California right now. I just learned that before reading your entry. I'm a druggie, but I quit all benzos cold turkey on 5/10/04 and have not gone back, except for occasional ativan when hospitalized. I used to do 10mg klonopin a day and mix it with Jack Daniels. People said I came off like I was on thorazine. I'm not surprised things got a little blurry there. Careful, sonny. ;)
from musikoid :
About sleeping outdoors, glad you see my point. When you really stop to think about it, how would you rather die? In a hospital dead all tied up with tubes and wires, staring at the four walls and hoping against hope your long lost friends and relatives would arrive to comfort you, or alone in Nature on a clear night beneath a full moon, saying your prayers to the Stars? Phrased that way, almost anybody would say the latter. If we wish to die by the latter, why do we insist on living by the former? There is nothing wrong or evil about sleeping outdoors. Our society makes it so, because it is equated with "homelessness," which is then equated with criminality, laziness, burnout, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, and so forth. The actual physiological effects of outdoor living are more beneficial than detrimental.
from dangerspouse :
Jimbo man, you're really going through a rough stretch. You got any vacation time coming up? Damn. (oof - had to report on that head-on on Northern State Pkwy in Dix Hills this morning. THAT guy was having a bad day...or maybe it was a girl. As I write this, they still don't know because the body was burned so bad. Jesus.)
from whystinger :
Wow, lots of updates, which is good. I am not sure who F is as I have been out of touch, but the crying and mood swings are not good. You mention picking up some meds for F. I wonder what they are for? Mood swings can be a bunch of different things and I assume that F is female. Lots of crying for unknown reasons could be depression. Do some research online and be careful. There used to be some great resources at I don't know if there is as much as there used to be.
from msafire :
Nice to read your updates about restored relationship with daughter! Glad for the positive changes in your life. I locked my rants for time being.... mainly so I could get a job. Will unlock when not so worried about that, but I am employed in a contract position that ends in DEC. Thought best to not have this out there just now as if lucky it might become permanent, or if not I will be job hunting so needed to be careful about on line presence for time being!! But wanted to give a shout out
from musikoid :
I've read your last five entries by the way. I just haven't figured out a worthwhile thing to say yet. But I'm enjoying reading, and starting to get a glimpse what your world is let. I'll keep it up.
from musikoid :
Piff the Magic Dragon? lol
from integrating :
"mood swings"....what a mess! Glad you're getting a vacation.
from lust- :
I'm more of a rum gal, really. But, saving the good stuff for a special occasion.
from musikoid :
Shit - I was typing so fast I left out a clause. I meant to say - I don't like being codified as an "addict" -- whenever I try to get into "recovery" my true personality, the good part of me, seems to dissolve along with the "addict" part, and the end thereof is worse than the beginning. But I'm also over sixty years of age all of a sudden, and you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Not very easily anyway - we tend not to flex like back in the Day.
from musikoid :
Hey I sent you an email with the user-pass. I did read you I recall a few years back, I remember I was in Stockton at the time, so it must have been about five years ago. I might have left a note, though not necessarily under this user name. I must warn you that I am an unabashed user of illegal recreational drugs. I don't use them for recreation, however, but because I find the altered states helpful in writing music and hearing it from different perspectives. If that sounds like a crock, it probably is. I just don't like being codified as such, and having my personality morphed into the mainstream clone realm. This of course it what guys say *before* they have their heart attacks, but what the hey. I've lived a good long life already, and already I've outlived most of those motherfuckers. I guess I'm qualifying myself - you may or may not like what I write. I will say that there's an awful lot of it to choose from lol. Glad to have you aboard.
from integrating :
Whoever is using my info is using an old married name I haven't used for about 20 yrs and has used the address of the town I was living in. I was in college, maybe somebody working there? Or something I threw in the trash?....I was finally able to file a complaint with FTC and they sent a confirmation email. I'm wondering how this person is getting credit with my info because I sure can't get credit cards!
from integrating :
I used to work in a daycare and my co-worker was always falling asleep in the rocking chair with a baby on her lap. I would get so pissed off, but I never told on her. I should have.
from whystinger :
So, we get to keep the $13K? I might be in... LOL
from dangerspouse :
D'oh! I saw 13k lying in the street the other day and didn't think to pick it up. Dammit, I bet that was the bundle you were looking for. Sorry, man. I'll shoot by later and see if it was still there. It was right off to the side of 25A by the Smithtown bull, if you wanna drive out there yourself before I get a chance to go.
from integrating :
How exciting! A new chapter!
from catsoul :
Yippy Skippy.....So very happy for you Jim. =^..^=
from whystinger :
J and K are now FB friends - that is a start, I think! Good luck.
from whystinger :
Hope the message is relayed to your oldest and that she reaches out or is receptive to reaching out. Person was shocked because she may have been told that you were the one who would not reach out. Anyway, I hope and pray that she reaches out or is receptive if you reach out.
from stepfordtart :
<3 xx
from integrating :
I was homeless for two years and I can tell you I got more help and caring from strangers than from my own family.
from catsoul :
7/28/15...I hear you. Breathe. Take Care. You are a wonderful, kind, and caring person don't forget that Jim. =^..^=
from integrating :
Thank You
from misfitstray :
He knows, be sure and won't forget anything you've done good in your life. ♥
from integrating :
Thank you for the birthday wish!
from misfitstray :
well, after I thought about the golden pussy awhile, I think you should have taken the golden pussy. Gold is pretty stable in value.
from dangerspouse :
A miserable bastard who doesn't have God in his life? I knew I liked you for a reason.
from misfitstray :
from misfitstray :
You drove that woman for free? 25min worth 52$? Man, I want to always drive with you. Please come and drive me to Munich and back home once a week!
from zenayda :
Every so often I hose a bunch of entries here. They're all stored on LiveJournal, which has mass editing capability so you can change all entries to private at once. It's just my way of cleaning house and not being reminded of crap I'd rather not be reminded of. Kind of cathartic, like hitting delete means I'm deleting it from my life. Good luck driving. I hope the holiday weekend revelers aren't driving you nuts. :)
from integrating :
Hoppin over to say hellooooooo!! :)
from whystinger :
Gulag! Gulag! Gulag! then the violence. The Taxi business is not for pussies!
from misfitstray :
I really hope that the driver will be fine again. No death please because of asshats.
from dangerspouse :
Damn. I didn't realize there was forced parity in your business. What's the incentive to excel, then?
from misfitstray :
unfortunately no. :( *sigh* I read that anti-depressants might have a not so good influence on the libido, but to take those is not in my intentions.
from whystinger :
Greetings Jimbo! I'm working my way back here...
from integrating :
Trust me. She will never touch my hair again. Gotta wait til it grows out some then have it repaired. Kris saw it and laughed his ass off.
from misfitstray :
Yeah, Sean is a really wonderful guy, indeed. Hope you are doing ok and getting better with missing your daughter. Take care my friend!
from msafire :
So about the cardinal thing, there is a cardinal that pecks at the brass door plate on the bottom of my front door. It did it last year, went away for winter and the same bird is now back to our delight. I wonder if it sees its reflection and thinks it is it's friend. That bird pecks and jabbers all day long to iself and its kind of funny to watch through the window. Hope all is well with the relationship with K. Perhaps in the end her moving out will be a good thing, even thought it is hurting you now. May not be about you at all.... sometimes that is hard to understand as a parent, but we do have to let our kids grow beyond us someday! Due to divorce I have had to learn how to let go and let my oldest kids be part of a world without me MUCH sooner than some, but one of the amazing things has been to see how much they have grown and experienced in places that I could never have brought them. I don't know if that helps at all, but sometimes our kids need to learn and grow and experience the world beyond what we as parents can offer or support. So long as she is well and not doing anything downright stupid or self destructive, I am sure she will be OK and this is one of her growing moments where perhaps she just needs to be on her own. That might have NOTHING to do with you in fact.... no matter how it was presented, but rather some need she has for her own growth. Just my instinctive thoughts here hoping they might help some for you to not take her actions personally! They might have nothing to do with you at all, but your love will remain there as an anchor for her which I am sure she will return to when she either needs it OR WANTS to acknowledge and accept it after some growth and healing which despite our best efforts as parents, all our kids do need (because we ALL are imperfect parents and not only give love to our kids but %*^& SOMETHING up , albeit big or small, along the way that our kids need healing from!! JUSt part of life as the imperfect humans we are!) As I say about my kids all the time... "I don't worry too much about them. They will be fine....they can go into therapy at 30 and work it all out like everyone else..." and be happy and proud you have done the best you could in raising her as she now enters the world on her own.
