messages to ikss:
(click here to add new message):
from gutterpoet : |
well if all the cool people jumped off a bridge wouldn't you follow them still? See ya on the other side then! |
from ravynespeaks : |
Just want to wish you a very Happy New Year. May 2005 be your best year ever! |
from krazieespy : |
Happy 2005. |
from amdwt4 : |
Wow...those outrageous statements made my jaw drop. I hadn't heard those before! I'm going to have to link to them! |
from amdwt4 : |
Glad you had a nice Christmas! Have a wonderful New Year as well! :-) |
from gutterpoet : |
glad you had a nice holiday. The title of your entry just reminds me that everytime this season I've heard that song from John Lennon (who I am big fan of) how it's ruined by that damned Yoko. Her voice is the equal of 30 sets of fingernails down a chalkboard at the same time. And she broke up the Beatles!!! Oh, what was my point again? Oh yeah, have a snazzy, snappy New Year! |
from hamiltonian : |
Let me know how your doing on getting supergold again... |
from hamiltonian : |
Bush is the one anti-family values as well mr alabama |
from hamiltonian : |
UPDATE: Still no reponse from Andrew.. check your emil... |
from pandionna : |
:::cuddles Inigo and sings to Louise::: Have you ever held a bird in your hands? Stroked its feathers? Felt its fragility? My heart breaks for those birds. So glad I got rid of the car. |
from sixelacooper : |
I really enjoy reading you. Your mission list is the best. If you ever want fab drink ideas I have a million of them. You would be an instant hit. Ahhh something not flammable would be good...I almost lit my counter on fire with one last night. *sigh* |
from mrs-roboto : |
I have to say I like turkey bacon better than regular bacon which probably means I'm crazy but what can you do? |
from hamiltonian : |
Imagine Guiliani in Homeland Sceurity and whomever is attorney general will be a terrorist like ASHCROFT. |
from roxyelliot : |
Hey there. Still reading your diary, but no longer on Diaryland. I have a new blog on blogger. Here's the URL if you're interested. |
from hamiltonian : |
Don't move to Canada.. nbow is the time to fight back more than ever |
from gutterpoet : |
Thanks much for your note dear Karen. Expect some emails in the coming weeks as I will have lots of time at home popping pain pills. Damn that doesn't sound bad does it? |
from mrs-roboto : |
I can't believe someone wrote that about the armed forces. I can't believe any of this really. I am fighting the urge to label everything as black and white or in this case red and blue. I mean, you're right. Kerry knew what he was up against here and he failed to take all of that into account. It still stings though. |
from amdwt4 : |
Awesome list. Think I'm going to have to steal that... |
from krazieespy : |
yeah. canada is only four hours from me I have always wanted to live in another country, but it takes SOOO long like you said *sigh* |
from amdwt4 : |
I'm so glad I'm not the only person looking for a job in Canada... I'm very worried about tomorrow cause I don't really want to move to Canada. Canada is cold. But I can't take four more years of the shrub. The >idea< of four more years makes me want to cry. |
from hamiltonian : |
Mathew Dows huh? *MEAN GROWL AND SNARL* Dont care for him. I do like Maureen Dowd.. *ROWLF* *ROWLF* *PANTS* |
from hamiltonian : |
AMERICA FUCK YEAH! I loved it! Movie rocks! I am 29 but I dont take drugs or drink. Drink very rarely... I just take care of myself and look young. My ex fiancee' is 6'2 and I am an inch taller. |
from fuzzmom : |
Tease. Tell us about a Jolie dream and then not go into detail. Humph. (And on a serious note, I COMPLETELY agree with you about Bush and the draft. Where do these people think the troops are going to come from?) |
from hamiltonian : |
I have a fog of war link on my page below the Gandhi link... I also have an entry "Fog of Bueracracy" that you would love.. you may have read it a while back... |
from hamiltonian : |
it is on the left side in my link section under my presidential election poll |
from hamiltonian : |
Click on my Gandhi link... |
from pandionna : |
While I wouldn't say I sleep-walked through Clinton's administration, politics wasn't as much a part of my life as it is now. I didn't particularly like Clinton. But after the whole Lewinsky thing, I was ready to come charging in like the cavalry to defend him. |
from hamiltonian : |
You need to read barefoot gen. A real tearjerker. |
from banefulvenus : |
:) |
from hamiltonian : |
Several things: email me what you want me to bitch out andrew about and I will get his ass on this. I am ready and feeling well after feeling bad all last week(blood pressure related). Lynne Cheney applauds the views of Ann Coulter (she doesnt believe in womens right to vote,and their should be a christian holy war against islam)and Michelle Malkin (who is the cheerleader for the patriot act and says racism didnt exist in the 1040s and especially toward Asian americans who were placed in justified camps for their so called protection by the great FDR). I despise Truman, FDR, and believe the patriot act is unconstitutional shit. I rank Truman with Hitler and Stalin. FDR was a lying pig warmonger and jackass, but never would have bombed Japan. Okay that's enough for now. I have been working on my journal especially past entries doing my best to George Lucas them! |
from hamiltonian : |
I ask you to give it one more chance.. I did. I want my own site like CZARRIA. I will help you out... If it doesnt work lets both walk... |
from hamiltonian : |
dont go through tech support ; it is the big failure of dland... really I used to HATE andrew and be a asshole but I got him finally; through another channel Iwill get a hold of him for you |
from hamiltonian : |
Someone should get you a gold membership. check out hothead ; she got one from someone.. just ask your dedicated readers! Sorry but I am broke and jobless... (also suffering from a mental collapse *fake smile*) |
from inkdragon : |
I'm sending my best get well FAST wishes to your dad. P.S. Thanks for adding the Breast Cancer bracelet link. |
from theyknew : |
You rule!!!!! ~nEo |
from hamiltonian : |
if bush wins we go to elmo alert! |
from gutterpoet : |
(again!) As you noted that many of my notes come across as bordering on insults to you, which comes as rather a shock to me, I would again assure you that is NEVER my intention in any way shape or form. However, I am well aware that my tongue and my keyboard by extension can be a bit sharper than I may intend. Therefore, I will not continue to clog your comment sections with words that although are not intended for any harm may be perceived that way. You may rest assured I will read your writings as faithfully as ever, but I will be a more pleasant silent reader and keep my errant and out of the mainstream mutterings to myself. So mums the word! |
from gutterpoet : |
oh ok I see. I did use the word "you". That is not what I meant. I did not mean "you" as in you "Karen". eh, anyway. |
from gutterpoet : |
