messages to nypizzas2:
(click here to add new message):

from golfwidow :
I missed you. Also I tried to tell you about Aragorn. I promise I did. I think my exact words were "Chef Who?"
from captvfirefly :
I missed you!! And, did you get my email? I hope so. Also? I laughed AND snorted water through my noes when I read "We hates the smiley face precioussssssss." See, you need to post more often.
from im2evil4u :
I have missed you. Welcome back! See you in a few months. :D
from fuschiashock :
i like seasons of love. i would like to see the play someday. i hope the movie turns out to be good.
from captvfirefly :
Hehe, you accepted my "tag." Sweet. I loved Life is Beautiful; it was amazing. And? One of the few DVD's I own is "Return To Me." I love that movie! I miss your posts, lil sis. Hope things are going well. Your pretty damn awesome yourself! :)
from englishbabe :
I think you should start watching Grey's Anatomy, on after Desperate Housewives. Think Scrubs with a little bit of serious twist at some points. Great show!!!! also, definately think you'd be a lane fan on gilmore girls. and of course, we all love dean and want to have his babies. i do at least ;)
from captvfirefly :
I was just wondering about you this morning, hoping that your silence was due to you being so super happy with life and too busy to update your diary. Damnit. You know, it could be depression - it's worth a trip to your doctor to check it out. I'll tell you that I feel much better now than I did before. Sometimes things happen to throw off our chemicals. If there's anything I can do to help (aside from adopting you and moving you to boring Ohio), let me know, k? And you're probably not close to West Palm Beach, are you?
from truth-review :
Your review is up! Gracie x x
from foxgallagher :
*gasp* dude! some of those songs rock!! hehe...lightswitch raves
from bohemianlife :
Oh parking at school sucks. I got not a single ticket last semester. And now we are one month into this semester and I have 2 just in one week. One school, on city. It bites, why don't universities figure out they are going to need more parking!
from technibeetle :
hehe i liked the title of your entry.. the one without the grownups... lmao! fighting over a t-shirt design is dumb... likewise... the vote for pedro thing... also dumb. you have my sympathies tho... i have many a t-shirt i'd like to burn from various clubs etc that i have joined in college... one of the worst was for the environmental club... "get mental" with an image of jack nicholson from the shining... lame & creepy.
from dangerspouse :
Hey group officer, thanks mucho mondo for the birthday wishes!! (BTW, "mucho mondo" is Hispanglisho for "much mondo". BTW BTW, I'm not Hispanglisho, but I'm still outraged by the Pedro shirt nontheless because it's hip to feign outrage for groups who don't want your help anyway.) Fight the good fight, stick it to the man, and "I heart Niggers" shirts for us all!
from imsoemoxcore :
i like your layout.
from technibeetle :
kudos to you for sticking with the latin!! i gave up after latin iii... i never could get with the translating stuff & my mind blanked out everytime i had to take an exam... nowadays i remember very little that i learned in latin class... other than poorly translated expresions such as... semper ubi sub ubi... always wear underwear... :/ (this has nothing btw to do with what we were actually translating, this is just the sort of thing i would come up with to get THROUGH those damned translations!!) good luck w/ the latin!
from foxgallagher :
... o_O
from captvfirefly :
She's ALIVE! WHOO!!! I missed your updates. I'm glad things are going along well. Don't stay away so long next time, ok? :)
from indigo-love :
yes, i do think it's sad that you don't update more. i miss your updates. :(
from devian :
oh dear sweet miss s...thank you for your feedback on my diary. i've been feeling like it's been so boring and sparse since i haven't devoted enough time into it...the more i go through, the less i want to talk about it i guess...i've also been so fucking busy but i am finding time (alone time like today) where i can actually sit down and write something...i think you are the road to becoming a wonderful adult...
from dangerspouse :
Hey there, Crusty! Wow, it was great seeing a note from you!! E-mail me your birthdate and an address, and the t-shirt is yours. (Although I can tell you, from having gone through one myself, that abortions decidedly do NOT tickle.) Thanks babe - hey, while I have you on the line: UPDATE YOUR PIZZA! It's getting moldy. Luv ya :)
from indigo-love :
merry christmas!! :)
from captvfirefly :
Dude, it was 1 degree here this morning. The "high" is supposed to be 19. If it were 50, I wouldn't even have a coat on. But, I can imagine that 50 seems damn cold when you're used to 80's. So, I'm not mocking you, just sharing my pain. Yes, it's damn cold! :)
from indigo-love :
hahaha... it was warmer here (northern california) than it was in florida today. it was like 68-70. i went to the beach!
from foxgallagher :
that's negative one, since it decided to put it on two different lines.
from foxgallagher :
Pssh! 50? That's no-coat weather. At the moment, it's -1 outside. Be glad you're not here. *shivers*
from foxgallagher :
Hehehe...I thought it was funny. :P
from irishblueyes :
Oh it was very fact I've been missing your funny since you hardly seem to update these days!
from captvfirefly :
Hey little sister, where have you been?? 25 days with no update? I hope you're out there having fun with those APhiO's. I hope all is well! :)
from mixtape- :
don't know if i've said this before but hey, i love you too. and as i said once, i would love to know you offline. you're just so fuckin awesome. and it'd be fun to hang out with you. even if you were to be the most anti-social person to ever walk on this planet. so yeah, if you ever come around here.... YOU BETTER SAY "hi". or well if you don't, can i come kidnap you for a week or two? :D
from mixtape- :
siiigh.. we are fucked.
from irishblueyes :
Ah, I love your one dedicated to the red sox...and i couldn't agree more!
from irishblueyes :
Ah, I love your one dedicated to the red sox...and i couldn't agree more!
from foxgallagher :
Amen, sistah! The gas just jumped $.30 today. Probably in the difference of one hour. Of course, I couldn't get in on the cheap price because I was at school...bastards.
from foxgallagher :
Amen, sistah! The gas just jumped $.30 today. Probably in the difference of one hour. Of course, I couldn't get in on the cheap price because I was at school...bastards.
from filibuster-y :
you spend $50+ on gas because you drive an hour to and from work and an hour to and from school. :D but I'm not going o leave any political statements regarding any sort of voting... I was just answering the question.
from captvfirefly :
*pssst* *I* am a registered Republican. :P Course, I've been a registered voter since 1992 (only Republicans I ever voted for are in my local government.. haven't voted for a Republican president ever), and the Republicans were never this bad before. Kerry has my vote (I'm an "anyone but Bush" woman) .. it's called "changing the party from within." SO, don't be hatin' on ALL Republicans because there are probably alot more of us out there than you think, and we're not all right-wing, ultra conservative, tight-asses.... some of us can actually make decisions for ourselves and not vote based on strict party lines. :)
from foxgallagher :
*jaw drop* Those little *bleep*-holes! They'd have heard from me. Actually, You'd have heard me all the way down in Florida, too. :P
from captvfirefly :
Ooh, you little stinker! It's not nice to fool your Big Sis - who's your pledgemaster?? Hmm?? I did have to laugh though..Oh, and I'm sorry about your team. :(
from captvfirefly :
Well, well, well! Sounds like girlfriends gone and got herself a damn good gig these days, eh? Should I call you "Ms. Social Butterfly" now? :) Sounds like a blast, I am so happy for you! I'm glad to hear this semester is much better than at the school that shall not be named. :) Also? I was in Omega Phi Alpha - service sorority - sister sorority to your APO! I loved it ... except it was all girls, and all girls who wanted to make it more "social" than "service." But anyway, I know for a fact that APO rocks, and I'm glad you're joining! :) I missed you and your updates, but I'm glad you're having such a kick ass time. ((hug))
from im2evil4u :
No, I was insinuating that at twenty six you can stay up drinking until all hours of the morning and that you don't mind opening your closet only to discover one of your guests had fallen asleep there at some point
from im2evil4u :
F-I-N-A-L-L-Y. I was wondering what the hell you were up too. Sounds like you are one busy chick! Love you
from dangerspouse :
You are SO lucky. I fart all the time, and it ALWAYS sounds just like a stomach grumble. Must be the oscillation of flabby glutes or something. Anyway, people hear my "stomach rumble" and then moments later catch a whiff of ricin gas, and they think I'm some sort of WMD! Very embarassing. I wish they'd just grant me the respect that normal farters get.
from irishblueyes :
the password has been emailed to you!
from betchy :
YES!!!! it happens to me far more often than i would care for it to and it is so EMBARRASSING! especially when people look at you and think that you actually have farted. its not good. its not good at all.
from tremendous :
Oh my god my stomach makes the growling/farting noise ALL THE TIME. I hate it so much, and I feel your pain. I have to snack on things throughout the day so I don't get hungry and so my stomach won't growl. It's a vicious cycle.
from dangerspouse :
I can't believe I forgot to remind you about your one year anniversary!! God, I am such a slacker. Sorry :(
from im2evil4u :
WOW. I wrote about that documenary in my entry too. That was the most moving documentary I have ever watched.
from hilseymour :
but your 100 things list isn't really yours it's just someone else that you've agreed or disagreed with...isn't it? So I wouldn't worry about that comment!
from im2evil4u :
H-E-L-L-O? NYC stories? Photos of homeless people? Come on, now.
from klutzygirl :
stay safe with this hurricane frances coming hun... hugs
from dangerspouse :
See, this is where my disdain for popular culture rams a lit M80 up my ass. Not watching TV means I have no idea WHAT the hell you were referencing in your (presumably brilliant) monograph about love. Oh well, my loss. Again. Hey - were you inconvenienced by the Convention? Arrested? Propositioned? Hope so - I'd love to read the story!
from devian :
oh, you cute thing you! don't think because i have a boyfriend that it means i don't like girls! i actually have no problems with girls and find many girls hot and would do dirty things with them.
from tremendous :
You are welcome for adding you... I found your diary when I saw some reviewer give you 1,000 bonus points I think. Way to go, by the way. And about Mr. Vaughn, we are going to have to find a nice fair way to settle this disagreement, but in the end victory will be mine!
from hilseymour :
I am also like that - I don't "need" anyone either, and I also hate that characters who are like this always are "made to see the error of their thinking", which is just SHIT. But speak for yourself on the Sex & The City thing, I can't STAND it!
from betchy :
hell yeah that is too cool!!! do you happen to like thin lizzy?
from betchy :
hell yeah, i totally relate to that, and i agree with you, a person doesnt have to be in a relationship to be happy. i have been happily single for ages!!!
from im2evil4u :
Please do. Anyone that wants to escape the depths of Hell... oh I wait mean Florida, is welcome in my home.
from im2evil4u :
Yeah, but you didn't visit me while you were here and that hurt so much. It injured my soul, my heart, my spleen. I don't know where my spleen is, but it hurts. Ohhhhhh it hurts baby, ohhhhh it huurrrrts. Yeah, I'm done. Love ya.
from betchy :
god you make me laugh so much!!! i always have really bizarre dreams aswell, and i relly do wonder what the hell is wrong with me sometimes. did you meet ricki lake while you were in new york?
from hilseymour :
you know, I think it's all about what things in dreams represent to YOU. like when someone in a dream suddenly becomes someone else, they usually have something in common in your mind and it's that thing that's the clue. I love reading about people's dreams.
from foxgallagher :
You're not an a-hole. And I'm glad to see you're back!