from cocoabean :
they eventually do come back...
from cocoabean :
easier said than done...
from stepfordtart :
Oh! How odd! I can imagine why youre not best pleased about that :-( s x
from catsoul :
3/27/15...Gee that sucks for you, another surprise. 12 years ago my son left here while I was at work and my husband was sleeping. I didn't know where he went to even. I remember it like yesterday. Now that he has grown up somewhat he realizes how dumb that was to up and leave like that and make us crazy with being worried. We had that conversation over 8 years ago now. So for you, Jimbo I hope that she tells you where she is and is living. You have to just chill man and wait, she will call, trust me, even if it is just that she needs money. Thinking of you. Work on Zen like thoughts. Take Care. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Awww, that was sweet about your daughter and breakfast. I hope it continues to go well :) (Hey, any more problems with the vertigo??)
from zenayda :
And if he's Jesus and can walk on water, he doesn't need a boat, either! Hope you're feeling better. That dizziness happened to me a couple of years ago. Had the worst vertigo for about two days. Then it was gone.
from integrating :
I would definitely go to the Dr. jimbo.
from jarofporter :
hey jimbo, thanks for the note. i was just doing some emotional "pressure" relief, all's well enough here. unfortunately for me, there's no "making it through"; that implies those feelings will eventually be gone. they'll always be a part of me, i just have to be patient while they're present & wait for them to fade into the background again. :-)
from integrating :
Yay! I'm so happy notes are back on! Now if they can get rid of that old frame thing at the bottom of the page. What a difference this site is without notes!
from dangerspouse :
Hey thanks for the note, Jimbo! You know what sucks? I thought I did have that rider attached to our auto insurance policy. I didn't mention it in the story, because it was already too painfully long. But basically, last year we had our agent drop full collision from my WRX, and they had to change coverage companies to do so. Everything else was supposed to remain the same, including our "tow for FREE if broken down" clause. But when I called the agent from the side of the road he said, " got changed to 'tow for free if in an accident'. You're SOL, kid." I felt like reaching through the phone and grabbing his uvula.
from misfitstray :
Hope you survived the cold and the snow and the blizzards! Take care.
from dangerspouse :
Ugh. More snow. Too tired of it to even get angry any more.
from catsoul :
2/13/15.....Well there you are! What's new with you? Have an awesome Friday. =^..^=
from secret-motel :
from dangerspouse :
Of course! Duh.
from dangerspouse :
Wait - which one's Mariela again?
from misfitstray :
what a cute little princess!
from whystinger :
Definitely get more protein. I can eat a banana and toast for breakfast and be hungry way before lunch. I can eat one egg and am fine until lunch. Protein definitely helps. Even vegans have to balance their protein. Try a bit of peanut butter or yogurt with the veggies. BTW, those veggies are awesome for you.
from integrating :
Hey Jimbo..Happy Thanksgiving.
from misfitstray :
You're a real hero if you stick to your new nutrition regime! You go! My problem is the amount of food I shove into me, not the type. When I don't do sports I'm lost on the weight-train. I love to eat.
from dangerspouse :
'Atta boy. Get angry with yourself. That could be the motivation you need for something this important to you. Now, get your game face on and do it. I think you're on the right track with the "more protein!" thing. That's what my doc had me do - look up "PYY hormone" - a year and a half ago when I told her I wanted to drop the VW Beetle I was carrying around my equator. 15 months and 65 pounds later, I'm happy I went that route. You can do it, bud.
from zenayda :
There really should be a soap opera about your workplace. Ready for another vacation, yet?
from misfitstray :
I've got an issue with the electrical window as well, but if I don't use it it will be ok ;)
from whystinger :
Hmmm, disconnecting the battery resets the windows. Not sure of the jeep's year or system, sounds like there is a "power window module" that may be on the fritz. Check for recalls, as several manufacturers have window modules on recall (Lear is a big manufacturer of these) and also check the ground cable, both batter end AND where it bolts to the engine and frame. Also check any body or BCM grounds. Some window models are in the door and some are in one (or more) window switch modules. Google the problem, that may help and save $$$
from misfitstray :
I'm sorry to hear that your car has problems. I hope that it won't cost a fortune to fix it. x
from misfitstray :
Thank you! Just got the message on my smartphone. x
from integrating :
HAHAHA! Loved your note! :D
from zenayda :
Ye gods! You've earned it!
from dangerspouse :
First vacation ever?? TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!
from dangerspouse :
On the other hand - have a happy vacation. Steer clear of that bar in Port Jefferson Station for a while. Lotsa blood. Never know about Ebola these days.
from dangerspouse :
No it's not! DON'T MAKE ME CRY!!
from dangerspouse :
That's better. (Doesn't mean you're not still a pussy, though.)
from dangerspouse :
Good lord I've been gone a while. When did you change to the pussy template?
from whystinger :
Humor is an interesting thing. IT truly spices up life and I think it is more important than we realize. Good to see a post by you brother!
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for your thoughts on Remy. I can certainly point to times in the past when having a bad environment at work strained a relationship quite badly.
from msafire :
crap price of going to the movies is obscene! BUT YES good investment to spend time with family so happy to read of your night out together. U R not a clueless Dad Spot on with caution hope the new bf is worthy of her time!
from hitch-hike :
I don't think anyone ever outgrows a kind father's love and concern, even if the kids act like they do :)
from misfitstray :
Thank you for your kind words! I love your new layout! I'm ok. xox
from stepfordtart :
Ditto what Zen said. :-) s xx
from zenayda :
You are good people, Jimbo. DQ should be grateful.
from msafire :
HA HA Jimbo, My sage advice of do your own thing to be at peace and I was like psycho jealous girlfriend just Fri night thinking "Where the hell is HE??? HE MUST be on a date" just cause the damn cell phone was not on so my bf didn't pick up WHILE HE WAS ON THE COMMUTER BUS on the way back from work! Even while I was irrationally having a "moment"... (DAMN that ex that cheated previously! Its the not answering phone thing that gives me these crazy flashback moments that are SO WEIRD)...I could ALSO intellectually see just how ironic that was that I had so coolly given you level headed advice! Hee Hee ... Hey we all sometimes have our "moments" (some more often than others unfortunately!)I had to just make a bit of fun of myself and at least share the laugh! Sheesh.
from cocoabean :
the incisions are healed, it's the gb area that still gives me twinges. Supposedly it's normal, I'll give it till the end of the month.
from integrating :
I believe you are correct.
from catsoul :
9/16/14....nice picture, I like the blurriness of the color, and oh thanks for liking the poem. Did you feel yourself floating and looking up through the water? If you can get a reader to feel the sensation to your words, you have done a good poem the people who know tell you. I always have wondered who "those" people are. I don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about what I write. I am just glad that you got it, and it reached into your soul Jimbo!! Take Care. =^..^=
from gr8legs :
i actually applauded when you said, "applause"! lol
from cocoabean :
nice template!
from msafire :
Beautiful new template and photos! I found it so very peaceful and uplifting ironically - just the visual was amazing, but ironic as you wrote of the sadness of F needing her time alone without you and how that makes you feel in the moment. That is such a challenge. Best to you in working on that. Glad to hear she IS feeling much better! You will adjust and being conscious and open to her comment is such a wonderful thing. So many get sensitive so kudos to you for being man enough to admit weakness! PERSON enough to admit weakness. That honest communication you both have will go far I bet in being able to be open to change the dynamic for the better. Maybe find something you love to do at the times she ventures off? Something you love to do so much you are so engaged and yourself in flow that you forget she is gone (no not porn... it has to be something even MORE personal and important to you that takes your awareness BEYOND. You ARE A REALLY GIFTED PHOTOGRAPHER! Do you ever hit that state behind a lens where you so love what you are doing you forget about yourself? Do you know what I mean? If not photography, think about what it is that does that for you! I know we ALL have SOMETHING we love to do but I think as adults we so forget to take time to either find it or do it. Perhaps try to take the time to rediscover yourself and then you and F hopefully will be so delighted to share in talking about it later that you both find this time alone is not one of separation but more unifying in the end. Does that make sense? If I am not able to develop my self I pull out of a relationship REAL quick. Ironic but time for each of you for self nurturing may in fact bring you closer. Its that fine balance... as have to SHARE you joy with each other if not there. Some are bad at that... but I wish you both the best in the transition.
