messages to smedindy:
(click here to add new message):

from ricklets :
you will be missed Smed! Best of luck to you, with everything. *hugs* Thanks for all the great posts and musical knowledge.
from bethb :
I do realize she's long gone. But I still have zero sympathy for that song. 'loving you is easy cause you're beautiful' is still as vapid today as it was then.
from whystinger :
Actually, it was Robo. He was a great neighbor and one hell of a cook. He hung out a lot with Jerry Only. I think he left Flag about the time Henry Rollins came aboard. He hooked up with the Misfits for the last six months or so before they split up... I believe they are touring again... Jerry sued and got the rights to the name again. I think they toured a few years ago with Dez Cadena and Jerry also got one of the Ramones on board.
from whystinger :
Beatin' the skins... I used to live next to the former drummer for Black Flag and Misfits (last before they broke up. I know they are out again, but different). YOU jogged that in my memory, or rather brought it to mind...
from whystinger :
Smed, during my recent trip to Memphis for training, when I found all the music I thought of you... Lots of good blues...
from twoturtles :
It's more like a snow... blob. Once I jumped in, I was too stuck to even swing my arms and legs. It just wasn't happening. Aren't you glad you're not in Indy anymore?
from twoturtles :
SMED!! I did not make that entry! LOL, I think Andrew is tinkering because for a while there, I was the only person who had a new entry, also. Disregard any further weird posts. : )
from ricklets :
Hey Smed! Long time no chat, I know. But I finally listened to some Captain Beefheart and I'm not sure who came first, him or Tom Waits but either way, they obviously influenced each other. It was pretty nifty. Hope all is well with you!
from thenoodle :
Yeah? :)
from eggsaucted :
Ok...Ok...Ok...I admit it, I'm watching although not in real time, I actually watch it online at two things: 1) Wasn't it awesome to see George back this week, I miss that old guy! 2) When the heck are they going to send Omarosa home, she is terrible and she's annoying the heck out of me every single time she is on the damn screen.
from eggsaucted :
Yes I know and I'm not sure I'm going to watch, it just sounds so terrible and well outside of the original premise of the show and uh Omarosa a celebrity? I think not!
from whystinger :
Sorry. Try id: casper, password: ragtime
from retro-cat :
hello. keep on lovin' the jam :)
from sugar4money :
Sure you can. Send me a message on my diary "aneles" and please leave your e-mail so I can send you the keys. Love, A.
from boxx9000 :
from ricklets :
Happy Birthday Smed, 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything else. Hope its a good one dear!
from hanonly :
Hi. I read your recent, and read your "Tribute Bands" 8)
from whystinger :
Dude, I NEED more music in my life, so it sure will help.
from puter-chique :
No worries! name: puterchique pass: poodle
from janedoe0 :
Hey Smed! I have moved my blog to a new home. I'd LOVE it if you kept reading so email me and I'll send on the new addy. [email protected] Thanks!
from whystinger :
Be a good neighbor and tell them to stuff a towel under the door - the ass they save may be their own!
from nakedbarista :
OH! and, I love you! But that's not out of my comfort zone to say. You can't share lives with someone for years and come out without loving them.
from whystinger :
That is certainly interesting! I first heard it in '87 and in the early 90's tried to ID it. None of my metal head friends could ID it... I did do a search and found several versions of it on Utube... Let me know how the Ultavox version sounds...
from whystinger :
Thanks a bunch. I don't have itunes, but I think I may have found it!!!
from janedoe0 :
Okay, so your comments think I'm a spammer. The joy! Anyway, what I WAS going to say was, that is all sounds like wonderfull fun!! :)
from webmiss :
I tagged you on my site. Play if you want to!
from janedoe0 :
Hey back! I've seen you around here, and have popped in from time to time, so I'll definately be reading more. I LOVE your template. (I have a thing for templates :)
from betchy :
I cant believe you have The Hoosiers listed as a fave band!! i only heard Worried About Ray about a month ago for the first time and I fell in LOve with it. They played at T4 on the beach in my town, but hardly anybody knows who they are! And I love them so much!!
from heydomsar :
user: hidden pass: thoughts As you can see I'm not real picky about who has that since I just posted it here. Just keeping the random crazies out! As opposed to the crazies I know :)
from torchstar :
Oh, one more thingy. Are you going to change your name to smedisota?
from torchstar :
I HATE hot weather. After living in Athens GA for nearly 8 years I got used to it. There were days when you'd sweat continuously, all day; even with only the cold water turned on to shower, before, during, and after. We all went dancing anyway. My long hair looked like I just dunked my head in a bucket of water. I'm glad it's not like that here. Mark Twain said something like "the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." Shivering tourists wearing summer clothes end up buying many many sweatshirts. We sleep with a blanket on the bed all year long! Yay...
from dukkha-tanha :
I changed it so that you can leave anonymous comments. Please do not abuse this privilege!!! ;) What is bloglined? I'm interested. =)
from artgnome :
Thank you for the kind and encouraging comment. keep me in prayer, smed, I'm more worried and scared than I let on. peace.
from fightn4life :
'[email protected]' I sent my user name/ pass word to this e-mail...was it right? First one I sent on June 17th...another today. My e-mail is [email protected] if I am sending to the incorrect address. Sorry if I had it wrong. Happy 4th Smed...I'll be back to reading after I visit my dad for a while. Sandyz
from readyorknot :
haha, nah.. not asecret or atleast not to people at diaryland :) mickey/mouse.
from curiouoso :
Thank God for cheap thrills! Sometimes I check what people google to see how they arrived, and one of the most common is terrorists! I hope it's not going to get me on the no-fly list or no work list someday! Well I'm off to commune with the underworld or netherworlds for the weekend. Curiouoso*.
from curiouoso :
Ok second try....It's good to see you're still around. So many of those that I've read or read me have disappeared. Maybe to go to MYSPACE and get censored when they were bought out. Looking at others "Favorites" often seems kind of "incestual". I read this one who reads all these others also on my favorites each of which often duplicates both of ours..... Well got go, How many of yours have disappeared? I guess I'm in too sentimental of a mood right now. Heard From Nicim lately? Me niether. Off to other pursuits, Curiouoso*
from webmiss :
Hi. I've been lurking for a few weeks and finally worked up the nerve to post. I have to say, I LOVE a lot of what you write. You're witty and articulate. I had to smile when I read tonight that you have an Audix system. We use that where I work, too. When I read that, the calm female voice that says "Welcome to Audix. Please enter extension." popped into my head.
from harri3tspy :
I'd love to do a notify list, but I only know of the diaryland one (, which, like the rest of diaryland these days, is very unreliable. I'll see if I can figure something out, though. But also, the new site has an RSS feed. You can subscribe on bloglines and get notified that way. I have a desktop widget that notifies me when the feeds to which I've subscribed have updated. I click over to bloglines and the notification works just like the diaryland buddy list. There's even a bookmark you can use to automatically add a site you're looking at to your subscription list. I highly recommend it for its idiot-proof qualities. Unfortunately, most diaryland sites don't have RSS feeds (although most others do these days). But the combo of the diaryland buddy list and bloglines is working really well for me.
from rs536-2000 :
Finally an episode that advances the plot. Hallejujah! (but no Kumbaya)
from dinosaurorgy :
Awesome, I'll add you right away! :D
from dinosaurorgy :
Hey Smed. I'm not sure if you're in to questions or not, but I made this little diaryland club (question-it).. and I kept thinking that it would be awfully cool if I could con you in to joining, if only for some trivia feedback. Interested at all?
from rs536-2000 :
Jumped. There's not much drama left--only whining. If I wanted whining, I'd go visit my neighbors.
from boxx9000 :
from ricklets :
Hey Smed, I know I haven't been keeping up very well with staying in touch, but I still read everyday!
from chaosdaily :
we open at 7; i get there at 5!
from mpeacock :
Thank you for the "good luck"!
from stepfordtart :
Sorry about my email - I knew it was crap but didnt realise it wasnt a Motorhead fan either! Perhaps if you'd been sending something about Celine Dion, it would've been OK! Heeehee! s x
from stepfordtart :
I'll pass on the five year old if you dont mind - been there, done that! Madness should be halfway across the ocean by now - I posted it same day you sent your address (whichever day that was). Patience, my friend! s x
from nixtress :
Happy, Happy, Happy Easter!!
from requiel :
No, it was the second one. It wasn't at all scary just so gross. I didn't see the first one. I have heard that it was scary. I love scary movies but not gory scary.
from liquid-mojo :
i think we have a few mutual blog aquaintences, including becks of course and i just put you in by the way. but now i really have to prune my list as i'm out of free slots to add more active bloggers faves. =p
from xx-angel-xx :
my password is still the same (peanutbutter/andjelly), i haven't changed it yet. I'm not sure I'm going to. I'm just afraid that since I had it so long, someone could have broken it but, I probably shouldn't and don't have to worry about it..
from lady-frenzy :
from nakedbarista :
Acoustic, AND, I added a picture so you can all share in my pain.
from theflyingrat :
I like one sport, hockey! (I don't follow it actively but I do like to watch the games when I can actually get out to one.)
from nixtress :
Hey you. Thanks for letting me know the tidbit about Lulu. Still, no clue :P I heard her sing on Idol tonight and it still didn't ring a bell so I'm guessing I just glazed over any appearance she may have made to my conscious mind. Can you do me a favor? Keep an eye out for a song that I'm having a dickens of a time finding anywhere. The artist's name is Kevin Raleigh (used to be with the Michael Stanley Band) and in the 80's put out a solo effort. The song I'm trying to find is Moonlight on Water, as performed by him. I've been able to find the Pat Benatar version but that's not the one I want. Amazon has the cd used starting at $71 but I don't want the whole cd (and don't want to spend that kind of money on it anyway!)... anyway, thanks :P
from harri3tspy :
Guess what I just downloaded? Thanks for the tip on Magnetic Fields!
from nixtress :
Ummm...well. I don't really know :P I've been second guessing myself all over the place and so this might end up being just a hiatus while I re-evaluate a bit. There's a part of me that's sad to shut it down because I HAVE written for so long and I do enjoy it but it's stifling too. Does that make sense? No Golding. I mean it :P
from cardiogirl :
p.s. To add to the urgency, my bro's b-day is March 29. This would make an AWESOME birthday gift!
from cardiogirl :
Hey Smed, I've been looking for a song by Tuff Darts called (Your Love Is Like) Nuclear Waste for my brother. Yes, I'm using the sympathy card here. He is bedridden with MS and I make CDs for him. He has wanted this song forever, but the fine folks at MusicMatch and Rhapsody do not have that song available for download. I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out how I can get it (without purchasing the actual CD) and on the treadmill at the Y this morning your name popped into my head. Surely the great Smedindy has access to this song. If so, would you be able to e-mail me the file? Please, please, please :)
from ricklets :
Thanks Smed dear! Its a happy day for you too!
from stepfordtart :
which tune, dude? (BF will ask me and there'll be BIG TRUBBLE if I dont know!) s x
from chaosdaily :
one week more for the cast, 4 more weeks with a brace and crutches... no work until i can walk without crutches.
from haloaskew :
I love your new "apply directly to forehead" banner. I clicked on it, even though I already know you. But that higher click thru percentage rate sure feels good, don't it?
from sosuga :
ishmeal!! UHAHAHAHAHAHA that was awesome!
from sosuga :
I kinda figured you'd say that, since I realize that school is a big deal and all but. Being smart enough to graduate from there and having some sort of respectable traits *still* doesnt amount to any liable excuse in my book. I mean, not to be rude. I just dont see the connection.
from readersguide :
Oh, he's just "that" guy.
from readersguide :
Or is it "that black guy from Korn." Hmmm. He's some kind of guy -- there's an adjective there.
from readersguide :
The famous smed! Yes, that's the line. There are more, though, aren't there? What's the one about "that white guy from Korn." They are so so clever, but then also so so sweet. A good combination.
from sosuga :
I Appreciate your insight, although I have to say that I disagree - just because he's a college grad doesnt give him a get-out-of-jail-free-card to be passive aggressive and blow me off. Which is exactly what he's doing - who just DOESNT respond to messages? That's just rude, regardless of who they are. I dont know why you have so much faith in him, haha, he wasn't a gem to begin with! Nice guy when he wants to be - sure - but thats it.
from nixtress :
Thank you.
from beckers-j :
Thanks! I'm supposed to hear about the other job tomorrow. If I get that, this will be one of the best weeks of my life. :) Even if I don't get that job, I'm gonna be pretty damn happy for quite some time about this alone.
