messages to summer-gale:
(click here to add new message):
from myexodus : |
Diane, I had to get a new computer and I need your password again. Miss you, Barb barb.bushy(remove this) |
from boxx9000 : |
from orgami : |
hello out there new year new gear got Nu puter desk printer thingy camera digital frozen flakes and icy lake out there just a silvered moon in her chariot passing through her garden of chilled fire flies i look up and out when i have a moment alone and rebelieve more then this ..O.. |
from boxx9000 : |
we're you able to get into my diary ok? |
from lerin : |
Once again... broken laptop, and forgotten passwords. My email address is [email protected] |
from boxx9000 : |
I always see your comments at all the same buddies, but you are LOCKED (as am I) Do you want to trade passwords? email me at [email protected] HAPPY NEW YEAR! |
from forty-plus : |
Happy New Year! |
from grizmom : |
Thanks. Got it, done it. Am enjoying catching up on your postings. I'm sorry it's been such a roller coaster. Enjoy your pictures too! :o) Happy New Year! |
from grizmom : |
I've tried to delete but I'm soo blonde! Tell me how and I'll do it right away! |
from grizmom : |
I can't even get that far before it asks me for a password, etc. The minute I click on you, it asks me for a password. :( I hope you're doing well none the less! |
from grizmom : |
I really miss reading your postings. I just wondered what a girl would need to do to get on the A list so I could read you again? :) |
from shadow19 : |
Got your note, but not your email. Can you resend to mfcollis at Thanks. Glad things are going better. |
from shedoes : |
Hmm, it is not in my spam box or inbox, than again it could be to a totally different addy. I cannot email you because I cannot get on your page; my email is LCormier23 at msn dot com- that is my most checked box. Thanks again! |
from fightn4life : |
You're locked. :( I have my old computer working for now...your pass word is on my other one locked in silence untill I get it fixed. Share again?? Hope your Christmas was wonderful. Sandyz |
from forty-plus : |
D - that didn't help me! :) At least I don't have to worry about it for another five years! |
from shedoes : |
Have I mentioned that I have been going through withdrawl? could I pretty please have the password? I wont share, stalk, or commit any other unsightly annoyances. I promise ; ) |
from trulypoetic : |
can you pretty please email me your password etc....I losted it somewhere's. :-( |
from jenniam : |
you ok out there? It's been 9 days!!! |
from saved0803 : |
Hello, I've been reading your diary for a few years now. I hadn't been to your site for quite some time and found out you had locked up. If you don't mind, and if you feel comfortable, will you send me your password? My e-mail address is [email protected]. If not, I hope you are doing well! Happy Holidays to you and your family! |
from captainron : | |
from namastesakhi : |
i couldn't bear to delete my history... all those memories. i simply moved them again :) |
from kitchenlogic : |
Last we read, you were getting your facial and Ron was storing his vodka and viagara. Don't leave anyone hanging! |
from orgami : |
hey its thanksgiving here at my freinds in Clear Lake ancestral growing up place before I moved to Other places missing Lori its a beautiful day out though sunshine on the fallen leaves everything aflame with colour rich textures love the smell of the leaves too its a wonderful moment to be alive |
from forty-plus : |
Diane, I am so sorry. No warning, nothing. How completely unfair. |
from cosmicrayola : |
Oh my god, Diane! This is horrible! How long have you been with them? I can't believe they are only giving you 2 days severance. What dickheads! You saying it was hard on your boss is way too gracious. |
from lerin : |
WHAT?!? I'm so sorry. This is just such bad timing. My thoughts and my love are with you. |
from junkmel1 : |
Oh, no. I am so sorry to hear it. You do so much for so many others, I really hope they all rally around and support you now. Again, I'm just so sorry. |
from duchessmoon : |
I'm so sorry. I hope this set back is a short one. Hang in there. (hugs) |
from jenniam : |
ok now I can see the words at least. I am sooooo sorry D. really I am. I know how it is. Any help I can give, let me know. There are two jobs at my org in MA is you want me to pass those along... |
from jenniam : |
You diary has disappeared!!! So has your profile! WHAT GIVES? Are you ok? |
from myexodus : |
from jktty : |
No problem, I totally understand. I can wait while you are locked, and I'll cross my fingers that you feel comfortable unlocking later this month. (I wrote about you very briefly on the 11th of this month, and I'm just curious if you still play AC?) |
from sunnflower : |
Your locked! If you wouldn't mind sharing the password can you email me at my suburbanisland email address. Thanks! |
from jktty : |
I don't know if you're sharing your pword or not, but if you are I'd love to read (My email is on my diary.) (And if not, that's fine too, I understand. But I wanted to tell you that until I read your diary I had no idea what a MMORPG was, and now I do, and I'm so glad I do.) :) |
from junkmel1 : |
I think I probably understand why you locked up, but I miss reading you. If you're sharing the password, I'd love to read again. [email protected]. |
from dakotagirl : |
I enjoyed reading your blog, but with all the crap you are going through I don't blame you for locking it up. I hope everything turns out for the best. Take care. |
from trulypoetic : |
:-( you're locked up tighter than a nun that resides next to the Pope. Re: today's entry I am not receiving hate msgs. I left a msg for someone that was neither mean or malicious and was blocked from their blog because I didn't take the "I agree" road and for me that's just as sad. As long as someone's not being mean or ill intended I don't mind honest remarks or statements about things that I write and I don't understand how other people let someone bother then just because they don't say "hey you're great and I agree with everything you write" |
from fightn4life : |
Your Diary is locked. :( I thought I had the pass word...maybe you never gave it to me. :( [email protected] If you do decide to share your world...put pass word in the subject line. My spam blaocker gobbles up lots of new mail. Sandyz |
from shadow19 : |
Well, I have entered a guestbook comment or two, but I understand. I'm from upstate NY and honestly don't know any of the players in your saga, but youre right... one's gotta do what one's gotta do. It's just a weird getting hooked on a good book then having the last half thrown away. In case, hope that everything works out TO YOUR LIKING. That's what counts. Enjoy. |
from shadow19 : |
Fascinated reader. Any chance of getting the password? Hope all is going okay. All the best...Mary |
from my5cents : |
i know it is the same but I can't remember what it is....please use my e-mail [email protected] |
from my5cents : |
i can't get into your blog. I have your password inside the blog as protected but I can't remember it outside the blog. Help me please..... |
from annanotbob : |
Hope all is well with you, honey. xxx |
from la-the-sage : |
Yes, password, please? ~LA |
from namastesakhi : |
boy you sure do have your hands full at your end of the world! remember to laugh every once in a while so you don't start wringing your hands! |
from lerin : |
I sent my password to you at 9:00 this evening. Let me know if you didn't receive it! |
from vibinghigh : |
I've been meaning to thank you for your note thanking me for adding you as a favorite. (You're welclome.) I've been enjoying reading your diary. |
from namastesakhi : |
good to see you having some really great days! |
from orgami : |
another heat wave day here in NOrth Bay Ontario Canada everything is in a haze can barely see the seven kilometer islands out there poor people suffering in this cant imagine working in this its so wicked we had wicked storms too Knocked out our power for days lost all our stuff in the freezer amazing the amount of trees down all fixed up now (mostly) anyway just leaving you a note ..Orgami.. |
from joiedv : |
PS! May I have a password please? If so, you can email it to [email protected]. Or put it in my notes and I will delete it as soon as I get it. Thanks. |
from nakedbarista : |
I'm glad I could help you a bit with that movie. It just wasn't what we were lead to believe. Cannibalism, possession (the house isn't haunted, it's possessed!), teenage drinking and sex... It just wasn't what I wanted my 5 year old to see either. |
from golfwidow : |
I tried to comment but after five years on Diaryland Andrew thinks I'm a spammer. Anyway, what I was going to say was that you can't turn your emotions on and off like a faucet, I don't like seeing Ron using you (again) but I know you'll do what's right in your heart and no matter what you do I got your back. |
from namastesakhi : |
you are a strong woman. even in all of your vulnerabilities. remember that, okay! |
from namastesakhi : |
pictures!!! you look GREAT! |
from nakedbarista : |
I'm back to the old password now! |
from duchessmoon : |
Hope your weekend is a fun one! |
from camera-girl : |
I don't believe in God, so I wouldn't expect him to show up. But maybe a sun-fairy? ;-) |