Miss Karen. I never meant to imply any such things about you. I went back and looked and I only mention the democratic and republican parties', not you. The Demo's insist on those who lock step with them and the Repubs do the same. I was lamenting along with you that we will never have impartial judges with the current state of partisianship. I would never use a note to personally attack anyone let alone someone I like as much as you. Please re-read my note and maybe you'll see what I mean. I am sorry if my two-cents on this subject were not well taken. I was simply in my mind enlarging on a point I thought you made well. I am truly sorry if you feel I have attacked you as I would never do any such thing. |
from ikss : |
also - never forget that I DID support a "free-thinker" and worked on his campaign for over a year. No, he was not nominated by the Democratic Party and you and I agreed then and now that the liklihood of that happening was slim-to-none. However, I seem to recall him being pretty much made fun of by many people, including you, GP. So much for supporting free-thinkers. |
from ikss : |
You know what GP? You finally did it. You finally offended me. I've read all of your recent missives, many of which have bordered on insulting me personally, and have tried to find middle-ground with you at all times and also to give you the benefit of the doubt. In response to your notes, I've tried to further explain my positions in notes to you, because I think you and I agree on a lot more issues than you appear to think we do. The insult you chose to leave in your most recent note to me, though, is just that. You addressed me personally as being the sort of person that I try not to be and quite frankly think I achieve far more than most people I know, including you. Just because I am intent on getting Bush out of office does not mean that I think everyone, including judges, should agree with me all the time. It also doesn't take away from my value of personal liberties and freedoms - which means I REALLY don't expect all people to agree with me. I don't want government interfering with my personal lifestyle and decisions. My entire point of posting all of that stuff yesterday, in fact, was to show how Bush is trying to put a lid on our personal freedoms by way of the judges he appoints. How does supporting personal freedoms translate as partisanship in your mind? It is exactly the opposite, except to the extent that the Right to Choose has been co-opted by both major parties. I am not responsible for that, however, and that was not the only point to my entry. Had your note come from someone whose opinion means nothing to me, I wouldn't care. The fact that you think me so narrow-minded is a HUGE insult to me, especially since I would hope you would have a better opinion of me. I also find your arrogance in making such posts to me as you have been recently to be extremely hypocritical, as any time I post anything which is opposed to what YOU think is right, you of course find great fault in it. You are of course welcome to your opinions, GP, and I have always treated them with respect and thought about your point of view before I responded. I do this with all people whose minds I respect. I don�t particularly think that is a sign of someone who only wants judges or anyone for that matter to agree with her at all times. What I want in judges IS impartiality, an adherence to the law, and an ability to act on it in a fair and balanced manner - despite what you may think of me. |
from gutterpoet : |
I would only comment that "fair and impartial" judges will never be appointed. "Fair and impartial" to you means the judge would agree with your views just as Republicans think anyone agreeing with them is "fair and impartial" as well. In this day and age of hyper-senstivity and malice from the opposing party and media whenever a nominee is named, an actual free thinker will never be nominated by either party. Partisianship is the rule of the day. |
from hamiltonian : |
Clarence Thomas is a disgrace |
from inkdragon : |
Dear ikss, thank you so much for overcoming your pain and completing this walk to raise money for breast cancer research. I cannot properly express how I admire your perseverance. |
from krazieespy : |
congrats on the walk at least making it through. Also another good site to host pictures is its free. and its AWESOME!!! |
from for-you-only : |
Sorry to offend you, I just see a lot of banners that I think, "wow, I wonder if that poor person is getting any clicks" -It's only my opinion after all. Some of my banners don't do well anyway. |
from for-you-only : |
Your banner is dumb. *just being honest* |
from list-alive : |
Hello, I've recently opened a new listing site, and I would like to list you! |
from krazieespy : |
Good Luck. Congrats on being able to do that.. And that is AweSOME you would push your friend around.. :) |
from amdwt4 : |
Saw Dave Alvin in Austin last week and he tore it up. Just incredible. I was blown away... |
from inkdragon : |
Your poor tent mate. All that training. I'm glad she still is going to the event and helping any way she can. |
from gutterpoet : |
I just saw Mary Matalin on TV. WTF? She looks like a freakin' Vulcan! What happened? James Carville looks like a Sleestak from Land of the Lost. They may be our first alien life form couple. |
from hamiltonian : |
Keep writing and posting.. I will do my best despite my suicidal tendencies to do so as well. |
from hamiltonian : |
well done on ptriot act entry |
from gutterpoet : |
Dodgers and Angels freeway series. puhleaze. All I can say is "homeboy what you smoking, man?" |
from hamiltonian : |
I have tons as well to post but have not been feeling well and I havent felt up to posting much of anything. My minds says post but my body says no. |
from gypsybrody : |
I was directed to your diary from gutterpoet's latest entry. I thought that Kerry's position was much better defined in the debate last night, and I enjoyed your entry. I've also read a few of your latest entries. Since I enjoyed your stuff so much, I am going to list you as a favorite diary. Hope you don't mind. Thanks, Brody |
from hamiltonian : |
nader needs to wake up and smell what this country is cooking |
from hamiltonian : |
The media is most biased towards the Libertarians I feel and those who stand up for rights. The media plays to demagogues and its no wonder why Bush fares so well with them. Besides the media is not about journalistic integrity, its about money. Badnarik could do a better job but the media is stcked against him and libertarians views being heard. Maybe if kerry went and denounced this he could pick up Libertarians support. I do beleive though Kerry will destroy Bush in the debates which i will tape and go over. |
from hamiltonian : |
"This is the pattern and the record of the Bush administration [on] Iraq, jobs, Medicare, schools, issue after issue -- mislead, deceive, make up the needed facts, smear the character of any critics. Again and again, we see this cynical, despicable strategy playing out."--Senator Edward Kennedy |
from ikss : |
I agree with you, hamiltonian. Sadly, Nader is too pig-headed these days to even consider it (at least, that's my theory. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll prove me wrong). Of course, he'd have to sever his ties with the GOP first and apparently that's not going to happen, either...the real problem with the "independent" candidate running today is that he's not really Independent at all. He's a paid Bush-lackey, only running in an effort to fuck things up for the Democrats. If we had Independent or Libertarian candidates with some integrity and strength of character, they would be nothing but good for the body politic. |
