messages to liquid-mojo:
(click here to add new message):
from acornotravez : |
YaY you're back! Dude, that's so scary about your health... but you're totally doing the right thing. You show that beer gut who's boss! I've realized the battle of the buldge never ends, and every 5-10 years it gets so much harder. *sigh* to be in my 20's again. =] |
from sexyatheist : |
happy new year to you too! and sadly i didn't come up with the idea, south park is just that much better. and i'm working on getting my band up and running. hopefully soon. |
from l-alle : |
oh but space heaters are a 'fire hazard' so im not allowed. [pouts] |
from anthronut : |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY :). Glad to hear your vacation is going well. Hope your Mama is still doing well!!! |
from anthronut : |
SO glad to hear your mom is Ok :). And yeah. Diet and exercise *sigh*...It's hard. Especially when having to be self motivated. I'm good at self-motivating at other things in my life (work, school...) but NOT diet and exercise. I'm not sure why. |
from indulgentia : |
hey hun, sorry to hear about your mum. fingers crossed she's all ok. and sorry about you missing your vacation... seems us scorpios arent have a good time of it reacently... too many disapointment... so yeah... let the good times roll on :) *hugs* |
from anthronut : |
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom! I really hope everything is alright. Keep me posted!!! |
from anthronut : |
Thank you for the comment. Very funny and sweet! :). |
from indulgentia : |
feel free to note me anytime you like hun :) and thanks for finding my abreviations cute :p hehe. Am feeling better tonight, but still a bit distant from some things. hope your hangover clears up x |
from indulgentia : |
hey, drunk or not, I appreciate you stopping by to leave a note. as for your title of running on empty... thats exactly how I felt when I woke up this morning... empty. and it dont half suck x |
from anthronut : |
I'm sorry to hear about your job! That's so shitty they did that. And, I'm sorry you're feeling just down in general...:( Feel better! |
from anthronut : |
Those lists...I'll tell you what. :P I've always wanted a chance to move out of state and start over. Especially if there's a job waiting. That tends to be thing to hold people back...and if you get the job, then there's no reason not to go! :) Arizona is hot though...really hot... |
from indulgentia : |
i dont agree with laptops generally, but if there's a free one I wouldnt say no! my flat now just needs a dining table and a decent cd cabinet... and a few other things lol. And it usually takes a lot to make me want to walk away from someone I care about, but them being hipocritical puts me one step closer to doing it... still no fun tho |
from indulgentia : |
lol. ok. I just couldnt read the word thistle, hence my surprise at milk being invovled at all.thank you for clearing that up :) |
from indulgentia : |
eeeeeeeeeeew! lol. with added milk...what now? x |
from anthronut : |
A bucket list would almost make feel worse about dying. I'd never get to it. I have trouble keeping new years resolutions. Anyway. :P What carrier are you with? I thought Verizon was the only one who carried that phone. But I could be wrong (and probably am!) But that's really lame that the phone came with Asia/Pacific maps...did it not occur to anyone that that probably needed to be changed??? |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Send your email addy to me; I've locked up. |
from beckers-j : |
Hey, doll. No passwords this time around. I'm just writing for myself for now. I do blog on MySpace once in a while, though. :) |
from indulgentia : |
drop me an email, or find me on msn sometime maybe... [email protected] its easier than havign to sign in here all the time esp while I'm at work x |
from indulgentia : |
oh dear, what are we getting into here... lol x |
from indulgentia : |
thanks :) lol |
from indulgentia : |
lol, there I was getting all excited to get to work and see the email saying i'd gotten a note from you, and for all it to say was 'thanks' :p such an anticlimax! I expect better next time! ;) xxx |
from indulgentia : |
I've made it back to the land of the net :D congrats on getting through your masters dude... no easy task xxx |
from indulgentia : |
lol and I bet in your head that phrase is said with that OTT posh british accent you get on tv, huh?? :p x |
from indulgentia : |
intreaguing and amusing... thats the scorpio in you people see! :p good luck with your finals hun. xxx |
from indulgentia : |
hey.. :) thanks for the note.. it's nice and reassuring to know my ranting isnt going totally unnoticed... I know I need to chill out and enjoy what I have while I've got it, but I'd like to do more than that, I want it to be the best it can be... saying that, it's hard to open up to that when you're both scared of getting hurt again... I figure we'll work it out one way or another... either I'll go mad worrying and drive him away, or we'll find a way to be happy together :p ok, so enough putting off re-reading my 1st yr notes - I need to feel somewhat more prepared than I do at the moment for my interview next week... I'll let you know how it goes xxx |
from indulgentia : |
*hugs* I'd not want to talk to a supposed friend who was like that with me either... I dont let my friends get away with taking advantage anymore... you could always just say her phones not at your place? she shoulda been more careful and remembered where she left it... I'm not evil really, but hey, sometimes its fun ;) but yay for the raise at work :) and again, I'd definately show them what you're capable of, make yourself indespensible to them almost, then up and leave... *evil chuckle and grin* hehe :D xxx |
from indulgentia : |
boo! so, it's been another month (nearly)... how did March treat you? xxx |
from indulgentia : |
lol no worries then. thought it worth asking tho... you never know who's got what available! :p I'm in such a strange mood... x |
from indulgentia : |
glad to hear you're ok. I'm doing fine too, just battling a head cold at the mo. so feeling all a bit fuzzy in the head, and I could do with a new nose... any options there? :p xxx |
from indulgentia : |
you were being positively prolific there for a couple days! :) *hugs* hope you're ok tho hun xxx |
from indulgentia : |
now, I wonder where you might have gotten an idea like that from?! lol x |
from indulgentia : |
*prods* you still there? it's been a month, update already! :p |
from classicrose : |
HA - Derrick I was re-reading some of my first d-land entries and I came across your comment on my post re-insecurites. I think regardless of our income, appearance, status - the feelings we have about wanting to be loved for who we are is universal. I will never truly believe someone loves me for ...well me. But if I find someone wonderful I hope I can at least shelf that thought enough to love them back with my all. BTW when you make your first million give me a call. LOL j/k |
from indulgentia : |
YAY for the pinstripe! :D I'm quite happy with pinstripe in and on pretty much any colour. I currently have 4 pairs of trousers: dark grey with light grey stripe, light grey with a pink stripe, and two navy pairs one with white stripe, one with navy stripe. I also have a cute little cream summer weight jacket with a brown stripe, and even my dressing gown is pinstripe... lol, think I might be overdoing it?! hehe! |
from indulgentia : |
ah well, my techie friend, the foolishness of jumping on the 1st offering of a new product is such that you will ALWAYS be better off waiting for at least gen2 if not gen3 :p financially more viable too that way! lol! I recommend sony ericsson... loved the one of thiers I had (back in the day when a mobile phone was a phone and text device :p) my smasung's holding out good tho, even dropped it in my drink one time and it's all fine, slight sw glitch occasionally when trying to write a text, but you work round that... anyways, tis officially 2008 here in the UK, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm off to bed! haha! xxx |
from sexyatheist : |
it wouldn't surprise me if it were stress. all of this grad school stuff is super stressful. luckily it's calmed down a lot but i still feel twirly a few times a day. |
from indulgentia : |
lol okey doke. |
from indulgentia : |
that's some pout you had going for that pose! :p |
from indulgentia : |
hey |
from indulgentia : |
well, what's life without a bit of confusion huh? :) it'll all be cool. and be sure to have a drink in my honour! :p I suggest either vodka or brandy... |
from indulgentia : |
oh, I'm doing ok... it's all in my diary if you have the time to read up, but in a nutshell: I'm all excited about my birthday this weekend; all confused by guys; excited abotu my brithday - did I mention that already?! (actually, dont think I have said much abotu that in my diary...) x |
from indulgentia : |
oi! where's you? :p you've been absent for nearly a fortnight... everything ok over there? x |
from indulgentia : |
well, should you ever sign into y!msger it'll be there x |
from indulgentia : |
lol, ok... no I dont have myspace or facebook... you have my yahoo address, you can email me there, or it's the same username at if you wanna find me on msn... and no stalking... that's my job! :p |
from indulgentia : |
tut... leaving notes when you're in class?? yeah that shows dedication and attention! :p hehe! I am sooooo glad it's the weekend *sighs deeply* |
from indulgentia : |
well, i've gone to bed now. you take care and sleep well when you get that way :) xxx |
from indulgentia : |
yeah same here... in a way I cant be btohered with the whoel getting involved with someone right now, so I'm not really looking, per se, but that doesnt stop me noticing a good looking lad when he shows up arund the place, or flirting back a bit every now and then ;) |
from indulgentia : |
ah, well, I'd like to think I can do honesty and sincerity... and I think I'm as far from flaky as you can get... I'm sure there are other girls out there like me tho, and probability would assume some must be near by you |
from indulgentia : |
and what, for you, would mark the difference between a girl and a woman? |
from indulgentia : |
haha! well now I wanna spot the differences in these two resumes! :p thanks for the offer tho :)what about you and the various girls you've mentioned along the way these past few months? |
from indulgentia : |
lol, no I have no use of a lover... just a REALLY good, close, male friend :) someone I can curl up with in front of a film, someone I can talk to, who'll hold me when my world falls apart... that's all |
from indulgentia : |
what boyfriend? ;) yeah I'm ok... just abotu keeping my head above water I suppose... been a bit emotional the beginning of the week, but things seem to have evened out now :) thanks for asking xxx |
from indulgentia : |
lol typical! :p ah well, hope all's treating you well :) *hugs* xxx |
from indulgentia : |
you updated! woohoo! happy birthday, again. you didnt finish off your last entry yet tho... still waiting... :p xxx |
from anthronut : |
Aw. Sorry about your friend and your birthday...:P That's rough. Also, I feel slightly guilty about not taking the high road. You are a better person than I. |
from indulgentia : |
yup, 4weeks and a day... and I hit 25... :) xxx |
from indulgentia : |
hey you. Happy Birthday for when it rolls around. can you not leave your readers hanging likr that... 'I have more to say, but I'll do it later...' grr... if you HAVE to do that, make sure you do come back! :p ;) xxx |
from pantypulldwn : |
already done! email me here ~ [email protected] in the subject line put your diaryname so that i know who you are and i will give you your user name and password. |
from pantypulldwn : |
hey there hot stuff, if you want a pass word all you gotta do is email me!i will so let you in! |
from indulgentia : |
cheers for that :) I've been looking at the apple website the last couple days... very intreagued by the mac mini... now that's a true desktop computer! :) but for an extra �300 I could get an iMac, with a 20"screen (and keyboard and mouse) which is an even more tempting option now you've told me I can get it to boot into microsoft if I want it to... I have a friend who's trying to get me to get a mac... so I'll chat to her about it too :) |
from indulgentia : |
hey, I'd like to bother you for some techie advice... I need to buy me a new computer before this one totally falls apart on me... I just dont know what to go for! :p laptop or desktop? mac or pc? or one of each... most likely mac desktop, and pc laptop (just to be excessive) ;) at the moment I really only use my comp to play around online, chatting and stuff... but that's partly cos this one can't cope with much more... I'm put off macs cos they always seem cased in cheap tacky plastic, and I dont really know much about them, woudlhave to get used to the os etc but then pc's arent so great for all the powerful audio processing I would enjoy doing... decent audio output is important to me tho, not so fussed about graphics capabilities... and within a reasonable budget, ie I dont need the top of the range models, but total budget wont cut it either... any suggestions? :) xxx |
from indulgentia : |
I dont do phonecalls, unless I really have to... but I do have phases of texting tonnes... :) |
from indulgentia : |
>_< haha! I guess I'm just not that into all my tech stuff! :p |
from indulgentia : |
lol, I'd need a bigger bag then... and I'd turn into one of those girls who has EVERYTHING with them all the time! :p I like a small bag with my purse, phone (when I dont have a pocket for it), keys and diary in it :) |
from indulgentia : |
lol... I cant be bothering with that! cos then I'd end up with two dead batteries, and still my phone wouldnt work! :p how's the iphone doing? |
from indulgentia : |
gah... I hate my mobile phone battery somedays... I normally get 3 days out of it... but I swear I didnt even get 24 hrs out if just now! the world is conspiring against me today! :p |
from indulgentia : |
ah, my brother's choice after his panasonic (I think it was) gave out and he had to replace it with something. but we like it :) does the job! ;) |
from indulgentia : |
we have the same tv you just got... |
from indulgentia : |
:) |
from anthronut : |
OH MY GOD! You are so lucky and I'm jealous. I have a story...Walter and I want to have a threesome, but finding a third party is difficult. Anyway, there was a really pretty girl in one of Walter's classes, so he invited her to dinner with the two of us...but it bombed because she had NO idea what we were getting at...Like I'm not even sure she found it odd that he invited her to dinner with his fiance. I don't know. That bumms me right out. |
from indulgentia : |
hey... |
from stepfordtart : |
Your layout hurts my eyes. You gave me your hangover, I think. I had pasta for dinner so I guess it'll go away soon. s x |
from indulgentia : |
no worries hun, take care, and enjoy your party tonight :) I'm off to bed, so night night xxx |
from indulgentia : |
aww... poor you! :p lol, yeah I live in the UK, but not in London - the capitcal city hasnt quite grown to cover the whole country yet! :p |
from indulgentia : |
lol... yeah.... just drive across the big blue?! I'll send some with santa perhaps... if you're a good boy! ;) xxx |
from indulgentia : |
haha! the joys of alcohol! :D which reminds me - I found chocolate with absinthe in it!! I'm not sure how, cos it's too flat to have a liquid centre... novel all the same tho :) |
from indulgentia : |
hehe, yeah, stun emails would be great! can we use them to send back to spammers? and other such annoying people? :D You didnt know I live in London, cos I dont... :p xxx |
from indulgentia : |
for the most part things are going smoothly... got an email earlier that's stunned me, not quite sure how to react to it... but *shurg* whatever... at least there wont be tears before sleep tonight :) so I'm happy. xxx |
from indulgentia : |
hehe, no, never admit when you're wrong! :p ah well, never mind how or why, we're here now, and all is cool :) hope all is well in your corner of the world xxx |
from indulgentia : |
hm... interesting... although it doesnt make sense... I dont have you as a friend on the other name, and Im pretty sure I never noted you from there either... maybe you just wish you new me? :p those scorpionic powers of delusion can be grand... :p lol |
from indulgentia : |
I'm all about curiosity at the moment... must be a phase of the moon or something :) anyways... was just wondering... back in the beginning of this diary, you said you recognised my old name... how? I dont remember reading or talking to you under that name... I think I know, but I want to be certain... :) |
from indulgentia : |
!! locked to the simcard?! man, that's just major hassle!! lol, but I guess they figured they could get away with it cos it was such an anticipated product? for me that would be a major point against getting one... |
from indulgentia : |
lol cool, you're still a techie fool tho! :p I think from a commercial view it's a bit silly to lock your phone in to any one network... 'it works best with this network' perhaps, but the option to use it on any network should be there... unless of course your cell providers dont have much competion yet? we have 4 or 5 main providers (that I can think of), and any new phone that comes out is usually available on all, if not most of them... it just opens up more opportunities for people to buy your product if the flexability is there... woo, rant...! ;) xxx |
from indulgentia : |
hey you... so, what do you think of this kid unlocking the iphone? xxx |
from dinosaurorgy : |
:P |
from dinosaurorgy : |
I've seen them in grey before. Usually you have to look pretty hard to find them. |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Aw, but grey panties are FUN to wear! |
from anthronut : |
Thank you very much :) |
from anthronut : |
The wedding actually isn't the money problem; my parents (bless their hearts)have agreed to pay for it. I'm more stressed out about dorm payments right now and the fact that I applied for a loan and something went wrong with it. That's stressful. Things will be cheaper once married due to the fact that married couples who are dirt poor get grants, cheap housing, CHIP, etc. :) Thank you for the kind thoughts though! And I hope you get less hung over soon!!! |
from classicrose : |
Your wise beyond your years Derrick, at least when it comes to decisions regarding high quality h2o |
from classicrose : |
yeah I know it's locked. My reasons are much the same as heydomsar but if you want access user:ohso pass:quiet |
from anthronut : |
Aww...I'm sorry things have been off...I KNOW THAT, OH MY GOSH! Cheer up Buck-a-roo! :) |
from anthronut : |
Thank you! :) |
from sexyatheist : |
the problem is actually with my boyfriend and the effect the rape is still having on our relationship. unfortunately my friend lives in hong kong so i'm not really able to be there for her as much as i would like but my boyfriend is still having a lot of problems with this. it was his friend that raped her and that created additional stressors in an already stressful situation. and on our trip it came out that it's still a problem. |
from indulgentia : |
mhmm... yup, I try to keep mine under wraps... it's usually irrational jealousy anyways, like if a friend of mine tells me about going out with other friends of theirs... :p but yeah, I've been struggling to keep on top of my jealousy recently :s and it's starting to bug me :( but I guess it'll all work out in the end xxx |
from indulgentia : |
:) hp mania is pretty much over, I think now :D so glad! do you suffer from a horrible jealous streak too, or is that just me? xxx |
from indulgentia : |
yay for us scorpios and getting some kissing action... ;) will update when I get a chance about my encouter *hugs* |
from anthronut : |
CUTE! Kissy kissy! :) |
from anthronut : |
And I thank you a great deal for voting regardless :) |
from miedema2002 : |
Thank you. |
from miedema2002 : |
Thanks do you know any other kinds of codes for different effects too? |
from miedema2002 : |
How do you make the screen fade into your diary like that? Do you know how to make the screens fade in different ways? Thanks |
from indulgentia : |
ahh... dont you sometimes think life woudl be easier without all those god dmaned emotions and feelings?! :p hehe, I sure do at times, then I quickly realise how boring things would be - we're scorpios, emotions are what we do best! :D well, maybe amoung other things... hm... like, sleep! hehe! bedtime for me! xxx (sorry, random note-age there!) |
from anthronut : |
I love that your "note me" button takes me right to this box :). Thank you. N-E-hoo. I'm curious as to why one would want an it REALLY that useful? Walter wants one, and I'm toying with the idea of buying one for him, but not if it serves the same purpose as say, a really fancy 2 seater sports car. Good for you on going to the gym! I seriously need to find that insperation. I'm slacking...and all the ice cream isn't helping :P. |
from indulgentia : |
;p |
from indulgentia : |
ahh, the plight of the techie fool! :p hehe! well, so long as you enjoy it all, and dont mind the endless bugs and issues that come with new products... and the price tag that goes with them... ;) lol, a degree in engineering has done nothing for my faith in electronic products, can you tell?! :p xxx |
from indulgentia : |
fool! sucker! it'll die just outside of warranty, and you know it :p enjoy tho, while it lasts, and retains the 'ooh look! shiney new toy' fascination :) xxx |
from anthronut : |
I agree! Angie sounds HOT with her French/Cuban accent. |
from anthronut : |
Aww. Such a nice life. I want to just lay around watching porn damn it!!! :) If the new girl is willing to call you back, that's a super good sign and you should call her while she's away. Make something plans for the future...and then of course make sure you can go through with them (concerts!). Girls like that. |
from indulgentia : |
Happy 5 yrs to your diary! |
from indulgentia : |
well, my comp's not really slow... it's just... "special" lol maybe it has computer-ADD or something! lol |
from indulgentia : |
oh! my poor little computer did not like you entry tody :( slowed RIGHT down... I really am gonna have to do something about replacing it! (cos I dont suppose you'd change your template just for me, huh? :p ) lol |
from endless-sea : |
$US, naturally! |
from classicrose : |
the mission impossible theme isn't a stretch I always thought it would be cool to be a superspy. Perhaps like Matahari. ;) |
from indulgentia : |
hey. good luck with that final :) and woot! for getting back to having your own space. I'm hoping my payrise means I might be in a better position to go out on my own again soon too... as much as we all love our families, there comes a time when we need the distance xxx |
from classicrose : |
I lived with my grandparents until I turned 10 years old. I wouldn't have changed that for anything. My parents started having a family significantly later in life than yours did from the sound of things. The end of life stuff is a little too close for comfort but I agree with you. I'll look back and be glad I made the choice to support them. Although I really don't consider it a choice. It's just the right thing to do. They are family. Thats the summation of it all. P.S. I'm aghast. indulgentia needs some serious sci-fi appreciation courses. Wars and LOTR are two of the most interesting universes in film and literature period. Perhaps the error is in starting with Episode 1. 1-3 blew chunks. |
from indulgentia : |
DS9 easily tops the list. Voyager and Next Gen if there's nothing else on. the other options I'll watch grudgingly, like if I'm trying to kill braincells ;) (I'm not that huge a fan :s lol) and as for the films... I dont think I actually sat and watched nay of them all the way through... but I've probably caught most of all of them by now, I just coudlnt tell you anything about them! :p |
from indulgentia : |
ah, see I'm a star trek girl. Star wars totally passed me by, but i gave episode 1 a fair go, twas ok, but didnt leave me desperate to catch up. same with LOTR. part of it's the hype that puts me off tho... so maybe one day, when people stop going on and on about how amazing these things are... ;p |
from pantypulldwn : |
i often entertain myself with the oddest vision of diaryland men who dance in my head to the toadies song tyler...i teeter on the fine line of genius and insanity. shall we dance? |
from pantypulldwn : |
that's too bad i am a firm believer in being naked as much as possible. something very liberating about that! nothing like having the worst day of my life stripping down showering and putting on a fresh g string and walking around the house always make a woman feel like the sexiest thing alive. |
from pantypulldwn : |
i lol whe ni read the note to chickpea about kicking your own ass. thanks, i haven't laughed like the in a long time. really i sound like i'm out of my mind but i just visioned jim carry saying i'm kicking my ass and burst into laughter in the middle of the night! i hope youi're having a good one and what's this about people seeing you naked??? i woould love to see that! |
from classicrose : |
It's a Sony Vaio FE Notebook customized. Specs: 2GHz Core 2 Duo Processor, 2GB DDR Memory(667 SDRAM), 200 GB Hard Drive, DVD+R/DVD+RW Drive, 15.4 WXGA TFT Display with Xbrite & built in Motion Eye Camera, NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 graphics, Vista Home Premium (which sucks in default settings but is suprisingly cool when customized). As an added bonus I purchased the graphic splash edition in charcoal blossom so not only is it hot on the inside it's hot on the outside as well. The voice recognition is pretty smokin' too. I'm way too in love with my computer. |
from classicrose : |
I didn't just get a PC I got the PC. If it were a man I'd have its babies. |
from classicrose : |
That was a horrible pun. |
from indulgentia : |
thanks :) I shall indeed be finding myself a micro sd card :) the b&o power amp in it certainly makes the sound quality good :) so I'm all happy on that front. just to wait and see how the battery holds out. hope you get well soon btw xxx |
