messages to girl101:
(click here to add new message):

from yellopenguin :
old summer longing, oh oh oh you are so beautiful.
from yellopenguin :
girrrrrrlllllll. xo.
from ernst :
"baby, i am the iliad of course you couldn't read me", yes. Understood.
from ernst :
"baby, i am the iliad of course you couldn't read me", yes. Understood.
from raven72d :
Serotonin playlists? Do tell!
from raven72d :
Dar Williams, yes!
from raven72d :
Glad to have you back!
from raven72d :
All the best at the holiday season 2023-- and best wishes for your 2024!
from dangerspouse :
Which Ocean City? MD, NJ, other?
from raven72d :
I love your travel thoughts
from raven72d :
Mine is doing well at the moment. And autumn is always my favorite season.
from raven72d :
And how is life?
from shoelacepunk :
reading your lovely entries, and it hit me: i haven't done my taxes in years!!
from raven72d :
Doing it for the plot is a seriously motivational idea! And as for you...I'll keep you posted on things.
from raven72d :
How is life on this spring evening?
from secret-motel :
Nice to have a lil' Notes reunion after all these years. Your latest entry is a celebration of life I'd like to emulate. We are both still here pushing this unidentified object toward an unknown destination. Let us celebrate this uncertain journey into the bright, white void.
from raven72d :
California! Sounds excellent. One day you and I will have coffee in some invisible city and talk until we're both exhausted. You have a whole library of stories I'd love to hear. And I promise-- no stories about the legal life. I've reached the point where I never tell people I have a JD. I just say "former historian"-- which isn't untrue at all.
from raven72d :
Aubrey is brilliant and wonderful, and I loved her in White Lotus. And your latest entry is wonderful as well.
from raven72d :
I hope that one day you and I might exchange emails. I am very much over being at a law firm. I think almost every day about just walking out. Have you had anything like career burnout cross your mind?
from raven72d :
And thanks, by the way-- the Rx seems to be helping a bit.
from raven72d :
10 February 22-- love the latest entry!
from raven72d :
14 August 21 -- I love your latest entry. That's an amazing recommendation from your ex-boss. And a lovely email, too.
from raven72d :
Your last entry-- 25 May --sounded wonderful.
from raven72d :
31 March 21 -- And how is springtime?
from raven72d :
01 January 21: Happy New Year! Do come back and write more!
from raven72d :
25 June 20-- I'll make you a list of books and films!
from raven72d :
22 May 20: and how did you bear up during the Red Death?
from raven72d :
12 August 19 --- And how is summer?
from raven72d :
03 July 19--- please do come back and write!
from raven72d :
My diary seems to be messed up--- archives page vanished, can't post new entries. I may have to create a new diary. If I do, I'll certainly bring you along.
from raven72d :
All the best wishes for the Year Nineteen--- career, life, upcoming wedding! And I hope Christmas is a lovely time for you this year.
from dangerspouse :
I was on hiatus for a bit and so only just now saw the note you left at my place a while ago. Thank you for that! Thank you especially for wishing me good sex. You'll be happy to know your wish came true :) (And right back atcha, kid!)
from raven72d :
I hope you'll write more about books and poems from the Long Ago.
from raven72d :
Thanks for the note! I always do enjoy finding messages from you. I like the description of your closet, by the way--- the Breton tops are always wonderful. Meanwhile...enjoy summer, enjoy life, and do stay in touch. After all these years, following your story does mean a lot.
from raven72d :
Happy year older! And...lambics are good. Glad to find a new entry here from here.
from raven72d :
13 February 18: Happy Valentine's, beautiful! Now come back here and write!
from raven72d :
01 January 18--- Happy New Year!
from raven72d :
19 December 17--- how's your holiday season, girl?
from raven72d :
06 October 17--- write soon, counsellor.
from raven72d :
07 July 17--- Thanks, girl! Glad to hear that things are better for you! Enjoy the rest of summer!
from raven72d :
24 June 17--- do update soon. You are missed.
from raven72d :
16 April 17--- Easter here, and grey and a bit rainy. I hope things are going better for you. Do stay in touch--- after all these years, I still follow your entries.
from patheticness :
Hi, I'm searching for new readers and some old friends. Only have one reader since I've password locked and it shouldn't matter but I'm lonely here and looking for words of wisdom from others who may feel same ways as I do. Your profile caught my attention. If you are interested in reading me, let me know, give me your email in my notes or something and I can email the password to you. Thanks! I may just lurk at your diary on occasion if ok with you?
from bethshort :
Leave me an email address and I'll send you a password.
from shoelacepunk :
thank you for reminding me that age 13 was actually 16 years ago. ha! it's cozy here. i don't think there will ever be a "last visit" for me. cheers to 2017!
from raven72d :
22 December 16--- Joyeux Noel, girl!
from raven72d :
02 September 16--- I feel the same way. I want autumn here! And all these years later, I still see the world as divided into semesters, with September all about back to school and a new year!
from raven72d :
13 August 16--- I hope things are going well.
from raven72d :
18 June 16--- are you doing better? Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
from raven72d :
I hope your summer is full of sunlight and salt breezes and nights with music on the air.
from raven72d :
My last vacation was in...the Year Eight. I have to do something about that.
from raven72d :
14 March of the Year Sixteen--- how are things? Update soon!
from raven72d :
How is the legal world? How is spring beginning for you?
from raven72d :
06 February 16... I wonder the same thing about Heartracer. Tell IRemainYours hullo and please do tell her that I have fond memories of the little fragments she wrote. She was one of the first DL diaries I read, back in the Long Ago. Glad to hear she's doing well.
from raven72d :
I very much miss IRemainYours, Heartracer, and Heartshaped.
from raven72d :
There on 22 January, watching the snow--- you sound like you're doing brilliantly. Panama? Is your family from there? Anyway--- I hope that your next vacation goes brilliantly, too. And how is the snowstorm? It's cold here, but clear and of course snow-less. I'm at my office on a Sunday, writing memos... Anyway--- classic designs and black lace sound like excellent choices and styles. So-- stay in touch and do well!
from raven72d :
I've got the age thing down, but the wisdom part seems to elude me... Nonetheless, I'm glad to still be here.
from raven72d :
My God--- your 30th! I have been reading you since...well...since the early Noughts! I'm thrilled and amazed that we're both still here! (And Happy Year Sixteen, girl!)
from raven72d :
And whatever are you doing--- either in tropical sun or a too-warm northern winter? Any plans? And, darling...I am going to chivvy you into writing *far* more often!
from yellopenguin :
when i read you, i'm like (((<3))). like: is she a bff from a past life? i think it must be so xo!
from raven72d :
Always save your paper journals. They're your life. Mine go back deep into the Long Ago, and I print off and bind my entries here. I don't want to lose the person I was, or lose being able to see how and when I've changed.
from raven72d :
29 Nov. 15--- Key Lime is brilliant! I'm a great fan of it! Glad to hear your holiday went well--- and oceanside, too? Excellent. I always enjoy notes from you, of course, so I hope you'll leave more...and post more. After all these years, you're someone I very much look forward to reading. How's the legal world?
from yellopenguin :
oh now you. you i remember. xox.
from raven72d :
23 September 15--- autumn, and the last of dark-gold September light. I hope the season is going well.
from raven72d :
14 August 15--- do write again...all about summers...
from raven72d :
Summer girl... I like that image. Where will you go away from DC?
from raven72d :
from raven72d :
11 December 2014...and what are you Xmas plans? How did Thanksgiving go?
from raven72d :
I just bought a Mancala set. Do you play? Are you a chess or backgammon fan?
from raven72d :
Don't ever give up that sixteen-year-old self who wrote all night!
from raven72d :
The Law is still there...every day at my desk... I'm glad you're still reading! And that you're someplace where you can get to open water... (I love seacoasts in autumn) How is life? And do keep posting yourself--- after all these years, it's good to see people still at DL!
from inimitable :
i miss the old days of diaryland with an almost embarrassing intensity. what has become of the old crew? sometimes it feels like everyone moved away from home but me.
from raven72d :
15 August 14... Come write soon.
from raven72d :
How is your July Fourth?
from raven72d :
Glad to read that things are going well!
from raven72d :
It's a new year... you must update!
from raven72d :
Kisses and best wishes at Xmas, girl.
from raven72d :
10 Dec. 13--- I love the description of your life...
from raven72d :
French toast, music playing, autumn outside the windows: perfect weekend mornings.
from raven72d :
Autumn mornings--- yes.
from dented :
decades are hard to comprehend. sometimes i feel like it's like yelling into the cold void, still being on the internet 10 years later, but for the most part, i side with the fall morning/cup of tea side of things.
from raven72d :
Mojitos are always good on rooftops.
from raven72d :
do you still use "boyface"? I like that word.
from raven72d :
so how is August of the Year Thirteen ending?
from raven72d :
Do you ever try to keep track of whatever became of friends and lovers and favourite places from those days, or document how your tastes in books and music and dreams and ideas have changed?
from raven72d :
"ten years ago"... 2003 seems so long ago. my memories go back long past the Year Three, but even 2003 seems like a world ago.
from raven72d :
sounds like a great weekend.
from raven72d :
That's hard to do. I've always lived through books. So not believing what I read takes a clear effort.
from bethshort :
Thanks for the compliment! Mimosas are always good.
from raven72d :
An acquaintance who's a fairly well-known blogger on things romantic and sexual wrote that she calls men "smart" to "let them down easy" at the end of dates. I never should've read that column.
from raven72d :
15 April 13--- lovely entry! Glad you're enjoying things.
from raven72d :
Where are you flying off to?
from raven72d :
I need mimosas and sunglasses.
from raven72d :
Thanks, girl! I will be looking at iPads soon. And I hope spring comes brilliantly for you. (And I do promise to stay in touch with you--- we must e-mail soon!)
from famelicose :
I wish they still made Turkish jades. I never did like the silvers, or golds, much.
from raven72d :
joan didion, pear cider, turkish silvers... all lovely things.
from raven72d :
Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is his best, I think... But a couple of the smaller novels (Sputnik Sweetheart or After Dark or South of the Border) are good introductions. And see the film version of "Tony Takitani".
from raven72d :
I love your booklist answers.
from raven72d :
do write to remember.
from raven72d :
I hope life after law school for you includes a job with a good firm and a city where you can be happy. Anytime you're down here, look me up and have a drink. We'll both complain about law school.
from thisisjohn :
old, yes. i feel old. wife and 2 kids now. on the road normalness. the road i always wanted, and never could find. i feel better. older, but wiser. i can see so clearly now, so many things. i wish i had this sight when i was younger. but this is the way things are supposed to be. my time is now, and i will just accept it. <3
from raven72d :
I've always been amazed and baffled by bridge--- it seems like it could be fascinating, but is also way too complex for me. How is life after law school?
from raven72d :
Bridge? An unexpected skill--- have you played long?
from raven72d :
Are you working at a firm now?
from raven72d :
Cheers to forward motion!
from raven72d :
I miss the world of 2001-2009 or so--- so many more on line journals, so many thoughtful entries. I miss a world where people had long IM conversations and exchanges. I miss...depth.
from raven72d :
"If On A Winter's Night" is one of my favourite books ever.
from raven72d :
The "girls in white dresses" quote was wonderful. So was the entry just prior to that one.
from raven72d :
ten years ago? twelve? i hope you look back on the trip and feel...exhilarated.
from garcon :
K - It's L. Are we still circling the same streets?
from raven72d :
what happened? but...focus on the daily, and on work. you'll get through it.
from raven72d :
Good luck on the Bar! And I do love your choice of books.
from raven72d :
Good luck on the Bar! And I do love your choice of books.
from cloudy-night :
Yeah, Agatha Christie was a great mystery writer. I was really fond of Mrs. Marple, she was very cool! A comrade in literary arms, right on!
from raven72d :
22 March, Year Twelve--- powerful and haunting entry.
from raven72d :
5. March, Year Twelve... how is school? is this your 2-L year ending?
from raven72d :
22 Feb. 12--- keep writing, keep moving forward. don't ever give up.
from raven72d :
Happy Valentine's Year Twelve!
from raven72d :
08 Feb. 12--- lovely sad entry. i wish that one day i'd have letters from you.. I do miss the whole idea of letters.
from raven72d :
love the Joan Didion quote.
from raven72d :
sky diving? yes--- sounds great. but come have brunch sometime, if ever you're down here.
from famelicose :
Sometimes that is all it takes.
from raven72d :
I've been writing here since June of the Year Two--- almost a decade now. Looking back from the Year Twelve, as cringe-worthy as some entries are, I'm not about to stop writing or delete anything. This place is my home; this is my life.
from dented :
i totally, totally get that, how is it 2012 and how have we been writing on the internet for this long and why can't i throw any of these words away? <3
from raven72d :
I'd always meet you on the porch. Or at the 6 Columbus or the Ace or the Jane in NYC. Sigh... In any case--- hope Xmas went well, girl! And I hope the Year Twelve goes well for you, too! Write much, do leave notes at my diary!
from raven72d :
Come to a party with me. Anytime.
from raven72d :
how is the fall beginning?
from raven72d :
are you painting again?
from raven72d :
i will remind you to update.
from raven72d :
create, yes. write and photograph and dream and explore. and do write more here.
from raven72d :
new cities, always.
from raven72d :
i do hope summer goes well...stay in touch, girl!
from raven72d :
summer and sunlight and coconut oil... yes. and what are you reading?
from raven72d :
i think you must e-mail me and finally make that phone call...
from raven72d :
By the way... I always save old love letters.
from raven72d :
Never stay straitlaced. Let silk fall loose against bare flesh.
from raven72d :
I hope the summer goes well for you. Will you be doing classes or appellate advocacy seminars? interning/clerking? no flooding here, but i will have a drink and think of you! stay in touch, girl.
from raven72d :
How are finals going? (6. May 11)
from raven72d :
is this your 2L year?
from raven72d :
what music drifts through your rooms?
from raven72d :
22 March 11... Is it your birthday? If so--- happy b-day! And in any case...I hope law school is going well.
from raven72d :
write write write write...
from raven72d :
How is your Christmas?
from raven72d :
22 November was my birthday. Wish we could've had drinks.
from thisisjohn :
its been so lonnnggg since i've been over here. glad to see you are doing well!
from raven72d :
send playlists! how was halloween?
from raven72d :
October is always my favourite month...
from raven72d :
You can still write... You should still write. And I know about the feeling of lost loves...
from raven72d :
Congrats on the clinic and the internship--- and glad to hear that the summer is going well! Stay in touch, 2-L girl!
from raven72d :
you must update soon...
from raven72d :
how is spring beginning?
from raven72d :
sinusitis is dreadful... i'm going through that now. and, yes: i'd have loved knowing you and going out with you when you were nineteen...
from raven72d :
I'm in Baton Rouge these days...Classes sound fun--- I liked wills and admin law and IP... What do you want to do after law school? Meanwhile--- stay warm and watch the snow through windows... And do keep in touch!
from raven72d :
what classes are you taking this spring?
from raven72d :
The Year Ten...glad you're back. You know I look forward to your posts.
from raven72d :
Joyeux Noel, '09.
from raven72d :
kisses for the holidays.
from andthis :
i wonder if you remember who this is. :) i haven't logged into this account in six years! miss your writing. i'm so glad you still write somewhere. i knew it was here :)
from raven72d :
keep updating.... i look forward to your entries.
from raven72d :
keep updating.... i look forward to your entries.
from dented :
let me just say: i can identify with that so much, how life is too exciting to ever really give up, and i realized last week i'd just passed the eight year mark here, too, and it made me step back. think for a second. eight years! the thing is i hardly have time to think anymore but i'm glad this is all still here.
from raven72d :
8 years... I've been reading you since the Year Two. I'm glad you're there. And being curious about life and the world--- that really is a key thing.
from longitude :
from raven72d :
I do hope you'll go to my "Minimalist Living" entries from last week and make a List. I'd really love to read your List, girl.
from raven72d :
by the way--- i have loved your october entries. i'm glad you're writing again.
from raven72d :
Thanks for the note--- I always love hearing from you. Tell me all about law school and life... Yes--- we all need forts! Stay warm, too--- and have an excellent autumn.
from secret-motel :
Ah, if there was a drive-in on the Moon, I'd drive in and never drive out.
from raven72d :
art & bookfairs & lobsters = perfect autumn
from raven72d :
"...i will take the chain off the door." Beautiful entry.
from boyafterboy :
love. i've been busy learning things the hard way. where are you these days? i hope somewhere with colorful drinks a vibrant sunset and ocean views. don't hide from the light. love you.
from raven72d :
nights above the marina, lovely weightless drunkenness... very lovely indeed.
from raven72d :
30 June 09... I was far too serious at seventeen... But the entry is beautiful and haunting...
from fuschiashock :
06.30.09 - beautiful!
from raven72d :
do update...
from girl101 :
from raven72d :
how did the law school semester go?
from raven72d :
Happy 23... and I wish I could see your number on my caller ID...
from dented :
happy 23; i know exactly what you mean, the songs you remember with the ages you've passed � it's surreal, and i thought i wanted to stay 18 forever, but now that it's passed � well, i'll miss a party or two. <3
from hoursandours :
23 is the sacred number of the goddess of discord. I've been 23 now for nearly a month and at first I was pretty sad to be this age, but it has proven to be the best age I have been yet!
from raven72d :
10 March 09... twenty-three isn't old at all... and I'm glad you're still here after so many years.
from wishing-that :
02.26.09 i locked my diary but i'm writing a LOT of new stuff right now... email me at [email protected] if you want IN. hope you're doing well, still love your writing. -Marly
from raven72d :
I can't imagine being without a notebook.
from ceilings :
from raven72d :
new semester yet?
from raven72d :
How did exams go?
from hoursandours :
go visit my mom! she lives near wash park, on corona!
from raven72d :
what's up in denver?
from raven72d :
1-L exams are scary, but--- nothing you can't get through. Good luck on everything.
from raven72d :
27 Oct 08--- beautiful entry.
from raven72d :
i so love autumn. and this is the best autumn in years...
from raven72d :
K.--- do send an email or two...raven72d (at) yahoo (dot) com
from raven72d :
I do love the topic. They sound like fun--- much better than research I do on cases with real-world clients.
from garcon :
Hello there K. Let me know how you're doing. Email me dictioncanary(at)gmail(dot)com.
from raven72d :
I'm glad you answered the meme questions.
from raven72d :
autumn has been about love and delights...
from raven72d :
research proposal in a 1-L year? Very different from my own law school... Tell me about your research...
from raven72d :
I'll be in NYC Thursday night for a week... I'm giddy about it: my first vacation since law school. And I hope your autumn is brilliant and filled with delights.
from fuschiashock :
how's law school? how are you?
from raven72d :
I love the sheer happiness in your last couple of entries.
from raven72d :
post some of those photos...
from raven72d :
Do send an e-mail address... I'd love to hear from you. And how are classes? What's your favourite? I was always a fan of Contracts (Obligations, where I was--- Civil Law Contracts) more than anything else.
from raven72d :
I really do love the entry for 01 Sept. 08 about memories and music... Music is like that for me, too: keyed to memories. And I save all the things I write: poetry, stories, essays, notes...
from fuschiashock :
i bet you're excited. best of luck. those tests tell me i'm istj, with the s/n being 53/47.
from fuschiashock :
they're my favourite band, except for maybe sleater-kinney.
from raven72d :
Tell me about your overseas travel this summer...
from raven72d :
Tell me everything about the new city... And do send an e-mail address... My own life: lonely, yet busy at the firm...
from raven72d :
Glad the new locale seems to be going well...
from raven72d :
good luck on the move. write soon.
from leafnest :
i'm glad you're still here. i've missed this place.
from mangotuesday :
southeast/hug. from me to you.
from raven72d :
welcome back... do write soon.
from raven72d :
well, Catalan in Barcelona... And go see Lisbon. Add me at Facebook, if you'd like...
from dorkilu :
from fuschiashock :
do you have facebook? not that i can't just give the playlist to you, but i have a group for the radio show (top secret plans for world domination - chma 106.9 fm) where i post the playlists. walking with a ghost was definitely in it. i think i have a stars playlist started in itunes, but i'm not sure how much i have for it. any song suggestions? i guess i should get planning, since the next show is tomorrow. my theme was going to be "nothing" and my friend kevin was going to come on as a guest, but he can't do it this week, so i think i need to find something else. some that i could probably do for tomorrow would be blue, change, future, home, night, rain, and covers. have any favourite covers? i might dedicate a whole show to beatles covers some time. that would be easy enough to do.
from raven72d :
17 june 08--- beautiful entry. What were you doing in Jamaica?
from decemberguy :
yeah..your writing is purty. I enjoy it!
from raven72d :
what are you reading?
from raven72d :
e-mail me soon... i'll tell you many a 1-L story...
from dented :
thanks for the encouraging words; good luck getting well. yesterday, a boy said to me "guess what, i just realized that today's the last day of my mono quarantine" and i think he wanted me to kiss him, although i didn't. but in 6 weeks you'll have a great pick-up line like that to use, too. <3
from sephiragrace :
Tori! <3
from raven72d :
drop me an e-mail... we'll speak one day.
from raven72d :
I was at louisiana state for law school...
from fuschiashock : is "nextlogicalstep"
from raven72d :
I'll say this in favour of Tulane--- good maritime law classes, and you can also do civil law tradition as well as common law: a key thing if you want to work in South America or Europe.
from fuschiashock :
i just got last fm, and signed up for muxtape but didn't do anything with it. you should listen to my radio show once i start a new one, if you can!
from fuschiashock :
yes, i have, and it's great. i just went to the page now, but it's no longer available to anyone outside of the us.
from raven72d :
I do wish younew cities and new and lovely favourite songs.
from raven72d :
Call and say hi.
from raven72d :
Happy Birthday!~
from boyafterboy :
happy birthday. i hope it was filled with cupcakes and wonder and cute new jeans? perhaps. also, i am moving to new york when the clock strikes twelve next year. its the wrong choice. but ive got all the right reasons this time.
from raven72d :
Tell me about the Egypt trip...
from painted-eyes :
Extravaganzas of any kind are always amazing...especially if they have 90's music. I have a music channel that plays 90's music only, and it's sooo great. I haven't written in SO long. Drama just seems childish to me. How are you?
from raven72d :
Tell me about the beach where you are...and about your plans...
from raven72d :
Tulane, then? You'd like it, I think. Tell me where to e-mail you stories...
from fuschiashock :
thank you.
