messages to theflyingrat:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from boxx9000 :
from dreamofblue :
I'm writing again! Come check me out!
from nixtress :
Thank you for your thoughts. This Life thing isn't easy on any of us, is it? I hope you're able to find what you need to help you live in the sunlight. Believe it or not, I know quite a bit about what you're going through. If I can ever help, even just to offer an ear, please know that I'm here for you. I added a bit to my entry because I remembered having written something very similar before and indeed, I had, about my older brother and nearly 5 years ago. Sometimes we just need to see how our pieces fit in order to put it all back together again. Big hugs, Jenn.
from boxx9000 :
Jenn, you are NOT a negative person. The type of negative diary I was referring to is the one where they are always complaining about how much they HATE their childhood, HATE their parents, HATE their spouse, HATE their job, HATE the world. BUT, they don't do anything to bring about any changes. They just complain and complain and complain. Negative energy like that is so draining that I can't even make myself read those type of diaries anymore. YOU are NOT one of the negative diaries. You always have happy cute pictures of your kids, you work hard at being a GREAT Mom, ad you LOVE your husband. You are smart and you are funny. I LOVE YOUR DIARY and all your wonderful POSITIVE photos.
from nixtress :
BTW, have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend :)
from nixtress :
It's crazy, honestly. I don't like a whole lot of country music but I love concerts because they're a great opportunity to people watch! The last couple concerts I've gone to have been groups like 3 Doors Down and Staind. I figured what the heck! Why not? Free tickets are fine with me.
from nixtress :
Thank you for the birthday note :)
from jennifergwl :
Isn't it an awful feeling? The thought of my MIL having an influence on my kids when she did a horrible job raising her own... GAH! It just kills me!
from nixtress :
Merry Christmas, Jen. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your babies :)
from boxx9000 :
from momma-at-17 :
Hey I hope all is well. We just got internet back and I'm working on catching up on everyone. But I had a quick question for you... Did you happen to finish that template for me? If so could I please have the codes to update my look?
from emaciana :
i will miss you. i tried to leave comments on your wordpress page but it hates me and never left them. i. just wanted you to know that i did read you page but i couldn't comment.
from nixtress :
I'm sorry things are getting to you right now. I hope that, in the future, you'll come back to us. I'm thinking of you.
from lerin :
I'm locked out! NOOOOO! Email me at [email protected]
from jess1976 :
Hey there! Are you having problems with your other blog? I can't get in - it's taking me to some weird page.
from jess1976 :
Thanks for the note! It is ridiculous that he is forcing me to have the test. In the end though, I'm glad I heard his opinion on why he's so adamant about the test and it does make a lot of sense to me. I just wish he was a little nicer with the delivery of his speech! Yes, we want to find out what we're having - we're scheduled for the big ultrasound at 19 weeks - on 9/18. I'm excited, but I don't want to get too excited, because I don't want to be disappointed if they can't tell for some reason. So, how are you and family doing??
from kickme-tryme :
hello, can i have the password please? smasharash at hotmail dot com
from momma-at-17 :
Could you please email me the picture password for your new home, I didn't get a chance to write it down, and I can't get to it now that your page redirects, thanks! Oh, and if you don't mind I was curious to see if you'd be willing to do a layout for me...
from momma-at-17 :
You locked me out too? :( Password please?
from bodega :
Wow, I just read your last entry and I"m feeling for you. I was a planning on writing an update on some of my feelings about being where we live now which is similar than yours. I have no one... All the people around are J's "people". I have no one to talk to, or turn to, except that I know I can call my BFF if I need to vent. But I feel so alone the majority of the time. Thank God for my kids and my hubby. No wonder I'm so depressed all the time and the ED keeps flaring up.
from princesse69 :
I'd be angry too. Don't apologise for ranting, it's good to get it all out. I think it's sad though that poor Riley gets doors shut in his face. All children need to be told off now and again but you have to do it in the right way. No child should feel guilty or humiliated for acting like a child. I see it when I'm out shopping or wherever and the way some people tell their children off makes me feel so sad for them.
from sameoldfears :
i couldn't remember if it was harry or sally that said that!! i guess i was wrong. i had no clue what you were talking about when yo usaid harry though. i had to go back and re-read my own entry! haha. loser(me)
from sameoldfears :
haha, boyland. how true...:(
from readyorknot :
thank you for the list of books! I really would enjoy any book that is good (haha, no-one likes reading uninteresting books). If someone offers this or that book is good, i'll usually buy it if it sounds good to me. Will usually offers some really great books to read. THe last few books I've read were sentimental & love books. I really enjoyed Alice Sebolds two books.. Lucky and The lovely bones. I'm not sure if you read either. Lucky was about her own rape and lovely bones was about a girl who died and was telling her story of being raped and killed. Of course I can relate to them at some extent. She's coming out with another book in october and I'm absolutely THRILLED. really, I'll read any book. I've read some tami hoag (spelling may be wrong) and stephen king books so, i really will read anything. I go in cycles, i'll go through three books in two weeks and then i'll stop for a montha nd read alot of books then stop. etc etc.. haha, okay this is getting Long but, I'm really going to look into the books you suggested! I got a jennifer weiner book today (from walmart, not a great store to go to for books) 'the guy not taken' I really wanted to get 'good in bed' but, i'll have to wait to go to the bookstore in the mall. again, THANKS! :)
from sameoldfears :
ha! how embarassing. leave it to you to ask the question;-) i'm easy to woo, apparently.
from sameoldfears :
yep--that is him!!
from bubbles11090 :
thank you so much for replying to me about the thrush business:) I still have about half a bottle of the prescription stuff for her to take, and then I will go from there. So, thanks:)
from sameoldfears :
ironically, i use waaaaaay too much puncuation. maybe i wasn't quite 83% offended...that's alot of offense. i miss you.
from tequilamonky :
I got the chart from here.... She may ship to the USA?
from sameoldfears :
from sameoldfears :
from what i heard, the fight was over a stolen truck (his friend "stole" ben's) how lame!
from sameoldfears :
i thought i had mentioned that he cut his hair! he did it a week or so after we broke up. nice timing. ass. anyway, the what i meant by "stupid shit" was that he punched one of his best friends in the face (neither were sober of course) and knocked his front teeth out. idiot. the kids parents want to press charges.
from readyorknot :
he's the guy i went to HS with, that i mentioned awhile back in my other diary. the one that i felt iffy about, bringing into logan's life.. even as friends. Sorry for the confusion.
from sameoldfears :
that's who i thought! i wasn't sure so i thought i'd ask. yum.
from cosmicrayola :
Okay, Where are you? Standing behind the trees??
from readyorknot :
No... you aren't slow. I deleted the one word that would have made sense.. she was a stripper... i was told by a friend.. but my sister later denied it when i asked her about it. but somehow someone else mentioned it to me.. so, she lied.. but not many ppl would say they were if they were ashamed.. thanks. i didn't realize i didn't stripper, sorry.
from jess1976 :
Thanks for the great advice hun!!! I'm feeling better today. Thanks for thinking of me.
from readyorknot :
I'm content with my camera, for now. Its only a year old so, its still has some time. I just really don't like the prolonged picture taken (i just had a brain fart and cant think of the correct term) because as you know.. if your child is doing something sooo cute, if it doesn't take it THAT second, you might miss it, as that's what happens with Logan, even if its only 2 seconds. But, I'm okay with my camera for now. hehe. I know I just couldn't believe he's going to be four but, the way he talks, how smart he is. it seems like he'd be older! some of the things he says to you is just TOO darn cute!
from lindzeeleigh :
I like the list - I am intrigued and want to know more! Such cute new pics by the way, they made me go awww!
from anita-girl :
Hmm your comments is gone. I think when people say they are just like that about older people they think it is fine. Now aays we aren't accepting of bad behaviour and such. But before people were as people weren't into change and being the best person you can be. I am not trying to excuse it, because what she said is so far from being okay or right. My GIL is "funny" as I call it. It just seems sometimes that some older people don't want to bother anymore and just be brash now, does that make sense? I love those pictures. You should take a picture of yourself under the tree like that it's so pretty!
from sameoldfears :
hmm, that is strange that you can't tell when i updated...i wonder why. if anthony does in fact, become the love of my life...i will totally disregard that paragraph;-) until then, i think you're on to something. thanks♥
from readyorknot :
IF you have the time and want to make me a layout, its up to you. I have noo clue what I'd want. I was looking for something with upbeat, vibrant colors, sort of 'happy' colors.. but, I really didn't have much luck finding anything like that.. Haha.. honestly, I don't know.. sorry :)
from lerin :
Hey, your last entry? I know. I'm not there right now, but things were really rough after Isabella. And yes, having kids does make you slightly exhausted a lot of the time, but they aren't the problem. I know exactly what you mean about needing them to keep you sane... about the "who has it worse" game... and I agree 100,000% on the issue of the frivolous Great American pursuit of "stuff" is, when it just makes your family miserable. I don't jave advice, just want you to know I am reading and I do understand what you are saying. Love you, sweetheart.
from xx-angel-xx :
I want to thank you for your note you left me. it actually made me cry!! haha.. i of course will be continuing to read your diary, how could I not? I wrote why Its time to say goodbye. Sorry it was so off gaurd, its actually been on my mind for awhile.. ever since the whole down time here.
from emaciana :
hey.. your haloscan doesn't work with my browser for some reason. but aislyn is adorable in the video. do post more!
from mamabean :
Haloscan is acting very weird this morning. SHE IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! And so expressive! I can see her little mind thinking, "Hey wha happen'a my MUSIC, Mum? C'mon!" Hee hee hee... such a set of cheeks on that bee bee. They would be good on toast with plenty of butter, they would. ;)
from lowercaseg :
Jenn - thank you so much for your comments on my other diary!!!!
from lindzeeleigh :
I am going to check out your photos! I am also on flickr - lindzeeleigh. I hope you will get a chance to post the pics here as well. I have so many entries to write and pictures to share. I really need to get on that!
from emaciana :
i'm such a ditz. i lost your pw again! cookies on computer got wiped out. could you email it to me again? thanks! starrysugar at hotmail.
from boxx9000 :
from mymemry :
I DID try to do a test update and was unable to. That sucks. It's been like that for a couple of days? Maybe they are broke too. Do you need a pw for your myspace site? Julie
from mymemry :
Jenn, I don't understand what you said about the gold membership. I don't have one and I can still write. What do you mean? Julie
from sameoldfears :
yes that was my nasaly voice. allergies and whatnot. thanks though:)
from silverscorp :
Hey girl. I really miss you on the message board! Hope your well.
from ashnwesten :
Thank you for the note.. I think that is the longest comment you have ever left for me. :) I totally agree with you.. I just don't know what to DO. :-/
from princesse69 :
Have you changed your password recently? For some reason the username/password combo isn't allowing me in. Could you please send me your password to - [email protected]. Thanks!x
from startafresh :
re: your comment, No, I don't feel bad at all (hence the little smiley face). I may give more details later, hahaha but like Justin Timberlake says "What Goes Around Comes Back Around" hahaha. :)
from xx-angel-xx :
hey, you haven't updated forawhile and with easter coming and going, its not like you not to post pictures or anything about the holiday. I'm hoping everything's alright and the kids are doing good, in every way, and i hope their colds are gone and they're back to being healthy babies!! (big boy for riley :)
from sweetkisser1 :
Hi, did you change your password? Are you giving it out, and would you mind if I had the new one?
from nixtress :
Happy Easter!
from lerin :
Yes! It's just hertinyhands/hertinyhands
from bodega :
I hope Aislyn feels better...
from sameoldfears :
i mean where on your lip did you have pierced?
from sameoldfears :
i want my lip done so bad. where did you have it pierced?
from sameoldfears :
No, I don't like him. I just didn't wanna blow him off and he's a talker so I knew there wouldn't be toooo many odd awkward silences. But I COULD like him...he's gonna be a doctor!;-)
from lerin :
Oh, and I wanted to let you know... you didn't step on my toes. I did need to convince myself that I was happy, because seeing no way out of my miserable marriage, I tried to make the best of it at the time. Your comments always make me feel so much better, whether you are agreeing with me, empathizing, or giving me some advice. Thanks, Jenn. :)
from mayfire7 :
Hey this is Christy Laura/bubbles11090's friend. I know the pictures are kind of small. I would be happy to email bigger ones to you. Shoot me an email [email protected].
from bitterwineuk :
wasn;t there 3 sharks in Nemo? I haven't seen of for a while but I think Kenny the Shark sounds great anyway! :) Hope your weekend has been ok!
from smedindy :
See, this is why we couldn't be a couple, even if you did dye yer hair red. I mean, Liz knows SOMETHING about one sport, at least. (Hoops...)
from ashnwesten :
I sent you an e-mail, but not to the one you have listed in your profile. I hope you get it.. If not, my e-mail's ashleybrooke83 at hotmail. Thank you.. and I hope all's ok.
from jess1976 :
Hey Jenn - would you mind sending me the new pw info? You can send to [email protected] Thanks!
from leebeenz :
I would love to get your new password. [email protected]
from emaciana :
i would love your password hon. starrysugar @
from xx-angel-xx :
did you change your password? Are you kindly giving the new one out :) hehe.
from nixtress :
Hey you. Password change? Can I have the new one, pretty please? [email protected]
from silverscorp :
Jumping on the we-love-Jenn bandwagon here! [email protected]
from lowercaseg :
me, too. [email protected] thanks!
from lindzeeleigh :
I would like the new password too please, Jenn. :) lindzeeleigh at hotmail dot com. I hope everything is okay!
from bubbles11090 :
hey, could I have your new password? thanks! [email protected]
from lerin :
I haven't checked on you in a couple of days, and I'm locked out! Email me at [email protected]
from bitterwineuk :
same as Anita, my password won't let me in. Please email me. Becca
from anita-girl :
Hey! Did you change your password info? If you would like to share with me please email at [email protected]
from mamabean :
Yes, VERY good thing. VERY.
from mamabean :
Yes and no. I accidentally loaded the FriedOkra entry to this diary for a minute... could have been catastophic. So I deleted it and moved it quickly to the right place. ;)
from sameoldfears :
i don't know what normal is. that's why i was hoping you could tell me!;-) it's not all guys. i don't know what it is. maybe i don't love him as much as i thought.
from lerin :
Thank you for your last comment. It made me cry. Sometimes you say exactly what I need to hear.
from mamabean :
HAD pets. Remember Eliot the Wondercat? He's all dead now. Been over a year. He died when I was up here picking out all the countertops, cabinets and flooring for this house. Sad. Popper was another cat. He was the coolest cat in the world. He was a dog, really, but he wore a cat costume. Anyway, yeah. I HAD pets. I imagine I'll be forced to have another someday since Al loves dogs. I don't want one, but I bet I'll have to have one someday. You should come visit me before that.
from marlen816 :
Yes, she has an open adoption. I think she gets photo updates for the first year and then gets to decide how much contact she wants after that. I hope she wants to be a teenager and keeps in touch by updates. I think if she sees him it may be too hard on her. But, who knows. I could NEVER do what she did. Nope. Not me.
from green-kiwis :
You're the best, Jenn. I don't think I'm an amoral bitch either, but it was what I felt as I wrote, even if it was harsh. Have a wonderful day!
from lindzeeleigh :
YAY, that is what I thought!! :)
from lindzeeleigh :
Quick question : [since i am sort of new around here? :P] I am wondering how to pronounce Aislyn's name! I have seen it spelled a few ways similar to that, but all of them sounded different. i need some help with the phonetics!
from lindzeeleigh :
I would recommend all the books on my current list, except for the first one, that one was not good. I really enjoyed the rest of them, especially My Sister's Keeper. :) You should check it out, if you can find some time in your busy schedule to read....I really can't believe how crazy busy moms are. Moms rock!
from sameoldfears :
I HATE Peeps too. I think my dad was the one that ate them. Ick. I can't even THINK of eating them, it makes me sick.
from lowercaseg :
Ohh no - I hate when that happens. I get so much junk mail that I rarely look at it. I just let it delete itself. Thank you for resending! If it's not in my inbox, I'll know where to look. Hehehe.
from lowercaseg :
Aww, thanks so much for your notes! Can I have your password, too? [email protected] Thanks!! :D
from lindzeeleigh :
Looks like I will have a lot of catching up to do! ;) Thanks for the password!
from silverscorp :
Hey girl! May I have your passwords again plz? My laptop doesn't have any stored. :(
from boxx9000 :
The two day a week teacher will need to hire someone to *job share* She'll do 2 days and the other person will do 3 days.
from green-kiwis :
By in do you mean in here on Diaryland or in everyday life?
from green-kiwis :
Wow. That portrait of Aislyn really looks like Riley!
from sameoldfears :
i'll update more, that is my solemn vow! hehe. ben's family is pretty close but since they lived out in iowa, they didn't see her as much. still, it's sad. ♥
from poopiebitch :
Thank you.
from bitterwineuk :
no photos on diary anymore as my camera has been broken since November so I think it will be a while before I can afford a new one.
from boxx9000 :
from xx-angel-xx :
i just wanted to make sure you were okay.. you haven't updated in a few days. did you ever take a test? I hope everything's okay!!
from momma-at-17 :
Happy Belated Birthday! And hope all goes well with your dilemma.
from silverscorp :
Hey Jenn. No I didn't do the announcements. I ordered them from They have a great selection. Hope you're feeling better today!
from emaciana :
i hope you guys all feel better soon. being sick sucks!
from alwaysange :
I'm wishing you a happy birthday and here's hoping that the signing of the lease is quick and painless! May your year ahead be full of more blessings.
from sameoldfears :
i did update but then i deleted it b'/c it was really lame. no really, it was really lame.
from sameoldfears :
I can't believe I forgot velcro! What was I thinking?;-)
from xx-angel-xx :
i want to thank you for your note. It means more to me then you'll ever know.. EVen when you have TWO children and your own problems you're still there to say such kind words, thank you! :)
from lerin :
ALL of your recent comments have been appreciated, as always. :) I wasn't thinking you were implying I shouldn't have one. It did give me some comfort to know that you labored without an epidural and lived to tell the tale. Don't ever censor yourself, you are free to speak your mind on any subject. I respect you and your opinions. I just felt like I needed to elaborate, but it definitely wasn't directed at you. Now, I am going to need your baby-diary passwords again. When you get a chance, email me at [email protected]
from sameoldfears :
from alwaysange :
Wow, look at you! You are a much more efficient reader than I am (or you have more time). I only read 24 in 2006 and have 25 for my goal of 2007. Good work, Jenn!
from nixtress :
Happy New Year :)
from mamabean :
Well that is the joy of friendship! Just when you think you have a friend all figured out, she reveals a fun new layer of herself. I hope you find some monkey PJs to call your own!
from thehour :
omg, that would soooo piss me off too! but i'm wondering if she thought that was the wishlist?? like maybe she didn't read the email and just went straight to the list? but i'm not defending! i'm totally on YOUR SIDE!! bad mil!
from nixtress :
Merry Christmas :)
from xx-angel-xx :
that seriously is WAYYY too many presents, haha!! Riley looks happy though :) I'm glad you had a good time!
from boxx9000 :
THANKS for the Christmas card/photo of your two sweet kids. WheEeee! Hey, your mother in law doesn't look very old, how old IS she? and.....what is Santa bringing YOU? (other than your new baby daughter)
from bitterwineuk :
:) Thank you for your comment. I have no idea if it was planned because of the season but I suspect it probably was. If Matthew had have been a girl and born early anytime in December he may have been called Holly but obviously he wasn't. Can't believe Aislyn is a month old already!!!!
from sameoldfears :
I'd love to come to Maine;-) Amy and I are just both really busy (her more so than me) and we have really different schedules so not much time to talk.
from boxx9000 :
2 kids are plenty. Overpopulation and the cost of weddings and college etc. hehehehe. I had a terrible time breastfeeding my daughter. I gave up after 3 months.
from silverscorp :
Hey Jenn. Can I get your passwords again please? [email protected]
from mel-is-dvash :
I tried to leave a comment and for some reason it didin't work. I just wanted to tell you how delightful it was seeing all the baby pictures - it brightened up my whole day. Thanks! Mel
from nixtress :
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
from green-kiwis :
Jenn, can I get the UN/PW for riley's page?
from bodega :
Did you change your longon and password... I can't read you!!! Did you have the baby!!!???
from zkandaloza :
Hello! I've been reading your button2006 blog and would love to read this one if you would like to share your password. Thanks, take care! [email protected]
from sameoldfears :
No, you didn't offend me! I got into the bad habit of just bitching and moaning in there and I need to get out of it. You just brought it to my attention:) I am lactose intolerant so I drink soy milk. I only use it in cereal though. Just wondering, are you against all vaccines or just the flu shot?
from alwaysange :
Two days and no update...makes me wonder if there is a baby girl yet? Hope you are doing well!
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, yay!!! That's great!! eh, spoil em while you can :)
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, rats! haha, i was just a bit excited.. also, with the new cars movie coming out today, walmart (or atleast my store) had soooo many cars (the ones ur looking for) come in on display today, so, i was wondering if u ended up finding any more? My dad told me about them so, i'm going to look tomorrow when i go into work and see which ones are still there, because i always only see the ones riley has already!
from xx-angel-xx :
okay... No update at riley's. or aislyn's or your diary (so far)... is that a sign that there's a new baby girl or SOON :)
from mymemry :
In response to your latest David entry - I'm just so sorry. It does hit hard and deep when you think of it like that, your boys. I'm sorry.
from sameoldfears :
I'm not sure what is wrong with haloscan...but alas, here is your note.:) I can't believe she is *STILL* acting so juvenile. I hate to see there be tension in families, but I think you've done enough with putting up with her behaviour. I'm glad Riley had fun though! And yay for it being November 1! I couldn't get into anyone's diaries today (for some server related reason) and I saw that you updated and I was all nervous that you went into labour or something and I wouldn't've been able to check! I'm glad to hear the bun is still in the to say. Internet, don't fail me now! Ok, I'm done. ♥
from mymemry :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR RILEY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Happy 3rd birthday. I hope yall have a fun, fun, fun day.
from alwaysange :
I hope she's born right on the 5th of November because that's my un-birthday. :) I am also hoping you have a really easy delivery, no matter if it's natural or c-section. Sending you the best of vibes for your week ahead!
from boxx9000 :
Hi Jenn, I've been meaning to tell you that your son is absolutely ADORABLE, but you already know that. How are YOU doing? Do you think your baby girl will arrive this week? WheEeeEee! So exciting. Love you lots. (((hugs))))
from emaciana :
i just wanted to say - i'm so excited for you! just thinking how close you are to holding little aislyn in your arms... it's so exciting!
from nixtress :
Thanks :) I have a Kodak Easyshare camera and just turned off the flash. It's so easy to get good pictures with this camera :) I love it!
from sameoldfears :
We work with those bacteria that cause the flesh eating crap. It doesn't scare me nearly as much as working with E. coli...which smells lovely by the way.
from alwaysange :
Awww, that's so cute about Riley's song request. I am glad you're okay and so excited for you to have a daughter. Good times ahead!
from tequilamonky :
Hiya! Password is on it's way. Could I have yours too? These notes here look like there's exciting news that I've missed :)
from bitterwineuk :
Hey darlin, I mean darlins, there are 2 of you sitting there reading this :). Hope all is ok today, thank you for you comments earlier but I am fine. Just a had a rough couple of days with a certain person (yep, a male one) and I think I have things straight in my mind again, for now at least but thanks for being so sweet and asking after me anyway. Becca
from sameoldfears :
I hope you feel better. Sorry you've been feeling sick. I can't friggin' wait for her. Maybe I'm getting a little too outta control...
from sameoldfears :
And the thing is, I work at a super casual fintess/rec/sports center (and we have to wear khakis!). I hate stupid dress code rules!
from boxx9000 :
Hey, how are you? I've been embarassed to say I lost your password AGAIN. (cry) I thnik of you often and hope all is going well?????
from ashnwesten :
Just got your note on babymakes3-- Thank you so much :)
from sameoldfears :
Hehe, I figured that was the case:)
from mamabean :
Everyone's comments are acting weird today so I'm just writing notes instead. I am sorry, so sorry, you lost your Dad so young. I am glad that, as you said, time has dulled the pain for you. I am most glad you have found a good man in Kent, as I know that he can probably fill at least some of the void created by your father's early passing. I, too, as I find so many other mothers express, have HUGE fear about losing Al and Alex. When you wrote about your bad dream about Riley, I could completely relate, although I do not DREAM about horrid things happening so much as I imagine them in waking hours and even then they become so real to me that I feel they may be some sort of premonition. I have only been able to stomach allowing Al and Alex to go places alone together a handful of times since Alex was born, as I am just too scared of that phonecall, or that knock on the door saying that the two people who literally give me reason to live/breathe are gone. I do not think you are strange or alone in your fears. You know what really gets to me is that my life has been so good that sometimes I think it is only a matter of time before I will have to lose something precious to me in order for me to "grow" (a particularly ugly manifestation of part of Christian doctrine) and that my little family, as perfect and wonderful as they are, will be that precious something. I pray not! It is a good thing that being a wife and Mama keep us busy enough to distract us from all of these fears... or we'd worry ourselves into insanity! I'm glad you wrote about this... I feel alone and crazy sometimes, too, but clearly that's not the case.
from emaciana :
i am totally going to find out ASAP whether it's a boy or a girl. I can't wait! ever since I found out I was pregnant that has been the biggest question in my mind. Only 1 week and 5 days more until THE ultrasound. send me pink dust please!!!
from eggsaucted :
Why thank you! We had a blast yesterday. BTW meant to say something last week....but I was reading two of your diaries. Not sure if you're as obsessive as I am about checking stats, but it always used to freak me out when I got a bunch of hits and wasn't expecting them. Ok, I need to go and pack her highness' lunch for tomorrow and pick out our clothes for the week before I fall asleep at the computer.
from xx-angel-xx :
thank you for your notes!! I have not switched yet. I'm hoping to go to the store today or just have my mom pick some up after work. I'm sure he'll take fine to it but, you never know with small children! I for one have never tasted 2% milk before so, i realy don't know what it takes like! Is riley on 2% milk?
from thehour :
K and i have been together for 14.5 years. we started 'dating' in the 8th grade and i was 14. i am now 28 and we have been together for exactly half of my life which is really quite odd to think about. :)
from sameoldfears :
You have good points in all of the comments that you left;-) No really though, I appreciate it and it makes sense. By dating a guy from another school, she's already kind of losing her friends from HER school. It's a small, private, snooty school in all honesty...I won't lie.
from alwaysange :
What a sweet picture within a picture. I adore that adorable toddler smile and the photo frame is cute too. I heart Halloween!
from bitterwineuk :
Just going round very quickly thanking everyone for all thier support over the past few days concerning my locked diary. It really is much appreciated. Thank you for everything!!! Becca
from lerin :
The doctor said the bleeding is probably coming from the placenta or the cervix... so, no, they don't really know. I'm having yet another appointment next week, so we'll see if they can tell me more then. That's the most frustrating part for me... complete lack of answers.
from alwaysange :
I can't get haloscan comments to load on my home computer for whatever reason still (ack!). I just had to comment and say how adorable Riley is and he looks like a little man now! I'm shocked at how much he resembles Kent. I think it's awesome he has you to take such great pictures to commemorate the events in his life.
from lerin :
I forgot to answer you! :) Isabella says Ba all the time, but I don't know if it is for "bella," "baby," "bottle," or "Bye." It seems to cover everything. Or who knows... maybe she's just making joyful noise! I'm not really sure what her official first word is. She makes so many consonant noises and I'm not convinced she is using them properly yet.
from mamabean :
Stupid woman. What nerve... and who is she to judge whether or not you're glowing? I miss you. I'll be home tomorrow night and back to check out back entries and catch up. Hugs to all of you.
from eggsaucted :
At least people understand. It's not that I want her to be unhappy, I just want her to acknowledge the change in our lives. Thanks for the compliment.
from sameoldfears :
I haven't been called a monkeybutt in years. It made me laugh.
from imazook :
I unlocked! It was a temporarily lapse. :)
from mymemry :
Hey Jenn. I need your address. I needed it before you wrote your last entry. Honest. By the way, you don't ever come across as 'needing' anything in your diary. I have good instincts and I think yall have everything you need and then some...But that doesn't mean people don't want to share stuff with you or give you stuff. I am serious about needing your address. I may just want it for my address book or so I can stalk you next time I am in the New England area....
from babymakes3 :
Hm, I just NOW noticed your private diary! Would you mind if I have the info? [email protected]
from imazook :
Thank you so much for the note. You're exactly right! Worrying about it won't get me anywhere but chest pains and a shorter life. I go thru phases where I take things as they come...this isn't one of them. ♥
from bitterwineuk :
I thought the 8 thing was myspace related. I am on there but I prefer the UK site I use. Get to know people near me rather than in the US. myspace definitely isn't so big in the UK as it is over there. Becca
from lerin :
Don't ever apologize... your "books" are always my favorite!! Also, I wanted to say something to you... On your button2006 site, I left a comment that said something about you needed to have at leats one more baby, since i never saw you with less than three. As SOON as I hit the post button, I realized that was probably a really crappy thing to say. I want you to know that I do acknowledge that David is your second baby, and Aislyn is your third. Experiencing this uncertainty (which I need to THANK YOU for helping me through it) brings that home to me too... I'd never want this baby, should the worst happen, to be forgotten. I just needed to clarify that whether it made a difference to you or not! I love you Jenn. You are such a wonderful mother and friend.
from lerin :
I sent my password to you at 9:00 this evening. Let me know if you didn't receive it!
