messages to mangofarmer:
(click here to add new message):
from flicka : |
Glad your toilet flushes again after 10 years! You must be very tolerant and patient. |
from emu-head : |
Okay, I feel better now. :P |
from emu-head : |
I couldn't believe that, with the friggin' dancing beavers and flying moose and Mounties all over the goddamn place. Way to make the entire world think we're some kind of joke. You know my country isn't a joke, right? You know we are serious good people, right? RIGHT?! Oh, my country shames me sometimes... |
from emu-head : |
Mangofarmer! I miss you on Facebook. :'( I do hope you return once Lent is over. And yes, our countries are battling eachother but I will not let it tear us apart. However I do hope my country detroys yours, for hockey is our game. Hope you are doing well! *hugs* |
from emu-head : |
Mangofarmer not writing often enough makes the baby emu cry. |
from emu-head : |
*hug* Thank you. :) |
from poolagirl : |
Just how old are you? Happy Berfday! |
from furiouspuppy : |
ha! i missed my 10 year high school reunion because i'm on the other side of the world still. does make me feel old! |
from emu-head : |
No phones, no talking, no nothing! Just me and a computer. I've hit the motherload. I'm sure there's something horribly horrible and bad about the job that I'll discover later, though... |
from trinityboy : |
Note. |
from mangoprawns : |
Hey mango-dudette, I read your diary!! You're looking fine and readable. Have a great day!!! |
from slynn : |
I check diaryland once a month. You're the only one on my list that updates anymore. Poor diaryland. |
from princessreva : |
I'm still here! Well, at my new addy anyway, but you know what I mean. And I know you've said you blog somewhere else before but you've never said whaere. TELL MEEEEEEE. princessrevaathotmail!! |
from emu-head : |
I read it! Faithful Emu-Head! |
from dfirefly : |
Not that I've been much of a presence here for a while, anyway. I now reside at, although right now it is about as active as my D'land site (that will change soon). I would love to know your current haunt! I can be reached at, for your privacy's sake. |
from wilted-daisy : |
I read rather quickly and go through many many books. You need 25 more before the end of the year!! I recommend all 13 Lemony Snicket books and The Great Gatsby. And anything Bronte or Austen. Excellent and wonderfully fast reads. I did read HP7 in under 8 hours though. |
from dfirefly : |
Happy (belated) Guy Fawkes Day to you! And my best friend is afraid of escalators, too. |
from emu-head : |
I couldn't have said it better myself. |
from emu-head : |
Chips are awesome. If you want to come over, I'll share some of mine with you. It'll be worth the trip across the continent. |
from emu-head : |
Haha. I think I could take you down in a fight, Miss Mango. And do you have any idea how many hours I'd have to work just to pay for the cab? (A: 2) But, provided I'm still working there then... yeah, I doubt I'll be walking. Waaaaaay too early. |
from skibigsky : |
Soooo.... How's the new jobby job? |
from emu-head : |
I'll send you a postcard from Cracktown! Cracktown is exotic and foreign. Well... foreign, at least. |
from thetimid : |
Austen ain't for everybody. I love her stuff (not rabidly like some weirdos, but with a normal/geektastic appreciation for 18th century class mockery). I didn't see "Last King," mostly because Forrest Whittaker creeps me out (I know he's talented, but soooo creepy!). Not even hot Scots could convince me to watch that. It would be close, but still a no. |
from wilted-daisy : |
Yes I am. You just can't keep a good woman down. |
from wilted-daisy : |
How much do I love that I remembered my password and you're still here???!!!! Email me sometime and we can catch up -- [email protected] |
from trinityboy : |
Hurrah for the full-time receptionist! |
from skibigsky : |
Happy 'berfday'! (And join the crowd; I'm old too. Bleah.) |
from poolagirl : |
Happy birthday, Leo/Virgo Cusp Woman! |
from emu-head : |
I gotta say, I'm starting to become glad I've succumbed as well. I'm glad I've given hope... if there's anyone who seemed like they were doomed to the world of retail, it was me. I have faith in you. And me thinks I will have to go buy some more danishes tomorrow... dey be all gone. Dey be good. |
from thetimid : |
Happy 'versary! Woo hoo!! ((and tanx for the applause...a few lucky editors will soon be perusing my snarky outpouring of righteous wrath; also woo hoo)) |
from skibigsky : |
Happy 'verary!!! And to celebrate, I think you should re-compose (sort of like decompose, but different) John Phillip Sousa's 'Stars and Stripes Forever' completely with flutes. So it would be a sort of 'Mangos Forever'.... (Or maybe I should just be quiet... Happy Day!!!) |
from poolagirl : |
YAY! Happy Diary-versary! You were one of my very first friends here. So go celebrate! Go honk a horn or eat a fig! |
from dfirefly : |
You should take your flute and play a duet with that guy who plays the guitar outside the Chiefs games. That's a job, right? |
from emu-head : |
I'm not okay, but I'll be okay. Thank you. :-) |
from emu-head : |
*hug* |
from emu-head : |
I love you too. :-) |
from emu-head : |
I wish I was in Jesusland! No fair. |
from yay : |
ION! 10-11pm on weeknights... maybe every night? It's exciting. I didn't even know I had ION. Good luck! |
from pandionna : |
Heya. Not sure if you were friends with LeslieIrene, but I remember that you both had the flute in common, and I seem to recall that you read her diary here when she had one here on d-land. I hate to be the bearer of sad news, sweetheart, but the lupus has taken her. If you knew her, you might wish to visit Hamiltonian's diary. I hope all is well with you. |
from trinityboy : |
Have you read Paris to the Moon? It's a favourite of mine...I recommend it always. |
from sketty : |
Heck, I've found another future crazy cat lady who believes she is going to die alone and get found rotted into the carpet covered in flies! I (virtually) embrace you! |
from emu-head : |
Good to know I'm not the only one who's going to be suffering that fate. Except with me it'll probably be an avalanche of oatmeal squares. But same idea. Mangled corpse, cats feasting on me, skeleton found later. |
from augustdreams : |
You'll find something kick-ass soon in the job dept., I've no doubt. And they'll be lucky to have you, Mangolicious one. In the meantime, if you ever need a fake potential employer drop me a note and I'll give you my cell #. I will lie like a rug to those heartless fuckers because they don't understand that it's frustrating enough to be job hunting and they make it worse by acting like nazis about it. You'll be fine, babe. There are good things just around the corner. :) |
from emu-head : |
Well, hot damn! You've got yourself a deal! |
from skibigsky : |
You're kidding, right?!? Argh. Although I've got a gut feeling that this is a good thing, not a bad thing. Really. (But what a Monday?!?) |
from emu-head : |
Are you serious?!? Holy Jebus. I'm not quite sure whether to say "I'm sorry" or "Congratulations". |
from trinityboy : |
Well, that clears up one certainly weren't working for Starbucks. I hope you find new (and more enjoyable) employment, Ms. Mango. |
from princessreva : |
Priceless!! Sorry, crappy monday for you, but what great diary fodder!! |
from sillycake : |
Hi! Thanks for adding me to your favs. I used to be a "diaryland-er" over a year ago, but I got rid of it and have now decided to start anew. Anyway, I used to be a fan of yours. I see your writing is still as amazing as it was years ago when I first discovered your diary. Kudos! |
from dfirefly : |
I hate hate hate Marquez. Does that make me a bad person? |
from emu-head : |
Happy New Year to you too, Mango my friend! |
from princessreva : |
Happy New Year! Here's to hoping that you get some kind of weird bug that makes you lay in bed all day and updating is your only outlet to the real world! (Okay, I'm being selfish, but at least if you got a really funny disease, we'd both have lots to laugh about!) |
from dfirefly : |
Happy New Year! |
from dfirefly : |
Thanks for taking one for the team and trying that. I got really excited when reading your opening line: "They make chai nog? AWESOME!" But if it sucks just as much as egg nog, screw that. |
from trinityboy : |
She doesn't like egg nog, she doesn't like basketball...this is why our marriage didn't work out, you know. |
from trinityboy : |'s playing the flute. Drive me nuts. ;) |
from dfirefly : |
I was going to say how it just missed me, but it's broken again. :( |
from emu-head : |
Thank you for the LOL right there. People and their silly antics really crack me up sometimes. |
from metonym : |
Hey - I didn't plan on keeping the diary locked for long, and it's unlocked now and hopefully will stay that way. Just in case, user: hollow, pass: men. |
from princessreva : |
yeah, he doesn't just dislike it, he has to go on a tirade about how much chocolate su ks whenever it's mentioned. He can't just say "no thanks, I don't want a brownie" he has to be like "I hate chocolate why would you offer me chocolate it's disgusting blah blah blah" What a marooooon! |
from trinityboy : |
Bummer about that jobby-job...keep sending them out, though. Muzak kills brain cells. |
from emu-head : |
If the store I work at turns on the Christmas music at ANY TIME during November, I will go insane. Oh, the pain. |
from princessreva : |
dagnabit, I want you to have that job!! Although being so far from home, something about working in a mall at Christmastime seems romantic to me... feel free to whap me upside the head for a reality check:) |
from emu-head : |
*hugs back* |
from emu-head : |
Aww, thank you for your sympathy my dear Mangofarmer. It does suck having to work Thanksgiving, but at least I get that wonderful thing that is time and a half... Damn, I like money. |
from poolagirl : |
Oh God! I meant the meme was big-ass. Not you! Oh God! I hate this fuckin' English language! |
from poolagirl : |
LOVE your big-ass long meme answers! YAY! I did it too - took me like for fucking ever to do! |
from emu-head : |
I never stop celebrating such things. I still think people like us are cool. |
from emu-head : |
I plan on calling a taxi when I collapse on the side of the road on my way home on Monday. And it's not a matter of if I collapse... it's when. Anyways, I want to go back to school too so bad it hurts. Too bad Cracktown University offers nothing in the way of anything half decent. |
from poolagirl : |
But of course, my darling! I will definitely need a flute player in the stumpf fiddle band! |
from journalman : |
Many thanks. Love your book list... I'm going to have to get me a library card ;-) |
from soverycherry : |
Happy birthday! You're old now, like me. Yes, I still read, but I'm here now: |
from emu-head : |
I'm celebrating your permitiversary over here too, just got my new learners licence in the mail today. And I understand about the Stockholm Syndrome thing. I kind of wish I had that going on. I'm really beginning to realize that the job hopping I've been doing is not the least bit admirable. |
from trinityboy : |
It cannot possibly be age, for you are ageless and timeless. |
from ballet-bum : |
Good to hear from you too!! Want to trade places? I'll do your crap job, and you can have my constant nausea and eventual fatness. Deal?! |
from emu-head : |
I mean permitiversary. Heh. Permitversity is the place where you go to get your drivers permit. |
from emu-head : |
Holy crap. My licence actually expires right on the 24th. What are the odds? I would be honoured and humbled to be part of your 10 year permitversity. |
from augustdreams : |
Woot! The Coffee Emporium can go to hell, man. Glad you're out of there. I'm still reading, my Mango-tastic one. I've just been unforgivably slack about leaving notes. Good luck and drop me an email if you need any fake references. ;D (As an ex-Diznee employee I know all about leaving a really shitty job and not wanting to use the evil bastards as a reference.) |
from emu-head : |
Yay for quitting! |
from metonym : |
you were asleep. and it's probably a spider bite. |
from emu-head : |
A 10% cut? How could I possibly lose? I accept your offer! And thanks for the *hug*. It's appreciated. The world is a lonely place sometimes, I need all the love I can get. :) And, hey, now that I've quit my job... isn't it your turn? |
from emu-head : |
Hey, I still update on a daily basis. And it's all for you, my friend. |
from emu-head : |
Glad to have made a difference in one American's life, reminding them of Canada Day. And I wish you a Happy 4th Of July in advance, and my apologies that you have to work all day and not get paid any extra for it. I think I've asked you this before, but I feel the need to ask you again... why the hell are you still working there?! |
from dfirefly : |
Your guestbook hates me. Congrats on getting an orchestra gig! And The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana? I think it's easier to read than The Name of the Rose, but requires a broader base of knowledge - mostly pop culture since WWI and Italian history. I really like it, though. Anyway, go kick some orchestra ass! |
from emu-head : |
Hey, if you ever feel like moving to the wasteland that is the west coast of Canada, you could get a job at my happy place of employment. You're guaranteed at least 40 hours per week and they're litterally ALWAYS hiring, because of the massive amounts of employee turnover. I'm sure you're so interested. |
from emu-head : |
It's like a gerbil, except bigger. They're funny things. |
from emu-head : |
I, for one, would be extremely extremely happy if you did start writing in here again on a regular basis. So, please... think of the Emu. And write often. Even if you have nothing to say. Hell... I've never been one to let that stop me. |
from augustdreams : |
Edible Cacti!? The devil, you say! :D Just wanted to send ya some love, my Mangoriffic one. |
from emu-head : |
Your 10 year learners permit party would be such a blast. You gotta invite me to that. We non-drivers licence people should form a cult. |
from marysensei : |
It's me, Marebear78. Moved to this new diary.....dani and chicago can help you figure it out;) |
from emu-head : |
What a coincidence! My diet starts tomorrow too! Hope you're having a good Christmas. |
from furiouspuppy : |
Hi Mango, I sent you an email with my password...hope you got it! Sorry if you hate the person that I've become but had to keep it rizzle. Word. |
from emu-head : |
Yay! I love Mangofarmer. And the mally-mall owns my soul too. It's quite sad. |
from emu-head : |
*cries* I cannot live more than a week without a new entry from the Mangofarmer. Come back soon. |
from dfirefly : |
Uhh, Sargasso, not Sargassa. Me = dumb. |
from emu-head : |
When we used to sympathize with eachother about our lack of employment, now we can do it with the sub-par employment that we both seem to have found our way into. Closing up does get easier, though, right? Right?!?!?! I refuse to go through that much pain again. |
from emu-head : |
*hugz back* You're so kind. Hey, can you give me a free Chai Tea Latte? |
from madam-diva : |'re so old!..... tape? Yeah, i remember tapes. The best was sitting next your your tape recorder all day...waiting for a song you like to come on the radio so you could record it, and not have to shell out 12 dollars for the complete tape. |
from furiouspuppy : |
Hey You! As soon as I get to my hotmail account, I'll give you a password. My work doesn't allow hotmail... |
from princessreva : |
dagnabit I WANT you to work at the bookstore!!!! Gimme some numbers to call, I can make things happen:) |
from gumphood : |
We have the same record. Head to Head, you win, but I think the only head to head that matter is in the next round. |
from gumphood : |
Pick your Pony. Red Sox in Playoffs, Yankees out? Or Other way around. |
from emu-head : |
I actually do watch The Daily Show most days. It airs on The Comedy Network up here (the Canadian version of Comedy Central... how original, eh?). But Jon Stewart isn't always all that nice towards Canadians either. But, yeah, I love The Daily Show. Funny as hell. |
from emu-head : |