from raven72d :
Vanilla and cookies baking: lovely image.
from raven72d :
Congrats on the law school acceptance!
from miedema2002 :
Congrats on your law school acceptance! That is wonderful! :D
from boyafterboy :
i love this time and place and words and BOOK OFFERS and options and biding my time and sleeping in airports and good habits and this time, this place, right now and maybe someone new.
from raven72d :
I miss IRemainYours.
from raven72d :
Write soon... Let's talk about changes over o many years. And what will law school be like for you?
from raven72d :
I love going back and reading your 2001-2007 entries.
from raven72d :
Six years, I think--- I first read you six years ago.
from raven72d :
Glad to hear that January is going well... Tell me about being by the ocean...
from wishing-that :
ps. "how to breathe underwater" is a wonderful book, i bet you will enjoy it!
from wishing-that :
wow thank you for the messages, i didn't think anybody actually read my diary still. funny you should mention the post-it episode, it's one of my top 3 favorites for sure. classic!
from boyafterboy :
my car is okay. i didnt really crash so much as someone ran a redlight into my passenger side (smashing birthday presents and cupcakes! talk about irresponsible!). movin' from phoenix back to the "greater LA area." back in school. back to everything. i love it all over again. brasil in march. vegas every few weeks.. and miami. wait for it!
from hyperballadd :
hihi. kind words. i am dancing lots. and you?
from boyafterboy :
where are you?? miami??? i am going to come visit you. send me details here: [email protected] you buy the first round, i'll buy the shots... no joke!
from greenteacup :
Also, I just want to say that I really love your writing style. It's so elegant. xxx
from greenteacup :
Haha, isn't it! Thanks. I took it out today and I was scared just incase I got mugged, or something. Happy holidays, also. :] xxxx
from miedema2002 :
Thanks :)
from hbaybee :
Want a great review by adorable people? Amanda and Sarah are waiting for you at hitlar bayee, so come request now =D [disclaimer: we are not nazi's we promise. Sarah's boyfriend is jewish even.]
from raven72d :
The Keys? Panama? Hmmm... Get an all-over tan, enjoy the holidays, and have a wonderful Year Eight!
from raven72d :
LSATs? Do tell!
from fuschiashock :
where's the margaret atwood quotation in your profile from? whatever it is, i want to read it. you know, i didn't think much of her writing after i read surfacing. i'm so glad i read oryx and crake, because it convinced me. her words are well worth reading. i forget where you are these days. is this fourth year for you, and on to law school next year? i think you're in florida, but i'm not sure. i can't imagine christmas without cold and snow. although there's not a lot of snow on the ground here now, it's certainly cold. have i grown? i don't feel like it. in some ways, this year has gone so fast. maybe it's not just true that time flies when you're having fun. i suppose i need to think about this, when my head is clearer. i want to fly from here / i want to fly from here / i want to fly from here...
from raven72d :
I've missed you... Glad to see you writing... Tell me all about your holidays...
from raven72d :
How's life?
from fuschiashock :
it probably wasn't too many entries back. what's new? i actually made sugar cookies yesterday, in a residence kitchen with new friends. new friends are good, but i miss the comfort of having my old friends around me. i wish my closest friend weren't three time zones away. how are you?
from boyafterboy :
IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS! i crashed my car... how are you?
from raven72d :
How is your autumn?
from raven72d :
I have missed you.
from fuschiashock :
from unofficial :
andcocoapuffs is where i am on lj. hope all is well with you. :)
from unofficial :
hi hello! i was writing there for a while, and then decided i better stick to livejournal or myspace... somewhere i could lock up some entries to a "friends only" eyes only. i miss your writing...
from boyafterboy :
oh you. i wish it was christmas.
from raven72d :
How did the summer reading list go?
from heartshaped :
hey you. how's life? it's been way too long. i want to start writing here again. reconnect with old friends. love the margaret atwood. let's catch up. :)
from heylyla :
i love Lullaby!!
from fuschiashock :
montr�al is beautiful and i miss it. i was there for six weeks in the summer between grade eleven and grade twelve. it's easy to find your way around and there's lots of stuff going on in the summer, like the jazz festival and juste pour rire, etc etc etc. why are you going to canada?
from fuschiashock :
where are you going?
from raven72d :
Take time by the pool to write me...
from boyafterboy :
come to california. the weather is a sweet surrender to the unknown. and i love it!
from fuschiashock :
(i wish you posted more often.)
from thisisamess :
hi, are you still here? i came back here today because i wanted to be alone again.
from raven72d :
I miss hearing from you... And I love your 11 April entry... I miss IRemainYours, too.
from girl101 :
from boyafterboy :
gimme yer myspace. i know you have one. and alas, i have givin' up just to give in. the usual. tell me a story!
from fuschiashock :
that's beautiful (allende).
from dannyboyk2 :
Oh, I get it. This is a note-entry thingy. Mhm, mhm!
from dannyboyk2 :
from fuschiashock :
&yes, i have songs, well, albums, really, that take me back to trips i've taken. aenema by tool is that awful trip i took to newfoundland with my family when i was thirteen or fourteen. lateralus is driving around ottawa. fell out of oz by christa couture (which you should get) is quebec city, wandering by myself. pagodes by debussy is the train ride home through the rain.
from raven72d :
Do e-mail me... Or send an e-mail address for you...
from raven72d :
Delmore Schwartz--- thank you for reminding me of him.
from raven72d :
I haven't heard from you in too long--- so I'm glad you're back. But what stories would you like to hear?
from fuschiashock :
i love the song being alive. it's from a musical, the name of which i don't remember.
from boyafterboy :
sunshine and laughter and SNOW. in CALIFORNIA.
from fuschiashock :
your life is far more interesting than my own.
from inside---out :
i've finally got that much needed break from school. since i came home, i've done pretty much nothing. half way through second year - the time flies, even though it doesn't.
from inside---out :
glad to hear you're happy.
from fuschiashock :
from heartracer :
katie, i like your latest entry. i really do. it makes me wanna smoke a lot and listen to pat benetar. i hope you're alright. XOXO
from raven72d :
I have missed you.
from dipso :
shes changed, the heatracer, she has. its sad for sure. she a new thing, her thing her boy gave her... well, lets not get picky, but her boy... that boy gave her an out. an he took it.
from fuschiashock :
from inside---out :
and i read this article today:
from fuschiashock :
i feel tiny, but not in a bad way. maybe i'm clueless, but i've got hope for this planet yet.
from dented :
it seems like you are so joyous, and i think that's beautiful.
from sweetabsence :
Its going okay. We always say we going to move out by this date, but then something comes up. =) It'll happen.
from that :
just want you to know i still love reading your words :)
from fuschiashock :
so jealous.
from che :
good, good
from heartracer :
oh, uh oh. lots and lotssss of changes this side, nothing i have the time to get into right now but i will try email soon... and if you want, jetlovesjadeATyahoo. take care, xoxox
from fuschiashock :
school is over for the year. i miss real school (mta) and i'm thinking about spending an extra year there so that i can get two undergrad degrees (bachelor of arts in french and a bachelor of music). i kept my scholarship and made the dean's list, so i'm happy about that. i just finished (yesterday!) a french immersion program at universit� laval in qu�bec city, which was perhaps a waste of time, but i had fun. as for a job, i don't have one of those. yet. i had one interview by phone a couple weeks ago that went terribly and i have two interviews on monday. apparently the people i worked for last summer were also trying to get ahold of me, but they got scared by the laval phone system, which is, of course, in french. they may or may not be waiting until i get home to contact me, but i don't want to go back there anyway. the one that looks the most promising is at a local historical museum. i'd be giving tours if anyone actually came, and helping people look up genealogy stuff. life is, of course, interesting. so, how does plans compare to transatlanticism, the photo album, and something about airplanes? personally, i would say that the photo album is probably my favourite. i liked transatlanticism, but i wasn't crazy about it and i haven't really listened to it all that much. now, YOU get to tell me, how is school, job, life and everything?
from fuschiashock :
as a bed? is there something i'm missing or are these people just nuts? i'm glad i didn't phone dell when i had problems with my computer... i hope you get that straightened out.
from fuschiashock :
did you get plans? i never did. i only have downloaded and burned copies of something about airplanes and the photo album, because i couldn't buy them anywhere around here (although i'm sure that's changed now) and a copy of transatlanticism. i haven't listened to them as much since i bought it, not that it isn't good, but just that i've been listening to other stuff.
from fuschiashock :
from che :
i don't know what che cosa bella means, but i would like to go to naples. you should update more.
from boyafterboy :
i don't know. sometimes i'm okay with this. most times, i'm not. it's not worth writing about. it's not the same as before when everyone said it was beautiful and maybe i did it just to feel like i was maybe helping someone else out. now it's just bad prose and a lack of sleep. and miami, the city of my dreams.. i'd go there. too drink far too much and tan too easily. let's make it a roadtrip...?
from fuschiashock :
one day... i hope so.
from fuschiashock :
ps you should update more
from fuschiashock :
i put on my overcoat and walked into winter... yes! i was home. i'd like to go to montreal next year, but that's not happening, because that would require money...
from unofficial :
prettygirl with the prettywords.
from boyafterboy :
a-ha i found you!!! you, the isla vista sunset of my dreams.
from fuschiashock :
i don't know. this big scary unknown intrigues me.
from fuschiashock :
i should try that.
from fuschiashock :
rollercoaster by sleater-kinney
from thisisjohn :
can i get a password?
from dented :
i realized that about dented, too, at the beginning of november. four years! it's wild. it's a long time. so please, don't stop. <3
from recall :
just stopping by to say hey. smiles from way-too-warm-for-this-time-of-year chicago :)
from raven72d :
I have missed hearing from you...
from monday-night :
katiedear, it's been so long! i hope all is well with you. do you still have my email address? i can't find yours.. please email me! this is locked, are you writing elsewhere? i have been tricked into livejournaling lately. let's catch up. xoliza.
from dannyboyk2 :
Hi. How have things gone (this summer)? How go things (now)? How are things looking to go (this coming semester/etc.)? Write back?
from dented :
thank you for the note. hope your summer is lovely... i've got quite a bit of ambivalence, too � i still can't read your diary, though. please?
from fuschiashock :
i've definitely got a few kids in the latch-on mode now. unfortunately, one of them accidentally elbowed me in the face today...
from fuschiashock :
you are so amazing. that's all.
from unamerican :
diaryland is like my old home. i moved out. onto bigger things. not necessararily better. livejournal and myspace are where the cool kids go and i don't like it so much. i want everybody to come back here where it's safe. but most people have moved on, too. [rambling]. summer is never realize that till it's the next summer, though, and you think back on all of the fun times you had and want those back. even while you're making new memories without even noticing. <3
from bumpercar :
how's july? well the first night i'll get to go out this week will be for the viewing for my friend's father. not too cheery. but i'm still only halfway through, so there's hope. i've been writing a lot, on my typewriter, feeling a little pretentious, but too satisfied to care, drawing on trains and in parks, and riding my bike. i take silly videos of things, decide to learn how to sew and bake souffle. i'm almost finished two zines, and i want to do some paintings before the summer's through. this year truly has been crazy, and it's now that the crazy is really setting in. meh.. i'm still reeling a bit.
from fuschiashock :
&i'm jealous, because i've never really seen anyone in concert.
from fuschiashock :
the garage - a website that i don't think exists anymore. it's because of the way you use &, like everyone there used to.
from fuschiashock :
YOU make me think of the garage.
from heartracer :
oh, katie katie. your notes are always so sweet, you know. i think it would be so nice if we could listen to songs together someday. you quoted me in your away message? aw. you're stroking my ego & i'm purring. but seriously, thanks for thinking i have something worth saying, worth repeating. i want the wonderfulness to carry on, too. though i have to say it's always a rollercaster up & down. somedays i'm spinning the world on my finger, and the others it's sleeping with all its weight on my head. you know you know, struggling with some things, so thankful for others. i want so much. oh shit, it's too much to say in a note. but yes, thanks for still reading - i hope to keep you like you keep me (i'm always here when your name's in red). as for aim, i have it on this computer but i absolutely never go on. however, if i knew you were lurking somewhere i'd certainly love to speak with you - i miss you too! maybe we can figure that out. in the meantime, this is ridiculous: i have been in the country for nearly a year and we need (NEED) to send postcards or something. yes, email me an address to: jetlovesjadeATyahooDOTcom. by the way, I HOPE YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND HAPPY! xoxoxoxoxox
from dannyboyk2 :
How are you today? I'm pretty well, here.
from fuschiashock :
i still miss my camp de jour kids from last year. i had favourites, of course. jieun & wonsuk and daina, a four-year-old from haiti.
from girl101 :
you know how i do ♥
from fuschiashock :
counting crows?
from fuschiashock :
passwords are for...
from heartracer :
aw, you know me and my countdowns. it's always something. and counting sleeps? i picked it up from my mom when i was about five years old. and thus the whole countdowns obsession. but i'd definitely say it's another thing you and i share - always dreaming and looking ahead and believing magic is just around the corner. some might think we never see the magic in the NOW. but you know and i know they'd be wrong... because NOW is also always something we've been counting down to. it's now and then, & everything. MAGIC! get it? i think you do. and yes, bob. wowee. he wore a big hat and he dripped sweat (as we all did)... willie was just... oh he was just. something else. i saw the mouse (ohgodamazing) on the 9th of this month & tonight i end june with violent femmes. it goes without saying that this has been a fantastic moth as far as songs go. i'll be writing about it soon. love, xoxoxox
from dented :
did you get my email in reply to your note? i hope so because i want to read you.
from wide-eyes :
good times. i miss someone being curled round me breathing gently
from infinitechic :
there are some people who will take your life and dramatize and blow up and rave, but you see it differently and you make it beautiful, and you stay beautiful, and that is just so damn great.
from boyafterboy :
electric143 @ hotmail [my love is electric] haha... oy vey!!
from boyafterboy :
locked. but still around. isn't that love?
from raven72d :
I hope March goes well for you, and that Spring offers you gentle winds and kind words and kisses.
from damnstraight :
i can never read you diary anymore. that makes me sad. i hope that you are doing well and still listening to cool music.
from inimitable :
guess who doesn't have access to your diary? me. let's fix that! once i hear the song, and can transcribe words..i will let you read them.
from mangotuesday : its [email protected] and of course. all my love and rockets.
from heartracer :
happy new year, kid. but goddamn, i'm an idiot. you see... i didn't realize you'd sent me the password. i hardly ever check that address. my new one is the one i sent the last letter i wrote you from. if you don't have that, let me know and i'll email you again. because i still can't get in. and... i want in. i misssss you, katie! your last note to me was awesome and touching, and just, thank you, because it was nice. we should send each other things, songs and stuff. with love, from your kentucky queen. ((that made me smile like a maniac, you know.)) XOXO
from southeast :
ps. may i have the password? [this is mangotuesday from abroad.]
from mangotuesday :
argentine lace and portuguese dishes. imissreading. do you love iron and wine? should i send you a holiday card and a sewn up mixcd? flocks of birds and wood. love and holiday cookie cut outs.
from raven72d :
Wuff! I'm glad to be able to read along... I've missed hearing from you.
from verum :
hey, can i have your password?
from inimitable :
of course you may email me. my info is on lj. (shh..)
from incali :
heyheyhey i'm also westofeden-i would really love yr password (if possible) b/c i love yr writing, thx.
from heartracer :
much love to you too. and send me the password, else i'll keep banging on the door. :)
from dented :
can i say that i miss reading you? very much so.
from brokenradio- :
from heartracer :
why is it locked? i miss you. i'm in america now. write me.
from fuschiashock :
i miss you.
from west-of-eden :
may i please have the password and username? i love your writings =)
from mangotuesday :
lockedout. le sigh. love and light.
from upside-down :
can i come in ? :)
from cadilliac :
but--but oh... since when do i need a password
from thefallofart :
username: sunkship, password: lungs
from west-of-eden :
hello. i love your journal. the last entry w/ the scenes...scene 2 was written beautifully. anyways-just thought i'd give the compliment.
from wide-eyes :
you're the girl living the summer dream // no summer is complete without bob dylan // perhaps we're always sixteen in some ways // our brains stick at an age &no matter how much further we all get in theory, that is how we think of ourselves // // you're a darling.xx
from heartracer :
hi back honeybee ♥
from bumpercar :
rhode island school of design. y tu?
from that :
out of boredom i read you a lot today and remembered how i love your words. much love.
from greenpunk303 :
from heartshaped :
it just seems really important right now to tell you that
from raven72d :
Italy... See northern Italy.
from damnstraight :
nice design
from skirt :
oops sorry for the a. mistake. i was just looking over entries in my own notes and i came across your entry tonight and i think it is beautiful.
from skirt :
from damnstraight :
i just wanted to thank you for your comments i am sorry it took so long to get back to you but i took a two year leave of absence.
from fuschiashock :
from mandywarhol :
you make it sound so nice.. i like it.
from sir-robert :
Hello, you were undoubtably sent this email because the admin of this site, myself, has discovered your email address online, and was led to believe you had a sudden or eternal interest in poetry or writing or more specifically the likes of ee cummings, and I can't forget to mention Pablo Picasso. is an online community/forum/mad house that is devoted to the arts. You can post your own personally written poetry/prose/anything here, and we also have section for artwork and photography, and muc more. I do hope you accept this invitation, and join your fellow artists at MindFlowers dot coe dot yookay!! Hope to see ya there! -robeRt
from guardiand05 :
dude-go to italy. seriously go to italy. i wish i could. your writing is beautiful. keep it up.
from heartracer :
before im gone for however long... just a reminder that i think youre wonderful. take care, katie. xoxoxoxoxoxox
from raven72d :
Your 22 Mar 04 entry makes me so envious.
from neptunian :
come to arkansas! [but you would be really bored... haha. <3]
from oobersugar :
katie, your last couple of entries have been super-beautiful to me. <3
from euphorically :
just loveeelly.
from o-lobo-canta :
from thefallofart :
from thefallofart :
katieeee. i didn't even see your guestbook message until AFTER i got back! for some reason signmyguestbook doesn't like to send me emails when someone signs anymore. but you live in miami? wow... i was there two years ago, but i was in fort lauderdale and orlando this time, and then the bahamas. they were gorgeous places though, but even more so if they weren't crawling with tourists, heh. i flew back yesterday and it's so horrible here. my hair smells like the sea and i have a rosebrown tan, but it's all going to go away and i'm gonna cryyy! the city here is so cold and colourless. but i hope you're going good, and jealous you get to live there. <3
from hangme :
sorry i didn't mean to add that. happy birthday anyways
from hangme :
from kissmysix :
happy birthday, dear
from raven72d :
Happy Springtime... And I do hope you'll stay in touch!
from whitepills :
Happy birthday! Mrs. G. down there is a friend of mine as well. She noted that today is your special day. I hope everything is exactly as you hope!
from unamerican :
well, happy birthday.
from heartracer :
over here, in southern africa, its the 9th of march... happy birthday, lovely. i hope you feel everything you wanted. its my oumas ((grandmother)) birthday too, you know. two of my favorite women. i do love you, katie. happy day, birth and otherwise. love, mrs g.xoxoxoxo }}}}}p.s/ thank you for being so happy for us...
from cadilliac :
i will always read everything because i live on 54th avenue and... well... your association with that number is enough to keep me coming back
from hoodes :
it moves me
from raven72d :
The touch of delicate fingers down the back, along the spine... It's a lovely feeling.
from fuschiashock :
perhaps the dust speck is significant. it could be very significant.
from thefallofart :
it's cold here. cold enough it spreads to your bone marrows. i'm walking towards the shore and the sun, but my feet are bloodied and it doesn't come closer. i'm holding my knees under the covers. thinking of you and the trees and sea. dancing to songs in the kitchen and being in love.
from fuschiashock :
hey there. what's new?
from heartracer :
when think about it, it feels like i've known you for a long time. but anyway, i don't know if i'm insane or just thinking too much but when i read you thesedays... i feel like you're more free in your writing than you've ever been. and that's saying a lot because you've always left me feeling almost winded because you soar so high but thesedays... thesedays... i feel like i've never heard you so free, and so... sure of yourself in what you feel and how you will experience it for whatever it's worth, how you will cradle and dig it like a goldmine regardless of anything. ;;;andandand!!! counting crows ! !@%$#*()&^#@ ! i can't think properly sometimes, so excited. it will only be my second time seeing them and i'm crazy for it. and to see them with mike... ah, greatness. you know, our wedding song was a crows song. but yes, march. i'm waiting for march. for something like a decade, which is half of my life... the songs have been part of it all, sliced into everything, the soundtracks to every month and year. songs are the bones of love. songs are the blankets at winter and the breezes in summer. songs are counting crows... standing there, counting crows. i told you i can't think, i'm too excited.
from lakemarie :
beautiful, stranger.
from oobersugar :
I heart<3 your writing -xx
from raven72d :
shoulderblade kisses are excellent.
from thisisjohn :
you are ever beautiful, katie.
from infinitechic :
this is who is who: the first girl is someone who knows me in and out, and suddenly, over this(my)first semester of college, we stop talking for reasons too stupid to mention. the boy is this new boyface-jon-that i am falling everyday more for. the second girl: shelly, a writer, someone with endless love/compassion/creativity. i marvel at everything she does. the oldest friend: my laura. she is boundless in innocence, joy, interesting-things-to-say. and every day she is more of a memory, until its us together again, and nothing is different... just the backdrop, different lighting, another scene.
from dipso :
from indie-anna :
thank you. :) if we lived in the same place i'd say, "hey, wanna wear matching outfits & wear our red & pink argyle socks!?" <3 xo.
from dented :
this is like music. i love reading it.
from windowpain :
you have a way with words that is admirable and captivating. and you bring so much comfort and light to compensate for everything that's grey here. much love, <3.
from crapstein :
from cadilliac :
um.. where do you find the boys that play in tents and listen to blonde on blonde? i want one.
from heartracer :
dear katieface, i hope all is well on your side of the world and that the holidays have been special like sparks in your veins. i miss talking to you. but thank god for words and any form of communication, right. happy new year, darling! good times... and, you know, i love you. ridiculously, of course. your crazy diamond, xoxox.
from cadilliac :
i just want to let you know that your writing about the old boy and my heart, healing from the new old boy are one-in-the-same. broke up on christmas. cheated on me for two weeks. that's the jist of it. please dont stop writing about a cracked heart.
from bumpercar :
thank you. enjoy your christmas, but don't forget today is festivus. haha.