from silverscorp :
Hey there. My name is Jenni and I've always wanted to read you back like a year ago when I was writing about my pregnancy and then the birth of my son b/c we had mutual "buddies". If that's okay I would love to get your password, if not I totally understand. Take care-J
from xx-angel-xx :
About your question to size clothes logan wears. Logan wears an XS in shirts in the BOYS section and SOME 5t's in the toddler section BUT not very often. He's still in the toddler section for his pants. I'm guessing a 4 or 5 T. His top half is MUCH larger then his top half. Its often frustrating buying him clothes because his top is completely different from his legs because they're shorter BUT he's so tall. Haha. Anyway He's bigger then most 2 yr olds. What size is Riley in because you can tell he is/was bigger then probably his age.
from mamabean :
Hola! I am at Nana's and don't have the password for theflyingrat here... would you email it to me at my usual email address, please? Hope all is well!
from xx-angel-xx :
Awe, you're welcome! I would have bought tons and tons more of clothes. I LOVE baby shopping, haha.. I seen the pink bunny and i had to get it. I know babies love soft, music stuff so, its okay :) Its ironic how its the same music as yours! Anyway, you're welcome! :)
from xx-angel-xx :
thanks for your note. I'm okay. How are you? I did update but then i later took it down. It was rather stupid and I really didn't want to look back and read it again. I don't know if you got my message (e-mail) in myspace or not but, i sent the package out and if theres anything you want to exchange, go right ahead. I won't be offended. I also read that you already have a million 0-3's so, if you want to exchange them for a bigger size, you can. i dont mind, really. I'd rather you get use out of something. I read that entry after the fact i got everything so. There's receipts on the bottom of the box so you can exchange it and such so, don't feel like you have to be obligated to keep them if you don't like them or you want something in a different size! ((hugs)) I hope everything's going well with you all!
from imazook :
I don't think Ben is the one for me either. Before, I never even gave another guy a 2nd glance. It's kind of confimation that things are crappy with us, I guess. It's not bad enough to break up over. Him and his brother are actually pretty similar only his brother is much quieter, dorkier and has darker (shorter) hair. Um, three qualities I look for in a man;-) Now, I'M talking in cirles. I'm scared to say what I really want to say. I'm sure I will in time. Thank you for the note.:) Get some sleep!! How's the baby??
from prgat14query :
Hey, could I have the pass/user info for David's diary, please?
from imazook :
Yea, he is younger. He just graduated from high school!! Eeek...and Ben is 21.
from bodega :
Hey... right there with you. My SIL was a bitch when I was pg, and she would ignore GG, especially when she found out we were having a boy, because it was going to be the first and only boy!!! People suck, that's all I gotta say!!
from bitterwineuk :
thanks for the comment. since I banished those silly things, my windows open quicker, I am not having my computer crashing every few minutes and going slow. My computer is working perfectly. Just goes to show how these things mess things up.
from bitterwineuk :
thanks for testing the haloscan anyway. I have not altered anything on my pc for it to stop working and although I have a pop up blocker I never have it on so EVERYTHING should come through. New entrie come up in a new window as they should but it's just haloscan I cant open mine or anyone elses which is why I haven't commented for a couple of entries. Strange. It's gone midnight now but I think tomorrow I will have a good look in my settings anyway. Hope you are having a good week my lovely. Becca
from imazook :
Well, it's a condensed class so it only goes for half of a semester. It's over in Oct...I call it a half class;-) Change is like's good SOMETIMES and always in moderation...
from lerin :
Oh, all of my get-well-soon wishes are coming your way!!
from imazook :
I kept asking him about them and he goes, "What do you think I'm gonna do? Hold them hostage and destroy them?" I'm just very concerned about my music;-)
from imazook :
Yes, we're both adults. I was just poking fun at my desperate need for my cds. It was kind of a joke. We've talke about it.
from xx-angel-xx :
Riley is adorable. I'm glad you wrote an e-mail to Kent. Sometimes e-mails, letters or whatever is so much better then talking to someone because you can get EVERYTHING out you want without getting cut off or having more things arise from it and getting away from your point you started with. He might be more excited about the baby or showing he's more excited now because he wants more children and he knows what to expect. Perhaps he was abit nervous the first time around so, he wasn't all around excited as he is this time. IF that even makes sense ((hugs)) I hope you don't have strep, that would be awful! Take care and try and get lots of sleep tonight!!
from lerin :
Hahaha! Oh, let him be a princess if he wants to! Can you imagine how priceless those pictures will be... how much blackmail you'll have on him when he's about 15? ;) I'm glad you got some things out that needed to be said, in a constructive way that saw good results! Yay for you. I'm horrible at fighting... we always feel worse afterward instead of better. And last thing... Chirstmas shopping already? This is reason 1008 why I love you so much.
from boxx9000 :
Hello! I'm baaaaaack! long time, no hear. i hope all is well for you and your family ???? I've lost your password AGAIN! i am an airhead, SORRY. But, I think of you often and hope all is well. LOVE, BoXx
from lerin :
I had so much fun with photoshop yesterday thanks to you! Took my mind right off of everythign bothering me. It's not the greatest work ever, but I did a new template at hertinyhands. I learned a bunch from you... thank you SO much!!!
from lerin :
Losing a child is never something you entirely "get over." I'm so sorry that you have to go through it. (((HUGS))) I love you. I wish I had something more profound to say, but I don't. Smetimes, there's no such thing as "the right words."
from nixtress :
Thank you for the note. I'm hoping this helps her in a big way and she's able to move forward, towards a more positive future. I'm hoping. :)
from imazook :
I guess sometimes, I have a tendency of sitting there and picking him apart...pointing out all he does wrong. Sometimes, I feel like I'm just tryin g to get him to break up with me. I think we did last night, but I'm not sad. I don't understand why!!! Any ideas?
from imazook :
You said you didn't want to tell me what to do. This is where we clash...see, because I want you to!;-) It'd be easier having you as my life coach. I would pay well too! It wasn't until about a month ago that I didn't think Ben was "the one". I wanted to be with him forever. I don't know what changed...I don't know when it changed exactly. It just did. Just curious, what do Kent and I have in common? (Not that I think it's a bad thing either!) Oh, and I found out I can't have nose piercings at work. But visable tattoos are just fine. That's horsecrap, I say! I'm gonna get a nasty tattoo on my neck just to spite the cleancut jerks who made that rule. Grrr, I'm bitter. I miss you. How's the baby?
from emaciana :
i just found your diary losingdavid and would love to read this one. could i have the pw please? i am pregnant for the first time, 11 weeks right now. take care. [email protected]
from lerin :
I do have adobe photoshop, but I am going to need a book to learn how to use it! I just figured out how to change to greyscale this week, and I've had the thing for months! How sad is that... if you want to give me a tutorial, I'd love to find out how! I need to update the girls diary. :)
from lerin :
If and when we ever meet, I'm going to teach you to pump gas and I'm taking you to Starbucks. (I hate coffee of ANY variety, but Starbucks has great hot chocolate.)
from lerin :
Wait, you mean you actually allow Riley out of your sight for moments at a time? Tsk, tsk.
from purplesage26 :
Thanks for the note, the last part made me laugh. I am moving because we live on his grandfather's property. No I'm not moving in with my sis, their mobil home is crowded enough with just the 3 of them. Danny and I are going to save some money so I can hopefully get an apartment or maybe a 1 bedroom house. With it coming close to the end of the year, I don't know how well we are going to do at that. Everyone's birthday and the holidays are coming. We'll see. And as for it being none of your business, nonsense, you are my friend, you can ask ANYTHING you want.
from alwaysange :
Hey, I wanted to let you know I got your email and I will hopefully have enough time tonight after work to put together a more in-depth analysis for you. :) Hope you have a good day!
from lerin :
The name is just beautiful. I didn't feel "connected" to Isabella in utero the way I did to Sophie for awhile either. I think I was just SO sick, and so busy and stressed with the wedding planning and the move. I felt guilty that I could no longer be SuperMom to Sophie, that she stayed inside many more days than not and that she watched a lot of PBS kids in the early months. SHe had my "loyalty." But, I started bonding with Isabella once everything settled down here in Houston... around 7 months or so. I kept talking to Adam about being afraid I couldn't love her as much as I loved Sophie. I think every mom feels that way, whether she vocalizes it or not. As soon as I saw her though, no exaggeration, I burst into SOBS and all I could say was "I love her so much!!!" It was crazy. I saw her and suddenly, I loved her as much as I did Sophie. Instant. It was awesome. This time, I'm not feeling worried at all about the bonding process. I sdo feel a little guilty that Isabella won't be my "only baby" until she is 2-ish, but I think it will be wonderful for them to be so close in age. Okay, I wrote a book about ME, trying to help you understand your feelings are totally normal and everythign will resolve itself! I'm SO BEYOND EXCITED for this baby to arrive. You aren't going to believe how much love your heart can hold without bursting! Get some rest.
from lerin :
Aislyn? GORGEOUS! :) I am so glad that everything is okay.
from mymemry :
Hey Jenn! I am so excited about you having a little girl soon. They are just so 'pretty' and delicate. I don't really do pretty and delicate. I can become pretty and delicate when I want to be, but for the most part I just like being comfortable. As far as the front facing car seat - the requirements are at least 1 year AND at least 20 pounds. Well, Nathan's weight gain was quite slow and so I waited. Then I read that they are 'safer' in a crash if they are rear facing. My car seat can be rear facing for up to 30 pounds. Nathan will be 2 and a half by the time he reaches 30 pounds!! James decided that it's time. So.... I guess it is. Now I can see Ava (with the help of a mirror on the back of the seat) and Nathan in my rear view mirror. I guess it is a good thing.... It just means he's growing up. I got more energy during my last trimester. But then I got sorer too. Joint pain and stuff. I'm getting old though... You are a good mommy. very very good.
from imazook :
I'm sooooooooooo sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. In response to your question, the vas deferens would be 6 meters if spread out. Poor little spermies have to do some work after all! ;-)
from lerin :
I remember feeling the same way about Sophie... realizing I was already having to divide my attention between two. I'm willing to bet I'll feel the same way at six months pregnant for Isabella.
from lerin :
I don't blame you AT ALL. I don't think you should allow her into your life whatsoever. Don't worry about how it 'looks' to his family. She is a cancer. Also, anytime you're ready... I'll help you find a great place in Houston. Adam will even help unload the truck!
from bodega :
Your SIL sucks.... I've been meaning to leave you a note. The same thing happened to me during my pregnancy with LB. I think I wrote about it. They thought my placenta looked very low and had me have another U/S a couple of weeks later and it was moving up, so I'm sure that's what will happen with you too... try not to worry about it too much. Thinking of you...
from camham :
Thanks for the note, Jenn. I appreciate all the support. I just want to be the perfect mom, I guess, with the perfect kid. Is that too much to ask for? Haha. Again, thank you! Heather
from lerin :
I keep hoping Megan has another baby too!!! :)
from lerin :
I love Riley for wanting Cinderella bandaids, and I love YOU for getting them for him! I understood completely about the Bitch, really. Your entry, combined with previous ones, makes all of your feelings justifiable. Also, I have my fingers crossed that it WILL resolve itself. Being on bedrest when you already have one child to care for, as well as the worry and fear of c-sections... *shudder* I'm ever the optimist as well, though. I think everything will be fine! Happy thoughts!!!
from mymemry :
Hey Jenn. I smiled when I read what you wrote about being a bit fearful about having a C-section. I feel the exact SAME way about having this baby normally. Nathan was born via C-section because he cocked his head way back when I was about 7cm dilated and was attempting to get ready to come out face first. His heartrate had some major dips early on and I was ready for a C-section HOURS before they actually did it. I just assume being cut open again for this baby - it makes me feel safer that they can just make an incision and gently pull the baby out. I wouldn't have to worry about the cord being wrapped around the baby's neck, or the baby getting stuck, or not tolerating labor in general. BUT, my plan is to give 'natural' childbirth a try. I was induced with Nathan and I shall NOT BE with this one. If I don't start labor before Friday the 21st - a week late - then I will have that C-section. I am watching BIRTH DAY right now - a 36 hour labor. Uh... Not... I hope! No really, I do hope that it works out to have this baby the way God intended for me to, but since I have already dealt with a C-section and that is all I know - it doesn't seem bad at all if that is the way it goes.
from lerin :
Once again, I can't believe you have to deal with that. I'm not happy for her new situation either. Why is everything a contest? What is it about her that makes her behave this way? I love you to pieces, Jenn. I really do. I get so mad on your behalf. She exhausts and infuriates me, and I have never even met her!
from imazook :
I didn't mean that I was done with writing. I could never leave here!;-) I did mean I was done with his squinkiness. Also, I'm done making up words...:)
from almostnormal :
Hey there. I'm the Jennifer that just sent you a friend request on myspace. Um, I know I'm way way way past due on this, but yea, you for little girlness! Is there a preg journal where I can read and keep use to convince myself my IUD doesn't need to be taken out yesterday!? ;) (Gawd, I'm so horrible and selfish...but I'm a loving kind of horrible...)
from bitterwineuk :
hiya Jenn. Everything ok??? No update for a while. Hope all is ok for you all. Take care. Becca.
from xx-angel-xx :
just stopping by, hoping you are alright. I haven't seen an update from you in a while. Just wanted to letcha know I'm thinking about you!
from mymemry :
Hey Jenn. Thanks for the note. Did you find out about the milk allergy from a blood test or skin test? So he can't have cheese, yogurt and stuff like that unless it is soy? No milk at all? Where does he get all the calcium? Nathan doesn't eat many veggies at this time. I just hate it for him. I LOVE ice cream and cheese and cheese cake and dairy filled treats. Talk to you later. Julie
from kisskeri :
Omg I can't believe I missed the big reveal of what the sex of the baby is!!! DAMNIT! Congratulations Jenn! I'm so excited for you, sugar and spice and something nice! hehe! Aww and what a beautiful name. I'm in love already!
from imazook :
It has alot to do with the fact that we just sit at Ben's. I'm not gonna sit on his bed and drink a beer. Plus, I was never a fan of underage drinking n I've only been 21 for 2 weeks.We haven't done anything since then. Apparently Ben takes his beer drinking seriously.I am kind of scared of him; not in a physical way, but I don't want to have to walk on eggshells around him or think "Will this piss Ben off" whenever I go do something (I'd never do something to intentionally hurt him). He's never ever ever ever ever been like this before. But the show was good! I didn't get to sit and watch it because the people I was with just walked around and talked the whole time. Oh well, there's another redneck show in Aug! Thanks for the concern. I miss you! How are the little ones?
from lerin :
Still no luck on your comments... just sounds like frustration abounds around your house right now. I'm sorry you are having a rotten day!
from hbaybee :
Lookin for a diary review? Don't be silly, of course you are! Come to Hitlar Baybee Reviewz for the best review this side of the time-space continuum =D x
from thehour :
i sent ya an email... check your bulk! ~a
from alwaysange :
*hugs* Here's hoping you and Kent are able to work things out and my heart goes out to you with the hormones of pregnancy. You're NOT a bad mother. You're human. And I know Riley and Kent love you very much. This too shall pass.
from alonebroken5 :
Thank you. I can't tell you how much your support means to me. You are a wonderful friend and I'm happy that you are one of my friends. Truly. || As for your entry, I think it's cute that Kent is so excited. ;) I know the jealous feeling though. But it'll go away. It's an interesting one to have. Hehehe. I hope all is well. ~♥~
from dreamofblue :
love the dress and the hair!! i used to wear my hair like that until high school. i'd do it again, but tom likes it long. :-) and don't worry, you'll do just fine with a little girl!
from xx-angel-xx :
Hey Jenn! I was wondering If I'd buy the baby an outfit or two if you'd give me your address through e-mail so I could send you them? If not, I totally understand if you don't want to give that information out. If so, What Month is the baby due October so, I know what exactly to buy, (i'm not sure if they'll have long sleeves out yet but, I'm going to see anyways).
from bodega :
I totally understand how you feel. J's brothers' wives were both so jealous when we had LB. Between the 3 of us, we've only had girls, until LB. So they were so shitty to me and to GG when they found out we were having a boy. Like it's our fault!!!! When LB was in the NICU for 2 weeks, they didn't even call us to see how he was doing... can you believe that!!!!! PEOPLE SUCK!!
from lerin :
Once again, I can't comment on haloscan. Just wanted to say about your latest entry, I'm sorry it has to be that way. I just don't understand how that mind works!!! It's too bad that WE aren't in-laws... ;)
from thehour :
i sent you that email. just wanted to let you know in case your spam blocker ate it. :)
from alwaysange :
I love your baby's first pictures! Those are awesome! They're the best I've seen, frankly, and I've seen a lot of them lately. I think it's awesome you're having a girl...think of how fun it will be to have a boy AND a girl. Best of both worlds. Is Riley excited about a little sister?
from lerin :
This is seriously getting old. Why doesn't your halscan EVER let me leave a comment? I have problems with Megan too. But not Ashley or Holli. I don't get it!!! GRRRR! Crossing EVERYTHING for you tomorrow... I'm just so excited I can't stand myself. I'm hoping for a girl for you so you can join me in the "I have a little girl" club, but I know either sex will be wonderful. :)
from bodega :
I've never had a miscarriage... so I can only imagine what you are feeling. But I don't think you should feel any guilt. You never did anything wrong, and thinking that you had to lose David to be able to have this new little baby, is not a bad thought. I've always been a believer that things do happen for a reason and that even though we do make up our own fate, some things are completely out of our hands. Thousands of women have miscarriages everyday, and usually for a good reason (chromosomal abnormalities and such). I hate to get in the what ifs, and please tell me if I'm crossing a line, but maybe David would have had dissabilities (birth defects or worst) if your body hadn't naturally rejected him. No one wants to hear that, and I apoligize if I'm hurting your feelings in any way, I just hate for you to feel guilty about your happiness concerning this new baby. Enjoy your pregnancy 100%... it's a precious time. Thinking of you...
from imazook :
I'm having a comment crisis. What is the matter?
from lerin :
I don't know why Haloscan hates me lately. I basically just said that I can't wait to find out whether you are having a little boy or a little girl this time!
from boxx9000 :
I've lost your password because I am a retard. I wrote it on my calendar and now I can't find WHERE I wrote it. Will you send it to me again please? I hope all is well with you.
from imazook :
Aww, it's ok. I figured it was for her because I saw that she asked. I was also going to question why she was still not trained, but I thought you would think that two of the exact same comments were boring.:)
from imazook :
Sorry I ruined your record. Don't be mad at me! (I actually feel kind of bad about it...) I was just kidding when I said it! You can become a born-again text message virgin.
from imazook :
Ohh, ok. I was confused. I understand not wanting to write "he who shall not be named". I feel like a Harry Potter character now.
from imazook :
When he mentioned Maine yesterday, I thought of you. Then he proceeded to ask me about what was on the coast, where this city was and how far this was from that. Sorry, but I don't know Maine's geography! He asked me if I'd take them to Maine and drop them off. I might have to crash on your floor for a night;-)
from corbel :
Holy hell, how in the world did I miss that your pregnant?!?!?!?! WOW!!! Congrats momma!!!I'm so happy for you!! I know it's not your "thing" but I'm praying for this baby...((HUGS))
from dukkha-tanha :
Hee hee, my dad is a Bush loving idiot, too. We don't really discuss politics in too much depth because in the past it has resulted in ugliness, so we kind of tip-toe around the issue. It still comes up, though, seeing as we are both so into it. And about alcohol cravings: I craved wine coolers when i was pregnant with my youngest. I hate wine coolers normally. And this was at 8 months along, at a time in my life where I wasn't drinking much anyway and that had nothing to do with being pregnant. =)
from xx-angel-xx :
I got the e-mail with the code in it, Thank you so much. I appreciate it! I seen how many people were finding me through searches and it was very much worrisome. Thank so much!! :)
from xx-angel-xx :
Hey! I seen that you have the code for the no google thing. I was wondering if you could e-mail me it? If not, that's totally cool. my e-mail is [email protected] I think i'd be just torn to pieces of someone actually found my diary in real life.
from imazook :
Haloscan is being mean to me!!!! I've never really noticed that bread has much of a smell, I should take note next time I'm eating it. I'm glad that the carb thing worked for you. This pregnancy sure is making you think! I'm sure your dreams are just related to what you're thinking about when you're awake...good and bad. I really think it's natural to have all kind of thoughts and worries. You **just** left me a note telling me that I'm too hard on myself. I believe that you are too, my dear seeing that the word "guilt" was used 23 times! Calm! Relax! De-stress! It'll be a much more enjoyable experience. :) I've often thought about the loving the 2 kids issue too. I obviously have never experienced it, but have wondered what it feels like to have to love 2 people equally. I'm sure it's possible and I'm 100% sure you're going to love this baby just as much as you love Riley. You didn't make your mom sound like a bad person at all. Everyone is human, everyone makes mistakes. You're a great person, so she must have done somethings right!:) That book sounds good. I just might have to check it out sometime:)
from imazook :
Oh, I noticed the graduation irony!!! I'll be hanging that over his head for as long as I can;-) I do have a flickr account, I'll start using it! An hour and a half really isn't that long. I drive a half and hour to his house already. I'm trying to be positive! Maybe I'll post it. It's really up close of me b/c it's on his bike and I'm in it shows all my FLAWS.
from xx-angel-xx :
Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart for your warming, loving, caring notes you've left me. They mean more to me then you'll ever know. I appreciate the uplifting words. Thank you!
from imazook :
Thank you! I think the reason it embarassed me is b/c the same people who read me now, read it then and I don't want people to think I'm a "depressed lunatic".:) It's good to know that you don't!
from lerin :
Haloscan hates me today! It wouldn't let me comment on Megan either. Not to say too much, but I understand your frustration. Everytime I read about that drama, I roll my eyes and feel sorry for you. It seems very, very strange to me.
from nixtress :
Those kitties make my life so much more entertaining. I love 'em. Watch me become the Crazy Cat Lady when I'm 80. *sigh*
from imazook :
Aww, thanks! The only girls I can think of from Grey's anatomy are REALLY pretty ones and the annoying rad tech girl who likes George. I haven't seen it in weeks. I've been told I look like Willow from Buffy...and Avril Lavigne. Lemme know when you figure out who it is!;-)
from friedokra :
Hiya! I just found your note at Friedokra about missing me. You are toooo sweet... I don't know when you left it, but I found it on exactly the right day! Thanks for always making me feel like I matter to you. That is a great feeling! M
from dreamofblue :
look at me me, o yeah!! i'm #4 on your quiz thingy!!
from lerin :
I don't know why it won't let me leave a comment to you today! I'm disappointed. I only got 50% on your QYF test. And since I read your entire diary and think of you as my #1 favorite diaryfriend, I thought i knew you so much better than that! *pouts* Oh well.. I hope you had the best Mother's Day Effer. That has to be the cutest thing I've heard all day!!
from green-kiwis :
I suppose it doesn't. I don't think it will if he ever comes to visit, but in July, he leaves to go to S. Korea for a year. mmm I miss him already.. :(
from kisskeri :
haha Yeah I was GOING to make him wait 3 months, but after a good night of fooling around, and I saw what he had to work with, I couldn't wait 3 months lol I couldn't even wait 3 hours I was all over his shit lol I'm so horrible, I'm going to hell I swear...but it's gonna be one hell of a good ride down!
from nixtress :
Happy Mother's Day :)
from imazook :
I was going to leave you a nice note about thing happening for a reason and how you shouldn't feel guilty, you're just moving on with your life...but you summed that all up in your last paragraph. So, I'll just give you hugs((((hugs))) :)
from smedindy :
Hey, I disagreed with you on Zook's page. Because I think in locking up, you give in, family politics be damned. But you knew that already. As you wish, m'dear! Hugs!
from imazook :
Happy Mother's Day!
from imazook :
Oh hush you, you're not old!!! I was on a bitter rampage yesterday. I guess the reason I don't worry about pencils is b/c I use mechanical ones...But I always shake them before a test to make sure they have enough in a subtle way, I'm a three pencil layer outter too.
from kisskeri :
It makes me laugh whenever he makes it his mission to open the door for me. It's cute yet funny at the same time. I appreciate your fingers being crossed! lol So far things are going so well, it's a little unbelievable.
from imazook :
No, I've never done that. I've definately had the urge but there are so many mirrors and windows that people would see me. What I really wanna do it my skin fold measurements (pinching of the fat). I'm curious...
from mamabean :
I've always loved Angela with Marie. Angela Marie. Love it. But Lorelei works with Marie and/or Elizabeth too. I love the name Adam. Callan Adam. Christian Adam. Sidney Adam. Lambert Adam. (I'm kidding about Lambert. I had a boss named Lambert and he was a good boss but I had a hard time not laughing whenever I called him by name.) It's a girl, anyway, so I'm sticking with Lorelei.
from imazook :
Hehe, I wasn't being a smartass really. All day long, all I do at work is measure people's body circumfrences (hips, biceps, waist) so I had to learn all the 1/8 of inches off the top of my head. 21 and 5/8 is 21.625. :) I don't think they measure babies like that though, do they? Darn.
from arrora :
If they get married in the temple, ya, you have to be a member. I didn't have any of my family at my wedding either, but it was worth it. I got to have a ring ceremony a day later, and my dad got to walk me down the aisle, and it was the whole big "shabang" wedding. It was nice :-)
from mamabean :
Ahaaaaaaaaaa you said pretty much unequivocably NO (although in a very nice way, of course) to Lorelei when I first requested it, so apparently it's growing on you. I like that! :)
from xx-angel-xx :
That's how I would feel when I get pregnant again. I have tons of clothes for a little boy but a little girl would be nice. hehe.. Does Riley know that his momma is having a baby? I'm feeling alright, body wise, emotionally i suck- but, i think once i go to the doctor's and find out whats wrong (i hope) I'll feel tons better. thanks :) BUt, your the one going through the symptoms of being a pregnant lady so, i hope you're taken it easy and getting as much sleep as you possibly can :)
from xx-angel-xx :
lol, noooo you can't do that!! well, you can but that's just mean. haha. I'm joking. What do you and kent want, A little boy or a little girl? Of course we all want the baby to be healthy before anything :)
from dreamofblue :
we're all here for you! you can snap at me anytime you want. :-) *HUGS*
from bodega :
Thinking of you.
from thehour :
you know... i don't know if he qualifies for unemployment. i'll have to talk to him about that. and my mom doesn't open my mail. the electric is under her name (i live in her house that she moved out of because her idiot husband said it was too big. dumbass) because if it would have been switched to mine i would have had to put a big deposit. HOWEVER, i don't KNOW why she opens it since she KNOWS it's mine. just to be nosy, i think. and that's why she cares if it's late.. the account is hers. although, it's not like they report to her credit or anything. *sigh* i really should just pose as her on the phone and change the mailing address to MY po box instead of HERS. hey... i just might do that.
from imazook :
Hi! I've been a tad MIA lately...I bet you've noticed too;-) Just wanted to say thank you for the past couple notes. They really did make me feel better. I have lots of things to think about. ((hugs))THanks again!
from momma-at-17 :
Not CJ as in Taylors Dad no. Different one. There's an entry on that explanation as well. :) It's ok Jenn. **HUGS** anyway, I hope things look up! But thank you very much for your comment!
from green-kiwis :
Duh. I just didn't read your profile, or I was too fast. *hug*
from bodega :
so... I'd say someone pissed you off!!! I'm like you... don't f**k with me because I have a dark/evil/bitchy/crabby side.
from nprmommy :
you're locked! :(
from green-kiwis :
lemme in? pwease?
from elliemay23 :
OH MY GOODNESS...I MUST BE LIVING UNDER A ROCK. Just shows you how much I get to read other's stuff. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo, Ellie
from imazook :
Haha, I heart you. I'm really sorry that you don't have cute farmers around there. It is one of perks of living out here:) Have a safe trip!!!!!!
from bodega :
"button" looks like he/she is waving in the u/s picture... so cute...
from alwaysange :
For some reason, I can't get into your haloscan comments, but I wanted to say congratulations on your little fetus and it looks surprisingly right on-target for the ticker at the bottom of your page. I say let them figure it out themselves too. You don't owe them anything if you don't feel like it.
from green-kiwis :
Thanks, Jenn. It's always good to hear that :)
from arrora :
Tell them! You wont be stealing your nephews sunshine... you will be adding to it! It's a perfect time to tell them... :-)
from imazook :
Oh, I messed up in the first couple lines. I meant to say, "Why would I take offence to your comparison of you and Kent to Ben and I?"
from imazook :
haha, longest (most obnoxious) note ever!
from imazook :
Don't you dare apologize for your novellas, Jennifer (oops!). I love your novellas so very much! Why would I take you comparing Ben and I to Kent and you. I would definitely take that as a compliment:) And I must say that, "aaaaah what is happening? oh crap I have this to do and that to do and oh god! how will it ever work out?!" is surely my motto too. Sadly, it describes my life...every single day. Ben and I do compliment each other more often than not but it's rare for me to write about the good things in here. If I get back home from having a nice night at his house, I don't hop online and say, "Ben and I are doing really good and we're not having any stupid fights where I almost blurt out that he desperately needs a hair cut and to decide if he wants children..." I have accustomed myself to coming on here to whine so when things are good, I just whine about something else (school, gas, school, school). I really need to change the way I go about alot of things. I think our relationship could be greatly different if I would just calm down and take everything with a grain of salt...including gas prices and school! Someday, I might just lay everything out on the table. I don't think today is that day though. Maybe when things aren't on rough waters...or maybe it would be easier if they were. Having kids is one of the most important things to me and as much as I love Ben, I can't see being with him if he doesn't want that. It breaks my heart kind of. He's told me before that he wants them...but not for a long time (10 years-ish). He also hates that I put a timeline of everything (marriage in 2 years, kids in 4 or whatever). I guess him going away to school is a blessing in disguise. It might help us learn things about ourselves and realtionship. But in the meantime, we are definitely stuck on a plateau as Becca said. Ok, sorry about the novella backatcha! (((hugs))) Thanks for your note. They're so thought provoking and always make me feel better no matter what the situation. I love Jenn, my counselor! ;-)
from kisskeri :
Damn you and your skanky ways! haha (j/k) I'm really all stressed about this lol I'm having issues in my head about it lol Part of me wants to get it on right now, like yesterday, with him lol The other part want's to go slow and not rush. Damn hormones. ;)
from bodega :
that was amazing... congrats again....
