messages to strawberrri:
(click here to add new message):

from portlypete :
Has Leo ever smelt a frog? I had loads of toads earlier in the year (in the pond obviously), but I never got up close and personal. Sadly, most of them croaked. That's nature for ya. Kids love a bit of gruesome. If he hasn't had nightmares, I guess it's OK. I still worry about the world. x
from pink-fairy :
(02/07) Thank you for your note it means a lot ❤️ surgery went ahead xxx
from portlypete :
Fancy meeting you here :-)
from portlypete :
Fancy meeting you here :-)
from jarofporter :
thanks for your note, i appreciate it!
from jimbostaxi :
I haven’t tried that yet but I might get up the courage sooner rather than later. Lol. I know of a few people who have struck gold on the internet. :) xo
from portlypete :
1/6 Have a great day. XXX
from portlypete :
I don't know why, but I find it hard to imagine you ever being short of conversation. Keep the wine flowing and no one will remember anyway. Fingers crossed for good weather. The kids will have a good time whatever. BTW, my Tuta email no longer works.
from jimbostaxi :
She spoke to me the other day for the first time in a while and flashed her sexy smile it was great. Today it was just a quick hi and she smiled. I had thought from her stalking (alleged) there would be more contact. I hyped this up in my head to the maximum extreme and I feel a bit silly. At least we are civil and that's better than mean states. Thanks for the note! Xo
from jimbostaxi :
It was hardest on my youngest daughter Darlene who helped me a lot toward the end. I am able to process the whole thing better now but for a long time I couldn't. Thanks for the note xo
from portlypete :
When arguing with a small child about dragons, or anything else come to that, I cling to the old adage: “I am too old to know everything!”
from portlypete :
Friendships! Birthday parties loom! Awful, but essential to your child’s social well being. Good luck.
from jimbostaxi :
Ohhhh it would be an entry to entertain everyone! Lol, I'm sure of that🤣🤣 yeah, I'm swimming in enough anxiety with my Maria issues I'm not sure I can handle more.
from jimbostaxi :
Wait I think I remember that one! Wasn’t he trying to figure it out all night? He kept second guessing whenever she said something new? lol that would be me running around trying to read the signals lol it does sound fun,, but we work very close in this dept.,,, I think ,, if I go,,, things will get complicated. I want to be adventurous but in this case I don’t think my mind is in the right spot lol
from jimbostaxi :
Cherise and her invitation are kind of a puzzle to me. Do I sound like a jerk if I'm invited like this and I think it's going to get sexual? I don't take same bedroom trips with a “friend” because I always have had a spouse. I guess people do it but I barely know her lol. Let's just say I'm flattered but I think I'm going to pass on the adventure lol
from jimbostaxi :
I still remember the day I found out there was no Santa Claus when I was a young snot. Jeez, it blew my mind and I'm an old geezer now and it still haunts me. :)
from pink-fairy :
Thank you for your note <3 it’s been a huge shock, I’m doing okay. Treatment is under way, chemo side effects have been so tough but I’m getting through it. Husband and kids have all been amazing, I still get daily cuddles from the kids and they’re getting me through this x
from portlypete :
From one slacker to another - :-)
from portlypete :
Oh, I remember you … OK, I don’t post that regularly myself. Well done on the walking. I try to walk most days but all my favorite places are no-go areas at the moment unless I fancy recreating a day in the life of a WW1 squady on the Somme. I’m trying to find time to read more too. I often pass a small local library so I drop in, grab a handful of books, chat to the volunteer librarians ror a while, and hope I enjoy one of the books. It’s a good way to discover new authors. BTW National Trust book shops are good too.
from portlypete :
Hi I am pretty certain that you will already have seen this, but - just in case .........
from portlypete :
Memmory!? Seems I forgot how to spel :-)
from portlypete :
From my memmory of photos you used to post, I thought you had great locks. So, I fast rewound through your early entries to check. Back to 2009-11-17 in fact and, oh dear, I get your point! Plus the facial hair really needed a trim. x
from strawberrri :
Me too Pete :)
from portlypete :
Still alive.
from dangerspouse :
Thank you! You can have him :)
from violetsmile :
Oh, and yes, it WAS a lifetime ago! Update more often, woman!
from violetsmile :
Yay for sick days when it's someone else being sick! Haha! I'm always looking for new games to play, but I think I'll give Flet-chip a miss! ;)
from violetsmile :
So how was the NCT trip to the farm? Did you get soaked? About time for an update, young lady!! ;)
from portlypete :
I get the gist of your message (thanks) re JRM, but can't say it improved my mood. Hot topic of debate around my way is the ULEZ. I can see both sides of the arguement, but it will be much more expensive for some of the less well off to get to work, but what socialist gives a toss about them - (and breathe ... / cough!). On another note, small children do improve with age (up until the age of about 13), so I'm glad that the holiday started well. Back in the day, when your go-to source of entertainment was a pre-lash and a very late night, you poured scorn on people who visited gardens (garden centres to be precise); now you have a salvia fetish. Your mention of Greenwich and farms reminds me that I recently went to Island Gardens, on the DLR, with friends, and thence along the fantastick riverside to, delightfully named, Mudchute Farm which is absolutely brilliant. We would have taked the tunnel under The Thames if the lifts had been working but (who would have guessed) like everything else in this bungling excuse for a country, they weren't. Good to hear from you.
from jimbostaxi :
Ice cream is an important motivational tool. For me, my motivator is beer But ice cream might still work on me too! :) Take care xo
from violetsmile :
Belated happy birthday! You know why I struggle with that day, but I DID think of you! Can't agree with you that June is the best, but I'm genuinely happy you're loving life right now! x
from jimbostaxi :
Bday and Prince Harry? Well, congrats on both! 🥳🥳🎂🎉🎉 Rusty paint lawsuits will sound sleep-inducing after the royals.:)
from portlypete :
Sometimes, I feel I should kneel in your presence. Nah - not really!
from portlypete :
June already. Enjoy. X
from vanoonoo :
Thank you darling! Apparently everything happens for a reason etc x
from jimbostaxi :
Lol, yeah, I had to laugh about nodding and smiling too! Lol. If you want to make a guy feel old have an attractive woman whisper and him not hear it Lol. I counting down the days until we leave! I've never been that far from home! That speeder was an expensive lesson lol. Thanks for the note! Xo
from portlypete :
If Frinton has been the highlight of your year, I can understand the lack of updates! OK, that was harsh as I've never visited, but having done some research, I find that it has a fine sandy beach, ideal for those with a penchant for sand castles. Also, in various guides, there are several references to a virgin: <s>a common sight in Essex I believe.</s> So, what's not to like? Enough - possibly too much, but always good to hear from you. XX
from portlypete :
OK, what is diamond painting?
from portlypete :
I hope Leo did the biz yesterday (Mother's Day) and produced a card.
from jimbostaxi :
It's been a long journey for me here on Diaryland. I still remember those early days of pulling over to the side of the road and updating with my sidekick phone. Yeah, I had like zero friends on here but it didn't matter I put up gibberish day after day and was content about it. It was a way to vent about the craziness of the job and the emptiness that I felt. Diaryland has been here for me through the loss of my wife and now the birth of my grandson Francisco. Many parts of my life have been chronicled and sent out to the far reaches of the internet. Even though at times I may bluff that I may never return deep down I know that's not true. I've turned the microscope ever inward to the most vulnerable parts of me but what do you say when there is nothing left? Even though I may not update I still compulsively check my notes so there's always that Lol co
from jimbostaxi :
Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys have a fantastic day planned to celebrate! At the very least buy yourself a lottery ticket because true love is worth the gamble! Jimbosbouquet Lol yeah she had some good ones in that note! :) jimbostaxi pseudonym was kind of a happy accident,, :) it just kind of sounds right and works. For me,,, if I do start over doing something new,,, I may just quietly slip away and walk into the sunset,,, letting that name and part of my life fade into obscurity. Xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
3/8/23 Everything is all a blur right now but I believe it was two weeks ago that I posted my last note. Darlene decided on Francisco in honor of my wife Fran. A very sweet gesture and a great way to keep her name alive. Darlene is still kind of hurting from that big baby and the c-section but both are doing well. Darlene just had some pro photos done of Francisco and they are so cute! I am the first person to say things are a waste of money but I think in this case the money was well spent.
from jimbostaxi :
My grandson was delivered this morning! 10lbs 3 once! :)
from violetsmile :
Anniversaries bite balls! It was 3 years yesterday since my mum died. Why dates get us, I don't know! We miss them every day, so specific dates or times shouldn't make a difference! But they bloody do! I'm so sorry. Enjoy your cooking!
from pink-fairy :
I’m so sad to hear about Frank, really sorry for your loss, sending big hugs your way x
from annanotbob2 :
I made that dahl but didn't reckon it much - it's a very personal thing, taste. We get a lot of sweet potatoes in our veg box and have discovered they're delicious in a slaw, grated up with whatever else is kicking around in the fridge, with mayo stirred in. Yum xx
from portlypete :
Sweet potato is highly over-rated. Less ‘yum yum’, more ‘yam yam’ . Not sure that’s strictly correct except (Wiki tells me) in the states.Jimbo might know. Enjoy half term
from portlypete :
Look at you, you culinary goddess! The first year of, of course, is the worst. So many anniversaries; so many memories. X
from annanotbob2 :
Thinking of you remembering Frank and sending a hug. Is that Meera Sodha's daily dahl recipe or another one? I love dahl and will try it at once! xx
from portlypete :
At time of writing, three hours and counting! February, being the shortest month, is traditionally when I give up alcohol. Hmm, guess how well that’s gonna go this year. Never mind ‘Damp January’: I present to you (drum roll please) … <B>Really Wet February</B> Sorry, any attempt at alliteration defeated both me and the internet. But who can blame me for my potential lack of abstinence, with the world going to hell in a handcart (what DOES that even mean?): Pretty much every union downing tools; saddled with a totally inept government who - some might say - is only concerned with looking after Number 1 and his / her chums (‘Ooohh, scratch my back, just a little bit lower, and I promise to reciprocate’). Anyway, I’m sorry you had a less than great time at Christmas (mine wasn’t the best either - did I say?). We all marry the person, not the family, as I found out when an inherited woman came to stay for a long weekend and rearranged ALL the kitchen cabinets - who does that? I think I know the answer, but it’s not printable. Anyway, the ice has thawed and the spring bulbs are wondering if it’s safe to put their heads above ground. ‘Good Times are Just Around the Corner’, as someone, once sang, so let’s hope they are right. My fingers are crossed, but that’s because of a medical condition rather than any sense of hope. My best wishes to you, Ollie and your gorgeous son. X
from jimbostaxi :
I agree 100 percent! Xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
Ugh, sorry to hear Ollie's mom ruined Christmas. The holidays are rough enough without any added stress. Thanks so much for liking that lottery entry! :) it's was very weird but kinda cool to have a moment with that lady. I hoped that we would be friends because we both get each other but that seems unlikely now. She's where I was a few months back emotionally and I,,,, am,,, still struggling myself so I don't think we will be in touch anymore. Take care and thanks for the notes.:)
from jimbostaxi :
Hey! Happy 2023! I read back over your entries about your stepdad and how Leo had been sick. It's a hard thing dealing with the passing of a loved one and then having your kid sick on top of that. When I read about your sunflower it made me think of my grandparent's house. They had giant sunflowers alongside the house that seemed to me to reach the roof of the house. I was a tiny tot at the time and they most likely weren't that big but I recall them towering over me. My first Christmas without Fran felt empty and wrong but I kept busy. Mike's family thinks they know me,,, thinks their lives supersede my own. They don't know me at all. My happiness is not based on their happiness. A haters going to hate me no matter what I do so I just confronted them to put it all in the open. Wishing you and your family all the best in this new year xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
Sending you a merry Christmas from across the pond! :)
from jarofporter :
hi! thanks for the note - didn't realize you were reading my journal. i'll read back a bit to see what's happening with you. :-)
from antom :
I *love* that you're still writing things here - need to have a proper binge read to fully catch-up at some point! Wish I'd kept writing in mine sometimes. Anyway, I'm currently on a bit of a nostalgia trip & ended up here. It's 09/11/2022 at 12:40pm-ish & it may well be *years* before I write a follow-up! You can't beat the old internet - especially places like this that are still alive. Until next time, keep tapping away at that keyboard every so often! x
from violetsmile :
Marmite. (You needed an extra one!)
from jimbostaxi :
Yeah, it was fancy to me Lol I haven't been in years. It's special to spend time with my granddaughters now when they're small. When everyone gets old no one has time,,, I'm glad I went and got to be with my family. Xo
from portlypete :
Since LT has now reneged on every promise she made in her bid to be our leader, I cannot see how she can remain in office. Is there no such thing as a conviction politician in this country now? *Cough cough*
from portlypete :
Some comments on your latest DL post. Things to pack: “Face wipes” - I cannot imagine! “It is entirely possible I had more than one love interest at a time” - Frankly, I'd have put money on it. “3x tights + undies” - Always best to pack for the unexpected, “I now have a four-year-old child!” - Woosh! Where did those years go? “Life is happy.” - Three words that made my day. Thank you for your note. x
from jimbostaxi :
You talking about that ancient list made me chuckle Lol. I checked out the price on Cava and that seems doable so I will keep you posted. It's the bubbles that make me feel wasted? I had no idea. Red wine and lemonade will make Sangria? Oooooh, I need to try that Lol. Thanks so much for the note and mentioning Darlene. In closing let me say bowling can be fun! :)
from annanotbob2 :
13/10/22 Lovely - so glad all is well with you and yours. Have a great time in Suffolk xx
from jimbostaxi :
Last night we tried Prosecco a very dry sparkling white wine from Italy. It was pretty good and not as sweet as the first one I tried at the restaurant. Jeez, after two glasses I'm kind of wasted Lol
from jimbostaxi :
I will have to go to the liquor store and see what wines are available. It will be way cheaper to test them at home than to order them dining out lol. Darlene is starting to feel better as far as the covid is concerned. She needs to slow down more because of the pregnancy but she's a fighter and keeps working. She's a good kid ( adult) I don't write enough about her,,, take care xo
from jimbostaxi :
Thank you very much for the notes! I'm so glad I went with the white wine with my Salmon lol. When I went to the Argentinian steak place not long ago, I had red wine so I'm following the rules lol. Since I'm new at trying wines I'm not sure what I like yet but ill keep trying new ones. I'm glad you enjoyed that wine with your fish and chips! Ollie will need to make another run to the store for some extra bottles lol. Yeah, seeing that robin was very comforting. This past week Darlene cried in my arms there as we talked about missing mom. Take care xo
from buffylass :
Oh Sarah, I only check diaryland sporadically and have only just learned about your stepdad - I’m so, so sorry for your loss. Hope that you are doing as well as can be expected - grief makes you feel and think all kinds of odd and upsetting things, and it sometimes feels like you will feel like that forever, but it will get better. And it sounds like Frank led a wonderful, full life filled with family and friends, and he clearly thought the absolute world of you. Lots of love xx P.S. Let me know if you’d like some beta blockers, I always have hundreds!
from portlypete :
Funerals are always a weird disjunction of immense sorrow and a good knees-up: I always find it rather bizarre. I sometimes (morbidly) update the list of music I would like at my last rites, and very few of the three mourners would understand the references. I would definitely want everyone present to have a great day though. And, BTW, there is nothing wrong with having a good sob: Frank loved you and you loved him. It is a necessary part of the grieving process. I am so glad that the day went well. I am having a few days away soon too - the weather promises to be ******* AWFULL! :-) x
from jimbostaxi :
Hi, here is what I had in my last adventure. Tuna Seared rare, sliced, sesame-crusted yellowfin tuna, eggplant, tomato, olives, potato, remoulade, crispy capellini garnish. As far as my last entry goes that was a pretty accurate description. I don't have much of an imagination but I do try to recount things in detail. Whenever I post something that is let's say risque,,, or of the norm, I always laugh because I know there's bound to be a note about it. I could choose to stay away or heavily edit certain things but that's no fun. I've become accustomed to this place and the people in it so I embrace whatever notes I get. :)
from portlypete :
I would def have gone with Rita. Stay strong in this sh**tiest of sh**ty times. x
from annanotbob2 :
Tsk, notes won't let you use paragraphs - sorry for that big block of text x
from annanotbob2 :
I hope all went well today and that you are feeling OK. I found this again, when I was reading through my old blogs - it's been true for me that grief is like a storm at sea: In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. xxx
from jimbostaxi :
Awwww, thank you! I was feeling sad so those entries pop In every so often. Venting here kind of helps me moderate my level of depression. I actually started doing food reviews on google! Lol, I'll add more of my food adventures! Lol. Take care and remember we are all here for you! Xo
from jimbostaxi :
Sending hugs and wishing you the strength to carry on. A very emotional day with everyone coming together xo
from portlypete :
I’m so glad you had a good holidayete (if that’s even a word - spellcheck says it isn’t), but who cares, you deserve a nice break. Small children are put on this earth to amuse and bemuse us. It certainly bemused me when I misread “soap” as “soup” - shades of the Marks Brothers - no, you are far too young. BTW, the place you stayed at sounded so idyllic that I have block-booked it for the next decade. But I do wish you all the best for the funeral. x
from violetsmile :
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my brother and mum 2 years ago (hence my absence from FB). I completely understand the signs that you find around you. I choose to believe they are genuinely our loved ones sending us a hello and telling us things are going to be OK. The radio retuning, the sunflower etc, not a coincidence! It can feel sad, but also reassuring and comforting. I also love the fact it spurred you on to revisit your old diary entries. I love that it gave you a much needed giggle. x
from annanotbob2 :
Thank you so much xx
from jimbostaxi :
She's 4 months! Lol, I was so in shock! On behalf of Darlene, we thank you.:)
from portlypete :
“too”, before you tutt.
from portlypete :
Promise me you will never delete those posts from a different era. I admit to occasionally revisiting diary pages from a (potentially) happier time, penned by a select few scribes - you can probably guess who. My entries, I regularly zap as being far to crass, embarrassing and alcohol-fuelled to warrant saving for posterity. Certainly, remembering better times with your Stepdad is a good way to go. x
from annanotbob2 :
4/8 That sounds lovely - to be able to get together so quickly. He was obviously a good bloke. xxx
from annanotbob2 :
Oh darling I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm so glad you were able to spend time with him. Big hugs to you and to your mum. xxxxx
from portlypete :
I am so sad to hear of your loss. In some strange way, that I can’t begin to explain, your pain at his passing is a tribute to how much he meant to you and the love you felt for him.
from jimbostaxi :
Well, Lol, now that makes the story a whooooooole lot different!! Lol. I'm thinking Jimbo is going have to get mighty wasted to top that! Lol. Thanks for sharing! :)
from jimbostaxi :
Awww, thank you! As someone who has recently lost a loved one I know it can be very hard. Please, if you need to kick stuff around drop me a note and I will be available to talk. Well, if the casino one made you smile when I fly out to Vegas that one will be 100 times better! Lol Xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
I am so sorry to read about your stepdad's passing. You have my deepest condolences. Xox
from annanotbob2 :
I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. You complain away, girl, it's not top trumps, your feelings are as justified as anyone else's. I'm glad you're going to see your stepdad, both for him and for you. It's hard but necessary and there's a beauty of sorts in sharing space with a dying person you love. I got cross about the assumptions about the effect of you working on your son - bloody hell. I hope some sense is made of the situation soon. Sending hugs xx
from jimbostaxi :
I just saw your entry, definitely go to see your stepdad and give support. Good luck with the school issue as well. Xox
from jimbostaxi :
Awww, thank you! Hopefully, there will be another Angela to give me confidence. I need to try Vegas! now that must be exciting! Glad you won and had fun. Xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
Those machines suck down money quickly! I'm glad she sat down next to me when she did. Otherwise, Jimbo would've had a sad entry. I hope all is well with the family. :)
from jimbostaxi :
I hate to say this,,,, but I think as weeks turn into months,,, then year's I will be alone in this journey. Xox
from jimbostaxi :
Hey, I'm glad you recovered quickly from covid. I think mine was with me for about a month as well. I was thinking about getting a booster but I'm like ugh no I should be good. Over here I'm trying to stay busy because when I'm idle I'm a mess. Yesterday, had to talk to the pharmacist and tell them Fran passed. She started crying and then I started crying. Xox
from jimbostaxi :
from portlypete :
Someone once said , ‘Youth Is Wasted on the Young’. It seems this wasn’t so in your case.
from jimbostaxi :
Sending love your way and hope everyone is well. Thanks for the note. Xo
from portlypete :
Grinz! Please send videos.
from portlypete :
So good to hear from you. It is extraordinary what toddlers can engage with. Green / Blue Planet programmes for example. They have brains like sponges.
from portlypete :
Sorry, I missed the curling ref in your post, but still glad I worked it out - not bad for PP aged 3!
from portlypete :
I guess we are watching the curling? And, to be honest, I ask myself the same question- why ARE they mopping? Slightly worrying that I have the mind of a three year old (on a good day).
from portlypete :
Just a wide :-) X as always,
from annanotbob2 :
Good to hear from you and that things are good xx
from mister-ed :
Happy new year Sarah! I just want to say a couple of things: one is that I'm still reading your updates - they're so great, and you've been one of my favourite writers for so long now. Whenever I'm in a bookshop, I look for some author's collected diaries, cos I like to read diaries in general, but whatever diary I buy, I'm thinking 'yeah, but wouldn't it be good to have a book called 'Strawberrri: Diaries, 1999-2022'. The other thing is: your thoughts on being a mother are so valuable and moving and succinct, and I can't be the only one of your readers who would like to hear more about your feelings on that subject. Surely we are here because we are fans of your words whatever form they take - we are not here to judge. Your recent hints in that area reminded me of another great writer's meditations on motherhood and I thought of you at the time - Lydia Unsworth's book 'Some Murmur'. The feeling of honest ambivalence she creates is amazing:
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks, so far so good. :) xo
from jimbostaxi :
We are at peace for the moment but let's see how long it lasts. Xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
Yeah, that was not a fun experience but it’s dry now. Lol
from jimbostaxi :
You are very kind! Thanks, I'm going to try and have someone get me something now. Feeling a bit trembly with a bit of a headache. Sending positive vibes to you and your family as well. Xo
from jimbostaxi :
I haven't been eating much or drinking. Half the reason is after so many hours up I lose my appetite. The other half is,,, well,,, more for the fact I don't deserve to eat while she's very sick. Thank you for the note and forgive me if I'm sounding a bit loopy. Xo
from jarofporter :
hey, thanks for the note! if you have any questions about the oura ring, please feel free to ask & i'll try to share my experience with it. :-)
from jimbostaxi :
Thank you so much for the note. I have been trying to put a few thoughts together but I'm afraid they won't much sense to anyone but me. In a few hours, I will finish work then I'm off to the hospital to see her. Last night we had to have her admitted again. Xo
from annanotbob2 :
Thanks for your note. Hope all is well with you and yours xxx
from portlypete :
I emailed you.
from portlypete :
If our leaders are wearing masks at all, they are covering their eyes. Can they not see the stats? They are trading lives for economic recovery. A small child of my acquaintance went happily to school recently, only to be sent home again to isolate because some parent had sent their child in knowing full well that the kid had Covid - what the !!!! I hope The Bear is not feeling too bad. Did you manage to squeeze in your arbitration? Life does feel like swimming through treacle these days: nothing seems to go smoothly or quite to plan. Happy days.
from pink-fairy :
Thank you so much! I’ve found someone on Instagram who has your name 🤣 fingers crossed it’s the right person! All of a sudden seeing your email address it reminded me of way way way way back in the day (t4 forum days) wasn’t your email address [email protected]?! X
from portlypete :
Thanks for your note. I am just fine thanks. I have no advice on the sleep thing - only sympathy. x
from jimbostaxi :
Lol, I'm glad they worked because I had no plan “B”. Maybe that helped me push those donuts extra hard. :)
from portlypete :
Well, I read your latest post through a couple of times. And my only advice is, take your own biscuits to work. p.s. OMG Three!
from jimbostaxi :
Well, I hope he enjoyed my entries! Lol
from pink-fairy :
I didn’t realise a whole year+ has passed since I wrote that note and so sorry for only just seeing yours! I don’t have access to the email account linked to this diary and I can’t seem to change it either! Can I follow your real world adventures somewhere else like Instagram?😊xx
from portlypete :
Great to hear more positive news, and so sorry to put a damper on things, but you really need to start saving for a system that will support Minecraft: the go-to obsession for school-age kids of my acquaintance. Also, I am amazed that The Bear is ready for the library. Whoosh! Where did those years go!?
from portlypete :
A great post full of so much happy news, apart from g/aunts funeral of course, although even that has its positive side in that you can have a proper send off for her. I had a week in Devon recently, so I can empathise with you on the dreaded summer traffic to the west country. Also, a wedding last w/e in a marquee, all covid-safe except that the photographer had no concept of social distancing - "come on, bunch up people". Best to try and grit one's teeth, hold one's breath and smile at the same time. I did think it would be fun if everyone donned a face-mask for the group pic. I could just imagine, in twenty years, people saying to their kids, as they bring out the photos, "and third from the right is Aunt Elsie ... errr. or it might be cousin Jack!" Enjoy your stay at Mums. X
from portlypete :
Hoping the arms not too sore.
from portlypete :
Just to add that Allie S has signed a record deal for a million. I saw an item on TV today where a young woman was earning 500 GBP <u>an hour</u> busking. Now she is on ticktock which is likely to make that amount something to feed the chickens. So, get out there girl!
from portlypete :
I also have a wedding to go to in July - already postponed from last year. By then, I should be fully bullet proof (as far as one can be). As a not very close relative, I won’t be in church for the service, and the reception will be in a marquee, which I classify as being nearly outdoors, so I feel fairly OK about it. Hopefully, the sun will make an appearance.
from portlypete :
I guess you've had the needle now, hopefully without side-effects. Talking to others, it seems that people are having to travel further to get jabbed which seems counter-intuitive if the government is trying to encourage the population to get fully immunized.
from portlypete :
Shoot me now! Have an even better Tuesday.
from portlypete :
Have a great day (Monday). x ps I hope the jab went OK with no ill effects.
from annanotbob2 :
Thank you for your kind note xx
from portlypete :
I try to give all strangers a wide birth - it all comes down to risk assessment. Today, I had a (hic) quite boozy and enjoyable afternoon with friends in the ‘not sun’ but I’m not planning on attending a rave any time soon. ATM, I am really happy to just interact with a few friends who I can trust to be sensible (most of the time?) On the ‘Canal’ thing, I can hear the deafening sound of lawyers rubbing their hands together from here. Good luck with the potty thing - at least he doesn’t wear it as a hat, and fish-tacos! what are you thinking? x
from portlypete :
I try to give all strangers a wide birth - it all comes down to risk assessment. Today, I had a (hic) quite boozy and enjoyable afternoon with friends in the ‘not sun’ but I’m not planning on attending a rave any time soon. ATM, I am really happy to just interact with a few friends who I can trust to be sensible (most of the time?) On the ‘Canal’ thing, I can hear the deafening sound of lawyers rubbing their hands together from here. Good luck with the potty thing - at least he doesn’t wear it as a hat, and fish-tacos! what are you thinking? x
from portlypete :
Thanks for all the updates. There has to be a joke about mobiles and curry: ATM, that is a work in progress - I’ll let you know. It was great to get an upbeat entry from you. I remain surprisingly busy, although much of the work doesn’t bring in any dosh. On the plus side, outgoings are dramatically down so ... In some ways, I will be sorry to see the end of lock-down. I enjoy the peace and don’t miss travelling by train at all - this is the first year I can recall not having had a cold. It would be good to visit a pub occasionally though. :-)
from portlypete :
That is far too many Es for one word!
from portlypete :
from portlypete :
Always good to know thtat you are still alive. My deleted post was a random (impulse) comment on the standard of referring in the rugby. Really, you didn't miss a thing, although I did miss your February post. *sad face*. x
from portlypete :
A new bottle of Baileys, no supermarket ersatz product this time, and on offer too: life doesn’t get much better than that! Thanks for your good wishes. zzz
from portlypete :
I just realised that Bailey and cocoa is for wimps. Please replace cocoa with Cointreau.
from portlypete :
It is always worth challenging HMRC's figures. I wonder what sort of interest rate they are charging when the average highstreet bank is giving you 0.1% (FFS!) to look after (AKA invest) your money. Ring them up and be sweet, unless it's a woman; unless she is a lesbian (how does one know?) Basically do what you have to. My experience is that the people at the sharp end are quite sympathetic and will usually have another look at the calculations. I generally wake about 3.00 A.M. these days. I do find that avoiding the evening news and watching something cheerful before bed does help. Are you not finding the Baileys and cocoa helpful? I don't think it's a good idea to toss and turn in bed: better to get up and read something 'light' (maybe boring) until you feel sleepy.
from portlypete :
I wouldn't bother with the first piece, we need happy tunes right now. Anyway, I am a fan of The Traveling Wilburys (even though their spelling is a bit awry) and I sometimes play them on a Youtube loop if I want cheering up. I'm torn between “End of the Line” and “Heading for the Light” to be played as my coffin heads for the pyre. I'm not sure if everyone would get the joke though. Hopefully, that won't be too soon. One of the perks of my job is to occasionally be around when top musicians get together. They can't help themselves: put them near an instrument and one will be compelled to start a melody going. Then another will join in, and another until they are all just jamming away. It is such a joy to hear, especially for someone who scraped through grade 4 piano.
from portlypete :
A mate of mine is partial to Baileys with Cointreau. He is someone who does everything to excess, so we are talking industrial quantities here. I’ll stick to the wine. I am just thinking about going for the first real walk of 2021. Not sure how many calories pondering burns, so I may have to actually do it. I’ve always thought that dry January was a mistake: too many left-overs for one thing, plus it has 31 days in it. Wait till February, and it’s not even a leap year. Anyway, we’ll all have forgotten about resolutions by then. Happy 2021. ps I initially, and inadvertently, typed leg-overs instead of left-overs - make of that what you will!
from portlypete :
I have the app too, and have turned bluetooth off as it does drain my battery, whatever ‘They’ say (plus, I don’t get out that often). How much did this heap of junk cost the tax-payer? What I don’t understand is that some other countries, very quickly, designed an app that worked. It seems we set out to reinvent the wheel and came up, at vast expense, with a three-legged camel. Couldn’t we have slipped the S Koreans a few Won to share their technology? Experience tells me that the UK doesn’t do software that well, but that’s another, very long, story. And one more thing: no reason why Christmas excess shouldn’t seep into January, unless your New Year resolution is to lose some of that chocolate / Baileys waist-line. Wishing you all a Happier New Year.
from annanotbob2 :
The app doesn't work the other way either. My pal got it after she'd met some friends outside a cafe. They'd all registered their presence but none of her pals were notified by the app, just by her phone calls. None of them got it - she got it from the guy who came to mend her boiler who took his mask off for a bit then went down with symptoms the next day. Stay home and eat Pringles sounds like a good plan xxx
from portlypete :
Do record and treasure those childish exclamations of wonder at our world. It isn’t a perfect world - in fact, it’s rather tarnished, but it’s the only one we have. Take joy from The Bear’s exploration of his environment and take a moment to view life again through a child’s eyes. I do talk ballcocks when I’ve had a drink! On another note, even if Boris’s ‘oven-ready’ Brexit deal is in tatters, I still have an oven-ready Christmas dinner in the freezer. x
from jimbostaxi :
If I blow this situation up then I become the outcast and the pill head looks like the victim. I may be quiet but that doesn’t mean I have to associate or forgive her. Thanks for the note :)
from portlypete :
Thank you so much for your note. I’m O.K. It’s been a long year, and on top of all the virus stuff, there have been a number of bits of family related bad / worrying news. I just had a mini-meltdown. I really appreciate your kind words.
from portlypete :
Thanks for your note. I’m sorry to say that I have recently been getting bad news, piled on more bad news, with a bad news topping. I’ll respond sometime soon. I’m glad to find that you are very capable of standing up for yourself (who would have guessed :-) ?). There is this bit of advice about attending a particularly daunting interview, where you are supposed to imagine the interviewers sitting on the toilet. Well, judges sh** along with the rest of us - they just get paid mega-bucks for producing that stuff. x
from portlypete :
Just to add, I am a contender in the "bong-iest cymbals competition" - every time I do the washing up. Get ready Bear - I'm cummin for yah!
from portlypete :
Let me tell you what a joy it was to find an upbeat update from you. I had been a tad concerned. I can't believe The Bear is two (happy birthday)! As for the (not to be mentioned) judge: why is it that the people at the top are SO STUPID!? Does the High Court not have an IT department, or are they all working from home like most sensible types? I had meant to write about what I had been up to recently, but a rant about the Orange Peril took presidents (precedence). And, to be honest, 'What I Did During the Pandemic' wouldn't fill half a page of a school exercise book ... double spaced. Maybe soon. :-)
from portlypete :
Hoping you are OK.
from jimbostaxi :
Oh yes, I loved the Frasier trivia. The show Schitt’’s Creek looks very funny but I have never seen it. I'm the guy who always finds out about stuff years than everyone else. I'm still working my way up to see Game Of Thrones, lol. One day I will catch up to the rest of the world! Thanks for the bday note. :)
from dangerspouse :
Yes, that could sleep easy that day. But their reckoning will come eventually, rest assured. You cannot escape justice forever, vineyard despoilers.
from dangerspouse :
Le Cigare Volant is also the name of a famous wine made by Bonny Doon Vineyards. The label depicts a cigar shaped craft flying over a vineyard, and if I recall correctly it is an homage to a 19th century French law that made it illegal for UFO's to land in vineyards. Since, y'know, aliens from Alpha Cygnus-471 are all up on French jurisprudence. I surprised sleepy bear nap time didn't pass along that tidbit also, frankly.
from jimbostaxi :
I love Frasier and I never knew that about the restaurant! :)
from pink-fairy :
You’re still here! I think I logged into diarylanf for the first time in over ten years! And looking at my buddy list, there’s no diaries that still exist but then I found yours! This has cheered me up! I hope you’re well and happy xxx
from portlypete :
I had an RSI too, but let's not go there! OK, it wasn't what you were thinking - I did a bit too much paving (which isn't a euphemism for anything rude, although I think the expression would look good on some Urban Dictionary). ps I checked - it's there, but not too obscene. x
from jimbostaxi :
Thank you for your kind words. Whenever I get a note, my first reaction is always to smile then I cry. Joy because there are still good people out there with hearts and sadness because of the situation. Xo
from dangerspouse :
Of course my response was utterly ridiculous! I'm Dangerspouse, remember? Ok, fine. I'll take your advice and add lots of salt to the poop. I've always thought it needed it anyway....
from dangerspouse :
Turns out they don't even sell Marmite here (might be legislation against it as a public offence or something). Can I substitute something else even though it might be a little less odious, like dirt, or poop?
from dangerspouse :
Oh no. Your kid likes Marmite. I'm so sorry....
from jimbostaxi :
Pleased to meet you as well.:) There were so many over the years but a few were ”Baggage”(Fight over suitcase), “Marie’s Statue”, “Cookies”(Ray gets beat up) “Robert’s Date”(Robert acts black) “Stefania Arrives.” It’s one of the TV shows that even if I'm busy doing something else will still be playing in the background. :)
from jimbostaxi :
Hi, I'm a new reader and would like to know what’s your favorite ”Everybody Loves Raymond” episode?
from portlypete :
And, BTW, who has ‘Everybody Loves Raymond ’ DVDs when the shows are constantly available on repeat.? Also, playgrounds open is just one of our government’s madder ruses to make us believe things are getting back to normal. Don’t be fooled. :-)
from portlypete :
It was such a joy to get a message from you. I had been concerned. Covid-19, on it’s own is quite enough to deal with: add on all the other stuff you have to deal with, and no one could blame you for having a “blip”. That’s all for now, but I will be in touch again soon - so beware. Except, Yay, a proper post! p.s. so what happened to the hi-tech court recording system? p.p.s. Welcome back. xxxxxxxxxxxx ( o.k. slightly excessive )
from portlypete :
Sorry, a few months late with Groundhog Day. Please delete.
from portlypete :
I hope you have been enjoying reminiscing about your erstwhile muddy visits to Glastonbury (BBC). You may be enjoying David Bowie’s 2000 set right now. Hell, I was hardly out of nappies then (but that’s my secret _ ) Stay cheerful x
from portlypete :
I hope you have been enjoying reminiscing about your erstwhile muddy visits to Glastonbury (BBC). You may be enjoying David Bowie’s 2000 set right now. Hell, I was hardly out of nappies then (but that’s my secret _ ) Stay cheerful x
from portlypete :
Not another one! Have a great day. x
from portlypete :
Bombard away, any time you want.
from portlypete :
Thanks for your notes. You have every right to experience the odd dip from time to time.. We live in difficult times without the added element of a small child. I never thought of you as an introvert though.
from portlypete :
So glad you haven't succumbed to the dreaded C.V! I wonder about the castle though. Surely you weren't after another handsome prince? Don't be greedy - you already have two.
from annanotbob2 :
I laughed - sorry - that must have been awful, stinging nettle stings last for bloody ages. I end up having a wee all over the place - did one by the side of a country road just this afternoon! Take care and mind yer bum xx
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks for the killer note at my place! I'm so glad my virtual shrine to Sir James met with your approval. As will demi-glace, should you ever be so fortunate as to try it :) And...I do hope that here, a month after your last post, things have gotten easier for you. Only one outside break a day? That had to be very, very tough on all concerned at your house. My best wishes to you.
from portlypete :
O's sis is braver than I. This guy is built like the proverbial brick 'outside toilet' and I wouldn't want to cross him. Have no fears for B.J. - our street is all geared up to clap for him at 20.00 tomight, so stand by for a remarkable recovery. I'm now glad that, when he first went in to hospital, I kept my initial thought to myself - i.e. that they should've parked him on a trolley in a corridor for a few hours so that he could enjoy the full NHS experience. I don't agree with all his policies, but I allow that our government has done a pretty good job on the whole in hugely difficult and rapidly changing circumstances: far better than some I'd say. x
from portlypete :
Dear Sarah, I was so glad to read your recent posts as I had wondered how you were getting on. A first baby; trying to hold down a job - how much worse can it get? Just throw in the curve ball of a pandemic! Hopefully, your mate BoJo might toss you a lifeline tomorrow with help for the self-employed, although many of his decisions don’t look that well thought through. Why should people be limited to one walk a day FFS!? Are 2 walks of half an hour so much worse than a day’s rambling? They had Pampers in the supermarket today - I thought of you. Hang in there. x
from dangerspouse :
We all wonder those same questions. I'm glad you got to go out for a walk with the little one, though. Hang in there. It will get better.
from blujeans-uk :
from dangerspouse :
Good luck! (I didn't know you still wear nappies.) (End brackets.)
from portlypete :
I am so flattered to be part of your dream. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Who hasn’t eaten a jelly bean out of a cake, in a bank in their time!? Let’s not do too much Freudian-style analysis of the jelly bean thing though. And, yeah, I am crap at posting links on here. Let me assure you, you didn’t miss a thing. Hopefully, we’ve seen an end to the biblical-style weather now and The Bear will be able to get outside a bit more soon. PP XXX
from portlypete :
Yay! Pictures, how lovely. Did no one tell you your life is on hold for the next 18 years or so? Bonfire day (or month as we know it these days) was fine, thanks for asking. So good to get an update. What a beautiful boy. Where did he get those looks from? :-)
from dangerspouse :
I hope you and Bear and everyone you love had a lovely Christmas. All the best in 2020 :)
from portlypete :
Time to buy a ball and chain methinks. :-) x
from annanotbob2 :
Thanks. I'm OK-ish xx
from blujeans-uk :
I made a cake the other day that might suit you if he and you are ok with raisins? 340g mixed dried fruit soaked in 150ml decaf tea for min 4 hours or overnight. 2 ripe bananas mashed and then whisked with about 1/4 cup rapeseed or sunflower oil. 225g wholemeal self raising flour. I also used 50g coconut sugar but with the ripe bananas it would probably have been fine without. Combine everything together, bung it in a lined loaf tin and bake at 180/160 fan for 50-60 min until a skewer comes out reasonably clean. I made that so a vegan in my singing group could have cake but normally I bake with eggs, butter and sugar! Hope your little dude had a good first birthday :)
from portlypete :
Thanks for the Jacob Rees-Mogg link: How can such an educated man be so dumb? Plus, there are some truly creative people out there - with way too much time on their hands. Lentil nuggets? Really? Poor Bear! It really does get better (no easier, but better). It's tough being one. x
from portlypete :
Let me just go back to a previous note where I mention BoJo bring 'peace' and 'harmony'. Can I just delete those nouns? You are not the only person who talks 'shit' - Leaders around the world share that ability. *deep sigh*
from annanotbob2 :
from portlypete :
Reading between the lines, things are hopefully, slowly getting better (in a roller-coaster kind of way). Eventually the 'mewling and puking' - I'm guessing you don't have a nurse - will subside. Oh!, then they become teenagers and it all starts over :-( . Happy days. Enjoy the good times. A small child of my acquaintance was waving a vicious looking knife around at the dinner table. As the only adult in the room, I felt obliged to warn, "don't hit your head with that knife!", whereupon said brat accepted the challenge and wacked himself hard on the skull, simultaeneously letting out a loud guffaw. I should have frowned and looked cross, instead of which I burst into uncontrollable laughter. I am no role model.
from mister-ed :
Always good to get an update no matter how cryptic!
from violetsmile :
Hope you're ok. Will be looking out for the rewrite ;) x
from portlypete :
Did I say 'x'?
from portlypete :
I delete so many posts. Usually the morning after, when I'm sober. It's just good to hear from you - however briefly. So, your mate Bozo done good (maybe). I did think his speech outside #10 was quite inspiring, but then someone else once said, "Where there is discord, may we bring harmony", and look where THAT got us! I guess we just have to watch this space.
from portlypete :
June again!? And, as tradition demands, I missed the day. So glad things are going O.K though.
from annanotbob2 :
Me again, to say thanks again. xxx
from annanotbob2 :
Thanks xx
from dangerspouse :
It's been my experience that there's precious little separating pig and prostitute in general, so it's no surprise sign language reflects that. Lol - "Uncle Television"! Well, it's better than the "Uncle" Billy-Bob my parents used to foist me off on sometimes so they could go on a date. That was painful. Hope your Mom Joy returns soon!!
from portlypete :
from portlypete :
The good thing about in-laws is, they never tire of baby-holding, which leaves you free to enjoy the wave pool whilst clogging up the filters with excess follicle extrusions. Trust me: babies get better - Hmm? - different. x
from julymalaise :
Girl you gotta watch it. It’s soooo good. And I’m doing better, thanks. Lol. I can’t wait for Winter to be over with !!
from whaleart :
I looooove your template!! :o
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, the baby's cute. But still not as cute as a tub of Nutella, sorry. ;)
from portlypete :
So good to hear from you again, but I think the expression in the first picture speaks volumes: "What sort of family have I been born into?!" With some sort of desperate emoji appendage. I think we all know the answer to that one. But so cute ATM. Watch this space.
from blujeans-uk :
Ohhhh those photos are adorable! This is a phase to treasure! xxx
from dangerspouse :
So cute! A cosplayer in the making :)
from annanotbob2 :
Aw lovely - you both look great! Nothing better than a baby xx
from julymalaise :
I'm glad things are going well. It's so exciting. Happy New Year! And yes, I will send you an email with password and username especially for you! :)
from dangerspouse :
Hey hey, thanks for the crackin' note in return! I really do appreciate it. And as my Lancaster City grandmum used to say around the holidays, "How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?" Well, that and "Fookin' Dolly Blues. They played like shite AGAIN!" Ah, memories....
from annanotbob2 :
Aw, thanks for sharing your story - you're a great writer, I was on tenterhooks even though I knew there'd be a happy ending eventually! Happy Christmas to you all xxx
from portlypete :
Have a brilliant first Christmas with your beautiful new son. x
from dangerspouse :
What an absolute journey you have been on, and I've loved reading every minute of it. Thank you for all the updates, and, of course: CONGRATULATIONS!! I wish you all many years of peace and love. And a Merry Christmas :)
from blacksheet :
Hello! I havne't been on D-Land for quite some time. It's always exciting to see that some of the people that I followed 10 years ago are still posting! I just wanted to say congratulations! :) Best of luck with that little baby.
from julymalaise :
I wanted to say many blessings on your new family. Such a cutie! I hope you and the baby are well.
from portlypete :
Well, it wasn't that long; quite rambling if I'm honest (you, of all people, should have taken more precise notes); as for boring -I'm a bloke, so I blundered blindly through all the finer details, but I did get a flavour of events. Trust you to get caught up in your own mini baby boom. However, I'm glad to know that the NHS is in such fine fettle and that you found a nice tree. Hoping everything is going well now. x ps also, that Ollie is over the trauma :-)
from annanotbob2 :
Oh I'm glad you had a room - I gave birth to ED in a hospital during a sudden mad busy spell and spent most of labour on a trolley in a corridor the visitors all walked down - shite it was. Had the next two at home. You had a lot of complicated stuff to deal with though, didn't you? Good read x
from portlypete :
I didn't expect the fish supper vision. Tequila slammers I would have believed. But I forgot, you're TT ATM. My experience is that children don't get better: they just get different. Mainly the joy vastly out-weighs the torture though. :-)
from portlypete :
Totally unqualified to offer any advice on your larest post, so I'll send lots of expressions of fondest support. Anna's advice seems sound. I can'f add anything. Thinking of you :-)
from dangerspouse :
I've just returned following a months-long hiatus, and...YOU POPPED! Dammit, I missed the big reveal! Congratulations! Er...and I echo what Annanotbob2 said just below me. Get help if you need it. For both your sakes. Best of luck :)
from annanotbob2 :
It's hard but if it keeps on being very hard and miserable, make sure to tell your midwife or doctor as it could be post-natal depression and that needs to be treated not allowed to run riot and ruin your early time together. I recommend a deadline - if you don't feel better by next week. Best wishes. xxx
from buffylass :
Congratulations lovely, so so pleased for you. He's a stunner! xx
from blujeans-uk :
Massive congratulations, he's beautiful xxx
from portlypete :
p.s. With ears like those in pic 5, he should be called Mickey. I'm guessing I shouldn't know what those appendages really are.
from portlypete :
That is just fantastic news. He is beautiful. I had been checking for posts like an expectant dad but hadn't bothered to check my notes. Well done. xxxxxx
from annanotbob2 :
Yay! Oh congratulations - I am so pleased for you all. Great stuff - a new little person - what could be better? xxxxx
from portlypete :
Noe (19th) I see that today is 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'. So you were just ahead of the curve as usual.
from portlypete :
The reason you keep saying 'Aye' is clear. You have a self-confessed (see your profile) crush on Johnny Depp, savvy? Thank you for putting up with my notes, some of which have hardly been compelling. What can I say, I think I am at my most eloquent when I am moderately mangled - most sober people discount this theory. I will, of course, disregard the advice on reading your posts. I can't stop now as you enter yet another exciting phase of your life. BTW, I guess insomnia during pregnancy is just nature's way of accustoming one to the joy of night-time feeds. And you referred to the baby as "himself" (you see I WAS paying attention). Is that a clue? If so, you don't really have to call him Pete, especially as you may remember, I am 'neither Portly nor Pete' although the jury's still out on the portly bit these days. Keep badgering those Medics and asking difficult questions. It's not like they have anything better to do (irony). x
from portlypete :
Firstly, apologies for being a tad tardy with replies to your posts. I am severely hampered by a lack of knowledge when it comes to the subject in hand. I did once date a midwife, however, whose favourite line at traumatic moments during the birthing process was, "It has to come out the way it went in". Possibly not strictly the case,, but I hope it was helpful. My own 'refelcted' experience is that, this nascent human is extraordinarilly tough and (dare I say) flexible. One day, he / she may grow up to be a spelunker. My sympathies are all with the midwife (who, incidentally, in one relative's case, was a gay - and extraordinarilly good - 'mid-person' ). I blush to think what language might be aired at moments of stress! But I'm sure it will be all smiles in the end.
from annanotbob2 :
My first pregnancy was ruined by reading a book that was 10% about normal pregnancy and childbirth, 90% abnormal disasters. xx
from buffylass :
Glucose tolerance tests are the devil's work - hope you've managed to get an early slot so as the fasting is for as short a period as possible. Lara also went mental when I had the lucozade stuff and somersaulted for the entire hour. Well done on not having Lyme's disease! And also for coping with being v pregnant during the summer inferno. Not long to go! xx
from portlypete :
So glad you are not taking "err...?" as an answer. OK, the NHS is under stress in some areas, but then so are patients. Ultimately, it is more efficient to go find a test result than sit on one's arse. I was listening to the news and thinking, 'OK, Parliament has risen for its well-deserved(?) Summer break, so there is no real news. Let's talk about how hot it is', which, surprisingly, brought you to mind. I'm sure you are basking in a/c luxury, 'cos those wigs would double as great tea-cosies methinks. Look after yourself.
from portlypete :
However, things have moved on: Britain is running out of beer (which I truly thought generated its own CO2 - WTF. Now, I am an expert in (reflected) pregnancy issues. I have had to rush to the imminent death of a nacent relative before now. He is now a strapping lad into double figures in age. All I'm saying is ... OK, I deleted all that crap since I have no first hand experience (you may have guessed) of first pregnancies. But I do have real experience of the NHS and, while it is doing it's best, it is battling aginst so many pressures. You have to fight your corner, and not be put off by over-pressured doctors. Ask questions and not be fobbed off if you have a real concern. Meanwhile, I have just burned my tea.
from portlypete :
I sent this to myself earlier!!! I know: I am IT literate. "That's a great relief. Contrary to my previous note, suggesting that I never exercise, I went for a (four mile) stroll the next day, through a local nature reserve. It was a hot day, but I didn't wear shorts - much to the relief of other walkers - and kept to the paths. No more rolling in the long grass for me! But that's another story."
from annanotbob2 :
Haha - glad you got some pro advice tho. Good luck xx
from annanotbob2 :
It's 111 not 101 -eeek - sorry!
from annanotbob2 :
24/6/18 7.20 pm Phone 101 and ask them - it's free and they're really good at asking the right questions to either put your mind at ease or send you to A&E - but you won't see this because diaryland is broken and we don't get notification of notes!!! Wah!! Hope you get reassurance soon, hugs xx
from portlypete :
V well done for spotting the profile banner as that was the only bit of dL I could access (mega secure Andrew!) Glad you had a good celebration. I could have told you that long walks in the countryside are bad for one's health, as is jogging (think heart atacks, lightning strikes, pollution etc). You'd never catch me getting up to that sort of malarky. And don't you just love the wild-life in your garden. Those fox cubs are soooo cute and cuddly. Next thing you know, they're all grown up and destroying the trash bins so they can spread the detritus all down the road (which I suppose saves the Refuse Disposal Executives the trouble). Not to worry you, but there was an item on the news this morning about a woman who got a tick with dire consequences, but if you had a vet remove it with mini tweezers that's probably OK. What you musn't do is squash the bugger (I've learned). So, all I'm saying - any sign of a problem, get it seen to. Look after yourself. Will we be seeing the scan? x
from portlypete :
Having actually remembered your recent 'special day', it was rather frustrating not to be able to send my good wishes. Still, better late than never. I hope you had a fantastic alcohol-free dayI reckon giving up booze is an early item in a long list of sacrifices you'll be making in the next years, but I have no doubt the rewards will more than compensate. x
from mister-ed :
Huge congratulations! This is great news.