from hamiltonian : |
Yeh, I wish Nader would and Badnarik would meet with Kerry and endorse him. They possibly then could get jobs in the Kerry adminsitration for the type of government under our first two presidents. |
from ikss : |
While I certainly agree that there would (and should) be an increase in classified documents during a time of war, it is not only war-related documents which are classified. Any regular reader of this journal knows that Bush has also "classified" thousands of documents relating to our water, the air we breath, our forests, etc., in efforts to hide what this administration is doing to them. Also newly classified are thousands of documents relating to why and how American citizens are being spied on. While again - that might make SOME sense, because I know they are spying on people just because they disagree with them and not because they pose an actual security threat, I believe this to be completely wrong and simply un-American. Also newly classified are documents relating to Bush's war records, Bush's ties to Pharmaceutical companies, etc. Gee, I wonder why? far as Jimmy Carter goes - there is not a man alive for whom I have greater respect and admiration. This man has done more to house the homeless, feed the needy, educate and inoculate the poor and yes, bring free elections to other nations, than anyone I can think of. As far as Chavez goes - Jimmy Carter was not to blame there and let's get real - what they ended up with is a far cry from where they were. Jimmy may be a great man, but he is not Jesus Christ and can not affect miracles...I don't disagree that the Libertarian Party (and Independents and Greens) should be given a lot more credence than it is, but as I have said many time - NOT IN THIS ELECTION. |
from gutterpoet : |
...and another thing. Henry Waxman? ughhh again. Let's see, 9/11, tracking down terrorists, and a war in Iraq. Well isn't kind of a "duh" that classified documents would increase 40% after 9/11? I mean come on. There is much more fertile ground to attack the Bushwhacker on than this stuff and the conspiracy things. In fact those fertile areas are like shooting fish in a barrel to find. |
from gutterpoet : |
oh no! You mentioned my name and the loathesome Jimmy Carter in the same sentence. That hurts! But I'll forgive you this time. Yes the same Mr. Carter who validated the full of fraud-riddled election of the dictator Chavez recently?!? Is that the sort of election expertise he brings to the table? GAHD! Also in my view "convicted" felons forfeit the privilege of voting while in prison. I know there was some issue as to some being convicted as a felon or not on the list, but you lose freedom when convicted. Aggghhh, Jimmy Carter! You've wounded me. :( Vote for real change. Vote Libertarian. Power to the people right on! |
from augustdreams : |
It is interesting that we keep hearing from people in Washington about things in Iraq being (depending on who's talking) better or worse. I say let our soldiers get on TV and tell us if things are "better". It's more than high time they were allowed to come home. But that's just my opinion. On a happier note, I love your writing, as always. |
from gutterpoet : |
actually there's no conflict what Powell said was...oh why do I care about Powell and Bush, nevermind! Here's a big wish for your foot/ankle problems to get better. happy freakin' monday gp |
from theghostgirl : |
Another Libra, just about to hit 30. Horoscopes frighten me. BTW, you might be interested in today's rant from me about US vs. UK "liberal media." |
from hamiltonian : |
I liked the Rooney too. Bush makes Nixon look respectable. |
from inkdragon : |
Loved the Mr. Rooney's letter. You have the best updates. |
from johnny-t-h-m : |
I just randomly stopped by your page (since it was featured at the top of my page). Please do both yourself and the guy a favor and end the relationship. I was dumped without being told about it once. The next morning one of the girl's friend's asked me how it felt to be single. It would have been nice to know. It's kinda important to know these types of things in a relationship. Of course you could still get him to fix your car. Men like to be helpful. Just be sure to offer him something refreshing like an ice cold soda or brew since you won't be offering your body any more. Can't just let him work on your car unrewarded can you? Johnny |
from gutterpoet : |
Today's question. Where does Kerry stand on the deportation of 70's folk singers? I'm having to lean to Bush so far on this one. When will John Kerry speak to this issue? I don't want to bring children into a world where Peter, Paul and Mary walk the streets with impunity. Does Kerry not care about the children?!? |
from hamiltonian : |
I love Joan Jett! Do you like her? |
from gutterpoet : |
a re: to the re: about the re: I in no way meant to call YOU uninformed at all. Agree or disagree, I always find your positions well thought out. Nor do I imagine those who read political thought such as yours would be either. Since no Joe Sixpack out there answered your query, I stepped in to take a slap at it and my main point was that you were looking for reason in a place where it does not dwell. I do like being mentioned daily by you, so now I have to find ways to keep it going. I will take you to task about your "are we safer?" entries from a few days past in my journal today. Also, guess who'll be in LA in July of next year for a week. |
from hamiltonian : |
I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood with me in the Rose Garden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose, "You disarm, or we will."--President George W. Bush,10/5/2002 |
from pandionna : |
Yep, I'm voting for Kerry for the same reasons. He wasn't my first choice, either (as you know, heh), but I agree with him on more things than I disagree, and I agree with him more than I agree with Bush. The only person I'd vote for in a strictly "he's not Bush" sense would be someone like Joe Lieberman, with whom I disagree on a lot and just plain don't really like all that much. |
from ikss : |
Re gutterpoet�s latest message, my reply: Well yes, you did answer my question. And what you said was very true. But what I was after was people who actually believe in Bush and have valid, presumably well-informed reasons for voting for him - I wanted those people to answer my question. . . |
from hamiltonian : |
I believe Kerry is the best Democrat of any of them and will be a great President. I dislike Bush regardless and would never vote for him, if Howard Dean was nominated I would cast my vote for Badnarik. I like Kerry and the people he will put in place in his cabinet to be. I believe Kerry will be elected and America will be better off for it. |
from gutterpoet : |