from kisskeri :
I hear you! Chris is VERY special. I can't put my finger on what it is about him, but there's something special about this one *blush*. He's different then any other guy I've dated, and it just feels right when we're together. *crosses fingers too* He's one I really want to keep for a very long time.
from eggsaucted :
I'll never feel bad about protecting my child, but I know this is really important to her father and I feel like a total lous for not being ok with it. But I want to have a better feeling about it. I want to know if this is a one time thing or if they are really going to be a part of her life. Most of all I don't ever want her to feel like she should feel bad about the weird ass situation her parents put her in. I need to know that her siblings aren't going to try and blame her or hurt her in anyway. Thanks for understanding though. I canceled with a lame excuse, we'll see what happens.
from imazook :
That's understandable!
from green-kiwis :
Jenn, you are the best. *squeeze in hug!*
from imazook :
Oh yea, and do you have any name ideas yet? They're my favorite!
from imazook :
Thank you so much for your note. We don't exchange them or emails or anything as much lately. :( I'm just losing hope, drive, steam etc. I'm sure I'll find a job somehow, but it's almost summer! and I need one asap. I guess since I claim I need one so bad, I shouldn't be so picky as to what job I take. How have you been feeling? I heart you too!!! I feel bad that I never got you anything for your bday. It's was quite a while ago...there'll be something.
from nixtress :
I was so excited to see from the David page that you're expecting again! Congratulations!
from realsnoopy :
Hi- I added you to my list if that's ok. I just stopped by to say hi! I got you from lostinmylove. :)
from xx-angel-xx :
I don't even buy the books. Logan's starting to like to read books. yay for that. He loves loves, trains but, i just don't like the idea of paying that much for one little train.. so, i stay away from thomas.. I know, its horrible of me BUT i'm sure once he actually sees there IS a thomas out there, that'll be the end of it. I haven't found thomas on TV either BUT everyone tells me it is, i just don't bother actually looking! I wish I could see Riley's face when he sees George.. hehe.. Oh well, You'll enjoy it :)
from bodega :
I was EXTREMELY sick my first trimester.. and it went by really slowly... I'm not gonna sugar coat it like other people If I ate a grape, I would throw it up... the nausea was awful. But what I always kept in mind is that when I was sick, it meant everything was normal, as odd as it may sound. Have you started a new diary for this pregnancy? What is the exact due date? Any names picked out yet???
from boxx9000 :
My son's due date was October 31st and he was born on November 23rd! No, I did NOT count wrong. He was nearly a month late and weighed over 10 pounds. You're going to have two kids with those fall birthdays to deal with being the youngest kids in their class.
from arrora :
WAIT... did I miss something? You're pregnant! YAY! I am so happy for you! ((hugs))
from purplesage26 :
I tried leaving a comment but either I couldn't or I forgot what the hell I'm doin. I tried a few times, so hopefully it doesn't leave 5 of the same comment. ARRGHH damn you haloscan!
from dreamofblue :
I have DSL and it is awesome. I believe it does work through the phone line, but it doesn't interfere. I definitely recommend it!
from boxx9000 :
I got a post card from MAINE!!! THANKS! You are too, too, sweet. It's hanging on my fridge with the MAINE potatoe magnet. (hehehehe)
from bodega :
I SO understand what you mean!!! When I need a break, when he comes home from work, he says "I've been working all day... I need a break too"... and what the hell do you think I've been doing all day?!! Sitting on my ass giving myself a pedicure??@!!! AGH!!!
from kisskeri :
Now that I've compared the two pictures side by side. I think I agree with you. The ones with the flower on them spice it up a bit, considering it is a wedding I should probably go the extra mile or something lol
from imazook :
I just asked my mom (b/c she is our church's secretary) and she said that baptisms during lent are fine. It used to be that one couldn't get baptised til Easter Vigil (Sat before Easter) but it's not like that anymore. She said a couple babies got baptised within the last two weeks, so it much be ok!
from kisskeri :
I agree! I need to get married so I can be guarenteed sex lol Well maybe not guarenteed it, but it'd be good to know that it'd be there when/if I wanted it!
from kisskeri :
Thank you! Your's brought a tear to my eye. thank you so much for that!!! <3
from imazook :
I'd love to collect sweatshirts from every state, but I've already been to lots of states and since I just decided to collect them TODAY, I'm behind. Guess I'll have to come to Maine to get one! :)
from bodega :
Are you going to start a new journal for your pregnancy?
from dreamofblue :
yay!!!! another lil jenn baby!! congratulations!! *HUGS*
from thehour :
RE: "If anyone deserves a vacation, it's you!" ~ awwww... thanks sweetie. i dont know why but that comment made me all misty. :)
from imazook :
Yes, let us be overemotional, drama queens together! It's good to know I'm not alone!;)
from jess1976 :
I used to read you when I found you through Ali... it's been awhile since I've been around DL and I noticed you locked up. Would you mind sending me the PW and user id to [email protected] Thanks! Jessica
from dreamofblue :
excuse me?! say what?!
from bodega :
I must have missed an entry somewhere... Are you pregnant Jen???? If so, congrats!!!
from alwaysange :
Having trouble with your comments coming up on my computer - but I just wanted to say the picutures are A-dorable. Hope all is well on your end. I miss being here as often as I used to be!
from smedindy :
Well, then, slap HIM for forgetting it. HUGS!
from imazook :
I'm just trying to figure it out. It kind of looked like your typing style, but I'm starting to think it's not...:) ohwell...hayf?
from imazook :
Was that from you? It came up Anonymous..
from thehour :
awww.. thanks for commenting and for your compliments on the photos! i'm really happy with the all of the pictures i took. you know how important it is to have great pictures of our babies! ♥
from vicola :
I can completely see why you think it's out of order to have a man who has actually paid for child porn as a godfather, I agree with you entirely. If you're religious, I thought the role of a godparent was to guide and teacht he child the right way to behave and if he can't even see that he has done wrong and is still trying to justify himself then I don't see how he can possibly do this. I certainly wouldn't allow someone on the sex offenders list for that sort of thing within a hundred miles of my child without being supervised by at least 5 other adults.
from thehour :
hey girlie... haven't heard from you in awhile. or it seems like it anyway. i hope you guys are doing well!
from dreamofblue :
i still can't leave comments, but i just wanted you to know that i agree! that is completely wrong. my family is catholic and i have godparents. i would be very disturbed if i found out i had a pedophile godparent.
from lerin :
Thank you so much for your last comment to me. You always have a way of saying exactly what I need to hear in a way that makes sense to me. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.
from marlen816 :
I agree. Making BIL#1 godfather is very creepy and a bit twisted.
from rnbmusings :
I just want to say HUGS to you. I have been in your shoes, more then once unfortunately. I lost a son to stillbirth and had amiscarriage only a few months later. BUT, as hard as it is to imagine, there will be moments in life that are just so amazing, and you will honestly feel the joy that much more because of what you had to give in order to get there. If you ever need anything, I would be more then happy to talk to you. my email is cnpundt at yahoo dot com.
from imazook :
I'm glad to hear that you're coming more to terms w/ things. Maybe things happen for a reason. I don't know if that is true. You might have had a different bond with him than Kent did or maybe kent just didn't know how to be there for you. ((((hugs)))) I heart you!
from bodega :
Sure, I'd love some help with some of that. I tried to Web editor on Microsoft Office Word but I didn't even understand anything. I'm usually really good at figuring stuff out, but this is out of my league!!
from bodega :
I have a SIL very similar to that... she tries to act all sweet but then all she does is talk shit behind my back... I can't stand it. Plus, she's the jealous type. When she found out that we were having a boy, she didn't even talk to me until I after I had the baby just because she has had 2 girls and no boys... like that was my fault!!!!
from mozangeles :
Oh no you didn't!!! You know I want in!!! Pretty please? [email protected] xoxo - me
from bubbles11090 :
hi:) could i have your password???
from goingloopy :
Yes, I would like the password as well... :) goingloopy at yahoo dot com.
from green-kiwis :
ack! I forgot to email! Hahah, can I still get in?
from sanetwin :
password please?
from allegedwife :
*waves* password here too thanks (nufarmwife at yahoo dot com dot au) cheers Fi xxx
from marlen816 :
I'd love your password, too. [email protected]
from bodega :
I'd love your password: [email protected]
from dreamofblue :
i know exactly how you feel! i get ill when i'm nervous about meeting people i've never met or haven't seen in awhile. i haven't been able to leave you comments for some reason, which is why you haven't heard from me. sorry! anyway, i would like your password when you lock up. i need my semi-daily dose of jenn! *hugs*
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, he does not look like a girl! I think his hair looks fine and very adorable!! I would be torn too having to get his hair cut.. I wishLogan's hair grew long w/out getting into his eyes!! My e-mail addy is [email protected].
from marlen816 :
Hope you had a wonderful time with your friends.
from cleanstart :
Happy belated Birthday!
from smedindy :
I just posted another one. Oh, my prolific pen.
from xx-angel-xx :
Oh, well thank you for explaining.. I am crossing my fingers, hoping they both go well!!
from starlight42 :
happy belated birthday
from la-the-sage :
Happy Birthday, dear Jenn! On my 24th Alex had just turned 2. I felt wearily old and believed not much would change about me or my life from there on out. Shows you what I knew, eh? Sounds like you have a much saner and mature attitude. How admirable you are! To be so wise, yet so young and hopeful! My birthday wish for you is a year of no burnt cooking. Why? Dunno, feels like the right wish though. Mwwah! ~LA
from bodega :
I love the Counting Crows!! I saw them in concert a couple of times with in high school!! It's all about the lyrics and the place they take you to. It's funny too, cuz Gwendolyn's favorite song is "accidentaly in love" from Shrek 2.
from krugerpak007 :
Your comment made me cry, and just meant such a lot that I don't even know how to begin to thank you. Thank you so much for reading, for all your words of support. I owe you so much, and I wish I could really emphasize how much that comment got to me. All I can say for now is thank you. But know that as soon as I am feeling better I will make it up to you, and be there for you too. Thank you so.
from mamabean :
i noticed that... it's okay though... i generally look forward instead of backward anyway. :) those pictures of seth are so cute. babies in little hats always make me want to smooch them all over. yum!
from xx-angel-xx :
I shake my leg also! When my dad sees me doing it, he'll then shake his leg to show me that Im shaking mine!! I HATE when people are tapping also, it makes me want to rip their hand off.. okay, not literally! :) Hopefully riley sleeps for you too :)
from friedokra :
theoretically, it worked. it is nice to see your voice again. this has been a very cruddy week for me. cruddy, cruddy, cruddy. the riley chronicles have been a real lifesaver! He cracks me up... he's doing soooo well with the potty training! how awesome is that? and I loved your quirks. you are always so self-deprecating - i know that's just your nature, but sometimes I feel so sad to think you really believe the mean things you say about yourself! I hope it is just you being dry and sarcastic, rather than you actually believing these large loads of horsehockey you sometimes try to push off on us. sigh.
from mamabean :
thank you! going to fix it right now. Now I can express myself much more freely. Ah!
from mozangeles :
I heart you, Jen. :) xoxo - me
from imazook :
Don't laugh at my bunk beds:( Yea, I agree w you on those couples who "never fight". Blah! I'm not too thrilled with the pill. I hate it. I hate the idea of chemically altering my body. I don't even take Tylenol when I'm in pain. I started taking it a while ago and felt so guilty and awful that I stopped. But I started again about a year ago. I wanna stop again, but I'm scared that something will happen...(even though sex isn't that big of a part of our relationship). I'm torn as to what to do...:( On to another rather ironic topic...Amy's due date is the 16th...I think. One dr pushed it back so it just depends on the doctor. Well see. I like putting pics in too...I just don't have much to take pictures of.
from thehour :
*sigh* yes, my baby isn't a baby anymore! sometimes i really miss her being little. they're so darn cute when they're little! and it's alot easier to just pick them up and take them where you want then than to try to get them to do what you want! :)
from imazook :
Aww, that would be nice if you could make one. You soo don't have to, just if you have extra time. You should be sleeping tho!!! Oh, and I did find my camera. It was about 6 inches away from me at the time I thought it was lost...just burried in crap. Yep, I asked about your birthday:)
from marlen816 :
Bunk0 is a game played with 4 people at a table, 2 sets of partners and three die. You try to get 1's the first round, 2's the second round up to 6's the sixth round and that is a set. You play three sets of 6 rounds to see who gets the most wins, losses, baby Bunk0s (3 of the same kind but not the number you are trying for that round) and Bunk0s (three of the number for that round). We played with three tables of four women rotating winners to opposite tables and losers from the head table. The head table starts and stops each round at 21 points (a Bunk0 totals 21)and you switch partners as you switch tables unless you win at the head table. Then you get to keep your partners. Anyway, I probably confused you and to more trained players (this is only my second time playing) I probably misspoke or messed up the rules somehow. But it was really fun. Lots of neighborhoods have Bunk0 parties once a month. Maybe yours does. Mine didn't and neither did the girl's who started ours. We are playing at the church.
from maxsmom :
thanks so much for the note! things are going well here. no, i didn't move to another site. i just got so busy with 2 part-time jobs and the kids that i didn't have time to blog, so i just decided to take a break. hopefully, i'll get back to it. thanks again for the note!
from bodega :
what's your nephew's name?? he's adorable!!
from boxx9000 :
Hooray! It's a healthy boy!! Only 6 lb 9 oz?? Small baby.
from thehour :
you can babble in my comments anytime! i think it's so funny that kent thinks her nose is weird too. i can see what they mean.. it does have a weird thing going in the bridge but i don't think it's distracting. ♥
from vicola :
Hi Jenn! Love the pic of Riley. I keep meaning to do the celebrity picture thing but havne't got round to it yet. I don't doubt I'll get bored at work later and give it a go. I love dogs, I've got one myself and I have to say that I think the kindest thing they can do for the dog is to have it put to sleep, not leave it to go naturally. My friend's dog died of a brain tumour and she wouldn't have it out down for months, it really wasn't pretty. In the end her parents talked her round but quick and painless is far kinder when the ending is inevitable.
from bodega :
That picture of Riley is a riot!!!
from almostnormal :
Thanks for the b-day wishes! Everything went swell. I have to write about it. I meant to today but just bitched and whined instead. Can you come over and watch my kids so I can take a nap? :)
from mathero :
I love your new layout!
from kisskeri :
lol Yeah I agree. I mean your husband doesn't suck, because he not a man, he's a husband, so like gay men, he doesn't count lol
from imazook :
AWw, you'd leave a psycho girl a mean message just for me!? You're too kind!:) Are you feeling better? Email me if you need to. please
from kisskeri :
You are dead on! I swear the more money people make, the less they ACTUALLY do, and I think the less they do, the more they exaggerate whent hey do actually do work lol My manager feels the need to point out every time she's done something, that the rest of us do daily. Gah! lol
from imazook :
Jenn, nothing you did was wrong. Don't for one second think that you don't derseve it. You do, sooo much. It just happened. There was nothing and there is nothing you can really do about it but move on. Think of him and smile. You deserve a baby so much. If you didn't, you wouldn't already have a wonderful one!! (the one you gush about everyday and who is just so cute that I want to just pinch his little cheeks!) ((((hugs)))) Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
from green-kiwis :
Thank you, Jenn. *hugs back*
from imazook :
I really really like your new template. How did you learn to do it? I'd love to make my own, I can't seem to find one I like anywhere. Did you use a book?
from bitterwineuk :
Thanks for your note. My friends little girl used the same thing for fork too. She's 3 now and it disappeared really quickly. I do stress it is called "milk" shake but it's so funny when they say the wrong thing. I don't want to make a huge fuss of telling him off though as they don't understand what they are doing wrong. They are just trying to copy us in thier own way. :) Bless.
from kisskeri :
Thanks hun! You helped! Yeah I had to get rid of him, he was creeping me out! You know how everyone has that one boyfriend/girlfriend that they never speak about, and all their friends & family know not to mention them, yeah I'm using my card for this one! lol
from xx-angel-xx :
Well, thank you. I might give the goldfish a try, or something. Maybe it'll get easier once he's a little older.. Oh, and I love the new layout! Have a good wednesday!
from xx-angel-xx :
I meant a nighttime snack. I never know what to call it! I use to give him cereal before bed but, he doesn't want it anymore and I don't know what else to give to him that he'll enjoy because I think maybe that's another reason he's waking up so much in the middle of the night because he's hungry from not eating much before bed.
from bodega :
Hope you don't mind my lurking... About the nightmares, Gwendolyn never had that much, so the only time she did I just spent extra time with her in her own bed before she was to go to sleep. That might help Riley feel comfortable and relaxed before bed time. I also wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you during this difficult time...(I hope you don't mind me having you as a favorite)
from childofmine :
love the new layout!
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, my brother used to have really bad nightmares when he was little. Mum used to let him come into her bed and then get him to explain what the nightmare was. After a while they gradually stopped. It semmed to be rather knackering while it went on but didn't last for too long. Maybe he's just insecure or worried? Good luck with it anyway, love Vicola xxx
from la-the-sage :
De-lurking. ~LA
from imazook :
I have heard that about celery! I'll get on that...but I'll probably end up pouring peanut butter or salt on:( I have yoga tomorrow. I"m not looking forward to it. The class is chock full so people's mats are practically touching. Talk about relaxing! (I was being sarcastic in that last sentence, I know that you aren't familiar with the concept.) (((hugs)))
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, thanks for letting us know how Riley's surgery went. It sounds like a horrible, nasty, evil day but at least now it's over and done with and I'm so pleased it all went off without a problem and that Riley's ok. Hope to hear more from you soon, love Vicola x x x
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, thank you for your note! I miss you and your updates!!
from imazook :
I didn't get gum in my hair thank the Lord. I found it. Hehe, I made you laugh.:)I miss you.
from imazook :
Hehe, that makes sense and is also a good idea. I won't tell anyone. ; )
from cleanstart :
Hugs to you and I hope that you can find the comfort that you need to cope with his loss. I know it's hard, and it still will be, I just hope that you can deal and find that certain comfort zone really soon!
from xx-angel-xx :
I would like to thank you SO much for your note. I know you're going through a lot yourself so, for you to take time out and leave me such a wonderful, helping note- I appreaciate it. It made me think and see things differently and I think you are 100% right with everything you said (as if thats not a surprise, haha). Thank you. Reading that has made me feel much better!! Now, that I seen you updated at riley's site, I will go and read how his surgery went (I hope good), I"m sure I'll be back to comment on that!! Once again, Thank you so much!!
from hunterpoo :
Screw the force??? Kent might like THAT... huh.. huh.. huh.
from hunterpoo :
Awwwwww, I hope his surgery goes well. I'm unlocked again. I'll definatley catch you tonight. Good luck lady!! Be strong, and may the force be with you.
from hunterpoo :
What are you doing UP!? Yea, i'm updating my layout and adding an entry. forgot to unlock. oops! you on msger?
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, sorry things seem so crappy at the moment. Just tknow that people are thinking of you as far away as England and hoping you feel better soon. Good luck with Riley's surgery, and look forward to your return, loads of love, Vicola xxx
from imazook :
I'm definately gonna be there if I can. I hope i"m not working or in class! I'm kinda worried that will happen!
from boxx9000 :
HEY! SOMEone sent me chocolates from Maine?! What a wonderful surprise! THANKS. (((((hugs))))) You made my day. Love, Boxx
from almostnormal :
Hey there, in regard to the note you left me regarding the IRS. I called the 800 number after checking the instructions for the 1040 on, and if the child is born within the qualifying tax year they can be claimed on that years taxes. The line that says they must reside with you for more than half the year is for a qualifying dependent that is not born during the year. Birth is the exception to the rule. Figured since there may be more lilluns in your future I'd let you know...normally I would have just kept it to myself. Hope you're doing well!
from ttc4baby :
((((HUG))) from this stranger. I hope things get easier for you as time moves on. Maybe you'd like to visit the OB board and talk to others gals who can identify with your situation and lend a hand? Let me know and I'll send you the link, the women there are so wonderful! 8o)
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, just been catching up with your diary coz I've been away from a computer for the holidays. Glad to hear your christmas and new year went well. I loved the pics of Riley with his Happy New Year Banner! It's amazing to see how they grow year by year. Hoping you have a better year than the last one and you, Kent and Riley get everything you want, loads of love, Vicola x
from nixtress :
In regards to your latest entry in the David diary: I think you'll find once the actual due date is past, some of the depression will lift. It's really difficult to make yourself forget something like that, something that was to be a huge happening in your life and schedule and with your body. I'm not saying it'll ease completely but some of the stress you're feeling is due to having the preconceived notion that that was an important date for you. Good luck and my thoughts are with you.
from almostnormal :
I had no idea you had to have the kid for six months before you could claim them on your taxes. I thought if they were born in 05 they went on the 05 taxes end of story. Thanks for the info :) When I asked my dr's nurse about the castor oil she laughed at me and said it was an old wives tale and not to bother. Funny how everyone has a different opinion. How is it that women have been pregnant and having kids and everything else for so long science would have progressed in this area a little F***ING farther, no? Then again, if they figured out the whole childbirth mystery they'd then have to actually find a cure for cancer and god forbid that happens. (sorry - crabby)
from alwaysmuted :
My nephew is a little weirdo because we went over there a couple of days ago to drop off a coat we found for MIL,and he would NOT leave me alone! Every other word was,Hey,Auntie! And come and running into my arms to hug me and come and play?! See...little weirdo! I know,I loved it.HAHA. But still,I think he is a little weirdo.Have a Happy New Year.
from thehour :
i've cooked turkey before. the first time i was so scared it would be horrible. but it turned out fine. i'm always a little nervous, but i'm hoping it will be good. :) ~~ i had two crockpots before xmas. i got two more but threw one away (the handle was broken). so now i have 3. but i want to toss one of them and get a large one. soon, i hope! i love to cook with them... minimum effort and it's ready when i get home! woo! if you want some good recipes, let me know. i have a few i use regularly.
from imazook :
I signed your guestbook. I didn't know if you would find it... hi!
from smedindy :
Well, when she went to college, she started going by her middle name (and a shortened version of her middle name) instead of her first name. So only her relatives (who forget) call her by her legal first name.
from xx-angel-xx :
Oh well, Thank you though. And I hope you had a good christmas as well!
from xx-angel-xx :
Hey Jenn! I've been trying to upload a video at zippyvideos and it continues to say I've been banned. I'm wondering if you had problems like this too? Ooh well, I'm going to continue to try and keep uploading this video. Its nothing bad either! Just Logan playing with his toy Vacuum!
from boxx9000 :
MERRY DECEMBER 25th 2005!!! and....HAPPY SANTA DAY to Ri!!!
from mathero :
Have a wonderful Holiday season!
from princesse69 :
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! x
from childofmine :
what i mean by "second relationship" is anyone who has been married before, engaged before, had a child with someone else before...that sort of thing. thanks for the notes - all 3 of them! :-)
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, I know you said it didn't apply to us online but I just thought I'd let you know that I am definately NOT pregnant. Definately not. Also we have no plans for me to be pregnant for at least a few years, if at all. None of my friends are either. You appear to be in an unfortunately fertile part of the world!! Have a good christmas, hope you, Kent and Riley all have a lovely time! Love Vicola xxx
from imazook :
No, I'm not gonna change majors. I can't imagine getting a job as a "zookeeper" will be any too easy.:-\ Merry Almost Christmas to you too! I hope it's a good one!
from starlight42 :
Happy Holidays to a fellow 'The Office' lover!!
from mamabean :
It was easy - I waited until after I'd put her to bed to do the whole tree, including the multiple trips to the attic to get down the decorations and stand and stuff. I even vaccuumed up all the leftover needles. Never heard a peep out of her. The kid can SLEEP. :) I want to see what a snoopy candy cane looks like, too, please.
from vicola :
Morning Jenn! I can explain the secretary thing (as I'm a glorified one!!) from my point of view anyway. It's transference. People come into the secretary's office and dump boring crap onto the desk for them to do and in my case treat you like you spent 3 years obtaining an honours degree in order to make tea and coffee for people with an IQ in the minus. Since your day is utterly crap you're as grumpy as hell most of the time and therefore you take it out on anyone you talk to. ANd you become irrationally irritated with anyone who doesn't sound like they are having a shit time. If you try answering the phone sounding unutterably miserable you'll probably find secretaries stop bothering to try and piss on your day as they'll figure someone else got there first! Love Vicola xxx
from boxx9000 :
((((hugs)))) Every time I look at that adorable picture of Ri you sent me I have to stop and smile. I wish my kids were still that age. This is going to be a wonderful Christmas for you, REALLY! Squeeze them and hug them and love them with all your heart. They grow up WAY too fast.
from vicola :
DOn't worry about it, it'll wear off in a little bit. That's what mothers can do to them. Whenever we go to M's mum's she spends all her time telling him how amazing he is, trying to hold his hand and getting him to do everything for her by pretending to be weak and feeble. He comes back like King Arrogant of the Overly Confident people and treats you like some weak and feeble little female. It drives me demented but fortunately it doesn't last long!!
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, So sorry to hear about your friend, that's really harsh. I'm sure there wasn't anything you could have done to stop him, if he'd reached that point then there probably wasn't anything much anyone could have done. You can't be responsible for everyone you know, it would drive you mad and wouldn't leave you with anything for Kent and Riley. Try to keep smiling and if you get down, just remember you've got a loving husband and a gorgeous little boy who even looks cute covered in bright pink frosting!! Loads of Love Vicola x
from la-the-sage :
I am sorry to hear about your friend. Very sad. ~LA
from thehour :
you know, sometimes i can't stand it. but as long as i have one day to myself, i'm usually fine. so normally i do make sure i have the one day. if someone asks me to do something on that day, i say i have plans. because i do! plans to be a bum! but this time of year is always crazy for me. ~~ lol at the coat that riley couldn't move his arms in! munchkin tried on a couple like that too. it reminded me of the kid in a xmas story that couldn't move once he had everything on to leave the house. ha!
from mamabean :
:) oh yeah, and i am LOVIN' ME some happy snowman!! GREAT layout, clever girl!
from junkmel1 :
Poor Riley and poor you! I had to help hold my son down for the difficult removal of an ear tube when he was three, and I know how much that breaks your heart. We both left his appointment crying and furious at the doctor. You have my utmost sympathy and understanding. Hopefully it'll all be over soon. At least ours was only one appointment.
from boxx9000 :
jenn, I SWEAR there was a pic of your Dad at your journal yesterday on your new template. The top pictures weren't loading, just a small pic of your Dad at the top left side. NOW I can see all the pics of Ri and his snowman at the top (adorable) Honest to god, there REALLY was a pic of your Dad there yesterday.