from boxx9000 :
from vickithecute :
Yes, except for some reason, my stats are not working. ::grumpgrumpgrump::
from nakedbarista :
Ha! I clicked on not one, but TWO of your banners-- IN A ROW. I'm telling you. I'm just destined to be here.
from iamafatgirl :
Have you heard of WOW! cable or Wide Open West (same company)?
from cardiogirl :
No sir. Is someone using my super cool moniker and pretending to be THE cardiogirl?
from nixtress :
I suppose I can try....:P D'ya want the German version or the English?
from forty-plus :
I say, if it works don't unplug the earphones!
from haloaskew :
The gal at the vehicle registration asked me how many cylinders my car had. "What? Huh? I dunno," I replied. She punched in something on her computer after looking at my paperwork and was silent. I chimed in: "I have a regular car. You know, normal number of cylinders. Four, I'm guessing." I smiled. She replied "Yep, four, that's the normal number." I think she did that just to fuck with me. Because she needed something, ANYTHING, to get her through till lunch. I'm sure the staff all laughed when she relayed her "funny joke," while they ate their chicken salad sandwiches and drank their RC Colas in unison in the cafeteria. But see, I get to sleep in tomorrow. And she has to get up early and deal with idiots like me again all day, everyday for a pittance. BOOYA! I win! (damn, I meant to flirt with you, but I'm too tired now...) *winkie...snooooooooo...WINK....snooo*
from mahvalicious :
I've been reading you off and on for a time, an enjoy your writing. Just as an aside, I'm Kat's mom - she was so thrilled when she received your mixed cd in the mail the other day.
from forty-plus :
Of course, especially if it helps get one parent to have an open and honest discussion with their preteen/teen about how fast things can turn bad when certain choices are made.
from nprmommy :
have you listened to the open season (paul westerberg) soundtrack? or the over the hedge (ben folds) soundtrack? both very enjoyable for kids and adults alike! you've probably blogged about them, but i've been away for so darn long it would take me months to catch up on all your posts!
from workcrush :
Well....I'm working on registering with Target, have not completed the process yet though. We started it but it grew tiresome for Jack so I decided to finish up myself....but then I became internetless for a while. Hopefully next weekend sometime I can finish it up.
from sosuga :
ok right gotcha, thanks - but what did I say that triggered you to mention that?
from sosuga :
wait what? people can tell when you forward their message on myspace to someone else? how?
from eggsaucted :
Yes boohoo...tents in 70 Degree weather, WAAAAAAH! What's the deal with team one getting to spend an entire day at a spa instead of doing a task, "because they've been winning consistently." Consistently meaning there have been two tasks so far and both times they barely eeked out a win, so they get two rewards, a nice comfy mansion, no trips to the boardroom, no lost teammates and a week off. I seriously don't get this version. Arrow Corp should all be fired for picked such a stupid name as Arrow Corp.
from rs536-2000 :
I'm going to call the SPCA on her.
from pagetemp :
Because you disabled right-click I clicked view and then "view source". I copied your html and then began distrubuting it around the internet. Now thanks to me billions of websites have stolen your code and I'm making trillions of dollars. Thank-you.
from harri3tspy :
You must have read it the second I posted it! It's already fixed. But thanks for calling it to my attention!
from eggsaucted :
I pretty much think it's a train wreck and very odd indeed this time around. He's changed too much and from what I can tell they are barely showing any of the task itself. But we're getting quality time out in the backyard while the group complains about how sucky living out there is. Letting the winning PM remain PM for life if they keep winning is strange. What's with the weird round bedroom in the mansion? From the outside it doesn't look like they should be so tight on space that they have to bunk together. I don't love it, but I can't help but watch. We'll see. Oh and I miss George and Carolyn.
from heydomsar :
bro, you are the best and i meant no disrespect. i'm christian, but i don't celebrate christmas, so i didn't ask for a holiday mix. if your next round of mixes isn't holiday themed, i'll be the first to jump up and demand to join the party! thanks for thinking of me. :)
from cdnfoxychick :
Yes, I noticed the new pop up links. Good job, man! =)
from cardiogirl :
Hey Smed, I'm so thrilled to be added as a Smed favorite. Thanks!
from forty-plus :
Happy New Year!
from nixtress :
Happy New Year:)
from nakedbarista :
I was gonna say "So, since I'm the first odd comment, does that make mine the best?" But the moment really has passed and it doesn't seem as funny now as it did then.
from radiogurl :
By the way, before I forget to mention: I finally took your challenge.
from nakedbarista :
I second that. Comments? Not a'workin.
from radiogurl :
Your comments section won't work for me today, but all I've got to say is... Dude, you're just scary sometimes, lol.
from nakedbarista :
Are you serious? Just to be sure I wasn't imagining things, I had Kyle listen to the song and then asked "Chick or Dude?" He said "Chick". Gah.
from the-moo :
Merry Christmas Smed I love you and I miss you and I hope you had the BEST time xxx
from ricklets :
Smed dear, check out my entry (it may not be the first one by the time you get this, but its titled, Smed music for Riki?) I totally jumped at the chance for winning Smed music!
from nixtress :
Merry Christmas.
from iamafatgirl :
Check out my entry!!!!!
from cdnfoxychick :
I left you the password on myspace.
from nakedbarista :
All in due time, my dear. I'm floored that I made it all the way through the Christmas one in one sitting. That NEVER happens! I'll probably get to the other disc later tonight. I'm pretty excited about it.
from sosuga :
bite & me (please delete once you read this!)
from radiogurl :
Glad to know the comments problem isn't just me. MC has a full beard and moustache, has ever since I met him. It doesn't bother me at all, though someone who's shaving regularly and has stubble - oh yeah, big problem. So the solution might be to let it grow and leave it that way. Just my two cents worth, not worth a penny counting for inflation.
from stepfordtart :
I like the hairy face stuff. *thinks 'thoughts' about some chaps of her acquaintance* Mmmmmmmmm. s x
from acornotravez :
Uh yeah - your comments are messed up. Anyway, my husband can't use the 3 blade system, the two works for him - I know you wanted to know that.... And so now we know you shave your nose...nice! :)
from awittykitty :
Your comments aren't working at the moment....anyways, kissing a hairy faced guy is very uncomfortable to me. I feel like I'm kissing my cat on the lips. Its all bristlely and furry and ouch. Naturally the last two men I dated were both furry. Ick! Why do I keep picking them?
from nixtress :
Just a bad time of year for this sort of thing (not that there's ever really a good time, I guess, but you know what I mean). Today's another day and it'll recede.
from nakedbarista :
Aww, see! Now I feel bad that I didn't click on it. My bad. I promised I'll click on it next time. I know how you love the clicks.
from nakedbarista :
Did I seriously just see a "Kneel before Smed" banner?!
from dinosaurorgy :
You're welcome; thanks for being interesting!
from poolagirl :
The honor is all mine! You rock!
from haloaskew :
Of course, my darling! I'm rockin' it so hard I might throw myself out for bad behavior tonight!
from cardiogirl :
You're welcome! Sounds like we're both part of the new generation of parents who can't believe we are the parents now. I, too, have trotted out lines from my own parents that never worked then and don't work now. But someone has to be the stick in the mud, right? As long as I have my mp3 player kickin' out the tunes, I can deal with pretending to be the responsible adult in the house.
from kellbelle :
Squeeee away my friend :) It's nice to know I have someone squealing for me LOL
from nixtress :
Hmmm..that's why batteries and hand-held toys were invented :)
from nixtress :
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
from bindyree :
Hey, old man, just wanted to say congratulations on making it to 400 entries on Diaryland. Take consolation in the fact that I'll always be older than you are. Happy belated. :)
from haloaskew :
I got it! I got it! I GOT IT! I can't believe you made 4 CDs! My god, man, the work you put into delighting lil' ol' me (*giggle*) So far I've listened to the 50s-70's disc -- so many songs/bands I've never heard! I'll probably listen to it a few more times before moving on to the next one (can't wait -- WHEE!) Thanks SO MUCH! You're too incredibly awesome. {{Hugs}}
from dulligirl :
That whole Michael Richards interview was so damn awkward and uncomfortable. I was never so happy to have an interview end. You can read other people's reactions to it in the Late Night or Seinfeld threads on TWoP. Most of them thought the same thing.
from forty-plus :
Happy 41st Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
from haloaskew :
Not yet! But I will let you know as soon as I do. {{Hugs}} Wanna donut? Cuz I'm gonna have one. It's chocolate with chocolate frosting. That = NUMBY. Eat and enjoy while I watch X-Files reruns on TiVo in the other room.
from ricklets :
Oh Smed! I have not run away from you dear, no, in fact I really enjoyed some of the song list on your new ipod. Like the Bob and Doug Mackenzie song! Good stuff. Im sorry I haven't been commenting or anything, nearly broke my heart reading that note though, seemed so sad! But Im glad you're still here, and I am most definetly still here.
from the-moo :
I miss you feel like I never get time to converse with you in notes or emails or even anything anymore - but I'm still here and you are often thought of *hugs* xxx
from janetplnetoc :
Hey Smed, you are on the music list too, I just haven't finalized my playlists. And, to be just frank, I'm lazy. Laziness being the key behind most of failures. But is it considered a plus that I admit it?
from nixtress :
You're welcome.
from nixtress :
I sent you the info. Lemme know if you get it?
from nixtress :
Hey there. I'm new to reading your writings and think it's only polite to say hiya while wandering 'round your head. So. Hiya.
from cunhell :
Its NiciM - I am better in all ways. I'm taking some time to catch up and wanted to give you a big Hi, and a hug. Missed reading you....Love N
from sosuga :
awww....heeeee...thank you darlin!!!
from dukkha-tanha :
I'm doing everything in aplhabetical order. LOL. Right now, "d" for dland. "S" is toward the end of the alphabet. "P" for perv is there, too. =)
from chickpea981 :
that seems to be the theme of the year - we play awesome in the first half and then come back from halftime only to bend over and sya "here, fuck us up the ass and here's some lube but don't use the lube because we prefer it rough". It's hard to be a fan sometimes.
from nakedbarista :
Ours is actually held in a Baptist church so I'm not at all shocked. The church I attend is a sister church but we're more of the "emerging church" style than we are Baptist.
from dukkha-tanha :
True that. From now on, "Bo" is code for "Smed". =)
from ricklets :
I was just reading articles on how Bob Dylans popularity is on the rise again. How its a "Bob Dylan Revival" and it made me think; Whats Smed's opinion on this? Do I even recall Smed ever really talk about Bob? Im sure you've mentioned him before, but you know, if you want to stay trendy, hip, and cool, you should write about Dylan =P Haha, you'll always stay trendy, hip, and cool to me Smed.
from elgan :
Yes, I have a Myspace. I'll tell you yours if you'll tell me mine!
from nikig :
RIP to leaving you comments Smed!!!! LOVED that entry!!! Super clever and as always....entertaining. :)
from radiogurl :
Apparently you missed one - the ability to enter a comment passed away at some point between yesterday and today. I clicked faithfully on the button and it showed me all of the requiems and giggles, but alas - the form was gone entirely.
from dulligirl :
Hmm..interesting suggestion,Level 42,huh? Well, you never know. I liked that song when it was popular so I do know it.
from rs536-2000 :
Ouch--that HURT!
from scotvalkyrie :
No, Diana Canova did not strip, but she sang a really good song about fetishes. With a Hispanic accent. "Hees yust sooo beeg!!"
from moonfaeryy :
Dude...we are golden!!!! Update you more tonight!!
from moonfaeryy :
Hey much as I would love to hang with you while you are in Toledo..financially it's just not going to work! :-( But I know someday we will get to hang out.....
from requiel :
Wow, I thought Utah was the only weird Liquor law state. Ha!
from imazook :
First word is "yourea" 2nd one is "lush" I probably won't stay locked, just a phase.
from plopphizz :
Need to talk to you. Please send me an email via [email protected]. Thanks, Phizzy
from eggsaucted :
Carolyn, oh my oh my Carolyn!
from nicim :
send me email [email protected] for password
from lerin :
I sent my password to you at 9:00 this evening. Let me know if you didn't receive it!
from tooold2bcool :
Hey, thanks for checking out my blog, and thanks for the write-up on Shoes! I'll be doing a write-up of my own, and I'll toss in a link to your entry. Thanks again!
from acornotravez :
Thanx for adding me as a fave....again.