from portlypete :
Me, last to the party as always, but this is really brilliant news. I'm glad you find the duck / watermelon comparison amusing. Let's see how much you are laughing in October. But really, I am immensely happy for you and Ollie. So, what about names? Obviously Pete if it is a boy, but I'd warn against Meghan for a girl.
from figandflower :
Congrats!!! I am 20 weeks pregnant. We are on the same timeline :) How has pregnancy been for you so far? Counting my blessings that mine has been easy, thankfully!
from annanotbob2 :
Congratulations! Yay! xx
from blujeans-uk :
Just saw your news, congrats! Enjoy your last few months of relative freedom :D
from buffylass :
Hooray and congratulations! The 12 week wait is so hard, you have all my sympathy. You and Mel must be due around the same time, she’s about 9 weeks now. Yes sling buying is a bit of a nightmare as depends on what kind of baby you have - Lara hated the soft material ones as they were too claustrophobic, but loved the more structured 3-position ones that last longer as they get bigger. She honestly has lived in it for 10 months, and it was brilliant for me for losing all the baby weight. I ate loads of biscuits all day and it still fell off! Congrats again, hope you’re not feeling too rubbish xx
from buffylass :
Hello! Yes Lara is finally better, though still coughs like a 20-a-dayer first thing in the morning. Sure it'll all be fine though! Tell your 'friend' that I use the Mothercare own-brand one - was only £30 and is just as comfy as the mega-expensive ErgoBaby one. Plus unlike ErgoBaby is made of waterproof material, so you can wipe off the bodily fluids nice and easily! xx
from dangerspouse :
I know a desperate plea when I see one. Fine. Send me your home address and I'll mail you out an acorn squash. But I better get a Christmas card in return! :)
from portlypete :
Some people are polite. Why, only yesterday I was ploughed down from behind by a woman in a motorised wheel chair. As she passed, narrowly missing running over my prone body (I exaggerate), she sweetly called out, "thank you".
from dangerspouse :
I hate when people don't acknowledge when I open the door for them! I woulda tripped the bitches. Good for you trying to be more sociable, though. I hope you don't keep getting slapped down for it :)
from dangerspouse :
Size L? That *might* cover my ankles. I need an upholsterer, I think. :)
from dangerspouse :
OMG - I have to start buying jumpers with Christmas buttons in them now! I wonder if they make them in my size....
from annanotbob2 :
Have another pic of Stepfie that I'll post when I blog later xxx
from portlypete :
How can you not get excited about cybercurrency? Personally, I really enjoy a debate regarding bitcoin's blockchain transaction database in the role of a distributed ledger. Who wouldn't be? You might try that as an opening gambit next lunchtime.
from portlypete :
Empty Audience wonders if Annanotbob might know the answer.
from dangerspouse :
Oh man, I can't believe it's already been a year since Stepfie left. That is just too, too sad to contemplate. (Did you ever read the equally brilliant Hissandtell back in The Day? Lost her the same way....) MOP SCHOOL FOR YOU!
from portlypete :
I like to cultivate my persona as an International Man of Mystery. The email was kosher and generated just for dL (possibly just for you or Stepfie actually), Unfortunately the company decided to upgrade their site and was never seen again. And, can I say, I've always been desperate to know your ICQ number. Please don't give up posting here altogether.
from dangerspouse :
How filthy is your hovel that it requires three solid hours of scouring on a regular basis?? That's bachelor level grime! (Loooooved the pics, btw. Just lovely.)
from portlypete :
Great pics - almost Contable-like. Regarding those early diaries - my god, so many years ago, Portlypete was not a reference to my girth, more the antithesis of "skinny", so yes. Then there was s***of-t**, who, I'm guessing, didn't have the simplest life, but was so bright. I always thought she would do well - I don't know; and Annie. Then again, there was this girl with funny toes who, in a certain light, looked a bit like Sandra Bullock and had a brilliant, witty way with words. Whatever happened to her? I guess DLand has had its day now that even presidents can put across their thoughts in 100 characters and still have 40 left over.
from geofortean :
Holy moly - you won't remember me at all I betcha, but I am super impressed you're still going on Diaryland after all this time!! I only came only to steal all my old blogs for an archive on my wordpress site and lo and behold, there you are still blogging away. Love it. Hope you are well. If you do happen to remember me in any way, shape or form feel free to say hi! I live on Wordpress now - :)
from buffylass :
I'm here! Things are going OK - it's still hard work but it's definitely easier. In sleep regression hell at the moment though, so often want to die of tiredness xx
from portlypete :
I was just catching up on several months of your posts. It didn't take long :-) I was also considering posting a rare entry myself describing my near-death experience on the M1, but I'm guessing now wouldn't be a great time. x
from figandflower :
What's the Essex boy/girl stereotype?? Signed, your faithful American reader!
from mister-ed :
What's this 'updated more than 3 months ago' nonsense I see next to your name in my buddy list!
from portlypete :
Hey, I'm determined not to be late for your shh, you know what day, just for once. Have a great one. x
from portlypete :
Thanks for the note. Here it's all Sun, Sangria and ... I forget what the other S is! And, that Monica is a lying ***! I am way off being XXXL, I like to think of myself as just a tad wide for my height. I hope all is well with you and the family.
from dangerspouse :
Awwww, that's cute about your big cuddly hubby! Does he root around in the trash, too? That would be awesome! :)
from blujeans-uk :
We should start a petition... that or print every page and bind it..
from dangerspouse :
Ok, it's April now. Wake up and do an update! How's the shoulder? How's dad? Your fans want to know!
from buffylass :
Oh bud, sorry about the rotator cuff - that sounds like it majorly sucks. I'm struggling to get my shoes on now due to the barrel on front, so I sympathise at the loss of mobility. But hooray for the new house! And brilliant new about your dad - I'm so happy for you xx
from buffylass :
Haha there are so many horrible pregnancy conditions that you didn't even realise existed! There's one that's incredibly serious, and the main symptom is intense itchiness. So fingers crossed that doesn't turn up. Yes, only 56 days to go, unless Pommy's a git and turns up late. Almost seems doable! Hope everything's good with you, and that your dad is still doing well xx
from onlyemma :
I did! It has been so long since I have written on diaryland that I'd almost forgotten how to write. It's like coming home! It was a lovely surprise to see your message as well, I didn't think anyone read my diary anymore. I completely relate to your anxiousness about driving by the way, as I had an 8 year hiatus and I'm still scared to go new places and I haven't been on the motorway yet and I've been driving again for about 6 months. Sounds like you're doing really well! Oh and congratulations on getting married! We have all come so far :)
from blujeans-uk :
Haha! I wondered for a minute which post you were on about! I let my gold membership lapse so I need to find a new easy ish way of putting photos up again.. it's two magpies over a nest, on my inner left forearm. Bit of a bugger for work but it was the *right* place for it and I've managed to keep it covered so far
from dangerspouse :
Hang on - you say one can crush the cube IN THE PACKET?! My god, why did I spend all that time toiling away learning to make it from scratch? I'VE WASTED YEARS OF MY LIFE!!! Well, I suppose I should thank you for that nonetheless. I'm very glad that you, at least, have reaped the benefits of this miracle. Well done, I say! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go sob into a perfectly constructed salmon coulibiac. You wouldn't happen to have a secret shortcut for that now, would you...? :)
from dangerspouse :
HAHA! Welcome back to the World of the Wheeled! That was very, very funny. God bless those beta blockers :) (And...still miss Stepford Tart too....)
from glorycloud :
I believe the individual who started Diaryland has deserted us and we are on our own. I keep hoping someone will take over Diaryland and fix it, but I doubt it. I have always used for 16 years LiveJournal and pasted what I wrote Here in Diaryland. I also have been keep a paper diary since 1968. If Diaryland or LiveJournal goes down and still have my paper diaries. I do not know how you could back up 14 years of online diaries. I once read that in LiveJournal there was a company that could print out my 17 years of entries. Maybe start looking around for some one who might know how to save back up your diary entries/save them-peace
from portlypete :
With or without the in-laws, have a great first Christmas with your new husband. xxXmas
from buffylass :
Haha I think I got a couple of hours each night in the end, as I think you start hallucinating and fitting after 6 days of no sleep at all! Pregnancy's not all bad - I just like to moan because I'm impatient and hate the cardiac stuff so much. But it'll pass - all things do in the end, and then you forget how rubbish it all was. Happy Christmas back attcha! How's your dad doing? xx
from portlypete :
In the thing about goodwill to all, I'm pretty certain there is a get-out clause (Claus?) specificlly excluding in-laws. Any way, that is my fate this Xmas.
from portlypete :
Wine only on a Wednesday? - tut! I don't see how insulating the loft alleviates rot - that's just ... erm ... twaddle. It's more likely to reduce the air-flow and induce said twaddle. Yes, a survey is a lever to bring the price down, and always remember that a 5 litre can of beige emulsion will cover a multitude of decor sins. Just to cheer you up, also bear in mind that house-buying is the second most stressful thing you can do. I won't remind you what comes top. I hope that helped. p.s. What you think is expensive now will seem as cheap as an extremely popularly priced, bargain in years to come. I'm not saying how many years.
from portlypete :
Thanks so much for thinking of me. Yes that email a/c just went away, which was annoying as I lost some addresses (including yours). It was created especially for DL. Perhaps I should make a new one. I will certainly be spending some time going back through dear S's posts. I think it must have been about 8 years ago that I read my first, when they had the Polish builders in. I always looked forward to her next missive - they usually made me laugh out loud: she had such a way with words. She rarely failed to reply to my fatuous notes and had such a dynamism about her.and a love of life. I still swing by here occasionally to check up on the diminishing number of my favourite diaries. I'm down to about one now! :-)
from blujeans-uk :
It's horrible isn't it.. I've been the same, she's been on my mind constantly. I feel like I should do something to honour her memory but it's a bit strange having never actually met her. I'm thinking I might buy the sluttiest, pinkest, sparkliest pants I can find and wear them under a black dress on her funeral day. And I think I'll make a donation to cancer research in her name too. She was so lovely :-( xx
from portlypete :
I 've only just seen your post about Stepfie. Such sad news - no way to "roll that in glitter". She was amazing and I feel for her family. I hope things are looking up for you. x
from julymalaise :
I just read your entry about stepfordtart and I really couldn't believe it! It really took the wind out of me, I'm so sorry. We used to correspond on diaryland when I was active here and she was always a kind and sweet lady to me. I'm so sorry about her passing, she was so strong and brave and the most humorous person on diaryland. May she rest in peace.
from strawberrri :
Thank you Violetsmile! My dad managed to drink a small amount of wine recently, which definitely means he's feeling better :) X
from violetsmile :
Sorry to hear about your dad. But glad he's responding well! Sending hugs and positivity! So sorry to hear about your gran, too. xx
from buffylass :
Thankyou! The relief when we saw it was something else! xx
from buffylass :
That's such good news about his liver - hopefully they will just be able to eradicate it entirely with surgery and chemo follow-up. I will keep everything crossed for you xx
from buffylass :
Oh Sarah, I'm so so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he makes a full recovery and that you're all doing OK xx
from portlypete :
OK, I think I've erased the image of you 'lying be-pyjama'd etc etc 'from my brain. Life, for you, seems a bit peaks and troughs ATM it would seem, so what to say about Italy's latest tragedy? I love Italy so much, and I'm sure you will have a fantastic honeymoon. If you are a culture vulture, make sure to pre-book the Uffizi in Florence and try to visit Herculanium or Pompeii. I'm very envious. I had a week in the south of Italy earlier this year, which would have been fantastic if 'Bloody Awful' (BA for short) hadn't neglected to fly our baggage out. I have everything crossed for your dad's recovery. x ps Love me, love my (Sister-in-law's) dog?
from dangerspouse :
Hooray for the update! Well done! Sorry to hear of your family tragedies, of course. I do hope everything works out well for your father. Hard to believe someone had the temerity to bring a dog along. I'm a dog fancier myself (I point to my college girlfriends as proof) but I would never think to impose one on a group's outing like that. Anyway, great to see your return! Fantastic photos and writeup once again. You're a cute couple :)
from dangerspouse :
It's now mid-August 2016. Are you ever coming back?
from mister-ed :
Kongrats on marriage! I'm so glad you still write!
from buffylass :
Haha in true fashion I've read the entry back through and thought, 'Oh God, that sounds a bit melodramatic!'. Anyway, thank you for your kind words :) have finally completely stopped bleeding (been over a month!) so hopefully it's now all over. Amazing how many people have had a miscarriage once you talk about yours - it's like a big secret club xx
from dangerspouse :
Thank you so much for the lovely note! I'm glad you enjoyed my silly scribblings :)
from buffylass :
I am OK now but it's been a rough month xx
from figandflower :
Happy birthday! Loved the wedding re-cap! More pictures! All the pictures! (Signed, a woman getting married in 67 days)
from portlypete :
As usual, I remembered your birthday two days late, so here are my belated best wishes. I hope you had a great day. Lovely wedding pictures too.
from dangerspouse :
A three breakfast hangover! Now THAT'S impressive.
from dangerspouse :
I really enjoyed the rest of the wedding story - great pics, too! And a very happy birthday. I hope you have many, many more, shared together :)
from portlypete :
" I'll continue it soon, I promise!" Define soon please.
from buffylass :
So sorry that your grandma is unwell and possibly nearing the end - it sounds pretty tough :( but loving your wedding tales thus far, especially the sad exhaust pipe. Our exciting classic car also nearly blew up! Really does add an element of excitement to the day, wondering if you'll miss your own wedding xx
from buffylass :
So awesome - congratulations! xx
from stepfordtart :
Yay! Lovely lovely LOVELY pictures! :-D xx
from figandflower :
Congratulations on your wedding!!!
from portlypete :
Well, it was worth the wait. Congrats Mrs O! (if I may call you that). May the next umpteen years be as happy as the first month. So glad the day went off without blood-shed.
from portlypete :
Oh dear, I meant the ups and downs of married life in general. Hopefully, more ups than downs, but there are usually a few thorns in a bed of roses. No need to hide the cake knife.
from portlypete :
All joshing aside, I am sure you will have the best day ever, and I truly wish that your life with Ollie will be everything you have dreamed of, plus a bit. I look forward to you posting about your silver wedding.
from portlypete :
Can I just say that there are worse things in store for you than cold canapes. I always like to "Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive". It will all be fine ......................................................................................................................(ish)!
from buffylass :
Well done on obtaining a propranolol stash! They are the most wonderful drug invented by man - I am so happy I stumbled across them, and SO delighted that you can now share in their awesomeness! Stress horror things like job interviews and presentations are so much more bearable with them in your bloodstream. Acne treatment sounds less pleasant - hopefully it won't melt your face off?! 3 weeks... Man, that's exciting! Have you started waking up incredibly early yet? Cx
from buffylass :
from figandflower :
I'm glad the home stretch of wedding planning is going well! We are about 7 months out and its just starting to feel like it's not too far away anymore. All the smaller decisions, though... they seem to never end! I imagine that won't change for a while. Can't wait to hear all about yours soon :)
from buffylass :
The hair is the worst bit of the wedding planning. No one tells you this fact, so it's mega stressful when you discover it but don't worry, it's an established fact. I hated every single hairstyle until the last one, which was basically a bun with sparkly hair pins stuck all over. I spent the whole time worrying that it needed to be something amazing and weddingy, and then hating how I looked because I felt so unlike myself. You just need to go with a style that makes you feel like yourself and don't worry if it doesn't feel fancy enough, otherwise it's just added stress. I would advocate sparkly hairpins though - I got 40 from eBay for £2.50 and they made my hair look great! Same goes for make-up - my first trial, Mel put on loads and I HATED it. And James hated it too, because I looked like someone completely different. In the end I wore hardly any and felt much more comfortable. Not long now - exciting! xx
from portlypete :
Not such a Happy New Year then. However, I am confident that you will get your way on the style front. Lot's more stress to come though. Sorry, *very sad face*
from mister-ed :
Dog-hen is amazing.
from buffylass :
Sarah, you wonderful girl, you're getting married v soon, it's so exciting! Despite the overly dramatic entry, my wedding actually went brilliantly, because everything came together somehow in the end and then you're just riding this beautiful wave of joy and love (Hallmark klaxon!) But I definitely suggest beta-blockerage if you can. Friends and prescription medication cure almost all ills, and that includes wedding freak-outs of various kinds. Now, I was concerned about a skin meltdown too, but to be honest if you've got someone decent doing your make-up then they can sort you out easy. And all your wedding photos will be Photoshopped. And something about natural beauty coming from within blah blah Disney cakes. But Dianette should work wonders too - I was on it as a teenager and it was awesome, but then they made me come off it because it increases your risk of blood clots or something. But I definitely remember it fixing my face aged 16! xx
from buffylass :
Haha you relented on the balloons! Yes definitely try and find a sympathetic GP (swallow your dignity and cry on him if necessary!) but don't worry if it all for naught, as I will be the back-up supply. The sleeping thing is a genuine issue - we slept rubbishly right up to the day, and then AMAZINGLY once it was done. I honestly didn't feel tired on the day itself though - you're too full of feelings to have any room left for tiredness. I'm now so excited for your wedding! I genuinely can't wait for it :) xx
from buffylass :
DONE IT! Had one hour's sleep and a myriad of heart problems, but it all came good in the end and was brilliant. I am going to send you some beta blockers for your wedding day, Sarah, they are an utter godsend. Consider it my wedding present! xx
from figandflower :
Congrats on the upcoming wedding! I've been looking forward to seeing your posts as I am also engaged, so I feel I can commiserate with you on how crazy the wedding industry is. Have you heard of A Practical Wedding? ( Best site ever. Also, I recently password-protected my new blog ( and honestly don't really post too much these days, but email me (kgetts AT gmail) and I'll share the log-in info! Best wishes and lots of luck with the wedding! (when is it??)
from buffylass :
Hahaha! I'm sorry, I find the Photoshopped picture hilarious because I know its backstory... it actually looks totally fine! I know, 10 days today :/ :/ :/ Starting to feel low-level tense constantly now, like I'm forever fretting that I've left my straighteners on. Making the giant seating plan that goes on the stand tonight, so more arts & crafts horror xx
from buffylass :
Yay, you've started having the Wedding Planning Lurch of Horror too! Well done on doing the invites though - they look 900% more professional than ours did. Also love the picture of you steering the boat like a total BOSS. P.S. The period coming before the wedding date was my happiest period ever, possibly even surpassing the period I had when I was 21 that proved I hadn't gotten accidentally pregnant! xx
from buffylass :
Purple is an excellent choice - I wanted purple but couldn't as Mel had just had it at her wedding. Just another insane wedding rule - no copying colours! Dude, tell me about it - I genuinely realised yesterday that I'd gotten my weeks wrong and the wedding is actually 4 weeks away and not 5. It's sent me into Insane Mode a bit :/ xx
from buffylass :
!!! Your dress is utterly beautiful! And I'm so jealous of your low guest numbers, it's very much the way to go. Are you going for a church wedding or a non-religious gig? We're having a cheese wedding cake too! I'm actually really looking forward to when we go talk to the cheese shop guy about what wheels we can buy - it's up there with the 'looking at wedding cards' day, which was equally brilliant. Ha, I swear I'm only updating more regularly because I have so much tedious wedding stress to rant about and process... I have no idea what I'll go back to writing about when it's all over. I'm already writing my next entry, detailing my fascinating struggle with wedding ties that don't match the bridesmaid dresses xx
from buffylass :
Your decorations sound ace - how many guests are you having? Hahaha we baulked at balloons too, seemed too much like a kids' birthday party! Think we've finally decided on buying blue and white paper lanterns off eBay (God bless you, eBay!) along with some kind of table decoration that James's mum is in charge of. And hopefully some flowers floating around somewhere. And you're too kind about the dress :) although I must confess, I feel like SUCH a boss when I wear it, it's like it has magical powers. Have you got your dress yet? xx
from portlypete :
Late again with the b/d wishes. hope you had a good one.
from buffylass :
Thanks buddy :) think I'm equal parts excited and terrified now, however! Hope you had a good birthday xx
from blujeans-uk :
Hello! Thank you for the note and congrats on getting engaged! I've just done a massive catch-up on your entries since 2013... (v good for early hours feeding reading!) X
from portlypete :
OMG.'Get orf my land!' The last thing you need is a fulsome buttock full of lead shot. How about this for the wedding dress? Seems like a snip, and as I reckon she bears more than a passing resemblance to you (or is that just me), I think you should find out if she's thinking of selling. God knows, she needs the money.
from stepfordtart :
I had it!.......and now Ive lost it :-( Please can you send it again, Ive got some ideas :-) s x
from buffylass :
from buffylass :
Sarah, your updates fill me with joy, and then you remind me that you're getting married and I'm filled with even more joy! When's the date? You're very brave going to a Wedding Fair - I've avoided them like the plague because I don't think I'd be able to keep a straight face at all the expensive nonsense that they try to flog you xx
from portlypete :
I keep trying not to think of your fulsome buttocks too. Hell! You're nearly a married woman FFS! Too late to suggest a trip back in time on the Swanage Railway then - such fun.
from stepfordtart :
email me some idea of what youre thinking of (colours/flowers/budget) and I might be able to give you some ideas. Its outrageous that your florist wont deliver (unless youre getting married on Christmas Day or something!) - get a different florist. Email is [email protected] :-D s x
from stepfordtart :
Wedding fairs are full of evil old bitches - Uuurgh. Try for dresses that cost less than...ummm...a car. Or maybe hire one instead? I can give you some tips on flowers, too, if you havent already sold your soul to the florist. I should be a wedding planner - I fucking hate wasting money (and I like weddings!). s x
from portlypete :
Thanks for the posts over the years. I hope to, one day, see a pic of the blubbing bride. Have a wonderful life. xx
from stepfordtart :
WoopWoopWoop on the wedding stuff!! Hooray for you! Unfortunately, as it was Switzerland, all I can think about is a (very long) series of TV programmes called "Swiss Rail Journeys" for whcih my husband wrote all the music MANY years ago and which still provides us with royalty cheques every time Sky Travel decides to repeat it. s x
from figandflower :
congratulations on getting engaged!! in case you haven't heard of it, here is a great sane anti-WIC (wedding industrial complex) website for wedding planning for all budgets, locations, desires, etc. not that I've planned a wedding yet but the articles are great and actually go beyond weddings to relationships/commitments/family/etc -
from portlypete :
I forgot to send you birthday wishes way back in June duh! You must be close to qualifying for a Diaryland gold (plated) watch since you've been posting here for nearly half a lifetime, generally on the theme of boys and booze: just not quite so regularly now - tut. You still have the sweetest smile though. x
from mister-ed :
from portlypete :
I'll try to keep up.
from portlypete :
The flat looks fantastic - someone has good taste (well done Ollie! *joke*) I'm sure it's always that tidy too. And welcome to the precarious world of Freelance! On the upside, the work can be much more varied and interesting, if sporadic. ps, I'm seriously considering applying for tickets to BB's next "People's Question Time" I'll be the one shouting abuse. x
from stepfordtart :
Ooh, lovely flat! I have home-envy. Where are the giant piles o' shite, like wot I have in my house? s x
from buffylass :
Thankyou my lovely! xx
from portlypete :
... I reconsidered as it all got a tad weird towards the end with much rambling on the subject of Sandra Bullock look-alikes.
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) the weird sad finally shifted at the end of last week. Think maybe my serotonin levels fell off of a cliff or something - there's literally no other explanation xx
from stepfordtart :
Cable tie around slat at 'below pillow' (ie invisible) level. Slide up and attach handcuffs as needed. ;-) You're welcome xx
from stepfordtart :
Yay! Hope it was a stress-free move and that you are ceremoniously shagging in every room (me and L even did it in the downstairs loo - just so we could say we had. Moronic, really - 5 bedroom house and we're wedged into a 4x5 windowless box. Bit like shagging in a wardrobe. A reminder that he is 6'5" should also be taken into consideration.) s x
from buffylass :
Yay! Moving in with a boy! xx
from buffylass :
Sarah, you are such a lovely and wonderful person - thankyou for your note! My gran seems OK now - my uncle has basically made her get a load of security features, so hopefully she'll be safer now. Your poor gran too - how can people be so horrendously shitty? I like to think of myself as quite a compassionate, liberal person, but I honestly think that if I met my gran's burglar in the street I'd attack him with a club xx
from portlypete :
I've had about ten attempts at a response to your post. Basically, I'm just happy that you are happy. Estate agents ... don't get me started!
from stepfordtart :
Christian sounds like an utter dish. Stella Cidre: Hmm. Stella also known as Wife Beater, Cider usually drunk by hobos in bus shelters. Stella Cidre drunk by aggressive tramps? Happy moving, dear! s x
from portlypete :
I'm pretty certain that rule doesn't apply in the back row. However, snacking on smelly or rustly stuff should be a hanging offence - just sayin'.
from stepfordtart :
Dammit! Im not going to the cinema anymore if Im not allowed to sit on someone's lap. s x
from portlypete :
Hmm! Durdle Door in horizontal rain is, arguably, not that beautiful. Take if from me. Have a fantastic hols.
from portlypete :
(and for my typos at the end - hic!)
from portlypete :
Always glad of a hug, especially from a pretty woman. But unexpected events like that (moving on from the hugs theme) make you think. �"Suicide is a selfish act - discuss". Given that he left so many people wondering ... wondering ... including a widowed mother, you might say so, but this guy would have done anything for anybody (and did): �he was someone who went through life thinking of others. That doesn't lessen the feeling that, if only he had shared whatever problems he had with one of those who loved and respected him, things could have turned out a whole heap more satisfactorily. Having said all that, he would still have been my number one in a list of people whom I know most likely to end it all in a lonely car park. �BTW, I am not "tough". i am the human equivalent of a 'Snowball' - of the confectionery kind. Crack that hard but fragile shell of coconut and chocolate, and you will find a gooey, �soft, one hundred percent marshmallow centre. Yummy! I hope everything is still looking rosy in your particular garden: specifically on the work and man fronts. Finally, may I be so bold as to return the *hug*, holding it just that fraction of a second longer than etiquette requires. ps are furbies allowed to imbibe that much? Suely the only excuse for those phots. :-)
from buffylass :
Thanks, Sarah :) she's doing OK now - it was pretty hairy over the weekend, but better now. Her kidneys aren't working still, but hopefully they will again. Went to see her in ICU on Monday night, which made me feel better xx
from buffylass :
Sarah, I may be kind've drunk, but I just wanted to say thankyou for still updating here (even though it's been 14 days since your last update, but you know what I mean!). You've inspired me to start updating again, even though I have bugger all to talk about. And I think you're the only person who still reads my entries these days, so thankyou for that too! Hope you're having a lovely time, wherever you are. Oh God, I think I'm actually quite pissed xx
from stepfordtart :
Yes, yes! Thats the one! Omigoodness you were jolly near to me. I went to school in Romsey (and I expect Jen did too if she's from Wellow). Do let me know if youre ever down that way again - I shall be certain to buy you a beer or nine. s x
from portlypete :
Weddings, relationships and recipes all in 24 hours is too much to consider. It seemed like a fantastic day; great recipe; mucho wine and ditto sex = one day to remember, or forget - you choose. All in all, I'd choose EXCELLENT!
from stepfordtart :
Horsebridge? Near me? Sort of Stockbridge area? s x
from buffylass :
That's fantastic news!! I'm so pleased for you :) doctor could be sympathetic but could also be a dick, you'd maybe need to cry on him or something. Or just rely on your friendly pseudo-doctor! xx
from buffylass :
Sarah, I have had this same concern re: getting married, and am going to be taking the medication route. If you decide to get married, let me know and I will send you some more beautiful beta blockers. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! xx
from stepfordtart :
Heehee! A 'recipe' for wedges! You know thats not true, girl. "what you do" isnt the same as a "recipe"....although Im kin dof flattered that its MY 'what you do' that youre using :-) s x PS Whats wrong with Jen's knees in the 'carrying' photo? It looks like she's either been kneeling down on something bobbly or she has recently removed some large plasters. Somehow still doesnt detract from the overall loveliness of looking at wedding pictures, tho *big soppy grin*
from dangerspouse :
You get by WITHOUT A CAR?? I can't...I mean.. that even possible? Don't you have laws about this sort of thing on that island nation of yours? That is so sad! Lol... Well, good for you that you can get by without one. At least you're saving a small fortune per year in petrol costs! (And thanks for the nice words about my wife's mechanical adventure. As soon as she comes down from her "I am Woman, hear me roar" high I'll tell her. Right now she's still too scary to approach.) :)
from dangerspouse :
Just randomly surfed here and read of your outstanding achievement and huge applied eyebrows. Well done on both. Well done, I say!
from stepfordtart :
SQUEEEEEE! How fabulous are YOU???? World renowned athlete AND film star!OhEmGeeeOhEmGeeOhEmGee (me. being impressed.) s x PS Know anyone in Londinium who has sleeping bag space on their floor? See my latest entry. s x
from portlypete :
From someone who risks a coronary every time he runs for a bus, well done you! Can we expect to see you in the London marathon next year? If so, you need to start working on costume ideas. A giant red, foam-plastic strawberrri - too obvious?
from portlypete :
Missed your damn b/d again, but I'm guessing that's not much of an issue since you're not around anymore(for good reasons ;-) )
from pink-sapfire :
Been a while since either of us has been by the other's page. I'll come and have a look around once I get my school work caught up. Talk laterz!
from stepfordtart :
*gasp* The Crocodile! How could you? That was sooooooooo precious! Heartless, thy name is Strawberrri! *snigger* s x
from stepfordtart :
Popping Candy! Havent 'used' that since back when it was called Space Dust! *considers*......Might well be worth a try, ta very much. s x PS Dont ever give space dust to a dog. Actually, do. Its one of the funniest things Ive ever seen. Or dont, its cruel. Depending on how much you like dogs.
from stepfordtart :
*gasp*! You mean that extra ear WASNT to help the mousey hear special mousey noises? OMIGOSH! Youre shittin' me, right? HAHAHAHAHAHA. There's some fucking stupid people about, fersure. s x
from student-bum :
1) I adore the Porterhouse, have you had their big pan thingy with all the egg and bacon and mushroomy goodness? It is divine. I approve of it as a first-date venue. 2) Everyone on GS'mates seems really hot on the advertising bit on the homepage, so in my head you are dating a slew of super-hunks. 3) I also approve of your ketchup distribution. Poor distribution can near ruin a good chippy. 4) Loved the video :D xx (ps: if you reply to this at all, best do it on facebook as I have forgotten to check here in about ten billion years...)
from stepfordtart :
Hahaha! Yep, Ive just nearly wept with laughter too. Any man who can see the strategic importance of chip channels is a keeper, btw. s x
from mister-ed :
You're some kind of pioneer-warrior. I'll re-approach this website business then. It has to be less destructive than Jagerbombing. I saw my brother in Shrewsbury last week, and it was a Monday night, and I have no idea what the occasion was or whose idea the Jager was but in the morning I went for a walk by the river and had a lovely tranquil bush-vomit and got on the train like my life was over. There must be a better way.
from sunbeams100 :
What is this mysterious new website you've joined then? :)
from mister-ed :
I too am wary of online dating. Although people ("friends")keep saying I should "just give it a try", these same people have never actually tried it themselves. They've never "had to". Shit. Also my friend went to a wedding sponsored entirely by I can't describe how it sounded. Maybe we should just carry on with what we are doing.
from buffylass :
i like how Mr X thinks that his Sunday morning snuggling is the best of ALL the snuggling. Online dating is defitintely the way to go though - I used Guardian Soulmates because I'm a pretentious tit, and though I got axe-murdering freaks asking me to marry them, it did all work out in the end! xx
from portlypete :
Well, I've been an extra too, you know. I starred with Michael C@1ne - and not many people know that. I think I stole the show (?)
from stepfordtart :
Extras, on the whole, are self-important twats. They never miss an opportunity to belittle someone else. I have a fairly illustrious (stage) acting resume but was still subjected to the sort of sneering you encountered. The laugh was on THEM when it was MY foot you could clearly see, poking out behind Inspector Wexford in the nightclub scene tho. Merry Birthday BTW! s x
from portlypete :
Belated Happy Birthday.
from stepfordtart :
Anything with Jim Broadbent in it is automatically good. I look forward to hearing your Oscar Acceptance Speech ;-) s x
from portlypete :
Many august researchers have put the pursuit of knowledge before personal safety. As an example, Dr Albert Hofmann apparently discovered the effects of LSD by accidentally absorbing some of the substance. Then, just to be sure, he repeated the experiment ... quite a lot. In the pursuit of knowledge, I have put my own personal safety at risk in a similar way to investigate any possible link between obesity and alcohol consumption. I can now categorically confirm that the more I drink, the more portly I become! Just sayin'. Otherwise I'm good thanks. Best of luck in 'The Afterlife'.
from buffylass :
Sarah, get yourself to the doctor and get some magical beta-blockers - you know how great they are! Just don't tell her how you know that! I know they don't cure the fear, but they do at least cure the horrible physical symptoms of the fear. Glad you're doing okay with your Old Bailey sadness xx
from stepfordtart :
Meh. Didnt realise youre self employed. Glad to hear you'll be getting some private work tho - hopefully it'll keep the wolf from the door for a bit. Something'll come up, Im sure. If not, you could always retrain as a False Eyelash Opera Singer. I'll give you lessons if you like ; ) s x
from stepfordtart :
Awww. Sad to hear you sounding so off-colour, dear. Is it maybe time to think about how someone like a career consultant could help you look at other avenues? There's free services about but theyre generally a bit vague - might be worth shelling out a bit of cash for some professional services. Also, if youre being made redundant, arent your HR dept helping you with looking for new stuff? If not, they should be! s x
from skinnylizzie :
What are you going to be doing after this then?! I remember you saying it was coming but I didn't realise you'd be leaving there so quickly, or do I just have a warped view of how much time has passed since you said that?! And cases like that completely boggle my mind, I can't imagine what goes on in their heads, probably wouldn't want to either though, sick fucks x
from stepfordtart :
"special bingo refreshment" BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! Fun fun fun - how splendid. s x PS Got a paintball deal for Jooj on Groupon yesterday - 10 people (including lunch and 100pbs each) for �17. RESULT!
from stepfordtart :
I do Groupon but it looks like I should do moneysavingexpert too, huh? Will sign up forthwith! Thanks for the tip. s x
from antom :
Aww, I was hoping the title was aimed at me! ;) x
from stepfordtart :
Do you choose your weekends away by the availability of the �12 Travelodge or is it just happy coincidence? Everywhere I want to go is always about a �squillion. No fair. s x
from mister-ed :
well i hope you check these notes soon, and i have no advice, but i love reading what you write and hope you carry on wherever.
from antom :
I meant to write you a reply note, but wrote it on my own notes instead. Herp derp! x
from stepfordtart :
I think *was* is the keyword here. As long as you and James arent still bumping uglies whats the harm? And to be honest, even if you were, that doesnt mean you have to be exclusive. If he stays over you might have to have a slightly awkward 'are you ok with...' type conversation but he would have to admit to still holding a torch for you if he had any chance of saying 'no, I'd rather you didnt...'. Shag and be damned, dear! s x
from snowxbaby :
Before I became a member here, I was reading your blog. :-)
from stepfordtart :
*has nothing to offer but a ((hug))* s x
from stepfordtart :
Ooh, Ta very much! *unwraps Tom and Jerry before everyone else gets up and spoils it* s x
from stepfordtart :
HAHAHAHA! Katie and Reeta being Joey from Friends! Oooh, thats cheered me RIGHT up! Merry Christmas! s x
from buffylass :
I think to an outsider they'd probably be quite amusing - the other night I had a dream that a dragon was chasing me, which would have been fine except I half-woke up and then spent 20 minutes thining, 'Oh god, the dragon's coming!'. It took the next morning for me to remember that dragons don't bloody exist. Anyway, LOVED your latest entry. Happy 2012, freudling xx
from buffylass :
I have only just read your note about your amazing dream that we were both in! I wish my dreams were half as fun as yours :) xx
from antom :
Minor fact: I still occasionally log in here just to read your diary. Although you're getting slack. Get typing! (and I know that's pretty hypocritical!) :D x
from violetsmile :
Tim sounds lovely! I can't believe you were in Windsor! Sooo close to me!! I'm with Sunbeams, come to Reading and we'll all get together!!!! :D
from sunbeams100 :
Yay for such a glorious day! Maybe you can visit me and Tim at the same time in Reading? :) HINT WOMAN.
from student-bum :
If I'd left a couple of hours later, or you left a couple of hours before, we may have crossed at Euston! Now that we're both in London (although one of us only just... zone 9, I didn't even know there WAS a zone 9) we should definitely meet up at some stage xx
from buffylass :
Lovely, you have all of my sympathy as I too feel pretty lost at the moment, and I know how hideous it is. Keep your chin up xx
from stepfordtart :
If you dont get what you want, maybe you'll get what you need? That might be better, mightn't it? Fingers crossed that it all works out for you, dear. s x
from stepfordtart :
Meh. Nightmare. Stay with James but pointedly and very visibly do the "Look! Here is me scouring the newspaper for flats to rent" thang until you get the lie of the land. Same as the dating situ - it'll either work out or it wont and you have no way of knowing which until you give it a go. Have a fab time in Ireland - flooding notwithstanding of course! s x
from stepfordtart :
Generally speaking, I hack em into the requisite wedgie shape and put them all in a big bowl in the microwave with a drop of water for a couple of minutes. Then I drain the water off, drizzle in some oil (or goose fat if Im feeling flash, or marg if Im feeling skint) and toss them around in that til theyre nicely covered. Then I shake some paprika, salt and pepper and a bit of dried garlic (from Lidl - indispensible if you are too lazy to buy/chop fresh garlic!) and toss em around a bit more. Then I tip the whole lot onto a baking tray, shake the tin so theyre nicely spread out and blast in the oven for 15-20 mins at 200C, flip em over and give em another 15-20 mins. Should be nice and brown and crispy by then. Hope that helps! s x
from random-ditto :
Just popping my head up to say I feel your pain. I had a nightmare of a time finding something this summer & now, having just got a new job, I'm doing it all over again & relocating to London Town! So I dutifully have decided not to be disheartened from your experiences to date, instead I will say from my housing hunt this summer that it will eventually sort itself out. And I also know from experience that is the most annoying answer ever, but on a practical level it's all I've got! Good luck xXx
from blujeans-uk :
Hello! Bit of a late reply, sorry bout that. Your maths isn't too shabby at all - we're due on the 11th of dec. Hoping we don't go too far over as it puts us a bit close to christmas. I've been trying to hold back on the OTT baby-blogging but it might sneak in there as I finish work and have less other stuff to talk about... Don't say I didn't warn you! x
from keithturtle :
Karel Poborsky? Any reason for the random subject regarding the former Manchester United winger? The very same name quite literally popped into my head about 3 days ago, for no apparent reason nor rhyme. Seriously.
from keithturtle :
Karel Poborsky? Any reason for the random subject regarding the former Manchester United winger? The very same name quite literally popped into my head about 3 days ago, for no apparent reason nor rhyme. Seriously.
from portlypete :
Dinner with Skinner? I think you may have missed what my eloquent(?) rows of dots were supposed to imply. I canna say more in a public forum. Bridesmaids - well, any film with Matt Lucas in must be worth a punt, even though I have this sneaky suspicion he may be slightly gay.
from portlypete :
How did the Meerkat compare? I once had dinner with F.S (not JUST me BTW). I appreciate his sharp wit, and he can come over as charming ... ....? On the other hand, with T.V,, what you see is what you get. Very funny! Glad you had a great time.
from stepfordtart :
I hear Frank Skinner is a bit shagadelic so maybe he was friendly in the hope that you would 'be grateful'. Or maybe he's just nice. I like his stand up stuff (and Tim Vine's too - lucky you!) and his autobiography was a pretty good read too. All in all sounds like a jolly good trip! s x
from buffylass :
Thanks, my lovely :) gone for the CBT, think I'm a bt masochistic xx
from student-bum :
Eloquently put, and pretty spot-on. xx
from shot-of-tea :
Very well said, Saturday was a generally tragic day.
from stepfordtart :
Well said. Very well said. s x
from portlypete :
If I were in trouble, I'd want a friend like you.
from portlypete :
If I were in trouble, I'd want a friend like you.
from stepfordtart :
I still dont actually EVER want to GO to Glastonbury, but you HAVE made it look like its possible for people to have lots of fun there. Just not me. I am festival-intolerant, I fear. s x
from jaysthoughts :
Oh look people I don't know having a good time.. *imagines what that's like* :)
from portlypete :
Who IS that on the right of Michael?
from stepfordtart :
Recipe? Pleeeeease! Is it similar to Skittles Vodka? s x
from blujeans-uk :
Thank you!
from portlypete :
I love a girl with a moustache. Happy Birthday.
from portlypete :
Birthdays, of course! Have a great one!
from portlypete :
Ah, those (replacement) love-buses! Or 'Friend-buses' as they are sometimes known. No, I have no idea what I'm on about either. But then you're used to that by now.
from portlypete :
You've confirmed what I always suspected: this jogging lark is bad for your health. Hope you are back to normal soonest.
from pink-fairy :
new22 password33 tbh there are no updates lol just me saying I am never going to remember to update my diary and you can find me at twitter or blogspot!
from student-bum :
Ooft you poor thing! Blood infections are nasty pants. The red line down your arm sounds particularly icky. I remember (settle down, kids, grandma's telling a story) I got a blood infection in Nepal, first sign was a pus-filled swelling on the tip of my finger... the solution was to go to a rural pharmacy and have my finger burst open with a syringe and be given antibiotics with the ingredients written in Nepali. I can't read Nepali and I'm allergic to penicillin... it was a fun day. Glad you're all patched up now though! xxx
from stepfordtart :
Oooch! Hope it all gets better soon....or, if not, can we see pictures?! ; ) s x
from pink-fairy :
I remember when you only just qualified as a stenographer! 4 years?! :O
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, funnily enough that is exactly what I've used my free time for! Well, that and soaking up the sun in a beer garden on the one day off I got this lovely bank holiday weekend... On a slightly different note, men are such strange creatures, they don't half make my head hurt. But on the other hand, if there were niggling little things in your head already then perhaps it's best it didn't go any further. Which I have no doubt that you already know, so I'm going to stop talking now.
from violetsmile :
Sorry to hear about you and Blackadder. Men are curious creatures. x
from portlypete :
Did you not know that the Foreign Office advise female travellers in Turkey to take the sick-bag with them as they leave the plane. It comes in very handy faced with chat-up lines like that! Sorry about the other stuff. All of it.
from portlypete :
Thanks for the various notes. In less than 24 hours, I alerady forgot my own password! What can I say - you're not missing anything.
from stepfordtart :
Oh but it IS, IT IS! They hate their own rubbishy money and ONLY want Euros! If you take lire then you get ripped off twice as they'll do some kind of weird double conversion thingy to give you a price and when you convert it back you've inadvertently been stiffed! Take your Euros, you wont have any trouble spending them - especially in tourist type places (ie bars!) s x
from student-bum :
Thanks :) If you could tell me where to find these nice ones, that'd be lovely... There are NONE in Scotland. NONE. Well, the ones I do know are either a) taken or b) way too much like my brother. Damn and blast it. xxx
from stepfordtart :
Mmmmm, Heidelberg! Havent been there in TOOOO long. Its lovely, isnt it?! s x
from student-bum :
Your rent scares me. I may be moving to London after graduation. Now I don't want to :'( xxx
from buffylass :
What a bunch of skanks - your rent is already mentally high! xx
from jaysthoughts :
Same advice I give everyone..and I don't say it in a tone of condemnation- If you don't want your heart to be broken consider yourself and whoever you eventually end up with .. to be worth waiting for. Because when you give such a tender part of yourself to someone who you can not give yourself wholly to, you will find over time that that's exactly what you're doing.. tearing off parts. And however pleasant at the time, in the long run.. always stings.
from student-bum :
In the immortal words of Monty Python... RUN AWAAAAAY! Man, I know how you feel. New Clark in my head is pictured as Evil Stuart (though I do hope he is considerably less Evil) xxx
from buffylass :
Thanks, lovely. Really liked your drawing, by the way xx
from sunbeams100 :
Wow, I love the drawing - you've clearly taken after Jill! Why have I never seen your art before?
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. The drawing is brilliant. I hope your 2011 will be as well. Sounds like you're off to a strong start. Take care.
from student-bum :
I'm always so jealous of people who can draw. There is certainly jealousy directed your way! Happy new year xxx
from buffylass :
Ugh, hopefully no horrible lasering will be necessary! Will keep you posted xx
from violetsmile :
Abso-bloody-lutely!!!!! If it's making you happy, go with it! I'm happy for you. And you're right about the weather! It may be cold, disruptive and a nuisance, but it's just so pretty and wonderful that you have to forgive it. It gives as much as it takes! Merry Christmas lovely! x
from pink-sapfire :
Thanks so much
from pink-sapfire :
I'll be adding you if that is okay
from violetsmile :
Boo for the twat!! But yay for the fumblette!! :-D
from shot-of-tea :
Ahh, thank you thank you Sarah :) Though that note did alarm me to think: we've both been on here for EIGHT YEARS?! Cuh-rikey. Hope your foot sorts itself out pronto, sounds vastly unpleasant!
from omfggwtf :
thank yooooou (: i'll look into it, xo
from sunbeams100 :
You should have rung me and stolen my birthdate, as I'm 22 for just under another 5 months. :) WTF FOOT BONE? How is that meant to heal on its own if a bit has actually chipped off? Explaaaain? :) I am puzzled Sarargh!
from stepfordtart :
I see your ouchy foot and raise you full-body muscle trauma (and footballers knee). Sadly I fear my 44 year old self may take a little longer to restore itself. May you be a-skippin and a-jumpin jolly soon, dear. s x
from violetsmile :
Hope your ouchy foot heals quickly! x
from portlypete :
Just catching up, but I feel I have to object on male=twat grounds ... On the other hand, you have a point. Male + C₂H₅OH = UTTER PLONKER! Trust me. Spots make for good foreplay - or is that just me?
from stepfordtart :
Me! I remember Monkey Magic! s x
from stepfordtart :
Hate to add insult to injury but the way you are holding your arms in that photo makes you look kind of deformed in a "Channel 5 - The Girl with the arm (and some extra lumpy bits) growing out of her back" kind of way. Get some Fucidin from the doctors for your spots? Works for Jooj. May you soon be healed and back to gorgeousness. s x
from student-bum :
Know how you feel about the spots. A few months back I had an allergic reaction (in the form of big, red, painful, pus-filled spots all over my chin and cheeks) to some face wash - took TWO MONTHS to go away. A worker on the street called me a 'minger' pretty much to my face. Not the best of times... Would it be bad taste to say 'chin up'? I fear it might be. You know what I mean though :P xxx
from stepfordtart :
Yep. Percy Sugden for deffo. s x
from violetsmile :
Indeed, that is NOT good enough! Twattery is acceptable, (nay, inevitable!) but not to that degree! That keyring looks very much like Corrie's Percy Sugden! x
from violetsmile :
I agree with Stepfordtart, don't dismiss him just for acting like a bit of a twat! Sweetheart, you'll never find one who doesn't do that from time to time! He's young and a man. Both of these conditions cause random uncontrollable twatty behaviour. If you enjoyed yourself going out with him before, then do it again. At least you'll be more prepared if he does turns into the Scarlet Pimpernel again. I think his "excuse" sounds fairly plausible. And it seems he's given it some thought and realised it was silly. So I say give him a second chance! Go out and have a fun evening! x
from portlypete :
Many thanks for the link - interesting. x
from stepfordtart :
I'd say Go. You liked him back then, he appears to have been a bit of a twat since. Man = Bit of a Twat is surely not a reason to discount him entirely? If we all did that, none of us would ever get married. Especially not twice. *ahem*. s x
from shot-of-tea :
Heeey there, just to inform you that I'm temporarily locked up, username: shots password: andtea
from skinnylizzie :
God, men, is there something on the Y chromosome that turns them all into spectacular douches? I can't remember how the date went before (sorry, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast!) but he sounds like a bit of an idiot to me. If he's intelligent enough to be doing that kind of job, surely he's clever enough to make up his own mind about what is or isn't appropriate with regards to his career? Mind you, having said that, I am forever agreeing to things I don't really want to do, or agree knowing that it is bad for me and my friends will kill me, so I haven't really got a leg to stand on here. I don't get him. Which is no help at all to you, but it made me feel better to say it! x
from julymalaise :
Hey Arnold is hands-down the best cartoon EVER. It's such a shame that they don't show any of the old cartoons on Nickelodeon anymore, not even on the digital channels! Now they show stupid shit like Peguins and Barnyard and stupid things! My favorite show is The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Is it true that they show old nick shows in England?
from stepfordtart :
posting pictures is a MUST. Please, dear! s x
from julymalaise :
That's so cool you are throwing a nineties' party. And when you say, Alex Mack, you mean The Secret World of Alex Mack? OMG!!!! That show is awesome!!! I love that show! Nickelodeon had the best shows back then, like Salute Your Shorts, Adventures of Pete and Pete, Hey Dude, and All That! So awesome! Now, they show stupid gay shows like Big Time Rush.... Well, have fun with the party! Put up some pics, will ya?
from violetsmile :
One of my favourite Diaryland entries ever! Thank you! Glad you had fun! Knew you would! x
from buffylass :
The penis bird-bath is the most horrifying thing I've seen in a while xx
from portlypete :
It's not like the tube-workers aren't paid a fffff....fortune anyway! Anyhoo, glad you liked the cafes in Amsterdam. I think, when I was there, I paid over the odds for a piece of (actual) chocolate cake, since it had zero effect on me. However, the full saga of my trip is not for public consumption. Still, one of your pics fulfilled a fantasy of mine - no, not you posing with a reasonably proportioned cock, or (again) you astride a large cannon, but Tim x-dressing as a dutchgirl. Mmmmmmm!
from stepfordtart :
*is jealous*. Dope, sex shows, no hills. Everything I expect for a successful weekend. Have heaps of fun - if Tim gets on your pip, shove him on the stage during audience participation and get the fuck out before he's noticed your gone. Blame your departure on too much weed and an urgent need for PopTarts. s x
from killsoft :
so you're agreeing that's how it will happen?
from killsoft :
you'll probably fuck his balls and then romanticize it.
from stepfordtart :
The spacecake will negate any homicidal tendancies, methinks. Cant guarantee what they will do to your ability to talk bollocks, eat piles of carbs and (possibly) get astonishingly horny in the blink of an eye, tho. Happy Holidays! s x
from theswordsman :
Sorry about your car:-( Although jumping into the passenger seat then doing a reenactment was a totally brill idea. The barrister obviously doesn't know a good thing when he kisses it in an alleyway. His loss. Take care.
from student-bum :
SIX FOOT FOUR?! I'm so jealous. Also: I propose that the Barrister should be re-dubbed Leisure Suit Larry. Because it would make me laugh like a twit every single time. xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Is there two of you under all of that, or can you just bend your arms in very special ways?! Or am I just looking at that picture in totally the wrong way? So many questions...and by the way, I very much enjoy reading about other people's romantic exploits, seeing as mine are about as exciting as staring at a blank wall all day long (incidentally, that is mostly what I have done today as well)
from stepfordtart :
You dont appear to have any sanitary towels stuck to you, nor any magic marker moustaches drawn on you. Your friends are much kinder than mine, human Buckeroo-wise. s x
from wombaby :
from figandflower :
SCORE! nice one. he sounds like a treat. here's to a second date. p.s. don't you dare stop writing about your love life.
from violetsmile :
I LOVE reading about your adventures, romantic or otherwise! I'm looking forward to the next installment!!
from student-bum :
Thanks, I will keep at it :) I really enjoy it, which is why I'm raging I'm having to rest for a few days. I'll have another go on Saturday or Sunday and see if it's any better - but my calf is still really sore and I'm still limping a bit. I was really starting to get into a routine, grr. Hopefully the weight thing isn't too important. I want to lose the flab around my stomach and get back down to 9st, which I was about 6 months ago (this term has made me comfort eat a bit...) - my clothes mostly feel a touch too tight! But the running should, eventually anyway, sort that out. xxx
from theswordsman :
I always enjoy reading about your life. I'm a bit concerned that he acts like married guys from television, but am sure you've checked. Congrats on the running, and good luck with this.
from stepfordtart :
And, of course, us 'old-marrieds' like to experience the trauma and agonies of dating vicariously through you! Keep up the good work! s x
from wombaby :
AWWW!! Yes I love reading the romantic updates, not in a creepy stalkery way, just in a "how nice to be reminded that people feel that way"!
from student-bum :
Keep with the romantic updates. My love life is about as exciting as... well, something not very exciting, so I am living vicariously through you. Despite the fact I am younger than you, and the previous sentence makes me sound about 60. xxx
from violetsmile :
Oh, and thank you so much for your lovely message! x
from violetsmile :
Unless he's an idiot, as well as a posh boy, of COURSE he'll love you for who you are!! He may be posh, but I bet you he has his own outrageous and shameful anecdotes to share!! Have fun!
from stepfordtart :
Unless you are EXCEPTIONALLY good at keeping 'work personality' apart from 'outside work personality', I'd guess that he asked you out BECAUSE he knows what you're like and not DESPITE it. Have a jolly splendid time and get over here pronto afterwards to spill the beans. s x
from portlypete :
Undoubtedly, he's discovered your pics on here, and realises what a class act you are. Was it the sripey socks or the plastic rake that swung it I wonder. - Happy as Larry's much more cheerful brother for you.
from wombaby :
:D indeed!
from stepfordtart :
In your honour I am doing a dance which is a curious hybrid of the HappyHappyJoyJoy dance and the one that Garth does in Waynes World to "Foxy", with a bit of Salt 'n' Pepa "Push It" thrown in for good measure. Be impressed. s x
from violetsmile :
I'm so glad you're happy! But now I want the moon on a plate with gold sprinkles! I didn't even know I wanted it before!