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, I don't think you need to worry about Riley thinking you're a a big liar, I didn't when I found out Santa wasn't real and neither did my brother. What I mostly thought was "Since I sleep so lightly that someone walking across the corridor wakes me up how on earth did they get the stocking into my room without waking me up?". That still baffles me, although these days you could park a Chieftain Tank at the foot of the bed and I wouldn't even turn over. And the song I love at the moment is Royksopp's What Else is There (the album version not the radio one). Lovely tune. Loads of love Vicola X
from la-the-sage :
Santa ALWAYS comes to our house. Sweetly enough, Alex kept 'believing' for my sake. My son was protecting his dorky mother's innocence. Now he keeps it going with Wolf. They speculate together on what he might bring and how cool it is that Santa can go around the whole world in one night. If that's not magic, I don't know what is. Hooray for Santa! ~LA
from marlen816 :
I love the new layout. Snowmen are my favorite!
from allegedwife :
I like it......very snazzy
from la-the-sage :
Fave song: 'The Boxer' by Simon and Garfunkle. Hey, you ask an old person these kind of questions and this is the kind of answer you get. BTW, Simon and Garfunkle are a singing duo from back in the days when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and pantyhose hadn't been invented yet. In case you hadn't heard of them, my young friend. ;-) LA
from imazook :
the ceiling started caving in. so they condemned it.while it was falling,it hit some wires and started a little eventually just got lots bigger. they predicted that would happen,thats why the fire trucks were there.its still smouldering. 2 days ago, there was loud noises coming from the ceiling so they had to shut down. Thanks for the comment:)
from bubbles11090 :
awww, thank you. Your comment put a big smile on my face!!
from ladyanne01 :
hi! i hope its ok i added u to my favorites
from thehour :
yes, that was K and munchkin waaay in the background of that picture. there is a closeup of them on flickr. of course, K didn't like the picture because his face looks chubby. :)
from imazook :
It's a show on MTV where they take pretty much dorky high schoolers and make them into something else (that they want to,cheerleaders,rock stars etc) It's amusing.
from la-the-sage :
I don't know why the having is never as good as the wanting. Happens to me too. Sometines even with people. sigh...~LA
from imazook :
I'm glad you got a sense of closure. I'm here if you need to talk.
from xx-angel-xx :
I did get a digital camera, the same one Kate got and was talking about.. my camera is indeed for christmas... ehh, just a little longer adn i don't have to constantly get rolls of film developed, lol.
from la-the-sage :
Damn HALOSCAN! The security program on my machine will not allow haloscan comments to open. If I turn off the security then I am bombarded by 4 million pop-ups a second. And of course everybody is switching to those %^&$ haloscan comments. So if you don't hear from me a lot, you know why. ~LA
from thehour :
i can't stand it. that's why i forget MINOR things like letting my mil know that munchkin wasn't abducted by perverts and is safely playing on the park playground while SHE goes ape shit. :)
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, sorry you're feeling down at the moment. Keep plodding on and try to keep smiling and you'll come out of the other end of your bad patch soon. And I agree about the favouritism. My grandmother favoured my brother over me. I always used to get in trouble for things he'd done and said and it used to wind me up no end!
from imazook :
Hi Stranger!;-) Thanks for the note. That is strange that you can't have a real tree in your apt. I wish that we had one. We have minor $ issues but hopefully things will get better. The family business isn't doing to great. Oh, Ben took me to see Harry Potter on Thanksgiving. I guess I must have forgotten to mention it. My teacher loved! my toothbrush and toothpaste though. Sometihng about being excellently rendered...hmmm, thanks though!:) Hopt to talk to you soon.
from jane-dreams :
I didn't make it clear in my entry I think... I actually had my diary unlocked for a couple of weeks. I felt secure that no one would accidently stumble on my diary because I thought the antiwebcrawler in my template would protect me. Ugh, how dumb was I? People in my 'real life' have found me through google before, and that's one of the reasons I moved originally. But I had all of our names on my diary profile, which DID turn up on a google search. I wish I knew who it was. I would feel better if I knew.
from jane-dreams :
I sent you an email! Thanks for the note. I am going to email all of my buddies that I know over the next couple of days, but I am trying to clean house like a madwoman before my family arrives... tonight. I am totally a procrastinator, we know this.
from vicola :
Hi Jenn! I agree entirely about the discrimination thing. I can't believe they actually passed something that says you can be fired for being gay? Why the hell does who you fancy affect your ability to work? What about people who fancy ugly people? Should they be banned from working too? Or those who like brunettes? It makes no less sense than banning gays. People can be incredibly bigoted sometimes and it never ceases to astound me how people can believe that kind of crap. Good luck with the coat hunting and I love the picture of Riley concentrating on his catalogue!!
from imazook :
1st off, it was the third movie;-) Hehe...Anyway, I definitely feel depressed at times, but I would say I have more anxiety than anything else...maybe it's causing me to be depressed. I don't feel like I've lost hope, I just depend too much on the future being different from what my life is like now. That is what gets me up in the morning. We do have counselors...I don't know if I could do that though. They'd be like, "So, are you looking to sign up for classes?" and I'd be, "Um no...*start crying*, I'm so lonely and bored and I thnk it's your school that is doing it to me *wha wha wha*..." I think I'd catch em off guard. Whoa, I completely went off on a tangent. Thanks for your concern. I keep thinking it'll just go away on its own. So far, it's not. Guess that means I should do something about it b/c this is no way to live. ***hugs***
from imazook :
Hi there! I havn't heard from you in a while...I was just gonna send you a note too. Thanks for the comment. I can totally understand Ben being jealous too, I wasn't mad at him for that...just the way he said things. I for sure told him that he was the only person that I wanted to be with and that he has nothing to worry about. What kind of ex bfs did you have?! (are they scary?) I hope everything is going ok with you and Kent and Riley. ((hugs)) Thanks again.
from thehour :
hee! i have infected you with my french fry craving! whee! i like salsa, but i can NOT stand tabasco. i'm like you... i can't smell it. eww.
from mymemry :
Regarding your Nov 10th entry I wrote the following in your comments section. The question I am curious about is at the end of this first paragraph. I still want to 'speak' to your BIL and SIL.... Jenn, I'm glad that you got that off your chest and I am sorry if I offended you by assuming that you were a 'cusser' in 'real' life. Even if you were - it doesn't make any difference to me. You are a big girl and can decide for yourself whether you want to use those 'dirty' words out loud. If I was offended every time you use the word 'fuck' in your diary, I wouldn't read you. But I'm not. I understand how you mean it and usually lol when I read it because it's so freaking funny the way you use it. So. That being said - I don't think it's TOO off base to assume that you cussed in 'real' life, is it? Come on - THIS diary is all I know about you. I form my conclusions about you from what I read day after day. I also have the conclusion formed in my head that you are an EXCELLENT mother. You do fun messy things with Riley and worry about all the normal stuff. I also think that you are TOO nice sometimes (like to your SIL and BIL who take advantage of you) Their actions make me want to come up to Maine and kick their ASS (see I can do it too). I have lots more conclusions too. Is that bad of me to make conclusions based on what I read? I look forward to hearing your answer. I also have a few comments regarding your entry. First - Midas does suck. I think they do that to everyone. James and I have learned to get 'the mechanic down the street' or someone like that to work on our vehicles. Places like Midas should be turned in to the BBB. AND EXPOSED! I am glad that yall have a bit of a cushion in the bank though. That is great!! I guess it really belongs in savings though, right? I hope we are able to start a savings account soon. I LOVE the picture of Spidey Ri. Kate does such great work! I hope you have a FUCKING FANTASTIC DAY. A bit much?..........
from mymemry :
Hi. I just wanted to make sure that you were not upset with me. I've been waiting for your answer to my question. Maybe you don't want to answer. Do you remember my question? Let me know if you need it again. Patiently yours, julie
from bubbles11090 :
Hey!! Thank you very much for leaving me a note. It makes me feel so much better to know that other people agree with me.
from imazook :
I can see why living together would be a good way to tell whether we're good for each other. But neither of us have much $ and both still live with mommies and daddies. I'm not sure if ANY of them will approve of it. I think I do have doubts deep down...and not so deep down. I just know that we ultimately want different things for the future...but then, if I bring this up again, he'll say,"things could change" and he has a good point with that.Ben and I have never broken up and then gotten back together(thats how it was every other month with my ex).I can tell things are differnt between me and Ben in that aspect. He is such a good guy n he's good to me.I dont wanna break up w him, but theres just this weird unsettled feeling that I have something.I do need a change, you're exactly right. I think that is what is causing most of these problems.I wish I knew why I had these feelings tho. This is a freakin novel,I'm sorry.Thanks for your note and concern.You always have the right things to say, once again, Holli is right.:) Thank you. Whew, I'm done and outta breath. I've always wanted to see how long these things can go...lalala, ok. nevermind. I'm done. (((hugs)))
from xx-angel-xx :
I think Bailee and Logan are about 9, 10 months apart too. Weird, lol.
from xx-angel-xx :
omgosh! I almost missed Riley's two year photos!! I must not have been here when you posted them... gee, I must say, they are absolutely adorable and he takes such wonderful pictures!!!
from maxsmom :
Thanks for your comment About my haiku attempt It made me happy!
from arrora :
Happy Birthday to Riley! Our boys birthdays are only a few days apart! :)
from little-babe :
I like what you wrong on Sarah's diary. And I like your diary.....So I added you!!
from mymemry :
I guess in my mind I assumed that you did swear on a 'semi' regular basis - not around Riley, but around 'adults'. I'm sorry I assumed that of you and will not think that anymore. I'm very, very, very glad you're back. I must admit that I didn't read the guest entries in your diary because I only wanted it to be you writing in your diary. It's ok for others to have guests, but I like you writing in your own diary. You are always a stable influence on me. I really enjoy reading what you and Riley are up to and what the neighbor is doing and the SIL and such. I just love reading whats in your head. From now on when you say F this and F that in your diary, I will know that these words are just coming out of your thoughts for the most part. Except for the time you called kent, "fuckface". I'll never ever forget that. :-)
from lilpeanut80 :
i guess its a case of 'the grass is always greener'. Here I am wishing I could buy cheap personalized gas station chatchkys, and you were loathe that they existed in plentiful amounts for your name. I did try to choose a uncommon-but-not-wierd name for my kid though.
from hunterpoo :
Where are you dammit? Log into Yahoo! Argh!
from momma-at-17 :
~♥~ Thank you so much Jenn!! You're entry was sooo sweet! I really did love it!
from imazook :
People assume so much. YOu're exactly right with the priorites idea. My parents made less than everyone and still send their kids to catholic yes, things can be rough...but a catholic education is important to my parents. Thanks for the note. Glad to hear that Riley is feeling better. He's such a cute little man. :) Have a great MOnday...I sure will!
from lostinmylove :
Thanks for adding me :) Yeah, I am really not looking forward to potty training him... I stalled TOO long with my daughter, though she was just tuff with it anyway... diapers can just be so convienent in so many ways... but I have to start somewhere. I will keep you posted, and cross your fingers for us!! ♥
from imazook :
Where have you been?! Hehe, jk. Thank you for the great note. It isn't that I don't like school work, I do! I'm just getting burnt out on it all. This is my third year...and I still have some to go. I need to let some things go and realize that I can't control everything. YOu're note made me feel better and realize that I'm not the only one (even tho you're over that now). I don't plan on dropping out, I don't even want to. I just like to complain;-) Thanks so much!! ((((hugs))))
from la-the-sage :
GAH! I wanted to do the guest entry, but neglected to find out HOW. Tell me exactly how to do it (and remember I'm a techno dork and none too swift) and I'll sub in at your convenience. ~LA
from arrora :
I dont get the whole guest entry thing. Can you explain it to me? ♥
from xx-angel-xx :
your right. Logan feeds off me getting aggervated with some of the things he CONTINUES to do over and over, lol. thanks for the note :) Oh! and I wanna see Pictures of Riley in his fireman costume, that'll be such a cute costume :) Maybe next year he can be a doggie, lol.
from imazook :
Aww, that was a really sweet comment you left me. Thank you so much. It really made me feel good and warm and even a little bit of fuzzy. You're right about the first impressions. I'm just so quiet sometimes. I'm getting better though!! And believe me, I've met my share of smalltown jackasses. Thank you:) (((hugs)))
from missdahling :
Hi. Thanks for the note you left me. You mentioned that I was suppposed to get your guest entry from Clarity's index page? It may not matter now, seeing that I haven't been on the internet for awhile, but is that something that I still need to do?
from thehour :
*gasp!* are you implying that i would make up things that munchkin says to make her look cute? moi? no... seriously, nothing is made up. and if i bitched about her everytime she got on my nerves, i'd be bitching alot. i have to document the cute stuff to remind myself when i want to strangle her. :D
from vicola :
Did your neighbour really just walk into your house and start using your phone to buy drugs? How bloody rude! You need to start keeping your door locked, or maybe drop your phone bill round at hers. Perhaps you could just walk straight into her kitchen and help yourself out of the fridge? My mum's neighbour used to walk straight in so my dad spent an afternoon walking around in the nude. She's never done it again. I hope your grandmother and Riley are both feeling better now.
from meowstacie6 :
Im so sorry for your loss. I was just looking at some of the diarys that momma-at-17 reads so I thought I would look at yours. I'm so sorry. I have two miscarriages and have been told that I may not be able to have kids but I am only 17. There are so many things that you feel like you lose. I wish I could say something to help you with the pain but I don't think anyone really can. I just wanted to express my sympathies. ~stacie
from imazook :
I was diagnosed with a murmur at 4...its never really given me any big problems.I wish the germs would just stop too!I usually get one cold (if any) per winter,this is too early for me!It's bad this year already.I hope you, Kent and Riley all feel better fast!!Hehe, PC transmittable.Ben did end up coming over.He planned on it but I told him not to, he got kinda bummed...but he came over. He even watched a LIfetime movie with me!! That's love! Hope you all get to feelin better! (((hugs)))
from smedindy :
Maybe it's a revolt - Thing 1 and Thing 2 are conspiring with the kids in Cat in the Hat to take over the universe? Hmmmm....
from imazook :
My family was gone all day, I was home alone, doing homework and hadn't talked to Ben...but I'm sure I may have smiled once! I've been reading your archives kind of slowly...Riley is 4 months now! You can't stop me from reading!! hehe, thanks...i hope u feel better (u were sick right?)
from smedindy :
Hey, there's no rush! Take your time, and savor the words...drink them in...let them flow through you. Pretentious enough for ya??
from imazook :
Same here! Like I said, mono is going around the area...i hope to God I don't get anything like that! I rarely get sick too. Oh well...I love Lifetime movies! You don't have to ever watch the whole thing b/c the plot is always the same! Have a good weekend!!
from imazook :
Thank you:) I suggested we go to a high school football game tomorrow(my alma mater, and his) but he didn't like that idear too much. He mentioned to me that he wanted to go out to eat and maybe to a movie since we've never ever been to the theater together. I'll definately let you know what happens! Football or the movies...;-)
from xx-angel-xx :
yes, i remember that too! i think i will always remember that, I can't imagine doing that... Those boys, how could she just drive her car into a river or whatever it was... argh. I couldn't imagine!
from xx-angel-xx :
thank you for your note about Logan and I agree with you on logan, riley, and hunter. :) Yes, I agree atleast he didn't get sick from drinking that crap.. and your word.. ookie, made me laugh, i never heard that before.
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, thanks for your lovely message! In laws should defo be avoided at holiday times, especially if they are alcoholic maniacs who get leathered and start debating politics. Not good. So sorry to hear about your grandmother, I really hope it all works out for and she gets through ok. Although we all know that no one lives for ever, somehow that doesn't make it any easier when the time comes does it?
from smedindy :
Hah! Estoy un stats whore grande! Thanks ma'am. And hang in there about what you just wrote about. You need to be good to you - and talk to someone who can help you be the best you you can, OK??
from bubbles11090 :
hey. thank you so much for your note. you are right, I had ultrasounds every week for the last 2 months of my pregnancy. so, i would imagine that something would have been caught that needed to be. I just worry so much sometimes, and I hate waiting! I really do appreiciate you leaving me a note. thanks:)
from alwaysaroura :
Your baby is adorable. I just don't have the baby bug yet. I think I must be weird or lacking some maternal instinct, I just don't know. I keep waiting for it to hit. Did you always want to be a mom? As for Hayden, I don't know why she cares. She thinks she's big important stuff because she's overseas. I really do trust Taylor, I have no reason not to. I need to stop caring about what others think. I really really do.
from imazook :
Yea, I did. I knew about the webcodez though. Thanks!
from imazook :
from imazook :
I couldn't find it. (Clarity's FAQ page):(
from aliboomboom :
Do the notes from all your diaries end up here? If so then I'm glad you knew what I was talking about!!
from aliboomboom :
This is the first time I've read this diary, I dont' know how I missed it. I don't even know what to say. Nothing seems right. I just want you to know that I believe everything you feel is normal and that I'm here for you.
from frogmom :
Thank you!
from frogmom :
So would you mind sharing with how you do post music?
from princesse69 :
hi jenn. i love the pictures of riley, he's so cute. i like the one of him sleeping, he looks so peaceful.i have locked my diary in case my mum finds it. my username is princesse69 and password is sharon ♥
from imazook :
Yes, I read her. And I knew exactly what you were talking about before reading the 2nd note. But for your (and anyone else's) comic pleasure, I'd like to copy and paste the note you wrote me: "Ugh. I meant the "how to post music" stuff. Sheesh. Anyway it's her FAQ #1. Blah I'm an idiot sometimes. Woo! Hehe. I need sleeeeep. �� " There are more noises in that note, than actual words. It made me laugh! You're too cute. :) Have a great day!!
from imazook :
thanks. I think about him quite a bit. Never in a romantic way, just a "I wonder what he's doing" kind of way. It made me kind of jealous that all my friends hung out with him this weekend but I guess thats what I have to deal with. I just wonder if he's the same person or different and if he ever thinks about me. I Never really missed him actually til last night.
from imazook :
Thank you. Your note was so sweet. I hope we can work thru this. I won't make any rash decisions!! I promise!
from imazook :
He's only 20. I don't think that we will break up, but these things will always be in the back of my mind...Thanks for worrying about me and I'm sorry I sent you like 39 notes (2). I got a little carried away.
from imazook :
I know things never work out if you plan too much. And I agree with you on the things you said. You have good points. Ben and I never ever talk about the future and that is when things are good. But it bothers me that whenever it does come up, we disagree. I'm definitely not pressuring him or making him feel guilty. It's his decision, his point of view, whatever. It's just going to be hard being in a relationship with him knowing that there is a possibilty that it won't turn into anything more than what it is now. I know I shouldn't be worrying! But he's constatnly talking about leaving and traveling and being gone and moving away...and I'm realizing that we're more different than I thought. Thanks for the note and the input. I appreciate it! :)
from vicola :
Hi Jenn. It's exactly the same in England. If you're poor you get help, if you're rich you can afford life anyway but if you are middle class, especially at the lower end of middle class, it can be bloody hard. And frequently is. We have less disposable income than next door who live on benefits and we both work long hours. I too don't begrudge people receiving benefits who need them but I do get annoyed with those who take the piss, especially since people like me and M, who are usually broke, are paying for it. Great entry in Clarity's diary by the way, told you you didn't need to worry!
from imazook :
No, you didn't offend me. I was just curious. I've been helping her out alot. She doesn't really have anyone, she'd do it for me too. That doesn't mean that I don't need new friends...but no, you didn't offend me, don't you worry!
from vicola :
Hi Jenn! Don't worry about the guest entry thing, you'll be great, you're very funny and your bitching is top class. Maybe the easiest thing to do would be not to think about a topic and when you go on, just write whatever is in your head. Then send it before you have a chance to go back and alter it all. It'll be brilliant.
from imazook :
WHat was it about Amy that made you think that? I asked in your haloscan, but it didn't show up. Grr. Just wondering what it was...not that you weren't right on the $$$
from alwaysaroura :
Hey. I'm back. Taylor and I are buying a new home and I've been busy with that. It's just been hectic around here!! We are going to GA in November, I'm dreading it already. As for the wedding ring thing, that would upset me too. I'd be devastated. Just make sure Kent puts it back on you, that'll make it special again!!
from vicola :
I get emotional when i haven't had enough sleep as well. I get very ratty and burst into tears. I had a proper strop last week because I was tired and batteries in the remote control died, meaning I actually had to get off my arse and press the buttons on the front of the telly to change the volume. Tragic.
from imazook :
Eek! Pregnancy didn't even cross my mind! I doubt it b/c I'm on the pill...I guess it's always a possibility. I shoulda read your note b4 I read the comment haloscan thing! hehe
from imazook :
It's scary that everyone is growing up!
from imazook :
No, I don't think I'm really that jealous. I'm too young and poor to support a child. It just seems like all of a sudden a few ppl I know are having kids. I don't know many ppl with babies. My family is all older than me. My sister was the last baby in the family and she is 15! So I'm not used to it is all.
from mamabean :
No no, not spreading rumors! Just giving love to a woman who deserves tons of it and seems to have secret that might be making her feel a little vulnerable and scared but also happy and hopeful. Even if I'm off base, maybe she'll understand that I'm just very very hopeful for her no matter what's going on and want to make sure she knows it, no matter how convolutedly I have to go about telling her. Dig? ;)
from jane-dreams :
I finished this diary today, and plan to go through the others as I have time. :) I just wanted to say, I feel like I know you now. I am so glad that you decided to share so much of yourself here. You really are such a beautiful woman.
from xx-angel-xx :
haha, i meant only 1,000.. i musta gotten happy w/ the 0's
from imazook :
no no, she is excited. I don't know what she meant by the little boy thing. She probably just realized at that moment what she had wanted all along, but didn't really know. She is happy and excited. But the circumstances are unfortunate. I wish she were in a better place too.
from mymemry :
Then I did know. But I think I thought you ARE now. Maybe so? Just not time to share with the world? Do you chart and stuff? I actually JUST started my period back this week (FINALLY!) I haven't had a period since 2/6/04 (the month Nathan was 'made'.) So anyway - we would like to start trying at the end of the year. Maybe December or January. November at the EARLIEST. I have decided to chart - just for the HELL of it. I will be thinking of yall.
from mymemry :
I don't guess I know anything. I was thinking it and it just kind of appeared. So. What's up with you? I guess I am wondering about some stuff, but I don't know if it is appropriate for me to ask about. Like if you and Kent ever 'finished' your conversation about another baby 'some day'. I know that you were caught off guard and hurt that he didn't seem to be on the same page he was awhile back. I would like to know abou this. But I also know that this is an emotionally sensitive subject and respect if you choose not to talk about it. I know I don't say much 'emotionally', but I also know that my mom and dad read my diary. Also my sister. I gave them the darn link though. Anyway. Um. That's about it. Julie
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, thanx for the note.. I didn't really think anyone read that far back :)
from vicola :
Hi Jenn. Are you and Kent having a disagreement about whether bee costumes are for boys or girls? I'm so glad it's not just me and Micah who have random disagreements. We once had a 'small disagreement' (read 'screeching great row') about whether Geri Halliwell of the Spice Girls was interesting enough to warrant 2 autobiographies and whether anyone cared. I said no, he said yes and it went from there. I was getting worried that we weren't normal!
from imazook :
Haha, thanks. But actually, it's because my life is perpetually boring and I have nothing else to write about. =(
from vicola :
The world had better not end at 10 tomorrow because I've watched 2 out of 3 parts of a trilogy on TV and if I don't get to find out what happens I'll not be happy! We get a lot of tailgating assholes in Manchester, especially on motorways. Transit vans are particularly bad for it. I like to slow right down if someone is tailgating me, it winds them up no end. One day someone is going to get me at the lights and kick seven shades out of me but until then I'll carry on doing my own thing!
from xx-angel-xx :
thanx for the idea. I think I'd rather go through that then have my mom explode on Joe and make things twenty times more worse then they already are. Eh, I can only hope that Joe gets the idea and the point. Maybe I'll write him a letter if he continues to do it. I haven't heard from him ALL day so, possibly he got the point? ha, we'll see. Thanks though :) Have a wonderful night!
from xx-angel-xx :
Riley playing with boats in the toilet, that's hilarious!! Our bathroom is upstairs and thankfully Logan can't walk up stairs, yet. I kept closing the bathroom door on that level at my grandparent's house but, someone kept opening it and to make it worse, they Never close the toilet.... And and, it was Someone else's bathroom. yuck.. haha.. I've told my Mom a little bit about how Joe has been frustrating me and how I think that's why i've been so uneasy, she said something about putting harassment charges on him but what about Logan?
from mamabean :
Oy and two more things: As for sign language, I had a friend in highschool whose parents were both deaf, although she could hear. She was constantly teaching us things in sign language. And, I also bought the BabySigns book, too. And two: I couldn't view the "oh pickles" video, unless it is extremely short? But just the little split second I saw was mighty darned cute. That boy is just a little peanut! I lurv him. I do!
from mamabean :
Good evening oh crafty magnetic one! I blew out a disk in my neck hauling a laptop around on one shoulder back in my "career" days. I traveled a lot and that laptop was like a vital organ to me at that time. Actually my laptop is a vital organ to me now, but in a much much healthier way. Well anyway, I ruptured a disk and had to have it removed and then had bone fusion in my neck to make up for the missing disk. It was right ugly, I won't lie! Recovery was 8 long housebound weeks in a confining brace. I never want to go through that again. Ironically, Al had the same surgery about 3 years later in his back. You can read all about it in the love story entries at friedokra. Is Kate alright? She's so quiet lately, and I know she's tired and frustrated about what's-his-face the juvenile delinquent sperm donor. If you talk to her online tonight give her a hug and a cheek-squeeze from me, and tell her it's all going to be alright, I just know it. okay? willya?
from vicola :
Hi Jenn! Loved reading your memories entry. It's a shame that the memories that stay the longest and the sharpest are the bad ones but I'm glad you've got some good ones in there as well. One thing though young lady - my dad is a nurse and he's called Adrian!! Actually he's called Adrian Frank Howard Webb. How appalling is that?
from momma-zoe :
AAH!!I was the same way! I used to LOVE peanut butter but as soon as I got pregnant with him the smell alone made me sick!!! That is weird!
from ishouldcry :
Hiya, been catching up a little and would like to say how sorry I am to read your "defining moments" page. You have been through so much and I think you are an even more wonderful person than ever before for coming through it. Take care. Love Becca
from xx-angel-xx :
I agree with you about joe, he's becoming to worry and scare me also. I'd like to tell my parents my worries on it but, I'm afraid something would go on, they'd say something to him, or they'd get into a fight (since they almost got into a fight during my pregnancy) Kaitlin is a friend, who went to highschool with me. She died our senior year, She became really really ill she had: mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE). They have something for her and every now and then to raise money for awareness for that disease. Tomorrow will be her 19th birthday so, they were having something for her today in memory. Its okay that you don't member me talking about her, I rarely do, except on her birthday or on the day we got the news about her death. (sorry so long!)
from boxx9000 :
I got the *WEIRDEST* thing in the mail today.......(hehehehehe) PLEASE tell me that those two brown blobs are Mr and Mrs Spud and NOT Mr and Mrs Poop?! (hehehehe) I LOVE the magnet! THANKS! How fun to get mail. WhEeEeeee. I &hearts Jenn!
from imazook :
Noo, you don't strike me as a soccer mom at all! Hey, I'm sure I'll be one some my mother is...and most others I know. And you know, I remembered reading somewhere that you drove a minivan and when I wrote that, I thought of you and hoped you woudln't get offended. True story!!!
from imazook :
Yes woman, I did go! ;-) I'll go on and write about it. Things didn't feel to awkward and he was really sweet. I realized some things. I'm just annoying.
from mamabean :
I just looked at my friedokra notes today. Once I got the comments up there, I completely abandoned the notes! Anyway thank you for always being so sweet and supportive to me when I kinda let it all hang out. Your comments are always so empathetic and compassionate. You are not such a toughie, little missy! Hugs to you and Riley... I hope that either you are feeling better or that your suspicions are what I think they might be. Oh and you know... Al is always MORE stressed after a vacation (because issues pile up, waiting for him to come back and get everyone back on track again), but we ARE going off to the beach for a week in October. He and I both love the beach and he does tend to get very mellow there. I think he read my sad entry in friedokra Tuesday. He has been very reassuring about his love and my value and how much he needs me since then. Anyway, terrible twos! John Rosemond has a book about the TTs and making them terrific. I plan to take a look at it myself soon! I love John Rosemond. Anyway off to get ready for Alex's first Braves game!
from imazook :
Hey never told me what your suspicions were! And you are right about what you said in your note. It would just be so much easier to have it all spelled out for me. PLus, I don't have a child to keep me around!;-)
from alwaysaroura :
I just hate being one of those adults that harbors resentment to her parents, ya know? I really think it would be best if I just didn't see them, maybe later on but not right now. I just feel so much pressure to be someone that I'm not when I am with them. I'm doing so well with my recovery and with being happy right now, I don't know that it'll be the same even if I'm just there for a day or two. You are right, I am an adult, I can make my own decisions. I guess it just comes back down to the fact that no matter how terrible my mother and father were to me, I still want to make them happy and make them love me. It's pitiful. I think it's part of the reason I'm assure I want kids, what if I make them feel as terrible as my parents made me feel? It's a scary thought. I'm sorry that your childhood wasn't easy, what we wouldn't have given for a mother that just loved us for us, huh?
from green-kiwis :
hallo! what did you purge from yor soul?
from bitterwineuk :
I wonder if we are both having "suspicions" over the same thing at the moment......
from imazook :
I hate hate hate Sundays. Espeically when I have nothing to do. They drag and make me feel blah. Yea, I guess we're working things out. Hopefully...
from alwaysaroura :
You crack me up, let me know how the Pampered Chef party goes.
from childofmine :
thanks for the note. i completely agree. i ended up telling my mother and she tried talking to my aunt who continued to make it worse. now she's not allowed near my house. not that i mind. *hugs*
from imazook :
Hey, sorry I didn't answer sooner. I've been avoiding the "are you ok" questions. Not because I'm not so extremely greatful that people on here care about me (because I am 100%), but because I don't know the answer. I mean, I'm ok, but I'm not sure about the relationship. Last night, on the phone, I told him I didn't know abt things and thought maybe a break or soemthing should happen. He said ok...but we talked later, and things seemed ok. He came over today (after having an extremely shitty day) and was the sweetest. I'm gonna try and stop over analyzing things. I've just been really down and out lately...I'm not trying to place blame on that, but I'm sure it doesn't help. I'll keep you posted!!;-) ((hugs))
from maxsmom :
just found your blog for the first time. i know where you're coming from. i had a miscarriage at 20 weeks. that was 2 years ago, but it still hits me sometimes out of the blue. thanks for sharing your story.
from imazook :
Oh, no problem. My head still hurts! :(
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, thank you so much for your note about Logan! I thought Logan would have been bad and wripped up everything but, he didn't. LoL, riley's funny. That'll teach them to put a present on his lap :-)
from mamabean :
ha! I really thought hard about my answers because I wanted them to be as clever as yours! You are always so funny and thought-provoking. I have a dream of being "done over" by Clinton and Stacey. I think they are FABULOUS, and the hair and make-up is always beautiful too. You look great, now, so Hush!
from purplesage26 :
we "dated" for a few months before I accidently moved in with him. Two years later he proposed and 4 years later we got married and now here we are. At least I think that's how it goes, it's been so long, lol.
from imazook :
I can't stand that show (absolutely no offense). Every single character annoys me...not just George. I'm more of a Friends kinda gal. But you are right about the compromise part...Thanks for tagging me, it helped remind me that I cannot get pulled over!!