Uh... give me a double mocha frappacino mochacino soy milk frappe with no foam, and cinnamon sprinkled on top. Or whatever the hell those fancy coffee people drink. Congrats on the job! But I swear, both you and I... someday we're going to find really good jobs where our talents can be fully realized, and we'll be making some hella $$$. I just know it. |
from trinityboy : |
I did it again...I responded to the wrong person. Oops. Ignore that bit about stoning. Unless you're stoned at the moment, in which case it might apply. |
from gumphood : |
Damn you Randy Johnson. Damn you. |
from emu-head : |
Hey, put in a good word for me too, eh? Even though the smell of coffee makes me physically sick. I'm getting desperate too. There was an ad in the newspaper this morning saying A&W was hiring and I was all like "Hmm... that doesn't sound to bad..." Except it does. I'm just getting really desperate for $$$. |
from gumphood : |
Think that the Yanks will win the series this weekend? |
from emu-head : |
Happy 1300th entry. And also thanks for the recommendation. I had been thinking about that Olay stuff. |
from skibigsky : |
Check here. I would assume that it's current, but it will be a start. |
from gumphood : |
Yeah, its just for me, why New York when I could be in Boston. Anything that I would be missing in Boston New York doesn't have, and most of the things I hate about big cites New York has more of. And lets not talk about living in the city that beats the Red Sox and loves every moment of it. |
from dfirefly : |
LIES! Your guestbook lies, I tell you! I was eight minutes late, not forty-one! |
from emu-head : |
Hip-Hap-Happy Birthday! To a very special person on her very special day. And I mean "special" in the most sincere way. |
from ballet-bum : |
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a really great day! Don't worry about all those things you're 'supposed' to have done, circuses are scary anyway. And yes, Pink Floyd were awesome, it was worth being crushed and standing behind some guy with awful hygiene and foul BO... ah, sorry for contaminating your birthday message with talk of BO!! Have a fantabulous day :) |
from creature3592 : |
i'm sorry. i think i gave up. writing is so much easier when you use a pen... but just for you, i'll go add another entry. :) |
from gumphood : |
I don't know what the subject is, but I am confident you could write a better paper with no knowledge of the subject. |
from emu-head : |
Heh heh, the last 17 notes have been from me. I'm a note-leaving Mangoholic. Just wanted to wish you a very happy diaryversary! Here's some money --> $$$$$ |
from emu-head : |
Vancouver isn't great. Its "downtown east side" is renouned for being the worst neighbourhood in all of Canada. And it has a bit of a gang problem. But it's pretty. And it is a lot like Seattle, in a way, since they're so close. But... tralala. I think the whole world is a hell hole. |
from emu-head : |
Emu Loves Mangofarmer. And I reeeeeeeeeeeally need a job too. A taco would be nice as well. |
from emu-head : |
You don't want to be in my family. Believe me. No amount of money is worth the pain. |
from ballet-bum : |
It's a bit belated, but I had to tell you how much you made me laugh with your Dubya dream...I was drinking coffee when I read it, and laughed so hard I snorted it through my nose. Yuck, I know, but thanks for making my day anyway :) |
from gumphood : |
here we go red sox here we go |
from emu-head : |
Hey, find me a job too, will ya? :) |
from marebear78 : |
Awww, thanks, dude!! |
from moretoknow : |
Thanks for adding me as a favorite, doll. |
from emu-head : |
Actually, as misleading as their name may be, the Liberals are actually a right-wing party. I know, it makes no sense. But they're not, like, fanatically right-wing like the Republicans are. So it's all good. It's just that the NDP, who are the other main party, are about 2 degrees away from being Communists. Anyways... I'm sure you don't care. But I hope the day finds you well. :-) |
from soverycherry : |
You are the smartest smart in smarttown, really. I never congratulated you for graduating, so that I will do now: CONGRATULATIONS! :) |
from emu-head : |
Congratsadidilyations! I'm so proud of you. *tear* And hey, my mom is always telling me to find a sugar daddy too. It ain't such a bad idea, when you think about it... :-P |
from abacinate : |
i hope you had a wondyful graduation!!! |
from emu-head : |
You're still kicking ass, even without a Super Gold membership. Thanks for the comment about my kitties, by the way. They appreciate it. And I really am like a proud parent, just flashing pictures of my kitties around, looking for compliments. Anyways... hope you have a mangotastic day. |
from so-then-what : |
i just added to my favourites. 100th linker! |
from abacinate : |
happy early graduation! i never leave you enough notes. *spits on self* |
from soverycherry : |
Your comments link still worked and it tricked me! Anyway - mmmm sushi. |
from ballet-bum : |
hi miss mango! thanks loads for the note you left a few weeks back when I burned my hand, it's much better now. I can use my fingers, which is useful. Hey, I noticed when I clicked to add a note that your total entries is 1234, pretty damn cool. Anyway, have a brilliant weekend :) |
from felibhat : |
Oops, put in the URL incorrectly in the message I left in your guestbook. Doh. Sorry. Feli |
from gumphood : |
The yankees looked very good. Hideki Matsui is really really good. I can't stand looking at him though. Is it just me or is he horrifically ugly. |
from abacinate : |
A few years ago I searched for brad pitt on google images for my friend and in the first page of images there were pics of him naked by a pool or something. That's my story and i'm sticking to it. |
from abacinate : |
Because the Seychelles are purdy. And they have mutant double coconuts that get up to 50 pounds each. |
from creature3592 : |
Thank you very much for the message - warm, glowy feeling... which is probably a side effect from eating tose rather old crackers. I would say something interesting, only my life has suddenly gotten boring. So goodbye. :) |
from mugbug226 : |
Wow, okay, I can't stop laughing over the Jesus Land icon you have there.. heheh Right, moving on, thanks for the note! It takes a lot for me to be able to get on the internet nowadays, so it's good to hear from people. I have to update or something. Maybe I'll go do that... Take care!! |
from marebear78 : |
Glad to see you survived the trip:) My Amtrak experiences are similar, only add lots of beer or Jim Bean to the situation. Damn the cafe car! |
from gumphood : |
I have always loved pink floyd. I enjoy the profile greatly. |
from invisibledon : |
happy holidays |
from ballet-bum : |
Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you had a great day, and hope you're enjoying your time in Hickville :) |
from marebear78 : |
I, too, am bound on a train for Hickville, but it is, unfortunately, in central Jesusland. We're talking the one town that, in a state as blue and Democrat as they come, voted overwhelmingly for Bush. It will be a long Christmas.... |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Thanks for the note! I've really missed you. :) |
from ballet-bum : |
I just started reading Lady Chatterley's Lover too, and I agree with you, it's a bit slow. I was expecting some controversial thing...nope. And Constance gets on my nerves. But anyhoo, hope all is well with you :) |
from abacinate : |
you get a comment AND a note cuz you're special like that :D thankee for your note-age. you always make me smile :) *huggles and happy sneezes* and lastly, i think every man who commits a relationship crime should get neutered. |
from marebear78 : |
LOVE the Jesusland! You should come check out my map of Bluetopia. Whatever will we do until Bushie is out of office?? |
from dark-doll : |
Jesusland and United state of Canada teeheehee! That was funny :) |
from abacinate : |
john edwards should get SOME kind of position in the executive branch of the government. or at least a position underneath me. heehee sorry that was too easy. don't die, i'll cry and crawl in the dark hole and drink with you...that is if you have a good drink ;) |
from outre-fancy : |
You say you like books, my most recent read has been the The DaVinci Code, and I thought it was great :). Just thought I'd run it by you (unless you've read it already). Also you do very nice surveys. ~Lila |
from dfirefly : |
So I got really bored, right? And I started reading through the last survey I took, right? And it happened to be your mangosaurus one, right? And I read over it, and apparently I was on crack while taking it, because I had the most bizarre typing errors I've ever seen myself commit. I fixed them all, I think, so I don't know why I'm telling you this. Might be that boredom thing that drove me to notice it in the first place, perhaps. Right, then. Have a jolly good day! |
from furiouspuppy : |
Died laughing at Jesusland... |
from dfirefly : |
Why yes, as in Kinsey the sex guy from Intro Psych. Be in intigued. Be very intrigued. |
from abacinate : |
I'm afraid you just may have BMTS :o/ I never like having to tell people like this but you may want to notify your family as soon as possible so that they can take care of your special needs. (I have too much time on my hands, don't I?) :D |
from abacinate : |
I think we should demand a recount on the primary!!! Howard Dean for Life!! |
from furiouspuppy : |
Dr. Beat rocks and you know it. Don't be hatin'. I took a survey of yours. Quite random. Yet entertaining. |
from ballet-bum : |
Ok, I just did that past life thing, and it said I was probably Adolf Hitler. Hmmmmm. That can't be good. Anyway, have fun grading those papers! :) |
from creature3592 : |
i read your 107 facts today because i was bored. they were fascinating. but only because my alternative is to not be fascinated by them and go back to dissecting my book for an English teacher who swears at me. well, at us. in general. that's all for now. i think. let me know if anything interesting happens while i'm gone. |
from abacinate : |
i heartily agree. in fact, an author should have to use 'schnockered' if they want their book to be considered literature. |
from snowcherry : |
Thanks! |
from pbjgrrl : |
i can see from your mangocounter that i missed the mangobirthday.... hope you had a mangolicious one. |
from poolagirl : |
Weird dream, lady! I think football is much better when you are trashed. Go for it! |
from snowcherry : |
The day after September 11th. So now I never get proper birthday parties anymore...*cries*. |
from abacinate : |
Thankee very muchly! Now all the environmentalists who ride bikes everywhere will think I'm evil...hell, now I think I'm evil. 8o/ |
from creature3592 : |
Happy Bir-thirth-day. (You pronounce that Ba-THUTHH-day. It takes practice.) Ostrich. |
from ballet-bum : |
Happy birthday for a few days ago! Hope you had a good one. I also hope the eyelash cancer goes away soon, that's gotta suck. |
from onewetleg : |
hooray for taking surveys! i am a little disappointed that you did not write an ad for jock itch medication for me, but that's ok. love, |
from monkie-pals4 : |
i might not get to the internet tomorrow, so i just wanted to say...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! |
from gumphood : |
yea. It's about as cruel as making me watch dirty dancing. And I'm not even talking Havana Nights. |
from monkie-pals4 : |
i just read the first paragraph of your first entry. HAHAHA! i'm glad i didn't have anything in my mouth, b/c i'd have choked. |
from onewetleg : |
thanks for the whacky and fun answers to my crappy and dumb survey. i like when people come into my store and ask me where my shoes are. good, clean fun, i tell ya! |
from abacinate : |
well that's good news for me because usually its my stupidity that causes trouble :) and plus i'd be too lazy to fix it :D |
from abacinate : |
i can still see the toilet so i don't know what's wrong :o/ |
from penguincolor : |
I like doing things like handing out roses. My grandmother was a wonderfull woman, she was so kind. I try to do these types things in memory of her. |
from abacinate : |
or you should've stayed in baltimore an extra week :) i did not have any crab cakes but i saw many people eating them :o/ |
from dfirefly : |
Yesss.. limit that caffeine intake. You were in my dream. Check my site. |
from rstrip : |
in reply, no, i am not on atkins...i just had spaghetti for dinner and a bag of chocolates in the fridge :) |
from monkie-pals4 : |
then how old are you? |
from monkie-pals4 : |
OH MY GOSH! is your name really Sarah and are you really 12? cuz thats me! |
from monkie-pals4 : |
r u really 12 years old?!?! note e back |
from ballet-bum : |
Damn you to Detroit, Miss Mango, now I have Let's Talk About Sex in my head too. GAH! |
from dfirefly : |
haha notes rock. and why wasn't Robert Sean Leonard in that dream? |
from monkie-pals4 : |
you are very welcome! |
from augustdreams : | <-- I thought of you as soon as I found this link! Check it out - it's going to become a daily read for me! ;) *Hugs* |
from ballet-bum : |
hiya, this is a belated reply to your note! I'm glad someone agrees with me over the whole rebellion thing, it's just getting ridiculous. I hope things are going well for you and that you're having a great summer. Oh, and I just read your last few entries- I'm going to have dreams tonight about the matrix with Full House actors, I just know it. Thanks a lot! ;) (I'm hoping Uncle Jesse will be Neo) |
from gumphood : |
Do you really farm mangos or are you just fucking with me. Because if not...that's pretty cool |
from abacinate : |
Aww thankee! I'd be happier if he spent his first day back with me and not off 'shootin' but I guess that's what I get for getting involved with somewhat a hick :o/ |
from abacinate : |
haha awwww you poor thing :o{ yeah i was really scared to go over like 30 when i first started and i was reeeeally scared of other cars around me. when i had the window made goign faster a lot easier cause it doesn't feel like you're moving as fast. of course if you had the window up anyway then that doesn't help you at all so bleh! now i enjoy pissing those tailgaters off and slowing down when they get on my ass (if i was going over the speed limit anyway or feel that its unsafe to go that fast). i encourage you to sponge off your're her elder and you deserve respect dammit! :) my sister's 22 and has her license but she's scared of driving so i might end up driving her places too :) sorry for all the ramblyness!! |
from invisibledon : |
have a great weekend !!!! |
from creature3592 : |
I liked the random questions. If you don't object loudly and strongly (I don't really notice subtle hints) I am going to add you to my list of favourite diaries. Okay? Glad we're all happy, and enjoy your day. bloik. |
from abacinate : |
well see they have no TV's to watch innappropriate teen movies so they don't know that their town's name could be construed as dirty. i should totally become a scientist. i can figure out anything! ;) |
from poolagirl : |
HOORAY! You have hit 1,000 entries! HOORAY! I am so in awe of you! What an accomplishment! So....are you going on a European vacation to celebrate? Or maybe just eat a tomato? |
from saryentoss : |
almost a thousand. I am preparing the jack dainels as we speak. anyway I thought a note saying this might cheer you up. *uses chipmunk voice* I'm Spartacus!. |
from cathieanne : |
sorry, sorry, sorry. i realize i should've, but it's not like you don't know the story, and at least this way you know not to expect it, and really, i'm so distracted spending all my time thinking about The Boy that it totally didn't even occur to me that it was that spoilerific. Sorry. I'll shall make it up to you. What crappy Arizona touristy crap would you like? A scorpion in plastic, perhaps? |
from invisibledon : |
opps Happy Monday |
from invisibledon : | |
from ballet-bum : |
yay, so glad that you're not locked! I know it's a while back, but did you like Flowers for Algernon? I loved that book, but I must warn you to never see the movie- I tuned in just out of curiousity and it was so crap I dreamt about it that night (that only happens with the truly awful movies). Hey, good luck with the retail thing, I would have sold my kidneys already if it were me. |
from abacinate : |