from officehours :
enjoyable read
from beckers-j :
You're dirty. ;)
from ricklets :
hey, welcome back. I was totally out of it when I returned home, and it wasn't till I was falling asleep last night, did I remember of your loss. At least there was some comic relief, right? Thats the way the cookie crumbles, along with that spilt milk.
from groovyguru :
I am sorry to read of your loss. You and yours will be in my prayers.
from beckers-j :
Yeah, Sheff was really young when he was with the Brewers. And he was also very unhappy being there in general, which probably contributed to his whining. But he has been around a long time now, and he's not a whiner anymore. ;)
from kitchenlogic :
What are you trying to say? You mean that your senator's 81 year old fathers don't have sex in cars outside of family pizza joints? Get with the program buddy - it's the happening thing! Yeesh! Pretty gross isn't it?
from dandydandy :
You know, I know I'm not old. But, with teenagers in the house, I sometimes feel like I deserve to say I'm old. Heh.
from theboxisback :
you're very welcome.
from theflyingrat :
Chocolate, of course! ;)
from momma-at-17 :
Nothing wrong, didn't mean to take you off, I'm sorry, I'm going to fix it right now, And figure out who I did mean to take off my list. Terribly sorry about that. Completely unintentional. Forgive me? ~♥~
from dulligirl :
Although my home doesn't reflect it, I'm not much into keeping that kind of stuff. It's really just the music that I want. Though I'll never part with certain LPs.
from imazook :
Ok, thanks! Just thought I would ask.
from imazook :
From what I've read of your essays, you kind of like music...;-) Anyway, I'm assuming you're pretty technilogically savvy too so what is your opinion on satellite radio? Waste or worth it?
from la-blue-eyez :
I'll be ok. Thank you for asking.
from danddteacher :
No. You don't get to do that. You don't get to cut me off, then get upset that listening to "your songs" upsets me.
from iamafatgirl :
Crunch berries you say?!?!?! I do like crunch berries myself...*note to self* thanks to Smed, I now must go buy a box of captin crunch with crunch berries!!!
from metaleve :
It's all for you, Damien, all for you... The M�ga-M�tal Mix:
from dulligirl :
Thanks for the "woot!"!!
from sosuga :
Wow I am an idiot, I totally thought this bartleby thing was for real. ::smacks forehead:::
from xx-angel-xx :
Oh, as I was cleaning off the crayon Logan got on the wall, I thought of you. I used the Mr. Clean Majic Eraser.. it works wonders BUT, he didn't get a lot on it because I stopped him.. I don't know if anyone suggested that or not, or if its still up there.. But, I thought I'd leave you a note anyway telling you about it.
from metanephros :
Of course I did, Smed - it was beautifully done. Nice one!
from ricklets :
Smed, it sounds like a tough go, but I think you will be able to get through it. Im angry over this, it really doesn't make any sense to me that healthcare, MENTAL healthcare at that, is so hard go recieve. Boils my blood it does. But I don't want to get you all riled up anymore than you already are. So I wish you the best of luck, I hope the meds at least work out , and maybe you could find a counselling office where its paid by the government? Im a bit concerned over the fact you live in a small town and how far you might have to go to get the resources you need and deserve. *HUGS* from a friend who has had experience in this sort of thing.
from spring-da1sy :
Hey, can I get your email address? I have a music question to ask and it's too much to type on here. I'm at [email protected], or you can leave it on my notes. Thanks
from heydomsar :
yeah, i've been reading about the sad waiting your family is going through. must be very stressful. i wish you guys strength.
from beckers-j :
You've got to be kidding me! It's a total JOKE to see 99% of pitchers try to bat. It's a WASTED SPOT IN THE LINE-UP! It's almost as if there is NO ONE up to bat. Puh-lease!
from ricklets :
Im proud of your decision Smed, just because you'll be gone alot doesn't mean I won't think of you and your wonderful family :) *HUGS*
from nprmommy :
river rock grille...the food was just okay, but the family potty was awesome!
from xx-angel-xx :
Happy Father's Day!!!
from theflyingrat :
Happy Father's Day! ♥
from nprmommy :
just got back from vacation and saw your note...basically, it was a paperwork snafu--we did it, they lost's almost straightened out.....but the j&c had fun with it...
from metaleve :
Hey, just dropping by to wish you a very Happy Father's Day. Hope you, Liz, and the girls have a wonderful day. ~Eve
from plopphizz :
What is this CD-review thingie I keep reading about that you started and how do I get on the list? BTW, I picked up the ABC and Cheap Trick albums you recommended and am in the process of listening to them. Will let me know what I think soon. Still waiting for Quoted suggestions from you as well. Cya, Ploppy.
from ricklets :
Smed, I just LOVED reading your latest entry about baseball. I've always had a love for it. Its kinda a big thing for my town, since we have our own team/league. I even have old pictures of Ted Williams from a Vanity Fair magazine. I just love classic baseball, like seeing old clips on tv from the 30's gives me chills. My favorite Peanuts comics are when they are playing baseball, in a sense their team is like your Cubs.My love for baseball grows even more, because Richard plays baseball. I love hearing his stories. Hes hoping to get into college through playing ball, so he can be on a college team and get an education. Not a bad idea eh? That kid is obviously a keeper. I hope when I go down to Seattle for my 16 birthday present, I get to go to a baseball game. If theres one team I follow its the Mariners, because Im more connected with them than I am with the Toronto Bluejays. I watched every game of the World Series when Boston was in. I felt like I was part of baseball history. A feeling I still hold onto is the time in the 7th grade when I actually hit the ball far, the sound of the crack on the bat was the sweetest sound ever to reach my ears that year.
from dulligirl :
Aw,Smed, a rocker doesn't have to have long hair for me to love him. Hey, look at Rivers Cuomo. Sexy dorky guy! Not that you're a dork or anything. er..
from elgan :
On the contrary, thank YOU for adding ME!
from lonelylatina :
had to come back. this is very therapeutic, ya know?
from acornotravez :
something's up with your page - javascript messages or something... check it out.
from vintagepearl :
:) You have a swell summer as well!
from vintagepearl :
You have adorable daughters :)
from dulligirl :
You just didn't like that video because you're a boy. Us girls however...shirtless Cy Curnin was what it was all about, ya know.
from blazingstar :
I fully expect to be the crankiest old person EVER, should I be so lucky as to survive into old age. Senior Citizen Blaze is gonna have thousands of regrets. Like never learning how to skateboard. And never going hang gliding. And wearing leggings until she was twelve. (Eww.)
from jess1976 :
I just found you through momma-at-17 and love what I've read so far. I thought I'd drop you a line and let you know you have a new fan!
from serenaville :
Hahahahahahaha! Last one to the bike rack is a Toadie! U R 2 CUTE 4 WORDS! BFF! TLA! SWAK! :D
from serenaville :
I replied to your comment in Becks's diary, on my guest entry page, right in the comments section there. ;)
from moonfaeryy :
Thanks for you thoughts Smed! And don't feel bad about not commenting often. Sometimes I don't write very comment worthy entries, but I know you are still reading them!! I'm like that sometimes...I just don't have much to comment about others entries! I do like you music entries, you have opened my eyes to groups I've never heard of!
from plopphizz :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from haloaskew :
You likey? *MWAH* back with a me. :)
from ricklets :
Oh Smed, I do know that, its best to write that silly business down, so then its out of my system baby! *MWAH MWAH* Im sorry to hear about your family troubles, its a crying shame, but things will pull through.
from iamafatgirl :
Yes, yes. I do have myspace...although I wouldn't exactly call myself part of the younger, hipper generation...well, I'm not hip or anything like that. I HAVE hips, mind least I think they're there buried beneath the fat...oh. I'm rambling. Sorry. :)
from badbadzoot :
I'm leavin' ya a note, because your comments went all goofy on me! I don't know, like all the words were in greek er somethin'... but my comment was: How dare you treat cheetos like that!!! They deserve better than being washed down in cooler water!!! Egads man! What were you thinking? If you ever need to send your cheetos to a good home, you can send them to my place and they will be properly scarfed down in a nanosecond!! ;-) much love xxxxxoooooo
from ricklets :
ahaha...well she saw me on the roof...I also got to wave at my brother who was coming to school late! Hehehe the fool. Thanks for checking in Smed! =)
from iamafatgirl :
You're welcome for the add, my dear!
from metanephros :
Thanks for the add, Smed! You're the rockinest.
from mommylap :
I know why the recordings must suck, but it doesn't explain why Charlie Midnight can write decent fare for Hilary Duff to record but no one can manage to do it for Idol a multi-million empire.
from boann7 :
i really love reading your diary. every time i see you update i think.. oh goody... just thought id let you know...=)
from wilberteets :
I did! I did! I DID!! And thank you! I shall write you an email to elaborate on this.
from aliannmil :
Don't know if you stop by my site from time to time but I have tagged you so please stop over for more info. Good luck with the influx of family.
from dana-elayne :! 100,000 later my mom would have taken that money out of my hide! I can't imagine doing that though. I was mortified when I got a C in trig. Mortified. I was _such_ a failure. Ah, teen angst. Even worse...teen nerd angst.
from janetplnetoc :
You are right, I apologize, all men are not "majasses" (Major Assholes! -- it's my new word). I have actually met some great guys, I just haven't dated them. But that's probably my own fault for not fixing my broken picker! Thanks for the reality check... sometimes I need that.
from ricklets :
Awwwwe!! Smed!! Congrats man! I really don't know how long I've been here, but Im just glad we found eachother in this crazy world of ours :)
from haloaskew :
I see the wife is this a down-low "smib-to-da-smed" -- all winky-winky like. (SHHHHH!) Enjoy my wardrobe circa '77:
from stepfordtart :
Yay! My Cds arrived! Kisskisskisskiss for you, Smed old pal. I was only expecting ONE! I have to say, nobody - not boyfriends, not girlpals, not nobody, EVER made me a mix before! I shall enjoy listening (over the next kafrillion years which is how long its gonna take me to do the lot!). Much love s x
from badbadzoot :
oh yeah, she does. She's such a goofball. When I first advertised my MySpace, she tracked me down through Moo I'm guessing, and wanted to add me as a friend. Her display name is "Hootie McBoob", so at first I'm all like ???????? Hootie McBoob ???????? but it's just Reva!! The one and only! You can find her on my friend's list or Moo's. Her display picture is her standing wearing a pirates hat and holding a knife/sword in her teeth. What a goofball. ;-) much love xxxoooo
from beckers-j :
I got the mixes! Woohoooo! I haven't had much of a chance to listen to them yet, but I'm noticing some really interesting choices. I'll be sure to let you know what I think. ;) Thanks a bunch, sweetheart!
from imazook :
Way to take a stand. I'm still scared of someone finding me!:(
from theflyingrat :
The difference for you is that you don't write about your sex life, or how much you hate your in-laws, or about your BIL who's in prison for child pornography. Your site is much different from mine. I don't feel that I was 'giving in' by locking up (and it was a decision I really struggled with - I HATED locking up!). I don't consider people who hide their paper journals cowards for not leaving them lying open on the table. Anyway, I know I sound all pissy but I'm not. Haha. :)
from imazook :
Yes, with finals! And technically, I'm graduating...but I'm still not done with school...
from dulligirl :
Dude,did you just reference the Cars in the comment you left for me? Heh. And thanks.
from queenoftart :
Shit...I missed so much this week being brain fried an all. I'm SO sorry to hear about whats going on in your family. Sending you the best of vibes oxoxox
from heelandlass :
No rocking out yet Smed, I'm saving that up for tonight. Thanks SO much for that though, I can't believe I've got 5 new CDs to listen to, it's like a big christmas pressie! xxx
from anita-girl :
Okay Smed. It seems that everywhere I go on dland or myspace I see you. I want to read you too! :> Lookin' forward to gettin' to know Smed!
from willowfox :
While I'm BUMMED I can't play because I love the game, I am totally accepting of it and I wish warcry a Very Hearty Congratulations. Meanwhile, I am stoked for your cd, even if it will take 3 months to get here, and I'm serious, Smed. I'd love to make you a cd. Although, actually, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little intimidated. I wonder if, when I'm putting together your tracklists, I'll be trying to wax hipstritious... Nah, man. I put gooood music togetha fuh yooo.
from imazook :
I was in a foul mood one day, I checked my Haloscan and I see, "Fortunately, Liz and I are still warm for each other's form..." I laughed. Really really hard. Thank you for that:)
from lerin :
It has been such a long time since I had my daily dose of Smed... I still have catching up to do, but I had to say, I LOVE your new look!