from alwaysaroura :
That's a good way to look at it, I guess we are all a little codependant. And if you have to give up spontaneous sex when you have a child, forget it. :)
from aliboomboom :
I LOVE BRANDON BOYD. Have you seen him in the new Gap ads? He's so cute. And he says his favorite song is Alison by Elvis Costello and that's my favorite song for obvious reasons. I have to like anyone who likes that song, it's a classic!
from thehour :
lol @ your comment! 'ummm... yeah, i married him and we DO have a child together but... EWWW, he's a BOY!' ;)
from imazook :
Psst...I added you;-) And thank you...I feel the same way about you! Thank you for caring about me.
from imazook :
Actually, I don't think I have your info...unless it's on your diary. Do you have msn,yahoo or aim? Thank you for your note. I honestly don't have the slightest inclination as to what i'm even feeling right now. None at all. I'm upset, but I don't know why. I don't even hurt or ache. Thank you so much for caring about me:) (((hugs)))
from mamabean :
nope, nothing offensive there! I don't wanna have another baby. Right now. Maybe later? But later would be too late. I'll be 38 in a few days. Thanks for thinking I look younger. When you get to be an old lady like me, those kind of compliments keep you going! But really, I look old. You don't see it because of the blurry lens I use on the camera! yeeeeeeeeeeps! Yeah, Alex IS perfect, I must agree. But they all are, aren't they?
from vicola :
Doesn't Riley have the most gorgeous brown eyes? Thanks for your comment, the phone thing didn't stop and I have now officially kicked off about it. Also I have taken to sneakily pulling the phone jack out of the wall for an hour or two a night. His mother reported that she couldn't get through and he's spending this morning chasing British Telecom about the 'fault on the line'. Oh dear. Never mind, if they find out what it was I'll blame it on the dog!
from purplesage26 :
Thank you! That comment was so sweet, I'm glad someone other than my sister understands.
from hunterpoo :
Yea GO to BED! It's past your old lady bedtime. hahahah. My grama goes to sleep later then you!!!! hahhahahahah. I'll catch you on tomorrow. I may have ummm... a visit from the orajel demon. hahahhahaha. nite nite.
from hunterpoo :
Why in the world did you break your yahoo?? I know you did it on purpose. What did it ever do to you? HUH? Poor innocent Yahoo. Just trying to be a nice messenger and you go and torture it til it breaks. SHEESH! I should report you to messenger abuse services. hahaha. Hope you fix it soon. sniffle. you messenger sadist.
from imazook :
The butter battle book! We have a few of those. I don't know any other zooks. Not even any family. I just didn't like having another one. I know it was probably a good idea, but it felt funny. Hard to explain without sounding like a freak...
from imazook :
Aww, I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me:(
from oil-n-water :
Yea, I'm not sure either. It seems like when people ask me and I tell them "about a year but it seems longer" they think i mean something bad by that. That is what I meant in your last note, that it seems longer, not shorter. I'm confusing myself...I can't imagine what is going thru your head!
from oil-n-water :
Thank you! We'll have been together for a year in late October. It doesn't seem that long, I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
from arrora :
Really? Hey, I will buy you a plane ticket right now so you can come and kick his butt! That would be wonderful! Hehe :)
from oil-n-water :
No, we're fine:) We almost weren't yesterday, but my friend talked some sense into me and told me to reevaluate my feelings once I no longer have "pms". I just have the Sunday blues:( Thanks though! ((hugs))
from kisskeri :
Thank Jenn. I think I hate him with a passion...but that passion is love. I'd never give him false hope, but I do know that the most I can do is be there for him. Thanks for the advice :)
from oil-n-water :
Thank you. I totally missed that when you posted. You must have had another entry or something. I wouldn't have found that for a long time! I'm kinda obsessive compulsive when it comes to diary reading. I try and read the whole thing. It's a weakness...
from oil-n-water :
I mean your photo interview
from oil-n-water :
Thank you. You're note made me feel good. In a totally non lesbian etc etc etc way;-). Just sometimes I feel so blah and average. I knew what you meant though! I started at the beginning of your diary and am still reading it but you started so long ago that it is taking me quite a I hope I run across your's soon. Wait, is it even in your diary??
from frogmom :
Yeah she recovered just fine! But its still so sad! This school incourages parent involvement a lot!
from arrora :
hey, why didnt my heart work? haha
from arrora :
I feel like I am losing my mind. I didn't have a big falling out with my husband... it's just a bunch of things that have added up. You know what I mean? I am so confused right now. I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to have a great marriage and a great family, but it seems like that just isn't possible. &heart;
from oil-n-water :
that is a good idea about the archives page...thank you. like holli said, maybe after i write more, ill feel better about it. :)
from frogmom :
Thank you! Its been really nice here! Not too hot but not cold either really.
from xx-angel-xx :
lol, ooooh! I was thinking. How in the world did Riley drink when he was a baby if he wasn't on a bottle.. haha, I never once thought breast haha. Thanx for clearing it up! Awe, theres nothing wrong with looking like you, lol.
from xx-angel-xx :
Oh! I forgot to ask, Riley didn't have a bottle? What did you use?
from imazook :
Thank you for the note. I laughed when I read the 1st one that you were going back b/c you missed something. But you were right. You always seem to be right when it comes to relationships. Neither of us were in a "break up" place. We didn't want to, we were just both tired and definately stressed about school and work. We did talk. And I agree with you on being able to find yourself while in a relationship. I never did understand why people said that they needed to be alone for that...but I heard it so much that I opted to believe it. I do trust him enough to have aspects in life that don't involve me. He does have lots of them. He has his hunting and bikes etc...but I don't really have anything like that that makes me happy. That is why he nags me so much to get a "hobby". I can honestly say though that I don't know anyone who really has a hobby! Thanks for the insight and advice. It is very appreicaited!! (((hugs)))
from vicola :
Hi Jenn! If it's any consolation I'm having an absolutely shite day too. Your neighbour sounds lovely. It's always the mark of a true gentleman to take a piss over the fence. You could always use the method for discouraging cats to deal with this - rub birds eye chillies on the top of the fence. If that doesn't stop him, nothing will!
from boxx9000 :
from green-kiwis :
He doesn't bring it up. It worries him though. I always make sure I come home from my parties every night and let him know I'm home and alone.
from thedetails :
I just read your note, that is some funny stuff. Weird how conincedences like that can happen sometime. PS. I think I mispelled coincedences.
from almostnormal :
I am SO sorry. I totally gave you the wrong impression when I left that note (I'm not in the best place right now) I was NOT offended! I was trying to say something without being offensive and "in your face" about it the way so many people are these days. It was an awesome entry, and I wasn't trying to be judgemental or rude or crappy or anything negative, I promise!
from almostnormal :
throw them away like garbage? i understand your strong feelings, and feel that your opinion is valid and important. maybe a miniscule percentage feel that way when they get the "procedure" done...but it's a very small fraction. there were about fifty protesters at the clinic back in the day when i got an abortion, and i stood in front of them and told them if one of them would take the baby, i wouldn't do it. they wanted to give me phone numbers and addresses...but that's all. no one would step up to the plate and put their life and pocketbook where their beliefs were. needless to say, my firstborn is only seven months old. i truly wish we lived in a world where abortion was unnecessary, and i can understand if you feel we already do, it's a very big debate. have a good night!
from imazook :
You're right, that is what a diary is for! I never really knew Ben when he had buzzed hair, but I like it least short enough where a freakin' ponytail isn't nor can it be present. I wish I had a decent picture of him to put in here where he didn't look like Hanibal Lecture...I'll work on it;-)
from hunterpoo :
Yes I am an Auntie! hahah. Megan and Jessie call me their sister (not sister-in-law) haha. Proper or not, that's my new niece and Hunter's cuz. hehe. Dah woman, sorry I didn't email you. I was so tired yesterday. Hopefully I can catch you on today. But I'm going to visit Megan and Brooke again, so chances aren't that great. *sniffle*. Sorry to hear about Riley and the cat. Hunter has a scar on his leg from a fight with a kitty. I think animals aren't good for Hunter. hehe.
from arrora :
Amen to EVERYTHING you said! (And no, I don't mind what you said about my MIL, because it's COMPLETELY TRUE!) See, I want Wesley to be like Riley with the whole sweets thing. I want him to want a banana and not a huge piece of pie. haha. You are so sweet. You made me feel much better &heart;
from vicola :
Your aunt is obsessed with penises? No offence to men or anything, I think my one is great and all that but men's bits look like a ferret embryo carrying 2 uneven laundry bags. There are far more attractive things to be thinking about. Incidentally fuel is going up in Britain too. It's now 90 odd pence a litre and last time it hit �1 a litre we had major fuel protests and fuel depot blockades. Fuel at petrol stations was rationed to those who worked in certain occupations. Whole country ground to a halt and the only up side was that I couldn't get in to work so had 2 weeks off!!
from xx-angel-xx :
ahh, yes! Power Wheels- Man, I could not think of the name for the life of me! Thanks, lol! Your right about the whole 'cool' thing, I knew in the back of my head, it was that way but, its always sucky that he'll be able to by the fun things and I won't but, hopefully it won't always be like that i'll be better off in the future but, I think everyone's like that though. Thanks :)
from ttc4baby :
I'm new to your journal but I feel the emotion behind your words and empathize with you; I truly hope it becomes easier to cope with as time moves forward. It is my belief that we never forget but just learn from experiences. I know this is sudden but I'm only a click away if you need someone to talk to. 8o) Kat
from green-kiwis :
I added a note to the end of that entry... hahah, thanks. -V.
from xx-angel-xx :
If I asked my parents to have logan sleep in their room, I know they mostlikely would. My dad wakes up at 3:30 and my mom wakes up at 4:30 for work. I'd feel bad if Logan did wake up b/c i"m sure they wouldn't wake me up. I'll be able to hold off until the weekend and hope Joe picks him up, then I'll be able to get rest. Thanks :) Have a wonderful day!
from vicola :
Hi Jenn! Truly your SIL sounds charming, an ideal addition to any family! Cheer up, just think, at some point the husband will leave her and she'll end up fat, fifty and alone, spending her evenings watching Oprah on a dirty old sofa wearing carpet slippers and an egg stained dressing gown. Whereas you will be happy with Kent and Riley! See? She has no reason to be smug!!
from elliemay23 :
It's extremely overwhelming. Toys here, clothes there, more toys over there. I'm thankful to have people who love my kid and want to give her stuff, but I don't know where to put all of it. xoxo, Ellie
from allegedwife :
You definitely do NOT fall into the "unadulterated idiot" category. Those don't even make my buddy list. It only encourages them!
from xx-angel-xx :
I think its him teething also. The otherday while I was tickling him, He had his mouth wide open and I noticed he was getting two of his back teeth in, one on both side. I see why he's so fussy anymore. I just gave him some tylonel, He's still up and its 10:10. I think teething is his problem too but, he's crying like he has never cried before, (he's occupied with a video right now though) I think its really not a point to have a huge party for him. Plus, I couldn't think of a place besides my house or my grams to have it and I dont want a million people in a small house, like you said. So, in the next few years, We'll have something bigger, when he remembers. Have a great night!
from untamedwings :
I always crave weird things for breakfast! I hate eggs & typical breakfast stuff though. Families really can suck. Sometimes distance is a good thing.
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, just been catching up with your diary as I've been away from the computer for a few days. Bugger your SIL, if she wants to be moody bitch, leave her to it. She evidently doesn't have enough to do in her day and she should be pitied because eventually she'll give herself a stomach ulcer. As for Kent's co-worker, I think you are showing impressive restraint because if some desperate cow started trying to bribe her way into my other half's undercrackers there would be bloodshed. Men never ever twig but you're right, she isn't just doing it because she wants to share salsa with the world. The bitch!!
from arrora :
Hey... question for ya... how do you do that little heart at the end? I wanna do it!
from arrora :
Thanks for your note. It actually makes me feel better to know that I am not the only person who has had a child fall down the stairs. I guess our boys must be made of flubber... and that's why they didn't get hurt :-D
from camham :
I wish I could take credit for my blinkies. I would love to make them, but I actually just typed in "freeblinkies" in my web search engine and scoured the sites I found. Heather
from untamedwings :
Inlaws. Suck. Period.
from boxx9000 :
My sister-in-laws were mean and spiteful to me and my two kids. The only way I could rationalize it was: 1. They were jealous. 2. They felt the need for competition. 3. They wanted THEIR kids to have all the attention in the family. 4. My husband is a wuss and never stood up for us.
from green-kiwis :
thank you for the notes, jenn. you're the best. I love that picture of Riley! talk to you soon! <3
from xx-angel-xx :
Yeah, I can see teaching them seperately but, some toys have it together and you just press buttons to hear the numbers and as little children, you just press buttons and squeeze things for fun, i would think that would be confusing, lol.... Oh about the movie. There are other different once. We have the 'farm' one and 'Curious Buddies' its so stupid, its like sock puppets singing songs, lol. And watching that same one over and over again can be annoying so, i thought maybe i'd buy another one in order to switch it up a little. I can always order offline but, its much easier to buy in stores. or I can just deal with the 'farm' one.
from alwaysaroura :
Okay I don't think that you are being ridiculous at all when it comes to your husband and the coworker. I think she's completely out of line. It would be different if you were friends but you aren't. Maybe you should have her and her husband over for dinner and see how they interact together. That way you would know what she was really trying to do. Remember keep your friends close and your enemies closer!! Also thanks for your note. I am really trying not to let things bother me. I think sometimes it just hits too close to home when people say stuff like that, ya know? Maybe I feel that way about myself sometimes? Who knows? And you are right, we all have different lives and they all come with bad things and good things. I am lucky in a lot of ways and I appreciate that but I also know that there are things that I'll never have that come really easy to others. Thanks for caring. Oh and Riley is adorable!! It almost gives me baby fever. Well okay so it doesn't but he is cute!!
from boxx9000 :
You're NOT being ridiculous about this girl at work that has a crush on YOUR husband. In Kent's defense, men are CLUELESS. Ask yourself, what motivation would YOU have for giving a guy at work little presents? Innocent? NO WAY! (at least not on the girl's part) Tell Kent that by excepting these presents he is playing her game. He has to tell her, NO, my wife might think I'm interested in you.
from xx-angel-xx :
Oh and Logan's 31inches tall. 30, or 31.
from xx-angel-xx :
Yes, Joe is tall, I'm 5'7, i guess you'd say that was semi tall for a girl, lol. I know, I had the pleasure of meeting my mom's grandparents.
from arrora :
It's crazy I tell you. I just put our convo in my diary. Why? I dunno. I just did. (((hugs)))
from xx-angel-xx :
haha. thanx for the comment though :) I think I'm actually going to call today to switch the american flag to the picnic one. The american flag is more like for a theme but, like you said afterwards i can always get the american flag for myself. They give you 9 weeks after your pictures to come in to order more, soo that's what I think I'll do if I'm not happy about switching haha. IF they let me change the pose though, If not then maybe its a good thing, lol :) Thanx though! :)
from widower :
Thanks for the note. I think the fact that I was young AND had no kids helped me move on and make Marathon Girl #1. I think if my daughter had lived, I would have put of dating again for a long time and it would effect what I do to celebrate certain days. Some of the emails I receive from people have kids in the mix and I always tell them I'm not one for advice on what to do once kids are involved � especially if they are old enough to remember the mom or dad who passed away. I think children dramatically complicates the situation and my gut instinct would be to put their needs over the needs of anyone else.
from untamedwings :
I adored Finding Neverland too. Love both shots of Riley!
from aliboomboom :
I haven't seen Finding Neverland. Maybe I should now that it got such a raving review from you. I think Johnny Depp is hot but more importantly than that I think he's an amazing actor. We were out the other night and someone said John looked like Johnny Depp. Yeah right, I wish!
from thehour :
omg, you MUST upload at least one to flickr so i can see!
from thehour :
lol! i'll have to ask my dad if it made a hickey on his forehead too. although i don't think anybody would be surprised about my dad doing that. he's always been crazy. the only reason i even know he did that is because i have a picture. it's one of my favorites.
from xx-angel-xx :
thank you. I know he doesn't have a case but there is still this little doubt and worry. He does have a daughter. Who knows what the story is about that. Joe's mother claims the daughters mother is like the devil and blah blah. joe is a liar and you can never believe what he says.
from almostnormal :
Good to know there are other adventurous souls out there! As for the religion, I haven't picked one yet. I've always been Catholic and baptized both the girls in June, so it's my default. Kind of like staying with a guy until something better comes along. I'm a tramp like that *grin* Besides, since the church gave us money, I feel all indebted and even if I do leave them, I want to leave feeling like I paid back my debt. Hope you are having a fabuuuuulous day!
from imazook :
You didn't offend me at all! Thank you. No, I don't really need the money. I mean, I need money, but I'm not desperate for it and there are definately other jobs available. My first job, I worked as a cashier in a retail store. I hated it. I only stayed there for a summer. I though maybe I'd be able to keep a job for a bit longer. (I do have another job that I've been at for 3 years, but I love it and it isn't real work so it doesn't count.) I'd feel like such a lazy pile if I quit after one weekend. I don't know what I should do. My mom told me to look for another job before quitting, Ben says to just stick it out and see where it goes. I want to do both. Thank you for the note though. I hope you get to feelin' better and Riley calms down a bit!:)
from imazook :
I agree with the unmovage (yes, unmovage) of the faces. Maybe I just have an extreme aversion to loud things. I'm not a huge fan of Ben's bike either;-) I've gotten rather anti-social since I got outta high school. Sometimes it bothers me that I've lost touch with ppl I used to be so close with, but other times, I don't. People change. You have A LOT on your plate right now! (Of course you know that!) Take time for yourself...and make sure it's guilt free time. She sounds like a good friend, she'll forgive you:) (((hugs)))
from hunterpoo :
I'm sitting here like a dork smiling. You made a layout!!!!! yay!!!!! I love it. I'm glad you did decide to move even with me making you second guess. It's great woman. And very fitting. Ok. I think I need a nap.
from green-kiwis :
Jenn, you will carry this pain for your life, but it is not in vain. You loved the bambino, and that is what is most important. He(?) may not be able to be with you on the outside, but keep carrying his spirit on the inside, and he won't ever be really gone. <3 -V.
from arrora :
It breaks my heart to see all the pain you are going through. I wish there was something I could say that would make you feel better. Just remember that your baby is in heaven, and you will see him someday. I hope that makes sense and doesn't offend you in any way. Try to smile, you are too nice of a person not to. (((hugs)))
from imazook :
Aww, thanks so much. I'm gonna try and stick it out for a while. If it gets difficult b/c of school though, then I may have to quit. Also, every other Thurs, there are staff meetings at 2:30 but i have class so...if they have a problem with that, then i may have to quit too. School comes first. Thanks for the note! and support!
from kisskeri :
Aww thank you!! He really does seem like a GREAT guy. James is a great guy himself, treats Erin like gold, and James said Joe makes him (james) look bad he's that much of a stand up guy. I guess being raised by his mother gave him a different level of respect for woman. I'm so excited to get to know him better. Without jumping the gun, I think there's potential here ;)
from childofmine :
i'm all caught up with you! riley is just so cute, i'm so glad you take all those pictures! *hugs*
from untamedwings :
That is such a great shot of Riley!
from xx-angel-xx :
haha, the pictures and the pig, that's funny. I agree with you, Mouth Pain is the worst! I feel so badily for Riley, poor thing!
from thehour :
omg, i was just checking haloscan and just now got your comments from two separate entries! wtf? maybe because my title was too long?? but they weren't showing up on my diary and that's where i normally look. you guys DO still love me! ;) my feelings are all better now!~~i love playing board games, cards, dominoes, etc with anybody... so playing them with munchkin is fun. and video games! yay! it's better than barbies any day. <--yuck. and wow on all of the b-days! but it helps make the season so much better! i love autumn! still haven't made up my mind on the school thing. *sigh* don't want to miss out, ya know?~~i sooo agree with you on the "white straight" etc. thing. it really makes me angry too. my uncle is gay. i love him to pieces. i have friends that are gay. hell... if munchkin turns out to be gay, more power to her! as long as she's happy. i just hope that if that's the case, she won't be shut out of a hospital room where the person she's lived with for upteen years is because she's not 'family'. ugh... okay... now that my novel is taking up the whole screen.... lol! ♥
from camham :
Hey, Jenn. I wanted to make sure you know how encouraging your messages have been to me. I am the same way with Ryan. I do everything myself and finally ask him...tell him...when I need help and by that time I can be downright bitchy. Only because I am so overwhelmed. You have a great guy there. And, I just wanted to mention, I am nowhere near being able to afford a trip to London, but I like to pretend:) Heather
from missy-17 :
awwwww riley is adorable!!! ;D
from imazook :
Thank you. Today is my first real day and I'm so nervous. I don't know if it's something I can really do. And they're all so catty that I'm worried no one will like me. I'm so shy, people might think I'm being stuck up! I sound like a 3rd grader:( But thanks for the encouragment!
from mathero :
I JUST realized I never added you. I'm so bad. But now you're added! I have the EXACT same thing with my husband. I want to do everything by myself and then I get so overwhelmed and upset with him because he's not helping. And then I bitch. I'm good at bitching. And really my husband isn't nearly as bad as I make him out to be. Just like I know your husband isn't that bad either. We're silly girls. I hate being a girl sometimes. Hormones! ugh.
from green-kiwis :
thank you for the note, jenn! you are the only person who seems to consistently read and leave notes. you are the best <3!
from eggsaucted :
from arrora :
youre a good read :-) email me a [email protected] if you ever want to get into my diary. :)
from mathero :
Thanks! It's actually my brother and his fiance. It's a little scary with her being so far along. =(
from aacbmb :
hi i saw ur name through hunterpoo's diary and ur funny. i like to read ur diary. i just wanted to let u know that i'm gonna add u to my faves so i can keep up with u when u update. ok bye!
from aliboomboom :
I took the survey!! And thanks for the comment. I am just having such a down day on myself. It's beat up Ali day today in my brain. Great.
from vicola :
If your other half announces you are spending the weekend with his parents and you don't want to, don't do it! That's what I do, I've refused to go to his mothers this weekend. Don't worry about people thinking you're being mean, embrace your inner bitch! Good luck with Riley's mouth, hope he feels better soon.
from imazook :
Thank you so much for your note. It made me smile. You're so so kind. I wish I knew you better. I should have known that about guys and how they are not huge fans of makeup. Most of my life, my friends have been guys too. But then, they go drooling over people like jessica simpson and these teensy tiny girls. So, I get confused! Thanks again for the note.:) I hope Riley's little mouth gets better! ((hugs))
from friedokra :
absolutely. add me away! :)
from bubbles11090 :
I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time figuring out what's wrong with Riley. Waiting does suck, and I hate it too! Good luck:)
from untamedwings :
Waiting is always the hardest thing on the planet for me too. I'm so sorry you're stuck in limbo. Hugs.
from untamedwings :
Good luck today. Meanwhile I'll hang onto the solid belief that I have that everything will go just fine for you & Riley. Sometimes, at least for me, it's easier to contemplate the worst case scenario. Then if it should happen, it's already crossed my mind & I feel a bit more prepared. Hugs.
from alwaysange :
With all due respect, I think your job is probably one of the most important jobs a woman can have. It's kind of the American dream for a lot of women to be able to have the opportunity to be a SAHM and get that quality time with their child. Still, I know, the grass on the other side of the fence looks tempting at times. At least, as a spinster career girl it does to me! I hope you get the respect you deserve for doing your part. I know it can't be easy. Just wanted to say I appreciate what you do. Have a good day!
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, we have big kiddos :) Bailee will be two in dec. They're almost 9 months apart also. Wow, that's really weird. haha
from boxx9000 :
Happy HALF Birthday Jenn! You are almost exactlty 24 months older than my daughter. Aquarians........ROCK! Have a great day. Eat a piece of pie (or cake or ANY type of sweets for me) WhEeeEEEeeeeEE!
from green-kiwis :
Hahah! Thank you, Jenn. You totally just made my morning ten times better.
from xx-angel-xx :
Thank you for your note! Awe, Riley and Logan are cuties, that's why :-p Riley looks like he has fine hair like my niece, she'll be two in december and she has like NO hair, I feel bad because she'd look like a boy if she had blue on. Her hair feels like hay though. I tried that, wetting a washcloth and putting in the freezer, I think you gave me that wonderful idea. it worked a few times but, once he started his thing, with throwing everything on the ground, it doesn't work all that well anymore- I'll try juice next time, its a little messy but, if it makes him feel better, then that's what matters. I tell him no everytime he bites and that its not nice. Thank you once again :)
from untamedwings :
3 kids, 3 different answers. Maya was 2 weeks old. How BAD is that??? She was severely colicky all day & then slept 50 minutes TOTAL at night. We were dead tired & a friend took her one night a week for the first 2 months. We would drop her off at 5pm & be in bed by 5:20. Emmy I left 2 weeks before her first birthday, because I was in the hospital having B. I completely coddled her knowing I was having another one so that night was the first time in almost a year that she didn't literally fall asleep in my arms. B is 2 & I have yet to leave her. The first time I do will probably be whenever we renew our vows. A night off would do you good. Quality, uninyerrupted couple time. I know you think you get it now but you're always on-duty & listening for the baby. A night to just be in the moment is a good thing. Hugs.
from vicola :
Did the 'which world leader are you?' test and rather worryingly turned out to be Saddam hussain. I think I may be a little bit too bossy. Husband to be hasn't decided whether he's going to the party on the 13th but the MIL (the Megabitch as she is affectionately referred to by my friends) is ringing 3 times a day to see if he's made up his mind and to make him feel bad.
from vicola :
Hi Jenn, personally I don't have any kids but my best mate Lou split with her other half when Adam was about 3 months so he spent one night a week with Lee after that. Also when my little bro was 6 months old we moved house and the new house was such a total state that we used to go and stay with my grandparents overnight while my parents worked on it so he stayed away from 6 months onwards. I imagine it will be hard the first time you stay without him but that will be the case whatever age he is when you first let him go overnight.
from green-kiwis :
2 days old. But maybe I'm an abnormality. I don't think 2 is too young.
from untamedwings :
Alone time ♥
from xx-angel-xx :
thank you so much! I know, its so hard to get 'new friends' even if i try to explain to people who don't understand, who don't have children they claim they do understand and tell me its not that hard to find a friend or two. C'mon, your talking to someone who goes out of the house, 2-3 hours, in one day of the week and when i do, i go with my MOM! How lame is that, but, i'm def. not going to be searching for friend with my Mother. And they don't understand and it bothers me that they think they do and they think they can give me advice. And why do old friends leave while your pregnant or even after you've had a baby, thats just ridiculous.
from vicola :
The problems that run through the genes of our family include such delights as breast cancer, skin cancer, dementia, alcoholism and bowel cancer. So that's something to look forward to as I get older. Nice!
from camham :
Thank you for the note! I needed that!
from imazook :
Thank you so much. You leave such wonderful, insightful and helpful notes. I hope you are right about him. I think things will be ok. I hope so! :) Thanks again hun.
from imazook :
You didn't offend me at all, thank you so much. I almost cried while I was reading the note. We've talked about it before and he has told me he doesn't wanna "settle down" til he is about 30. I just don't have the desire to wait that long. It upsets me when this whole "we want different things" comes up.(and it does often) He is a bit of a rebel and I agree with your theory on how boys are brought up with a negative notion of what settling down really is. I keep telling myself that maybe, someday, he'll reconsider...but he is very stubborn. I hope I'm not holding on to a hopeless dream. I know what you mean by when people are drinking that is when they're the most honest. That scares me a little...but I have to let him be his own person and I certainly do not want to "tie him down" if he doesn't want to be with me or whatever it is that he is so against. He was acting strange last night, I wonder if he was planning on breaking up with me the whole time. Thank you so so much. ((hugs))
from boxx9000 :
I love the bathtub photo, what an angel. The vogue one gave me a giggle.
from untamedwings :
I don't think it's awful to say that. It's sad to know others hurt but that is just reality. The positive thing is that in pain, you find others in similar pain. Those bonds & moments of understanding help the healing ♥
from untamedwings :
Just caught up on yesterday's entries...I have had 2 miscarriages & anything weird for you IS very normal. It takes 3 full cycles after m/c for your body to be free of all pregnancy hormones & to return to normal. That's one reason they say to wait 3 months before trying again. Spotting is real normal because you lost a lot with the m/c & your body may not have built a lot of new lining up to shed again...This is insane coming from me (because ANYTHING from me right now is insane:P) but just try to relax & not worry. I know it's easier said than done because I've been there, twice. You've had Riley. When your body is back on track & when you are strong enough to risk it again, you'll have another baby. Your body needs time to heal & your heart does too, maybe even moreso. You may not have been pregnant for very long but you KNEW. You knew you were carrying a little person & for someone wanting that, it is a huge loss. One that I don't think people that haven't lost a baby can grasp. You need to grieve it, slowly accept it & then you'll feel ok about trying again. Hugs ♥
from boxx9000 :
My family has all the bad genes, too. Cancer, cancer, cancer. Well, we all have to die, right? I plan to enjoy as much of this life as I have left. WhEeEeeeeeEE! THANKS for the BIG POTATO POSTCARD. I ♥ Jenn!