from stealstars :
I love the way that you write.. it captivated me. have a nice day.
from raven72d :
Amelie is a pefect film for being with someone new.
from fuschiashock :
do you know anything about the amelie soundtrack?
from unamerican :
amelie is one of my very favorite movies. i let daniel watch it when we first met and i told him that i wanted that. how happy it made me. and he said "just wait; things like that happen." then we started dating. and i think he might be right. and oh, jimi hendrix. <3
from heartracer :
two words : heart racer
from raven72d :
Good things... Well, reading your entries. Seeing rings of ice crystals around the moon on a wintery night. The taste of hot'n'sour soup. The look of burgundy ink on yellow legal pad stationery. The sound of Angels of Venice's new CD.
from bumpercar :
<i>"tell me your good things."</i> you took all mine. but i never mind sharing. :)
from upside-down :
from infinitechic :
together-laughter makes me think of something... some memory i know is around there, if it didnt sting a little id look for it. and then youre words--david got into cornell today--made me blink a couple times, but ultimately makes me laugh because you and i are on the same page more often than we realize, or you realize, or someone something--your hour bath watching the ceiling as plath and salinger, these are thoughts i know. youre explosions of love and lethargy, also things i know. katie katie katie katie katie.
from snow--flakes :
Le sigh. That was just beautiful.
from thefallofart :
oh shit, that journal entry is amazing.
from snow--flakes :
I'm glad I found you <3
from raven72d :
winter nights...always a place for dreams...
from asweettale :
oh. my. dear. god. this is absolutely beautiful <3
from heartshaped :
hey love. we haven't talked in awhile and i think that's wrong. also, i'm in love. a few times over. anyway, i'm changing things up a bit over at upside-down. i'll let you know the password when i start writing again. cheers.
from oceanfever :
god, i wish the someone i want could love me back
from xwidexawakex :
heya.... ♥ those pretty words
from lawofmotion : been toying the past few days with the idea that the only job i could have, and then hold on to, would be choosing music for movies and tv shows. because lately there's been nothing i like more than hearing a favorite song of mine on a show i watch. or recognizing the instrumental to a favorite song of mine in a movie. or reading the lyrics to a favorite song of mine in a note.
from heartshaped :
talking sounds like a nice idea to me. love.
from thefallofart :
you write about home and love and it's familiar. i have mornings to afternoons to late evenings with this boy underneath a late fall sun in my room. but sometimes i think, how can i have this and still be so disappointed in the world?
from internetchik :
hey, i like your diary and thought id tell you. forever Jenn
from thefallofart :
i'm really in a hurry, but your guestbook message puts this huge grin on my face and i can't describe what it feels like to receive those kind of messages, but thank you a lot, and you know you are so gorgeous yourself, and you're radiating all kinds of goodness into this world. keep shining, xo.
from bumpercar :
that's ambitious. good luck :) what are you majoring in?
from raven72d :
Tell me about your thoughts this morning...
from raven72d :
from bumpercar :
dear that would be too uncanny! i haven't sent off yet, a bit lazy. it's pratt, risd, and mica. are you the same?
from bumpercar :
from verum :
relatives found out about verum & i had to password it for a while (hopefully not too long). user=verum / password=truth
from windowpain :
kisses times ten.
from hyperballadd :
it's nice to know you're still reading. xoxo.
from oh2tank :
thank you oh so much. i just wish i could fall in love like you have. but there arn.t any fish in the sea to catch.
from likeaforest :
from dipso :
oh, girl 1O1, , at least i know, of all the things i have to fear in this dangerous, uncertain life, , from you, ill never fear a broken face. shes more to me, than all ive ever known. you should notice, you should know, , i plan on having her forever. so try an smile an believe me when i say, , foxever isnt just a word. its a ppromise, its a glance to her eyes in the morning, its a cold drink or its an old set of skins dancing in the dark forty years from now. shes more my lion, an i more the cat., , , , thanks for dropping me lines, , much welcomed. mike
from therat :
it sure is :)
from unamerican :
considering i just woke up, i'm doing fine. overall, i'm doing fine. hope you are too. xo.
from amandaze :
from fuschiashock :
whispers: hi.
from heartracer :
oh katie. my matching heart, all the way over there. my oh my... i always remember how when we used to talk, i just knew beautiful things were coming your way. i just knew. i knew experiences and moments were waiting at your door, to make you feel&breathe &just, spread your arms out like lamplights, glowing. i always knew. but what i didn't know was that things were waiting for me too. oh, those were uneasy times. trying times. frantic, desperate times. everything but the pain, was unreal. destiny was a cheap show, the ticket was stained and dirty. but you always listened. even when i didn't know what i was saying, you listened. and i was long months and steps away from having it all cleaned up. but wow, you need to hear about the boy i've found someday. he is more amazing than i could evereverever tell you. but still, i never got to speak to you about him, and it makes me feel like i left out the diamond in my rough. but i didn't know then what i know now. and it took me some, quite some, time of knowing him before i realized (&let myself) that the things i'd long since given up on... existed. that i didn't have to try and build magic everagain, that it was built for me... in him. that i could believe. i guess you learn to believe, when there's something worth believing in. but i'd really never, not till him. but he showed me. he gave me, with open open hands. destiny is priceless. i see. now. i know. forever, i know. &this is some kind of version that doesn't begin to tell the story. but i need to tell you someday, about him. and for the first time, i'll be able to return the magic you once gave me. //thank you for all your words. you still melt me. look how far we've come, all the change for the absolute best. it's something outrageous;amazing. all of it. everything's different. and i must tell you that your entry about reflecting back on your relationship, your boyface... well, it was something else. paint it on the walls, make it into a dress... you are a pure concept of thought and beauty. i am certain that amazing things will always happen to you, because you are just one of those people who makes your own gravity, you are your own miracle. bless anyone who steps into your light, i color them utterly lucky. &when i get to tell you stories of my endless love, i want to hear more of you, just to listen to you tick. love tenfold, c. xox
from indie-anna :
i didn't even get the chance to almost die in that apartment. i got there, and the landlord was waiting to tell me he'd rented it that morning. DAMN IT! so now it's back to the drawing board. i will find a way in, mark my words. & i'll be sure to let'cha know. ;) <3 xo.
from fuschiashock :
from infinitechic :
everything is out of sync, dear girl, and im crumbling
from intothinair :
formerly wideangle. the new one is linked in my last entry. xo
from thefallofart :
hey. i wanna sit with you under warm blankets and make you chicken soup and freshly squeezed lemonade and look at sunrises with our jaded eyes. you're that cool.
from raven72d :
Thanks... And stay in touch, lovely one!
from sheburnsx :
from mark-a-heart :
Hey. Just read your diary. It's lovely. ♥
from that :
i love this new york girl entry almost as much as i love reading you entirely.
from eachmolecule :
fuck. yes.
from andthis :
from indie-anna :
awwww. thank you so so much. yr a sweetheart. <3 xo.
from neptunian :
thank you, darling. xo <3!
from sprung :
from thefallofart :
you should write for me too! :)
from supervention :
oh baby! you are the best!! i'm glad you like your mixtape hotpants <3<3
from wide-eyes :
thank you darling. i can't stop smiling. &i'm ohso flattered. loveness xoxox
from icantdothis :
gimme a livejournal code. there's nothing i want more. well....okay so i lied. <3
from guysmilie :
traitor. :P
from verum :
after a month of a trip with no internet, you're so nice to come back to.
from l-o-l-o :
from tanked :
♥ my precious katiepie
from thisisjohn :
you are beautiful. I mean it. <3
from fuschiashock :
hi&thanks. my brother is signed up so that he gets a comic every day. i enjoy it. i'm good, how are you? xxox
from heartracer :
i/m worried. is everything okay? i just want you to be happy. (((&some things only make you happy for a day... some stay for a lifetime, some for a million. i know. you deserve it always.)))
from garcon :
i am happy there is a weakerthans reference under my name.
from raven72d :
I've missed you!
from heartracer :
sweet katie. i love you [/something ridiculous, yes/]. x&o
from supervention :
boxforts&holdinghands is on its way dollface!! //finally\\ sorry. <3 love you!
from subtitle :
oh that was beautiful. i hope to talk with you very soon.
from heartshaped :
let's stop talking like yr going somewhere. and let's talk soon. i miss you.
from bullet :
i have moved. give me your e-mail if you would like to know where.
from fuschiashock :
um... what?
from bullet :
your hands and knees felt cold and wet on the grass to me. i sat naked, shimmer look and bleed from the cold sunlight that reflected off the moon. baby, cum angels fly around you. <3
from keeds :
i read your diary. i'm a genius.
from raven72d :
winter dances... those are the only memories that help me escape the soul-killing heat of summer.
from insertsmilex :
so pretty. <3
from cuntgirl :
I find myself lost in your words, pull my head out long enough to remember I found them by your complementing of me, and suddenly I feel ridiculous and ackward and unable to think straight, I feel like I am stuttering in my typing. Thank you for leaving me a way to find my way here, and when I can stop blushing from the compliment (especially now that I see where it came from) I will thank you for that too
from dented :
thank you, really, truly. you are eloquent & i love it that <i>you</i> write, so there. how is it? how are you?
from heartshaped :
you are so beautiful. <3
from raven72d :
It's the hope of winter that gets us through the soul-killing summers.
from that :
sometimes i have no clue what you are talking about. and i love that.
from introibo :
you mentioned sunsets exploding. is it wrong that i thought of orange juice? and the rind falling to someone else's palm?
from sicluceatlux :
[just like she's walking on a wire in the circus]
from eachmolecule :
so much love.
from subtitle :
oh have lots of fun my katie. i already miss you.
from wide-eyes :
have a ton of fun mademoiselle parce que tu deserve! &i'm dreaming of the desert. all cacti &layered sunsets. loveness paige xoxox
from endserenadng :
(((pretty girl)
from heartracer :
everytime i read tracy chapman on your profile. i smile.
from thefallofart :
(all anyone is longing for now is the past, and i am no exception. i live in photographs and memories. i take the batteries out of my clock and i freeze time. but the world is not waiting for me, i don't think i will ever catch up.) i remember you from nakedembrace. there is weight in each of your words. xo, n.
from heartracer :
katie. you are some kind of girl. some kind of something; some kind of something like the first moment of a feeling... when you just. feel it feel it feel it. and nothing looks the same afterwards. yes, you are this girl who is this girl who is this goddess who is this magic. &sometimes it/s unbelievable what your eyes see in me; but i/m grateful for these things you can love about me. thankyou. it must be in your chemicals to make hearts beat. it must be in your walk to play yo-yo with the world anytime you want to. i guess what i/m trying to say is that i/m glad you/re you and i that/s what i love most about you. !♥+4765
from x0lulu0x :
wow. thank you for that amazing compliment!
from revolucion :
hello, i love you.
from beagle47 :
scotch. rocks. peace.
from recall :
what letter?
from eachmolecule :
girl101/fishscales. xox
from monday-night :
i can feel your happiness and it rubs off on me. xo
from revolucion :
hi dollcakes, it's ness. starinajar. i am almost blessed with the internet again. i miss you <3
from immer :
just like .every.thing. you write is beautiful. im going just fine but it sounds like youre going better [!]. be happy, butterfly.
from heartracer :
oh.katie, the boy kissed you. the boy kissed you! !. you KNOW i always thought he would. i remember talking to you about this and everything else, like my life at the time... and the only thing i was truly certain of was your boy and a something like magic bubbling. i/m so happy for you... i/m not shocked but i/m excited. /// i am well aside from some family shit. but i have good.bright.perfect treasures in my heart... time means revealing. i hope we can talk soon. you are missed and loved. [[&goodtimes!]]
from eachmolecule :
another strikeonbox mutation. love from my end/xo
from glitzi :
missing you.
from introibo :
i'm glad you like the photo - it's a composite of two pictures i found on the 'net. forget where. thanks for the comment. :D
from garcon :
there is no me+ani, i still don't like her, i just like that line.
from subtitle :
katiegirl. have you read this poem, it's called "liberating a pillar of tortillas" by martin espada,a latin american poet. and it is one of my favorite poems. of all time. and where are you it's been forever since an update. love you.
from sprung :
Hope you are still warm.
from raven72d :
How are you spending the week?
from heartracer :
oh, katie. im all the way over here... hoping that last night was splendid and lovely and good times. how i hope for you... you could never know because i could never say the words big or loud or right enough. but i love you very much, and want everything to be the best for you. take care, beautyfull girl. xx !
from sprung :
You made me smile about cuddling. :)
from raven72d :
The Keys make everyone a vur' much better person.
from punkunicorn :
i love this still and hard.
from dented :
that sounds delicious. i missed this lots.
from xghostx :
Dear girl, i am back for the attakk and wanted to thank you for your kind words of motivation.glad to hear you are starting your summer with a bang/crash/kick.keep it keeping on x
from sprung :
go speed racer!
from secunda :
katieface; is the writing thing for school? if it's not too big to mail i'd like to read it. if you want. [email protected], xo <3.
from raven72d :
I miss you...and still love your imagery and writing.
from xjerkfacex :
Who be you?
from orthodox :
<3 <3 <3
from nakedembrace :
i want the whole world to be in love, including me, but it is not happening. however it is like the happiest lovex21 when a writer like you writes about it.
from orthodox :
your digital pit is the axis of everything i.m trying to remember still exists. i fucking love you.
from x-porcelain :
darling; you're beauty in digital
from brokenradio- :
i don't know what your comment about me means, but it sounds nice. and for some reason it's hitting the spot in my heart that makes me want to tell you how much i enjoy your writing. because i read and just take it for granted that it's there. i'm rambling. i'm loving. keep being.. what you are. it's all good from where i am.
from sprung :
Man, I was *just* thinking that I need someone to go thrift shopping with! You read my mind.
from fword :
jessica (verum), me, has birthed this new site, fword, which i thought you might wanna check out and maybe even submit to (if we're lucky). smooch.
from justenough :
sometimes writing is so beautiful, it takes away my breath.& you just wonder how is it possible that there are people so far away, united only by a box called a computer, feeling the same exact things i feel when no one around here ever relates and the tears fall alone? you're georgous.
from o0twinkle0o :
from o0twinkle0o :
from infinitechic :
you make so much sense sometimes it kills me
from infinitechic :
from monday-night :
that is The Best Ever. <3 & xo.
from corpus :
oh katie! you and the boyface; it's so sweet. yay!! /happy hugs <3
from inimitable :
there isn't much to tell anymore. they're all gone, for the most part.
from disaster :
..and i'm certain if i drive into those trees it'd make less of a mess than you've made of me.. rainer maria. you rock.
from raven72d :
I'd love to watch "Jabberwocky" and "City of Lost Children" with you.
from infinitechic :
opera and city of lost children and everything everything sort of makes me wish i were you sometimes
from xbabygrrlx :
are you from florida?
from raven72d :
The 22 March 03 entry is beautiful...
from introibo :
oh i really, really like this.
from dented :
it's so hard not to sound like a hallmark trademarked greeting card when wishing happy birthdays. but happy birthday. <3 from me. your writing is beautiful.
from bitter-touch :
hope you had a wonderful birthday, with love. <3
from secunda :
katieface, i wanted to tell you happy birthday & yr package is on its way. it'll get there this week; sorry it was late. love! sam.
from heartracer :
kissing sixteen goodbye, i send you kisses across the big sea on this 9th (it still is the 9th here) to say happy birthday, darling. ////!! i love you something ridiculous [i recall you liked that]. &good times, katieface. i wish you those. good times. &a solid happy heart to help all your dreams come true. all my love, chere�. ♥
from fuschiashock :
happy birthday before i forget. everyone has march birthdays. mine was yesterday (6th).
from twrlingvixen :
just wanted to let you know your words are beautiful + they make my heart swell & eyes tear. you're sunshine on a cloudy day. stop by sometime. muchlove<3
from avoidance :
happy early birthday, katie. i'll dance around in my bedroom to the postal service on the 9th for you. or maybe i'll dance tonight at rainer maria/mates of state for you. either way. 17?
from bitter-touch :
its my birthday in 3 days too. <3
from endserenadng :
[[[[but first lets toast to the lists that we hold in our fists of the things that we promised to do differently next time.]]]
from sprung :
How come you make things sound so pretty?
from heartracer :
heh, i loved that [note]. hope you/re happy and feeling firewarmalive inside, precious girl. ♥, racer.
from unamerican :
what you left in my notes meant a lot - it meant even more coming from you, though. thanks. xo.
from heartracer :
you give me kid smiles, quoting henry ate is reflective of stealing the heart in my chest. //i go into warm phases.places.traces through the curves of your .ohbeautiful. words. i do love you something outrageous, katieface. xox!
from shadowglass :
gjsdfkdfjdkfdjklfdlfdjfdldd;; /// am in awe. xoxo
from shadowglass :
from andthis :
& how. i love this.
from andthis :
from andthis :
from wide-eyes :
&darling it's lovely to hear from you. your words remind me of mexico &sunsets &waltzing under stars in pajamas. which means that i will be mailing you stuff out on monday or tuesday. but keep making synapses twitch &crackle because then there are reminders that we are alive. loveness paige xoxox
from subtitle :
have you read sandra cisneros' story "woman hollering creek?" i may have asked before. the freedom of it reminds me of you.
from kristinemari :
oh boys. your diary is so nice. hooray.
from tooxfarxgone :
from infinitechic :
i am dissatisfied with who i am up to this point, i am eighteen and think i am too old for myself, i have dreams and i disappoint myself daily, there are a million things i think i could be but shy away from maybe all of them. but i am fine. how are you.
from verum :
the paragraph about voice of lack thereof spoke to me with your choices and structure and style and darling there is no voice like yours... now whispering in my ear and making me nod my head.
from heartracer :
//// ♥ \\\\\\\ !
from verum :
less and less words being good, or bad? (smile) i'm exploring you... more later.
from cadilliac :
okay so .. i love you?
from sprung :
I really liked Mr. Holland's Opus but I can't watch it because it makes me too emotional. But it does stir my love for Gerswhin.
from fuschiashock :
i know, i love it. the design is by the same girl as the previous one.
from pushxaround :
from pushxaround :
from lovegrowing :
girl. happy valentines day. chocolates and i think you are s.m.a.r.t. *[]
from aquietboy :
i could sit here all day and plow through your words.
from twrlingvixen : i cant describe what your words do for me inside except make me happy. thats the simplest adjective i can think of. happy. <3<3<3
from secondfloor :
you take latin, too? latin kids are the best. xo.
from therat :
we will watch italian operas under a blue cheese moon and slurp up pasta with tomatoey sauce and row down the canals in venice. someday someday.
from heartracer :
my katie. you make me smile so much, we should be friends forever, share good times &secrets &music &words. i love you... something ridiculous. [hugesmile]
from raven72d :
What do you see in the pictures? Where are they from?
from wideangle :
the [frigid] mountain state. thank you for visiting:)
from infinitechic :
i like french movies:)
from raven72d :
Great entry... (01 February 03)... I loved it.
from bottledbitch :
shards of reality
from gothic200123 :
[email protected]
from lifeasarerun :
im now craving counting crows
from subtitle :
or. storytellers.
from subtitle :
i love the version on storytelling best.
from inimitable :
i always wished for a nextdoorfriend.
from xxxbrokenxxx :
Cute diary
from that :
he's just got such a soft face and he lets me nuzzle him endlessly. it's amazing how long we can can just rub our faces together. le sigh. god i miss him. i think you'd like him. love always.
from glitzi :
ataris. takeoffsandlandings. xox.
from raven72d :
I've been re-reading your 13 Jan 03 entry... Such haunting images...
from raven72d :
I think I've always believed in fate...and I do believe in you.
from sprung :
I don't really read newspapers. If you were wondering where I saw that Bush opinion line thing, my friend posted it ( from an email she got, I think.
from heartracer :
you/re so special to me, girlface. as are your comments. i read your words again and remember... you/re not the only one with insides on this one. i still stand strongly that he cares for you much. and whatever else, i love you.
from heartracer :
thank you dearest/ with all my heart/ i love you in a best way.
from vitality :
its a disgusting thing. and that was only my second time experimenting. (no excuses) i promise. never again. oh. and thank you for caring, darlinggirlface. much! love. xo.
from unofficial :
*hearts* [to you too!]
from strikeonbox :
i love that happy squishy strongfriendboyarms sort of feeling. i haven't had it in forever. xo.
from softdreads :
from raven72d :
Remember the lyrics to Elvis Costello's "Radio Radio"...
from fuschiashock :
&i just have to say how much i love reading your entries... don't stop.
from tanked :
yes ma'am. thingses is good. thank you. <3 <3
from sprung :
Haha AP Government which I did not take.
from raven72d :
Ahhh... And what legend was on the sweatshirt?
from chuna :
you're just absolutely great. i can't get over people sometimes.
from heartshaped :
upside-down = me. <3
from tanked :
hi. dunno if i asked you or not. but could you add the BAM link/ring? (or did you and im just mistaken)
from l-o-l-o :
youareravishing/thesaurus.cuz he just left to see her again.after everything.godspeed.xo.lo
from vivajordi :
even the songbirds can't meet this beauty ;]
from secondfloor :
Oh, I do know what you're saying. (<3) I had the chance to see Ani last year, but had to opt out because things got complicated. Yeah yeah. You know how it goes. Take care of yourself and have fun at the show, Miss Girl101.
from pureglow :
from sprung :
Now, if you're girl101, do you have any relation to megirl101?
from secunda :
ohh, i want to go see ani with you. too bad i live where the cows are.
from fuschiashock :
takeme! i wish... except i'm kind of in canada.
from garcon :! (although you'd have to make me some sort of "best of ani" cd, bc i've NEVER heard any of her songs. ok, i'm done.
from dented :
jan 2: that is beautiful (as always you know) & i want to say thank you thank you thank you because what you wrote was just what i needed because, well, it was what i need, so badly. happy new years & guess what else i found out today? ani's coming close to here too. maybe i'll get my road trip & a wonderful ani show at the same time. crossmyfingers, all that. (he's written me a letter to tell me what he thinks & i'm terrified it will be the same thing i'm thinking. what now?) &xo out!
from sprung :
When I was in the shower today, I tricked myself into thinking it was summertime because I was shaving my legs and thinking of short sleeves.
from raven72d :
The 02 Jan 03 entry... the night sounds lovely.
from raven72d :
I hope 2003 goes well, that it doesn't pour away like milk into tea...