from klutzygirl :
Sweetie... your not an a-hole. I was right there with you until i heard it turned to early and it sped up plus got stronger... now who's an a-hole some one who speaks their mind, which they have every god given right to, or the person who lives in the path of the storm and didnt get a chance to go to the bank and now only has $4 dollars to her name until Monday!! Think about it. :) (((((hugs)))))
from bbreviews :
your review is finished & posted & you can find it at, thanks for requesting ;) ~ poppy
from klutzygirl :
You too take care and hold down everything at your place. :0)
from klutzygirl :
Ummm so like r u back from NYC yet???? Just checking on you!!
from hotpinkviews :
Your review is up at Hot Pink Views. Thank you for your patience. Have fun in New York!
from irishblueyes :
Yeah for you! You're coming and I'm going. Well I'm in Jersey but that's pretty close, but I'm getting to go to my first Yankee game on the 31st right before we leave! How excited am I? Have you ever been to a game before? Hope you have a great trip!
from betchy :
i am so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!! try and get ricki lakes autograph if you happen to bump into her, i love that woman!!!!
from pashiesplace :
Oh lucky you! I'm 90 minutes from the city & don't get there nearly enough. I love NYC to pieces. Have fun.
from foxgallagher :
Have fun! Oh - #1 is Hey Mickey, #2 is Singing in the Rain, #3 is Welcome to the Jungle, and #4 is no clue. :P 3/4 is a C right? C is passing...
from im2evil4u :
Make that "If you're in Staten Island or Brooklyn give me a shout!"
from im2evil4u :
Awesome! Enjoy it and try not to get the police involved in your vacation. If your in Staten Island or Brooklyn give me a shout!
from captvfirefly :
Ok, it's been 12 days since your last post.. where are you? I miss my Sarah updates. :( I hope you're OK... I'd say, "I hope you're having a great time," but I fear that you may have died from boredom? I hope that's not the case. :)
from betchy :
thats ok!! you need to update soon though. i keep adding people to my buddy list and they dont update for ages after that. i hope i am not jinxed!!!! x
from im2evil4u :
Thanks! Did Dell replace the hard drive by chance?
from idiot-milk :
Yay! You are my new best friend! And everybody else sucks for not paying enough attention to the art form that is made-for-television movies.
from smokeshack :
see my site now...your wish is my command. :)
from smokeshack :
thank you for that nice note, my dear. i'm very happy you have stuck around because this dland experience wouldn't be the same without you.
from raven72d :
I haven't had a whiskey sour in years. And what *did* happen to Niedermeyer's career after Animal House and two Twisted Sister videos?
from mixtape- :
i dont even know you, but i love you. and you make me happy.
from angelbaby35 :
Hey now! I would love to hang out with you anytime Ms. Never Calls Even Though She Knows I'd Love to Do Something. I believe it is always me who calls you...Anyway, fine go away, leave me here alone. Have fun in NY. If you're not busy Saturday maybe you can come over.
from dangerspouse :
I knew your diary wasn't all sound and fury, signifying nothing. 23 out of 28 ROCKS...for a chick. With a lot of, uh, dog toys. Yeah, dog toys. Way to go baby, you get the badge of oak leaf clusters with bronze figligee (with batteries included)!
from augustdreams :
Your doggy is adorable. I loved your July 4th thoughts - America rocks! Bush may be a moron who stands around making confused-monkey faces *sigh* but that doesn't mean we kick any less ass. Hope you had a great weekend. *Hugs*
from betchy :
hi, i read a review of yours, and thought you sounded like a good read which you are. i think you are very funny (despite your protests that you are not) and also, even though you say you have no life, i was scared, quite frankly by the things i discovered while reading your diary. i also love cats, and have three that sleep with me every night. i also love pizza, and dont know why people ruin it with stupid toppings that taste like shit. (although currently on a diet so cant eat it). i call my mobile phone beryl. and my old mobile was clive. he died. oh diane! is one of my fave songs (although i did forget to put it on my list of faves, but i genuinely forgot.) i love storms. there is one brewing right now, and i am quite excited. but i dont really like being out in them, so i do moan about the british weather quite a lot (yes i am british), but storms do excite me. i have been to florida twice, and love the theme parks. sea world was my fave, followed by busch gardens. i have always wanted to go to new york. winter is also my fave season. i have a tattoo on my lower back. and i also call every single dog pup. i have only read a few entries and i found all these similarities. lets be buddies!!!! i am adding you right away, you are officially my new fave. but you may not like my diary. but i hope you do!!! take care x
from angelbaby35 :
I'm boooorrreeeddd. Call me so we can do something soon.
from foxgallagher :
Fireworks rock! I love that picture of Bush with his "hail hitler!" pose. :P
from idiot-milk :
Well, we got them from the children's science museum for which the homo works. They had a display about electronics, and games, and other assorted things, but they had to get rid of it because the upkeep was too much. So they had a silent auction for all the employees, and we got the two games. I think we paid around $300 for Centipede, and $100 for Space Harrier. Which, as I understand it, is a hell of a deal. In theory, we're going to resell the Space Harrier to defray some of the cost of the Centipede, but having played it for nearly two days straight, I don't know that I'll be able to get rid of it. I'm trying to convince the homo that we should keep it and start a collection! Eeee! How sweet would that be if I could turn my entire house into an arcade?!
from candoor :
NY pizza, Mountain Dew, blue, laughter, Farraris, and so many others... but you had me at the pizza :)
from leebozeebo :
I think that the events of my break-up(s) with my ex are really only going to be interesting or dramatic to me and her. I'm not real sensitive about it, but I don't talk about relationship stuff simply because that part of my life is 100% private. At any rate, I think I dealt with this issue a while back. Check my Fan Mail section - there's a Q&A on it in there somewhere, as I recall.
from dangerspouse :
Ah, I'm not really gonna take it back. I just knew she'd be reading that entry as soon as she walked in the door that night, and I wanted to throw the fear of Tom into her. Oh my GOD - you're one of the few people I've met in my life who haven't said, "U. Penn...that's Penn State, right?" Dammit, I married the wrong slot! Anyway, I went there, but only to work as a janitor. They have standards, you know.
from dangerspouse :
Pizza Babe, guess what? YOU WIN THE BALL GAG! Yeppers, I did indeed end up going with your suggestion - although mostly because it was the first thing I saw and just wanted to get the hell out of there. But still, you rock. Anyway, it's a beautiful hand tooled Italian leather soft brieface with all kinds of girlie shit like a leather covered mirror/compact inside, cell phone holder, laptop cover included, etc. Who knew they marketed briefcases specifically to chicks?? Anyway, best of all it was on a clearance rack, marked down from 400 to 200. She doesn't suck well enough that she's worth 400, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt at half that. So yeah - you're the babe, babe! And I just KNEW you'd appreciate the fudge packing lines! AND that you'd get my Simpson's plageurizing. I'm big on that - glad it's not wasted on ya :) Thanks for all the kick-ass things you stand for, chica. See ya on the flip side!
from irishblueyes :
I know the cheerleader thing is a little hard to believe, no one ever believes it when I tell them that! Oh, and I lived around the Palm Bay/Melbourne area when I was like 13! Oddly enough my husband also lived in that same area as a kid but at a different time, long before we knew each other.
from dangerspouse :
Hey! Thanks for chiming in on the Great Leather Indecision of '04! Yeah, a lot of people seem to think wifey can better fake her way up the corporate ladder if clutching a symbol of power like a leather briefcase. I may just do that one. I'm heading out to a mall right now to see what they got. Of course knowing me, I may get distracted by a nifty baseball catcher's mask and end up wrapping that up instead. I'm not sure how she'll be viewed by Management while roaming the halls of her company wearing that instead of a valise, but it's a chance I'm willing to take. It'll make sex a lot more interesting, anyway. Well...a little more interesting anyway. She already wears the shin guards (don't ask). Anyway, thanks bunches babe - you're the best (as always)! Ciao!!
from dangerspouse :
AWWWWWW! Blue has such a great doggy face - how could you interupt his dream of some little bitch? Y'know, their dreams are inspired by scents, so... if he was sleeping next to you....drinking in your pheremones...well, guess who was getting it doggy style in his nether world fantasy? You lucky girl, you! You really WERE somebody's bitch! The chimp was cute too. But the whole poo flinging habit kinda tempers my attraction for them. I mea,, I put up with that behavior from my wife, but when it's an animal's feces, no thanks. Great entry (as always), bitch! ;)
from spritopias :
do what you want, I make it a policy never to argue wtih Sarahs. I always loose.
from dangerspouse :
In order to thwart hot babe stalkers everywhere, I use a pseudonym on 1010WINS. And...I'm not listed there anyway, even under my fake name. After they started doing their web page, they entered a few of us traffic jerks and stopped midway through, never to return. I'm just as happy that they did. THis is not a career choice I wish to trumpet to the world. Just you.
from chickpea981 :
I wouldn't have linked it and asked if he was a hottie if I didn't want people to agree with me!
from captvfirefly :
I sweartogod, I love you, man. You could totally have my Bud Light (yes, I am well aware that I quoted a beer commerical. And if I'm gonna drink, it ain't gonna be no Bud Light...*ahem*) Anyway, you rock my toe socks off, m'dear. That line : "I'm gonna go ahead and write you a prescription for two testicles; and you feel free to get this filled out whenever you want." LMAO Seriously, two of my coworkers heard me laughing THAT LOUD. They didn't believe me when I said I just thought of something funny. And? You're a good person, and don't think you aren't. You did a good thing for your friend Jim by listening. And no, it's not wrong of you to think she doesn't deserve him - from what you've said, it doesn't sound like she does. But, your prince will come eventually .. but watch out for those frogs (and don't I know about them frogs..). Just wanted to send you some love. You rock. :)
from irishblueyes :
Thanks so much for the note...and yeah that's how i think of people too in Kmart clothes, etc. And I am proud not to be one of them for sure! Oh, and I do like Fleetwood Mac, but ironicly that video was just playing while I was writing the entry and it seemed to fit so I used it! Also, I noticed that your cute picture is missing from your layout you need somewhere to host it? If so I'd be happy to do so or else you can get a free account on, I miss seeing that silly banana!
from afiandthrice :
Alas, I am too late.
from afiandthrice :
Well... You could use the boring Paint program's strech/skew under image. Then shrink it.
from afiandthrice :
I am diggin the dog photo.
from augustdreams :
I found you because we're both waiting for a review at Bondage Bear reviews. I'm so glad that I did, because your writing rocks my ever lovin' socks. Excellent. I shall certainly be back for more!
from irishblueyes :
Thank you so much...i think i might be blushing from that wonderful note! I am always thrilled to write something that others can relate to so much!
from afiandthrice :
Ah, you have not heard? I have already begun in taking over the world.
from dangerspouse :
I understand your point about dogs being naturally attracted to the nether regions of their compatriots. But Casey takes it to a whole (or hole) new level, even for a dog. Really, I don't understand how he inhales enough oxygen even to survive sometimes, since his airwaves are blocked 90% of the time by the lower intestines of some other pup. (BTW, I fucked Older Simba. It wasn't bad, in the mane.)
from firestar05 :
Your diary is fricken hilarious! I'm sure many people have told you that before, but I'm saying it again! I could not stop laughing. By the way - I talk to inatimate objects too! I also empathize with inatimate objects - like feeling sorry for stuffed animals in the back of my closet - seriously feeling sorry for them to the point where I get tears in my eyes. Anywho, your diary is awesome!