Miss K, as a small clarification I think I did address your question. I don't believe most people do have a valid reason and most people don't require one. Sad to say, but your average citizen is too ignorant of the issues to have their own opinion that would therefore validate the reasoning of their voting preference. And of course as I am not a Bush voter I could not directly speak to it. I could however validate my reasoning in INFINITE DETAIL for not voting for Bush or Kerry but I will not bore you with that drivel! Hope you're having a snappy and smooth week my dear. |
from theghostgirl : |
I'm sending that why are you voting for Bush entry to an annoying friend who is voting for Bush... thank you! |
from gutterpoet : |
Well Miss Karen, I'm no Republican (nor do I play one on TV) but that answer is elementary my dear. Republicans vote for Bush because he is a Republican, just as Demo's are voting Kerry because he's a Dem. They will blindly vote the party line. So why are you voting for Kerry? Because he's not Bush and he's not a Republican. I know you well enough to know you can't be very excited by the man himself otherwise. In my opinion these are the worst two candidates to choose from in last fify years. But please remember your average voter does not go beyond the five second sound bites. And this will be a controversial statement (but in your heart you will agree) most voters probably can't answer the most simple questions about the issues and who stands where on them and will vote one way or another for superfluous reasons. I.E. are UNFIT to vote in my opinion. In fact, if you get in the damned booth and get confused or have trouble, you're buttocks need to be ushered out of there and sent home without voting. (do not pass go or collect $200 either) By the way if you are a Dem against the war, neither your party or candidate have come out against the war. The ONLY party who has called for the (ok sure also the tree hugging Naderites) immediate ending of the war in it's platform is the Libertarian Party. In fact we have to sign a "non-intervention" declaration just to join. Whew, sorry to go on so. Thank you America and good night. |
from hamiltonian : |
"How many boards would Mongols hoard if the Mongol Hordes got bored?"--Calvin & Hobbes |
from theghostgirl : |
Thank you for keeping up my political interest, which tends to wane when I'm wrapped up in my own depression. Can't quite bring myself to keep reading my usual political links, but I always check out you! |
from hamiltonian : |
605 entries now thats impressive! |
from amdwt4 : |
(Finally registered so I could leave notes in the note section!) I thought your e-mail sounded great. I don't blame you for being annoyed! andrea |
from hamiltonian : |
just reminding you that your journal is wonderful and I love you for it |
from lavidaloca-2 : |
thank you. thank you very much I needed to hear that. The last few days have just been hell with republicans everywhere and on everything. |
from inkdragon : |
Thanks for adding me to your favorites! Have a great weekend. |
from jenne1017 : |
love your letter! |
from lauralgood : |
Oh I love spa treatments! do tell all when you get it done! I have never had a Shea butter body wrap but I have done the herbal wrap I wonder if it is a bit the same? I really want to try a sea weed wrap! Keep happy. Laural |
from hamiltonian : |
How can anyone even listen and respect what that nazi Karl Rove has to say?!? |
from hamiltonian : |
Today is Bushisms day! |
from augustdreams : |
I don't know if it would be much help, but I get my first paycheck from Universal a week from Friday and I could probably afford to send $20 - it's such a good cause and I'd love to help you reach your $1000 goal. Let me know if that would help. *hugs* |
from hamiltonian : |
McCain is so bought off buy lobbyists it is sickening... Really look into it who he gets his money from.. the guy who sell his own mother |
from lauralgood : |
thank you for the note. I do love our mutual diaryland friend. He is wonderful. And he has the best buddies ever wouldn't you say? Hey come on down to New Orleans on oct 16 and see the fest with us! I would love to meet you! talk with you soon. Laural |
from indigo-love : |
the more i read, the more i hate rumsfeld. ick.... |
from hamiltonian : |
Thanks... |
from hamiltonian : |
excuse me--> intolerant* |
from hamiltonian : |
Bush is whacked and the Republican party accuses the Democrats of being corrupt make them look like saints. They both are bad in my opinion but the current Republican leadership has no ethics and is intelernat ignorant political monster and they are turning the USA into a mythological monster state. |
from hamiltonian : |
you rock |
from hamiltonian : |
hope you checked out the 9-11 comission today |
from krazieespy : |
you know I love both johns more and more everyday. I really love my senator too..I saw Byron Dorgan and John Edwards speak at a rally in Fargo, and it was AWESOME. Thanks for the interesting reads :) |
from bornearly : |
Thank you, dear person. Now I get to read all about you as well. |
from hamiltonian : |
Yes They Have Bushwacked not just the USA but the entire world. The biggest coup detat and heist in world history has occured and nobody seemed to care. |
from hamiltonian : |
just dropping by to say hi.. HI! |
from fantasyville : |
Never got some money from PayPal, eh? Take a look at this: |
from gutterpoet : |
Yes, I've read that energy plan. Yikes is all I can say. I do think more money into national parks is a fine idea though. But...nevermind, I'm sending you an email this week (it's more like a book actually) and I'll say it all there. Otherwise, have a great day lovely Karen! |
from hamiltonian : |
The Bush administration seems anti- american government as they want to just fuck everything up and repeal all progress over the 20th century. I can only say "WHAT THE FUCK!?!" |
from augustdreams : |
Excellent diary. I love your writing. I'm so glad I clicked on your banner. And praise all that is good in the world - another woman who doesn't care if she never gets married! I thought I was the only one. I'll most definitely be back for more. |
from slummyjelly : |
Sorry for the lock-out! A temporary, but necessary fix for keeping out la famiglia and all. Not you, sis! User name: guest Password: pass. I'm a real thinker, yes? |
from pollymagoo : |
Yeah, but unfortunately it's not my story, I just retold it. Wait...unfortunately? |
from hamiltonian : |
ever read Bushisms? great book... |
from visualreview : |
Would you like a review of your design? If so, request! :) |
from meeshapeesha : |
Nevermind, i got it. Doh! |
from meeshapeesha : |
Hey there, just fyi, the link for didn't work. :( |
from krugerpak007 : |
I found you through one of the diaryrings and decided to say hi. I have also lost the least you have stuff planned. A day with the girls sounds nice...and gym etc etc. Anyway have a good weekend. xoxo Kathy |
from krazieespy : |
I already have my Kerry/Edwards shirt. I love reading your diary.. |
from hamiltonian : |
I have looked at your journal quite a bit and love it. Your quotes hit the mark as well. Pleae keep writing! |
from hamiltonian : |
I like your views... |
from pirategirl : |
Dude, you're all smart and stuff. Awesome. It makes me feel good reading you, and even better that you liked my shit. XO |
from banefulvenus : |
from meeshapeesha : |