from whystinger :
Wow, so similar. Oldest, had to care for Younger sister, because we were LATCHKEY kids...
from whystinger :
Nice template dude! I read back an entry I saw before, about the accident. About 16 years ago, we had a mechanic who got into an accident while road testing a vehicle. He had to be out of work for several months and the insurance company of the person who hit him surprised him with a settlement in the tens of thousands of dollars. I think he received $30K. Anyway, he comes back to work and they figured out he found a new way to earn a living - accidents.
from dangerspouse :
Playboy? Hustler? Man, you're old school. Redtube, baby! It's where ALL the hep cats hang out these days (to put it in a vernacular you can understand). ;)
from whystinger :
Ah, a fellow caretaker. I fought this (denied it) with the couple's therapist, but now realize it is true. I truly value when I am apart from my wife and have a big sense of responsibility and that may be part of why I stay. Start working your way through the care taking. Start digging and find out why you have the caretaker mojo going on. My demographics (which are common): eldest child who had to care for younger siblings. Peace brother.
from dangerspouse :
I feel for ya. Never been in the caretaker role myself (except for plants), but it sounds...distressing. Hang in there, and best of luck.
from cocoabean :
I've been reading you for a long time, but through Google Reader and Feedly. I'm trying to use Dland more.. Facebook took a lot of writers from here and I miss it.
from jaysthoughts :
Just checking to see how many diarylanders still actually check their notes and stay active.
from hitch-hike :
Happy belated birthday to you!! I hope it was a good one :)
from integrating :
Hope your b-day was cool. :)
from whystinger :
Happy birthday! I am sorry that I missed it by a day.
from dangerspouse :
HAPPY HAPPY, BRO! Many, many more. May your farts smell like leftover cake for the rest of the week.
from catsoul :
9/1/14....What JimBo another year just flew by, Happy Birthday Man!! I vote for sleep and lots of cake with ice cream. Take Care. =^..^=
from stepfordtart :
Happy birthday, Jimbo! xxx
from dangerspouse :
You. Have. My. Sympathies. That was hideous what you guys got socked with. I didn't think they'd ever open Sunrise Highway again. Glad you're safe, and hope you didn't sustain too much damage.
from dangerspouse :
Are you in Islip??
from integrating :
That's just ridiculous they stayed open in those conditions. (How've you been?)
from zenayda :
Maybe they were expecting the drivers to get out and swim?
from integrating :
I want pudding.
from dangerspouse :
My wife reads this thing, man. Don't blow my cover.
from dangerspouse :
That's better. Don't fuckin' leave that out next time. You don't know what that does to us.
from dangerspouse :
What kind of hero, man? WHAT KIND OF HERO??
from gr8legs :
hey! sorry it took me so long to get back to you. maybe you should partake in #100daysofhappy with me. i'm @on3truluv on instagram
from zenayda :
Chances are fair to middlin' you were saying that in your sleep, too. HEH!
from zenayda :
Good grief! What is this, Tokyo, where people drop dead at their desks and the boss is all, "Dang, need to call a replacement." Sheesh! And no, I will never forget my buddies here, even if I win the lottery! Hell, *especially* if I win the lottery. You guys got me through everything!
from gr8legs :
from integrating :
":0) im so burned!!! Its so much funnnnn i want to share !!! Please,,,,,, :0) help me!!".........hahaha I read this and thought, wtf? Diaryland is not notifying me when I get notes. It's pissing me was the beach? LOL
from integrating :
Have some fun for me at the beach!
from misfitstray :
I guess that dq-man has a very small penis. Have a wonderful time in NJ! It's lovely down there. Been there several times. Which area did you visit?
from stepfordtart :
We'll be holidaying 'together'! - we go Friday afternoon. I will fry to a crisp within the first 30 seconds if I dont smother myself in weapons-grade sunscreen. Have a good one! s x
from integrating :
from integrating :
It is my opinion that someone carrying a gun around is itchin to use it.
from zenayda :
DQ could be arrested for saying that. It's a threat.
from catsoul :
Right back at is your tat healing by now? =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Wow, that's some tat. I didn't know you lived in a double-wide. ;) Hey hey, I'm liking your conspiracy theory more the more I think on it. Those bastards!!
from hitch-hike :
Rock on with your tattooed self! Are you tempted to get another?
from misfitstray :
Not bad that tattoo!
from zenayda :
WOW! How long did it take, total?
from integrating :
Hey!..Can't make out the details, but looks rad.
from cocoabean :
Beautiful! That's pretty big for a first tattoo!
from jarofporter :
diggin' the ink!
from dangerspouse :
OMG. How bad with a wrench do you have to be to lose your job at a place that JUST INSTALLS MUFFLERS?? Sounds like PAP knew how to install an up-pipe when it came to 'N', though. Shame that doesn't pay as well. Hope everything works out, man.
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for the comment about the job... There will be a better time, a better place. **Sighs**
from catsoul :
10 days to t-day......
from whystinger :
Punk Ass Pussy needs to get a job... A real man will do what he has to to feed his family... like flipping burgers at McDonalds and working at Walmart to make ends meet. It is hard to lose a job at a muffler shop if you work... I hope the best for y'all...
from zenayda :
I don't suppose you'd want PAP to take DQ's job? *ducking*
from catsoul :
6/4/ "N" your daughter? because you wrote moving back home.
from zenayda :
Not that you were saying his ego or tears in his beer were important. Just that *I'm* saying that being left alone is more important than worrying about how he takes what I said, so I'm not even going to worry about whether I've hurt him or ticked him off. He certainly didn't worry about that with me. You know what I mean. ;-)
from zenayda :
He deserved it, though. He'd been a callous jerk to me since mid-2011. The more I read up on verbal and emotional abuse, the more I see that's what he did to me. If you knew me before you read this diary, you'd have noticed a huge change in me, not for the better. When we broke up, I told him that I didn't like the person I was becoming, and it was very true. I'm not proud of telling him off like that, but it will ensure that he will never bother me again. That is the important thing, not his dang ego and whether there are crocodile tears in his beer.
from catsoul :
6/1/14...Dont' drink. It will make you surface bleed more, you don't want that while being tattooed. Just drink alot, I mean alot of water to stay hydrated so you don't feel faintish. I sometimes wait months for a tat appointment. =^..^=
from integrating :
8 am and still haven't slept. Roommate situation sounds good only I can't leave my son with all these bills he can't pay by himself. He wouldn't do it to me. Wish I could move though.
from integrating :
Smelly cat? That's hilarious! lmao
from hitch-hike :
Scrunchies?! How anticlimactic (no pun intended)!
from secret-motel :
You should really start recording your fares' conversations. Audio of two middle-aged drunks imagining what they would do if they had vaginas would be internet gold. Of course, I'm a male and often speculate what I would do if I had a pair of balls.
from zenayda :
LMAO @ "Busy Season." Heh!
from cherrygash :
No, this lady is a nut.
from hitch-hike :
I totally dig the tattoo! I showed it to Remy and he had an exercising in seeing the finer details.... So, I won't know if I got the job until the end of May or beginning of June, but I have good feelings about this one :) They did mention a start date, which is probably sometime in July (if I get it, mwah hahaha). I totally love the glitz and kitchz of Vegas. I've never done roulette, but may it's time???
from integrating :
Yeah, things are back to normal. Whatever that means.. :P
from catsoul :
5/16/2014....drains out next Tuesday perhaps, it all depends. Have a great Friday and weekend. Take Care..=^..^=
from misfitstray :
lol :) omg!
from misfitstray :
I didn't even know that one could buy headbands in such a shop. Very strange. And even more strange that she bought you some. Do sweat much? Maybe she gave you a broad hint. I was in such a shop once and bought some toys. It's not that bad. But as a woman inside you'll be gawked at by all the men inside. Not that nice.
from misfitstray :
Poor one! No new sex toys. Penis in a coma doesn't sound very nice.
from zenayda :
"...she exited the store with a tiny package which was too small to contain anything that I had been fantasizing about." LMAO!