from foxgallagher :
*hangs head in shame* that quote sounds very familiar, but I can't name the episode
from captvfirefly :
According to your lists, we have quite a few things in common ('cept I'm not about to put my last name on the Internet LOL!). But, I already knew I liked you. :) And hey! I'm ALL ABOUT dating the older mens, my dear! Haven't you noticed? :P Every man I've dated has been older ('cept for John the Smotherer)... I just can't do 53 - girl, he could be my DAD. That's just too old even for me. My limit is like 45, and that's still pushing it. hehe
from dangerspouse :
I wanna know why your TV set is the only one with a female name. Is it because she has knobs?
from foxgallagher :
What? No "Dana Katherine" or "Fox William?" Okay. I can understand not wanting Fox.
from irishblueyes :
Glad to know that I'm not the only messy person around. Considering all the notes I got I'm not sure anyone is really a good housekeeper!
from liquid-mojo :
Your fave show is the X-Files, yet you are an unbeilever of the paranormal? Does the blasphemy ever end? ;) Seriously though, cute list. It answered all those minor questions I had of you that I've been meaning to ask you on IM, but you always had your "away" message on. =/ I do have another question of curiousity though. Hypothetically speaking, would you be uncomfortable dating a guy that's signigicantly taller than you, say 6'0?
from irishblueyes :
Yeah, another Yankee fan for me to join forces with! All my other diary buddies hate the Yankees and often get angry with me for being a fan of them. (Especially those pesky Red Sox fans like gumphood!) So we will have to join together as justified Yankee fans.
from indigo-love :
ok, i totally heart you. you're short too! you're 4'11" i'm 5' even. heee heee, i'm an inch taller! (short people rule, by the way!)
from dangerspouse :
As a matter of fact I *do* sit on the edge of my seat waiting for your updates. Don't flatter yourself though, it's mostly from the hemmerhoids. Oh ok - it's hemmheroids AND love for you. Love made all the stronger because I know the effort it takes for one who "disregards emotions" to leave notes in my diary. I'm flattered, and all the more determined to keep pleasing you now. Oh, if only NewWifey(tm) would only make the effor you do - I might even toss her one once in a while. Have a great weekend, babe!
from leebozeebo :
Why in the hell would asking somebody if a book is any good make you feel stupid? But to answer your question, no, it's actually not all that great. I may stop reading it soon. The perspective jumps around way too much - I have no idea what the author is trying to do with that other than annoy me.
from honestlyou :
Your review is finished, thanks for requesting! -chaucee
from dangerspouse :
What are you, crazy? Nukes ROCK! Without nukes we wouldn't have all our tax money being diverted to a completely unfeasable Missle Defense System (thanks again, Mr. Reagan) and we'd have more money for social services. And THAT would mean less poor people. They'd all move into comfortable middle class homes and start to breed, and their spawn would all want puppies. Which they - like all kids - are ill prepared or equipped to care for properly. And so millions upon millions of puppies would die from neglect, and you nightmares would be made flesh. All because you don't want Nukes. Selfish, heartless girl. Who I would still do anyway. If I was a pool cleaner.
from technibeetle :
i quit drinking mountain dew after a horrible road trip with my ex fiance.. we drank WARM mountain dew all the way from orlando, fl to new haven, ct... supposedly this was supposed to save $$ and keep us awake... mountain dew vs a hotel room... i threw up i dont know how many times... my gut reaction everytime i see that dayglow green label is to puke... will never know if thats because of my ex or the dew itself :)
from dangerspouse :
Damn your crazy mind contol powers over me! I don't even drink soda, but I'm gonna go out and buy a palatte of 'Dew just so I can send you some codes. If that's all it takes to keep you happy, baybeee....
from klutzygirl :
I have 45 points added to my collection on DEW products havent really thought about what I would want. Too bad no magnets just yet. LOL
from captvfirefly :
You know I'd help you out, but I don't drink pop. BUT, how about THIS? If I am in the presence of someone who DOES drink it, and they aren't keeping the points, then I will most definitely collect them for you, K? :) **HUGS**
from irishblueyes :
Thank you so sweet! I look forward to reading more!
from smokeshack :
oh darling, i agree with you about Ru. also, if you read that article, they say that the cover is a tribute to two of Ru's favorite album covers. I'm sure he got inspired by Donna Summer...
from missblackie :
Never read leebozeebo, but if he's a Franz fan, he MUST be cool. And the creepy vampire RPGer is totally yours if you want him. I warn you though, he's barely taller than me and he has a beer belly, and dresses like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yeah. Try to contain yourself around THAT *(not)swoon*. And I agree with you. Badger is the cutest puppy ever. I want one.
from dangerspouse :
Actually, I have a computer question for YOU: How do I get semen off my monitor? DAMN, that was some pimpingjob you did on me! "Excited" isn't the word over here. Anyway, welcome back! Sorry I played the Vulture Card before you could use it, but I'm selfish that way. Ok, stop reading this. There's apparently a lot of good TV you're missing by sitting here. (Oh, and that commercial? That's me on Cialis.) Luv ya, kid! (*squirt squirt*...aahhhhh)
from foxgallagher :
You turd! That ad scared the crap out of me. I don't know how to get rid of the password box, because I have it to. I think you have to have it because you're probably hooked up to an ethernet. *rolls eyes*
from captvfirefly :
I was about to send out a search and rescue mission for you! I'm glad you updated, as I was getting worried. :) I think my days are going to be a little like yours now (no more crazy men, damnit!), but more like sleep, eat, work, eat, workout, sleep, repeat. No Saved by the Bell though, as I don't know when it's on here in syndication land. Anyway, glad you updated! :)
from klutzygirl :
That "commerical" nearly made me jump out of my seat, I was expecting the car to flip or drive into a tree not what I saw pop up. Freaked me Out.
from im2evil4u :
There you are, I was wondering what you were up to. I nearly spit the soda I was drinking all over the screen, thank you. You've got to hand it to Danger that was the best excuse for a hiatus I have ever read. Thank god the vultures didn�t get his face, I hear he is quite a looker.
from klutzygirl :
Thanks for the B-Day Wishes!!! Hugs!!!
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, what klutzygirl said there. Sure - I come out of seclusion just for you, and...what the fuck! YOU abandon ME! *sigh* Well, I hope it wasn't because Teen Drama escalated to Teen Bloodshed. Hurry home, baybeeee!
from klutzygirl :
And you talk about me having 4-5 days with no entry I think you beat me... 10 and counting!! WHERE ARE YOU???!!!!! Miss You!!
from dangerspouse :
Y'know, it was thoughts of you that ultimately forced me to return. As I lay there on those rocks, bleeding and riddled with avian bacteria, I was ready to shuffle off my mortal coil and join the Choir Invisible. But then a single thought over-rode all others just befor I slipped free from consciousness and caused me to start the toruous, torturous, struggle back to the Land of the Living: "If I die, I'll NEVER get into nypizza's pants! NOOOO!!" You're an inspiration babe, and your pleading notes reeking of pathos were just icing on the cake. I'm sorry I took so long to get back here and thank you, but...well frankly I still suck, despite my near-death experience. No life-changing revelations of how I need to be a better, more considerate person. So ya get what you get: a late acknowledgement of your kindness. Fuck you - deal with it. Love you too, baybeeee!!
from liquid-mojo :
Thanks Sarah. :)
from wilberteets :
I got a kick out of your answers to the survey. You funny person you. Thanks for taking my survey! I made another one. hehe. That was fun!!
from liquid-mojo :
Don't be shy... ;) I think I like the Gatorade banner too, then again I made it so I'm slightly biased in that respect. =p
from evolver :
I just wanted to let you know I did the little thingy with your 100 Things list, and found we have a lot in common! Also I found your diary through your HomestarRunner banner, which RAWKS. And I hardly ever say things like that.
from candoor :
NY pizza is one of my all-time favorite foods ever (so I had to click on your banner... now I am hungry :)
from broken-face :
You talk like me.
from klutzygirl :
Well there will be tons more entries now that she is not here, I am able to go on the net, he didnt trust her but he does me, so d-L here I come. Almost all the classes except the 5 classes for hands on labs and stuff are online. I was suprised. The books dont cost much either. I'm looking forward to it... well see when I sign up for it. :0)
from afiandthrice :
God, this is hilarious. The entry about the fetishes.. The satire of the teenager. I'm hooked. I must add you.
from leonmcphelps :
My nude pic is for close personal friends only. I would definately have to visit Florida and party it up before you got to see a fully nude Leon. Semi-nude will have to do for now.
from foxgallagher :
Awww...did you miss me? :P
from filibuster-y :
Oh. My. God. You totally went to mean girls by yourself instead of inviting me? As if. Like, yeah, I was just going to share some, like idea about a story thing with you. And text your phone AFTER your mom told me you were at the movie. It was totally ironic or something, because, like, you had done it the other day when I went. We are totally still on for tonight! with MAryssa, who has, oh. my. god. the cutest hair since it grew back from that leukemia. if i thought MY hair would grow back that cute, well, let's just say I'm TOTALLY jealous. For sure! see ya!
from icantregretx :
you calling me a theif?!??! OH NO YOU DIDNT!!!!!! heh. kidding. "but I'm on the edge with that theif. THEIF!" heh. hi! you seem kool.. ok bye. <3
from foxgallagher :
*hug* better?
from cdghost :
i will cum back soon
from captvfirefly :
Thanks for the support in regards to TheAsshole (as I shall now call him - if I call him anything at all). The chocolate and death threat offers were great - I know I can always count on you. :) LOL Yes, I'm doing suprisingly well, but it kinda sucks that someone thinks *I* am crazy. Bastard. Anyway, hope all is well - and why haven't you been updating? Huh?? I miss TheSarah. **HUGS**
from critiques :
Yes, the new one is the one about the swearing. You don't have to take your name off the pending list unless the swearing is a whole lot, unless you don't want to wait that long for a review.
from thedonkey :
A girl that loves Misty Morning, Albert Bridge by the Pogues is definitely on the right road in life. Thanks for listing me as a favourite, and for your kind words.
from critiques :
I've added a new rule at Critiques. Please check it out to make sure it isn't a problem in your journal. If it is, either fix it and then either let me know that you've fixed it or that I should take you off the pending list. Thanks.
from missblackie :
*hugs* It's so true. There have been only three shows in my life I've watched from beginning to end: The X-Files, which I totally skimped on in it's last season; Buffy and Felicity, which I grew so bitter about due to the crappy writing that I was grateful for the end when it came; and Friends. Friends is the only show that I've loved from it's very first season to it's very last. I'm gonna miss it. It's the last vestige of my childhood. I totally remember sitting at home on Thursday nights as a silly 12 year old girl, wondering if Ross and Rachel were EVER going to get together. Huh. Nine years later, and I'll be doing the same thing tonight.
from jesbohn :
ack honey, ((hug)) you are so damned cute. so so so sorry about friends.
from filibuster-y :
you are not stupid. and when you get to usf, you'll be happier- except that it is a long commute and i wish you the very best of luck with that, by the way... anyway. yeah. so dont worry- and you probably deserved the B, but i dont think you deserved the D.
from im2evil4u :
Sane? You think I am sane? Hurrraahh, finally. BTW, when are you coming home?
from im2evil4u :
Perhaps it has something to do with the school? :D
from klutzygirl :
Happy Day!! St. Pete would so be the school I will be going to too. Well have to think about this one. :)
from englishbabe :
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear sssssssssaaaaaarrrrrrrrrraaaaaaahhhhhhh, happy birthday to you! my birthday present was my serenading you. hope you enjoyed it :-p
from im2evil4u :
I was a little dry. What was I to do?