from ricklets :
thanks Smed! *hugs back* I had the Pixies blasting, and I've had my Queen records blasting too tonight to put me in a better mood! Hooray for music! =) and music week!
from nakedbarista :
You're exempt. : )
from harri3tspy :
A Veeck relative (son? I forget) is running the minor league team nearest my mom and dad's place. No Disco Infernos, but definitely some extremely silly promotions. The uniforms across the board in the major leagues have taken a major turn for the worse. What's with the sleeveless jerseys the Angels were wearing last week? Next thing you know they'll be wearing their pants sliding off their asses like basketball players. Then my entire reason for watching baseball will be gone.
from nprmommy :
just finished reading two cool baseball books for kids...."Long Ball: The Legend and Lore of the Home Run" by Mark Stewart and Mike Kennedy, and "Heroes of Baseball" by Robert Lipsyte.......
from ricklets :
Im reading some Shakespeare right now, along with the hippie book. Good stuff. =) Can't wait for music week!! I am really excited!!! =D
from rs536-2000 :
I agree--I thought the director met his goal entertainingly, but it seems that many critics thought that he didn't or else believed his goal was not worthwhile. No accounting for taste...
from niceguymike :
Yeah, I'm tryin'. And I know none of the people I've been trying to hang with are natives. But the people in service industries have really amazed me. I get pretty much the same kind of thing no matter where I go. Even if I say something like, "Hi, I'd like a Big Mac to go", I get attitude. Maybe I sound foreign or liberal or something.
from ricklets :
DUDE!!!!! Template is rocking the casbah!!!!
from rdhdprincess :
Your comments hate me. I am sad.
from nakedbarista :
The new template is completely you. Someone did a great job! : D
from goddesskiki :
I'm totally loving the new template! I was wondering when you'd tire of the vanilla D-land basic!
from rs536-2000 :
I know. But, I think that the chances of being "in the wrong place at the wrong time" increase insanely when you're involved with someone of the same gender. When I'm involved with a man, I don't worry about my personal safety. When I was involved with a woman I spent an inordinate amount of time looking over my shoulder expecting to be beaten up because we felt...menaced (especially after dark). And I live in NYC--not exactly a gay-intolerant place.
from rs536-2000 :
Hey--thanks for adding me to your buddies! Now get some sleep!
from imazook :
I just remembered I flew from Milwaukee to Chicago before! You can't get closer than that! (that was part of the flight to NYC) Ok, inserting foot in mouth...
from essaywriter :
thanks for the message; we do have lots of faves in common.
from spring-da1sy :
The Renaissance Harbor-I've heard that's a very nice hotel. Phil's gone there for banquets with his employer. Take time to enjoy the harbor, eat some delish crab cakes from Phillips and take Liz and the girls some gifts from the Harbor Place Pavillions. The Aquarium is great for photo ops. Just be wary of traffic-it's killer around there.
from imazook :
Thanks so much for the supportive note. I needed it! It darn near made me cry. (I'd be lying if I said that it didn't...) :)
from beckers-j :
Aw, I'll never be dead to the Smed. ;)
from haloaskew :
No pervy whacks? Awww, damn. *pouting*
from annanotbob :
Just added you - hope you don't mind x
from harri3tspy :
The repeat is "In the Middle, in the Middle," although technically that disk belongs to AJ. I used to have The Village Green Preservation Society, but it's been missing for years. The Captain Beefheart track on disk one (Doctor Dark) is awesome. I love it when they mess with the meter. It sounds like the intro's in 7. I want to listen to it again. AJ loved it too.
from ricklets :
haha, of course! Soooo much stuff there =)
from puter-chique :
hey smed! just started reading through your archives. found you through heydomsar and some of the comments you've left on various pages. i like your stuff, so i added you as a fave. :)
from the-moo :
OOOOOOOH I have added this entry as a fav by the way and also... I LOVE YOU and also thank you for adding Gareth - you shall be my inside man ;-) haha much love muchmuchmuch love indeed!! xxx
from metanephros :
Hi there! I found you on the favorites list for bluemeany and awittykitty, so I gave you a read. I thought it was weird that I knew all the songs on your "stuck in your head" list. Plus, any Pixies reference is a clincher for me.
from imazook :
Well, thankfully, it's not sleeting today, but it sure was yesterday. It snowed too. The flakes were HUGE and it was like 40 out. I couldn't quite understand what was going on. It was bizarre.
from serenaville :
Smed, you are an absolute darling. I cannot thank you enough, for your thoughtful support of Erianne and her sister. Please know it means the world to me. Molto grazie, uomo dolce. Felice siamo amici. *HUGS!!!!*
from beckers-j :
AHHH! "99 Luftballoons" was my second choice! Geez. But I had to pick "Take On Me" (you know, by A-Ha) because Ted and I are so cheesy in love with that song. ;)
from theflyingrat :
You know when I think of you (and sometimes I do) I think of you as "Smedley" hehehe. I think it's all the music. Or something. :)
from haloaskew :
Sanka for the the Blog Mad invite, boo boo! I owe you...something. What's one less than a blowjob? Hand job? No, too crass and jerky. I will instead lightly kiss your earlobes. *mew*
from nakedbarista :
Yeah... they're not the brightest lightbulbs... No sense in wasting red ink on them. You should see his wife's writing, though... "Ur" and "bytch" and whatnot. I know I don't have perfect spelling or grammar, but atleast I make an attempt.
from imazook :
I kind of figured that you meant "don't". I'll definitely have to check out your 150 albums! :)
from imazook :
Ooh-you're a music critic? That's cool!! (or did you mean that as a hobby?) That is your job, people can dog groups...what makes me mad is when people would critcize the people who actually like the band. Oh well, I can't really do much about it but brush it off. Do you write for a newspaper or magazine or something?
from awittykitty :
I'll carry the throne of firstness with great dignity. I promise. (giggle).
from plopphizz :
Sure, I can use help. If you have any good quotes, you can submit them, along with you name and url, in the Quoted submit form. I haven't been getting very many good suggestions lately. I will probably made a run this weekend and put up an entry on Sunday, so if you can submit suggestions before that, that would be great. :) -- Ploppy.
from scotvalkyrie :
Oh my goodness! You are RIGHT! How could I forget that it was Mr. Pina Colada song who wrote "Timothy" . . . I heard that Rupert maintains that Timothy was a mule!
from veralynn :
We have quite a few favorites in common! :)
from the-moo :
I don't think my diary always tells me when you've updated!! I just came to comment some more and leave more notes on an entry I THOUGHT I'd already commented on only to find I'm like 4 entries behind!! how on earth did that happen????!?!?! confusedloves xxx
from beckers-j :
Thanks for the virtual hug. ;)
from theflyingrat :
Yowser! Actually, we'd already gone PAST the turkey and missed it so I went back for it. *sniffle* Hehehe.
from porchlife :
re: neko...had a similar request from sparkspark. I'll see what I can do. Also fyi: my gf's the same age as Neko and they went to the same art school, so I asked L if she'd known her...Neko was in photography so their paths didn't cross too much, but they were in some of the same classes.
from imazook :
Oh yea, and about the private school...I looked into quite a few of them. There seem to be a plethura of them in the area and I did want to go to a Catholic college...but they are just too darn expensive!! I don't know how I could pay that, even with loans!!!
from imazook :
Hey, that is my opinion too! Oh well...Anyway, that would be so strange running into someone from that far back in your life! Maybe, in a few years, it'll happen to me. If it happened now, it would just be a kindergarden classmate. We wouldn't have much to talk about besides macaroni art, nap time and our mean nun of a teacher...
from beckers-j :
You? A good, chaste and pure boy? I find it very difficult to fathom. ;)
from dandydandy :
Yeah, yeah, I understand why you were saying that about value. :-P You know, I just realized that I need to invent a teen-think-it-over. You know, a robotic teen that doesn't listen and rolls their eyes. Now that would be a good learning experience!
from spring-da1sy :
May I have your email address? Also, loved the pics!
from the-moo :
thank you so much for the gloriously filled out survey Smed.. I very much AM going to email you to find out about the missing answer... you shall not get off so lightly my friend!!! ALLTHELOVE xxx
from harri3tspy :
Thanks for the note. It's a diaryland problem. Suddenly diaryland has stopped converting my smartquotes and n-dashes. They show up as weird symbols. What's even stranger is that it was doing this last week, but the symbols were different. It used to turn them into question marks.
from lifeasme66 :
Awww... ok. You did it first ;) **HUGS!!**
from badbadzoot :
why Smed! I am a respectable lady! (says while tucking in shirt and smoothing hair)....! They might have to glue my hands to my keyboard to keep me in line...... ;-)
from dulligirl :
It's a guilty pleasure! I swear!
from porchlife :
BC, PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nunavut!
from porchlife :
Of course you've been to BC! Alaska! Duhhh me. Next time you're in Vancouver contact me and we'll get a pitcher or three. And Smithers? Yeek! Go through it, head to Prince Rupert, get on the ferry to the Queen Charlottes...then ask yourself again if you think Smithers is where you want to go! And don't even get me started on Vancouver Island...;)
from queenoftart :
*blushes* Why thank ye kind sir : )
from eggsaucted :
Remind me to find her highness' angel/devil toggle and break it!
from badbadzoot :
GAH! I knewknewKNEW it was drifter, but I was reading the lyrics from which I KNOW is not always correct. But as my little head was singing the song, I knew I messed up some words, so I wanted to check. But I knew it was "drifter", next time I'll stick with what I hear on the dang radio.... ;-) and don't worry about Mr. B, I only send him after guys I don't like, like my Lazy Bastard Co-Worker. ;-) xxxxxxxxxoooooooo
from porchlife :
Zen Arcade is GAWD.
from la-blue-eyez :
From one imaginary friend... erm I mean INTERNET friend to another, I hope you're having a better day today. Your entry had me giggling and thanks to you... I also have "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" stuck in my head! GAH! =)
from maxsmom :
thanks for the note! it's nice to be back.....
from dulligirl :
True about iTunes but I already have "Twisting by the Pool" and the Bee Gees. I mean, really, wouldn't you expect somebody who has Cameo AND Jeff Buckley to have that?
from ricklets :
Oi! Smed man! I know you're a busy guy and all, but can't you drop a gal a line once in a while!? :P If I was older (alot older) I'd be a favorite cause my hair is blonde, brown, and RED! But on another note, I feel kinda rejected from all my d-land pals cause I was sure I'd at least get a note from you telling me it'd be ok about the charges put on my friend there. No worries though mate, and hey, we all get down, especially me as of late. Keep on rockin in the free world!
from beckers-j :
I don't know how much wheelchair pushin' I'll be able to do at the age of 77, but you're on. ;)
from dukkha-tanha :
Hee hee, I totally had to go back to see the GG reference--you busted me, I skimmed a bit, but I had totally read the "Cold Turkey" bit right under it. I swear! And this hot munkey lovin'...does it involve my husband, or some other sexy man (say, Matthew McConahey or Peter Sarsgaard? Because if it involves my husband, we need to take away about 11 1/2 of those 12 hours! ;)
from lerin :
Dozzies=doozies. Or is it doozys? Anyway... It is past 1 AM, gimme a break.
from lerin :
SMED! I uploaded a bunch of crazy party pics just for you on the Wedding Candids page. And there are a couple of dozzies on there. ;) Enjoy and thanks for reminding me that I needed to show my goofy/wild side.
from eggsaucted :
Yes indeed I'm pretty sure that's what is going to happen as well and totally forgot that comment when I did my entry, that'll teach me to write entries totally off the cuff, I never remember half of things I mean to say.
from haloaskew :
from badbadzoot :
ah hahahahhaha! You think I'm a cradle robber, my stepfather robbed a whole baby store! um, I just tried to make a funny, and I'm not sure it worked.... anywho- my stepfather is 19 years older than my mother.... wowsers! And they are just two peas in a pod!
from dulligirl :
I left a comment for your guest entry,Smed!
from queenoftart :
dito : )
from betchy :
Ah, see i prefer the British version (maybe because i am British), and when i watched the US version i couldnt quite get into it, because British humour doesnt seem to work with Americans doing it. but that is probably just because i am ritish like i said. anyway thanks for responding to my comment. i have added you to my faves, but must admit i dont get online too often!!! but i promise any comments etc that you leave me will be responded to as soon as i am next online. which should be tomorrow. but who knows after that. by the way, CUTE kids. on my computer her eyes look a kind of aqua colour.