from namastesakhi : |
you did your time, and now he's doing his. time does have that way of catching up, which is nice in the end, but such a bugger during. hugs to you for beging strong! |
from namastesakhi : |
i just read the entry about when you talked to tracey. and it hit home because i could have been you. mine didn't last more than six months... but yours was 27 years!? i am so very thankful for the gift of your hindsight. |
from namastesakhi : |
4 DUIs... Ummm, you think he would learn to give up the keyes, eh? |
from sothis-isme : |
omg, i DIED laughing at your last entry. the HAZARDS of online dating! |
from annanotbob : |
Thanks honey xxx |
from annanotbob : |
That's what I've tried, Haloscan, but I must have installed it wrong as it doesn't work. Now I can't remember which bit to fiddle about with and I'm scared of losing the whole template, cos there's no undo function. Any suggestions? xxx |
from annanotbob : |
It worked!!! Thank you so much xxx |
from annanotbob : |
Thanks for that - I'll give it a go in the morning. Too cross now. Love xxx |
from camera-girl : |
Soccer is way more popular here in Norway than in the US. You have the "weird" American football. :-p Norwegians love football and Ronaldinho is the worlds best football player, so what can I say...? :-) |
from camera-girl : |
I bought two pillows for my outdoor chairs, some fabric I'm going to make a curtain of to cover up some mess, a small toolbox, two small orange candellight holders, six small white plates and a few more things that I don't know how to translate into english hehe. Only 280 NOK for that! :-D |
from fightn4life : |
I read the book last week, I wanted to have it finished before seeing the movie. It was great...(the book) I haven't seen the movie yet. :( Sandyz |
from rebekahsue : |
my mom couldn't remember your email address off the top of her head :( jay is my tattoo artist. married to one of my best friends! i've really just got a hot date with his tattoo machine. |
from camera-girl : |
Arrgh. you're camera broke. Sooo bad. :-( I would've died if mine broke... It's like a part of me. I took the wooden coaster a few years ago, and I must say I will never ride it again. Freakin' scary stuff. I thought I would fall out and die several times. lol. :-S |
from orgami : |
hello Summer-Gale its going to rain here in my city the wind is up the dust remains hanging in the air with every gust its very exciting to be out here in it downtown but I must go now because I am running out of time But I want you to know that I am happy that you left me your note So heres one to you Summer-Gale gotta go now ..O.. |
from camera-girl : |
Surprised about Burger King in Holland? They have it a lots of places, including Norway you know. Fries with mayo is strange, yes :-) |
from camera-girl : |
Yeah. Holland is real, not just a postcard. It's so much more than hasj and red light district :-p I had a blast. You should really go there some time! |
from f-i-n : |
I never fall for handsome guys anyway....I prefer the ground-worshipping type |
from orgami : |
sun spills down and tumbles into dark canyons of winter huddled places of ice and damp water water in the ditch in the creek burbling away talking to itself all happy and polite birds in the wires and trees singing in the fresh night winds that lace the city with its light fingers ..O.. |
from joiedv : |
WOW you ARE a penguin :) It fits you nicely! |
from annanotbob : |
Your grand-daughters are SO cute! Thanks ever so for the advice on the poxy form, greatly appreciated though it seems I've been let off. A spliff is a joint. I know, I'm old enough to know better, but in my defence, I hardly drink . Though I wish I lived near your Moose. I'd love a place I could pop into and find people I knew. xxx |
from fightn4life : |
'A male soul with less-than-stellar credentials from his past lives attempts to negotiate a good deal for himself while planning his next earthly sojourn with a next-life counselor." This one, I love the concept. I might steal it for myself. :) Not really, you run with it. I'll steal my own on the a site I Google in. Sandyz |
from joiedv : |
Hey, thanks for adding me and the nice comments. Did I mention in my diary somewhere that my daughter was talking about going into nursing? Or were you a voice from beyond sending out a prophecy? Blowing my mind a little because this is a big topic of discussion right now, but I don't remember writing it :) |
from orgami : |
the city streets are busy with people the dog wont take his nightly expression my bag in my right hand useless we are damp with rain when we come back here to the apartment here he is happy with a full stomach of his soft food and his hard crunchy Toronto is weeping from her dark lair of heaven all the sorrows of winter hidden now melting under the breath of angels I am spoiled here with freinds a cake warmed in the microwave is delivered and I am in utopian feilds statues of nymphets and young boys boiling sweet water trickling into marble basins Summers sweet breath coming just a glimpse now a teaser a remembered embrace of tenderness and close promixity a yearning to be there again with cricket song and soft breezes whispered love sonnnets and petal kisses to the offered cheek fingers to fingers eyes to eyes at dusk under the awning poplar leaves spinning a look of intimate being thus is my state of wanderlust and freind ships full of wind in the sails and a bright compass card heave ho the anchor and let us take out leave |
from joiedv : |
HI again, my diary is unlocked again now. I was just changing some things. But actually, I am moving over to yadda-yadda.diaryland. I only have one entry there so far, but I thought I would pass that along in case you start seeing that name. I'm not sure why I'm moving...just ready for a change I guess. Nothing dramatic. Thanks for asking for the p/w anyway... |
from joiedv : |
Taking a picture in your rear-view mirror? As for the offerings...I am not Jewish, so I am not the expert :) I am, however, Catholic. With all manner of Catholic school education under my belt. My interpretation, based on things I was taught, is that many times in the Old Testament, you are reading directions to the faithful in the proper way to do something they were already doing, in a way that is pleasing and appropriate to God. But of course as Christians, many of those things were then left behind in the New Testament. And, as I recall from my 10th grade religion classes, Leviticus is chock-full of things to NOT DO AT ALL! I knew a girl like your friend once. She claimed to be able to see and hear the demons in people. And she was always trying to "minister" to said people. I could never quite decide if she was a wonderful and giving person, or a tad off her rocker. But she also used to say that people with mental illness, addictions, etc, were demon posessed. She would warn that demons were swirling all around us etc...I always found it disconcerting. And I belong to the Faith that wrote the book on exorcism! |
from shedoes : |
Pretty much; I'm a technical assistant and web designer for our remote control company. So each day I come to work and answer about 200 of these crazy emails (and people get pretty crazy when they don't have their remotes-lol). |
from shedoes : |
Now that is the damn truth!!! |
from fightn4life : |
What is "toastmasters", I have never heard of it. But, if it is like Move Smart I love the concept. Sandyz |
from nakedbarista : |
It was a while ago, but that's ok, : ) It takes me a while to notice too. My buddylist is JUST long enough that I don't see when someone new has added me. |
from orgami : |
here is the lace of cold wind that blows about my eyes and startles my senses with every gust My hair alive flips across my face and my boots carry me closer to home UP the small escarpment past older homes and cars parked just off the street into snub nosed driveways I love walking alone at night like this knowing I am coming home to Lori and to a warm place where I live food in the fridge but every so often its nice to be back in the wild of the night back in the taste of a storm full of biting winds and perilous streets ........ |
from good-lace : |
Happy to hear your vacation down south was nice. Hope you defrosted. In fact, Mardi Gras is in the planning. It's going to be on a much smaller scale probably, but it will definately be! |
from gumphood : |
can you get proper excersise blowing up the gym? |
from orgami : |
our mice on our old dysfunctioning computer has died so I write from the library Hope you guys had fun a Mickey Mouse Land did you see Cinderella?? and Minnie and Goofy Donald Duck and his cousins?? so many things to see down there and all the rides its a blast I have heard we never went we had our own cottage for vacations but other freinds told me about the place well here it is Wednesday 28th and I just thought well I am here at the library to write my e-mail pals to write my diaryland pals too so here I am ...O.. |
from duchessmoon : |
Hope you had a grand time! |
from annanotbob : |
Have a truly fab time xxx |
from namastesakhi : |
from one dog lover to another... i'm praying the vedict is minor. as for john... PLEASE be cautious. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be cautious. smooches to you and the pooch and have a GREAT holiday :) |