from indulgentia : |
lol! I got the samsung u600. it is rather sexy, for a phone. ;p the camera's got some funky features... more so than mum's digi cam! only bad thing is that I can only get 10 mp3's on it without an extra card. liking the fm radio on it tho. will no doubt keep me entertained on my two 4 hr train journeys this weekend :D |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Sucky. Hopefully you'll find some time for yourself some time here. |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Been busy, I take it? |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Hey, Derrick, it's me Lambert :D I'm going through my buddylist, asking people if they'd like to join my little diaryland club (question-it); I'm not sure, would you be interested in chatting it up with a bunch of people asking questions all the time? |
from stepfordtart : |
where the fuck did you look up the word "cozzie"? In a "Dictionary of Obscure Uk slang"? heehee. thanks for the compliment tho :) s x |
from indulgentia : |
okey doke :) thank you for that. I shall see if I can seek one out in a shop in town and see what I'm told about it too. added you just now as I'm about to head off to bed, just so you know :) take care xxx |
from indulgentia : |
hey, can I seek your phone advice again? what do you make of the Samsung U600? I'm seriously tempted by the B&O sound... is it any good tho? oh, and I noticed you have Y! messenger details available...I was gonna add you, but thought I shoudl ask 1st... :) |
from indulgentia : |
hehe, yeah, if you think so... :p xxx |
from classicrose : |
I had a She-Ra action figure with her pegusus Swift Wind and the Crystal Castle. They were all pink how could i resist. I used to take my cousin's He-man just so i'd have a boy action figure to play with. I mostly played with them like midevil barbies. Thundercats were fantastic I have all the action figures. My cousin owned them first but he was going to throw them away!! There are certain toys I can't get rid of, those are some. Good for you studying hard, thankfully i'm firmly through with the majority of my academia and can focus on more important things like video games :P Hang in there, it'll be over soon ;) |
from anthronut : |
Bummer dude. At least you know you're attractive and intelligent :). That will get you places. You'll find a lady who appreciates that, and until you do, I wouldn't worry about the dumb ones who let you slip by :P. TOTALLY their loss. |
from indulgentia : |
hang on in there hun, and watch that wall... you might just need it someday! :p |
from classicrose : |
Derrick - the bottom line on any marketing strategy is success not finesse no matter what they tell you. I've seen the most horribly inept shmoozers be top sellers. "Why?" you didn't ask, tenacity. The finesse is not in the ratio of success to failure rather how you groove with the failures in order to last long enough to succeed. Also keep in mind intellegence is a turn-on and you have that covered. Onto the most important part of this :P My Little Pony is alive and err... kicking. However that particular lyrical stanza was from "The Quest of the Princess Ponies" featuring the Ice Orcs and the Lava Demons. circa 1988. Oldie but goodie. I was well balanced between the nerf/lego/star wars/ teenage mutant ninja turtle/bravestar/voltron and the my little pony/strawberry shortcake/rainbow bright/barbie/pretty pretty princess. I think it's turned me into the well rounded gamer chick that I am. Because I love my video games but only if my controller is pink ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Sorry, I meant 'borough' not 'burrough'. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
LI isn't a NYC burrough. Besides that, there is much more to it than high-end malls, three-car garages, and 4:00 a.m. closing times. I guess one has to live here to know that. |
from beckers-j : |
Well, 4:00 in the morning - which is when things shut down here on LI - certainly isn't way too early for me. Even if it was, there are always plenty of after-parties. |
from indulgentia : |
hehe :p xxx |
from frozen-vodka : |
that's true, that's true.... currently, blogging elsewhere on a regular basis, but part of me misses the vodka, you know? |
from frozen-vodka : |
i've got half a glass of vodka on the rocks that i'm working on... and as to how i've been... that's a long answer to a polite question, so we'll go with the: relatively awesome. Yes, the answer is relatively awesome... |
from frozen-vodka : |
i know, right? so how in the sam hell have you been? and what are you doing up? |
from indulgentia : |
cheers hun :) my only dislike about the phone is it doesnt look as smooth as the siemens sl65 did... that was the last phone I fell in love with... damn shame they disappeared... ah well. also... there's nowt wrong with a little insanity once in a while ;p |
from indulgentia : |
heya. hope you enjoy your easter weekend :) *hugs* oh and as you're all phone savvy... any veiws on the Sony Ericson W850i?? :s looking at getting a contract again, and it's the only phone being offered out there with the contract that I'm even vaguely interested in *sigh* maybe I should still give up my mobile :p |
from beckers-j : |
Ah, well. You probably think that because you don't know me in person. I would describe myself as optimistic, but not cheerful or sunny. ;) |
from stepfordtart : |
Dude, you are the KING of The Gadget Nerds. You beat BF into a cocked hat. Mostly I have no idea what you're talking about but Im not letting that worry me. The only bit I even remotely referenced, was the mention of Shure. BF uses Shure in-ear monitors for recording and they ROCK. Now tell me something about chocolate. Or shoes. Or French. Or something else I actually understand! s x |
from anthronut : |
You are a nut! But I love it. That would good information. I've been meaning to get a wireless head set for my phone (as I am quite guilty of talking and driving). |
from smedindy : |
Yeah, we have a lot of commonalities. I try to be fair about my top 75 here, but I have to cut some sometimes. Ah, well. |
from anthronut : |
Yes. It's very much like that...except, I'm not sure which is a more expensive habit. |
from classicrose : |
You are correct, the only time a man is allowed to cry is when tear gas is involved, or something heavy falls on you...well no not even then you'd be a wussy if you were trapped under a rock and balling your eyes out. Don't let this happen to you ;P |
from anthronut : |
I's a pain to get through those pictures. They needed to set that up better! But thank you for voting! :) |
from anthronut : |
Haha. Well! If you go to and type in "rear" in the search, then click the ladies! There you have it! I'm you know, you should vote. They made it to where I can't keep voting for myself. Which is good and bad...good because some crazy lady can't vote for herself a million times, sad because I'm totally the crazy lady who'd do it. But whatever :). |
from indulgentia : |
thanks for the hugs honey :) much apreciated xxx |
from indulgentia : |
*hugs and nods* |
from anthronut : |
Yes. It would be a concern, gaining 50 pounds, if I were not going to be dancing for 26.2 hours straight. I think I'll be ok :). And I'm willing to try anything at this point. Water sure didn't do anything. |
from stepfordtart : |
;) yerself! s x |
from anthronut : |
Thank you! And thank you again for the donation. :) You rock. As for my chapped lips, I have no idea what to do!!! It's driving me nuts. I'll give greasy food a try. |
from anthronut : |
Holy cow! I can't even begin to say how thankful I am you did that. I was expecting like, $10...maybe $20 if you were in a good mood! Thank you so very much! Remember that it is tax deductible! Wow. Thank you. I don't think I can say that enough. |
from sexyatheist : |
i love you derrick. i don't tell you that nearly often enough. and yeah, jamba juice and i will have to get better acquainted until i can get my appetite back. |
from anthronut : |
The dead line is the 14th of March. So like, one week. I'm nervous. But, if you are looking to donate, ALL of the proceeds go the cancer research and it's tax deductible. I would also love you forever and ever. And don't give the girl scouts any ideas as to where to stake us out...And I realized how awful I'd written my last night. Geez. Sorry about that. I wasn't drunk. |
from anthronut : |
Damn those girl scouts...On two different sittings in one day I ate a box of those shortbread cookies...and I've got more on the way. And of course they plan themselves in places (like, outside the gym) so when you see them your starved, making them seem even more appetizing, making you buy 8 boxes rather than 1...Grr...alas, it only happens once a year. |
from classicrose : |
cute, very cute :P |
from classicrose : |
Ok well nevermind, I forgot read what I'd written before I noted back LOL! But for the record its throbbing with a pain modifier. HA HA I'm an idiot! ;D |
from classicrose : |
Pervert. You selectively forgot the word pain which directly follows throbbing. :P |
from classicrose : |
Whew, I'm paying for those mouse clicks today. My pointer finger is throbbing :P Oh the price I paid! |
from classicrose : |
I feel you with the anonymity thing. It's nice to freak out about something without a ripple effect. Unfortunately too many people I know in person have started to read my blog. So I can't be as frank as I want to be anymore. As far as your haloscan you little comment hussy I did have some comments for you but the hassle of the notes section kept me from leaving you anything. HA, how sad am I that a mouse click or two is too much effort. Meh. |
from beckers-j : |
I've noticed that Haloscan seems to have a problem working whenever I put punctuation in the titles of my entries. I noticed that your last several entries have apostrophes in the titles. That might be the problem. Also, I completely understand about the casual acquaintances v. perfect strangers reading my diaries. I'd rather have it exactly the same way. ;) |
from indulgentia : |
lol, that's cool :) oh, and thanks for being the 1st to note me here :) |
from indulgentia : |
no probs. and cool :) lol forgot I put a link in to it, freaked out for a sec then! nice to be remembered x |
from indulgentia : |
just randomly dropped by, thought your comment about being a scorpio was spot on :) sums things up for me right now :) take care xxx |
from stepfordtart : |
Hey Dude. Nothing to say, just sayin' 'hey'. s x |
from anthronut : |
Hello! I found you through the lovely Blaze...I'm sorry to hear about your addiction. I have a similar one, but really, I just can't put my phone down. I have to ALWYAS have it on me. Anyway, on that note, I as well feel for you in terms of being drained and slipping in school. It's hard to keep a good balance of things. You are not alone! And I'm pretty sure it's just a phase... Cheer up buck-a-roo! |
from beckers-j : |
I'm sorry you've been feeling shitty. I wish I had some words of wisdom or encouragement, but I have moments like that, too, and I know that there's really not much anybody can say that will help. I hope you're feeling better. |
from kiosh : |
Oh my, what a post. It's true, sometimes it feels weird and you start questioning the state of your relationships and your love life and there comes a point when you have to ask, "Is the problem me? Has it been all along?". Too many heartbreaks and strange stories and one is this (--) close to giving up on love or something. Wow, this triggered many thoughts very in tune with certain rants going on in my head these days. I hope you're well and I send you positive vibes and hugs! =0) |
from classicrose : |
I'd give my front teeth not to age anymore...but now that i think about it if I gave my front teeth I'd hardly look any younger would I. hmmm. Godiva is one of my guilty pleasures along with the rest of the US. However I was raised in a family where frugality is nigh on iconic so I have a hard time religating $4 per chocolate. I save Godiva for PMS and any other day I'm feeling homicidal. Being a guy you'll probably skip the PMS part, but hey everybody want's to kill somebody sometime, so it'd still be an ideology which'd work for you. :P |
from flicka : |
So yeah, I am getting a lawyer. Oddly enough, there are no men who would like me to accompany them on the great ride of life; thus, I have decided that I am bipolar AND bisexual. Tomorrow I will eat and get chocolates. |
from classicrose : |
Hey what happened to haloscan? Anywho - I can't work up much of a depression for a holiday which i am completely ill suited; not by circumstance but by temperment. How can I enjoy a holiday which involves perfume scented teddy bears and boxes of 30 year vintage neeco candy hearts which taste more like nursing-home-hallway than candy. At least Halloween candy clearance gives me Mellowcreme Pumpkins instead of chalky octogenarian hokum. I do however relate with your flashbacks to the changes in your life come this time of year, actually it was February two years ago I lost the job I thought I'd never leave. For a while i felt pretty bereft and had to bunk with the 'rents again myself. As I replay everything now I realize just how much better I am where i've landed now. Perhaps several years from now you'll replay THIS period of time with a measure of contentment knowing your future self is better off for the experience and putting it behind you. Or you could just brood while i ramble well-worn cliches at you through your diaryland profile notes. 'sup to you :) |
from beckers-j : |
Yes, ass clown. ;) And Valentine's Day is crap. There are girls who know this. Find one of those. :) |
from fireflyez76 : |
It was definately a compliment... I'm only intimidated by sexy men ;) |
from fireflyez76 : |
Okay.. I have to say that, yes... you totally intimidate me. That's partially why I read and hardly ever comment. There is not a thing wrong with you... you're very sexy, incrediably smart... maybe you're just going after the wrong kind of women who are intimidated because you more put together than they are. Then again, I know nothing. Ignore me. =) |
from flicka : |
know anyone who will take my case for free? i can afford THAT :) |
from flicka : |
swarm (or flock) to you...not me I mean! |
from flicka : |
Let me say this, as I did back in '99 or 2000 when I started my journal...."chics are dumb." Really, they are. I have this roommate who lives for free off me, and he is attractive to some degree, and he finds me attractive. Yet, he is a dog and can never hang on to what he has. His ex-wife is beautiful and daughter is wonderful. So, maybe guys are dumb too, but he sure does get a lot of pussy for being such a prick. So, maybe if you stop caring chics will swarm to me. Me....I'm looking for someone to worship me. ....and for me to worship. And I'm with a woman, but god damned women are bitchy, hard-to-read, and needy. So, the moral to this story is that chics are dumb....and perhaps men are too. |
from stepfordtart : |
You seem OK to me! But then, WTF do I know? Im old, and foreign, and divorced and therefore no judge of men! heehee! s x |
from stepfordtart : |
Dude! Thanks for adding me. If you dont mind I shall return the favour (even tho that fuzzy stuff around your home page makes me think of The Ring and all the spooky, cant-get-to-sleepiness that brings with it!). Im crap at scary films. s x |
from askblaze : |
Your question shall be answered! |
from classicrose : |
Well don't let it give you a big head. :P |
from classicrose : |
Yeah, I looked at both Treo models but in the end my desire for cuteness conquered my desire for MB Besides I have a 2GB ultra SD already, so as far as storage is concerned I'm down with the 411 :P |
from classicrose : |
Yeah, I've already done my research on the phone service. As much as i like the D&G Razr I really would rather have a Treo - however not just any Treo - I want the ORANGE one. I love orange. Oh and as a side note- your antivirus joke was one of the corniest things i've ever heard! Kudos for that :P |
from flicka : |
do you know the emu? she's sick too; she's one of my diaries that are in my "favorites." |
from flicka : |
goodluck :) "love" the bitchfest title :) I wish someone had me in his/her phone thinking about me. |
from kiosh : |
Hello, mate! I recently found you through Dom's journal and immediately had to add you to my favourites. Let me say that I am enjoying reading your journal a lot. You have great stuff that is smart and fun to read. I am currently going through the Bio section as an intro and am totally looking forward to read through the archive. I send you positive vibes! =0) |
from blazingstar : |
I think you did the right thing on New Year's Eve because it's what felt right at the time. And if you did make out with her, maybe she still wouldn't have called, and then you'd be worried that she'd gotten really sick, and you'd have felt yeah. I'm sure there will be other bombshells ;) |
from classicrose : |
I'm sure it does feel good to be out there again. Happy hunting! |
from heydomsar : |
sounds fun! congrats on scoring some digits (and from a bombshell, no less!) i'd definitely go for a studio/closet or whatever you can afford as soon as you're done with school. having a place in the city is worth it! |
from beckers-j : |
Happy New Year to you as well! It seems like you had a pretty eventful night. But I thought it was a three-day rule in Swingers. It's been too long since the last time I watched that movie. One summer while I was in college, I stayed at a house off campus with some male friends, and we had no cable. We watched Swingers at least once a day all summer long. Love that movie. ;) Anyway, here's to hoping you score with your bombshell! |
from sosuga : |
yay for new girl phone numbers! and double yay for her being a blonde! What? I like blondes...heh. |
from sexyatheist : |
it definitely is an awesome present and i can't lie, i totally love it. i would recommend it because it is different than other systems in that you can take it anywhere which is really nice. i've only been playing brain games lately but i also have mario kart which i can't wait to play. |
from classicrose : |
Yeah what made the cartoon even better is the only dialogue in the whole thing was verbalized in beeps for the alien and grunts for the cave man. You could completely understand everything that was being said. Sort of like "Mars Attacks" without the subtitles (one of my guilty pleasure movies). If I had a dog it would be something big and not hyper excitable like a Great Dane or an Irish Wolfhound none of those Drop-kick dogs for me. While I like dogs I have to admit I am irrevocably a cat person so I haven't actively thought of names. I do however have a color preference. Black and white, my cat is black and white and I want my dog to match... how pitiful is that! |
from blazingstar : |
Thanks for understanding. My thoughts exactly :) |
from essaywriter : |
thanks for the add! |
from acornotravez : |
12/15 - I was too lazy to do a real entry today, too. By the way, your comments aren't working. Uh huh huh huh, he said... |
from classicrose : |
ok so html code doesn't work in the notes section :> |
from classicrose : |
Ha! Well i wasn't complaining but i seriously didn't know if it was a look you were going for or if it was the natural shape of your lips. As a side note I read the note from Tailbonelust about editing and reediting to make her entry as mild as possible. If you have to edit and re-edit a post because your concerned about causing offense, wouldn't it occur to you eventually <i>perhaps i shouldn't post this entry at all?</i> No matter what she says I really think she must be too young to understand that. Just my opinion ;) |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Well hell, everyone changes. I guess that sometimes it's not all as noticable as we would want it to be. |
from tailbonelust : |
Oh, and about the quest to uncover some unmentioned physical flaw: just so I could show off that great human tail picture. Obviously, the issue is not your outward appearance. I'm not too young to understand that. |
from tailbonelust : |
For the record, I edited and re-edited to make it as mild as possible. |
from sexyatheist : |
i'm not saying that being young has anything to do with it, but she's young. and it's much simpler to assume that there's a problem you haven't mentioned before when you're young, than to consider more abstract possibilities. i for one have been reading consistently and have seen the changes that you've gone through. not that you needed me to make you feel any better. |
from foursquare : |
Yep, I've got a troll priest, and she's a cutie. I think the undead do still have a slight advantage over trolls as priests, and once in awhile I kind of wish I'd rolled an undead instead. Undead used to have a major advantage over trolls as priests, but Blizzard has evened the racial traits out a bit more now so it's not such a big deal. If you're good at what you're doing I don't think there's really any difference. The shaman and paladin thing for both factions is good, it's stopped a lot of the bitching. However, there's still lots of complaints going on about the traits that were given to the new races for certain classes. Ah well, the complaints never end. |
from tiragem : |
I dunno.. I am still leaning towards getting it. |
from foursquare : |
A lot of people have commented on that about the Blood Elves. Blizzard has explicitly stated that the reason they were put on the horde side is because the Horde needs attractive looking characters. Seriously, the population imbalance is so bad between Horde and Alliance, and one of the biggest reasons people don't want to play Horde is because they're "ugly" (although there is a hottie female troll creation.) I've never PvPed, but you got to watch out for the "honor rankings" system. If you want to get a really high rank, or the highest, it REQUIRES endless amounts of play time. My brother actually got the highest on his server Alliance side, and he had to put in a minimum of 50 - 60 hours of play time a week, and actually probably more than that. |
from beckers-j : |
Good. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
I just thought I should add that I think I may be seeming snotty, but I don't mean to. Really. I think we should just agree to disagree on this one. |
from beckers-j : |
Oh, geez. Enough about the freaking game already. It has nothing to do with being altruistic - just honest and open. Fortunately, I have met people like that. I'm sorry you haven't. |
from foursquare : |
Oh yeah, B used to catch a lot of "wife aggro" from me! When he was levelling he played so much it really caused a lot of anger and resentment in me. He played a MINIMUM of 6 hours a day, but quite often more like 8 - 12 if he wasn't working on that particular day. It didn't help that I was pregnant and hormonal at that time either. After the baby was born he thankfully eased up (and I think having levelling behind him was part of that), and last winter I started. I just sort of developed the mentality of, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". Now we like to joke around because if it's on a Friday night, and the kids are in bed, what are we doing? Raiding! Our daughter has a character she plays with a little. Obviously not anything serious, but she's gotten farther than you'd expect. It's a ranged DPS class, though she mostly just likes to fuck around fishing & with her pets. We joke around that with our 1 year old son being such a bruiser, we need to get him playing and make him our tank and we'll have a good party ;) -B levelled mostly solo as all his friends were able to play practically 24 hours a day, and even at his rate of playing it took him 6 months to reach the level cap (60). I played at a much more relaxed rate of 1 or 2 hours a day usually, and it took me 8 frigging months to get to 60. Of course my class is slower to level too. The people we know that played at that obsessive rate like you mentioned, took usually 2 - 4 months to level. With the expansion coming out, the level cap will go up to 70, and I don't even want to know how long that's going to take. So just a warning, if you take it on it's going to be a long damn grind. Also something about paladins since you were thinking of maybe playing one if you got the game. They're a hybrid class, and like all hybrid classes they're expected to heal when in groups and raids. A lot of paladins get shitty about that because they'd rather melee. Also, currently paladins are only playable on the Alliance side, and shaman are the similiar class for Horde. When the expansion is out there'll be a new race for each faction, and in the new race for Horde there will be paladins. So paladins will be highly valuable for the Horde. And play Horde too! We're much cooler. The new race (blood elves) aren't "ugly" either :P |
from foursquare : |
Y'know I read something I think in Maxim once (my husband leaves a lot of those laying around the bathroom), like a girl's advice to guys on how to pick up women. One of the things she said in there really rang true to me, at least from my perspective. If you're scoping for chicks, don't go out with a pack of guys. Something about a group of guys just sends out this obvious "on the prowl" signal, and that's going to make a lot of girls back away. I know it always did with me. If you're going to go out with friends with the hope of meeting women, go with a group of couples. Or at least mixed genders. - Back on geek talk. You're right, the MMPORPGs could be bad for school! You know best if you can play in moderation or not. I tell ya, I know a lot of people that play World of Warcraft WAY beyond what is healthy. But if you do pick up the game, there's an expansion pack coming out in the middle of January and you'll definitely want to get that too. And if you want any advice I could write you a book. I never played any kind of computer games before WoW, but after watching my husband play it made me curious about it, and I ended taking it on mostly so him and I could have a hobby to do together. I'm caught up in levels with him now though under geared next to him. But I'm a healer and he's a DPS class, so it makes for a good duo. Levelling (again) together after the expansion pack is out should be fun. But there's also some other cool games coming out in the next year. A Lord of the Rings one, and also this "Gods and Heroes" that looks pretty cool. |