from gr8legs :
from integrating :
Dandyland is a piercing/tattoo studio. It has been voted the best like 5 yrs in a row. They have higher standards than the state as far as cleanliness. You walk in there and it smells like a Dr.s office and they have the most talented artists around. I got a piercing there. I took it out though. Too much trouble taking it in and out for MRIs. Kinda felt like I was too old to be sporting one anyway. :P I had a Monroe piercing which is a piercing where Monroe had her beauty mark. I think I might just get a tiny little tattoo there. I think that would look more natural. You wouldn't be able to tell it was just a tattoo.
from gr8legs :
i love notes :)
from integrating :
Cool tattoo. When you say dland, so you mean DandyLand? Cuz we have one here in San Antonio.
from cherrygash :
What do u mean
from hitch-hike :
What is your tattoo going to be?
from aryssa90 :
Thank you! I feel stupid because I didn't even realize you were following my diary! Hello you :)
from gr8legs :
i wish your entries had "like" buttons :)
from misfitstray :
Is "F" better? I'll keep you updated about "Rocky". ;)
from zenayda :
Drivers, like bartenders, run into all types, that's for sure. Did you ever see Taxicab Confessions?
from misfitstray :
see newest entry <3
from jarofporter :
cool, thanks for letting me know.
from misfitstray :
Hopefully F is better while I'm writing this down. Sending some huge healing vibes. <3
from zenayda :
I would check with a pharmacist about F's drugs. It's actually pretty alarming that a doctor would discount a drug-drug interaction like that. Is she feeling any better today?
from integrating :
Thanks for your opinion. It kind of cemented the decision to not move up there. thank you
from whystinger :
from catsoul :
4/30/14....So numbers mean something to you. How about a clock with roman numberals on it, in a steampunk style? There are some awesome clock tats out there man, just saying. =^..^=
from zenayda :
Careful, they may invite you to join them. O_O
from jarofporter :
when you tell them to start having more sex, and they look at you, dumbfounded, say "yep - go fuck yourselves!" heheh
from integrating :
2014-04-28 Hahaha! Maybe you should start talking about Jesus. That makes most people split, unless they do indeed want to talk about jesus. Whatever, it's funny. lol
from integrating :
2014-04-25.......omg you're so funny you made me laugh!
from catsoul :
4/25/14....howdy....thanks for the didn't know about the barometer thingy thing? What where you doing during the early days in Earth Science class?? Anyhoo, you should bake a cake. I am going to bake dark chocolate with butter cream. =^..^=
from zenayda :
I hope F is 100% soon!
from whystinger :
snif, snif snif... is it post nasal drip or is he a coke freak? Don't kill him Jimbo, I don't want you in jail...
from integrating :
LOL, thanks for the laugh! :)
from hitch-hike :
Did you really eat 'shrooms from your front lawn? Cool!! Lol...
from zenayda :
I hope he stays clean! :-) Thanks for sharing that story. I needed a pick-me-up.
from stepfordtart :
*smiles* s x
from whystinger :
Hmmm, maybe Crackhead is in s 12 step program. Like you said, hope he keeps it up! Good job man!
from stepfordtart :
You did the right thingy by Dq. *loves* s x
from misfitstray :
How do you know that the owl is a "He"? Maybe it's a she and she's just attracted to you.
from integrating :
from atwowaydream :
I think I'd have a stiff drink before the operation, and possibly be considerate enough to have a maid clean up after it's over. But yeah, after that, I'm thinking there wouldn't be any worries. ;)
from integrating :
(Did it again! Left a note for you in my notes!) AJ is great. So talented he's been posting videos of himself playing guitar and singing.
from integrating :
Hey Bud! Glad you had a great time with your daughter! I haven't had much to write about lately.
from misfitstray :
Thank you for your kind words. <3 I plan on doing more cycling if the weather is nice enough during my holidays. This will take at least 2-5 hours/day. Holidays always go by too fast with sleeping in, lying on the coach, eating and watching your favorite shows on half-illegal streaming sites and getting greasy hair... *sigh*
from misfitstray :
seemed like you had a great night out with your daughter. And everything looked so very yummy! I'm hungry now! VERY!
from zenayda :
Ooh, what a fun night! Totally nommy!
from whystinger :
I tend to not update when things are good and update a lot when not...
from zenayda :
Ah, apartments in this area. Total PITA. Enjoy your night in the city! Definitely pix, if you can.
from whystinger :
No updates in a month - hope you are well.
from integrating :
That is so sad.
from catsoul :
2/22/14...Hi...I don't get why she doesn't want us there either Jim. I have to respect her wishes though. As for just showing, that would really upset her. Part of the reason why she doesn't want me there, even though I am an adult and 58, I think she doesn't want to worry about me and my health issues/challenges/food allegories, etc. Don't feel sorry about his surgery. They are glad to be doing this. My dad's grafts are all doing great so replacing a valve and a speedy recovery is looking better than they expected. So with all this said. I know how hard it is to wait. I have to respect what my mom wants. Take Care. =^..^=
from misfitstray :
Thank you for your note. :) Doc said 3-4 days in the hospital, up to 10 days walking with crutches and 4-6 weeks off work. It's ok to me. There are worse things out there. Last June I had surgery on my right shoulder and I was off for 4 weeks too. I'm a survivor with "mimimi" (whiney) characteristics.
from zenayda :
Yay, Godsmack!
from zenayda :
Sure! When you watch a video, below it, it will say "About Share Add To." Click "Share." Then click "Embed." A code will pop up. Copy and paste that into your entry box. I usually click the box that says "Enable privacy-enhanced mode," which will prevent your diary from showing up in the stats for that video.
from misfitstray :
You still do that chinese learning? You got better with that app? I have CDs and workbooks for learning chinese for at least 5 years in my bookshelf and didn't even look into it for the same time. Learning on my own isn't working for me. I'm such a lazy a��. No learning for me without getting a kick in my butt 1st...
from integrating :
xanax, spandex...same thing. hahahahha!
from dangerspouse :
Ooo! I haven't seen a newt around here in years. Good to see they're not extinct!
from integrating :
If you've got a pocketful of Xanax you can afford to send me some. Hehe
from misfitstray :
Seems like you're quite the very cool Dad! <3
from whystinger :
YES! Do the city!!! That is what I miss about no longer living in New Jersey
from dangerspouse :
The PERFECT woman - she comes with her own cooking implements. (BTW, "snowballs"? Boo, hiss, sir. How about "cubicles"? "Polarrhoids"? ;) )
from whystinger :
Snowballs... ;-)
from integrating :
Hahahahaha! That's funny! Snowballs!
from zenayda :
I love salmon. It's one of the reasons I'm not a true vegetarian. It just has to be cooked right, otherwise it dries out. The night of conversation sounds awesome. What a wide range of topics! Now watch out for that shrinkage.
from integrating :
He's still driving, I can't believe it. It still drives good, but the clutch is iffy. He's only got 1 more payment on it then he can afford to fix it.
from integrating :
How did the trek to Red Lobster go?
from catsoul :
2/4/14...go to the Red Lobster website to see what else you could order. I would think that they would have steak and lobster. You could take the lobster home for daughter if she likes it. I used to just love, love their biscuits. =^..^=
from zenayda :
That's a nice fireplace. I wish you were already moved in so you could be enjoying it with all the snow outside. Boo-hiss to the problem-causer!
from whystinger :
Love the pics!
from integrating :
Hope everything works out with the move...I love puppies and fireplaces! :)
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for the compliment! It's nice to look at pics from times past!
from stepfordtart :
Nice! What's the railing-type thing? Some kind of cage?! s x
from catsoul :
2/1/14..... cute dog, nice fireplace
from dangerspouse :
Hey Jimbo, thanks for the birthday wishes!
from zenayda :
I'm the same way, to an extent, only the effect is more immediate. I can be a real hero, but afterwards, I have to go lie down in a dark room with a cold cloth on my head. Just remember ol' d-land is here for your venting needs.
from integrating :
Aww, I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I have bad memories of hospitals too.
from catsoul :
1/27/14...Feels good to let it out and let it go. I hear you loud and clear. I do that in a crisis. I am all calm and such. Then I fall apart in private. So good for you man. Take Care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
1/18/14....What would we do without our families. Yours sounds like mine. :) =^..^=
from integrating :
why thank you...i thought it was kinda strange. :)
from integrating :
hahaha!! I forgot I said that. :P
from integrating :
How's your life going...did y'all get moved in yet? After you move and get unpacked you can relax. Feel better. :)
from integrating :
Ah dude, sorry your life seems to be a jug-f*ck right now. Better things are waiting for you.