from sparkspark :
As soon as I wrote "postman," I knew you were going to tell me that you have a postwoman. And yet I left it in. This is just one of the ways in which I allow self-doubt to overwhelm and complicate my otherwise free-wheelin' lifestyle. And, thanks for telling me about the attic. It sounds too dangerous for my beautiful, beautiful pet flying squirrels.
from xx-angel-xx :
haha, nah- I don't have ESP (at first i thought you said ESPN, lol) I really only comment about Steelers, Duke (college basketball) and possibly other Pittsburgh sports since, Thats where I'm from. But, I went back and I seen you went for the steelers, good choice. :)
from sparkspark :
There is NOTHING WRONG with taking peyote at work.
from pansycline :
holy moses, that was fast. thanks!
from pansycline :
ok, I think you will know the answer to this: is the Alternative TV version of "Viva la Rock n Roll" on the "The Image is Cracked" album (I think it's a collection not an actual album) an original? if not, who are they covering?
from stepfordtart :
thought it would be something like that! Thanks for letting me know - I shall remain in blissful ignorance of who's clicking me! (Blissful ignorance...ahhhh, one of my favourite states of mind!). Thanks for the Spandau clip BTW, Ive got the bloody thing on the brain now! s x
from heydomsar :
hey smed. i wasn't confused about anything in particular. just had no background here and didn't know you or the characters... but i'm reading you now and catching on! ;)
from dandydandy :
Well I totally like that idea, no question! Thanks, I think I needed that.
from spring-da1sy :
I didn't delete you b/c you deleted me-I hadn't even noticed, but thanks for telling me-LOL!! I wasn't aware that you even knew I existed - what with all your fans! I do enjoy reading you and will re-add you-unlike you, I have PLENTY of room! Sorry you were deleted-I can't exactly figure out why, but I was in a bitchy mood one day and went thru, clearing people out who hadn't updated for a long time. You were caught in the mix somehow. I'm glad you called it to my attention. Now, I'm done taking up all your notes space.
from dulligirl :
Thanks for your comment. I told the audiologist how people bring up my years of working at the nightclub (though that was over ten years ago now) for the reason for my hearing loss. She said "Well, both your ears were there, weren't they? It has nothing to do with it." Audiologist humor.
from vickithecute :
from vickithecute :
"Ice Ice Baby"?!?!?! Smed? Da hell? I am confuzzled.
from goddesskiki :
Many apologies if I offended you with my Speed Channel/Nascar rampage I just went on. If watching racing makes a person happy, then that's all that matters--I'm not one to mock happiness (usually). I guess I just don't see the point of racing of any kind. Maybe because I'm a girl? Feel free to try to explain it to me! =)
from beckers-j :
I left you a comment on the entry. I said, "Awwww, thank you so much! That was a perfect entry, and I'm thrilled to have you invade my island whenever you like. No, that's not a sex metaphor. Geez, I'm not THAT randy. But seriously - awesome job. I agree wholeheartedly!"
from badbadzoot :
awe... tanks! and I feel extra special that I'm part of the stats! whoopeeeee!
from joiedv :
I read the note you left for Yvonne before she vanished. That was awfully sweet of you, and it was nice to see a note from a man in there. You are a good guy.
from beckers-j :
Guest entry tomorrow PM is perfect. Thank you!
from beckers-j :
Thanks for doing my Johari Window! You're absolutely right about the 'sentimental' (I almost picked that myself), and I appreciate the 'complex'. ;)
from dandydandy :
EEK! Now not only do I have my own agent, but other people's agents breathing down my neck? Guess it's time for me to get my act together.
from legalbeagle :
a Rule 11 motion is one in which they claim that the lawyer filed a "nonmeritorious and frivolous lawsuit" - a big no-no. But mine has merit, so "NYAH NYAH NYAH!" I'll say back when I'm in front of the judge.
from imazook :
Well, thank you! You're like having a big brother only you don't beat me up. I like that about you.
from hissandtell :
Yes, I read that entry of yours and cringed. I hadn't thought of that song in years - thankfully - but recently the Oz sitcom "Kath and Kim" used it in a hilarious episode where Kim became quite religious after seeing "Jesus Christ Superstar" at the Fountain Lakes Players and realising what a spunk Jesus was, and Kath did a karaoke version of "Lord's Prayer" (in Sister Janet's hideous voice) and Kim sang, "I Don't Know How To Love Him" at her baby's Naming Ceremony. Love, R xxx
from harri3tspy :
I'll see if I can locate both the tape and a working cassette player. I haven't tried looking up lyrics on the web, but I suspect I can probably ID the songs that way. Also, since I'm still geeking on Pandora, it seems that many roads lead to Superchunk -- they came up for Sleater-Kinney, the Pixies and Shrimp Boat. My husband stumped Pandora with Game Theory. And between us we've had a couple of egregious associations. My favorite was the first song that came up on the Pixies playlist: Def Leppard. Not what I had in mind for the Pixies.
from kellbelle :
You are most welcome :) I'm an almost 40 something midwesterner (Wisconsin) living in Texas. Oh yeah... and a college student... AGAIN.
from harri3tspy :
Oh boy, I haven't tried Camper van Beethoven yet, but I will soon. I love your music posts. I get total college nostalgia. Camper van Beethoven was the first concert I went to see in college. Also, I totally love mix tapes. I didn't have the technology to do it when I was younger, but I was on the receiving end of many. One of my all time favorites was one I found lying by the side of the road to the beach in Falmouth, Massachusetts one summer. I still have no idea what half the songs on it are, although there's a lot of Roxy Music.
from beckers-j :
Would you be interested in doing a guest entry for me? I'm going to add you (you know how it works, right?), but let me know if you'd rather not. There won't be any hard feelings. ;) Some time within the next week would be great.
from la-blue-eyez :
I've had a male roommate before too... Then I married him. I don't want to go down that road again. Not to say it will, but I don't want to flirt with that kind of temptation again.
from ska-t :
i've attended the Formula 1 race at Indy for the past two years, now (does that make me temporary resident, one week a year?)... and have been made the butt of jokes for attempting to make sense of the time difference. we were an hour early to all of the events, the first time... i thought i'd get the jump on it, last year, and it was different, yet again. mind if i call you, this year, for the "official" Indianapolis time? i can't stand the humiliation! ;)
from ricklets :
Thank you thank you!! You were the first :)
from stepfordtart :
cool. As you wish, my friend. s x
from stepfordtart :
Hey smed, just had a thought. If you need REAL soundtrack BF will help us out. MAN, its all he does ALL DAY - he's a professional musician/composer/producer! I am such a doofus! Let me know what you need and its yours! s x
from nakedbarista :
Aww, I'm sorry!! They're very very blue. : (
from haloaskew :
We need to bitch at Andrew about that. I wasn't at my limit (what IS the limit?) I was just lazy about adding folks. And yes, a goat fucking is NOT strong enough for Lumbergh. Baby steps, baby steps. One day soon, I'll bring in one of the stallions when he's busy on his headset. He won't see that coming. *AHEM*
from niceguymike :
Man, the ranch flavor of Quakes was mine. I could eat a whole bag of the things, which sort of defeated the purpose. Lately, my snack food of choice is those 100 calorie bags of Ritz Chips. I particularly recommend the sour cream and chives flavor. I forgive you the diet drinks, my son. Everyone has to have a weird secret vice.
from haloaskew :
I don't know why I never added you to my buddy list before! I'm a dingleberry, apparently. A KICK-ASS dingleberry. You're added now! Yay!
from niceguymike :
Man, the mere *thought* of a diet is tough. Went shopping last night for the stuff I'm going to be eating this week, and I was mourning things I've never even *tried*, but which seemed like a really good idea when I was searching for wheat germ and low-sodium breadcrumbs.
from goddesskiki :
You didn't miss a memo, dear! Joe is my gay boyfriend. We always talk to each other like we're dating/engaged. He's a good barrier/bodyguard against icky boys. He can also be a cock-blocker, which is infuriating at times. But I love him so. I hope that clears up any confusion you may have gotten from reading some of my entries!
from ricklets :
Now I did =) I just hadn't checked my junk mail folder...but now if you ever email me, it'll go right into my inbox, email away!
from harri3tspy :
Since you mentioned it, there actually was another header on that page with K.C. in it, but it turned out to be a report on the Knights of Columbus meeting. So close, and yet so far.
from dukkha-tanha :
I should have known that you of all people would know who GG Allin was. I owuldn't mind having him over my house, but first I'd have to cover everything with some heavy duty plastic wrap. Kinda like what they did to Elliot's house on ET, but better.
from ricklets :
Ah, Vancouver. Ugly yet beautiful city. Don't visit it much. Last time I was there was the Alice Cooper concert. You should really come to Victoria =) I could go on about how great my city is, but I don't have the time.
from imazook :
Thanks for the Clash tips! I'll definately look into that album. And of course I'll stop by and read you as well!! That's cute what your daughter said, I almost teared up and I wasn't even there! :(
from la-blue-eyez :
lol I'll probably have ulcers by the time its all said and done too!
from dandydandy :
The thing is, it's not a totally made up name. It's just not the name he goes by--if that makes any sense. It definitely gets confusing though because he's become 'Alex' in my head. aiyaiyaiy!
from ricklets :
Besides, we're much more open-minded =) In my province, clubs were threesomes and such things go on are legal!
from ricklets :
Oh man Smed, I was hoping you were gonna say something about my Joni Mitchell Bio. Hahahaha, well Im not sure of the "official threesome rules" if there are any, BUT being a friend of Dorthy I figured it was my duty to make that statement. Besides up here in the Great White North, Im at the age of consent! (And you'll never think of moving up here now.)
from clipchick :
Thanks for the doghouse escaping technique suggestions. They worked like a charm! ;)
from niceguymike :
I hear ya about the sun. Even though it's supposedly rising about 8a, I swear it doesn't really get light until about 10a!
from theflyingrat :
I got a funny little package in the mail today! Woo hoo! I was away all day and just got home so I just JUST opened them. Thank you! I will listen to them tomorrow, I like the titles for the cds, too. Although some of the song titles gave me pause, haha. Thanks again. -Jenn ♥
from la-blue-eyez :
Thanks for the note! Seems that a lot of people liked the other layout better (which surprises me because I designed that one). So I may be changing it back really soon. And no, that wasn't a pic of me. I just really thought the picture was beautiful and reflective (the fact she was hispanic was a bonus)
from ricklets :
The only song I like is "Maggie May" because hes not being sleazy (entirely) but from sleaze to crooner? YUCK. He was also the first act to perform at the newly built arena in my town...*SIGH*
from ricklets :
Smed, I wouldn't even touch Rod Stewart LYRICS with a ten-foot pole.
from theflyingrat :
No mail yet. :( I have been checking it religiously, too. At least that means I still have something to look forward to though! :)
from eggsaucted :
The spoiling rotten happened. Although a certain bruised someone was a little bit more demanding and whiney than I would have liked considering that she got everything she wanted. But I guess that's to be expected. She must have quite a headache. Thanks!
from eggsaucted :
I also think the West Wing has recovered which is why I've watched it more the last two seasons. But the death of John Spencer and the a new President who would require a new staff thus a mostly new cast is probably making the end this year a very good idea.
from ricklets :
Smed, you should ask that question to the guys at my highschool :-P
from nakedbarista :
awww... I wouldn't REALLY take it out on the driver. He couldn't help that The Man is keeping me down. I fight the power in other ways, such as complaining about it in my online diary (teehee). Since it has served it's purpose, I took down the nudie picture. From here on out, it's just your garden variety pictures with little to no point. I'll have to pad my buddy list the old fashioned way, with charm and fart noises.
from harri3tspy :
Thanks, and I'm sure you're right. Preschoolers have got to be the single largest public health hazard we've got.
from awittykitty :
Didn't get any e-mails. Don't send in care of d'land, because thats like tossing a popsical up in a snowstorm. They get permanently lost.
from ricklets :
I also wear the specks, but mine are "emo-geeky-girl" modern glasses. You know the ones that are black and square? Yup, thats me. My optomitrist said at my last check-up, that I could have to get bifocals. Bifocals! Hells no, said mom and I, We're not paying for that! I'd never try contacts, I too don't like sticking things in my eyes, besides my glasses are my identity.
from dulligirl :
You've got mail,Smed.
from ricklets :
I'll be pigging out that Sunday! I don't really mind who wins, it'd be nice for Seattle though, and also they're the closest American city to me! Just a ferry away. Im pretty excited...Rolling Stones for half-time! Much more exciting than Paul MaCartneys snore show last year.