from classicrose : |
I'm sure you probably think you'd be sitting in a corner all by yourself, but I think you'd find people would eventually take notice. (: I still hold to all that is cheesy by saying just be yourself. Cause at the end of the day, that's the person she's going to go home with. |
from flicka : |
i'll be reading you. i've been "selfing" right now. i've been keeping all the good shit to myself and not sharing it... |
from sosuga : |
couple of things. Firstly: youre a patron drinker, eh? That stuff is...not for the weak lol. Secondly: you are WAY too hard on yourself about your game. For pete's sake D, none of us HAVE game, we just play it. So, maybe you need to brush up on the strategies a little - thats ok though. But dont beat yourself up about it, its a downward spiral from know? You have an awesome personality and youre attractive, youve got those two in your favor already - plus youre intelligent and bonus if you smell good :) Its just a matter of meeting someone youre compatible with is all. Lastly: what do you mean by your note you left me, are you saying that sex complicates things for men too? Because yes - that I for sure know of. I think it just makes women a little more batty than the usual measure ;) take care sweets!!!! |
from tiragem : |
WHAT????????!!!!!! I knew it wouldn't be a walk in the park.. but.. WHAT???????!!!!!!!!!!!! Time for Google... *bangs head on keyboard* |
from zkandaloza : |
Hi! I like your writing style. |
from beckers-j : |
Thanks for your comment about my situation with Ted. I realize that guys aren't good with verbal communication, but couldn't they at least attempt it once in a while? ;) |
from nikig : |
I only have 3 other ladies to rub out and then I am back to being the unique soul that I am. :) Have fun with the hunt and search for your 5. ;~) |
from chickpea981 : |
I'm more special than you... there is only one of me. But that thing can't be 100% accurate because it said no one in the US had my frist name and according to myspace at least 15 other people have my first name. Still, there is only one of me and that makes me cooler than you! :P |
from blazingstar : |
No one else has my name! Ha! |
from danddteacher : |
Thought of you -> |
from sexyatheist : |
seriously. i can't believe penthouse has stooped to the level of playboy. it's vile actually and i will never make the mistake of purchasing another issue. no thank you. and as for what position i'll play on my tackle football team, i have no idea at this point. but as i mentioned in my entry, i'm leaning towards playing back. my size can be helpful and i'll just have to work on having some explosive speed. but really, i don't care. i just want to play! |
from nikig : |
Hiya!I readded you to my bud list...didnt realize you somehow disappeared from it! Did you have that Martini yet? OR!! New favo drink for the fall...Mexician hot chocolate with Baileys...yum! ;~D |
from nikig : |
Derrick!!! RELAX!!!! Its just another day...that is what I tell myself!!! Even tho I complain about getting b day is comming up soon really is JUST another day. Time is a funky thing...and plays tricks on us without our permission. Just live for the day...the moment. Find a little piece of happiness once a day...something like a great cup of coffee...or a fantastic martini (or whatever you fancy)...stuff like that. I was always afraid of the big 3 0 creeping up on me...which it is...BUT...I want to embrace that time in my life...and NOT fear it. Thanks for your comment...its been scarey re-entering this datin world for sure...but I will manage somehow. :~) |
from uncleal : |
Hey, I just read you for the first time today. And I had to stop after only three entries, because if I sit and stare at my screen without typing anything for too long, my boss starts to wonder what she's paying me for. But I enjoyed what I've read, so far. I've added you to my favorites, so I can check on you from time to time. I don't update here often enough, but feel free to stop by and check on me, too. |
from acornotravez : |
Good luck with your paper! I'm going to try to do some work on mine tonight. Thanks for your comment, I really, really appreciate it. I'm feeling much better today, each day gets a little better. (10/12/06) (6:48 p.m.) -Acorn |
from sexyatheist : |
you can always choose to not celebrate your birthday. i mean, unfortunately moms don't forget but as for everyone else, you were beamed down here from space and have no birthday. why not? |
from foursquare : |
There really is a lot of preconceived notions about age, isn't there? When I first started reading your diary a few years ago I too placed you in the early to mid 20s range, until I started reading more and things you said dropped hints at your actual age (this was before you ever out and said it). What's interesting to me is that I actually do the exact opposite. I don't go out of my way to announce my age because I'd rather someone think me a little older. I'm now coming upon my 27th birthday, and just now am I starting to feel like okay, maybe I don't need to hide my age anymore. Nearly everyone without looking at me guess me in my 30s. I never wanted people to know I was only in my early or middle 20s because I didn't want people to assume I was young, stupid, immature. Especially when you've been married and had your first child at age 21. I often feel out of place because most mothers are a good bit older than me. I'm also married to a man that is 35 years old, and by age 18 most of my friends were in their thirties, so it's an age group I relate to more. Now I wonder how I'll feel when 40 rolls around? |
from heydomsar : |
hang in there bro. |
from divamel : |
heya bigshot. I'm still out here. |
from acornotravez : |
What happened to your comments? I can't find them. Anyway, I'm back, yea! OK, to answer your question on how long I worked on the paper, I think it's probably maybe around 35 hours in those 4 days. It hurt me, bad. We'll see how the next round goes. Peace! |
from elysium1982 : |
i still read, of course. =) |
from foursquare : |
So I heard there was a big destructive storm that tore up Chicago a couple days ago. I take it all is well with you? |
from danddteacher : |
I still read, but we've all been slow with the updates lately, so don't worry! |
from sexyatheist : |
i'm sorry i haven't commented enough. but you know i never miss an entry. so how is the nokia working out? i love the design but couldn't fathom spending that much without all the features. and i'm somewhat over my N91. not because it isn't awesome but the high is gone. i still love what it can do though. but it doesn't look nearly as sexy as the 8801. |
from heydomsar : |
hey, i would have commented but haloscan's been down. didn't think to note you. but yeah, i think i have the same sicknesses as you. been trying to get over a cold for a week now with airborne and sudafed. :( and i'm all upset about my treo 650 being so outdated now with all the newer ones out that are way better. but i have a bit left to go before i get an upgrade. plus, that watch thing sounds really cool, but too pricey for now. and why do you need a weekday/weekend phone? do they have the same number? i've never heard of anyone with 2 personal phones. you are the king of gadgets! |
from foursquare : |
Of course you can have the password info, but how do I trust that is your real email address, hmm? :-P Email me at [email protected] if you'd like. |
from beckers-j : |
Ugh, your comments are totally screwing me! I've been twice booted off the internet trying to leave you one. Anyway, so far, the trip sounds pretty damn good. And now I want asparagus. It's a good thing I bought some when I went shopping yesterday. ;) |
from anavi : |
Hey. I know I haven't talked to you in like a super long time ,but I read what you wrote about my diary & it totally made my day. =) Cheers. |
from sexyatheist : |
have a great time on your cruise my friend. know that your blogging will be missed. |
from beckers-j : |
Have a great trip! I hope you get some action. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
There's no way eating the quad stacker from BK can FEEL right - that' disgusting. ;) You mean you're doing what you want to do in the moment. That's different. I might want to lay around on my couch all day and watch crappy television, but I don't FEEL RIGHT about it. I know that it's usually the wrong thing to do. That's what I mean. For example, I bought a heart healthy cookbook and have been making healthier meals lately. They're not always what I want to be eating - like pizza and wings - but it feels right to be eating that way. It makes me feel better about myself - that's what I mean about something that feels right. Another example - right now, I'm trying to discipline myself into a regular running schedule, the idea of which feels right because I know it will be physically and mentally good for me, but I'm so out of shape right now that it just feels horribly wrong to actually do it. ;) So doing what feels right does actually take a lot of discipline. |
from beckers-j : |
You're absolutely right that you need to conquer yourself first. But I think you're over-thinking a bit. I tend to do that myself. ;) Try not to put so much pressure on yourself, and just do what you FEEL is right for you - not necessarily what you THINK is right for you. I know you'll figure it out. :D |
from beckers-j : |
Yeah, I was hoping the person who found my purse would just take it on the train and give it to the conductor, but I don't think that happened. I called the lost and found today, and they don't have it. I really think that sucks. I wouldn't even care if the person took all my cash and then handed the purse in. I just want all the other stuff back. Anyway, that's that. And I'll be sure to come to you if I have any cell phone questions, Mr. Expert. ;) |
from krugerpak007 : |
Have a good week. x |
from beckers-j : |
Thanks, man. I'll still be around. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
New York drivers are a completely different story, of course. Anyone who gets behind the wheel in the city immediately becomes certifiably insane until s/he reaches his/her destination. ;) |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Haha, Toronto's on the other side of the country from me. I'll have to try the record store idea. |
from dinosaurorgy : |
I'm in Canada. |
from sexyatheist : |
i have found that we do have quite a bit in common. so that doesn't surprise me. |
from beckers-j : |
Hmmm, a fire extinguisher? That's not a bad idea! ;) Seriously, I really should have one of those. For the next time. Thanks for lookin' out for me, man. |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Do you suppose if I asked a music store to pull it for me they'd be able to? I have no way to order stuff online, I don't even know how to. |
from sexyatheist : |
yes, i am able to trick people into thinking there is something divine about me. it's my greatest asset. :) |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Indeed, it is - I couldn't get it out of my head at all! |
from foursquare : |
I get a spiritually inclined newsletter once a month, and in the most recent one it was mentioned that in a lot of Native American beliefs, you should only grieve for someone for a year. After that it was considered that you were feeling sorry for yourself more than missing the person. Interesting food for thought, although I throw up the disclaimer that if I lost one of my kids, I don't see how my life could ever possibly go on. Good luck in everything! |
from imortlnoctrn : |
yeah... it's not necessarily a "want", it just feels like a need now. it doesn't feel like home here anymore -and the fact that a gold membership costs so much isn't helping, as i'd always wanted one, but then saw what i actually get for the price and realized i'd rarely use it. sigh. i'm still reading updates, though. won't be totally dying. |
from beckers-j : |
You would be dead-on in a lot of cases, but the fact is that I give Ted plenty of leeway. Probably way too much. There's more to it than a "difference of opinion" - something about which I spouted off to an even greater degree in a comment I left in my own comments and in response to your comment. Ugh. Anyway, I do appreciate your input. ;) |
from serenaville : |
What a pleasant surprise, discovering you'd added Serenaville to your faves/buddy list. Thank you very much!! I'm delighted to know you'll be reading regularly. Now, if I'd only update... Heh. Thanks again! -Serena |
from tiragem : |
Hey sweetness. You've been tagged. Check out my diary. |
from chickpea981 : |
I think that is the nature of most blogs though... no one tends to comment on the big thought pouring stuff but they comment on the stupid shit. Either they dont read all the way through or they just don't know what to add to your deep thoughts because they're just that - they are YOUR deep thoughts. Or maybe people just suck. |
from serenaville : |
Thank you for the clever comment on my guest entry for Beckers-J, and the hearty laugh it gave me! I'm glad to know you read it, and appreciate your time in commenting. Take care! -Serena |
from beckers-j : |
Thanks for the guest entry, mystery man. ;) I loved it, and you're too kind. I also left you a comment over at my pace. |
from beckers-j : |
Hey, I'd really love it if you would post a guest entry for me. Whadda ya say? I'm going to add you so that when you click on "Add an entry" you'll see that you can post as me. If you'd rather not do it, just let me know. But I dare you to say no to me! ;) Kidding. Hope you can do it. |
from nikig : | prob. Anything to help or give a different persepctive. Or...I just like to spit out advice to anyone that will take it! ;} I hope you get through your difficult time. We all go through periods of utter hellish circumstances. Its how we make it through those times that shows who we really are deep inside. Its always a great time to re-evalute ourself and make adjustments. Or not. I am going through that time in my life right now. Its like a fresh spring breeze that I am soaking in for the first time. It feels wonderful. :) |
from tiragem : |
And sorry about your loss. At least he had sufficient time to come to grips with his mortality. |
from tiragem : |
I could never go 3 years. By then I would have spontaneously combusted - a fire perhaps truly due to excessive friction in the genital area. And has it really been 3 years for you? Dear God. I hope you get laid. And quick (quick meaning the length of time between now and the fuck, and not the length of time of the fuck itself). And I hope it's really like riding a bike. |
from chickpea981 : |
I had to cut myself off of the Mandarin Chicken salad so I wouldn't make myself sick of the taste and it's been about 2 months since I had one... you bet your ass I am going up to Wendy's tomorrow on my lunch break! |
from beckers-j : |
I'm not exactly unhappy with my life, but I sometimes think about how easy it would be if I just ceased to exist - if it was just all over all of the sudden. Now, that doesn't mean I want to die. I don't want to die. I am afraid of death because I'm so uncertain about what it means. But it does seem so easy to have it just be all over. Then again, there are people I love - people who love me. And I can't give them up. And there are things I want to accomplish and experience. I think that's what makes life worth living - love, personal accomplishment, and new experiences. And being a parent? Yeah, I'm SO not ready for that either! ;) |
from heydomsar : |
there was no comment link, so i'm leaving a note... i've heard reasoning like this before.. my good friend's dad passed away and for a couple years, all she could think about was wanting to die too so she could be with him again.. but all i can say is that when you see him on the other side, he will not be proud of that decision. he will have wanted you to live a full and happy life is his absence. he wont be happy about having left you, and it will only make it worse to hear that his passing destroyed you and you couldn't recover. he would have wanted you to find happiness and love and remember him fondly, but not obsessively. find your happiness again, derrick. do it for him. |
from divamel : |
heya techno-geek. i'm back. :) |
from beckers-j : |
Geez, sorry your phone got so screwed up, but that whole entry went waaaaaaaay over my head. ;) |
from imortlnoctrn : |
wow. that kinda really sucks. good luck with the warranty thing =/ |
from beckers-j : |
Thanks for filling me on the actual name of the "elasticy thing". Also, I don't have any vodka, but you're welcome to some rum. Feel free to swing by and pick it up next time you quit drinking. ;) |
from heydomsar : |
that's what's great! as of this month, i am free. i can go with any contract/carrier/phone. i'm looking for a good camera, good signal in the city and country, and nice looking i guess. i don't need music because of the ipod. and i guess i don't know what other features i need or are out there. the office email on the treo seemed cool, but i don't need that big of a monthly fee. got any ideas? |
from chickpea981 : |
also, glad you enjoyed the dream. ;) |
from chickpea981 : |
I am the worst at leaving comments and notes but mostly because the people who leave them tend to be people I talk to online or send an email to. You know I randomly contact you too so NYAH! |
from beckers-j : |
If I had actually learned that in karate, I'd be sure to share the source. I really don't think I want any of my instructors teaching me things like that, though. ;) |
from beckers-j : |
Don't worry - I won't comment back to EVERY response. ;) |
from heydomsar : |
thanks derrick! i'm glad to have met you too. every time i read you i think how much we have in common. it's weird! my deadline for getting back to my own place in the city is june. and i'm kinda on hold in the ladies department too. and i'm working now in computers after a year of being unemployed after a downsizing. and a lot more stuff that's so similar. keep blogging! :) |
from beckers-j : |
Glad to know the feeling is mutual! ;) Thanks for the add. |
from beckers-j : |
I just added you to my list, by the way. ;) |
from foursquare : |
I've been having a lot of mixed feelings about my diary lately too. I don't know if I want to close up the shop, move to a new location, or rededicate (sp?) myself to the current one. But something needs to change because right now my diary feels more like a chore than something I used to enjoy. I think I stick around mostly for the friends I've made that like to keep up with me. (And hell if I know how anyone wants to do that considering all I write about anymore is what the baby is doing.) By the way, I hear you on the reciprocating thing. You're one of the rare few that always leaves a note back. I try to do the same most of the time. |
from lostmystic76 : |
It's lostmystic76 and 123 = ) |
from divamel : |
d00d! I can't find your email! I wanna give you my cell... |
from heydomsar : |
hey derrick. you've secured a precious spot on my dedications cd mix this month. just letting you know. =) |
from heydomsar : |
hey derrick, i can't get the comments link to show up so i'm dropping you a note. sorry to hear about the female situation bumming you out. i've been single since the summer and it sucks. but i get by on some good friends. i hope you have some that can help cheer you up. i know it's not as much to offer net-friendship, but hey, i hope things start looking up for you soon! |
from foursquare : |
Yours is definitely one of the funnier ones I've read. I particularly like #9 :) |
from heydomsar : |
naw, i had to leave chicago and come back to milwaukee because of the job situation. but my year down there was probably the most fun i've had ever. and most expensive year ever. but now i get to live vicariously through you! |
from heydomsar : |
hey derrick, found your stuff through acorn's blog. had a slow day today so i read a bunch of your posts. we like the same exact movies, btw. and we both work in computers. and you remind me of the good days when i lived in lincoln park last year. your philosophy entry was amazing. i'll definately be checking in on you. and thanks for adding me too! ps. ever think of adding a comments link? like .. free comments from readers on every entry. just a thought! i like to comment. but i can use notes or guestbook or whatever. later! |
from foursquare : |
Dude, when I clicked on the link to see your ugly mug it completely froze Opera up. DAMN. -Two other things I meant to say, good luck with your gal you talked about yesterday. I really hope things start working out for you. I don't know what else to say since that's the first you've really mentioned about her, but all the same, it sounds like there's potential. The other thing is back on football. To tell you the truth, I'm another closet Bears fan. I spent a few of my formative childhood years in the 80s living in southeast Iowa, so I had a heavy Bears influence. So actually I was a little stuck over that game, and I'd have been pretty happy to see the Bears win it too. |
from foursquare : |
You don't count bitch! ;-) Yeah my lurkers suck, there must be at least 20 or more of them and they don't say anything, damn it. Easy on the Panthers too, you know I live in S. Carolina right? |
from chickpea981 : |
signmyguestbook periodically stops sending emails - its been doing that for a few years now. All you have to do is go in and tell it to send you notification again even if it already has the yes checked off. uncheck it, check it again, save changes. Voila! |
from la-blue-eyez : |
Thank you so much for your help! I actually am using tables right now and I do use FrontPage to write my HTML because I can flip and see the changes automatically. I'm not real familiar with CSS, though I can write it a little. I'll look at your source code and see if I can work with it. Thank you so much! |
from foursquare : |
Whenever you talk about your dreams of Ray, my gut feeling is always that it really is him with you. Of course this one's a little different since it seems he needs you to look out for one of his brothers. But I always think that maybe he's trying to tell/show you he's not really gone, especially for how much you mourn him. |
from some-trouble : |
I'm not sure when you'll get to read this, but I just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. I hope you have a wonderful time over the holidays! Take Care, Jo X |
from acornotravez : |
34? 34!?? That's frickin' old, dude. :) (PS thanks for adding me) |
from krugerpak007 : |
I hope you are finally feeling better! And now that you have such a cool job, I am sure you can afford that trip to Israel! ;-) Take care. Kathy |
from chickpea981 : |
Was "damn it feels good to be a gangsta" just going on endless repeat in your head after that email? |
from notalptrixie : |
ok second attempt at a note...I keep on having this urge in class of wanting to talk to you about things, life in general, but then I think that I shouldn't even want to do that because to begin with we aren't even supposed to know what goes on in each other's minds. Anyhow, I just wanted you to know that I am glad that you wrote that letter to Ray and I hope it brought some peace to you :) <hugs> |
from foursquare : |
I'm glad to hear of your "good birthday", you've been needing that. I know things may or not continue with her, but I wish you luck. Actually your story brought back fond memories of when I was first getting together with my now-husband. On the night of our first real date we were at a bar, and I kept thinking the guys in the band were looking our way a lot. Turned out my husband knew them. Later I initiated our first kiss, and afterwards found out everytime I wasn't looking the guys in the band would give my husband thumbs up. Heheh.. . The only difference really is we did go to his place afterwards and have sloppy drunken sex, but I have to tell you, neither of us remembers much of it to this day, and I'm not sure anyone finished. :) |
from krugerpak007 : |
Happy Happy Happy Birthday! I am very very happy for you, that you had such an awsome night and I hope things continue that way! Holding thumbs for you...xoxoxox |
from nmnohr : |
I'm sorry that your birthday reminds you of tougher times. I hope you find someway to enjoy the day, because you deserve to celebrate being you! If nothing else, you may have to start celebrating your half bday.....6 months from now......instead. Hang in there, and Cheers to you, and to your friend. |
from notalptrixie : |
Totally know what you mean about the birthday crap. As you may remember, my brother died two days before my bday, and his wake was on my birthday. Isn't that something to top the cake go and get drunk, even though you don't want to forget, it allows you forget, even if it's that short while. And you know what, Ray will be there in spirit celebrating with you, just like always. Hey, you never know, he could direct a hot girl to you and really make your bday exciting :) |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hey hey! I have missed you... I am in the same boat as you, just that I attract all the idiots.. and I am embarrassed to say that all day fasting today (the holiest day of the jewish year) I thought about sex. WTF. Good start to the new year-not!!! Are you on my-space? Anyway good-looking take care, and come to Israel already! xoxo Kathy |
from chickpea981 : |
Finding the g-spot is waaaaaaaaaay more than 92 calories. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hey sweety. I know how damn hard it is out there trying to meet the right person. None of us want to be lonely, and none of us want to be rejected. And boy when we are it sucks. BIGTIME. All I can say is, I think its basically hard for everyone. And then its hard to figure out who is serious or not. Foes that apply for you towards girls too? I mean I have met so many men lately and dated and none of them are serious. It all just seems to be a big game for them. Get you in to bed type thing. And its not like they are young you know. Sorry I am rambling... Take care and good luck. We are in the same boat. xoxox Kathy |