from dangerspouse :
Thirty years ago AND he's dead? Why is this even a question? What are you, a chick? Spill yer guts already, buddy!
from integrating :
Hahahahaha!!! No, but I told all the girls inside about him and as he was driving out my friend went outside and yells out, "Hey, were you in a movie?!" He just smiled.
from catsoul :
OK do tell, what confidence did you keep. email me at: [email protected] P.S. I am so curious now. =^..^=
from stepfordtart :
done! s x
from stepfordtart :
A 30 year old secret, told to you by a dead guy? OMIGOD, TELL US ALREADY! s x
from integrating :
I got a gift for a White Elephant game at my family's Christmas night dinner. I've got money envelopes for my sons. That's about it...oh yeah, I got myself a few things, hahaha!
from dangerspouse :
Where's the leg lamp? Where's the GODDAM LEG LAMP?!
from integrating :
I'm not into Christmas much anymore. It used to stress me out so bad, I thought, is it worth all this just to be so stressed out you can't enjoy anything? So, I do the minimum I can. Done. lol
from integrating :
I'm fine...It's just the opposite here in TX. Hate moving in the summer time cuz it's so frikkin hot! But I know it sucks during the holidays cuz I've had to do it before. Ah well, it will all be over soon. Ready for Christmas?
from zenayda :
Jimbo, you are so LI. Seriously. Your snark is LI snark, through and through, and that is why I like you. Good luck with the move. I hate moving, too. It's a PITA.
from integrating :
I hate moving too. I never totally unpack. I don't know why this is.
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the shout out! (Although sorry it had to be in such a sad context. Whew! I don't ever think I'll complain about my stupid-but-stable suburban upbringing again.)
from dangerspouse :
Jeez, I can see why you loath moving after an upbringing like that. Couldn't have been fun being uprooted from place and friends on a regular basis at that age. Bravo being able to spare your daughter that experience. I'm sorry you've gotta go through it now though, even if you've had a good run for a while. (And THANKS for adding me to your list! I'm very flattered. Will do the same to you.)
from dangerspouse :
So...what are your thoughts on moving? Enjoy it, or not?
from stepfordtart :
Saturday morning, too? You're further East than I thought, then, or it would still be Friday night! Counting backwards on my fingers trying to remember time differences between here and there and where 'morning' officially starts and 'night' officially ends. I think anything before 4 is still night (ie still acceptable to be coming home from somewhere). Anything after 4 and really you just have to admit that you stayed out all night. heehee. s x
from stepfordtart :
Hey! I see youre on now! Helloooooo! Saturday morning here and Im putting off doing the housework. How you doin'? Eating a cake and measuring in metric? ;-) s x
from catsoul :
12/14/13....Venting is good. My question is don't you ever sleep? I am up because I went to bed at 6 pm and can't sleep, ok, try to sleep anymore. Hey do you do FB?
from catsoul :
12/14/13....Instead of doing that, just sit back and smile. You know when you smile nobody knows what you are really thinking. =^..^=
from integrating :
I'm so stupid. When I intend to leave a note, for some reason I write it in MY notes. Here is the note intended for you. Hahaha! "After talking with him this morning he seems to think everything is fine. I hope so. He really loves this girl and I'd hate to see her parents forbid them to see each other."
from catsoul :
12/19/13.....Well daddy O Jimbo.....when do the pups join your fam? I know you can't resist, your still call her Princess....and she knows you want puppies. P.S. They are just adorable, you can't split them up, and the one on the right looks like it is a Boston or part Boston Terrier. Keep me posted...I have a perfect solution that I have used and done for years about puppy teeth and their teething and needing to chew. Oh, never buy, give them, or let people give them stuffed toys, and don't think tugging on your socks with you is a great idea. Take Care. =^..^=
from whystinger :
Certainly. Oh, that Jade Dragon is a nocebo for sure.
from dangerspouse :
Those jade dragon pendants are nothing to mess around with. His doom is on your head.
from integrating :
Why would a gift be frowned upon?
from integrating :
Don't ya just hate "know-it-alls"?..I see you're on now.....HELLO! :)
from zenayda :
Congrats on the new digs!
from integrating :
I think we all at some time or another think suicide might be the answer, but I'm sure there is only a small percentage of people that do continue to think about it.
from integrating :
Just saw that you were here too. Hello! :)
from gr8legs :
you had me at "Satan dropped by my job with two small trays of cannolis." LOL
from catsoul :
11/30/13...Don't fall down. I hate that feeling Jimbo, take care. =^..^=
from zenayda :
Avoid Fairfield apartments. I could write a tome about what crooks they are. Also, I may not be a virgin, but I am 47, so I will take one of those shakes please. Just without the broccoli, if that's okay.
from integrating :
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
from dangerspouse :
You weren't reading too much into it. The guy's a fucking dick. You're right to keep looking. Well done, and good luck with it!
from integrating :
After talking to my son about how he was prescribed meds and said they helped, but wouldn't go to refill them...He said he told all that shit to my mother to "get her to shut up". lmao..that's my son.
from integrating :
That sucks you have to work Thanksgiving. Every year our family can't get together because everybody has other family plans. Well this year my cousin is having a family Thanksgiving this Saturday so the whole family can be together. It's the start of a new tradition and I love it...Doesn't matter when you have Thanksgiving, it's being thankful that you can be together. Might not be on Thanksgiving Day that you can celebrate, so make the best of it. :)
from zenayda :
GRRR! Well, I hope you get a bonus of some kind, then! Sheesh! Also, sorry to hear about your coworker. That is one of my greatest fears, just poof, and gone.
from stepfordtart :
That sucks........but turkey is good one any day, isnt it?! :-) s x PS thanks for the dead goats. They did not die in vain (I hope!).
from atwowaydream :
Eeep. I definitely didn't forget. . . . but yes, you're right, they always deserve mentioning!
from portlypete :
An empty restaurant is not necessarily a sign of bad food. We have a favourite Thai place we go to about once a month. It is almost always nearly empty and the lovely Thai waitress remembers where we sit and what we usually like to eat. I'm almost sure it must be a cover for some illicit drug running scheme - but they are so nice. I can't believe they make a profit, but they keep going somehow, and it's great, authentic food. We almost feel we have to go regularly or they will fold .... which would be tragic. (But no comedy act thank goodness!!!)
from integrating :
Thank you...and no chance with Eddie. He's married to a model. Yeah, that's the only thing standing in my way, LOL.
from integrating :
Nah man, Karma IS a bitch. He got what he had comin'.
from hitch-hike :
What an amazing encounter! He probably felt a strong pull toward you and had a good read on your energy. Sometimes I wonder if these people have messages to give to us?
from integrating :
Thanks for thinking of me. :) Hello to you too. I haven't even been on the computer for two days. I'll have to catch up. Cheerio!
from integrating :
Glad to see you back on Diaryland!
from catsoul :
It is such a warm and fuzzy good feeling when one gets appreciated! Good for you man!! =^..^=
from zenayda :
Welcome back! I missed seeing your name in red on my buddy list.
from zenayda :
I'm okay. Things on my mind, as you'll see in my journal, but not bad. Nothing a million bucks wouldn't fix. ;-)
from integrating :
I'm doing well. Working on reconnecting with my spirituality. :)
from zenayda :
How are ya, Jimbo? It has been a minute, so I thought I'd check in.
from stepfordtart :
*fervently hopes...* s x
from zenayda :
Gentle healing to F, and strength to you.
from stepfordtart :
*transatlantic hugs* s x
from atwowaydream :
The picture you took is beautiful. I send many hugs your way.
from hitch-hike :
I'm sorry about the family dog, Jimbo... May memories of the big guy comfort you and your family.
from zenayda :
Oh my goodness, I am so very sorry for your loss. It's so hard when a pet passes away. Please accept my condolences and a great big hug.
from integrating :
Poor thing. I know what it's like to lose a beloved pet.
from college-kid :
Sorry for your loss. :(
from stepfordtart :
Aww! Im not much of a dog-person generally but thats just terrible. You poor things. My condolences :-( s x
from catsoul :
So very sorry to read about your beloved Charlie's passing. It hurts so bad, like part of your soul has been wrenched from you. I feel your anguish and pain. Charlie will be watching you and your family. He is now your special guardian, and waiting for his family to meet sometime. Take Care. =^..^=
from stepfordtart :
Thank goodness! I thought it was just me that knew that, and that I was keeping this awful truth from the whole of humanity. Do you have those ones called Soothers over there? With the liquid middle? Thats candy, isnt it? Thats candy that tastes a bit of menthol. DUH. Sooooo NOT medicine. s x
from integrating :
You're welcome!
