CHROME MAGNUM MAN the diary. This is the future and its looking kind of shitty.

"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."

Tyler Durden, Fight Club

My favorite diaries:

gawain profile - diary
comments: Crack my ass up man....a real good friend.....if you can get past the fact he is bored ALL the time
unclebob profile - diary
comments: The Mecca of there any one bigger? Or so close to being famous on here....probably not...he is not quite famous enough to blow are candy asses off.
anenigma profile - diary
comments: The Mother you wished YOU had.......well maybe if she still had the hook up....sweetly demented..damn thats cool.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: I love reading her diary everyday, I think I'm addicted to this well rounded sex goddess....could be HOW she gained this "goddess" status...the being very apealing and all.
badsnake profile - diary
comments: Cool as hell, and makes for a great read, though I still get all these relationships confused, who is who again?
sinnamon profile - diary
comments: Love to read her, when she actually finds the time to write. Must be senility in her old age of....what?? 21?? Oh bloody hell, if thats old what the fuck am I?
madamefromag profile - diary
comments: Didn't know what I was getting into when I first starting to read her diary, now I"m really glad I stuck around for more.
trinity63 profile - diary
comments: Crazy misunterstood and has a really big heart. Can give it to you straight even if you don't like it. And is one hell of a person to know.
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: Charming,witty, sarcastic, artistic and painfully smarter then me.
humandebris profile - diary
comments: New look, new additude....rock on brother john.
corrupt4evah profile - diary
comments: She is cool in ways I can't even begin to explain.
bdc profile - diary
comments: This kids is cool in a geeky kind of naive kind of way. He reminds me a lot of me when I was younger and before life took a sledge hammer to the back of my head repeatedly.
bisa-pet profile - diary
comments: A cool lady with a wickedly busy mind...
alternamommy profile - diary
comments: She's not Donna Reed?.....but I really liked that show! yeah, I was a strange kid so sue me.
gingerbug profile - diary
hardrain profile - diary
comments: A woman a lot stronger then I believe she knows. I have a feeling what we are privaleged to see on her diary. Would be the things people would tragicaly miss in her real life. To bad, they're missing out.
the-lacuna profile - diary
comments: I can't put my finger on what I like about him, but I found myself comfortably sitting here reading more and more and liking it. Oh I like that.
kinetix profile - diary
comments: Exceptionaly smarter then me. How the hell did i get in this contest again?
magpiesnest profile - diary
comments: My soul mate in all things shiny and fantastic......I'm not sure if thats a good thing cause it might mean I have to share my shiny toys with her.
addicted2ski profile - diary
comments: This man has as many problems with his debit card as I do. Long lost brother or a need to hold an uprising against plastic cards fucking with our lives.
ms-m profile - diary
comments: A crazy, cooky, quirky kind of gal. Thats what I call "cool" in my book.
raw-voice profile - diary
comments: Whoa, she is like a female version of me! Only smarter, more articulate, a hell of a lot less incoherent, I'm betting cuter, and more outstanding then me. Ok......what made me think she was female version of me again?
scud profile - diary
comments: Is it alright I hate him for having a good looking girlfriend, but like him cause he seems like an over all cool guy? This is so confusing...
racer96 profile - diary
comments: For having a kick ass diary and making DS4 fun again, the award goes to...
cordeliameg profile - diary
comments: A really sweet, kind, funny, great gal who has had a rough life, but underestimates her self worth. Makes you just want to reach out and give her a hug.
classics profile - diary
comments: Cause I work on it, don't you know?
moralsneeded profile - diary
comments: Best friend of mine who had another diary, but abandoned it like an empty fast food bag....heh
thederelict profile - diary
comments: ChrisB's online Cyberpunk-esque novel. An effort I'm thoroughly interested in reading and helping where I can. I have hopes that he might find something in him with this he didn't know was there and be happy for it.
raen profile - diary
comments: an interesting read even though I haven't gotten a chance to back read as much as I would like, but the key is I want to back read as much as I can.
justjill profile - diary
comments: Someone I used to read under a different user name, but I blindly didn't realize who it was. Now that I know I'm happy to be reading her again.
foreverstorm profile - diary
byrond profile - diary
comments: A real good friend of mine that hooked me up with the Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. He rocks for that.
sean1129 profile - diary
comments: Very passionate writer....I feel like we have similiar tastes and means.
eroticnights profile - diary
lady-malfoy profile - diary
comments: Fuzz mom gets a "face lift"...not literaly.
willowrain profile - diary
comments: comment still pending.
glistenen profile - diary
comments: She has a altar dedicted to me with shit incrusted on it...I'm not sure if I should be jumping for joy or possibly filing a restraining order.
airtheorchid profile - diary
comments: what can I say about this diary other then WHOA! humina humina humina
slyparadox profile - diary
comments: and old friend who thankfuly started writing again cause I missed her...awwww
ashenangel profile - diary
comments: god she makes uber cute look so damn sexy gets me every time.
chalupagrrl profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Don't care what people say...they rock my world!
comments: One hell of a band with a lead singer who can growl and sing just as well.
comments: German Industrial RULES!
comments: speak to me in a more soulfull loving way...takes my depression and wraps it up nicely to let me loose myself in there music
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
comments: The first punk band that I've loved everything they have done.

My favorite movies:

ViewAskew Films
comments: they all rock
comments: geeks that kick ass.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
comments: Shit....nothing like watching a movie that makes you feel high
The Hustler
comments: shit.....a classic
FIght Club
comments: One I first saw this movie, I was shocked to the core. I knew it was going to be about men beating the living shit out of each other, but the social an political points they make caught me off guard. And all the twists and turns and the things that mak

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: do I really need to say something here.
J.R.R. Tolkien
comments: if you don't know who this is....I feel sorry for you
Robert Jordan
comments: The Wheel of Time BA-BY!
Dean Kontz
comments: its the shiznit!
David Eddings
comments: where do I find more of his shit.....damn

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last updated: 2004-07-07 22:29:31
this user's total entries: 436
user since: 2001-05-04

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