from ricklets :
Hey Smed, how do you feel about Seattle and Pittsburgh going to the Super Bowl? Also, do you know WHY they use Roman Numerals for the Super Bowl? I really liked the entry today =) Yeah, damn you Americans =P I don't know the results yet, BUT Conservative leader Steven Harper is pretty buddy-buddy with Bush so, you may see his ugly face around. If Harper does get in, he can't change stuff like gay marriage because of the supreme court! Hee-hee!
from niceguymike :
NiceGuyMike, currently in Indy, here. A friend pointed out your Monty Python quiz, which I totally failed, even though I love those guys. Pity.
from dandydandy :
Yowzers! You are quite photogenic. No wonder you are the PR guy for the Spec Society. Nice specs!
from dandydandy :
Heck yes, you have specs! Give us a sassy glassy Smed style!
from heelandlass :
Thanks for the welcome home!! And it always sucks going back to work, I'll get over it! Hope you & the girls are on tip top form xxx
from nakedbarista :
I'm guessing she didn't notice that the Naked Barista action figure came with "kung fu grip" and not a leash.
from dulligirl :
Ah, the guest entry thing is open to you whenever you'd feel like doing so. No pressure. No problemo.
from acornotravez :
Doing Ok, thanks for asking. You're sweet, no?
from sparkspark :
If the mood, she strikes you, then meme away! Whatever you choose to write, I know it will be entertaining. And remember: living in the limelight's the universal dream for those who wish to meme.
from sparkspark :
Smed, my friend, my internet friend, I've tagged you for a five-item meme because you are a fabulous list-creator and uh, because I felt like it. SO. If you enjoy to play along, check out today's post and get the rules. If you do NOT enjoy to play along, I wish you well, but I will psychically plant the chorus of "Limelight" by Rush into your sleeping brain at 3:45 AM each and every day for the next fourteen years. XOXO Violet
from dandydandy :
Thanks! Very cool!
from dandydandy :
Your list? I remember once reading something about a list, but now it's all pretty foggy in my head. The only music I can think of that I absolutely loathe, would be anything along the lines of Revolution 9. In other words, songs that pose as music. :)
from jane-dreams :
Oops! I guess that was really unclear. Yes, I will continue to post new entries at jane-dreams. It will take me a long time to post all of my archives on lerin again, but I'm trying to post like a month a day or some system like that. And I will definitely carry over my buddies! In fact, I ought to do that right now that I am thinking about it. I wouldn't stop reading you just because I moved my username again. ;)
from dandydandy :
Funny, your comment reminded me that when Simon was little I used to sing to him, "Well you know my name is Simon and the things I draw come true..." Maybe he took me seriously. Cheeky monkey. heh.
from muppet23 :
Never heard of it! But it does sound like something we Wisconsinites would do... I went to a jvlcon once but that had to do with gaming and it was entirely weird.
from guilty-heart :
I can't go CHAAAAD!!!!-ing because I live on the other side of the country. I may even cry about it a little.
from badbadzoot :
awe, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside! And it's not indigestion! I try to leave comments on everyone just to let them know I'm reading AND paying attention! heh.... ;-P
from ricklets :
You've sold your soul to the internet Smed :-P
from zonoria :
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I appreciate it. :-)
from badbadzoot :
HA! You're so funny. ya just keep rambling on and on... he he heee. I don't think i will move to blogger. There is a lot of junk on the page...
from dandydandy :
Yea, but that's really just an evil conspiracy. "They" tell you to use egg, but really, water works just as well.
from nakedbarista :
I'm naked in a verbal sense and believe me, everyone's much better off that way. If the clothes came off, people would go blind, planes would fall out of the sky, polar ice caps would melt, the Browns would win the Superbowl... just... chaos... Things that SHOULDN'T happen would be happening all over the world, and all because I shoulda stayed covered up.
from beckers-j :
MySpace is kind of stupid but entertaining. That's mostly why I use it. Plus, I'm a bad e-mailer, so I find it's easier for me to use MySpace to keep in touch with friends of mine who live far away. Because it's easy to just click on their face and send a quick message. ;) I also like to search for people I know but would never want to speak with again. It passes the time.
from harri3tspy :
Lemonade Stand! I totally forgot about that one. That sounds like a challenge...
from dandydandy :
I think it's actually "Solitary Man." Good eye Smed! (There's a barfly in my town that goes by Smedly--people call him Smed for short. Now I can't see him without thinking of you.)
from bindyree :
Hiya, SmedlyDiddly -- Happy New Year! I'm glad you're on my Buddy List. ♥ ~ Peace and happiness to you and the family, now and always. :-)
from candoor :
I fell behind in reading and commenting again, but I'll catch up (cuz I want to)... Merry happy New Year and may 2006 be the best your and your family have known so far :)
from dandydandy :
Hey Smed, thanks for the sanity wishes. You seem to be wishing me sanity quite often these days(...hmmmm). Haha. Hope you have a wonderful bloomin' New Year!
from workcrush :
Hmmm....that's your second MySpace comment. Are you interested in joining the insanity? C'mon, join us, join usssssss......
from ricklets :
Ah, yes I recall that now...theres been so many lists, its like a rock n roll rollercoaster my friend. One of these days I'll go through all the lists again!
from vickithecute :
Oh don't get me wrong, I like the specs. GB wears specs. I'm just saying, that's NOT what he looks like. I like the geeky look and the beefcake look. That pic is geeky but he's more beefcake. Whatev, it's all good.
from workcrush :
Sorry 'bout that, Chief. It's there now.
from eggsaucted :
Oops! The fancy schmancy wireless keyboard was having some issues tonight. I fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out. Don't you wish you could pawn your data cleanup off on me?
from ricklets :
Veedon Fleece is good, of course MoonDance is the big favorite. It is slow, but slow and comforting is nice, especially in the evening. I like it, I like it alot! I've heard "I want to Comfort You" but I had always wondered what album that was from. My parents are big Van fans, they say this is real early stuff, when he was pretty young. My dad had a bit of a time finding it though, glad we have a good music store here!
from moonfaeryy :
Smed, You are a Musical God!!! Thanks you so much for finding that for me!! Boy, do I suck at lyrics! ;-) Have a great Christmas, and thanks again for making my day way better!! Give big hugs to the girls!
from la-blue-eyez :
I wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!
from ricklets :
Merry Christmas my Smedindy friend! I hope you and your beautiful family have a lovely Christmas. Awwwe..I love the picture in your diary, they are so precious! Little Kristins first Christmas eh? Their first one is the easiest, all they want is some love and attention. (that doesn't put a hole in your wallet now does it?) Once the little ones have gone to bed with the sugarplums dancing in your head, theres a special Christmas present from me that I know that you will enjoy in my diary! Happy Holidays.
from badbadzoot :
mine eyes, THEY HAVE BEEN OPENED! Thank you for shedding light on this little piece of trivia for me. And why did I say "blood"? I knew it was "blisters".... really! I did! ;-P
from sparkspark :
It *IS!!!* the long-awaited sequel to The Grifters, but please don't tell anyone. I've "penned" it myself, as we say in Hollywood showbiz, and it's going to be called GRIIFTERS: The Griftening. John Cusack returns to play [whatever his character's name was] and I play myself, Violet, but in private detective form. Mainly, the plot centers around extremely long and graphic making-out between me and John Cusack. In between the making-out, Anjelica Huston wears a variety of elaborate hats and some crimes occur, but in the end, I redeem John's soul and get a portable black-and-white TV. (It's a period piece.)
from dulligirl :
I just happened to read about this clip on Television without Pity and got a link for it. I swear to God. I was laughing so hard it hurt.
from dandydandy :
I got married 4 months after I graduated from highschool & yea, I was pregnant. I didn't mean to come off as bitter or offended though, so I apologize if I did. My daughter is 15 and trying to imagine her getting married and having a child in two years time gives me the heebiejeebies. In other words, I totally get where you are coming from.
from forty-plus :
I was walking away when I realized I forgot to wish him a merry Christmas. I turned and that's when I caught him. He mumbled an apology and I told him not to worry, he just made my day!
from ricklets :
Besides, "Love is just a kiss away" all I need is a guy, and some misletoe! ;-)
from ricklets :
Haha, thanks Smed that made me smile. Im really ok though, I'll look up those lyrics. Oh, and I'll make sure he won't be singing them when Im 15! :-P Cause I can't see myself getting married in 57 days..hehe, try to figure out when my b-day is.
from maxsmom :
thanks for the note. i just haven't had the time or energy to write for quite a while now. if i get back into it i'll let you know. have a great holiday!
from beckers-j :
Ewwww. That's even TMI for me. I'm rather glad I didn't. Gross. ;)
from ricklets :
of course of course...brain waves travel you know
from ricklets :
Its funny you should mention the Sex Pistols....just read my entry...
from beckers-j :
I'll let you know if I start accepting applications. ;)
from eggsaucted :
He definately had a point, but if I were him I'd stay out of Chicago, this is Rebecca's home turf and people are pissed. I didn't like either of them, so I think I would have prefered him not hiring either.
from eggsaucted :
"It's not the apprenti it's the apprentice!"
from northrup :
Actually, this time it seems to have worked!
from eggsaucted :
You rock my world! I hope Bethenny loses I've never liked her, I'm not a Dawna fan, but still Bethenny ugh!
from ricklets :
Haha, yes so true, as my socials teacher says, "The French just kept shooting themselves in the foot". Smed, I think we all need the Shangri-Las right now!
from eggsaucted :
Oh I'll take one synopsis please! I don't know if I can stand waiting for the recaplet
from sparkspark :
"Booze. It's what's for breakfast!" Or you know, dinner. Also? Lunch.
from beltwaybelle :
Oh, no, don't worry about it, my dear. I appreciate your comments, even when we don't agree. You're so dang charming, I don't think you could offend me. Plus, you have a purple shirt AND a purple tie. What's not to love?
from joiedv :
Sorry I went off below a bit. It is just one of those things that irk me. I know you don't really know me, so please believe it isn't a racist thing. Really, it is just the opposite. I think some of these things are so segregationist in philosophy that THEY are racist, and do not serve the people they purport to. And obviously, you can raise your girls any way you want to. I just have a thing about the truth. You know?
from joiedv :
Wow, I am surprised that you feel that way about Kwaanza. From my perspective, it isn't about being African American at all. There is no cultural tradition associated with it. It is a fabrication. African Americans in this country have a much deeper connection to Christianity if truth be told. In 1705, Christian missionaries from England established the first school for African Americans in South Carolina. Despite secular pressures against educating them, the missionaries pressed on, opening a school in New York a few years later. It wasn't until 1820 that an actual public school for African Americans was opened, in Boston. Throuth the 1700 and 1800's, the only place most African Americans were given the opportunity to learn to read was in Sunday school. It wasn't until after the Emancipation Proclamation that most communities even made a move towards educating African American students. This contribution to their people made by Christians is something to learn about and cherish. Their people gained great strength through their faith, witness the Negro Spirituals. The structure of their faith also held their families together, and helped move them forward. In 1967, only 20% of African American babies were born out of wedlock. Today 70% are. There is a breakdown of sorts within their communities, and personally, I don't think the made-up holiday of a felon, who has so little regard for the role Christianity had played in the African American community that he placed in during the 12 days of Christmas, is going to do anything to help African Americans as a people. It's fluff. It's merchandising. It's phoney. They teach the kids in schools that it is a traditional African holiday when it isn't. I have no problem with you exposing your girls to whatever part of their heritage you want -- but I don't see how this is in any way part of their heritage.
from badbadzoot :
I know I know! Talking politics is risky business. When I have something in my head I'm very passionate about it. I just think that there are other people on death row who are also changing their lives, why just focus on Tookie? Because he wrote some books and was co-founder of the Crips? Instead on focusing on Tookie's innocence or non-innocence, why not focus on the corruption in the system? The system is flawed in more ways than one. I'm sure there were some politicians and cops who like to see the leader of the Crips die, but I wouldn't want Tookie wrongfully accused. Life is precious and shouldn't be wasted, which is why I don't want us forgetting those who were murdered. And if these protesters are really serious about banishing capital punishment, they need to do more of an effort to shed light on the wrongfully accused and other ways to punish the criminals. Gah! Politics. It sucks. I shouldn't talk about it, but I can't help it. I like to know everyone's opinion!
from pansycline :
yeah. I used to think that was the sucker's way. I'm starting to see the appeal, though.