from salazabr : |
LOL! Way to go man. *high five* |
from salazabr : |
I feel your pain but I can't feel bad for you until you start to measure in years plural, then things really start to get bad. |
from missy-17 : |
he he !!!thanx, i guess :p |
from missy-17 : |
oh yea beleive me i would if i could and i could if i would!!! (if that made any sense) |
from missy-17 : |
oh oh i know he needs to go suck a dick is what he needs to do!!!! he he he LOL ;D thanx for having my diary as one of your favs!!! (i was talking about my ex about the dick sucking thing!!) |
from missy-17 : |
tell me about!!!! you just dont know what i went through, eee i swear that if i was there at the moment, somebody would just have to i mean have to hold me back!!! i would of snapped his neck!! he he;D (not really but i think u know what i mean!!) |
from missy-17 : |
hey, nothin here really, hey but take a peak at my diary, you wont beleive it!!!!!:( |
from missy-17 : |
havent heard from you in a while, waz up???? ;) |
from missy-17 : |
ok then thanx |
from missy-17 : |
hey, so where did you get the song, did you download it??? just that question, cause i am leaving |
from missy-17 : |
ok i wasnt really familiar with it!!! |
from missy-17 : |
oh hey i looked at your diary and was wondering what song that is????? i am not to familiar with that song!!! :( |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hahaha. Poor you sweety. Um, I don't know what to say to you...I just hope you get some soon...:-)How can I help you??? :-(( |
from divamel : |
i swear to god, sometimes (like today) when I'm reading you here, it's serious deja vu for me, back when my print entries in college were all about how my life was entirely fucked because I wasn't. i feel ya, my boy, i feel ya. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hey, that was great! I loved it! And yay! An entry! You have been missed. I hope work is still going well and that you are ok. Take care dear! xoxoxox Kathy |
from divamel : |
as a fool who dove into working full time and getting a master's degree full time, i can safely say that a) it's nuts, b) it brings out the best in you as far as work ethic and c) it rocks ass when you're looking the last week of real work in the face after two years. Good luck! |
from krugerpak007 : |
I can realte about been at work, keeping busy. It's healthy I think. Shit! I am sorry you didn't get her number! Hang in there honey, it will come! xoxoxox |
from krugerpak007 : |
Thanks for your amazing comment. You are the best. It puts things in to perspective. When are you coming over here? xxoxoxo |
from frozen-vodka : |
*cries for your cousin, cries for her lost history, cries and cries and cries for Yellow* Damn you Coldplay! I love you, but you hurt me so! |
from krugerpak007 : |
That was beautiful. I am in tears as it is. Glad to hear from you, it has been too long. |
from krugerpak007 : |
You make me laugh. I too am not getting laid. In fact, I am sure that there are more of us out there than you even think. Mmm. Other than that I hope you are keeping well, with work and going out and just enjoying yourself! xoxox Kathy |
from frozen-vodka : |
"The five colours blind the eye. The five tones deafen the ear. The five flavours dull the taste. Racing and hunting madden the mind. Precious things lead one astray. Therefore the sage is guided by what he feels and not by what he sees." -- Tao Te Ching [I've been reading it in my pursuit of religion] He lets go of that and chooses this. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Wow, that was cool. And how are you anyway? xoxox |
from frozen-vodka : |
If you're near a comp, sign on, I'm logged on to AIM, MSN, and Yahoo right now. |
from frozen-vodka : |
*rolls her eyes* You're glad I love you, because that is the single most lame entry I've seen from you. *smiles and plants a juicy one on your forehead* |
from yeahimadork : |
Hmm...where to look in So Cal? Well, I think if you went about 30 minutes south of LA, about ten minutes east of the ocean, you might have some luck. But I am just guessing. ;) |
from yeahimadork : |
I must confess it's nice to hear a guy who's frustrated in the same way I am. Most guys (at least the retards I have met) ONLY want the hook-up, and that's it. What is wrong with those chicks in Chicago?? Maybe you need to start looking in another place. Someplace like, oh, I don't know... southern California? :P |
from barbiewoman : |
I had to lock up so e-mail me at [email protected] to get the password |
from barbiewoman : |
I had to lock up so e-mail me at [email protected] to get the password |
from coyotesabre : |
that is quite possibly one of the funniest thigns i've read in a while. nice =) |
from krugerpak007 : |
Can I have 2 D-rocks... ? xoxox |
from foursquare : |
I could probably use the attentions of a pet D-rock right now actually. Anyway. Screw you naturally darker complected people! I nearly wrote a paragraph expressing my envy of people like you. Bastard.. |
from yeahimadork : |
hehe... is the Pet D-Rock available in California? A single girl like me could use one of those ;) |
from elysium1982 : |
happy 420 to you dear. |
from aqua-pandora : |
trust me, the feeling is mutual. you get weak when that girl walks by and talks to you? well, we feel exactly the same way about you. you have the ability to fuck up our reasoning, to make us forget our dignity. you make US weak. i fucking hate it! |
from notalptrixie : |
Thanks:) when you were in school, I think I saw in one of the labs, CTI 4th floor? Now I must sleep the alcohol off. :) |
from notalptrixie : |
Hmm...can I borrow your entry and say the same thing for men? Sigh. Although it sucks sometimes, at least I am not the only one out there. |
from foursquare : |
Damn, I want to say something but, what exactly? I guess I could give you the usual bits of encouragement and advice, but it would probably seem patronizing. I guess I just want to say -don't give up. Though I have a lot of understanding, I think that I used (and maybe still do even now in a happy marriage) to have a hating of men to a degree. |
from yeahimadork : |
Oh, Derrick... all these things that drive you crazy about women, are pretty much the same fucking things that screw me up with men. I have the same weaknesses, give too much of myself only to get next to nothing in return. I wouldn't say I hate men (because they still have the penis after all, and I <3 those), but they sure fucking drive me crazy. :) |
from divamel : |
letmein, dammit |
from krugerpak007 : |
Just a quick hi from me! xoxox |
from some-trouble : |
I'm sorry I've not written for a while - I didn't realise how long it had been :o( Just wanted you to know you're not forgotten. Hugs, Jo X |
from yeahimadork : |
I was just about to harrass you for your myspace ID so that I may begin to stalk you properly, but I see you beat me to it. ;) Be happy you haven't gotten any strange emails. I get *all* the weirdos (you saw the picture!)... |
from haloaskew : |
Yes, yes, I shall order the Chicken BLT salad at some point...but you haven't yet described what it IS about the lettuce and the oranges that does it for your taste buds. "Acquired taste"? What does that tell me? How does ONE ACQUIRE A TASTE FOR ORANGES AND LETTUCE TOGETHER? Were you beaten, with meat, as a child? |
from haloaskew : |
Great entry about your sex vibe and all that, but the Wendy's Mandarin orange salad thing threw me for a loop..GEH! I've seen the ads on TV and I recoil. Oranges AND Lettuce? It's like raisins and meat. THEY DO NOT GO TOGETHER. Should never be NEAR one another. How can you eat this? Please tell me. |
from yeahimadork : |
I looked at the link you sent me in your note, about the porn... and that movie I talked about, with the midget on the tricycle and all the freakiness - was THE BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR. Holy shit. I must be missing something... |
from krugerpak007 : |
Glad the cop thing went well. Firstly I wanted to thank you for your comment and making me feel good. Secondly you sound GREAT in that entry. It sounds like you feel happier and more confident and are back to attracting all the girls and breaking hearts! Good luck, enjoy every second and feel good! xoxox |
from chickpea981 : |
Be happy you were not here. Virginia just went fucking psycho nazi about drinking laws. First time offenders are getitng license suspension, instant jail time for repeat offenders, check points everywhere, massive points on your record... all sorts of shit. You would have been in trouble down here. Damn Virginia freaks. |
from yeahimadork : |
Yeah... music in porn is the worst. thing. ever. I bought this other movie, Island Fever 7158 or some shit like that (cause Tera Patrick is HOT), and it's all this cheesy music over THE WHOLE movie (it's also done in slow motion, which blows). You don't hear the people at all. These people are ruining my porn. |
from krugerpak007 : |
I feel that lonliness at home too.Ugh. At the hospital you hear noise and people all the time, even if it is just coughing, people are around. At home, its me and the cat. And I cant even find her today! I am glad work is going well with you. I am sure that everything will fall in to place for you. Until then, I am holding thumbs. xoxox |
from krugerpak007 : |
Just a quick hi. Enjoy using your new laptop. I am jealous! xoxox Kathy |
from divamel : |
*drools as she experiences new machine lust* |
from haloaskew : |
I can't even afford to buy a single drink in a club, so a whole BOTTLE is way out there in "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" land. But hey, at least you had fun, right? RIGHT? (Key is: You have to REMEMBER the fun, especially if you paid out the ass for it) |
from haloaskew : |
After my dad's accident (see my latest post) I wound up in Louisiana during Mardi Gras week...and while sifting through the remnants of a King Cake of an ICU family next to us, I found a golden plastic baby's now in my the pocket of my purse. How life imitates art! |
from chickpea981 : |
it's all user stuff - no spam. Most of it is because of a system glitch sending out poller errors. when version 2.1 comes out in the next couple days (hopefully) that will be eliminated. Thats why I have a job though - help desk is so overloaded that they need an admin. Yay me! |
from chickpea981 : |
I'm officially dirty and a sex fiend. The correct question in that last note is: "wanna come WORK for my place?" Dirrrrty |
from chickpea981 : |
We're basically working in the same area except if we were in the same office I'd be below you. Wanna come for my place? My supervisor has 2000+ unread emails in the inbox - that's just for the last 23 days. :D |
from foursquare : |
It's good to hear you sound a bit more upbeat, for awhile now, well, I've wanted to slip you some virtual Prozac or something. I hope the new/sort-of-old job boosts you up. -It sucks that Valentine's Day is usually so overblown. For what it's worth, there really are women out there who aren't hung up on what they get (or don't get). My husband and I didn't do shit today other than kind of laugh and wish each other a Happy Valentine's. |
from chickpea981 : |
I figured it was better to sign as "someone" rather than my actual name since we haven't been on speaking terms really. Didn't think you'd like a correction from me. I only know because my bro is living down there now. And I never thought you were unattractive - I wouldn't have flown all the way out there if I didnt. You just need a little more confidence to gain that reassurance. Confidence is an aphrodisiac. Anyway... hopefully that isnt insulting coming from me. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Well if you came to visit here I would find you someone nice in 2 seconds. I think you need to feel more confident about yourself. I can tell you are bright, talented and cute so just be confident! Take care honey! xoxox Kathy |
from pashiesplace : |
Yep, you get it. I know I've always felt stuck when ready for someone new & only after I found someone did I realize that I had changed during my break. As lonely as you've been, you still have standards which is great. You aren't settling for anything in a skirt though at times I'm sure you'd like to :D The job fell into place (sort of), so will the hot chick! |
from odango-atama : |
hey~ i couldn't read your diary for awhile since your page is so dark and my monitor was almost completely dead, now i have a new one and am all caught up. just wanted you to know i'm still reading and thinking of you. congrats on the job. that's really great. now if only the hot chick would fall into place.. |
from pashiesplace : |
Personally, I think relationship breaks are a good thing.Sometimes what feels like a cold spell is in actuality a chance to take better care of yourself. Cold spells have sucked but I know I'm always grateful for them- after the fact! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Thanks always for your comments and notes. Somehow you always make me feel good. Wish I could do the same for you. xoxox K |
from haloaskew : |
No, I didn't personally choke on the baby Jesus...but I could've. I was "lucky" enough to find him in my cake, BEFORE I TOOK A BITE. But there must be someone who inhaled a plastic hunk-o-jesus, and wound up on the Darwin Awards list. If not, I'll wait. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Just wanted to say hi, and you would be missed. xoxox Kathy |
from haloaskew : |
Speaking of Mardi Gras, have you ever had a piece of King Cake and nearly choked on the baby Jesus hidden within? Let's just say that it's a pretty good idea to mention to a first time King Cake eater to be on the lookout for a small hunk of plastic symbolizing the son of God. |
from krugerpak007 : |
I feel the exact same these days. I just hope and pray that there is something out there worth living for. hang in there. Maybe this job will sort everything out for you. You'll meet people and start loving life? hang in there. Thinking of you. xoxox Kathy |
from krugerpak007 : |
Holding thumbs for you for getting the job..Good luck sweetie. Keep us updated at least! xoxox Kathy |
from princesstosh : |
I've got fingers crossed for you~ things seem to be looking up! I've got the cold crap too, and it's all I could do to get out of bed today. Sucks! Feel better! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Crossing all my fingers. That sounds really great. I am glad you sound so upbeat and all these doors are opening for you. Soon you will be able to afford that visit to Israel! :-) Kathy |
from pashiesplace : |
Good luck. Hope the right opportunity lands in your lap. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hope you are feeling better today! Take care! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Oy sweetie, feel better and take care!xoxox |
from kisskeri : |
Hey you remember the site that you gave me that listed tons of free layouts? I thought I bookmarked it but I guess I'm dense and didnt lol P.S. I <3 you! :) We don't talk enough! Go on MSN more often....bitch! |
from krugerpak007 : |
I can relate to your funk. Sometimes I just think, whats it all about you know? Maybe I am not making any sense. I have already taken my sleeping meds....Anyway start your workout routine and you will definitely feel better. I dragged myself off at 6:30 this morning and just started with the treadmill and felt good. ok, I cried all the time, but thats me lately. I will get in to it...and so will you. Take care hon and thanks for all the notes. xoxox Kathy |
from pashiesplace : |
Oh that one hit a nerve. Doesn't it seem like the people that you really NEED closure with are exactly the ones that it never happens with? That just leaves sort of an open wound that can be irritated without warning. I'm not sure if those people even truly mattered so much or if the unfinishedness just makes them feel so important. Hugs. |
from pipersplace : |
Hey, Happy New Year. I hope you get on track and have a great time. |
from krugerpak007 : |
I hope I didnt offend you in my last note...That song thing is the coolest thing. I can so relate to this song now, you have me in tears again. God I havent stopped all fucking day...Anyway very cool, I like it alot. Take care! xoxox Kathy |
from kisskeri : |
I love the new music page. I think it's a great idea! If you get time, can you help me pick out a new layout? I liked the first one we did but the text box was too small. I like how yours in centre page ya know? Good song pick too btw! :D I'm a sap for mushy songs it's becoming evident in my journal lol |
from pashiesplace : |
I don't think you're losing your humor but I do think that humor is one of the worst things to lose sight of. |
from kisskeri : |
Thank you sugar ;) |
from tiragem : |
Your crotch is full of resolve? A tech guy to fix my box? And you say you're losing your humour? lol Hardly. Good luck with the resolutions (you need it, it seems). |
from tiragem : |
I download porn all the type from P2P programmes (I got me some Ares), and you don't have to download the licensed ones to get some good ol' free porn. I even got me the Paris Hilton vid. It's really nice of you though to offer such detailed advice on how to avoid sharing pornographically transmitted diseases.. so kind of you. Maybe you're the kind of guy I'm missing out on. lol. Thanks for the note. |
from kisskeri : |
All I caught from that whole entry when skimming was "spank the money" "dishing out" and "porn"....I need to skim more get naked!!!! |
from krugerpak007 : |
LOL. Sorry but you made me laugh. I hope you work it all out and thanks for the tip...Happy 2005 sweetie! Hopefully things just "go up" from here.... xoxoxox :-) Kathy |
from horseshoes : |
I just ran onto your diary. I took a web pub class last semester and my professor's friend runs a sight called It generates a decent chunk of cash. You might check it out for idea's. It's very simple and kind of a neat concept. |
from kisskeri : |
Happy New Year Derrick!! It can only get better and better and better and bettter! :D |
from some-trouble : |
Happy New Year! I hope 2005 is a fabulous year for you. XXX |
from krugerpak007 : |
Glad you had a good Christmas. I am on my dad's dial up computer and every page takes 20 minutes to come up so when I get home I'll be looking at your new venture. Just want to wish you lots of luck and happiness in 2005 and rememeber to keep in touch and I am waiting for your Israeli visit!!! xoxoxox |
from pashiesplace : |
Thanks for the note! Hope you've had a great day! |
from krugerpak007 : |
You are a sweety pie. Thanks for the card. Israel's calling for you.... xoxoxox :-) |
from krugerpak007 : |
I loved that poem at the end. Especially been a chanukkah person and all. Have a very Merry Christmas you sweet thing. Cheer up and I hope its all good. Love Kathy! |
from some-trouble : |
Hiya, I just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Xmas. I hope you have a lovely day! From Jo XXX |
from pashiesplace : |
Merry Christmas & here's to a far better New Year! |
from kisskeri : |
Merry Christmas D-man! Remember hun, it's not about who you spend it with, it's about what you make of it. Best Wishes! xoxo <3 |
from canuckred : |
I'm all for Google pimpage if it'll score you some clicking enough or do I actually have to go off and buy something from the banner sponsor? I can do one, but have no cash to do the other... |
from krugerpak007 : |
You have studied. You have a degree. You have what some people would die for! Now go out there and get a great job and come and spoil me in Israel. No, seriously, cheer up, it will all fall in to place! xoxoxo |
from divamel : |
all that bitching and that's all you had to say? :-> gratz on finishing the degree! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Get that job and start saving....xoxoxox |
from krugerpak007 : |
You are graduating!!! You should be so bloody proud of yourself!!!! Its one of dreams. As for sex, I hope you get some soon :-))) Take care hon and thanks for the notes and comments. I am glad we met... How about a trip to Israel to celebrate graduation? :-)) xoxox |
from krugerpak007 : |
I am clueless with politics, and news and everything that is going on now...So this is just a quick hi. Thanks for your note and keep in touch! xoxox |
from krugerpak007 : |
Your last entry sounds so upbeat. Like things are going ok, and you are a bit more postive? I am glad! Take care, and keep in touch! xoxox Kathy |
from divamel : |
"wedding bling". heh. heh. heh. |
from tiragem : |
Heya Mojo. When was the last time you had sex, honey? And don't worry about sounding like a broken record about why your entries are sporadic. None understands more than me. Sometimes I don't have the time, sometimes, the care is absent. Sometimes, it's the energy that's lacking. We all understand. Once you post eventually, we won't bitch too much. *uncrosses fingers behind back* |
from foursquare : |
You sound better having some great accomplishments under your belt, good job man. And if you aren't, well, you put on a good facade. ;) |
from krugerpak007 : |
I just left a long note and it got lost. Basically to cut it short, I can so relate. I find myself thinking about life these days and wondering why we are here, why we go through the things we do, what it is all for. And I understand that hunger all to well. And I am married for Gods sake! Ughh. Take care Derrick. It will work out! And if you feel like carrying on reading me, even though I know locked diaries are irritating, drop me an e-mail. Thinking of you! Kathy |
from sexyatheist : |
that chemistry does seem to find you more often when in a relationship. although generally i think that chemistry is hard to find. wonderful but not readily available. i think it's somewhat more necessary for women. you men just need a hot and willing girl. sometimes not even a hot one! |
from pashiesplace : |
I've noticed in the last year that it seems anything in my life that really matters means that in order to have/keep it, I must sacrifice something of near equal value. It does suck. I know I'm always left maybe knowing I've made the better choice, but still missing...something. I'm starting to think that feeling as though something is missing is what keeps me striving for more. I haven't helped, but I can at least comisserate. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hope you had an awsome time. If you were here, I would have given you the time of your life-I promise you! So again Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good one. I know its scary getting older. In fact, it just sucks. But we all go through it, and thats life. I guess we are as old as we feel. I still feel 16....Tale care! xoxox |
from falsefate : |
Happy Birthday! |
from odango-atama : |
wow i'm actually kinda glad you don't have the money to go out drinking now. YOU CAN'T DRIVE WHEN YOU'VE HAD THAT MUCH TO DRINK. and you just said this "with my brain hung over and at it's diminished thinking capacity" so obviously you weren't in any state to make a decision about it. i wish you had a great birthday without endangering other people's lives. |
from pashiesplace : |
Happy Birthday! BTW, 33 is the year that my life left the shitter and started being enjoyable again. I promise, things will fall together into place, probably when you least expect it. |
from pipersplace : |
Happy birthday, babe. Have a good one. |
from dmgirl1 : |
AMEN!!! Can't we all just get it on?!! OK so I am asking you this completely insensitive question....what happened to Ray if you dont mind me asking? I had a friend pass away that had a similar birthday and everything...however I don't think we were as close as you guys were. but I'm seriously haunted by it. We had the same name (a rare one) lived across the street, worked the same job...and it could've been me. How are you coping? If you don't feel like answering don't. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Does it make me a really bad person if I agree with you? :-)Nice to see you updating. You are missed. xoxo |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hope you are doing ok! xoxox Kathy |
from pashiesplace : |
Similar pain touches all of us. Only some are strong enough to allow the weak moments to flow openly. It's much easier to hide things. Those dreams...when I read your entry I so connected with you. It's so hard to explain the amount of emotion that waking from a dream like that packs- realizing why you are in tears, knowing it's too late to will yourself back into the dream- unless you've experienced it. |
from pashiesplace : |
I've had a similar, yet different experience. I needed to end a friendship this past summer in order to give my marriage another chance. The friendship had to end and it's someone I felt and still feel entirely connected to. We also moved in order to have a fresh start, leaving me to feel like nowhere is home, nowhere is comfortable. I have woken up on many occassions crying, tears rolling, realizing it was a good dream about a simple "normal" conversation with this friend that triggered the reaction. That kind of seperation, under any circumstances, for any reason is just devestating. I'm so sorry that you're feeling this kind of pain. |
from pipersplace : |
Just so you know, I still read you. |
from pashiesplace : |
Nice guys may finish last but I tend to think that they usually finish well. When you find the one to love passionately, she'll be a real keeper. |
from divamel : |
"That's why I can't hold any hatred in my heart because I will hate you with all my passion and I don't want that. I'd rather love you with all my passion. " Wow. *blinks* Nicely done. |
from krugerpak007 : |
I am very sad. But I hope you unleash all you have to and come back soon. xoxo Kathy |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hang in there. Things are bound to look up..Just take each thing as it comes... (Wish I could listen to my own advice..) I too have been down lately-maybe something in the air? I don't know. I am feeling too damn sorry for myself. If you stayed nearby we could go to a pub and just wallow in our sorrows over some cocktails. Mm. Sounds good to me...Enough rambling from me, just want you to feel better. xoxox Kathy |