from imazook :
Hehe, the Zook really was an accident. It just happens to be my last name so I got used to typing it. Thanks for the note:)
from marlen816 :
I know since I have stopped nursing Noah my periods have been wonky, starting and then stopping after a day to start up again the next day in full swing, so I think all of what you are going through is possibly normal. Don't stress about it. and before you know you'll have 5 kiddos like me driving you insane =)((Hugs))
from allegedwife :
Give yourself time Jenn. Your body and your horomones have been through a pretty torrid period, they just need a while to settle. As for there being some nasty cause for your irregular cycle...I think all the scans you have had in the last little while would have picked up anything there. If you are still worried (and you have no reason to be), how about talking to a midwife? Riley will get his little sister (or brother) when your body is good and rested and ready. *hugs* Fi
from bitterwineuk :
Awww, Jenn, I missed your last entry but it's not your fault. None of us are super human. I felt the same when I took Matthew to the doctor over his cold. It had got really bad by then and he spent a week in hospital. After a long time of self blame feeling like I made it worse by not getting him seen I realised that hang on, he's here. He's going to be fine!!! At least we got it seen to. I know exactly how you feel. Especially with your first, you don't want to keep going to the doctors because they have a sniffle or a grumble every few weeks. They are usually just having a bad day like all of us. These things are sent to test us. You are doing a fantastic job and no-one can fault you for that. Absolutely love the new pics of Riley. The bottom sleep pose is exactly as Matthew sleeps, facial expression and all. In fact he looks like my Matthew alot in that picture. You have a most wonderful weekend. *8:0) Becca
from bubbles11090 :
Those pictures are so cute:) I love his little curls around his ears...precious. We have two cute little Rileys!!!
from green-kiwis :
He is a cutie pie! You should have tried to sneak a picture of the elephand *and* the wooden block...
from ishouldcry :
jenn, hello my dear. How do you do that lovely little heart that you always leave at the end of your messages. I want to do some.*:0) Also do you know any more???? Becca
from hunterpoo :
Thank you woman for the comment today. I bet you copied it before you published, which is probably good because 2 people had theirs ate. haha. Anyways, I'm so glad to have someone like you to encourage me. The reason I even mention her brother is because he's still VERY active in her life. He's the one who introduced Josh to her. Maybe I associate her with drugs, buts it more along the lines that her being in Hunt's life would bring her brother into Hunt's life too. Hope that makes sense. And from what I hear about her kid, she wouldn't be a good "mother-figure" for my son anyways. Bah. I'm babbling. hahaha. It's contagious huh?! hahaha
from imazook :
Oops. I meant "zoo" picutres. Got a little carried away
from imazook :
Thank you so much for your note. I've been putting it off for so long and now that I am going, I'm terrified. I don't know if I'm scared to learn something or what. Oh, I was looking at your zook pictures. Riley is adorable! And I love your hair!:)
from vicola :
I got 50% for prison slang. I'm hopelessly middle class and don't even know anyone who's been to prison. How does that work?
from thehour :
alright, you two... take it outside! ;D but seriously, what kind of damage can a ladybug really do to you? i don't think it could eat much if it WANTED TO. *giggle* and i love your comment... "i don't like dogs, i hate them, they suck. but yay for you!" lol! you're too funny.
from untamedwings :
It's weird how it really does throw you for a loop. The first 2 weeks after having Maya I felt like her sitter because I was having a boy. It was hard to connect with her at first then I noticed little things. She'd always kicked me with her left foot, we called it the soccer foot. A few days after she came home I noticed that foot going constantly. It was the first thing that made me connect with her as MY baby.
from boxx9000 :
I checked for you and it says you have FIFTY (7/26/05)
from boxx9000 :
go to your profile, scroll to the bottom BELOW where it says GIVE A GIFT TO, then click on *diaries which list the flyingrat as a favorite diary" THAT should tell you how many people list you as a favorite!
from allegedwife :
I love those old sepia photos. What a little cutie your dad was. Thanks for sharing.
from untamedwings :
Thanks Jenn. Hugs ♥
from j5dolphin :
I was just reading your diary I am new on here. I fell very sorry for you. I know what youa re going through I too had a miscarriage a few years back. It is a very hard thing to get over I still am not. If you would ever like to talk feel free to write me
from green-kiwis :
mostly how easy it will be for him to let go, and (unsaid) how hard it will be for me.
from boxx9000 :
".....lots of great sex" (hehehehehe) LUCKY YOU!
from frogmom :
No, her lazy ass drug addict daughter and her heathen kids are there all the time! They dont live that far away unfortunately! Last Summer I cauggter Promise (Jackies granddaughter) trying to cut Mkaayla's hair in the front yard!
from green-kiwis :
Thank you, my Jenn, for the note. Your notes always brighten my day :)
from boxx9000 :
There are 48 people who list you as one of thier favorites.
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, i loved the pictures from the zoo, It looks like riley enjoyed it so much!
from momma-at-17 :
I'm so behind on all my reading but I wanted to drop you a note to say that I adore your template. Very sleek. I love it! ~♥~
from boxx9000 :
My daughter attended a summer camp at the local zoo (Oakland. Ca) when she was 9 years old. They learned about the animals and helped feed and care for them. She loved it. Zoos always make me sad. I haven't been to one in years. Kids LOVE seeing animals, tho, don't they? You and Kent can STILL take a honeymoon trip. It's NOT too late.
from kisskeri :
I'm glad your day got a bit better! I can't wait to see pictures! I'm actually shocked you didnt take a picture of the Lion Barf...what kind of mother are you? lol ;)
from untamedwings :
Good for you! ♥
from green-kiwis :
that's exactly what i would have suggested that you do. I'm glad you feel better :)
from vicola :
It doens't matter how much you do in a day, men will always think they have it harder. Mine thinks I am unreasonable because I had a go at him for never spending any 'us' time. He said he doesn't have time coz he's always working so I pointed out that he has time to go to the gym, watch football adn rugby with the lads, play snooker and faff about on the computer but apparently that doesn't count. Sometimes you really could just kick them couldn't you?
from untamedwings :
Major hugs! It seems to be the difference between men & women. Their alone time is expected & ALONE. Ours is stolen while not gaurding an active toddler. It takes cruel & creative punishment to get it thru most guys heads that this is neither right or fair. Can you try just taking the time when he is there? Literally hand the parenting over to him & the mall...out of state :P...just don't give him a choice. When he protests remind him of his last bit of uninterrupted peace. Hugs.
from xx-angel-xx :
aww, i love the pictures! he's just so darn cute!
from aliboomboom :
I think I am going to do every six months as well. It makes sense to me!!
from green-kiwis :
hehe, jenn, I totally agree. It's more or less a joke on the site, because I've given Nick crap about it, too. he just feels that there are obligations of the word "boyfriend" that he doesn't want (to which I roll my eyes), but he knows that I fully think of him as my boyfriend, even if I never say it to anyone. :) boys!
from purplesage26 :
"relations", I like that one too. Danny uses it occasionally. Geez I wish it was in the 90s here!
from hunterpoo :
Riley falls asleep in the high chair?? WOW. Eating must be hard work. hahhaha. where you at woman? I'm bored. hahahh
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, thank you for your comment. Sometimes its nicer when they aren't looking directly at the camera
from bubbles11090 :
That's a good idea about the blanket! He is all over though...I can't make him just stay in one spot, he crawls all over the house. He just can't get the hang of lifting his little legs a tad bit higher:)
from kisskeri :
Yeah any reference to "The Ex" is referring to Jay. See your memory is way better then you gave yourself credit for =� Is it wrong that I *want* people to stare at them? lol
from aliboomboom :
I don't know why Ingrid is acting this way. I know she'll never admit that she has them though, not now. She'll lie about it and get rid of them and that's just mean after I told her how much they mean to me, ya know? As for the weight, thanks for the compliment. I am just trying to get back to where I was when I was really happy with my looks. I can't wait to get there. I'll feel so good about myself.
from kisskeri :
lol Thanks hun! I like em too ;)
from ilmomof3 :
I can SO relate to the conflicting schedules/empty bed thing. It sucks hugely -- just wanted to let you know I empathize completely and totally (she said, knowing her husband is at work until 7 AM and bedtime is looming). :-/
from marlen816 :
Who are you? Marlen When and how did we meet OR How did you happen to stumble upon my blog? Don't remember when, but I think you added me as a favorite and I checked you out....the rest is history! What brings you here? Intrigue Why do you keep coming back? I've come to call you friend Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Roo - you seem to be cute and spunky =) Please describe me in one word: intriguing What was your first impression of me? This girl is honest and funny! Do you still think that now? yup What reminds you of me? flying rodents =) If you could give me a present, what would it be? Faith in God and yourself, unconditional love and a best friend
from thehour :
hey, if i didn't get any sleep for two days i'd be bitching too! i hate it when i don't get any sleep! and watching a toddler is hard work. you're so sweet to think of helping tho. thanks. (((hugs)))
from xx-angel-xx :
haha, thanx. Well what can i say, he's a ladies man, Lol. No, I'm going to absolutely DREAD those days. LoL
from imazook :
Thank you so much for the note and the kind words. I really appreciate it! You're right, there is no single definition of what "love" is. I just needed a little insight. Thank you again!=)
from ladybugge :
Who are you? Ladybugge When and how did we meet OR How did you happen to stumble upon my blog? I have no idea (I have no memory, must sleep) What brings you here? I like you and I like reading about your life. You feel like a friend Why do you keep coming back? What I just said Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Oh, please, I'm terrible at nicknames (even worse than at surveys) Please describe me in one word: I haven't got one word. What was your first impression of me? I have no recollection Do you still think that now? Possibly What reminds you of me? I dunno If you could give me a present, what would it be? I am so lame I don't know why I even bothered to do this. I don't know. Chocolate bears with toys inside. Only because that's what I give to everyone these days. Sorry, but there it is. It's not that I don't think of you, it's that I have no memory at all. Every day the world is remade new just for me.
from xx-angel-xx :
haha, that's so adorable, the picture of riley and its so funny how they think of doing things like that.
from imazook :
Hi! I just started reading some of your other diary (ababyforme) and hope that it is ok that I added your diaries to my favorites. =) Your son is adorable! Hope to hear from you.
from xx-angel-xx :
Thank you for your note! She's pretty adn doesn't need to lose weight anywhere! Its her boyfriend. he'd never be able to commit to being a husband, He's too shitty for that.
from hunterpoo :
Feeee - Fi - Foe - FUM. I smell a rat and I wants sum gum. hahahah. Where u at?
from xx-angel-xx :
np. You've always left me wonderful and sweet notes even when you and still were going through rough times. Oh, that's such a relief to hear that it may just be a phase. He is teething so, that may be why. yay, now i have a reason instead of just thinking he's being bad, haha.
from purplesage26 :
Yea, I new I had to put an Incubus song up, but my very favorite song was WAY too I thought I would put the newest song I love on the list. Pretty sneaky huh? Kate is awesome when it comes to knowing the song lyrics and names. Before her life as a mommy and before the asshole, Josh, music was her life. She still loves music but doesn't get to lose herself in it as much anymore. She was even in a radio contest where each player had to name who sang the song that was played. She went 10 weeks as champ and if she would have won on the last week, she would have been the first girl champ ever in that contest. It sucked cuz she would have won but she wasn't feeling well that day and wasn't up to speed. Poor sistage. I still consider her the "queen of name that song, bitch" (<--name of contest, lol)
from boxx9000 :
(((((hugs))))) Been there, done that. (sigh) Somehow it all works out in the end. How? I don't know, it's a mystery. I hope you find your happines soon. It's like the Wizard Of Oz when Dorothy discovers she could go home anytime.
from mymemry :
Thank you for your messages today. I really appreciated them. Everything at our place turned out just fine. The power will be out for awhile, but that is what the new generator is for right? Take care of yourself. Julie
from green-kiwis :
if it's not finished wood, try nail polish remover. i got it off of computer screens, kitchen tables, etc. when my brother used to do that sort of thing
from boxx9000 :
All kids do it. When my Kelly was about 18 months old, she took a yellow highlighter and drew all over my oak china cabinet.(?????) Who knows what was going thru her head at the time. I totally freaked out, but somehow managed to remove all of the ink.
from xx-angel-xx :
awww, Thank you for your lovely comments on Logan :)
from camham :
Yay, you're fixed. I was worried.
from elliemay23 :
I see you....woo hoo. You're unlocked.
from boxx9000 :
YOU'RE LOCKED....but you already knew that. See if Andrew can fix it for you.
from marlen816 :
That is weird about your diary being locked and you not being able to get in. I was just going to ask for your pw and username - my email is [email protected]
from thehour :
how bizarre! and i was just going to ask you if i was banned! i swear my last comment was only and EXPLANATION! I SWEAR!!! ;)
from theflyingrat :
Umm. I don't know WHY my diary is locked. It doesn't have a password in it and *I* cannot even get in. This bites ass. Gah.
from boxx9000 :
I had a dream last night about RILEY. You had sent him to visit me and I took him to a school with me. I LOST him in the halls and the whole dream is running up and down the halls trying to find him. I NEVER remember my dreams. It's so unusual. I DID find him and he was fine. He was laughing and didn't even know he was lost. I was a nervous wreck.
from hunterpoo :
awwwwww girl. I love the lonnnnnng picture update. I remember I use to have to BEG you to post pics of yourself. I'm so proud of you. I'm so damn tired, but I'm gonna do a short update just for ya. hehe.
from boxx9000 :
THANKS for sharing your pics from the 4th. I like the one of Riley in the computer chair going Wheeeeeeeeee! What is the age difference between Riley and his cousin?
from xx-angel-xx :
Oh my! I love those pictures of Riley! Espcially the ones with him and your cousin, the little girl. His eyes are beautiful they're so big! I love them! He's a cutie!
from boxx9000 :
WHAT, no x-mas lights in July??? I have small little WHITE lights on my balcony year round. (wrapped around the entire balcomy railing. I just LOVE them......but, I also LOVE sushi, too!
from boxx9000 :
I went thru all the same issues with my sister-in-laws. Two of us were pregnant at the same time and I miscarried, it was hard for me to celebrate for her when I was grieving. My Tom was born 9 months AFTER one of his cousins and it was a constant competition (that I wanted no part of) I think it was jealousy. I think they felt threatened. I just thought they were STUPID. GAWD, I am so glad I am NOT related to any of them anymore. (My ex's name is David/beloved)
from bitterwineuk :
lol, well done. posting answers in a few days to drive every one crazy.
from bitterwineuk :
hiya Jenn, hope you don't mind but doing your playlist thing myself now. Thought it was fab. How do you cross out when people get it right???? please note me. Thank you. Becca
from boxx9000 :
My daughter, Kitty-Kaboom, was sooooooo fat as a baby she looked like the Michelin Man. (the cartoon character made of all tires) She was just roll after roll of F-A-T! The doctors told me to QUIT breastfeeding her because she was too fat. Aren't babies supposed to be fat? I wasn't feeding her fast food or anything. There's something wrong with our society when we put 3 month old babies on a *diet*. P.S. Riley is adorable. Neither you or Kent are fat, so he won't be either. Some people have the need to put down your child to make them feel more superior. Sad isn't it? Raising children is NOT a competition. We should all help each other more. Diary Land has been a good place for me to get support. THANKS for the recent post card from MAINE. I ♥ it!
from bitterwineuk :
left you a note on your page but just looked at your pics of Riley again and he's exactly the same build as Matthew. Beautiful. :0)
from xx-angel-xx :
lol, that's like over a dollar more then here, as if anyone could live off $5.15.
from boxx9000 :
Hi Jenn! Good list. THANKS. I can NOT tolerate GW Bush either but I do understand WHY he would appeal to some people. Because THEY are as mentally off as he is. Hehehehehehehe. but, SUSHI??? I understand that one, too. I ♥ SUSHI!
from frogmom :
Maddie will be 2 on August 11th. Makayla was the same age, maybe a little older. She was trained during the day by the time she was just under 2 1/2 and at night 2 months later. If she stays interested I am gonna go for it, but if not, oh well!
from untamedwings :
It's hard isn't it? The conflicting feelings?Take your time with yourself now. I had 2 m/c's & it is painful. If it gives you hope, both of mine were after I had my first child & we obviously had 2 more girls. I know it feels impossible for you now though- or at the very least you fear it will be. You'll be ok & when your body is ready you'll have another one. Hugs.
from boxx9000 :
men brains v. women's brains. It's amazing we get anything communicated correctly because the wiring is so different. SCREAMS in frustration. I know EXCATLY what you are talking about. P.S. I love all the pictures you have posted at your other diary!!!
from almostnormal :
Oh god, I feel like a jackass - I said that was going to be my EXCUSE for being gone. That didn't really happen! Other than the dibilitating nausea the baby as far as I can tell is FINE. I'm sorry about that!!!!!
from frogmom :
thank you! LOl But really I can be a bitch! LOL
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, such cute pictures! :)
from untamedwings :
Awww so cute!
from bitterwineuk :
what lovely pics of Riley and Kent. Riley sure looks like his dad. How old is he now? about 22 months???? He's a couple of months older than my Matthew isn't he? Ah well, Rileys great. Becca
from boxx9000 :
What a sweet note for your husband. You'll have to print that one out and keep it for your 25th wedding anniversary.
from frogmom :
I knew I was forgetting something when I sent that last note! I can be a bitch (lol) but no way in hell was I a cherrleader! (lol)
from frogmom :
How do you do the hearts? Stupid diaryland isnt sending me emails when I get a note! I would have replied earlier! LOL
from purplesage26 :
I tried leaving you a comment a while ago but with my stupid internet being wacky, it wouldn't post. I wanted to let you know that I know how you feel when it comes to shit breakin and everything just going downhill. I had put it in better words but now I can't remember, getting old Thank you for sharing you secret, it takes a lot of courage and strength to share something like that. You showed that you have come a long way by not cutting yourself after your loss, not just for yourself but also for your family. You have a wonderful husband and an awesome little boy for support. You also have your friends here to help in any way we can. Like I said, I know I had put all of this in better words earlier, I just hope it makes sense. Take care. (((Jenn)))
from boxx9000 :
ART helps me get thru just about everything. I keep a collage journal because i don't like writing. It's all images. Depression? Been there, done that. I don't want to go back there ever again. Keep thinking of your Riley and it will help you pull yourself together. There's nothing wrong with feeling grief over the miscarriage. I am sad for your loss. Be careful. Those negative feelings can suck the life right out of you. (((hugs)))
from boxx9000 :
That was a cute pic of the baby and hubby. I like all your balck & white photos. Makes me want to go out and photograph some items of interest. i LOVE drawing completely in grey scale. I know what you mean about the in-laws trying to *one up you* on the baby. My in-laws were constantly doing that. But you know what? My kids were always smarter AND cuter even if we were much poorer. Hehehehehehehehe. So WHAT if their kids went to UC Berkeley? Mine had higher SAT scores, we just couldn't afford to buy our way in. Sad tho. We should be happy for ALL the kids accomplishments and not comparing and competing. ALL kids are unique and special and GIFTED in their own special ways.
from xx-angel-xx :
Lol! Well, no-one really talks about joe, lol.. b/c of the past. But, Logan looked like joe soo much when he was first born that it was scary. I think Logan's losing his dad's looks. Although. Joe and his family thinks Logan looks like him. My dad and I think Logan's loooking more like me. My brother says at times he looks more like me and others he looks like joe. I'd rahter think he looks like me though :-) what do you think, do you think riley looks like you more or Kent?
from xx-angel-xx :
awww, that picture of Riley and your husband is cute, he's smiling in it too! Cute pictures of Riley. Does he look more like you or Kent?
from camham :
Okay, stupid me. Shoot me now. I just read your latest entry. I am sorry to hear about the miscarraige. I looked through all your pics and yes, your hubby is cute. I love Riley's dark eyes. I still need to catch up on you entries before I say another word.
from camham :
Thanks for the encouragement regarding the nursing to sleep thing. I appreciated it very much. Looks like Riley is a tummy sleeper like Camden. Hey, do you have another one on the way? Did I read that or am I mistaken? I need to go back and read your old entries. Oh, I love the pictures. He is adorable.
from frogmom :
She says thank you :) She had a pretty good time camping. LOVED her cake. We are going to Gramma's in a little bit because she has a present for her that she wants her to have now (we are actually having a party on the third. I am doing ok. I am managing anyways. Jerry adn I have been getting along. Thats a total shocker! LOL I didnt think I looked that great! LOL I had just had a shower and my hair fixed in one of the pictures. :) I didnt recover pretyt quickly but she WAS pretty small! LOL How have you been?
from hunterpoo :
I was just checkin out the pictures. hahahha @ the ass in the air pic. They crack (no pun intended) me up when they do that. The mad pictures are funny too. I know Ri wouldn't think so. hahahha. But the pic of Kent and Ri is adorable. The closet? What the hell? hahahah. Kent reminds me of an actor or singer, I just havent put my finger on it `yet t`hough (OH hunt added the little dots for you). tee hee.
from wish4booboo :
You have always been so sweet when you leave comments for me to read. You are truly someone with a loving heart and beautiful soul.*HUG* And thank you for those words. They mean a lot to me. Cuidate...
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, thank you so much! :)
from boxx9000 :
I must be the same age your Dad would have been because I graduated High School in 1974! (I was born in 1956) I'm so glad you posted a pic of your Dad. I posted one of my Dad, too. I think people underestimate the importance of a Dad in the emotional development of a child. I miss my Dad.
from aliboomboom :
Thanks for the optimism regarding tubes. I hope they work as well for Griffin. He's scheduled for next Friday. Scary .
from hunterpoo :
Hunt is big for his age?????? hahahhaha. Actually I was just writing Holli about how I had to watch an educational video about carseats because the tribe gave me the convertible one I have. They reccomend rear-facing until 1 year, because of the spine development. But I think mother's instincts are best. If you felt it was best, then yea.. but I guess since I saw that video - I'm gonna wait til little man's bday. All mommas are different I guess. hahahha.
from bitterwineuk :
hiya. Sorry to confuse u. Hahaha. Just to make it easier for u, I've changed the title in top corner so no more confusion. :0) Riley sounds very good. Take care Becca
from xx-angel-xx :
Thank you so much for your note!
from xx-angel-xx :
lol, joe's mom asked me during the winter time why i never wore shoes on Logan. I was like thinking Uh, he doesn't need shoes. I just like him having shoes on if he goes outside, so his feet don't get dirty or if we go out. Besides that, he never has them on. Its not like he walks or anything. WOW. Riley started walking early!
from almostnormal :
Oh how strange! Was it just a mundane dream or did you dream something happened to her? I don't know if I mentioned it in a diry entry, but I had another dream about this girl I used to be friends with but I'm not now. I dreamt of writing her an email and us talking again and being friends again. I woke up and thought "What a great idea!" Then realized she'd read it and be all stuck up and I didn't. Damn, I'm incapable of being upbeat today *shakes head* But that's still an awesome story about the phone number! (p.s. I seriously just put this in MY OWN notes won't see it because I'm going to go delete it immediately and HIDE the evidence of my ditzy-ness!)
from aliboomboom :
Oh it was funny. I know what you mean though. I wouldn't feel comfortable around a lot of people like that if I weren't like that. And if you aren't girly then a shower definately wouldn't be your thing!! I don't feel bad, I was teasing you!!
from aliboomboom :
I don't feel very social at times either. I just thought it was funny how you were describing the girls, it almost made me feel bad to be one of those kind of girls!!
from boxx9000 :
I NEVER want to go anywhere, but once i GET there I always have fun. I usually NEED to be around people when I am wanting to be all by myself. Although, if you REALLY hate the idea of being around these people, then DON'T GO. I like you just the way you are. I ♥ JENN! (((hugs)))
from aliboomboom :
It's funny because I am totally one of the girls that you just explained and we get along. Don't we? I live for parties. I love baby showers and bridal showers and bachelorette parties and engagement parties and rehearsal dinners and weddings and blah blah blah. As for a gift, it depends on what kind of shower it is. Some of them are lingirie showers and some are household showers and so on and so forth. She might even be registered somewhere!
from almostnormal :
I wouldn't say I feel guilty (I don't know if I used that word journalling or not) I feel...well..*affected* by what's happened to you. I know it's not right to personalize other people's traumatic experiences...but I was so happy (not stalker happy, but you know what I mean) that we were so close that when I found out it really affected me. I *hurt* for you. Very weird, because I'm usually pretty good at not getting all crazy emotional about people I've never seen in real life, ya know? I just really wish there was something I could do for you, and then bitching about myself just feels so petty. I had a bad morning, sorry if this doesn't make sense!
from allegedwife :
in answer to your question....I don't know if it is normal for ALL people but I returned to a normal cycle within a month of the bleeding stopping. Luckily, that part of our body is designed to heal quickly.
from kisskeri :
Thanks! I'm so excited. I cant wait to actually OWN something ya know? I can't wait to git er all purdied up lol Tinted windows, wing, nice wheels oh yeah I'm excited.
from elliemay23 :
Love the new template. Hope you are having an ok day and I hope tomorrow's is even better. xoxo, Ellie
from bubbles11090 :
Hey... I love your hair!!!! I have always wanted to dye my hair red like that, but I have always been too scared. It looks really good though!
from ohnobaby :
I'm so sorry sweetie (I found you through childofmine). I know that nothing I can say will make anything better. I wish I could give you a hug, but know that you are in my prayers. xoxo
from momma-at-17 :
I know just how you feel (I read ababyforme), I know how hard it is to go through the loss of a child. I mean here I am a year and almost 2 months later and I'm still not over the loss of my first child. Funny cuz I am only 17 but still. That loss is painful, deal with it in whatever way suits you. Don't let others tell you how to feel, no matter how close the situation they were in the will never know exactly how you feel. I think that you have got every right to be upset. I would be too. You are in my thoughts and prayers, which says a lot seeing how I don't usually pray. But I'm here if you'd like someone to listen who can relate. ***HUGE HUGS*** Take care sweetie!
from aliboomboom :
I think that your hair looks really good and I'm not even one for unnatural colors. I'm still thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers. I can't imagine how hard that this all is. It must be somewhat overwhelming. I don't understand why it happens either. I've heard that miscarriages are God's way of ending pregnancies where there is something wrnog with the baby. I don't know if that will make you feel better or not though. I just know that if it means that your baby doesn't have to suffer on earth and gets to live his whole life in heaven then that is pretty peaceful. I know I'm not making you feel better so I will stop. I just want you to know that I would make it better if I could and that I am thinking of you.
from marlen816 :
I think making a scrapbok is a wonderful idea.
from untamedwings :
au revoir
from untamedwings :
Hi, I stumbled upon you by way of Julie (mymemry) tonite. I'm so sorry for what you are going thru. I've had 2 m/c's & I know nothing that anyone says helps much right now. Be gentle with yourself & let whatever you are feeling come out. Hugs. (I'm locked to keep real life people out but leave me a note if you'd like the PW)
from prgat14query :
Sorry, another note from me (kickme-tryme) but different diary. The last note I posted was after reading your pregnancy journal and I just read your 'normal' journal. It IS ok to cry and grieve and feel 100% shit. You lost your child and that is so incredibly painful. Maybe some people will just call him a foetus, but you know better. I can across a quote about grief following miscarriage regarding the opinions of others: "They feel you don't have memories. That is what it comes down to. That is why people give you a time limit (on grief). They think what memories could you possibly have? If the baby lived five years, then you grieve more because you have five years of memories. What they forget is you were planning the memories. You were planning the Baptism, the first word the baby would say. That is what the pregnancy is...planning" I hope that helps, even just a little. Sorry for bothering you, I couldn't hlep myself.
from kickme-tryme :
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. 13 isn't my lucky number either. Two years ago I miscarried at 13 weeks, I named him Winter Star. I just wanted to leave you a note to let you know that I can relate and if you ever want to talk to someone then you can email me at [email protected] I know it may seem odd because you don't know me but I have found it helpful to talk to people who can relate. My thoughts are with you.
from bubbles11090 :
I waited about 8 months. It was still really hard, but I was so thrilled when I found out. It did make me a nervous wreck the whole entire time. I always worried that I was going to lose him. It's hard...I won't lie. If I knew the happiness I get from Ri though, I think I would have started trying a little sooner...but everyone's different. If you want to try again right away or wait awhile, both are fine and you will have another beautiful healthy one to hold and love. One of the things that made me feel alittle better during the miscarriage were people telling me that apparentely there was something terribly wrong with the baby. If there was something wrong, it's easier to deal with a loss now then when the baby is born. It took me awhile to realize that though because I am stubborn, and I just wanted my baby:) Sorry this is so long. Take care:)
from aliboomboom :
Yes, it's all very different when you are having it done for the baby. I was so good about needles and peeing in a cup and I hate both of those things. I just always worry that I have AIDs, I don't know why. I mean it's impossible. I just worry. I guess it's like my worst fear. As for you, I wish I could do more. I know that there are no words that can make you feel better. I know that there is just an empty and sad feeling inside of you. I can't fathom what you are going through but I will continue to pray for you and hope that things get easier. It's hard to understand why things like this happen, maybe it's something that we aren't meant to understand. I'm sending good thoughts your way.
from aliboomboom :
I left you a note already but I wanted to tell you again how sorry I am, you are in my thoughts.
from bubbles11090 :
It is perfectly normal and healthy to be upset about this loss and to grieve. It took me a long time to stop crying and to finally think about getting pregnant again. You will want to again, but just don't worry about that right now. By the way, I love the name you picked out. It is just perfect:) Take care and just hold onto to your precious lil Riley.
from marlen816 :
I love the name. And I can assure you that there is a heaven and David is there. I know you would much rather be growing him and waiting to hold him, but know he is in Jesus' arms. ((Hugs))
from momma-at-17 :
**HUGS** I usually read your pregnancy journal. If you ever need someone to just listen, I'll be here. I'm so sorry for your loss.