from wide-eyes :
tip your head back &laugh under the stars. because, maybejustmaybe, nothing can go wrong if those little pieces of marvellousness are still in the sky. loveness paige xoxox
from brokenwords- :
this is stunning<3
from strikeonbox :
that feeling is what i wish i always felt. thank you so much, you made me blush in a way i never have. because it isn't about who reads it or how many people. it's about how you feel right this second. and if i helped you feel and fill you up then fuck, the light makes patterns on the rug and i'm smiling because of you, katie.
from chuna :
thanks, my eyes are always bright inspite of themselves. i hope your brew is strong.
from punkunicorn :
it is impossible to forget how beautiful you are.
from raven72d :
Why, thanks for the song, darling...
from tanked :
howdy. you are now a BAM. see over-now for custom image. much love.
from heartracer :
i love you, katie.
from sentimental :
oh how ive missed your words! i really should update more often. do hope christmas treated you well. & cheers for new years, dear. <3
from over-now :
perhaps perhaps perhaps. by cake.
from chuna :
i think i've taken a real shining to you. good night, miss.
from paperlove :
did it get to you in a good or bad way? i'm just wondering thanks for the note.
from raven72d :
The 24 December entry is just so hauntingly lovely...
from subtitle :
i love you katie. i hope you had a verrymerrychristmas.
from catrocket :
chasing chickens is my all time favorite childhood thing (Although i certainly would take up the opportunity again if i should so meet it) i go to shows when i can. rainer maria is coming in feb.! no playing in the corn though eek! what do you do?
from fuschiashock :
from catrocket :
merry christmas! my favorite thing to do in iowa.. that would be chasing chickens
from over-now :
from tba :
happy merry to you [&yours]. lovelove.
from xgirleyesx :
put yr headphones on &they.ll all be gone [<3]
from justenough :
so so beautiful.
from catrocket :
ah i get it! i was trying to figure out what the box thing was at the bottom of your page! i enjoy your diary:o)
from catrocket :
from moon-dusty :
youre a beautiful writer.
from raven72d :
Beautiful and cold... I've always liked nights like that... Drop me an e-mail: [email protected]
from raven72d :
I seem to have spent my whole life looking for hidden meanings in things...
from boyafterboy :
i need your email addy, darling. for devenir-vous. xo. boyafterboy.
from nakedembrace :
oh it's been a while i miss you     don't know why i forgot about this place your place it's     beauty times 21 billion plus infinity     !!!     lovelovelove♥♥xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
from subtitle :
i never know either.
from glitzi :
(good bc. it's nice to be surrounded by beautiful things)
from glitzi :
this place makes me feel good
from raven72d :
I miss having someone be giddy and "in love" around me... I'd even settle for pretense-- just for a while.
from wideangle :
thank you.
from ineedyouso :
i like your diary.. added you to my list
from wide-eyes :
hugs &loveness darling. loveness paige xoxoxox
from prettyskinny :
I don't know... how much do you love me?
from sprung :
You're back! :D
from thisisjohn :
from infinitechic :
i tell that to cornellboy, "one plus two equals you" and he just doesnt know what to make of it.
from heartracer :
hey. you better let me know what happens -- the result/reaction to our girl ploys. take care. ♥
from darkdiamond :
you left me a note some time ago...and i never left you anything in return. i just wanted to say sorry. and thanks. thank you so much.
from plastic8tree :
is it true
from raven72d :
Don't vanish... I for one look forward to your diary... Keep writing...
from crashintome :
very pretty.......
from xgirleyesx :
it's captivating to the rest of us. i assure you. you're wonderful, each and every sentence after sentence after sentence.
from fuschiashock :
a million smiles.
from immer :
hrmm. i stole your kissmyfist image. should i be admitting it? it.s just that i lost mine, & your colour scheme is similar to mine .. let me know if grr angry. exoh.
from sprung :
Come in and stay a while! :D
from garcon :
mhmm, but you have to act surprised. also, i think i need an address again. unless i'm going to send it to the one far away. whichever you want.
from raven72d :
from cantbreathe :
thanks :)
from screamingout :
canada, okay!<-- fill me in.
from kiddynamite1 :
not too much, you may soon have a chance to get to meet up with heartracer
from fuschiashock :
ack. typos suck...
from fuschiashock :
thabnk you. i'm, well, i'm here. &i guess i'm okay... how are you? <3 <3 <3 (because three is the magic number)
from heartracer :
whilst i was talking to my boy-gasoline the other night, it came up that i had told you about him. it made me giggle. love love l o v e. ♥
from kindergarten :
you are so good to me.
from garcon :
mhmm. &i've got pictures + stories to share. [like being chased by a dog!] &all the usual hearts to you. ;)
from subtitle :
when i saw you quoted relient k, it just made me laugh and think how cute you were. p.s. last night we linked arms but it was just because it was so cold. i don't know if that's progress.
from shell-ee :
oh you totally tricked me. thats rad. this entry, about the guy, Ive so been there. anyway.... what will eventually happen is that youll see somethign so amazingly better, or youll be lucky and hell turn around and return your love. whatever the case... things happen for a reason. so freaking emo. ha.
from shell-ee :
i dont get it
from enidhere :
just weird..I know what you mean.
from dontyouwish :
thanks for letting me know. as far as i know, nobody's had any trouble with this layout, but i'll double check the tags. i'm pretty lazy with my html coding and seems like somebody's browser always complains. :)
from raven72d :
You ran out in your pajamas to bring someone soup... I so envy that. And I hope you get the kiss before the other person goes to college.
from that :
you make me feel so comfortable. and i love you for that.
from outamymind :
this is beautiful.
from unamerican :
would it be alright if i loved you? do you mind? do you mind being loved by a dork like me?
from heartracer :
i miss your IM/s. how are things? xoxoxoxox.
from kindergarten :
thank you. you are an excellent girl. your words make me tremble.
from obscured :
well you have 367! so there! ;)
from obscured :
hey! youre right! i have!
from raven72d :
You can write anytime you want to tell me anything-- [email protected]
from always-crazy :
i love those internet hearts. <3 <3 <3 (for the longest time, i thought they were ice cream cones mmmmmmmmmm) :)
from xghostx :
being nice seems to be your speciality, it would be an awful shame for you to give up such a trait. keep well x
from not-it :
happy friday.
from raven72d :
Thanks for the kind words... I love winter: clear skies, diamond stars, the thought of a night sky white with snow... I love fireplaces and watching the ocean in winter...
from perfxcked :
thank you, doll
from of-her-soul :
I love your words, xo (times three).
from raven72d :
"Daddy he like Coltrane/ Lady she like Miles..." An old Michael Franks song...
from kehara :
Is Dixon for real about me?
from justenough :
beautiful... "proofs & postulates" (title of your older.html page) made me smile. we're learning those... i really dislike them.
from nakedembrace :
it's frozen here some kinda deadness     stalking around and making my heart crisp and easy to      break apart & i      would trade you my winter for your/my summer back.
from raven72d :
Your 11 November 02 entry left me in tears, though I can't explain why... I just left me thinking of so many things lost and remembered...
from girlgenie :
my dear?
from dented :
this is still beautiful... is what i have to say. & things get cold & yes, things just seem to change with the temperature. why do you think it is? i can't figure it out... but so true.
from enticing :
from sprung :
It's terrible, everybody is missing somebody lately... :o/
from wide-eyes :
p.s i mailed issue three off to you today, loveness [again] xoxox
from wide-eyes :
it's duffle coat &wooly hat weather here. with boots 7chilly noses, hands in pockets &hearts on our sleeves slowly getting frostbite, makes a change from love hurts i guess. loveness paige xoxox
from recall :
i like the way you talk about the cold and everything. it's cold here and if i could, i would send some of it over to you. xo.
from tba :
katiedear, you found out the secret identity. xo.
from hyperballadd :
i would offer you my pulse. i would give you my breath. you can keep it, you take it away, anyway. i star you, xo.
from raven72d :
Bright Eyes... tell me about Bright Eyes, and why I should listen to them...
from raven72d :
Tell us about the prom...
from raven72d :
every autumn ends in tears, doesn't it?
from acerbic :
in love and out of practice. go dance till your feet get sore. my piece of mind is a piece of pie. <3
from secunda :
oh, your books and movies and music are wonderful. i think we have a lot of similar tastes. [i love roadtrips. <3]
from redd :
girl101 how have you been
from x-it-wound :
...pretty on the inside. i thank you for your sweet words. i would like to join your ring. is it all just a waste of time? am i really out of line?
from strikeonbox :
i LOVE now and then. it's the perfect 8th grade sleepover movie. xo.
from displacement :
biscyane? i don't understand.
from erinb2185 :
from kindergarten :
i'm still in school - a senior. 17. you never can tell with these diarythings.
from yellopenguin :
//and I sing and sing of awful things/the pleasure that my sadness brings// I can never get bright eyes out of my head. le sigh.
from redd :
you are wonderful xox hope your days are even better
from insearchof :
i love bright eyes so much!!! my fav song - its cool we can still be friends. the lyrics speak right to my heart...
from shootmystars :
"laugh in lyrics." mm.
from soon :
opps. i didn't know that left a note. well i guess now you have two notes.
from soon :
from mangotuesday :
i sing that song too. xo and bottlerockets.
from that :
well if i make you hurt then i'm glad that you hurt in a good way. <3always.
from precognitive :
things are well indeed.
from emo-shun :
i wanted to wake up today. but i did not.
from heartracer :
please tell me what has transpired... whenever you are ready. i care.
from bullet :
"you know why i hate this? because i want you to love me like i love you." that is how i feel. i am lost in hope.
from sprung :
Still trying to decode your syntax.
from wishing-that :
hi! you left me a note asking what happened... what happened with what? what brought this on? hehe, i'm very curious! thanks for the note! love wt
from displacement :
don't miss me, i found a new home.
from thisisjohn :
i have hope, in love.
from strikeonbox :
that was so fucking beautiful
from shoshi :
that was nice... :) -shosh
from shootmystars :
"you turn on the light, your hands stumble for a pen and you write this inside the cover of the book reading" -- do i even have to tell you how many times i've done this? your life is beautiful and you inspire me to make the best of my own. you should have come with me on my walk around the neighborhood this evening . . . i took photographs of autumn. xoxo
from staythisway :
your writing is beautiful. <3
from sprung :
Beautiful philosophy, which I could learn to subscribe to it.
from eighty3 :
an amazing girl you are. very much so.
from wide-eyes :
you're <b>so</b> adorable. l<3ve.
from rubin :
from dented :
hot chocolate with marshmallows? & what has happened?
from just-fine :
why hello there...your writing is gorgeous <3 x
from acerbic :
i relate ;;xoxo
from heartracer :
hello love //// i am oh so excited for you; good luck. xo
from sprung :
The Justin Timberlake song called "Like I Love You" -- you're a good girl(101) and that's what makes me trust you. Late at night I talk to you...heh heh.
from infinitechic :
from secondfloor :
cartwheels are super fun. it's interesting that you mentioned them, because this afternoon that's what my friends and i were doing in the vacant lot near my house. (<3)
from recall :
"life.s what you make it, so i.m making it good. i thought of you" (i was like, 'i said that!')
from kindergarten :
"we'll need something to remind us of all the sweetness that has passed through us." chin up, love. you're magnificent.
from infinitechic :
it was november that i first took that step... stupid online conversations. but thats how everything started. so. so. slowly. then. january he first kissed me... but imagine this: it wasnt until may that we began to officially date. the months between were hellish. but this is it: it was worth it. he is worth it. the illogical tears, depressing sundays, the baby photos on the fridge, the Other Girl. is your boy worth it.
from eighty3 :
"because i want you to love me like i love you." you echo the words i use to scream at the top of my lungs to a girl who would hardly blink at them. her inability to wrap her arms around me honestly killed me. i understand the tightrope game of love. i've been hanged a few times myself. but on a happier note, i adore your journal. i mega <3 it. you write beautiful words that sweep over me. to you i can relate easily.
from that :
you make my insides hurt cuz i can relate w/everything you say.
from sprung :
This made me think of that Justin Timberlake song. :(
from sprung :
No no, I'm hanging on the edge of my seat!!
from that :
i'll send you mail. real written stuff.
from infinitechic :
is case you ever cared to know. my other names password is "pencil" like the movie wargames.
from infinitechic :
you really are killing me....
from xgirleyesx :
eee! the suspense IS killing me.
from tba :
it's frequently surprising to me how the lack of bad written down and documented for later reference never seems to matter until the good stops being so abundant. [hearts & stars, katiedear.] xo.
from sprung :
I will love you.
from strikeonbox :
aw, sweetheart. no, i didn't although i wish i had.. it's a cool grandaddy vinyl. grandaddy = love. how is your mental state? -sarah
from kyraga27 :
thank you. <3 shira
from diceupmylife :
i have always ♥ed yours. xx
from bumpercar :
i am a junior. all is fairly well. the weather finally permits me use of scarves and mittens. and i have good company and a nice scribbly calendar brimming with events to busy my time. october-early january is that nice bustling period of bright and cold and swift. j'adore.
from infinitechic :
so much so much truth: "warning: the bad part about only documenting the best things makes the bad things easily forgotten. this cognitively distorts the reality of things. you. distort. my. reality. [i let you, i create it, i do all this to myself]. "
from fuschiashock :
i don't know or remember, but thanks. :)
from girl101 :
because really, i spent last night up late late late and thought this has really gone too far. he doesn.t know how i feel and that.s my fault. it.s not even silly. it.s just sad and pathetic. what makes me angry is thinking of what we will be in a year. he will be in college, either four or fourteen hours away. and the thing is, i don.t see it any better. we.ll still talk online or on the phone, maybe, but probably only if i say hi first or call him. IT MAKES ME SO FUCKING ANGRY. i had more thoughts, but i forget because it.s not worth even talking about. a lot of the times, i forget he is d-e-a-d. oh now i remember. i.m too busy waiting for the perfect moment, or trying to find the absolutely brilliant words to say. i.m trying to hard to make him fall in love with me. because that.s me. i.m just trying to show him. I.M TIRED OF TRYING but then he does things like meet me for dinner when he doesn.t even eat, he just waits with me in line and i can.t stop smiling, and i don.t try so hard to make conversation. he says that this kind of makes up for math, or for not having math, or something like that. and then we go to his car and he takes a cd out of the player and gives it to me. and he.s sitting there in the car and i just gave him a hug, and said thanks. and he said it.s nice to see you, in the cutest, quietest way. i drove home, behind him. we got to the intersection where we go our separate ways and i had my windows up for once and i knew he was looking at me and i was just watching the light, but i couldn.t help it and looked at him and he had his window down grinning at me with his mouth open like he was going to say something [this hurts]. but he could turn right on red, and he did. leaving nothing but space where his car had been. leaving nothing but questions in me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i don.t know how to make it better. i want it to be better. he always IMs me now, asks what i.m doing this or that weekend, or how it.s cookin or something like that. i forget it.s a two way street and not. my. responsibility. i forget because i read what written here, and i remember. warning: the bad part about only documenting the best things makes the bad things easily forgotten. this cognitively distorts the reality of things. you. distort. my. reality.
from that :
thanks. i enjoy it as well.
from heartshaped :
one minute there was road beneath us and the next just sky.
from guysmilie :
ahhh... so THAT's what that box at the bottom of your page does. :)
from guysmilie :
from cadilliac :
i like this. this fits.
from anniversary :
If you put your head to his chest, and listened to his heart beat, would it be the most beautiful sound you had ever heard?
from mynameismatt :
i spelt incidental wrong. so much for playing 'aloof'. x
from mynameismatt :
you like the word i have, i like the writing you have. co-incidencental, or maybe not. x
from thisisjohn :
boys are dumb. so are girls. relationships are dumb. im waiting til im 30.
from therat :
you are too pretty for your own good, you know?
from awannabeme :
i've had enough of this world and the way people are treating us.
from secunda :
my boyface is fine. except for some stress today -- let's hope it goes away after talking about it, like a bad dream. and i hope everything works out with yours - you deserve it. <3
from bumpercar :
it will end in cheers. it should for you.
from raven72d :
It'll end in tears. It always does.
from insearchof :
yep, im in kinda the same situation, she has a boyfriend, she wants us both. i should just say, forget you, and find another...but i love her. then i think, love? hmmm maybe its just make believe. do you know how lonely my bed gets at night?
from sprung :
Kick them, kick her.
from recall :
i can relate to this "my heart.s just be so, so sad lately" & this " had to deal with people and situations i didn.t want to" i'm glad i'm not alone, but didn't the iloveyou cd make you feel better? oh i am so jealous. i want a cd like that from a certain boy but i know i won't get one.
from shootmystars :
ha, except you would have an idea, as i apparently left myself a note containing the song's title last night. the things boys make you do, eh? i'm losing my mind, i think. but you're still just perfect. :)
from shootmystars :
wow. you would have no idea, but last night i sent the boy an e-mail and used those exact lines from 'a simple twist of fate.' how in sync is that? becase, you know, there are no coincidences in life. only synchronicities. mm. my favourites? 'every grain of sand,' 'shelter from the storm', 'sad-eyed lady of the lowlands', 'sara' (my name, minus the 'h'), 'a simple twist of fate', 'tangled up in blue.' gosh, i could just go on forever. you are a lovely one, you are. xoxo
from raven72d :
Do you have favorite colors for writing on your hand?
from xghostx :
i write nowhere else, besides college essays these days. inspiration is on a all time low. i dont know about this all in love with me deal. maybe just the one! nice to hear from you, because it always is x
from tba :
dearsweetestgirlever: i've loved once. just once. and it's in the past. most of the things i write are just memories that come to me when i'm in the middle of doing other things. someday i'll have a present i feel comfortable enough writing about. muchlove, xo.
from almostbrave :
I'm glad you can one else understands the things I say. your diary is beautiful.
from strikeonbox :
you're so cute. thanks for the note. yes, bookstores and early batman (complete with bam! pop! bang! cartoon noises) and godiva pumpkin truffles. have you had those? heaven on a stick, i tell you. i'm in a good mood today. 'so much beauty in dirt.' modest mouse. kick it. xo.
from taxine :
nice to see you kickin it.
from yellopenguin :
ah, the boy, the boy. not my boy. just a boy. he looks like a kitten who's just woken up from an afternoon nap. but an angry kitten with expletives sketched under his fur.
from raven72d :
Is it just me, or are Road Rules and Real World Las Vegas both very sad right now? They've always been cruel, but now there's an element of sadness in them that's very, very sharp...
from yellopenguin :
I've never been here. no idea why. loverly.
from infinitechic :
it was... this news that he wouldnt be home for fall break. this saturday. too much work at the lab, and homework, and studying, and deadlines and business and everything i understand but its this painfully deep deep disappointment that i cant hide and reason myself out of. and he didnt even tell me, he told the girl who told me and i had to ask him, and i had to say goodnight right away because the selfpity was getting on my nerves. so it was an early night for me. not tired, just. sad. all day sad.
from that :
at the moment i am listening to some aquabats and the hives. i'm about to break out the ramones.
from punkunicorn :
you're beautiful. lets drink smoothies.
from immer :
.sorry for leaving this so long, guignol, but been away. many thanks for your lovely words about my diary; i appreciate them a lot. your diary is very pretty as well, it.s wonderful to find words like yours to read. keep writing, mon beau ami. xo.
from in-shreds :
and thank you, too. heart.
from in-shreds :
from raven72d : portugal is best.
from raven72d :
pajamas and smoothies and waterpolo...and a hurricane...(i've been through two small hurricanes in two weeks) create lovely images...
from raven72d :
Thank you, girl. I hope evrything goes deliciously well for you.
from cutoutstars :
oh, girl, im fine. thank you so much for caring. im just looking at things with a different perspective. and, plus, alot of the things i write arent even about me. its all in the circle of perception. the girls i see running around with tiny skirts and glazed eyes intrigue me. the girls that the bois wish for. the girls in the "scene" i hang out in. decadent girls who cant control themselves. how it must feel to live that life. but me, im fine. just looking into the darker parts of everyone around me. xoxo.
from raven72d :
I hope your Monday is as lovely as your Friday was...
from steadysilent :
thank you. and i would fall in love for you. its all in the eyes. those pretty pretty eyes/
from avoidance :
i don't think i did. which email add. did you send it to?
from hyperballadd :
there are stars in a bucket in my backyard. want to count them together? xo.
from xgirleyesx :
being hot in jeans is so uncomfortable you can't help but love it. what a perfectly wonderful entry.
from sentimental :
its a grand feeling. feeling a little more than 'okay'. reading that made me smile. <3
from raven72d :
sunlight and smoothies... sounds like a lovely afternoon.
from bumpercar :
i love finding your notes. -kim
from sprung :
How lovely. :)
from fuschiashock :
why am i so smart? xo.
from raven72d :
Thanks for the lovely note and the chance to look at your diary (itself wonderful...). What do I miss? The feeling of having a life, of belonging to something/someone...
from sentimental :
apologies for such a late reply! im flattered by your note. thank you. your words are beautiful too. <3
from tba :
stoped in time right in place. you are darlin. xo.
from that :
oh my dear how wonderful i bet your smile is. wish i could see it.
from iremainyours :
girl, you are too cute for your own good. i love you dearly.
from tba :
it's not the important details but the distinct fragments that remain. the ones that make you smell and taste and feel differently. these are the things that make life worth living, years past, even if they bring tears at the time of the occurance. katiedear, i wish i could reach out and give you a hug sometimes. xo.
from infinitechic :
i thought i would never grow out of the uneasy stage where i controlled everything in the tentative relationship. idk how i got here, but things are different and lovely and worth every painful moment.
from central-red :
i'm alright, thank you for asking. i don't understand, though, what you mean by "can i have a song?". please advise.
from xzacharyx :
you have a great layout. something about it makes me jealous. it's's just cool to me.
from that :
at the time. i was w/someone else. who for some reason i just couldn't let go of. i think bcuz it was just so familiar and i wasn't sure of what would happen if i cut it off. and so i just stayed. but that nite. we he and i were on the couch and he just leaned in and i stopped him at first. but he was persistent and i let him and then. i pushed him off and hurt him and that's what broke me apart. and i just decided that he was worth it. and i cut things off between me and the other guy. does that answer all your questions? <3 always.
from fuschiashock :
best song evar.