from im2evil4u :
BTW, if you still need suggestions for your trip to NYC let me know what the deatails are. I'll hook you up.
from pashiesplace :
Happy Birthday!!
from captvfirefly :
Of course *I* knew it was your birthday! I got it, cause I'm kickass. :P Did you get my dorky e-card? If not, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
from foxgallagher :
I was like "who's Bruce Harwood?" *smacks self in face* I'm retarded. Or maybe it's that I was up at 8 AM and had a few Pringles for breakfast. The Sweet Mesquite BBQ is going to my head.
from im2evil4u :
Is this a hint? Is your birthday the 29th? :D
from raven72d :
Everyone's life should be like a David Lynch film: dwarves, beautiful lesbians, strange lighting, and diners.
from raven72d :
It was a favorite film-- the story of my life. And I love maps.
from acidreviews :
Your review is up.
from englishbabe :
wow. that was long. sorry.
from englishbabe :
two things, my nyc-bound-friend: 1. try checking, they have a lot of really good stuff for college students including airfare/hotels/etc and my sad number 2: Fao S. is no longer up and running in the city. As a New Jerserian, (yes, that is a word) I frequent NYC a decent amount (when i'm not at school anywayz) and over Christmas when I went, the line for Foa S was out the door and around the corner because it was closing down after Christmas. I believe it is being remodeled and will open up again, but i'm 99% sure that it's not open yet. if u're still going, make sure you check out the 'Imagine' mosaic in Central Park (opposite abt 77th?) and go to Dallas BBQ (on the same street that John Lennon was shot in front of that hotel, abt 77th again, then if you cross the street to the park that's where the mosiac is). happy traveling :) and remember that street vendors - however illegeal- are your friends.
from leebozeebo :
It's cool, I'll figure it out. Thanks for the concern, though. I bottle things like concern and pity and sell them at a high profit margin on the Chinese Black Market.
from foxgallagher :
Of course I have a favorite ep! First Person Shooter! "I've got a birthday coming up." =P Plus he looks niiiiiice in that VR gear. It's just a funny episode. I like Triangle and Bad Blood too.
from foxgallagher :
Ooh. You watch Touching Evil too? Man, we're crazy! :-P
from idiot-milk :
Thanks, babydoll! Although, I can't help but notice your plans to STEAL my totally fake internet HUSBAND! I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT, DO YOU HEAR ME?! I WILL NOT! YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR STEP, LITTLE MISS SASSY PANTS! Ahem. Anyway, thanks for the note! Mwah!
from foxgallagher :
Booyah! I KNEW that city before you mentioned it was in the x-files. I was like, whoa! I forgot you're an x-files fan (DAMN IT! Calgary scored [watching the Red Wings]). That's really kick ass, though!
from captvfirefly :
Since you're one of my very favorite diarists (yes, really!), I'll ask you the 3 questions (since I meant to do it, but was all incognito yesterday due to hormonal fluctuations). OK - 1.) How do you feel about clowns and monkeys? 2.) Are you ever going to post a picture (not that it matters, but ya know people are curious!)? 3.) Since you've mentioned gay porn before, have you ever seen "Dirty Pool?" (a.k.a. the only gay porn I've ever seen, and that was back in college.. yeah, it was!)
from foxgallagher :
I'm glad someone else knew who Johnathan Brandis (I just totally spelled that wrong) was. I thought he rocked! I didn't obsess over him, but he was hot. *nods* I found out about him while watching Seaquest. And you? (Man, I miss that show).
from im2evil4u :
S**t, s**t, s**t I totally forgot! I typed three questions in Word and thought for sure that I sent them to you last night. According to Wench77, I�m a goofball when I have drinks with parasols in them. I believe she is correct. Is it too late? Here they are, anyway. 1. If you could create your own perfect sitcom, what would it be about? 2. Say you won twenty million dollars (after the government induced rape) in the lottery. What would you do with the cash? 3. Why does your dorm smell?
from foxgallagher :
3 Questions, huh? Let's see. 1 - Have you ever seen the Boondock Saints? 2 - What's your favorite sport? 3 - What type of questions were you expecting with this? Answer one of them. :P
from wench77 :
By the way, I recognized that "my anus is bleeding" song from my days in the Scandinavian society... some Swedish christmas or folk song. My grandma used to sing it. hehe.
from wench77 :
oh, I feel so educationally stimulated now! Thankyou thankyou for sending me to see the rejected animations! :D
from saladwhore :
Hi. :) Yeah, I've been to WDW last April and the year before that in March, I love it there. Epcot is my favorite park, I haven't seen much of MGM and never been to Animal Kingdom. Not sure which parks we'll hit this time - we only have a parkhopper for 1 day though. We'll see!
from technibeetle :
i'm so glad you're back! i've been so swamped with schoolwork and i finally started catching up on your entries... needless to say i have been lmao (although i should really go write my paper!) p.s. go to to see too much coffee man EAT dr fatkins >:)
from liquid-mojo :
I'd say your note is original enough. ;) Anyway, thank you for adding me to the list. :)
from wench77 :
Hiya! thanks for doing my threeof survey. Sorry it didnt work the first two times! Onewetleg sometimes has problems getting the surveys to enter properly. ack. Yay, a Mac kick! I am a mac fan. BTW it is good to own cheesy movies. Cheesy bellybuttons less so. ooooh! Universal naptime! i am so there! yeah! That is very cool about having been able to say I love you to the people you were close to who died. :) Well, that was a cool bunch of answers, thankyou very much! Though I am sure you must have at least ONE thing you shouldve thrown out by now but cannot bring yourself to do so! :) tah!
from im2evil4u :
That entry is brilliant, you know.
from wench77 :
hello! I got here via evil's comments (or rather questions... coke vs pepsi?? maybe mountain dew! or rootbeer!)... I just wanted to say I like your banana/too-big-spoon image! :) And Lauren is lucky to get such a good story. Cool. Bye!
from creepatron :
Oh well re: hatemail from Democrats. "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." --Winston Churchill.
from filibuster-y :
I will be in Science on tuesdays and thursdays from 12:30 to 1:45- in HMS, my favorite buildig on campus (ROTC HQ ;).) moving on, i am going with amanda's mom to look at houses tomorrow (while amanda is in class... weird, right?) she really thins amanda will be able to get a 3 bedroom. which is awesome. i dont know if you would really want to be subjected to ROTC folks 24/7! LOL
from filibuster-y :
im taking "finite math" and "Science that matters" those are the easiest classes that will fill my math and science requirements. plenty easy for us both! has your mom given any thought to you living near campus, but not ON campus with me in an apartment? i wont know for sure until after basic what im even doing. so, yeah. if amandas house falls through, nd i cant live with you im going to get a 1br/1bath in the same complex as some of the boys from ROTC. i'd feel safer with people i know right near me, y'know? that's all. this is longer than many of my entries! bah!
from captvfirefly :
Aww, that is so damn cool that you dedicated an entry to me for my birthday. :) :) As you know, I already think you're awesome, but I wanted to thank you for the special birthday wishes. :) I also ate lots of pizza in your honor. LOL (had the rest for breakfast .. damnit. It won't go well with the Mexican (food, not a real Mexican..) I'm having for lunch in about 2 hours, or the seafood I'll be having for dinner, but I just couldn't resist it's siren song. And now what am I babbling about? lol Thank you so much for the birthday shoutout! :) ((HUGS))
from dangerspouse :
PIZZACHICK!!! *oof*...hang on.... cant...get.... head...through ...door.... Ah, FINALLY! Hey, thanks for the great, ego-yanking note at my place! If only I was that hermaphrodite, I *would* go fuck myself in excitement. "Oooh, that was about ME? Take me now, baby! mmmmmm... Oh, and get that gay midget back here too!!" LOL, you're the best, kid - and more of a writer than I'll ever be, so I feel doubly graced by your compliment. Thanks again! (Uh, and what's all this about Public Domain? Was there something you wanted us to do regarding them? Tough to tell from your subtle posts....)
from im2evil4u :
Oh yes, Mike Tyson totally does it for me. Ewww, no. The aggression totally does it for me, I think. I�ve pounded on a heavy bag before and it so beneficial to releasing ones anger. For example, I�d love to pound the crap out of No-Neck and if there was a heavy bag in the house again, I�d totally pretend it was her. I might be living vicariously through the boxers, beating the hell out of the people I dislike with a passion.
from im2evil4u :
BTW - May 13th
from im2evil4u :
Actually, I�m a Yankee fan by injection. I grew up in Brooklyn and my family were Mets fans. The Husband grew up in the Bronx and by default is a Yankees fan. Due to his enthusiasm, I am a Yankee fan. If the Mets won, I�d be happy too. They are a New York team and the underdog. What the hell am I talking about? To be honest, I could care less. Unless Boston wins � then I�ll be extremely pissed. They are so damned nasty and I despise them. For the record, I�m a HUGE boxing fan. That sport I care about. It doesn�t require seven months of my attention. LOL! It�s quick and to the point.
from pashiesplace :
**Plops down on the X-Files-Obsessed-Nerd-Couch right next to ya!**
from klutzygirl :
Your known around town as the bird woman... no she doesnt sing feed the birds like in Mary Poppins but she sits there and lets then get so close that they dont even flinch when you reach out and grab one and squeez so hard there heads pop off. The Bird Woman. So sweet, caring and yet has a affect to scare her surroundings. P.S. Dear Sarah, Why can't I stop eating string cheese?? - Thanks for the love Stingy Jenn
from captvfirefly :
Yep, you're right - I went to Bowling Green (but that's Bowling Green Ohio - I guess there's a BG Kentucky too?). We are the "Falcons" :)
from mixtape- :
I don't know you offline so I don't know how you look like but from what you write in here you sound pretty interesting so that makes you pretty beautiful to me too .. as a person. yeah... I just read the entry about those makeovers. but anyway yeah.. you don't need a makeover! <3
from foxyfinerevu :
Your review is done and up! Thanks for waiting forever, if you even remember that you asked for a review!
from cdghost :
you inspire me...(!!!), thank you...
from cdghost :
PS: sheesh is a nice word, I am gonna have to use that in some future entry
from cdghost :
gotta take some time out for finals....all of next week + next week after the next week I just wrote about
from cdghost :
a newsradio fan !!!
from im2evil4u :
LOL, damn girl, I was really looking forward to hearing that story.
from foxgallagher :
Supposedly animals can see ghosts as well. If you're on a buriel ground, that could explain it. You know, like the cat in Ghost? Seeing Patrick Swayze, who makes him jump at Willy, etc. Hmm. That might explain the laundry too. *raise eyebrow*
from im2evil4u :
Actually, my sister-in-laws dog predicts the weather, rain specifically. He hates it, I'm assuming as much as your Blue does. BTW, is this the house in LI?
from deadgod : You've been reviewed- sorry for the long wait and all of that. I wasn't to sure if you abandoned your diary or not.
from dangerspouse :
Moe the Bartender: "Ah, beer. The cause of, and answer to, all of Man's problems." I'll drink to that. Funny buncha posts, gal!
from captvfirefly :
Now I'm gonna be all self concious (and yes, I spelled that wrong 'cause I'm too lazy to look it up) because you said you want to be me when you grow up. :) That is the best compliment I've ever had, and I thank you bunches for it. :) But really, my life isn't all roses and sunshine (as you know), but I do alright. And I'm glad you want to be me instead of Fargahar. LOL!!! So where are you transferring to??
from jesbohn :
its ok sarah. i think if there is a god, he definatly hates me too.