well i think he's gonna have like 5 AM to 10 PM work days so he's gonna be pretty busy. wehn i get my license maybe i can visit him when he has free time. and then my family might take a trip to visit my grampa's vineyard there so maybe i get take a sidetrip to my boy. but yeah i have no idea how the visiting stuff is gonna work out. thanks for caring though! :D |
from minstrelite : |
I liked Audrey in My Fair Lady myself. |
from abacinate : |
*grateful sneeze* Thankee. |
from abacinate : |
Yeah I lived in Sedona (with my grampa in Oak Creek Canyon) when I was fairly was even expensive then so I can't imagine how it is now :o/ not that that would be all that interesting to find out...ok i'm gonna shut up now. |
from hornstar : |
Oooooo, I love Flowers for Algernon... For fun (or not so much) find the place in the story where you have no idea what Charlie Gordon is talking about... I become stupid around "Vrostadt's equations on Levels of Semantic Progression"... a-who-and-a-what-now? |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Ah, thanks. :) Good luck getting it all fixed! |
from ballet-bum : |
heya, thanks for the hug *hugs back* very much appreciated :) But I have to know- what's the deal with the lockiness of your diary? C'mon, don't deprive me of my regular fix of mangofarmery goodness!!! thanks again for the hug, take care :) |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Locked?!? |
from abacinate : |
aww thankee for the birthday wish-ed-ness. *grateful-for-sympathy-sneeze sneeze* |
from hornstar : |
Did you leave former jobs in a flash fury of obscenities? Or did you conveniently "forget" that you had a job and went about your life like it never happened? I have fantasies about how I would leave my current job... most involve telling people what I'm really thinking while that whine and complain to me. |
from helderheid : |
DAHLINK!!!!!!!!! Helderheid's new addy :) |
from rstrip : |
Can I please have some chocolate chip goo in a bowl? *beg* |
from poolagirl : |
Okay, Sarah - here it is.........just for you! |
from poolagirl : |
OMG! I just re-read what I wrote, and no wonder you thought I peed on stage! How funny! I am laughing so hard I am choking! This is going to be its own entry! YES! |
from penguincolor : |
oh, well that is so much better. ;) *sigh* Sometimes I really don't get where people are coming from. but thanks for the vote of support. |
from cathieanne : |
I bet worse than getting hit on by the medical tech guy at the peeing-in-a-cup place would be getting hit on by the medical tech GIRL. Heh. |
from pbjgrrl : |
thanks! yeah, my birthday was this past monday. there is no way you could know that. i should get a handy-dandy birthday countdown a la mangofarmer. |
from poolagirl : |
Just adapt to my stick? OMG! |
from tom-seb-jak : |
from augustdreams : |
My poor Mangofarmer! {{{Hugs}}} Damn, that had to hurt! You've gotta watch those butter knives. They like to lull you into a false sense of security with their "I'm-all-harmless-and-spready" act, but they secretly want to take over the world! (or at least the silverware drawer...) Love ya, Mangoriffic one! Expect a card in the mail soon. |
from cathieanne : |
no, pinewood derby. wee cars made of pine. similar to soap box, i guess, with the racing and gravity and whatnot. |
from abacinate : |
yeah cheese packages are way too friggin hard to open. its like industrial strength plastic or something. was it Tillamook cheese? and what the hell is up with nice drummer guy?? *nosey sneeze* |
from dfirefly : |
Tuesday: Tuesday is focaccia day at the coffeehouse here. But it sounds more sinister if I say "Tuesday is focaccia day.. IN DETROIT" so I'll say it like that then. AND type it. |
from thelorelei18 : |
you are my hero!!! I was randomly clicking on diaries and found yours. I have always wanted to create a tomango. You are an inspiration. |
from hornstar : |
See, you're smart. You don't jog. Smart girl. P.S. Dear Mangofarmer (title of soon-to-be advice column): Why does Night On Bare Mountain go so fast? |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Hope you feel better soon, darlin'! |
from poolagirl : |
Oh, sheesh! Now you made me blush! Sheesh! Hope you feel better soon, keedo! |
from aaronorear : |
You can share them with the Nice know, the one you still haven't told me about... |
from mugbug226 : |
Thank you! Poinsettas... I feel much better now. That was going to bug me all day long.. |
from dfirefly : |
Oh! I hope you know that I watched "The Avengers" movie yesterday morning because of your mangopuke survey. Mmhmm. |
from mugbug226 : |
Thank you for the birthday note! I completely missed it, so... I apologize for the delay in the thank. Unless.. have I seen it and already thanked you? My memory just stopped on me... wow. Anyway, thanks for the note, and I hope you have a great weekend. ;o) |
from abacinate : |
yes crack does make life interesting...we're talking about asscracks, right? *ass sneeze* eeeeewww i don't even wanna guess what that is. is there any particular reason why you're doing so great lately?! |
from dfirefly : |
as to your Conan answer on your survey: "Conan, what is best in life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!" Pluuuberries. |
from dipso : |
meet me at the back of .... 'cheesy doors reference' sorry |
from singinchik06 : |
Ahh!! From a crazy bassoonist, I'm itching to hear (well, read) what happened today! You've left me in suspense. That's not very nice. Ah well. Have a nice day! |
from abacinate : |
Yeah I started reading Sons and Lovers but I had just read Lady Chatterly's Lover so it was kind of a D.H. Lawrence Lover overload and I finally had to say 'Oooh Detroit NO!!' You're saying is catching on! |
from xoxotoe : |
i was at meijers the other day, and they had gargantuan mangoes. like 2 ft. long. i thought of you. "think of the kind of mangofarmer a person would have to be to get a mango of this enormity!" i marvelled. oh, and don't forget to practice. |
from pbjgrrl : |
by "trained musicians" i guess i was going for the hey, there need to be some people that that's what they do for a living approach; didn't mean to make it sound pejorative if it did. i should have said something more to the effect of "professional musicians"? and i was thinking that musicians have all those different time signatures when i was thinking about counting music, but maybe it's not that different. you know much more about it then i ever will. ah, good ol' council of trent and council of nicaea. what i love about the council of nicaea is that what most people call the nicene creed is not what they came up with at that council. at nicaea they came up with most of it, admittedly, but then the end basically says, "anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is an anathema!" which seems to be the equivalent of sticking your tongue out at your theological enemies at that point in time. ah. so mature. |
from kittyleopard : |
Neat-o potato diary! You rock my socks, karma!! |
from dfirefly : |
i don't believe AbFab is on anymore, but then again, it's not like we get too many television channels around here. |
from poolagirl : |
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.........shucks! Thanks! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Thanks :) |
from koreamatron : |
thanks for taking the survey. yeah, my ethnomusicology professor is doing the same- racist, ignorant, not really an expert on ethnomusicology, or any type of cultural study for that matter. it's fun. |
from dfirefly : |
sorry, that's not what i was referencing. but Ben & Jerry's? good stuff. |
from abacinate : |
Yes I think you could! In fact, you have a pretty good headstart on me! what with you having everything to do with mangos!! Now I'm jealous of you! :D |
from abacinate : |
that'd be a good show!! when you get there i'll start writing the angry letters ;) |
from poolagirl : |
Ah, yes...........the list. My life is one big list. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Heehee, I watched Gladiator too! |
from pbjgrrl : |
i really do know that a sentence doesn't require two verbs; i just can't seem to actually write that way. |
from pbjgrrl : |
there are actually two (conflicting) quotes attributed to augustine about music. the first is, "he who sings prays twice." the second is, actually, i don't know the quote, but the gist of it is that music in church is questionable b/c music is can be emotionally manipulative. |
from asitwere : |
No such thing as a piccolo solo! Just kiddding... hope you are well. Happy NY. (not new york). Had to say hi. |
from aaronorear : |
You've written a phrase I'm not familiar with..."lovely piccolo solos?" Never heard of those...(sorry, but it had to be said...we have our brass-centric opinons here!) |
from mugbug226 : |
Well.. I've only been once. And I don't really remember it, as I was a third grader.. but the school for the deaf is really nearby and everytime we drove by, we'd all go "what?" That wasn't funny. |
from dfirefly : |
umm.. yeah. what you said. :] i can't imagine where you were going with that gbook entry at all. |
from aaronorear : |
Not I, but a trusted source...she reports the presence of trains inside the terminals, and lovely washrooms. |
from perplexion : |
i have stumbled across thoughst diary. alas, 'tis good to see that i amn't the biggest band dork on the planet. this makes my day good. a commendable job indeed on the quizzes, quite amusing on a boring saturday night such as this particular one, and most others. |
from poolagirl : |
Ah, yes, the bus. I've been thinking of doing a cinema project - reality TV show - bus riders from all around the world. Imagine the possibilities! |
from bluestarhalo : |
I think Minis Tirith goes pretty cheap.. can I have an extra rooms for my hobbits? They don't take up a lot space. Promise. Just need a wee bit of a garden in the back and they're happy as long as the ale is cold and the Longbottom leaf stays a plenty! |
from mugbug226 : |
It seemed a little behind the times... heheh However, I was lucky enough to get wanded and my carry-on bag searched. That was intense. A first for me, I must admit. The excitement! |
from mugbug226 : |
I've just been thinking about it a lot lately. I'd like to go places with music but um... I see that happening never. ;o) Been to Sedona, eh? |
from augustdreams : |
I just sent you something in the mail! *doing a happy dance* I hope you like it. I have yet to see RoTK, dammit! I've been sick and broke. Verily. I shall console myself by watching the first two movies with Aph tonight. Yes. Watch your mailbox! **hugs** |
from dfirefly : |
w00t. my goal of getting you to add a comment for me has been achieved. thank you! and yes, you *still* rock my socks. |
from thetimid : |
I know, I know...I'm evil not to spill details. But I'm still processing. Worry not. Full disclosure will occur. Eventually. |
from darkmaiden : |
just thought I'd wish you a Happy Uki Christmas! :) xx |
from koreamatron : |
my real ethnomusicology professor had to leave the country (boo for leaving the country). my shitty one is still teaching, unfortunately. thanks for taking the survey ; ) |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I can't wait to hear what you think of the Hitchhiker's Guide! |
from bluebonnet : |
from randomsnark : |
Haha, my sister (soverycherry) calls my up with drink dripping down her face telling me to check out your latest entry. And I'm glad i did. WHEW! she made me do my latest oentry (picture included!) like yours. thanks. |
from augustdreams : |
Hello, O Farmer of Mangoes! Thank you for the Christmas card. :) You've got a tiny gift on the way as well. I hope it'll make it there in time for Christmas - but if not, it's always nice to get something in the mail after the holidays. :) Merry Christmas! |
from butimba : |
Oh, and hurrah! for your diary. It is very amusing. And music degrees. Yay. |
from butimba : |
I think what would be even more fun would be to wrap your children up, tie them in green ribbon and then give them to your relatives for Christmas. They would be more exciting than socks. (Parents take heed...) |
from invisibledon : |
Happy Holidays -2003 |
from abacinate : |
you should freeze it off!! *solved your problem sneeze* and then you can save it for later! |
from pbjgrrl : |
re: eating (or not eating) in grad school. i try to find all the free receptions and eat dinner there. it's sooooo *nutritious*! tonight i had stuffed mushrooms and little quiches. though, admittedly, paper would have had more fiber. i suppose there's always trade-offs, eh? |
from sweetliz2000 : |
*evil laughter* If it makes you feel any better, you just got it re-stuck in my head! >:-| |
from cathieanne : |
be you for a while, eh? well, i *did* like "you can't do that on television!" |
from bluestarhalo : |
hehe you kill me! that was a wonderful acceptance speech. *sniff brought a tear to the eye. hey, do me a favor- go to and type in the phrase 'miserable failure' and hit the I'm Feeling Lucky button. You will definitely CRACK UP! |
from mugbug226 : |
Heheh Thanks, I have my own crazy non-peruvian .. person. However.. can they pay me for a job? I'll sing Christmas carols and wash dishes..! |
from poolagirl : |
Hail to thee, 800th Entry Woman! |
from abacinate : |
No it wasn't! That's why it was so crazy! So this little boy had to play him..I think they should've got a circus midget instead though. |
from dfirefly : |
see, the honors thesis is optional here. granted, i'll probably write one because i'll have to write one for graduate school anyway, but.. yeah. and i'll have to write an essay to get into the program, which is actually my problem. i really don't feel like writing it! |
from clauren : |
almost close to the 800 diary entry mark... |
from bluebonnet : |
from hornstar : |
Mozart wrote four horn concertos (or concerti if you're going to be that way about it). Don't let anyone fool you that those are hard to play. Couldn't be easier. But if you play them, people think you're a better player than you are because you played something they recognized. |
from cathieanne : |
you should start mooching money off your mom, too. as long as they don't find out that you're gettin it off both of them, you could be living the sweet life! |
from bluestarhalo : |
Ah.. darlin, you know... you should really think about putting your email addy on your page...because about a week and a half ago.. oh maybe two, by now, I went to go send you a little gift via ______ and I couldn't because you had no email! Anyway, I'm glad your dad is sending some money... going to school is tough! |
from augustdreams : |
Bees and Heat exhaustion suck. And neither have any right to exist in November! Drink Gatorade, my mangoey one. It really does help, even though it tastes foul. :) |
from dfirefly : |
Aww, thank you, dearest mangofarmer! I have no blender, and, uh, I'll have to pass on that pea milkshake. I am feeling somewhat better, yay. My papers are on Supreme Court cases and poetry. Icky. And actually, the cases one is due Tuesday and the poetry one is just the first stage of a bigger paper. Gasp! And and damn your damn guestbook, because it wouldn't let me sign! |
from augustdreams : |
Ha! Your song was mangotastic! :D Thank you for the g*book love. Have you gotten anything in the mail yet? There's a tiny gift for you in with the letter! (Don't worry - it's not Woodstock poop. I've told her nobody wants that, no matter how nicely she wraps it up...) |
from cathieanne : |
Never fear, Miss Mango. It won't be more than a week or so. And possibly less; I'm thinking about sharing more of my writing--sharing poems, excerpts from stories, etc. |
from mugbug226 : |
I agree, it's fricken freezin. |
from augustdreams : |
Have I mentioned lately how much I love your diary? :) Far from being eternal boredom - it's always entertaining. I love your humor and indomitable spirit. Now. When are you coming to Florida to join me in some Margaritas and Bahama Mamas, O Mangolicious one? |
from cathieanne : |
Ah, thanks for the note! Who knows, maybe you're drunk, but the randomness really got me laughing! Thanks. :) You're rocksome. |
from yzerman19 : |
which type of McGriddle would you recommend for someone who has never tried one? |
from acropolis : |