from recall :
i can't even tell you how much i'm enjoying your words and what's more is that i can relate to some of it. i want to tell you what all of this does to me and what it makes me feel but there's no time. i spent the day with my family; we went to a nice family picnic at my school and then we went to see a movie. i want to talk to the boy right now for a little bit so maybe i'll e-mail you later this week or something. you have no idea how much i want to tell you. i hope you have a good week. xoxo. <3
from hyperballadd :
ya. if i ever ran in to you on the street i think i'd kiss you 80..90.. no, 100 times because you must be the cutest girl. ever. in the whole world. xo.
from spacelcadet :
Hey kid!! how are you? i've been kinda busy with alot of other things...and i just havent really had time to write...i didnt like how my diary was going too...maybe i'll start up again. you keep on writing..good stuff. :0) rock on! \m/
from fuschiashock :
my mom used to know about a previous one (not.good.situation). i don't know if she knows now. i don't even know if i'd really care. i don't think if she knew she would read it. xo
from that :
my dear. anything you want to know just tell me. i can fill you up w/anything. [i just spent three full days w/my boy and my oh my they were wonderful and i am spoiled and i know not when i will get to see the darling again. hence the aftermath=boy(love) withdrawls]. love your words dearly :)
from wide-eyes :
<small>&everybody loves an overachiever. do you ever get a grade back that isn't an a &feel utterly worthless. because quite frankly i hate myself at those times. red ink on a piece of paper shouldn't have the power to do that to a person. loveness paige xoxox</small>
from fuschiashock :
and what is the "this" you asked me about in the note you left?
from fuschiashock :
"i want you to care more than i do so i don.t feel so stupid for caring so much" this is absolutely perfect.
from secunda :
so say it. [[email protected]!] <3
from xgirleyesx :
baby, it's love (i with you + your diary). and you like cursive = BONUS POINTS!!! anywho, you rock dahhhling. ;D
from bullet :
who is this mysterious girl leaving clever comments on my journal? i am bursting with anticipation and this hasn't happened in a long time.
from vivajordi :
and not just cool... but that *groovy* kind of cool that you only get while you're drunk off your ass and it feels like no one's watching..
from corazon :
Thank you for the lovely note. I am glad that you enjoy my diary and that it made you smile. I like the rythm in this. C.
from that :
i've just returned from my drive and my oh my was it ever satisfying. i wish i could know you in real life. we could have the strangest yet most meaningful jibberish talks. about boys mostly.
from i-h8-boys :
hey, if you wanna write for us, leave your e-mail in our notes. I'll send you the password, and you can be s6.
from iremainyours :
dear katie, i love you.
from starlessness :
how is this-- tell him. its ok. he can kiss you and you wont mind and then if he kills you- its ok even then. girl101katie- much magic from me to you because im losing nothing in the process
from cherry-girl :
o ok same to u and thnx :D
from thisisamess :
someone as beautiful as you thinking i'm shining. it makes my heart weak.
from dropbox :
thanks, much much <3
from cherry-girl :
i dont understand the note u left me-*cherry-girl*-
from finalscore :
from fuschiashock :
i love your words
from raven72d :
Carrying around a copy of "History of Art" like a life preserver. I can understand that. I really can. I do love exploring your site.
from recall :
you're wonderful and i <3 you. just thought you should know.
from secunda :
i hope real life people know. but i don't think they do, because if they did they'd be happier. and maybe we unrealites would be, too.
from secunda :
well, much like some things. but, as we both know, some things mean a lot. <3
from guileless :
use of "/" is very hubert selby junior-lie. rock on girl 101, and simon and garfunkle! love, molly jane
from sprung :
No, never mind, we don't. :(
from sprung :
Hah! You're reading Beowulf too? Isn't everyone. Who is this Pitts? What if we secretly live next door to each other?
from sprung :
I like you. I've decided on it already.
from strikeonbox :
all the subatomic peices come together and uncurl themselves in a second. every single molecule is right, when you smile. (/flaminglips/whenyousmile) xo
from bumpercar :
from strikeonbox :
i'm so fucking glad. xo, sarah
from sprung :
from mangotuesday :
he brought lightening. after nine days of camping. with sea of cortez blue and that white sand. mismatched red rocks and framing. mulege rosarita loretto. those pictures of my memory. and how do you find yourself today? from quiet to cabo. hitting bottom and coming up. back where i come from. and some salt air for you. love and limes.
from kiddynamite1 :
vison86 says hi back
from shootmystars :
rocketlove. mm.
from shadowglass :
you pour your soul into this and it is effervescent because of it.
from shootmystars :
you're so cute. let's be pals. hehe. xoxo
from secunda :
i write little notes to myself [and to other people, i guess] all over my school notebooks. and. i <3 you.
from loserface :
username/shitface. password/666666. <3heather.
from eversorad :
from johnajohnson :
You can give your words to me . . .
from recall :
you put things nicely. i like that. and i'm liking school too, for the most part. as long as i find something to laugh/smile about, i'm ok. hope you are too. xo.
from dented :
hi. you're beautiful!
from secunda :
i forgot how to do f(x). bah!
from doighty :
hey, i'm "undecided" which is a euphemism for "i have no fucking clue what i'll major in" and i am most decidedly a freshman. OHHHHH-SIX!
from haberdasher :
the thing about descriptions is they do no justice to the experience/subject. and of what i am in the process of reading of you, i'm liking the vagueness and snappy nomenclature you employ. cheers back at you.
from secunda :
he's currently punished for being sullen or something. [?] but he is kind and lovable. it takes a bit of prodding, but it's worth it. [how about you and yours?]
from zanadana :
oohh.. thank you so much for alerting me of my archives problem. i have no idea what it is, but i e-mailed the main guy for help. diva angst is will come back when i feel any kind of inspiration (or have time). sigh. i have writers block.
from zanadana :
long time no speak! i miss you :)
from wide-eyes :
you are such a dear. &i thank you for the note because today i feel a little better. it's funny how i open up to the blank white box before the friendly lined pages of my journal. those i cover with the magazine cut outs &jaunty dreawings that make up how people see me. can we go drink tequila on the roof &smoke seventysevens? despite the fact that i don't smoke. loveness paige. xoxox
from secunda :
thank you for being you. <3
from ae-bushey :
Hey! Thanks for the note. Yes, Sharon Creech is a wonderful author. I remember all of her book titles: Walk two moon, Chasing Redbird, Absolutely Normal Chaos, Bloomability, The Wanderer, Pleasing the ghost. I liked all of the ones that I've read. I haven't read the Wanderer Yet. They don't seem to have it at the library. Oh well...I will someday. bye.
from recall :
i wish you would have said something before.
from ladygoodman :
thank you very much. xo
from ann-frank :
love the NY times article, I guess I'd missed that ...
from fuschiashock :
yes. it should. or florida should be closer to here. here is nova scotia, canada.
from starlessness :
secret, yes, but go ahead. its just the ones who know me personally who are banned but i believe-trust in you. steer always from starlessness which is knowing true distance from certain wonderful people:-\
from starinajar :
<3 i love you.
from sera1231 :
If it's the banner I think it is, here's your answers: The font is called MandysHand, and the quote ("I know where the cupboards are/I know where the car is parked/I know he isn't you) is from the Dakota Remix of the Tori Amos song "Hey Jupiter" -- which I cannot reccommend highly enough. Thanks for the visit! - april
from bumpercar :
the pictures have not developed themselves yet... i give it week.
from that :
i'm very glad i make you smile. you should know you spark smile in me as well. i enjoy your style.
from dotdotstop :
hello katie x
from thisisjohn :
she is a girl. she is 101. she is pretty.
from doighty :
you wanted to know what i felt about a bunch of things. well. college seems to be great so far. i haven't started class as of yet. i plan on doing a few intramural sports and possibly one club sport (ultimate frisbee). um.... yeah. it's pretty early. wasted my time getting up this morning.
from thisisjohn :
feeling out the formmmmm....
from secunda :
hello. xo <3.
from fuschiashock :
i still think there are lots of real things, real people, though. &i'm sure i always will. caring too much is better than not enough, even if it hurts sometimes.
from bumpercar :
all around great. i'm not sure if i'm particularly up or down, and i know i'm not at the middle (atleast yet). but i do know i feel like dancing a lot and baking cakes. what are your text book pictures of?
from nakedembrace :
a pocket full of posies
from trulypoetic :
seee??? right here...
from poetical :
all I did was trulypoetic
from fuschiashock :
nothing is ever new and exciting :). it feels like i'm just kind of waiting for summer to end, although august used to be my favourite month. i love that song. i think a like a movie script ending more, though. or maybe sleep spent. i'm bad at decisions.
from disaster :
the's a tired theme. i get really attached to them and i move away. it's happened with a handful of boys. but some of them bother to keep in touch. and some of them kiss me late at night in the street in front of their house while the stars are out.
from disaster :
the's a tired theme. i get really attached to them and i move away. it's happened with a handful of boys. but some of them bother to keep in touch. and some of them kiss me late at night in the street in front of their house while the stars are out.
from doighty :
i hope i hope that this little box is a noteaddingbox. those lips to the right of it are cute. hi. i don't make sense. packing causes your brain to melt. find that in a mental health journal.
from dented :
im glad i can read you again. & thank you, because that entry wouldn't flow and i couldn't get myself to make it sound right. that is rather funny (in that strange way?). try for smiling, too, coz yeah, remembering can hurt.
from sprung :
Hello dearie. :)
from ferjitsu :
Oh hello there i am quite fab, how awful, how are you? i just ate some pizza and i think that somewhere in it fish were involved and that is so wrong.
from eebee :
Thank you so much for the comment. I try not to just talk about my day. I know that becomes tiresome. That's one of the reasons I've stopped updating daily: I just don't get that inspiration often enough. So anyway, what do you write about? I'm sad to see you've got a locked diary so that I can't return the favor for you reading mine. Anyway, thanks again. I'll try to think of something entertaining for you to read.
from sprung :
from defect :
Those words? It would seem all that can be done is to let them rot in the open air.
from mangotuesday :
you are home and me too. southeast portland love soon to be traded for stingrays wide nights pop in a bag dustbowls salsa skirts and secret swimming lagoons. baja. moving fast and changing plans. throwing it up and not letting it land. love and rockets.
from devonair :
My brother gave me my copy. And I promtly gave it to another. I buy a new one every time I see it in the shelves of some second hand store. Amazingly, I never have more than one copy. It's a book full of memories for me. I'm glad it's the same for you.
from infinitechic :
heavens, doll- youve shaken the world with your Restrictions:(
from slick45 :
RE: that was just for me wasn't it? - - - - Yes, that was meant just for you.
from tba :
katiedear, a lock! xo.
from fuschiashock :
why password :( ?
from secunda :
oh dear. i need access. ? xo <3.
from girl-written :
i am going to miss you words like nothing else. xo
from catchfire :
locked..? sadness.
from infinitechic :
oh. very cute.
from infinitechic :
what is this?
from fuschiashock :
i disagree, but what can i do... :) thank you.
from sprung :
I've decided you're beautiful.
from sprung :
Hello! Thank you for the lovely note...I was intrigued to read "spring forward, fall back down" and was pleased to see you linked me. :) Please excuse me while I read more of your entries.
from wide-eyes :
reminds me of a maraget atwood quote [from cat's eye] about how the past isn't beautiful while you're living in it. only how it becomes so when you can look back &see it merely as the furniture. &that is a garbled mis-representation of something that is actually so much more profound. but anyway. loveness xoxox
from discursive :
i guess by "the shows" you meant shows in general? i don't hate shows. i'm just really tired of all the people who i knew from shows, i.e. scenesters. and blah. i would still go to see good bands. and that is one of my favorite songs by them.
from slick45 :
suck a big black boner? okay!
from youfirst :
I'm a senior in highschool. One more year and then freedom shall ring from the highest mountain top!!!
from girl101 :
kiss it!
from redd :
i thought that you were saying ive changed in a bad way. ive been up and out of all sorts of things. i cant say if its good or bad. its not for me to define that either. i feel like the pinnacle has already been reached for this summer. and im waiting for the week before i have to go back to school to kick start it again. how are you how have you been. things are beautiful on the way down in such a different way than on the way up even tho everything is the same at first sight. you know. okay. xoxo.
from punkahontas :
hello girlpants. as the kissmyfist ring assistant, i amjust reminding you to put up the code :) have a fantabulous day. ♥
from redd :
is that good or bad.
from youfirst :
Sorry! Hah, I'm dumb. I'm from Gainesville, FL. I hope Panama is good to you in that case. Nice diary.
from emo-shun :
i <3 you.
from youfirst :
Do you live in Panama City, FL? If so do you know a Cole? I'm not stupid, I know there is a very slim chance you do, but it would be funny...he's the only Panama kid I know.
from sprung :
Hello. <3
from wide-eyes :
&i'm closing it thinking 'she hits all the right notes'. &can we find coaching in letting go//the anti-thinking league. but i guess it's all just more of that wishful thinking. loveness paige xoxox
from infinitechic :
sorry for the double note dumbness the other day. i recommend "the stalker" by piebald which will make things a little clearer someday. i think im going to go catch the sunset alone. wanted to ask: have you graduated yet?
from vinyl-record :
Thanks for signing my guestbook. It's good to know that at least someone's gone through the same thing. I've stopped using vinyl-record. I've moved to Later days.
from kazaam :
what is a sanctum? the picture was taken my my friend in the park. i took a picture of her laying in the grass, smiling, and she said "it's your turn, play in the grass!" and i said "i will play dead!" and so i did. yes i did draw the bike and as you can see, i am not a good bike drawer. also, hello!
from girl-written :
you are made of beauty >> heart you. xoxo
from infinitechic :
hey doll- dont think i dont know what shoes you wear ;-)
from infinitechic :
hey doll- dont think i dont know what shoes you wear ;-)
from starinajar :
hey dahling. the username/password should be waiting in your inbox as i speak. � p.s. i'd like you to be part of my kissmyfist diaryring. //happyface// xoxo
from discursive :
shows. oh the shows i hate.
from dented :
often i use the word fuck too much, although not every other word (although i want to). but it gets anger out nicely, doesn't it?
from doighty :
it WOULD be neat to meet diarylanders. if you're ever on the either coast of america, i welcome you to come visit me!
from discursive :
thank you for your words.
from discursive :
it was locked because some people were getting to it, and i'm one for privacy. <3
from starsalone :
a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a girl101 left me a note, andi came across it today and i felt the need to leave a note myself. maybe something good will come of it?
from xghostx :
i'm here and a little there but whereever its always good to hear from you. hows things at your end kid? ♥
from plastic8tree :
It seems like forever,keep smiling.xo.M.
from hyperballadd :
i'm glad you found me. i wish you were online more often when i am on.. i miss talking to you already. xo.
from glitzi :
i wish more people were like you (and that wouldn't devalue you one bit) <3 m
from wide-eyes :
your rock. &i like reading you while eating a lollipop. +my erasable markers remind me of you. it escapes me as to why that should be. loveness paige xoxox
from fud :
no, it is conor oberst, my hero and favorite singer/songwriter in that picture. i look different. but he's a hot one, that conor.
from greenishblue :
i wish you hadn't disappeared yesterday, never to come back. heh. i miss you, already. i think i'm putting my feet somewhere else. on new ground. i'll keep you posted. xo.
from girlgenie :
loving you is easy cuz youre brilliant.
from greenishblue :
i've tried to contact you several times. i feel this need to speak to you. i am drawn to you in several ways. xo.
from secunda :
they watch movies because they are more interesting than real life. and i'm glad you like that song. <3
from nakedembrace :
your writing is good and the sky falled down yesterday.
from yours-truly :
hello there, girl101. long time no see. *grin*
from heartshaped :
from recall :
hi. did you get my letter? i'm just wondering. xo.
from bumpercar :
hi katie. my name is kim and i don't mind hearing it for its useful identification purpose. thank you for all the nice words (they are the best sort). i look forward to future communication via diary, notes or otherwise. keep your chin up.
from halfrebel :
how'd you know i was thinking of that?
from greenishblue :
contact. needed/withyou. you are beautiful. xo.
from dented :
(you are a dear.) just because it really would, but � well. &: missing a place so hard; i know how that is; i hope you don't forget.
from myxwings :
hey, thanks for the note! i am sure that you are very c-u-t-e as well! have a wonderful day! ~me
from girl-written :
thank you. those little keys you took the time to press, the effort of clicking the done! button on my notes page... thank you for that, because it is the little things that count. // p.s do you still need questions?
from guysmilie :
Hmmm. Then we should have sex now.
from secunda :
i guess a lot of the time i feel like i'm in second place, or that i come second to people. thus, secunda.
from infinitechic :
what's a zine. also. you sound... pleading? whats going on in the life of g.i.r.l.101
from autumnal :
hello katie
from kingsol :
mmmm you're welcome.. whatever sparks memory or creativity should always be held.. and thought of.. not unlike fire flies in glass jars I use to chase as a small child.. watching them twirl around.. lighting .. and lit.. until they slowly stopped and died..
from dontyouwish :
i'm doing fine, thanks. the love. :)
from antijamsect :
what do you mean what do i mean? *wink*
from tba :
katiedear: 1: how about you give me an address you're willing to share, and i make you a mix and send it to you via the postman? 2: it was my best friend who was married, so i was nothing but happy for him. i was mostly behind the lens+shutter, so no tears were shed. friends, aplenty. and guitars and signing afterwards. 3: the one i'm missing is in a tiny little country next to the black sea, learning russian right now. and i miss him dearly. xo.
from infinitechic :
i am still working on admitting that i am addicted....however the day i do is the day they take my computer away from my little Desk in my little Room
from mangotuesday :
and its enough to look around. and know that shes not alone. thank you.
from infinitechic :
im positive you are still beautiful when you cry
from infinitechic :
your words are always priceless. i cried as i absorbed them.
from supervention :
hm...i wish you could have been there with me. i watched mxpx,thrice,apo,nofx,nfg,ozma,nufan..i think thats it. i got 11 cds though and a yellowcard shirt. it was exciting. i wish you could have been with me...we would have gotten those handcuffs that link to each other so we wouldn't get lost. : )
from secunda :
yeah. i know.
from dented :
i miss this, are you gone?
from amethyst- :
yeah- crack pipe dream. you know, the kind of thing that could only happen while smoking the crack pipe. ....or something like that.
from infinitechic :
where are you? write something or Anything. missing your words and punctuation.
from scanzilla :
Hello, just wanted to say hi. Your words are still filled with cuteness. xoxo :)
from zanadana :
hola sweet thang! it has been quite some time. just wanted to reiterate that you rock!
from nyquilgirl :
hello. the story behind the photograph is a mystery to me also. i can't remember where i found it, but it was off some free photos site. i love the picture. it rocks my socks!
from supervention :
sweet sweet katie. i miss you like woah. :D you're cute. look at stars with me?
from glitzi :
you're neat. xox, m.
from youturned :
Hi. I'm annoying, but you won't hold that against me, right? Godspeed You Black Emperor!
from bullet :
oh, aren't you sweet.
from brokensounds :
yeah, i know what you mean about the connecting songs to people/things. hope you have a lot of fun on your trip. and i will be sure to keep in touch. <3 nadia
from valida :
you're very lovely. <3
from brokensounds :
also, i forgot to say, i listened to all my alkaline trio songs again because your diary reminded me of them. currently i'm listening to mr. chainsaw. ah, alkaline trio.
from brokensounds :
to put it simply, i love the way you write and i love what you write. now it's off to bed for me. goodnight.
from supervention :
if you could have a red shirt that said anything you want it to, what would it say? : )
from supervention :
i made your mixtape today. i can't stop listening to it. i just have to make a copy and then off it goes. i hope you like it. i'll send you some other stuff too. : ) <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
from wide-eyes :
hi, i made a zine &would kinda like to send you a copy. if you want e-mail you address to [email protected]. xox paige xox
from manslaughter :
hi, i used an inky pen and some photocopy scraps and some scotch tape, while intermittently spitting on the thing and rubbing it with my hand. some a that handwriting ain't mine, neither. and fuck you too, cause i can recite nintendo cheat codes off the top of my head from 15 years ago. and i'll probably sit in my room and stare at the ceiling instead of going to see strike anywhere. your formula is dead-on, though (maybe crayons on rainy days). you wrote an essay on that strike anywhere logo/shirt? can you post that somewhere? fuck you thanks for the note.
from valida :
okay, aim is obviously not working, but i need to go to bed and i'm sorry we didn't really get to talk. maybe tomorrow when i feel like i exist. <3
from supervention :
you amazing girl you. i adore you. <3
from disruptions :
okay, so i read that wrong and you said a song ABOUT, not a song called. warning: do not let heather read before 10am.
from disruptions :
if we're thinking of the same song, it's just called proofs. not postulates. but either way, it's a great song.
from valida :
i tried to email you, but it didn't work; i got an undeliverable mail message. sorry. >.< [email protected] <-- me! <3
from plastic8tree :
from valida :
i'm trying. i think it may be slowly working. but i can't be sure. <3
from iremainyours :
the days are passing too quickly. i'm filling them with nothing. i'm glad you are getting freedom soon. i think i somehow gave mine away.
from infinitechic :
it is wonderful of you to write me. i am still trying to understand this website. you write consistently inspiringly :) i derived my name from the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower... have you read it? its sick(in that good way) the boy says I Am Infinite. i am fond of salinger but not all that familiar. i read Catcher a couple years ago and will always be in love with Holden in some sort of crazy way. then i bought nine stories. and i am beginning to reread franny and zooey, then raise high the roof beam, carpenters... then onto seymour. iwant to read too many things. i go to my dads house who practically has his own library and begin pulling things off the shelf- lolita. c s lewis novels. grapes of wrath. jane flew over the cuckoos nest. an american tragedy. rebecca. others. this summer my dad is putting me on a sort of reading Fellowship wherehe assigns me books to read and sponsors me weekly (last summer it was american lit) so i am going to be reading other things in addition to All That. he won't let me get a job, so this is partly how i spending my summer. im going to chicago for a couple weeks with the youth of my church in july. inner city things. one of my sisters is getting married in august- i am a bridesmaid. my other sister is pregnant- but is due in winter. its all very exciting news. and im still stuck in high school for a year more. i think i belong in the graduating class of 2002 :-P
from youturned :
I thought I was the only one uncomfortable being in a bubble of air conditoning. Three cheers for windows and night skies [and you!]
from xghostx :
deep breathes, D.E.E.P now repeat ♥
from dontyouwish :
gracias for your comments. you're too cool.
from valida :
oh, lucky you; i have 2 copies left. :) if you email me your address, i can mail you one. good luck in these last few days of school. <3 xo.