from aliboomboom :
I've been absent from diaryland for the most part for a few days and I just heard. I am so sorry. I wish that there was something that I could do but I know that there isn't. I know that nothing I will say will make it any better so I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for all of you .
from ilmomof3 :
I just caught up on your journal... I"m so sorry about your loss. Many hugs sent your way.
from xx-angel-xx :
Thank you so much for reading my diary and leaving such a wonderful note even though you're going through alot yourself. I appreciate it so much and i'm greatly thankful for your comment *hugs*
from boxx9000 :
YOU are such a sweet, sweet girl. I am so sorry this is happening to you. (((hugs)))) I wish I could adopt you, I would in a heartbeat! I can't imagine my life without my dear Tom and there is NO WAY I would ever have had my Tom if I hadn't gone thru all the miscarriages. Doesn't help, I know. (sorry) there really is some master plan here. Sometimes it really SUCKS, but somehow it all works out in the end. (it really does) THANKS for the post card you sent me. It made me laugh. LOVE YOU LOTS!!!! ~BoXx
from marlen816 :
((Hugs))Jenn. I really do not know what to say. You are in my thoughts and prayers today.
from arthursmummy :
Oh Jenn, I'm so sorry :( I don't know what to say. Of course you love your baby. 100% little person, and you have every right to feel complete loss over this - grieve as long as you need to and never feel bad for the way you are feeling. I hope the miscarriage is as trouble-free as possible for you. (((hugs)))
from frogmom :
Thaks for your comment! I really dont care what they think, but I still wanna know! LOL Thank you for offering your help too!
from bubbles11090 :
I am so sorry. Take your time and grieve as much as you need to. I will be thinking about you.
from boxx9000 :
OH I AM SO SORRY. (((((hugs))))) It took me 4 miscarriages to get my Tom.
from bubbles11090 :
I am so sorry. Reading your entry brought tears to my eyes....I had a miscarriage the summer before I had Riley. It was just awful. I pray that you aren't going through one. Try to stay strong.
from bubbles11090 :
What happened?? I hope everything is ok. Please update when you can....I will be praying and thinking about you and your little one!!
from boxx9000 :
WHAT HAPPENED? Is it the baby? How many weeks pregnant are you?
from marlen816 :
Call your doctor if you feel like you need to call. Your peace of mind is vital. I'm praying for you and the baby. ((Hugs))
from frogmom :
Your welcome, I dont think I am all that kind tho! LOL No, he knows I am going to leave and we have come to the agreement to stay until he gets his SSI which is within the next few months. He diesnt l;ike the idea, but wants me to be happy he claims.
from frogmom :
your welcome for the email :)
from xx-angel-xx :
aww, pictures are adorable! You at graduation, cute,
from xx-angel-xx :
That could be it. I think joe does sleep through noise. I use to be able to sleep through anything but, I'm the same as you are, I hear everything Logan does. He is teething but, he also has a cold so, I've been giving him cold/cough medicine so, I don't want to mix that with tylonel. He woke up once so far, since 8ish and its now 10 but, he went back to sleep soo. he may let me sleep :) Thanx for your note! :)
from boxx9000 :
OMG. You are so adorable! Kindergarten graduation. Wheeeeeeee!
from hunterpoo :
Hey woman. Just wanted to tell ya something funny that happened today. Me, Jeanne, mom and Hunt were walking in the mall.. I saw a lady coming the opposite way and told Jeanne in a low voice "Hey, doesn't that chick look like Jenn?" And when I looked back forward she was coming up to me!! She's all "Hey! Don't you remember me??" (I seriously thought OMG ITS HER... hahahah) but she thought I was a nurse that have given her shots or something.. but it was funny, she reminded me of someone (YOU) and I reminded her of someone too. Just thought I'd share that lil piece of freakiness.. tee hee. HEY I sent you an email.. guess you didnt get it, stuck up.
from bubbles11090 :
Thank you so much for your message. I hope everything is ok with you and your little Bean. Take care of yourself:)
from hunterpoo :
Awwwww girl. =( Things are gonna be alright with the appt. I know it's stupid to tell you not to worry, because it'll make it worse.. but I am telling you that. Be confident, Relax dammit.
from xx-angel-xx :
thank yyou so much, that was something i really needed to hear (read).
from frogmom :
I am so glad everything is ok! Me being right was a plus too! LMAO!!
from xx-angel-xx :
LoL, I was like, Oh gosh, i'm going to write this and some people are going to ask what my problem is, lol. I gained alot too with Logan, almost 50 lbs. I weight around 110 with Logan and at the end of my pregnancy i weight 158lbs. I was hoping to keep atleast some of the weight because I had a lot of comments said to me, such as anerixic comments and i just don't like that because I'm not. Oh well. Your so tiny! I always wished to be 5'4. lol. And your weights tiny too, well now.. you'll be gaining for that little baby.. hehe :)
from hunterpoo :
Yea he wears a 2T. But that outfit was marked a 6!!!! It looks like it runs small. It was made in Hawaii, so maybe their people run smaller. hahhaha!!! Oh yea, with your video it said I needed to download plugins, so i clicked it to download - and it told me there was nothing to download. I forgot to bitch you out for it. hahahahha!!! Glad ya like his laughing, everytime I play it on the puter for him, he slaps the screen. It's funny.. I'm easily amused.
from elliemay23 :
sorry about the bed rest thing. I didn't know you were pregnant. (just started reading) congrats and i hope that everything goes ok from here on out. xoxo, Ellie..
from marlen816 :
Glad to hear all is well with you and Peanut! ((Hugs))
from xx-angel-xx :
awww, I'm so happy everything's okay!!
from momma-at-17 :
I have to tell you, I've been reading for a couple of weeks now, and reading your latest entry about going to the ER actually made me sigh with relief when you wrote that your little one is a-ok. I'm happy for you! Anyway, Take care ok?
from hunterpoo :
I'm relieved everything is okay. I was scared for you but it sucks to dwell on it and worry more. I had bleeding early in my pregnancy, before I found out it was official, so I figured I wasn't. After I found out that I was prego, the bleeding really really scared me, even though it had stopped. Really glad you got checked out, sorry about the needle "near" the "bum" hahha.. that's actually kinda funny, sorry!! hahah.
from elliemay23 :
I honestly don't know why I haven't added you before now. Maybe EE will let me use his work camera and I can do an entry like yours. xoxo, Ellie
from marlen816 :
I meant to leave this note the other day. I loved your entry with all the pictures. You have such a lovely family!
from marlen816 :
((Hugs)) girl. Try not to worry so much!
from frogmom :
Oh Jenn! I will be thinking of you!!
from xx-angel-xx :
yay for the same shirt :)
from boxx9000 :
I don't read your pregnancy journal . Are you OK?
from boxx9000 :
You are ADORABLE just like I imagined. Can I adopt you? I can't wait to be a grandma. MY kids aren't going to have any kids for a long, long, long (if ever) time!!!!!
from xx-angel-xx :
LOL! I just looked at the last picture of Riley and the face he's making while he's holding that doll. so funny!
from clarity25 :
Hi, I just read your last note..thanks so much. I was flattered by what you said. I feel the same about your writing. Your personality comes through so strongly and oftentimes I laugh because of little things we have in common. I think "yes..exactly!". Oh btw, the friend you resemble is really pretty and an amazing person, I forgot to mention that in my last note. Hope you're doing well, you sounded a bit down in your last entry. Hope everything's okay. Take care.
from hunterpoo :
hahahha, hell yea you were #7. Man, recapping was TOUGH. No wonder you divided it up into 2 days. Glad you didnt mind me being a biter. hahha. I love the Doors!! I wouldn't listen to anything BUT them for awhile. Yay mojo rising!!
from hunterpoo :
Yay videos!!! Now I can't wait. It's different them seeing them in just pictures. Kinda makes them more real.. hahah if that makes sense. Hahhaha, you're gonna send her to Cali huh?? Better hurry, a bunch of my friends are already waiting for him to turn 18.. hahaha!!
from xx-angel-xx :
LOL! that's so true, thats the only time they listen. so funny!
from xx-angel-xx :
thank you for your lovely comment! Well, I know I'm a good mom but, sometimes i get worried something will happen to him, probably just like all mom's do. I was upset when i wrote that last entry so, I was probably talking out of sadness.
from frogmom :
you are probably over reacting! I hope you are! With Madison around the same time the same thing happened. My dr said it was probbaly my cycle trying to start
from frogmom :
Awww Jenn! Thank you so much! Your note really meant a lot too me! You are one of the strangers that has definately became a friend! Yes I was very young when I got married its was just 3 months after my 18 th birthday and I was pregnant. I thought marriage was the only thing I could do since I was living with Jerry, he or his family absolutely do not appove of children out of wedlock. I had no isurance and he made to much for me to get on state coverage. Yes I am sure he does like the control!
from wish4booboo :
Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.Your sweet words made me smile.*HUUUUUUUG*:)Cuidate...
from hunterpoo :
hahha, you know you loved my second to last question!!!!
from childofmine :
it might be possible for you to find a midwife who works in a hospital. it depends on where you are. you should look tho and then both you can your husband can be happy. :-)
from xx-angel-xx :
I was just at payless too today, to return the ones I bought. They really don't have a lot of sandels for boys as they do for girls thats a bummer too. the lady measured logan's foot and said it was almost a 5. They had no Half's of course soo, i bought a five so my dad can double check b/c i couldn't really tell and guess what? They're too big, he def. needs a 4 and ahalf.. kids are so hard to buy for in shoes!
from xx-angel-xx :
I know, I think finding shoes may be a problem but, wish summer coming up and if we're always going to be at the park, i don't like the idea of him without shoes on. Hopefully it wont be a problem but, i don't think his foot is long enough for a size four oh well. Did you have a problem with Riley's feet with him being 11 months?
from boxx9000 :
I ♥ Jenn! I can not understand the psychology of anyone who is a Bush supporter. YIKES! Scariest thing. Gives me a chill, and NOT in a good way.
from hunterpoo :
i cant wait til hunt gets to the age where he'll play blocks and cars and let me get my internet fix in peace.. haha! he's actually knocking out on my lap, so i'm gonna FINALLY go lay down. have a good one Jenn, and UPDATE dammit. i know you like your quiz, got alot of responses!! oh yea, ever find out who you offended? *yawn* nite nite. (or morning.. wha the hell..)
from hunterpoo :
omgosh, how the hell do you keep a kid entertained for that much of the day. No wonder your having another one!!!! YOu need a play-pal for Riley... hahahha. I miss the lil 3 month old who use to sleep the day away.. is that so bad?
from hunterpoo :
I'm afraid of cutting his naps down. He turns into a demon-spawn-from-hell when he's sleepy. So after he fights it for an hour or two he takes about an hour nap. Today he did take an extra long one.. and woke up EXTRA happy. How much does Riley sleep now during the day.. or does he sleep at all?
from hunterpoo :
Hunt doesn't want to go to sleep. So i havent taken my ambien yet. *sigh* wanna trade kids? At least yours sleeps through the night... And Now I'm gonna bug you about doing the pic intro... muahaha.. You gave me ammo.
from wish4booboo :
Hi! First of all,thank you for adding me as a favorite.Deeply appreciated and I would curtsy but my pants are too long.Hahahaha.And thank you for the notes you left. I feel like such a heel because I haven't responded as quickly as I should have.I have not had any more symptoms but now feel cramps,so AF is on its way.BOOOOOOOOO!! Thank you for your words of support and caring.You are extremely sweet.Cuidate:)
from bubbles11090 :
thank you so much for your sweet message:) I really appreiciate it:)
from frogmom :
OMG! She was such a brat today!! Thank god they both took long naps! Well off to put them in bed!
from frogmom :
shes so cute!
from hunterpoo :
Don't feel quilty about not going to visit your dad. It's something you deal with in your own time. Although time won't make it easier, it's still your choice, and no matter what I know a dad would understand if his girl can't bring herself to go there. I swore up and down I was gonna go visit my dad every week, but things just don't go that way.. yaknow? I hope that you share memories with Riley, even though he probably can't understand it all fully yet. I share with Hunt alot, but I know I'll have to tell him it all again later. I'm glad that you understand what a big thing it means to me though. The Josh situation.. GAWD DAMN, does the drama never end for me???? I'm really so sick of it, he's such a drama queen. Man, I wish you give us a real update. I'm dying over here without the albino news!!! *sniffle*
from boxx9000 :
Jenn, my son is born in the year of the dog (1982) are you too? I can't imagine him with almost two kids! YIKES! How much older is your husband than you?
from frogmom :
adorable pictures, as usual
from frogmom :
I live in NW Oregon! It usually not like this here, actually today its cold and F--- raining again! I know what you mean about the dtrep throat I used to get it soo soo bad! This is her first time poor little thing!
from hunterpoo :
Well dammit. I'm glad nothings really really wrong, even if your down and want to piss and moan you shouldn't hold back. I mean cmon. you're diary is for YOU, not for everyone else. Sure we're nosy and come back to read everyday.. but this is your place to vent. Anyhoo. You better have a damn good update on Monday, with lots of cussing and complaining!!! hahaha. Thanks for believing in me, that I won't raise Hunt the way I was. It scares me to death sometimes when I think how he's gonna turn out. I really hope he doesn't hate me for this whole situation with his dad. Oh yea, the blankie. One of my MOST favorite gifts from my babyshower. One of the girls had her grama make it.. I absolutely LOVE it.
from xx-angel-xx :
gosh, why would people tell you that? That's beyond scary.
from frogmom :
I was a lot more "freaked out" with my second as well. Two is really a big change. I know you will be a great mom to this baby, look how wonderful you are with Riley! I am not mentioning the things I thought about, because I dont want to bother you more. All I can really say is take it easy, dont stress, but we both know that is easier said then done. I have always heard that you get less morning sickness with boys? I dunno, I have 2 girls and I really didnt get bad morning sickness. With Makayla I threw up a few times and with Madison I just felt like I was going to. That is wayyy wayyy worse in my opinion! I have also heard that if you have heartburn your baby will have lots of hair. For me this was true! Makayla was pretty much bald with no heartburn and Madison had tons of hair and I had heartburn from the beginning! I hope your heart burn goes away soon for you!
from xx-angel-xx :
yeah, i end up crying or getting really upset and this is only one night, so i don't know how i'm going to deal with three nights. I guess that's what its like when his dad and i don't live with eachother.
from green-kiwis :
I guestbooked you...
from xx-angel-xx :
thanx, I didn't think there was anything But, i wasn't exactly sure. Ouch, that would have hurt while breastfeeding.
from xx-angel-xx :
LoL, yeah! it does seem that way, huh?
from xx-angel-xx :
Awe, your son is so cute. I seen the pictures from birth to now. Gosh, he's changed looks so much! :)
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, thank you! :)
from green-kiwis :
I graduate exactly on June the 1st, at 7pm. Whee! :D
from frogmom :
Thank you. yeah I am missing her a lot! I have talked to Makayla 2 times a day every day she has been gone. My mom said she has cried for me a few times, but for the most part shes a little angel!
from hunterpoo :
I told my sister to name her kid Maynard if she ever has a boy!!! hahhaha!! She just gave me a "yea right" look. We both love tool and a perfect circle. I've only seen tool in concert once though, and that was back when the aenima album came out. love that album. ugh i feel old.
from marlen816 :
((Hugs)) to you and Riley. His thumb will heal =)
from hunterpoo :
YOUR COMMENTS ARE WORKING!!! So I left you one. hahhaha... I hope you DO HAVE multiples... hahahhaha... JK. I dont want to JINX you or anything. I'm jealous of people who have multiples. Because I woulda loved to get all the kids done at once.
from boxx9000 :
Sending ((((hugs)) to all of you. Jenn, hubby, Ri, and baby. I don't know what I would do without the internet either.
from kisskeri :
I agree. Sometimes when you hate someone so much, you begin to see a different side of them, and of the situation in general. I suppose it's not always a bad thing either... tee hee lol <3
from hunterpoo :
Thanks for the kind words. I know in the long run its better us being apart, because itgot to the point that we were always apoligizing to each other. (My apologies were usually for STUPID things like getting home late, hanging out with my friends he didnt like, etc). I think the reason I even hurt anymore is because he made promises he didn't keep. Simple things like helping me get a car, helping me out financially, being a good dad for hunter. At this point I don't care if he doesn't love me anymore, because honestly - I hate him now. But still he couldn't be a MAN to his word. Anyways, before I do another entry here... better go catch up on reading. YEA, that google did cheer me up!! It's not that I'm sad about it.. I'm MAD. But i'll be better, my sister is coming over. =)
from green-kiwis :
Okay the reason that Anakin becomes DV (I'm not ruining it) is so circular! GAH! Everything would have gone fine if he hadn't become DV! Anyway, HI YOU! :) Have good days.
from hunterpoo :
those pics came out cute!!! I put pictures together like that when I'm lazy. Easier to upload one and then just post one then 4 or 6 huh??? hahha.I BARELY remember typing that note to you this morning. HOW funny!! I'm a sleep-noter.
from frogmom :
I love the messy face pics!!
from hunterpoo :
Only YOU would notice I forgot to put that back in after that page crash the other morning. I see you already found the page you were lookin for... ahhaha. OH yea, I put in those links. Just wait til I wake up in a few hours.. I'm gonna comment up your page too!! Ok, mom's got Hunter, time to snooze a lil bit. zzzzzzzzzzz!!!
from hunterpoo :
hahaha, YOU WOULD start more diaries. Maybe you could do one on cat piss? how about killer flesh eating mold??? hahahahahha!!! I'd probably still read them both. dammit.
from hunterpoo :
Ok baby names, I'm trying to figure out how to say some of them. As far a nicknames? What is short for Emerald? I had picked out green names too. Well of course Hunter, for a girl Jaiden (i know its like a boys name, but i woulda called her Jade for short) And I'm with ya on family names. Hunter has 2 middle names, my dad's first and middle name. (leonard henry) and even then henry is hunt's great-great-grampa's name, which was passed to my dad. so he has very traditional names in our family. anyways, i'm babbling. looks like you guys are leaning towards a girl!!
from childofmine :
i can't see the pictures. :-( hopefully, it's just this computer so i'll be able to see them later tonight. :-)
from almostnormal :
Now I know why you were nervous about unlocking and sharing! You know I'm going to find you and kick your booty for looking so farking good that soon after having Riley! Kidding, but you do look phenominal, and you're gonna look great with this one as well. Just know my jealousy stems from love not evil envy *grin*
from frogmom :
I like Aislin and Amelia!
from aliboomboom :
It is hard to leave Griffin. I have been friends with Angie for years and years and I thought it would work out. The whole situation just keesp getting worse. I'll have to update on it later.
from allegedwife :
It's alright for Kent to cross Fiona off the list....just think of us poor buggers that are already stuck with it!
from princesse69 :
Hi Jenn-congratulations! i didn't know you were pregnant, have i missed an entry? How far gone are you? I would love to see your pregnancy diary. Love, Sharon x x x
from lifeasme66 :
Hiya, what's your email addy so I can send you the 411? And thanks for your comments, they help tremendously =) **HUGS!!**
from green-kiwis :
I'm a journal junkie too. I used to have 6 diarylands, and a bunch more at other hosts, a few years ago...
from hunterpoo :
YOU HAHHA too much??? Have you read anything I write? I hahah every other word!!! (hahha) I learned HTML a looooong time ago, then was away from a computer for a really long (bout 3 years), when I come back this CSS thing is the new rage. I think I'm getting the hang of it now. Glad ya liked Jemma's page, I was a lil concerned with the colors at first, but she picked em. The end product though - I loved it, and she said it was perfect, so yay!!! I'm hoping Hunt stays in size 4 diapers for awhile because the bigger the size, the less you get for your money!! Dammit kids, quit growing! Hunter weighed in at 30 lbs at Valley Children's the other day, and BTW I'm already having fun carrying him around!!! Why do you think I'm so anxious for him to start walking??? hahahah. I'm quite a muscley mom though, so I can hold him about 30 minutes before my arms give out.. use to only be like 10, so I'm getting better. I'm thinking about joining that lumberjack compo. hahahaha.
from kisskeri :
Thanks for your kind words. Lord knows I can use them. <3
from hunterpoo :
I'm lucky my archive page was still up and running, I had to steal the coding from it and put it on the main page. Everything was normal in my page, it just wasn't working. STUPID thing. ANyways, glad ya like the face.. they crack me UP big time!!! I do the same thing with him wearing different shirts. OH, hahah funny thing, while I'm typing the meatloaf song "I would do anything for love.. but I won't do that" is on. Reminds me of YOU complaining about it, but it fits the dr. pepper commercial!!! hahah have you seen it?? Tell me about being invested in other peoples lives, it helps so much esp being home all day.. i totally understand!! (well there's chapter 2!!) ahahha.
from hunterpoo :
I think Dland HATES me... I have no idea whats going on with it.. i'm gonna check it out right now. stupid thing!!! grrr
from frogmom :
what a doll! he looks like such a happy baby!
from thehour :
OH and i just read your last comment at k8s diary. i do the same thing too! when K folds something wrong, i refold when he's not looking. and i rearrange and re-rinse the dishes in the dishwasher because i'm of the mindset that the dishwasher is not really for cleaning, but sanitizing. if it's not my way, it's the wrong way. :) but i don't tell him that. :D
from thehour :
i didn't end up doing much. and K (who rarely does housework) did some laundry for me after i went to bed. that may not seem like much to some, but that's alot when it comes to him! he's soooo not a neat freak. sometimes, i wish he was.
from boxx9000 :
I like thick plastic hangers (no wire) all facing one direction. Each family member had their own color. I like things in my pantry and my fridge to be in a certain (and consistant order) A litte control in my world of chaos.
from green-kiwis :
haha, no I didn't take the last one... I also didn't take the one of the side mirror (it's on the passenger side of my car... and I was driving, so it wasn't me...). I should probably run "alts" on the ones I didn't take... :)
from marlen816 :
WOW! YEA! COOL! I am so excited for you!
from bubbles11090 :
yay!! how exciting! congratulations:)
from allegedwife :
WOOHOO mucho congrats
from green-kiwis :
AWWW! Congratulations!!!! Yay! THIS IS SO EXCITING!
from sanetwin :
of course I don't mind!! thank you for adding me.
from hunterpoo :
POLKA. (although at one point I have) hahahah. Actually rap is my least favorite, but once in awhile I find a song amusing, or actually likeable. OH yea, I don't like Espanol music, but even then.. there's some good songs there too. (Yea, I can't make up my mind.) I guess I just don't judge genres as a whole.. but by artists. I didn't know that Zebrahead song, maybe if I heard it I would know it, but I think the other I knew was Get Back.. I think that's them. Anyhoo.. can ya guess i'm a music freak?
from green-kiwis : for more cloudies! It's funny. My grandfather was a meteorologist, but none of his kids gave a damn about the sky. Almost all of his grandchildren do though!
from hunterpoo :
I forgot to comment back to your comment.. yes, i'm a persistent bugger. Hunt now has 2 star wars shirts, and AMAZINGLY i bought them both. His Uncle is a self-proclaimed, star-wars lovin' GEEK. So i lean towards the geeky stuff.. haha. I love putting together stuff thats different then everything in the stores. Glad ya likey!! I got a ton of stuff if you're ever lookin for something for riley. =)
from green-kiwis :
Invisibility at will :)
from frogmom :
I love the first pic, he looks like he looks so serious!
from hunterpoo :
I'm IN LOVE with the first pic with the car. AWESOME!!!!! Great candid shot woman.. and Riley is of course a great subject.
from hunterpoo :
I haven't quite started with the wiggles yet, but for Hunt I have this Sandra Boynton CD, he likes it.. it came with a book of songs.. they're funny and original. And you could always download some punk covers. Me and Hunt rock out to those at least once a day. His favorite punk covers are I think I love you (me first & the gimme gimmes), Somewher over the Rainbow (??), Take on me (Reel Big Fish) and Leavin on a Jet Plane (??). Those are the main ones on Hunt's playlist. Just an idea if ya wanna get away from the wiggles.. hahahha @ the muffin man.
from hunterpoo :
OH YEa, I found THIS for you hahaha... Timmy is an average kid, That no one understands, Mom and Dad and Vicky always giving him commands. [Vicky:] Bed twirp! Doom and Gloom up in his room, Is broken instantly, By his magic little fish who grant his every wish, Cuz in reality they are his Odd Parents, Fairly Odd Parents, [Wanda:] Wands and wings, [Comso:] Floaty Crowny things, Odd Parents, Fairly Odd Parents, Really odd, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod, [Timmy:]Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guave juice, Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake, Odd Parents, Fairly Odd Parents, It flips your lid when you are the kid, With Fairly Odd Parents, [Vicky:] Yeah right, *pop!*
from hunterpoo :
Ok now I'm paranoid, the recent keyword history on mine said something about itsy bitsy spider, so weird.. I'm like flattered and weirded out.. lmao. I'm hoping it's just someone in the family I sent my page to, and they lost the url. wait, that would be the first result though.. eh. maybe.. NAH nevermind, I'm not gonna think into it too much. But really, thanks for letting me know. I've been laggin on checkin my stats. I'll keep an eye on it. OH yea, how did you come up with the flying rat? Is it like dealing with the squirrel? just curious now.
from hunterpoo :
Yours is getting up and mine is just barely going to sleep. I'm probably headin off to mee-mee land , I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!! You guys take turns sleeping in???? omgosh. I need to sign up for one of those husband things. hahaha. Well woman! Have a good day, I think I'm offically zombie status. (zzzz *snore*)
from hunterpoo :
8 minutes? You need to pump up your smiling muscles.. haha. I'm yet to have studio portraits of me and hunter.. I have a certificate for free ones, but i'm lazy.. and I don't really trust other people takin pictures.. haha. DAMN you're up early. (i'm still roaming around, stallin on updating lmao)
from xx-angel-xx :
thank you, I'm very proud :) Yeah, i know. My niece is a handful but, everyone keeps telling me they know he's going to be everywhere and such a handful for me so, it makes me worried, lol. but, I'm sure it won't be as bad as everyone's saying. I hope :)
from hunterpoo :
My lord, I'd go psycho with someone laying next to me and not helping. Even Josh spent a few nights while we were together and he'd get up once a night to help. (nice, but far from good dad). I've tried the teething angle, orajel and motrin.. but he doesnt sleep well drugged. he tends to wake up crying more. i've been meaning to get a bigger card, 64 would be so awesome. i used my sister's for quite awhile, they finally got me one for an xmas present. one of the best things they coulda got me!! some of the pictures I have prove that!!! I *love* the grinch! I would so put hunter's xmas pic in there. how cute. thank you sooooo much for the kind words you left. funny how words on a screen make a person feel better huh? i think being a mother, with or without help is hard work. having a piece of your soul walking around on the outside, you feel like you just can't protect enough. greatest and hardest job huh?
from marlen816 :
Happy Mother's Day!
from xx-angel-xx :
Thank you! Happy Mothers day to you too! no, I don't mind, do you mind if i add you also? :)
from boxx9000 :
Happy Happy Mom's Day! ♥
from frogmom :
thank you! I need help tho! I didnt do my fuirst layout any of it at all down I cannot figure out how to get my damn halo scan to work and the last 5 entries will not go in the center?
from boxx9000 :
THANKS for the Van Gogh postcard! How fun. Van Gogh is my favorite artist. Your buddy stock is rising!!! (Dave is my Ex)
from bitterwineuk :
awww, darling. Thank you for your lovely note. I am so pleased to have so much support. i am feeling much better and emotionally stronger than i have done for a couple of years. don't you be so hard on yourself for having crappy days either. matthew gets it in the neck sometimes too but you wouldn't be human if days like that don't happen. take care and glad to hear Riley is doing so well. Becca
from green-kiwis :
Hahah! I am the same way with LotR, except that I did it on a three-day cycle, one each day. As much as I loved those movies, I just couldn't handle them all (I have the extended versions). Has your husband watched the cast commentary? He might enjoy that.
from almostnormal :
Heh. You're gonna think I'm nuts, but here goes nothin' - The original spelling is Phaedra and she is actually a character in a greek play. She's also the main character in a song called "Some Velvet Morning" sung by Nancy Sinatra (and Lee Hazelwood, who sounds an awful lot like Lou Reed) - Sometimes I wonder if useless knowledge is the glue that holds my brain together...if it is, there sure is an awful lot of it... *grin*
from hunterpoo :
I had never see you mention your dad, I didn't realize you had lost him so young. I feel so bad, because it was hard enough to lose mine at 24, but to lose him so young.. man.. it's like you were cheated out of so much time. I lost one of my gramas when I was 9, and that was tough, I wasn't even close with her.. but trying to understand at that age you're never gonna see them again. Wake up call. --- Me and Josh's mom TOTALLY were talking about that yesterday! We both think she's the one behind this all. And I think that's why she went off on Josh, we're all trying to figure out the motives behind him getting married.. there has to be more going on then we can see. Thanks for the feedback on all that, AWESOME to know other people see the situation in the same light. yaknow? OH YEA, thanks for checking the cast page too. I use Mozilla Firefox, and it works fine too. Maybe it is the IE thing. But I was happy she thought I was interesting (*sob of joy*) hheehe.
from marlen816 :
LOL I know you think you were babbling, but I think you are a genius - I love when you just talk about life and it is just naturally humorous =) Thanks for making me laugh!
from boxx9000 :
You know how most parents would be delighted if their child was dating a Christian? I feel the exact opposite. I would prefer my kids to stay away from Christians.