I hear the supply of margiaritas is limitless in Mexico... you've been planning this for a while, haven't you? And if I haven't told you before, your journal is always an entertaining read! |
from ballet-bum : |
ok it's a deal! I'll write your ethno thingy, and you write my histo thingy. I don't suppose I could persuade you to do another look after my 2 yr old monster, and I', I'll teach flute student #3 to be less sullen? |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Thank you for the encouragement!!! I CAN do it, I CAN do it, I CAN do it.. I'll start chanting that. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Congratulations on finishing the paper! I hope that you have a splendid evening too. |
from poolagirl : |
I am so very pleased that you liked the story about the frozen pizza! It's all true too. Twas a banner night for shopping! |
from aaronorear : |
From the book, Anil's Ghost, by Michael Ondaatje (author of The English Patient)..."The mango was for pleasure." So I guess the convent isn't in your future... |
from cathieanne : |
what you got against the study of language? |
from dfirefly : |
whoa, like, a note. anyway, Magnificat is indeed lovely, but i am quite weary of it. maybe it'll be better when we actually get the choir in to rehearse with us. |
from ballet-bum : |
Hey you silly american! ;) Pommie is what aussies call british people, don't ask me why. So yeah, even though I am one, I still call them pommies. So there you go, a little bit of aussie trivia for you. Bonus fact: we call all americans yankees! Although I've stopped doing that now, people here don't like it that much... |
from cathieanne : |
If you pull up the smilie face, it has the translation. That was just left over from my birthday. There were a whole bunch of 'em taped to my front door. It was fun. |
from abacinate : |
*awww you're the sweetest person ever sneeze* |
from invisibledon : |
Happy Halloween 03 |
from cathieanne : |
Is the school you're thinking of Columbia? Because I'll NEVER GET IN THERE! ;) |
from mugbug226 : |
I wish I were lucky enough to receive chocolate chip mush.. but unfortunately, I've had the long ranger and dr. beat for 6 years. I had it in Winter Percussion too.. heeeeelll... |
from mugbug226 : |
Booo... Yankees... Ick ;o) |
from augustdreams : |
Just wanted to give some love to my mangoey one. :) **hugs** |
from mugbug226 : |
I know it! I was amazed.. I don't think I understood until I was already through the tunnel. It made my head hurt. But hey.. the show must go on. |
from av0260 : |
w00t! thanks for the guest update :) :) :) |
from hornstar : |
I wasn't surprised that Tim Horton's was the loser. My shock was Galaxy Donuts as the winner. And I fear for an American's safety when he starts talking trash about a Canadian institution. It's different when I do it. Stay away from Tim Horton's, Mango-dear. They'll retaliate. Stay away! |
from aaronorear : |
Sorry to say, Tim Horton's didn't fare too well. I'll not spoil the whole thing, but the winner was a surprise to a certain Toronto resident... |
from augustdreams : |
Thanks for the sweet note, my mangoey one. I'm doing well. I'm a little sad off and on, but mostly I'm just happy that I didn't try and change who I am and what I want. :) You're mangorrific, my friend. Hugs to you! |
from justcircles : |
thanks for the shout out, yo |
from koreamatron : |
hm. what do you perform? i too, suffer the torments of performance major bullshit. |
from abacinate : |
OR if you wear a purple banana costume! |
from darkmaiden : |
thanks for the note!I don't get them,ever1 but then again, with only 3 entries what do i expect?! I'm really proud to be part of the Uki thanks for the welcome! ;) |
from poolagirl : |
Thought this might amuse you. A really "punny" friend of mine (old college professor) sends me tons of these. Here goes! Israeli police are looking for a man named Joseph, wanted for looting in the port city of Haifa. The suspect is described as the blonde son of an ex-nun from Barcelona. He was a former flutist, and worked occasionally as a farmer. In short, they are searching for a: Haifa-lootin, flutin Teuton, son of a nun from Barcelona, part-time plowboy Joe. |
from koreamatron : |
Soju= korean alcohol, fermented potatoes. Bitch and a ho- ah, shit. a ho fucks everyone. bitch fucks everyone but you. Buddha and J.C., buddha gets to fuck mary. jesus just gets to cum on her tits. i'm vulgar. anyway- haven't met a lot of people that know much about ethnomusicology. would like to chat sometime. |
from av0260 : |
Nono, no. No. Actually, you kick ass :) |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I too am glad that you're so happy! And good for you for getting to keep your wisdom teeth! ;-) |
from abacinate : |
Thanks so much for the note! I was gonna kill myself from lack of notes and I missed you!! :o/ *thanks for the sweet note sneeze* I think I'm beginning to be a tad repetitive so I'll shut up now. I'm very glad you're so happy! You deserve it! |
from fan4 : |
manga is Japanese comicbooks. It's usually read "backwards". |
from darrylzero : |
you rule. i don't say that enough. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
That is interesting.. Congrats on your concert!!!!!!!! I SO know how it feels to be on stage again after not having been on in a long time. So awesome! Yay! |
from av0260 : |
you havin' a recital this year? you've gotta let me know! :) |
from augustdreams : |
You know I haven't the faintest idea what "frangible" means? Perhaps it's a small, angry mammal. Or it could mean "sparkly, in a certain, mangofarmerian way!" Yes, I think that last one is it. It sparkles with mangofarmer magic. :) |
from abacinate : |
It couldn't even be that because there were noooo tracks around it...cuz they just disappeared after 20 feet or so! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I'm so excited! Not that I'm any good at it or anything.. But still! :) Trippy dreams, by the way! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Yay! :-) I've been wanting to for years, it feels so good to finally be doing it. Fun fun fun!!! I listen to music in a completely different way now. |
from mugbug226 : |
I definitely need to research it, I was trying to figure out I could angle Ukrainian folk music into my foreign language speech.. but my TA just always bashes my ideas. Don't worry, Mango, UNC will graced with a speech/paper about it by me ASAP! |
from thetimid : |
Cranium is Pictionary + Trivial Pursuit + charades + Name That Tune + Huggermugger + a dictionary + playdoh = SO MUCH DAMN FUN!!!! |
from aaronorear : |
No ice cream, thank would just make me feel fat. What I need is some Hornstar. |
from mugbug226 : |
The only TA I have gave me a 30/65 on a speech. I don't think kindly towards TA's at the moment.. *Glare* I hope your day brightens up, though.. your the best flute player I know.. (I'm assuming, because ours are good, but they don't have passion... eh) Take care |
from poolagirl : |
Hee Hee! Those bruises must have affected my brain - it is Jean Auel (not Jane Auell). Duh! Neither one of them wrote a very good last book. Have a good weekend - practice that flute! |
from cathieanne : |
Thanks for the GRE advice. I'm seriously contemplating taking them next year, because who am I kidding, I'll never be ready this year. And I really need good scores if I'm to obtain things of the scholarshiply persuasion. I'm generally opposed to paying for college, you see. But hey, at least you still got into grad school! |
from augustdreams : |
Hey! I just checked my notes. Thank you so much for the hugs, ice cream and happy thoughts. :) Right back atcha. Ethnomusicology sounds awful. I'm going to work on creating a superintelligent form of mold under my bathroom sink. I'm certain that will help. Love ya, my Mangoey friend. |
from augustdreams : |
Hugs for my Mangoey one! Did you get the birthday e-card? I'm SO glad your financial aid check arrived. I remember those well - they are manna from heaven. Yes, indeed! Anyway, just wanted to send ya some lovin' because I haven't been by the g*book in a while. |
from mugbug226 : |
I'll take your ethnomusicology class... heheh But you have to take my Biology class. As far from music as that may seem, the guy so rarely talks about Bio that I'm sure one day, music will be a topic! =o) |
from mugbug226 : |
Hey, Im sorry I missed your birthday, but I hope you had a good day. I'll write back again in 351 days. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
When I was visiting Northwestern (University) the tour guide mentioned band. And I thought of you. Yeah. |
from abacinate : |
w00t(!) for you getting your ass metaphorically kicked enough for you to go to college...again :o/ I'm confused...and a tad drunk. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Happy belated birthday!!! Sorry I haven't been good at keeping in touch, but I'm home now! |
from dfirefly : |
only ever been to the fair once? that poor child... |
from abacinate : |
no, not yay!! of course this would be the time that i would realize that i don't need/want a boyfriend and i'm prolly much better without one. but i guess i don't have to worry about that cuz i'll puke on him or some other side effect of anxiety. you should take my place! |
from invisibledon : |
Have a great holiday weekend 8/29/03 |
from tcklyrpharsn : |
Are you a Volunteer??? Glory of Glories! |
from hornstar : |
Happy Belated Birthday to you, too. August is a very good time to be born. Not like those insensitive jerks that insist on being born in December and still want a Christmas present. |
from tcklyrpharsn : |
Dude, where IS Gradschoolville? Or are you not at liberty to divulge that kind of information? Good night! |
from abacinate : |
I hope Rosey is feeling better! Thanks so much for the note!! *thank you hug sneezes* |
from dfirefly : |
The butter sculpture: children around a kitchen table, apparently preparing to bake banana bread. Not as good as years past. I drank some chocolate milk for you, but I also had to have some regular milk with the brownie I got at the patricians bakery. Is that okay? :D |
from ana-anna : |
Happy Birthday. Mango rocks!! |
from aaronorear : |
Heppy Birfday Ms. Mango! |
from bluestarhalo : |
Woot! Don't you feel special?! lol Happy birthday. Hopefully you get all the money you need, a new computer and great cable. ;) |
from abacinate : |
from dfirefly : |
Congrats on playing piccolo in orchestra. |
from kungfuhamsta : |
One mudslide coming up! Ray's has the best wings in town, girl! I'll save you a seat. |
from poolagirl : |
You are an amazing writer. You have real talent. I stumbled across you and was intrigued with your user name. Keep going. You do fabulous work! |
from abacinate : |
Okay okay! I'm the best slacker at not having a job-ness (which may be why I have two dollars to my name)! So PLbth! *tooth-achey sneeze* |
from abacinate : |
I'm so happy for you (and slightly jealous)! YAY YOU! *HUGS* |
from tinyangel87 : |
helllooooo my dear mangoriffic friend!!! sorry i havent responded to ur tags lately, but its only because of my lack of internet service at my new house. trust me we will be getting it soon, and until the next time we note eachother again, KEEP THE MANGO VIBES GOING!!!! luv, kym ps:keep the tags coming. even though i cant answer them very frequently, they brighten my day (cuz we all know how fun it is to get mail!) |
from abacinate : |
WAAAHH! If you can't get to a computer right away when you move I don't know what I'll do!!! *drunken SOB* I lOvE yOu MaN!! :o/ |
from captivated- : |
I should've listed you a long time ago, but I'm a procrastinator, and my priorites weren't (and still aren't) all together. :0/ <3 |
from hornstar : |
Not quite my birthday. Soon. You need to update while you're away from home. Aaron and I would have nothing to read and nothing to talk about if you didn't. |
from bluestarhalo : |
oh god, those letters cracked me up. thank you. |
from mugbug226 : |
That, um.. was my truck. ;o) I decided to spare you in place of the kid that keeps calling for the Balls. You'd think he'd get the hint... |
from hornstar : |
When I listen to Polovetsian Dances, I feel dirty for listening to Strangers in Paradise. That said, it's a fantastic flute part. Have fun! |
from dfirefly : |
I play a mean Yankee Doodle, too. In fact, I played it almost continuously for five hours for a project on Beowulf for ninth grade English. Long story. |
from mugbug226 : |
Thanks, I can take that mantra.. ;o) I start to wonder though... who needs school? Yeesh. heheh |
from rainbow888 : |
Thanx chick! Love you, *Rianna* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
from moonlit-eyes : |
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thanks! *runs off and dances the "14th birthday dance"* |
from mugbug226 : |
Aragorn, eh? My mom might get mighty jealous of you... although I really don't like to think of that description that was on that picture in the same thought as my mom. Yeah. That has to go. |
from mugbug226 : |
Capeche! And a resounding huzzah to what august said =) Thanks for your help. |
from taydo : |
Oh. Yes. |
from augustdreams : |
Hello, my dear Mangoey one. A thousand curses upon me for being incommunicado lately. I am beyond angry that some perverted old fucker caused me so much pain. I'm getting better, though. I'm smiling more, and the panic attacks are fewer. Huzzah! Now...Gradschool-ness! Woooooooo! You will be a raging success in life, my Mango Farmer. You already are, because you're a kind, genuine person filled with humor and passion. When we get very old, we can live next door and I'll be a crazy dog lady with 20-something dogs and dozens of guinea pigs! Maybe a giant anteater, too! :) I'm off to finish catching up on your recent entries. Much love! |
from sinnergi : |
this moving thing is scaring me. But I know I'll be okay...we can hold hands (figuratively) and help each other get through it. Kay? Hehe. |
from abacinate : |
Hey don't feel bad...everybody feels that way after they eat at Arby's! Ok since that one doesn't seem to be a huge about Elana the Major Tool! Just like Carson Daly! |
from abacinate : |
Well how about I use a name that rhymes with Super-Cool? *triumphant indroduction saxa-ma-phone music* Elana The BLOODY STOOL!! |
from mugbug226 : |
Huh... what Balls? Beheh. Sorry occifer.. I know no Balls. |
from mugbug226 : |
You are all evil.. lol I know no Balls! |
from mugbug226 : |
I think I hate college. |
from mugbug226 : |
Joaquin Phoenix AND Ferris Bueller? You're a master. And O'Hare.. such fun. Who knew? I think I wish I could vent like you. I tend to go whacko in my head and have no outlet... much more fun to write about how college sucks and makes you feel like chickening out on diaryland. That was in no way intended to be insulting. I'm just babbling. Road trip. Yeah. |
from abacinate : |
Yeah if one of my dentists asked me out I think i'd have a conniption fit and run away screaming. My friend's supposed to call today and tell me how it went :o/ Anti-nipplist, eh? Hmm...maybe I should start a cult. |
from em2ily22 : |
Oh man.. as a fellow flute player/band geek, I want to say that I LOVE your diary!! It is great! It made me laugh so hard. I especially liked the entry about how evil basketball is! I will surely come back. With love from one band geek to another, Emily |
from justenough : |
thank you; ♥ |
from mugbug226 : |
That's okay.. I do that a lot. More so in a vicodin-induced haze. You're forgiven. I think. |
from mangoprawns : |
*aghast* - my obscure rockref has plunged you into shoepression - i am one bad mango - it was jim morrison waxing poetic on "an american prayer" - *on knees, begs forgiveness* |
from av0260 : |
'course it does - there'll always be a special place for well-meaning, Searsified mangofarmers :) Besides Sears, of course. :) |
from abacinate : |
*grateful sneeze* |
from abacinate : |
Awww thank you...I could've had som whiskey if my dad woulda friggin left us alone but noooo. Guuuurgh. But yeah thanks for your sweetness...I really appreciate it :) You're always the first there to care! And be funny about it too :) |
from mnvnjnsn : |
Eight years of marching band and you don't know how you look in polyester/cotton blend? What'd you march in? Cordueroy? Thanks for taking the geek test. You passed with flying pike flags. |
from abacinate : |