from klutzygirl :
Oh my!! Too funny. Hope your doing well. hey, did you watch average Joe: Adam Returns... I was wondering on who won out of the girs or should I say choose. Let me know. NBC has not yet updated there site. FUCKERS!!
from mixtape- :
1st off. FUCK. I'M HAPPY YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333 I love reading about everything you write because you're always so honest. and did I mention... FUCKEN FUNNY?! you are. <3; 2nd off..thank you so much for your notes. they mean a lot. and to answer your question... well I don't really see the point of getting married. right now anyway. I don't want to rush into anything. if we're meant to get married one day then it will happen without a doubt. but as for now... I'm happy with what we are. and you can read about how I feel towards marriage in my diary. well sorta. but anyways. also thanks for the congrats. :D and hmm there was something else I wanted to say... darn. oh yeah.. haha for some reason I feel like I've met you before. but I always get like this sometimes with people anyway... but yeah. I hope life's treating you gooooooood <33333
from foxgallagher :
Oh you're funny. You named your dog blue? That's awesome. If you're Tea Leoni, I'm coming to kill you. :P
from fargahar :
Guess what I have in my hot little hands? Fleetwood Mac tickets for July!!!!! For my birthday!!!! (Well three days before my birthday! but still)
from dangerspouse :
I agree. But liking a John Waters film DOES equate with hating Jesus. I should know.
from pashiesplace :
from foxgallagher :
I'm glad you take my side. And yes, she's already emailed me telling me I put words in her mouth and she'll review however she wants. And even though I got a reply after I asked her, I still wonder why she came back to a diary she said she'd never read again (which she did). As for the fanfic - I've got three more, should I choose to publish them.
from englishbabe :
if you need any actors for you 'short bus' show, feel free to contact my agent. i stand at a mere 5'1 and would fit in perfectly, i'm sure. we may be small but we're vicious! :)
from foxgallagher :
*raise eyebrow*
from captvfirefly :
See, this is why I don't do anything out of the ordinary on April 1st. It's always come back to bite me. And I'm glad you like "Horny Lauren V. 1.0". LOL! Chaps MY ass, but if others can be entertained, so be it. :) Also? I've wanted to learn spanish for a while so I can understand what the dudes in Chipotle are saying when I walk in there. I KNOW they're saying something, I just don't know what. Grr.
from technibeetle :
i'm so glad you're back... i enjoy your rants! maybe you should try squeezing out a little of your roommate's toothpaste everytime you go to the bathroom... eventually she'll either get paranoid or she'll get tired of spending so much money on toothpaste and stop brushing so often... you have my sympathies as roommates suck... best advice is to really just pick up one of those "how to get even" type books... i'm not advocating harm, just minor annoyances >:)
from foxgallagher :
No, we don't have lovebugs. That I know of. I've heard horror stories about them though. And the bugs that eat the citris (fly into a cloud of them and the acid from their stomach will eat the paint off your car). The bugs I walked into yesterday, I believe, were gnats.
from foxgallagher :
oh yes - welcome back :)
from dangerspouse :
Hah! I just KNEW my entreaties would work. No woman yet born has been able to resist my oily charms. Welcome back, back-slid babe! Of course, now I'm all pissed of that I have to modify your description YET AGAIN. Ah, what the hell. You talked about pubic lice and ejector-seat shits all in one small entry. How could I stay mad after that? Keep on rockin' in the free world, babe.
from klutzygirl :
WOoHoo!! She's alive!! Yeah!! I missed ya... and well now I never want to use a public restroom would rather pee out in the parking lot. ;0)
from captvfirefly :
Yay! You updated! :) And? "Ejector seat shit" - EWW, but I laughed out loud here at work. And one of my bosses heard. Oh well. You crack me UP! I hope the shits have subsided. No more ordering from that place, OK? Damn you are funny. Seriously, I need a laugh this morning, and there you were. ((HUGS))
from spritopias :
I don't do beer or football. Sorry.
from missblackie :
*gasp* You came back! Huzzah! And the quote is from "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion". What's my prize? A cookie? Cuz I could go for a cookie. Also, how much do you adore Franz Ferdinand? I'm absolutely mad for them!
from pandaman27 :
Thanks...dude. As is customary of all members of my fan club, the surcharge for my humor services is exactly two nude pictures. They can be in any shape fashion, just so long as you don't involve animals, children 10 and under, and/or your parents. Furthermore, is it to much to ask what review site you found me from? Because I'm pretty sure it's not Diary-Viewer. They hate me.
from deadgod :
On Haitus? Would you still like a review? Nonetheless, we won't review you until you come back.
from im2evil4u :
What dangerspouse said - minus the part about screwing my mother :P
from missblackie :
Dahling, I think you're awesome, too. I *sniff* miss you. And THANK YOU for the gorgeous pic of Raoul. It was sinfully delicious. Did you notice that his pants were undone? I sure did. Yummm. Yes, we definitely must do something about that "wife" of his *grins*.
from mixtape- :
what the heck?!?! as soon as I start catching up with your diary you leave?! nooooooo. get your arse back here!!!!! I think you're kidding. aren't you? how can you leave? I need my doze of Sara's entries..... because yes, your diary is random and it might be about nothing but thats what makes it good.... you know? and DIFFERENT from most diaries on here which is awesome. please come back? I think I'm gonna start a petition..... <333333333
from foxgallagher :
I'm glad you think I'm entertaining :P
from captvfirefly :
I'm going through The Sarah withdrawl. :( I miss you. I always thought ALL of your entries were great because they are! And? You're like the only youngun I have on my buddy list, and that's saying quite a lot (since you know I'm an ageist and stuff - LOL). I'm not taking you off my buddy list because I'm still holding onto hope that you'll come back to Diaryland. But, if you don't feel it, you don't feel it. :( Please don't be a stranger though. I hope all is well. ((HUGS))
from dangerspouse :
NOOOOooooo...!! One of the babes I really wanted to fuck based purely on the strength of her writing is leaving me! Gah, first my mom, now you. Shit. Dammit, I'm keeping you in my Fave List anyway. Listen though, why don't you just do what I do when things get slow: Lie like a motherfucker. People here just wanna be amused, they don't care about veracity. You'll see! Ah well, I suppose it's a moot point if you're just too busy with *cough* studies *cough* to pen ANYTHING. But frankly, I still wanna tell you to dump your dreams of a future, quit school and service us here at Diaryland. Because we're all about Lip-Service Love baby, which in the end is much better than the REAL love. You'll feel good, but you won't get knocked up. Ok, enough of my pathetic attempts at keeping you chained to something you've grown to hate. If my entreaties didn't work with my wife, why should the with you? (On an unrelated subject, THANK YOU!! for the unparalleled compliment you left me at my place. That's the nicest (if untrue) thing anyone's said to me since I started here. I was really floored.) Ciao, Bella!! Best of luck in all you do..... :)
from missblackie :
Damn. And you were my favourite reader/diarist too. You must know that I *always* found your entries amusing, but I understand the need to step back from your writing. I'll miss ya, hon.
from conpalabras :
Well, shoot. Take care nypizzas. And definitely get out there and suck every last drop of essence out of college. It'll be over before you know it. I wish I could go back.
from technibeetle :
aww :(
from foxgallagher :
awww :( You ARE funny!
from fargahar :
WHATEVER....I always thought you were funny...but whatever. Funk you! :)
from klutzygirl :
I feel the same, see I am not uodating every day either. I might one day all disappear from this site. ;0)
from im2evil4u :
I got a 37 on the Prozac quiz, but I think I cheated.
from spritopias :
fuck math, math is diarrhea
from leonmcphelps :
I love requests. I would like to do one, and tried a long time ago, but I just couldn't get the right picture. I wanted to put me and Strongbad together on the top of the building when he has the aviator scarf on and says, "Come on The Cheat, we are going to fly this thing to the MOOOOOOONNNNNNN !" But it didn't work. If you think enough people would know who he was I would definately do it.
from leonmcphelps :
Why thank you. I like suits, but it is kinda hard to find a picture that says to me, "You need to wear a suit for this one". Most just say, "You need to expose lots of skin for this one". Thanks for the write in, that's not a bad idea. And a litte closer to election time I am thinking of doing an "Election Week" of entries. I have to wait for a little while until some really good pictures start showing up on news sites and stuff, but it will be good. And I will get to wear some of my suits.
from pashiesplace :
TY :O)...So, I came, I saw and then added you as a buddy. You rock as well! Love the layout and the writing!
from fargahar :
Oh Mr. Mackey...Oh Ms. ChokesonDick....Mmmmm 'Kay!
from captvfirefly :
Ok, so how come you're not sleeping? Hmm? You ok? And also? How can you deny the sexy bald man look? Even on white guys! **drool** I love bald men with goatees... yum. But maybe Mr. Lux has a weird shaped head where he can't pull it off? He'll probably get tired of it and let it grow back - hell, you should say what you said in your entry (which made me LOL) "did you get mad at all of your hair over break?" LOL
from dangerspouse :
Amazing - My Jabba the Hutt look makes you cream your jeans, but a shaved and shorn Mr. Lux dries you up just as fast. Still, I admire your standards! Thanks for the hilarious note :)
from devian :
i feel the same way about my mom's husband. i've hated him since i met him at the age of 9. i dont' hate him so much anymore because i've not lived with my mom in, oh, 6 years, but i still don't like him. i worship the razorblades he walks on.
from devian :
i'm not into Sean Douglas. i find him ugly. now, Rex or Brady can take me on any tizz-ime. i hope me not liking lindsey (corrected spelling) doesn't come between us. i mean, i didn't let your DEATH THREAT come between us! you're so petty! please love me. forever. i want to see the pic of you and Sean D.
from dangerspouse :
You're kind to notice how cute I am :) LOL...and I WANNA MARRY A CAPRI DAUGHTER...ER, SON...ER, SUN! If she's hot, maybe I can get 7-Up for her. Hey, thanks for the note!!
from imlaughinatu :
"BULL shit!" "he shit a LOG!" hehehehehehehe
from technibeetle :
clicked your link to see the review in question and couldn't find it... it would seem that it has been replaced by two reviews of Christian blogs, in which the reviewer praises the bloggers for being Christian... (roll eyes)
from jesbohn :
sarah, you know you rock. god damn. so much rockage...
from fargahar : suck and that chick IS A HOMOPHOBE. If you do not support gay marriage, you are homophobic. and I am having a lot of fun being one of your "Imaginary Readers". I always wanted to be imaginary.
from foxgallagher :
Criminy. I hope this is the last of that for you, too.
from greview :
Hey, just a note to tell you that I only review self-made layout diaries. Sorry about that.
from fuzzmom :
Good lord, even I got that you were being sarcastic, and I'm the densest bitch on the planet.
from trinity63 :
I thought your review about the Passions was your review. It wasn't your kind of movie, and no one should give you shit for not liking it.
from fargahar :
I think I get ya....cause my sick humor is that brand of dripping sarcasm.
from captvfirefly :
Is someone giving you shit about what you're writing? Hey, I wasn't offended by your Passion entry, and I sure as hell can detect sarcasm when I see it (you crack me up, and you know it!). :) Don't worry about it. Just be you. Write what you want. Rock on wit yo bad self.
from foxgallagher :
do people just not get sarcasm? jeez o petes, and I thought I was misunderstood in my writing...
from foxgallagher : was that entry offensive? It was your opinion. You didn't say JESUS SUCKS! You just said the movie did. That's a big difference.