from orgami : |
hey hows it going there?? I am writing from the library because Lori is online writing people and playing cribbage and I got some loose change and want to sit in at Twiggs for a coffee for something different to do for a change I will be alone Christmas day because Lori No I will be alone Christmas night because Lori is going NOrth to see her little one and I will have the apartment for a couple of days and the television tooo and computer so I will write from home probably because the library will be closed went for a walk in the snow to the woods and watched a big black bird fly overhead and heard the sweep of its wings in the still air and falling snow a tranquil moment for sure ...o....... |
from annanotbob : |
Thanks! I've a feeling that now I know how to do it I'll be changing it all the time. Glad things are going well for you and Stew - have a great time at Disneyworld xxx |
from good-lace : |
Thank you for your note. It's been hard to get started again. Massive depression has kept me, and a whole lot of people, down for a while now. I hope things will begin to look brighter. I'll be catching up on your latest. I hope life if treating you nice. Hugs. |
from orgami : |
uh where am I snowing out and slushy feeling sort of down today but we got our computer going at home and are connected to the web Horay except Lori will be on this thing twenty four hours a day I bet I hope not anyway well thats it for now thanks for writing Summergale |
from saved0803 : |
Just a little note to say that I'm glad you are feeling better! Merry Christmas to you & your family and have a Happy New Year too! |
from shedoes : |
Thank you for your comments, it has been a very hard time, up until she died we all thought she would pull through, I have never met a stronger woman than her (although after reading you for so long, I think you are runner up. Thats what initially had me hooked to reading you, the similarities were amazing). Every day I wake up I remember that at 26 I no longer have even one parent alive, your daughters are very lucky to have you. |
from fightn4life : |
Thank you so much for your sweet note. Every day I feel better minus this blasted headache which they say is normal. I feel very blessed so I will not complain. Yesterday at work was better than my first day back but I am so glad I have three off days. I contemplated working an extra day but decided it might not be wise. I need time, time is good. :) Sandyz |
from annanotbob : |
Hi there - that was some heavy fight you witnessed. Would you not have noticed and mentioned if he wasn't wearing shoes or is yours a barefoot kind of place? I'd have thought the fact that you didn't mention it was significant. Glad things are going so good, all the best xxx |
from grizmom : |
Weight loss.. sounds like you were at my doctors appt last week! I completely understand your pain and I'm here for you. I say doing something is better than doing nothing at all. Have faith in yourself! I'm here for ya! |
from grizmom : |
This is just beautiful! Gives me that warm fuzzy feeling! |
from orgami : |
Lori and I spent three hundred and fifty dollars on groceries almost another sixty for her cigarettes seventy two dollars for the couchs a hundred on the hydro deposit that which finally arrived in the mail NEXT month we wont have so much to pay our except our normal Hydro which is like twenty five dollars a month and the heat what little of it comes provided with the old fifties apartment building Oh yah and the hot water too for showers and baths walked downtown today It was fun seeing how people have decorated their homes for the celebration this evening its damp and cool out but not cold per usual for this time of year another three quarters of an hour I am going to the soup kitchen for lunch and coffee I always see people I know there and on my walk downtown I must have seen four AA people from the meetings saying HI to me that was nice well am going to listen to siouxsie again now I am waiting to get my cd portable out of hock so I can listen to THE ORGAN and METRIC and SIOUXSIE my muses of musical interest of late anyway must go and write others until next time ......O........ |
from kitchenlogic : |
How funny! I was just about to ask you if you were ever going to use that Dang Gift Certificate! I'll be waiting! |
from orgami : |
the hurt of knives and summer lives slithers betwixt slim slender settings of here and there and all this in between listened to Gollums song thank you IT is beautiful and haunting I read Lord of the Rings when I was twelve and thirteen and I have never watched the movies from start to finish but enough of them to know I like the film even though it is never the same as a book Different mediums imagination etc but I like them both back then my father was away up north and my mother had left and we stayed with father familiar school home etc so we bachelored it a whole summer without anyone except my brother and I manning the old folt I would listen to far away American stations talk shows new music old music and read Tolkien while storms fluttered in their thunder and anxiousness through open dark windows of soft nights and hot days and all the while glued to the Tolkien book awake and alseep funny how I remember all this and what character had the knife blade called Sting?? is that right something like it anyway and now up here is fall in the here and now rain pressed leaves face up and face down like scattered tarot cards cars hissing by in the rain drivers silhouetted by the rooftop taxis buses on the busy streets my steel toed boots clomping through puddles my silk scarf white blowing about like my long hair my jacket with ACE OF SPADES painted on the back a weatherproof dark green my grey eyes searching the ground for interesting things like pens and pennies and other odds and ends I feel like a crow sometimes because I collect these little bits and put them in a box for awhile thumbing them over like worry stones before bed wondering what stories they tell and how they came to be about like floatsem and jetsom on faraway tides..................... |
from annanotbob : |
Good for you, girl. I wish you all the very best and I'll be reading you when you do post. Love xx |
from jenniam : |
hello? lo...lo...lo...lo...lo...?????? |
from july28 : |
Yeah, Sawyer is starting to grow on me but I will always love Jack! Last week after resisting all day looking up the web to see what happens next, my son came in and told me!!! Anyways, what he said wasn't what happened that night.... but still *might* so I'm trying not to think about it! BTW your perm really suits you. |
from annanotbob : |
Thanks for that - I've changed it! Did you do your site yourself? I love the lettering. |
from gumphood : |
Reasons Why Patriots will beat Atlanta: 1) Belechick and Brady have never lost back to back (although they haven't lost at home either --keep in mine) 2)We have played the Falcons before and KILLED them 3) More time + More Film = More Preperation for this team. 4) Vick was injured and will be playing hurt. 5) AFC is better than the NFC, and AFC can win on the road. ____________________________________ Reasons why Atlanta might win 1) They are a running squad, and we have SUCKED against the run. Thats bad bad news. 2) Do we have a saftey capeable of not making mistake in the secondary? 3) Patriots Defense lacks leaders. ________________________________ Who to pick and why. I trust the Pats against the Falcons because unlike the teams we lost to (Panthers and San Deigo) they offense is one dimensional with very little passing. I expect to stack the line and make Vick pass. If Vick does that, we will win because he's not a good passer. My final score I think will be 24 Pats 14 Falcons. I could be wrong, but I think thats what I am feeling. |
from bonkrood : |
Diane I have put a private entry in my diary, I didn't know which address I should email you about the username and password so if you email my gmail account I will send them right along. Quick preview: job drama in a big way. |
from orgami : |
Summer-Gale the leaves are so beautiful up here we have maple oak and birch along with the needle trees which are dark against the skyline and cityscape Pine Balsam Spruce and the older buildings downtown built large and in the twenties with their stoic warm red brick white paint or green paint and the odd tall apartment building and business tower but yes they are beautiful out here or up here and the lake of course is so grand and wide and sometimes with large clouds overhead like a Turner painting twelve minutes to go and I am listening to Siouxsie because I can do it here at the library and I am listening to songs I have not heard from her before so thats sweet its almost five in the afternoon maybe I should go down to the dock and spend some time at the lake like everyone else does people walking on the trail by the front beach and stone walls its almost time to go here for today ten minutes left now must go and write others now .......O......... |
from gumphood : |
And if you are going to bet anymore money, ask me the day you are betting and I will give you the best picks I can. (Week 6 Minnasota AT Chicago. PAYDAY!) |
from annanotbob : |
Wow - the way you wrote about your friend was so moving and I am beyond envy at your memory for detail! |