from betchy : |
username betchy, password crazyhorse. enjoy, and leave me loads of notes, i am an attention whore! |
from chickpea981 : |
This is harsh, but what have I got to lose in saying it? We haven't talked since what, June, right? So it's not like I'll lose a friendship over this note. I've said it before and I'll say it again: You are your own worst enemy. Yes, you have family trouble and yes you have financial trouble and yes you are still in school. But how long have you been in school now? How long have the same fucking problems been going on with your mom and others? How long are you gonna bitch about shit before you get up off your fucking ass and do something about it? I couldn't remember why I stopped reading you until today. It's the same entry over and over again. At least some people who have it rough have tried every possible route of bettering their life, what have you? Yeah this is harsh, but wake the fuck up and do something better with your life. Stop depending on your mom for everything. You think she owes you something and she does, but she doesn't see that and won't ever see it. Go get a job somewhere and get out of the house more. Its good for you to work, even if it is at the school working for minimum wage part time. BUt for the love of God fucking DO SOMETHING about your situation instead of bitch about it constantly. At least if you were doing something about it and were stillf ailing then people would respect your efforts. Maybe you'd end up respecting yourself a bit too. |
from divamel : |
Yeah, I used to pick up unsuspecting hotties with the bang-the-vending-machine trick. Poor man, you do need game. Even a drop would help. Here have mine. I'm not certainly not using it anymore. |
from betchy : |
hi, saw a few of my faves have you liseted so thought i would stop by. being a highly sexed scorpio also, i feel i need to add you to my buddy list. if you would like to read me, leave me a note andi will give you the password x |
from yakkety-yak : |
hey thanks for adding me x |
from krugerpak007 : |
Thanks for the lovely note you left. You made me smile. xoxo Kathy |
from krugerpak007 : |
I seemed to have missed your last few entries. I have been feeling so sorry for myself so I can understand how that happened. You are right that you are the only one that can get yourself out of the rut you are in. I think that you sound bright, you are good looking (I have seen pictures...) and you just sound great, so get out there, be confident and go for it! Mmm. I know it is not as easy as I make it sound but I think you need to love yourself more. And to appreciate yourself more. Really! (Are you ready to tell me to shut up and mind my own business?) Sorry to preach but I wish you would see in yourself, what others see in you. Or at least what I see in you. I hope that once school starts you will start feeling more motivated and be more busy and start enjoying life more. Even with the learning, you will be meeting people and keeping yourself busy. Thats always good! I also can not stand people who don't answer my calls, and who don't answer my sms's. I know that sounds pathetic but God, how long does it take to just answer a short sms. It drives me absolutely crazy to be ignored. Anyway sorry to have taken up nearly your entire notes section. Hang in there, feel good and keep in touch! xoxox Kathy |
from frozen-vodka : |
"I'll never be the same again / I want to walk in the sun / I am alive and well again / No more bittersweet / No more good pain / No more..." Talking to you is sometimes what keeps me sane Sweets, because life is strange and sorrows are many and good times overwhelm. I'm sorry, I'm feeling...deep I make no sense, if that makes any sense? My point is thus: talking to you keeps me grounded when I need it. If I can be that for you, I would be thrilled. |
from dmgirl1 : |
Cheers! I have the ability to turn people away as well! In fact I do consider myself a loner and sometimes I want to change it...but then I get reaffirmed that it's the right choice when I make a huge ass of myself. I aslo hate when people don't call me back. I sometimes get mad enough to never call the person ever again and delete their #'s. Don't know what to tell you about the social probs. I am a retard! |
from livefan91200 : |
everyone has problems once in a while, esp. when dealing w/the opposite sex, so it's not like this is a phenomenon purely with you, mon ami... and the whole being-around-people thing, I've been working 3rd shift all summer, so I've been in severe lack of human contact for the last 2 or so months, so when I DO see people, esp. people I know and love, I go nuts, so I've been a pretty big geek as of late also... so no worries, losers unite! L'amour toujours ~LP |
from livefan91200 : |
glad to hear that the trip was good.... and mom's are always the ones to let you know how shitty things are when you feel like you're at rock bottom... hope things get better and all my love to you, mon ami. L'amour toujours ~LP |
from frozen-vodka : |
I actually like this layout much more than your last....simpler. Less busy and....annoying? *grin* You know I lurve you Sweets, but I love your simple template even more. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Welcome back. I like the simple template. I am sorry your mom is giving you such a hard time. I hope everything comes together regarding your courses. And I hope you cheer up. You do seem a bit despondent. I f you need a shoulder to lean on, you are welcome to lean on mine. Anytime.Don't be a stranger. Take care. xoxo Kathy |
from pos-ses-sion : |
hey there ... I need to start worrying about the design but just started classes again. I need to worry because I did find the design and it does belong to someone at Raging Pistachio or something like that so I've got to do something soon and just not sure what to do with the limited time I have right now. As for the offer, its an open deal :) I'll try to get with you on the design asap. Got any spare time you could lend me??? |
from pos-ses-sion : |
Well, how about this. Since you so graciously offered to help me redesign my diary (yeah I know I haven't said anything else about it but I'm gettin' to it -- in the south this means, I'll have it done before I die ;) So, anyway, I have a super gold account and I'm not even remotely using up the space it comes with, if you want me to upload all of yours to mine and just link 'em, I'd be glad to till whenver. Just a thought! Lemme know :) Enjoy the rest of your trip ... try not to clear out the open bar ;) Have a southern comfort and coke for me! |
from falsefate : |
The diary doesn't like that bad at all!!! I didn't know Canadians had much of an accent.... Well now that I think about it, they do to other people I guess... |
from dalyrical1 : |
i dont think your diary looks's still neat without the pics so perk up boy!!! |
from tiragem : |
I was about to leave you an "inflammatory comment", as you like to call it, but I forgot that you no longer have gold membership... Which sucks major arse. Anyways, I wanted to say that drunken eloquence quite appropriately describes you in that entry you wrote thoroughly soaked in tequila. Spell check or no, you write far better drunk than most people write sober and with dictionary in hand... Oh and although I've never changed my grandmother's diapers, I have wiped her arse several times, an experience I'll never look forward to. Anyways, I'm also writing to inform you that I'm reading again. More power to you. |
from falsefate : |
Hi! This is Justine from 'i-am-me-', just here to tell you that this is my new diary; and i've linked you. :D |
from photo-frame : |
For once its nice to read a diary from a male point of view. |
from pos-ses-sion : |
Well, I've started an email to you about the design but I'm not sure its going to make sense, not sure when I'm going to get it finished either. But, its in the works. You are right about the resolution tho. I hope all the problems with your laptop work out! |
from pos-ses-sion : |
good morning! In answer to your question about my layout and graphic ... I made the graphic and the layout is about half mine, and half from a layout originally done in red instead of blue with a different graphic. In the original the box on the far right doesnt exist, there is a line that runs all the way from the bottom of the box surrounding the graphic fully across to the right side. The scrolling text box for my entries is also my idea. In the original the post came at the bottom and the whole page would scroll. I'm a perfectionist so until it "feels" right, I won't be done with it! And in further looking into this layout design thing, I'm not entirely sure that the gal I got the layout from is the original designer (it would explain her telling me not to give her a link for the design and that I could do anything I wanted with it) and I don't like being left with that feeling, hence my thought to redesign it. |
from pipersplace : |
Thanks for reading, babe. I've heard people talk about Fight Club. I have to rent it now. And yes, the shy thing sucks, especially when you're younger. |
from krugerpak007 : |
How are the finals going? Have a good weekend. xoxo Kathy |
from barely-jeri : |
And btw, glad you're back. Dland just isn't the same without you. |
from barely-jeri : |
I am just paranoidish (today I declare it Making Up Words Day,:P). And you're right, just knowing that someone else is reading seems to help - I've never been comfortable being open with anyone outside of the words I type on the screen. But yeah, it's so easy for someone you know to just click a random link and find your diary. That's what my sister did, and since then my entries haven't been the same. I don't know, maybe the whole trust people put into these things is misplaced. It's just too easy for the wrong person to find your diary. But like I said at the begining, I am paranoidish. And I doubt any of this makes sense. Oh well. Jeri. xx |
from foursquare : |
You're definitely right about needing to disable the side buttons on my mouse, I've just got to figure out how to do it. What burns me was that I DO always write in Word first, and it just happened to be the one time I wrote something in the entry editor I lost it. Twice! In fact I mentioned it after the first time I lost the entry, but I was so pissed the second time I didn't even bother. Arghgh! |
from ionme : |
what about the fuck spam part???? you really shouldn't stop writing by the way, that won't solve anything - it helps.....xo |
from ionme : |
what's your email dear? |
from krugerpak007 : |
You are missed. xoxo |
from dmgirl1 : |
I will miss you come back soon:P |
from ionme : |
did i give you a username & password yet? |
from morguecrawl : |
Ooooh! Willingness to participate! I like that. Makes things a whole lot easier. |
from stargazer42 : |
No shame in being a geek... Especially not when exploiting the hilarity of Zero Wing! I personally dled a Genesis emulator and Zero Wing just to see the classic intro. It felt good knowing that all your base do in fact belong to us long before it got cool. :-) |
from morguecrawl : |
A good girl like me doesn't hit on strangers. ;-) I only roll them outta the bed in the morning. |
from sexyatheist : |
ah derrick. that has to be one of the best websites ever. well, actually one of the best website names ever. i'm still laughing my ass off. thank you. you have made my night |
from chevydarling : |
minus one 's' in the email! Dammit, I'm tired!....scoodles911...blah. there ya go |
from chevydarling : |
I emailed you earlier this you check your email, goober? Email address is [email protected] email might be thinking I'm junk mail or spam but I'm NOT!!! I've emailed you twice now with the "info" so...check! :-p Thanks, kid! *Mwah!* |
from jnlm02 : |
hey, thanks for stopping by my diary. And as for the brother as stripper thing, just wanted to clarify that I have no problem with strippers or stripping in general. If it were my best girlfriend, I would probably say "How much money? Well, go for it." But I think it's just that no one likes to think of their sibling as being the least bit sexual. Just like no one likes to think of their parents that way either "No, my parents have two kids, and that's all the sex they ever had!" Which is obviously not true. Eh bien, I'll survive whatever he does. |
from danddteacher : |
i'm back online... and caught up with my diary reading... trying hard to fight it, but I'm totally jealous.... |
from danddteacher : |
you sound like you need a hug today... wish I could give you one... |
from danddteacher : |
wow... thanks for sharing that with the world... it's right on target... and very truthful... |
from chickpea981 : |
that doesn't mean I won't do it with the right person, but at the time of that post I wasn't feeling too hot about the whole thing. |
from chickpea981 : |
yes phone sex can be fine with long distance lovers/relationships. However, I think you missed the point of that entry. It becomes an entirely deformed and unnatural thing when you watch someone go through an addiction to it and other things for 3 1/2 years. |
from nypizzas2 : |
Hey babe. Sorry about all the times you've tried to IM me. I don't know if you have AOL, but if you do you know that it shows your buddy list and you can't get off it, and since there are many people I don't want to talk to, I keep the away message up constantly. But I added you to my buddy list, and next time I see you on, I'll be sure to bug you. :) In answer to your question, I would totally date a taller guy. If he doesn't have a problem with the height thing, I certainly don't. |
from pipersplace : |
Hey, thanks for adding me as a favorite, you're a sweetie. I've been meaning to check your diary out after reading Chickpea. It looks like I'll have fun catching up. |
from danddteacher : |
all I have to say is that if I did get married he'd be one very sexually satisfied man! *L* |
from elysium1982 : |
great to see that nasty little funk has broken and you are in higher spirits. =) |
from danddteacher : |
I'm hoping the cramming/exam frenzy is going well and I'm looking forward to talking to you again when it's all over. |
from chevydarling : |
I'm glad you're starting to feel "ok" and no, its not just you. I'm working on changing that. The person who did my layout ~"usagiangie"~ put it like that and I am so html retarded that I don't know how to change it and she hasn't been on in a while, so I haven't been able to contact her to have her change it! But yes, it is all funky-spaced! Thanks for noticin'! :-p |
from chevydarling : |
I'm glad you're starting to feel "ok" and no, its not just you. I'm working on changing that. The person who did my layout ~"usagiangie"~ put it like that and I am so html retarded that I don't know how to change it and she hasn't been on in a while, so I haven't been able to contact her to have her change it! But yes, it is all funky-spaced! Thanks for noticin'! :-p |
from danddteacher : |
how ya doin' today? feel like I need contact with someone, and one by one I'm cutting off all of those people *sighs*... |
from pornfest : |
i'll try to get a threesome in there in a week or less... baby... |
from danddteacher : |
guess I missed you by exactly 1 min *L*... hope everything's ok... |
from livefan91200 : |
I for one knew you weren't suicidal, darlin... it's just always nice to hear that people care and that you're not alone in feeling like you did... everyone feels that way once in a while... no worries, I know you're good :) L'amour toujours ~LP |
from sexyatheist : |
the phrase isn't mine, sadly. i found it on which is a fantastic free thinking website. but use it all you want. i love it. i agree that science can't explain everything at present but i think we'll be surprised. i honestly believe science will be able to explain everything, given enough time. and that religion and spirituality will be completely useless. though of course i think religion and spirituality are completely useless now. if something cannot be defined scientifically (and i mean that it can be tested and re-tested using the scientific method) i assume it doesn't exist. and i mean in terms of god, unicorns, ghosts, fairies, psychics. these things are defined outside of the bounds of the scientific method and therefore i consider them nonexistent until science can prove otherwise. and with these things being defined specifically so science cannot prove their existence, i don't see the possibility. science is a lot stronger than any other method we've ever imagined. and to write it off because it can't explain everything (although i think it does an exceptional job already) is a cop-out to emotion. people want to believe something is out there. which is fine but saying that belief is held because science can't explain everything seems a bit weak, to be perfectly honest. i'd rather people just admit they like thinking their dead ones talk to them through john edwards or that god is looking out for them. instead of using science's inability to explain everything (most specifically things that humans have defined as to be outside of the scientific method) as a way to explain their belief. but this is already long enough and we can definitely get into more in depth discussions in the future. |
from fading-smile : |
I love your diary, and your art is fantastic, really inspiring. |
from danddteacher : |
Why the self-consciousness re: Becca living with me? Hmmm... Good question. Yes, she's my baby sister (and lives up to the "baby" part of that). I guess the best way to put it is that she's very "pure"... complete with the thought process that goes along with that purity. She'd worry if she knew what really went on in my house (boy, is there a story there from this weekend!) and she'd probably report straight to my extremely conservative and judgemental parents. I'm not in the mood for a lecture, or to explain to my mom that I'm not the virgin she things I am (or the circumstances under which that occured). And so, for one semester, I'll just suck it up. I'll wear clothes around the house. I'll use the cell for my booty calls. I'll keep the men out. And I'll use fingers instead of toys. *L* |
from chevydarling : |
I would send you a picture but your "Fuck Spam" account thinks I'm spamming you or something! Grr! So...add me to your AIM (DarkDarling69) and I'll send then! or...well, you can go to my webpage, if ya wanna! That's me, my favorite picture of me =D Check the piercing! =D And maybe, someday, eventually, just for you, I'll take a full body (WITH CLOTHES ON!) pic for ya! ;) |
from sexyatheist : |
i didn't realize you were a theist. i guess i'll have to take you off my favorites list now. <he he> sure babe. we can talk atheism vs. theism anytime you want. i do have to admit i'm somewhat rusty. but i'll do my best if we ever catch each other online |
from brandi-babe : |
Can I bitch-slap you too? I've always wanted to do that to a man. :-D |
from almost-grown : |
yep grown up... that much closer to 18 ;-P |
from raven72d : |
Psyducks can will themselves into being chosen. |
from gnu-high : |
Heya Derrick! Sorry I was so slow getting back to your note - things have been busy to the insane degree. Anywho, glad to see you around more and congrats on the new jobbage. :) |
from juniperhexum : |
:) thanks, I needed that. |
from namelessgirl : |
hey, you! remember me? it's been a long time, baby. |
from almost-grown : |
yeah been a while, where've ya been? I miss chatting with you on AIM and all that good stuff. I promise to start commenting more. |
from chickpea981 : |
I was placing my order for a few cases of Luna Bars and I saw this and thought of you: |
from barely-jeri : |
Thanks, I'll do that. |
from canuckred : |
Thanks for the comments re: my brother. I think I left a comment regarding this before, but I have a cousin in my life who is to me what Ray was to you. I couldn't imagine living without him, and he's closer to me than he is to his own brothers (and vice-versa). So whenever you've written about Ray, I've understood everything, even the stuff that's not so easy to put into words. |
from raresilk : |
Your review is complete. Sorry for the wait and thanks for your patience. Sara, Raresilk Reviews |
from for-you-only : |
Did you make that layout yourself? I'd be very interested in how many of the things on your page are made... Like the fade from one page to another thing, and the picture/face thing that get's brighter with your cursor over it. My diary's layout only escapes the basic layout of diaryland with my knowledge of mear links and font atrabutes. |
from for-you-only : |
Hey, remember me? Have you seen the banner with aldolf hitler and Yu-gi-oh? It's stupid. Anyway, what's up? Write me back! |
from opusshrugged : |
this is a thank you for the gracious thank you which you left after i reviewed your diary for bbreviews ... it's not often reviewees leave thanks, bragging rights indeed ;) |
from be-naked : |
i'm hot and i'd bone you. so there. |
from sexyatheist : |
oh i'd agree that we are definitely a sexually repressed country. which is really sad when you think about it. and i can see how us not having our tops on makes us hotter. and personally, i think i do look better without my top on anyway. i got lucky in the boobs department. it's just too bad i can't show them off all that much living here. sheesh. |
from nypizzas2 : |
Dear Mr. Mojo, I was trying to put into words how much I enjoyed reading your stuff... but then I remembered I haven't had an original thought in a long time. So I ask that you take any kind words reviewers and fans have said to you in the past and imagine I'm saying them to you. Thank you. |
from opusshrugged : |
Your review is finished & posted at Bondage Bear Reviews & can be found there. Thanks for requesting & if you have any questions, comments, or complaints ... feel free to BITE ME! or just y'know send an email or note me back. ~ poppy ;) |
from neurotic-one : |
I love your profile page. I found your diary on a link from Our View...I wasn't far below you. When I 1st clicked on you, my eyes bugged because I thought you were my nephew...but thats not the case. Will be adding you to my favorites bases on your profile page alone! |
from foursquare : |
Well you may have figured it out already as I've left you some notes under the new name, this is me, Heather, formerly hlm79. :) |
from mysticheaven : |
Quite simply, a beautiful diary. |
from cdghost : |
stumbled across your words and enjoyed reading them |
from dmgirl1 : |
If it is any consolation...reading your journal today I thought maybe I was accidentally reading mine. |
from i-am-me- : |
Oh yeah and I still have you on my list.... |
from i-am-me- : |
Hi this is 'supa-gurl-8'. Um, I've moved to so you can change my link is you want. If this helps, my link on your buddylist is like the last one or something. ��I-AM-ME-�� |
from livefan91200 : |
you didn't name the movie fool... quote again: "...are they made with real girl scouts?" HINT: Christina Ricci said this... L'amour toujours ~LP |
from fuzzhead : |
dont you hate unwanted advice? man thing WILL get better man, shit you are on the right track for your schooling. dont get discouraged. you have just a little ways to go and your still "young" you can get a job now and save up and i bet you will fell 100x better if you finish it yourself. im 29 and i know how you feel about the begging for handouts thing. BTW im jon, US Army SGT in New Orleans. |
from livefan91200 : |
Would leave you a note on your comments thingy, but it's being a whore right now... glad to hear that I wasn't the only one that had a boring-assed spring break... and also glad to hear that you nigged on the jumping-out-the-window idea... no Derrick splatter in the greater Chicago area.... not for sale... also, I totally know about the reflux dude... had it since 6th grade... yeah, that's right, for most of my life I've had that wonderful disease *insert sarcastic yay here* so I feel your pain. L'amour toujours ~LP |
from foursquare : |
Shit, maybe you just caught my message in the guestbook. Typo there, in line "I believe most women don't think that way". Kind of unclear, I think I should have omitted the "don't". Sorry, that's confusing as hell now, but I hopet that you can figure out what I meant. |
from ionme : |
It's been a while.....I hope things look up soon! xo |
from ionme : |
It's been a while.....I hope things look up soon! xo |
from dalyrical1 : |
wow...the text is big on my page? really? because it looks normal sized on my computer...hmmmmm...i wouldn't even know how to change it....but thanks!! and seem to have been a busy boy lately ;) great entries! |
from dalyrical1 : |
no problem, d-baby! i hope all is well with you...i'm here if you need me!! |
from supa-gurl-8 : |
Hi, I liked your diary so I put you as a favourite. ~*MuAhZ*~[supa-gurl-8] |
from barely-jeri : |
Hey, thanks for listing me as well. xx |
from odango-atama : |
i left you a comment if you can find it~ i dunno if this is a problem for anyone else but the screen changes sizes when the pics change and i lose my place |
from barely-jeri : |
I was going to leave you a note yesterday but things came up. Anyways I added you as a favourite, your diary rocks. xx |
from ktdream : |
Thanks for responding. Glad you're still around. =) Things are going pretty well, definitely. And even more has happened. hehe speak more? |
from dalyrical1 : |
what happened? well, the love of my life is snooping around in other sectors of my life, wondering what my friends know. it's starting to feel like im his closet fuck...his saturday night girl...and i'm so in love with him that i dont long as i have him in someway its better than no way...right? well, wrong. i want more. i need more. and it seems like the only way i will get him to leave me alone is to tell him i love him...and that just hurts like hell to know that my loving him will chase him away... |
from dalyrical1 : |