from ricklets :
Did you know that Lou Reed is the longest recording artist in alternative music? Since 1958 baby! He was 14 in some "doo-wop" boy band called the shades, and hes been recording ever since.
from dandydandy :
So, is that why there's the seemingly verbal typo in the lyrics of Ob-la-di? I've always wondered if it was intentional or just a complete blooper.
from nilliem :
You? Tardy? Nevah! Timely as always.
from la-blue-eyez :
My cat will probably love the box more than the toy also. That's what happened last year when I bought her a hammock and a tent for Christmas. I had to actually put the tent and the hammock INSIDE the box for her to even pay attention to them. lol
from ricklets :
Oh! Haha, I was up late last night when I read that entry!
from hissandtell :
Had to share this with you, darling: something suddenly became clear to me yesterday. I'm reading Cynthia Lennon's book on John, and she said how her mother and a whole lot of other Liverpool women were taken to Blackpool during the war to have their babies away from the bombings. This is something I never knew before - clearly, this was not covered in my Origins and Consequences of World War Two studies at UQ, which tended to concentrate on pesky things like, oh, isolationism, anti-Semitism, reparations, Japanese desire for political and cultural hegemony in Asia, the sinking of the Lusitania, the Rome/Berlin Axis and something-or-other about fighting on the beaches - but it suddenly explained Graham Nash's first verse of "Military Madness" in a way I'd never quite realised. And I thought to myself, now who better to tell this to than smed? Love, R xxx
from pansycline :
from pansycline :
I don't know, I found it on limewire. It sounds much like the Tommy James + Shondells version and thus could be a wrongly named file. meh. I'm lacking integrity in this kind of thing, but I feel pretty sure that I heard before that VU did do a cover of it. Could be wrong.
from ricklets :
Hey! Whats wrong with Los Lobos? I think we have a cd or two lying around...but anyways, I have been taking notes of what cds I want from your "best of list" for the first two ones, I had like maybe two or three but this time I have six!
from haloaskew :
Methinks I need to check into Pop Tarts again...I always favored the strawberry 'tarts with frosting and sprinkles as a kid. And then there was that unfrosted brand, but dems were good too (blueberry, I think?) This is an aisle I will definitely need to walk again.
from plopphizz :
Technical problems with my layout. I haven't added anything new, but thanks for checking. -- P.P.
from princessreva :
AK! What is it with you and your D-land psychic powers??? ANd those are nice definitions, merci:)
from harri3tspy :
I myself am holding out for the five gold rings. But I am generally grateful that he didn't come home with six geese a-laying.
from ricklets :
Awwwe, I like the idea of being Smed's little sister! Theres like a 26 year difference butt...who cares! Yay! All Hail Big Brother Smed!
from ricklets :
and're a married man!
from ricklets :
haha...I don't think hes suspicious about you...yet, but don't worry...I have him wrapped around my little finger...and if not, he still can't control my life! If he bugs you, Im sure you'll give em the old one two eh? hehe.
from eggsaucted :
I had a bad feeling in my stomach a week ago that Jim was indeed going to win it all....but after his comments to the Chairman of the Board & the President & CEO of MSLO I'm pretty confident now that it won't be old Jimmy boy. But then what do I know I'm one of the 48 people in the country crazy enough to watch the show every week.
from dulligirl :
Yes! It was everybody! I've only seen them once before back in '93 and Billy Zoom wasn't with them then. I'm not an X fanatic but I knew about half of the songs. They didn't play "Burning House of Love" but they did play their kick ass cover of "Breathless" which also reminds me of high school. Be jealous,Smed!
from dulligirl :
Hey,smed, see my update to my entry about the concert. Talk about nostalgia. X kicked ass.
from beltwaybelle :
That's amore!
from northrup :
It's taken me this long to get over my loss, but: congratulations on your victory on Monday night. Can you send Peyton Manning over to help out my Steelers against the Bengals tomorrow? Pretty please?
from badbadzoot :
Is it the school administration that is dead wrong? Or me killing innocent children? ha. I was only kidding. Me and kids will have to wait just a little longer!
from dandydandy :
Ha. Laurel accepted graciously. *Taking a bow* Actually, that song takes me back to my childhood like nothing else can. Oh, except Paul McCartney's song: Let 'Em In. Heh.
from sparkspark :
I swear, I cannot find these pants. They may have walked away, or ditched me at the laundromat for a more prosperous-looking owner. The sweaters probably hitched a ride to somewhere chilly, being bored of southern California. They clearly never even thought of how their abandonment would affect me, me, sensitive me. (On the other hand, maybe they went to find John Cusack and lure him to me. That would be cool!)
from jane-dreams :
Thanks for the note. I emailed you today.
from heelandlass :
Hi Smed. Thanks for taking the time to do my survey, I have really enjoyed reading all the comments so far. Have a good weekend, and hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving xxx
from northrup :
Sorry for the smiting, mate! Nope, I'm back - just found myself lying under a cartoon anvil of writer's block. If what I do can honestly be called writing, I mean. Hey, congrats again on the completion of the hoop-jumping. I'm jealous of you and your family!
from workcrush :
It certainly looks that way. Let's just hope (if so) that he's the ONLY Northrup I've scared away.
from ricklets :
Oh and I know that I don't really know what Im talking about here, but don't let age get you down! (I live with 47 year olds, that I call dear old Ma and Pa, but they're not old...they're just um slowing down a bit) You're still young Smed! You're as hip as just don't have the body of a 19 year old anymore, sorry dear.
from ricklets :
glad you liked the birthday entry! But poor Smed...being sick is one of the worstest. If I could, I'd send a caseload of OJ and whatever else you needed (a nice QUIET place to sleep perhaps?) but alas, I can't, all I can do is send some well wishes for you to get better.
from nilliem :
I'm just dandy, thanks for asking! Almost peachy, not quite ducky...heheh
from dandydandy :
Hello smedindy, I thought I'd leave you a note since I see your comments everywhere I go. You are a bit like the kid in highschool I always passed in the hallways, but never said hello to, (only this time I'm saying hello). I read your diary from time to time and it is always entertaining--one of the better reads for sure. Also, since it's your birthday: Happy Birthday!
from ricklets :
your special birthday entry awaits you.
from clipchick :
I'll bee (heh!) updating really soon again, I promise! Thanks for the kind note!
from serenaville :
My! Thank you, SO very much, for adding Serenaville to your faves/buddy list! Quite the pleasant surprise, I must say. I also appreciate your comment/invitation in my space, to come back again and stay awhile. Very classy. ;) If there happens to be some longneck Budweisers in your fridge, I may never leave! ;D Thanks again, Smed... you've made my day. *HUGS* -Serena
from beckers-j :
Just stoppin' by to wish you a Happy Big 4-0! ;) Have a great birthday!
from moonfaeryy :
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!
from ricklets :
I'll see what my magical powers can do! :)
from ricklets :
Hey Smed, for tomorrow, since its your birthday, I want to know what song you want in my diary tomorrow!! Its the least I can do for your special day :)
from stepfordtart :
Ah, appreciate your concern. All was well eventually and will update tonight for full info. (typing this at work so still a chance I could get fired before the day is through!) x
from harri3tspy :
Ah, a good Princess Bride reference is never misplaced. Thanks for the good wishes!
from joiedv :
My comments don't show up if there is an apostrophe in the entry description (or title) and I keep forgetting that. Weird, I know. Thanks for the Dino Jr info. And I agree, meh.
from ricklets :
I have musicians for neighbours :)My dad has also helped with my musical tastes. My older bro is going through a HUGE Led Zepplin bugs me, yeah the Zep have good songs, but hearing them all the time really bugs me. I find them overrated, and Robert Plant back in the day, really wasn't that attractive(not that looks have anything to do with the music). But Zepplin right now seems like some big fad to me when there are other bands with explore!
from ricklets :
Im 14 Smed dear! Very wise in my music, I got a musical upbringing at an early age, very early age. I was listening to stuff like Pink Floyd before I learned my ABC's. In kindergarten I finally got to sing "Schools Out" ! for "stealing your cd collection" Im not really. Yes, you are helping me with my musical knowledge and I thank you kindly, but without trying to sound like a teenage smart-ass, I do know alot of the stuff that you talk about. The girls are lucky, very lucky to have a musical daddy like you! They will follow your musical following, then they'll get into some silly musical trend (sadly, I was at the right age for Spice Girls...) but then hopefully like me they'll get back on track :)
from hunterpoo :
I came back to check that entry. Congrats!!! Those are two gorgeous little women. Oddly I feel a bond with lil Katie already because I'm a Katie too, and I have black hair (not the typically look for Katies' hehe.) I'm going to have to catch up readin yours now. I love adoption stories! I have 2 "SILs" that adopted children after foster-parenting, and believe me.. Hunter loves his cousins.
from haloaskew :
All I've got is some Natural Light (I KNOW) and one of those rubber mallets. With enough beer and intense sloppy drunk force, skull chunks MIGHT fly!
from badbadzoot :
ok, I don't mind soda so much is that I hate it when southerners (waitresses/waiters really) stare at you when you say you want a Coke. They call everything carbonated Coke and all you want is a stinking Coca-Cola. yeesh. And a toboggan is a wooden sled NOT a friggin winter hat. double yeesh.
from cdghost :
it's your life and you can do what you want!
from eggsaucted :
No more apprentice Martha after this season, but not to worry Trump is filming #5.
from the-moo :
I'm sorry I totally don't understand the last comment you left me.. I'm sure it's completely obvious to a normal person but I am confused.. help?? *hugs* xxx
from ricklets :
yeah, I heard that song today :). We gotta get out of this place, if its the last thing we ever do!
from vickithecute :
Oh, trust me, I KNOW. I've had that same song going through my head all week. That or "Shy Guy". Oy.
from beckers-j :
Hahaha! You're too funny with your Oh! My! God!'s. ;)
from workcrush :
For what it's worth, I think it's just going to be temporary, just so GB's cousin and his friends stop reading.
from beltwaybelle :
Hi! Heh, the mid-size ones are just dandy. It's really just a bad run of luck lately with the short ones, enough so that I figure it's best not to force it when there's no attraction anyway. However, one must kvetch at times, too. Heh. Congrats on the adoption of your daughter. Such lovely photos!
from candoor :
computer is crashing, but I was able to scratch out this brief note to let you know I was here... eventually I hope to return and actually have something pertinent to say :)
from dulligirl :
Smed,I think I just want to not stress over one part of my life right now so I'd rather have somebody put together my resume for me. And to make things more complicated, I have no printer and I only have MS Works on my computer. Feel free to email me if you have any ideas. Thanks!
from harri3tspy :
Best of luck today! I hope all goes well!
from onewetleg :
re: smed said, "Well, no matter what the reviews say, I'll still respect you in the morning" thanks, boo, i appreciate it. btw, "Smed Said" might be a good name for a column. i'm just saying...
from eggsaucted :
Do you per chance read Bren's blog of this seasons apprenti? His last line of his most recent entry actually made me laugh out loud at work. "Somewhere a village has lost it's idiot. Markus go home, your people need you."
from legalbeagle :
You'll be interested in knowing that I have a BOOLEG COPY of the original Smile album... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
from legalbeagle :
You might like this entry of mine, then, too!
from sparkspark :
That's a deal, my friend. Amber is super-hott. You might not want to let her handle frozen food.
from badbadzoot :
ha ha! I LOVE the faces all three make while in that scene. "well, we did do the nose.... and the hat... she has got a wart!"
from onewetleg :
well, jeez, don't do that, Im nervous enough!
from ricklets :
Does this mean Im as hip as the Smed? Is there a bright hope!!?
from onewetleg :
ok, smed, what is this 'i know this guy' stuff. explain yourself, please? you may email me at onewetleg AT, that would be better for me. or you could just ignore me like most people do :)
from dulligirl :
Ya know, as I was writing about those songs off the 1971 Greatest Hits cd, I was thinking "Smed is gonna love these references. Him and only him."
from nilliem :
awww, you are so sweet! Your comment was a lovely thing to read after my very hectic day!
from joiedv :
Here is a cute article for you about your least favorite song in the world. knowing she died brings tears to the eyes...
from guilty-heart :
Psst! I sent you the stuff.
from clipchick :
Thanks so very much! Now I know who to ask for favors-and the bonus is, I can ask good ole Lucia for help if I ever suddenly start hemorraging. Phew! And, if you want a fun website to go to for comics, check out It shows examples of Superman and Batman being, well, dicks, for one thing...