Hey, I dontated some mulah for the Breast Cancer 3 Day thing. I'm taking part in the Memory Walk in September so i know how the whole begging for money situation is. :) |
from meeshapeesha : |
I'm such a big supporter for the Red Cross. Thanks for putting that on your page, i think it will help out a lot. My grandpa volunteered for the Red Cross after he retired and his sole job was promoting donations to the union guys. And my family continues that tradition by giving blood whenever we can. Thanks again for posting such a great cause! |
from meeshapeesha : |
Hey! Thanks for the guestbook entries, you make me look cool. :) And that woman at the airport sounds like she needs to see a shrink. Why would you even talk on the phone about that knowing everyone can hear you? I swear we we're just fine before cell phones were around, can't people just wait until they get home to make the call? Okay, end of my rant. |
from meeshapeesha : |
I always thought the Pennsylvania plane was shot down but even if it was, they probably just want those family members to believe their loved ones were heroes who overcame the terrorists. But like you said, it doesn't really matter now. As for the Pentagon, they released a video of it about a year after 9/11 or so. Some building nearby or something had surveillance cameras. It does indeed show a plan crash into the building. It's time lapsed which is why it wasn't shown on tv alot. You know American's, if it's not live and with sound we don't care right? Not sure where you can find that footage now. Maybe on in the archives or something. |
from lavidaloca-2 : |
I had not heard that those Enron assholes actually laughed at us. I share in your Californian rage. Ugh those horrible cretins and of course nothing can be done while they sleep with the White house. ARGH and the fact that this is one of the major reasons why the Calstates are gonna suffer pisses me off triply. Sigh. I hope everything goes well for you thanks for sharing the information, however distressful it might be. You are a real resource. |
from fantasyville : |
Take the TV; leave the VCR. You only need to hook the cable up to the VCR to tape the show. ;) |
from meeshapeesha : |
Not one mention of your precious Lakers getting the crap beaten out of them? :) Not that i'm a huge basketball fan but it made me happy but i'm sure that just added to your already crappy day. |
from pandionna : |
Ugh, what a hassle. Would that Little Big Man becomes Little New Job Elsewhere Man. Also, I can't wait to see the movie. Should be interesting, to say the least! |
from jenne1017 : |
rock on is right! |
from starlight42 : |
"an older Baldwin brother..." that cracked me up. I agree that we should be glad Reagan is out of his suffering. I can't believe he lived with it for that long! |
from fantasyville : |
I have the SAME problem with the facial hair. Mine's been going on forever, though. If I ever win the lottery, one of the first things I get will be laser removal! I'm like the missing link, for chrissake. |
from meeshapeesha : |
I had a grandpa who died of pneumonia due to Alzheimers Disease. And you're right it is the most horrible disease imaginable. He had it for about 4 years but probably started showing symptoms around 5 years prior to being diagnosed with it. I was sad to hear of Reagan's death but also relieved that he is finally in a place where he no longer has to suffer. Because make no mistake, you do suffer from this disease as well as the people around you. |
from roxyelliot : |
Thanks. It is exciting, overwhelming, but in a good way. |
from roxyelliot : |
Thanks. |
from meeshapeesha : |
Two things: #1 - I worked on America's Next Top Model during the audtions and man i should post an entry about that experience. The stories i could tell you. It was just the Chicago auditions but these chicks were such prima donna's. #2....Damn i forgot what else. Shit, i'll get back to you. :) |
from meeshapeesha : |
I love the Family Guy Quiz..I truned out to be Brian. :) |
from meeshapeesha : |
Just wanted to say thanks for posting that site Soldiers Angels. I went to a different site that was linked on that site called and am now in the process of sending a care package. I found most of the stuff that they need just lying around my apartment believe it or not. Thanks again! |
from gutterpoet : |
You lost me with that one my dear. Only Americans could watch a man on video have his head cut off as the culprits stand proudly by and somehow blame ourselves for it all. And quotes from a leader or former leader of "hizbullah"?? Screw them man, they target the hapless on purpose. Of course you know my dear I still adore you all the same, gawd love you and your views. Peace gp |
from pandionna : |
Ooh, hate to say this, but I disagree. I don't want Bush to fire Rummy. I want him to stand by Rummy as the country becomes more and more outraged. Then he can go down with the ship. Unless Rummy decides to write a book after he's fired. Then firing him would be a good thing, as everyone who has left the Bush administration has written tell-all books in which they say crappy things about it. |
from meeshapeesha : |
In case you didn't hear the good news, Family Guy is coming back to Fox. Possibly this fall! |
from krazieespy : |
I am totally loving the sopranos this year also. I mean I love the show, but it is getting good :) |
from purplecigar : |
Hey there! Thanks so much for adding me as a fave! I'm still relatively new, so whenever I get added, I still get giddy. Lame, I know. Work with me here. |
from pandionna : |
Today must be My Sister Is An Idiot Day. (Visit the turtle cave for the story.) I'm so with you, it's painful. Many times, I think that life is too short to put up with idiots, even if they are blood relatives. |
from lifeasme66 : |
Hi there! Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my little diary and adding me to your buddy list =). We girls gotta stick together in that wild world of internet dating... sheesh! I didn't get a chance to read too much of your diary yet, but I know I'll be back to visit very soon! **HUGS!!** |
from mickey225 : |
Glad to read about someone else doing the internet dating thing these days!!! Hope it works out as it FINALLY did for me! |
from realchild : |
hedderbox was telling me about all of the poor grammar & spelling on these internet dating profiles, she linked me to one titled "Her I am". P.S. I signed that petition. Thanks for posting that link. |
from krazieespy : |
You are beautiful |
from roxyelliot : |
:) Well it's back to work tomorrow so don't be too jealous. |
from miralogue : |
oh my god. your internet dating piece. i laughed so hard i cried. i know someone else doing this, too. i'm telling her about you. i think that's dating in general these days.... maybe i'll take that guy up on the alaskan cruise... |
from roxyelliot : |
I haven't laughed so hard in ages. :) |
from roxyelliot : |
Thanks. |
from soapboxdiner : |
thank you, baby! you are too sweet. |
from pandionna : |
I was all set to send you a note telling you that you needed a girl night, and then at the end of the entry you say you have one planned. Men. Sometimes, you just have to forget they exist. |
from krazieespy : |