from gumphood : |
I was upset too, but after the two big injuries which I didn't know when I made my predictions (particually our defensive captin) we went down. I expect the Pats to be 3-3 with a Win in Atlanta this week (Injured Vick who isn't good against us when he CAN move) and a loss in Denver, like I said. I would say that I am mostly worried. Its hard to see if that Pats can come back from this injury. I hope they can, but they may not. |
from july28 : |
Scottish, but yeah , UK in average we are six months behind but I think you guys have had LOST for a lot longer than that! Enjoy your weekend. xx |
from annanotbob : |
Good! You've got me thinking about the only school reunion I've ever been to... Hope you have a great time x |
from annanotbob : |
Yeah, me too. Hope your weekend goes well, x |
from annanotbob : |
Hiya - you got Alice's restaurant from me! Really pleased you did - I just loved hearing it again and I was sure I wouldn't be the only one. Gotta go and finish reading your entry, xx |
from orgami : |
I do write poetry for my Lori and she herself has such a grasp on words she is bright and witty and very reserved actually compared to me hmm well maybe not reserved but she weighs her comments and answers where I am fast or impatient or just quick to retort But Yes she likes my poems |
from annanotbob : |
Thanks for that but it seems I gave the wrong impression. Swearing worked out OK with the 2 individuals, but the whole class one was an absolute disaster. I had to teach them for another whole year and never made any headway. They just wanted to push me that far again. It's great getting glimpses into real people's lives tho' and it's been diaries like yours that have encouraged me to just get it down, real and true, or what's the point? All the best - hope you get a good roommate! |
from annanotbob : |
Just wanted to say hi - I've been loving reading you lately. That Trippy looks kind of cute, but I can see why you're not sure too. Could you ask her not to smoke indoors? People are always doing that to me. All the best xx |
from junkmel1 : |
Oh, my mom hasn't had an insurance adjuster come to her home yet. There are so many damaged homes and too few adjusters. The insurance company told her to save a piece of carpet, linoleum, and sheetrock for the adjuster to see, as well as pictures, then go ahead and gut it. If she waited till an adjuster showed up, the mold would have taken over. It was already pretty bad just a week later. |
from nycme : |
Mmmmm! I just checked out the Venus de Milo menu. I'll have the shrimp mozambique appetizer and the grilled swordfish with tomato and feta entree! |
from gumphood : |
its all good now gale. check it out at will. |
from orgami : |
i do ramble on anyway today is a good warm fall type day last day of summer GOOD BYE SUMMER Hellow fall and winter soon to lay her gentle veil down on grass and trees all golden hued by sunsets brushed with brassy glow what the hell am I writing??? anyway today is a good day nice day and I walk here and there is never a dull walk always thing to look at along the way Some pretty nice older older homes with lawns and hedges and interesting architexture as I like to call it sixteen minutes left to write havent listened to Siouxsie Yet getting a computer at home so I can write from the house that will be cool instead of the walk that is But I am getting into shape with all the walking that is.... anyway must go now for today ........O.......... |
from gumphood : |
stupid redskins. |
from gumphood : |
I was 9-7 the first week. But this week, as of monday night I only got 6 games right. Rough week in the NFL. |
from jane-dreams : |
Your comments wouldn't let me add my best wishes for a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) So, this note will have to do. Enjoy your day! |
from orgami : |
heres another long boring letter I end up stopped drinking for two months at tops then i have a mickey and twelve beers its called Damage Control by an old counsellor for alcohol that I used to see Better then a forty with a twenty four of beer but its still drinking and My liver is fine from the doctors test results to test it But my brain is slowed down and I forget things easier and sometimes black out during the day Like a mental eclipse all dark out now anyway are you over forty?/ born in the sixties what a time they were...Imaginge having a kind with a war on the news every other night Hell its like having a kid now with the war on every other night and now that flood down there in that place where its been known for years and years that devastating hurricanes come ashore to have mayhem and disasterous effects reading your diary about phones was funny because today our phone was ringing off the hook and we are moving and we are taking our same number with us Just funny because normally we do not have the phone ringing that much anyway thats it from me Summer moving soon to a new place farther away from the library will have to take a bus or walk about half a mile to get here The walk could do me some good because I have that forty year old gut NOt a big one but its there I would say its a radial not a slick but its not a racing bulge hah hah hah ...O... |
from orgami : |
Okay wow read the entry for the thirtieth of August parents split when you were twelve My mom left around then dad drank a lot and I worried about everything then Maybe I mistook his silence between he and I at our visits for indifference Only because when my younger brother Micheal was around him he lit right up and talked and laughed always asking about him and wondering why he never dropped in Meanwhile I am right there with him maybe thats why I stayed away in the end the year before he died well over a year tired of hearing about Only Micheal and that silence which really sunk into me watching the television in matching reclining chairs ( I sat in his then present wifes) all I wanted was some anecdote about hunting or working or something other then the silence when I was down at Christmas Lori and I had broken up and I didnt want to go there and tell him about it when he would ask how Lori was (They never met each other) then Lori and I got back together and he was gone just like that maybe the silence was just fine for him maybe just having me there was good enough But then I didnt know Now I know but its too late Life is all about learning though now I am somewhat depressed to think that I was wrong about the silence However nothing I can do to change anything now He is gone and I am still right here writing to strangers basically and spilling something of my life in words Its been such a theraputic godsend though and I get to socialize or at least sit with others at the computers here forty seven minutes remaining time to go and write others scan the diaryland band and write notes and see what happens cannot get onto chat from here or from my freinds when I go south of here either doesnt matter I would rather singularly write these notes which seem to go on and on forever so I will end it now |
from orgami : |
wow do I ever write a lot hopes some of it makes sense anyway when I was first on this dairyland thing I was tired of only reading kids Diarys which are interesting to read but its nice to find people my own age so I punched in Over Forty search and found the site Or something like it can't remember how I found it now But I did and I noticed last time I was looking through and reading peoples diaries that you were there also and I wonder did I write to you first?? anyway we know of each other through this medium I watch Much music retro now and see all the bands that I listened to back in the eighties and I feel somewhat old I never thought I would live this long for all the alcoholism trail did to me but I am still here late at the library its busy here we packed up the rest of the apartment Lori and I and we only have a little few things to through in and we are ready to go It makes her anxious this move stuff but I am used to it My former girlfreind and I moved a lot in the old days Post 1990's I guess I should go now and read your diary now that I am here already Off I go......... |
from orgami : |
loving people hmmm hurts like hell especially if they dont live up to the expectations but if they dont then they are not meant to be despite what you feel After all when you do find the right person shouldnt they and shouldnt you have expectations and have them met Like to be loved back to be respected to be treated well to be able to be open with them No lies no dishonesty no strings etc Not all idealizations of mine are realized but I do have a good person this time and I am becoming a better person as I struggle with my own imperfections and fallacies its all about self trust and then trust others Like throwing a ball at a batter if its only half hearted then there will be no strike and no hit No momentum everybody walks (dont ask me what kind of advice this is..) hah hah anyway good luck in your endevours I endevoured and I am glad I did it took awhile though I mean I am forty and just now am finding someone who is compatible and loveable ....O... |
from orgami : |