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah! Great photos, and glad to hear you're having a grand time. I'm not even going to ask if my fish prediction came true. Just noticed you're using sitemeter, which gets blocked by NoScripts in my Firefox. Just wanted to let you know I never miss one of your lovely entries even if my computer is all Nninja. (I just gave it a minute off to prove I'm not a bot or something, not that being a bot might not be an improvement). Have a great week. I'm going to a psychic octopus for a reading next week:)
from sunbeams100 :
I assume bedroom is an oh so subtle code for sex? :) I love this party idea, I may have to steal it one day! How did your friend get up/down the scaffolding though?! I felt woried just looking at the photo!
from portlypete :
If Captain Tim had taken the time to draw on some Jack Sparrow style facial hair, who knows what kind of YoHoHo may have ocurred!
from stepfordtart :
Splendid pics! Why were you wearing a rake? *snigger*. Oh, and Dreamy Tim = Nommy Nom NOM! Although, as a mummie, I feel morally obliged to say "That scaffolding looks very dangerous - come down now, before you hurt yourself." s x
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. I just read that the Queen will be in New York Tuesday, so hopefully New Yorkers will repay your kindness by helping her with the subway tokens and stops:)
from student-bum :
I also like portlypete's suggestion below.
from student-bum :
If I were going to your party I would go as Paul the World Cup-predicting octopus (i.e. attach four sausage-shaped balloons to my person and come inside a giant box with a German flag on it). You see, this is why I don't get invited to parties. xxx
from portlypete :
Given your current state, you could go as a lobster, or a wreck. Otherwise, what about a Nauti-lass?
from portlypete :
Who cares what Rob McElwee says: I never understand half of it anyway; (I couldn't tell my Altocumulus from my Stratus fractus). Either which way, I predict a 'Grapes of Wrath' style drought! Take plenty of water and, maybe, an equal quantity of Whisky to dilute it. And, to be frank, The Weather Pixie is zero help these days - zap that mother! Of course, I may be wrong about the forecast, in which case, I look forward to the pictures of naked mud-wrestling! Above all, have a great time. I look forward to the details (+ pics).
from omfggwtf :
why thank you! (: xo.
from omfggwtf :
you have a really good taste in music! and i like your diary :) i'm going to add you! xo.
from skinnylizzie :
Oh God, I'm so sorry, I can't believe anybody actually read that. I should not be allowed to write anything down when I have had a few. People spend three minutes talking to me at the moment and then have to go away and kill themselves, I am being that morose, I can only apologise for wasting a few precious minutes of your life! I need to stop drinking, plan.
from stepfordtart :
Court drawings fascinate me - not least because they actually EXIST as a concept in the 21st century. I saw something on TV about them once, about how lots of the content is drawn from memory and it just astonished me. Fab. s x
from skinnylizzie :
Fanks mate, hope you had a good birthday xx
from portlypete :
I only managed 5 before the wheezing got too bad.
from portlypete :
**** I missed your BIG day - but then you missed mine too. And the good news is - nobody bought you a motorcycle for your birthday!
from theswordsman :
Happy Birthday!!! Sorry about the crash, though. Back when I had a bike, I used to like to sprint around corners and things. One night I got going fast and turned onto a road at a ninety degree angle, not realizing that on that particular evening it was so hot the oil had bubbled up through the white rocks. As the expression goes, I took it on the chin. I passed the doctor's office on the way home, wishing I had money for stitches. I hope your lovely, sixteen year old looking face heals quickly, and you have a wonderful day/year.
from portlypete :
I feel your pain re the loss of Tony. It reminds me of when I had dispose of my own dear, deceased Goldie via the sanitary system. It's not a happy time - have you ever tried to flush a golden retriever down the lav? An old gag, but none the worse for that! ps I don't think my nerves will stand the stress of another of your torrid love affairs.
from theswordsman :
My condolences. It's not your fault - that's why Petsmart gives 7 day guarantees. At least he was able to pass on in a loving home instead of a crowded store tank. Take care
from shot-of-tea :
Gary and Tony, brilliant choices! Please get a Dorothy and Deborah tank next :)
from theswordsman :
Congrats on the new additions, and on the house that you like. Since there are wagers on this, I'll share that the key to fishy survival is to know what's in the water. When I first bought fish, I got the lecture that I could let water sit out so chlorine would evaporate, or else add drops. I used the drops, but didn't know until many cheap fish later that my water also has ammonia. Once I bought the chloramins drops, life was golden. I still miss my Jack Dempsey cichlid, Nnanji, who knew when I was in the room. I'd hold his food on a plastic spoon and he'd jump halfway out of the water to hit it with his nose and send the flakes flying. Good times. And my prediction is the day after you leave for Glastonbury:-)
from student-bum :
You're rubbish for liking May, it's the worst month of the year! :P (I suspect that when I graduate and no longer have exams every May that will change. But for now I'm going to be bitter until the 19th, bah humbug.) xxx
from shot-of-tea :
Thank you Sarah, that was a really helpful note :) It just feels like once people have stopped asking the "How are you feeling?" question (which you actually wish they'd stop asking when they are asking it), you should probably be over it because everyone else is. But this is my first time so I will gladly take your assurance that I'm not a sap (or not too much of a sap, anyway). Hope you're doing okay, and that the mental round of applauses keep coming regularly!
from stepfordtart :
whats the emoticon for *is jealous*? s x
from portlypete :
Haven't they finished that bloody church yet? Thanks for the note of some time back. I don't do "legal stuff" - "criminal", maybe, but I appreciate the thought. Good to see that smile again too. ;-)
from shot-of-tea :
Haha, don't worry, I don't really think 26 is old. It is just our way of soothing her damaged ego. However, the boyfriend IS only 19 so you can see why we're all being a bit 'puh, can't she find someone her OWN age, pervert' etc etc :)
from sunbeams100 :
The cracking occured, I'd finished it by 5:30pm. :) Now I just need to add a few (2...I'll add more later!) secondary sources and email it to my supervisor!
from sunbeams100 :
Your Sam entry just made me cry. :( I'm glad she's at rest now, poor girl.
from buffylass :
The funeral sounded horrifically hard going, and I'm sending you lots of love and hugs xx
from theswordsman :
I read on the rare instance that someone writes:) Ahem. Happy Easter - hope you had good weather and were able to go for a bike ride. Take care.
from portlypete :
"Things Can Only Get Better" should be our National Anthem.
from violetsmile :
What a rollercoaster of emotions you're going through at the moment! I'm glad you have the holiday to look forward to. You'll need it! I hope life is calmer and more peaceful when you come back. At least for a while! I'm so glad you're feeling brighter after recent shittiness! And I really hope you have a fun time at the wedding. The funeral will no doubt be hard for you, but in some ways it may be some closure on what has been a terrible ordeal. Then, go to Barcelona and just completely let go! Use the holiday to wash off all the turmoil you've been through, and are going through! Relax, have fun, be free. It's exactly what you need! xx
from stepfordtart :
D'land is being a bit of a cock at the mo, so you might find people have updated and you just cant see the updates. If you suspect that might be right, click on their archives and hit refresh. You should then be able to see if you've missed anything. Some of my buddies have been 'stuck' on the same page since March 13th, despite updating pretty much every day since then. Its a pain in the arse. s x
from violetsmile :
Oh sweetheart! I really feel for you! It WILL get better!! It will!! But I do know how much you're hurting at the moment! I wish I had some wise or comforting words, but sadly I have neither! I can only tell you I'm thinking of you and sending you big virtual hugs! xxx
from figandflower :
xx so sorry, sarah :( time heals everything. but right now, i'm feeling for you xoxo
from blujeans-uk :
I am so sorry for your hurt. I hope you have lots of real (as in non-internet!) friends to give you hugs and support until it feels less raw x
from for-tart :
I bet better men are already lining up to have a chance of spending time with you. Hang in there. Time does heal a broken heart. Really!
from skinnylizzie :
I am sending you such a big fishy hug right now (and everybody knows fishy hugs are the best kind of hugs). I read a story in Closer this week about a woman who married a ship after giving up on men; I laughed at the time but now I'm beginning to think she had the right idea, the mad loon. Buy yourself the most enormous bar of chocolate you can get your hands on and dip it in a cup of might not stop your heart from breaking but it doesn't half cheer you up for a good five minutes :) xxx
from random-ditto :
Sorry for randomly popping up here, but just wanted to say I hope you're ok m'lady. There are probably a multitude of ways to describe the situation, but I'll go for a simple 'rubbish.' I was really surprised to read what happened... you really deserved to be happy. Hope you've found plenty of ways to try & distract yourself this weekend xXx
from stepfordtart :
Meh. How rubbish. Totally his loss, of course. May you begin to feel slightly less crummy very soon. s x
from shot-of-tea :
How massively shit, I'm sorry it didn't work out :( It's entirely his loss, hope you're feeling better soon.
from buffylass :
Oh Sarah I'm so, so sorry and I hope that you're doing okay xx
from wombaby :
Aww Sarah I'm so sorry *hugs*.
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. Transatlantic hugs. That's rubbish. I hope you can get through the move, and maybe the excitement of a new place might help just a bit. I don't have many readers these days, so it's easy to keep track of friends on my stats counter. Would you have been reading around 2:23 A.M. your time on Thursday, or might he have been there and in your diary? Seemed an odd time. Take care of yourself. You're a great girl and there will be another guy for you when you're ready.
from student-bum :
*huuuuuuge hugs*
from wombaby :
Otters so *cute*!!
from saara687 :
It's been 6 years since I last had a relationship, and I was really wondering if I'd ever find someone again... so I understand your "attitude" perfectly. Congrats on the new relationship. :) Falling in love is the best feeling, in the world.
from buffylass :
Ha! I'm not sure if that's better or worse than my dad thinking that I was obviously having a lesbian affair with Lisa after moving in with her xx
from buffylass :
Oh Sarah, I'd gotten so used to your usual brand of flippancy and self-deprecation and then you go and write a whole PARAGRAGH on feelings and stuff and knock me all off kilter! So, so happy that you've found such a lovely boy though, you thoroughly deserve it for being so ace xx
from vanoonoo :
great to see a picture of stuart! lovely to hear your newses :) xxx
from buffylass :
Thanks, my love :) thankfully I'm now on the mend. Can I just say that you're looking as lovely as ever. AND I see that you were watching awful awful Take Me Out, and have managed to capture an image of the desperate one with the fringe and teeth that says yes to EVERY SINGLE MAN THAT THEY HAVE ON. Well done! xx
from theswordsman :
Sorry I missed it. The guy on justintv normally streams Celebrity Big Brother, but he switched to MHL for the live week. I don't have any place to watch it otherwise. Have a great week.
from sunbeams100 :
I have genuinely always thought it was called the '2p fools.' I assume this is thanks to Ben and Adam? I shall correct myself from now on. :) Glad you had such a good New Years, we should have a London meetup sometime soon, although maybe not until the weekend tubes go back to normal which may never actually happen...!
from theswordsman :
Yep, wrong guy. I'm glad too, because this one seems a bit thick and is constantly being yelled at.
from theswordsman :
It's OK, he came back:)
from theswordsman :
Dude, your BF has just gone missing. Link below
from theswordsman :
It got good last night - they had someone breaking dishes, and knock over a chair, and people at home watching the 4 webcams claim to sense names and see people doing things and warning about dark presences meant to do the cast harm. If you want to check it out, it goes for 2 or 3 hours up until midnight this week. Here's where I watch. Take care. It's not live right now, but I don't think you need the bit after the 2.
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. The football league continues to shut down online feeds, which makes trying to watch games too frustrating, so over the weekend I went to my Celebrity Big Brother connection, and they moved on to MHL. I watched it until your midnight both nights. Last night got a bit action-packed, which, as people in the chat room will tell you, means "cut to a commercial, quick!" I'll probably follow the rest of the week, trying to figure out why she thought the ghost did two knocks for yes without her requesting that in advance. Is it a common knowledge thing I should learn before I kick off? Have a great week.
from saara687 :
*waves back* :)
from wombaby :
I really enjoyed We Need To Talk About Kevin too. The twist at the end is ... twisted.
from portlypete :
Dear Evil Knievel, have a great Christmas.
from wombaby :
Ooh happy belated Alexmas!
from antom :
Diary is now unlocked :)
from stepfordtart :
The sushi looks fab! I have bought the stuff for Jooj and will let you know how she gets on. I know, if it were me making it, that I would stop after the rolling process and not slice it into neat portions. I would just stuff it end-on into my cavernous gob, like a big japanesey sausage roll. Yum. S X
from mrbilly :
Nearly all the witches in the back row were men, it's so funny! How could they not find women extras for that film!? I also love how the dubbing is so badly done. I used to watch the bit where the pram is rolling down the hill over and over and over and over. And yes, Anjelica looks amazing. The scariest bit for me was when poor Bruno turned into a mouse. Still freaks me out to this day! Bruno's dad is the best character in that film by miles. You're doomed old woman... YOU'RE DOOMED FOREVER!!
from mrbilly :
The Witches is fantastic. I know that whole film off by heart. Plus I well fancy the witch who sits in the front row with a mustard coloured dress on. I suppose she's about 50 now though.
from stepfordtart :
If you bought a big enough mat, you can probably use it to sleep on too, once you're homeless. Im dead helpful, me. Can you let me know how you get on with the sushi making? I want to get my daughter (14) a kit for Christmas - she's good at cookery, but a bit cack-handed so Im hesitating at the mo. thanks awfully. s x
from julymalaise :
awww.. thanks hun.
from violetsmile :
Hugs! xx
from portlypete :
Parents! Who'd have 'em, eh? Still, chin up - oh, maybe not. I hope today was a better day.
from julymalaise :
Ahahah... cool pics!
from portlypete :
Thanks. ps I'm a sucker for a girl with a moustache.
from stepfordtart :
Please dont! My boss will only fill them with more fucking pointless meetings for me to attend. Boo Hoo. s x
from stepfordtart :
*gasp* How did you stop yourself from suggesting some kind of Twins Threesome type thingy? I secretly like Jarvis....although I suspect he is a bit of a twat. Him and Russell Brand. And Boris Johnson. s x
from portlypete :
For once red-eye just adds to the overall effect.
from skinnylizzie :
Okay, that is hands down THE best costume I have ever seen in my life. I am officially inspired for Halloween now!
from figandflower :
so sorry to hear about your friend. that kind of thing tends to come out of nowhere and its completely dreadful and scary when it does. i don't know how big it was in the news, but john surtee's son henry died in a freak car racing accident this summer and my family happens to be really good friends with them; my mother and his are best friends. i haven't seen them for years and years, since we moved to the US, but my mom texted me just as i sat down to see a movie in the theater and it was horrible. thinking of you xoxo katherine
from violetsmile :
I'm so sorry about Sam! I don't read Diaryland very often now, so I missed your entry. Hope you're ok! x Thanks for explaining the Chuckle Brothers dress-up!! I saw the photo on facebook and really did wonder!!!! ;-) x
from vanoonoo :
so sad to hear about sam - I tried to leave a message after the original entry but I think diaryland was sulking with me for not writing an entry of my own for ages. or something. anyway, *huggles* p.s. great news about stuart :) wait - not great that he is going away but great news that things are going well and you are having fun and everything about it is making you so happy I met liam in the middle of a spell of "dating" and look what happened there! lol thinking happy thoughts for you and sending vibes for strength to sam's mom xx
from mister-ed :
i am sorry about your friend. what a thing to happen.
from julymalaise :
I'm glad I could comfort you, and you are right, diaryland friends always feel like real friends to me, diaryland friends are friends for life.
from stepfordtart :
squueeeee! A little 'happy' never did anyone any harm, dear, especially in the middle of a pile of 'awful'. Im sure Sams mum would like copies of the pictures - why not send a condolence note and mention that you have them, that way its a bit less 'out of the blue' if you do decide to send them on. s x
from wombaby :
Do not feel guilty! Life has to go on. And he does sound a bit exciting :)
from julymalaise :
That is so horrible what happened to your friend, Sam. I send out my condolences to you. This kid I knew died, he got hit by a trolley cart and it was two days after our annual dance. Everyone cried. It was really sad.
from stepfordtart :
Oh! How horrible. My sympathies to you, dear, and may your friend always be remembered with joy by those who knew her. s x
from lannylee :
I am so sorry to hear about your friend, I know this is unlikely, but if there is anything I can do please let me know.
from skinnylizzie :
I don't think there's a word good enough to describe some of the evil that exists in this world; that is just horrific. Like you said, hopefully she is at peace now xxx
from student-bum :
Oh that's awful. Really puts everything in perspective. I hope you're doing ok xxx
from wombaby :
I am sorry to hear that - I read yesterday that she was from Stevenage and hoped she wasn't someone you knew. Hope you are ok.
from buffylass :
Hope that you're doing okay, my love xx
from sunbeams100 :
:D I felt like I should write something, mostly out of fear that my account could be deleted if it became inactive! I read about your David Mitchell love affair - come on MSN some time and tell me more about him? :)
from buggerthat :
Is there another Cardiff? I remember the union as a pokey little dive, with a bar the size of my front room. Has it moved to new premises? I was there for three years and it only rained once - from the day I arrived to the day I left. And there used to be a joke - someone sent two samples of the local beer to a lab to be analysed. The results came through: "neither horse is fit for work". So, hugely awful beer but very pretty women I recall. The sheep were alluring too - hey, we were young, we were free ... It was all a long time ago.
from stepfordtart :
I was about to say "Did you shag him yet?" and then remembered that you are a cyber-friend and therefore worthy of respect, unlike my real life friends who just get hours and hours of impertinent questions until they spill the beans. My apologies! I havent done life drawing for years and years and years....I never used to have a problem with it but these days I think I would just get the horn. I am a saddo. s x
from theswordsman :
I can decipher that one the vodka just affected two letters. What you meant to type was: "I'm worried about the amount of sleep I'm expected to lose." Just kidding, you were definitely thinking about sheep:)
from wtng4lezlie :
If you had yahoo I'd probably talk to you on it, you limey. =D
from wtng4lezlie :
from buffylass :
Ha, did wonder if you were somewhat inebriated when writing the first one! How did the date go?? Sorry, I am very nosey (please please still answer the question though!) xx
from buffylass :
*That should be where to go, obviously!
from buffylass :
You're so sweet, thankyou! I was thinking about you as I took my beta-blocker beforehand too, for obvious reasons! They're the greatest things ever; I don't know how anyone can hold the nerves in without them. Totally dreading going in a car on my own though - how do people drive without someone telling them where to do?? xx
from theswordsman :
from stepfordtart :
You are TOTALLY allowed to date two guys. Even in UK-shire I believe that kind of thing is OK these days. Enjoy. Feast at the smorgasbord of boys until you find a little canape that doesnt make you want to spit up into a napkin, and dont worry about looking greedy - the girls on diets of 'one and one only' are missing the opportunity to taste something new! s x
from theswordsman :
You should post your dates on twitter just so we can keep up, and so you don't miss any out when you get around to Dland. You could even post a twitpic of the lucky guy and the view. Have you acquired any good "souvenirs" lately? (As in shiny things, not date-related).
from portlypete :
Do you only ever date guys who could double for TV celebs?
from wombaby :
Ooh where else did you live? Hurray for living the dream and good first dates.
from stepfordtart :
My mum once came round to see how I was as I'd been 'a bit poorly' and promptly called an ambulance for me. I was 31. Thats what mums do. Mind you, as I spent the following month in hospital I guess she was right for once! look forward to treating my own children like..erm...children well into their dotage! Feel better soon, sinus infections are shit. s x
from wombaby :
"A good intention is better than no intention at all" - I LIKE that! (how long before Diaryland gets a "like" button?)
from buggerthat :
Much enjoying your diary.
from julymalaise :
Aww...sweat. It makes it only much more better...LOL.
from shot-of-tea :
Prague looks lovely, I have a massive attraction to European city breaks and that may just have to be added to my list. Reading was brilliant, by the way! We made a boo-boo by camping by a pathway, I knew we shouldn't but we were so exhausted we just dropped as soon as we saw a space big enough for us. All was well though and a fabulous time was had :)
from julymalaise :
Love tha picture, am I the only one who thought the guard was totally cute? LOL. Glad you had a great time, though. Seems like you had some wild fun. I totally cracked up at that people dressed as Michael Jackson.
from buggerthat :
Good answer - and they say romance is dead. Glad you had a great break in Prague. When you spoke to the waiter in his native tongue, did the Czech look blank? (Enough already!)
from theswordsman :
It looks like a really fun vacation. Thanks for sharing. I can't help but notice the surly guard is leaning towards you at a ten degree angle:) A sudden crosswind would have knocked him right over. Take care.
from portlypete :
Your truly atrocious pun just about takes the biscuit. Still, he's safely locked away until he falls ill and gets released on compassionate grounds.
from portlypete :
He sure is one scary looking individual. His picture is even worse than my passport photo.
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you so much for your note, I do appreciate it, more than I can say x
from portlypete :
Explanation: I yawned so hard (reading my own diary) that I had to spend a month with my jaw in traction; I was abducted by aliens from the planet Pinh@nez@; my dog ate my password ... On another issue, (you'll have to think back awhile) you were right, and I shouldn't have worried. However, O@dby will be the poorer for it. Sorry to obfuscate.
from violetsmile :
Oooo, I'm going to be all concious of my status from now on!! In case I'm the subject of Strawberrri style ridicule!! Lol! ;-)
from buffylass :
Oh thank God for that, I was wondering if I was being too hard on her! xx
from shot-of-tea :
Hahaha, mothers are officially the funniest things ever (with the exception of Men Behaving Badly ;)). Glad things are so chipper at the moment, let's hope this lasts for a very long time!
from theswordsman :
Is he hotter than Hugh Laurie, or hotter than House M.D.? Lucky bastard.
from stepfordtart :
Stevenage to Devon? Be sure to wave to me as you pass through Hants! s x
from julymalaise :
Oh my gosh! I never knew that! That's horrible, but I hope everything will go well soon.
from buffylass :
Really sorry to hear about your granddad - and hope that the visit goes okay - but yay for finding a lovely boy! xx
from julymalaise :
Congrads on the boy!! Lol, and you know someone with swine flu? Like how serious is it? Just wondering. Have a nice day.
from julymalaise :
Congrads on the boy!! Lol, and you know someone with swine flu? Like how serious is it? Just wondering. Have a nice day.
from skinnylizzie :
PS: And just so I don't end this note-leaving episode on a morose note, hurrah for the new love interest!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh God, I wanted to weep when I read the paragraph about your granddad, because less than an hour ago I walked in my front door from going down to Devon on an unexpected two day trip because my poor senile nan keeps having mini strokes and has been admitted to a community hospital. Me and my brother took my mum down so she wasn't alone, but I couldn't go in and see my nan, I didn't want to walk in there and see her covered in bruises and look at me like I was a stranger but...oh bum, I should save this for an entry. I just wanted to let you know that I know exactly how you feel. And also, Devon is extremely rainy so take a brolly! x
from stepfordtart :
Dementia is fucking hard to deal with. I talk to people every day who are dealing with a loved one who has dementia. ((squeeze)) to you. L's dad (Alzheimers sufferer) likes to talk about his days as a jazz drummer in the 50s...but cant remember what he had for breakfast this morning. My very best wishes for you visit (and your new *ahem* 'interest'). s x
from wombaby :
That sucks about your Granddad. Not surprising that you're not looking forward to seeing him. But at least you have good memories of him - keep hold of those. However - hooray for the NewPotentialBoy!
from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help!
from wombaby :
Thanks! I think I was actually more worried about how I'd react/cope than about the actual results, and turns out it's not so bad. How's your swine flu? I hope it hasn't developed fully.
from stepfordtart :
Eeeuw. He is ONE scuzzy fucker! Feel better soon, dear, and thanks for the nice comment about me in your buddylist - most unexpected! s x
from julymalaise :
Yes, it's a perfect read for summer!
from julymalaise :
I checked out some of your authors and I saw that you were interested in the "Girl With The Pearl Earring." I am reading it right now, it's pretty delightful.
from julymalaise :
Of course you can add me and thanks for letting me add you, hahahaha.
from skinnylizzie :
That's exactly what I had, except my raging sore throat happened to be tonsillitis as well. In fact, that's why I haven't updated in ten days, because as soon as my throat was feeling better I got hit by the world's most debilitating cold (and you know where I work, so I'm sure you can guess how useful that was this past weekend with our joyous biannual events). But never fear, because I'm still alive! Still full of phlegm and other fun things, but alive nonetheless! I hope you make a speedy recovery though, and hopefully less people will treat you like a swine flu leper than they have me. Bastards.
from julymalaise :
Wow, cool diary, I was just sulking around diaryland today and I found your diary. I really like it. May I add you, yo seem so cooooooool!
from shot-of-tea :
Men Behaving Badly RULES THE WORLD. My dad had the entire DVD boxset, but I worry he might have left it in the old house with the Wicked Stepmother. I hope not though, because I developed a real hankering to watch it after seeing Martin Clunes on Top Gear. And I feel the need to educate R, as he has never seen it. I watched it from a probably wrong age too, but the same can be said of Gimme Gimme Gimme and whatnot.
from theswordsman :
OK, the stairway pic was kind of hot, but what in God's Green Earth is that you're up to in the woods? Yoga? Ritualistic sacrifice? Striptease for hobbits? Take care. And "what's in the washing machine?" could be a party game if there's too many people for Guitar Hero
from stepfordtart :
"Proper" entry? WTF was wrong with that one? s x
from stepfordtart :
That clerk's a scuzz. Fab Glasto pics (although still not enough to actually make me want to go there) - L says the only way he will ver go is if he's "ON the fucking stage, not LOOKING at it over the heads of stinky hippies". I dont think he meant you. s x
from theswordsman :
Ron Weasley has the swine flu! If you hear an ice cream truck, ride like the wind the other direction! Hope you had a great time at Glastonbury, and I look forward to hearing about it. Take care.
from wombaby :
Get out of jail free, or get out of court free?
from sunbeams100 :
Haha dress trappage, I never buy dresses unless they are elasticated at the top or have a zip/buttons, due to fear of this very event! :) You look lovely in ze photos, regardless of being trapped! And yay, Clerk!
from vanoonoo :
awww maaaan - that's made me so homesick! :)
from violetsmile :
Oooohhhh!! You used your camera in an underground station!!!! I'm telling!!!! Lol!! ;-) You look fabulous!!! x
from wombaby :
That made me smile! I'm glad. And re Stepfie's joke below, I had to read that three times before I got it - and I'm sure I've seen it before!
from theswordsman :
Yeah, I've been trying to get him to fix the recently updated by alphabet feature for months. It hasn't changed. If someone who runs a website asks for help and promises one person will be rewarded for it, he should keep his promise. It's like the time my Golds Gym got us to sign up for a 12 week challenge with fabulous prizes, then never ended the thing. One of the trainers talked trash behind my back when I raised the issue about 14 weeks in. Have a great weekend.
from theswordsman :
I'm glad you're feeling better. If you end up at the doctor for a check-up or something else later, you should probably still mention it. I tried the one season of Big Brother UK but it's way different than the American version. The one I had my TV crush on was forced to act like she was married, and she got kicked off. Otherwise there were too many psychos screaming, and I'm not used to a steady stream of cursing on TV. I might get red enough to take a look. Right now I'm working my way through Kingdom.
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. How are you doing? Your symptoms sounded pretty scary. I hope you've gotten back to normal with no further problems. Take care
from stepfordtart :
Seems like evryone else got there before me on a the medical stuff so I'll just go with the lame jokes instead: Chocolate otter? We Used to have a Water otter. We called it 'a kettle'. You may now hit me with something hard. s x
from vanoonoo :
belated happy birfday! re the weird feeling - you might be a bit dehydrated with the warm weather so it could be affecting all sorts of things - I think getting an overall checkup wouldnt go amiss - blood pressue, fasting blood sugar and thyroid maybe depending if you have any other symptoms. Until then, make sure you are drinking enough water (2 litres per day minimum, but don't over do it either) and make sure you are having breakfast, lunch and dinner plus some fruit in between as snax report back soon please! reagrds Dr Noo xx (I am not a doctor by the way - just a hypocondriac!)
from blacksheet :
My aunt is hypoglycemic and describes something similar when her blood sugar is low. . You mentioned it went away after you were home and ate something.. Do you have any of these symptoms?
from student-bum :
Could be low blood pressure? Would explain the dizziness and being spaced out. Heat also affects low blood pressure, so the recent hot weather could have triggered it. My blood pressure is on the low side, and I get randon dizzy/spaced out spells but luckily they only last a few minutes at a time. Thanks for the well-wishes :) I promise to get a letter out to you - can't guarentee there'll be a way to reply but if there is I'll let you know, it'll most likely be when I'm in Nepal because at least I'll be in the same place for more than a week!
from stepfordtart :
Hope you had/are having a lovely birthday - its L's tomorrow and I shall take great delight in telling him he is easily old enough to be your dad. s x
from skinnylizzie :
Happy birthday! Cor, mid twenties, I remember first reading your diary whilst you were still at uni, and what's even worse, that was such a long time ago now that I can even be nostalgic about it! I'm blithering now. Hope you've had a brilliant day and are enjoying your evening :) x
from student-bum :
Pete's suggestion may actually be good for the burn... Anyway. I particularly enjoyed your last photo :D And happy birthday for tomorrow, hope you have a wonderful and sunburn-free day xxx
from portlypete :
Loving the camouflage legs. Only useful if you want to hide in an enormous tub of raspberry ripple though. Have a great day.
from keithturtle :
Happy Birthday S! Have a great day off - picked a good one.
from buffylass :
Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Secondly, I was going to make a patronising comment about how you should join a much more high-brow dating agency, like Guardian Soulmates (special place in my heart, if no one else's), but then I remembered the weird Swedish guy who kept asking me to marry him through it, so maybe there are freaks in every batch xx
from wombaby :
Happy birthday!
from theswordsman :
Once I win the lottery and have finished eating icing, I'm going to have a fancy cycling jersey made for you with "Honk if you're Ron Weasley" emblazoned across the back.
from theswordsman :
We'll see if I've got the time difference right as I wait for the top of the hour to hit send. Happy Birthday!!! Doves fly, balloons float, novelty noisemakers buzz and many bells are rung by clever dogs! I hope you have a brilliant day with a nice bike ride and no one grabbing your leg (unless you want them to).
from buffylass :
Mmm Kimberley has got a lovely face. God, need to keep the lesbian tendencies under check. Driving lesson wasn't quite as hideous this week, though I nearly crashed into the car I was parallel parking behind. Only 97 more lessons needed! xx
from stepfordtart :
I was grimacing at the mix cd - long before I got to the BDSM! in fact, I couldve coped better with the BDSM than the mix cd. What did it have on it? Anything truly laughable? Any Kenny G? Milli Vanilli? James Blunt? s x
from student-bum :
Primary school teacher? Bondage and fetish?! MIX CD?! Good god woman. You managed to attract a right nutter there. But it made me laugh.
from vanoonoo :
hahah your dating stuff reminds me of the ones I went on the summer before I met Liam - it's truely hilarious to look back on - I promise - just not so much fun when you are in the moment! Good luck with number 3 :) Vx
from antom :
I feel enlightened... now I know what to spot if I ever need to find me a Gemini - low eyebrows ahoy!
from stepfordtart :
There are many shitty things about being married, and one or two good things. One of the good things is that you DONT HAVE TO DATE ANY MORE!!!!! Yaaaaaaay! I was always a bit rubbish at it, if Im honest. Mind you, back in my serious (pre Aids) dating days, you generally were expected to shag em anyway, whether you fancied em or not. *shudders at hideous remembrance of shags-gone-by*. Best of luck to you, dear! s x
from skinnylizzie :
Heh thank you, I look forward to the day when I can once again walk without a hobble! I really am special, and not in the good way either...x
from stepfordtart :
The red ones have got a sort of drawstring thingy on the waist and round the legs and the black and white ones are identical, with roll-up legs and just an ordinary waistband (with belt loops). If you want em, they're yours - email me an address and I'll stick em in a jiffy bag for you. s x
from portlypete :
Of course! I should have thought of you as the expert on that particular fruit. You like Lidl lots don't you? I don't think there's a store near me though. Eurovision was entertaining for all the wrong reasons.
from stepfordtart :
If you still wish for something Lidl-y and fishy, try the smoked trout fillets (in the chiller), they're fucking delicious. s x
from blujeans-uk :
HA!! That made me laugh so much!!
from stepfordtart :
Ha! I am laughing at the re-telling. Truly that is an awesome sneeze. s x
from portlypete :
You should checkout Richmond Park which is cycle heaven as the cars crawl along at twenty and are expecting hazards such as random deer and accident-prone cyclists to veer into their path. If you can get there in the next few weeks, Isabella Plantation is a firework display of azalea and rhododendron blossom, complete with pretty tinkling streams (oh, and half the population of W.London). Then, maybe, pedal across to Pembroke Lodge for afternoon tea. It has the best views over Richmond and London.
from portlypete :
delete / ignore, I have the answer now.
from wombaby :
Ah, why is it that the prettiest parts of Norfolk are all but inaccessible by public transport. I wouldn't worry too much about the keys, but I would change the locks. It seems unlikely that someone's taken a copy of the keys, but if the keys were missing and they didn't use that opportunity to burgle the flat ...
from portlypete :
from portlypete :
from skinnylizzie :
I am about a million years late in coming here to say this, but I hope you're okay and all good things. I know you said it was the right thing to do but like you also said (I'm just repeating your entry back at you now, why do I do this?) it's still never easy to finish things with somebody. Hope you enjoyed your time with Rachel as well!
from buffylass :
Good job well done, Sarah, in regards to the Gav thing. You're a good egg xx
from stepfordtart :
Aaaaand relaxxxxx. Well done. Im sure it was the right thing to do - especially if you managed to do it without punches being thrown or anyones stuff getting put in the blender. Jolly grown up of you. s x
from wombaby :
Ah, the taste of lead shot. I'm glad he took it well and I'm glad you feel it was the right decision. Now have lots of chocolate!
from buffylass :
It's okay, I've just about forgiven you for forgetting about the glorious day of my birth. As for Gav, well, overlapping friends etc does make it messy to split up, so I can see why you're hesitating. No one has the right to judge you anyway, and knobs to anyone who does. Hope you managed your bike ride! xx
from shot-of-tea :
I'm on the school computers and tried to read your diary, but the proxy blocked it under 'pornography' :) I wonder..!
from theswordsman :
Wait - are women in general against the whole snails in the shoe lark, or is it just a personal idiosyncrasy of yours? It's still hilarious and endearing the first time it happens, and just gets predictable a few months in? I really need to know as this could affect all future (and possibly imaginary) relationships. I hope you get great weather for your long weekend, and if you spot Ron Weasley's ice cream truck whilst riding your bicycle, please tell him I said "hey". Happy Easter
from stepfordtart :
*tssk* What's the point of telling us if we cant judge/pontificate/offer unwanted advice/generally fucking well piss you off? You're no fun. Oh, and HAPPY EASTER!! May you stuff yourself silly with chocolate. s x
from student-bum :
If you're not happy with him you're not happy with him. In the words of Alexandr the Meerkat, "simples". A plague on anyone who judges you! xxx
from sunbeams100 :
I'm so crap with reading entries that I didn't even know you were thinking of breaking up with Gaz, as our MSN convo the other day may have implied. What's gone wrong m'lovely? Also - you used to fish outside your garden? I thought that stream was random and non inhabited?! I remember a football falling in there once, I think we followed it through a trail or something?!
from wombaby :
A lot of sense, and finding a good (or rather, least bad) time to split up with someone is hard!
from wombaby :
If you're unhappy with Gaz, is there a reason why you're still with him?
from student-bum :
Oh noes! :(
from wombaby :
I don't see how you've come across as deceitful. Don't lose hope!
from student-bum :
According to the decay of society that is Twitter, Stephen Fry is currently (or was very, very recently) in Bali. Which is a bit of a way from Norfolk. I fear your fantasies will be unfulfilled. (With lines like that I should really work on a 0900 number.)
from wombaby :
from blujeans-uk :
As I found out yesterday... I think I'm too used to my squashy DM soles!
from stepfordtart :
Ummm...yes. Yes, I am. But I didnt know you were! Now Im torn between raising an amused eyebrow and saying "what a jolly coincidence" and being freaked out and hearing the X-files music playing in my head. s x
from stepfordtart :
I have nothing to say except "my brother's name is Adam, too, and when you were 13 I was 31." Pathetic, arent I. s x
from portlypete :
Ta for the note re alien marrow nomenclature - I feel squashed ;-)
from skinnylizzie :
Hello you, thank you very muchly for the birthday wishes! x
from student-bum :
Haha how delightfully silly!
from student-bum :
Heh thanks! Oh RBS isn't the same as Bank of Scotland. That confused me too when I moved up. RBS is in deep doo-doo apparently (�24.1 billion), and I think Bank of Scotland is now part of Llyods TSB. Which is what I meant when I said Halifax because I'm a big dope and got confused when I was writing my entry. Coincidently I never realised there was a politics side to banking - RBS apparently has strong Hanoverian and Whig ties. Weird. [This note was brought to you by, the Free Encyclopedia.]
from mister-ed :
they can't afford to deal with your complaint cos they've spent all the money giving people free choc-ices, chocolate mousse and chocolate brownies on their flights to new york. proper "Gu" chocolate an all, none of yer cheap shite. i wasn't complaining, but maybe you should point out this discrepancy...also, the times square virgin megastore is closing down, surely for the same reason...
from portlypete :
Sorry? You're complaining that Virgin haven't docked your account! Get used to it: these companies are incompetent to the nth degree. Whether you owe them money, or vice versa makes no difference. I have no idea how they survive, but I like your approach: 'quirky' sometimes gets their attention - I had a boss once who used to send poems to serial debtors: they usually paid up. More seriously, I detect loin-stirring. Am I right?
from student-bum :
Best entry ever.
from buffylass :
Ha! Oh Sarah, I do love you and your wee diary xx
from stepfordtart :
Im such a tit. I speed-read that last bit and thought it was one of the defendants who gave you his number. Duh. s x
from student-bum :
You work with a lot of randy bastards, don't you? You always seem to be getting numbers! xxx
from mister-ed :
me-dire, haha, yes. virgin anything is horrible. i'm going on a virgin plane next month and will be disappointed if it's not a harrowing ordeal.
from bitterwineuk :
Hello, I found you through a friends friend list and was happy to see your pics. My in laws (sort of) live besides Wandsworth Common so it's great to see it looking so good this time of year. I love that walk through there. :)
from antom :
I think I last watched the snowman about a year ago too and I could definitely feel the tears welling up towards the end... but I'm jealous about you getting two whole snow days! I only work down the road from my house so I don't have an excuse :P Oh and I agree with whoever said it - you're looking great in that last photo! ;)
from portlypete :
What was Lizzie doing with plums and a carrot anyway? Oh! Eyes and nose ... duh.
from skinnylizzie :
Man, I feel seriously hard done by with our crappy snow, we had about half a centimetre and it had melted by six o'clock this morning...this is obviously a sign that I need to move down south, I need to live somewhere where I can get a day off work and build snowmen!
from wombaby :
You had *eight inches*?! Bloody wars, we managed about *one* in Norfolk, which is usually much much snowier than London-and-South! Also, your little snowman looks very much like The Snowman.
from buffylass :
Sarah, you look absolutely gorgeous in the last photo. Have to say, the snowman is very totemy xx
from theswordsman :
Maybe I'm just having a Freudian experience. Photo 13 looks to me like manhood without the rest of the man. I'll drop it at that. Enjoy the day. I'll go now...
from theswordsman :
Got me so shook up I left myself a note. Here's a duplicate for your inbox:) Thanks for sharing. Great pics. I especially liked the ones where the trees arched from both sides. I hate to bring this up, but I couldn't help noticing of all, that the larger snowperson was a bit less robust than some, and the scarf on, it looked distinctly...male?
from theswordsman :
Don't know when you'll see this, but according to twitter, the biggest snowball fight in London will be at Trafalgar Square at 6:20 PM. In case you want to be there / give it a wide berth. Don't know how quickly the word will get out.
from lannylee :
Yeah - 2p machines, I LOVE those, it's not the winning it's the satisfaction of hearing the 2p's clink to the bottom knowing you've won about 8p, but it's cost you a quid to win it!
from mister-ed :
i'm getting the next train to bournemouth and bagging me a homer. i'm gobsmacked.
from skinnylizzie :
Hurrah for the new place! I only vaguely remember crappy landlords and minging flats nowadays, but I swear my heart still goes into palpitations if I try and recall the murky details, so you have my sympathy. (also, why is Homer not YELLOW?)
from vanoonoo :
omg that homer one looks like the guy out of the goonies!
from theswordsman :
Congrats on the new place! And I was totally addicted to one of those machines on a trip to Wales. There were three of us trying to win a random key chain that none of us wanted (not a cool Chinese The Simpsons one). It was great. Take care.
from stepfordtart :
Yayness on the new abode! Bournemouth is a spiffing place for a day out - only 30 mins from here on a good day - Mmmm, looking forward to some (slightly) warmer weather to get down there with the kids again. s x
from violetsmile :
Glad you're feeling more positive! This time of year is just pooey!!! Hugs!
from stepfordtart :
Cant say for deffo that its the same for all councils. If you can find the Schedule of Payments for the begiining of the year (apr 08) it should tell you the dates they're taking money from you or, if youve been in the house for a while, could you check last Feb/Mar bank statements? I always forget that its 10 instead of 12 installments and then find myself surprisingly wealthy (for 5 seconds til I spend it on something else!). s x
from stepfordtart :
I was gonna say that! If you pay monthly, you usually find most councils divide the bill by 10 rather than 12 and there's none to pay in Feb and March. Good luck! s x
from vanoonoo :
I don't know if you are aware but you can get a discount on your council tax now you are there alone - still means you have to pay 75% but it's better than paying 100%.
from theswordsman :
It's the subject matter. To keep the blog twitter account uncluttered, I told people they could follow me personally at the account I use to read. Five showed up, and I ended up blocking one of them. I hope things have settled down for you a bit. Take care.
from wombaby :
Funnily enough, everyone I've mentioned it to is (jealous, that is)! I am really looking forward to it. :-D
from wombaby :
Thanks :-) She will get her come-uppance, I'm sure! And I look forward to reading about it.
from buffylass :
Jesus Christ, you have all my sympathy. She needs a legal action filing against her, and you're definitely best getting out of her house. I personally think you handled it all amazingly, given how disgusting her behaviour was xx
from portlypete :
This probably won't be that useful, but at least the typo in the first para of "Safeguarding your Deposit" might make you laugh - sounds like you could do with a 'titter': I'd also keep a record of events. Keep smiling.
from wombaby :
Whoa. Not good. I take it you have been to the CAB? There were bits in that that made me think "police" but I don't know if that'd do any good. Although, theft ... Also, you should go look at - they have some landlord horror on there too, but it's both entertaining and therapeutic for those in stressful living situations (past and present).
from theswordsman :
Wow. I'm sorry you have to give up surroundings that you like, but you'll be well done with the place. I kind of wish my memory wasn't improving, as your description of her reminds me a lot of the Marketing...I can't call her a teacher...from whom I took an F rather than ever deal with her again. And the woman not only went through your things, but tossed some out and stole others? What a rubbish human being. And I'm afraid she's now reminding me of several former female bosses as well. I should leave now. Take care of yourself. The next situation will be much better. On a more positive note, congrats on the 10K. Maybe you could get on a balanced running and cross-training type program and enjoy running some 5K and 10K races. It's fun being around all the healthy people, and an ace way to collect T-shirts.
from wombaby :
How did your hour-long chat go?
from wombaby :
Read your tenancy agreement again but I think usually the landlord is not allowed to enter the premises without at least giving notice. Also something along the lines of not interfering with the tenant's lawful enjoyment of the property I think. Also, if you marked stuff as broken on the inventory when you moved in then she can't hold you responsible for it. If you didn't, unfortunately I think she can. CAB is definitely a good call. Good luck!
from theswordsman :
If she's planning to push you around, and thinks you'll let her, you should both be prepared. Here's the first couple of spots I found on Google. The first one on page two has something about her entering the premises. You can let her know that you have rights and the law is on your side, and who you'll contact if she violates the rights. Time to dig out the rental agreement, I guess. Good luck again.
from theswordsman :
If she's planning to push you around, and thinks you'll let her, you should both be prepared. Here's the first couple of spots I found on Google. The first one on page two has something about her entering the premises. You can let her know that you have rights and the law is on your side, and who you'll contact if she violates the rights. Time to dig out the rental agreement, I guess. Good luck again.
from theswordsman :
She sounds like a real nut case. It's like my landlord going through the dumpster when it's full to see who's put stuff in, or his wife giving up a Friday night to put notes on people's cars for parking behind my building (when I'm the only one here) when they go to watch a play. I can imagine how rough of a morning it must be. Could the new guy maybe sleep on an air mattress in the living room or something as a guest? I hope it all works out for you. Take care. Maybe some fresh air and a gym workout would help you through the day?
from theswordsman :
What a rubbish thing to happen. I don't know the laws there, but over here she couldn't even have entered your place without your permission and at a time where it would be convenient for you to be there. Not that it's stopped mine from coming in and illegally leaving me a note in the mailbox afterwards. Look through the rental agreement and see if there's anything about her coming in. you could chat up some of your barrister friends for free advice (which could probably also be found on the web), but is the woman someone who would change her ways because of the law? Good luck with it all.
from smashthegas :
Hey darling! Happy new year! Did you get my email I sent a coupla weeks ago? Yeah I *DID* finally send you one, but I aint got no reply *sobz uncontrollably* heheh. Smashxxx
from buffylass :
Ha, the most amazing entry ever... particularly appreciated it last night in my worryingly drunken state!
from zingtastic :
Ha! I love cashiers - A guy used that same line on me when he was chatting me up in a bar once - apparently I looked good for 26. Wanky 23-year-old twat that he was! :) x
from wombaby :
Thanks :) I didn't. Will be ok in January (if not before).
from blacksheet :
LOL!!! You look good for the ripe old age of 24! That is too funny!
from student-bum :
"Well, I can't promise I'll try, but I'll try to try." Colin says that to me all the time :D I think you two would bond well over your love of The Simpsons...
from stepfordtart :
24? I am depressingly old enough to be your mum. *weep*. There's only one thing worse than getting ID'd and thats KNOWING that you wont. s x
from stepfordtart :
Those nougat pillows are fucking horrible - even my kids wont eat them. I think the problems arise when Lidl try to do something that isnt really 'german' (like breakfast cereal). I guess Germans would feel the same about Asda Bockwurst or Sainsbury's gluhwein. Stick to yer own, guys! I shop in Lidl all the time and they CAN be a bit hit and miss. s x
from blujeans-uk :
Hello! I noticed you added me to your favourites, I feel very flattered. It's strange, so many people seem to have the same diaries on their profiles - onlyem, buffylass, stepfordtart, smash... It's like a big diary web... Anyway. Hello!
from student-bum :
Alas I am trying that route at present and all I've had is offers from people willing to kip on the floor. Which doesn't help much as at least 2 would be anyway. Rosie and Francois will want to spend it together but it seems to be expected they'll be doing that at my expense. This is why I don't like hosting things! So many obligations... the problem is the others have this fixed idea of 'a six' and really I could live without Rosie (lovely as she is I just don't gel as well with her) and Clare, but because of this fixed idea it would make life very difficult to admit that. Basically it would mean I lose half my friends from back home, who I've known for about 10 years now.