from dented :
oh, as is is a very good song. & 32 flavours. but my current favorites? "untouchable face", and "the story." yay. & thanks. :)
from dented :
guess what... i still heart this
from girl-written :
you are so beautifully... beautiful. i adore you muchly. xx
from halfrebel :
hi. im a bad person who doesnt write notes back. uh, as for this summer, i plan to run away to england and basically waste my time/video tape/play football (their kind) a lot. and go to lots o shows. as for music/books: trainspotting (irvine welsh), franny and zoey (jd salinger), and any punk or ska music. when you're alone, always have headphones on. go swimming a lot. eat more pizza. dont come home for days. wake up and run outside and scream and then find out you're at someones house you dont know and cant remember how you got there. color in coloring books. drink lots of water. get a job during weekdays only. dont work past 5. eat picnics in the park and take pictures of anything. write a lot. make a book. pirate some video editing software (i prefer adobe premier) and make music videos. get some cool shoelaces. make slideshows of stupid shit. cuss more. sing louder. look strangers in the eye, especially ones older than you. smile at kids. but those are all just suggestions.
from valida :
thank you, dear. i feel very good right now. love you; whenever i hear john mayer i think of you. <3 xo
from kazaam :
hello! it's funny that you say you don't know a lot about me, because i have always thought that people who read my diary know TOO much about me. but i suppose you mean things like where i live and what my parents do for a living and basic things like that. your quote is from the song 'superboy and supergirl' by tullycraft. it's a very nice song. i don't know if it's something you would like but you should check it out! ah. you always leave the best dland notes.
from fuschiashock :
hi. how are you?
from mybeginning :
yes... you're allowed to read it. i'm glad you found me. : ) also, i think you're swell. <3, sarah
from lockandkey :
i remember that in math class, it was like hey smart girl, and this kid was like, she has a name you know. but i don't remember what it was because nobody else ever remembered it either. smart girl or nothing.
from iremainyours :
frankenstein is one of my favorite books<3<3<3
from xmyheart :
ohhh. i hope you love the picture of dorian gray as much as i did. there's no such thing as eternal youth.
from confetti :
from heartshaped :
you are so perty. keep in touch for always. xox.
from recall :
you make me smile. thanks for being excited about the whole sha-bang (that's a funny word). & your plan sounds great (simplicity is always best, i think). hope it becomes reality. xox.
from documented :
i do. <3 : )
from catchfire :
i am locked out. you should fix that... <3
from shanalle :
hey there... nope, i dont live on campus 9i did for my first 3 years though) now i have my own apt and it is fabulous. where do you go to school? i am a whore for panda express. and i could live at sandbar in the grove and be a happy camper, mainly cause they play old school bon jovi.
from sprung :
I'll list most recently acquired albums and songs. Miles Davis [Love Songs], Musiq Soulchild [aijuswanaseing], Jill Scott [Who Is Jill Scott?], Alicia Keys [Songs In A Minor] which is *fantastic*. Artful Dodger mixes, also Craig David [Born To Do It], MJ Cole [Sincere] and other UK Garage 2step music. Special CD mixes given to me by a special someone. Downloading [Morning View] by Incubus song by song. I've been downloading Nelly Furtado's [Whoa, Nelly!] which I think is brilliant. I don't always like her songs or her vocals or her style, but her music is so unique. I'd jump on an instrumental album if one came out. I'm trying out India.Arie -- I heard her album was wonderful and although I've been downloading her songs I haven't listened to them yet. I pull out Alien Ant Farm or No Doubt when I'm feeling sassy, haha. I think that's all -- I'm feeling pretty comfortable with my CD/Winamp selections. :)
from emoshelley :
katie! where are you?! i miss you!!! <3 xo, shelley.
from girl-written :
Well, I have read your stuff & let me just say that I am honored that you would be loving my stuff. Thank you muchly. xxooxx
from discursive :
oh that is the boy, and oh i win. win. win. win.
from greenishblue :
why, thank you. xo.
from yours-truly :
and hello again :)
from heartshaped :
you are fucking wonderful. xo.
from glamcam :
!!! me and my words love your words back. maybe my words and your words would like to hook up sometime? they could have cute word babies. also!!! i keep meaning to add you as a favorite but i keep forgetting because i am senile.
from iblastoff :
i'm not quite sure where i'll be blasting off to [it's a song by a band i quite like called Blackcat#13]. any suggestions? i was seeing a little orange myself. true red is so hard to find. i can't name the tune. what did i lose? hearts&heartsx
from iremainyours :
what's happening?
from lincok :
i like your diary
from onepercent :
aww, thanks for the note :) yeah, the roommates thing, hah. i do what i can. lately, let's see, well i've been listening to anything that'll piss them off: american nightmare's "please die", and anything by bane...converge "forsaken" is always on too; they seem to appreciate it ;) oh, but right now i think they're trying to get me back...they just put on a country music cd :'(
from girlgenie :
let's make it so! if ever theres just a "k" lurking around, i.ll know its you. K+B, heart-heart situation. xo.bee
from kid-kerplunk :
hey. Now that that's straightened out, I decided a couple of days ago what songs are going on it, but I haven't picked out the actual order yet. I picked these: 1Hot Rod Circuit-Radio Song 2Saves The Day-Through Being Cool 3Midtown- Just Rock and Roll 4Lucky Boys Confusion-40/80 5Green Day-Going To Pasalacqua 6Green Day-Having A Blast 7Green Day-Minority (Green Day get's 3 because they have to be on the begining, middle, and end.) 8The Ataris-Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left,Right, B, A, Start 9Don Mcclean-American Pie 10John Mellencamp-Jack and Diane (my two favorite songs when I was really little) 11The Starting line-I'm Real(yea, it's a cover, but it's so funny!) 12Sublime- What I Got 13Something Corporate- iF yoU C Jordan 14RXBandits- Andrea 15Reel Big Fish- Sellout 16Me First & The Gimmie Gimmies- Danny's Song 17The Living End- Prisoner of society 18Fairweather- Soundtrack to the Ride 19Everclear- Normal Like You 20The Benjamins- Sophia on the Stereo 21elton john- tiny dancer 22eagles- take it easy 23quiet riot- cum on feel the noize 24Tiffany- I think we're alone now 25Burn Kate- City Limits 26SGR- V-Town 27Dilemma- I want you( I think that's the title. The last three are some local bands, and Dilemma doesnt have a track listing on their CD) I'll probably end up changing my mind twenty times before it's actually finished, but this is what I've come up with. What would you put on yours if you made one?
from discursive :
holly hox forget me nots and banned from the backporch and stuff.
from kid-kerplunk :
hey, this is going to sound kind of strange probably, but was the note you left on my page for me or Jason? Because I know that I don't know you, so I checked to see if you had left jason a note but you hadn't, so I thought maybe that note was supposed to be for him...sometimes I'm a little slow.
from discursive :
saves the day because i'm so typical.
from valida :
hi. i'm at school. i know a boy who punches walls and it pisses me off a lot. he lies about it, too. boys. ugh.
from discursive :
from recall :
i have to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone. whenever i see a "you've got a new note at diaryland!" e-mail in my mailbox, i always secretly hope it's from you. because your notes are the kind that are equivalent to the good times i have with people like morgan & grace. that doesn't mean that i don't appreciate the other notes i get from other people, because i do very much and they all make me feel better somehow. but yours are my favorite. so thank you. for all the smiles & good feelings & everthing. it means more to me than i can tell you. (& i just wanted to tell you all that so you know how grateful i am.) xoxo. <3 (ps. did you see felicity tonight?! ahh i cried. but then i smiled. so much. happy endings are the best. but if it's meant to be, it'll be. <3)
from dented :
i have never read lord of the flies. i do want to, someday, however. i hear it's good. (i would have left this note earlier, but you see, i thought maybe i'd catch you online. i don't know. what is wrong with AIM? it is sad.) & now this is a sort of pathetic note. sorry.
from fuschiashock :
b&w. very nice.
from xghostx :
my life is alk3 lyrics. life on the 3rd floor is over-rated. i'd rather live on 6th. i'm thinking this summer perhaps i'll get my zine rock on. maybe just for you i will. you'll be the 1st to know. and THANKYOU for always making me feel like my writting is worth the energy used to push the computer keys. ♥ appreciation ♥
from iremainyours :
you reminded me i need to start saying hiYAH. i haven't yet decided when to say it, but i'm thinking whenever someone really makes me mad, instead of biting my lip, i'll just look at them and say HIIIIIIYAH! sound good?
from discursive :
jenxcore times fifty. xox.
from wreckt :
if you wanna trade tapes i have a good one i made... heh. ignore this note.
from emoshelley :
ah dear! i wish we could be best friends. you're so grand. i <3 you : )
from fraildolbaby :
they'll always tear us apart with the brutal things they say. we just have to learn to stop listening and walk away. --- you're beautiful.
from recall :
i love you katie. and i wish you didn't hurt, and that no one hurt you. it's so wrong. but know that i'm here and thinking about you. <3
from xghostx :
:D <-- you make me. i have been known to write short stories FOR zines. 1 day maybe i'll do my own. {i'll keep you informed}. the negative entries are written about 1 boy[Sam] the positive entires are written about 1boy/1girl [Drew/Zoe] just promise not to tell them. Hope that clears things up. x
from lockandkey :
the picture! i took it a few weeks ago in san francisco. i love photography, and that corner just seemed.. photogenic.
from lockandkey :
which story would that be? :)
from heartshaped :
you are so lovely. <3
from recall :
hey. your notes made me smile. no one's ever called me profound before. but thank you. <3 it seems like everyone's been crying lately. i cried last night about stuff (friendships & such) but then i fell asleep. my friend angela says that crying can be therapeutic. i think it was for me because it felt so good to just let it out. you know? today angela, noel, & i spent two hours at mcdonald's just talking. angela is such a good friend. she always listens to me. and noel is just plain FUNNY. i love funny people. they're the best. so it was fun. no, i haven't listened to john mayer. who's ann arbour? today my parents called us from florida. they're in miami. i was glad that they called. it made me smile. i told my dad that i got an A+ on my reflective essay for english and he was proud of me. but i was more proud because i've NEVER gotten a perfect score on an essay. ooh i like writing letters and sending mail. let's look into that or something. yeah, cousins ARE the best. angie's coming over in a little while and she's gonna sleep over and i'm really excited. i don't know where in fl she was living, but i'll ask. where in fl do you live? felicity was good, i guess. i actually thought dawson's creek was better this time. (i prefer felicity over dc, only because i love ben & felicity's relationship. but wednesday's episode was lacking in my opinion.) we've had some pretty good weather here, too. like 60-70ish. but it was around 45 today so it was kinda chilly. anyway, i hope you have a good weekend. i know i will, cuz i don't have school on monday (score!) and i'm gonna read some more of pride & prejudice, which is really good so far, so i'm looking forward to that. and my parents are coming back sunday afternoon, so i'm a content girl right now. hope you are too. xoxo. <3
from liex :
[see name in red] lie[x] would be correct. the complexitites of the name are all too oftern overlooked :( i thank you kindly for giving me a title and i hope i can live up to the expertations a favorite is put under xx
from glitzi :
horizons are pretty. you are pretty. i think you and horizons would work well together. xox, m.
from starsalone :
ahh, im just loving the zoog disney revolution, ya! that kid from even stevens is a cutie. but he makes me feel super old.
from dontyouwish :
thanks for stopping by. you can read more details if you want at my other one. vague is good like art. you can read it anyway you want, but if you're like me you always want to know what the artist was thinking.
from vision86 :
no, never go to assemblies. that's only because i've been outta school for five years. where are u from, you still might know me
from heartshaped :
well that is just lovely. download some jump, little children. "cathedrals" and "close your eyes" and. listen to van morrison as well. if you don't already. billie holiday is good. and cat stevens. AND "far behind" by candlebox. i love this. we should have a chat. soon. <3
from valida :
yeah, i know a boy who can pluck my heart strings just by playing a eurythmics song. heh. the tabs were okay; i was looking for a relatively easy song called "please do not go" by the violent femmes. it's silly-sweet. <3
from emoshelley :
ok dear. you can email me your address and i'll send it out when we finish.[it might be a little while] i <3 you! xoshelleyxo ps. wow. youaresogrand.iadoreyou.
from itrymybest :
hey, sorry for not answering you sooner. you need to find a stats service that will show you what pages people clicked on to find your diary (or what search engine they used and what the query was). i found out through the stats that you get when you become a gold member (which i recommend). there's some other places like, but usually they all make you pay to find out about the search engines or referring pages. :)
from antijamsect :
speechless...except for thank you.
from whenufuckher :
i returned to my place of writing...briefly...
from emoshelley :
i'm obsessed with the song what if by rx bandits <3. and also i'm making a mini zine titled 'i love golf. [the sport and the car]' if you'de like it and sarahs let me know<3.[made me think of it when you said 'golf carts and cars = )] <3<3<3ps. i think you're swell<3<3<3
from valida :
hey. i'm looking up guitar tabs; i want to play the things i hear. can you play guitar? [i can't. heh.]
from dented :
do you mind if i compliment you again: the last entry ("i stopped trying & we stopped talking") when i read it, i cried, & of course i cry all too often, but i liked it. goodbye.
from castigada :
Gracias por visitarme! To answer your question: unless your real name is Yesenia, I don't think we've ever met.
from heartshaped :
you are so cool. people situations are sticky. i don't know what else to say. cheers.
from nonce :

What exactly does this mean:

"launched a thousand ships in my heart, so easy. hearts = cards = his scooby doo cards i found in a neat supermarket in orlando = american hearts by piebald = all the usual <3s to you.

[ re: plea ] //sinking slowly, hurry hold me... where do you go when you're gone? [ xo ]"

You left it in my notes....I don't know why...
from heartshaped :
you are a dear. never forget where home is. xo.
from redd :
hi. you. [ ! ]
from heartshaped :
ooh. how lovely. <3
from heartshaped :
hello dear. thank you for being so nice. i am alright today. i hope you are too.
from brokenwords- :
from recall :
this is everything i'm thinking right now: i wonder if he's sleeping right now or what. i love and hate this song ("i'll always be right there") right now. my brother needs to shut up. one more day (of school)! yay i got a note from katie. that's all. (except: i hope that you have a good spring break, whenever it is. be happy and smiley and cheerful and you. don't be sad. [i was sad at school again today even before i got home and had to go through this stupid unnecessary crap because of him. he just added to it. and i feel like i don't know how to be happy anymore.] ok?) i'm going to stop thinking and go to sleep (sleeping is the best because you don't *really* feel anything. i wish i could go to sleep and never never wake up again) now. goodnight, katie. xo.
from girlgenie :
just. -a-t-t-a-c-h-e-d- // [to you]
from fuschiashock :
dammit i can't stop sneezing! &you're completely wrong when you say cute & cool & wonderful, but thanks :). &thought is good. &i don't know what i'd do if i thought anyone actually read my old entries, but i don't know, i just don't think about it. i've got some stuff that i want to slap mtself for ever having the thought.
from coolassaward :
When's the last time you got an "AWARD" for being you? Do you like your ego stroked? Do you like stroking other people's ego? We all need a good stroking now and then. Have you ever gone to a diary and what the diarist wrote brightened up your day? Or really made you think? Have you ever wanted to let that person know what thier writing and diary meant to you? Well Cool Chicks is the place for you. I know your like what the hell is Cool Chicks? Or maybe you already know what a Cool Ass Chick you are. Well good! But isn't it time to let the world know about your Cool Chickiness?
from recall :
please don't stop writing in your dland diary (!! i don't like dj or lj). and did you know that michelle branch made an album (that was never sold in stores, i don't think) previous to the spirit room (her most recent one)? it's called broken bracelet (there's a story behind that) and my best friend dee ordered the cd online and she made me a copy of it and i've been listening to it all day long. our favorite song on it is leap of faith. you should listen to it or just read the lyrics. i love it. god, i swear, she is the best. all of her music is amazing and i can relate to (some of) it and dee & i are her number one fans. seriously. i gotta finish my homework now. xox.
from heartshaped :
thank you for that. but i don't want to hurt anyone. <3
from youturned :
Do you mean Conor?
from heartshaped :
oh my. you are so so great. <3
from newyears :
posin? no. poison. poison i said! !#^%@$#^!#
from newyears :
i could really use a copy of that cd/tape/whathaveyou. i'm listening to posin the well, just so you know.
from iremainyours :
you are gorrrrgeous. i'm going to the bahamas friday morning. i'll go ahead and figure out a way to sneak you on the boat.
from xghostx :
if you could get much sweeter you'd give me cavities just from reading your name. thanks for the pep talk. i wasn't going to write today but that changed my mind. xox
from fuschiashock :
why no older?
from heartshaped :
hey you. i will email you. <3
from valida :
also: no lies, just love is from bright eyes. in case you actually forgot.
from valida :
i hope you can at least find some other medium of expression for yourself. and yeah, we had to take a national latin exam wednesday. it's really a joke how easy they are. be well. <3
from valida :
from softxcore :
hey! don't even TRY and pull that. where are you? don't make me show up at yr school, bc i will, and i'll hunt you down. damn skippy.
from emoshelley :
<3 i'm doing alright. i'm currently reading the bell jar. and listening to the reunion show. = ) <3, shelley. ps. i think you're cute.
from heartshaped :
all these boys. heh. there aren't really that many. the one that i said looks like brandon boyd started out as a friend of a friend. but now him + me + his cute friends. party sometimes. and then. the original boy. the boy that i will always be head over heels in love with. he is an old school friend. since we were freshman in high school. other random boys are from school in the present. none of them have gone beyond that. they are just cute boys that i stare at while i am supposed to be learning about things that aren't important. but. even with all of these distractions. there is only the one boy that matters. always. and i am so pathetic about him that it hurts. like. i could have kissed brandon boyd boy so many times by now. but nooo. of course i've always got my stupid soul mate in the back of my mind. anyway, thank you for the nice note. this is the longest note i've ever written, i reckon. bleh. when i get talking about boys, i may never stop. ahem. keep in touch, love. xo.
from srch-n-dstry :
Do as the prompt tells you to do and remember: Search And Destroy.
from wide-eyes :
why hello. i live on the isle of wight. soon to move to yorkshire however. [three months is soon right?]. thankyou for the complimentation. your words are beautiful as well. xoxox paige xoxox
from softxcore :
dearest katie, happy birthday, yo. i should drop by yr school. i saw the water polo girls the other &thought of you &yr hardxcore waterpolo. next tie you guys play, i will be there. love, me. +lj; user=yrdead/// <3
from dented :
happy birthday (belated, i'm sure), & your diary is beautiful.
from valida :
happy birthdaaaaay. it's 1200 AM, so i'm on time. <3
from glitzi :
yes yes yes. you make so much sense. xox, m.
from shoshi :
haha, Katie, I hear ya! To play hard to get or to not play hard to get? That is the question.
from iremainyours :
and your notes page makes me so jealous. xoxo.
from iremainyours :
my brother is turning 21 and they're throwing him a party and all that stuff. he lives in florida and i guess he needs to feel loved by his family. so. do you live in florida? IM me sometime. we should talk.
from iremainyours :
i'll be in florida this weekend, so i'll go ahead and sing you happy birthday. OUT LOUD. bc that's how much i love you dear! have wonderful day.
from recall :
you seem to have a lot of motivation for everything you do. i wish i knew where you got it from. i have motivation sometimes, but not all the time and not enough because i find myself not caring when i don't do as well as i could have or not completing a homework assignment. and that makes me feel ashamed, because i should care and i should be responsible and i should want to do well and be the best person i can be. but it's not like that and i have a feeling that it'll never be like that. my parents are involved in my life, but not enough. they don't give me that push, they aren't strict enough, and they care about my well-being but not so much about my academics and it's SO hard to do things and even want to do things or try to do things when the most important people in your life aren't behind you, giving you that push, trying to motivate you. i love my parents dearly (and i'm so grateful for them, my mom especially) but i wish they would have been like other parents. maybe i would have better grades in school. maybe i would be more motivated. maybe i would try harder. maybe i would care about my school work more. but that's the way they are and this is the way i am and i think this is the way it's always going to be. because i've never ever been a fan of change. it's probably why my hair is almost down to my ass and i want to cut it but i don't want to because it's a change and i don't like change. i don't know why i'm telling you this, but i guess it's because reading your diary makes me think about my own life and so i leave you a note about it, because i know you care and i know you want to hear it. (right?) so thanks, i guess. [[P.S. i hope it doesn't sound like i'm unhappy; i'm not. today was actually a pretty good day (i couldn't get a certain boy out of my head), but reading today's entry made me think about stuff. so yeah. i hope i didn't sound sad or anything. i'm not, really. and i don't want you to think i am.]] keep doing good and being who you are, cuz you're pretty awesome and i'm glad i know you. xoxo. <3
from strikeonbox :
oh, fuck. i was screech too. will the torment NEVER END?!
from thesavior :
i actually think that you should download EVERYTHING by the crucifucks, because they rule. my favorites, though, are "the savior""hinkley had a vision" "i am the establishment" "wisconson" and others.
from lizzzzzz20 :
1- Great layout. 2- If you are looking for more quizes I have a lot of "Quiz Day" entries at my diary!
from xgoddess :
goodness. i never knew irrelevant could be (mis)spelt as irrevelant. heh. (sorry about that.)
from xgoddess :
thankyou for your kind words... they made me smile. the girl in the pic is sharon from the corrs:) i need to take some time off getting involved with irrevelant issues and sit down to read you. but even from the little i've read, i know you're amazing. really. xoxo's
from valida :
yeah, they do make sense. and "validated". learning another language seems to make the english language easier to understand, heh. are you sick? you mentioned staying home from school. <3
from strikeonbox :
rainer maria, darling. you make life colorful. xox
from srch-n-dstry :
young lady, even those who seek to destroy have to take a day rest, of course.
from srch-n-dstry :
Do as the prompt tells you to do and remember: Search And Destroy.
from youturned :
Will you marry me?
from heartshaped :
thank you so much. i'm flattered. xo.
from thisisjohn :
yeah. but me in a tree - NAKED - would make you laugh.
from mangosplash :
you have some definate talent here child- even in the small things.
from ghostrout :
..and i am at work hating this day, feeling invisible, feeling mute, doubting everything, and then you send me words to reverse all of that..thank you..who am i?..i am everything you see in my diary,and i am hopefully something that people who connect with it see in themselves..xo
from unamerican :
i read bartleby last semester.
from softxcore :
katie, come live with me, ok? ok.