from klutzygirl :
Sweetie... you didnt offend me by the Passion story. You should write whatevere you want to this is Sarah's diary not Joe Blows. :)
from spritopias :
the best thing about being a lutheran is that I can do whatever I want and love whoever I want, even you nypizzas2
from spritopias :
I see your point about marrriage and would marry my iBook but it doesn't have a peripheral port for my penis. I also anticipate wanting a differnet iBook in my near future. For now I'll just rub up against it and claim it as a dependent on my taxes.
from blunt-revues :
Ta-Da! Your review is done and congrats on Silver in the Hall of Fame!
from foxgallagher :
No, I didn't. I thought I'd do something like this first. My friend wants to get that though. She's a fellow X-Files freak. :P
from foxgallagher :
Ah yes. I don't think I ever saw your note - I am the bearded cow-like sea beast indeed. That was a great episode.
from foxgallagher :
Being the hockey fan I am, I didn't believe it either. So, I went to - it appears they are in the lead in the eastern conference (the only team I can't imagine them beating in there is Toronto, but apparently they are). However, that doesn't include the western conference (obviously), which to me anyway, has all the good teams (Detroit, Colorado, Vancouver, St. Louis, Phoenix). You can see the lists right here:
from captvfirefly :
I missed you! And see what happens when you leave? I break the decree with FUNBOY. All your fault! LOL (nah, just kidding). But, I did miss you, and I'm glad you're back!
from foxgallagher :
Hehehe ... I got the Marshie reference. Homestar Runner rocks. :)
from klutzygirl :
Miss You.... hurry back!! I need more FLORIDA culture!! :)
from crashreviews :
Your review is up!
from jesbohn :
ok, family guy, damn fabulous, Furorama, (sp?) EXCELLENT! : )
from captvfirefly :
"Have you voted today?" "Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior?" LOL! This is why I like you. My laughing out loud is going to get me busted at work one of these days, damn you...
from xprincessax :
It's gotta be Hilary cos she's a bigger slut!
from klutzygirl :
I know Fabio would not have been an issue if she would have picked Brian. I thought when she was crying so much when Brian got on the bus, that she was gonna change her mind and all. Then when the "hunk" left after hearing the ex stuff, I was like she's gonna call Brian. So who knows!! If you watch the Today Show this morning where she'll be on, let me know if she is dating some one or if Brian shows up. Would be interesting to see. Other than that, typical picking at the end of the night, and I really thought he might have a chance!! Ya, me and 4 million others. Dumb Girl!!
from imlaughinatu :
i havent talked to you since aunt joanne died so i just wanted to hope that ur ok! and i just wanted to leave u with this little message of joy..''YOU AW!'' *snort snort*
from klutzygirl :
Why thank you sweety!!! (((((((big hugs)))))))
from captvfirefly :
Oh honey, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. :( ((big hugs))
from klutzygirl :
Ohhhh... big hugs!!! (((((hugs))))) Much love to you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
from fargahar :
Sorry about you Aunt. Nice that you were close to your aunt. I have 4 aunts and only one of them is worthy of my love.
from jesbohn :
sorry about your aunt, sarah...
from spritopias :
you're a genius
from technibeetle :
i know what you mean! yesterday i was looking for some pictures at stockxchng and i ran across a super mega anorexic model or something posing in a bathtub... SCARY. i ended up writing a letter to the webmaster to complain. (
from klutzygirl :
Oh honey, go buy a big box of Twinkies and eat them all in one sitting. You'll feel better. :)
from captvfirefly :
Dude, I LOVE that guy on the Burger King commercial! It's so damn funny, and he's adorable! And there was something else that I was going to say, but I'm old and I forgot. Damnit. I'll be back if I think of it....
from klutzygirl :
Stands behind you on your preach of gay marriage, chanting and carring a sign!!!
from tiragem :
That was very far from being inarticulate. That was actually one of the best stated views I've ever heard on the whole gay issue. And I agree with you 100%. And then some.
from critiques :
you've been added to the pending list.
from bbreviews :
thank you for requesting a review, i've put you up on the pending list, but was wondering if there is one of our reviewers in particular that you'd like to review you or will any of them do?
from conpalabras :
I agree with your sentiments on the gay issue. While I think they should have the freedoms that we all enjoy, it is annoying when you run across those who make their sexuality their entire being. There are a few heteros I know that do the same thing. It's like they can't have a conversation that doesn't revolve around their sexuality. Then there are people like my brother-in-law who have plenty pf hobbies and intesrests and passions completely unrelated to sexuality at all. I just think if we gave folks equal rights and quit spending money in the legal system trying to exclude folks we might get back to a time like that of the ancient Greeks where it just wasn't a big deal.
from mixtape- :
ok so anyways... that's soo cool that you met Mest. and haha your note made me laugh...about the teenies.... ehhh. I thought you'd like other punk-pop bands like Mest..but anyway yea you like that's awesome in my books :D (looks like you score a lot of points in my books - could ya be any more awesome?! haha). but yeahh... like I said I'd be happy to make you a mix CD by Mest since you lost yours. wouldn't do that just to be a cheesy ass but because I want to cause I like you and you seem rad. :D anyway sorry it took me such a long time to get back atcha but I haven't had a computer to use when I was in Toronto. <3
from mixtape- :
wow I honestly don't think I could agree more with you. I totally respect gay people, and I want them to have the same rights about EVERYTHING because I'd never stop anyone from being happy in any way, especially if its only cause of their sexuality. but anyway...I totally agree...that as much as I respect gay people...just like I do with straight ones, I wish they wouldn't throw it in my face sometimes. A guy actually did that with me and my friends and I was thinking that he wanted only attention or wanted to be treated differently because he was gay, which pissed me off a LOT. but anyway yeah. lol sometimes you write exactly about how I feel which is weird but good at the same time. hehe and ok I'll leave you another note cause this one's too long already.
from supershan :
I feel you! I went to mass this morning before school and all day I had people trying to rub the ashes off my forhead or asking me how I got that bruise on my forehead. Stay strong my fellow meatless sister! ;)
from filibuster-y :
my uncle steve used to have a huge crush on ms. jessica rabbit. (note: i almost said roger rabbit, he did NOT have a crush on the actualy cartoon rabbit) and whichever girl said cartoon crushes are normal is wrong. she should be shot. no wait, i don't want to die.
from jesbohn :
I have a crush on spiderman.... love, anonymous.
from golfwidow :
Who said I was watching it with a straight face? I was mostly watching it like a train wreck -- I couldn't bear it, yet I couldn't look away, either.
from gloom-flower :
thats scene with Ryan Phillippe.... *drools* the essence of sexiness! him in that blue shirt *swoons*. damn that lucky Reese Witherspoon!
from jesbohn :
yes about ryan phillipe. on a side note, that part in hannibal where Hannibal feeds that dudes face to the dogs makes me never want to eat anybody alive ever. so you know, I'm "torn".
from klutzygirl :
Dear Sarah... When will I finally get to eat mac and cheese in quiteness, with out son finding my hidden body eating it??? - The Cheese Wonder'er
from klutzygirl :
Ohhhh my Sarah is gonna be a song writer and a movie producer/director/screen writer!! WOW!! I wanna go to the Oscars with you first!! SHOT GUN!!
from conpalabras :
That's great that you remember both the song and the dream. On those oh-so-rare occasions that I actually remember my dreams, I always wake up thinking, "Man that was a wicked cool idea for a movie, I should make that screenplay happen," then I hit the snooze button and it's gone. Why must you toy with me, muse? Why?
from leebozeebo :
Those are the two magic words: boobs, and huge.
from jesbohn :
dude, seriously. it is my firm belief you are way better than her. well, the diary is funnier anyway. i told my friend you read your sock entry. (noname1122, or danny) he laughed out loud. -jes
from leebozeebo :
My services currently cost two big boobs. Possibly more, depending on the circumstances. But my cyber-honey already gives me all that and more. And by "more" I mean grilled cheese sandwiches and no boobs whatsoever. And also no grilled cheese sandwiches.
from jesbohn :
dude, this other chick that left me a comment on the atheist entry JACKED your layout. she agrees with me, so i can't playa' hate, but still... dude... : )
from captvfirefly :
LOVE the new layout! And? I had creepy dreams last night - I think I'd rather have had yours. Oh, and don't think I didn't notice that you never actually confirmed when your birthday is, you little turd! :)
from jesbohn :
upon reading your last entry it has become apparent to me that you rock my entire face off, up to and including hair and neck. holy crap a doodle. -jes
from jesbohn :
I'm not sure where kk, comes from. i use it as a way to say "ok", or "later" ... i picked it up from some friends of mine. i suppose i should stop if i dont know the history of it, but it does become a little comical when the keys stick and instead of saying "kk" which is ok it becomes "kkk" which is clearly not ok. unless you are among friends. then it just shouldn't be funny, but is anyway. kk, -jes out. : )
from jesbohn :
your diary layout rocks my face off. I'M A BANANNA! hahahahahaha. great! plus, bender is awesome... (yeah, he wasn't on the page, but you know its true) kk, later! -jes
from klutzygirl :
Too cute!! I love it!!
from englishbabe :
I think you should transfer here to sunny Rochester NY! (Hey, come on, it was 19 degrees today with the wind chill. this is practically SUMMER. you'd love it. i'm sure. and i promise you that not only would you get to have sex - the girl to guy ratio is 40%-60% here- but i could also make sure you get hopeless drunk- complete with a hangover!) Because, I know for a fact b/c i work in housing, here at RIT, the first time you lose a key, it's free. We will change your lock & give you new keys for nothing! Well, the 2nd time it's $30, but hey... that first time is still free! Thought that was something you apprechiate. I know, I'm a dork.
from captvfirefly :
Ok, where are ya? According to my buddy list, you haven't updated in 2 days. I miss my Sarah! :) Hope you're OK...
from klutzygirl :
hmmm... seems I hit a nerve. My Q to back off... glad your still with us though!! :)
from klutzygirl :
tap..tap... R u There??? tap.. tap... hello Sarah??!! Earth calling Sarah!!
from mixtape- :
oh and yeah, I've loved Mest for ages. I actually remember once when I went to their show, not many people had went to see them cause they weren't popular, and tony & the guys came out to go bowling with us few fans that showed up. but anyway, I didn't know you liked them! sheesh. what other bands do u like?!!
from mixtape- :
that sucks about your CD. I can make you a mix CD if you want, with my favorite mest songs, or well yours, to replace that mest cd that you lost? hehe <3333
from candora :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (PS... I love NY pizza :)
from captvfirefly :
Um...*ahem*... *I* was in a sorority. :P But, it was a service sorority, so we like totally did stuff to help the community *giggle*! (I thought I'd throw in the valley girl talk just for stereotypical fun) Seriously though, there are decent sorority girls out there - we're not all a bunch of ditzy, sex crazed, tea-party, lavelier wearing, walking set of boobs. Or something. :)
from usareviews :
You're review is finally up! yay! I think you're going to like it, so hurry, go check it out.. ~Nancy~
from captvfirefly :
No way - your birthday is in April too? You must tell me. If your a Taurus, it would have to be between April 21st and the 30th. I'm an Aries, and mine is on April 17th (and I'm older than you, and *I* can tell you my birthday! :P ) We could have a group diaryland virtual birthday party! :)
from klutzygirl :
Hmmmmmmm PIZZA!! Domino's is here... GET THE DOOR!!