from student-bum :
Thanks :) When I think back to last year compared to this year, it's just so different and not in a good way. BTW there have been some developments in a different issue this evening - have edited the entry accordingly. If you have any words of wisdom then do let me know, I'm at an utter loss! I hate social politics. x
from student-bum :
"...then one of the policemen (who spends all day in court doing fuck all and eating the usher's sweets) decided to hug me very hard against my will (probably because I was wearing a dress without a bra) and tell me 'I am seeing you in a different light,' before Mr Prosecution told him to 'leave the stenographer alone!'" ABSOLUTE LEGEND. Sounds like fun :)
from wombaby :
Is that really true? That's such a shame! Poor people. It does suit me well. It involves lots of pedantry and data entry and some maths and (at the minute) nosying through people's benefit applications. It's my perfect job, I think.
from vintagejunk :
hmm... i'll have to think a bit, because there def are things to see in helsinki (other than bars and clubs) even if it's a small city compared to other capitals in europe :) i'll come up with a short list soon :D
from wombaby :
Yummy! I had veggie stir fry - basically vegetables boiled in a lot of cream with curry sauce. Sounds healthy til you mention the cream lol. And thank you. I'm not sure I can do it either! But starting sometime next week I'll be working a lot closer to home and it'll feel like a lay in :-D
from stepfordtart :
Im with portlypete in the subject of plod parties. Had a CID bf years ago. Never KNEW such a debauched lot, and dont forget Im married to a musician now! I dont start thinking about Christmas until 'the paypacket from which I must purchase Christmas presents'. So that'll be Monday then! s x
from vintagejunk :
yeah, my friend just advised me how to change the settings :) i'm so not letting anybody ever again see ugly pics of me, which are usually taken when i'm drunk :D to helsinki? wow, that's cool! there really is an ice bar, it costs around 10e to get in and they give you a coat so you wont be cold. hmm.. i have to think about other places worth visiting :) all i can think of are bars and clubs :D
from wombaby :
"Must try not to drink too much, sexually harass any of them or do anything illegal." ... good luck with that! Also good luck with the winter blues. Lots of vitamins and exercise and as much daylight as you can get (says she who is on the train by the time the sun rises and still in the office when it sets!) but you already know that stuff. Just look forward to Christmas on the basis that once it's over, the days start getting longer.
from portlypete :
Excuse me, but I believe London's finest are the ones most likely to go over the limit and generally let their hair down. And I'd never, ever suggest that they also have the highest quality illegal substances.
from theswordsman :
I know the party won't be on Boat Race Night, but in the spirit of Bertie Wooster, it would be a bold and perfect time to pinch a policeman's helmet for your treasure trove. I used to get the split-open fingertip thing when I played a lot of basketball outdoors in the cold. I'm firmly against it. Take care.
from space2grow :
Hi I just started a blog and I want to make it really good. Got any tips? Thanks, space2grow
from theswordsman :
Hmmm. It could be the naissance of a superpower. But you might want to avoid riding in elevators for a while. Could be fun to walk through an electronics store and see if things go off as you walk through, though. And there are times when I was driving behind one person in a vehicle at highway speed, and ten minutes later, another head pops up and I know that the passenger had been bobbing for apples. Nasty, but still probably safer than if the driver had been texting someone. Sorry about the mean man. Take care.
from theswordsman :
It's a shame there are still places in the world that think that way. But considering your penchant for "souvenir collecting," and their approach to punishing that sort of behaviour, it might be just as well that you gave that particular one a miss. Take care.
from theswordsman :
Wouldn't it be cool if you get the M.J. case?
from theswordsman :
Don't forget the video camera so you can dazzle us with your versatility. I would have to do them in a different order, because there's a magical level of alcohol where I forget I'm kind of allergic and try to bum a cigarette to blow smoke rings, have the courage to get on stage and sing, and forget every lyric I've ever heard, all at once. Have fun.
from theswordsman :
Sweet! Do you specialize on an instrument, or give them all a go? Have a great weekend.
from sunbeams100 :
Aw I loved that Monorail! Is the gorilla in the background, looking mysteriously tiny? :D I am back in Cambridge tomorrow, huzzah!
from stepfordtart :
I am mightily impressed with your speedy fingers. I have no desire, however, to replicate your splendid achievment as I fear if my bosses knew I could do that they would assume that I am getting my work done in a third of the amount of time it currently takes and just pile on a shitload more stuff! s x
from smashthegas :
Whatever happens in your day, it is STILL not an excuse to use lyrics from bad 90's dance tunes as titles to an entry. HMPH! Smashxxx
from zingtastic :
Hello! I used to read you a few years ago (used to be diablogem, and then baoshi), and rediscovered you through someone else today! Still as enjoyable as ever - I hope it's ok that I keep reading. gem x
from sunbeams100 :
Is your friend dressed as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas? If so, AMAZING!
from stepfordtart :
Im such a fuckwit - I didnt think to roll over the pictures! Now I know EVERYONE! s x
from stepfordtart :
Fantastic photos!! I guess that was you in the first one? You guys totally rock! s x
from theswordsman :
Yeah, that body part candy is either hit or miss. I guess it's one of those things you just can't scrimp on. I did a quick look for Sherlock Holmes, and saw they had shot a scene outside St. Pauls. Here's a link with some early photos in case you recognize any f the buildings in the background. And I guess the Westfield shopping Centre might not be open just yet, but it might be a fun place to people watch outside of Louis Vuitton or De Beers. Take care.
from theswordsman :
Yeah, that body part candy is either hit or miss. I guess it's one of those things you just can't scrimp on. I did a quick look for Sherlock Holmes, and saw they had shot a scene outside St. Pauls. Here's a link with some early photos in case you recognize any f the buildings in the background. And I guess the Westfield shopping Centre might not be open just yet, but it might be a fun place to people watch outside of Louis Vuitton or De Beers. Take care.
from theswordsman :
Yep, and the guy had fake black hair to hide his age as well. The bouncing back was definitely a different response than I've had in ages. In the good old days, I would have gone for a run or a bike ride, or played tennis or basketball until it went away. I guess the Internet supplement store will have to do until I get back there. And yes, my freezer these days is for frozen loaves of healthy brad bought on sale, and blueberries for my oatmeal. Except that today I also bought some two dollar ice cream and one dollar Michelena dinners. Fettucine Alfredo with chicken and broccoli cooked in six minutes for a buck. But if I should happen to win the lottery, I'm going for a nice bread machine so that I can make oatmeal raisin and the healthy whole wheat kind my Mom used to make for me. Have you been to the posh new shopping mall yet? Or seen the Sherlock Holmes filming?
from portlypete :
Welcome to peaceful Wandsworth. I'm about to do battle with the traffic, avoiding crime scenes. Try not to get skewered.
from stepfordtart :
Actally, that sounds a bit fucking stupid now Ive written it, but we are a house full of musos and performners and we never can pass up the opportunity to add to our collections. we DO already have a trumpet (whcih none of us can play) so I guess thats probably why we didnt get one this morning. DID buy a goose (also on special offer) so thats Christmas Dinner sorted. s x
from stepfordtart :
I, too, have Lidl pumpkin! Actually, I dont, cos the kids have taken the lanterny part to their dads house and all the middle foody part is in the freezer ready for me to work up enough enthusiasm for a pumpkin pie. How did you manage to go to Lidl and not buy a trumpet, tho? They're on special offer this week. yep. really. s x
from wombaby :
I looked, and I couldn't work out which one you wrote!
from stepfordtart :
Look at YOU, you gorgeous thing! Cock Galore sounds like a crap musical from the 40s, doesnt it?! s x
from theswordsman :
I've never had better than a three speed myself. The shifter was on the twist grip, and it was loose, so when my neighbour and I decided to ride five miles on a busy two lane highway without touching the handlebar, I pulled mine off and held it in my hands. What a horrible finish to a sentence! With your permission, I'll add a spiffy new bike for you to my When I Win the Lottery List. All the better for tracking down ice cream trucks owned by movie stars. Have a great weekend.
from theswordsman :
Is "cock galore" anything like "lovely white hen" with mayo? I used to eat Oatmeal Royale, is why I asked. Did you get a new bike or take yours to some miracle worker of an LBS (Local Bike Shoppe)?
from portlypete :
You should've told him you were pounced on by some spawn of The Beast of Bodmin, with blazing eyes and slavering fangs. Fearlessly you fought it off with a well aimed nukite strike - far more credible than the actual truth. I mean, who'd be that dumb?
from portlypete :
You're just not safe to be let out - in the garden or anywhere else, to be honest.
from stepfordtart :
Im sorry. I laughed. I couldnt help myself. Although, Im kind of disappointed you didnt use the wheelbarrow and other stuff handily lying around to construct an A Team stylee battering ram/all terrain climbing veehickle thingy to get through the fuck off spiky fence and back through the patio doors. *sigh* You're so unresourceful. s x
from skinnylizzie :
Your stressful weekend will be just about coming to an end now (you know, despite the whole moving thing) so I shall just say that I hope it all went okay and you managed to avoid insulting furry family members and the like!
from portlypete :
Only for a short while, and never during the hours of darkness you'll be relieved to know: that is when I retire to my country mansion in the shires. Enjoy the delights of "Southside" and King Georges Park - so many 'interesting' people.
from portlypete :
The inaptly named "Brighter Borough" needs you - welcome.
from stepfordtart :
Bloody hell! Deep breaths, dear, deep breaths. Sure it will all come right in the end. s x
from student-bum :
Glad everything seems to be going ok :)
from theswordsman :
You should totally try for an extra part in the new Sherlocke Holmes film.
from figandflower :
what happened with your bike totally sucks, but that entry made me laugh out loud, especially picture #2. you need to write for a living, my friend. also, i noticed that you've been on diaryland for almost 7 years next week! whoa!
from vanoonoo :
hell fire thats an accident and a half! glad you sort of survived though! hope you heal fast Vx
from skinnylizzie :
That stick must be the king of all sticks to have written off a bike and injured a human being. What a bugger!
from stepfordtart :
Yowch! That looks crap. Glad you're alright tho. s x
from student-bum :
I am enjoying it far more than first year already - I love knowing my way around and being in a quiet flat! But I have Freshers' Flu again, which is a bit bah-humbuggy.
from wombaby :
Clearly the twig - Evil Twig, it must have been lying in wait.
from smashthegas :
Glad you're alrite dear! *hugz* And how rude of that person to not even stop! Even a nasty dude like me would have stopped to help. Once I'd finished giggling childishly of course, heh. Smashxxx
from student-bum :
Bleddy hell. That looks nasty! (hugs) Impressive twig if it can do that though. And whoever drove past you deserves to get run over themselves. Whatever happened to the good Samaritan, hmm?
from wombaby :
Wow, I didn't think that sort of thing happened to people who can actually ride a bike! I send you lots of sympathy, but it's an excuse for Gaz to give you lots of TLC!
from violetsmile :
Sweetheart!!!!!! That sounds and looks nasty!!! Glad you're ok!! But I want to crush the genitals of the arsehole who drove past and left you to suffer, until they pop!!! Or something!! Have a great weekend lovely!! xx
from theswordsman :
Wow, I'm glad you're OK. I've never encountered the evil attacking twig before. The next time you spray water all over a witness, you should make a sign of the cross with your hands so it looks like you're trying to expel a demon or something. Nah, I'm sure whatever you did was right. Take care.
from stepfordtart :
Kuh-Nebworth? YES! But not for many many years when I was a wee girlie. Now I have my own wee girlies I think a revisit may be in order. I like the look of the other place, too. If and when (on both) I shall be sure to let you know! thanks for the info. s x
from strawberrri :
john, alas i was so full up by the scone, jam and cream that the lovely white hen lives to see another day! ;)
from lannylee :
There's nothing wrong with a little bit of fluffiness now and then!
from stepfordtart :
"contains scenes of mild peril"! BWAHAHAHAHAHAA! Which stately is that? Dont recognise it and Ive been to most of em! Dont wory, Im not a stalker, ready to wander the streets of Bushey waiting to overhear someone say "oooh Gaz!" before I know Ive found you. Im just interested! s x
from wombaby :
Happy is good. Also, that picture of the four cygnets is very good.
from theswordsman :
I just happened by, and knowing of your penchant for nipping things, and your last sentence, I'm now concerned for the welfare of the lovely white hen, and by concerned I of course mean am curious as to how it was prepared and what were the side dishes.
from buffylass :
Mmm, step-mothers in general are just hideous, it must be a genetic thing. Thankfully I've forgotten all about mine now I'm back home. Out of sight, out of mind really does work! More importantly, did you get to see some real life chastity belts? xx
from shot-of-tea :
Ha well you're truly batting for the wrong side (sounds slightly lesbian, that, not at all how I mean it!) with Team Manchester, after a few prospectus' had plopped through my door I was much more feeling Sheffield. I am an indecisive one :) Glad the date went well!
from wombaby :
Well, who knew Mr Kellogg was so multi-faceted. Sounds fun!
from wombaby :
So how was it?
from shot-of-tea :
Oh and ps - have fun on the date :)
from shot-of-tea :
Thanks for the note, I am terribly mixed up at the moment. Your's is the sensible opinion that I feel the whole world and myself objectively would have, but daaaaaay-ummm, I try and put myself a year into the future and it all just seems impossible. Madness, everything. Hopefully it will all fall into place soon.
from stepfordtart :
theres beards and beards, tho, dear! The well trimmed (and pleasantly tickly in all the right places) goatee will always have a place in my heart....and some other places too! s x
from smashthegas :
A good get out of jailer would be you are depressed cos your internet friend Smash has been promising you an email for months and hasnt troubled his fat, lazy, drunken rocker arse to write it yet so you're staying in watching trashy TV, eating McDonalds and being miserable. Smashxxx PS - Soon, I PROMISE!!! (In work writing this and its 1148pm. *growlz n grinz*
from buffylass :
I'm not really stalking your notes page. Just to tell you the fascinating news that James was going to go to the bones exhibition thing, but then ended up not doing. Bet you're glad I stopped by!
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you m'dear, we are both still a bit battered (my forehead has gone an interesting shade of yellow/green, I look like I'm going mouldy and people are crossing the road to avoid me in case it's some kind of contagious plague) but onwards and upwards, eh? Don't think they'll catch them (I had to look at over 600 photos today and couldn't pick out a single one from them) but I have every faith that karma will bite them all on the arse. And hopefully jam a crowbar up there as well for good measure.
from theswordsman :
Skinny really isn't an option anyway. I'd have to be obsessed and not enjoy life much. Enjoy your ride. I hope the eyeball-attacking bugs leave you alone, and that you find something interesting or exotic on the road.
from theswordsman :
Thanks for the input. Luckily, muscular legs are a natural state for me if I've been training for a bit. I used to be able to push a car fast enough alone for someone to pop the clutch & jump start it. Plus, the extra muscle on Spidey burns calories. so he can eat cookies. I guess the next question is, do I use him as a model or is there a body type between him and Contador? Enjoy what's left of your Sunday. Is it a Bank Holiday tomorrow?
from stepfordtart :
Since we're playing *that* game, I saw Norman Lamont in the queue for the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Yeh. Get ME! Actually, that was rubbish. It doesnt top your Stephen Fry...or even your Bob Holness. Your joke was THE BEST! I look forward to passing it off as my own. s x
from theswordsman :
As a friend, I must help you to be prepared for the next time. Luckily someone put the whole film on YT. If you've got 5:00 to round out your education, you can watch this clip from the five minute mark. This is one of those films people know so well they can recite the whole thing. Have a great weekend.
from buffylass :
Oh God, I absolutely adore Stephen Fry above all others xx
from stepfordtart :
*gasp* Stephen Fry! I am horribly jealous and impressed. (The other pics are very nice, too!)s x
from falabella :
If I drag the slider at the bottom backwards I can watch you roll back up again. Fun for the whole family. I don't know if you've seen The Princess Bride, and id you haven't, shame on you, but as I watched I kept expecting you to yell, "" Good to see you having so much fun though. And the guy with the binocs was probably just watching to see that you didn't steal anything:)
from portlypete :
You have the prettiest smile.
from smashthegas :
Darling! I cannot find your email address anywhere! Please email me [email protected] and I PWOMISE to email you a much waited for email. (Well okay it won't be brilliant or anything, but I'll TRY!) Smashxxx
from buffylass :
Heh thankyou. We are indeed the queens of mutual appreciation tonight!
from stepfordtart :
Try googling "two girls one cup reactions". There's a load of youtube of people watching 2G1C and puking etc. Looks like guys dare each other to watch it. Most cant get through the whole thing. Its bad. Honest. Actually, the reactions are better than the real thing. Dont watch it if there's chocolate Angel Delight for pud today, tho, willya. You may never eat it again. s x
from stepfordtart :
AAIIIEEEEEEEE!!! Devil Dog! Devil Dog! *ahem* sorry about that. Im not very keen on dogs. Glastonbury is always fun, tho. In fact ALL of Somerset's fun. Cool pics! s x
from buffylass :
Just to say that I did enjoy gorging myself on your little wee videos, and that you are looking very pretty at the moment xx
from theswordsman :
I don't recall all the literature, but I think it was on the same lines as Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral or something. I'll have to check out the YouTube stuff. Care to share where the username came from?
from theswordsman :
Awesome pics. The first video had a bit of a Blair Witch Project feel to it, but your voice sounded nice. sometimes it nice to just sit around a camp site doing lines from Crocodile Dundee. Glad you had such a great time. I didn't have time to get to the Tor, but it's on my to-do list if I ever get back. If I don't, at least now I've seen the view from the top. Did you feel any positive energy while you were up there?
from mister-ed :
ahhh good to know yr kleptoskills are still intact!
from wombaby :
It's so hard to say no. It's even worse when you say no and the boy says "why not"!
from theswordsman :
Hmmm. Biscuits over here aren't cookies, or any kind of dessert. They're kind of like a dinner roll that's baked into a thick round shape with just a bit of hardness around the crust. They're popular for breakfast. You can get them some places with a thick, meaty gravy. But at fast food places they usually just slice them in half and add bacon or sausage and scrambled eggs to make breakfast sandwiches out of them. The Southern style chicken had an okay flavor. The biscuit was just a biscuit. But it was good enough for free fast food at six in the morning.
from theswordsman :
Sorry, it's the one on the right. And I don't know why, which is why I'm having people smarter than I try to guess. Thanks for playing. Oh, and I don't have a type or checklist or anything, it's strictly on a case by case basis and there's a lot of variety. Take care.
from buffylass :
Aww bless!
from student-bum :
And I'm suprised I haven't had a "Free shampoo! Free mouthwash! Oh, free shower curtain!" - "Free shower curtain!" - "Mindy?" - "Homer?" from you yet! (Damn these notes' lack of line breaks.)
from student-bum :
She doesn't know me so she will neither know nor care but Tori looks beautiful in both those pictures! It's an amazing dress. And to be honest, I'd have probably done the same with the groom's mate. God that sounds so wrong if you don't know the context.
from wombaby :
In a hotel, if it's not fixed down in some way, or marked "leave me here" then it's complimentary. Especially stuff like shower gel and shampoo because they're not going to reuse the half empty bottle so it would only get thrown away / liberated by hotel staff. Plus the little bottles are awfully useful when travelling.
from theswordsman :
I'll bet the mini bar is there now:)
from stepfordtart :
You PAID for all that stuff - it was part of your hotel bill. They wouldnt put it out if you weren't supposed to take it. When Im in a hotel, if its not actually screwed to the wall, it goes in my bag! Unusual head-dress the groom's wearing in that first pic. ;) s x
from stepfordtart :
Hello. Would it be OK to add you? Thanks awfully. s x
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, I just laughed so hard at the 'begone slagathor' part that I suspect a bit of wee may have come out...! And thank you for the rest of the note as well, I would give you a big hug if you were any closer to Fishland
from buffylass :
Thankyou for being so lovely. As for Guitar Hero, well I am yet to sample this delight x
from violetsmile :
Tried to gouge out Peter Sutcliffe's only good eye??!! Is that not proof he's of sound mind??!! ;-) Have a great time in mmmmmmmmmm....Cheddar!!! ;-)
from skinnylizzie :
Ah, Guitar Hero, be still my beating heart! Addictive for reasons I just can't fathom; not having it in my life makes the days seem that little less bright...
from antom :
I till haven't had any bright ideas on that to be honest, so there's nothing to steal just yet! Maybe I'll just replace women with something more reliable. Like Jaffa Cakes. Now there's a plan! x
from theswordsman :
When I was over there, they used to give us box lunches to take on long coach rides, and there was a thin spreading of some kind of creamy "peanut butter" that mostly just kept the jelly from soaking into the bread. Jif Extra Crunchy is good straight out of the jar, or miked with raisins, and I totally love it stirred into vanilla ice cream. If I ever had back across the pond for an extended period of time, I'm packing some jars in my luggage. When I see Brad Pitt enjoying peanut butter in Meet Joe Black, I figure he's eating Jif. Have a great week.
from theswordsman :
And some of my fondest memories have me sat in the dining hall drinking cups of hot Cadbury (Chocolate Break?) while chatting with three sittings of students enjoying as they ate.
from theswordsman :
What a thoughtful co-worker. Did they bring you the posh kind? Dove is actually a soap here as well - "it's 1/4 cleansing cream." They do a ton of videos for women. My candy bar preferences always ran towards thing with caramel and possibly nuts in them, and I avoided dark chocolate like the plague. Then the studies about the health benefits of dark chocolate came out, and they used Dove for the studies, so I try to include them when I'm loading up on healthy foods. I saw them at the dollar store for 55 cents a bar and decided to load up. I read several news sites several times a day, and I never even heard about your last trial. Must have been replaces here with Brett Favre stories. It's cool that you were part of another big, interesting one. I'd have to see you and Keira Knightley standing next to each other to see if she's actually an improvement over you. Even if it's true, it couldn't be by much. Maybe the two of you can get together when I'm on my trip over to track down Ron Weasely's ice cream van by bicycle. I'll add it to my to-do list.
from keithturtle :
Ah otters! Brilliant! Nothing odd about that at all! Top tip - poach eggs using cling film. Google it - it's the most best invention since, and probably before, sliced bread. Mind you, they look like jellyfish.
from student-bum :
Now that I did not know! Hmm, so yes my pity is waning a bit on hearing that. I would actually kill to be able to talk to that psychologist, but you're probably right in that it's not appropriate to probe them too much...
from skinnylizzie :
Aww thank you very much for your note, it was much appreciated :). It must be extremely brillo pads to get to see things you've worked on in the news and have everybody talking about them, the only time anything to do with my job gets on the TV is for incredibly irritating adverts with even more annoying songs (this is a very sore point). And I have since decided to name my fish Lola, mainly so I can sing the song repeatedly whenever I see it...simple things!
from student-bum :
That psychologist actually has the best job ever - that's the sort of thing I intend to do. A long-term project like that must be so interesting. Poor guy, though - the fact he's been named will have screwed up his life somewhat. It's a shame really.
from student-bum :
Oh my GOD you were on the Barry George case?! That is rather cool. I personally have no opinion about the verdict as I know sod all about it, really... But I'd be interested to know what you thought!
from pink-fairy :
I am so shocked about the not guilty verdict. Does that mean someone is still walking the streets? Hmmm...
from violetsmile :
Were you expecting that?? Right result in your opinion??
from theswordsman :
Thanks Sarah. Hope you're well.
from violetsmile :
Wankerish indeed!!! Move on to the next totty!!! Have a great weekend! xx
from theswordsman :
Yep, I must have just beaten you to it. I'll go read you now.
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. I hope you're still doing okay. I know these things don't just go away. Oh - on my wish list of things to do if I win the lottery is to try to track down Ron Weaselys ice cream truck via bicycle. Have a great day. John
from buffylass :
Oh my fucking God. I am SO glad that you are safe. Sorry I'm so late, but I only got back to England on Thursday night. I hope you're doing alright now, and I can only repeat that I am so glad that you're okay xx
from figandflower :
oh my god! that is like out of a movie... except for you surviving. what a terrible experience. i'm glad you're safe.
from shot-of-tea :
Oh my God! That is actually the scariest thing in the whole world, and it's such an easy situation to get yourself in come to think of it, God knows we all take FAR too many risks when we're drunk. Thank goodness you're smart enough to think of a way out of it though, it could have been so much worse. My golly.
from student-bum :
Thank fuck you're alright! Oh god my heart was pounding for you as I read that. I'm so glad you're safe. That guy is a loony. You did everything right though, screaming and whatnot (since I was little my dad's always said if anyone tries to attack you, scream as loud as you can!) and whoever was on the phone to you deserves about ten thousand drinks. What a horrid experience for you. *hugs* But I'm glad the rest of the weekend was good. xxx
from vanoonoo :
FUCK! and hoorah for phone guardian angel. welcome home xxx
from antom :
Blimey, that guy sounded like a bit of a mentalist. Good job you played him at his own game by screaming back! But glad you're ok :) x
from lannylee :
Bugger, just realised my spelling & grammar was crap in that last note, i can spell honest!
from lannylee :
Jesus, thank god you're ok. You're friend is your guardian angel, ((hugs)) x
from smashthegas :
Fuckinhell! Thank fuck you're okay. You be cool and take care of yourself, okay? *hugzzz* Smashxxx
from wombaby :
How absolutely awful, I have a chill going through me just thinking about it. I'm so glad it wasn't worse - but at the same time you must be feeling ... well, I can't imagine. I'm so glad your friend was there! If being on the end of an email/facebook message would help at all, I'm there.
from skinnylizzie :
What a fucking asswipe, he should be shot. I'm glad you're okay and you made it away safely though. Ugh, some people are such nobs, it makes me sick xx
from violetsmile :
Fuck!!! That's awful!! I'm so glad you're ok! And that you managed to get hold of your friend! Hugs!! xx
from theswordsman :
How awful! I'm glad you're okay. Take care.
from boxx9000 :
I found you thru LannyLee. I LOVE all your pictures.
from wombaby :
Now I know what you sound like! You have quite an unremarkable voice, but unremarkable in the way that you would want your voice to be unremarkable.
from wombaby :
Was that your voice?
from student-bum :
You sound so southern!!! :D In a good way, not a "and what exactly IS a butty?" sort of way.
from pink-fairy :
excellent pics!
from skinnylizzie :
I watched a bit of Glastonbury on TV over the weekend and was secretly quite disappointed by the lack of mud, and also v jealous because of the nice weather...looks like you had a right laugh so I shall attempt to stop being quite so envious. And enjoy Brussels!
from wombaby :
Thank you :-) I'm really quite pleased/relieved. Not that it *mattered* of course - except to me. Have a fab time in Bruxelles. There used to be a very nice waffle shop there which I'm sure I could easily find but to which I have no hope of directing anyone. And anyway it's nine years since I was last there so it's probably closed.
from student-bum :
Have fun in Brussells! Glasto looks amazing. I really should go one year... I bet Hazel would be up for it.
from buffylass :
Ah balls, I'm not on it until after lunchtime, otherwise that could have been a fascinatingly weird experience. How come you're off to Brussels?
from buffylass :
Stuff is now better, don't worry. I see from Facebook that Glastonbury looked prety kick ass - especially liked the face-painting ones xx
from student-bum :
Ooh it's Glasto time again! Have fun! And admire the stages and stuff that my uncle put up, woo. And in response to your hilarious snacky treats, I found these today. LEGO FUN SNACKS! Genius.
from skinnylizzie :
Enjoy Glastonbury (what a stupid comment, of COURSE you will), take lots of photos and go MUD DIVING! God only knows why it's that part that always seems to appeal to me...
from theswordsman :
I'm a bit early, but don't trust my memory. so... have a wonderful and well-deserved vacation. Don't fail to get pics of your Glastonbury hairstyle. Take care. John
from wombaby :
I see ... (shower? ok, I just love my luxury!)
from wombaby :
Baby wipes?!
from student-bum :
I shall facebook you my mobile so we may keep in contact about these sorts of matters, if you are ok with the exchange of numbers (which I hope you are if you're prepared to suffer me in the flesh)!
from student-bum :
Our train's at 11 so we should get there by about 2.30/3ish... dunno if that's any use to you? Means I won't be able to watch you in action though, bah!
from theswordsman :
Thanks. Your new nickname, until further notice, is Pamplona.
from theswordsman :
Annie's right. Enjoy the attention - you deserve it, and pick one if you decide you want it to go somewhere. But you haven't done anything wrong. Have a great week.
from student-bum :
Actually I do want to work with the courts in future, giving psychological evidence for trials and so on (one of my many aims in life!), so it would be fantastic anyway as I've never been inside a court. Obviously meeting you would be a huge bonus! I'm not sure what we're doing later on in the day but I can find out, if we have any spare time I'll let you know and see if you're free :) It'd be brilliant to meet you after all these years! Argh, just realised you've known me since I was FOURTEEN. How scary is that?!
from wombaby :
Wow what a week!
from student-bum :
And oooh I just have suggested it, she said, "We can do whatever you like in London, we can go and see her if you want!" So, a nice green light there. I might try and persuade her to go shopping or something though, unless you desperately want to meet my mum (who will probably be mightily embarrassing like she was the other night by saying "I'll see you in a min-mo" to me in front of my friends. Sigh).
from student-bum :
Oooh I shall suggest it to mum, I'm sure she'll let me roam free for a couple of hours! Well, I hope so. It might sound a bit mental to say to her, "By the way, is the Old Bailey close to where we're going? I have a mate online who works there, and I want to meet her." She'll give me a look like this, I expect: :| . Still, worth a shot... I'll keep you posted ;)
from student-bum :
Ah but you haven't fucked everything up! Nothing is official with you and JB so you honestly have nothing to feel bad over, in my humble opinion. Hope it all goes well when you meet with him xxx
from theswordsman :
I just left Claire a note, and talk around her notes section had you going around grabbing bulls by their horns? I must have read the tame, yet still impressive, version. Take care.
from skinnylizzie :
My tooth and I thank you for your kind note! Also, hurrah for the hot boy situation! :)
from random-ditto :
This might sound a bit ott but this latest story of yours is quite inspirational! Sounds like its been a good week all-round. xXx
from violetsmile :
Yay!!! Sooooo exciting! I can't wait to hear more!! By the way, I thought of you when the Barry George thing was on the news! I kept saying to Russell, "My friend's the stenographer for that case!!"
from shot-of-tea :
Victory! Well done for grabbing the bull by the horns and getting it to fancy you. Or something :)
from wombaby :
from student-bum :
You never know, he might dye it... well, yes, that's unlikely. It's also unlikely that the Old Bailey will be moved to a tube station. HOWEVER, I think my dreams aren't to be taken literally (I wish that one I had of David Tennant in his undercrackers was a literal one though... sigh). I'll let you know if I have any more :P
from student-bum :
Hurrah! I knew it... As wonderful as this situation is, though, the downside is that you will not own the five otters I promised you. I am sure the Junior Barrister will wipe the tears away though, and perhaps buy you an otter of your own (he bloody well should actually, it's the best gift anyone could get).
from theswordsman :
Hurrah! And he's a lucky guy. But it's also inspirational, because one day you said you needed something exciting to happen in your life, and then you kept yourself open to opportunities, and you took the risk when you spotted one. Go Team Sarah!
from portlypete :
from theswordsman :
The suspense is killing me:(
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, he sounds like a nice young man! I have no wise words to offer about introducing yourself because knowing me I would open my mouth and come out with something ridiculous like 'I like peaches'. Goddamn word vomit. Anyway, you're a well-adjusted human being and I'm sure it'll go swimmingly. God, I do love reading about other people's love lives perhaps a little too much...
from wombaby :
Wednesday then. If it was me, I'd just bounce up to him and go "hi, I'm Sarah, I'm the girl who's been stalking you - nice to meet you" with a great big grin on my face. This of course all by way of covering up the fact that I am also shy (and let's just pretend for the sake of argument that I'm called Sarah, which I'm not). He sounds like the kind of guy who won't be bitchy about it even if it is slightly wierd/weird (how *do* you spell that?)
from student-bum :
I will buy you FIVE OF YOUR OWN OTTERS if it's not you he's hoping to meet. Then you can cure your disappointment by training them to do amusing/cute tricks, or to ravage the Junior Barrister, depending on how murderous you are feeling about the situation. I, personally, think it's a pretty good deal... and I am also fairly confident it's you he's going to be looking for ;)
from portlypete :
On behalf of males everywhere, I must strongly object to that last remark. Even if it is 100 percent on the button. If you take my advice (which you probably won't) you should ignore him totally, whilst accidentally bumping into him as frequently as possible.
from wombaby :
Hey, it's a positive reaction anyway! Whoever he hopes sent that note, he was glad to get it from, so let's just hope that he hopes it was you! And I've seen pictures of you, you're pretty too. So we await Tuesday with interest ...
from theswordsman :
Ah, I was thinking of switching my attention from hot women to cool women for the summer, as it's 92 degrees outside in the shade and quite oppressive in.
from theswordsman :
I looked at the pic. You're cuter, which must be why I didn't notice her before. Have a great weekend.
from portlypete :
Hurray! ... or possibly not. Have you ever thought of writing for 'Eastenders'. Your cliff-hangers take some beating.
from theswordsman :
Don't you have pictures on your Facebook? If you sent him a message, he can see your profile for a month. It would have helped if he'd just said which day he'd been attracted to someone. If you're not the one, it's his loss, but at least you've made someone else feel good about themselves. It might save some awkwardness and speed up the process if you just e-mailed a photo of yourself. Good luck. P.S. Please post a pic of your hot friend Jenn. P.P.S. I was probably just kidding, and only said such a thing because I just drove past a bikini car wash and had no money to participate:)
from student-bum :
You were in my dream last night! Sort of. (This is Saturday morning btw.) I dreamt it was July and I somehow 'met' your barrister guy, now your boyfriend, at the Old Bailey (having never been there, it represented a tube station more than anything else). He was very good-looking, if ginger, but was in a hurry to get somewhere, possibly to find you. I remember thinking, "Lucky git" when I saw him. So... premonition? Or just weird? You decide.
from wombaby :
Maybe he just hasn't checked his facebook yet!
from portlypete :
****! I think I just sent myself a message! Time for a black coffee I feel. 'night.
from portlypete :
Sorry to monopolise your notes page, but I'm having one of those days too, Where life keeps hitting you in the head with a brick, and you feel like saying "O.K. I'll take over now".
from portlypete :
Sorry? Could you type in capitals, I'm a tad deaf just now.
from portlypete :
Ta ta ta ta and ta for the birthday wishes. If you don't update as soon as something happens, these suspenders will kill me - er, or something like that. (I once met BM - he was a really lovely man).
from mister-ed :
send the bloody message!
from portlypete :
If this doesn't lead to greater things, you can safely assume insanity (on his part).
from portlypete :
Ooh, there's subtle (in a truck off a cliff kinda way). I guess it depends what the message says: keep it light hearted and, if he's got any sense at all, he'll respond positively.
from violetsmile :
A definite YAY from me!! And thank you soooo much for your lovely note!! It meant so much to me! So thoughtful!! Actually brought a tear to my eye. You're a sweetheart!! Hope your birthday was fabuloso!!! xx
from student-bum :
Ooh, resounding yay. But then I should really add "devil's advocate" to my CV.
from student-bum :
Oopsie, I had a moment of temporary insanity. Ah well, I'll save that message for next year and instead just wish you happy birthday, again :)
from student-bum :
Happy birthdaaaay! Would saying you're a quarter of a century old make you feel, well, old? Tee hee.
from sunbeams100 :
That sketch of you is AWESOME. Happy birthday love!
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. Since you're to be halfway between 18 and 30, I think it's appropriate that I wish you a very Happy birthday halfway between your honourary birthday and the actual one. I hope your Sunday is at least as good as your Friday. Take care.
from portlypete :
As a Gemini, you definitely SHOULD have two birthdays. Have an excellent time tomorrow.
from shot-of-tea :
Happy Birthday for tomorrow :)
from wombaby :
Happy birthday - for yesterday and tomorrow. Although it's far beyond me why you're up at half past six in the morning on a weekend. Did three years of uni teach you nothing? (Or -worse- is this what we turn into when we stop being students?)
from skinnylizzie :
As I have the joys of a full day at work tomorrow, I shall wish you a big fat HAPPY BIRTHDAY now, for when the time comes. I am liking this idea of two birthdays very muchly, and your first birthday sounds like it was a cracker (the chocolate pony has intrigued me...). Anyway, enjoy your second birthday! x
from portlypete :
A gross, but strangely appealing, thought.
from wombaby :
Thank you! I need it. I spoke to my adviser the other day, and I definitely do need to get 60% overall, but if I'm really borderline the board of examiners look at all the extenuating circumstances, and I probably get called for Viva. I don't want to have to do a Viva! But the end of the world is not really nigh yet.
from portlypete :
They should make an epic movie of your life! If you wait until tomorrow, I thing B&Q give 10 percent discount to old people like you on a Wednesday.
from portlypete :
Take care approaching groups of ferral yoofs: these days there seems to be a high risk of getting punctured for your pains. I've found that good, exciting things rarely happen without you make them happen. Have a good day off.
from student-bum :
"Back at Tori's, I had a go on her Wii Fit game and it told me my "Age" was 42. And it told me this without knowing I like garden centres and telling off children at the cinema. Wii Fit, it seems, is like a very very accurate gypsy." Bwahahahahaaa!
from lannylee :
As you requested - 'Kitteny goodness' is now available! x
from smashthegas :
Aww he was probably hopeing you'd rush to the switchboard room, breahtless with elation - yet somehow still managing to look cool and fragrant - declaring your undying love for him. And if it all went horribly wrong you could get him back by working on one of his cases and "mis-typing" on your steno. Something like "guilty" when his defendant had said "not guilty" and gettin him put away for years so his reputation would be shot. Hehe.
from portlypete :
If I were a rich barrister, I'd buy you this:
from portlypete :
Try as I might (and I do), I can't get into the mind-set of the burmese generals. What drives them? Paranoia, meglamania? Certainly not a love of the people. How do so many despots achieve such power in so many countries? Is it cream or scum that rises to the top? Please write your answer on one side of the paper only. Even an automaton with reptilian aspirations needs a break - look after yourself.
from wombaby :
You've only now discovered what a flash drive is? (Thumb drive, to those of us from SE Asia - but there's a whole variety of names for it, as you are no doubt soon to learn). Thank you for making me laugh (not unkindly, honestly, because I too have many brown breathing frog moments!)
from student-bum :
Moshing to Scouting For Girls?! :P Hmm I'm not sure it was, he just grabbed our hands and made us jump up and down. I'm still getting over the fact he was wearing a CARDIGAN. Why oh why?!
from theswordsman :
Great dress.
from lannylee :
Can't remember the last good night out I had, the joys of having a mortgage i guess, thanks for you note on the lap-top, i'll just keeplooking around, i've got til June!
from lannylee :
I know, but you feel so satisfied that you won SOMETHING that it doesn't matter how much you had to spend to win it!
from theswordsman :
Wow, the trial is over already? What new and exciting story to you get to watch unfold on Monday?
from buffylass :
Thankyou! Scan went fine, although the woman told me off for breathing too slowly and the gel was FREEZING.
from theswordsman :
Sadly, the only tabloids we have here are the National Enquirer type ones. They're all about celebrities, especially ones that have put on weight but wear bikinis, or animals with extra body parts, or the occasional space alien that went on Jerry Springer or something. Have a great weekend
from lannylee :
Hey! Not to sound too stalkerish, but i read your 101 facts thingy last night & I think I live quite close to you, I live in Corby & work in Milton Keynes - weird!
from portlypete : will tell all
from theswordsman :
The Diet Mountain Dew was just for the extra burst of caffeine. My favourites vary, but lately I've been craving a nice rootbeer float. She hasn't had much to be scared about since my dumb lawyer offered to settle for just the insurance. She hid herself well enough that it took twelve months and finally a special investigator to even serve her with the papers. I think the other side is just trying to drag things out hoping I'll get desperate and settle for less money. I mean, she skidded backwards across four lanes of highway and took me out on the on-ramp. I got fired because of something I couldn't do the first work day after the accident. Her insurance paid for my car repairs. There's a witness who literally went out of her way for my benefit. I've seen eight different doctors and had X-rays, two MRI's, a CT scan, an EEG, blood test and way to many treatments. You're right about the importance of job satisfaction. It really makes for a better life if you enjoy what you do, where you do it, and the people you do it with.
from portlypete :
Talking of Glastonbury, I hear that Shakin Stevens will be performing. How can you contain yourself? By the way, the new Old (if that makes sense) Bailey website is crap with a capital K. Who'd have thought, with all the publicity they gave it, that it would crash and burn? On the brighter side, it's good to hear that you'll be able to finance your spot-cream habit for a few months to come.
from theswordsman :
Congratulations! That's great news about the job. You worked so hard to get good at it. I thought of you a few months ago when I went to my lawyers office to be deposed. It was just two lawyers, the car crash lady and me, plus a woman with a laptop recording every word. It wouldn't be as thrilling as being in court, but it might be interesting in terms of getting around and meeting people and things. Is there any chance of something like that when (hopefully it will be delayed many more times) you're done? Take care.
from portlypete :
Yawn. "Queer Focus" had the answer. (I didn't bookmark it!) Barry George or the megalomanic austrian are both far more intriguing.
from portlypete :
That was a one off. I'm relieved to say I don't have to suffer tube torment on a daily basis. It must be fun / exasperating to be involved in a case which attracts such public interest. I hope your lips are sealed, zipped, stitched and super-glued ... but feel free to email me "The Name!"
from pink-fairy :
OMG! Just a word of warning. If after you leave court a man with a trench coat and a paper bag full of cash offers you money - don't take it. He is not just offering you free money. He will want you to sell court secrets!
from pink-fairy :
Maybe she meant to send the text to someone else? Another sarah that she knows? Also - what happens if your really really drunk and details of the case just happen to slip out.. and its a time when you are near a computer :D
from portlypete :
from theswordsman :
I only asked that last question because in the situation I would probably be pretty chuffed with myself.
from theswordsman :
I must have gotten overexcited and left this note for myself first:)Just got caught up - some poor guy gave up the name in an interview with Fox News. I don't know about him, but Fox might be in trouble because they're broadcast on Sky. Now that you've explained, the text might be worse than a bicycle fly to the eye. Does it make you feel important getting to see and hear things that the rest of the world isn't to know?
from theswordsman :
If she didn't mention you by name, maybe it was meant for someone else and she hit a wrong button? I just Googled the trial - so you'll get to be in the court room when they toss the public out for the audio-visual evidence? Sounds like fun and an experience of a lifetime. I don't know how many royals there actually are, but once it gets narrowed down to ones with businesses that could lose money, I'd think the press would have a shot at figuring it out. Any potential barristers to keep you in snacks???
from student-bum :
I wish badgers did have wings.
from student-bum :
It was a burnt bit off the edge so it probably didn't have any in it, I should have made that clearer! It did have it in because Jenny admitted it later and said they'd made an unusually un-potent cookie. Oh poor them... I've had this feeling for a while. I wish it would pass. And I wish I could see what there is to like! Ugh. When Colin gets back I am going to request an ego massage. Though he's probably getting sick of my mood swings by now. Just another thing that's getting me down, the thought he'll probably get fed up soon. And here's me thinking uni would build my confidence! I meant to say earlier, by the way, you look very pretty in your photos, the top's a really good colour on you :)
from theswordsman :
No worries. That's the type of ordeal that needs to be talked through with one who's been through it. But it's clearly a suicide mission on the part of the fly. I wonder what similar flies do when there are no bicyclists available? Do they live long, unfulfilled lives waiting for riders who never come? Well, I've got until eight o'clock for the caffeine and capsules to kick in, then I'm sentencing myself to hard labour at the library until I've e-mailed one quality paper on Evil Leaders. Then I'm free to watch fresh TV episodes and be vigilant for earthquake attacks.
from skinnylizzie :
DAMN IT, why do I always want your top every time you post photos? You just make me want to go out and shop, you callous minx! Oh, I remember you writing about Tim and thinking 'aww!' the first time I read that entry. You had better bring good gossip back from Glastonbury!
from theswordsman :
Tim is a bright lad. And a lucky one, as well. Those flies that attack bicyclists are the absolute worst! It's been years, but you just made me re-live one. They let off some burning, stinging substance that causes you to head straight for the nearest ditch/fence/inanimate object, and then they get into the corner of your eye and try to bore their way into your brain. Ouch. My eye is getting bloodshot just from the flashback. Have a great week. John
from skinnylizzie :
Ah it's okay now, I've just spoken to her and everything's fine. I dunno, I hate grovelling but sometimes I think I'd rather not cut my nose off to spite my face and lose one of my best friends over something so pathetic...God, I HATE confrontation! But thank you for your note :)
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, you're as bad an influence as the rest of them woman!
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, that may be my most favourite note ever; I feel it would just be rude not to take your wise advice!
from the-moo :
haha aaaw what a weird tesco visit.. but you got through it huraaah *hug* you're wonderful! I love the new "toy" :oP xxx
from onlyemma :
haha! Brilliant. I loved that you went so indepth, that's really interesting actually. plus i really respect you for using such a complicated contraption! thanks for filling me in :)
from violetsmile :
Yay!! You got your new stenograph!! Was it the one from America you mentioned?? Wow, Swimming Pool Guy, I've been reading you far longer than I thought!!! x
from onlyemma :
I know this may sound a bit stupid, and it's horrendously late which makes me look even more like a thicko, but what on earth is a steno?!
from wombaby :
Oh, I just saw your note to Zoe. I feel compassion for murderers too. Not like what they've done can be excused, just that it seems such a waste of a life and you wonder how they might have turned out differently and what made them do that, and maybe it was something less serious that just got way way out of hand, not that even a less-serious-crime-than-murder is to be encouraged. Sorry, I think I babbled there.
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, I'm a bit late, but better late than never. I don't think I could do your job, you must be a much stronger person than me. But I guess the fact that you care so much has to be a good thing :) x
from onlyemma :
I meant 'huge' smile, not 'hug'. My keyboard is terrible and I just couldn't leave that!
from onlyemma :
Thank you so much for that note! It put a hug smile on my face. You last entry was amazingly written, the last bit actually sent a shiver down my spine. Hope you're ok.
from wombaby :
*big supportive hugs* Eat some chocolate and ... I don't know. It's bound to get easier with time.
from buffylass :
That all sounds horribly intense. I'm sending you hug vibes xx
from student-bum :
Oh yes, I meant to leave a note re: your last entry. And, well, fuck me (don't worry, it's not a request). That is pretty intense. And there's not much else I can say really! And re: your note - thanks about the grades :) and I hope it will mean a happier me! I can't remember what feeling normal is like; all I know is euphoric and practically suicidal really. If I'm not either of those I'm incredibly tired, like now. So yes. To normality *clinks imaginary glass*
from shot-of-tea :
Good God that must have been a pretty heavy atmosphere to work in! But I cannot help but think that through all that, the Barrister was still looking at you and thinking "Hmm I know... dried fruit"?
from wombaby :
That's heavy. Hope you've mastered the professional detachment bit - or at least that it doesn't affect you too much. Words are coming out all wrong but I'm thinking admiring and supportive thoughts in your direction.
from violetsmile :
I suspected that was the trial you were working in. I'm glad for you that it's over! It must have been so traumatic. I hope your next trial is one of a man who insists on dancing naked, but for a comic animal willy warmer, in public places!!! Or, ahem, I don't know, something!! x
from the-moo :
I don't have words *hug* xxx
from mister-ed :
um i'm not sure how you've done it but i wept a bit there, readin yr last entry. fucking yikes!
from the-moo :
aaaaaaaaaw snowman.. but seriously... when is it going to get warmer? *shivers* I had something else to say but I took so long waiting for Diaryland to open this that I've forgotten.. ooops!! xxx
from theswordsman :
Don't be sad. Snowmen get reincarnated. Just remember the good times you had together. Have a great week.
from wombaby :
I like that you gave your snowman a penis. I could have made it dirtier though ...
from theswordsman :
The spikes sticking out of the neck are a bit intimidating, but the headdress is brilliant, so well done you.
from portlypete :
RUDE GIRL! Call that a carrot? ...
from violetsmile :
If you're sure, some charities I like are Great Ormond Street Hospital, IFAW, Blue Cross, Mencap, Guide Dogs For The Blind. (or of course, the Strawberrri collection for a new stenograph!!!) ;-) I think what you're doing is so lovely!! x
from violetsmile :
Oh sweetheart, I didn't mean to make you feel that guilty!! I'm happy for you that you won some money!! Treat yourself to something nice, and I'll be happy!!! x
from violetsmile :
Exactly! In just one race! Usually because they break their legs trying to jump the hurdles, so have to be shot.
from violetsmile :
No, it's only the Grand National. 30 horses have been killed in the past 10 years of the Grand National!! I just wish more people knew.
from wombaby :
Freaky stalker man! Run, run ...
from pink-fairy :
I can see the married part being a problem. Hmmm. Could he not just double up as an older male mate who gives you extravagent gifts?