from green-kiwis :
i love the word neat! it's so..., yes, you guessed it, neat! i'll be sure to post pictures of this dress when it's finished (if we ever START it), and thank you for the note :D
from frogmom :
Thank you for the note! I couldnt imagine so many children! LOL My husband and I are also ttc but hoping for a boy!
from hunterpoo :
Hey I'm forgetful too, I usually have 10 windows open to rememeber what I read and where. hahah. That is AWESOME Riley has the same toy, I'm glad to hear it works!! I thought it was cute, and I had to choose between that and another one that had drums and music stuff. Glad I got this one now. I usually try to take someone with me when I get Hunt's shots, but it's always just me holding him, and dealing with the reaction. There isn't anyone else besides the nurse who is administering the shots in the room so I can't leave if I get overwhelmed. It sucks. Hunt's got a Hot Wheels collection started from doctor visits!!! hehe, we think so much alike. He's juuuuuust gettin started with balls, and books.. man I've been collecting them since before he was born. I have him in a book club so we get new stuff at least once a month. What's Riley's fav book?? Hunt's so far is Moo Baa Lalala.
from hunterpoo :
Your husband is handsome! (wink wink) I like guys with the stubble going on. Gee wonder what you guys were up to when it was taken though!! eek!
from bubbles11090 :
hey, thanks. I guess I always thought that being in the wind or cold weather might make him worse. At least I won't feel bad now if we leave the house:)
from aliboomboom :
I'm glad Im' not the only mean mama during the middle of the night. I feel so bad the next day but I'm so tired and then he wakes up and is all smiles and wanting to play and I won't do it. And then he didn't feel well and I was still hateful with him. where do all my sweet maternal instincts go in the middle of the night? I just want to be one of those moms that wakes up with ease and cuddles and talks him back to sleep .Instead I'm begging God for him to be quiet and I'm making idle threats about putting him in his room and I feel just evil about it. I hope I don't scar him for life with my horrible attitude at night.
from hunterpoo :
hahaha, i just read the for-riley entry. LMAO@ ode to mama. I woulda taken like 100 pics of it. Actually it'll probably be different when Hunt starts his art projects. hehe.
from frogmom :
Thank you for the note you left in my jouranl as well! I dont mind you adding me at all I am going to add you too!
from bubbles11090 :
hehe...yeah, when the nurse got done weighing him and told me how much he weighs, all I could say was "Wow." I can't believe that only 7 months ago, he was only 8lbs 15oz!!! Geeze!
from bitterwineuk :
hiya. been trying to catch up with some entries i missed. i so need my pc back but i must say i totally agree with the "photo paranoia" you mentioned. me and a friend were talking about that last night. too much is looked into things. she said it's an awful world when you can't take photos of your kids in a paddling pool for fear of being arrested for it. those who most need punishing often don't get it. becca.
from aliboomboom :
Thanks, I fixed it.
from kisskeri :
Thank you <3
from kisskeri :
I'm an idiot. I was thinking of one book and writing about another. The book I was talking about (that I'm reading) is called The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The book I was thinking off is by some other dude. Sorry! lol I just realized that now.
from hunterpoo :
the font is called "noodle script", i searched for about an hour last night to find a perfect script, i'm glad you like it. I was happy with it!! Thats awesome Riley loves loud music too!! Music loving babies are *the best*!!!
from hunterpoo :
I was kinda through the same thing, but it wasn't a girl. (Although we had plenty of probs with girls too.. it's a long sucky story) but his guy friends thought when I was prego that it was ok to take Josh out and get him drunk constantly. I was always like "look!! it's time to grow up.. that is the past now." But.. he didn't grow up. Thats why I had to grow up for both of us. I'm glad you like the picture. I know what I like, it's always good to get feedback on how others think of it. I went to bed last night thinking no one would get it was suppose to be like a polaroid. THANK YOU for seeing it was!! Now I can nap in peace. =)
from hunterpoo :
I never thought I'd make it as a single mom. But right now at least I don't feel bad about ignoring my man. Hunt has my undivided attention which is good, but could come back to bite me in the ass. lol. My mom helps me out in the morning by watching Hunt, so i came get some "good" sleep. But I got my routine down now. I have had screaming fights with Josh because I don't understand how he can be away from Hunt so much.. I just don't get it. I think being a mom and dad are really different. One of my fav parts of going out to visit his grandparents are the horses. I LOVE em, but don't have space for one. The pony has been given to Hunt already, but it's gotta stay on their ranch. SUCKS!!
from green-kiwis :
haha, everyone who's seen "Bill & Ted" says that, but I've never seen it, so I still think he's great! :D
from green-kiwis :
did you like constantine?? (isn't keanu reeves dreamy???) :D
from hunterpoo :
HECK NO!! I had him by c-section. They didn't know he was that big though, I was induced and tried to have him natural for 36 hours before I gave in to have the operation. Realllly hard recovery, double whammy. I am usually behind the camera too, but I wanted a belly pic that I liked. I procrastinated until 4am that morning, I had to be at the hospital at 6am.. but I'm happy I took the pic, thank gawd for camera timers!! hehe.
from bubbles11090 :
I was so excited to find another little boy named Riley. To me, it doesn't sound like anything but a boy name, but a lot of people think differently. I just hope Riley isn't in a class with a girl named Riley...I don't want him to be teased. :(
from bubbles11090 :
hehe...that's so cute!!
from hunterpoo :
LMAO!! Those are cute pictures, I bet it was REAL fun to clean up. GAWD, tell me about the dirty diaper after the bath. I sometimes wait til he makes his poo, then get him washed up. Occasionally he'll save some poo for after the bath anyways. whatta lil brat!! lol
from hunterpoo :
I don't like the picture people all that much, but they had done good up until valentines. and i had bought my membership that day before the pics were taken. guess the no sitting fees for a year got me. it's nice to mix it up though, i'm happy with my pics, but occasionally i like some different styles.. like studio shots. I can still be caught in hot topic looking for myself.. just looking though, i hardly buy anything for myself since hunt was born!! i like sears, but i've only shopped for baby clothes (and craftsman tools) there!! LOL.
from marlen816 :
Cute pictures! I want to read all day today, too. We need to meet up at a B@rnes and N0ble, find a few comfy chairs and just read.
from hunterpoo :
Awwwww Riley is so cute in your pics. His eyes always have such an intense look! Like he's 5 steps ahead of everyone.. lol. Adorable. YAY! I got 10 pts. Maybe it's Kent that smells musty!!! lol. just kidding. I certainly hope it's not flesh eating mold!! Maybe something is mildewed? I dunno how snow is around the home, but maybe that had something to do with the smell? I'm hoping to get Hunter's 8 mths pics taken today. (almost 8 1/2 mths) yay!
from hunterpoo :
I don't mind you saying he's cute everytime! =) hehe. I think it's awesome you and Kent get time for yourselves, it's good to get out an be around other people rather then your kid 24-7, we love em - but sometimes mommies need breaks!! I have taken photography classes. 2 years in high school, which didn't do much good since I ditched too much. And a black and white course in college, which I dropped out of. Man, I sound like a quitter. I take a TON of pics and pick out the ones I like. OH YEA, SNOW!!! It never snows here! I hope you do get some good pics of the snow!! =)
from green-kiwis :
Beware then! Sin City has a very long bit with pedophilia, which frankly would scare anyone that sees it. Just so you know...
from hunterpoo :
I'm complete opposite of the last note. I've seen none of them (So actually I'm no help!!). I've been out once without Hunt to actually do something entertaining, but that was back when "Saw" came out.. so it's been awhile!! The google things crack me up, I think I need to start a small section for those.. I wish I woulda wrote down the ones from before. =(
from green-kiwis :
I saw all three movies! Sin City, only see if you are willing to handle the violence of it, but it is a wicked film. It also incorporates some awesome cinematography and filming. Read up on the three stories before you go though, and they will make much more sense ( Constantine, I absolutely loved and would be my highest recommendation. It is definately a comic book movie, and a bit off if you're not into that sort of thing. The plot is hard to grasp too. Robots was very cute, and made me fall in love with Ewan McGregor's accent. The story is...typical of a kids movie, and sort of lacking. There are some very awesome effects in the movie, and a lot of the things are just 'wow...'. There you go!
from hunterpoo :
OMG, I love Coal Chamber. One of the bands I followed from the very beginning. They were actually the last show I went to, Jagermeister tour with Drowning Pool (before Dave died). The new chick is cool. Slipknot doesn't hit this area too often, thats what makes me so sad. I believe things happen for a reason too. I know I miss having Josh around, but in the end it's better Hunt doesn't learn from him. He's not a good example. Thanks for the comment, I'm sorry bout your dad. I lost mine a year ago.. I know how tough it is.
from hunterpoo :
It looks damn good! He's so adorable. It's cute to see the different facial expressions. I think that's a dirt devil in the first pic? Way to train em early!!! I gotta train mine as soon as he can walk. hehe.
from kisskeri :
Thanks for your help. It worked!! Yay! :D You rock.
from kisskeri :
Humm...well really the only reason I wanted to buy a Gold is so I could post pictures so if you'd be willing to give me a brief lesson on how to link them I'd settle for that instead. More money in my pocket! hehe
from hunterpoo :
I happen to like the "boring" life kinda days. I can never get anyone to play monopoly with me. Those are days I miss, being able to relax and play a boardgame with family. Sounds good to me!!
from kisskeri :
I'm considering buying a paid account but I have a few questions. First off, what you pay, in your opinion is it worth what you get? Secondly, how easy is it to add pictures and what not? I'm afraid to buy the paid one, and not be able to use it because its complicated. I'm torn lol Decisions Decisions.
from kisskeri :
Aw well trhanks for your encouraging words. I truly hope they come true. You know how everyhone says when you're arent looking, that's when love knocks you off your feet. So maybe I just need to stop looking and stop hoping so much and I'll get swept away ;)
from aliboomboom :
I'm pretty sure we don't know each other so I'd be glad to let you in. My username is alexia and my password is 07gcr10. I look forward to getting to know you better!
from hunterpoo :
LOL My bro in law is obssessed with star wars, but I have an idea that he does think all babies look like yoda. Guess Yoda is better then one of those little furry guys right? I was gonna dress Hunt as Elvis for Halloween.. lol, he has the hair for it.
from hunterpoo :
He had lost a lot of his hair, he had cradle cap and i pretty much destroyed his hair treating it. At Xmas he was still kinda bald, then one day.. BOOM! hair! (I use boom because I don't know the sound of growing hair...) Your lil man is a cutie.. bald or not!! hehe.
from hunterpoo :
He's A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!!! I think racism and prejudices are learned growing up. Mostly from parents and family. You are already aware how you want to be, thinking ahead! (Good Mommy!!) It's weird having to think ahead on little things like that.
from kisskeri :
haha When you look back now on your embarrassing moments, they're hilarious, but at the time, not quite as funny lol #2 will always be #1 with me lol Oh and thanks for your advice before. I'm going to give it another month and if it happens again, I'll go to the dr. <3
from hunterpoo :
surfed on from some diary you had surfed on to.. eh.. you get it right? Anyways, I'm the same way on loveing my camera. I thought it was a bit disturbing.. I'm gonna add you to my favs so I can come back and see how the picture taking with the new camera goes. =)
from almostnormal :
I got your note. I totally understand where you're coming from and I agree completely. I'd spent the day around Catholic-bashers, so couldn't help but ask =)
from boxx9000 :
Hello, hello, hello! I am just fine. I am sorry I worried everyone. I have NO idea WHY my diary is locked. I must have messed up something (???) I hope it is fixed now. I am having a nice vacation. ~Love, BoXx
from kisskeri :
I hate SP 2 it crashed my computer too. It's a POS. Enough said. Glad to see you're back though.
from alwaysange :
Ohhhh noooooo! I hope hope hope it wasn't me that inspired you to download the SP2. I also hope you don't have the same virus I got -- it's awful. But most importantly, I DO hope you get your pictures all recovered. Good luck!
from boxx9000 :
I once had these weird neighbors (are there any other kind) who made up ailments for their kids to get attention for THEMSELVES. There's a name for this , I just can't hink of it right now. They would just invent symptoms that were not there.
from princesse69 :
thanks for the note. I hope you and riley have a lovely Easter <3 Sharon x x
from boxx9000 :
I have a headache today, too. boo hoo. I feel like I want to barf. yuck.
from boxx9000 :
FINALLY your notes are working again!!!! I've been wanting to tell you how cute your little boy is......but you already know that. ♥
from almostnormal :
You said you were downloading your previous entries? What is that linked under in the diary menus? I know I've downloaded my diary about four times, but not in the last four months...and now I'm all panicky (hmmm, wonder why? *smile*) So if you know where that magic "download your diary to your hard drive" link is on the website...PLEASE let me know! Thanks ~ A/N
from kisskeri :
I am the same way. I'm always taking pictures and I have albums upon albums. I've takena few photography classes for fun so I learned quite a bit as well. There's some so special about pictures, they just capture memories and so I have my camera with me everywhere as well. My next step will be a camcorder.
from marlen816 :
((Hugs)) I will be praying that you and Kent get some alone time to talk. Don't worry - everything will work out =)
from kisskeri :
Leaving the socks on is one of those little funny aspects to sex that you never think about at the moment. I can forget to take my socks off, but I always remember to take my hair
from boxx9000 :
I felt the same way about the first Kurt Vonnegut book I ever read. I was so in awe of his writing style. It was the first time I realized that writing was an ART.
from marlen816 :
I want to dance with my babies, too! What a sweet entry. Too bad we are sometimes bound to the rules of routine and naps and miss the opportunities to dance. Good for you for not missing that today =)
from princesse69 :
My little boy Ethan really hates having his fingernails clipped too. It takes two people to do it-one to clip and one to hold him still.<3 Sharon
from boxx9000 :
I'm not even going to take that test. My self esteem can't take the beating. I'd score DEFICIENT for sure. Writing is just NOT my thing.
from bitterwineuk :
oh, bless him. i do think things like dr's jabs, dentists are more psychologically unpleasant than physically. you may dread it for hours but the pain or whatever only lasts a few seconds. sounds like riley is doing well. becca
from marlen816 :
Try not to stress over the whole sleeping thing. I, too, find myself stressing over Noah's sleep issues - he is still not sleeping through the night and ends up in our bed on more nights than not. When he wakes up I normally nurse him instead of just letting my DH settle him back in or letting him cry it out because it is just easier to comfort him and let him nurse back to sleep. But, this too shall pass and I know he will eventually sleep through the night in his own bed soon. Since he is my last baby I am not in such a hurry for him to be all grown up and on his own, I guess. Makes intimate time with the hubby a bit interesting - I don't like being quiet =) - but, soon he'll be in kindergarten then college then where will I be but wishing to nurse him and have him in bed with me. Just take it one day at a time and do what works for you. Riley will fall asleep on his own one day, but count your blessings now that you can read to him! ((Hugs))
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks for adding me to your Diaryland favorites list! I am going to do that Tori Amos quiz right now.
from ilmomof3 :
Not surprisingly, I was "Cornflake Girl."
from ilmomof3 :
"Quite often I wonder how I evolved from super cool goth girl to domesticated housewife and supermom." If you figure it out, could you let me know? I wonder about it on a regular basis! ;-)
from boxx9000 :
The whole Barbie thing is quite threatening. How old were you? Maybe he didn't make you keep silent about something but you felt you shouldn't/couldn't/ wouldn't tell others either? I have an older brother who is schizophrenic and he was ALWAYS doing really weird things. I was concerned that I would pass along the defective mental health gene to my own children. OR that I was secretly crazy myself and had to hide it.
from boxx9000 :
Nobody can really interpret your dreams, but you. You know what those thing signify. I was thinking 3, like three stages. The bone is like something hidden, a secret? The creepy grandpa freaked me out. Did he ever do something to you or make you keep a secret?
from kisskeri :
Thanks for your note :) I just really needed to vent, it was a rough day to say the least. I'm hoping today will be better. I hope your things work out for you and your husbands(?) jobs. He sounds like a dedicated worker, and they're taking advantage of him big time, which is never a good scenario. All the best though! <3
from boxx9000 :
YES to homeschooling or you could become a teacher and then you would have the same holidays and vacations as your kids.
from marlen816 :
Yea for naps! I am glad Riely is napping for you today. Kari napped yesterday, but is not napping today because I had to get my haircut today which cut into naptime. But, since everyone is going to be gone tonight we can get to bed earlier. And don't worry too much about your ILs -its them, not you and sometimes they just suck. ((Hugs))
from marlen816 :
I feel your pain and frustration....Kari, my 2 year old princess, decided that her naps are overrated and she has gone a strike. I think we should have Riley and Kari talk to the toddler union and see if we can't work out a compromise. ((Hugs))
from boxx9000 :
I think you can have the tub *refinished* fairly inexpensively. A friend of mine just recently had it done, I will ask her the details. There is something wrong with the finish that isn't going to ever LOOK clean. I am sure it IS clean, tho. My Mom died on my birthday (feb 16) 5 years ago. Do you know my buddy catpewk? This is the death anniversary of HIS Dad (feb. 18) Small world this Diary Land.
from boxx9000 :
0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000777770000000777770000000 0000077777777700077777777700000 0000777777777770777777777770000 0000777777777777777777777770000 0000777777777777777777777770000 0000077777777777777777777700000 0000007777777777777777777000000 0000000077777777777777700000000 0000000000777777777770000000000 0000000000000777770000000000000 0000000000000007000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 THANKS ♥ ♥ ♥ &hearts: The birthday journal arrived yesterday. I will use it as a collage journal. THANKS. you are too sweet. love, ~boXx (i saved the boxx sticker)
from boxx9000 :
WHY do you have to see a nutionist? Is this something new for babies? My kids and I never saw a nutionist and we seem to be just fine. Would grains make me better?
from marlen816 :
((Hugs)) with the whole BIL thing.
from boxx9000 :
HELLO CUTIE PIE! (hehehehehe)
from cosmicrayola :
You're not nosey. You are just aware of your surroundings. Nothing wrong with that.
from boxx9000 :
re: the mother and daughter. Some people are givers and some people are takers. NEITHER one is good. We need to find a balance. I'm a giver. I get taken advantage of all the time. I need to say NO.
from alwaysange :
My guess is, the guy she sees across the grave is her sister's husband.
from bitterwineuk :
ah, so you are tempted by the Megablocks. I'm encouraging Matthew to play with his "Little People" garage and car sets. I think they are great and also his jigsaw puzzles but I am more interested in the 4 piece jigsaws than him. hahaha
from bitterwineuk :
I'm a monkey too as is my son and my dad. There's never a dull moment in our house.
from for-ever-you :
I'm 21. Still young, still in my prime, still got plenty of life and plenty of love ahead of me..
from boxx9000 :
Gift certificates are good. Something lightweight that can be mailed. A paperback book, a CD, a DVD, stationary paper or cards, a journal, a framed picture, CANDY! Think about what YOU would like to receive and it usually works to send something similar. Friends like the same things. Guys? That's a whole 'nuther story.
from cosmicrayola :
I like to give a gift certificate to as a gift. That way whomever gets it can choose something they want. Just a suggestion.
from marlen816 :
Happy Birthday!!
from boxx9000 :
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you! WeeEeEeeeEee 23!
from alwaysange :
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great day full of your favorite, most relaxing things.
from forty-plus :
Thank you for taking the FYI survey, loved your answers.
from boxx9000 :
For all my parent's faults, they were at least good grandparents. My inlaws are the worse. They insist on being called by their first names. Totally vain, cosmetic surgery, didn't want to be grandparents.
from cosmicrayola :
Better to vent in your diary than to yell and scream about the laundry. All that will do is hurt your throat, make you say things you may regret and cause an useless fight. Why usless? Because after all is said and done, he is still going to be a man. Lovable, fun and hardworking yes, but still a man.
from boxx9000 :
Jenn, you are only 9 months older than my son and almost 2 years to the day older than my daughter. I look forward to the day when my kids have kids and I get to be a grandmother.
from boxx9000 :
Jenn, this is how you make the hearts. I'm going to do them separately, but you have to do them alltogether, ok? & hearts ; That's it. Do the "&" sign first, then write out "hearts", then add the ";" semi colon thing. I've been a day off ALL day. I thought today was the 4th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY early. HOW old will you be?????
from boxx9000 :
A postcard from MAINE arrived today! THANKS! ~BoXx
from boxx9000 :
I put my kids in the local Junior College's pre-school co-op when they were 2 years old. They went 2 days a week and I worked both days. At age 3 they went all 5 days and I still was required to work 2 days (co-op) I LOVED it. I think that was my start to being a teacher. I've always had the same hours and vacations as the kids. It worked for me and I was *there* for the kids.
from boxx9000 :
I was 28 when my son was born and 29 when my daughter was born. they are 14 months apart.
from elliemay23 :
You are right...there are exceptions to every rule, but I'm having a hard time finding them. Have a great day. xoxo, Ellie
from bitterwineuk :
I meant "temporarily separated", my brain just isn't working right today.
from bitterwineuk :
Thank you for your note. I appreciate it. I tend to have a short fuse but when I blow I blow big time and need to get it out of my system fast. Sometimes I do feel really low but in all fairness to him, it's not as often as it used to be. Things are so much better than they were before we temporarily started. We're both under stress at the moment and I can be over sensitive, I know that. Yesterday was just one of those days everything got on top of me and I had to let off steam but thank you for your concern. Take care.Becca
from boxx9000 :
Maybe all the grandparents would like to start contributing to a college fund for Riley? My parents bought savings bonds for my kids all the time. They appreciated them a lot more then legos.
from cosmicrayola :
I knew exactly what you meant. The term I use (and this past week has been almost constant) is that I am "Chilled to the bone". It's an old saying, but I don't think they've come up with a better one yet.
from boxx9000 :
$20???That's about how much I have right now, too (sigh) Can you start putting $25per week in your OWN account? That's $100 per month. $1,200 by Christmas. $12,000 in 10 years. College for Riley?
from boxx9000 :
How can YOU having a checking account in your name be worse than HIM having a checking account in his name? Sounds the same to me. Tell him you will put his name on your account as soon as he puts your name on his account.
from boxx9000 :
Jenn! I'd love a postcard from Maine but I can't find your email address. Send a note to: [email protected] and I'll send you my mailing address. THANKS. ♥
from boxx9000 :
I have 2 kids. It took me 10 years and 4 miscarriages to have my son. My daughter was born 14 months later. I had my tubes tied that same year.
from boxx9000 :
I share a checking account with my daughter. The account is in HER social security number. I am a *signer* on her account. My name is NOT on the checks. I can sign checks. It was NOT a hassle to add me. I just signed a signature card and gave them my personal info.
from boxx9000 :
FAT ALBERT????That's terrible! When I first met my husband (ex) I was 20 years old, weighed 90 pounds and thought *I* was fat. (sheesh!) How come your husband won't put your name of the account? What is he afraid you will do? Do YOU have your OWN account? Maybe you should squirrel away a little money of your OWN?
from boxx9000 :
My kids grew up on Sesame Street. We didn't have tv reception but I had an EIGHT hour tape of Sesame Street. They watched it over and over and over. Both my kids graduated from HS at age 16. I think Sesame Street is GREAT! (I liked to watch it)
from alwaysange :
Merry Christmas! *sends happy thoughts*
from boxx9000 :
One Christmas my daughter completely unwrapped every present under the tree!
from bitterwineuk :
Your Riley sounds so lovely. You sound as proud a mum as I am. I'm just being strong with the presents. Matthew has to wait til christmas day before I am allowed to open them. I'd love to get Matthew more interested in books but he only eats them at the moment. Hope you all have a nice christmas. Becca
from boxx9000 :
11-19-1999 was my mother-in-law's birthday and just 3 months before MY Mom died.
from fan4 :
Spider-Man 2 is a fun movie, but I don't own it either.
from fan4 :
I like the X-Men movies too. They're enjoyable to watch, IMO. Never did get into the comics though. Too many X-titles available to choose from. Have you seen the Spider-Man films? I have. Spidey's a cool character. One of the comicbook titles I read is Amazing Spider-Man. (The other title I read is Fantastic Four.)
from boxx9000 :
I have 3 brothers. Two have done jail time, the other one is a prison guard. My Dad was a policeman for 25 years.
from bitterwineuk :
hello, found your diary through one of my favourites favourite list and added you to mine. not read back far yet but will look back. i am becca and a mum to matthew, 11 months. i notice you too have a son, how old is he? i've had that screaming for no reason problem in the past. becca
from boxx9000 :
I added you.
from life-my-way :
I've been reading around in your diary and like it very much. It reminds me of the days when my son was turning one. I'll be adding you to favorites momentarily.
from alwaysange :
Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you and new hubby all the best now and on the road ahead! So happy for you~
from alwaysange :
Here's hoping tomorrow you're feeling better. I understand your state of blah-ness and your worries. I hope the least of your worries today are the most of your worries tomorrow. I think you're pretty lucky to have a husband and son that love you, even if they're not great at expressing it.
from mommaviews :
Your review has been completed. Thanks for stopping by!! "Rose"
from alwaysange :
I'm so happy for you getting your new apartment! Congratulations and happy housewarming! a serious scrapbooker I know how you must feel preparing to give the scrapbook as a gift. I'm sure she'll LOVE it.
from alwaysange :
Happy Mother's Day!
from alwaysange :
Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
from alwaysange :
Hey, glad to see you had been a while and I wondered about you. :) Hope good things are heading your way and I'm glad to hear your little boy is bringing you so much joy.
from eggsaucted :
Thanks for listing me as a favorite!
from alwaysange :
I'm still so nervous about having sent Brian W. the email. I don't know where I found the bravado to do so...I was coasting on sheer adrenaline all last night. I am glad I got to tell him about my admiration for him though, regardless of whether he writes back or not.
from alwaysange :
Ok, now that it's almost here...Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day, and eat all the cake you want -- birthday calories don't count. As for how I feel about Marlena being the Salem Stalker, I knew she would be thanks to the spoiler sites, but now I'm just trying to figure out who has the Marlena clone under control: Is it the evil Ernesto Toscano or perhaps Dr. Rolf? Maybe it's Stefano. Either way, this Marlena clone will supposedly be killed in the near future by John and the truth will be revealed and the rightful Marlena returned to Salem. That's all I know for now. I hear it's supposed to happen in March. At this point I'm so tired of it all, I just want everything to get back to 'normal' on the show. So...what do you think of it?
from alwaysange :
In case I forget to tell you later, Happy 22nd Birthday! I too was born on the fifth of the month (5.5.79). It must have something to do with cool people (my best friend was born 9.5.79). Enjoy your special day and year ahead~
from starlight42 :
read your entry about your husband & being a stay at home mom- which is where I plan to be in a few years. I can see how a lot of guys might be like yours. Hopefully you can sit him down & talk about it, so that you can have some time for yourself. You deserve it. Men!
from alwaysange :
Thanks, your comment cheered me up, and I agree with your entry today, about the meaning of five minutes.
from alwaysange :
You were absolutely right on your guesses in my comments section! Someone knows her trivia!
from alwaysange :
Hehehe, you are a Passions fan I take it? I think it's hilarious that you're watching Days now too. I taped today's episode and plan to watch it next while I'm preparing Christmas gifts for mailing.
from alwaysange :
I had no idea you were in the heart of all that snow. Are you in Maine yourself? My new flame is from MA, so he goes up to Maine for summer vacation a lot. New England must be cool...I've never been. Stay warm up there with all that snow.
from alwaysange :
It's hard to believe how fast they grow. I am sure you are finding the days flying while he's small and wanting to keep him tiny forever. It sounds like you are well-adjusted to motherhood now. Congrats on all of it.
from alwaysange :
Yeah, Ofoto rocks. I get a 30% discount there because I am employed by a different subsidiary of Kodak. If you ever want to talk photos, I am the woman.
from alwaysange :
Best of luck in delivering your son. It won't be much longer now! :)
from alwaysange :
Thank you! Good luck with your delivery in the next 48 hours!
from alwaysange :
Hello...and thank you for adding me as a favorite. I see by your entry you're soon due to have a baby boy. Best wishes to you and your family at this exciting time!
from guderian :
Aloha, Best wishes for you and your baby boy, I am so happy for you. And as far as those dreams you are having, it's true that they are a quite normal occurence and tell your husband that they actually proves you ar sane. What they are is a reflection of your deep concern for both your child and your marriage! God Bless You and Your Family, Ciao Bambina, Guderian P.S. Praying for You and Your Baby Boy
from guderian :
Aloha theflyingrat, I just want to thank you for taking my first survey. And also to want say that hope everything goes well with your delivery when is the due date if that's ok to ask. What do I know I'm just a guy :-) Anyways I'll keep you and the baby in my prayers (boy? girl?, I know I'm being nosey). If you feel so inclined, and want to visit my new diary, please do and let me know how I can make it better. I love your site by the way-Bless You and Your Family. Ciao, Guderian
from wrthlss :
Good for you quitting your job. Don't ever stay at a job you hate. Life is too short. Congratulations and good luck with baby-making.
from elateddream :
Thank you =)
from elateddream :
I like your layout. You managed to make Purple really pretty.
from wrthlss :
Why do people keep diaries on the internet if they don't want other people to read them and comment on them? If someone writes something you disagree with, why do you care? You don't know them. It's just some stranger. It's fun to goof around with strangers and their opinions don't you think? No penalties.
from crookedplaid :
hey! thanks for linking my diary... your new template is cute!
from chasha :
Your moon and rising signs are both Cancer. Wow, you're the second double cancer I've done this for. -CRbE
from jenne1017 :
My newly 25 year old self thanks you for the birthday wishes!! <3 Jenn

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