Men are also good for peeing on the toilet seat. |
from abacinate : |
Yeah I feel bad for only owning two Joaquin Phoenix movies but hey maybe when I'm rich and I own a Jaguar...(HAHAH) Hal Sparks is my god. He's the most adorable man ever ever ever! He's on Queer as Folk (of course) and he was hilarious on I love the 80's. Maybe I'll post of picture of him or something. *rowr* |
from bohemialives : |
oh yay!! you rock! |
from bohemialives : |
Translation: you're welcome, it was very fun. I tried to do one of the other ones, but my mom purposely cut my offline. Damn dialup. |
from bohemialives : |
de nada!! It, muy divertido. (It all leaves your head the moment the school year ends, I tell ya.) |
from abacinate : |
Yes yes! Write a Dear Motherfucker letter!!! |
from nudeplatypus : |
My fourth grade teacher gave me A Wrinkle in Time. I love, love, love that book. And now that you mention Madeline L'Engle, I think I need to dig out my recently purchased copy of A Wrinkle in Time and read it. |
from wideocean : |
Hi there! Thanks for adding me to your buddy list, I feel honoured! :-) |
from abacinate : |
Awww thankee! I was feeling very unloved and note deprived but I was like 'I bet mangofarmer will be the only one nice enough to leave a note.' And I was right! And you're fabulous as always! :) |
from av0260 : |
Old and senile, that's okay, but my grandparents fit said description and they at least TRY to stay up past ten :) I'm not saying they succeed, but they at least fall asleep for two hours watching TV before they consciously move up to bed. |
from abacinate : |
Noooo! I knew I should've put in a damn dash! Constipated-brown eyes. As in the crayon color. |
from abacinate : |
Sometimes I wish I had teachers like that because my last one was the most anal retentive person I have ever known. He'd like make up stuff just so I wouldn't get 100 percent! P.S. Kinky bastards are the best. |
from aaronorear : |
There are now FAR too many places to leave you notes...I'm going to use this old-fashioned version in protest... |
from drunkencynic : |
I have not read that, but now I will definitely look into it. ;) Don't listen to Elana, Clive Barker is a kinky bastard. Other than that her taste is usually quite impeccable. :P |
from abacinate : |
D.H. Lawrence was one of the dirtier ones...but have you read any Thomas Hardy? He was quite impressive for the time he wrote (I think late 1800's to early 1900's) because his writing style is quite similar to modern novelists. He can get reeeeally graphic too but its not necessarily always about...the hibbity dibbity (I used that phrase in a school paper and I didn't get yelled at or anything! But the teacher happened to be drunkencynic's (sarah) mom :o/). Clive Barker writes the most graphic stuff I've ever read but he's not exactly classic literature. And you have to have a required taste as sarah would tell you (cuz she's a hater). |
from drunkencynic : |
Leaving a note for Elana (Abacinate) I noticed yours...try Lady Chatterly's Lover. I am reading it (ostensibly) for English. It was banned in 1923. That's what made me so excited about it. Unfortunately it doesn't quite live up to our modern-day smut, but it does have some quite smutty scenes and it's a classic, so you can't go wrong there. :) |
from noangel3161 : |
And then you can teach me how to play the flute again since it's been a while since I last played. |
from noangel3161 : |
Maybe some mango ice cream? |
from noangel3161 : |
Why thank you! I enjoyed taking it quite a bit. Good luck in your mango farming endeavors! |
from mangoprawns : |
:) |
from abacinate : |
Aww I loved your story about the poor defenseless drunk :) We should become dorky pseudo-alcoholics together. Aw man! I thought I stopped stinking but I think it started up again! This is not right! I smell injustice again!!! |
from dizzie6283 : |
I'm a personal fan of your quote on Mexico. When in doubt, drink tequila. I think I'm adopting it as my new, life-altering motto! |
from kungfuhamsta : |
Can I go too??? As a well practiced lush, I'll teach you how to drink! |
from mangoprawns : |
hi, good, fine. can we drink margaritas and play jimmy buffet on the way there? |
from abacinate : |
*jumps up and down waving my arms* me me me!!! i wanna get away from here!! |
from abacinate : |
Well it's certainly good to know that it wasn't just the litterbox! Now I smell bad though and I just took a fuggin shower!! I think the alcohol is leaking out my pores. Some people do hate me! I'll admit not everybody despises me...but it's only wonderful people like you who tolerate me :) yes your word is law and that's why I'm not arguing! *respectful sneeze* (Your note made me smile tons and laugh; made my day.) |
from wideocean : |
I don't hate reading entries like that, they make me realize that I'm not the only one who has problems like this (Which does make me feel silly when *I* start whining about them) But I hope you'll feel better soon! By the way, I've never heard an American marching band (I think) so I can't judge if they're less annoying than Dutch ones ;-) |
from abacinate : |
I'm more self-loathing than you! Neener neener! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Johnny Depp in eyeliner.. Hoaaaah.. every single Johnny Depp second in the movie.. hoaaaaah.. Kahlua.. hoaaaaaah... Baileys.. hoaaaah.. Baileys AND Kahlua.. hoaaaaaah.... |
from abacinate : |
Kahlua filled ink cartridges! |
from kungfuhamsta : |
We all know my love for pirates and despite Johnny Depp being the gayest looking pirate ever I am sooooo looking forward to this movie!!! Tell me it rocked! Please!?!?!? |
from ballet-bum : |
Hey there miss mango, I only just found my notes page (yup I'm a dork but hey at least I found it!) Thanks for your sweet little notes, I love reading your diary. Good to hear that there is another female on this earth that shares my views on weddings, even if you are a band geek! (just kidding!!!!) |
from hornstar : |
I think you should take the word detective credit. You can add it to your resume. |
from abacinate : |
Ok I gave you a moment to bask in the glory :) Now I'm back to cause more touble! Nevermind, I'm too lazy to think of anything. *snurps* (Mangofarmer says: "What a @#$%*&' lameass note!") |
from dfirefly : |
I forgot to say: WOOHOO! More mangosurveys! WOOHOO! |
from abacinate : |
(the only reason i fit into a 0 is cuz i'm a petrified midget. so i'd say 2 is pretty good :) ) |
from abacinate : |
yay for underlining and vegas whoreness! i was gonna get one of those shirts form hot topis but i got green and black pinstriped bondage pants instead. they're a size zero and they're huge on me. i'm not THAT anorexic so i hate to burst your bubble too much but at hot topic they size things a few sizes bigger than normal. but maybe its different at different stores...i dunno. the size thing has just made me frusterated in the past cuz nothing fits me there. *grrr* |
from abacinate : |
ooh you know what would be reeeally interesting? PICKLED ice cream! But yeah it wasn't pickle flavored...I just ate some pickles and then some vanilla ice cream right after. OOhh I want some pickles dipped in peanut butter! |
from dizzie6283 : |
I'm of the firm opinion that you should add me as a favorite diary & obsess over my updating schedule. Promise I'll do the same for you, we'll look cool to other people that we have eachother listed as favorites ;) |
from aaronorear : |
Musk Mellon does, indeed, refer to I'm glad that at least THAT one has been heard outside my family. Dopp kits are those little canvass or leather bags that men keep shaving and toiletry stuffs least, that's what my father's side of the family calls it. Thank you for playing, you won a stuffed mango. |
from augustdreams : |
Oooh. Read "Neverwhere"! It's excellent. "Swan Song" and "Boys Life" by Robert McCammon are both great reads, too. I want to read "Living History", too. I'm waiting for it to come in at our local library. Love ya, Mangoey one! |
from abacinate : |
AGH I'm so jealous!! I think the only famous person that I saw speak was Matt Groening :o/ He was pretty damn funny though. |
from xmoonbunnyx : |
sup mangofarmer?! Saw your recent entry. I saw Neil Gaman's book "Neverwhere" out of that list. Or better yet, how about you read the book "Swan Song" by Robert M McCammon? That's a good book.. the library probably has it* hehe - The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a good book, but not the kind that really sticks in your head.. at least, it hasn't really stuck in my head... it was fun while it lasted, tho. ;) peace out, me, da MoonBunny* |
from abacinate : |
Awww sorry for your non Krispy Kremeishness. I think the one here is fairly new...they're still giving out free hot doughnuts. *drool* I think I just loved the morbidness of Cat's Cradle...and I love anything he writes cuz I'm always saying 'Only Kurt Vonnegut could think of that!' I started reading Slaughterhouse Five but I never finished. Lack of Ambition, I'd say (that sounds better than 'I'm incredibly lazy'). *real yawn cuz I read about your real yawn, damn contagious yawns* I like the cheese filled hotdogs! And then the fancy canned tofu ones. Yeah I know that sounds gross but they're delightful :) Ok I'm gonna stop polluting your notes page now! |
from abacinate : |
Wait wait wait! Before you read anything more read Cat's Cradle and if you already have, read it again because the end of the world is always a riot. And lastly but not leastly (is that a word?) what's your favorite kind of hotdog? |
from psianina : |
BJ's diary! |
from abacinate : |
Yay! I assure you that your biography will be the best damn book about a mango farmer!! Probably even better than some other books! *cneegh* |
from joyless : |
Ah, I suspected you were a girl for a while there. There, I took all yer quizzes. Happy dance. |
from joyless : |
Hehe thanks. I was going to take the rest of them but it was like 5 am and my dad was walking around upstairs and I had to pretend to be asleep or he'd yell at me. So I'm going to go do that now. :) |
from nudeplatypus : |
I love air conditioning. I don't currently have air conditioning and I liken it to hell on earth. However, in a short 35 days, I will be moving into an apartment with air conditioning. I am literally counting down the days. |
from abacinate : |
I love that Neko kitty thing! |
from tan-lines : |
They were fun to do! and about the fireworks, I like those ones too! � |
from abacinate : |
Aww! I'll teach you! to make willy ( ;) ) bold for example you would do this: <b>willy</b> and to make things italic you just replace the 'b' with an 'i' and for underlining you use a 'u'. If it was much harder I'm sure I wouldn't know it since I'm Queen of the Dumbfucks! *sneeze* |
from mugbug226 : |
Happy 4th! Well. Late. I missed it earlier. |
from hornstar : |
That orchestra was terrible. Poor John Williams. He looked crushed. |
from av0260 : |
Drat it all, as of 8:45 AM on July 4th, you have 9,997 hits! Oh, if only I weren't leaving now... I'm going to miss out on the distinguished 10,000 spot! *sigh* hehe :) |
from augustdreams : |
You've Got Mail Wheeeeeee! I made you something. :-D |
from mugbug226 : |
<wiping up drool> Heath Ledger... *swoon* |
from abacinate : |
The Rainforest Cafe in Baltimore has waiters that look like friggin Jude Law and other assorted bootyful actors *dRoOl* |
from agentmothman : |
Thanks for the note. Your surveys are fun. I like taking them. ^__^ |
from abacinate : |
Is 'Restaurant A' the Rainforest Cafe? |
from abacinate : |
Yeah now I'm wishing I had some *sob*. I didn't eat it then cuz my stomach would've definitely rebeled against me. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
:-D I shall take loads and loads of pictures and I will most definitely post them all!! Thanks for the good wishes! |
from aaronorear : |
I went to the grocery store and bought a mango and a 12 pack of Vanilla all I need is to go to werk and I'll become you. I'll start by updating every ten minutes. |
from mugbug226 : |
Sorry I haven't gotten back yet.. I was too busy dreaming about Coco Beach and all the fun you'll be having someday.. lol |
from abacinate : |
almighty people get confused the most! was uh *cough* sugar *sneeze* ray *cough* |
from augustdreams : |
Arrrrg! I left you a long g*book message and then I got that stupid error message. Denied! I shake my fist at the error message! I glare at it sternly!*ahem* Anyhow, it was just a reminder that the fuzzy pets and I love you, Mangoes one. :) You know what? You must come to florida one day. We shall go to Coco Beach! We shall wiggle our toes in the sand! Frolic in the waves! Drink mudslides! Scream SHARK and frighten the tourists! *Mwa-haha!* :-D |
from dfirefly : |
By the way, yes, yes I have read "The Prince." I've also read a modern update of said book. Much funnier than the original, hehe. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Yay! Thanks. :) |
from abacinate : |
Why lobster? Are you a crawfish bigot!? |
from av0260 : |
Yeah, I just noticed that yesterday! Anyway, I added it now... and hopefully I'll have time to redesign that page this week. |
from abacinate : |
from abacinate : |
Get a scanner! Get a scanner! Yeah my kitty's growing up :o(. And I think it has green eyes too. Hell is everywhere maybe :o/ haha I left your sister a creepy note...I went a little note crazy last night. I think I left about 3762876428764 of 'em. Sad. Very very sad. I think I need to get my life out of the trash compactor soon. |
from xoxotoe : |
weeellll....yeah. i think you would upstage the bride & groom with Bumblebee on the piccolo. everyone would throw their hands up in the air, light their lighters and shout "freebird!" chaos would ensue. there would be random upright bass solos and someone would wheel the timpanis in, and then the guy with the tuba in the fourth pew would let loose with some hot oompahs....that Bumblebee packs a whollop, you know. be careful where you aim it. |
from abacinate : |
Well if the apocalypse really is coming then I should be finding Jason London in my bed pretty damn soon! Teehee thanks for the groveling...I took some pictures but I have to upload them and see if they capture my ugly mug to its full hideous extent! And that would be tomorrow so I hope you don't explode waiting...har har har. |
from whitepills : |
You are my new favorite flautist. Actually, I don't know any flautists personally, but that might be because of the stereotypical bitchiness. However, I am willing to admit that the stereotype is totally false if there are others like you. You have a wide range of musical taste, seem to be totally open minded, you're really funny. In fact, you could be one of my favorite band fags ever. And I can say fag cause I'm one too. By the way, "cool" does in fact encompass everything that I am, but is there any reason you describe me as just cool on your profile? Oh, and I don't ACTUALLY think it encompasses me. Right, stop rambling Justin. Thanks! |
from augustdreams : |
I love you, my Mangoey one! :) You know what? It is essential that we hang out sometime. Maybe I can come and visit you? You're always welcome to come down to the sunshine state, too. I'll letcha cuddle a baby Alligator and meet the fuzzy pets! We'll go have mudslides and ride all the rides and Disney. Yes! And you're very cool, Mangofarmer. Never let anyone tell ya different! **Hugs** |
from av0260 : |
Looks like we pretty much trade off spurts of mopiness, don't we? :) Well, I dunno if I'm as good at cheering you up as you are me, but I will have you know that you, Sarah of the Mangoes and all-around Flute Ass-Kicker, are quite possibly one of the coolest people I've ever met. Seriously. Now, make sure your sister takes you over to Applebees on Sunday! |
from abacinate : |
Adrien Brody...yummmmmmmmmmm. |
from mugbug226 : |
So, since it's been years since you've seen Monty Python, did you get the whole "WHAT is your quest?" survey part... lol That movie has been quote way too many times by my friends.. <sigh> |
from abacinate : |