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, I would definitely have done the same! Cor, if it was heart attack-inducing he must be a scamp of the highest order. Men. (insert eye roll here)
from pink-fairy :
maybe its not real - but from one of those dodgy blokes that sells jewellery out of his coat that goes green after two days? but really - i have to scream - OMGG!!! WOW!
from mister-ed :
nah the last thing i heard from im he had discovered a good life and stopped writing. it's our loss! i miss him. i search on facebook every now and again, tho i know that's probly the last place we'd find him. found one of his cd's the other day when i was moving. [oo i live in bristol now. it's an excellent town for olives] what's the last thing you heard?
from violetsmile :
In the most eloquent words of Miss Skinnylizzie, Fuck me!!!!!! That's creepy!
from portlypete :
A man who gives tropical fruit mix really means business.
from skinnylizzie :
Would you be offended if I went with a horribly inarticulate 'fuck me!'. A necklace from Tiffany's! Is it wrong that I'm really quite excited by that? However, he is a naughty, naughty man...although I know you know that already.
from theswordsman :
My bad. I felt the need to react, but wanted to mind my own business as well, so I went with "hmmm." I didn't think you were up to anything wrong. When you see notes from me, just think of them as spam or something. Cheers.
from theswordsman :
But I am sorry to hear about the loneliness.
from theswordsman :
from portlypete :
I think, if you're paying maintenance, you ought to be granted visiting rights. Don't you know anyone who specialises in otter law?
from buffylass :
In the next couple of weeks, I think. I went to see my GP on Friday and he was very nice about it all - I don't have to have the kidney function test, which is nice, as I had one recently and it's just to check that I can cope with the dye that they're going to inject me with xx
from theswordsman :
Glad you had a good time. And nice job of leaving out whether or not your purse was stuffed with cutlery and/or small serving dishes when you got home. Are you doing the Earth Hour at 8:00 PM? I just learned of it last night. Have a great weekend.
from sunbeams100 :
I had forgotten that sheep quote, oh the shame! I miss you too lovey. :) We must not have a half year gap again!
from theswordsman :
Actually, I thought the whole caviar spoon was kind of cute. And cool. I just looked up the building on Google Maps to see what kind of streets I might be pushed into, and it turns out that I've actually been quite close to the place. I'm not sure what direction I headed after I visited St. Pauls. Speaking of which, I'm amazed with just how closely GM let me zoom into St. Pauls. If there had been someone standing outside on the little walkway outside of the dome, I could have seen them. I'll quit bugging you and fade off into the Interweb now.
from theswordsman :
I guess that given your diligence to work, your past experiences with missed trains, and wanting to not draw unnecessary attention to yourself in court all make it perfectly understandable. I just meant that with everything that London has been through since it was Londinium, residents are more likely to take things in stride that would cause people around here to require a change of clothes. I'm now a bit concerned about the whole silverware thing, though, because I thought that the caviar spoon was kind of a drunken lark that you discovered the next day, and now this sounds like pre-meditated pursuit of a place setting. And is it sad that I've been in London four times and the only time I've ever seen the Old Bailey was when it was blown to bits in V for Vendetta? Take care.
from theswordsman :
Are the silverware patterns relatively consistent, so that after attending enough parties you might eventually end up with a complete matching set? And I'm not an expert, but I think that being more concerned with catching your train than with possible bombs means that you're officially a Londoner now. Have a great weekend.
from theswordsman :
Are the silverware patterns relatively consistent, so that after attending enough parties you might eventually end up with a complete matching set? And I'm not an expert, but I think that being more concerned with catching your train than with possible bombs means that you're officially a Londoner now. Have a great weekend.
from student-bum :
No, no snow here. The forecast was 'sunny'; however, checking outside my window it is distinctly cloudy. Hmm. Might be a picnic conducted in the warmth of a hoodie...
from skinny-bum :
Ah that'd be so much better! No, instead it's just my rather vain ramblings...
from student-bum :
Ah I dunno, for some reason I just don't like it - never have, and I've been there loads (lived only 12 or so miles from it before I moved to Lancaster). I can't put my finger on it. Maybe I'll change my mind one day though.
from theswordsman :
I went to the Stenotech website and then to their eBay store and used the shipping calculator for one of their items. Harlaxton College was the only postal code I knew in the UK, and the machine I saw could be shipped there for $105 or so. Good luck, and have a Happy Easter.
from sunbeams100 :
I'm a link, awesome! I look forward to our Haloumi times. I successfully cooked some a few weeks ago for ma sandwich. Burny, but DELICIOUS. :D
from portlypete :
OOr you could fly out (business class) and collect the thing, and probably still have change.
from theswordsman :
Is it something that someone here could buy and then ship it to you without the gold and the truffles?
from for-tart :
I have had lucid dreams in the past but do not recall them in association with sleep paralysis. The waking up with covers over my face and freaking out about breathing is one vivid memory I do remember.
from for-tart :
I suffered from sleep paralysis as a child. Very maddening. However it stopped occuring by the time I was in my late teens.
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the birthday wishes! Yeah, I don't think I could go back to being seventeen...twenty one suited me just fine. Old enough to be taken seriously but young enough to pull off 'youthful exuberance'. Well, that's what I'm calling it! Unfortunately I have no pony-shaped parcels but seeing as my parents are both out and my brother is hungover in bed and I refuse to be a sad sack and open my presents on my own, I can't confirm this. Probably a safe bet to assume they're all normal presents, however!
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, sorry! I think I'm just feeling a bit sensitive at the moment because I had a conversation with Hot Boy yesterday that basically went: Him: 'you're turning twenty two on Saturday, aren't you? Hmm. And I'm not even twenty one yet! I like not being too old.' Me: *whimper*. Bah, the youth of today! I am seriously considering getting myself a pipe to go with my beard and slippers, although your mention of cross stitch has intrigued me. On a more serious note, thanks for the other stuff...I like the tattoo idea very muchly...
from portlypete :
Thanks for adding me in. I've found that celery goes particularly well with half a packet of ginger nuts - hey ho.
from theswordsman :
It's a shame that it was just a dream, because that would have been perfect. In fact, if it ever happens in real life, be sure to get it all on video as it would go viral on YouTube. Take care
from student-bum :
I take it you've seen, but... Emo wrist-slitting DiaryLand is no more! Bask in the glow of the baby blue (and red). And thank god he moved the navigation.
from portlypete :
You're SO transparent: you only mentioned Frank Lampard in the hope you'd then meet him in Primark. By the way, my latest diary entry might have special resonance with you.
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. I'm afraid that pictorial proof will be required for item #2, and, if convenient, #3 as well. As you're well aware, people can't just go about saying things on the Interweb without being able to back them up with evidence, or chaos might, and possibly would, ensue. Take care. John
from onlyemma :
Hello! Sorry for more London-based questioning, but what places are decent (and reasonable) to live in, in london? I've been told Camden's crap though i found somewhere decent looking that I'm viewing at the weekend. Will I be shacking up with druggies...? Hello, by the way :) xx
from portlypete :
Didn't realise how right you were about the 'sophisticated' new style 'til I got back to the home page. SO much easier on the eye, even if it is a bit girlie.
from littleamelie :
Yeah, I too miss the little kitty and the smiling flower.
from buffylass :
Deary me, that was possibly the nicest note I've ever been left, and I am consequently full of mush! Anyway, don't worry, as I already know the absence is only going to be temporary as I miss writing already. Although I am hating the new layout quite a lot xx
from student-bum :
I think it looks like a forum for vampires. And it's lost its friendliness too. The lilac and yellow was so lovely to look at... but the worst, the WORST thing about it is the fact they've reversed everything. My eyes keep straying right. Four years (for me, anyway) of the same sweet design to this emo monstrosity - just not on.
from skinnylizzie :
It looks kind of orange on my computer now which is even WORSE with its stupid Halloween-ness. Boo. Plus, I don't like that everybody can see when you're online...what was wrong with a bit of Nigelesque lurking?!
from sunbeams100 :
You narrowly escaped both breaking up a family AND pulling a guy called Roy, you should feel relieved! :)
from wombaby :
Married is not good. Married with kids is BAD!! Run a mile. Then pause to catch your breath, put your running shoes on, and keep running til you get home, at which point I recommend hiding under your bed.
from student-bum :
Ooh, the plot thickens... Seriously, I'm (practically) on the edge of my seat!
from onlyemma :
i just realise I didn't reply to your last note, enquiring about where kate had gone! Sorry, i don't want you thinking i was actually ignorning it after you said you wouldn't mind if i did ignore it, I wasn't, I just forgot to reply. I was actually quite flattered that you were so interested :) so you never have to worry about asking me stuff about my life, it's a free for all. i was thinking, you're in london aren't you? Do you want to meet up when i move down there? Do you also know of anyone in north london, preferably Kentish Town area who needs two flatmates? Questions, questions :) xxxx
from student-bum :
I would but I'm just waiting to see if my next period comes along for now - due in about a week I think. I'm going to see the nurse (now doctor) for different matters, but I was going to enquire about general pregnancy symptoms. I'm going to ask them why I'm so tired all the time (it's not gone, sadly, I just moan about it less), and for advice about the Pill, and other stuff I'd rather not type out. It's going to be bags of fun. Thanks for your other note by the way, forgot to tell you that earlier :)
from sunbeams100 :
I've always pictured the barrister as a lecherous old man - what's he actually like?
from wombaby :
I can - and do, when I don't oversleep so badly that I don't have time to do my hair!!! It still looks stupid, but at least it looks deliberate-stupid :)
from smashthegas :
Fook, you don't even wanna know where I've applied for a job then! haha. Smashxxx
from keithturtle :
Laparotomy? Sheesh, i know what one fo those is! Spent many many hours visiting my ex in hospital after she'd had that done! By the way, ace bike ride views - i wish mine were that interesting.
from ava-reborn :
He sounds a bit creepy! I'll keep my eye out on the news, for any man walking out of the Old Bailey with a Stenograph shaped dent in his head!!!
from for-tart :
Happy belated Valentines day.
from sunbeams100 :
That cake looks so yummy, and superior to our Summer cakes! And you are pretty as always my dearest. Easter is coming up soon - visit meeee? Or I visit you, whichever set of parents minds the least. :D
from smashthegas :
Don't listen to anyone else who posts in your notes, only I am brilliant. (LOL) And whass this about you not being surprised about yoru lack of valentines? Umm how about if neither of us has a significant other in ten years time, we get married and pretend we have known each other since... oh... say 2007? Hehe. Smashxxx
from wombaby :
The butterfly (a red admiral) probably died soon after as well - it's way too early for them to be about, and way too cold. I saw one about this time last year in a sunny patch in Grenoble on my way to the launderette; by the time I had finished my washing it was dead. And you do live in a stunningly beautiful area.
from theswordsman :
Thanks for sharing the day in pictures. It looks like a lovely place to ride - the kind of place that recharges your batteries a bit, especially if you work in the city. And it's way worse that many other people would have passed the badger and not noticed or cared. Cheers.
from student-bum :
Thanks :) Katherine, Jenny and Hannah sorted out what they were doing a while back, and their plans don't and couldn't include me. They didn't even ask - they just assumed I'd be moving in with Colin. And anyway, I'd just feel left out living with them. They're all very girly vegetarians, for example; I am not. They all go out frequently in very little clothing and I don't. A hot meal will be duly consumed tomorrow when I have some food that isn't soup! And I should really crack on with my work... but I have a horrible feeling it just isn't going to happen tonight.
from skinnylizzie :
Mmm, cake...and the only problem I have with a skirt is that I can't decide what top to wear with any of mine. God, what a difficult life I lead! I am hoping this gut feeling isn't just indigestion; if only I was psychic...
from student-bum :
Oh yay! I'm so happy things are going well for you at the moment xxx
from shot-of-tea :
Hurray for the Old Bailey! Which, oddly enough, I think would be a rather nice name for a horse...
from sunbeams100 :
Are they not replacing Stenographers with machines in the Old Bailey then? If not, HUZZAH JOB! :) Thank-you for your lyrical comment as well. :D Your little brother's words, plus the images of Adam grinning in a "wtf is this...?" manner amuses me to no end! Oh I just had a flashback randomly, of mum's rented house where we watched The Evil Dead aaaall together, when we were younger. Hilarious times. :D And when we buggered off to Hollytrees to watch that film which ended in a monster leaping from a lake, then you randomly went betting with my Dad. :D
from buffylass :
Ooh yay, a stalking opportunity! Although I would probably need a semi-decent excuse for going to the Old Bailey... and do you need to dress up before you're allowed in?
from skinnylizzie :
No no NO, you know how I feel about Valentine's Day! I would rather stick my head into a vat of eels that contribute to the general awfulness of that day, I am going to wear all black to work and shout at anybody who is being a nob about being in love. Having said all that, I am kind-hearted deep down and so if Hot Boy wants to give me anything (oo-er), I will of course humour him. I doubt he will, for he is Hot Boy and everybody in the free world fancies him, but I need hope, damn it. Hope you enjoyed the football! We just sent one of our players down to Stevenage because he's, erm, fat and crap. If he played, he was the one who probably spent most of the game falling on his backside.
from random-ditto :
Aw, thank you. I was just having one of those, 'no one reads, whats the point?!' days. But don't worry, I've snapped out of it. I'm really glad things sound like they're working out for you. Really really good news, such an achievement! Life after uni can be good, hehe. Life oop north is currently grand tho, thanks for asking. Partly explains the lack of updates ;) xXx
from buffylass :
Yay for you and all who sail with you, stalkers included! They're the funnest!
from student-bum :
Good luck for you, hope it all works out well! And I for one can hold my hand up and promise not to stalk you, despite knowing your place of work...
from sunbeams100 :
*Smacks face* Okay I did know that, honestly, but my mind has gone wrong. I'm about to write a d-land entry to calm my stressed out nerves, it may turn angsty though. Good to know someone will be reading though! Oh that cat was the funniest cat in the history of the cat game...were we playing at the time? :D
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, how exciting! I shall keep my fingers crossed that it works out for you :)
from sunbeams100 :
My last note annoys me with it's repition of "a bit" and its typo. And that use of its is annoying me too - is it right, or should it be 'it's'? Is my note possessive of the typo? I clearly am not in an intelligent mindset, Egyptian will be interesting... :)
from sunbeams100 :
*Loves you too!* I'm avoiding LJ a bit this week, updsating here for a bit! :)
from wombaby :
When I first looked at the page, the words "I just had a fit" jumped out at me! I was worried - for all of about three seconds. Because even if you did have a fit you were obviously well enough to post about it.
from ava-reborn :
Oh Sarah!!! The coffin / on the other hand joke was harsh!!!! And I feel bad now cos I laughed!!!! I saw him once in real life. We had a boat on the Thames, and he did too. And we saw him pass us! We kept saying "Fancy seeing Jeremy Beadle!" It became a family catchphrase! Every time he was on telly! Me and my mum emailed each other at the same time yesterday saying "Fancy seeing Jeremy Beadle died!" Made me smile, but seriously, it's really rather sad!
from ava-reborn :
email me at [email protected], or leave me your email, then I can give you the password.
from student-bum :
NOOOO! You ruined the ending of Wuthering Heights for me! ...juuuust kidding. Spooky coincidence, though. I had something like that the other week. I can't remember the exact details but I am almost definitely positively psychic. Maybe.
from smashthegas :
Thass all we need, Bob Monkhouse turning up out of the blue claiming to have lost his memory and having been living on an island full of nuns eating leek and potato soup and drinking Orangina from the can.
from smashthegas :
I've always thought cinemas were notoriously bad places for dates - especially first ones - to be honest. I think sitting there in silence with someone you barely know is more uncomfortable than stilted conversation in a pub with someone you barely know. And at least in the pub you can drink to relax if you get nervous. Fortunately I don't have that trouble, I just drink because I'm a hopeless pisshead. Smashxxx
from wombaby :
I saved mine on my USB drive and the university network and emailed it to myself and both of my parents; Mum then saved it on her computer too. Nobody neurotic here!
from wombaby :
You are clearly telepathic :-)
from wombaby :
Your last line in that entry is a work of art!
from shot-of-tea :
Hmm, I believe I caught my finger in a door at the social club. I remember nearly crying and I was quite drunk, so it must have really hurt quite a lot. Sadly the bruising hasn't developed into anything majorly manky, which is a shame really as I quite fancied having a bit of an injury.
from wombaby :
Was it the Matt you mentioned in your second entry? There are no ends to the lengths which dissertation procrastination will make me go!
from pink-fairy :
Oooh an Aussie accent! How very sexy! At least if it goes nowhere you got to see a funny flick! I saw it last Sunday and chuckled soo much xxx
from skinnylizzie :
I was going to say something undoubtedly wise and sympathetic about the nailfile analogy, but then I read the words 'dewdrop in my right nostril' and now I honestly have no idea what I was going to write here at gods, you do make me chuckle!
from wombaby :
I think you might have mentioned Matt (possibly in a romantic context) before he moved to Australia. Good luck relocating your nerve endings. I think I know what you mean.
from skinnylizzie :
Why thank you chum! That line about Zoes/those was OF COURSE completely intentional, my genius allows me to do MANY creative things with words...ahem, moving swiftly on! You know, the mince pie baker thing has potential. I'm off to look into it via the wonderful invention that is Google...
from wombaby :
No, I'd never actually stopped to work that out. And it makes me feel rather better :-)
from buffylass :
Aww thankyou :) big squishy love to you too! xx
from sunbeams100 :
As always, your diary has amused me. Trust Frank to disallusion small children. :D
from random-ditto :
We've done it again! Take a look at my boxing day escapades... xXx
from wombaby :
Ah, the beauty of Bury. It's got a nice cathedral though!! I hope your stomach feels better.
from student-bum :
Ah what a shame you were ill too! I love your Poppy by the way, she looks adorable. I got a satnav this year. I am looking forward to programming it to English Tim's voice; his deep and soothing tones will do wonders for my road rage that tends to appear in times of crisis.
from vintagejunk :
yeah, thanks :) i think i'm ok with it now though, but i still don't want to announce it to the whole world :D
from vintagejunk :
ah well, i suppose it did sound interesting.. i'm just so embarrassed (and afraid of people finding the diary), because i never thought i'd end up doing "threesome" with people that i just met :S didn't think it was my style! but maybe it's true, every day you learn something new about yourself. i still need to get over this though before even trying to find out anything else about myself.
from sunbeams100 :
Your conversation with your dad, the non-matching, and Mr Mosquito GREATLY amused me. :) Ah, split families, what a joy. Merry christmas to thee!
from smashthegas :
Merry Christmas babycakes! Heres to a rockin good day for ya! Smashxxx
from wombaby :
Welllll ... either you can wipe it with tissue and put it back in, or you can take a small bottle of water in with you and rinse it out with that (says it on the website). But you only really need to take it out and clean it every 8-12 hours so the public toilet thing probably doesn't come up too often.
from smashthegas :
Merry Christmas to you too darling! And yeah, I will remember to keep my hangover happy all year round, not just during the traditional calendar holiday period! Hehe. Smashxxx
from theswordsman :
Happy Holidays, Sarah
from torchstar :
I can't believe you recently did all that work to train for this job, and now you're obsolete, and will Be replaced by a machine- Didn't they mention, hint, or warn of this change at school? What will you do after this gig is over? Librarian jumped to my mind
from wombaby :
Then your brother looks more famous than the other guy. But I guessed right about David thingy.
from wombaby :
I *think* your brother's the one on the left, as you're looking at the photo. Am I right?
from skinnylizzie :
I've started saying 'gosh' and 'crumbs' since discovering swearing in front of customers was frowned upon...I suppose 'jolly' is the next natural step! By the end of the year I'll be calling everybody 'jolly good sports' and twiddling my moustache, no doubt. But anyway, leaving that madness aside for a second, thank you muchly for the note. I blame this bug, I am not a good patient at all. And I am totally with you on the boyfriend thing; far better to be single and wistfully dreaming about hunky men with biteable bottoms than be with the wrong person. Who probably has a bottom you would never bite in a million years. Oh gosh, my brain has now officially melted...
from ava-reborn :
Very cool pics!!! :-)
from buffylass :
Well your note just made me laugh out loud just then, so I guess it's currently 1-1!
from shot-of-tea :
It does make me feel better, thank you :) Also *snort* at your brother Ricky-from-Kaisers.
from student-bum :
ARGH I am very jealous of your brother. Very, very jealous...
from wombaby :
And thank you. It's feeling better-ish, which is to say not as bad as at 5 this morning.
from wombaby :
Ah that kid is brilliant! I have much sympathy with her; when I was little people were always on at me to hurry up.
from skinnylizzie :
God, I did laugh at the bit about your brother's room, my brother's always looks like it's been the victim of a particularly mean burglar! Doesn't explain the smell though...and a lookalike, how exciting! I can only hope she didn't look like me right now as I have a coleslaw and am consequently a bit fugly. Damn winter.
from vanoonoo :
at least you work at the right place for a few contacts to help you get out of jail free. with the digital recording thing - I reckon they will still need people to transcribe and someone to operate the digital recorders and someone to verify that the recording is an accurate representation of the case and the transcribe is an accurate representation of the recording. so. yeah. you'll still have work in that area for a while yet I rectum :D xx
from torchstar :
You just need a "Get Out of Jail Free Card"! Or land on Free Parking...
from warmlove :
'Stinking nest of tramps'..true ..I saw a rat skuttling very much at home in the Eastern European in WW2-style Shopping centre there..and I was accosted by a pervy bloke who I yelled at: 'Fuck off, yeh' (me tryin' to be street!) too! Do you find London men the perviest sometimes?? Though tramps dont ALL smell...(I hate that way patronising announcement on the tube..'Beggars occasionally board this train, do not encourage them, please report it to a member of staff'..harsh, noone is forced to giving someone a quid for whatever might make them feel better for a few soo not a conservative voter, can u tell?!
from warmlove :
Cheers...Not exciting at all really - Just a mix of crazy people, the evilness of the film industry and hoping that I dont end up doing the embarrasing when wine is involved (I'm only learning that a pot of muller light and 7 twiglets is not a sufficient days food for hitting the vodka bars!) Gosh, did real-life people discover your diary? Oh no! I'd be screwed if certain people found mine!!
from skinnylizzie :
I feel your pain vis-a-vis the emergency tax. Somebody is going to get a beating soon, I can feel it. And is that Destiny's Child the bloody Rudolph one or the bloody bloody 12 days of Christmas one? I hear them both all the time at work and it makes me want to rip my ears off with a safety knife.
from chakra-chick :
Hi there... Not sure when you requested a password and such, but it's been aq while since I visited here. Here are the details you need to get in: USERNAME: naartjie PASSWORD: marmalade Happy reading! ~smooches~
from warmlove :
Just to say I so love your diary...the whole idea of reading other peoples diary's is kinda a little creepy in a way (but I love the idea of total strangers reading my lil illogical, emotional day-to-day ramblings!) how bizarrish
from wombaby :
Thank you! That is why I was asking questions about professional dress, by the way.
from callmepearl :
i decided not to lock my diary after all, instead i'm moving (yes, again). the new address is, drop by if you're interested!
from carnageus :
There's a fine line between experimentation and idiocy. I like to live in the grey zone.
from carnageus :
Oh, hilarious, dairyland. Hilarious.
from carnageus :
Why does this notes thing not ever ever never not work for me?
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for your note, you really are very very lovely. I am taking your advice and trying to stay busy, and it does seem to be helping a bit. At least when I'm being shouted at on the phone at work I'm not blubbing about being a big ugly dumpee, bah! (plus, I'm getting paid for it which always helps the soul a little too)
from wombaby :
What a relief! Thank you.
from buffylass :
Carob is so revolting I cannot put it into words. Although your comment about carrots did make me laugh xx
from wombaby :
Sometime in the near future, I have to attend an event which requires "professional dress". So I googled "professional dress" - and at least one of the sites I read said it meant a white blouse. This panicked me as my only white blouse is see-through and rather low-necked. But if the blouse can be any colour, then I think I'm ok with what I was planning to wear. It also said worrying things about heel height, but I think my 8 c.m. heels are discreet enough to pass under trousers. They're wedges really, not heels, and they are very comfortable.
from mister-ed :
carob is good stuff! it's a rare treat! when it's done right. specially with mint,...and err. yes.
from wombaby :
Hey, you're a professional right? Does professional dress have to have a white blouse?
from ava-reborn :
Babe, stop teasing me by telling me you've had a day out in London!! Unless the next time you have a day free in London you'll meet me and K!! Ok?? Good!!! :-P
from random-ditto :
You remember responding to my entry about the drunkards that blame their drunken state on one measly l'il drink that pushed them over the edge? Well that night our friend was such a crying mess 3 of us stayed in the bed just to make sure she was ok... and guess who got accused of spooning the following day!? Highly unimpressed. She blatantly would have loved it though. Still, our lives run in weird parallels it would seem! xXx
from buffylass :
Aww wow! Yes I read her book, which was possibly one of the most depressing books in the world ever. On a similarly miserable note, pregnancy worries are very craptastic. Especially as the knobbing nurse bollocksed up my blood-test also, and left my arm resembling a road-map (slight hyperbole). Finally, I bet your friend loved the snuggle really.
from smashthegas :
I wouldn't worry babe. Anything done after the consumption of alcohol is negated when it's with your close friends. Well, unless you murdered them. Or something. Smashxxx
from wombaby :
*You* feel uncool? I'm the one who still has it on her iPod and actually listens to it (occasionally). And lmao about Katie. I have been afraid of doing that but don't think I actually *have*. I hope.
from smashthegas :
Amarillo alone is enuff to want to kill him for. I'm not even gonna mention the other three. Smashxxx
from mister-ed :
ha, back, for you, i got bored. i did not make it to retribution, folk who did go were disappointed tho. it did not live up to the five-dancing-gizmos-from-gremlins heights of last time. there were some house parties to crawl around and some outdoor foolishness to be had, i woke up not recognising the surroundings on the other side of the city. good times it was!
from naprotex :
hey strawberri , looking for emma/spid. do you happen to know her new email addy im needing a ramble and i know from totally stupid forums that she can provide me with one , hee hee naprotex @
from random-ditto :
Oh my, thank you for those kind words! Don't know what to say. Shame I can't sing like that really, would be a great one for drunken karaoke that! Not that I indulge in such activities. Well only once... it was Bon Jovi. I'm liking your picture entries by the way :) xXx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh my GOD, I covet your blue top...suddenly my life feels empty without something similar residing in my wardrobe. Plus, I see no hint of chipmunk, you look fab!
from buffylass :
Sarah, I do love your hair quite a lot in those photos.
from skinnylizzie :
Of COURSE it was, that's because it more than likely passed through this fair town and I don't know if you've heard, but we've got a reputation for all things fishy and good here! ;)
from pink-fairy :
Your busier than Carrie from sex and the city! Glad you got it over with though xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh boo for the horrible ending things conversation, but it's obviously the right thing to do if you feel that way about it (I realise you already know this...I'm doing that annoying thing of trying to be supportive and instead just end up sounding like a twat. Damn it). And I once burnt my finger on a very hot haddock - possibly the most stupid injury every received.
from ava-reborn :
Ooo frog blood!! That old measure of innocence!!! What???!! I'd have very possibly needed a tena pad trying to conceal my laughter!
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you very much, I am indeed overjoyed at the thought of being able to irresponsibly blow my first pay cheque on totally worthless things, hurrah! Not that I think shoes are at all worthless, obviously...
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you very much, I am indeed overjoyed at the thought of being able to irresponsibly blow my first pay cheque on totally worthless things, hurrah! Not that I think shoes are at all worthless, obviously...
from vanoonoo :
oooooh thank you lovely! possibly one of the scariest things I have ever done!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh you are lovely, I think you may just be my new favourite person!
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, the wildlife there is bloody insane (and full of fleas, I was disappointed I couldn't take the squirrel home with me because of it)! More importantly, how how HOW could you be bothered to go through that many photos?!
from random-ditto :
Just giving approval for your approval of Manchester. Not so bad is it? Although I'm surprised you didn't see any Hollyoaks cast members loitering around... xXx
from shot-of-tea :
OMG. Was Jason from BB5 wearing his leopard print thong? I know too much.
from buffylass :
Oh God, I have no idea either. Zoe's the one to ask, but I'm assuming she's in the USA. I'll plump for Gut (man, I used the word 'plump' in a note). And thankyou for the mush, for mush is always appreciated :)
from pink-fairy :
OH my gosh! Am far too young to be thinking about babies! Is very lovely that you are dreaming about me though! :) Hope all is well in the life of a stenographer xxxx
from smashthegas :
I thought it was called "Cif" these days because other Europeans had trouble pronouncing "Jif?" Stupid useless fuckers. I hate Europe. Smashxxx
from student-bum :
Hehe thanks! And about Colin, who knows, who knows...
from jonquill :
Hey there. Thanks for the add. Glad you were able to work out your non-cactus state. It's a kind of rite of passage, if you will.
from wombaby :
I just read your cactus paragraph out to my Dad because it made me laugh. He said "I assume she's prickly". Obviously he has lived too long with me and my mother and thus assumes all women are prickly.
from smashthegas :
Pop in and say hey to Smash! Ill take ya out gas mashin! xxx
from student-bum :
A couple of days ago I think my body was trying to tell me I'M ABOUT TO GET ILL because I had an urge to drink 9 mugs of water in about 3 hours. Which I did. I weed a lot as well, so I can conclude I am also not a cactus. On the subject of wee, Day Nurse turned my wee Day-Glo yellow yesterday. I have stopped taking it - wee should not be that luminous.
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, and I definitely didn't mean for that note to sound quite so self-obsessed, sorry!
from skinnylizzie :
Talking of wee, your cactus comment just nearly made me piss myself, so thank you for that! Yeah I don't get the drinking loads of water doesn't seem to stay in there long enough to do much good, I feel like I spend half my life weeing nowadays. Enough of the wee talk...I felt like that when I went up to see the Geordie. I had to make nice as it was his birthday but it wasn't long before I made him let me go and see the city centre to check it was all still standing and as lovely as ever. I shall continue to not tell him that, I think.
from student-bum :
That has to be the funniest note ever, just for its length and randomness!
from buffylass :
I don't think my sister knows yet, as he hasn't been able to get in contact with her. So that was my thinking too - I figured I'd email her and firstly see what her thoughts were on the whole thing. I'm hoping she feels the same way, because I'm a bit worried that I'm overreacting. I don't think I am though.
from skinnylizzie :
I love that episode, especially the bit at the end! The timings of the flights (I've been doing my homework!) fit for New York so I shall keep my fingers crossed, I could really quite go for it to be honest! Although knowing my luck I will probably end up in some dead-end little town just like Grimboland...
from smashthegas :
Your mum's a bus driver? Heh. That rocks! Smashxxx
from wombaby :
Mmm, avocado. They are safely wrapped in a nice tough skin, remember, which you can wash and then discard. I think I would have eaten it anyway. Free avocado ...
from smashthegas :
And umm... why didn't you pop to Scouseland and visit me, hmmmmmmm? Do I smell? Huh? Hehehe. Hope things go well with the dude! And yeah, stoicism is good. I embraced it from an early age. Mind you, back then I thought it was some kind of eating disorder that would have got me off of school for a few months. Smashxxx
from buffylass :
Exactly! The toilets on the trains are a frigging disgrace, which is why it's then doubley unfair to have to fork out 30p just to sate bodily functions that you have no say over whatsoever anyway. It's always freezing in that stupid station too. Bah humbug! Oh, and big sympathy over the whole rubbishy Hugh long-distance travelling gig xx
from buffylass :
Man, the robbing bastards - last time I was there it was only 20p. Which is ridiculous also... why should it cost 20p/30p just to have a wee?
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, trains are indeed fast! And I would only want to be something in a courtroom if I got to wear one of those wigs. Maybe you should ask to wear one just for the hell of it. Meh is never a fun or interesting state of mind so you have my sympathy, and I hope things brighten up soon. Possibly in the form of a wig...oh great, now I've really made myself want one!
from buffylass :
Oh no, but it's been randomly freezing for ages! Like at least three months, so God knows what I'll have to reinstall once I roll back to then. To be honest, this computer was made around the time of the Industrial Revolution, so it may be time to just bite the bullet and mourn its death. I mean, no offence to my little electronic friend, but it's the crappest computer I've ever met in my life. Anything that freezes when you plug something into the USB port can't be that cutting edge, really. Sorry, I've just banged on for absolutely ages about nothing other than my stupid computer. Hope you're well! xx
from smashthegas :
Nah a euphemism for "that" would be: "I played pump and froth with my built-in frothy milk extractor." Or something. Heh. Smashxxx \m/
from smashthegas :
Me and my bro's rowdy? Umm... yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head, hehe. But rowdiness is a good thing! HELL TO THE YEAH! \m/ xxx
from smashthegas :
Youre smile is the dirtiest and cheekiest of you and your two friends LOL. I see it. heh. Smashyxxxx
from ohmegah :
when you see the name "ohmegah" whats the first thing that comes to your mind?
from gold-mine :
maybe i can when i'm older. my parents are really protective of me & i've always tried to show them i can take car of myself. i'm 17 now & the barely let me out on my own because i'm a girl. i hate the double standard because my 13 year old brother does a lot more than me, so i've always tried to show them i'm fully capable of handling things myself. telling them what happened would totally undermine that & i doubt they would ever let me leave the house again... plus idk. i'm supposed to be some virgin straight a student to them. idk if they'd blame me or him.
from gold-mine :
i didn't have any injuries. it wasn't violent. i just laid, cried, & said no. the only reason i bled is because you know... when girls lose their virginity, they often do bleed. & idk... i don't think i could tell my parents. & i would have to do that if i went to the police.
from gold-mine :
i don't think i could tell the police.. umm.. idk. i mean, it's my word against his. what proof would i have? nothing.
from vanoonoo :
I nearly meesed up and boring said "blogs" but then saw this and have put what I hope is a suitable message ;)
from ava-reborn :
Oh please!! Pound Shop is a kingdom of treasures!! There's no shame in being its queen!!!!
from sunbeams100 :
*keeps giggling loudly in the lounge of bungalow, where others sit!* You know I only meant that because we spent time in that shop!
from smashthegas :
Heh, its like the time my buddy C sent me a text saying something along the lines of "I just saw this skanky looking long haired rocker bein forced into a police car and had to double check to make sure it wasn't you!" and I thought to myself thass what friends are for, bringing a little joy and sunshine into your life. Heheh.
from smashthegas :
Well, forget goin out with a manc. What about a nice scouse dude instead? Heheh. xx
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you m'dear, you are a star! I honestly never thought I'd see the day when I'd be begging for a shitty minimum wage office monkey job, hmm. Never mind, I guess we all have to start somewhere. And oh God, is it wrong the word boyfriend makes me hyperventilate and keel over? Also, v jealous you went to the British Museum, I love that place with the fire of a thousand suns. Oh how I long to nick a bit of the Parthenon!
from torchstar :
I don't stare at the fridge much, if all else fails there is always pasta just a pot of boiling water away. I often see the hubby do that kitchen dance. Then he stares at me, like I am the only one who knows how to boil water! 24 hour grocery stores and our favorite restaurants that deliver assuage a growling tummy, I say. Bon Appetit ;)
from student-bum :
Thanks! Coincidently, opening the bonnet is the one thing I do know how to do :) On the driver's side on the far right, right next to the door, if you feel the bottom of the dashboard you should find a black thing that looks like the head of a hammerhead shark (I can't think of a better way to describe it!). You pull that towards you and the bonnet should clunk loudly, then you go to the bonnet itself and if you feel underneath there'll be a lever that you push to the left with one hand, and with the other you lift up the bonnet. It takes a bit of a knack, I nearly fluffed that bit on my test! Have fun in Norfolk :)
from antom :
# strawberrri, strawberrri, unsuccessful romantic year of having are we! # Ah well, at least I have the power of song to get me through the romance-less nights. What's your weapon of choice? :D x
from gold-mine :
yeah, i've always liked the play so i was excited when the movie came out. i couldn't stop smiling & singing in the movie theater. haha :D
from wombaby :
Join me in the not-our-year-for-romance club! But hey, at least we're getting some (as my forthcoming update will reveal, if I can be bothered to type it).
from student-bum :
"You want something to eat and venture to the fridge only to find nothing of your liking inside it, go to the cupboard to discover an even poorer fare and then go back to the fridge just in case something amazingly delicious has magically appeared?" YES, OH GOD YES. All the time. Today. Yesterday. Every day. I don't know why my parents can't buy things other than cheese, bread, vegetables, pasta and frozen pizza. There's only so much of it you can eat. And oh god, don't forget the ten years' worth of yoghurts we have...
from gold-mine :
hello. i was rummaging around diaryland because i just started my diary & i stumbled across yours. i read your entry & i must that i too hate when stupid people drive by while i'm walking or riding a bike. so annoying x___o;;
from student-bum :
Hehe, thanks :) I'm still looking in the mirror every five seconds, but I had great fun today going at the speed *I* wanted to and not have to slow down because Dad was in the car with me. (For your peace of mind, it was about 40 in a 60mph zone... they were country roads though, hehe. I stress that I was safe!) I have a problem at the moment with people speeding and overtaking me - on the way back from the pub a dick in an Astra nearly got himself, us and the oncoming car killed. My parents went ape-shit on my behalf; I didn't care that much, telling them, "We're still alive, aren't we?". It's those people I generally want to kill. I even stuck my finger up at someone (involuntarily) who overtook me at 40mph+ on a CORNER. Sigh.
from callmepearl :
thanks for the good advice! i'll keep in mind what you said about the carbs in the evening :)
from ava-reborn :
Oooo, everyone wants a piece of the strawberrri! I don't see how it would be a punishable offence. There's no conflict of interest. But no self punishment please, it could be deemed self-abuse, and quite frankly, your Carpal Tunnel is bad enough!!! ;)
from jabari :
Go with whomever's the cutest. lol jk.
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) I hasten to add that the jumper is not mine, it's my dad's. From TK Maxx, of course x
from buffylass :
Well, I think the law would be all, "Ah, go on then" because jury room romances are actually quite cute, and not just slightly inappropriate. Ah well, Mr. Hugh of Manchester is a lucky boy for getting in there first xx
from skinnylizzie :
Look at you, you little minx, boys loitering in bushes to accost you! Also, this is troubling my mind - what possesses people to do a POO in a swimming pool? A child I could forgive I suppose, but still...
from sunbeams100 :
I'm sorry, you're gesticulating weirdo amused me A LOT. :D
from sunbeams100 :
I haven't checked this in 6 weeks due to internet death, but I just skimmed and saw you mentioning Bill Bailey. You saw Bill Bailey? Explain? I AM DYING OF JEALOUSY.
from torchstar :
I bet Hugh got a HUGE kick out of that little note. He certainly will dream of YOU while traveling ;}
from theswordsman :
Hi Sarah. Thanks for the note. I've been reading you quite a bit, but mostly from the recently updated list or the letter s menu, but I thought I'd make it official. I was posting under two names for a while, with one for my current friends and I had some things enabled and others not, so I never gave the lack of reply a thought. Now I'm just theswordsman and everything is focused here. Have a great rest of the weekend. John
from skinnylizzie :
God, men are rubbish! How very charming of him to grace you with his presence...I take it things are going well then :)
from clairecav :
Haha, oh fair enough then. I think it would be more alright in a club or something, but there were probably only about fifteen boys in total at the party anywhere. Thus I got off with a fifth of the male population of the house. Sket! By the way though, I very much want a job like you when I am older. 11.15 sounds like a lovely time to start work, I could even watch Jeremy Kyle!
from anibananie :
Surely they'll be really pissed off when I say at the start of September, "oh yeah. I'm leaving, HAR HAR"! But I shall take your advice. The Spar near me is wanting staff at the moment, apparently... Right now I'm making a list of stuff I can sell on ebay. I have a top (Monsoon and only worn twice or so!), a pair of trousers, a bag (Accessorize, used once... I'm terrible), and 2 pairs of shoes that I've never worn. Hurrah.
from pink-fairy :
You are like stevenage's own Carrie Bradshaw with all your dates! I love it! :) xxx
from callmepearl :
yeah, the movie was kinda magical. :) btw, thanks for the warning! I'll stay away from youtube (and other risky places) until I've read the book :D
from mister-ed :
you get to go to manchester more! it is a good thing! when you see it next, tell it i said hi and i miss it and it should send me a burrito from time to time.
from buffylass :
Ha, honesty is ALWAYS the best policy in my book. Man, and I'm sorry Ely guy turned out to be a total nob jockey. Take comfort from the fact that he was probably a totally crap shag anyway. Hurrah for Manc guy! xx
from jabari :
sorry to hear 'bout mr. ely--sometimes charisma hides the asshole in people pretty well it seems. u look sort of gothy compared to ur last pic. still, it's not bad. later. -_-
from vanoonoo :
ok so i read the whole thing. yay manchester man. boo ely guy, but really. knee socks. to sleep in? that would itch surely!
from wombaby :
Ah sorry about Ely guy :-( but have fun with Manchester guy! And, um, do you actually have any cats?
from skinnylizzie :
Still, never nice to come across a tosspot (why can I not stop saying that word?!) so you have my sympathy. And marrying the Geordie...Jesus Christ, I think you just put me in heart failure!
from skinnylizzie :
Hey, there's nothing wrong with being an old cat lady! It's my full intention to follow that path for the rest of my life. I may throw things at small children if they come too close to my house as well, just for good measure. And I'm sorry about the Ely guy, what a complete and utter tosspot xx
from wombaby :
All right, you've had 48 hours, now tell us damn it!
from vanoonoo :
tell tell tell tell tell!
from jabari :
Yeah, I have to give it a break for now, reevaluate things. I've been reading quite a bit of diaries and blogs lately, and I've begun to feel lesser in that I don't have much sugar and sunshine for sale. Eh. Atleast I can read happy people's stuff from time to time, and not feel as if the world is about to come to an abrupt stop. U should post some b4/after pics of your hair! *chuckle* Goodluck.
from wombaby :
Cannot ... handle ... suspense!
from anibananie :
Oh! Just read your entry! The mystery! The suspense! The exclamations! I eagerly await your next installment.
from anibananie :
Thanks :) I know, everyone (except Nikki and Dad!) tells me the gears things is daft. But today I was in fifth and I needed to be in second for a corner, but it was one where I had to park up in one of the filter things in the road. So I changed to fourth as I slowed down, then third because I was under 40mph, then second as I got into the filter thing which allowed me to move straight off as it was clear. Otherwise I'd have gone in in fifth (FIFTH! WHY?!) and had to stop, put the handbrake on, go into first, and then set off, by which time it probably wouldn't be clear (it was the A6). My way is better but I have to snap out of it by Friday to pass my test. After that I can do what I like! :D
from jabari :
:o is/was for the lovely "guests" you have here. lol smh
from fan4 :
THanks for letting me know, but you're not a reviewer.
from fan4 :
Normally people don't have fights with me, when I tell them that no longer works. That place is dead, and it always will be. Goodbye.
from buffylass :
Oh man, you have all my sympathy xx
from jabari :
from fan4 :
What happened to the short, quirky notes you used to leave in response to my diary entries? They've been replaced by lengthy ones which I haven't liked at all.
from fan4 :
doesn't sound to me as if you're willing to remove a broken link, so I think I'll take my conversations elsewhere. Goodbye.
from fan4 :
I wouldn't hold my breath about signmyguestbook being fixed, and it's not really fair to your readers, to have a link to a non-functional guestbook.
from fan4 :
I watched a special last night about food/drink factories. If I had tuned it at the very beginning, I would've seen the entire Krispy Kreme segment. As it was, I saw the tail end of that one, and watched the remaining 9 segments.
from fan4 :
You need a new guestbook. doesn't work anymore.
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, now I can only assume that would be a tear of boredom because I just read that entry back and bugger me, I can't have drivel on when I want to. Also, you should take some credit for me having graduated and being the owner of a shiny degree, I may well not have gone or stuck it out if I hadn't read all of your amazingly fun-sounding entries on uni life :)
from anibananie :
The notes below mine made me laugh! Hehe. Ooh, you visited my beloved Peak District. I used to live in a valley there, tis a stunning place. I want to go on a bouncy castle now, despite being a little tired from the copious amounts of alcohol I drank last night. Oops.
from fan4 :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites list. Based on your diary entries, it sounds as if you had fun at that one event you went to. Music events aren't my thing (my sensitive ears wouldn't be able to handle all the cheering and other loud noises), but I do like going to fairs and stuff like that.
from fan4 :
Happy belated birthday!
from fan4 :
What are wellies?
from fan4 :
What is Glastonbury?
from anibananie :
Nooooo! He must! MAKE him communicative. How you'll do that I have no idea...
from anibananie :
LOVE the pictures, especially the face your brother is pulling (fantastic) and the hedge teapot. Making green tea, har har har har har, I'm so witty. I also thought you looked very pretty in the first one :) Great about you and Ely Guy, I am so, so jealous. I hope we hear a lot more from him! I also found it hilarious about you Hitchin a ride from a policeman. Sorry, now I've started I can't stop. But it was begging to be done. Ok, I'm going now.
from ava-reborn :
Great pics! And I'm loving hearing about you and Ely guy!! So romantic!! Yay!!
from jabari :
Hello. Found you randomly. Nice festival pics. I'm beyond jealous. Later. -_-
from buffylass :
Heh unfortunately not - thought it might look a bit weird whipping out my camera to photograph a one-level-up-from-stranger. Maybe you could round all your dopplegangers up and have them do your evil bidding?
from annie-cam :
username b, password a. I'm a genius when it comes to these...
from buffylass :
It may interest you to know, but probably won't, that I made a new friend (a WHOLE friend! All by myself!) at some hideous social event that James dragged me to the other week, and she looked almost exactly like you. Indeed she could have been you, except not really because her name was Louise. Anyway. In other news, big yay for Ely!
from skinnylizzie :
Flippin' heck Sarah, I go away for a couple of weeks and come back to all of this news! And can I just say (dear me, I'm going soft in my old age), I always love reading your diary, but these past few entries have been especially lovely :). I listened to some of Glastonbury on the radio and for the first time in my life was actually jealous of everybody there! Perhaps one year I shall stop being so vain and make an effort to try and get tickets, you make it sound so much fun. And I actually did let out an audible 'awwwww' when I read your bits about the Ely guy, it's so nice you've found somebody who turns your insides to goo as it were. PS: I FINALLY read I Capture The Castle after about three years of seeing it in your profile, excellent book!
from wombaby :
When I first heard The Killers (live), I thought they were singing "I'm not sober, I'm not a soldier". I didn't understand.
from ava-reborn :
Glad you had fun!! I'm so excited about Ely guy!! In fact, Ely was mentioned on the travel news on the radio the other day, and I thought of you and him!! Have fun tomorrow! Oh and I want more info on the random cute Kiwi!!!
from anibananie :
Thanks! And I hope never, ever to discuss my sex life with my family. It's just wrong. Don't quite know why Joe does it.. But anyway. Glastonbury sounds amazing! I'll have to go one year (or two). Good on you for braving the drive. Glad Ely Guy makes you all happy and squishy :)
from wombaby :
Enjoy the mud. And hurrah for Ely boy!
from anibananie :
Hehe I so want to see what you're like when you're an old woman, tramping through the mud at Glastonbury! Tutting at the "youth today" and saying "IN MYYYYY DAY..."
from clairecav :
HAVE FUN AT GLASTONBURY! I am using capitals to mask my jealousy, is it working? And yay for the boyfriend. I wish I liked mine more. Oh well =D
from buffylass :
Oh big yay for Ely guy!
from ava-reborn :
Oh yay, oh yay, oh yay!!!!! I'm so excited for you about Ely guy!!!! Have fun at Glastonbury!! *hugs*
from anibananie :
Fancy smuggling a poor exammed-out girl into Glastonbury in a conspicuously large rucksack? No? Oh well, I'm sure I'll manage. Have a great time, I'm incredibly jealous (not that you can tell). I did enter a competition organised by one of the uni agency things to win tickets, and since they haven't got back I guess I haven't won. Boo. I look forward to more tales of Ely Guy ;)
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, I get IDed everywhere still (it actually happened less when I was underage, where is the justice in that?), I'm starting to think of it as a compliment...kind of. Your knee is impressive, I actually let out an audible gasp in what is a very quiet cluster...eeeesh! And hurrah for a good old cheeky snog!
from wombaby :
I got ID'd at the Regal, when I was almost 20. But it wasn't a very efficient carding, as I only had my student campus card on me, nothing with my date of birth, and they still let me in. Sympathy for the knee - I had a similar injury a week ago but haven't got up to that part of my travelog yet. I think mine's slightly less bruised than yours though.
from sunbeams100 :
Was it Balare? The chav infested club. :) Also - The Regal ID everyone, as far as I know. Ah, Cambridge...
from mister-ed :
knees!! i wince! i wince!
from ava-reborn :
Oooooo sore knees!!! But I did smile at the fried egg likeness!! Have fun on your date with cheesy-pickup-line guy!!!
from skinnylizzie :
I do love it when you update; I can't remember one single entry that has bored me. Just felt that had to be said! On a similar note, your life seems very full and exciting right now, it's making me a wee bit jealous...apart from the whole falling over thing. I'm not so jealous of that. Hmm, I'm sure I had a point to this note when it started but that's gone out of the window now...
from anibananie :
I'm beginning to find that Gordon is like Marmite... not literally. You know what I mean. People love him or loathe him. I love him (and Marmite!).
from buffylass :
Aww boo for you and Damien xx
from anibananie :
Aw, shame about you and Damien. Then again, you seem to have a pretty full life at the moment. I shall repeat everyone else and say it's probably for the best :) And owch about the falling down thing. I know that feeling well... it's always embarrassing when a stranger has to pick you up.
from sunbeams100 :
That Damian text made me a bit sad! It's for the best though if you don't really like him. You like being single anyway, right? :) Cambridge eh? I wish *I* was in Cambridge!*Bored of Reading.*
from ava-reborn :
Sorry about you and Damian, but it does sound like it's for the best. Hope your knees and hands aren't too sore, lovely! x
from keithturtle :
think of it like a diary entry written in the style of Quentin Tarantino! Still made sense none the less! Sorry to hear about you and Damian, but yeah sounds like it's totally for the best. But, hang on, 7am - crack of dawn!!?? huh!
from torchstar :
Oh My! What a horrific 24 hours! Falling flat is so traumatic. Did the lady who tripped your step even acknowledge her misstep? And Damien's realization of the truth- too bad he fell so hard (Falling flat in a different sense) for you that he isn't able to be friends. Argh! Curl up with a good book and an ice pack for your knee- or go out and dance your tail off. Tomorrow is a new 24 hours, sure to be a better time. I'm sending you a psychic bandaid and shot of Jaeger.
from random-ditto :
I felt priveleged to be part of your b'day celebrations through, erm, facebook. I'm glad you enjoyed it tho, b'days aren't all bad. I wanted you to know, however, that the titles to your entries always get me thinking... AHA. Is the last one belonging to Arcade Fire? Hmmm? (That only took about 5 mins, not bad really) xXx
from torchstar :
Happy Birthday! Good time you had, with flowers, too. YAY! And this statement, "precious minutes of your life you've wasted" is not how I feel reading any of your story. I do know that feeling though, when what I write does not make sense to me. That's when I know my subconscious is doing the typing, non-linear free association thinking at its finest.
from clairecav :
I wish you a late happy birthday..! And oh I need someone to give me a right telling off, my mum doens't even know when my exams are really and has certainly never mentioned revision to me. How useless she is.
from skinnylizzie :
I highly doubt I'll be on the internet much of the next few days (I plan on spending it in a drunken haze; my liver hates me already), so I shall say an early big fat HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy your day and eat lots of cake, that's my sage advice xx
from ava-reborn :
Awww, thank you lovely! That means a lot to me! Actually, I might be going to visit TJ (my Diaryland man!) on Friday! So I'll have something to keep my mind off the day! And I promise we'll have a drink and toast to your birthday!!
from ava-reborn :
Ooooo looks painful! Have a great time at Damian's! And happy birthday for next Friday in case I don't get another chance! xx
from anibananie :
Happy birthday for Friday! Cripes, you weigh three pounds or so less than me, and you're three inches taller! Nice one. Shame about your knees though :P Looks painful.
from wombaby :
Happy birthday for Friday! Are we allowed to giggle (kindly) about your knees?
from anibananie :
I didn't really get to use the brakes on mine but they seemed alright, not too sensitive or, erm, unsensitive! I'll know for sure when I drive it home tomorrow anyway (Dad sorted out the insurance today so hopefully I'll be able to). Aaargh I'm so excited! :D I'm trying to think of a name now, hehe.
from anibananie :
No power steering?! How do you cope?! I tried driving a Fiat Punto with no power steering and it was a NIGHTMARE. But yes, YAY for Micras, and thanks for the good luck! Hopefully it'll work...
from clairecav :
Ah, I clearly underestimated the love of that dear boaty! I would like to care about such things, but I think I am far too shallow and selfish. I would probably care if I was on fire, or if my straighteners were! And thank you!
from anibananie :
Thanks! And never fear, my paranoia over revision will make sure I revise every bit I possibly can...
from sunbeams100 :
A butterfly house sounds amazing! Or were they evil killer butterflies? :)
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, thank you for your note, I'm secretly hoping it will be possible to get said job AND keep hold of the lovely Geordie but that may be asking too much! And butterflies can be bloody scary, flapping in your face and being so...well, so buggy...
from anibananie :
Laugh. Definitely laugh...