from integrating :
Thanks! I'm so grateful.
from zenayda :
I see that it was the day to deal with god-wannabes. Must be something in the air, that the smart folks have to tolerate the idjuts. What a Monday.
from college-kid :
Yay! This seems to be a good year for exercise and health and such. :) Trying to do the same mehself! Stay motivated!
from atwowaydream :
No problem! It's always one step at a time, and it's always good to get some encouragement.
from atwowaydream :
You're right, baby steps really do add up to leaps. Awesome job.
from portlypete :
I'm up to 166 pounds and aiming at 147. That's a 11.5% weight loss. I'll race ya!
from byebeautiful :
Thanks for stopping by! I hope the rest of your day is filled with as much laughter!
from college-kid :
The "TELL HIM SUMMERS COMING" made me think of Game of Thrones. *Geek Moment*
from comebacktome :
Thank you for the note. It was lovely and is more poignant precisely BECAUSE you are a complete stranger living a world away. I am just going to try to churn on through and take it one step at a time, as you suggest. Don't have much choice really! :)
from hitch-hike :
Daughter in the Benz? I'm thinking of Neil Diamond's song, "Girl,you'll be a woman soon." Hahhaha!! Kudos to you for giving your teen the rundown about the reality of dudes. Maybe this one's ok, but I wish I got a gentle rundown when I was her age!!
from zenayda :
Oh dear. I need to check my email more often. I just saw your note about a password. Does your Diaryland email work? If so, look for an email from a Yahoo account with a subject header of "Zen's Combo." If not, do you have another email I could send it to?
from integrating :
In my entry I say "these damn taxi drivers." No offense, wasn't talking about you, lol.
from stepfordtart :
Gurgles sure does have a lot of ass-based problems, huh? ;-) s x
from stepfordtart :
Hasent shit in 3 days? And he's in hospital for that? WTF? There's definitely more to that story - otherwise he's never heard of the "two cups of strong coffee and a cigarette" treatment for constipation! s x PS I didnt notice you'd updated, I had you on my buddy list but its not letting me know. Im going to delete you and add you again in the hope it'll give d'land a kick up the arse. xx
from college-kid :
Lots of handwashing and hand sanitizer! Always wash when given the chance, though. :)
from secret-motel :
Howdy. I'm still around. I've just been reading more than writing. Lately.
from yourtipsucks :
it won't be my last post :) i will just have to spare the details..i usually do anyway. paranoid.
from hitch-hike :
Actually, no, thank goodness!! The Trent Reznor quote happened after going out that night with Victor... the beer goggles were on & I kinda like him, too :D
from hitch-hike :
Yes, I truly am the librarian version of a crash test dummy and test pilot. I somehow manage to use my bravery/stupidity (depends on how you look at it) when it comes to things involving risk in my career. As much as I like the quiet and orderly nature of the profession, I gotta shake things up a bit to not die of boredom!
from college-kid :
Yikes-- good luck with his family. Strange they finally want to talk to you/are concerned.
from hitch-hike :
Ughhh... I experienced many a cold winter in the Great Lakes, including when the wind chill was down to -40 during the winter of 93-94! Here's a clip from 1978; it was being passed around and I loved it. Ain't nothing like rockin' out to severe winter weather :D
from hitch-hike :
Stupid ass no brained mother fucker!!! Arrrrggggggh!!!
from college-kid :
Aha hahaha, we've all had to work with douche bags like that. Good on ya for visiting your co-worker, I bet it means a lot to him. :)
from stepfordtart :
Good grief! I hope he thanked you after! s x
from stepfordtart :
that programme sounds good - hope she enjoys it! s x
from hitch-hike :
Unfortunately, due to the cops being overzealous with domestic and interpersonal matters, anything more than a verbal chew-out and standing really close equals assault. Where were the good ol' days where 2 people can just kick each other's ass and then have the problem resolved?
from college-kid :
You know daddy's always gotta take care of their baby girls. :) Good on ya. And yes-- Peggy is one of my favorites! We just started the season where they started the firm over as Sterling Cooper Draper Price. Excited. :D
from integrating :
Thanks for the help!
from hitch-hike :
If I was mistaken for a famous person, I'd try to play it off... So yeah, pretend you're Ron Jeremy, make up stuff, and see how the other person reacts! My cousin used to be able to pass as Juliana Margulies (circa her ER days) and it was hilarious to see people ask for her autograph!
from secret-motel :
A merry humbug to you. And a belated welcome back to DL.
from hitch-hike :
I've been lurking off & on for a while, so thank you for the add!
from stepfordtart :
Hey Jimbo! You back then, dude? Long time no read, huh? Merry Christmas to you, dear! s x
from artgnome :
I have finally unlocked my diary. If my ex wants to read my business, let him.
from college-kid :
OH MY GAAHHHH!!! How the heck could I forget that one!?!?? SO TRUE!
from stepfordtart :
Ever tried to haul one of those giant salamis back from the deli? Yeh. You'd normally put it in a shopping bag, wouldnt you? Yeh. L, too! *wink* s x PS You arent the first person to suggest commando. I think he's just a smelly hippy!
from stepfordtart :
With Gold, d'land will host the pics for you but there's nothing to stop you pasting in your pics from other hosts. Thats what I do (WAY too poor to pay for gold!). s x
from stepfordtart :
So glad you two are getting along so well at the moment. Hope Im not treading on toes, but you do know you can paste pics direct into your diary from photobucket, dont you? (saves people clicking on the link each time) - Just copy the 'html link' into your diary entry instead of the 'direct link'. Might be useful to you if you didnt already know about that. s x
from secret-motel :
Thank you for the encouragement. I'm still working on the phone call part. I have a horrible habit of talking myself out of doing the things it would be good for me to do.
from stepfordtart :
Awwww, man! I read this out to my daughter and then we both made that slightly sad "sweeeeeeet" face that means we wish that had ended differently for you. s x
from lostasyou :
Thanks haha. There's not actually a job as such, just trying to get more help to find one :) could help a bit more.
from stepfordtart :
Heeheehee! Tooooooo funny, my friend. Im sure she's a sensible girl. s x
from stepfordtart :
Awww, I can see why that might be a bit of a curve ball you got thrown, there (my Jooj is nearly 16). I hope you guys have a good non-confrontational chat and you get the reassurance you want. s x
from stepfordtart :
Haha! Snap! s x
from stepfordtart :
Hey! Ive been whiling away a boring afternoon rummaging through your archives (instead of doing housework!). Hope you dont mind - I see we have some of the same friends here! s x
from lostasyou :
I'm putting you on my buddy list!
from catsoul :
You wrote you think you need a about writing a travel book about your taxi travels, or on the soft side, grow a plant, I am too funny sometimes. I also read that you skip those boring blogs, so I know you must skip me Jim!! Take care, and glad that you have your daughter working near you. =^..^=
from portlypete :
Since you asked - not necessarily my all-time top ten, but these came to mind. There are so many others ..... The Wizard of Oz - The Shawshank Redemption - E.T. - Schindler's List - Cinema Paradiso - Four Weddings and a Funeral - The King's Speech - Cold Mountain - Slumdog Millionaire - The Italian Job - * Maybe I should include Scorcese's "Taxi Driver" *
from portlypete :
I'd defo go with "Shawshank Redemption"
from college-kid :
Haha, thanks. =)
from college-kid :
Waiting tables isn't /super/ labor intensive. I've done it since 9th grade and next year I'll be graduating college. In all honesty, I think it's helped me develop a side of my personality that would have never existed had I not started it. If you make an effort, and do it long enough, you're able to connect with customers during their brief meal. I find it very rewarding, actually. But I may be a little lame, I admit. xD
from takosmadness :
Hi, there Jimbo. How are things going lately?
from takosmadness :
I felt like I was reading one of my entries there, Jimbo. You know how things got with Lisa, so I think I can relate to what you must be going through inside. Just hang in there. It is hard to not take "I hate you" remark personally, but try your best to not let it hurt your feeling. As for piercing, I would tell her to wait for one year or whatever you seem fit, and see if she still wants it done. I did that with Lisa when she came to me about nose piercing. She was 13 I think. I told her to wait till she was 16, and guess what, she changed her mind about that long before her 16th birthday. Now she's been talking about getting tattoo on her 18th birthday. LOL. Anyways, if you need to talk to, you know where to find me. You can email me any time. ok?