from captvfirefly :
Tell me you did not change your template just because I was giving you shit about it?!? :P You turd! If you loved it, then that's all that matters. Like I told ya, I'll read you no matter what! :) But, I can read this new template alot easier. I'm just sayin. And the playgirl thing? Um, I've never seen a playgirl. I'm sheltered. (yeah, right) When is your birthday, anyway??
from im2evil4u :
Hey, thanks for finding me and adding me to your favorites. One thing, the Pizza Party thing was not my idea I just found the article and petition and posted it on my diary. Am I still cool?
from captvfirefly :
I was laughing so hard when I read your flip flop entry. Dude, there is no way I'm wearing those Old Navy flip flops - I'd kill myself! So, you're not the only one. Your descriptions are priceless. Next time? Don't buy a pair of foam shoes -it's a conspiracy! lol
from klutzygirl :
Awww... thats sweet. I could use a new back, so if she sees one I'll buy it!! LOL!!
from klutzygirl :
I can't eat pizzahut, I get stomach cramps. don't know why but I do. :(
from klutzygirl :
OH MY!! I got a pair of flip flops from Pacific Ocean store here in the mall, they fell apart in 2 weeks, there goes $25.
from captvfirefly :
You are a sweetie! Thank you so much for the email and the virtual snapdragons, and thinking of me. Ok, and what happened to your cute girl squad layout?!? My crap-ass monitor at work is so dark that I can't read most of it. :( I find the new layout interesting, but it just doesn't seem like ... you. But, I also understand a need for a change of diary template scenery. I just think you're "funner" (Yes, I know that's not a real word) than the new dark theme, but hey, you could put up any template and I'd still read. :) Just wanted to give you some shit since I haven't been around lately. :) ((hugs))
from starlight42 :
ya, driving on the highway is as close to death as you can get! I'm with you though, I think death is so interesting, what will happen etc. I can wait to see though!
from missblackie :
Hey! I love the new layout, my dear. I too have always been intrigued by Russian communism. Don't know why... Heh, I'm a Kumrad. Sweeet.
from klutzygirl :
oh my goodness honey, I to make you smile, we need to get together seriously this spring or sometime hang out and talk trash/gossip!!
from klutzygirl :
Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles ROCK!!!
from creepatron :
Thanks so much for adding me to your buddy list! Now I'll have to live up to some imaginary standard of pressure.
from klutzygirl :
Damn Girl!! My bad!! I apologize. I bought the book Queer as Folk: The Book, don;t buy it unless you have seen Season 3, it gives everything away. I read it. Now I regret it I remember alot more than I would like to. Only 18 more days till it comes out on DVD!!
from fargahar :
Only things I remember from 8th grade Latin: Saxa dura (tough rocks...) and malus agricola and that means bad farmer I think? Otherwise...I can't remember shit.
from klutzygirl :
Make him see you are his princess!! Girl we need to hang out one day. :)
from captvfirefly :
If we lived closer, I know I'd be corrupting you in real life (not just via my diary). :) I keep forgetting you're just 18 - you're such the intelligent woman. I love ya like the little sister I don't have, darlin! You constantly make me laugh, and the fact that you leave me awesome, thoughtful comments is just too cool for words. Just thought I'd pop in and say, "Thanks for being you!"
from devian :
i could so cuddle up with your twin peaks dvd's...i have yet to get them...i would love to have all my favorite tv shows on day...i need to keep putting out to those dirty old men so i can make enough $$$
from devian :
i'm the biggest whore...when i'm not rubbing fire ants around my clitoris, i'm filling every orifice with cocks. SLUT!
from devian :
"you can ride, high atop your pony--i know you won't fall...cause the whole thing's phony..."
from klutzygirl :
Ants... are evil!!!
from captvfirefly :
I know - I thought maybe John was a virgin too, but you don't live with someone for 3.5 years and not give up the booty. I feel like such a dirty old woman in relation to him. LOL (course, I was told I *am* a dirty old woman) And your entry about obesity? Honey, I just wanted to give you a hug. Speaking as a former 250+ pound woman (and creeping back up since I've been dicking around), I know exactly what you wrote about. Unless people are fat, they have no idea. I'm not sure if this is any consolation, but *I* like you no matter what. And you know? There are people (and yes men) who will see past that superficial BS. Oh, and this whole thing with you crushing on men who aren't available? First Courtney's husband and now Lee (who belongs to Idiot-Milk)? LOL You crack me up.
from englishbabe :
Ladybugs. I meant Ladybugs. Lack of cookies = more mistyping.
from englishbabe :
Courtney's husband reminds me of Jonathan Brandis. i know that's probably spelt wrong, but it's the guy from Lafybugs who dresses up like a girl to play soccer...? Can anybody else see this?
from icantregretx :
aw thanks for the note. haha, well i have a lot of people cuz i had an older diary on here, but i got a new one, being this one. i only know , hold up, lets count.... hmm. i only know... 4 of them in real life. and i'm good friends with a few others that i don't actually know (such as Alex, and Meaghann (onyourshirt))... hmm anyway yep. la de da... but anyway, haha... you seem like a VERY kool girl. im going to see alexisonfire tonight, at L3, its jus a club in my city (St. Catharines, Ontario)... so where are you from? <3 lookin forward to talkin to ya soon.
from icantregretx :
wow - your diary is awesome (by the way i am a friend of Alex's.... anyway and i totally agreed with everything you said about God... in that one entry a few days ago. you couldn't have said it better :) props.
from imlaughinatu :
yes its true. dr. marlena evens is the crazy salem stalker. lol. i told you she was shit!! to hell with her!
from klutzygirl :
Donald Trump was no more than 1 foot away from me and touched my shoulder while moving through a line I was in while at Trump Marina in Atlantic City, Nj. I took his picture. I will add it to my picture log when I get home.
from klutzygirl :
Congrats on 500!!! WOOHOO!!
from klutzygirl :
I rip out the shoulder pads ever since I got my first blouse or shirt with them sewed in. I hate them. BUTCHY WOMEN, thats what they make us look like. Not that thats bad but ughhhhh.
from fargahar :
Brynnie updated her diary just for you.... I told her you were wondering and she descided to write about her landscaping abilities
from klutzygirl :
OMG!! I love Sleepless in Seattle I'm a huge sucker for it and You've Got Mail. I think I have the whole thing memorized. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan absoult PERFECTION!! I think that movie and Leauge of Their Own is the only 2 movies Rosie O'donnel is good in. We should get together this summer and hang out one day or weekend and watch SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE!! I must confess I have to get YGM on DVD but I have SIS on DVD. "
from klutzygirl :
okay Ms. McLoon I wanna hear one of these so called entries! Let's have it... (sits awaiting your words to begin)
from klutzygirl :
awwww i knew you would care!! love back to you sweetie
from klutzygirl :
I like her BOYS song from he last CD. But she is the dumbest blonde on the earth. :)
from mixtape- :
ya know its too bad that I don't know you offline because youre hilarious. <333
from angelbaby35 :
Don't feel bad even James liked it. We are all worried about the potential of Britney becoming a respectable artist.
from supershan :
that song is great. guilty pleasure. I started laughing when I read your entry, that song's been on repeat on my computer for days.
from mixtape- :
haha I love that song. It is catchy, yo! and ahh I can't guess the episode... damnit!
from captvfirefly :
I hated dorm showers. HATED them. Other people are disgusting - I mean, would they leave their bathrooms at home looking like that?!? (Hm, probably) Anyway, I used to cover the toilet seat in TP before I'd do anything (no matter how badly I had to go), and then I learned to squat (only works well when you have to pee). There will be no foreign toilet seat substance touching these cheeks. And? You're not an antisocial loser. I like ya! :)
from dilpickles07 :
I know what you mean, about the roommate thing. Mine dosn't believe in deodorant, or taking showers on a regular basis, nor doing laundry every once a month. it smells in my room really, really bad.
from captvfirefly :
Ok, seriously? My great aunt has an outhouse. I KNOW! (And I'd like to add that I haven't been to her house since I was 12, or longer.) I mean, she has indoor plumbing and a huge house, but when the whole family would gather, some people apparently couldn't wait. I know, ick. But a calendar? With OUTHOUSES? No, no, no. This is surely a sign of the apocalypse. And? You crack me up. I'm just sayin'.
from captvfirefly :
I used to be in love with Will Wheaton. YUM. And yes, he is a geek and I like that about him. He's on Tech TV all the time. Well, he used to be when I watched it with TheEx. Good eye candy.
from klutzygirl :
Girl you crack me up!! :)
from captvfirefly :
I was wonderin' where the hell you've been, woman! Hey, you're funny no matter what - it's a diary, you can say what you want and who cares if you think it's not entertaining? I feel like my entries are on the boring/neurotic side most of the time, but yet I still post. Screw what GJ has to say - you keep doin' your thing and we'll keep reading. Oh, and I'd be writing about having sex too, if I had it. Damn FunBoy. Looks like there won't be a sex update tonight. Bastard.
from klutzygirl :
Awesome, just checking on you.
from klutzygirl :
Hey... where did ya go hun? Are you alright? Busy with school probably. Just checking!!
from slipping- :
OMG OMG OMG you are my new hero. I love your layout.
from filibuster-y :
Yes, i definitely remember leonardo dicaprio talking about how amazing it was to draw people, even if they werent perfect, and being all sensitive about art when he mentioned chloe's webbed feet. no... wait... that was Dr. Evil from Austin Powers! LOL
from hcatty :
It's Titanic. One of his drawings. I think...
from tiragem :
Was it really Titanic? I'm not sure... Now you're going to have me filing through my video tapes... A french prostitute with webbed feet named Chloe... I KNOW I heard that somewhere.
from princesscris :
I think it came from Titanic n'est pas? Love your diary BTW!! :) :) :)
from raven72d :
But where will Weil Hall go once it disappears?
from hcatty :
I clicked the homestar banner. GENIUS! That just rocks... StrongBad's my fav. You're now a fav just because of THAT banner.
from serenaville :
I clicked the Homestar banner, because how could I possibly pass it up?? I like your diary, and have you bookmarked for reading later. Compared to you, I write the equivalent of War and Peace every entry, and now I'm self-conscious. lol I'll be reading. Take care!
from carrythezer0 :
i love james dean. <3
from raziela :
Hey hey! =) Your diary is totally awesome, keep up the good work! ^^
from diaryreviews :
didn't know if anyone had told you yet (lack of communication) but I've posted your review on the diaryreviews site :) cheers!
from thespark :
I run a diaryring/community. I'd like for you to join the ring. E-mail me if you're interested: [email protected].
from intheory27 :
I'm sure you're incredibly sick of the banner comments, but you have a wonderful one. :)
from cthulhu-dawn :
HOMESTAR RUNNER!!! *flips out*
from thiswonthurt :
argh, you sucked me in with your banner (I never cick on those things I normally just want to shoot the people in the kneecaps) ell, nice diary, you rock my socks.