from ava-reborn :
Ooooh, you went in the butterfly house!!! Eeeek!!! Respect to you!! If I did, I'd have to go home to change my trousers!!! *shudder* Pretty, but damn scary those flappy things!! I'm glad things are good with Damian!!!!
from ava-reborn :
Thank you sooooo much!!! You're soooo lovely!!!!
from random-ditto :
You don't go a day without hearing facebook being mentioned, it's worse at uni. And although it is useful for some things it should be taken with a pinch of salt. Some people have added me after barely saying hello, for example, and I think that's a bit odd. One guy from school that never spoke to me, or anyone for that matter, went on some kind of rampage tagging everyone elses photos on commenting on things he wasn't even around for. Of course, I hit reject, and have done a subsequent 5 times now. I still use it, of course! But I have found people don't know when to draw the line... anyways this is turning into a long msg, I basically wanted to say "AMEN!" to your entry!!! xXx
from anibananie :
Worryingly enough my instinct is to buy them anyway, just because I think it would be amusing if my poo turned black...!
from callmepearl :
haven't tried arcade fire yet but maybe i should! :)
from sunbeams100 :
I haven't had anyone I hate add me on Facebook, but at least 2 people I've never had any contact with, wtf? One day I will learn to reject as well. :) Stupid Emma person! *Smites her.*
from buffylass :
After reading that I have a big urge to hug your 15 year old self. Facebook's also bad because people keep posting very unflattering photos of me on it and then letting any old nosey sod look at them. Buh.
from anibananie :
That is a BRILLIANT dream! I love hearing people's dreams. Especially when I'm in them ;)
from anibananie :
Owch. Some people are just the limit. But what a cheek! I had a similar situation in year 9, which I think I must have told you about at some point, but these days I'm on speaking terms with the person who wrote the letter. Makes life a bit easier. We're friends on Facebook ;) You're absolutely right, fuck her.
from antom :
Ahh the crazy world of the Facebook / MySpace. Your entry reminded me of hearing how all those gimps on Friends Reunited met up with their old school sweethearts and ended up divorcing their husbands / wives. It's definitely one thing I don't like about such sites - whilst it's nice to see what people you've lost touch with are getting up to, there's a reason why you never bothered to keep in touch with others. Luckily, I've yet to have anyone I really hated attempt to add me as their 'buddy'...
from clairecav :
Haha my friend Michael said "Je joue au fromage.". He played the cheese. I don't think I did quite that badly!
from clairecav :
Aw yes thank you! Everything is simply grand over here, but I would be so much happier if I was able to update =( Every single time I try (and this has been every day for a week now) I get told it's been temporarily switched off or whatever. Boo! Hope all is well with you :] x
from ava-reborn :
Thanks lovely!! I will check that out!! Thankfully, over the years I've learned lots of exercises from my mum to stretch and exercise my wrist and hand. But all alternatives are welcome! Thanks again!! Have a great weekend!!!
from anibananie :
I will try my best, tis all I can do! It was just nice to know the B was in my reach, I thought I'd struggle to get a C before I got that news. Hope you're well. Stupid pissing Diaryland... It had better get sorted soon.
from a-lexicon :
yes, still alive, and planning on sticking around. hopefully i do, because it's theraputic, and that's what i need =) Alex
from ava-reborn :
What's up with your wrist lovely? As for Damian, I don't blame you for not going. Yes it's a lovely offer, but I understand why it feels too early! Too soon! And I'm sure he will too!! I honestly think if you just explain your feelings he'll understand! He sounds like a good 'un!!
from sunbeams100 :
Haha, I'd forgotten your rage about the multipack! They better email you back with changed prices!
from wombaby :
It's a conspiracy. Everyone thinks multipacks are cheaper, so they'll buy those instead of the single packs. So by making multipacks considerably more expensive, they win. Buy singly, save on packaging!!
from kbc :
Hysterical! I'll never understand some of the "deals" these stores purport to offer.
from sunbeams100 :
Nah I think I'll have passed. :)
from keithturtle :
That's how it was for me and my woman in the beginning.. don't think there's any set rules for how one person should feel from another, and i don't think it happens for both people at the same time, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Being the typical bloke that i am, i do the whole 'too much too soon' thing and scare most people off. I've since learnt my lesson. Any further help feel free to ask, as you did the same for me!
from gra :
Just tell him he's too old or something? I do not know. But...can I get any free jobs that might be going for court reporters, it sounds great!
from vanoonoo :
can you support your right arm whilst you use your machine? I find that I get my shoulder pains if I am not sitting in exactly the right way. Really hope it sorts out super soon Vx
from keithturtle :
Hey, hope your arm gets betterer, as that would be a shit if you had to quit due to RSI.... my top tip (as i busted my ankle up in footy the other day) is voltarol (sp?) - it worked on a killer bruise, not the same i know, but may help!!! Anyhoo, i digress. Point of post - did ye not feel this way about the New Bloke after 3-4 weeks? For me, this is a very important time. If you give it a few more weeks, you MAY get too comfortable, and simply can't be arsed to get out of the r'ship... or indeed it may be the best decision of your life! On the other hand, you might just not find him as attractive as you thought? ('pologies if i sound too jdugemental!)
from torchstar :
I think you'll gain insight from this cool web page I made a couple years ago about Love Chemistry... And BOY do I hope that arm heals. Anti-inflammatory stuff? Maybe a chiropractor will help it too. I'd do a thorough web search to see the options!
from anibananie :
I too hope the arm magically heals! You could always get one of those things that people use to build up their wrist strength. I forget what they're called. But aside from strengthening your arm, you'd also have a brilliant (brill! Ha, I'm going to do that every time now) bone-crushing handshake. Or something like this, but cheaper seeing as this is clearly a ripoff: (Sorry if that balls up your notes page.) And in regards to Damien, I suggest you see how it goes for a few more weeks. If you enjoy spending time with him there's no harm really, at least for now. If months turn to years it may be a different story...
from anibananie :
I can confirm you did indeed use the word 'brill'. But it's a brill word (see what I did there?).
from clairecav :
Well done for managing to get serious subject matters into your entries! I'm always kind of aware of bad things happening but never quite seem able to fit them into my diary, so I tip my hat to you (or should that be 'raise my hat'? I DO NOT KNOW PROPER HAT ETIQUETTE, shock!). Anyway. I am part girl, par hobo at the moment so thank you for the brilliant reminder of that machine that turns your useless coppers into real money. I have 2 piggybanks full of 2ps and it is my intention now to go tomorrow and turn them into mountains of cash. Or at least 2.50.
from ava-reborn :
Oooooo illicit kissing whilst half naked!!! And a 3rd date of coupledom proportions!! Woohoo!!
from wombaby :
emergency tax sucks a great deal. on the plus side, it's nice when you get it all back in a big lump!
from figandflower :
You and this guy sound too adorable. I can't believe you met at a pool! That's darling. Hope the third date goes swimmingly - oh god, no pun intended!
from buffylass :
Although I am (as always) horrendously late, I'd just like to say a huge YAY for all things Damianesque xx
from anibananie :
Thanks :) I skipped most of the lessons last term and got three As for General (even in Maths, when I turned up thinking it was the Morality and Ethics paper), so my friends can go twat themselves. And thanks again, I may very well be picking your brain about car stuff soon! And finally, people with flat feet are fantastic, obviously. Even if we will end up with bad knees and not be allowed to fly planes.
from torchstar :
That spider was about 3" tip to tip. The biggest middle section was the size of your pinkie finger's nail bed! Quite large and hairier than the animation shows.
from vanoonoo :
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, I'm glad it went well again :). Just out of interest, a totally nosy question that you can ignore if you want he really that much older than you? Good God, could I be any nosier? And now I'm craving Vienetta which I'm holding you responsible for, you wench.
from ava-reborn :
from clairecav :
Ha! Scrott's an unfortunate nickname based upon his screen-name, that I use for him for when I speak to my friends, as a way of differentiating between the other Scotts we know (Pervy Scott, Big-Heard Scott and Scott-From-Our-Form being the others). I can't quite seem to shake it off now, which might be an issue when speaking to him. Gah!
from clairecav :
Hurray! I hope that my date (whenever you know, it finally happens) results in Scrott thinking I am also wise and very beautiful. I'm not at all sure how I can fool him into that though. All the same - HURRAY for you and the sexual Italien. Did he cook you pasta?
from barmymoo :
Thank you thank you thank you you're brilliant! :-)
from anibananie :
Oh my! I'm going to have to dig out the geneology now... And I just tripped over the board we put at the kitchen door to stop Poppy getting out. Wonderful. Anyway, the best ones are: Djeata Just Made It, Rombus Rumpus, Champion Sierry Lord of the Ring, Bardival Drummer Boy, Tanska Milky Bar Kid, Tanska Quality Street, Faracre Fast And Loose, Biblo Galahad, Rarewood Chocolate Soldier... I could go on. I won't. Whatever they're on, I want some!
from anibananie :
Pedigree names are actual GENIUS! As I've already said to Zoe, when I can be arsed I'm going to find their family trees and type up a few of the best. One was Rombus Rumpus, which you have to admit is spectacular. Prawn cocktail... what could merit that?! Is she a pinky colour or something?!
from barmymoo :
Failed miserably to find it :-( By the way, if you marry italian guy then I hope we all get an invite! And I shall wear a big hat.
from ava-reborn :
I'm glad it worked out! And that you ended up enjoying yourself. And boy, it seems he's very keen!! But then, of course he is!! It's you! And he's not stupid!! Muah!
from torchstar :
That sounds like success to me! Groovy! Hmmmm... What does HE like to drink??? Bring it along for Date 2. And maybe a little bottle of jagermeister too ;> Bitters is good for "settling the stomach" naturally... Hee Hee!
from wombaby :
Hurrah :-D
from wombaby :
It's the afternoon of the day after. We want to know!!
from torchstar :
I hope to hear IT was a smashing success. What sort of fun splendid first date thing did you wear?
from anibananie :
Argh, I didn't realise what a terrible pun I'd made! Christ, I'm turning into my father.
from anibananie :
I'm sure it'll go swimmingly, m'dear :D Hazel is my favourite texter, because she's slightly insane. For example, whenever we think of something at the same time we send each other a text saying, "URI BROOOOOOOWN", extending the Os as long as possible. It's a long story.
from wombaby :
Come now, 31 is not that old! Robert is *cough*41*cough* and age was never a problem. At least Damian isn't old enough to be your Dad, so doesn't really count as a different generation - just old enough to be stable, mature and sexy :) and if he doesn't like you as you are, he's not worth changing for.
from anibananie :
Good luck for tomorrow, he'll love you. And as for the text thing... I find that the chirpier the message I send, the more subdued the reply! It drives me nuts.
from johnguinness :
Hi. I pop in and read from time to time, and just wanted to announce my presence so I'm not a lurkey lurkerson. I would show up on a stat counter as being form somewhere in Illinois in the US. Good luck on the date. Don't worry, I'm sure he's planning his evening tonight so that he looks his best for you tomorrow, and he's got people wishing him luck as well. Take care. John
from ava-reborn :
He's probably just as nervous as you and didn't know what to text! Good luck! Hope all goes well! x
from mister-ed :
hey we changed tactics and realised we should be remembering him happily. turns out he just slipped and banged his head. end. crazy huh. he wasn't me best mate or anyfink, just one of them people you always see and talk to.
from wombaby :
Ah but on a non-traditional date there's no pressure to be conventionally romantic, you can just be yourself. Sounds excellent.
from mister-ed :
ta. it is weird.
from skinnylizzie :
Yay, good luck for the date! Loopy is so much better than boring and sensible, in my humble (but very right) opinion
from wombaby :
Happy happy Saturday then! I'm sure the date will go well, and if it doesn't then it's his loss anyway. Have a great time.
from callmepearl :
hmm, you have a point there..
from callmepearl :
oh ****.. realized that I left the note with my old username. :D well, you know what they say about old habits!
from hippie7 :
yay :D
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, yeah, I literally just realised that! Oh well, I'm sure I'll get round to cropping them out soon...thank God for passwords to protect her dignity from Nigel stalkers is all I can say!
from wombaby :
It doesn't look that bad in the picture of the picture, but in real life it looks like a ghoul. I think all other copies of that picture have been destroyed now though.
from torchstar :
"I love days like today - warmish and sunny, but cool enough to make a cardigan a requirement at times." Me too- I love long sleeves and leather jackets and sweaters. I wilt when it is hot. Global warming is not a fun climate change for me. But the dinosaur spirits out there are thrilled at the idea the Earth is becoming tropical again. Heck, we may be back to primordial ooze before long...
from wombaby :
That's quite ... scary!
from barmymoo :
Thanks :-) We'll be ok. Your diary makes me giggle, it cheers me up! ;-)
from ava-reborn :
Well I'm eagerly awaiting an in depth story about Mr Hot Italian Looking Man!! So get things moving young lady!!!
from wombaby :
Oh do, do! I'd share my old one, but happily I no longer have it. Hideous. I don't know why they bother putting pictures on driving licences though because they're so reduced that you can't see any kind of resemblance at all. I want a pink one!!
from wombaby :
Whilst procrastinating over an essay, I was reading anibananie's notes page (why?) and saw yours about having to keep your provisional licence picture til 2011 - I don't think you do. I still have a provisional licence, but when it got nicked I decided to pay the extra (about 17 pounds I think) to change my photo because it was so ugly. So I think you can change the photo. Ok, I'm going back to my essay now.
from onlyemma :
Thank you for your note, it made my day! It was very lovely of you and I'm glad you liked my cabbage dream :) And go you! Well done with the Italian guy, I hope it goes well xx
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the birthday wishes my lovely! I haven't gotten round to saying thank you on Facebook yet so I thought I'd say it here first :)
from anibananie :
Nah you don't sound preachy or anything, nae fear. Sadly the 2 hours wasn't an understatement...! But yeah, he's not the first to have told me (over the Internet, which is the bit that makes me angry!) that I'm not doing enough: someone who reads my diary sent me 2 long and slightly patronising emails (telling me how to use a planner when I've had one for the last 7 years...!). If I hadn't got those I probably wouldn't have blown my top today. But when I PM-ed the moose boy I was calm and mature, as always(!) And I realised after I sent it that I could have taken it the wrong way. Oh well, what's done is done! Though I am in the process of sending a 'maybe I'm wrong' message. Wine makes me more forgiving...
from sunbeams100 :
I take it you said yes then? :)
from clairecav :
Pardon my french, but oh yes! Get the fuck in! I shall even put aside my Italien-man-based jealousy to be happy for you.
from anibananie :
Hehe, how excellent!
from vanoonoo :
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, you jammy dodger! Go the you!
from wombaby :
Even better - *he* proposed! (an outing). You had better have said yes. It didn't even occur to me that your saying yes was in question until I read someone else's note asking!!
from hippie7 :
let's hope for the best :)
from hippie7 :
Well well, Mr Hot Italian-Looking Man finally did it! I'm so happy for you that I can't even find words for it. You did say yes, didn't you? Tell me you did!
from anibananie :
You may not be the best role model by your own admission, but you do tell some great stories :D
from hippie7 :
Thanks! I'm still quite amazed, too. I can't believe that now I can go driving by myself, without an instructor! I think I need to check if my insurance is ok.. And sorry for the late answer the the Hugh comment, but he really is one hot 50-year-old! Well, he's 46 - that's close enough. I have a sudden urge to see 4 weddings.
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, so did I! Serves me right for getting complacent, stupid kitchen of DOOM. By the way, your very hot fellow swimmer should bite his bottom. Forget all this licking and proposing nonsense, biting buttocks is where it's at.
from anibananie :
Hehe, glad it amused you! It definitely amused us, it was one of those ones where we looked at it and then couldn't breathe through laughing. That, and the deformed-looking one with mine and Hazel's heads becoming one. Well, that was more scary than funny...
from barmymoo :
XD you're totally right! The ironic and highly amusing thing is that the one I missed off is English Language... and I failed to "read with insight, extracting both explicit and implicit meaning". Oh dear. I'll go and change that list. Thank you!
from vanoonoo :
oooh ooooh - I am laughing and clapping tiny claps of glee!
from wombaby :
Ooh ooh you've got rid of the girlfriend! Or he has. Either way, she's got rid of. Big hurrah! Propose next time you see him. Even if you only propose a cup of coffee after swimming or something, damn well propose!
from wombaby :
Girlfriends can be got rid of. Wives are harder ...
from clairecav :
Gosh I get a bit flustered just reading about Damien. Just lick him next time you see him, after all it's not every day hot Italian men wander by and show an interest! Not in my life anyway. Glad the job is going superb!
from anibananie :
I'll tell him that. His response, I predict, will be "cool!".
from pink-fairy :
So its kinda like being on permanent jury duty? That sounds so thrilling! But probably only becuase I have always wanted to do Jury duty and haven't got my call up yet. I heard they pay for your lunch :) and your travel costs. Also probably is best to stay away from the murderers.
from wombaby :
What's wrong with proposing?
from barmymoo :
Heh many of my friends are doing Maths, Further Maths and Physics. It just took me five attempts to spell that correctly. Anyway, I fear for their sanity after that much maths.
from sunbeams100 :
Aww, I smiled through your whole entry. Well, the part about Italian Guy With Inappropriate Name anyway. How sweet, Sarah has a giant crush! I was just thinking the other day about how I never come swimming with you anymore, maybe this is why! :D
from barmymoo :
To be honest everyone else loved it, I just really really really didn't like it to the point that I don't want them to ever make any money from it. I hate gore and violence for the sake of violence, and Hot Fuzz is definitely both of those things. Grr. But to be fair, it is a little bit funny in places. I just can't cope with all the blood, even if it is so obviously fake!
from barmymoo :
from the-moo :
I've only ever been in cambridge during the day since it's usually when we're visiting the inlaws down there! I'm glad you're happy and I hope you found a toothbrush!!!! *squish* xxx
from wombaby :
Eeh the Cambar is weird! First club I ever went to!! Probably the dodgiest club in Cambridge (but I kind of like it, probably because I go with my cousin, and he buys me drinks ... lots of drinks!!)
from buffylass :
Heh you can indeed, and your awww is much appreciated x
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, that was one of the best notes I've ever gotten! Tell me about it, it's like another way to subtly rub a single person's nose in it. I was in Woolies earlier and the two women in front of me bought Love Hearts and a box of Ferrero Rocher. Why, sweet Lord, why?!
from clairecav :
Glad the job is going spiffingly =)
from sunbeams100 :
I hope the job is going wonderfully my darling! Do tell me soon? :D
from vanoonoo :
OMG - is it really a year and four months. That scares me - probably not as much as it scares you - but I remember reading you when you were a mere student!
from buffylass :
Big good luck with your first day xx
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh I hope tomorrow goes okay!
from wombaby :
And even more Good Luck in case there wasn't enough in the first note. Especially with the carpark.
from wombaby :
Good Luck!!!
from barmymoo :
I've just been reading all the entries I missed whilst on hiatus from this amazing land of diaries. And I have to say that you made me giggle a lot, although I'm sorry about some of the bad stuff that's happened :-( But reading your diary brightens my day. Thank you for that.
from mycool101 :
strawberri just here to tell u that ur diarys good and im BORED soooooo plz leave me a comment or a reply to this note
from anibananie :
My posh accent is disappearing! Hehe, I always sound more northern if I'm pissed off or geared up. And thanks, I shall have to make more videos some day :) Waah, I want to build a snowman! Lucky you ;)
from random-ditto :
Clever old me had enough time on her hands to try & figure out why my profile-thingy was saying you hadn't updated in the past 3 months. After dedicating some serious thought to the matter I realised I'd missed out the all important 3rd 'R'. Whoops! xXx
from sunbeams100 :
Oh, Alice Mack. In my head she always resembles Melissa Joan Hart, even though I know that isn't her!...Is it? When I next visit you, I *demand* to drink from that otter glass!
from clairecav :
Alex Mack Wears A Hat! Oh, the good old days. Good luck with the job, druggie.
from wombaby :
Ah but the trouble is, I don't like wine! Well, I don't mind it watered down, and the drunker I am, the more I enjoy it (once I start liking the taste of red wine, it's time to stop!)
from skinnylizzie :
THREE GRAND? I just fell off my chair. I'm staying up north!
from wombaby :
Otter bitter sounds good, just from the name. My favourite is Syphon the Python. Want British ale ... possibly the only Brit thing I miss in the put-it-in-your-mouth department.
from clairecav :
Ah, thankyou. Tis good to have druggies like yourself on hand to supply me with advice =)
from sunbeams100 :
I think I would be oddly proud of "NEVER AGAIN" as well! I never got any customer particularly angry, except one who I mildly enraged because I accidentally, while working on the fitting room, let the rail-clearer take some socks she'd left there. And I couldn't leave my post. And there were LOADS of the same socks on the shop floor wtf. Customers suck. :) Thank-you for the note! I am still confused by my first. I beat Verity by 3 marks (she was one off a first) and she is reeeally good at Classics, so wtf?
from skinnylizzie :
My dissertation's only 20 credits and 6000-8000 words, which is a baby in comparison to some people's. I think I'll start feeling more stressed nearer deadline day, but safely ensconsed at the very beginning of February, I'm quite at ease to insult Roman architects and laugh at dodgy naked statues with tiny willies (NOT that I do that of course, I'm far too mature!)
from skinnylizzie :
Ah, you don't even have to ask my lovely, I wouldn't have minded at all. Not that there's ever anything of substance in that diary, but oh well, it keeps me amused! And I thought that turning 21 in just over 6 weeks finally eliminated the chance of not being able to get into any nightclubs, but now I learn that over-23s nightclubs do in fact exist...does it never end?!
from anibananie :
Crap, so I'm stuck with the wonky nose! Ah well. I have the time to do 2-hour lessons a week, so hopefully that's what I'll be doing. I can't wait to start learning :)
from figandflower :
reading that just made me insanely jealous... but at the same time extremely happy for you!
from wombaby :
Well start making it a habit then, it sounds fun :)
from sunbeams100 :
It's good to see you so happy again my lovely!
from wombaby :
Oh hurrah for snuggly cuddly boys! (And oh my god, you smuggled a boy into your parents' house?! !!!)
from skinnylizzie :
I was going to say something all empowering, but it's gone now. It's pooey that he has to go away again, but like you said, it's still nice you got the one night. I am totally not jealous, not AT ALL...
from pink-fairy :
Yay! I love a bit of romance :)
from clairecav :
Tis sad that dear old Tim is off around the world, but I am VERY GLAD that you seem to be getting over le ex and that you had such a good night.
from ava-reborn :
Oh wow!! That's fantastic!! Wonderful and lovely!!! And wow, your mum's cool!!! I really hope he keeps in touch and this is just the beginning of something that brings you massive happiness!!! And like you said, if nothing else, it has served to proved you're over your ex!! A big plus! Hugs! xx
from anibananie :
Aaw, I'm glad :D
from sunbeams100 :
Haha, I love that plant story. Your anecnotes always make me laugh. :D I just ha a 4 hour nap, I'm all owl-like and confused.
from ava-reborn :
See, that's why it's called Smart Price!! You get free china with it!!!!
from random-ditto :
So long as there is nothing that could link our facebookedness to my diary leading everyone to read my deepest darkest stupidest thoughts!? If there is no such connection, I'm in! xXx
from wombaby :
I think you're absolutely right.
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, thanks! Amazingly enough that's the first time I've been called Flossie in months. I'd ring the Senile One to congratulate her on getting my name right all Christmas but she's probably forgotten she's actually got a granddaughter by now. I wish I was joking!
from erasmus-jo :
I think so too! Although I confess I did end up watching it in English - it just sounded wrong in French (I tried) - and, er, I've only got about 6 episodes left out of 23. Exams? What exams! Is watching 6 episodes in one day a bad thing?
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the note, my lovely :). I have indeed considered working with horses, the only thing that's really putting me off is the shitty hours for no pay. I'm determined to find a decent job though! And you're right, there's no way in hell I'm working with pots or talking about ancient porn ever again in my whole entire life xx
from anibananie :
I thought for a second that that Drew whatsisface was David Hasslehoff for one brief second... so you're not alone ;)
from pink-fairy :
Something even sadder is the fact that when they showed Leo Sayer's face - I knew it was him straight away! And I got a little excited and started singing 'I think I love you' which was once a quite big hit for him back in the 70s... ahem... Bye xxx
from mister-ed :
kettle chips, oh kettle chips, the crunchy little wonders, they're the last thing i'd eat less of.
from wombaby :
Hehe no chance of skiing here - I'm a Norfolk girl, remember? I like my ground without gradient! Do I take it from your earlier note that you would be happy just eating butter?
from sunbeams100 :
Well done you brilliant chimp! When do you start?
from angelfish83 :
from wombaby :
I apologise for not wishing you luck (I think you'd already gone for the interview by the time I read that entry) and would like to make up for it with a CONGRATULATIONS.
from anibananie :
Waaaay, go you :)
from clairecav :
Big fat Congratulations! Also a slice of merry Christmas ;)
from pink-fairy :
And big well done on the job!
from pink-fairy :
Awww thank you! :) thats the most sweetest, kindest thing I think anyone has ever said to me! :) I hope santa brings you lots of gifts this year! Big hugs xxxx
from buffylass :
I'm pretty sure they're all just going to say YAY SARAH in different coloured letters xx
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, that actually sounds quite interesting! And I don't think having no idea what career you want to end up in is a bad thing; this way you get to try out all sorts of jobs until you come across the right way. And this one definitely sounds like it could have some less-than-dull moments :) x
from buffylass :
from skinnylizzie :
Aww yay, WELL DONE!
from wombaby :
I would have eaten your Christmas pudding for nothing!! Mmmm ... hope this year no-one feeds you food you don't like :)
from buffylass :
Oh hell, I'm always the last. Big good luck! xx
from anibananie :
El lucko! xx
from ava-reborn :
Good luck for your assessment lovely!!! And equally good luck with those high heels and alcohol!!! Muah!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Good luck for tomorrow! And also good luck with the skyscraper heels, I've developed a nasty habit of falling over a lot at the moment and so I could sympathise with a shoe disaster entirely...
from anibananie :
Ew. Hope that contact lens is listening to you.
from buffylass :
Ha! Oh bless you xx
from buffylass :
Thankyou for your lovely note the other day - I've been totally slack with my replyage (as always), but thankyou xx
from anibananie :
Assuming I'm right, if you put iron filings on the racket and a magnet on the shuttlecock, the iron filings will break free from your racket and gravitate towards the shuttlecock, which while being very amusing is probably not the effect you were after... Though knowing how shite I am at anything non English-related then I am probably wrong. I love the word fruition, by the way, it is most excellent.
from anibananie :
Nottingham officially sucks. But at least I didn't want to go there. If Edinburgh rejects me I will cry, lots.
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, I know which one I'd find harder! I was late for something yesterday and ended up having to do a very undignified run to get there faster, but I lasted about a minute. Granted I was wearing three and a half inch heels, but it's still pathetic. And yes, I think I may well start demanding money back! Either that or I'm sending the bastards this month's gas bills. And emptying a jar of locusts in their office.
from anibananie :
Proof that all Brownie leaders are evil! We should feel free to make goose noises and ask for badges (which is what I did to deserve the whacking, apparently) - or rather, should have felt free. Big Boss needs a whacking, I feel. I may introduce my old Brownie leader to her. I doubt I can report her, sadly, just make her life difficult by leaving, as they're understaffed anyway, mwahaha.
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) and worry not, for the crisis has passed xx
from ava-reborn :
And you know that cars can sense that you're not good with them!! And will be drawn to you and deliberately sniff around your legs and sit on your lap!! Oh, no, that's definitely just cats!
from skinnylizzie :
The nothingyness (what an excellent word) is sucky, I'm experiencing that at the moment and it makes me want to write in my stupid diary about as much as I want to lick a hobo. And contrary to popular belief, I'm not especially keen on that idea. I think I'm going to blame this time of year and the weather, you know. At least you have Christmas to look forward to. Mince pies and fishing all the green triangles out of the Quality Street before anybody else can get them!
from pink-fairy :
Ha! I thought I was bad in having to go to the post office twice to get my road tax for the first time.
from the-moo :
I LOVE THAT SONG... I don't love petrol caps but I suppose I am grateful for them!! xxx
from clairecav :
Exciting? Wise? I had to check it was actually my notes page I was reading then and not like, a proper person who doesn't just doss around eating jam tarts, like I do. But thankyou anyway! To prove my lack of excitement though, I'll share with you that I spent about fifteen seconds there playing around with where to put the comma in the third sentence there. I know it's in the wrong place still, and it annoys me. I've forgotten how to use commas. Tragedy.
from hippie7 :
You're SO right!
from ava-reborn :
I know exactly what you mean!!! I'm trying to stay friends with Jason but each time we text or speak I just want to be with him again!! Not sure it's doing me any mental health favours! I can't believe you drove off with the petrol cap on the roof!! That's such an old joke! But you actually did it!! Oh lovely, you are not safe to be let out alone!!!!! But if you do intend going out for the Christmas season, I can just imagine you trying to squeeze that last brussel sprout in to win a bet!!! Gotta love the Vicar Of Dibley!!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, I'm glad you're feeling more cheerful now, break-ups make me think that being single isn't perhaps that bad after all. I'm afraid I did snort when I read your petrol cap story without any concern for your safety. I am a heartless wench! The 4 Christmas dinners thing actually reminds me of the Vicar of Dibley, funnily enough, where she eats 3 in one day and has to be carried home in a tractor. One day I want to be carried home in a tractor :)
from sunbeams100 :
*Snuggles* Why did he post them to you after so long? Prick. If you want, I can brave the trains and come and see you soon.
from vanoonoo :
is it around this time that he's taken his exams? I was actually thinking about this the other day and wondered if he would get in touch and stuff. *hugs*
from ava-reborn :
Awww sweetheart!! I'm sending you huge mumsy comforting hugs!!! And thank you so much for your note!! xx
from hippie7 :
This might sound stupid, but don't worry, one day you will be over him. :) *hugs*
from anibananie :
Aaw *hugs*
from buffylass :
*big hugs*
from ava-reborn :
Thank you sooo much for your note! Thanks for helping me feel better! Hugs! xx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh yeah, smiling like I'm in intense pain is my forte! I just choose to destroy all of the photos that prove that rather than share them around. Even I have some shame! And thank you, I'm not quite sure stunning's the word I'd use to describe that night in general but I won't complain :). Worryingly though, I seem to have been roped into designing some society hoodies after the success of my homemade t-shirt...
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, is it wrong that I have a Christmas Countdown pinned up on my wall?! For reasons not entirely related to being fed up of this stupidly long winter term (I get the feeling I'm never going to grow up, you know). Anyway, I'm babbling as per usual - just wanted to say a big thank you for your kind note the other day xxx
from mister-ed :
yup i did and it was really good. no bertie basset this year.
from clairecav :
'Yes, but where did you grow up? South Africa?' *Laughs my merry arse off*
from ava-reborn :
Oh how rude! (for the first thing!) And oooo how weird!! (for the second!) Do you think it may have been a myspace person who's seen your profile?
from hippie7 :
I think you just saved my life. :) But I'm afraid a few people will be in danger to lose their lives because know that I know how to start a car, the roads won't be safe anymore.. Oh well, I'm grateful anyway!
from the-moo :
oooh I'm watching the simpsons right now!! the one with the teachers strike not sure which series thats from it's on TV *hugs* and hahaha at the skinny bummed man!! *hugs* you're fab xxx
from mister-ed :
yeah all is fine, mostly, which is normal. thanks! i tried to think of somekind of goodwill message for you but i just got all sheepish so i resorted to thinking it instead.....fuck parking! just stop wherever you like, like in italy (apparently). i'm still in leicester but i have the urge to move to bristol soon for no reason. hm.
from buffylass :
Ah now come, nothing could ever be as tantalising as Neighbours endings. However, I'm totally boycotting Neighbours at the moment ever since horrible Rachel made Karl and Susan put the brakes on their reunion. What gives her the right?!
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) xx
from random-ditto :
Glad to hear that inbetween all the dancing and this thing you call exercise that you're feeling better. Fingers crossed for tuesday, I know I'm only a complete randomer but I'll be thinking of you. Cancer is a funny thing, it's a horrible, horrible thing that you wouldn't wish on anyone but after the diagnosis you start thanking it for showing any mercy at all. I don't think I wrote that properly but the ideas in my head make sense... honest. Anyway, keep your chin up! xXx
from rainy-daze- :
good about your grandma :) hope she's okay. driving whilst hungover is *bad* missy!! I passed my mock test today, with two driver faults so i was pleased with that. Just hope I do okay on the real thing... which ain't far away... arrrrgh. xx
from skinnylizzie :
Whoa, a grand is STEEP! I welcome your confidence in my dissertation writing abilities, I keep saying I'll make a start on researching it but I don't know who I'm trying to kid, I won't be starting it until March. Your way definitely seems to be the way forward, you are my uni role model :)
from anibananie :
Aah if only there was room in the car...
from wombaby :
Oh dear, that is not good about your Grandmother! If it's any comfort, mine has had cancer four or five times (I've lost count) and now at 81 has been clear for a couple of years. I hope yours is the same. *hugs*
from clairecav :
Thankyou - I am entitled to be stupid, is what I think you mean! And huzzah to that. On a sadder note, I'm sorry to hear about your nan. Hope the news about whether or not it's operable comes back positive xXx
from anibananie :
Just read your entry. Sorry to hear about your grandmother, I hope she's doing ok.
from anibananie :
;) None taken. I think she's a complete cunt too sometimes.
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, I know! Maybe I could've understood it a bit if the players were actually on the bus but no, she just has a picture of an empty bus...! Oh Kudos, how the memories haunt me. I also got 'dog groomer' as one of mine which I've just remembered. I knew ticking the 'I like animals' box was a bad idea
from buffylass :
Really sorry to hear about your grandmother, I hope she's okay xx
from skinnylizzie :
I feel it's my turn to send you some *hugs* back. Just because, you know. I hope things go alright for your grandmother with her operation xx
from the-it-man :
I really open and intresting diary you have
from rainy-daze- :
aaah sarie, you're so amazing. i ♥ your diary muchly, really i do. xx
from skinnylizzie :
You always know what to say, that's EXACTLY how I feel. And I can't tell you what a relief it is to hear that somebody else has felt the same way, I felt like a right oddball for not enjoying myself because of this stupid flat. I'm sure things will pick up (the loan arrives today or tomorrow, huzzah!) soon enough, and thank you a huge amount for your notes :) xx
from clairecav :
Thankyou VERY much for the note. I'm kind of hoping that Lee will turn out not to be one of the Lees in the world (erm...) and actually one of the nice ones of the world. There's always hope for us twits, I suppose! Anyway, I'm really glad to hear that you're starting to feel better about the pooey-arse boyfriend situaton =)
from antom :
Aww, I'm sorry to hear about recent things (bit late I know but I rarely go on diaryland these days)... but it sounds like things are slowly moving up and getting a bit better - time's a great healer, y'know! Great nights out like you've been having are also great for it too. Anyway, I haven't listed to that dance tape for a while but I might do in a bit come to think of it!
from buffylass :
Heh thankyou very much. Hope you're doing okay xx
from pink-fairy :
The first time I went on the Motorway was last summer. It was on the M6. I was truly petrified that I sat on the inside lane for 50 miles doing 55 miles per hour. Eventually I got boxed into two great big lorries and was scared I would get crushed as neither would see me. Luckily I did not die that day. The motorway gets a lot less scary the more you go on it. Huge well done though! xxxxxxxxx
from rainy-daze- :
thank you darling! *hug* I've not had a hug for ages actually... Saturday evening it was. xx
from rainy-daze- :
ooooooooooh I am so glad you're feeling better. I would like to inform you I read about your first 100 entries yesterday and they are so interesting.. all about you being with Paul and fancying his mate Dave!! hahaha... and the fact you were a little concerned of what people would think of you wearing glasses. you're like me in some ways. I'm a lot happier than I used to be, which I guess is why I don't update so much - perhaps I don't feel the need to talk. However things right now are kinda bad, but not *bad* like they were before. Anyway, back to before, consequently, I dreamt about you last night but cannot remember what it was. Guess what? I went to London on my own for a week for business purposes and stayed in a posh expensive hotel all on my own in the centre and walked down OXford Street several times ALONE... confidence or what?! I'd never've done that two years back... go me, go me =] I feel a little ill tonight, which makes me panic, I'm terrified of being sick. Ooooh gosh this note is like a feckin' diary entry. Sorry Miss Sarah. Or is it without the 'h'? oooo I dunnow. See ya ♥
from jusrocknroll :
Just read your last couple of entries and I'm so sorry to hear about it all. Big hugs x
from rainy-daze- :
oh baby girl, let's sit and watch Bridget Jones. Men are big pooheads. Sending you flowers, chats, chocolate, laughs and comforting cuddles xxx ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
from mosher :
fucking hell strawbs. went to GRRRRR's diary first and got an inckling but after reading that.... What the fuck is it with men and this whole 'over the past two weeks i've decided i don't love you' thing. Went through exactly the same thing with patrick - felt like i could have written that diary entry myself. If you need to talk/email you know where i am. seriously. Or as a londener now, i could go round his house and shout him out northern style on your behalf if you like. Honest I could - feel very angry for you.... love and hugs. x x x x anything you need just say x x x x p.s. what the hell is up with guestbook right now?
from angelfish83 :
I am so sorry *hugs*. That is really crappy. Thinking of you x
from sunbeams100 :
*Snuggles* I'm here if you ever need to rant love.
from buffylass :
Sorry I'm so late with this - huge hugs and general sympathy for you... I hope you start feeling better soon. It all sounds horrendously shitty and I'm just very sorry xxx
from wombaby :
*hugs* It will only get easier with time. I don't know what else to say that will actually help ... but hang in there because it *will* get better.
from vanoonoo :
ugh *hugs* xxx
from pink-fairy :
Oh chic, I am so sorry. Eating loads of chocolates right now may help and also listening to Eric Carmen... time is a great healer but takes far too long to come. Big hug xxx
from clairecav :
Grrf, I hate reading about horribly shitty things happening to incredibly groovy people who don't deserve it. So I'm incredibly sorry about the boyfriend situation! I don't really know what to say aside from that, because nothing anyone says will probaly make you feel any better anyway, but... yeah. I'm sorry. You're fabulous. Chin up!
from anibananie :
I've been reading your diary for about 3 years now, so I know something's up when you don't type a title for the entry, which is why my heart sank when I saw yours today. I'm really sorry, you're in my thoughts and I wish I had a more inventive way of saying I hope you feel better soon. :( xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh no, I'm really sorry Sarah. I guess saying 'I hope you feel better soon' is inappropriate here but I'm sure you understand the sentiment. I'm sending you some big hugs and just letting you know somebody's thinking of you xxx
from ava-reborn :
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry! That's horrible. If I lived nearer I'd come and give you a big hug and take you out to drown your sorrows!!! Hugs!!!
from jusrocknroll :
Heya, jus wana say thanks for the note :) Can't wait til uni and am looking forward to it loads!
from buffylass :
Heh mine has a big smiley face on it, which made me laugh a lot when it first arrived xx
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, funnily enough that was my reaction as well! Oh thank God for the hot people in the world :)
from wombaby :
Bugger about your bike. Much sympathy. I hope they find it. But hey, congratulations about the car!!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh man, there are some scummy, scummy people in this world. I'm sorry to hear about your bike (I used to have one of those Raleigh ones, it never once broke despite how many times I fell off it so I feel your pain). But hurrah for your car news! And the inexpensive insurance :)
from ava-reborn :
Oh I'm so sorry about your bike! I hope you either get it back, or that its new owner at least treats it with respect and gives it a nice warm loving home!! Snakes On A Plane was fab wasn't it!! Scary, gory, and I spent half of it with my face buried in Jason's shoulder!! And my feet off the floor, up on the seat or in Jason's lap! But it was so funny and so enjoyable! Glad you enjoyed it!
from anibananie :
And I am sorry about the bike. :(
from anibananie :
Hehe, you and Homer in the background are doing quite similar positions. Oh god, I think that cup of tea had a bad effect on me, I do apologise. But... I am finding it far too amusing.
from buffylass :
Ooh, and thankyou for the congratulations :)
from buffylass :
Oh bless you and your bike. I hope the robbing bastards get hit by a lorry xx
from skinnylizzie :
Strangely supermarkets have some really good clothes, I found a great dress in Tesco once! And Sainsbury's too. And no, I'm finding it hard to believe that I'm almost a third year too! It'll be hard to top my splendiferous first year, but I'll give it a good go :) xx
from buffylass :
Ha, FINALLY someone who understands! At least it's not a permenant thing, only for the next couple of weeks... and then every weekend forever. Thanks for the luck :) ooh and your costume completely rocked xx
from skinnylizzie :
That's EXACTLY what I said about the damn thing, that's got to be this year's 'thing'! At least, I hope it is anyway... Anyway, thanks for your note, I have to say that I found myself chuckling a LOT at your Underground party entry, some people have the best imaginations (my favourites were High Barnet and Clapham). And I LURVE your green top! xx
from anibananie :
That is a classic entry, I salute you! Great costume. I love the High Barnet idea.
from wombaby :
And I'm with the Moo - you *must* post pictures!
from wombaby :
Easy enough - go as Angel! Or wear brown bottoms, a green top and a leafy head-dress of some description, carry a bible, and be Gospel Oak.
from the-moo :
I would be high barnet or whatever that one is!! hehe you MUST take pictures you must it would be WRONG not to!! *hugs* xxx
from anibananie :
Aw what a shame! Never mind. And thanks about the results :D
from anibananie :
Do tell me if a pair of people decide to come as Elephant and Castle, because that would amuse me far, far too much. Also, do you also read St Pancras as St Pancreas or is that just me?
from angelfish83 :
Congratulations :) I have my driving test in a couple of weeks and the thought terrifies me!
from jusrocknroll :
Well done with your driving test! The feeling is awesome isn't it :D!! Happy driving!
from strawberrri :
THANK YOU lovely, lovely people :D
from ava-reborn :
Congratulations you!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! *hugs*
from anibananie :
Waaaay, official driver! Well done, I am guessing 4 minors is good! You no longer have to rely on shitty public transport, I do envy you.
from wombaby :
Congratulations. Big green-eyed congratulations :-)
from clairecav :
Yay, congratulations on passing your test! Excelleeeeent indeed. I might ask you for a lift one day. =D
from skinnylizzie :
Aww well done!!!!! And only 4 minors as well, go the you! Have fun celebrating :)
from pink-fairy :
THATS BRILLIANT! Well done! Huge huge congrats! What a relief - go drink now - lots and lots! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from keithturtle :
YEEEAAAAAH! You passed well done Sarah! Top news, you'll drive absolutely EVERYWHERE now! Well done. ;-D
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, thank you! God that's so weird that you said that about the ice cream, I was just thinking that that's what mine look like...brown foot, white toes and bright pink nail varnish, such a good look! Good luck for your driving test, I'll keep all my fingers (and my neopolitan toes) crossed for you :)
from clairecav :
Aye, I know *glum face* but good luck on your driving test! Keep control of your bowels and I'm sure you'll be fine.
from anibananie :
I know it isn't funny at all, really, but the eBay thing made me chuckle rather a lot... I am trying to sober myself up by thinking 'you wouldn't be laughing if it was you' but, sadly, I probably would. Glad Bruges was good, I can't wait to go! x
from angelfish83 :
Hi, I haven't been on diaryland for ages but I am resolving to start my diary up again. Am still watching neighbours, though starting a proper job in september might be the end of that.....anyway I hope you enjoy your trip to bruges. x
from buffylass :
I meant to say that you're not meant to take the stuff if you've got a history of asthma or wheezing. That spelling of asthma looks wrong. And fucking hackers, they should all die of leprosy.
from anibananie :
Jack Osbourne... don't really see it myself but it can't be that bad! :P
from keithturtle :
bless you!!!! i reckon your paypal account should be ok, although they're able to get dets like your email address from ebay, to get any juicy stuff they need extra log-ins... had the same happen to me about a year ago, and the little fucker kept bidding for crap, so i sent him mails to my own hotmail challenging him to a duel!!! he (or she, i'm not sexist) never took me up on it...
from wombaby :
I went to Bruges when I was 13, and it was FANTASTIC!!! I've wanted to go back ever since but not quite got round to it. Enjoy it ever so much!
from buffylass :
I didn't trip up! Your stuff's in today's post xx
from keithturtle :
porter house? dammit i wish i could remember which pubs we went in on Covent Garden, just a tad drunk by then methinks! Hey that sounds like a top game, i've got a wedding reception this Sat, reckon i should try it then??!! aw, fanks *blushing* ;)
from buffylass :
Ha! I do hope you find your wondrous letter. Seriously, if you fancy them email me your address and I'll post you a couple. It's probably totally illegal but they do work wonders.
from the-moo :
oooooooooooooooooooooh!!! I've never seen any crop circles I once tried to make some with my friends though haha didn't work! but oooooh xxx
from buffylass :
Oh sod the herbal shit, what you want is some beta-blockers. I'll post you some, they're the best things ever.
from skinnylizzie :
Oh I totally agree on the Zidane headbutting fandango, he must've heard some pretty awful things over the years and managed not to go around headbutting everyone so it does make you wonder why on earth he would do it then! Was still bloody funny though, I know I shouldn't laugh but I just can't help it. And I am indeed enjoying my summer of freedom, thank you, so much more than if I had a job! So I should stop all this complaining about money, because I am much happier spending the day sitting on my bum and watching essential viewing such as 90% of all World Cup matches and dodgy things on the Hallmark channel :). Okay, equally long note...should probably stop now
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, that sounds like an excellent use of a weekend to me!
from anibananie :
Oh fiddlesticks. Technology, eh.
from anibananie :
Aaw poo! I don't think you're missing out on much... I was in a particularly rambly mood. Try this - and if it works I can send you the other links in an email if you're desperate to see them :P
from anibananie :
Good luck for your real test, whenever it may be :D
from buffylass :
Ha! I loved the close-up of Claude x
from anibananie :
Boat trip looks cool. The caption for the first picture is INSPIRED, I tells ye, made me chuckle quite a bit. (Sadly, due to the evilness of Mozilla, I had to use IE to view the captions.)
from ava-reborn :
I love the pics!! I'm so jealous!! Brings back so many lovely memories! As for the footie thing, my neighbours had a Portugese and an English flag on their car. (He's English, she's Portugese). They've had the flags on since the start of the tournament. After the game on Saturday, Anna was getting something out of the car and a car was passing, slowed down and shouted "You fucking Portugese scum!!" Anna immediately took down her flags! For fear their car would get vandalised!! My friend, after the game, texted me saying "Those fucking Portugese cunts!! I hate the fucking Portugese!!" I hate the hatred and Xenophobia that a bloody "game" causes!
from buffylass :
Aww thanks :D your whole boat thing looked fantastic, by the way, although I wouldn't have been able to cope without hair straighteners, so hats off to you.
from ava-reborn :
Yay, you're back! Glad you had a good time! It is beautiful isn't it! I remember how it would always take me a while to get my land legs back and stop swaying, too!! I'm glad Angus survived his misadventure!! How scary!! Him and Sam are beautiful!! I love the photo of you with them!! Great pics! Welcome home!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh no, I'm far too late to say 'enjoy yourself' because you're clearly already on a boat...instead I shall say I hope you're enjoying yourself and that things are okay hair-wise after the straighteners fandango!
from ava-reborn :
Have a great time lovely! I'm jealous!! I so miss our boating holidays! But I've never been on a barge and always fancied it! Can't wait to see the pics!! Say hi to Will Turner if you see him!!!!
from ava-reborn :
You are sooo pretty!
from buffylass :
Aww thankyou :) and if I was the MI (which obviously I am not, because that would make no sense at all) that would definately have scared me off x
from skinnylizzie :
I can understand that. And good call on the Joe Cole thing! He is rather tasty, I concur...
from skinnylizzie :
Oh God, I'm dreading getting a job, you are a saint in my eyes for coping with one for so long! Do you know what sort of job you want to go into next? Ooh, and I have a soft spot for Sweden, but mainly because of Freddie Ljungberg (have you seen the CK ads?!). Although obviously nothing will eclipse my love for Lampard's fine, fine legs...
from ava-reborn :
Thank you sooooo much for your note! I'm blushing!!! I'm so glad you like it!!!
from ava-reborn :
Thank you so much for adding me! I actually added you last week, but only just noticed I spelt strawberrri with only 2 r's! So it didn't show up that you updated! Fixed now! Enjoy the game later. We'll probably be watching too. And by the way, I'll be wishing good luck to Sweden, too! Shhhhhh!!!!
from anibananie :
I think Media's easy for some people, like Physics is easy for some people. But I think the majority of people find Media easier than Physics... hmm, I am not making much sense. Let's just say that, despite the mountains of revision I did for Psych and History, I know I've done better in Media despite my revision totalling half an hour. And I want to drop Media. Life is cruel! Still, no exams, woo!
from ava-reborn :
Just watchig Big Brother then will be watching Lost in bed. But I just wanted to tell you before I switch off, I love "I Capture The Castle"!!! Great book. Quite a good film, too.
from ava-reborn :
I went on the Norfolk Broads when I was little so don't remember it. But my family had a boat for most of my life while growing up and thsoe were some of the best holidays of my life!! I'm jealous of your holiday! Have fun though!! I know you will!!!!
from ava-reborn :
I've got some cordless, gas straightners! They're not as good as plug ins, granted, but they're better than no straightners at all!!!!!! Get some!
from onlyemma :
*gasps* a 'grow your own name' plant! I am absolutely thrilled by the prospect of growing my own name, where do they sell those magical plants? Just think of all of the unique birthday presents they can account for. Did you get a Daniel in the end? xxx
from clairecav :
Ooh and sorry for this being so late, but a HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish to you!
from clairecav :
Heh the sad fact is that everyone will probably have to wait a really long time now to hear about any more of my Firsts! Maybe I could just follow your lead and by myself a name plant, then I could refer to my plant all the time and pretend he is my boyfriend.
from the-moo :
"Or I might get a Daniel and be part of what certainly must be a minority of people who have a plant and a boyfriend with the same name" - hahaha I love your brain xxxxxxxxx
from anibananie :
I thought you'd written "wandering into my house on Friday evening EATING a bunch of pink and white roses", which made me think the boyfriend was a little deranged. Until I re-read the sentence, of course.
from skinnylizzie :
Woo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My, 22, how time flies!
from the-moo :
from anibananie :
Oh my days I forgot about my eggs :P Makes me sound like a chicken. I know I'd only ever do the bone marrow if it didn't interfer with school/uni/job, depending when they ask.
from anibananie :
The satisfaction is more smugness, really! :P And this morning I was like, take my platelets and bone marrow! Everything about me must go! etc. (Even though I know I can't donate either yet and bone marrow involves more pain) I am starting to believe it's possible to get high off good deeds.
from anibananie :
I want to sing "Happy biiiirthday, Mister Smitheeeeersssss", Mr Burns-style - however, that would be stupid, so I shall sing "Happy birthday dear Saraaaaah for-two-days'-tiiiiime!"
from buffylass :
In case my upcoming prolonged alcoholic stupour makes me forget it's your birthday, huge happy birthday for thursday xx
from anibananie :
Thanks :) I could suggest the chocolate to mum but I can predict her response...