from artgnome :
wow. what a terribly rough place to be in as a parent. I will keep you both in prayer and hope that she feels that she can talk to you about whatever it is that is going on. I would also look into whether or not she is being bullied or is embarrassed about something.
from takosmadness :
from samcorday :
i'm glad your daughter's back home safe and sound......i'm ashamed to say that a couple years ago...i used to do thoe kinda things....sometimed it just felt like my mom's love was just suffocating i know better...there's no such thing as too much love as a's just the way it comes across as sometimes can be a bit smothering...but that's ust my take on're daughter'll come around :)
from artgnome :
not knowing where your child is is horrific. I have had moments of that kind of panic and I don't know anything else like it. I'm glad she is safe, and your heart is still working as it should!
from catsoul :
geeeeeeeeeesh, some of the stuff we are forced to listen to and pretend to, I hear you man!! Glad to see you back, though now I understand why you aren't doing FarmVille. Your daughter it sounds like is really trying to separate from you. She wants to work things out for herself, only talking to you when needed. I remember how hard this part was for me with my son, it was especially frustrating because I always wanted to fix, solve, make everything right with his world. =^..^=
from komachi :
I'm relocating~ I used a part of your suggestion on my next username! :D I will let you know as soon as I set it all up. I think I am locking komachi up.
from ladyluck92 :
The thought of someone actually wanting to read my boring/ranting mess of a diary still baffles me! Feel free to read and/or comment anytime!!
from artgnome :
My thanksgiving was good. I dropped the boy off with his dad and I had a rotisserie chicken from the local grocery and movies from the library. I was quiet, content and free from my family! woot!
from artgnome :
I'm glad you had a good turkey with your girl. I for one lay low on Black Friday and never go near a store. I don't care for that kind of craziness. I'm sorry it went so badly for you this year! big hug!
from catsoul :
Same back at you, Farmer J. So you need to invite me to be your neighbor so that you show up on my neighbor bar on FarmVille. Oh, and what do you think so far about it? Take care and you and your daughter, since that is who you mention when you write, have a yummy feast, though every day is one to give thanks to be here and sane!!!! =^..^=
from komachi :
Thank you, Jimbo, for your wonderful feedback. I am very glad that some of things I saw made sense for you. (was very nervous) I wish you the very best. And have a wonderful Thanksgiving~
from soapboxdiner :
Yeah, it made me giggle, too. :) This kinda stuff for me is just random silliness -- It comes to me and I think on it once, then forget it. D00d thinks I should write it all down so we can make a whole production out of it. How do comics do that? Mel Brooks must have been a God.
from komachi :
I sent you your reading by email, but it came right back to me. :-(
from catsoul :
ok then, so you are going to try out FarmVille? That is what I told my son, and now I am on a higher level than him!! =^..^=
from komachi :
I should be able to do the reading this weekend :-)
from officehours :
Sure. I even left the light on for you. Login-Open Password-Book
from komachi :
It's too bad about the landlord not being nice. :-/ But I am sure you will be able to repair it. Good luck! (Once that's done, will you come this way and repair my dishwasher? lol :p) Oh yes, thank you for offering to be my guinea pig. Ask a question anytime you want, and I will do my best. :-)
from wilberteets :
Thanks for the nice note and the add, Jimbo.
from artgnome :
sweet pic of your girl. I always wanted to be somebody's princess. I guess I will have to settle for being queen of my own domain.
from warpednormal :
thank you =) i needed that. I have no intention of giving up just yet, its just been really difficult to keep up with everyone when I can be quite a slow learner. =( oh well, i'll get there!
from komachi :
Good luck to Kelly on her tryout! :-) And I hope you will hear something from the site very soon!
from svenhard :
mandarin's hard work, i worked with a chinese girl who spoke cantonese and she had a great deal of trouble learning mandarin. as current chinese culture comes preloaded with piss poor communism i don't see it being a world beating strategy, although i think those mao suits look quite smart
from komachi :
Thank you. :-)
from catsoul :
Oh how funny, I can so relate to the two different shoes! I have also in a fog of being tired put on two shirts, two pairs of socks. Then when you are sitting at work and actually look down at yourself, go oh my god, who the fuck dressed me this morning!! It wasn't ok either with the two shirts because they didn't really match, so I couldn't even remark that I was trying the layering look out. Hey, you are too funny. Take care man. =^..^=
from artgnome :
I spend a lot of time alone. Having something to do is key, or too much thinking ensues. And not the good kind.
from komachi :
thanks for the kind word for Lisa's graduation:-) Out of the 5 years, we have actually been speaking to each other on the phone for a bit over one year now. still he does pretty well judging my voice. :[
from catsoul :
The little brown one is Malcolm, he wasn't squintting, he was making a wish about loving up his girlfriend Sadie! Oh and thanks. =^..^=
from catsoul :
I know that bored feeling, you don't even feel like writing. Glad you are back to writing, I was starting to wonder. By the way, nice computer, nice 7-up and roll of TP, good for many uses!! =^..^=
from komachi :
yupyup, it's working just fine for me :-)
from komachi :
Hi, there. I am sorry you didn't have any luck on getting the doctor's note. But I am relieved to know that Kelly is not having another breathing problem! :-)
from catsoul :
Hey there Jim, I clicked on your photobucket link and I didn't see any pictures. I don't know what I did wrong. Have a good Friday, by the way!! =^..^=
from komachi :
Yeah, I am afraid that is a possibility.. but i wanted to share my experience so that perhaps YOU can think this out and find a way for you to get the doctor's note you need. I can totally understand how you feel there. Perhaps, because of the nature of the problem your daughter had, the doctor might be able to give you the note right away. *crosses fingers* Please keep us posted. And have a great weekend!
from komachi :
What you went through, I went through with Lisa. The same thing was told. We needed a doctor's note in order for her to be excused from swimming(in her case, her entire body got covered with bad bad hives from the pool water here at the apartment, so she was scared it'd happen from the school pool). I took her to the doctor, and he said he couldn't give us the note because she wasn't showing any reaction at that time. I almost wanted to start an argument with the doctor then... I hope you will be able to get the doctor's note :-)
from catsoul :
Holly the "Warrior," what a tribute to a survivor of the times and street. She must be such a strong soul. =^..^=
from komachi :
np :-) Good luck!
from komachi :
Yes, something like that. Once you go to a site that offers you free templates, you will get a good idea of what to do. :-) Try this site - Raging Pistachio Designs, and look around.
from komachi :
Usually, they give you the entire codes you will need. You just have to copy and paste their codes. :-)
from soapboxdiner :
Wow. Holly, baby . . . Hope she stays safe. And if so, what a life story that would make.
from warpednormal :
aww. THANKS times a million!
from komachi :
Thank you. Some people are very talented, aren't they? The one you saw before must be the one with dandelions. :-) I liked that one as well.
from komachi :
Oki doke! :-) If you have a problem still, you know where to find me. I am going to the apt gym for a while. see ya later.
from komachi :
I posted on my diary about linking. I used my diary that way I can see it myself. LOL. The first one didn't work. Now it shows. I hope it helps. Let me know!
from komachi :
Happy Birthday!
from catsoul :
Happy Belated Birthday Man....hope you ate something that you trully enjoyed....wink, wink!!! Have fun drink a diet pepsi on me!!!! =^..^=
from komachi :
Thanks! :-)
from artgnome :
I love Tank Girl! Lori Petty really brought her to life well. :)
from offbymyself :
the username is: autumn. the password is: breeze.
from artgnome :
welcome to the four eye club. I have tri-focals. ugh. heavy. thanks for your note and support!
from catsoul :
So post a photo of you in your shorter haircut. I can relate with you...I don't like get compliments either. I always think, well what was wrong with how I looked before, etc. I am growing my hair out again, I had sort of short and now I want it back to my waist. It is down to just below my shoulders and all one length finally, that took a fucking year to grow out all the layers. Anyhoo...have a good week and I hope that flowerchild feels better, because it is better to have someone else there working with you even if you don't really totally enjoy her company...she is a body to help. :)
from warpednormal :
thanks for the comment + the add :D really enjoying your diary already.