hard rock dad my dad was seventy nine when he got his open heart surgery by-pass thing before that he could only breath in little puffs It was hard watching someone so strong in my life be so weakened and on the edge of life But after his heart operation he was back to his usual self until his leg veins quit working (all that working standing in his day and genetic weaknesses) but he went through that surgery also and was back to his job as bartender at the local Legion in Kearney Ontario Canada when he went he didnt want a coffin thing he wanted no service and wanted to be cremated and all his wishes were acknowledged by the family I didnt know he had gone until a good month but I wasnt in touch with the family and did not leave an address then I pray to him now actually get down on my knees and "talk" to my mom and dad forgive them and move on in my life its very good for me to do this takes a load off of me and my therapy and counselling helps me deal and accept myself Plus at AA I am opening up more and hugging more people to get the physical contact from other humans and having a nicer attitude towards Lori Before I was overbearing and lecturing Now I listen and take breaks in "talking" But I did not see my dad for a year before he Died and I wish now I had of seen him more but I was so afraid of always having some kind of crises when I saw him that I stayed away because I was going through some stuff then He wouldnt have judged me but I was judging myself then I am trying not to today O. |
from somstar : |
Your dad is a champ! I'm glad he's doing okay! |
from orgami : |
listening to some woman vocalist "this is my five string serenade" sad violin music in the background very emotive stuff thinking about father who passed away this February another hard rock gone railroader for forty one years providing for us his family and I what am I I wonder often and nought still here comes my immediate thought interacting and writing viewing and becoming better a human I hope more empathy more patience less judgmental I was away from home now back missed my Cat Max and my girlfreind Lori thirty minutes here to write more on diaryland and scan Yahoo for stuff bagpipe music for some reason today Must be the Scot in me or Maybe Watching Margrets Musuem got me into it The one actor playing the pipes etc.... and here I am writing something to someone or anyone back aching so sore goddamn it oh well otherwise I am well and doing fine just waiting for the cheque to pay bills and buy some supplies coffee cigarettes cleaning stuff for the oven cannot leave the place like that all black in there but I can get it clean I just take the oven door off and go at it had a great time at the Green Day concert with my fourteen year old and a freind she met there It was a blast had a great time with the ex on the way home talking and listening to her music or the kids music or mine on the cd player darkness slipping away like the forgotten years between us all when Life was difficult for those times ........ |
from grizmom : |
You're very welcome. I'm happy to be here if EVER you need anything at all. Know I'm thinking about you. |
from grizmom : |
My Dad passed away last week and the funeral was yesterday. Know I wish you nothing but the very best and may God's will and strength surround you on your journey. Lean on your friends, that's why God gave them to you. |
from namastesakhi : |
banner riding can be awfully dangerous. i trust your trip was insightful? |
from orgami : |
twelve minutes remaining here cool library air conditioning whistling away beyond my headhphones siouxsie sioux singing lyrically and sweet dark melody and I I am travelling and writing where I stop when I think that here is i n t e r e s t i n g :) |
from golfwidow : |
Have a great trip. See you when you get back. |
from jyram : |
Not married yet... next summer... June 17, 2006. :-) |
from f-i-n : |
hugs and kisses! |
from jenniam : |
it IS on...isn't it? |
from nycme : |
Thanks for the note re: chemo and food. It's going to be really hard to prepare food for my Uncle because he's basically not going to want to accept it and I suspect he won't tell me what he wants to or what he can eat , so I don't know what I'm going to do. Play it by ear, I guess. He's very proud and doesn't like to accept help, would never ever ask for help in a million years and is a bachelor who has been doing for himself forever. My cousin and I feel like we're manipulating him to let us help, and we don't mind the manipulation, but it's time consuming when we'd rather just be helping!! |
from jenniam : |
have you NOT been reading??? LOL -- no we are doing it in Maine. MA won't merry out-of-staters |
from forty-plus : |
Thank you. |
from chailife : |
Love the new banner! |
from spritopias : |
So, I went to look into Cosmic's Comments and I hit your "Creative Juices" Banner - brilliant work SG, brilliant! |
from cyberpurple : |
About the banners, I just got photoshop and used that to make the animated banner. if you haven't got an image program you can use - it's free and pretty easy to figure out but there is a tutorial for it on one of the gold member pages somewhere (I used to use it). They have to be 468 by 60 pixels. Or if you wanted I could make you some... just e-mail me ~Emma |
from greenwitch : |
"We're learning how to loosely couple but be highly cohesive". I love this idea even if it is computer stuff. Sounds like a great idea for us biological units too ;-) |
from doc-sarvis : |
Usually I'm pretty good about picking my dreams apart, but I don't remember enough of this one...No idea what the GI Joes could've symbolized...Anyways...have fun tonight... |
from hcatty : |
Hiya!! I'd love to email you the diet, but I can't find your email addy anywhere :o) Mine's listed on my page. If you want to write me, I'll reply with the diet. It's all typed up and ready to go ;o) |
from doc-sarvis : |
My mind was going a mile-a-minute all night, but I kind of attribute that to the caffiene... |
from doc-sarvis : |
Ha! Next time you're in New York City, go to the Central Park Zoo and check out the Penguin House. I'll bet you'll be instantly mesmerized by those magnificent "chickens of the sea" and the first phrase that pops into your head is, "Poetry in motion!" |
from doc-sarvis : |
You've said that before...I'm starting to believe you...(Was it when I said Ohioans don't have accents?) |
from doc-sarvis : |
I wish it had been... |
from doc-sarvis : |
Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking... |
from red-savannah : |
Happy "Evacuation Day" to my favorite Massachusetts friend!! |
from leofire : |
thank you for stopping by and reading! :) |
from doc-sarvis : |
I'm trying to think of a good Massachusetts, winter, ice-skating joke, but I got bupkiss...anyways, it was fun! I might do it again tommorrow, sans the soul-sucking Anna V. |
from doc-sarvis : |
I can't imagine "Tainted Love" would be easy to tap to! |
from jyram : |
I added you to my favorites! Thank you for putting me on yours, as well! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through your diary. |
from forty-plus : |
Thank you for adding me to your favorites, I'm off to return the favor. Congratulations on your amazing speech! |
from doc-sarvis : |
I was actually thinking about you and the grape incident when I put this one up... ;) |
from doc-sarvis : |
I wouldn't make everyone Jewish...just everyone in a decent circumfrance...I'm cool with Jesus though... |
from doc-sarvis : |
Why, thank you. |
from dsotm : |
Hiya, no i'm not new, i've been around for a while, i used to be known as NZFORESTGUY, i see your name mentioned from time to time in Cosmic's diary. The archive should work now, i changed the font color, so they show up now. |
from catinasnit : |
I saw your site in Cosmic's latest entry, so I clicked on. Wow! That's a lot of, and I do mean a lot... of snow. I can't imagine how you shoveled all that heavy snow. Heck, I can't imagine snow like that. In your case, pictures do tell the story. |
from jenne1017 : |
yup -- in August. Honestly, the Oct pic did nothing for me. |
from jenne1017 : |
You JUST read it? I changed it when I met you in August ;) |
from doc-sarvis : |
I hope you guys DESTROY Pittsburgh next week! DESTROY!!!!! GRRRRRRR! |
from red-savannah : |
And you're using the term 'squee!'?? Oh, squee! That's far too squee!! Hope your weekend is just...squee!!!! |
from hertinyhands : |
I am so glad that you aren't facing another battle with chemo. That was a relief to read. Thank you for your comment on my last entry. I always respect what you have to say, because I know it's sincere and from a woman who has walked my road before. Thanks so much. |
from rmlittle : |
thanks for your time and good luck to you. |
from summer-gale : |
to rmlittle. I would have posted to your page but you don't seem to have one or a profile so I will tell you here and hope that you return to read it. I'm sorry to say that I am not your missing friend and never had the pleasure of spending time in Bogalusa, La |
from rmlittle : |
I am searching for an old friend... Did you ever spend time in Bogalusa, La.? |
from sunnflower : |
Thanks for your comment on my post regarding differences in opinion and the role of respect. |
from sunnflower : |
Thanks so much for the confetti and the birthday wishes! |
from red-savannah : |
Let me be the first to congratulate you on your beloved Red Sox winning this historic World Series!!! (even though I still hate 'em!!) |