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, thank you, I hope it's over by then as well as I'm supposed to be in Yorkshire at that time! And they really are mad, I don't know what makes them think that weekends are a good time for an exam at all, crazy mofos
from skinnylizzie :
Ack, I do! I've got one this Saturday afternoon! After that sodding one on Friday afternoon! If I ever find the person who thought up exams at the weekend, I'll give them a good kicking. And cramming is my friend, I don't think I'd pass any exams without it!
from wombaby :
Oh dear, hope you feel better tomorrow! Take heart from the fact that if Nando's was the last thing you ate before being sick, it almost certainly wasn't the thing that actually made you sick. Unless it was very very toxic Nando's.
from buffylass :
I think it's highly commendable that you took the time to prepare the carrier bag - I'd have just been a total tramp and thrown up in the gutter.
from onlyemma :
Thank you for your note! I'm glad you liked my 9 year old bad hair story, those were trying times! Glad I made you laugh though :) Sorry about your dilemma with the hair straighteners, I've had that before on a boating trip too. I recommend either a wearing headband or putting your hair in a french plait. That's what I did all those years ago anyway. or of course, you could go the way of the scrunchie :P love your diary! xxx
from clairecav :
Oh my, do I pity your unfortunate straighteners/barge situation! And while I'm at it I might also pity your French AS Level, but then, did you use your marvellous Frency skills in Paris? If you did then the AS Level at least improved the GCSE course you did, because so far all mine is teaching me is how to talk about my school tie.
from the-moo :
not at all vain... *huuuuugs* I have GHD's very expensive but then I wasn't the one who paid for them and now... I don't know how I dared go out in public before I had them!! hahaha I am vain :p xxx
from wombaby :
Oh don't you worry, I absolutely do have a cycle helmet! In fact, I bought it before I bought the (first) bike! No way would I be brave/stupid enough to cycle without one, especially given my current standards of cycling! :-)
from wombaby :
No, not vain at all ... giggles. Ok, maybe a bit vain. You going to be around Norwich at all? Enjoy Norfolk. It's a pretty place.
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, thank you, you really are very lovely. By the way, I just chuckled so much at your hair straighteners dilemma that I nearly straightened my own ear. I feel your pain, really I do. I recommend the tights on the head fandango for preserving the straightness, although a whole week without washing your hair and using nylon tights on your head in the middle of summer could be potentially dangerous...
from onlyemma :
hello, i looked through a few of your entries as I found your diary from my friend's profile (buffylass) so if it's ok, as I like you so much already, I will add you to my favourites :) Emma xx
from wombaby :
Thanks. It's amazing how much better the world looks on the other side of a good night's sleep and a bowl of porridge! Good luck with your practical test; I'm sure you will do much better than I did!!
from the-moo :
*huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug* and don't go to london... come here!!!!! yeeeeeyas!!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, well done on your theory test! You did loads better than the majority of my friends, most of whom I can't believe are actually allowed to have licences and drive cars because they're that bad
from buffylass :
Aww thankyou :) and it is indeed a big yay for Paris, although I really hope it doesn't end up being as freezing cold there as it is here.
from buffylass :
:D thankyou for the good health.
from sunbeams100 :
Was this CD the second part of a simply red offer? If so, my mum was being all "need the mail on sunday rarr!" about that yesterday! :) Nice beard, I agree.
from skinnylizzie :
Ack, Sarah, I shall hold you personally responsible if my head gets too big to fit through doorways after lovely comments like that about my hair!
from london-times :
Those beard pics are very adorable, especially the last one. But the scruff burn that a girl gets as a direct affect of these is always the worst!
from anibananie :
That is indeed a good beard. Though this one is possibly sexier:
from anibananie :
Thanks for the note :) I probably shouldn't be so open in my diary, two of my closest friends read it (Jane and Rachel) and sometimes it gets me into trouble but... I can't stop! The 4/5 days I didn't write I was just itching to but I forced myself not to. I am feeling loads better, though less can be said for my poor index fingers from typing so much.
from sunbeams100 :
I used to get those scary emails and go on a rampage at the people who sent them to me. Now only Abi sends them, and innocent wuvvy ones. I was freaked out by the ghosty ones once though, and send them to people but specifically told them not to open them. If they ignored me, their own fault. :) Is that the same nightmare where I turned buckets of water into ice? :D
from the-moo :
eeeeuuugh I think that email would have freaked me out a LOT too!! *hugs* hope you sleep better tonight!! xxx
from buffylass :
Thanks for the superglue fact :) although I'm guessing it'd probably do me some damage if I tried to use it to hold wounds together. The driving hazard learning sounds most tedious; I do wish you all the luck in the world with regards to it.
from keithturtle :
Genius! A hazard and two little hazards! Ah you'll soon by seeing them as 'obstacles' hee hee! ;-)
from wombaby :
Also bear in mind that although you can pick your bet up from any shop not just the one you put it on at, people who make us ring other shops for (eg) eighteen pence wins are *not* very popular. Especially if we're busy. :-)
from wombaby :
And Keith - if I recall right it's a fifth of the odds, which makes it 55p plus the stake. But I think a pound each way has been coming up #2.25 so you might get as much as #1.13.
from wombaby :
If I've settled it right - and I've never been taught each way bets - you'll get #1.05 back. Which for a #1. total stake hardly seems worthwhile. But well done for betting with WH!!! I had 50p win on Hedgehunter - damn that Numbersixvalverde coming out of nowhere! (and yes, that was it's name - totally confused us on Friday when we were trying to put "Valverde" into the computer and getting told it didn't recognise it, then we realised it was actually the horse's name.
from keithturtle :
I reckon you'll have a grand total winnings of about 60 pence due - plus your stake of course! Who says the bookies always win?!!! ;-)
from anibananie :
I did, last Friday. It doesn't seem to have worked... ah well.
from clairecav :
Thanks for the input! My family have dealt me some very queer looks indeed when I've told them that my final decision is a lemony-yellow and contemporary blue. It looks great in my head. Oh, and I'm sending you many a well wish concerning the boyfriend. xxx
from wombaby :
Hope things work out with the Bloke. And good luck with the driving. I'm sort of relieved that I'm not the only person of our sort of age who hasn't passed their test (despite 6 attempts!). Theory is pretty easy even with the hazard perception.
from the-moo :
aw I got so excited then when I saw NEWCASTLE but it's not my newcastle it's the other one.. drat and bother!! anyway.. everyone has points like this in their lives and it usualy causes changes for the better so YAAAY you sorry it's hard but hope it's all worth it in the end!! *hugs* xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Le poop about the relationship issues, my friend, I shall keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out all fine and dandy for you. Enjoy your weekend (mind you, how couldn't you when there's a bouncy castle involved?!)
from buffylass :
Heh I think you mean "And it's not hard to fall, when you float like a cannonball". I get you with the whole too much contact thing; it sounds like you just need some time apart so that you can step back and let things fall back into place.
from buffylass :
I'm sorry to hear you're having bloke problems... I hope you get them sorted out x
from buffylass :
Heh thankyou :) thankfully she is a real person, so I didn't get kidnapped or anything. Ooh, and I meant ages ago to do a "Whoa, Paris!" note but it completely slipped my mind, so here it is in its belated form now.
from wombaby :
Thank you. They will. And btw, you can say "le tickay" :-)
from the-moo :
that was a lovely entry especially because I very much love pictures and how could anyone not.. Paris AND you *dies from the greatness* anyway I'm off to hoover WOOHOO xxx
from anibananie :
Aw, what a sweet entry. I would be seething with jealous rage but you caught me in a good mood... :)
from skinnylizzie :
Aww, that picture of you and him is vair cute :). And it is now my aim in life to get a picture of a man walking a ferret (a fantastic ambition, I'm sure you'll agree)
from clairecav :
God, if I wasn't such a nice person I'd hit you because of the jealous rage I am in over... PARIS? Does your life get any groovier?
from skinnylizzie :
PARIS?! Where did you say you found him again? Because I am definitely moving there if they're all as lovely as him. Can't wait to see the pictures! Did you get one of the ferret walk? That bit made me chuckle so loudly that everybody my dad was talking to on his big important conference call heard me
from wombaby :
I think you can say "tickay" instead of "billet". The fact that I only think this rather than knowing it is slightly scary, as French constitutes about a third of my course this year ...
from sunbeams100 :
I already kne but wow, Paris! I haven't been in...5 years, I think. It was nice, although they tried to feed us spam. Damn school...
from anibananie :
Ooh, PARIS!!! I love that place, you lucky thing. What a lovely thing for him to do! Also, I have actually taken a ferret for a walk and it's, um, liberating? Also very amusing.
from buffylass :
Bless you, thankyou :) your note made me all pleased and fuzzy. Ooh and I hope the big secret trip proves pleasant, and you don't end up somewhere unappealling like... I dunno, the top of Blackpool tower.
from wombaby :
Oooh have fun! How exciting :-)
from buffylass :
Aww and congratulations on the one-year anniversary as well.
from anibananie :
Aah I see! Well, if he gives you a hippo head then it must be lurve.
from anibananie :
It's odd how I seem to remember before your first date with New Bloke you were saying that you didn't want to go... and now look at you. Sweet :)
from buffylass :
See, she can be taught! Man, I might try the cupboard idea to be honest, if only to stop the incessant Clarkson. And how can you not like pizza and pasta? My world has just imploded with the thought of a pizza-free world.
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, thanks! Don't suppose you fancy doing my stupid primary source criticism too? In fact, feel free to just take my place at university for tomorrow. Damn assignments, getting in the way of life! (oh, and I now have a craving for mustard which I am totally blaming you for)
from buffylass :
Thankyou so much :) you really are quite lovely x
from skinnylizzie :
Sarah, you made me BLUSH! You're such a sweetheart, thank you (I don't see it myself, but maybe that's because I've seen the blown up versions...eyebrows of DOOM). And thank you for the birthday wishes as well! Your dream amused me greatly, by the way. I would like to see anybody attempt to eat a cake within 10 feet of me without me managing to get my grubby mitts on it somehow...
from clairecav :
Sorry for invading your subconcious like that! And I want you to know that in real life I really would offer you some ice-cream.
from clairecav :
Oh yes, ancient episodes of Blind Date do indeed rock! I have become quite addicted to them , in all their funny bright shirts and amusing hair dos. Though the other day I saw one that was quite horrific... OLD PEOPLE BLIND DATE! Maybe that was really cute ten years ago. Now it was just greatly disturbing.
from buffylass :
Heh she can indeed smell at times... although not literally, I feel obliged to point out. I'll do the footnotes thing for sure as well, thankyou for that :D
from buffylass :
Oh bless you, cystitis sucks so much ass. Hope the wunderbar cranberry tablets do some good at least.
from the-moo :
aaaaaaaw sweetie have a hug *huuuuuuuuuug* it's FRIIIIIIDAY!!!!! xxx
from vanoonoo :
oh yuck to cystitis - drink cranberry juice too if you can stand it - and also get bloke checke dout that you two are constantly reinfecting each other cos the bugs can hang around ....
from baoshi :
Ooooh sorry to hear about the cystitis - only ever had it twice (well, so far) and sweet jesus that was enough for me!! Get well soon, and have a wicked weekend, *hugs* gem xx
from keithturtle :
Ta for the note - how about now? If it still doesn't work will have to try new photo people! I quite fancy Reading too just to be greedy, when do they go on sale!?
from the-moo :
I added you too (in case you didn't know) but you're in the middle of my list somewhere because the list is full so I have to keep removing old diaries!! lovelovelovelovelove xxx
from wombaby :
Hey, I am absolutely indebted to you for that note you left about my hands, where you suggested cocoa butter. Because I was given mango body butter for Christmas 2004, and I never opened it or anything because I had no idea what it was for. After I got your note, I put two and two together, finally got four, found it (in the garage at home - actually I asked my Mum to find it ...), opened it ... and it's MOISTURISER! I had no idea. And it smells lovely, and actually made my hands feel better (both of them have been doing their spontaneous bleeding thing today) so ... I thought I'd leave you a very long, rambly note to say thanks. Thanks.
from buffylass :
Ha! The accidental wee thing was well in; I didn't even realise. And thankyou :)
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, well you never rambled! I think I heard bits but not the whole story all together, so hurrah! Ooh I recommend anything but fish fingers for the fish craving, I've heard BAD fish finger stories
from anibananie :
Aaw, fluff. How wonderful! :)
from baoshi :
Awwww, gotta love a happy ending - that was cute : ) *hugs* gem xx
from skinnylizzie :
I just realised that I never said that I wanted to hear it - I am clearly an idiot because I was convinced I'd left such a note!
from skinnylizzie :
I LUFFED it. It made me feel all gooey inside (but in a good way) :)
from wombaby :
Awww. There is absolutely nothing wrong with "cheating" (which I don't really think you were) on a guy who is cheating on you.
from wombaby :
Falling off won't put me off - I refuse to let it! Having my bike nicked, however ...
from baoshi :
Oooh! I'm interested!! Me please!! *hugs* gem xx
from clairecav :
I for one would be overjoyed to hear of the boyfriend story. Leave the cheese stories for us lasses without interesting love life stories!
from keithturtle :
Tell me more about this cheese consumption... ;-)
from anibananie :
I would, personally, like to hear the how-we-met story AND the one about cheese consumption. And if you can merge the two together in, say, I met my bloke while eating cheese, well, hurrah!
from wombaby :
OF COURSE we want to know how you met him!!! Well, I do anyway.
from clairecav :
Oh good, I thought it was going to be one of those entries that absolutely nobody reads because it just rambles into madness. But I'm glad you found it interesting!
from wombaby :
Hmm, I did used to get excema (I think). I'm using skin repair cream at the minute which seems to be working. Quite tempted by the cocoa butter idea though ...
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, that note made me snort into my cup of tea though, which is surely the most important thing when doing your note thing :). I always get sudden desire to eat an entire haddock whenever I think of home, and I don't even like fish...I think I've lived there too long. Thank you for your notes this week, I really honestly did appreciate them xx
from anibananie :
Glad you enjoyed it... took me an hour and 20 minutes so glad it was worth the effort :)
from wombaby : is full of graduate jobs. You probably already knew.
from clairecav :
Ah thankyou ;D
from hippie7 :
Thanks for the compliment!
from buffylass :
I think the googly-eyed heart thing is actually quite kick ass.
from wombaby :
It's quite a pain-in-the-arse way of doing it, but if you were to go on MSN on both the computers (obviously with different accounts) you could send it that way. It's dead fast if you're in the same house.
from anibananie :
Gaah, sorry to bombard you with notes, just realised I typed WITH the aid of cds instead of WITHOUT. I blame T4 for distracting me (it's on in the background).
from anibananie :
And yes, computers CAN feel the pain of rejection. It will rise up against you and eat you while you sleep... Piece by piece through the cd drive. Sweet dreams!
from anibananie :
1) You can plug your mouse into the back of your laptop, most likely. 2) The only way you'd be able to transfer your music with the aid of cds would be to set up a network between the two and copy the files over. Which, unless you already have a network, is probably not worth the hassle. And at least you'll have backup for your music if you use cds. Hope the computer geek has helped a little ;)
from buffylass :
Heh thankyou :)
from anibananie :
Thank you for your tuppence worth! It was very useful. I don't think I will do it now, mainly because I am a bloody lazy arse. And the idea of all those frees sounds gooood...
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, thanks, you always seem to say the right thing. I'll try and keep those positive thoughts in my head until tomorrow morning (what a WENCH!)
from baoshi :
Damn ultra-attractive women!!! Damn them to hell!! There's nothing worse than to be confronted by some gorgeous beauty who probably didn't even put on make-up before she came to work (and probably got the job because of her tits - ooooh bitchy!) to make you feel like a sack of poo!! (But hurrah for her being a bit dim ;D haha) *hugs* gem xx
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, why thank you! Any time you want to pack in the job and resume the student life, feel free to take my place (although saying that, I would REALLY appreciate it if that epiphany happened overnight so you could take that bastarding exam tomorrow morning...)
from anibananie :
Aaw, you have the SWEETEST smile!!!
from random-ditto :
Last time a group of my friends were nagging a friend to get a hair cut it ended up with someone shaving his eyebrows off whilst he was drunk. Extreme huh? Think yourself lucky!
from buffylass :
Ohh don't worry, the sad ace made me laugh just a little too much. And thankyou for the strength vibes, they're much appreciated x
from buffylass :
Good call! I shall leave mine well alone, because my old heap is so full of crap and problems it'd probably die on my ass if I deleted it.
from buffylass :
Ooh I think I have something like Rundll32 too.
from random-ditto :
I think you would share my concern when I say I've run out of MINCE PIES. Truly the best thing about xmas, and sadly I have eaten them all. Oh, and hello again by the way :) xXx
from skinnylizzie :
ANY TIME you feel like popping up to Newcastle to sample the student life on my behalf and taking the odd history exam whilst you're at it, be my guest! Revision is driving me slowly insane and I am mucho jealous of you right now. Glad you had a good new year in the end!
from baoshi :
lol - sounds like a splendidly good New Year!! Hurrah!! Happy New year, *hugs* gem xx
from anibananie :
Woo, sounds like a fun Christmas. Though which would be better: an otter toy or a Johnny Depp soft toy? ;)
from xylem :
Where did the otter come from? Otters are the best.
from clairecav :
Thanks ;D I know what you mean, I'd love a piana too. And a violin. I think (wrongly) that that would make me a very classy person.
from anibananie :
Hello to you too! Merry Christmas, have fun and get pissed to amuse the people around you :P I shall be encouraging my family to do that, mwahaha.
from buffylass :
Heh indeed they are, especially when mine insists that she's stone cold sober. Merry Christmas, I hope you are infused with festiveness.
from baoshi :
Merry Christmas!!! I LOVED the photos, especially the hat, hahahaha!! Enjoy yourself until Wednesday (I'm back then too!) *hugs* gem xx
from wombaby :
Santa Claus? Ho ho ho.
from wombaby :
Merry Christmas too. We are suffering a lack of mince pies at the moment as Mum refuses to buy shop-bought ones (tautology there, oops), but hasn't had time to make one. But I'm *thinking* of eating mince pies ... does that count?
from final137 :
Merry almost Christmas.
from baoshi :
HAHAHA!!! OMG I LOVE that christmas tree at the top of the Cutty Sark!! It was there last year too - me and Tone used to laugh and wonder who got the short straw and had to haul their arse up there with some chuff-off tree!! hahaha - so glad someone else noticed how random it was!!!! *hugs* gem xx
from clairecav :
*Raises eyebrows* I'm very disappointed in you for watching the second series of Lost. Very bad of you. I've had to resist the urge to rob my brother's house, as he has them too. Us TRUE fans resist...!
from baoshi :
Can't believe that my old uni are doing that ice-skating rink again!! They did it last year, and had to re-turf in the spring, and the uni are usually so tight with that, so they must have made a mint from it last year - there was always a stack of people on it last year! However, I will say that they did an ice-rink in this gorgeous old mansion up town called Somerset House (think that's what it's called!) up by Aldwych and the Strand and the whole layout of the ice rink and the ambience was just great - much bigger than the Greenwich one. but if Greenwich are doing it again this year, then I reckon Somerset house will too, so you should go and see it! *hugs* gem xx
from london-times :
Umm that would be weekEND night or weekNIGHT--I'm not a *complete* lush!
from london-times :
Yep the Goat Tavern is on Kensington High street, and it happens to be the sight I am faced with every time I get off the night bus on a week night (or week day if I'm feeling jaunty) of fun, because I just live a few blocks down from there. . .so I'm always trousered whenever I see it too!
from baoshi :
I seriously LONG for letters to come through with BSC(hons) after my name!!! They never do though! Even my graduation certificate doesn't have it on - damn those uni staff!!!!! But what a cool thing for your lecturer to send through! *hugs* gem xx PS This message has been brought to you by the exclamation mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
from anibananie :
Aaw, nice about the book. And woo, opticians! Must be that time of year or something.
from baoshi :
Ooooh, I hate it when embarrassing things happen when you meet people - I once went to shake a guys hand and accidentally brushed his, um, plum area!! I was HIGHLY embarrassed!!! Anyway, glad you had a good time despite the incidents, *hugs* gem xx
from baoshi :
BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! GHETTO SANTA!!!!! Splendid!! :D Gives new meaning to "Ho ho ho"! I've had that email too - I never believed what it said and didn't send it on. Sure enough my genitals fell off that evening!! Sorry, I've gone slightly mad today : ) *hugs* gem xx
from anibananie :
1) You were watching the Simpsons again, yay. 2) I got that forward too. I didn't send it on... 3) I was intrigued about the colour of your pee. 4) No, I'm not going to note you every time you put a Simpsons quote in the title. 5) Numbered lists rule.
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) he is indeed the orangest.
from skinnylizzie :
Actually, we are taking bets, my mum took the plague and Claire took locusts, I think I'd prefer yours out of all of them if I had to pick one... And I know it's not funny, but your wee stories make me laugh so much it's untrue. Toilet humour will never fail to amuse me :D (my GOD, did I really just type that? I'm going to click the 'done!' button as well without deleting it, I already know it)
from london-times :
Hey, I live in Kensington! To what places did you go?
from anibananie :
"Ah, you've obviously played Knify-Spoony before!"
from anibananie :
Judging from the entry description you watched the Simpsons today too :D "Coff-ee" "Be-er" - class
from anibananie :
Thanks for the note :) though I doubt she is jealous of me - she wouldn't be out of place in one of those American films where there's always one perfect teenage girl. Be funny if she was though. And sometimes she is a cowbag who doesn't deserve friends, but unfortunately she's one of the most popular people at our school. (How I hate the term "popular".) You have to wonder how she manages it.
from buffylass :
Oh god, I've just had a thought. If I'd had agreed to have the test for chlamydia, would that have meant that the nurse would have done the sharp poking thing? Because if so, THANK GOD I SAID NO.
from blujeans-uk :
It's not sharp, or at least it's not meant to be... It's just that your (giggle) wee hole is sensitive... And they only do it if you consent. But if it's swab or chlamidya, however it's spelled, I know what I'd go for... Found you from Holly's diary btw.
from baoshi :
Oh I soooo remember those free drinks machines at work and that toxic looking orange stuff (that also tastes like those plastic drinks you pierce with a straw!!). Sorry, that was random : ) *hugs* gem xx
from buffylass :
Oh GOD, that really made me cringe. I'd advise against ever going there ever.
from buffylass :
You've got a point about the whole Johnny Depp thing actually, I haven't really noticed it before. And I guess I'll never notice it again now.
from clairecav :
Thanks for the note. It really helps to know people are thinking about you. And your entries always cheer me up anyway... Royal Bank of Cunts...
from baoshi :
I can't believe that the bank did that!! What a fucking bunch of robbing bastard cunts!! I was with HSBC and they said that they would reduce the overdraft allowance by �500 for the next couple of years, but luckily I haven't ever really used it. I hate it when banks royally fuck up like this - it brings out the "Arsey Bitch" in me, and I do all that demanding to speak to managers bollocks - it usually works! Hope it all gets sorted out soon, *hugs* gem xx
from buffylass :
Okay, I'm quite scared by your bank story now, because by the time I graduate next year I'm going to have maxed out my overdraft.
from anibananie :
New Bloke sounds like a saviour, indeedy. Lucky you! However, not quite so lucky for the Royal Bank of Cunts to be so... cunty.
from skinnylizzie :
Whoa, that is MEAN, stupid bastarding banks. Yet again you have taught me something invaluable. You are like my Yoda. Except not as small and green and wrinkly...I don't know why I bother trying to leave people notes anymore!
from clairecav :
Thankye. And poor you also for the sickness! It sounds horrible *shudder*
from skinnylizzie :
Eeeeeeesh, that sounds like the least fun ever... Glad you're feeling better though. Once again you have taught me a valuable life lesson (my favourite from before is 'if you live too far away from the toilet, vomit out of the window'. I have kept that in mind since coming to uni!). And go you with the �50! Ah, that could buy at least one pair of shoes to make you so very happy...
from keithturtle :
Woke up on sunday morning having left the telly on... flicked around for couple of seconds to stumble on 'Tarka the Otter' on sky movies one at 9am.... I had to be out the house by 9.30 so missed most of it. What I saw was ace. Surely it must be repeated soon, as Sky does.
from anibananie :
ROOOOOOXANNE! Heh. The Moulin Rouge version is hilarious, I always think he SERIOUSLY needs a soother.
from anibananie :
I listen to the Chris Moyles show frm 7 til about 7.45 and I LOOOOOOATHE the Sting Ring. With a passion. It's the damn music before it I cannae stand...
from baoshi :
Hope that the infection clears up soon - bladder problems are the worst!! *hugs* gem xx
from buffylass :
Heh pretty sure it's devoid of all nutritional value possible though.
from buffylass :
Your made-up song rocks.
from anibananie :
But it's better than the �40 a month I got before, when I was always saying "Can I borrow a tenner?" :P
from anibananie :
�150 is reasonable... bearing in mind I have to pay for food outside home, transport (except bus fare), clothes, shoes, books for school, any extras I want, cosmetics, toiletries, gym membership, etc. I can't ask them for any money, except �1.70 a day for bus :( (which is bollocks, they charge me adult now because I don't have a uniform any more! And I only have to go about a mile and a half.)
from anibananie :
Ooh please do, it would be very interesting! Coincidently I do not think of myself as pretty, but thank you :)
from loopykisses :
Shayne...just mmm...that's all I have to say...mmm..
from skinnylizzie :
I concur, Shayne makes me think very naughty thoughts indeed, hehe :D
from anibananie :
A collage? Can you feel my jealousy vibes?!
from skinnylizzie :
No way! Fascists! He really is working that beardy look, that's a rare skill that I wish my friend Frank would learn, all he manages is 'pervert beard'
from anibananie :
I think it is exceedingly bad that I think your boyfriend is veeeery "aesthetically pleasing". Lucky you :P
from skinnylizzie :
DAMN girl, he's even more attractive now! The beardy thing makes it even better. Not that you need telling this, but you are vair, vair lucky! And yes, the Christmas tree is a plan, I fully support that :)
from diablogem :
"Like Harold misses Madge" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That tickled me :D *hugs* gem xx
from skinnylizzie :
I can't believe how grown-up you are! With a job!! It boggles my mind that I might one day be mature enough to have a job as well. Moustaches are distracting enough on boys with bumfluff, I would probably spontaneously combust trying not to blurt out all the she-man jokes to her face. But then again I am a cruel person, hehe
from clairecav :
Thankyou, me heartie... my English teacher has a gigantic moustahce too. You'd THINk she would bleach it or something, but nay. Added to this she is also a lesbian. And, unbelievably, Fate cruelly named her Miss Isabella... so Miss Isafella jokes are rife. *Shudder*
from diablogem :
There's a woman who worked at the co-op down my road (well, when I was in the UK) who has a FULL-ON BEARD! I shit you not! I always try and think It's-not-her-fault-probably-hormones-or-something-ramdom, but it's really hard not to think "She's got a fucking BEARD!!! A Fucking BEARD!!!", especially when I have the sort of boyfriend who points and laughs - so 2 tickets to hell (and an extra one for the boyfriend, but he can ride in the luggage compartment for being extra mean!) if it makes it any cheaper ;D *hugs* gem xx
from anibananie :
Aaw, so cute. And I love that episode of the Simpsons with Pinchy...
from diablogem :
lol - I got a similar text from my boyfriend's mum that went exactly like that, apart from the money angel was in fact 6 money bees that loked like this... ^^^^^^ Crap or what??
from clairecav :
Thankya much!
from anibananie :
I sent you TWO emails about the password, evidently they didn't get through... yours is strawberrri, otter. Original, huh :P
from rainy-daze- :
cool =) hehe.i updated today but for the last time. ps don't mean to sound critical but you've missed the -hyphen- from the end of my username so the link doesn't work. pah! with love xx
from skinnylizzie :
Whoa, I am so behind with your fantabulous job news, go you! Feel free to live your imaginary student life through me, I'd forgotten just how mad things are in Studentworld. Crazy stuff. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed Cyprus, I wonder if I can convince my uni highers to take us on a trip there to 'further our education'? Doubt it, but nothing ventured, nothing gained... :)
from rainy-daze- :
i feel sad you've unfavourite'd me :( hehe your diary is amusing... postman at 6:30pm... why?!?!?! xx
from anibananie :
Love the entry name there... also, I drink tea through a straw every free period because I get it from the canteen in a groovy cup with a hole in the lid. It is ace.
from clairecav :
Hurray for your new job and good holidaying in Cyprus, land of Peter Andre!
from anibananie :
Have fun. Don't bother thinking of us, in the cold and the damp North of England... no, you just go and have a good time in so-bloody-sunny Cyprus... :P
from diablogem :
Have a wicked time!! - and don't worry about learning any Greek, they generally speak-a the english better than we do : ) *hugs* gem xx
from skinnylizzie :
Cyprus...I meant Cyprus...
from skinnylizzie :
Thanks chicken, have a great time in Greece! They spell bar 'mpar' over there, thought you might like to know ;)
from buffylass :
Ah hangovers and trains do not mix well together. Paddy had to do London to Sheffield with a hangover, and had to have a carrier bag next to him to throw up in at regular intervals.
from mister-ed :
talk to the people in the food-selling carriage! they are always ready to discuss fruit juices and tuna, i find. you could spend at least ooooohhhh twelve minutes doing that, but if you're lucky it'll feel like a fucking lifetime.
from clairecav :
Ooh, go you, you big brain! There's a banner abve this notes box right now which mentions that it's International Talk Like A Pirate Day on the 19th September. I fear I'll get a bit carried away with that.... hurray! Ooh, and you know the much-loved "Why are pirates called pirates?" joke? Well I have now heard two new ones, which are to be worshipped. What do pirates travel in around in on land? A CAARRRRRRR! Where a pirate's favourite place to be on land? In a BARRRR!
from keithturtle :
Hi, surely I can 'hand rear' one to learn that to bite your owner is wrong!? Seeing them on telly and at the zoo, those teeth do look sharp, but surely they could only inflict surface wounds! Found you on mugwuffin, your funny posts led me here! Will muse further on the state of the Otter in society...
from skinnylizzie :
Walkabout is truly a happy place, wherever in the country it lies! And that's saying something, if it can cheer up a place like Grimsby! Anyway, enough babble - have a fantabulous time on your holiday :)
from diablogem :
I have to say that I saw the word "Vambrini", and winced, drew breath and had to look away from the offending word all at the same time - I *think* someone forced me to drink it at a house party when I was about 17!! I say think - I can't be sure, it wasn't a pretty sight though! Ick!! And what is it about Lambrini that brings out the "inner-bitch"?? Glad he forgave you in the end : ) *hugs* gem xx
from buffylass :
We did indeed win the Ashes, and it absolutely rocked. I got really quite excited. Thanks for the good wishes :) I think my current hormone craziness is making everything about fifty thousand times worse. Blatantly a good period is all I need to feel better.
from vanoonoo :
send me an email at vanoonoo at gmail dot com and I will let you know the secret sequence of keystrokes to access my realm and will also let you know about spacebabe x
from rainy-daze- :
thank you honey xx i will let you know if i start up a new one xx until then - enjoy life!! xxxxxx
from diablogem :
Hi there - I've just started reading you and I really like the way you write. Just so you know I'm going to add you to my buddy list : ) Look forward to reading more soon, gem xx
from buffylass :
Good luck with t'interview.
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, and good luck for tomorrow!
from skinnylizzie :
Okay, I might seriously consider the punchbag thing. Ah, I'm still nostalgic for the time when my brother was small enough to be my punchbag. The good old days. And I've been lied to all these years! I was promised things would get better from 20 onwards! Damn propaganda. I'm off to hurt something.
from buffylass :
Okay, considering NOT watching Neighbours when I get home from work tonight...
from skinnylizzie :
I'm a bit nervous about flying to Greece next year and I told my mum this, and she comforted me with 'well, if the plane does crash, you could end up shipwrecked with an island full of beautiful men'. Which did help a tiny bit :)
from skinnylizzie :
I admit it, I am obsessed, but mainly because I spend the majority of the hour that it's on shouting 'take your top off, Hunky! TAKE IT ALL OFF!' at the guy who plays Dr Jack. How fabulous to be young, free and so single that I have to resort to perving on older unattainable men....oh wait!
from skinnylizzie :
Take my place at uni if you like, the thought of going back and having to work makes me want to PUKE. But oooh, Cyprus, lucky you!
from clairecav :
Well in that case, he deserved a good smacking. Though he'd probably take that the wrong way. Weirdo.
from clairecav :
I feel sorry for that poor Eli, you are a truly mean Englishman. Then again, they do appear to be very stupid, so maybe I don't feel that bad after all. Kill the queen!
from wombaby :
Morphine sounds good. Stitches in your mouth do not. Eugh. Yeah, the weather was really nice; it was pretty muddy when we arrived and then just dried out. And didn't rain once. I was pretty impressed with the weather gods.
from wombaby :
Maybe they'll be nice and give you anaesthetic?
from clairecav :
Heehee, you can read the whole sordid thing at my dream diary if you want (just-dreamin). Maybe these are all bad omens of your impending doom? Or, judging by your PMT, someone elses?
from skinnylizzie :
You are my kind of girl. I just hope that if I ever run into you on the street, neither of us are suffering from PMT. My mum has to force Evening Primrose Oil down my neck every day now. And the toenail.....oh good God, that made my stomach flip! Eeeesh.
from clairecav :
I don't want to scare you or anything, but the other night I dreamt that you died. What a cheery note.
from skinnylizzie :
Aww, sorry about the wanky interview, but it might still turn out alright (eternal optimist here, please don't hurt me). The guy did sound like a twat of the first water, he's probably a sexist pig. And hey, if you don't get it then your lie-ins continue and you get to say fabulous programmes such as Homes Under The Hammer! I'm not much help, am I? I'm going to shut up and go.
from skinnylizzie :
Good luck for tomorrow! And if I was faced with pissing off a load of Gooners or the Toon Army, I'd much rather piss off the southerners. Geordies scare the crap out of me :)
from clairecav :
Ooh, gt you talking about marriage! :P
from skinnylizzie :
Liver...oh god, I don't think I like anything you just told me to eat. Possibly the reason I'm having this many problems! Damn. But thanks for the advice anyway!
from skinnylizzie :
What is it with males and toenails? Ugh, they're a disgusting breed. And oh, the hay fever...I'm just glad somebody shares my pain, I'm afraid to breathe nowadays
from skinnylizzie :
Hurrah for unemployment! (and golf, you can never play enough golf)
from loopykisses :
Oh as was I! The shots are stronger than you first think! I was awful!
from loopykisses :
Oohhh!! I'm spluttering with excitement! Yes I went to the malborough head too! I just forgot how to spell it and so refused to type it! Yeah, just off Bond Street around a corner! Wooo!
from buffylass :
Ooh! We have one of those for the Arts Tower at uni, except I daren't ever go over the top of the loop or under the bottom, because it just seems unatural and I worry that I'll die.
from ballet-bum :
I've been reading your diary for a little while, and it rocks! Loved the 'body-fat still left on tiles' thing, I once didn't get my bond back from a hotel because apparently I left a 'green blood urine stain' on the carpet...which was green. And to this day my blood still hasn't urinated, to my knowledge. Meh. Anyway, your diary is cool :)
from mister-ed :
green for gra!
from loopykisses :
I like your diary. You have gained a brand, spanking new reader! Wooop!
from skinnylizzie :
I'm trying to convince him to become an outer Mongolian goat herder but it's not sitting well with him right now. Sigh. He's only 16, how many more years of it have I got left?! But thank you for the nice note, I may well put the damn book in the freezer just to give my tear ducts a rest for tonight
from mister-ed :
woop we got it sorted anyhow, spoke to some guy who said yeah just turn up on the day and we'll sort you out. don't want to miss out on the hot mortar-board action.
from anibananie :
You have a fantastic attitude to life! Go you.
from anibananie :
Congrats on graduation, woo! And the London thing... it's expected. I was terrified (secretly) when I went down to London this week, and when on the last night we were told London Bridge Station had been evacuated because of a PACKAGE I was having a small panic attack in the cab because we were staying near there. Luckily I don't think it was anything, but still damn scary.
from skinnylizzie :
I just...can't even begin to imagine how you felt on Thursday and what the repercussions of it are like. But I do agree with your sentiment re: not having been put off going there. It seems stupid to say I hope you feel better soon...but I hope you get where I'm coming from :)
from anibananie :
Luckily stuff like that doesn't bother me. I have been known to spend a whole afternoon reading about serial killers. Not painting a good picture of myself here!
from anibananie :
2 more things: one, my dad loves the pirate joke and told it all holiday, and two, the conga song irritated the shit out of me til Cazza sung it so often I started singing along.
from anibananie :
Oh Jesus Christ on toast. So glad you and New Bloke are ok, the world would not be the same without the magic of the strawberrri.
from clairecav :
Oh my gosh, it was scary watching it on the telly, I can't imagine how scared you must have been. I'm uber-glad you're OK, though!
from clairecav :
Ah, nice joke. Your super brain power knows no limit it seems... Jonathan.
from clairecav :
Oh my giddy Aunt, I heard that same pirate joke just the other day (and told a lot of un-amused people it today). Perhaps we have seen the same man?
from buffylass :
Ha! I laughed out loud when I read the pirate joke.
from anibananie :
Thank you for the note :) I am now in I-don't-give-a-fuck mode.
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, you're welcome to it. I'll email you my CV (with certain bits edited out, of course!) as I'm not entirely sure I still have the template. Try not to laugh too much, and I hope it helps! (oh boy, I really hope you weren't joking when you said that, or I'm going to feel like a twat of the first water)
from jellybelly84 :
way-da-go me heartie.
from buffylass :
Well done, that's brilliant!
from anibananie :
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! No idea what 2:1 is, but hey if you say it's good it's good! Once again, WOOOOOOOOOO!
from skinnylizzie :
Well done!!!! Fantabulously fantabulous result, go you! x
from clairecav :
Congratulations and celebrations!
from skinnylizzie :
GOOD LUCK for tomorrow! Hope it goes okay
from skinnylizzie :
Ah hell, I don't know how people can do it! The more hardcore of my friends like to use even more vodka as a mixer for their vodka drinks. I'm such a lightweight, I'm gone after a couple! Reef, ugh *shudders*. I have bad memories of Reef
from anibananie :
My mum keeps asking when she's going to meet Rowan. She isn't. I have no desire to inflict her upon him...
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, can't say I share the fears, mainly because I have been a singleton all my life. But I come to give you an important warning - don't get ill or break a bone at the festival, because my ex flatmate (more commonly known as Poo Hannah) is working there this year. She is to be feared from a distance! Right, moving swiftly on...have a FANTABULOUS time whilst you're there!
from skinnylizzie :
'Cock off', I like that, I'll remember that one! Bah, I know it's daft, but I'm glad you understand what I mean. And ugh - Warwick. Double ugh - maths and business!!! New Bloke must be mad but lovely ;)
from anibananie :
My mum has a PORTABLE fat measurer... she got it from Special K. Mine is currently 25.9%, I'm the only person in my family who isn't overweight.
from skinnylizzie :
Oh oh oh! I found the bar '@home' today! And there was me thinking it didn't exist!!! I apologise for having misled you :D
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, you have excellent hair - is that smoothness natural or created by straighteners? Because if it's natural then I'm afraid I'll want to hurt you :D
from skinnylizzie :
It sucks, SUCKS I tell you! Sorry if you did end up getting 5 copies of pretty much the same email, bloody laptop :)
from clairecav :
Happy Birthday! Rock on. You old fogey.
from skinnylizzie :
Well, it's 2 in the morning so it's officially your birthday - HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY! Wow, you're so old and mature ;) - have a great one!!!
from anibananie :
We sell cystitis tablets at Superdrug which are cranberry flavoured... on my first day I spent a dispropotionate amount of my time smelling those things, because they were so good.
from clairecav :
You are a GENIUS, m'dear. The most vengeful thing I could think of was to poke her in the eye or something. But that's because I'm just so very NICE and MATURE (mwaha).
from clairecav :
The anti-christ. That is the PERFECT way to describe her. Heehee, it sounds like you're a bit TOO knowledgable on ways to make people suffer... that's rather scary... Still, Big Brother starts tonight, hurrah!!!
from anibananie :
I wish you bastarding GOOD LUCK!
from skinnylizzie :
Wooo, last exam! I'm jealous (although also secretly glad I get to stay and be a student bum for another 2 years, I'm not denying that). And phew, I'm glad to know somebody else has suffered for a prolonged period, I am beginning to feel lonely in the wilderness of lurve
from anibananie :
Thank yooou! It went fine. Just got to get through the others now! Good luck on yours. :D
from skinnylizzie :
Hello! Hope it went okay! I sent you psychic good luck thoughts but seeing as I don't actually have any talent with ESP, I'm not sure it came across. Oh well. Long exams are the worst, my tummy did the most GIGANTIC rumble right in the middle. Good luck for tomorrow again, I'm sure you'll do fine!
from skinnylizzie :
I keep trying to convince myself that flicking on the internet for 10 minutes is actually a study break... It's just so much more interesting than the stupid Powerpoint presentations I'm trying to learn! Right, I'm off home tomorrow evening so I will say GOOD LUCK for your exam on Friday as well! Oh, to be doing A Levels again... (oh no, wait, they were hell on earth!)
from anibananie :
Good luck! I think I'd rather be doing an exam on Orwell rather than 10 sodding GCSEs - 20 exams in total. BAH. But yeah, good luck!
from skinnylizzie :
Ugh, I share your pain, I have a 2 and a half hour long paper on Classical Art from Greece to Rome (snore...although mildly more interesting than George Orwell, who I just cannot like after reading Animal Farm in Year 9) tomorrow morning. So GOOD LUCK for yours!
from skinnylizzie :
'only to find the health centre had...been demolished' - Priceless! I think I snorted some Diet Coke out my nose when I read that, eep
from jellybelly84 :
revision for the first time? we've come up with a name for that here: vision.
from clairecav :
Agh, you are beyond lucky! Oh yeah, and cograts on finishing your disserthingy.
from skinnylizzie :
Firstly, CONGRATS on finishing your dissertation, you almost-graduate you! I am hugely envious of you as I've realised I have all of that to, erm, look forward to (or not). Fish bowls are mint, but yours sounded lethal, I think that if I had even so much has sniffed it I would've been on the floor (aah, lightweight). I've also given up the campaign against the student who found my diary, because they don't seem to have returned, hurrah!
from mister-ed :
one day i'll make more sense: he also said your name and that you knew i worked at mosh and by a process of sarah-elimination, you were the best fit for the description. i'll write anything to avoid revision.
from mister-ed :
i dunno what you're talkin about but that Cunting Frog made me laugh. did you go to sweatribution on satdy? a guy i know called simon was babbling, babbling babbling about "she had a go at me but not really" or something and i guessed it was you. looked around for you but then we had to go because fuck me it was sweaty.
from clairecav :
Noo, pick me! And now we have *shudder* the remixes...
from buffylass :
Oh god, me, me, pick me for the destroying mission.
from clairecav :
Hmm, what's the new bloke doing in my home-land of Coventry this weekend?
from buffylass :
I'm thinking no for the cheese... check to see if it's gone all liquidy or not, as liquid foodwise is always a no no in my experience. Except when it's melted ice-cream.
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you chicken, it's appreciated. I'll reply to your email this evening or tomorrow :)
from angelfish83 :
Ah, yes, the Underworld. Never mind the pint of coke, the first time I was there I made the mistake of asking for a double vodka and mixer, which left me broke for the rest of the night :(
from anibananie :
That reminds me of that scene in Bridget Jones: "Bridget Jones, wanton sex goddess, with a VERY bad man between her thighs - Mum... hi."
from buffylass :
My god, tell me about it. I spent most of the day concentrating on not falling in and realising that I was going to reek of rotting seaweed for days. They also made us use quadrats... those things enraged me beyond belief
from anibananie :
Yay! Bunches rock. That's how my hair is most of the time. Woo!
from skinnylizzie :
I saw somebody who looked EXACTLY like you yesterday, it was quite freaky, although I guessed it wasn't you due to geography and all...just thought you'd like to know you have a clone wandering around up here in Newcastle!
from anibananie :
Aaw, thank you. I'm feeling a teensy bit better, but I think it's all hormones and exams. Speaking of which, I have promised myself that I'll start revising next week. (As if...)
from barmymoo :
Tell you what, give me directions and I'll go do the spray painting for you.
from skinnylizzie :
Man, have you ever read 'Eats, Shoots and Leaves'? Because after reading about your grammar related fit (I feel your pain), I have a feeling you'd like it if you hadn't read it. It's the bible for grammar sticklers everywhere!
from mister-ed :
me neither but he makes it seem like it's not so bad.
from jellybelly84 :
goodness yes. best part of a year i reckon. i'm at the university of kent now (where the fun never stops). still keeping tabs on you by the way. not long left for you! i was planning on leaving you a note as soon as i had written a subtantial amount, but i'm not quite there yet. anyway, great to hear from you. take care of yerself x
from anibananie :
As opposed to rather pedantic 16 year-olds.
from anibananie :
I did notice before, but I *restrained* myself from commenting. I assumed it was something all over-20s did ;)
from anibananie :
That does make sense, O Wise Strawberrri of the Land. BUT! My area of pedant-ishness is in punctuation, and you didn't capitalise your I. Or any part of your note. For shaaame.
from mister-ed :
thankyou! *nods* have you seen once upon a time in mexico? it has johnny depp but he ends up with no eyes! magic!
from frogeye :
A fellow swetter - hooray! Perhaps the best thing I am good at. Whale watching is in season, come July, here on the East Coast. Maybe I'll take a trip out to Montauk and enjoy the day. A bit pricy, but should be a spectacular day. Here's a link to their website:
from buffylass :
Hey, started reading your diary through a link on pink-fairy. Anyway, just wanted to say that reading it was very enjoyable... you kind've remind me of me - okay that sounds a lot more pretentious written down than in my head. Hope your day has been kick ass x
from anibananie :
See, you're scared of monsters getting your feet - whereas I can't sleep unless at least one foot is poking out. If I have warm feet I go nuts. Hence I dislike sleeping bags.
from anibananie :
Huzzah for otters. So much better than Johnny Depp.
from skinnylizzie :
Sorry about the boyfriend, I hope you're okay. Seems like you're a lot more mature about break-ups than a lot of people (namely me, hehe). And ravens scare the crap out of me, they're so big and black and...ugh!
from anibananie :
That frog thing drove me crazy! I got up to about 30 before giving up. How long does it go on for?!
from jeszika330 :
I read that book a long time ago.. but as I think of it I don't know why but I pictured Julia with dark hair and big boobs. LoL that probally did not help you one bit. and i'm sorry to say i have no idea who Penny Crayon is.
from skinnylizzie :
Yeah, I was supposed to vote at the library...but didn't. A fairy cake sounds so much more appealing than a stupid cheap lump of bath salts. What the hell am I supposed to do with them? - I don't even have a bath!
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the insomnia tips, I've got some stuff from Boots that I'll have to try and find in my dump of a room that's supposed to help. Might also try the old going to bed at a sensible time thing as well :)
from skinnylizzie :
We had a mumps outbreak here and I got the MMR (and cried like a baby), but they say that if you've had it before, you don't need another jab because it's like chickenpox, you don't get it again. Don't know if that helps, but that's what I was told!
from anibananie :
Thanks for the tip. I'll check how much they pay first...!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh pooey...I just wrote a very big reply to you in an email...and I don't know if it actually sent. It better have done, grr (just let me know if it did so I don't feel the need to throw my laptop out my window, hehe). And your weekend sounded fun, lucky you!
from clairecav :
Hurray! If I had a 4000th visitor prize, I would give it to you. Sadly, I have no such thing. But I shall give a (rather unbalanced due to my missing toes) dance instead. There you go.
from barmymoo :
I wish my mattress grew interesting things in the back garden. My mattress doesn't do ANYthing. It just kind of... sits... looking mattressy.
from anibananie :
Bwahaha, that sounds like a PLAN!
from skinnylizzie :
I know!!! Is it wrong that I'm really excited?! I mean, I've been to see my local team loads of times and I went to see them at Wembley twice, but Newcastle?! And FRANK LAMPARD?! 'Scuse me, I just have to go do a little celebration dance...
from rainy-daze- :
yeah sure, it's hold me. (trying to write that discretely...) xx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, and 'but damn I wouldn't have said no to him'? Made me chuckle. Quite a lot. I have the oddest feeling we are similar in quite a few ways (I hope that's not insulting for you, hehe)
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, it's just so colourful that my head was turned (not that that's hard, really). I knew I recognised it from somewhere! I was all bored with my old one. Anyway, hope you are having a good Wednesday afternoon!
from clairecav :
My mistake though was maybe letting people find out about my double-jointed thumbs. I ended up getting random people asking to see my "weird thumb thing". You've met Vinnie Jones??? I am extremely jealous of you *glares in jealous way*. Your horrible carving knife-y, blood bidter-y story made me squeam. Ugh.
from barmymoo :
Definately the toes one that's a lie... I think... there's a strange, demented picture on the 101! ~has no life~
from clairecav :
I am trying to figure out which one of those three was the lie... they're all pretty horrific!
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, you didn't have to do it! But your horsefly story amused me no end. Probably not that funny for you, though. And I LOVE that 'Oxygen' song and The Killers :)
from barmymoo :
I think I just worked out why I couldn't find your diary... how many "r"s do you need, girl? Honestly. These university students! Can't even spell.
from skinnylizzie :
Technically, the Ice Cube one's a crap song, but good memories! Billie Jean is an AMAZING song, it makes me want to dance like an idiot every time I hear it :)
from anibananie :
Aah, the confusion has FLOWN AWAY like some crazy eagle. I guess the reason I WAS confused (damn that crazy eagle - are YOU confused now?!) was because you never said anything about you getting back together in your diary! Either that or I didn't pay attention... Anyway, whoopee :)
from anibananie :
Thanks for the belated birthday greetings :) And I'm confused about this ex person. Who... is... the... ex... who... isn't... an... ex? Ah well, just walked a mile and a half uphill on the way home from school so a bit frazzled anyway.
from barmymoo :
Hey... don't mind me, I think I might be lost... I like the purpleness.
from barmymoo :
Hey... don't mind me, I think I might be lost... I like the purpleness.