what happened? well, the love of my life is snooping around in other sectors of my life, wondering what my friends know. it's starting to feel like im his closet fuck...his saturday night girl...and i'm so in love with him that i dont long as i have him in someway its better than no way...right? well, wrong. i want more. i need more. and it seems like the only way i will get him to leave me alone is to tell him i love him...and that just hurts like hell to know that my loving him will chase him away... |
from bbreviews : |
Would you like a review at BBR? |
from frozen-vodka : |
Aw Sweets...yeah, you're definitely going to have to call me this need one of my infamous "talking to's"... |
from frtnckiervw : |
Hey Derrick, dea-lamia in disguise here. :) I have a small favor to ask. If you still have it, could you e-mail me the button you made for my review site? Villagephotos has decided to be an unforgiving idiot, so I have it no longer. Thanks. |
from girlygirl83 : |
well, congrats on finding a girl!:) |
from tiragem : |
You deleted it? You're such a darling! And I do agree... Quite cool that we got ourselves a member of the opposite sex at the same time. |
from dea-lamia : |
Woooo! Congrats on the chica. Luckily I can cross all eight of my fingers (not including my thumbs, naturally), since I already have four of them crossed for gnomad. I'll be rootin' for ya! |
from sexyatheist : |
i have to be honest. i kind of hated the cosmo. too much alcohol for my untrained mouth. but i do genuinely enjoy cabernet. just not too much. a half a glass, and i'm done. |
from sexyatheist : |
i've never been drunk, ever. once, i drank almost an entire cosmopolitan and felt a little funny. i never drank anything with hard liquor again. occasionally i will have a glass of cabernet with dinner but that's it. and i usually don't even finish it. i don't like the taste of alcohol and i don't like not having control, so i just stay away. |
from sexyatheist : |
seriously, i don't know how i managed keeping all that cum inside either. it was quite a success. and yeah, it's odd celebrating without the alcohol but i do it even without fantastic sex. i am a sober kinda girl. but the fantastic sex does make it that much better. |
from some-trouble : |
Happy New Year Hon!!! Love 'n' Hugs, Jo XXX |
from for-you-only : |
Wow. You are easily facinated. I should tell you about how I came for the first time durring sex last night. :) |
from for-you-only : |
My ideas were not facinating, they were... What I would like. I mean, I'd be grateful to get eaten out for Christmas... Of course, I someho managed to get that on my boyfriend's birthday.... Hmm, maybe I should pay him back with some... he he he. |
from dalyrical1 : |
I hope you have a great new year's!! I hope I'll be back soon to catch up! |
from a-victoria : |
Merry Christmas! |
from livefan91200 : |
Merry Christmas my friend. L'amour toujours ~LP |
from sexyatheist : |
thank you |
from some-trouble : |
I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas hon. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful day together! Love, Jo XXX |
from tiragem : |
Ahh... Memento... Sweet cherished memories of good movies. I really have to visit you *if* I get to America to mooch off of your DVD collection. Plus it would be really sweet if I got to see Memento in chronological order. I love that freaking movie... But it was so hard to follow! I don't recall another movie that required so much concentration. But it sure was fucking worth it. *wink* |
from sexyatheist : |
yeah, i read your note to tiragem. is there any way i can get that code for the memento dvd? that would be awesome. |
from livefan91200 : |
glad to hear back from you so soon... and no worries... we're all undersexxed my friend... more than you know. L'amour toujours ~LP |
from tiragem : |
I do! I mean I accept! lol... Are you kidding? I love that movie. I have the Fight Club on tape (that's right... my broke arse can't afford a DVD player) and I have the entire script on my hard drive. It's a travesty of justice that I've never quoted it before. |
from ktdream : |
I urge you to quit smoking for good. You know all the bad effects and just to let you know I wouldn't kiss a smoker... I also find it hard to talk to someone if I smell smoke coming from his breath. It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't a turn on. |
from tiragem : |
That's where I know her from, actually. I was going through your reviews page, because, well... you admitted yourself that you are a review whore... So I was just looking for some whoremongering review sites that would review me. I picked Divamel and Gnomad's site... I didn't know who to have review me, so I tossed a coin, and gave it Gnomad... I was kinda worried about the site though... I wasn't sure if they would take a liking to diaries that had a bit of sex in it... And if they like you, then I know I'm fine. *wink* |
from dea-lamia : |
Derrick! Hey. Just thought I'd let you know, I found a new template that I'm absolutely in love with, so the tweakage of my previous graphics is no longer necessary. Unless, you know, you're THAT bored. ;) Thanks a bunch for all your help, though. You're priceless. |
from our-views : |
Your review is up at Our-Views. Thanks for submitting your diary to our site! |
from ionme : |
and you do have some great skills :) well, i'm looking for a new layout and one girl may be designing one for me so i'll let you know when your skills can be put to good use. i can always find something for a man to do ;P |
from dea-lamia : |
Okay, my images are all screwed up again. I have a feeling it'll keep happening unless the images are tweaked somehow. So, if you're still up to it... where shall I send the original images? :) |
from ionme : |
I can find it through my design link but she changed it a little. I tried to mess with it yesterday but it got all fucked up. I would like to have a different page for all of my links and stuff so maybe a whole new layout is in order. I'd love for you to help me out, you html genius, when I find one I like if you have time. xoxo |
from dea-lamia : |
You're a doll. I would take you up on the offer to tweak the photos, except that for some reason, without any help on my part, they just clarified. At least, that's the story in a nutshell. They're almost completely un-blurry. So, thanks for the offer. I'll keep you on call in case anything else pops up. ;) |
from dea-lamia : |
Hey Derrick, I have a question. I remember when you helped me with my review site's graphics, you said they were too blurry and to change the compression level to none on the image hosting site. Well, my new layout's graphics are blurry too, even though I changed the compression level to zero on them. Am I stuck with blurry graphics, or can I somehow fix them? Thanks for putting up with my computer-stupidity. :) |
from drunkencynic : |
I laughed so hard at your latest entry, the Smarter Child one. That was so fucking funny. drunkencynic/hobgoblin if you want to stop by. |
from girlygirl83 : |
this is the new tahitian |
from ionme : |
hi D! I am doing ok. Sorry to hear about your ex, my ex (the only one I thought I would ever marry) got married last month. It hurt me to see their picture. This tops that. I can only hope everything both of us have been through is minimal compared to the happiness we'll find eventually. Keep your chin up!!! ~J~ |
from canuckred : |
Thanks for the cool signage, as always...booze for me is an all-or-nothing proposition...either do it or don't. Once I start, my friends start buying, and it can get ugly from there, so if I'm driving, I'd rather be 100% out of trouble. |
from chickpea981 : |
You didn't mess up my plans... you altered them. It was far better to talk to you for 3.5 hours then to go out and waste my money on something frivilous. I'd say it was well worth it, wouldn't you? |
from tahitian : |
Hey, I didn't know that you were married before. I sound really stupid when I try to talk to you on AIM......... Sorry I don't know what to talk about with you... but you seem like a super cool guy. I should try more harder to talk to you! I hope that you have a better week this week. |
from be-naked : |
i can't believe you talked to that bot for so long!! btw, i buddy-listed you, so if some kook IMs you, it's probably me. |
from frtnckiervw : |
Thanks for the border correction. :) |
from frtnckiervw : |
I love you! You know, in that grateful way, not in that freaky stalker way. ;) Thank you so much. I owe you hugely. |
from everoboto : |
What you're going through with your ex is hard stuff, but truthfully, now that you know she can no longer be your contingency plan, maybe things will start working out better for you. You don't know if you were unconsciously holding back with others in some way before. It sounds like no matter what the two of you would not ever have a "normal" relationship again, so it's probably better that both of you move on. Good luck, dude. |
from be-naked : |
laurenrocks is now be-naked. the more i think about it, the more i want to dive into darker subjects and fiction and i know my parents wouldn't confront me or anything, but i think it's better this way. thanks for the note. |
from frtnckiervw : |
You know, for the time being, I think enlarging the button you made would work fine. If you don't want to host it, I actually did discover a reliable hosting service. I really appreciate this, though. Let me know if there's any way I can pay you back. :) |
from frtnckiervw : |
Hey Derrick, Dea from Fortune Cookie Reviews here. I was wondering, since you made me a banner using the graphic on my site, do you still have the graphic saved? I stupidly didn't save it myself, and the site that hosted it just locked, so now all I have is a pretty red x on my site. Just thought I'd check to see if you had it, since the owners of the site aren't responding to me. Thanks much. |
from dalyrical1 : |
i'm sure you would be! so...for now...if you ever want a net concubine let me know!! you are soooooo lucky you're way out there,, so, lucky.... |
from sexyatheist : |
if i had a way to make those stickers, you would be the first on my list |
from dea-lamia : |
Seems like we both stumbled on the concept of simplicity at the same time. Good luck, huh? In this world, we're both going to need it. And for the record, it's nice to see you take yourself totally seriously for a change. :) |
from tiragem : |
I just love the way the browser window fades when I enter and exit your diary! I still haven't gotten used to it... So I thought maybe I should tell you... so there. |
from tiragem : |
Very well said, and I agree with you completely. It looks like I have to get cracking writing that explanatory entry about my perspective... |
from long-ignored : |
wait a second...YOU like sex? huh...I never would have gathered. No preoccupation was apparent at ALL. I mean, what, with how little sex is even mentioned...And yes, the picture in the corner does give away your identity a bit. As long as you aren't getting any feel free to live vicariously through me. xoxo |
from a-little-off : |
The effects on your page are very cool. |
from gnu-high : |
Ahem! I'll check in with the visitor's bureau post-haste. ;) |
from dalyrical1 : |
made me cry in a good way, darlin. just when i think men are all emotional ameoba (sp), you write something that reminds me...not everything is always the way it seems at first. |
from blueiceflame : |
Hey. If you want to call, IM me or something to get the # and beleive me, I can get you to talk about anything. I can yap for hours!! XOXO |
from ionme : |
damnit!!! it was so cute too! i can't believe it. did u change your email address? |
from ionme : |
NO NO NO! I sent you an e-greeting for your Bday (email), don't tell me it didn't go through :( |
from gnu-high : |
Besides the scourge of having to be at work, I'm mostly peachy. ;) I think I'll be spectacular once 5 o'clock rolls around. |
from gnu-high : |
Those deathlike hangovers are no fun - but I'm sure you'll come out well on the otherside. ;) |
from blueiceflame : |
Hey. I'm glad your birthday was good. You should call me sometime. ;) |
from tahitian : |
Happy birthday! Sorry i'm late sayin it. I think that it's kinda cool that u have a thing just for ur thing on ur daily journal LOL! oh i locked my diary but the un is tahitian, and the pw is girlygirl, and you should get on AIM sometime and talk to me! |
from knock-first : |
happy birthday, I am sorry it will probably suck for you, but I think that is all relative. For instance if you where in prison, or stranded on a desert island and had nothing and nobody then finally got out of that hell hole just in time to receive the happy birthday phone call from your mom, then I would say it might be your best birthday ever huh? I think you have many good birthday expectations so things easily look crappy. My birthday has always pretty much sucked, therefore it doesnt bug me. I expect it. N ext year assuime it will suck, then maybe you will be surprised and it wont. (I need to turn therapist) |
from anniewaits18 : |
hey, I forget where I saw your link might of been from Gumphood or some review site. Anyway, just wanted to say, I only looked at ethnicity and your 100 things and have to say they were both well done. I really enjoyed the ethnicity entry because I'm a filipina and only date white guys-- it was interesting to hear that asian guys (you know what I mean) actually have an intelligent say to it rather than bitch on "why you gotta do that?" thanks. check out my diary if you like. I'd like to hear your thoughts. |
from a-victoria : |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! perhaps Steak and Blowjob day can be moved, as well, to Oct 24 just for you... hee hee. |
from neangel : |
Happy b-day! |
from everoboto : |
Take a survey, I'm sure you'll find that turning 29 is the worst. That was my worst birthday, as well as pretty much everyone else I know. Luckily, I found being 30 (and in a week, 31) much better. So, Happy Birthday to you, fellow Scorpio (I should have know). xoxo |
from gnu-high : |
10/23/03 Sagittarius - December 6th to be exact. Let the backwards aging party begin!! Glad to hear you got to talk with the boss. Even though things aren't totally kosher, at least you're both closer to being on the same page. I'd be so generous as to let him sit through my management class; and free myself up for better forms of entertainment. The class bores me to tears. :| |
from nmnohr : |
Sorry, I hit enter by mistake. Anyway, it will get better, even though it may not seem that way at the time. Just try to hold out even a little hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and all of this will make you stronger in the end. Stronger for what? I don't know......but you will be an even better person for it. Ok, end of sermon. Hang in there - and Happy Birthday. |
from nmnohr : |
Your entry made me want to cry. You sound so down, and I never like seeing (or reading about) someone feeling that way. For some reason something always happens on or around my birthday to make it suck. Just know you aren't alone. IT WILL GET BETTER |
from a-victoria : |
That's why "Steak and Blowjob Day" -- March 20 -- was invented, hee! |
from fireflyez76 : |
My baby has a nurse who is Filipino. I think she's absolutely wonderful and I enjoy talking with her about her culture. She's even taught me a few words of her dialect. I really really enjoy your entries about yourself and your ethnicity. ~Jamie~ |
from dalyrical1 : |
you do deserve it sweeite....and not just cuz you're a cutie....honest!! ;P |
from tiragem : |
Hey, Mark's not really my bf. And even if he were, you could still throw whatever you wanted my way. No need for guilt here. Just maybe a condom or two depending on how far you get. |
from chickpea981 : |
I sent something to your alcobuds email |
from ionme : |
hey babe. what super power would you choose? |
from hlm79 : |
Oh yeah, and damn I'm good! Well, maybe not really. I was pretty sure you must've been in your early thirties. Want to know the main way I guessed that? You talked before about your cousin dying, and you said that he was 28 at the time. I figured since you two were close you must've been about the same age. And you drop other subtle clues too. But don't worry, only someone like me who's ears prick up for little clues would notice. I could tell you all kinds of happy little things in regards to age but I know it probably wouldn't make you feel much better. Well, screw it, I wouldn't anyway. My husband is 32, meeting him was like the shot out of the dark. Neither of us saw that coming, in no way could have. But he's much happier now in his thirties than his twenties. Yeah, we have all that serious stuff you don't; who's to say it won't happen still? (and I know, maybe it won't). In all honesty, what is there really to miss about you twenties? Doing stupid shit? What is it about "old" to make you feel old? You can tell me that I may change my feelings, or that they don't count because I'm only 23 now. Okay. But I got pregnant and engaged at 20 so I went ahead and skipped all the freedom & partying bullshit. I guess I'm wondering, what is it that you don't like? Lost opportunities? It's just a hard thing for me to undestand. I always wanted to hurry up and get older so that people would perhaps respect my opinion more and not treat me like a kid. |
from blueiceflame : |
Hey. You need to get on AIM!! Gees. |
from everoboto : |
Hey bro, glad you liked the banner. Just wondering, which banner did you see? Because I have a few of them running right now. \m/ |
from frtnckiervw : |
Hey Derrick, your review's up. Thankya much for requesting. |
from blueiceflame : |
Hey. I hate to bother you again, but how do you get the pages to fade into each other? I've been looking at, but I can't figure out what to do with all of the stupid codes. Can you help me please? |
from blueiceflame : |
Hey Derrick. It's me again. I found 2 pictures of you and that was it. Anyways, holler back at me. Peace out. |
from blueiceflame : |
Hey. I think the ass holes are bitches, but then again, I dunno. They reviewed my old diary and I got like a 60 or something. They're prolly just raggin. Peace out and come by. |
from frtnckiervw : |
Hey Derrick, that is an awesome button you made for my review site. Do you mind if I post it alongside Brad's on my rules page? |
from frtnckiervw : |
Hi Derrick. Found your site through Compendious Reviews (great, aren't they? I used to review with them.) and upon reading your "reviews" page thought I'd invite you to check out my new review site, if you're up to it. Your diary would certainly not be a boring one to review. :) Adios! |
from compendious : |
woot! can I tell you how much you fucking ROCK??? Thank you SO much for hosting the images for us! Have added an additional credit for you to send you more traffic! -DMel |
from ionme : |
Geez, I didn't know it was that simple. Thanks for helping me out, I can always count on you for the html knowledge babe! Have a good weekend & don't be such a stranger, I've missed you. :) |
from ionme : |
Hey! You are a review whore now aren't you? ;) I was wondering, how do I bold or italicize my words in my entries? I thought of you as the first person to ask :) |
from panjandrum : |
Yeah. I collect (or try to collect) Absolut paraphenalia. I suppose I should try a banner theme that's more appealing to the general Diaryland public. But I prefer to do what I like. I have at least one better Absolut banner. I ran it briefly It didn't do very well. But whatever. |
from leslieirene : |
Actually, I'm one of those scary Scopios...not a Libra. :) |
from tiragem : |
*falls to knees in utter reverence* You must be God! How else would you know that the principal, Mrs. C, was really a man? I've been going the freaking school for over 6 years, and the thought never even crossed my mind! Fuck agnosticism! I've found my religion!!! |
from tiragem : |
That was kinda brave... Kinda dumb, yeah.. But brave, too.. |
from stumblefall : |
So I found your pictures... and now I'm drooling on the computer screen. It's not very becoming. You have the nicest lips, I bet they are good at kissing... and that tongue ring! I think it should play with my tongue ring ;) |
from stumblefall : |
duh CAN'T wait... you got me so excited my fingers got ahead of themselves... hehe! |
from stumblefall : |
well in that case I can wait ;) |
from stumblefall : |
baby don't sing it... BRING IT! ;) |
from stumblefall : |
...and if I did, then what hmmm? *TEASE TEASE TEASE* |
from stumblefall : |
from tiragem : |
That's right, Derrick. Should ever your having an erection that wouldn't quit and a need to test my cum-sore-throat theories coincide, I'll be sure to holla atcha. |
from stumblefall : |
Threaten? Oh honey, I'm a lover not a fighter... if you're ever in VT you could hold me to it...for hours ;) |
from ionme : |
hehe, you're so cute!! |
from stumblefall : |
Careful what you offer... I just might take you up on it ;) |
from long-winded : |
Also: you should smile more often! |
from long-winded : |
I like how you "gauged the proximity" for the appropriate grinding distance :) too bad you didn't get some, but that's definitely a move lots of girls will appreciate!! |
from slutreviews : |
You do know who I am and I thank you for keeping me anonymous. Glad you like the review! |
from jane-reviews : |
Your review is posted! Thanks for the request, and thanks for your patience! |
from stumblefall : |
Let me just say I think you're amazing... I've seen your diary around and glanced thru it. But I read your slut review and took a deeper look. And I'm hooked. You open yourself and your emotions for all to read. That takes some serious balls. I hope you don't mind me adding you to my faves ;) -Jaye |
from tiragem : |
Thank you and your welcome. But I must say, my diary is far from being a sex diary. I only write about sex when I have it. The other 90% of the time, I write about normal, boring stuff. Sorry to disappoint. On a different note... That girl dancing!! MY GOD!! Makes me want to be a lesbian again!! Almost. |
from ktdream : |
Just wanted to say congrats on getting many more favorites! When I first checked [when reviewing you] it was substantially less. Do you think it's the Gold membership that helped most or what? |
from sylvantyger : |
when and where is convenient for you? |
from slutreviews : | |
from sylvantyger : |
my roommate did not want to be bit literally...i, however, might be a different story |
from tiragem : |
I've been seeing your diary listed as a favourite all over diaryland but never thought to actually read your diary. Damn my idiocy! Having read you now, I can understand why you're so popular. I'll spank myself if I'm ever that dumb again. |
from hlm79 : |
Jeez, I said "better" twice in your guestbook in two lines... Damn them for not letting me edit these things. |
from preciousgift : |
You ok over there? Did you finally score and die a happy man? Missing ya, Amanda. |
from ktdream : |
How have you been? I haven't heard from you through email for a few days? Did you get the message? Anyway I hope that little war between you and the assholes has died down. You've gotten on other topics I see.. Quite interesting. |
from czarling : |
Thanks for you thoughts. I think you're right about a woman raping a man, but it's still one of those gray areas. I mean, unless she shoved a glass bottle up his cornhole...x| Oh and feel free to fantisize about anyone you want, because that's why it's called a fantasy! Married, single, engaged, young, old..what ever floats yer boat! No harm in a little fantasy now and then ;) |
from erato : |
I have added you and deleted the note as requested. Thank you! |
from erato : |
I only have MSN at this point. Is that all right? |
from czarling : |
Aw, don't let the "assholes" get to you, Derrick. They are what they are--assholes! They live up to their name, it sure does seem. =p |
from canuckred : |
Well, here's what I got as far as tips go: travel. It's the best way to break out of any perceived "shell" you've built around yourself. Get some friends together, and do Mexico at Christmas or Spring Break (never done Mexico, but Cancun is on my list of places I want to go). Or, even better, especially if you're travelling solo, find out about group tours of Europe (a company called Con-Tiki is the best from what I've heard). The downside to all of this is that it's a bit pricey, and I've gone broke travelling this summer, but the memories have been worth it. If travel isn't an option, then just keep hitting your favourite hotspots with your friends, but don't have any (nor accept any) pressure to pick up. If it happens, great, if not, concentrate on having a good time with the guys or girls you hang with. As far as I can tell, that's what you're doing, and so getting the digits will come in time. I know it's a bit of a bitch, but you'll have to wait it out with me on the sidelines. Best of luck, bud, you'll do fine...I'll be checking in regularly with you as well. |
from czarling : |
Hey D! Thanks for leaving 2 notes for me and for the positive feedback and the astroglide recommendation. I'm thinking of trying KY Warming liquid just because I keep seeing the commerical all the time. |
from dalyrical1 : | boy always tells me i give great oral (talking...get your mind out the gutter) but my follow through needs some work lol |
from mentalblurbs : |
Name your broad: blonde, brunette, redhead??? |
from mentalblank : |
Ok, school girl I have a porn topic to work on. Oh, the places I could go with this one. Would you prefer a girl on guy or girl on girl WITH guy piece? |
from tahitian : |
Hey~ I found your journal by looking at other pepole's diary and I just stumbled on yours. I can totally relate to some of the things that you talk about I also have an "online friend" and I totally know what your talking about when you talk about your "online friend" if you want to you can check out my journal! I hope that you have a wonderful week! |
from gnomad : |
Heh .. (picturing Jesus and Buddha at the local bowling alley, cigarettes hanging from their lips, a cold one off to the side) All I wanna know is where do they check out the rental sandals? |
from iopeace : |