Yeah most books are better. Even ones that are written after the movie (i.e. Amistad). *serious talkage with furrowed eyebrows and haughty accent* Yes I do very much agree on the *ahem*[mouthwatering]*ahem* scenery aspect of LoTR. Very hunky scenery indeed. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Weeelll I suppooooose I could forgive you. But only cause you hadn't read the book yet and didn't know any better! Plus, it made you want to read the book. So that's wonderful. You know, if I hadn't read the book yet I probably would have liked it a lot more. Besides, you seem to have forgiven me for liking basketball, so I owe you a forgiveness! |
from abacinate : |
Well thanks for the support on MOA cuz Elena's being silly! <angst> *growls cuz I was supposed to go to Skedaddle today but people are mean the world hates me so I don't get to go* <angst> |
from mugbug226 : |
Don't worry, I should be here to stay for now. Finally got the internet back on my computer. Things were a bit touch and go since I moved. Nice to see you again, and thanks! |
from aaronorear : |
Cats love reading about lions, Asiatic or them a sense of power. |
from av0260 : |
Applebees? What day is good for you? :) |
from abacinate : |
Ooh ooh!! I'll meet you halfway! *hack* |
from tinyangel87 : |
If cats eat mice, then why don't penguins like ice cream??...sorry its a survey question i just thought of for one of ur excellent surveys ;)...luv, kym |
from av0260 : |
Yeah, worry not - you're not at all responsible. Though I do think seeing you chuck nonexistant cowboy boots at the annoying old ladies that ask you to measure their feet would put a smile on my face :) And what person shopping in a Sears Shoetopia is truly innocent? They're all prime targets, hehe. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I know! I just can not imagine drinking with them! *Shudder* I've never allowed them to be drunk when I'm around, either. I don't mind them having a little bit.. but I just do NOT want to see my parents drunk. I'd be scarred for life. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Oooh ooh! And *Hug* back! :-D |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I would *love* to be an honorary Ukrainian! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I wish I was Ukrainian! *SOB* Maybe I am.. a teeny bit.. (can anyone say, "Wishful Thinking?") |
from r0xy-pinay : |
oh you are so very welcome! your surveys were highly amusing and entertaining to me! :-) |
from xoxotoe : |
to the Mango-est!! hello dahling~ i was fotologging today in ann arbor, MI, and snapped a pic just for you. yes, shoes dangling from a phone wire, how did you guess? i will post it on my flog in your honor... |
from aaronorear : |
On the bus today I saw a young woman reading "The House on Mango Road." I almost asked her if she was you... |
from aaronorear : |
It makes perfect want to be at the Blue Dawg...everyone should be at the Blue Dawg... |
from whitepills : |
I like your background =) |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Mwuahah! >:-P Actually, I'm rather surprised how the quiz turned out. I thought that I answered rather angelically. |
from abacinate : |
Well see that just makes you an un-dork cuz you didn't remember it but now you did so that still means you have culture...hehe if you call Bloodhound Gang culture. |
from abacinate : |
I'm surprised at you! You seem!) But I forgive you :) Its kind of refreshing that you don't know actually! (It's by the Bloodhound know...'let's do it like they do it on the discovery channel') |
from sweetliz2000 : |
You are most definitely not a moron, silly! Thanks for the 'not fat' comment. ;-) I can not believe that I haven't been able to find a decent pair of black pants. It's craziness! Speaking of best friends, I just had a chocolate brownie frap. from Starbucks (w/ whipped cream). Absolutely drool-worthy! Plus, mine had a giant chunk of brownie at the bottom. mmmmm... |
from aaronorear : |
When I discovered that I was on entry 100 I was reluctant to write a new one...I like those nice, round numbers. |
from aaronorear : |
You're on entry 555...that must get you some sort of prize...oh, and do you know anyone who can be a best man? |
from abacinate : |
I collect postcards too, especially crappy ones from shitty budget motels. I laugh every time I look at them. Yay for Ukrainian's of all amounts(?)! Ooh ooh I should get one of those pin making and/or bumper sticker making kits and have "Spank me, I'm Ukrainian" on them. Of course it will also say 'copyright by mangofarmer, 2003' too. |
from hornstar : |
Are you talking smack about The Canon? |
from abacinate : |
I want that pin!! I'm only a quarter Ukrainian though *hangs head in shame* |
from hornstar : |
Will you be my maid of honor? |
from mangoprawns : |
ok, but quite apart from when people ask me what's in my pants and i have to answer truthfully, "a bunch of peonies", i am starting to look like bill. or ben. you know, the flowerpot men. blibba blop. |
from abacinate : |
Was it good? Yeah Arizona's always stealing everything. |
from tinyangel87 : |
thanx for the note. yes i am finally sixteen. o i love the new template on ur journal its soooo cute!! and i read ur good and bad list and agree with pretty much everything on it (especially the one about bugs and basketball...yes i have not been to one game since starting high school and i dont plan to going to one anytime soon). keep writing and making me laugh so loud the librarian gives me dirty looks....i always hate how silent it is in the gives me the creeps. i know random. sorry. okay i'll ttyl!! |
from aaronorear : |
hmmmm...I I I think that you you you have an admirer admirer admirer... |
from aquakek : |
I love your diary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D |
from mangoprawns : |
i went there and took those peonies and wove them into underwear [they tickle a bit] but the dang soil musta been enriched or on steroids or something and they grew back |
from abacinate : |
Did the weather get there ok? I tried to duct tape it and put lotsa those packing peanuts in. If it didn't get there, it went somewhere cuz now its cold again! |
from augustdreams : |
I'd like to get INTO Aragorn's pants. Yum! Hmmm. You were cryptic indeed. What thoughts were you sending out into the wide, wide world? Once I thought "I wish I had some ice cream" but none showed up. Dang. Love ya! :) |
from diamond-road : |
Sorry about that... I thought I was pasting something else entirely there... |
from diamond-road : |
Sounds like you need to hear John Mayer's "Love Song For No One." It's a song I like to play on lonely Friday nights... [email protected] |
from av0260 : |
Ukranians rock my face! UUU 4 Evah! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
So! Elana (abacinate) and myself are going to start a theme park in tahiti (Eleanaland) and we've decided that you shall take care of all the yummy desserts (mango ofcourse!). I just thought that you should know. So. yeah. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
No, stinky is not good.. but luckily must of them aren't! :) |
from abacinate : |
Awww *happy sneezes in your direction* I guess you're the only one who cares. *sniff* |
from sweetliz2000 : |
ooh! I liked drumline! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Heehee Thanks? |
from augustdreams : |
Dude! Dickens sucks harder than Hoover with a warp drive. Speaking as a writer, the guy is a freakin' hack. A one-trick pony. Every damn book had the SAME PLOT! It pisses me off how many people think that just because something was written a century ago, it's somehow got deep meanings and oh-so-much-passion. Gah! Dickens was the Danielle Steele of his time. *ahem* You know what hell is? It's being forced to spend an eternity playing basketball while listening to Dickens books on tape! Waaaauuugh! |
from abacinate : |
"Dickens, you suck." Amen, sistah! *DoRk* |
from abacinate : |
Heh I guess forcing people to insult other people doesn't quite work out well :) But the dork bit was good....teehee I like the *Sneezy McSneezerson* thankee! |
from abacinate : |
It's actually 'hot in herre'. :) *sneeze* |
from abacinate : |
"......."??? Say more say more!!!! Insults, exclamations, cursing!! Whatever you choose! *sneeze* |
from dfirefly : |
w00t |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Oooh! I *heartheartheart* Beethoven's 9th! And 5th! *much drooling* All of what you listed, great choices! I'm hopefully going to see Phantom (and possibly Les Mis too?) in London.. I can't believe that I stilll haven't seen it! *sigh* |
from aaronorear : |
My dear Mangofarmer, you're speaking to a future my innocence I have NO idea what you're talking about. Besides...I'm more of a bassoon... |
from aaronorear : |
I guess there's just not that much difficult music for flutes...I mean, can't expect a flute player to handle the hard parts. |
from hornstar : |
You have TWO books to learn? Max Pottag crams everything in three. Granted, there is crap in there. I've never been asked to audition with an Arne Oldberg excerpt or had the conductor pull out Elsa Barraine. |
from hornstar : |
I can't believe you let out the musician's deepest, darkest secret: excerpt books. Though, I have to say, I love that the greatest orchestral horn parts of all time can fit into three books. |
from xoxotoe : |
i so relate to wanting to kick (and i do mean kick) shoppers out of the store. we're not allowed to tell them we're closing (who's logic is that?!) but we can turn down the music. woo. yours in shirt folding, toe |
from taydo : |
HAHA! I don't know...BR was pretty bad. The bitchy women, the bitchy men, the bitchy co-workers and managers. Of course, being able to raid the stock room before the new shit hit the floor was a huge plus... |
from aaronorear : |
If I lived anywhere near you (and if it wasn't creepy and stalkerish) I'd visit you at work and hang out with you. You have't seen boring until you examine the life of an introverted actor whose girl lives hundreds of miles away. |
from aaronorear : |
I'd certainly sign up for a Sears card...if I was anywhere near Craptown. That's in Indiana, isn't it? |
from abacinate : |
Thankee for the kitty wellwishes! I took it I took it! ('It' meaning your fabtabulous survey.) Can I be in the movie!? Oh yeah and pertaining to my survey...I'm really not a pothead and you can always get a navel ring online. Does the HT website even scare you? I guess their stuff is pretty crappy anyway albeit eyecatching. *sneezes out more inane comments* |
from abacinate : |
Yeah and Joaquin Phoenix could play the love interest! |
from abacinate : |
HAHAHAH! You should definitely make a movie out fo that dream! I'll direct it! So what if it's 5 minutes long! It'll be the greatest epic of all time! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I most definitely would let you know how that works out! :-D |
from abacinate : |
I'm gonna worry and you can't stop me! But I'm absolutely fien with you blaming Canada. In fact I encourage it. *happy sneeze* |
from abacinate : |
Thanks a whole friggin lot! Now I'm craving soup! Hope you feel better! Did you catch a cold from my *sneezes*?! *worries* |
from dfirefly : |
Ha! You see that? I beat your guestbook this time! Boo yeah! |
from aaronorear : |
Episcopalian? Bah...we're an open church. All I ask is that you keep the mango references to a minimum..."Father, Son and Mango Ghost" wouldn't go down every well... |
from augustdreams : |
Ooooooooh - I love your new layout! So much mangoey goodness. I can't wait to catch up on your entries. Stupid illnesses keeping me from reading Mangofarmer. I'm so sorry to hear you're sick, too! alien parasites in your brain, right? (Sorry! Read my update if ya want that to make sense. *smile*) Feel better soon. Aph sends you fuzzy hugs, and Woodstock sends you purrs. |
from quelquechose : |
Er--nevermind--scratch that. (How come you didn't get your licence when you were sixteen? Didn't want to, or not feasible?) I own "The Spy Who Shagged Me", too--yeah, it is a pretty sucky movie. Not half so bad as "Goldmember", though. They should've just stopped making Austin Powers after the first one. I totally cannot stand Heather Graham, and I have a low tolerance for Beyonce going around shouting "Shazam!" all the time. |
from abacinate : |
No problemo :) Yeah it was the dullest book I have ever read. And then when the teacher makes you write papers on the imagery used in it *hangs self*. Well I guess that was ok cuz I just wrote down a bunch of BS (and got an A) but yeah I hated it so. *SNEEZE* |
from justcircles : |
I like the damn layout |
from aaronorear : |
Mangofarmer needs some mangolovin'? |
from av0260 : |
Thank you for the note, Miss Mango von Mangovich. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere tonight. Tomorrow, maybe... not tonight. hehe. I need to go to bed early or something. Anyway, I hope shoppin' was fun! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I just saw that the other day! I thought, "Wow! How Brilliant!" :-) And ooofcoooourse I took your survey! They're always wondiferously fun! |
from abacinate : |
Hey watch it! You're talkin to the MAYOR of shortsville here! And yes he's VERY cute although is prolly 60 by now. *sneeze* |
from dfirefly : |
isn't "cwappers" just the best cutesy word EVER? :P |
from dfirefly : |
cwappers. i hate your guestbook. it told me i didn't sign the first time, then wouldn't let me sign for three hours, then posted both entries at the same time! cwappers.. i guess i get to see how well i remembered my previous message, though. :D not too well, lol. |
from augustdreams : |
What kind of illiterate monkey doesn't know "Wuthering Heights"? Some classics are classic for a reason! What are your top 5 favorite classics? Mine are: [5- Frankenstein] [4-Dracula] [3-A Christmas Carol] [2-A Midsummer Night's Dream] [1- To Kill A Mockingbird] Ahhhhh, bliss. |
from av0260 : |
Alright then, we can have the best joint pity-party ever! Just lemme know when and where and we'll make it happen! UUU4EVA...! lol. What a shame, tonight would've been ideal. I am so in the self-pity mood right now. |
from petris-girl : |
Heya Mz Mangos! just to let you know, I've decided I'm locking my diary, so if you want to still read it, could you please leave me a note with your e-mail adress, so I can send you a password. Hope all is well with you. AJ |
from tinyangel87 : |
hey!! wow its been a while!! i finally updated, so go see!! yay its great to be back!! |
from mangoprawns : |
dear madame la mangoette - i wish to confirm the non existence of real life here on planet mango - |
from abacinate : |
Yes that and egg rolls. But yeah thanks VERY MUCH! :) *sneeze* |
from abacinate : |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Oooh thank you! Mangos are my favorite! :-D |
from augustdreams : |
I looooove the Happy Tape! :) Thank you, Oh lucious, Mangoey one. *dancing with the guinea pig* |
from aaronorear : |
By the way, since neither the Milwaukee Bucks nor the Utah Jazz will be anywhere NEAR the finals this year, I am in temporary agreement with sucks. |
from jehsika : |
Oh yeah baby that's him...very young and without moustache...isn't he delicious? I do so love men with dark hair and eyes. |
from augustdreams : |
Hey! I actually know some of the songs this time. Woo! Hoo, even! I love your "Name that Tune" entries. Here goes: *crossing my fingers* [3 - "Eternal Flame" by The Bangles] [10 - "Dreams(?)" by The Cranberries] [18 "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls] Note: Aph wants to know if you know any songs about sniffing other dogs' butts? |
from augustdreams : |
I wish I could give you a big, warm hug right now. :( All I can offer you is a virtual hug {{{{Mangoey one}}}} with real feelings behind it. You'll get through this. I think we all feel like we're on the outside looking in sometimes. Life takes that sudden, weird angle where the world is a fishbowl and we're just standing there watching it. (With a box of smelly food flakes in our maybe not. Heh. Forget that last part. Pretend I ended that terrible metaphor one line sooner.) Real hugs - Nicole |
from xoxotoe : |
mangofarmer! yay for mangofarmer! |
from augustdreams : |
You've Got Mail! :-D |
from dfirefly : |
I was watching the Asian news and they did a report on a mango festival and I just thought I should tell you that. |
from dfirefly : |
i would yell at you for getting "to be with you" stuck in my head, but there's so many songs in there that the only one i can hear is "happy birthday ralph" |
from dfirefly : |