from rebekahsue : |
Hi, I'm L-Empress's daughter. Just so you know? Your journals helped my mom tremendously. She said so, all year. Best, UD |
from red-savannah : |
Congratulations!! :-) I'll just be over here, with the glue and tape, trying to repair my poor, sad, tired, broken heart... |
from red-savannah : |
If it makes you feel any better, I'm nervous, too. I just found out Jamie is going to Yankee Stadium tonight! Good luck, no matter what. And actually, here's to a good night's sleep for ALL the fans!! |
from red-savannah : |
I just couldn't let today go by without saying have fun watching the BIG Yankees/Red Sox game tonight!!! Hee hee... |
from lovinglav : |
only one chin bought him tuesday |
from sunnflower : |
Your Chinese food versus fruit and veggies comment made me laugh. We all know Chinese food will always win! |
from doc-sarvis : |
I'll put a warning up. Sorry! |
from kitchenlogic : |
Yes. This is what I'm saying. My sister, who's in the insurance business said Bill Clinton signed a law saying something to the effect that as long as you have continuous coverage, no more than a 60 day lapse (I think), be it through your current employer, a cobra plan, private plan or new employer, they have to cover any pre-existing medical issues. Do you have an insurance contact you can call to verify this? |
from neurotic-one : |
never mind....I now see your name in red. =] |
from neurotic-one : |
Is everything okay? |
from soonerbred : |
Kudos to you for letting go of a horrible cheating bastard. He doesnt deserve all the goodness that is you! |
from tiger--lily : |
you're right, you do deserve someone better.. much love, tigerlily xxx |
from red-savannah : |
Happy Valentine's Day, Summer-Gale!!! :) |
from red-savannah : |
The Patriots won! Theeeee New England Patriots won the Super Bowl!!! Wooooo Hoooo!!! :) I KNEW they could do it!!! |
from kitchenlogic : |
Not a five hour sex story...she claimed to have had sex for five hours! Women in their 40s still got it baby! |
from jenne1017 : |
sexy? um nopew. BUt I did save a pic and named it the same as the "me" image link. Dmanit! Will fix when I get home. Thanks for letting me know! |
from dicentrah : |
Hi! Listen--thanks so much for your entry in my guestbook. I like hearing about others who have done this and survived. It's like the "Are you there God, it's me Margaret" version of tragedy. Wig shopping. Check. We've even already talked about it! |
from kitchenlogic : |
I've got windows, too. The linux box provides us with the opportunity to be our own Internet Service Provider of some sort. I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm sure it's something very important like that! |
from kidneygurl : |
Hi , I'm a new reader, I'll be back....... |
from strangerlucy : |
I hope things are alright with you, D. |
from red-savannah : |
OK, you put the condom on top of the penis (like a little beanie hat!) It's rolled up sort of like a nylon stocking if you unroll it off of your leg, so make sure the rolled part is facing up, then, while holding the base of his member (Hee!) roll the condom down. Make sure to leave a little room in the tip for the, er, this is awkward...*stuff* to go...voila! You have successfully put on a condom! It's pretty easy, although if you're hesitant to do it, the guy can always put it on himself! |
from desertgal : |
you go girl!!! I had my eyes done last year...didn't need the upper lids, just the bags thing i ever did! |
from red-savannah : |
Yeah, I'm still waiting to move. The person I'm moving in with is waiting to close on the house, and you know how that goes (rolling eyes)...that, and I'm going to end up doing these things anyways, as I do not want to be mortified in front of my extended family and friends... |
from red-savannah : |
Oh, how I love those Pats! I just don't want a diamond...everyone gets diamonds...and I want whoever I marry to know me well enough that I don't want the same thing everyone else gets. I've never really liked diamonds. I like garnets, danburites (named after my city Danbury, CT!!!), and emeralds. So, if a guy wanted to get me one of those for a ring, that would be fine w/ me! I'm just weird like that. :) I'm so in love with Adam Vinateri...he could give me a wad of tinfoil and I'd say yes! |
from rosytears : |
Hey. Nice diary. I love your layout! |
from jenne1017 : |
I don't believe I've told you lately how much YOU ROCK, have I? |
from strangerlucy : |
just thinking about you tonight & checking in as I read entries across diaryland. I hope you had a good unstressed sunday- and I'll be looking for you tomorrow. |
from red-savannah : |
Football-wise, I am saving myself for Adam Vinateri from the Patriots-MEEEEEE-OW! Hottie! Game 7 tonight! Woo! |
from red-savannah : |
I'm from Connecticut-and a San Francisco Giants fan...I just don't dig the Red Sox, and they happen to be playing the I'm cheering for the Yankees. Actually, I'd be happiest just to see the Marlins lose (knocking my Sf Giants out of the playoffs!) I think Pedro just should've stepped out of the way-Zimmer would still have fallen flat on his face and it would have been much, much funnier... |
from common-tegus : |
thanks for the note. i stopped taking the trazodone... you're right. the tranquilizing effect is just way too much. i started taking kava kava before bed... much better ! (i heard melatonin can mess up dopamine uptake which is a prob with my meds for other stuff, like the geodon). anyway, thanks so much for the note. |
from common-tegus : |
thanks for the note. i stopped taking the trazodone... you're right. the tranquilizing effect is just way too much. i started taking kava kava before bed... much better ! (i heard melatonin can mess up dopamine uptake which is a prob with my meds for other stuff, like the geodon). anyway, thanks so much for the note. |
from red-savannah : |
Hey summer-gale! Cool diary-I am very jealous of your awesome bargain-filled shopping spree! New clothes...mmmmm.... :-) |
from jenne1017 : |
thanks for all the *Job support*! Ir eally appreciate it |
from strangerlucy : |
bwahaha- so true. I know, I thought to myself "some things you ought to know better than to put into writing" |
from catsnapples : |
I hope ypu can get this all behind you. Just don't go looking in the same usual places for new beaux. You'll probably find the same type as the old one. My heart is with you. |
from cosmicrayola : |
I lost the password when I reformatted. :( |
from jenne1017 : |
nope---went from a 22 to an almost 18 now...14 is the goal! |
from x-evelynn-x : |
='( tell her shes loved, hug her, and have her pray. make sure she demands love from God, and it shall be recieved. (thats from one suicidal freak to another). -deanna |
from squirrelx : |
Ever since you started writin' about the issue of fidelity in your marriage, I've been wantin' to leave you a note, but all my attempts at composin' one have been so lamebrained and trite that I couldn't bring myself to hit the enter key. This time, I will, 'cause I really want you to know that I'm prayin' for you. Only you can decide how to handle the situation and with as much love and wisdom as you possess, I'm sure your choices will be correct. As ever, Xtine |
from x-evelynn-x : |
what type of bpat is it? i have a bayliner cierra (24 ft) more for relaxing and speeding and tubing, not quite fishing. but we make by with it. |
from x-evelynn-x : |
I bet you're beyond relieved. I hope your man isn't an asshole still. You should smack him and see what he does. If he takes it as a reality check, he cares, if he reacts physcally, lose him. Eeks, maybe that's not my brightest idea, but it's whati would do. God bless, and keep it healthy! -Deanna |
from x-evelynn-x : |
One more thing. I learned to fight at a young age because my father used to hit me. Now that I can stick up for myself and manage on my own, I'm not too worried about the real world. |
from x-evelynn-x : |
you're welcome. being a teenager isn't too great now-a-days. my dad is very abusive (verbally), and now my mother is as well. my sister and i get alone one a month. my friends have all abandonned me because i recquire too much attention they say. (i just want to see them once a month) the locals hate me, as well as my pastor. some friends are upset with me because i dont guard my heart well enough, and then im crushed. i've had severe depression since the third grade, when my grandmother, and best friend, died of lung cancer. i get pushed around in school for being a little white girl, and they say im a freak. (im not) and i just recently stopped cutting. plus the melanoma. but on the bright side, i have an amazing boyfriend (that lives 12 hours away), and i have my faith. thank you for the hug. *hugs summer-gale* -deanna |
from x-evelynn-x : |
you know, you don't need to take that crap from him. im only 16, but i have melanoma. (cancer as well) i have little to no support from my family and friends, and its hard. if he isn't willing to give you a hug at 3 am, then he can fuck off. i never get hugs from my sister, parents, or anyone for that matter. i know how you feel. he is really lucky to have someone like you. and please, follow the doctor's orders. i don't like it either, but if i want to get better and back to normal, then i have to. i'll pray for you. -deanna |