Its not pathetic at all, well I dont think. I am going to San Diego, LA and Anaheim. I'm really excitied :) |
from discothekid : |
Thank you so much Karen. That was really sweet of you. |
from pandionna : |
I think your within your rights to call out his rudeness. See how he reacts on Saturday. |
from pandionna : |
Ooh! Sounds like a perfect weekend! Glad you got to partake of some avian beauty. |
from roxyelliot : |
Thanks for the birthday wishes! |
from pandionna : |
Ugh. The import of exotic fish and birds. Horrible, terrible, evil, rotten, despicable, unforgivable, reprehensible, amoral, corrupt, cruel, inhumane...I could go on. |
from slummyjelly : |
chiquita, so sorry for not acknowledging your note left to me--me no sabe on anything but the guestbook entries so please accept my apologies as I've been outta commission. re your current issues--boys, at times, will be boys (read: assholes) and it takes a mighty long time to train them otherwise. ah well, the things one'll do for dick. |
from roxyelliot : |
You're so right about the delegates. I'm hoping that he and Sharpton do well tomorrow, and I'm clinging to what you said about Dennis doing well in California. |
from theghostgirl : |
Oh. Apparently I said that already. But it was worth saying again! |
from theghostgirl : |
Totally agree both on Sean Penn, and on Johnny Depp. One movie I think was hugely overlooked - Peter Pan. Pirates of the Caribbean got a ton of technical nominations, yet Peter Pan was by far the superior pirate movie IMO! And Jason Isaacs gave a far more impressive performance than Johnyy Depp (who was fine, and is cute, but it was hardly a role that allowed for any depth). |
from leonmcphelps : |
Well thank you. I am glad you like it. |
from pandionna : |
Huh huh huh, I like your baloney, huh huh huh. Ooh, Hunky Drummer sounds nice. But I'm sorry your mom had such a horror show. |
from pandionna : |
The hell? Can that happen? I'm forwarding that link to my SIL, who is a wildlife biologist and has some background in that, and the huz, who is Mr. Global Warming with a background in biology. It would be truly stunning if such a thing were possible. Enough to freak a lot of people out for years to come. |
from discothekid : |
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I had no idea my journal was considered "trendy" by any stretch of the imagination but thank you so much. Your comment thing made my day. Don't ever change it, seriously. |
from discothekid : |
Thank you for "surrendering" what ever that means. HA HA HA. BTW I like your journal. |
from rumblelizard : |
Bite your tongue, babe! :) |
from pandionna : |
Oh no. Do NOT get me started on the people who climb Mt. Everest. It's becoming a junk heap, littered with Coke cans and all manner of trash. No, no, no, it's all wrong! But I like that letter from Dennis Kucinich. |
from theghostgirl : |
Heh, Johnny Depp. Mmmm. However if you like hot pirates, check out Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook in Peter Pan... blows PotC out of the water IMHO. :-) |
from qwert : |
i agree with what you said at --- I think they let 9/11 happen so that they could declare a "national emergency" |
from brain-dump : |
Yeh, we have Pirates of the Caribbean and I'm looking forward to Mr. Depp in his eyeliner *leer* -- Also, a part of me admires Oprah but YES i'm sooo sick of her. She is becoming really annoying. Hey, could you check my site again and see if the fixes I tried worked? thanks! :-D |
from pandionna : |
Oog. I hope you feel better soon! |
from theghostgirl : |
Just wanted to leave a note in praise for your diary - glad I came across it! It's so nice to find more people who see through all the BUSHIT. |
from roxyelliot : |
I'm hoping that CA and NY will be great primaries for him! The NYC support is amazing. Let's hope it comes together. |
from roxyelliot : |
It is interesting. I was surised that no one commented on the surge, heck I at l;east expected someone to mock it. He pummled Clark and Edwards but no one seemed to think it was newsworthy! |
from roxyelliot : |
Guestbooks and notes have been funky lately. Half of the time I don't get E-mails saying that I have new ones. That might be part of why people aren't responding. They don't realize you've said anything. :) |
from fantasyville : |
I'm just dropping a note because I'm one of those people who rarely ever leaves notes - but reads faithfully - and you left a message on my message board. So I just wanted to leave a note to acknowledge that, and let you know I really love your blog and agree with what you say pretty much all the time. It's so refreshing to see someone else who thinks like I do. I'm so sick of reading all this pro-Bush shit ad nauseum. Anyhoo, I added you to my faves on diaryland. :) |
from mrs-roboto : |
I had no idea you were almost on the Real World. I am immensley enviously since that was my dream. Of course I am a full six years too old now. |
from pandionna : |
I'm not sure what your "when the right attacks" post is in reference to, but yeah! Sing it! Heh. |
from pandionna : |
I guess I should tell you when I nod my head vigorously in agreement. Heh. |
from roxyelliot : |
That's funny. I do the same thing. |
from pandionna : |
Don't some of those tests work even before you miss a period? Might be worth it to runto the drugstore and read a few labels. I hear you, though. All we use is condoms--I refuse to take any more hormones and gels and foams irritate me--and every now and then I think, "Better not be!" |
from brain-dump : |
oooh. could a baby be a cool thing though? ok i'll shuddup about it till wednesday |
from brain-dump : |
woah. i was sort of joking about the record player but that sounds SO cool. i'd never heard of that, how weird! :-D |
from brain-dump : |
Wow I would love a record player in my car, that would rule. Hey, did you see this site? Pretty funny |
from pandionna : |
Wow, that sexual protocol entry was a great entry. And you know what? For once in my big-mouthed life, I have no idea what to say. Personally, I'd tell him, because if the situation were reversed, I'd want to know. But that's just me. And, as usual, your political insight is illuminating. I haven't been doing much with politics lately. Well, except for actually linking to the Hitler ads. I can understand MoveOn not wanting to be associated with them. I can see where they offend. But I'm all about free speech, too. Rock on! |
from pandionna : |
You sound like my huz, re: why don't the people who voted for the war just come out and say they believed Bush, who then turned out to have lied? Honestly, if Kerry did that, he'd probably be a lot higher in the polls. As for Dean, yeah, that is disappointing. And the way several of the candidates, including my boy, are blaming Bush for mad cow is really kind of ridiculous. I mean, it's so beneath all of them. |
from pandionna : |
P.S. Thanks for pointing me to eBird! I love it! I'm going to have to work on that with the huz. |
from pandionna : |
Wow! What a Christmas! FWIW, I can't blame you about being hesitant about anti-depressants. They would make me nervous, too. I have a relative who just told me yesterday that she might go back on Prozac, and I told her basically that if she doesn't address the issues that are triggering her feelings, the depression is only going to keep coming back. Sounds like you understand that already. I hope you are indeed back on track when the finances straighten out. But if it turns out to be more than that, well, you've got a fan here in your corner. Hugs! |