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you!!! I didn't understand the appeal either, but there was an odd mass of about 200 people trying to get near the bloody thing. And Super Soakers rocked!
from skinnylizzie :
Desperate Housewives rocks. In a word.
from skinnylizzie :
Good luck! I don't envy you in the slightest. Mind you, I don't envy me either (Greek History and Society exam on Thursday, eek!). Still, you have without a doubt got it worse. So...good luck...again!
from skinnylizzie :
You have amazingly pretty eyes. I'm so jealous. Never mind that 20cm is their limit, at least they look good!
from clairecav :
It's Mr Depp. Of course it will live up to the expectations ;) Good luckay with your examay!
from clairecav :
I am cacking my pants with excitement over Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so you are not alone... =D
from hippie7 :
Merry Christmas to you, too. :)
from kbc :
Merry Christmas! Those are really nice pictures. Hope the head gets better in time to do it again!! :) K
from vanoonoo :
lol - happy saturday - hope the heid feels better soonish, great pics :)
from skinnylizzie :
I sympathise completely with the peroxide up nose could-have-been disaster after flicking hair dye in my eye, it hurt quite a bit! Anyway, I'm going completely off the point as per usual - have a great Christmas m'dear and keep on rocking, hehe! :)
from anibananie :
You're not the only one to find strange people attractive. The other day I discovered I was very turned on by the way Patrick Swayze walks!! It's very odd.
from skinnylizzie :
Hello! I haven't noted in too long a time (although I've just realised I'm also only a couple of notes down. Oh well. It's the season to be jolly and I'm spreading festive greetings...mmph). I agree, the being home thing is weird, but then again I am a newbie to all of this. And I don't think the whole computer thing sounds spoilt, but that's just me :)
from mister-ed :
PFFFFFT! well you only missed me being a fucking giant mess on legs who can't even talk or stay balanced while sitting down. come down on a wednesday sometime, it's pretty much empty as a bastard.
from rainy-daze- :
tankoo. x
from skinnylizzie :
I don't know if it makes you feel any better (probably not) but tonight I also had a bowl of spaghetti hoops for tea, and am currently alone in my flat due to slackers with courses that are too short having already gone home (not that I'm jealous, oh no)
from anibananie :
Ah, thanks for the lovely note! And you shall find out what my parents said to me about all that crap when I can be arsed to type it up, i.e. tomorrow. Shame about the Brainteaser thing though...
from anibananie :
Happy 700th entry! (No, I'm not some sad person who trawls through people's profiles and looks at their entry number. Not at all.)
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, new plan - lock her in her room so she can't get battered! Twas v scary, but somehow we even managed to pass our oven cleaning inspection at ten this morning...inspector was either blind or just plain stupid. Ooh, and my friend once went for 10 weeks without a period and it then lasted almost 3 weeks. She too wasn't v impressed :)
from anibananie :
Eew, liver. Well, MY period was nearly 2 weeks early, so beat THAT for inconvenience!!
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you m'dear, I may soon be begging for one of those gmail invites (hotmail sucks!). The photos on my diary are hosted on Photobucket, but Webshots is prettier. Sigh, not that I'm a big girl or anything...
from rainy-daze- :
ouch, sleeping in contact lenses... *shudders*
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh poor you, that have my sympathy re: the huge fucker of an essay!
from skinnylizzie :
Hey, thanks for your lovely note, am feeling a bit better today but can't help thinking what a shite end to a crap fortnight it really is! But I'm not one to whine, oh no... Anyway, thank you again, much appreciated to hear something nice when I'm down :)
from rainy-daze- :
mmm yummy lunch! x
from under-shadow :
I suggest you stain his coat *somehow*. Y'know... a mysterious brown smear or something. And Norweigans have weird food. My friend from Norway at college eats brown cheese. Now if that aint weird, I dunno what is... and apparently brown cheese is the NORM in Norway. o_O
from rainy-daze- :
eBay is fab - I always nab a bargain from there. xx
from skinnylizzie :
That picture is fantabulous! I do have one question though - what on earth is attacking you?! I got told a story a couple of months ago about a student who actually developed scurvy and it has made me uber-paranoid...
from jeszika330 :
I just found out i need your e-mail address also to put you on my list when i go private.
from skinnylizzie :
Ah, I don't think I have enough guts to make an official complaint! I've tried talking to them but drunk know how it is, sigh. Hehe, I am enjoying uni, you were completely, totally, 100% right! It's just when I have to start working that it sucks :)
from random-ditto :
Thanks for the messages Strawbs :) Greatly appreciated. And plus, I've cheered up because I just realised you have a copy of I capture the castle too! Must really see the film sometime... xXx
from rainy-daze- :
wow rednex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahh the memories of kiddie's parties!
from clairecav :
*Has panic attack* COTTON EYED JOE! I LOVE that song! "Where did ya come from, where did ya go, where did ya come from Cotton Eyed Joe..." You are insansely lucky.
from anibananie :
WOOO for revisiting angsty teenage years! Can't beat 'em, can you?
from skinnylizzie :
Lol, I was probably also quite drunk as I can't seem to remember where I was or who I was with...never mind. I am loving the student way :D
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, Blu Bambu rocks! I saw a guy who looked like the Milky Bar Kid in there last week, that was fun. I saw someone who looked like you on that weekend you were here...but wasn't sure if it was you and then chickened out of going up and asking. And went and found a drink instead.
from mister-ed :
heheh, sueing eh, i hope he wins and then gets to return in whatever way he likes. they'll surely write him out with some farm machinery accident. or scurvy.
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the nice notes you left that I only discovered the other day! Newcastle rocks my socks, I'm not surprised you enjoyed it! Have fun going back to uni :)
from angelfish83 :
I have missed a whole week of neighbours thanks to my aerial-less house. :( And last night I dreamt about Susan Kennedy. Sometimes I scare myself.
from rainy-daze- :
"I don't like crickeeeet.. oh nooo... I love it" aah fantastic. reminds me too much of the dreaded clarks shop though.. but still, holds a funny moment or two. much love xxx
from anibananie :
Animal Farm is a great book... we read it in year 9 and had to dissect almost every fucking sentance. Grr.
from anibananie :
Trust me, you don't want my hair. One day I'll show you a photo of it completely natural... then any nice comments shall be taken back! Boy scouts could camp under it when I've blow dried it. Thank God for straightners... (oooh boy I cannot spell)
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, if you do see me I'll be the small frizzy haired one hyperventilating in a corner clutching a HUGE bottle of vodka closely to me...I'm terrified! Dunno how you did it. Anyway, I shall keep my eyes peeled :)
from skinnylizzie :
Aww, thank you for the kind notes leading up to and after results day, left me with a warm happy glow! Well done on your results, they are fantabulous :D. Enjoy Devon!
from audinary :
Woo! Congratulations re your uni results. Vair impressive. What course[s] are you taking exactly?
from xylem :
I saw your identical twin at Reading on Saturday! I was about to ask her if she was you, but she escaped.
from clairecav :
Congratulations, and celebrations.... *goes past with marching band parade thingie*
from anibananie :
I have no idea what those results mean but WOOOO YAAAY for you! :D
from blacktreacle :
Exactly! Just pretend that you're busy all the time and definitely too busy for him. Then he'll see what an amazing girl he just lost and'll feel like crap forever!
from anibananie :
I read somewhere there are 7 stages: shock, denial, anger, depression, acceptance, moving on, recovery. I think. Anyway, hope you feel good soon! Shame about the pizza though.
from blacktreacle :
My boyfriend and I broke up 6 weeks ago and I have this guide from a teen magazine years ago about break ups, and you're right, there are 3 stages: denial/sadness, anger, and acceptance. It took me 2 days to stop crying and about 3 to start eating right again, so it seems like we deal with it similarly. It does suck (the "process") but it just takes time and hang out with your girlfriends and sympathetic guy friends who don't remind you of your ex. Hope things go okay!
from gothchicknik :
The same thing happens with my tv. I thought I was getting robbed or something, cuz I could hear quiet voices. I found out that the noise was actually BBC1. :-/
from anibananie :
I had a dream last night I found the Holy Grail AND the One Ring (which turned out to be a copy made of silver)... so what would THAT be trying to tell me?!
from angelfish83 :
where is neighbours when you need it? stay strong, hope things get better for you xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Big hugs, I know it's hard but I hope you feel better soon :)
from jellybelly84 :
hope you feel better soon, champ. truely sorry.
from anibananie :
Poor you. But I'm sending out happy thoughts in your direction! :)
from skinnylizzie :
Hurrah for the Weatherpixie! I'm v sorry about your boyfriend, I hope you feel a bit better soon :)
from anibananie :
GASP! Your weather pixie has gone!!!
from skinnylizzie :
Wow, five tubes, I'm incredibly impressed! You're a much braver girl than me, I can't even give one :)
from under-shadow :
*snorts* not Rachel's normal face?! Hehe, yah right... Anyways, today (for an hour) was fun! We must all do it again sometime *plots*. Are you visiting Rach again later this summer? By the way- do you actually have msn messenger? I've never questioned this before...
from jeszika330 :
Your entry with the show "Things Removed from the Human Body" reminded me of that :)
from jeszika330 :
I was watching Trama center the other day. and A man was feeling dissy and they tool a X-ray of his brain. And he had a nail in his brain. A actual metal nail. and he had no idea how it got there
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, and I had no idea big toes were so useful! Mario Kart is a fantastic game (especially when drunk) but I'm not v good (I think it's the appallingly low concentration span). Horses are evil.
from w3bpwoab :
Hey, I'm new here and I just wanted to say hi to can check out my diary if you'ld like, I don't have many entries but they are emotional...I think. But if you wanna contact me or just say hi then you can at: MSN: [email protected] Yahoo: [email protected] AIM: Dezkukub Well, hope to talk to you later! Buh Bye!!!!
from jeszika330 :
1984 is also a good one. I just recently read it and I enjoyed it.
from xf0r3verx :
hey there, just came across your diary and noticed that you have to read george orwell, I'm not sure if you get to choose, but his novel 'animal farm' is really simple, it relates to the russian revolution, just thought i'd let you know if that helps at all. good luck! -rissa-
from anibananie :
Sounds cool. And woo, Snow Patrol! Woo.
from under-shadow :
Indeed it does sound bargainous :)
from xylem :
That cow thing looks like a direct quote from my exam paper yesterday...
from shinyjen :
Never mind me looking out for you at Glasto - look out for me, I'm the one who'll be wearing the bright orange tabard after all... as well as warnings against hole digging, there's also Wateraid people employed solely to catch people pissing on hedges (it's a farm. Poisons the ground. Just say no, kids). God, I want that job.
from under-shadow :
I watched 'Tea with Musolinni' instead of that match. I could hear clearly what was going on from the garden, because the pub is only round the corner. Dad was like "either england has sored or france has scored" I listened to the noises... "france has scored".The British are so pitiful at sport. Oy oy oy...
from under-shadow :
Yay! Is back home. Does that mean you'll be able to pop down to Bar Hill, so I can pop over and see you? I mean... see Rach. Yeah...
from skinnylizzie :
Hey, glad u had a good birthday, no more teenage angst :). Thank u for your nice note, it cheered me up lots. And insects are disgusting, especially bees and wasps, so u have my sympathy with the disgusting bitey insect thingy!
from anibananie :
WOOO! Happy birthday! Aaand... happy revising! Mwahahaa.
from xylem :
I always had a crush on Bernard's lady friend, and hated Bernard for getting to be friends with her. I have a feeling this might be deeply sad.
from random-ditto :
Oi you! I wrote about Bernard's watch in an entry t'other day! *Ahem* I will now feel, to some small extent, like some form of... er... inspiration. And if you didn't read my diary well, great minds thing alike, eh!? xXx
from under-shadow :
Damn yooouuu!! I have like... twenty exams left or something. Maybe not that many but still! Eeh, I think everyone has wshed once in their life that they could own Bernard's watch. It would rock! I would probably steal things, but still, who wouldn't with such a super watch? Bernard just wasted it- he doesn't deserve it!
from anibananie :
I've had tetanus twice in 2 years. My school is evil... plus I'm going to India in November, woo, so I have to get a loadof injections done then as well... hippety hoo har.
from shinyjen :
Your weird blind episode thing sounds like low blood pressure to me, especially with the whole dizzy thing. (Anything under about 90/60's a bit low. Mine's 70/50, last check. I go blind if I stand up too quickly. Woo for me!)
from mister-ed :
i might've been there once, is it the filthy but large one floor-up-some-stairs thing or is it the three-floors variety of music one? milk has been bought and drunk thankyou.
from anibananie :
Oh my God I'm an arse. I forgot to say congrats about your new brother! *slaps forhead* congratualtions! I bet he's adorable.
from under-shadow :
Ah, a bit of the old tinnitus eh...? Perhaps you should go to a doctors? Just so long as you don't find a doctor like Adrian Mole's- he'll recommend you do that exam... *shrieks* I have an exam tomorrow as well! On To Kill A Mockingbird. Ah no...
from under-shadow :
Ack, twas not Watson who died, it was my old dog Renduth about two years ago. But never mind. Things happen, people change, things die bla bla bla. Bootstrap would be sehr gut! And Rachel never mentioned you came over! We were talking about you not long ago. She said something to the effect of "I haven't seen Sarah since christmas, and I haven't seen Paul (I think) for even longer". Anyways, keep on plugging Booty-boyo :D
from under-shadow :
Yeah, I wanted to work on Sundays, but there's no bus service into Cambridge from my village :o( Bar Hill (Rachel-land) does though... grr! She doesnae appreciate how lucky she is to have such a decent bus service. And as far as your baby bro is concerned- no one ever bought me a nespaper the day I was born! Tis not fair- I would have thought every baby would want to read about Iraqi prisoners of war?!
from random-ditto :
Hmm, Norah Jones? You'd be forgiven for thinking that you lived above a restaurant! I'm sure a cabinet full of grammies means something, yet thats what Norah means to me. Restaurants. Worldwide, wherever you go, restaurants. What a legacy! xXx ps. congrats also on the baby bro.
from clairecav :
Not that I'm actually saying 40 is old, or that you'll be ugly at 40. Who can forget the dear Johnny Depp? 40 and more gorgeous than ever...
from clairecav :
Indeed, that is a very worrying thought. You'll have wrinkles and stuff... *shudders* Old age, who needs it?
from skinnylizzie :
Congrats on your new baby brother :)
from under-shadow :
Congratulations on ze new baby- may your parents have many sleepless nights. You too :o) And WHAT?! You've seen no-man the "no photos..." bloke?! Am I the only person that hasn't?! Hehe, the story amused me so I thought I'd tell the world :D
from clairecav :
Woo, congrats on your new baby bro!
from no-more-time :
well done on the essay tim!!
from xylem :
Yes, I feel so old! :( Soon I'll be wearing sensible jumpers and listening to Sting or something. I am worried.
from aud-girl :
Spcebrs re ll very good nd well, but how would you feel if for no pprent reson your... um... "EY" key stopped working. It mens my nme is currently ud. UD. Plesnt? I dont think so. So I'd go for the spcebr every time.
from spacebabe :
Ha ha!! just noticed what you've changed my description to in your profile!! :-o LOTS???? Surely not!! LOL
from mister-ed :
tesco metro/express, one of them that's also a petrol station. down the road from me. nutritious.
from mister-ed :
yeah i never went until i started workin there, they apparently completely changed everything though. your two friends weren't by any chance part of the lesbian threesome the other week that a bouncer, for some crazy reason, put a stop to?
from mister-ed :
fanks muchly. i work at Mosh, they say it used to be mosquito coast.
from rainy-daze- :
Argh you've changed the comment about me, how rude!! What do you mean by painfulness? I'm all paranoid now. xxxxxx
from mllesatine :
Ah 'the pill.' Yeah I was on it for 2 years but stopped this year. I would start again but I am leaving London in a month so it would just be kicking in then anyway, lol. Well this is a rather personal message on notes but oh well!
from under-shadow :
hmmm... i see pacey has found you... :o) she's sweet. heh, i can tell you like neighbours- karl is such a... a... grrr! he is so angering... well. i felt like a mini-ature rant. have you noticed on potc that at the beginning that old pirate says it's bad luck to have a woman on board. even a mini-ature one... rachel told me about the other day. i had never noticed...
from pacey2052 :
aw you have sucha cute diary...keep writing!
from pacey2052 :
aw you have sucha cute diary...keep writing!
from anklebone :
That little 'moon' button is your sleeper button. It sends your computer to sleep. However, if you were being sarcastic, I duly apologise. HIPPETY HOO HAR FOR SCAPEBARS, CTRLs AND C AND D!!! :D (I am sliiightly hyper...)
from anklebone :
Lalala s p a c e s r o c k. God, I'm evil sometimes. But still... it's quite funny. Here's some spaces: . . . . . . . *permission to kill me granted*
from angelfish83 :
lol. i hope your space bar fixes itself soon. as much as i laugh at long words that should be entire sentences, i can see how it could be annoying. anyway, i've drunk far too much red wine and have left a very pissed of diary entry, so i'll be off to bed now xxx
from strawberrri :
from jellybelly84 :
i l o v e s p a c e b a r s . c o m
from spidleriala :
So you.. didn't get the email I sent you this mornin'? Oh, arsecakes. Better ask ze Rachbeast, then. That'd work... if she can remember. :)
from spidleriala :
I sent you the password months ago! I remember doing it; sended it to yer 'otmail address, I did! Exclamation! I did wonder if you received it, though.. smeh. I'll resend, and hope you get this'un. :)
from jellybelly84 :
pugwall! ahahhahahaah. "and me on my guitarrrrrrrrr" i can't remember how the rest goes.
from xylem :
I'm sitting here trying to work out what the components of bananas actually are...ummm...nope, still stuck.
from airethoniel :
okay lol :)
from airethoniel :
......ouch. I didnt think it was possible to break a bone on the roof of your mouth.... weird.
from airethoniel :
......ouch. I didnt think it was possible to break a bone on the roof of your mouth.... weird.
from gothchicknik :
hiya, i dunno if you still read my diary, but i'm putting a lock on it, and my password is: nikki
from sexcurious :
....and its high heels altho high hells seem strangely appropriate
from sexcurious :
....and its high heels altho high hells seem strangely appropriate
from sexcurious :
I also have to stop over using the exclaimation marks....
from sexcurious :
I am such a loser! i complain about high hells yet i opt to wear them out dancing yet again, tonight, Will I never learn! Argh only 10 mins til simpsons is on gotta go!
from anklebone :
ok... you've just given lots of people your user and password. well done... now i can read your diary MWAHAHAHAHAA! :P
from london-times :
Hey! I locked my diary and am handing out the password to people who list my diary as a favorite, sooo, that includes you! The username is 'person' and the password is 'letmein.' Aren't I SO creative? Lol.
from sexcurious :
hey strawberri, just read sum of ur entries, made my day (or night!) been out drinking danced my ass off and now my feet which were previous incased in 5 inch stiletto heels are paying me back for my cruelty, if they didnt make my legs look better i wouldnt bother, i think we shud start a revolution and kill the sadist who invented heels...i think im feverish...xxxxx
from jellybelly84 :
yes, the grebos. or moshas as we called them in these parts. i was a grebo at heart, but still wore clothes that actually fitted me. what were you? a townie?
from under-shadow :
hehe, your dream sounded amusing. poor penknife... i mean you. and yes; excel and access=hell to me, and an outstanding majority. but well done! i had a ten hour art mock, and i finished in six and a half- it's fairly unneverving though, as i generally think there must have been something else AS WELL. eh. by the way- you looked really pretty in that photo the other day- rachel agrees :o) ~Jess x
from jellybelly84 :
lookin good. owwwwwwwwwww!
from darkcreation :
*growls at guestbook* I saw you! At least, I think I did. No, I'm sure I did. I think... *wanders off singing "I love horses..."*
from rainy-daze- :
lol, I laughed so much at that entry. Especially the door rattle. xxxxxxxx
from london-times :
Ahh, it snowed there?? I'm so jealous! We were expecting at least *some* flakes but got nothing at all, which is very disappointing to a California girl like me. AH well, I'm still holding out hope. . .as for your TV debut, at least you caught a glimpse. Worse, still, would be ending up on the cutting room floor, right?
from london-times :
Ahh, it snowed there?? I'm so jealous! We were expecting at least *some* flakes but got nothing at all, which is very disappointing to a California girl like me. AH well, I'm still holding out hope. . .as for your TV debut, at least you caught a glimpse. Worse, still, would be ending up on the cutting room floor, right?
from xylem :
I am thinking of making an I Love Horses t-shirt, by stealing the logo from the website ( and playing with it. Everyone will know of my love for horses, and the friendship that I have with them.
from jellybelly84 :
i sat through an hour of that shite and i didn't even see ya!!
from rainy-daze- :
on TV???? Wow! I'll be watching. xxxxx
from jellybelly84 :
speaking of lizards, they had this nut on This Morning with fern and scofield, and he was chatting loads of crap about how the world was dictated by some bloodline who had us all in some facist orwellian regime. you kinda wanted to believe him until he mentioned that the royal family were, infact, lizard-people. he wasn't joking either.
from liv76 :
ahhh computer labs. It's rather absurd how people go out of their way to lean over and read what you're writing (ever so discreetly, of course)!
from ktdream :
Yea the neko cat thing is cute.. seems like a lot of people have them now.
from ktdream :
Hello just wanted to say hi and that's a sweet username you have. Good luck on exams which are almost over and have a great time relaxing-- you deserve it!
from liv76 :
Hmmm... Victoria Beckham looks a bit like a tan weasle, no?
from under-shadow :
Howdy! Looks like I missed out an entry or two� I don�t remember anything about that arsewipe Dr Fox, or any baby bro scan!? Hmmm, well anyway, I was wondering if you could find me a link or html code or whatever (both probably) to your Micheal Jackson entry. You know the one where you were walking down a road and you saw a street called �moon walk�? I want to add it to my favourite entries list as me, being me (i.e. odd) found it hilarious. And also me, being me means I can�t be bothered to search for it. So would you do me the honour please :o) Danke shon, ~Jess x
from jellybelly84 :
yeah, the network pepsi chart with doctor "just-a-tad-shit" fox and wet wet wet at number one FORREEEVVEEEEEEERRRRR.
from liv76 :
Oh yay! Babies. And you have to admit, using the word 'smelting' in any context is pretty damn funny (although i have no idea what it means)!
from clairecav :
Aww I am rather excited at the arrival (or pre-arrival) of your baby bro because this is the first time I've looked at a scan and saw something human! Weeooow!
from jellybelly84 :
oh i do the same thing. kinda like when you read a book and dream that the characters are in your life. (you're always drunk in my dreams).
from rainbow888 :
Ewww. Shit burgers. I think I may boycott Mcdonalds also. Grrr. Love and kisses, *Rianna* xxxxxx
from anibananie :
Aw nice baby bro!
from liv76 :
Good how i adore that movie! Bill murray still being the same character he has played for years and years, but ti's a good character, so what the hell. That poor abused groundhog. If i remember correctly, it was wearing some sort of bonnety thing and mittens. Oog.
from xylem :
I found the ham rather funny too, especially my mum's description of what my sister was saying - "Oooh, Jon's texted me...ham? Ooh, another one...ham, with a smiley face?" Of all the random things the phone could have sent (like rejrejrijg, or boats, or something) I think ham was the most impressive. It also decided to set me an alarm for 5:57am, which was handy.
from liv76 :
damn, there goes my plans for toe-spiced lemonade. Foiled again!
from blueforever :
^^. You actually miss school? Really? you've got to be kidding me! oh and by the way jus wondering, d' you think indian food is good??!
from random-ditto :
oooh. when I went to an indian takeaway the other month they gave me (not my dad or my brother, but me) a box with a flower on top. This box, upon later inspection, held mint imperials. I am obviously a mint imperial type girl, non?! xXx
from rainbow888 :
true, my darling. But if it weren't for these selfish, pathetic bastards who made people boycott the causes in the first place, then the world would be a cool place. However, I do still stick with my point. Damn coca-cola!! Daaaaamn them to hell! Lol. Ill shut up now. Love and kisses, *Rianna* Ps wot duz go into burgers???
from jellybelly84 :
hahah, that's comedy.
from blueforever :
Hey Strawberri. You�re quite welcome. ^.^ !! Wow. On a Saturday. You rock my socks!! Thanks for leaving me the note, you helped me feel way better. Have a wonder filled day!
from liv76 :
yet again., the five people sitting next to me in the lab think im bonkers. definetly put that bit in your essay!!!
from sexycinders :
hiya, sooo u r pissing razors? hows that workin 4 ya? what a conversation starter lol ur diary is the first iv read on ere an its fuckin funny, u put a smile on my face atleast! keep bein interesting :oP xxx
from blueforever :
Awesome diary! :D
from crayonchewer :
poor otter. anyway sorry for not replying for a while...not checked notes. I go to Courtlands, and I'm starting again tomorrow...I know of Todds Green but never been there. My half-brother used to live over that way though...near The Fisherman's pub I think...
from under-shadow :
argh! i just noticed i wrote "slutty ladies with big bobbs"! it was meant to say slutty ladies with big boobs. ah well... heh, your brother ate all your fruit pastilles. i did that to rach with er skittles. but your brother should know better!
from under-shadow :
awww, but the otter was cute! hang on though... an otter or johnny d... let me see. what's up with your brother?! how old is he? surely boys should have a fettish for slutty ladies with big bobbs. not otters. :D
from jellybelly84 :
from xylem :
I hope you're not dissing the otters! I mean, Johnny Depp is admittedly very sexy in Pirates, but otters own everyone! And in a kind of 'I share your otter on desktop pain' gesture, I've stuck the picture on my background too. Rar.
from anibananie :
I think I'd prefer an otter to Johnny Depp.
from crayonchewer :
Hey! I actually have nothing even mildly interesting to say but I'll feel all guilty and evil if I don't post a note =P So you're from Stevenage too? Oooh how interesting...more interesting than this. I'll go now because this is boring me as well as anyone who reads it. Byebye!
from rainbow888 :
Hey! I had a get set chocolate factory! Don't waste your money, it's a pile of shite in the imagery of chocolate!!! Well, if you think that's sad, get this-and now, your probably going to think I'm some Peter-Pan esque freak-I wanted Barbie as Rapunzel PC game for Christmas, but later changed my mind, as i figured I wouldn't look too clever if I was showing my friends all my presents, and brought out a fucking Barbie computer game. Sheesh. Childishness, eh? Love and kisses, *Rianna* xxxxxxxx
from rainbow888 :
ah ha. So your older than me, and i spose a lot more mature, but hey, thats hardly an achievement, as it's possible for anyone to be more mature than me! Oh, well. Who cares? Your only a child once....well, unless you believe in reincarnation, which means you could be a child more than once. I'm such a twat! Love and kisses, *Rianna* xxxxxxxxx
from rainbow888 :
Bloody hell. Didn't know that! I thought I hadn't seen a wispa in a while! How old are you? Just out of sheer curiosoty. I know thats spelt wrong, but hey! Lots of love, *Rianna* x
from jellybelly84 :
one's for testing html. i take it you've already seen new year's entry then.
from xylem :
and today, too! (am just about to leave to go to the game, oddly) and commiserations for having the devil incarnate as a manager. I am going on the 1st as well, if my hangover lets me...
from under-shadow :
heh, poor, poor you... only seven grand eh? rachel is now owed about five hundred- her mum scrimped off her- you could too... maybe :) anyways, season's greetings!
from kbc :
Ouchy pee is apparently my weak spot. I sympathize SO much after my little run in with Mr. God-awful Bladder Infection this summer. Just thinking about it makes me want to cross my legs and hold on tight for you. It also makes me want to pee, though. And so I will. Feel free to transfer your urine to my bladder if you feel so inclined; my bladder works fine although my nose and throat are currently working in mutinous harmony against me. Wow, what a weird note. sorry 'bout that.
from random-ditto :
I felt like that when they didn't get on their knees and beg me to be an extra in Ghosthunters. Anyway, I like reading your diary still! And if you feel like arranging my new years eve for me there may be a tunnocks tea cake and a fudge available as a reward. Otherwise I will go and sit on the park bench with a bottle of vodka in the manner of a tramp. Fun fun!
from mister-ed :
in a way it has, but i sort of feel like a presumptuous big-headed bastard now!
from liv76 :
whenever i read your stuff im at the computer lab and i always laugh really loudly and sound donkeyish. And then i cough and every one stops staring- but hey, worth it!~` liv
from rainy-daze- :
thanks for the note! xxxxx
from jellybelly84 :
from jellybelly84 :
bah, i can't wait. i'm gonna like, "mum! mum! i know that girl, laughing at the dead person."
from shinyjen :
Try living in London and having a nose piercing you have to clean twice a day... oh, THE BLACK, THE BLACK! And the tube people say the dust is perfectly healthy... it's black dust, of course it isn't.
from liv76 :
mmm. chocolate and plastic cutlery- my secret addictions!
from fuzzycircles :
hehe! it's not that I dont either, it just pisses me off... I dont want to know... especailly not form David, he;s an ex...
from jellybelly84 :
there's always that
from liv76 :
dahling, your desciptions just make me cringe! (they're damn great!)
from liv76 :
Bah! you have a great diary! I love it when people of higher authority have funny names. liv
from clairecav :
Lol yep... it is one of my fave films... seocnd to POTC of COURSE.
from clairecav :
I LUURVE Drop Dead Fred, especially the scene with Micky with in the restaurant. *Throws spaghetti* Seeya Snotface!
from angelfish83 :
I can sympathise with you over your manically laughing neighbours. At least my noisy neighbour lives in the same house so if it gets too much I can tell him to shut up!
from jellybelly84 :
i used to make amazingly complex lego cars just so i could push them off a make-shift ramp at the top of our stairs.
from kbc :
I can completely sympathize with your pain and discomfort. I had a bladder infection so bad this summer that it made me pass out and landed me in hospital. The obtuse doctor at the walk-in clinic thought I was pregnant which didn't help matters much either. I hope you get better soon! And by the way, I now have the Flanders' voices in my head "and load them in twosy oosies." God love the Simpsons
from jellybelly84 :
nah, it's just i get this referral on my site tracker thing. it says it's one of those temporary links used in hotmail... just wondering is all..
from jellybelly84 :
do you email my journal to other people sometimes?
from jellybelly84 :
prison is weird. the main part of your job is opening and locking gates at every 2 feet. whatever you job title is is secondary. all the female officers are short with a 'dont-fuck-with-me' personality.
from darkcreation :
A man who wears a dog? I think I'd like to see that. God, you seem to run into as many odd people as I do. I see lots at work, such as The Gurner, Mr Winestealer and Mrs Winestealer (aka. Cleavage Exposer) and Gay Alan, who looks like an Orc (only less attractive) and likes Peter Andre. P.S. My cousins boyfriend looks like Hugh Grant! *Eeeenvy*
from rainbow888 :
Yes....rainbow drops. They are lovely sweets, aren't they. Even tough they're hardly sweets......more like a cereal! They should make Rainbow Drops Cereal! Yep....thats my product idea. Lots of love, ♥Rianna♥ x x x
from jellybelly84 :
i like that fuck fcuk. i was going for a general rage at all of the world's shit rather than just one specific thing though. hey, i actually saw love actually aswell. it filled me with a kind of unrealistic hope towards everything.
from rainbow888 :
I agree. Strawberries and cream rule! Why the hell am I talking about strawberries? Oh, yeah, coz it's you name! Yes, rainbows do indeed rule, and I can imagine if you were to taste one they would taste like lollipops. What do you think? Love and kisses, *Rianna* xxx x x
from rainbow888 :
Hey! What a damn cool diary! What a damn cool name! Mmmmmmmmmmm, strawberries!! Hey, well, thats pretty much itsy. Love and kisses, *Rianna* x x x x
from xylem :
And besides, anyone in a Stereophonics tribute band would hardly be a potential boyfriend for anyone! They'd just walk around singing their nails-down-blackboard songs all day.
from jellybelly84 :
i got another rejection letter this morning. this is not fun.
from clairecav :
Maybe it's better you don't know any normal people then - cuz you r very good (!) just the way u r! On ur profile u have Texas Chainsaw Massacre as "hilarious"? Is that the original or the remake? Hopefully not the new one, I'm meant to be wtching it tonite and I hadn't really planned on a "hilarious" evening!
from clairecav :
A french man called Dino? That is scary being scariness. Do you know any normal people???
from fuzzycircles :
cheers hun. Next time you're in the city go out for foodage at Orgasmic Cafe, down by City Screen... VERY YUMMY food, and not too expensive either. Was a good night I had. :)
from jellybelly84 :
i like interviews too, and the added thrill of not knowing if you might pass out soon makes them even better.
from anglewings :
Cool diary, like what you write. I'm sure to check back, just to let you know. Smile you made this one feel better . Was down a little do to a lost love, after reading your diary I feel much better. I think you, latezzz
from jellybelly84 :
you're right to be skeptical about the woman. i added that from a picture of my cousin's wife on their wedding day. starla believed it though.
from rainy-daze- :
hehe, your last entry really made me smile. xx
from fuzzycircles :
uh.. well its been a while since ive seen any of them. aj does music and was working part time at wspoons last i knew.
from fuzzycircles :
yeah, I know adam. and I met lizzi a couple of times, and vicky too, I think.
from jellybelly84 :
yeah, danone actimel. it makes me cry everytime it comes on the telly, seriously. and it was really hard getting those screen shots, but now they're all over my computer's wallpaper.
from confusingeh :
i LOVE your diary, because like you i LOVE DRINKING. check out my diary, im gonna try to update more and more, i also have a site.
from under-shadow :
destroy her! destroy evil mutant drain-girl now! i know how you feel with my non-drunken sister "singing" at the top of her awful screechy, ear-piercing voice. i love my sister really... so, was it you who went up north somewhere? heh, i'm glad to see you also got a note from that claire person. i'm guessing she might have got your diary name off me, as i was recommended to her by emma, and emma just happened to have her diary read by her (dunno why), and then... oh blah. can't be arsed to continue. workeysome to doodles. keep up the johnny (depp) fettish. jess x
from fuzzycircles :
argh! Very very scarey! I know them. or at least I know fraser... and AJ... they're both mates with an ex of mine.... um... what's ur brother's name?
from jellybelly84 :
haha, rock-n-roll.
from fuzzycircles :
co-op.. tang hall... not quite sure. had a mate live out at tang hall last year, so I probably do, just cant think straight!.. see just thought I wouldnt know him cos he's the year above me, which aint true! I survived my 2nd year! but I prob still dont know him. seem to know loads of biologists (despite not being a biologist myself!), and few other people. still, yorks a lovely place, I hope u enjoyed ur visit :)
from fuzzycircles :
def go to old orleans next time you're cocktails place I've found.evil eye is also good, esp for hot for Gallery, used to go lots in my 1st year, havent really been for ages, but seemed good last time I went. depends what you're used to I guess.can I ask what year your bro's in, and what he's studying?(you dont have to answer tho, I'm just curious, of the 8000 students here, might I know him? no prob not!! lol)
from fuzzycircles :
you came to york! wow! odd to think you'd have been out and about while i was desperatley wanting to sleep, but instead watching Jools Holland on Frinite, League of Ex.Gmen Satnite, and Matrix1&2 Sunnite... let me know next time you're up?
from clairecav :
Hiya, i luv ur diary! You have such a nice way of writing. I suggest next time some maddo starts screeching to Black Eyed Peas, I suggest u DO hit them with a frying pan. :D
from jellybelly84 :
i just laughed at that too. could you pass me mine aswell?
from under-shadow :
yarr! i DO like johnny of the depp variety, and i realllllly despise you for getting all of them posters! grrrr! they look so good! awww, i'll have to wait and see if they sell in any shops. they better...
from under-shadow :
yarr! i DO like johnny of the depp variety, and i realllllly despise you for getting all of them posters! grrrr! they look so good! awww, i'll have to wait and see if they sell in any shops. they better...
from vanoonoo :
hi :)
from rainy-daze- :
hehe, mine's not glittery :( gutted! I love glitter. xxx
from jellybelly84 :
what's with the big change then? i can't remember you ever saying how bad it was living at university before. or were you living in halls before? i'm applying to university tomoro. i have narrowed it down to lancaster, st andrews, east anglia, aberystwyth, reading (for the festival) and bristol. i've never been to any of these places either.
from xylem :
THE CHEEKY GIRLS! MY OWN PERSONAL GODS! Say hello to them for me if you speak to them. They probably won't understand, but then, I get the impression that they don't understand anything.
from jellybelly84 :
where are you living? compton? you do carry your uzi 9mm at all times, i assume.
from rainy-daze- :
Enjoy your lie-in. XXX
from mister-ed :
yes fan club! not round to it yet. housemate seems to be a regular there tho so probably soon. sooooon.
from pink-fairy :
fank u - next and old all fixeded now :)
from fuzzycircles :
*waves back*
from xylem :
Poor Toadie... :(
from jellybelly84 :
96 lengths? are you mad? are you madder than john mad mcmad of madtown? hmmm? are you that mad?
from angelfish83 :
I've come to the conclusion that all student landlords need to die......but being sent to live with the chuckle brothers seems to be a reasonable alternative. Good luck with the quest for furniture!
from jellybelly84 :
i've run out of things to say at the moment. i'm abit tired of writing nostagically and musing about ambitions and subjects that haven't actually happened to me yet. etc, etc. i need some action :)
from rainy-daze- :
yay :) xx
from jellybelly84 :
yeah made that myself. was up till 3am last night. might aswell do something constructive i thought. there's over 70 layers of pictures there. my computer nearly blew up.
from xylem :
Be careful with the taunting Blaine thing - my friend went up there today to giggle at the silly man, and there's security and police there preventing missile throwing now. Boo! Spoilsports!
from jellybelly84 :
oh that animal liberation thing is fantastic. i'm going to write an entry about wanting to blow up noah's ark and send it to them.
from jellybelly84 :
bless you. that thing with the fiver is creepy. i'd be scared if i got that tenner back. ergh 'ray', that's like being called 'ian'. you should have told ray to 'COCK OFF'. i tell people to 'COCK OFF' all the time, perhaps too much.
from angelfish83 :
Strangely I too was once chatted up in a swimming pool...... I'd forgotten about that. Must have been repressing the memory.
from angelfish83 :
Hey, just to say my notes feature is now turned on, so feel free to leave a message.
from angelfish83 :
Hey, just to say my notes feature is now turned on, so feel free to leave a message.
from bigcanoe :
I didn't find second year to be harder at all. In fact, there was a vast improvement in my grades. Each year has got progressively steadier and I am now faced with the very real possibility that I just might a) graduate with distinction and b) be accepted to graduate school. Good luck to you!
from jellybelly84 :
cat in a fridge? -very modern art.
from jellybelly84 :
thanks very much mate. it's a fulltime job making sure your both happy and being yourself. just starting to figure out how to do it. i would not, however, chose mushroom burgers. ewww.
from xylem :
No idea what personwhomighthavebeenyou was wearing, or when it was, but they were escaping the main stage after a band. Which really narrows it down!
from xylem :
I saw someone that I thought was you, but I wasn't convinced enough to actually say anything. Plus the person sort of looked busy trying to get through crowds, so they probably wouldn't have welcomed the distraction...
from xylem :
Your entry title reminds me - on Sunday night my friend was playing Pretty Green Eyes very loudly on a stereo while I was queueing up for chips, and lots of inebriated people started dancing to the stereo with him. It was possibly the funniest thing ever.
from bigcanoe :
Glad to hear you had such a good weekend (and that you, like me, dislike Metallica). Personally I think they're a bunch of greedy buggers what with the whole "down with internet piracy" thing. Are they really in the poorhouse because I downloaded No Leaf Clover?? I think not. I will be attending my own exciting concerty thing soon (Edgefest) and I CAN'T wait. My favourite band is playing and I'm so excited about it. Hooray for Finger Eleven! Anyway, take care and perhaps you should throw copious amounts of water on Melvyn? Works for me when the dog gets annoying and noisy... ;)
from rainy-daze- :
Just thought I'd let you know that I have a brand, new spanking layout. Lots of love, Me. xxx PS: You're *not* alone <3
from jellybelly84 :
that picture of banjo bob made my day (and i've only just woke up)
from rainy-daze- :
woooh, I *love* your diary so much. xx
from jellybelly84 :
my room is as messy as you want it to be
from jellybelly84 :
ahh fuck fuck fuck. u didn't see that
from jellybelly84 :
according to market research the average person is: male, overweight, poor, and has a tiny knob.
from jellybelly84 :
hmmm i dunno about the american women, it just sounded right. like that song lenny kravitz covered.
from jellybelly84 :
thank you!
from xylem :
Aww, well, you not putting all the emotional stuff on there actually makes it better so that's alright. :) The thing with it being personal makes sense too really, I suppose any old nutcase should be reading it (like me!)Perhaps I should try it too.
from jellybelly84 :
well gee wizz
from jellybelly84 :
from jellybelly84 :
hehe, i only put you on that order because of the length of your name... it looks erm... neater... how very anal of me.
from l-a-i :
:) take care! i love your weather pixie
from xylem :
Isn't it such a great feeling to see your brand new Reading ticket happily sitting on your mat/table/wherever? Mine came this morning and I think I nearly pissed myself with excitement.
from jellybelly84 :
so it's been 7 days now, how was spain? it can't have been as nice as it's been here. oh dear, i'm not s'posed to say that.
from rainy-daze- :
woooh, I used to live in Leicester.... Syston, Gaddesby and Thurmaston... lol
from rainy-daze- :
I shall never grow tired of your diary.. xxx
from l-a-i :
from strawberrri :
it's alright, i drank a bottle of fizzy wine earlier and finished of my boyfriend's stella. i have to go on a plane in 28 hours and i'm absolutley fucking terrified of flying. you certainly get a lot more readers because you ARE good, it takes time though (let's get the cliches out the way!). what's annoying is readers often don't reveal themselves, which is really fucking rude considering.
from jellybelly84 :
yeah, i think reviews suck too, but i want PR. i don't like it that i'm using my best lines on only 5 people who regularly read me. i'm quite drunk right now. i played 2 rounds of drinking games where you had a choice of sambuca or bacardi as shots. i'm feeling really angsty too. i'm gonna write about it tomoro (it's more starla and seth crap).
from strawberrri :
oh i didn't have it down as one of my funniest but thank you kind man!
from quietcrown :
oh dear, i hadn't read the entire entry and it was indeed very funny. saying that makes me feel drunk somehow. but it shouldn't. because you *are* funny.
from jellybelly84 :
we were watching uk gold. a neverending supply of bbc re-runs.
from jellybelly84 :
wow, i want one of those too
from jellybelly84 :
HAHAHHAHAA, u thought it was a gorilla! (this must look very random to anyone else reading).
from strawberrri :
thank fuckaroo for that!
from shinyjen :
The person who said they got their Reading ticket ages ago is probably talking bollocks; I'm a member of a messageboard full of Reading fanatic weirdo types who've got their tickets from various sources on the net and none have their ticket yet. They're being sent out later than usual this year because of touts on Ebay - apparently everyone should get them by mid-August. You'll know when to start worrying when I start going on and on about it in my blog; DINNAE WORRY! Or something.
from strawberrri :
well i see you as 50% gay and 50% scottish but i already have a scottish person on my list. i have a cold *sneezes all over notespage* eeeugh.
from quietcrown :
eep. i feel i'm intruding! does my gayness override my scottishness? the texas chainsaw massacre is ace. i saw wrong turn the other week and it was a mere humourless modern version lacking in cornfields and retro hairstyles.
from jellybelly84 :
"fav movies: texas chainsaw massacre. comments: hilarious" hahahahahahahahahahaaa
from jellybelly84 :
aww shucks, i like urs too. infact yours is the first decent one i came across when i started this thing. dont be afraid to cut the fat on fav diaries. i got rid of a couple cos all they ever talked about was the song they were listening to or some situation with their friends that i had no clue about. take care and keep arting. (or farting...whatever).
from jellybelly84 :
she really did say that. the weirdo. this thing has taken me ages by the way, i've had to update it so many times cos of all my spelling mistakes.
from rainy-daze- :
lol @ the message underneath this one! Anyway, your art is FANTASTIC :) :) It's soooooo good. It's brill. Luv Me xxx PS: I <3 your diary.
from jellybelly84 :
loverly artwork. and i like to see the use of the word 'craptacular' coming into everyone's vocab. (georgia o'keefe's stuff reminds me of vaginas).
from jellybelly84 :
do u have a name by the way.
from jellybelly84 :
i just opened a new mailbox specifically for journal stuff. all i get is 'you got a new note', which is fine, i just like getting written emails is all.
from jellybelly84 :
please get a digital camera and stop jamming furry animals into your scanner. i have the RSPCA on speed-dial.
from jellybelly84 :
yeah, the number that's on the card that you get. i don't get alot of mail y'see. thanks for liking the art, u didn't have to.
from jellybelly84 :
like, oh my god, u're listening to smashing pumpkins despite "i have SP's melon collie album but don't listen to it much ever." wop it up. girls think of sex way more than boys, dont they. I KNEW IT!!!
from weymouth66 :
I'm not really a Londoner - I grew up near Portsmouth :o) lots of love xx
from jellybelly84 :
lol (about the 3-fingered-freddy). B E A utiful.
from rainy-daze- :
thanky <3 lots of luv, Me xxxxx
from jellybelly84 :
wow, u responded fast to the entry. don't even think i proof read it before i got your note. anyways, i was just wondering what changed for you to be with your fella now. did u 100% want to be with him or did u just think 'fuck it, might aswell give it a try"?
from jellybelly84 :
i am so ridiculously jealous that you are at glastonbury right now. i only live round the corner from the glastonbury fields. i'm watching the likes of radiohead, doves and such on BBC3 at the moment. open-air music festivals by night - is there anything better? milk and cookies perhaps.
from rainy-daze- :
ello, another note from me (sorry) *lol* Just thought I'd tell you how much I love your diary. Can't believe how much your window is! *naughty window people* Lots of luv, Me xOxOxOxOxOx (",)
from rainy-daze- :
hello just a note to say hi, i like you diary, could i add you to my favourite diary listy thingy please? xxxxxxxx
from jellybelly84 :
actually, scratch that, i figured it all out by ourselves.
from jellybelly84 :
my doggie woggie is still here! :D they want to try some harsh drugs on her first before doing anything too hasty. you have to tell how to get your older page to sort entries into months. the only html i know is tags. the orange is brown on tuesday, purple monkey dishwasher.
from xylem :
I like the moody pose there. :)
from strawberrri :
i found the complete line-up on some website and nearly cried with happiness.
from shinyjen :
I have to wait six months to see Radiohead, and then it's in a big shed in London. Damn you! *is insanely jealous*
from ryan143-4evr :
thank you. i love your entry's by the way..
from jellybelly84 :
ahh well gee wizz... i should probably explain the jelly belly thing before more neighbours fans start confusing me with turkey-neck harold. jelly belly is a song by the smashing pumpkins (a particularly funky one too, in my opinion). so there you go. HOT STUFF!!!
from bigcanoe :
I'm one of those 43 people! Just so you know. :)
from jellybelly84 :
thanks muchly for reading my s(h)ite. i dont believe that you read it all though, i mean that one about art would probably bore me if i wasn't me. anywho, you should know that i always read your lastest stuff and quite often laugh out loud (and at the most inappropriate moments - like when my parents are watching some documentary on lenny henry catching typhoid in ethiopia). sadly i can't return the claim that i read all 400 something of your posts. but quite a few anyway. you write in such a happy-go-lucky way, you must be in a permenant good mood. i'm looking forward to university if that's what it does to you. thanks for dubbing me 'angsty' too, i feel like i now belong to some kind of group of persons. oh, i was wondering if your A levels days were ever as tedious as mine. INFACT, do you even have an off day? take care. hmmm, here's where i make a psuedonym for myself... take care, dexter (hehe, love that dude)
from hope-street :
I'm not talking to you!!!
from xylem :
Perhaps the blood was Aftershock? They're pretty similar, in a way. Oh, and belated happy birthday!
from pixie-cutter :
wow, you rule. xox
from xylem :
The best Lori quote: "Hello, big toe!" I was impressed by that episode though, she cried and some actual tears came out for once.
from cherrryhead :
Thank you for reassuring me you aren't a bigot. :) :) :)
from cherrryhead :
I resent that comment! I am younger than you and I'm American! (but I hate those "diary review" things.) I have a lot of (online) British friends, and I am very aquainted to it. (And yes, I know what a wanker is.) I am younger, but I believe that in MY case I am more intelligent than my peers. (If you've been semi keeping up with my entries, you've probably already read my rants about it.) I make stereotypes too, but I thought I would call to your attention the fact that there ARE individuals who occasionally break the stereotype.
from bigcanoe :
I know what a wanker is! But then again, I'm Canadian. :)
from xylem :
I once had a similar thing (only to a smaller extent) after overdosing on Pro Plus to see what happened, so it might not just be the was my last ever day working in a supermarket, and to celebrate I stole three boxes of Pro Plus and ate most of them. I don't recommend it.
from snowdrop114 :
CONGRATS on 400 entries!
from mister-ed :
drink about nine million pints of water for a while and if it's still green, call rolf harris.
from quietcrown :
damn, i never got t4 people signing my diary.
from mister-ed :
from screamicorn :
was your layout that spanky before? rarr. i like it. reminds me of my big white monster of a coat with a big rainbow stripe around the middle. in fact, you NICKED my LAYOUT! gah!
from f-ckwittage :
you got the don't worry be happy song ingrained in my head now [allo]
from xylem :
I refuse to wear contact lenses, even though I could really do with some. I kinda like my glasses anyway, in a "Well, I'm used to them now..." sort of way.
from mister-ed :
steep eyes? your eyes are steep?!?
from mister-ed :
from shinyjen :
from mister-ed :
maybe you could frighten the bouncer by hiding your severed head in his bed. or a more convenient head.
from strawberrri :
i did consider the whole police-going-to thing, but it was about 2am, I was drunk(ish) and had a half 9 seminar to attend for the next morning.
from xylem :
I am the kind of person who cries to the police when I'm accidentally punched in the head, sadly. But hey, at least you get loads of free alcohol!
from strawberrri :
hey i'm trying to cut down (the pail and pint glass are currently festering under my bed). i think the way forward with this notes page is with ferrero rocher. ooh monsieur you are really spoiling us!
from mister-ed :
yes! and peanuts, bombay mix and figs for those people who enjoy figs. and dates, prunes, apricots, pilchards and lettuce. you are in no way arrogant, pathetic or lazy. i think maybe the bars of leicester are wondering where all their equipment keeps going.
from strawberrri :
maybe if i leave bowls of sweets around the notes page more people will visit?
from mister-ed :
this page is awful neglected hmm hey what.
from mister-ed :
*leaves a note, oh yeah*
from silent-dave :
yay hula hoops are just lovely
from strawberrri :
from raven72d :
Hello Kitty and the Floppy Panda (Tare Panda) are my favorite Japanese deities. Chairman Kaga and the Iron Chefs visit the Hello Kitty Shrine before going off to battle.
from strawberrri :
good gravy i have a notes page!?
from mister-ed :
yes it has, where were you when it happened?
from gra :
You have a notes page! Mister Ed has a guest book! Has the whole world gone fucketee foo?
from mister-ed :
i actually hope you're the one that's okay! i mean, yeesh, and loss and so forth.
from pink-fairy :
hey, good luck with the exam! :)
from antom :
Oi you I want a password or I'll have a stroppy fit... or I'll stamp a lot! :D
from yoshi-c :
*take's note page's virginity* Mwuhahaha. How do you do it? Why arent you dead? What are you doing on the internet at 8 in the morning after a night out?

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