from jenne1017 : |
tee hee it's under "talk" |
from neurotic-one : |
Geez Louise, that thing that tells you how many people are at your site is messed up. I clicked into my diary and it said 30 people were reading it.....yeah right! So I came into yours and sure enough...30 are in yours. |
from starrfish : |
Hey summer-gale! Thanks for the mention! I thought you'd be interested to know that my middle name is also Starr! One of my online friends started calling me Starrfish awhile sort of stuck. ;-) Sandy (Starr) |
from starrfish : |
Hi summer-gale! (Better late than never, right?) I've been reading you for quite awhile but have been slack about saying hello. I'm so glad you're doing well and I'm hoping with you that all of the bad stuff is over. Blessings to you.... Sandy |
from clauren : |
six were online with me. COOL BEANS. A great new toy you got there. WOOHOO> I think there are more people that are reading your diary then you know.......WOOO |
from squirrelx : |
Nadia IS fixed, thank heavens! She's not producin' milk and I'm definitely not makin' goats' milk soap. The stuff I use comes from a company out in Oregon. Best, Xtine |
from dominia : |
I don't mind you talking about Raed and Salam in your journal. The more people that see it, the better. I think I saw the link on memepool, myself. Hang in there with the chemo. You're a brave gal for writing about it. I love your diary layout, too. The graphics are awesome. |
from squirrelx : |
That's a mighty unpleasant way to earn your ten pound star! I sure hope you're feelin' better soon. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X |
from webster : |
Thanks for dropping by Summer. Next time you can use Sign My Guestbook which for now is buried under the rubble of my entries, way down at the bottom. I'm working on getting a banner made to submit to Andrew as I just got a Gold membership Wednesday night. I need a template, cheap (free perferably), know any resources? And I read your last three entries - good luck with your new protocol. I hope the sides don't creep up on you. [Like losing your nails!? Ewwww!!] Be well, Webster |
from squirrelx : |
Congrats on the chemo situation and best of luck on landin' a job at the hospital! I can't help gettin' the feelin' that you're enterin' a very magical period in your life. The stars are linin' up above you. Prepare to be shined on! Best, Xtine / Squirrel X P.S.: I need to go back to the Lesters to make sure they're informed of everything Dorie showed me. It's particularly important that Liz has the full story. She and I may end up talkin' to Dorie together, if the nightly noise sessions don't abate. |
from saved0803 : |
Hello! Do you remember G.I. Jane? Remember how Demi Moore looked pretty even bald? Well, I think you look just as pretty without hair too. |
from crosover : |
Very warm layout..just what I needed to see on this very cold day. At least you aren't having to shovel snow. Think positive now. |
from squirrelx : |
---oops. Had a little sendin' accident there, sorry. What I meant to say before I so stupidly interrupted myself is that your wisdom and support are abundantly appreciated. Love, Xtine |
from squirrelx : |
Thank you for your unfailin' wisdom and support. Both are ABUNDANTLY |
from squirrelx : |
I completely agree with your comments regardin' the shuttle crew, but I'm startin' to get a sick feelin' that their deaths could've been prevented if only NASA had listened to oft repeated warnin's from experts regardin' the condition of the Columbia. Should that prove to be true, it will only compound the tragedy. Best, Xtine / Squirrel Xtine |
from l-empress : |
I seem to remember, "when I am old I will wear purple and a red hat that doesn't go." I'm old now, but I don't wear purple. Or red hats. |
from cosmicrayola : |
Nope. It's Red Hat. Must have been a different buch that you saw, lol. |
from jenne1017 : |
What about getting canned veggies and/or frozen ones? Sure, they aren't AS good, but at least you can get the recommendations! |
from squirrelx : |
I can't wait to see your Vegas photos. The trip sounds like a dream come true. Is there a more excitin' city anywhere in the world? Best, Xtine / Squirrel X |
from clauren : |
Thanks so much for your beautiful note that you left not only for me but for sponge22bob. It meant a lot to her. I notice that lately she has been very sad about the way she looks and it meant a lot to her that you wrote her a note. It also meant a lot to me. YOu are so special and the word kind is so understatment. As far as the pictures. I get them at is a great place. What those pics are use for are the background on your computer as well as a screensaver. YOu can be a member for a price or join free and download 5 pics a day. I am a free member for a long time (before they started to charge)> I love looking at their pics and what I do is the right hand click it and to save the pics as a jpeg. That way I can use it for my diary. I email them and told them if it is okay for me to do that.....They replied and said it is okay. Just as long as I don't use it for a paid thing. Also when I finally fix my diary to add some more stuff(Hopefully tomarrow), I am going to put their website under the fun things to do. |
from erlenweg6 : |
I hope your evening with Ron went well and I pray that he will make being with YOU his priority! Men are difficult to understand sometimes, aren't they? hugs to you!! |
from clauren : |
Hey. I was stopping by and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas Eve and a Merry Christmas...Have fun with you family..... |
from saved0803 : |
Religions, in my opinion, are man made. I'm glad you see things that way you are at this moment. What we need is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I think this is what the bible is truly about. About knowing who God is. It doesn't say, "Thou shalt be Muslim, Catholic, Mormon, etc....". It only says that we must love God with all our heart, mind, and soul. (I'm not a bible thumper either, but I do believe what the bible says also.) Happy Holidays to you and your family! |
from squirrelx : |
You guessed right! Hogshead cheese is called 'cheese' because it's treated like cheese --- spread on crackers or in between slices of bread. Sometimes it's used to garnish other, equally noxious foodstuffs. Best, Xtine P.S.: I'm very glad you got some cheerin' up yesterday. I believe that pleasant encounter was an omen ... a portent of much greater happiness to come. |
from jenne1017 : |
Hey, if I saw you in a bar, I'd buy you your drinks too! That man is one smart cookie. Ron however, can use a beating. |
from msleslie : |
What a strong person you are! Paxil is a wonder drug. I should know. But an even better medicine is knowing there is someone who can listen and hold you when you cry. It can't be easy for you to be there for your daughter, when you're faced with such an obstacle of your own, but there you are. What a great mom! |
from squirrelx : |
I'm beginnin' to wonder if Ron might be Cornholio's long lost twin brother. Either way, seems to me they could both use few lessons in empathy --- reinforced, if necessary by the brisk application of a two by four to their frontal lobes. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X P.S.: you are ever in my prayers. |
from greenwitch : |
I have been reading your diary since it was a "featured diary" over at kitchenlogic. I am so very impressed with your strength and intellegence in what you are facing. I have a friend who is suffering from awful lymphedema post-mastectomy. You researched well and found good docs. I hope your journey through chemo is a benign one. Have fun with the lose of hair, you can try new looks and dispose of them with sound like someone who can remember to play. Big hugs. |
from squirrelx : |
Bless your heart for mentionin' me in your latest entry. That's a great kindness and a high honor. Since I began readin' your diary you've become one of my personal heroes and although there are many reasons why, first and foremost it's because you use your heart and your head at the same time. In my estimation, that's The Ideal. Love and logic are an unbeatable combination. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X |
from erlenweg6 : |
yay for good wigs! And quadruple yay for feeling better!! That is very good to hear. :-) hugs to you |
from squirrelx : |
Happy Thanksgivin'! I hope you have a wonderful holiday! I'm writin' this note from the Holiday Inn, praise Jesus. Cornholio is currently at the shitbox, chaos reigns, and the Thanksgivin' death match is set to commence around noon. Wish me luck. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X |
from erlenweg6 : |
I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I'll be praying for the aches & fever to go away and your energy level to return so that you can enjoy your grandaughter and the Thanksgiving holiday!! hugs to you |
from msleslie : |
Hey thanks for getting those wigs to a place where they will do some good. I"m tickled pink that they are appreciated. As for my friend Deana: She does have family in the area but like so many other families of Transsexuals, her family will have nothing to do with her. Her father was heronly source of support. |
from star-heart : |