from komachi :
oh yes, that's right. You had to go to the court with a friend. How did that go? Thank you so much for coming up with those names. They are great! I got chuckle out of Lisalog!! haha. I don't always write about Lisa. Errrrr.... wait.. I DO! MayasMadness.. how did you come up with that one? Ok, I should think of some also.... *trys to get her brain working* I think I need some coffee first. :p
from komachi :
"oh well, life goes on" - I think that's the exact attitude I need in dealing with the issue I've been having at work. But I seem to be FUMING inside. LOL. Oh yes, I hope you have a wonderful day off today. Today's my day off too. As for changing my diary, I will definitely let you know, but I think it will take me a while to come up with a good username. (I am awful at coming up with usernames... Can you tell?) Have some idea?
from microthrills :
Oh no, nonono, The German is off limits. Everything else goes... ;)
from redsilk :
Thank you so much for visiting my page!! I truly do appreciate you leaving such a kind comment, thank you. I also hope your migraine eases off too! They are terrible afflictions and you have my sympathy! xx
from catsoul :
I hope today is better for you...a migrane is just awful, it just wears you down. Lampwork beads are handmade using high heat and glass, color is added. You should google lampwork beads. I like to buy "orphan lots" of lampwork beads on e-bay because you get a variety and sometimes you are able to win alot for less. Lampwork beads are somewhat expensive if you buy a focal bead, which is one you use to make a pendant necklace with. So there really isn't one bead I am looking for ever, I am always looking for that wonderful artist created beads, they are all unique. Take care and I do hope your head isn't being invaded by creatures again today. =^..^=
from komachi :
Aw... MIGRAINE! :-( I am sorry to hear(read) about your headache. Hope it goes away completely soon.
from komachi :
Thank you for your encouraging words.
from gonzoprophet :
hehe, i don't think i'd quite heard it defined like that but that certainly sounds pretty on point
from gonzoprophet :
if you've been trying to get to it through your buddy list, it's misspelled on your profile. i didn't take the name from anything in particular, though gonzo is admittedly used in reference to ideas penned by hunter s. thompson.
from komachi :
No, 3 on each ear lobe... She had the cartilage pierced a few years ago. She says she needs one more and it's complete. I had already read your entry when she came home, so I was like.. "Arggg! Mine too!" haha.(but then I got my ear pierced without my parents knowing right when I left home to attend an university.. LOL.. and I still remain the only one in the family with pierced ears) I must say though, Lisa has done a pretty good job. Yeah, I agree, it wasn't the tongue(or nose) your daughter wanted to pierce. I bet she is very excited, no? :-)
from wafflehead :
LOL, no, I'm pretty sure with all the dumb things I do and say that I'm Karen. My hair's not really big, either :P
from komachi :
Ouch! lol. Your entry reminded me of my younger sister when she was little. She didn't punch boys in their groin area, but she chased boys around looking to kick them in there.
from soapboxdiner :
you have such an interesting life. Just play nice with the other kids, hear?
from wafflehead :
LOL! Your note made me laugh out loud, which is usually my job (Making other people LoL). Thanks for picking up my slack :P
from komachi :
I am not really sure what it was. But after all that, I felt fine. So I'd think it was something I ate, and the only thing I ate that I don't usually eat was the sour gummy. I'm glad it's all over! haha. :) Are you working today? If so, have a great/safe day out there!
from komachi :
What a night you had!!
from artgnome :
I have been my own chestnut dark brown for years and since the spring have been having it bleached white. I want a really wow color while I let my roots grow out, so yeah, i also like the idea of red. Big blue is still for sale, a friend right now is trying to sell him to a collector for 5,000. It will be interesting to see where this painting finally finds a permanent home. It is 5x5 feet, my largest work.
from svenhard :
there's clearly more to you than meets the eye, i thinker methinks. god in the classical sense does not exist, all life is self-assembling, all matter follows patterns, humans are too dumb to realise that patterns are self organising because they are products of matter and do not require any 'assembler' to make them happen. weak minded fools do nothing for our cultural survival, they should be exterminated or brought up to speed with a healthy dose of lsd
from komachi :
Thank you for your encouragement :-) I did have a good day at work today~
from microthrills :
Thank you for your kind note. New developments regarding T though so an update is coming soon...
from soapboxdiner :
Hi Jimbo! I wanted to stop by and tell you thank you for your notes and the time you took to send good jibes my way. That was very nice and much appreciated. :)
from svenhard :
sven h�rd the baker, sven h�rd the dj or sven h�rd the porn star, all of us are real, only one has a dland account (that i'm aware of), clarity is the first step to enlightenment, when you know who you seek then your answers will follow, sources should not always be trusted. your dashboard is too deep, place the bottle laterally to end the rolling misery
from komachi :
Thank you very much for taking the time to leave me a note - Helps me to know what you thought of it. Cause you know, I am more likely biased.
from catsoul :
Help him to be safe and pick up the money and put it back on his person. Drive him and help him again into the building, hopefully passing him or her on to someone else. =^..^=
from komachi :
Yes, I would help pick the money up, and only take the fare. Even though I don't drink, I'd hope there would be others who would do the same if I happen to be in the similar situation (I had something a little similar happen to me years ago, and the money was stolen from me) Besides, if I took advantage of the situation, I wouldn't be able to sleep well days to come. And I want my sleep! :-)
from catsoul :
Well Jim in all honesty, there are nice people everywhere, and not so nice people. For myself, I try to avoid the not so nice people. That is hard to do though sometimes for me, like at work I have no choice. When you asked in your writing, immediately Ed Gein and Jeff Dahlmer, spelled something like that. In fact, when I lived north of Owen, WI, Ed Gein, lived at Clark County Health Care and died there. I know what you mean when you wrote about the tone when you talked with your daughter. I don't know how old she is, but maybe you want to pursue her concern, maybe she is dreaming about not so nice things happening to "her daddy." Take care. =^..^=
from artgnome :
Hello Jimbo. My UN is artgnome and my PW is gnomeart
from microthrills :
Speak of the devil:
from microthrills :
When they were building The Standard Hotel, they were trying to entice people to stay there (the hotel rooms have floor to floor glass windows so if you don't pull your curtain closed, 10th Ave has a great view of you nekkid). So they said "We won't mind your banging if you don't mind ours".
from catsoul :
It feels good to care....the bonus is that couple will hopefully get ahead & remember a kindness, then want to do a kindness for someone else. Yeah!!! =^..^=
from microthrills :
RE: home invasion - You live some life :)
from offbymyself :
autumn - breeze
from gonzoprophet :
i think i might be more of a space station kinda nemesis.
from asyourghost :
from catsoul :
Hi Jim, my old eyes had a tough time reading on the grey background today. Wasn't it lighter before? I can't remember. Anyhoo, great tip!! =^..^=
from catsoul :
Hey there again Jim, I took photos of the jasmine rice for you. =^..^=
from catsoul :
I would have to say yes, it has more flavor. Eating jasmine rice though really makes it even taste better. Since the chicken is the only meat right now that I can digest, having been able to add jasmine rice to it, helps a hell of alot. The jasmine rice has a sweet taste, if you like rice, Jim, you should give it a try. I add cinnamon to the rice. Have a great weekend, do you have to work? Take care. =^..^=
from fuck--that :
Thank you for your note; I've been debating showing him my diary, but I kind of like knowing that it belongs to just me. And, you know, all the strangers on the internet. =) I loved your entry about the I-phone! I laughed for longer than was appropriate at a library!
from komachi :
Thank you for adding me :-)
from catsoul :
The people on the train may represent experiences that you haven't had/tried/or done in your life. The lost feeling may tie into the uneasiness of not experiencing more in your life. Limitations and make you feel lost. Just a thought man.... =^..^=
from komachi :
Thank you for leaving me a note :-) I want to say.. "keep trying!" with your girl. What I believe is... that if love is behind the things you do, it will all turn out fine in the end. And you sound you obviously love her and have been trying. Keep trying :-) By the way, I read some of your entries. I am happy to report to you..... that I have not done any of the things you listed "NOT TO DO" while riding a taxi. *phew* Well, thank you again for stopping by.
from microthrills :
Thanks for the words of encouragement! ;) This diaryland experience has been great so far, I like this anonymous outlet.
from catsoul :
Try # 807.... =^..^=
from yourtipsucks :
thanks for the note! :D

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