from kilt-boy :
Is it still locked, I thought I unlocked it, anyway don't you remember how I was saying I wondered if she would find it, guess what she did. I knew that it would only be a matter of time, I don't know if she read anything or not but she has told me that she found it. Let me know if its still locked cause it shouldn't be anymore. Chow.
from kilt-boy :
nice to see you're doing well, keep on ;0).
from mindspin :
re: twisted bliss || fear always lurks behind perfectionism. confronting ur fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can make u a far happier and more productive person. xo, take care
from redd :
it is nice.
from incessant :
license. wooooooo.
from softxcore : that's from high fidelity. &soon, one day, i will see the movie. soon soon.
from blindspot :
lots of things are coming up. lots of things are going on. i never finished on the road, i lost it to be completely honest and i'm still on a hunt for it. i have seven books on my dresser but currently it's franny&zooey.
from iremainyours :
i drive a green '95 mazda 626 everywhere i can whenever i can. usually alone, but i would take you wherever whenever. or you could take me. it doesn't matter. i would bring those songs and you would bring your book, and we would have a lovely time. and country roads are nice in the late afternoon. you should come here.
from iremainyours :
let's skip school and go to panama.
from overdone :
i am intriguing? i am so glad. ecuador, galapagos islands, england, france, italy, austria, germany, kenya, random states, b.c., saskatchewan, alberta. coming up is japan. i like to travel. how are you doing? xox.
from strikeonbox :
take me home. nico - these days. nick drake - hazey jane I. jj72 - oxygen, october swimmer. radiohead - subterranean homesick alien. modest mouse - talking shit about a pretty sunset. xoxo.
from mangosplash :
i feel that. the minutes i get my license, it will be a good day. have fun with it.
from greenishblue :
my name is danielle. hehe. and you are stellar. xo.
from valida :
my birthday is two days after yours; march 11. how odd, huh? i'm going to be sixteen, but i'm not going to start driving until its absolutely necessary, just because im a bum like that and my tree-lined street is the internet
from iremainyours :
driving is my favorite thing to do. have fun.
from valida :
when is your birthday; are you a pisces like me?
from mangosplash :
i would like to go to paradise. it sounds fun.
from thisisjohn :
songs in my head are those that i make up. and radiohead. or poor old lu. its like a radio tuner. sometimes i have control. but sometimes it plays things ive never heard before. thats the coolest.
from erato :
yes, aren't we all...
from ilovecabbage :
i've only read the catcher in the rye and For Esm� with Love and Squalor, i loved that one. i'm too floppy to kick you.
from daisylove :
Hey. My name is Laura. I am bored so i felt like reading your diary, I like what you write. Write-on girl! My other diary is QueenLaLa. Just read it if ya want. E-mail Moi at [email protected] or leave a note for me at one of my diaries. later!
from xghostx :
i don't have a favorite song, i don't want to do injustice to the x2874783545 others i've never heard. once my mission is complete i'll get back to you with the findings x
from blindspot :
no, but it's chris conley.
from recall :
you've probably heard this a million and one times, but what's wrong with a million and two? your writing is absolutely beautiful. i love it x983621. and you too. xoxo.
from ferjitsu :
Oh well thank you I will stay making hay tonight.
from erato :
and you bleed just to know you're alive.
yes, the prince, my favorite. latin spanish greek italian russian japanese anything and everything. just watch...
from valida :
the one who makes my heart flutter, oh dear. he's a quiet, but not shy boy who was at the movie theater with some friends and i. he's the one who admired me from afar while i stupidly ignored him. /sigh.
some of my favorite latin words are aliena: foreign in the feminine, valida, regina: queen, cara: dear, and laetitia: joy. as you can tell, i like latin. xo <3
from iremainyours :
i went this summer for three weeks (not at all long enough). it was a mission trip. we stayed in panama city for two weeks. then we stayed in puerto indio, a village in the darien. we lived with an imberra indian tribe while in the village. i cried when we left. panama is magic.
from allnight :
i LOVE that catcher in the rye and I guess it is what I can most relate too since I am a teen and everything but my favorite stories are Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut (which I might actually like more than Catcher, its hard to call) and Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes.
from un-bad :
Writing and good books are the mainstay of my existence.
from iremainyours :
oh God oh God i miss panama. i love panama. i miss the mangoes and the Indians, the hammocks and the rice. just reading you mention panama made me think of so much and i thank you. you are beautiful, and i wish i could say something to you that you haven't heard before, but i suppose 'you are beautiful' will have to do for now.
from heartshaped :
ugh. i see that morpheus has become one of THEM. try limewire. or bearshare. old incubus songs = azwethinkweiz, you will be a hot dancer, take me to your leader, version, hilikus, etc etc. buy the wonderful albums entitled "fungus amongus" &"enjoy incubus." you will not be disappointed. promise promise. i do not have my license and i am eighteen years old. sad? yes. harold and maude. it will make you smile, yes. but you will cry like a baby as well. ooo it is so wonderful. watch it asap. i get to see incubus in may. can't. fucking. wait. ooo! anyway. keep in touch &take care. xo + <3
from liex :
i DID a zine once upon a time, and i never meant to stop but time+time+time isn't enough (it's a sorry state of affairs). if you want a mixtape i will be more than happy to make you one. email me[[email protected]] and i'll hook you up. cheers
from heartshaped :
oh. you are so nice. when i download this wonderful thing we call music. i use morpheus. it has been good to me. and it's so wonderful to hear that you dig cat. so good. you must see the movie harold and maude. if you haven't. the entire soundtrack is cat stevens &it's a fucking beautiful film. ah. right now i am listening to old old old incubus and it is making me very happy. rock on, my love. <3
from heartshaped :
that is so good. 'in your eyes' by peter gabriel. and any incubus. 'azwethinkweiz' is superb. for car rocking. and ozzy. you must have ozzy. 'mama, i'm coming home' &'crazy train'. hmm. pink floyd- wish you were here. and cat stevens. if yr in that kinda mood. you know. and of course. mr. bob dylan. i could go on and on recommending songs. really. there are so many good ones. keep in touch, my dear. <3
from allnight :
a few nights ago i danced around to songs that said things like 'i guess this is growing up.' me too
from valida :
p.s. pulchra es: you are beautiful. <3
from valida :
it isn't spanish, it's latin-- although i do wish i spoke spanish. valida means "strong woman"; it's supposed to be a bit of a self-esteem booster for me, heh. i started writing online about a year and a half ago, mostly for emotional release. it works wonders, doesn't it? thank you for the note. :)
<3 sam
from blindspot :
off the top of my head? juliana theory, saves the day, dashboard, river city high, no motiv, hey mercedes, pedro the lion, local bands, further seems forever..yeah, i've got a bad memory.
from iremainyours :
stay home with me whenever you want. i have four more days to miss. we can plan it. xoxo.
from blindspot :
i saw theboy today. it's his birthday (18! i feel so young) ---- i realized i missed him but shit happens and things change. i'll always have a place in my <3 for that boy.
from recall :
mariah carey's christmas album is one of her better ones. some other mc song suggestions: "when you believe" ; "one sweet day" ; "hero" ; "i'll be there" ; "love takes time" ; "thank god i found you" ; and that's all for now. share your opinion if you listen to any of 'em. enjoy.
from orthodox :
i.ll tell you everything//you tell me everything &maybe we can get through all the piss and shit and lies that kill other people.
from recall :
i haven't done a lot this weekend. on friday, i came home from school and went online for a long time. on saturday, i went to the library, to taco bell, and to see i am sam (all with my sister). today i'm going to work on my research paper (it's due friday, but the rough draft is due tomorrow) and i'll probably tell steve (when he gets home from his job) how he pissed me off yesterday. and i'm going to read too. because that relaxes me. what have you done this weekend?
from redd :
ill see you when i see you. ill see you when i see you.
from xghostx :
the who the where the why can all be obtained by demanding the answers from here ---> [[email protected] ] x
from unamerican :
i like cat stevens, i really do. i think teaser and the firecat is my favorite album. people make so much fun of cat stevens though. makes me sad. he's so good.
from blindspot :
the latest you was one of my friends.
from recall :
advil cures everything! (for me, at least.) so my tummy does feel better. thank you for the nice wishes. i love nice people. you are nice. so i <3 you. hell, i think i love everyone. because today amost everyone was being nice and smiling at me and saying hi and it made me happier. so i had a great day. EVERYONE SHOULD BE NICE. don't you think? tomorrow is friday *happy happy joy joy* (isn't that a kid's song or something? ha. i could so be six instead of sixteen right now [hey, i'm a kid at heart; i can't help it]) and that is a good thing. this week went by fast though so it doesn't feel like it should be friday. but if it is, then that is certainly A-OK by me. i have to find some info on helium and neon for chemistry now, so i'm gonna stop. thank you for the notes and everything. you always make me smile, if i'm not already smiling. stay sweet and nice and caring and i'll talk to you later. xoxo.
from incessant :
i sing along to songs and think i sound exactly like the singer. it's funny, yet so pathetic. xoxox.
from recall :
hi. i have this absurd amount of pain in my stomach and i feel like i'm going to die. i left school early today because my stomach was hurting and i slept from 10:30-3:00pm. i enjoyed watching crazy/beautiful on monday (have you seen it?) and i want to watch it again. the dog (her name is skippy) is barking and it's irritating me. i don't have anything else to say (i never do, really) so bye. (ps. i'm glad i got to talk to you today. it made me smile.) xox.
from redd :
my name is nicole. i heart heart you.
from halfhero :
i have an idea, since i obviously have the worst memory and work ethic. just email me the 15 songs you have, and i'll tell you which ones you really want to keep. sound good?
from heartshaped :
oh! how much do i love you?! <3
from wide-eyes :
you're still one of my favourites xoxox and my cat thinks you're neat too
from incessant :
i wish i had a friend like YOU. xox.
from allnight :
hey thanks for calling me cute hee hee. i found your diary from someone else's guestbook... i don't remember who. its a nice read i'll be back. :)
from allnight :
i wish i could see an elephant fly
from alec :
took me quite a while to reply...those misplaced school arrivings, right. So, now I'm published, great ^_^
from vitality :
then i thought. but. why do i keep coming back?
from heartshaped :
thank you so so much. i'm flattered, really. please please please keep in touch more often. you are wonderful. xo.
from whenufuckher :
i still love this:) you can find pretty things all over- in songs, in writing, in poems, in nature, in magazine advertisements...
from greenishblue :
heh, guess who made me blush. i love reading you, you're lovely. xo.
from zanadana :
long time no speak. i miss you baby!
from redd :
from emoshelley :
i like you.....a lot. i think you're grand.
from halfhero :
arg, that's like asking a mother to pick her favorite child. i'll work on that list tonight. or tomorrow. we'll see.
from halfhero :
besides them all? uh... in what why? lyrically? musically? energy? meaning? comfort? i mean, it all depends. i'll try and work on a list for you.
from vitality :
i hope you are joking. if you aren't... its conor. and he is in a band called bright eyes. and i love him. lots.
from softxcore :
we had no school today. wooo. if not, i'd be stuck in alg2.
from strangelilme :
gorgeous. thanks love. xoxo.
from redd :
whats the use of your graffiti sprayed beneath the bridge. theres a rumbling and you feel it. theres a time for escape and you feel it.
from recall :
hey my dear katie. it's getting late and i need to go take a shower and hop into bed and then read some more of my book (one true thing by anna quindlen) and then fall asleep. but i came online because i wanted to check email and diaries (yours is the first i checked) and such and now one of my favorite songs is on the radio (what about us by brandy) and i just want to talk to steve (i wrote him a letter last night and mailed it this morning before school) and tell him to have sweet dreams and have a good day tomorrow because i can't help but love and care about him more and more each passing day. but i'm not going to do that. i'm just gonna stop now and i hope that YOU have a good day tomorrow (although i know you will) and stay happy and content and i hope you keep up your A average (you smart person you!) and i will hopefully talk to you soon. xoxo. ps. what does 4m mean? pps. keep smiling :)
from antiluxe :
so, yeah, i always check my diarynotes in the morning in a friend's homeroom (which is the computer room) and just to long story short you're the only one who leaves them and they always brighten my morning. :)
from strikeonbox :
yr super rad.
from pink-sparkle :
woo woo..alot of people have left you a note!! woo here is ONE MORE! neways i found ur page SOMEHOW and i really enjoy..ur a great writer and ur layout is amasing....and u like jimmy eat world *god bless them*! neways nice work and ill be bacK! LATA HUN....:P *tawns*
from xghostx :
much luck with chem (it takes a smarter person to appreciate it!)i'm taking photography + french + literature (basically i'm a pretentious art fag..but if the shoe fits..i guess i'll wear it. it's comfortable with red shoe laces but i'd prefer velcro straps) i'm glad you're back [ next time you take a diaryland vacation send a postcard]x
from blindspot :
chris carrabba is wonderful, of course. but he has a band backing him up. acoustic songs with just a man and a guitar is the best. especially live. no drums, no keyboards. (which dashboard does)
from xghostx :
oh but where are you? and when are you coming back? chemisty confuses me because i can't work in numbers. i'm A literate i need the words and only words. (the bell jar is the type of book you'll read over and over until you break the spine and print smudge pages all the while nodding your head and thinking "exactly".) x
from spacelcadet :
come back! =O(
from keys :
you know .bmps are only visible in internet explorer, right? and you know that they take a ridiculously long time to load and you're better off making an image a .jpg? other than that, nice diary.
from rotting :
"the perks of being a wallflower" & "the virgin suicides" are two of my favorites, but the definitive becca book is "a widow for one year" by john irving. it's beautiful.
from girlgenie :
<3 i.ll dream sweet dreams tonight.
from ilovecabbage :
hello and sorry for my online absence, i'm sure you coped/forgot about me/something, i was actually away from home all week so there's my poor excuse. i'll answer your questions. i'm from new zealand. that's next to australia. and ummm i've met 3 of these diarylandish people in real life but i knew them online first, ohh actually i first heard about petra as the only person on the planet who read a copy of Instant Intensity. hey if you send me long e-mails i write back. [email protected]
from recall :
hey you. i just told jamie (i think that's her name? better known as heartshaped) that i unblocked everyone, so you if you see me online, feel free to instant message me at friendsforeva. xox. <3
from softxcore :
you imed me &i was away watch WORMS & then you were gone. suckssss. heey. yesteday my teacher was talking about a girl named karina from the water polo team & i thought bout you! mayhap you know her. she's a twin. & aaaaaaaak. that flashing banner is hurting my eyes. xxxlucille
from liex :
oh no you should'nt "work"! i know i shouldn't (but actually should..more like NO NO DON'T MAKE ME LEARN). Have you ever seen the movie The Fog? Because i think that's happening to my town right now. And i'm scared. Yes. ex ex ex
from recall :
(this is what i wanted to write to you before, but didn't have time to. until now.) it sucks that you have 0 hours online. i don't think parents understand their teenage children very well even though they say that one line when they think you think that they don't understand, like it's is really supposed to mean something. you know.. "i was your age once before too." OK YES BUT THAT WAS 20-30 YEARS AGO. they can't possibly remember exactly how it was. and it's different time periods. things changed, events happened, and the problems you have are probably not the same problems they had when they were your age. it's great though that you have a good group of friends that you enjoy spending time with. you should keep that going. it'll be a nice thing. anyway, do you have aol? because i do and i think it'd be super awesome, fun, and cool to talk to you. i have everyone blocked though so you wouldn't know i was online even if i was. but let me know. by the way, thank you for caring. you're wonderful too. and i really wish i knew you in person, because you're one of those people that i KNOW i'd get along with, be comfortable with, and have fun with. and i'd be happy too because you'd be one of the few people who could cheer me up and make me feel better. maybe someday we will know each other in person, but for now the long notes and emails will have to do. (they are fun and nice, of course, but knowing you in person would be so much cooler.) <3ya2. xox.
from scanzilla :
Hello! If you could be any Goonie, which one would you be? I'm thinking I'd make a good Data, even though I'm not oriental. :)
from ferjitsu :
Twice how special!! Wow go my computer, er.
from ferjitsu :
Oh no i never did get that reply no and i thought it odd. Hrm i don't know what has gone awry. Oh do you still have it could you resend him or no? oh how poonam.
from ferjitsu :
Oh no i never did get that reply no and i thought it odd. Hrm i don't know what has gone awry. Oh do you still have it could you resend him or no? oh how poonam.
from blondefox :
smarterchild hates me. *sob* ps. you write beautifully.
from greenishblue :
fan-fucking-tastic. love you.
from recall :
laughing is SO the cure for everything. it's great. i'm up with my sister right now (2:38 am) because we took a (long) nap from 6-11:30 pm today. then we woke up and did our homework and now we're about to go to sleep. i'll write more stuff later. stay happy. xox.
from fuschiashock :
i feel really dumb because i don't get the note you left me. &i love your diary. your layout is great. &i hope good things keep happening to you.
from savemyday : awesome!
from xstylex :
your happiness is gorgeous and nearly contagious. i do the same as you: waking up in the middle of the night, feeling around for a pen and notebook, writingwritingwritingwriting, sighing, falling asleep again. it feels good, clears my mind. and the best ideas come when i'm in bed. i always keep a pen&paper around. <3
from antiluxe :
i get that feeling a lot (waking up in the middle of the night to write). i wouldn't be very surprised if i dream more than i think.
from dial-revenge :
you are totally supercute.
from musicjunkee :
Keep in touch.. yes, let's do that. Email me ([email protected]) soon. :) I really would like to get to know you more. & of course, thee rocketh. x&o-gernez.
from spacelcadet :
your a rocker! =O)
from glamcam :
yes! i read through some of your diary and let me tell you, that is some high quality reading material.
from glamcam :
oh my goodness. your note made me blush because of all the un-deserved praise you gave me. oh man, crushes are fun when they are like 'that boy is nice. oh yeah' but when crushes go wrong in the 'it hurts to look at him' way then WATCH OUT. i bet you know that, but i thought i should give you fair warning because you seem like a good kid. and i think i made some of my bracelets, but most of them i just like, find somewhere or buy them. this is the part where i would be like 'dude you are awesome' but i haven't really gotten to your diary because i wanted to thank you first, but after i type this i will read some of your diary and then come back and leave you a note saying you are a good kid. and thank you again for the un-deserved praise!
from overdone :
you're very stylish. xox.
from recall :
ps. i'm looking forward to school very much tomorrow BECAUSE of the fact that i will be out of this house. and who knows, maybe school will put me in a better mood, or something. i hope so.
from recall :
parents ARE fucking idiots. i've spent the last 16 years of my goddamn life in this house. and i NEVER FUCKING LEAVE IT. and they don't seem to think that's a problem. their sixteen-year-old daughter is inside the house all fucking day, just reading and writing and listening to music, and i guess they think that's a good thing? because they never tell me to go outside. they don't tell me to do stuff with people. IT'S LIKE THEY WANT ME TO HAVE NO LIFE. i blame my parents (partially) for my lack of social-ness. BECAUSE CHILDREN NEEDS THEIR PARENTS' SUPPORT AND HELP AND GUIDANCE, yet mine don't seem to give any of that. (my mom does, sometimes, but she's more of a friend than a parent.) anyway, i do miss you and stuff. and i enjoyed reading all of your consecutive entries today. xox.
from tuxedo :
i like that book, thumbsucker. also, i like you.
from jerkface :
how have i never left you a note? shame on me for not showering you with kisses
from vitality :
stop making me love you. xox.
from ilovecabbage :
dammit calvin and hobbes are right about everything y'know.
from softxcore :
h&l sounds like a law firm. one day we'll stage a meeting at the micheal's connected to the best buy. <3xxx
from antiluxe :
i didn't realize calvin & hobbes were so profound.
from youturned :
I don't know how you do it. You make absolutely everything sound gorgeous. Now that, my dear, is talent. Two thumbs up for you.
from badegg :
w00t! i feel all special & stuff now! thank you muchly for yer note!
from recall :
hey. i sent you an email before i left last week. please tell me you got it, cuz i didn't get a reply. i gotta go now. xo.
from rock-o-matic :
yeah bro, she's got two valves, 4 record speeds, two knobs [tone and volume], one speaker and she folds up into a cute mint-green-and-offwhite suitcase thingie!
from halfhero :
hi. nothing personal about not responding. im just shy around people i dont know.
from ferjitsu :
hello, oh my you have never heard of Augie March!! how sinister!! well ouchy we can swap tapes if you want. Cheese is over if you want it.
from volcano-gurl :
Thanks, I appreciate it. I just started reading your diary, and I think that write very well, and I too enjoy reading what u write. :)
from redd :
we are both good listeners then. i feel so good right now. and hearing nice words from you makes me triple good. oo. kinetix's gold membership banner is wowing me right now. how are you. i want to listen. and the shock is getting right out of me. which is maybe a bad thing. shocks are alright. i feel alright. i hope youre alright. and everythings alright. xoo.
from darlingalex :
wow thanks for writing me a note :) yr diary is superb, i must say. and it's all fancy and hi-fi, while html just screws around for me..
from outloud :
dispatch, eh? :o)
from ilovecabbage :
oh you're so happy! can i have some? and some gingerbread cookies?
from redd :
im in a sort of shock right now. excuse me for it. i am in shock. and thats all i can really think about.
from rock-o-matic :
um, i have the 7" which you can borrow [yeh, come over, i'll bake gingerbread cookies]. it has a live version on the flipside.

happy whatsit and a rocking pallindrome-year to you too. xxo.