from pandionna : |
Yeah, he is a sneaky s.o.b. all right. Maybe HE'LL come and look for my Christmas tree. The great irony is that Dan didn't want a live tree this year. But now we're getting one just on general principle. Bastards. Oh, and yes, I had 50,000 words the day before Thanksgiving, and had it validated that night. I don't like that novel, though, so I'm not going to do anything with it. This year's NaNoWriMo taught me that I need to stick with horror. Like last year's vampire. She didn't like Republicans much. Heh. >:-[ |
from myra-lee : | didn't REALLY buy clothes at Wal*Mart...Please tell me you didn't buy something from their clothing line called "Faded Glory"?! |
from pandionna : |
Yeah, I don't agree with Edwards on the gay marriage thing, either. I'm right with you. |
from trinity63 : |
I'd love to talk to you anytime:) |
from his-holiness : |
Thanks, you're not so bad yourself. I'm in love with your latest entry and I'm going to head in and read more when I have a chance. Also looking forward the future ones. There are too many of us here who spew forth masses of crap without ever saying anything real, and I appreciate what you're doing-D |
from roxyelliot : |
Thanks for the understanding. Yeah that annoyed me, but then I'm just easily annoyed lately. :) |
from roxyelliot : |
Edwards will make a great candidate, in 4 to 8 years. I could kick him for running now, and giving up a much needed senate seat! He had such potential. |
from spritopias : |
(my opinion predates diaryland, was my point, sorry) |
from spritopias : |
more than one person has led me to that conclusion and I felt that way even when I was a registered Democrat. |
from pandionna : |
Weird. I kept trying and trying, and it wouldn't work. I got rid of the site meter coding, however, and then it worked. Bizarre. But, I'd rather have NaNoWriMo's link up than the site meter's. I'm not worried about who hits my diary. |
from pandionna : |
Heya, how in tarnation did you get that NaNoWriMo link to show up? I uploaded the picture and then used the coding, and it never showed up. Blargh! |
from pandionna : |
Right back atcha, babe. Your entry about Dean defending himself--gee, why didn't I think of that? I appreciate it even more because you're a Kucinich fan. I mean, you could have run with that, because Dean does have a bit of a temper (although it's mostly aimed at Shrub), but you, my dear, are a class act. You take the high road all the way. Ummm, no pun intended considering the rest of the entry. Just wanted to tell you that. I don't think I rave about you enough. |
from f0cus : |
I love your banner, I love your layout, and I love your take on everything. Keep up the good work... you're an inspiration to liberal minds everywhere. |
from pandionna : |
Aw. I hope the fog clears soon. I wasn't sure where to answer your comments about the U.N., so I just answered them in the comments themselves. Might as well say it here. I think U.N. involvement is fine. But I don't think the U.S. should just dump it all in the U.N.'s lap. We made the mess. We should help clean it up. |
from brain-dump : |
I love reading your diary because you're so informed and sad to say, I'm not. I want to be, though. When I read you, it makes me want to go look stuff up. Y'know, just to be fully informed. I really do want to get myself more politically informed/involved. and YES i want to KICK BUSH OUT!! You may have written about this already, but what do you think of Clark? I know you like Kucinich. I just wonder who of the Democrats has a chance to really win. Y'know. Anyway, thanks for writing, it's great. |
from trinity63 : |
Hi there - you know my issue with most presidential candidates? They all promise a lot of crap and it then turns in to broken promises and horse shit. And not many of them are critical thinkers. |
from grimm0826 : |
Actually, I have two puppies! I also have a rotten cat. But all my little friends are special to me. Hell, all my fish have names! I'm not always sure I'm calling the right fish by the right name, but I try... |
from theshivers : |
do you know what really pisses me off? I read in today's paper that there were some people who admited that they "forgot" to vote yes or no on the recall, but still voted for a candidate (i.e. Arnold). Such dumb-asses should not be let within 20 feet of a polling place. It infuriates me. |
from theshivers : |
thanks for the well-wishes : ) And yes, Newlyweds IS the greatest show ever!!! |
from republicans : |
Hi, You inspired my latest entry. Hope you like it! |
from pandionna : |
For what it's worth, I saw the debate, and it was more of the same, only nastier. I wish Dick Gephardt would STFU, as it were. One thing: I am suprised Wesley Clark didn't really have a health care plan to discuss. You'd think anyone running for president would at least have one outlined. Weird. But other than that, I don't think you missed much. |
from sullivan40 : |
I saw your profile and comments on me. Man, our taste in music really is a lot alike. |
from republicans : |
I hope you won't really vote for McClintock! I thought Bustamante was just trying to be adult, and stay out of the circus. He may not be glamorous but he's a competent politician, and he needs your vote! We can't afford to lose this election to the Republicans, as it would give Bush a better base in 2004. Plus we could have off-shore drilling, right-wing appointments, and all the other things that go with the statehouse. Please be care-ful. People got bored with peace and prosperity under Clinton, and look what we got! |
from grimm0826 : |
Sing. Sing. SING, I said! Sing every chance you get. Sing in the shower, sing to children. Sing to unwilling listeners who pass by you on the street. Don't lose your voice entirely. I did, and believe sucks. So sing! |
from pandionna : |
Awww...You know I think the world of you. Hey, your man had some great moments tonight. I hope you had a chance to see. |
from pandionna : |
Well, I never said he wasn't going to be elected based on his views about NAFTA and WTO. I think he's not going to be elected because he's too progressive for America in general at this time. (I guess that's the "and the like" part?) I don't think any redneck is capable of pulling a lever for a man whose name he can't pronounce. Hell, the reporter at the debate last week mis-introduced him as Kucinchy. Egads! That's a comment on American stupidity and illiteracy, not Kucinich. I wouldn't expect him to change his views on NAFTA and WTO, either. He did on abortion, but in the right direction, in my opinion. |
from myra-lee : |
Um, I really messed up the quote in my weird paraphrasing of it just now in your guestbook. What I meant to say (obviously) is that I like the idea of not allowing anyone to live rent free in your mind. Amen. |
from grimm0826 : |
Hmmm...the missing $600...hmmmm....Murphy's Law states that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong - at the worst possible time...Grimm's Law states that Murphy was an optimist. Hope it turns up! |