I don't really know what to say to you, I've just randomly found your diary thru a guestbook here on diaryland and read for a while. you seem like a pretty strong person and i will be thinking of you. Good Luck! Emma |
from squirrelx : |
Thank you for your support and words of wisdom! I was completely unstrung by the car accident. Everything that happened afterward took on the contours of a dream ... or a nightmare. My brain's workin' a little better today, but I'm still not thinkin' straight. One positive development is that when I went for my walk this mornin', I met up with David and he acted completely normal. Delores was pretty upset though. She's driven with Miz Tate in the past and she was fit to be tied when she heard what happened. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X P.S.: it's not my place to be givin' advice, but after readin' your latest entry, I get the very strong impression that you might oughta wait just a bit before you return to work. Would it mess up your plans for Xmas if you were to remain at home until after the first of year? |
from neurotic-one : |
Oh you poor thing! I hope your friends in Diaryland come up with some helpful solutions. I will be praying for you. |
from jenne1017 : |
I wish I could help you out. Try FMLA??? (Family Medical Leave Act). It's worth looking into. 12 weeks unpaid I think for medical problems and they HAVE to hold your job for you, required by law. My employer gives 5 weeks paid and 7 unpaid. Worth looking into? |
from rock-n-robin : |
Thanks for the note, when things get moving in my life it's like a landslide! I just remembered, have you used the bath crystals I gave you? It will help with the achy knees not to mention it WILL help take out the toxins from your body. (If you need the directions, call me, I'll be here all night) The tea too will help you to relax and get some rest. All the herbs are Nervines which means it will calm you nerve endings. Your body was pretty beat up yesterday from the treatment it needs a bath and some tea. On another note "Hello Pooper Scooper!" |
from squirrelx : |
Thanks for your GB message and, as usual, for another brave, brilliant diary entry. I'd be willing to bet serious folding money [if I had any] that there a lot of folks out there goin' through the same type of treatment ordeal you are, who are gaining tremendous insight and encouragement from what you write. Those of us who are not ailin' benefit too, of course. Every day you're teachin' us object lessons in the triumph of the human spirit. As for the tea tree oil --- I think you're supposed to leave it on once applied, but with a dog, I'd have second thoughts about that on account of them possibly lickin' it off. I'd give the oil five minutes to be absorbed, then blot up any residual with a kleenex. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X P.S.: Delores is happier than I've ever seen her. Like you, I hope this romance will turn out to be what she's been dreamin' of , but now I'm avid to meet Win myself. Just to be sure. Delores is tough on the outside, but tender as a lamb on the inside. I worry ... I don't want her to suffer anymore heartbreak. |
from moon-song : |
i fixed the rest of "growing up"'d i do? |
from neurotic-one : |
Hi, now I have your card! |
from squirrelx : |
Dear Gale: Once again, I have to thank you for your responses to my entries. Please know that it means A LOT to me to have a talented and truly wonderful person such as yourself out there readin' my diary. As for a 'goodnight kiss', yes there was one. Not too spectacular though. I'll probably write about it today. Delores is very petite and Win is very tall. They both aimed to kiss each other, but their lips landed short of their intended targets. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X |
from squirrelx : |
You concluded your most recent entry by thanking your daughter for her courage. I want to say the very same thing to you. You're an exceptionally brave, insightful, and inspiring writer. It's always a privilege to read your diary. My soul is learning a lot from your soul and I'm profoundly grateful. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X |
from clauren : |
Thanks for your note. I appreciate it. Unfortuntely, Mitten passed away this morning. I did was happy to think of last night when after I finish with diaryland to go and get her and just pet her and be with her during that time. And plus I wrap her up in this old blanket I have and visit her before I went to bed. It makes it easier on me to think of that. Thank you so much for yours. Knowing that somebody as kind as you takes out your time to write me a note, it helps me a bunch. THanks again. |
from keryanna : |
Courageous people don't feel brave. Otherwise, they wouldn't be courageous. In order to brave, you have to feel afraid. Courage is acting despite your fear. So bravery is like having something stuck between your teeth - you don't know it's there unless someone tells you. :) |
from clauren : |
Hey. THanks for my note. I appreciate it so much. The vet visit went good. Her heart is excellent and lungs. Her cancer tumor got bigger but the cancer has not spread. I ask the vet if she is in any pain and he said that he doesn't think so. She doesn't act like it. Mitten has live a long life and she has been a one of the most sweetest animals around and if she is in the slightest of pain, I love her too much for her to be in any pain. I rather have my heart hurt then her. That cat still thinks she can get around with her one eye being blind and she falls. She still jumps around or runs around. NOw that is great. We are going to take it week by week to see how things go and create the best life for her as much as well can.....Thanks again for everything!!!!! |
from catsnapples : |
I like all the "bobs" in any color. The poofy hair is too much. What great neas, to know you don't have another tumor. Good luck in the morning. |
from catsnapples : |
Thanks for signing my Guestbook. Yes, she has already taken the shots. I know how frightening it can be when something so serious as loosing a baby looms before you. I appreciate your concern. |
from squirrelx : |
Thanks for your note, Summer-gale. I agree with you, Jesus does have a temper and it's a good thing, doncha think? I like the idea of The Good Shepard takin' his staff to the asses of sinners --- even if mine is one of them that gets paddled every now and then. |
from keryanna : |
What a brave woman you are. |
from clauren : |
Red head suites you well!!!!!!!!!! |
from clauren : |
Hey. I check in to see if you are okay. I am glad to hear that your test results came back clear and I will pray for you and think of you during this time....... |
from captainron : |
Just a quick note to say think you for signing my guestbook and for the kind words. While I'm not the most religous person in the world, I'll say a prayer for you today and hope that everything works out OK at the hospital. Please feel free to "stop by" any time. I definately will be back also. Ron |
from catsnapples : |
My eyes are misty righ now. I just read you entry for today. I do pray and will pray for you tonight and tomorrow. I hope you don't have too much pain and that you can be well very soon. God be with you. Joan |
from catsnapples : |
Thanks for adding me to your favorites. |
from catsnapples : |
I am very interested in the day to day approach you have taken with your cancer. All the details are a valuable asset, to anyone experiencing the same disease, of trying to understand all your emotions, frustrations, and fears. To me, it is couragous and unselfish to share such personal information. Although I have not had cancer, I have had 3 major surgeries in the last ten years, which have indeed left their scars. I am just now beginning to feel whole. And, wouldn't you know, I get to look forward to 2 knee replacements very soon. What can you do but keep smilin'? |
from roadiepig : |
Hey, thanks for dropping by and signing my g-book!....You have a spiffy layout on your page, and from what I read a diary that I need to read from the beginning....I will be back for more! |
from msleslie : |
Hi Summer! I'm sorry it took me a few days to respond to your comments in my guest book and in your diary. I have to say that right now, I'm just 'way too focused on myself and my trip that starts in less than a week to have the energy to have a dialogue about my surgery or my son's wedding. I apologise for that. You seem sincere, honest, and interested. I value people like you. I hope to make just a few updates to my diary while Im recovering in Thailand. I hope you'll kind of keep me in mind and perhaps we can start a discussion in mid October when I get back to my little apartment. I nthe meantime, take care and I hope that even though you don't understand or agree with my course of action, you'll send me some positive energy in your own way. I can use all I can get. |
from bonkrood : |
I just was checking out your profile and I love Susan Tedeschi too! I have got Just Won't Burn and she's amazing. |
from wall-flower : |
i always wished my name was summer. in which case, i too, would be a summer gale. honestly, i never even thought about that up until now. it's quite a pretty name. |
from summer-gale : |
test its me :) |
back to summer-gale's profile
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