from liex :
i went to the beach today and it remined me of you. i forgot my camera case and had to use a sock which then became a glove. hey it was cold. happynicegoodbeautifulamazing new year. because i'm sure you deserve it xox
from blindspot :
dear you, <3 <3 <3 <3 that made me smile. love, me.
from xghostx :
hello my little girl 101. happy new years and muchos >x+>o+>x [p(dot)s] your layout is sitting very pretty right now.
from rock-o-matic :
haha choice...can we rock out to Smoke On The Water next?
from i-walk-alone :
thankyou for leaving me a note. I didn't think anyone still read my diary. I hope to keep in contact with you. e-mail me sometime...i'd like to get to know you. [email protected] thanks -kati-
from farrah :
hi. :) thanks for checking out my diary. i enjoyed reading yours. it was very insightfu. and yes, dcTALK does kick. talk to you later.
from ilovecabbage :
you think you know me?? well i do occasionally sing songs about cabbage... but i also live in New Zealand.... so it's up to you really :D maybe we met in a past life? [begins rocking out to Motorhead just to make petra feel better] oh and i like you too.
from rock-o-matic :
woo, thanks! you're cute too [mmm, Motorhead! rock n roll!]
from ilovecabbage :
and yes once more. thank you for the note! and for calling me intangible, i can file that along with postmodern and then mis-quote them all on the front when i release an autobiography about nothing. y'all come back now, y'hear.
from unamerican :
in tradition of the other notes ahead of mine, i'll say: thank you for the note. and i mean it :) it's nice to receive compliments. i like your diary - i intend to keep reading.
from greenishblue :
thank you for the note, it made me feel prety. i <3 your musical preferences isn't chris carraba wonderful?! talk to you soon. -xo
from brokenwords- :
thank you for the note .. you have a looooovely diary :) yes, any song can just make me so much happier. thanks, xo.
from mersinary :
tis true my spelling is poor, but the name was meant to have the sin
from mersinary :
Huh, talk about interesting. I write a little note to softxcore and go to check my mail. There I see a note from you, I read (thanks for the comments by the way) and read your rather interesting diary. Afterwords I go to give you this note and find softxcore signing your diary. Coincidence!? I dunno, maybe. But thanks again for the kind words, the same that you deserve. *runs off* Omar
from heartshaped :
thank you for always saying such nice things. i <3 yr newest entry. xo.
from rotting :
thank you kindly.
from incessant :
aw thank you. xox.
from recall :
hi. i forgot to write back to your note before. sry. no, i don't know spanish. i took it for the two required years (9th & 10th grade) but that's all. i didn't learn much, but hey that's ok. and i don't know why everyone named chris is cute. maybe it's cuz chris is a cute name (sorta) so the person with the name has to be cute too. or maybe it's because c is for cute and chris starts with c, so.. yeah. hah i am odd. ya should have seen me last night. steve and i were talking and i'm like "i wanna play hide and go seek." i should be 9, i swear. i feel 9 sometimes. it's weird. i don't wanna grow up. but i do because i want to be independent and stuff. yeah. i'm gonna go now. xo.
from emoshelley :
hey katie, has a lot of really neat stuff. i don't really know. but there is this really kind of "preppy" store..i'm not sure if you have it "wet seal" but they have some really awesome clothes. yeah...i really really want to spend just a day with a young child..i would have so much fun. they are just so interesting to me. i'm a little late on this but merry christmas. love,shelley
from softxcore :
i wish i could find an alkaline trio hoodie. rawr. but at they sell them. & ohhh. i just finished eating sourpatch kids. they reminded me of you.
from softxcore :
you leave me the cutest notes. I AM FREEEEEEEEEZING. i's too cold here.
from thesavior :
you always leave me the nicest notes
from vitality :
you are so pretty. honest.
from heartshaped :
thank you for the cutest note ever. <3
from recall :
merry christmas, to one of my favorite diaryland people. hope you have a great holiday. stay sweet (and warm!). xox.
from murmurgrrrl :
thank you for what you wrote to me. it really touched me. i quite admire your diary, as well. most especially your most recent entry. i love the cold, too. if you want, email me: [email protected]. happy solstice. laura f~*
from incessant :
a & b & c & d & (you forgot E!) f & g
from dial-revenge :
yay! bloodied up! happy holidays. xox.
from whenufuckher :
you can write about creamed cheese on a bagel and you've captured my attention. i love it all...the writing...the layout...everything. it's sheer beauty
from sqoggle :
i absolutely looove this is by far the most interestingly laid-out diary i've ever come across.
from central-red :
thank you so much for the kind note. i am not a girl with creativity burstin from my fingertips, though i am flattered you think so. if you want to see the work of that kind of girl, i sincerely recommend you take a look at the work on she's truly amazing. and, by the way, you have a beautiful lay out. xoxox.
from recall :
thank you for the note. i missed you and your sweet notes. oh, and the layout is amazing. really. yes, i love those nice, caring, comforting moments with friends. they're the best. because you know you can be yourself, be completely free and open and feel happy. and the greatest is when you think back on it and you smile because the memories are SO wonderful and great. it's a beautiful thing to think about, the good times with your friends. i love them all so much. yes, of course i'm enjoying the no-school-ness. but i know on monday, i'm going to be dying of boredom and wishing for school to start. oh well. i hope you have a great winter break as well. take care <3
from softxcore :
from antiluxe :
(re: your note) a tv show. the pretender. (i'm a dork, i know.)
from shoshi :
change is grand.
from liex :
wow i get a guest appearence! i feel like a star. you already know what that's like though xox
from heartshaped :
thank you for the gorgeous note. i love love love your newest entry x a million. have a nice xmas &keep in touch. cheers.
from softxcore :
i should go over to where you are, so we can be friends.
from liex :
i'm so crappy with the oven it's not even funny. i liked your entry today. i live right by the beach so it sometimes gets taken for granted. you make me want to go there right now, which would probably entail another midnight adventure. xox
from yours-truly :
he's got a girlfriend??? that sucks! but hey: whats meant to be will be. merry christmas to all, and to all a good night. (p.s. where do you live? im just wondering. if you want to tell me, email me) youre neat. love, *sarah*
from cherrybeauty :
im surfing diaries tonite. ive signed approximately 50 guestbooks. its nice to leave a note instead, though. happy holidays!
from starryxeyed :
i think i keep trying to sign your notes. but something ALWAYS happen. dude..i wanted to thank you for your message. things like that inspire me to write. THANKS! you made me simle that day. i've been trying to sign your guest book..but then i dont have one. hahahha. love the new layout! keep writing. ill be visiting your diary. hope you have a wonderful x-mas.
from blindspot :
from zanadana :
aww! your little man sounds sooo cute!
from thesavior :
you have beautiful words.
from human-waste :
Ah. I love your layout. I'm slacking on reading your entries. I'm also extremely bored and don't know why I'm writing you this note. Maybe it's because I'm bored? Don't get me wrong.. I'd rarely just comment for the hell of it. :coughliarcough: okay, so I would. a lot. I apologize for this mess. I think I'm going to go now.
from recall :
you mentioned me! *smiles* i'm such a little girl, but hey, who wants to grow up? yes, you can link me. they won't find you. i'm sure of it :)
from heartshaped :
wow, i'm glad you feel that way. heh. thank you for the nice notes. mm. i will be in touch. xox.
from yours-truly :
hello, girl101. yours truly here cant access your diary via netscape :(
from xghostx :
i once had a mixtape full of tv theme tunes that i always listened to before i went to sleep. The cheers + taxi tunes were of course the best. and laverne and shirley. i've lost it now and it makes me sad. you have the exact same study patterns as me. the kind were you gear up for work and get nothing done but have more fun. we know whats up xxoxx
from scanzilla :
Awww your too nice. :) I dig the hot pink lay-out. And you listen to some kick ass music. It's snowing out right now (Boston). Wanna come over, drink hot chocolate and play Simon? :)
from softxcore :
i am watching pulp fiction. it's the dancing scene & i fucking love it. i want to do that one day. comfortable silences & all. i'm sorry about being so quiet before. tootles.
from heartshaped :
thank you for the nice note. i dig you &your words as well. :) i've been having a weird few days, actually. but it's nothing short of heaven. so. the boy. to keep it short, if i was given the chance to be with him or brandon fucking boyd for the rest of my life, i'd choose this boy. really. he's fucking amazing in every way. and seeing him made me all. giddy. and cheesey. and in love. aah. but i'll stop. i could honestly talk about him forever. so um. thank you for the note. please keep in touch. &take care &xo.
from recall :
i love the layout. and the bright aqua or whatever color it is looks cool with the pink background.
from recall :
ahh i get so excited when you send me a note. you know, you're one of those people who will say something sweet about someone and actually mean it, because you'll show it. you wouldn't just say something nice about someone and then never talk to that person again. in other words, you're a genuinely nice person who really does care, which means YOU ARE AWESOME. anyway, to answer your question - farrah is my online friend who i've known for like a year and a half. she lives in my state (illinois) but in a different city (moline), which is about 2 hours away from where i live (chicago), i think. she said she comes here sometimes but we haven't met yet. we will soon though. she's really cool. we were on the phone last night from like 11-3:30. i've never been on the phone for so long before (hell, i never even use the phone) but it was fun! it made me happy. and then she three-way'd her friend james who lives in iowa or maybe texas, i don't remember. but we were talking to him for like 2 hours. he sounds so much like this guy aaron i used to know. (aaron is a guy i met in summer school. we hung out for a while and talked, but when summer school ended in august, we stopped talking. i called him sometime in september, since he gave me his number, to ask him if he wanted to hang out or do something but he said no. so i never called him again. but he goes to the same school that my brothers go to, so i'll probably see him again. but i miss him. he gave the BEST hugs in the world. and he had the most adorable face. ahh i'm sad now.) anyway. james sounded like aaron is what i was saying before. theboy is, um, steve. it's always him. we've known each other for three years. he's amazing (when he doesn't hurt me; he's been doing that more often than not this year. i don't know why either. he apologizes for it most of the time, so that's good i guess. but it's NOT ok that he does it). sometimes we're close and sometimes we're not. it's confusing and frustrating and i wish we could just be one or the other. three weeks ago he said i love you to me and everything was beautiful. but then the next week, he didn't say anything. we would talk but he wouldn't say love ya or anything. it was like that for 3 weeks. so of course i kind of got over him. i don't know how. i just did, and i thought i fell out of love with him. but then on friday night, we talked and he said love ya and i got all giddy and excited and beyond happy. i said it back of course, but i don't like how it's an on and off kinda thing. he's fickle. i don't like that at all. oh well, i guess.
from human-waste :
ooh, yes I did. rofl. I figured that was you. :P
from human-waste :
ooh, boy. I'm such a nerd. I was logged on as my review site. :o oops. the last note is from me. sorrrry :x
from xreviews :
mwahah. no. you're by far the coolest. I will never ever outdo you in coolestness. you're beyond cool, for that matter. I'm not sure what you are, but it's something neat!
from xghostx :
muchos fun will always be found in the type ridiculous dancing that makes your friends hold their heads in shame. grab your dancing shoes and handbag and i'll meet you on the dance floor xxx
from emoshelley :
hey, i'm really happy you left me a note.feel free to IM me at any time and say anything you want. i'll listen and respond if you want. i promise. i like your diary a lot. once again thank you for leaving me the means a lot to me and your words were very interesting...later, shelley
from recall :
*happy* yay my first note from you. you remind me of me. i like that. stay sweet <3
from yours-truly :
thanks for the note. you should have seen the smile that it put on my face. i very much enjoy your diary. it's very nice to meet you. *grin*
from unemployed :
haha yea! nick at nite owns me. i can't live without it. i get all excited once the cartoons go off the air so nick at nite can come on.
from jonasty :
woah ouch!! good luck on all your *stuff* i'm sure you'll get it done!!! by the way, i'm from charleston, sc. :) talk to you soon! good luck again!
from softxcore :
a word i mis-spelled no less!
from antiluxe :
quit yr whining. SPORK is coming, SPORK is coming...
from shoshi :
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, Juliet, even though it may have happened a long time ago.
from softxcore :
tonight is dashboard *insert incessant sobbing here*
from thisisjohn :
very interesting, indeed.
from kilt-boy :
you are so great and kind, keep on spreading you joy to others XOXO- Nathan
from thisisstupid :
I'm glad you thought my dream was interesting. I found it really fun. I don't often have guest stars in my dreams. Your diary has a lovely design. I'll be stopping by more often.
from guysmilie :
"70 degrees is COLD." Isn't relativity a magical thing? Here are my ranges: below 40 is freezing :: 40-55 is cold :: 55-70 is cool :: 70-85 is warm :: 85-112 (highest temp I can remember) is hot. Why am I writing this and not one of my papers? *sigh* I have no motivation.
from silverfuck- :
hey. thanks for the note in my guestbook chica, i love when ppl have read my diary :D love your by the way, quite stylish too. well, lessie.. thumping outta my speakers would be the likes of smashing pumpkins, pixies, staind, incubus, pearl jam, counting crows, ben folds five there are lots. and hey, i probly would watch friends instead but all i have on video is piss-takingly huge numbers of x files, and a fair amount of buffy + movies. oh wells. see ya round...
from xghostx :
that was incerdibly sweet and random of you. i was begining to think that the you.your.he.she. business was getting out of control myself. heaven forbid i'd write names and get found out. ek! xox
from incessant :
(you're wrong)
from shoshi :
And the other half is another's happiness in being able to relate to that captured feeling. :) <3 shosh
from mvs :
"loving every minute of every day. no matter how fast my darling emotion rollercoaster wants to throw me for a loop, i'm loving every second of the thrill ride." ME TOO. you are so awesome. i like the new cute little layout. (i actually wrote that to heartshaped thinking i was writing it to you and then realized after i sent it that it wasn't you and now i feel dumb.)
from heartshaped :
elves are funnn. thank you for the note. & i dig your newest entry. very cool. i'll be in touch. xo.
from kilt-boy :
So I take it that you like that painting. Don MacLain (american pie in case you didn't know)wrote I song about it, you might enjoy listening to it. I plan on reading that book as soon as I get the chance, busy with school and all. See ya later!
from softxcore :
I AM MAD NOW!! i wrote you a long long neatsome note & i hit the backspace to erase something & IT REFREASHED THE PAGE. garrrrrr! ok, so anyway. i am mad mad mad that dashboard is not coming any closer than pompano beach, on a TUESDAY no less. those jerkfaces. & I WAS LOOKING SO FORWARD TO SEEING DASHBOARD. blah. i love exploding dog. i bet i do know people you know. that'd be funny. you should show me a scanned picture. now now! i'd show you one of my new haircut, but i dont have my scanner of my camera anymore. but let's see...there's layers all over the place & the ends flip out like mad. i look five years old. it's be funny if recognized you from yr picture on the street & pointed & squeeled. haha. i could see that happening. ok. this is looooooong. TOOTLES! <3xoxo
from mvs :
thx for signing my gbook. your diary is awesome. keep it up. take care.
from shoplift :
bee's knees...i actualyl got that term from grampa simpson, you know? the episode when monty burns gets shot...numbers game...hmmm...i seem to have mistaken you for someone else...and i apologize for subjecting you to that bollocks back know whan you hope someone is 'someone'? well'am...i dig you, you're the goods...
from heartshaped :
alright, sounds good. peace, yo. :)
from heartshaped :
i can't spell. all apologies. minus the 'm' from that 'you'. and it's all good.
from heartshaped :
hi again. thank you for listing my diary as a favorite. and the nice note. and the linkage. you are the best. :) um. i heart your writing as well, and the layout and everything. yum. we should definitely talk. aim? i'd love to recommend some music for youm and i'm excited you even asked. right on. anyway. i talk too much. keep in touch &take care. xo.
from shoshi :
Awwww. Elf!!!
from newyears :
more to come later. xox.
from shoshi :
Ah! You live your life, Juliet!! I am happy that you feel so blessed, it is the greatest feeling in the world. Haha, I surely hope you didn't mean to say that I am the "master writer"? Well, anyway, it's ok. "LOL"'s are all good as long as they are put in quotation marks. :) haha, we cheat. Your writing is lovely.
from rebelboy :
hi i dontknow you left me a noteand i just remembered and i like yr diary cuz i read this thing and i was like yeah ok this is good and i said it all sarcastic like but i didnt mean it like thati jst cant help not being sarcastic. viva la bitchtits <33
from zanadana :
i know i've never left you a note (because i'm a slut).. but i love you. You're diary is beautiful. Marry me?
from guileless :
thanks for leaving such a nice note on my page, i wish i knew you too. (you have good taste in zines, too) your diary rules, and i just thought i'd share. -- molly
from shoplift :
well! thanks for your perty words ma''re the bee's fookin' knees yourself? man...your numbers are strangely familiar, but then again, i don't wanna play 'secret agent' with everyone. cheers to you, ma'am, you're ace!
from spiffypoodle :
I should really refer to my musical guru, laura. I'll give her your diary name. She will rock your whole world. She knows every band in the world that not many people have heard of. her diary is at if you're interested. -Jamie
from shoshi :
Oh yah, and what I don't like about it is that everybody gets to see you running your tiny little legs off, since only two people are actually running, in the middle and center of the gym, at one time.
from shoshi :
Pony Express is this stupid gym game. I am horrible at explaining things so hopefully this will make sense. The teams line up on opposite sides of the gym. At the blow of the whistle (or whatever starts the game off), one member from each team run counter-clockwise as fast as they can, trying to get back to their starting line before the other team catches up and tags them. It is sort of like a relay, where the object of the game is to get back to your team's starting line, tag the next team member (who then runs in their place until they get back to the starting line after one lap, etc.) without getting tagged yourself. Yah. Great fun. Sometimes it's played with a baton.
from kilt-boy :
um... I didn't get any of what you just said...sorry.
from kilt-boy :
slowly but surly indeed, venting helps alot! Thankx for caring. ;0)
from incessant :
from softxcore :
i listen to 90.5 {!!} too.
from shoshi :
lol, cute.
from sprung :
Hello! :)
from softxcore :
i should go to bed, but i'm doing my homework. bleh. i do go to sunset & dadeland. & that michael's that is by dadeland & that target and that best buy. those places that are all right there. my name really is lucille & i have the funniest [silliest] feeling that i have met you before soemwhere.
from thisisjohn :
um. hi. basically.
from softxcore :
I GO TO SUNSET & DADELAND! i could *really* stalk you dear. hah.
from softxcore :
no one at my school knows who they are either. it makes me sad, because i have no one to run around with me, singing 'trucks & trains.' i love alkaline trio times infinity + 4. i go to beach high. & it'd be funny if you did too. do you live in miami?
from shoshi :
because procrastination is the bomb diggity...when it doesn't have consequences.
from musicjunkee :
The song "Blurry" is by Puddle of Mudd. Just thought you'd like to know. :)
from softxcore :
i forgot to add, haha!
from softxcore :
miami beach. now come come come over & visit me!
from heartshaped :
beautiful. you have wonderful taste in music & reading, as well. :) take care. cheers.
from disaster :
yay for us dictionary dorks who love dashboard :) lovemily.
from softxcore :
I LIVE IN MIAMI. come visit me now!
from disaster :
fucking A is just an interjection, generally used when something shitty happens. example: my car died, fucking A! or sometimes [although not often with me] it can be used when something really good happens. example: i won tickets to dashboard confessional, fucking A! yeah. i feel like a dictionary dork now. lovemily.
from kilt-boy :
Never heard of Brave New World sorry. I don't get out much with all this school stuff and work, I'm sure you know how it is. You know what we should work something out to chat a bit without haveing to drop each other notes all the time and stuff. You should drop me a line if you're up for it [email protected] Let me know if you have ICQ or MSN or something. ps- Thrid grade indeed *lol*, see you know what I'm talking about.
from softxcore :
if i would have known you were in the keys, i could have stalked you & we could have had icecream. 200 miles is nothing.
from loser-kid :
hey there. nice diary, the lex design is nicely modified. -c
from kilt-boy :
Hey whats up, you're such a sweetheart you know that! I mean it too, anyways have fun & stuff. Thank-you muchos XOXO
from shoshi :
new layout is a beaut!
from human-waste :
er. You left me a note and well, to be frank, I'm a nerd and wasn't sure if you meant my old zine. hah. yeah. I'm just assuming you were refering to it so I would love to send it out. I reaaaaally would. but there's a few things that are stopping me. I need a sender, my random thoughts seem to have faded, and I suppose I'm just lazy. If you weren't refering to my zine.. then.. uh.. well, correct me? btw, I love your diary. newly found favorite.
from softxcore :
mi amor, it's kathleen hanna! i could ony wish to be that pretty. i have no pictures of me in a le tigre shirt. sighs all around.
from kilt-boy :
What's up, I dont know you and you don't know me but I think you have a pretty interesting diary. Well have a nice day. Smile ;0)
from shoshi :
haha, I love your quick, enthusiastic, mishmosh rambling entries. They make me so happy! And I feel in the christmas spirit too! Yes. Warm, happy, and fluffy inside.
from wonger :
Wow, I could have sworn I left a note here a few days ago, but apparently not. Crap, gotta run. I'll write more later. But yeah, your diary rocks.. sorry, this isn't a very rockin note. ahhh!! okay, talk to you later. love, morgan
from softxcore :
god. i'm going to sound so musically ignorant, but who is FNT?
from musicjunkee :
Thanks for the note. You just made my day. Thanks :) Wow, you know Wakefield? Hehe, it's weird for me to meet people who like Wakefield 'cause over here on the west coast nobody has heard of them. Sucks much. But it's all good, 'cause Mike and JD from Wakefield know who I am.. and Mike promised me that I'll be able to see them when they tour over here. Hell yes. He's the best. Anyway, I spent my summer going to concerts and talking to *him*.. if you wanna know more about that, just let me know and I'll give you the password for my protected diary. :)
from spiffypoodle :
Yeah, I know a lot of people on diaryland offline.. That's how I found this site. Almost everyone I know has a diary on here. It gets kind of weird sometimes because you can't really say anything outright when somebody you know is getting to you because they'll read it and get really upset. I don't like that very much, so I have a secret diary in addition to this one that I can vent freely about everything. The system works out fairly well. I still talk to a lot of the people I met over in Europe, too. I love them so much now. A lot of the people my age that I met over there were in training to become exchange students to America, so they all spoke English, so I never got a chance to use my german... hehe... Oh well.. it was still awesome!
from spiffypoodle :
Thank you for leaving me a note! I love when someone I don't know leaves me a note... makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :o) This past summer I went to Europe with My german teacher and a group of about 30 people. We went to France, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Italy, and then back through. In all we spent about a month there. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life :o) How about you?
from softxcore :
that's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. let's go get some icecream, ok?
from ilovegeeks :
wow, thank you. that was really, really nice.
from shoshi :
Your writing in your diary is so normal, but really poetic. Anyway, THOSE WAOLS ARE FREAKIN' ANNOYING. Every single time I get one of those it makes me want something really violent and angsty-ish. But then I get over it until it happens again... I really liked that poem. And I wish that WAOL hadn't happened so I could see what you wrote about me :) lol, jk. I love reading your entries. I wish I could encorporate that poetic feelings to my writing like you do. And that quote, "people don't change, we change"...I don't get it! Explain it to me. I can't understand it at all. <3 shosh
from outofmydepth :
hehe thanks for the note! yeah i don't technically "have dan" hee he's just a friend...but he did enjoy both mixes i made him so that's good ;) nice diary -court
from girl101 :
this could be ve-ry interesting...

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