from grimm0826 : |
:-) Thanks for the card! How did you know I like Peanuts??? Oh, one more thing...BEWARE THE EVIL WAL MART!!! (Heh heh, I love typing that) |
from marn : |
Hey Karen. We just donated $100 to the Jog for Jugs so the cupboard is a bit bare here. I put $10 in the pot for you ... sorry it couldn't be more (seems kind of mingy in view of the fact you're walking 60 miles!) I hope you meet your goal. It's a wonderful commitment to a cause very close to my heart. |
from pandionna : |
Thanks. When it comes to health issues, when it rains, it pours. These things come in threes, so I'm wondering what the third item up for bids will be. |
from pandionna : |
As I've had it up to my ears with guestbook trauma, I'll comment here. I am having a very difficult time feeling bad for that priest. The violence of the crime bothers me, as does the unfair advantage the other inmate's youth gave him over a 68-year-old, but perhaps it's poetic justice. After all, that priest had quite an unfair advantage over his victims. |
from grimm0826 : |
Beware the evil Wal-Mart. BEWARE THE EVIL WAL-MART!!! Oh, and thanks for the nice words about my entry. Even if I don't see how I deserve them! |
from idiot-milk : |
Bah. Sweetness does not agree with me. I've broken out in a horrific rash as a result of that one kind act. I'm reasonably certain I'm allergic to niceness. Shan't fall victim to sympathy again, I assure you. Hmph. |
from grimm0826 : |
No heroes? Sometimes I think so. But then I see, what is it, Nike commercials? They say, "Be Your Own Champion". Good idea! So I will be my own hero, too! |
from grimm0826 : |
Hmmm...politics is filled with doublespeak, have you ever noticed? Sounds to me like, the way the ballot is set up, they could pick just about anybody they want to be governer. As in, "Well, 63% voted for a recall...but only 31% voted for Arnold, and only 32% voted for Gary Coleman, and neither of those percentages adds up to the 37% who don't want a recall..." See what I mean? It's doublespeak. Now, on a more depressing note: Arnold used to have a good body, but that's all changed now. I saw a picture of him which was taken for People magazine, just before T3 was made. Since his bypass, he has just MELTED. It's sad. He had to use body doubles in T3. Arnold Schwarzenneger had to use body doubles. The more I think about it, the more I want to cry... |
from gutterpoet : |
eh, guestbook is still being a bitch. I was thinking you should survey as to what readers "say" in their head when they read "ikss". Myself it's ike-sis. though I could see icks as well or I-kiss. Ok, maybe that's really stupid. As far as weather we in the southeast and much of the east coast are having one of the coolest summers on record. It's not been over 90 here this year. Ice Age, I say Ice Age!!! |
from grimm0826 : |
Did I say thank you? I meant to say thank you. So, thank you! |
from grimm0826 : |
I'm not really a Wundergrimm, you know...just a Grimm. But, despite our short acquaintance, you got a warm fuzzy vibe from me when you called me that! :-) |
from grimm0826 : |
I shall, I shall! But the vampire image was truly growing tired. And, to tell the truth, I was apologizing for my reactions, not for my thoughts or beliefs. Thank you so very much, for the support! |
from grimm0826 : |
Good political points, all. But what caught my eye was your word of the day : wunderkind. After reading the definition, I have decided that I am a WunderGrimm. :-) |
from grimm0826 : |
Gargoyles. Definitely, Gargoyles. They wrap around, to keep out all that pesky UV, and they are worries about breakage. But, yeah, they will cost about a week's salary. By the way...on the food note : did you know that tomato leaves are deadly? |
from grimm0826 : |
Thanks for the kind words in my guestbook! And as far as my name goes, it's a tribute to the Brothers Grimm, whose stories may be unmatched to this day. But even us grimm sorts have our jubilant moments! I'm adding you as a favorite...hope you don't mind. I like your diary! |
from pandionna : |
Signmyguestbook is crapping out on me again, so thank goodness for notes! You really are terrific. Thanks so much for your kind words and support. It means a lot to me. |
from idiot-milk : |
Oh yes, I have learned to document every last goddamn thing. Untrustworthy fuckheads have cured me of not doing so in the past. It is to be hoped that someday soon I will have another job in another place that maybe will not suck quite so much, but in the interim I'm making sure my ass is covered and I get my goddamn way. Mmmhmm...I will NOT be ignored. |
from savecraig : |
we agree on something politial?, what's politial? hehehehehehe |
from reddirtgirl : |
Thanks for the nice note. I'll still be checking in on you guys, though. You're not completely rid of me. ;) |
from silverelite : |
i randomly found your diary and am glad i recapped the America's Next Top Model finale for me :-) Thanks! And I'm glad that Adrianne won...but I also thought Elyse was gonna win...but, Adrianne deserved it. |
from forrey : |
I'm sorry you felt the need to defend yourself- certainly not my intent! Just being playful... As you noticed, I'm new to this forum, so I'm still learning the etiquette. Thanks for the note! |
from miss-edith : |
Hee! I know you weren't really calling me crap! |
from miss-edith : |
Hey! Don't call me crap! You know who I'm talking about, those women who dress like they are fifty years old starting in their teen years. By the time they hit 32, they look WAY older. You know who I mean. They are in the minority and I didn't imply otherwise, but they do exist, you've seen 'em, don't try to deny it! And this is in no way restricted to women in their thirties, I've seen 16 year olds that I would describe as frumpy. |
from ravynespeaks : |
Check the boxes now Karen, it could just have been the font I was using. Let me know if they are readable now. Thanks |
from ravynemyst : |
the scariest thing about that whole Oregon bill is that similar bills are in Texas and New York now and many other states have expressed interest. we really do live in scary times. |
from sooner : |
Oh, Kissy. I've only received two presents. The first was creepy and weird and made me feel yucky. The second was from friends. Should you find a way to get presents from everyone, I would very much like to attend a seminar in which you share your secrets. I'm terribly fond of presents. |
from ravynespeaks : |
I have a sinking suspecion that those femi-nazis may have been brats pretending to be lesbians. I've gotten several emails since from them and they sound like a bunch of redneck hicks. But hey, it made for a great rant! lol |
from piehole : |
Dooooood! I got all sucked into Manor House too! And enough to miss American Idol AND CSI:Miami! That's just crazay! |
from dcalien : |
Your words were enough to keep me reading your diary. I felt trapped by the angelfire popunder. I want to come back. I just don't know how to avoid the popunder thing. This note is not made with criticism as a motivation. I love your quotes. The one from Franklin captivated me as well. *hugs* |
from lushkinky : |
Thank you for the wonderful words. |
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