Hmm, I've been known by close friends to do interesting things, that other girls of my age and situation would call "promiscuous". However, you'd never know it just by looking at me... I guess I wouldn't call myself a nympho but I think about sex a *lot* and would have tons of it if I could. Then again, much of the afore-mentioned promiscuity came from experiences of insecurity and a lack of self-respect earlier in 2003. I'm far more stable now, but it doesn't stop me from having urges to jump on people! :p |
from chickpea981 : |
I know its not the same reviewer. I'm giving you a hard time. Everyone wants the mojo. The mojo is irresistable. |
from heidiann : |
Actually thank you for being nitpicky! It was driving me fucking INSANE that I couldn't figure out how to spell it. I kept adding and subtracting L's and P's to no avail! Microsoft Word is of no help. So thank you thank you thank you. |
from iopeace : |
You get hit on sooooo much in your notes! Wow. I should start writing about sex more. Aly's rule -- first talk, THEN grope. So if you were to say "Hi, I'm Derrick," and I were to smile, introduce myself and make some other sort of action to show that I acknowledge you and that you aren't just some random guy, THEN I think you're allowed to try grinding. I like grinding too, but random grinding... doesn't do it for me. |
from chickpea981 : |
next time you're in the DC area, look me up. You may be unable to approach females, but I don't have that problem with guys. ;) And whats the deal with miss climax emailing you? |
from iopeace : |
Very tasty new banner, very clever! 7 thumbs up! |
from orgasmicrevu : |
You've got mail. ~MC~ |
from orgasmicrevu : |
Do you ever check your email? Miss Climax |
from mentalblank : |
Derrick, Derrick, Derrick, what am I going to do with you? (And I want details!) |
from dalyrical1 : |
mmmmm...maybe...but ive always been a stingy bitch. never did like sharing too much. being shared is a different matter... |
from dalyrical1 : |
don't you dare!! it's more like a wolf in sheeps clothing type image....mmmmmm....wait...was I invited to a threesome or the other chick that was under me?!?! |
from mentalblurbs : |
Mmm, I could definately handle any hard input you might have. I think it would be a beneficial merger for us both. And that chickie that just signed your notes down there, right under me? She can join in too. Double your pleasure. |
from dalyrical1 : |
now how is it on the dl when you have that big ole' pic of you smiling out at the world like that? dimples and all...just want to pinch em!! |
from mentalblank : |
Yes, sir. Whatever you say, Mr. Derrick. I think I would highly benefit from a one-on-one conference. |
from dalyrical1 : |
well thank you for the compliment. and have a cute ass smile! |
from mentalblank : |
Hmm, was it just me or did you need a blow? |
from mentalblank : |
Come on in, there's PLENTY of room. |
from mentalblank : |
Between my overactive imagination and your contribution...I think I need to go visit the bathroom for awhile! |
from mentalblank : |
I will never again be able to ride the train without a constant mental image of you getting off on that very seat. Sweet! |
from mentalblank : |
Duh, you just cover up with your coat (as if you were cold) and fake one will know what's REALLY going on. Although you will have to deal with the wet sticky mess until you get home! |
from mentalblank : |
Sucks that you can't AIM at work, doesn't it? Oh, and in those "I've got to get off NOW" moments at work...I've found the bathrooms or a "smoke" break in your car can do wonders. Tips from a pro. (I just accidentally left this note in MY journal instead of you've got me talking to myself! Augh!) |
from mentalblank : |
Oh, lower by JUST a bit. Just the teeniest little...yes! Yes, right there!! Now come up and IN, just a bit! Oh!!!!!!! |
from mentalblank : |
Oh! I know!! I know!! Derrick should become an escort for the ladies! (With additional "benefits" for the right price!) Damn, I'm a genius! Spread the lovin' around! |
from mentalblank : |
That's a lot of fucks for one wonder I like you so much! Hang in there, life does get better. |
from girlwcurls : |
My aim name is Jessi5000... and btw, welcome to my buddy list ;-) |
from dalyrical1 : |
ya mr. mojo battle cry got yours beat!! ha ha!! |
from iopeace : |
I'm in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada right now, going to university. also, I changed my diary password from "salad" to "cheese". Get it? Macaroni and cheese? Oh, I'm so witty. Err... |
from the-assholes : |
Hello. I'm JC of The Assholes. We've finally got our act together and I'd like to direct you to a new section of our website, The Idiot Page. It can be found at Thankyou for your comments in the guestbook, as you can see, they were very much appreciated. Have a nice fucking day now, asshole. |
from iopeace : |
Your mom's pretty. And I'd totally have sex with your for some code (especially if you used that tongue ring on me)! I have no intar-web skills... and I'm a slut-muffin... sort of... okay, not really. The problem is, you're somewhere in the USA. And I'm not. |
from sinecure : |
Why thank you. I will review you one of these days. As for the interview, leave me your email address so I may mail you the questionaire. Or we can set up an appointment to chat. Up to you. |
from preciousgift : |
My entries are far from entertainment unless you're a mom (ok, I do throw a good one in now and again - but once again...overall they're pretty boring) but feel free to check me out all you want. =) I'm just a "boring" housewife. You on the other hand are very interesting. |
from sinecure : |
I am almost settled in to my new house. Do you know what that means? That's right. Interview time. Or was it a review? Or both? Let me know. |
from lass : |
I'm just moving upstairs to a bigger apartment, but I plan to leave Chicago before too long... |
from chickpea981 : |
is it wrong that your dominating description just made me wet and tingly? |
from preciousgift : |
Hiya! Added you as a fav. Have a great weekend. :~ * |
from dalyrical1 : |
*smile* any help would be appreciated greatly.... |
from frozen-vodka : |
*grin* Yes, you do have that, and of course, you can have the thought of me passed out in bed, napping like the bum I am. |
from frozen-vodka : |
okay, that was SUPPOSED to be a jibe at you being stuck at work and me being a lazy bum, but I see you took it in another direction. *grin* That's cool, that's the direction I usually like the most. |
from frozen-vodka : |
That's how it went with me. I should prolly get dressed now. *grin* I love ditching work. |
from frozen-vodka : |
I used to watch the Sponge religiously when I was a nanny. Gods, how I miss that job. I spent my days coloring, playing video games, playing in the park, and taking naps. Now I'm stuck in a cubicle. Well, not now, I'm ditching today, but you know what I mean. |
from mentalblank : |
Damnit, Guestbook ate my entry! Anyway! I was saying that flattery will get you everywhere! Thank you so much for the compliment, it's good to feel like someone still thinks that way! I should get more recent photos put in there, but I'm so damn busy! Hmm, maybe I will....just for you! |
from mentalblank : |
Ha! You, my friend, are not a freak! You're one of the most normal male diarists I know...well, except that you're not a normal jerky you're above the crowd. Ok, maybe you are a freak...never mind. |
from tailbonelust : |
Let me know whether you like the movie's ending or the book's ending more. Enjoy the book. ;D |
from lass : |
Sign my guestbook is being a whore and apparently didn't take the brilliant comment I just left there...anyway...thanks for adding me...I've been stalking your page for a while and have added you as probably made that mom's day by quieting her baby, btw. |
from orgasmicrevu : |
You may pick up your review @ |
from girl-aflame : |
Yes, CSS is a grand and glorious thing. I thought it was going to be SO hard but once I learned it, it's actually very easy. I learned from web monkey.. that's such an awesome site. ( And as far as using my code, feel absolutely free. That's exactly how I learned to do diary layouts, viewing the sources of coding that impressed me. I still do it; if I find a page I think is cool, I save it to my hard drive and tinker around with it until I figure out how they did it, absolutely dissecting it. It's not the same as just stealing code; I'm actually teaching myself how to duplicate it on my own. Anyway, the transparent backgrounds are done with CSS filters, and a trick I picked up from someone else; normally if you made a div and gave it transparency, everything inside the div would be transparent too, text and pictures and all that. But what that is is basically layers created with absolute positioning; you put two tables on top of each other giving them the same absolute position; the bottom table has a black background at 50% opacity, and the top one has no background color at 100% opacity (not transparent at all). The text goes in the one that isn't transparent, and thus it is fully visible, but it shows up against a transparent box. It's ingenious, really. Wish I had thought of it first :-D |
from rougereviews : |
Sigh, in the beginning it was my intention to review ALL the diaries. Oh well. You're right though-- they've read the bios and liked something there but I still feel like I'm slaving for nothing. |
from dalyrical1 : |
well glad you wont hold that against me... |
from rougereviews : |
Oh good, I'm glad you're okay with me! I heart you and I should probably email this kind of stuff to you from now on but oh well. I'm feeling low again because everyone keeps requesting other people to review them. I know Krista's better than me and all that but I've done 60 something reviews and this is my site and the other reviewers have only done ONE freaking review a piece and now everyone wants other people to review their diary. That's why I didn't want to get any in the first place because I spend hours upon hours to freaking complete all the reviews here and I've been working on this from the beginning, then people who don't even do a lot of reviews each week get all the credit or something. Obviously people don't like that I'm so detailed or whatever and I'm just feeling really under-appreciated right now. It really hurts that no one wants to get reviewed by me after I put in all the time, effort, heart and everything. Make me feel better. |
from girl-aflame : |
thank you for taking the time to mention that you'd noticed. i might change it back... i just got inspired for that and had some ideas i wanted to put into practice. that bitch is probably the most complex piece of HTML i've ever written. the source code is 5 miles long... i hope the loading time isn't TOO horrendous. |
from dalyrical1 : |
damn...please don't mind the horrific spelling...this finger is acting up and i just try to rip em out as fast as possible... |
from dalyrical1 : |
i anweres your other question earlier...way down the bottom there lol am i writing you too much? |
from dalyrical1 : |
i read your 100 things...interesting. but what do you believe about aquarians? we'ew always the truest to our sign for some reason... |
from ktdream : |
Sorry about that rant in your notes.. I'm just way too emotional sometimes and you're nice to me. Anyway I feel better now because Lealoo's okay with it. Yes! =) Gotta go but don't be mad at me okay? Thanks. |
from ktdream : |
Hi, I just wanted to say it's my opinion about lealoo's content. I hate it when people don't realize that. It's just one person's opinion and she can disregard it. And I don't think I was being too rude, very nice to her actually (I mean I said so like 100 good things about her compared to the one thing expressing my opinion-- Yea I know she's your friend but I was really upset that she'd think I'd take soo many points off in content area just because of that one thing. That's so not right and it hurts that people would/could think that!)... So it's fine if she doesn't like the review but no body ever cares that I take TIME to freaking do a bloody review. I'm upset that no one truly appreciates it. I don't know what to do anymore.. People just don't care enough. |
from ionme : |
that's cool, i just thought maybe i missed something somewhere. i understand.... my new porn is called flashpoint i believe, it has jenna jameson on the cover in a firemen's outfit - suspenders covering her nipples. it says 'jenna fights fire with fire' it's pretty good although it has way too much plot. ciao! |
from mentalblank : |
Hey man, on your 100 Things list, you need to reword it a bit. I had to read the first couple of sentence a few times because the way it's worded sounds like you lost your virginity to your cousin. Unless that's that case...then um, nevermind. |
from dalyrical1 : |
oh!!! *blush* ha ha! it took me a minute to get it...i am so stupid sometimes lol. from what im told...yes i do. |
from dalyrical1 : |
i have speedy shit at work...but the moment i don't have a puter at home. i'm getting one the middle of next month though. with all your snazzy do-dads i KNOW you have dsl. why do you ask? |
from dalyrical1 : |
me? *blush* oh i aint nothing special at all suga. just a high yella super redbone chick from jerzey...shy and crazy...if thats possible. ;P only great thing about me is my lips and my eyes lol not everyone is a total package like you! *smile* |
from dalyrical1 : | are too cute for words...*blush* |
from dalyrical1 : |
well whether its just an act or not, i like the chance to fall into your world whenever i get the chance. i'm so glad you had stopped by my place and saved me, or else i never would have found you!! stay sexy suga...i'll be watching... |
from frozen-vodka : |
It comes out September 12, and I already have tickets. *grin* No, your matrix code background isn't distracting normally, I'm just naturally blonde and after my good nights sleep and shower this morning, unnaturally perky and ditzy! |
from frozen-vodka : |
Oh, I'm definitely un-surly this morning. I had a full night's sleep, I just got out of the shower, and I don't have to be at work till 10:30. *grin* |
from frozen-vodka : |
thanks, but I'm far too surly to be kissed by anyone right now, even if he does have stalk-able lips. Try me in an hour or so when I've had a couple drinks. Rest?? I scoff at the mere thought!! This week is all about giving my liver the old Irish workout! |
from dalyrical1 : | that pill....DEFINITELY!! but wait...i wake up next to you remembering you? or do you take the blue pill when it's done so you wake up the next day like "Who the fuck is this?!?!" lol |
from frozen-vodka : |
Lol, no, not yet. Maybe eventually, one never knows. I'm young, I'm just discovering my palate, I wouldn't go ruling ANYTHING out yet. |
from frozen-vodka : |
lol...I can always appreciate a nice piece of beef. take that however it pleases you. *grin* |
from frozen-vodka : |
As far as hung-over, aside from excruciatingly tired and fairly dehydrated, I'm doing pretty well. I had hottie-handy-man come undo one of the tubes in the overhead florescent a little ago. I'm SOOO tired though. So very, very tired. At least I got a shower, now all I need is a bed. *sigh* |
from lealoo : |
I liked the majority of the video actually. It was just the parts where they did things that you just KNEW was going to result in someone getting hurt. It's the mom in me I guess. Before you know it I'll be saying things like, "Put that down before someone loses an eye!" |
from sylvantyger : |
thanks! <3S |
from lealoo : |
Um... I want your body. (how was that?) |
from frozen-vodka : |
ah, I see...okay, I read syrupy and thought Mrs. Butterworths goes Russian. *grin* |
from girl-aflame : |
Nope! Not just you. They keep screwing up their ISP tracking. They only let me sign one guestbook per day - after that they give me the "oops you can't sign again this fast" message, even though it's a totally different guestbook owned by a totally different user. It's really annoying, as I sign a lot of guestbooks! So I'm forced to go through notes... how low tech. |
from dalyrical1 : |
your book is fucking awsome.... i will definitely be back and follow the progress...oh...and you are too adorable and i don't mean that in a slutty flirty least i dont think so... ;P |
from chickpea981 : |
if you ever had a comment about vodka, damn frozen-vodka is the one to tell it to. Yeah, SMG is a bitch today. Server must have crashed. the fucker. |
from frozen-vodka : |
Umm...very confused here...I've personally purchased and consumed every type of vodka one can buy in a store here in SanD, and I've even had the opportunity to have some shipped to me from international sources, and I always store my vodka in the freezer. What exactly do you mean by "syrupy"? |
from frozen-vodka : |
I've always preferred my martinis stirred, the vodka is FAR less watered down that way. I don't care what kind of pro one may be, shaking bashes the ice around, chipping off little bits to melt in the vodka. The only problem with stirring is that you can't get it cold enough. That's simple enough to get around when you keep your vodka in the freezer. It's really so simple, but so perfect, his method. Of course, I doubt I'm at liberty to just go running my mouth about it, so yeah...Anyways, martini's are great, but I do prefer my vodka straight most of the time. *grin* And between the vodka currently chilling in the freezer, and the cases of Guinness in the outside fridge, I should be pretty far gone tonight! *wink* |
from frozen-vodka : |
Well, a martini is really a matter of personal taste, and I too, have tasted many in the few years I've been drinking, but I have to give props to my boy. |
from ionme : |
it's not just you - it's definitely been flaking out for me too |
from frozen-vodka : |
I thought your links were purple too...huh. Anyways, get here by 9 and I'm sure we will have only busted into the 2nd bottle of vodka out of the 8 we bought. And my friend who makes THE BEST martini's is playing bartender. Fair trade really, he said if I learned 10 Weezer songs and played them later tonight, he'd play bartender until it all died down. |
from ionme : |
See, that's the thing, I'm 'fresh' - he didn't want a ho, he just wanted to treat me like one haha....$2600 isn't enough to make me feel like a whore, I'd rather strip than take money for a sexathon from a crack dealer! |
from evermind : |
Ahh, design views was very wrong, your design is one of the most entertaining I've ever seen. Very fun to poke around and see what happens when you put your mouse here, and click there. Facinating: could keep me happy for hours. |
from tailbonelust : |
Your links are blue? I thought they were purple! Oh man. I must be more colorblind than I thought. Well, I like your layout, even though I can't see the blue. |
from frozen-vodka : |
*grin* I'm working on some more drunken stories as I type! |
from girl-aflame : |
Hey thanks for the shoutout and the compliment on my layout! I was actually surprised to see you get such a low score, I thought your layout was pretty cool. I could understand what she meant about some of the organization issues but I would have given you much bigger props for all the neat javascript effects. Oh well, I guess it all depends on which reviewer you get. See you on your re-review? |
from frozen-vodka : |
*grin* I'm sure you and I could exchange some serious "drunk stories" Have I mentioned the 2 handles of SoCo and the dare Jenga? And there was the time I challenged a NAVY guy to a drinking contest and killed myself on Tequila Blanco. Oh, and the time that my bestest best guy friend told me he made THE BEST vodka martinis ever, and I discovered he did and woke up on his couch around the same time the next day. Oh, and the time that a bartender friend of mine invented a mixed drink he called The Panty Dropper. And of course, my sojourn into the world of Childhood game curroption. Rummy Tag is more fun than it seems. And who could forget the time we decided to hire a driver to take us to every single strip club in Las Vegas for my 21st birthday. Oh and then there was the time I would up making out with Dennis from -- but I'm sure this would be much more fun if we were exchanging stories, yes? |
from tailbonelust : |
Feel free to IM me anytime. Maybe you can teach me some more about drinks. ;D |
from squirrelx : |
Aliens from other planets can real bastards, can't they? Thus far they've never threatened me with brain meltdown, but there has been occasional mention of anal probes. ;-) As ever, Xtine |
from regglee : |
hey!! glad you like our "sharing the diary" idea. it's a great way to keep up-to-date on your friend and can replace writing each other emails. your diary is awesome too!! keep up the great work -Reba (from Reba and Leesa) |
from lealoo : |
you make me laugh |
from taliarant : |
Ok, so I just had the chance to check out your site from my home computer (which is way better than the ones I have access to at work) and damn! Your template is even cooler than I thought!!! |
from tailbonelust : |
AIM seems to hate me. I see all of these over-elaborate buddy info's on AIM, yet I can only fit a few sentences of plain font in mine. Bah. By the way, have you read Fight Club? I haven't seen the movie yet. I actually when to Blockbuster last night to rent it, but they were out. :-/ The book is awesome though. |
from gnomad : |
Heya man! The tatt is actually the Chinese symbol for 'rat', or year of the rat. It's done in Calligraphy - (done by Rick Yang), and was inked by Erik of <a href='">Peter Tat-2</a> in NY. |
from frozen-vodka : |
I saw that in my little sister's livejournal around the beginning of the year...who know's how long it's been floating around. |
from frozen-vodka : |
I'm sure I have it easier than you, I'm into hentai as well, and there's a HUGE amount of cool stuff they can do when it's anime. |
from frozen-vodka : |
lol...that shouldn't even be called porn. Although, the porn industry in general needs some serious help. I read an article in Revolver about this guy who's "revolutionizing" the porn industry, bring together actual plots, good actors, great soundtracks, and hardcore shots. I'll have to look him up at home though and see what I can find, I don't think I want to risk a search like that here in my cube. *wink* Yeah, I'm kind or a porn fiend myself. Some of it gets me hot, some of it is just interesting. Most of the normal shit sucks. |
from squirrelx : |
Thank you for the gracious message! It's always nice to find out that my banners are doin' somethin' besides irritate the pants off folks. As for my template ... what can I say? It's a bizarre, over-crowded, mess and consequently a perfect reflection of the inside of my head. You may change your mind about tryin' to read one of my entries. They're even worse than the template, if you can believe that. Warmest regards, Xtine |
from frozen-vodka : |
lol...yeah, Vegas is fun. I get a little...crazy in Vegas. That's why I always go with friends, someone's bound to be at least a little more sober than me. |
from frozen-vodka : |
True, to be fair, we DIDN'T know eachother, but had a girl not puked at a certain time, I was pretty much going to give my cherry to a german lad I'd met the day before. Of course, some people can't hold their liquer and she burst in on can go find the account if you like. So true, we may not have known about each other, but thanks to vodka, martinis, and melon coladas, I've got a kid leaving me voice messages on my cell phone a month later, and I'm still kicking myself for not locking the bedroom door. |
from frozen-vodka : |
damn your bad timing dude, I was in vegas for my birthday and I was ready and willing to hook up with just about anyone at that point [as you may have noticed had you been reading back then]. month ago TODAY, and we might have both wound up with a "happy ending". *grin* |
from chickpea981 : |
What a coincidence... there's something between my legs thats interested. We should introduce ourselves. |
from chickpea981 : |
you know you want me. it's making you crazy with desire. |
from chickpea981 : |
VERY special. |
from chickpea981 : |
much closer than vegas. *wink wink* |
from chickpea981 : |
check your guestmap... |
from frozen-vodka : |
Sure, I could go easy on you. Easy's nice sometimes, but in the end, most things are much more fun when they're hard, oui? |
from frozen-vodka : |
I simply refuse to use any bathmat once it dawned on me how disgusting they are. Damn boy, if that little mention of slipping one's clean body between clean sheets next to another clean body on a summer night gave you...problems, you really don't want to lead me into saying something truly naughty. That was nothing compared to the innuendoes and double meanings I usually throw around. And then there are the times when I just flat out talk dirty. *grin* I enjoy the tiny bit of power I employ by getting a rise out of a guy. *wink* |
from frozen-vodka : |
*grin* hell yeah I'm serious. First of all, I hate feeling dirty. It's hot, one sweats, the sweat dries, instant dirty feeling. Second, I'm on the bleed. If I can't shower, it's not pretty, get my drift? Besides, when it doesn't have a disgusting bathmat in it, I LOVE the shower, almost as much as I love my bed when it has clean sheets on it. Especially clean sheets after having just showered on a hot summer evening with someone I'm really in to on them with me...moving on...I try to keep up with the people who seem to want to contact me. If they don't drop me a line or say hi, I don't do anything. Sometimes people just like to watch, not be noticed. I have a few diaries I just read and make no effort to contact the person. Whatever the reason, I just like to observe sometimes. |
from frozen-vodka : |
*grin* I see your game. Aight, if you feel that way, go ahead and fly your ass out here, if I'm deprived of a shower at home another night, I'll kill someone! *sigh* Not really, but I'll be really really pissed off. Yeah, you can buy banners all the time...right now Andrew's got a really sweet "Summer Snack Pack" that I've made a lot of use of. *grin* Yeah, I've picked up about 30 new readers, so I decided to shill on the banners. I might run them next month. A lot of them seem to just observe. I just need to make sure I can keep up with the ones who want to contact me before I purposely try to pick up more readers, ya know? |
from leslieirene : |