ha yeah I watched that on TCM too (yay for TCM). Wonderful novel, and that always does bother me that they ignore such a chunk of the book. And since you feel like throwing songs at people, what songs would you throw? |
from petris-girl : |
I just checked my notes page, so this is a bit out of date, but you so are a cool dudette. don't even think about not thinking that you are. Oh, and thanks for the hug. It was very much appreciated. *big smile* :) |
from abacinate : |
*gives you ten virtual kicks in the ass* I thought you may need an extra know...just in case. |
from abacinate : |
I would like to thank my agent, Gary Coleman and the Devil. So *ahem* do we get little mangofarmer statues or something? |
from augustdreams : |
Note: I hope that made you giggle, because I'm probably gonna go to hell now. ;) :^D |
from augustdreams : |
THE FIVE COMMANDMENTS: Thou Shalt not play Basketball. Thou Shalt not cheer for Basketball players. Thou Shalt not watch Basketball. Thou Shalt pummel pro Basketball players with rotten meat and Monkey poo Thou Shalt destroy Basketball wherever it may lurk. |
from aaronorear : |
You're offering a big hooker to pull me off stage? I'd better never know who's reading this... |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I would like to thank the woman who instructed my parents to name me Elena. I would also like to thank mangofarmer, as she is the one who decided I should get this award. Thanks. |
from aaronorear : |
I'm so pleased to have recieved a Golden Mango...I'd like to thank Mangofarmer, and the Mango Academy...I have to thank Hornstar for introducing me to Diaryland and for holding my hand as I took my first timid steps into the online diary...(music begins)...and I'd like...I'd...(music is building) I'D LIKE TO THANK - stop playing! you in the flute section, knock it off! - I'D LIKE TO THANK ALL THE LITTLE PEOPLE WHOM I STEPPED ON... |
from ravenclaw42 : |
Just read your Happy and Sad Playlists, and what's really scary is that I love almost almost every single song on the sad list and only a few on the happy one. Whoops. Oh well. "No Rain" is still the best. I just realized last night that really needed to update, and I loved going back over your entries! You'll be happy to know that my best friend is a clarinet-playing band geek (she's a junior). Anyway, I'll shut up now. Thanks for some of the best laughs I've had in the last week! (Basketball *is* evil. Thank God I'm not alone.) |
from redjelly : |
hope you enjoyed my answers :) |
from ravenlochlea : |
Wheeee! I actually did ride this weekend....hehehehe :) |
from abacinate : |
And my opinions are never wrong either! *cough just not always right cough* Plus, any opinion ending in 'MY ASS' is correct by law. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Some friends convinced me to try to be in the cheerleading squad in 6th grade. That lasted about 2 days. Literally. |
from abacinate : |
Uninteresting, MY ASS! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
8-D Yay! |
from ravenlochlea : |
Squeeeee! Monty Python and the Holy Grail line! :bows down to mad writing skills: :) hehehehehehe :) |
from abacinate : |
LOL..I love that MP line!!! |
from abacinate : |
Yeah and I look like Tyra Banks! (Except without the boobelies and short. And uh not black.) I was actually gonna say Cindy Crawford though!!! Weird! |
from abacinate : |
Who? Me? Lie? IMPOSSIBLE! In fact I have espn2 (three times better than normal ESP) and without ever having seen you I know that you look like Claudia Schiffer. And if you don't, I'm talking about a different one. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Stupid people can still be hot! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
You know what's the VERY best to make fun of? Stupid basketball players (but then, aren't they all? hehe.. that was looooow). |
from abacinate : |
Well every single one of your entries is without a doubt the best ever in the...*gasp*...UNIVERSE! |
from aaronorear : |
Always with the basketball...maybe she's just short and jealous... |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Yeeep that was definitely bound to happen! And I'm glad! Cause I LOVE that song! :-D Thanks for the sweet birthday note! Have a grrrreat day! |
from aaronorear : |
I did much the same today, but with books, not CD's...I simply shouldn't go to book stores...I can't stop myself. |
from maralisa : |
You're too sweet to me xx |
from hornstar : |
I love Copland too. Did you ever play The Red Pony Suite? The main theme is the Mr. Clean song. I'll send it to you if you need it. I need another music dork to confirm this. |
from hornstar : |
Little Known Fact: Horn players cracked notes so that other musicians don't feel so bad about their own mistakes. We give and give and give. |
from augustdreams : |
Happy Saturday to you too, Mangoey one! :) I love your new picture. Awww, thanks anyway for the thought of making me a happy tape. I'm getting a new 'puter for my birthday from my mom and dad - maybe you can tell me how to use a CD burner? (Once I have mastered it, I shall burn you a CD of mongoey tunes!) Love ya ~Nicole & The Fuzzy Ones |
from popbutterfly : |
Yes!!! Free mangoes!!! |
from popbutterfly : |
Hey! Thanks for leaving me a note!! You're awesome too! So...when are you going off to be a mango farmer in Tahiti :P |
from notanissue : |
Thanks for the note! I love your surveys. You have good taste in music...and food ;) |
from augustdreams : |
Oooh! Could you pleeeeeaaaaaase make me a copy of your "Happy Playlist" tape? Pretty please with a Guinea Pig on top? I would be most grateful and forever in your debt. :) Hugs, ~Nicole the Short, Aph the Wonder Dog & Woodstock the Unshaven |
from captivated- : |
*just so ya know* Hi! This is Sommer from the Clay Aiken ring! I was finally able to host the Clay Aiken ring myself so if you�re still interested in being part of the Clay Aiken ring, please visit the new link to become part of it! I�m sorry that it�s an inconvenience, but I had no idea I would one day be able to host my own rings lol. Thanks for your continuous support in Clay Aiken! |
from augustdreams : |
I shall heed your orders, Mango Farmer! :) I'm off to bed as we speak. I got Aph the most incredibly soft baby blanket last week. It's made of fleece, blue with Snoopy all over it. She looks gratuitously cute snoozing away on it. Ahhh, if you ever need a break from stress come on down - I've got a baby Lime tree, Tangelo tree, Lemon tree and Orange tree that would love to have you give them some TLC. :) Hugs, Nicole |
from starberrysky : |
it was so funny when the neilson survey people called because they asked how many tvs we had and i told her to hang on because i had to check if we still had ours. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Haha, thanks. :) And as far as I know, you have valid and acceptable reasons not to like it! So wooh (I'm not quite sure what else to say..)! |
from abacinate : |
Amen to that! Bill's fuggin' rad! I think I just made up a new word. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I also wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your 100 facts very much. :-) AALSO.. I just have to give you my reasons for liking basketball.. (so you understand that I DO have reasons.. I'm not just some generic horrendous basketball loving freak) SO, here they are: 1) I have excellent memories associated with basketball games. Most games that I can remember attending were with my father and either a very close friend who now lives on the other side of the country (not to mention across the god damn ocean) or else with my love.. who also lives across the stupid evil ocean. 2) I can actually understand the game. This counts for a lot. It is also fast paced, as opposed to the evil american 'football', and keeps my interest. 3) The games I go to serve yummy smoothies. 4) The games I go to do not have a band of any kind, but they do play pretty good music sometimes. 5) The games I go to have HORRIBLE cheerleaders who are fun to insult. 6) The teams usually have some EXTREMELY hot guys on them. We've obviously had very different experiences with the game!! :) I apologize for leaving you that long note that you probably couldn't care less about.. I tend to get a bit carried away with the whole 'being understood' thing. Ah well! Have a loverly night! -Elena |
from sweetliz2000 : |
Thanks for all the compliments! I had no idea how hard it would be to come up with 100 things (especially since I like talking about myself). I tried not to make it just be the same information you'd get from any old survey. I thought of you when I put in #17... but I couldn't resist it! ;-) |
from snufkinm : |
No prob bob. I enjoyed the surveys, it was some good procrastinating time.. I noticed you have great taste in music and movies: I loved them all! |
from sweetliz2000 : |
I'm leaving you a note! (in case you didn't already figure that out?) Anyways, I hope you have a faaaaaantastic night full of everything nice. :) |
from bandchick182 : |
thanks for adding me...but if i can be nosy, why did you? |
from leslieirene : |
Hi there! Thanks for joining the flutists diary ring! Have a wonderful week! Blessings Always, Leslie Irene :) |
from mangoprawns : |
when you see the sound of a butterfly in a hurricane, you will be ready mangohopper - then, when someone is sermonising, try it - say "and...?" everytime they stop talking - it's terrific fun |
from mangoprawns : |
hey mf gooey goodness person - if you need password, email me at [email protected], if not i'm still gonna read you diary of wanton geekness and basketball abuse |
from profgenius : |
hey i think your surveys are way killer. make some more just for me, pleeeeeease??? i love to answer random questions that are unoriginal crap. yeah. |
from haritari : |
Happy to oblige with nothingness upon request...also, to say something....I loved the rants, particularly the marching-band-related segment. As an honorary band geek, I know whereof you speak. |
from augustdreams : |
Amen, sister! Lo! Basketball is Eeeee-vil. Let us plot to end it's reign of terror! It's dribbling players and it's screaming, drooling fans shall not enter the gates of heaven, and they shall be denied the Ben & Jerry's. The band geeks who were led astray shall be shown the true path! Lo! ~Nicole |
from hornstar : |
I don't see the point of being part of the Commonwealth unless it means having first dibs on altoids. In our international shopping spree, I bought cinnamon, citrus and tangerine altoids. Now I must ration them. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
My god, a lot of people have you favorited! And ALL of them (I think..) include comments!?!?! You're my new hero!!!!! (Ofcourse your diary IS.. well.. awesome.. ) |
from maralisa : |
haha - that's TWO people changed their profile today to incorporate the butterflies quote. I haven't had a response like this since "I'd love to be an activist, but I'm the girl who finished reading No Logo craving a cheeseburger" :p |
from hags888 : |
I always like to hear of fellow music students. Crazy thing...I ate some mangos in my "tropical fruit cup" tonight for dinner. Maybe that's why I subconsciously picked your survey...weird. It was fun non-the-less. Glad you liked my diary. The diaryland review team didn't! I'll be sure to check your diary every so often...good luck in the hunt for music schools. |
from sylviashadow : |
Thanx for taking my music survey! I'll take one of yours soon!--sylviashadow |
from abacinate : |
Your welcomes! If I stop by I'll eat all your mangos and then die of indigestion (or possibly just essploding)! But I'll think it over :) Mr. Manson will come, even if it has to be on a chain and leash. I would like to hear that played personally! You should totally hang your degree over your toilet...I mean WHAT a statement!! It will be a classic in no time! |
from perceptionss : |
I just want to let you know that I like your passion that you have for certain subjects. Wanted to say, "Hello" also. I pay attention:) |
from aaronorear : |
Many thanks for making my survey's day...I anthropomorphize everything, so the survey has feelings which can be hurt by being ignored... The Apostle's Creed is different from the Nicene Creed, and much shorter. In Jude the Obscure, Jude gets quite drunk in a pub and recites it in Latin...then he challenges anyone to tell him what he just said. |
from sweetliz2000 : |
As abacinate said, your surveys are definitely the best I've ever taken. Very fun. Your diary is very inspiring to read! I always go read people's diaries and then I have all these issues that I go and talk about in my own - I feel so unoriginal though! Anyways, I know EXACTLY what you mean about that whole song craving thing.. Actually, whenever I attempt to explain that to somebody they think I'm crazy. It's a relief to know that I am not, in fact, alone (I'm not denying being crazy). By the way, I love 'Wish You Were Here'.. You've got VERY awesome taste (movies, songs, authors.. etc)! I could go on raving for hours, but this is getting too long so I think I'll stop now. Have a lovely day. |
from abacinate : |
your surveys are far superior to any others i've ever taken (and that's a shitload not including diaryland)! well i suppose there was one exception but only because it was made by a rabid wombat. and your diary is spectacular! thanks for the good luck! i just know its gonna be marilyn manson-dobson in no time! good luck with your mango farming? |
from aaronorear : |
No, the Russian alphabet is different...take a look at to see... And stop by an take my second, yes, second survey some's kind of sad with just me on there... |
from aaronorear : |
You're a diary-writin' fool! That's, what? Three entries in one day? You going for the record? |
from mangoprawns : |
Thank you, minister mango - i am sure blunderland will shoot up the UN ratings! |
from hornstar : |
I bet we could turn this into The World's Dorkiest Cage Match! Horns versus Flutes! Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY! |
from hornstar : |
Funny, I didn't know God had time to write parts for flute since He was so busy writing horn concerti. |
from hornstar : |
Tim Horton's tastes awful and is more addictive than crack. I'd be suspicous about this Canadian invasion, if I were a conspiracy-minded American. |
from aaronorear : |
I'm more about the cinnamon apple with honey butter, myself...or the berry-berry with berry cream cheese. Oh, great. Now I'm all hungry again... |
from aaronorear : |
PRACTICE YOUR FLUTE!!! There...I've done all I can... |
from jehsika : |
Lincolns birthday is 02/12 not 02/03...sorry. |
from jehsika : |
Presidents Day is a combined honoring of Washington (02/22) and Lincolns'(02/03) birthdays. When I was in grade school we used to get both days off. Now they just have the one holiday. There's no need to honor the dickface...I mean, the current President. |
from finepickle : |
haha, neat! mango pickles rock, too. |
from mangoprawns : |
hey! good to hear you're flying high again, sort of. what's it like piloting a 747? |
from mugbug226 : |
Ah, well, of course.. All flutes take French.. lol |
from mugbug226 : |
Feliz d�a de San Valent�n... and keep your jet plane to yourself... *wink* |
from invisibledon : |
Happy Valentines Day @-'--- |
from mugbug226 : |
Yep, I figured it'd be the Catholics. I told my strictly Catholic friend and she just rolled her eyes. Anger management.. oy. lol After our competition Saturday, we'd be walking around the school and hear people singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane".. it was mildly humerous.. |
from aaronorear : |
I took that test two times, months apart, and both times came up Quaker...Hello, Society of Friends! |
from mugbug226 : |
I also took the Beliefnet test a while back and my results were rather interesting.. 99% neopagan, and 98% roman catholic. Hum. I bet that would worry some people. |
from mugbug226 : |
Ah, yes.. Leaving on a Jet Plane. The song has issues with me. It won't leave me alone, in fact. lol It's our closer in winterguard... in a mix along with Thriller, a Bjork song, some Madonna song.. some other songs. Wow, I'm informative. |
from mangoprawns : |