from klutzygirl :
OMG!! Yes, I clicked on your banner the other day. It was so cute. I do like it!! :)
from dreamgazing :
You know I didn't even hear about Britney till today, I asked my best friend when I saw it on msn and she didn't know either- so she tells her mum and her sister and they were all "Well duh.."- for a minute there we were bothered that we were out of the loop... but hey... its britney... who really wants to know right? you just know this guy was spiking her drink all night- he'll be famous after this... the stupidity and comedy of it al *almost* makes you feel sorry for her... oh thats still laughing... ;)
from mixtape- :
I can always come read your diary to have a good laugh. hehe. <3
from captvfirefly :
Thank you. I never really thought about how I get down on myself when fun things happen. When did you become so worldly? :) You hit the nail on the head - thanks for pointing it out. Sometimes I get bogged down by what I think I should be doing instead of enjoying it while it happens. The only reason I felt even slightly guilty is because I wouldn't want to think of FunBoy making out with some other woman. So, I was trying to see things from his perspective (that's what TheEx always used to beat into my head). But you know what? Fuck his perspective. If he can't commit, then he should take it as it comes. The only thing I'll feel bad about is lying to him (well, neglecting to tell him the truth) about not seeing anyone else. Anyway, thanks for the vote of total support - you are fabulous! :)
from emostars4you :
1-2-04 I have sex with my cat in the room. He doesen't even notice and just gets up and moves if we kick him.
from idiotreviews :
Reviews up! Thanks for being so patient!
from captvfirefly :
Aw honey, you're only 18! You've got PLENTY of years to spend drunk and disorderly. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are NOT a loser! And hey, if we're throwing out "loser" names, I'd say I was a pretty big loser - I spent last night alone. I COULD have gone out, but I just didn't want to. Sometimes being sober and alone doesn't make you a loser, it makes you smart. :) Here's to a great new year! (in other words - buck up little camper!)
from captvfirefly :
As a former repressed Lutheran loser (hey, I honestly don't drink that much), I'd like to give you some drinking advice: 1.) eat a good meal before drinking - preferably something with some fat. It protects the stomach lining from the alcohol. 2.) Drink water so you won't be hurting anymore than normal the next day. If you can follow up every few drinks with a glass of water, do it. At least make sure you drink a few glasses of water before you go to bed. I have friends who will even take Tylenol before going to bed (with lots of water) because they say they won't be hung over the next day. I did that on Saturday night, and I still had a hangover, so don't count on that. But, I didn't drink enough water or eat enough either. 3.) Pace yourself. If this is your first drunken experience, take it slow. There's no need to do 6 shots in 60 seconds right off the bat. 4.) If you don't like the taste of a certain drink, don't bother drinking it! Find stuff you like, it makes the experience much more enjoyable! And finally 5.) It's not always as fun as you think it is. Don't get too excited about drinking. Sure, some of us (*ahem*) make it sound glamorous but it's not always fun. End of preaching. Look at that, I went all motherly on ya! HA! Just be safe and have a good time. And let me know how it goes. :)
from inkdragon :
Thanks for taking my FYI survey. I think you answer to most embarrassing moment is classic, excellent. Happy New Year!
from englishbabe :
heeey I've been reading & I would love to hear your stories of sex! Any stories of sex. Please. Especially if it's about Matt Damon. Arughhhh or Brad Pitt. ohmigod. Even his NAME is orgasmic. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
from klutzygirl :
HELLO!!! I have been readaing also. Hmmph, fine be that way. J/K! We love ya.
from captvfirefly :
Um, excuse me? *I* have been reading, so I deserve to hear your tales of debauchery and whatnot. I do have a theory on why your stats are showing zero - when I made changes to my template way back when, somehow my "Gold Stats" line got deleted. So, if you're using the gold stats, you may want to check your template and make sure that line (whatever it is) is included there. Let me know if that's what happened Ms. Template Switcher. :)
from captvfirefly :
Well, I think YOUR guestbook is from satan as well since it made my computer freak out where I can't use IE anymore. The pop-ups! Ack! Anyway...about Bad Bar - honey, if you're going to go on a drinking rampage, make sure you go with people you trust and take a cab. Good times. I can't guarantee the gay man groping (and I laughed my ass off when I read your "pride and joy" comment! You are SO "Karen") because I seem to always run into interesting people. And I do remember where Jim and Steve are from - Tampa/St. Pete. Conicidentally, Matt is from Hudson if you know where that is? Maybe he can come out and grope you? :) Well, enough of my rambling, I need to get some sleep. I'm too old for that drinking shit. And if FunBoy ever found out what really went down, he'd have a heifer on the spot. Ah well, I'm allowed to have my "bad girl" moments. Just be safe if you have your own. :)
from mixtape- :
well hello there! I just wanted to wish you A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year. Good luck with everything. <3 alex
from fargahar :
Your new layout is purty but...doesn't link properly to your guestbook...and it cuts off the link at the bottom and your layout provider might not like that and I don't want you to get on any of those layout naughty lists. Thank you for you notes. I would totally be there if I had money and if my foot wasn't broken. :)
from trendless101 :
amazing! just amazing! Your diary is so fun. I absolutely love it! you never fail to put a smile on my face. You�re the best! keep up the AWESOME stuff!
from englishbabe :
I was getting all panicked! Don't leave me hanging like that! I keep checking and checking and NOTHING! I'm on vacation from school BORED WITLESS and i'm sarah-entry-less! So, so selfish. This could take entries before I forgive you. Cries pitfully. But heeey I never even though about an Old Navy dressing room. I have a new goal in life.
from captvfirefly :
I was just about to leave you a note that said, "Where the hell are you?" You know, us compulsive updaters have to stick together. Glad that it was just sleeping and not something bad. And hey, it took me almost 30 years to have "fun" in an Old Navy dressing room, and honestly that's not my venue of choice. LOL But, it ain't bad. And I'm pretty sure it makes me either a total slut, or marriage material - I haven't decided yet. Go get some Mt. Dew.
from tiragem :
That entry entitled "Oh Woe is me"... what a fucking hilarious (and true!) entry. Although I do take slight offense to the atheist part (cause I'm agnostic), I found everything quite true. I was even planning to write an entry about that. And I saw that South Park Episode too... killed myself with laughter. (And I would have lost the bet about Butters being straight too).
from slutreviews :
from captvfirefly :
I am indeed, my friend, telling you that Taco Bell did NOT take our beloved chilli cheese burrito off the menu here in the lovely Buckeye state. I guess there has to be something good about living in Ohio, right? You guys get the sun and good weather, we get the burritos. That's a fair deal for being subjected to midwestern "blahness", right? C'mon, you know I'm right! *contemplates going for a chilli cheese burrito tonight....Oh, but I can ALWAYS get one!*
from fargahar :
I want to take Sign my guestbook out to an empty feild and beat the shit out of it with a baseball batt ala Office Space.
from captvfirefly :
Damn, woman! You crack me up! That AOL thing was pretty funny. Hey, I'm on AOL too - if you ever see "BoredatWork74" online, feel free to say hi and whatnot. And? I loved the soundtrack to your life thing - I may have to copy that idea, when I get over this lazyness thing I've got going on at the moment....
from deja-reviews :
your review is all done and waiting for you. im sorry for the long amount of time it actually took for me to actually start your diary. please forgive. -kathy
from freefallrevu :
Well, I much liked your diary, I like I'll end up adding you to my favorites on my personal diary. And just to let you know the "first impression" was completly blown away.
from mixtape- :
lol shat, I meant "that" not than. :p
from mixtape- :
I totally agree with your latest entry. I actually wrote an entry similar to than on my srcibblejournal but anyway, dont think those chicks who complain all the time will ever change anyway. Like Ali said on my review theyre "pity-whores". Haha. Dang. I'm being mean. Oops. Anyway, I like your diary, and I've been reading for a while. Its funny. Keep it up! <3
from freefallrevu :
Yeah...oops, that is supposed to say "Your review is up".
from freefallrevu :
Your review is! Thanks for requesting, you're a funny girl. -Ali
from freefallrevu :
Hey, noticed that you get reviews. Maybe you should check out freefall reviews. ;) Thanks.
from klutzygirl :
Hey I didn't know if you wanted to exchange X-mas cards. I would love to, since I have gotten to know you in such a short period of time. Let me know. If you dont, dont worry about it. :)
from klutzygirl :
OMG!! We moved on to a reviewer list on idiot reviews... now it will be a week before she gets to us or more. :)
from captvfirefly :
I am SO with you on the stupid cycle thing. And when I read "I want a hysterectomy for Christmas," I laughed so loud at work that a coworker came over to see what was wrong with me. I've thought about it many a time. Being a woman sucks sometimes.
from englishbabe :
The reason there are so few updates on the weekends is that we're all too hungover to even sit up, let alone write in a somewhat coherent manner. And those of us who aren't hungover are so bored that we can't think of anything to write about :)
from klutzygirl :
I love the trading card. i think I might ask my mom for a gold membership for Christmas. Since she has credit cards and I don't. I go by CASH!! So much easier, I hate bills. :)
from klutzygirl :
Excellent.. SOUNDTRACK TO MY LIFE!! Thanks for playing along. Just something I thought I would see if anyone else would have as much fun as I did with it. :) Take Care!!
from idiotreviews :
Thanks for what you said about our template. It rocks, right? Ahah. :D Thanks again! <3s, Danielle, Owner
from captvfirefly :
By the way, if you see a bunch of page views in your stats, it's just me. I'm up WAY too early on a Saturday, so I thought I'd do some catch up.
from captvfirefly :
I don't think you're a bad friend for not wanting to live with anyone. I think there are people that NEED to have roommates, and then there are people that don't. It seems that you and I are the kind that don't! I just felt bad because my friend needs me, and since I don't want to live with her, I felt like I was being a bad friend - turning her away in her time of need. But college roommates? Bah! I had one my freshman year, and then the middle of my sophmore year, she went psycho and I moved out on her ass. Lived by myself the rest of my college career ...well, had friends over all the time, but was basically alone - and I loved it! You're not a bad person at all. And now that I've written a novel in your notes...
from englishbabe :
ahhhh, pizza girl. I would like to tell you that I read your 'be kind' entry and me, my roommate, and two girls down the hall just about fell on the floor laughing. I was on the phone to my mother at the time and was barely holding myself together. Just so you know. You provide the girls in the G-Spot @ RIT with great amusement. (and by the way, I know what you mean. The damn food at college is just no good for your stomach & then they make you share bathrooms?! WTF. really now.)
from porktornado :
...and bless you for thinking I am funny. Nice diary. Keep up the good work.
from klutzygirl :
its from that movie BRING IT ON, right?? I know its from a Cheer!!
from klutzygirl :
Being on the damn show. Would be my vote. LOL. Although I did watch this last one on BOB... or should we say BOOB!!!
from fargahar :
Reviews are a bunch of crap anyways. I though about getting reviewed but then I thought who gives a shit! I like my diary and there are people who read it who like it as well and that is all I care about. Plus what gives that person the right to be reviewing diaries anyways??
from dangerspouse :
Hiya! I just saw you added me to your Buddy List. Thanks - that's very flattering! I'm really enjoying reading through your stuff, btw. You have a great, spare style that conveys a lot with an economy of words. I wish I could learn to do that. Oh, and way to go with the potatoes, Spuds! Thanks again :)
from englishbabe :
Random clicked on your diary & then got addicted. I would just like to say ohmigod I can't believe somebody else is in love with a guy who.. who... well. likes boys. I know the feeling. Weird, isn't it? Like, you would think that the second you found that out it would be like.. "oh okay I'll just stop thinking about you and thinking how hot you are etc etc etc" but it doesn't work like that! I thought I was the only one. I'm glad to know there are more of us :)
from angelbaby35 :
Who the fuck is Jonathan Brandis?
from foreverhis- :
and why shouldn't you bitch? =) <3<3 rad diary!
from foreverhis- :
and why shouldn't you bitch? =) <3<3 rad diary!
from angelbaby35 :
Brian is your ;)
from spifferiffic :
Hahaha! three of your diaries belong to me! :-P

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