Hi, yep! Actually, I have my own review site now called Rare Silk Reviews.... Glad you like the banner! |
from frozen-vodka : |
Oh, I'm sure I could put you to a few uses you wouldn't enjoy. Like fixing my damn plumbing so a chick could take a fucking shower! *grin* Yeah, still surly. Yeah, you can run your banners for as many times as you like. Sometimes I'll run a banner for 1000 views, sometimes 10000. Depends on my mood. I try to spread them out though...I don't want to become the next SquirrelX or worse, LeslieIrene...Start slow and give it at least a week of downtime in between, you're less likely to be overwhelmed by new "fans". |
from frozen-vodka : |
Thanks! Yeah, you missed my birthday, but I don't think you were reading me at that point. I was born on a Friday the 13th in one of the hottest July's on record, according to my mother. And true, I don't NEED a purpose to make you curious, but now that you are I should develop a use for your curiosity. And what you could do is use your banners in spurts. That's what I do. Let them run for awhile, maybe 5-10 thousand, then just sit back and take it in. True, the amount of readers won't skyrocket, but it'll give you time to adjust. |
from ionme : |
Hi babe. Yeah, that's a big responsibility - I don't want a lot of people to read my diary, I mean, if they come across it and like it - cool. I like remaining incognito and the more people that find me the better chance someone will know me and I don�t want people that know me to read my diary. It contains 100% real, raw, unfiltered thoughts that I don�t have to share if I don�t want to � you know? Anyway, have a good day! XO |
from ionme : |
Honey!!! You'll find each other when you stop looking, you know that stupid saying, well, it's true. Things happen for a reason. I was so much happier single, now I'm dealing with some crap I don't want to - but I don't want to lose him either. It's complicated. XO |
from timmain : |
Oh, Derrick. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's been almost two years for me, and the last person I was with really isn't someone I like to remember. At least you don't have the whole "single parent" deterrant. I wouldn't change it for the world, but it'd be nice if I could go out one night and sleep with someone my age instead of a little boy smacking me in the face in his sleep! Honestly, I know way too many sexy guys that can't get any. Hmm. Confidence is seriously your only flaw. And don't hold your breath on that weekend pass ;) |
from frozen-vodka : |
I am mysterious because it's fun. Besides, most of the time I'm an open book, a little bit of mystery keeps it interesting. You could also attribute the mystery to part of my shell, as I'm quite the stereotypical Cancer. And no, you shouldn't tempt me, I'm merciless when faced with the prospect of a captive audience...Interesting that I've made you curious, I had no purpose as far as you're concerned...I may just have to develop a purpose. *wink* |
from frozen-vodka : |
*grin* How far will flattery get you? Well, that depends on many things, of which it would be against my mysterious nature to reveal, n'est pas? As far as the design credit, all I did was tweak it a little. You can see the original design here: I didn't change much, but it's the first design I've ever kept longer than a month, a fact I've mentioned before that makes me absurdly proud. Speaking of punishments is a bad thing to do when I'm stuck in a cube at work, so I'll gloss over that statement completely and instead move on to the last bit. I'm glad I've survived as well, but survival has bestowed on me a certain arrogance that tends to put some people off. Personally, I look back on what I call my "dark time" with some fondness, because without it, I would be the person I am today. Cheezy, I know, but true none the less. |
from frozen-vodka : |
Ahh...the flattery...that will get you further than you think. Unfortunately, my diary is not self-designed, as you can see if you view the source. *sigh* I did tweak the colours and what not, but alas, web design is not thing. Yes though, I really don't need other people to validate anything I do, I've gotten to the point in my young life where I'm pretty damn sure of myself, my talents, and my direction. I don't mind if people want to criticize or question my motives or actions, in fact, I thrive on that, but I don't feel the need to ask for it. Not that I look down on those who do...I just am so familiar with the ins and outs of my psyche that I'm comfortable exploring it on my own. A past full of severe depression and emotional rollercoasters do that to a person...either they get to know themselves very completely, or they die, most likely by their own hand. Having narrowly avoided the former, I am most definitely the latter. |
from frozen-vodka : |
I am so anti-review, it's not even funny. Although it's a hard concept to explain why. I don't mind reading other people's reviews, and I myself have a review sight of sorts, but I only deal with horror movies. Basically, I deal with criticism well in some aspects, but when I look at my diary, or any of my creative works...yeah, no. I do admire the people that hold their diaries up for review. I have to admit it takes great big balls to do so. *grin* And unlike other people who just post the review, or even just a link to their review, you actually go through and take it apart though you're reviewing the review. IN CONCLUSION...just thought I'd drop you a line and say you're braver than I am. *grin* |
from timmain : |
Don't worry Derrick, I'm far from heading to Chicago with a U-Haul. :) |
from heyjude85 : |
Ugh lol Judith here again (Sweet Reviews) sorry about that, I didn't know it was a rereview... :-\ lol I'll ask Lyndsey but I'm almost sure you have to keep Gump. I shall ask though! Thanks a bunch for responding :). |
from sweetreviews : |
Hi there, I was wondering if you would like to keep Gump as your requested reviewer. The reason is because he's going on vacation and won't be back for at least 10 days. Plus he has others to review before you. We just want to give fair notice to those who have waited so long. So leave us a guestbook entry with your decision :) thanks a bunch! |
from timmain : |
Okay, I wrote two g-book entries, and SMGB ate them. Both. So, here's the jist. Mypoints were: I'll hate myself for telling you this, but you're hot. Very. Hot. I would like to see you smile in some of your pics rather than look all hardcore and angry, but that's okay. You need confidence, that is ALL you are lacking. Even if it is fake confidence, chicks dig the appearance of it. I'm not talking about "c'mere let's get that skirt off" confidence, just sure of yourself, non-jerk confidence. Trust me Derrick. You see a girl, ask for her number. Act like you know she wants you to have it. Say something like "you know what? I need your number." rather than "can I PLEASE get your digits?" Never treat a girl like you don't deserve her, because then she'll know you don't. |
from desdrought : |
heya |
from erato : |
Ooh, Derrick, so you like playing with fire. Very well. I will try to be gentle in my interview, considering it is your first time. Then, my definition of gently would make the Marquis de Sade blush. Oh, but I jest. Many call me Anaiis, though you may call me Mistress. It shan't get you brownie points in the review, but it will certainly make the interview more amusing, wouldn't you say? I shall note you as soon as I am able to do both. |
from sassandbrass : |
Just wanted to let you know I'll be poking around a bit checking things out. And I'm very...very sorry for your loss (Nicole) |
from ionme : |
Your welcome baby D. |
from overlyemo : |
Haha, me, sexy? Of course not...Thanks, by the way. |
from overlyemo : |
I find you very sexy. That is all. |
from frozen-vodka : |
I did, but I'm on my way out to a breakfast meeting and then off to work, where I'll be able to respond...check around 10:45-11am pacific time |
from frozen-vodka : |
I'm not sure what my absolute favorite is, I haven't tasted them all. *grin* In general, you'll find at least 1 bottle of Finlandia in my freezer at all times. |
from frozen-vodka : |
Yes, I do have a name, but I don't reveal it online. You can call me frozen, or give me a nickname. Maybe I'll get to the point where I name names, but not quite yet. |
from frozen-vodka : |
When a pt has a pre-scheduled surgery or outpatient procedure, I create the visit in the system, call the dr's office to make sure it's authorized by the insurance company, figure out how much it's going to cost (room, tools, medicine, etc.), figure out what percentage the ins. co. owes us, call them and collect that, figure out what the pt's share (if any) will be, call the pt, verify demographics, and collect the pt's share. While it sounds like a lot, it's pretty fucking easy. I actually rarely on the phone now that practically every ins. has a website, and I make it a point to only call the pt if I can collect. Otherwise, fuck 'em. *grin* I spend about 5 of my 8 hours actualle working, the rest of the time I work at LOOKING busy. With our last comp guy, before we moved, I had flirted my way into getting him to turn off the webnanny on my comp. *grin* Now we moved and like I said before, the new guy's got a stick up his ass. I know I'm naughty, you, however, have no idea HOW naughty. *evil grin* |
from frozen-vodka : |
ah, it's not sleep that must distract me, but work, which I have thus far avoided all fucking day. *grin* I'll give it a start later today, let you know what I think. |
from frozen-vodka : |
aww, you're amazingly sweet! just checked and your piccys are just fine now. In regards to gold, dude, SO WORTH IT!! Just so fucking worth it. Besides, it helps us all out, think of it as giving back to the community! *grin* I need to go back and read all your entries, but I have had stalking tendencies in the past. I'm about this || close to stalking Poppy. Damn I love her!! |
from frozen-vodka : |
I'm really quite overwhelmed about it all. LOL, the power of advertising. Still, it's kid of freaky, because now there are all these people reading me. I read their comments about me in my buddy list and I'm...damn...I'm almost afraid to write now. It's like some wierd performance anxiety! C'est la vie, and it really is such a good ego stroking. Besides, I built up a rant this morning that will come out at some point! |
from frozen-vodka : |
hey boy, your pics aren't working in your latest entry. that's cool, I seem to have screwed up a link to my self-proclaimed #1 fan. |
from frozen-vodka : |
damn I wish it was Friday! |
from prowlingleo : |
Yeah, had to lock up. Too many psycho stalkers online ;) |
from miscreant444 : |
okay, 1: I LIKE the new layout... Lots. It's got the good from the 'original' layout and I love love love the caption above your entries. I'm probably going to steal it. 2: I think you're fucking right. Life is empty and pointless save for what we see and feel in why not seek the best. Derrick, you're charming and bright (I sound like a teacher hehe)--you just have to find the girl who's receptive to that. luv ya, xoxo, Becky |
from frozen-vodka : |
woo!! how do you like that shit! I managed to post to the right notes, but it's full of typos! I SO rock!! |
from frozen-vodka : |
You like that? *grin* Before our dept moved, we had a cute PC guy, and I'd pull things like "accidently" pull a cord out of the back to get him to come plug it in. He was cool, but a we moved and our PC guy is a whiney bitch. Our fix-it guy is cool though, and I kind myself pondering ways to dismantle my cube or jam a drawer...sure it's cheap, but any distraction is a good thing, and if the distractions a hottie that likes to stretch his lobes, has to hide his ink, and comments on the music I have blaring through my headphones, it's a most welcome distraction from the rest of the office population... |
from frozen-vodka : |
I'm the "hide-in-the-cube-with-the-headphones-blasting-non-work-appropriate-music, avoid-all-contact-with-office-bitches-while-hoping-something-in-my-cheap-ass-cube-breaks-so-I-can-call-in-a-ticket-for-the-cute-handy-guy-to-fix-it, desperately-counting-the-hours-till-I-can-return-to-the-real-world" presence. I think I scare the chicks in my office. My hair's always a different color, I have a very interesting office wardrobe, and I think I remind them all of what will happen to their precious offspring if they don't smother them with attention and money. I'm also a dork, as I just posted this in my notes... |
from frozen-vodka : |
guys do tend to bitch less...if I ever offer any advice to anyone, it's this: NEVER work with an office full of women! Regardless of age or sexual preference, they all turn into the same bitches. The only ones you may be able to associate with are the ones you see never participating in office get-togethers and spend their days in their cubes with their headphones on as much as possible. And that's a toss-up... |
from frozen-vodka : |
*grin* thank you sweets. in regards to your last entry, you know what's nigh impossible to find? Someone to talk to at work who is interested in more that A)Bitching about the office, B)Bitching about the boss, or C)Bitching about co-workers... |
from frozen-vodka : |
I know the feeling, not precisely, as it's different for everyone, but I do know what it's like to be frustrated and bored and starving for something different. Sometimes it passes, sometimes it doesn't...a tricky thing, this human nature. In other, more trivial news, wooo! You joined my webring! Now I have a big THREE members! I had more but I booted them all cause I couldn't find the link to the ring. hint hint, wink wink. |
from miscreant444 : |
hey baby cakes, I like the layout ok, but as always I love your devotion. Big hugs to you. BTW, I can host your images via d-land, if you want. |
from prowlingleo2 : |
Hmm...I'm not sure if I like it more or less. I'll have to look at it a little more. I'm glad you liked the review, I just don't have the time, ya know? I found myself rushing through reviews at DiaryReviews, and I hate being rushed. Maybe in the future. |
from prowlingleo2 : |
You do know I don't update this right? Hehe thanks for adding me though ;) |
from orgasmicrevu : |
Hi! We're not new in town but our review site is. Please cum request a review if the mood strikes ya! |
from lealoo : |
Never said it was fair! ;) The images are cropped bits of my favorite paintings by Wassily Kandinsky. I have a big poster of the one at the top of my guestbook in my livingroom. And my name is a combination of Leah, my real name, and Lee Loo from Fifth Element. One of my favorite movies. (Milla Jovojich is one of the few chicks I would make out with if given the chance.) My name also has a touch of Leela from Futurama and Lee Lee, my childhood nickname. So um... there you go! |
from lost-flower : |
get better soon! -x- |
from miscreant444 : |
hey, remember when your diary was about something other than reviews? yeah me either, it's been soooooooooooooo long. ;) Love you, miss you... |
from ionme : |
Holy shit D, I just read your comment to sexyathiest about rainbows, God, you know the one - you are very good with words honey! I wish I could express my thoughts in that way. I can think things that are that deep but they never come out the way I intend. Keep writing - I'm impressed! |
from miscreant444 : |
oh, and the MORAL of this story is: does Derrick want to be ignored?? Hmmm. Ponder it. |
from miscreant444 : |
so you're asking them (us, potentially) to get up and walk leave you, instead of happily exposing our oral prowess and/or the shining gates of're asking us to walk away, to, in effect, ignore Derrick or other Derrick-like blokes? |
from conquestgirl : |
yes, aren't the wealth of notes I've been receiving from that couple just the living end?? It's great to be harangued by people who just don't seem to understand...better if they would just scamper off. No such luck though, I suppose. How are you, my little cupcake? :) |
from conquestgirl : |
hmm, I use 800x600 and don't generally have a problem...just a miniscule bit of scrolling. Honestly, I still think you have one of the least annoying, best done layouts. |
from quitenasty : |
Your review is up: |
from prowlingleo : |
Hopefully I'll be doing your review today, since I will be busy until Monday. Just wanted to let you know :) |
from dust-settle : |
clicked on your link from a review stuff. good stuff. |
from prowlingleo : |
Yeah, guestbook has a anti-spam feature. Not a problem, I look forward to reviewing you! |
from miscreant444 : |
my point is pointing right at your nuts. |
from miscreant444 : |
you're fricking nuts. |
from maskedsorrow : |
hey there. i guess i won.t be locking my diaries after.all but [!] if i ever decide to the usernames will be --> fuck <-- & the passwords --> that <-- :0) |
from liquid-mojo : |
Girlfriends? Yeah, I wish... Derrick is still very much the lonely batchelor guy. =p Not that I'm complaining about getting all these cool notes. :) |
from miscreant444 : |
jesus look at all your girlfriends...I'm so left in the cold. Derrick, babikins, I LOVE your latest entry (what planet are you on?). It's absolutely CREAM of the crop. You've my personal remarks on it in your email :). |
from sexyatheist : |
actually, i want it too look more like janine's. i think she has the most beautiful and perfect vagina |
from sexyatheist : |
well thank you. my vagina's not bad, she's just nothing incredibly special. but it's nice to know you might like her in person. |
from ionme : |
Wrote an entry just for you :) |
from ionme : |
You've got mail. |
from ionme : |
You seem to know html a lot better than myself (barely any experience) how do I get my own link like that. I was thinking a pretty eye (girlie with makeup type of thing) would be cool - you know - eye on me = ionme. People always say, "someone's always got their eye on you" that's where that came from. Anyway - help me!?! |
from conquestgirl : |
like you don't just LOVE whatever I do to your balls. pfft. |
from ionme : |
OMG, you rock, thanks so much! I will give 100% credit to you! KISS |
from conquestgirl : |
EXCUSE me for only giving you 100 points. GEES. |
from ionme : |
How do I get myself a booty girl, I really like her haha |
from conquestgirl : |
you know, all these pages link back to your diary...even without using the back button. Just a tip. ;) |
from miscreant444 : |
:O <--doughnut smile ;). I think you and I both know, I don't tease LOL...ok, I do a little but don't tell. |
from miscreant444 : |
Hi Derrick...looks like you're doing well these days ;). I have a favor to ask. I've known me what a month and I'm already asking favors. But--I'm coming into town sunday, and I was wondering if you'd let me get on my knees and smile like a doughnut for, actually, um, wow, where'd that come from?? ;) I was ACTUALLY hoping you could tell me where the Empty Bottle is. I'd appreciate it. THANK YOU, in advance. Sorry about that doughnut thing. |
from conquestgirl : |
hey baby! You're welcome. You know I loves ya :) and I meant the review...I was honest with every word. Oh and look VVVVVVVVVVVV |
from iopeace : |
also found you by conquestgirl... your diary is amazing, so I added you to my faves list. If you want to check my out my password thing is macaroni/salad. |
from ionme : |
Hi! Found you by conquestgirl. I'll be back! I love the booty shakin girl, that's hot! I want one :) |
from miscreant444 : |
holy crap, you left me a note, I was beginning to feel invisible. ;) |
from conquestgirl : |
Yes, PLEASE PLEASE limit, control, and CENSOR your sexuality, because we all know that uncontrolled sex can lead to ungodly things--like dancing. PUH-LEASE!!! Dear god, if someone can't read your stuff and see YOU and your sexuality as a COMPONENT of you, then they are dense. I'm about to give you a ConquestGirl review...damn it. Maybe I should start that. Reviews for people who aren't afraid of their uh-oh spots! |
from miscreant444 : |
hey babywank. Don't ask. Ok, so you caught me mid-update. I gotta quit posting my entries until they are actually complete, but I write them right in the diaryland port and I'm afraid I'll lose them if I don't submit (*shiver...ooh submit*) So, thanks for reading my latest, least complete thingie ever :) and regarding my pussy: HAHA, okay, I really didn't have anything to say, I just wanted to use the line "regarding my pussy." *fin* |
from miscreant444 : |
YES!!!!! that's EXACTLY how I feel. Good Banners, Baaad layout. If you can get past the cliping of the "g's" from the 'ing' words, then she's interesting to read. I actually made it through one of her entries, completely...only be left irritated at the end. :( Sigh, but I shouldn't bitch about someone's I'm sorry for your notes and for being a bitch. I HAVE been wanting to tell you that if you go GOLDmember then you can choose to make your entries public or journal, two types of access. I have a private section, just click my kitty, baby :). |
from miscreant444 : |
Thanks. I've missed you. but I understand. Times when I don't feel human, I don't think I have much to offer, and I feel bad leaning on my friends. Believe it or not, I'm a good listener and because I'm so detached from your day to day, I can be objective and not give you advice but just listen...if you'd like, It's just an offer. *hugs* Also, I'm still trying to come up there the 22nd :). |
from lost-flower : |
you/re welcome! thanks, yeah its not the first thing that she has trashed & i am sure it wont be the last but o well. what can ya do? <3 x_kat |
from lost-flower : |
that is gonna be an awesome tattoo [!] |
from gumphood : |
Did you draw that? I think it looks really cool. As long as it wasn't gigantic. But it will be a cool looking tattoo. |
from miscreant444 : |
big *hugs* |
from miscreant444 : |
welcome to the freedom Diaryring :) |
from miscreant444 : |
a couple of things. CSS is really pretty simple once you get into it, but it's not widely supported--which means, tho it's a passion of mine, I still use tables. Also, I like the drawing a lot, I liked it better when it was close to the entry, but I still like it. And finally, I think it's human to sometimes feel you're floating about with no connections. I know I've often felt that way. That's one of the reasons I actually continue to write in my started as a way to funnel through things, and eventually became my collection of thoughts on connection: it even used to say, I'm just an idiot in search of connection. To god, to a man, to a woman, to friends, to work, to family, to community...TO SOMETHING, anything. It's really hard to find it when you feel you don't have it. I know you and I flirt around a lot, and that's pretty silly and meant in fun, but I like talking to you, getting to know you. Just so you know. |
from prowlingleo : |
I know this is officialy random guestbook signing week, but I'm making it a 'thank you for reading me' day. So here is me, thanking you, for continuing to read me. |
from miscreant444 : |
:) Thanks for avoiding Austin Powers..that is SERIOUSLY one of my biggest pet peeves. Anyway, the29th and Ruvoryn and Wyndhover all respond too :). So, don't get too down about it! |
from miscreant444 : |
Proud to NOT be one of the few you're bitching about :) |
from comingundone : |
hi. hope you're having a super day. bye. |
from miscreant444 : |
love the new layout! |
from gumphood : |
You latest entry is really good. |
from miscreant444 : |
I wouldn't take shit from a reviewer who actually types, "of the way you right." RIGHT??? How can he judge WRITING and call it RIGHTing??? PFFFT, sorry, I'm just irritated. :) |
from gumphood : |
Hey. Your rebuttal to my review is great. Entries like that are what I think you can do. Its well thought out, tells me how you feel, is very direct and very honest. You could call me a nutbag, but I know that you are talking the truth. I also don't think you are scum. |
from miscreant444 : |
hahah, all in good time :). RE: your review. I sort of read the entry and sort of skimmed it...PFFFT. You probably know how I feel about reviews but I'll just say, from what I can tell, you don't present yourself in a negative way at all. Shit, if I thought you were scum, I'd never have linked you...and that means a lot, I'm awesome :) |
from miscreant444 : |
I write you lots of notes. Um, I think that squirrel person is a girl, tho... |
from miscreant444 : |
YAY!! |
from miscreant444 : |
awesome, I was curious how you ended up at the I know :) |
from miscreant444 : |
:( good luck. |
from miscreant444 : |
quick question for you, how'd you find my writing about Chicago? |
from miscreant444 : |
glad you approve. ;) |
from miscreant444 : |
baby, I suggest you read more the diary ;). the answers are all in there. but I will tell you this, my partner is an ass man, and I don't think I let him down one little bit. |
from miscreant444 : |
it's quite alright |
from miscreant444 : |
ack, hurts too much to see Chicago...especially the bridges. I miss it. |
from miscreant444 : |
well, thankie. I do love Chicago and miss it greatly :) |
from sweetreviews : |
hey!! would you like to be a reviewer after you get your review done?? just leave me a entry in the guestbook or a note!! thanks lyndsey |
from comingundone : |
hi. i'm terri. starsinjune. this is my new poetry diary. i hope you enjoy. oh, and you can definitely use the word "sexellent"...i'm sexcited it has caught on!! woo woo!! haha. hope to hear from you again!! |
from anavi : |
You know I think you are a sexy bitch. I'm sorry we don't get to chat more often. It's kinda hard to believe you don't get laid a lot. I think you're lying. =P |
from anavi : |
You're life doesn't seem fucked up to me. You come off quite normal.I hope you take that as a compliment. I enjoy reading your thoughts. |
from beotch : |
smoooth. it's maggieeeeeee. That's 7 e's. |
from beotch : |
Hey bachelor, nice location! that is a hell of a view. Somebody told me once to live in a place with a view like that before I die. So I did. But it was from alll the way up north by Fullerton and Clark... still an awesome view though. Since I don't think you have "ramble at me" tattooed on your forehead I think I will leave you alone now! You should write more often! |
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