have snowball - am keeping it on ice for special occasion - every now and then i take it out - to a chinese restaurant - but am careful not to put it near short soup. nice music collection by the way. |
from aaronorear : |
"When Theoden is lamenting the seeming defeat of all that is good, noting the existence of "so much hate", it just makes sense nowadays." Last time I went to TT, when Theoden asks that question - "How can we fight so much hate?" (or something like that) I said, a bit too loudly, "Vote Democrat!" |
from mangoprawns : |
wow - cool parents - mine would have given me train fare - [kidding!] - by the way you are the quickest tahitian mango clicker-dude in the universe! |
from taydo : |
Hey there. Thanks for the Birthday note! Very kind of you :) |
from thevelvet : |
ooh. and you like the colour green. |
from mangoprawns : |
the horror...the horror... save me from the bloomers |
from pandionna : |
Duuuuude...World Peace Mango. Gooooodddd... |
from savary : |
Good God. Did you know that pants is my favourite word and I find it excessively funny? Your latest entry made me wet myself because of the high concentration of the word "pants" in the first paragraph. Excuse me, I have to go change my trousers now (note how I used the word trousers. It's a good way to avoid the urination). Cheerio. |
from mugbug226 : |
...*the. I love typos. I'm rather good at them, as well |
from mugbug226 : |
Yeesh, you're quick! I barely clicked "add entry" and already have a note, lol. I like Candide a lot.. I especially enjoyed the part where the old woman talked about her experiences.. what with teh missing buttock and all. Voltaire was rather sarcastic, which I enjoy.. lol |
from maralisa : |
username=passport, password=control xx |
from mangoprawns : |
being ordained by the creature of the abyss, i now bestow upon you the power of telekinesis - *zap* - *plink* - [please send snowball now...] |
from mangoprawns : |
nce cd stack by the way! |
from tinyangel87 : |
*sigh of relief* thanx for the tag...u saved my life!! j/p!! luv, kym |
from aaronorear : |
Three is my limit with any movie, so far...not including (of course) owning a certain extended DVD and watching it till my eyes bleed... |
from aaronorear : |
Three is my limit with any movie, so far...not including (of course) owning a certain extended DVD and watching it till my eyes bleed... |
from aaronorear : |
You've seen LOTR:TT four times? I'm only at I have to go again or risk being Second Geek... |
from tinyangel87 : |
hey! havent sent a note in a while (sorry) even though you've left me notes and tagged me so kindly, so i thought i would leave you a note (C-Sharp...just kidding). so here's the note: hope ur doing okay and ur support is much appreciated!! thanx a bunch! luv, kym |
from mangoprawns : |
welcome home! |
from mangoprawns : |
goo goo g'joob, you tangy tropical terpsichorian! |
from mangoprawns : |
*HUG* |
from mangoprawns : |
you see, it doesn't snow down here and it's really hot and... oh, never mind! arrrgghhh!!! *applies liquid paper to screen...* |
from mangoprawns : |
that doesn't read right. *sorry*. can i delete notes i've sent?. damn that omar! |
from mangoprawns : |
hey mango! where can i find a hicksvillian snowball for my telegraph pole? *cheezy grin* |
from aaronorear : |
I'm with you on the "President is a big, fat monkey" Day...where do I find party decorations for such an event? |
from perfuct-10 : |
Mango! You've been being extra-entertaining these past few days... really! The list of boredom-fighters, the good the bad and the hicksville... I'm going through your past few entries from this week right now... and just laughing my ass off! Which is a very VERY good thing, because it's frozen-ness is causing me great discomfort. I'm also glad to hear your aunt's recovery is going well. Goodnight! :o) (ps - Catfish. CATFISH!!) |
from clauren : |
Hey. Thanks for answering bestbookoos survey. YOur diary is cool beans....ANybody that puts down addicted2ski is a good friend indeed. Somebody that quotes Candide is my best new friend. YOu rock. |
from mugbug226 : |
lol Well, it wasn't THAT tragic.. If I were to express my opinions on the flute section, I'm sure we'd have some disagreements.. lol But my best friend is a floutist... or however it's said, so I have to be careful. ;) |
from perfuct-10 : |
White chocolate chip maca..... arrr! Those puppies have gotta be the best cookies in the world. So... sweet... I'll try to fedex some to you the next time I refill my stash. ;o) Goodbye to Hicksville? Has it really been ::choking back tears:: that long? ::sob:: Night night :o) |
from aaronorear : |
I can't tell if it's a sense of humor, sense of the sublime or sense of smell, but you're fun to read. |
from perfuct-10 : |
PS - You get a cookie and hugs for your Anne Shirley knowledge. *hugs* ...erm... I'll have to get back to you on that cookie. ;o) |
from perfuct-10 : |
Look what you've done, you've gone and comforted me. :o) thanks thanks. Psst - Despite my obvious, current state of cynicism towards originality, I must tell you - I'm sure you're the founder of The Mango Pie Idea! Heh good stuff, I imagine it will be. Have a nice night and tomorrow ;o) |
from mugbug226 : |
I'm extremely amazed that you put trombones before baritones.. it hurts. lol Trombone is my first instrument, but baritone's sound is so much better. And french horn.. ugh. Maybe it's just that you have to be really talented to play french horn, so when people aren't, it kills me. Along with the oboe, so I agree with your statement there. lol Talk about a dying duck. |
from mangoprawns : |
found this and thought of you esteemed mangofarmer Our Babies This morning, I ate my piano etude. As I practiced, notes dropped off the page suspended in air by their strings, the ringing of their own black bells falling into me. My selfish tongue lapped up each e flat in ecstasy and Schumann watched from above, tasted his melodies too, pretended it was the first time. Tonight, notes pore out from skin in rainbow waves. Musical infections reproduce into symphonies one, three, five, out of my fingers in black f sharps white c harmony, until I give birth right there on the stage crescendo allegro coda silence broken by applause-- greedy hands of the modern music lover. [author:Christina�Wright] peace, love, mangoes |
from hornstar : |
I knew you'd understand. It's not my high D. It's not that pesky low G. It's the whole damn register which means I'm correct. Just not correct HERE. Discouraging. |
from mangoprawns : |
flautists and french hornists rule, solo violinists drool! - the violin catches all the drool...gack! - janis had to sing / mango must flute / t'is the way of the universe / toot! toot! toot! |
from invisibledon : |
you gave me a comment - so cool |
from perfuct-10 : |
Oh... wow... (as stupid as that may sound, I really can't use real language to sum up a suiting similar expression). You and your purple pig... aaah just thinking of it now cracks me up (literally!) :D :D :D True hilarity, that was. Goodnight! |
from elvensea : |
Yes, actually, I recently read the first two books in the Dark is Rising series...I even put them on my Christmas list, but unfortunately I didn't get them (I did, however, get the LotR and the Hobbit ^_^). Hopefully I'll be smart enough to put Greenwitch on hold soon! :P |
from perfuct-10 : |
And a haphaphappy new year to you too :o) You sound like you're in a low, which (as I know from experience) is always peachy. Stay strong, mango. And, as you told me before, hanging on to the things in your life that you know you can depend on can really help you hold your ground until you're able to steady yourself again. Here, hold onto Bob the fuzzball! ;o) Happy year, again |
from mangoprawns : |
hey mangofarmer - tssshhhh! - 2003 is opening a can of woop-ass right now - big year coming up! |
from invisibledon : |
Happy New Year |
from hornstar : |
My parents live in that same damn town (albeit in Ontario but it's the same damn town). Once, a friend and I wandered over to Niagara Falls, New York (sketchy) and afraid to get out of the car, we wanted to pull into a gas station and ask, "Where's your Walmart, eh?" It's all we know. |
from mugbug226 : |
Sorry, I just had to comment on your last entry. Brett and I read it and cracked up. I've never been to his town in Colorado (yet), but all I hear about is his family's church.. and Walmart. Everyone works at Walmart, and when they're not working at Walmart, they're shopping at Walmart. Or it's Sunday morning, and they're in church. So.. you made us laugh. Hvae a great day, and don't get too bored.. |
from perfuct-10 : |
Thanks :o) The lovely day, however may be a hard thing to get a hold of*. Tedious preparations, etc. Have one yourself, though. (*see CCO Syndrome Strikes Again for further pathetic complaining). |
from perfuct-10 : |
37768919769819525? Arg! You see, I knew that my ignorant feelings were justified. I just don't know the scope of these kinds of things (< pretend that that made sense). Congratulations anywho, on completing so many Canadian literature escapades. My heart is swelling with patriotic pride. Or... wait... could that be the queasy feeling from eating all of those donuts? :oP Good night/morning, what have you. Whatever it may be, have a pleasant one. :o) |
from mugbug226 : |
Merry Christmas, and I hope the new year brings you the best. And certainly, a happier note as well. Merry 2003. |
from tinyangel87 : |
here's a happy note for u~F-sharp. hopefully that was a good enuff holiday present for u. hope ur holidays r great, and ur new years is spesh!! Luv, Kymmie Pye |
from perfuct-10 : |
Have a Merry Merry Christmas, mango, dear :o) :o) :o) |
from mangoprawns : |
its officially xmas here. so: MERRY XMAS (and a happy noo yr) |
from mangoprawns : |
yes - i totally agree - mangoes must stick together - of course a loose affilitaion with other tropical fruits - possibly even including avocados - may be useful we are a minority - far too tangy for this synthetic strawberry world - [see below] <B>The Fruit Cocktail Rebellion<B> Mom makes me eat it straight out of the can. Pineapple, that yellow enemy disguised as tropical fruit. I hate the sick sweetness of it all. Peaches bullying me from the table; red cherries bobbing in yellow juice, chanting as they ooze past lumpy mango, unfamiliar pear. Eat it, she says, oblivious to the riot of fruit in my tin. I can barely hear her over the cantaloupe frenzy. I throw the fruit onto the floor, smash the tangy fortress into a million pieces, stomp each cherry one by one, tell the bananas to never come back. [Gillian Jones] and by the way have a merry xmas happy holiday whatever you celebrate |
from invisibledon : |
Happy Holidays |
from perfuct-10 : |
Boo... I want a cat! Hope you have a lovely night and a lovely time at the towers :) |
from mangoprawns : |
hey namesake-farmer - scrolling you is a pleasure - too - cheers!!! |
from perfuct-10 : |
Mmmm... communing. Good word - much thanks (no, really, I'm honestly thanking you for it). Bah I've already snapped out of it. :( What a rude awakening... How goes the cornbread making? ;) |
from perceptionss : |
I just wanted to let you know that the notes that you leave from time to time make my day. I have noted you AIM and hope you say hello soon. Until then, take care:) Eric |
from perfuct-10 : |
Hope you're still online - I'd just like to say thanks for your note [again] - Your thoughts were neither stupid nor simple. A regular person would've approached the "issue" in a condescencing, cheap manner that would've really depressed me further, but luckily, you came along. I actually started seeing "the little things" that I can count on and hope for in my life after reading your thoughts (too bad I don't have a cat that can become a giant fuzzball... darnit!). I admit that I was quite depressed and slanted when writing the see-through-fantasy entry, and it must have seemed very pathetic and immature. Mraw, *embarrassment*! But, yes, I must say that I loved the point form-ity of your last entry. Having to breathe the bad air... no one could have put it better. I [believe that I] know exactly what you mean ;). Keep up with the book-buying... illiterate cousins are no fun :) |
from floodtide : |
Your notes always make me feel like a million bucks - thank you yet again for your generous, kind words. Actually, you've inspired me for tomorrow morning's entry - since I recently discovered the Joan Didion book, maybe I'll write about what SHE says is growing up: "Innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion that one like's one's self." True, true, true. Love, Flood. |
from invisibledon : |
howdy |
from perfuct-10 : |
Never fear, the anticipated list of gripes is on its way ;) Your notes really did bring smiles to my day, making me realize how much I need little things like that every now and then. So thank you very much, mango, dear :) Heh, I would've left a note before, but I just figured out how to do such a thing. Forgiviness, please! |
from mugbug226 : |
Number 1: I hope your wedgie is in MUCH better shape now.. and Number 2: The inhumanity of Dayton... they've taken away our Denny's. I think that crushed half the city's nightlife. Or maybe all of it. Jerks. |
from mugbug226 : |
Oh my GOSH, Mango, you don't like snow? AH! |
from mugbug226 : |
Trumpets = Agony with huge heads. Anyway, if you end up stranded in a big city somewhere, and I finally get my license, give me a ring.. lol |
from mugbug226 : |
Oh, and.. by the way.. I hate trumpets as well! |
from mugbug226 : |
My sophomore year, there was a winter percussion that did "The Inferno" as their show and they played The Ascension and everything. There was also a Winter Guard my 8th grade year that did show to it. They were both really scary.. lol But the music is good. Thanks for a note back =) |
from mugbug226 : |
Hey, I enjoyed reading your diary.. it's nice to see some other boring band people out there - even if we come from different ends of the spectrum (low brass to flute, that is). It was the lists that I really liked though. You have awesome taste in music. Oh, and yes, "You'll Never Walk Alone" is from Carousel.. our band had to play it for Homecoming. Have a great day =) |
from invisibledon : |
To true gurlie - That might work - oh even better kidnap some reindeer - hold 'em for ransom - want to help? |
from invisibledon : |
oh well I guess I will have to go back to pimpin' then |
from perceptionss : |
Sorry that you are bored, I would chat with you but you don't show up on radar either:) Happy Monday! Love, Booby |
from invisibledon : |
whoa - farmer and tooth fairy - lordy girl you work too hard - by the way can you float me a loan the easter bunny will co-sign for me PUH LEEZZE |
from floodtide : |
Wow - thanks for your sweet, generous, lovely words. You ARE worthy of such. Love, Flood. |
from invisibledon : |
thank you happy monday to you too |
from perceptionss : |
You are so kind but very hard to find ::looks around:: I hope you are taking care and insomnia doesn't trouble you for long. Booby |
from maybemaude : |
the story makes mangofarmer all the better. that's such a wonderful thought. |
from invisibledon : |
I'm absolutely fab - things are hectic but i'm a happy boy |
from invisibledon : |
how you doin' today? |
from perceptionss : |
Thanks for the happy thoughts and note. They did brighten my day:) Booby |
from enigmotion : |
I looked at your "lastsongs" survey. Heh, i listen american pie and queen also. Veddy nice diary. =) Love, Cat |
from invisiblepal : |
:) Thank you for the note!! |
from invisibledon : |
from invisibledon : |
thanks for playing in the neighborhood and for listing me as a fave too |
from elvensea : |
Wowie! Thank you ^_^ |
from apexsensatin : |
Thanks for taking my quiz. You totally rock. I liked your answers too. |
from goovie : |
no rain was one of my favorite songs and one of my all-time favorite videos. gotta love the bee girl. and noggin is evil, evil, evil for re-hooking me on clarissa, pete & pete, and all the rest. |
from psianina : |
heya! welcome to d-land. interesting username, that's how I found you. at least you have a job! so your life is not quite so boring, you see. |
from perceptionss : |
Band geeks are people also:) I'm sure you'll have plenty to write down eventually. This is the only friend the end.. |
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