from beckers-j :
I'll be the first to admit that I don't actually know that much about the original Batman comics. But when Batman Begins is billed as the prequel to the rest of the Batman franchise, then it should be true to that story line. Otherwise, it DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! I need logic! I know it's only a movie, but the first Batman was a staple for me as a kid, and it's supremely annoying to have the story changed.
from eggsaucted :
Sorry computer problems last night I had to keep my comments until today. I frankly thought the show was better this time, although exactly primarius was an embarassment. Howie & Jim & Bethenny kept saying they were going to do the whole thing, and uh....what was that? They could have stood for a massive group firing too just like last week on DT. But hey even Alexis spoke and smiled and stuff. Charles wasn't as weird. Martha was more business like. I'm so hooked. I really tried to fight it on this one.
from northrup :
Oh - and thanks for the add AND the comment! Always appreciated!
from northrup :
Uh...are her sisters single? ;-)
from ricklets :
Oh Smed! Remember, you have to watch that "girl-ish figure" my dear *wink wink* don't stuff yourself too much!
from sparkspark :
"Arrrgh or treat!" i think is the preferred term.
from eggsaucted :
Why thank you! I'm sure your two little kitty cats are mighty cute.
from beckers-j :
And you, too! Thanks for the indulgence.
from beckers-j :
Mmmmm, blueberry muffins! I could go for some of those right about now. After I finish my popcorn, that is. I don't think, however, that I should post anymore notes for you. I'm beginning to feel like a D-Land floozie. ;)
from beckers-j :
I should be asking YOU that question, my dear! I'm not the least bit respectable right now!
from beckers-j :
I LOOOOOVE you right now. Because there are so few people up, and wine makes me chatty!
from clipchick :
Thanks for the add :) Nice of you to mention the bee-diddys. I personally liked the reference very much. Witty AND hip! Woot!
from eggsaucted :
Yes it was a selling task, but if the people not running the batting cage had been selling it wouldn't have mattered. The batting cage needed to run in order to have the interactive part of the event. Yes Yes Yes DT most certainly does things the way only DT does things. Martha's firing two next week, should be fun.
from eggsaucted :
Ok...did I miss something??? I totally get firing Josh & Jenn M. (Who by the way shouldn't have been there this week to get fired) James is sort of a question mark, he did come up with the baseball idea and he did spend a lot of time showing off his hitting skills, but Mark? How was he supposed to be selling? He spent his entire time behind the machine by himself, which wasn't his plan, but since they were doing a batting cage someone had to.
from plopphizz :
I certainly don't want you to rush a decision of such a critical nature. You need ot weigh the pros and cons of interpreting the senators as leaky, or taking a leak, or perhaps eating a leek. Just let me know when you finish it up. -- P.P.
from thenoodle :
Thanks for the correction re Houston. My bad. I'm glad the White Sox won, though.
from eggsaucted :
Well said!
from eggsaucted :
Jim survives another week. Not that I was overly fond of David, but Jim needs to be fired, or sent home or whatever Martha chooses this week as her catch phrase that isn't.
from eggsaucted :
Small world. His presentation was very good! Well that is if you enjoy presentations on Ethics of Philanthropy.
from eggsaucted :
Indeed it was...funny thing, I saw Wabash in his bio and was going to leave you a note about but I was tired last night so it was waiting until today.
from beckers-j :
Yes, SUV's can suck gas pretty impressively. I don't plan on getting anything more than a V6 (which is what my old Jeepers Creepers was, miss that straight 6), so it shouldn't be too bad. I'm always willing to pay a little extra in gas for four-wheel drive, anyway. New York winters SUCK!
from theflyingrat :
I tried to leave this in your comments but it wouldn't let me. :( Anyway, I knew 5 of the songs but 4 of them I was half-guessing on. The only 1 I knew for sure was the Paula Abdul one. You should do a 90's quiz - I'd kick butt on that one. ;)
from beckers-j :
It's a Hyundai Tiburon. Yeah, not so exciting. But it's a 5 speed, and I think it's cute. We'll see.
from heelandlass :
Ah, right. Maybe it's not my brain then. We'll see!!
from workcrush :
But...but....but....what was the actual comment? Yep, I've noticed that about Haloscan today also. Poop.
from ricklets :
Sorry Smed, I have been Under Alice's Wheels haha. But seriously, we've been doing the ol room switch and have FINALLY got our computer hooked up, so an entry is coming right up! Its nice to know I've been missed :)
from acornotravez :
I actually like the Bee Gees a lot, too. (And thanks for the gratuitous CVB reference. I made a very obscure reference to them on the comment for your diary on my profile.)
from badbadzoot :
thanks Smed, and don't worry, I'll remember our date in... when was it? 3018? Gawd, I already forgot! anywho- I'm going to commission you to make some mix CD's for my reception- it's going to be reggae themed revolving around Bob Marley. We're gonna get hitched on the beach, rent a beach house, and have a barbecue afterwards. Yessir!
from metame :
ha! I wished the wench gone and it was so. I feel so powerful... :)
from bornearly :
HAHAHA! Yes, I do know it's the W.S. Just a momentary brain fart. And me a baseball fan...
from dulligirl :
Thanks for your note,smed. When it comes to glasses, I'm honestly not too too freaked out about the prospect. I've been thinking I needed glasses for watching tv/movies and night driving for a long time now. I just hate the moment of making the dr.appt. and all that. I procrastinate way too much.
from haloaskew :
You know already. Well, fine. Geek alert! I was all excited just to find out what the fuck AC and DC meant. Oh, wait. That makes me a geek TOO. Shitballs. We should discuss Tesla sometime. Over bacon and Velveeta. You bring the Mad Dog 20/20.
from sparkspark :
Let's see... it was edited by Jeremy Pascall. It's part of a series, of which I own two stunning volumes, both heavily focused on Elvis, Eddie Cochran, and the much-hyped yet ultimately disappointing Blind Faith.
from bigpimpinmba :
You fucking commie, non-profit bastard. Using that perfectly evil MBA for the forces of good? AND you have a purple template... What the hell is wrong with you? Thanks for stopping by my site, by the way.
from beckers-j :
Well, I must give you props for refusing to own a mini-van. I hate the mentality some people have that as soon as they have kids in the family, they must get a minivan. Yuck. I would take the Element over a minivan any day. :)
from metame :
to vickithecute (if you see this) I'm a big fan of "take me out" but beware of "this fire"!! It will burn into your brain and you'll need a lobotomy to get it out. then again, NOT having it as the main track on burnout3 and then your husband plays for hours at a time may be one way to prevent it's mentally searing effects :). um... hi smedindy :) ... I read about your distate for charles and the contribution of wilson philips to that. will you take me off your list if I admit to having that very album on cassette and I would wail it out like nobody's business? I swear it's out of character for me and I know on one level what a hunk of garbage it was but I just love to wail crappy songs real loud. I have no idea where that tape is now and I haven't sung a wilson phillips song in YEARS. honest! regarding trump's apprentice... I'd settle for taking that stupid cigar and shoving it into little miss southern blond wench's piehole. :)
from vickithecute :
I've been hearing a lot about this Franz Ferdinand. Can you recommend a couple of good tracks? I think I've heard some Ryan Adams on the radio, I don't do mellow all that often. Or am I confusing him with Ryan Cabrerra (sp?)? I think I am. Oh and you know who else I hate? Um....oh hell, what's his name...? GAVIN DEGRAW!! HATE!!!
from eggsaucted :
Alexis is odd, because from all accounts she's actually accomplished a lot in life and it was her ex-boyfriend that got her mom sent up the river and all, but that wishbone commercial was spooky. Did you see the thing next week where Jim laughs and says he's invincible? He's going down and soon I hope.
from thenoodle :
Me again... I, too, have a 40th birtday coming up in 6 weeks. When exactly is yours?
from thenoodle :
Thanks for your note. Thing is, Maya wasn't that nice of a person so I am quite glad she's gone on top of everything else!
from ramblin-bill :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites list... I am not sure why I didn't click on you name in Andria's comment section earlier. I've added you to my favorites too.
from ricklets :
Dearest Smed, so sorry to read about the Katie meltdown...but its what parenting is all about. You gotta take the good with the bad. Anywho, I will party hard at the Alice Cooper concert for you! Catch ya on Thursday. -Riki
from aliboomboom :
You are welcome. Thanks for the kind words yourself!!
from acornotravez : dancing a jig...
from theflyingrat :
I love love love your journal. I'm reading your older entries now and I'm wondering why I didn't come across here sooner! I like your parentheses usage, haha. And all the music stuff you have in here. It's great. Just thought I'd let you know that your stats are going up because of me (if you even check them). Okay well I hope you don't mind me digging into your past. ♥
from acornotravez :
Dude, I promise I won't delete you from my fave list even if I *don't* get the tunes, I swear. Your diary is a nice read, for real. (MAN, make me feel guilty why dontcha!) :)
from ricklets :
hahahaha...there, theres your laugh Smed! now you made me want to sing that song..."Riki don't lose that number, you don't wanna call nobody else" hehehe...g'night Smed, sweet dreams!
from ricklets :
I enjoyed every minute of it :)
from ricklets :
Ah, I have finished the Smedindy!
from eggsaucted :
I hope it isn't. But given the last few hours I'm thinking my intestinal track was just getting warmed up to rake me over the coals tonight. It's far to graphic to share, but it hasn't been pretty. I'm gonna go now!
from workcrush :
See my latest thoughts I just added to my private entry. But yeah, I thought the same thing. I've been trying to get this guy to say something since Monday and I KNOW he couldn't have missed it. But yesterday, at work, I was loudly discussing this within Chris' earshot and also, with Adam's questioning, he probably figured he'd better throw me off the trail. Or something.
from workcrush :
Whad'ya mean, a ringer?
from heelandlass :
Yes I did! Sorry - I have been meaning to reply but then never getting round to it. Apologies. I've got the address, now I have to get my act together. Give me a wee bit of time to come up with something...not hellish!! Thanks.
from harri3tspy :
I actually think your 70s music may yet find a place in the academy (although I still didn't know any of the songs on your quiz -- I just don't pay attention to lyrics unless I'm studying a piece). There is a definite trend toward the study of pop music and I would think the 70s would be ripe for attention. Thanks for your note!
from sparkspark :
The most startling (i.e., best) karaoke performance I ever witnessed was a 30-something guy with greasy hair and a trucker hat (before the fad), wandering aimlessly around the stage, mumbling "Don't Fear the Reaper" in an off-pitch monotone. It was then I realized: That song is too long by at least half. Or perhaps too short. I can't remember anymore.
from harri3tspy :
1. I agree with you and, to a point, Zappa on the issue of modern composers. I don't believe Zappa is correct with the issue of wrong notes. I think our musicians are probably better trained today than at just about any point in history. The real problem is economic -- thou canst not play what thou hast not time to rehearse. And time, as we all know, is money. The old chestnuts live on in part because they're cheaper to prepare. The patronage system that provided for regular doses of new music in the past is dead, at least in this country. And interestingly, in France, where there is far more governmental support of the arts and artists, there is also more new music in prominent places. 2. I hope I didn't come across as against the "safeguarding of history." It's not that I want to lose the good music that we value. It's just that I think there's a lot out there that we're missing. And I think that our experience of this music is richer for knowing more about where and when it came from.
from beckers-j :
I HATE all this marriage crap. Seriously. I am so fed up I can't even stand it right now. Thanks for sharing that it "never freakin' stops". Now I have no light at the end of my tunnel. :P
from nicim :
Ahhh, Cardiac Cards. Yes - those were the seasons in the 70's (74 - 76) when we would scream and yell, and almost faint with our hearts pounding against our rib cage as Hart hit Metcalf again and again to win in the last 2 minutes. Tom Banks, Dan Dierdorf, Conrad Dobler, Mel Gray, Roger Wehrli - *sigh* XXOO N
from joiedv :
Oh I think I know them all, I just didn't recognize a lot of the lyrics. fun!
from badbadzoot :
what??????? baaaaaah. The template WAS free, so, yeah. I will eventually make my own design... someday.....
from aliboomboom :
Thanks for all the comments. YOu rock. I've been reading your diary as well. I'm sorry your girls aren't sleeping well. Griffin still sleeps with me, I know, I know. He shouldn't be he does. I just had to give up. He was sleeping by himself through the night and then he got sick and we've regressed. Oh well, good luck getting some shut eye this weekend!!
from heelandlass :
You are the first! Wayhay!! Just email me your address and I'll get something sorted. [email protected].
from ricklets :
Oh you're very welcome dearest Smed! Oh of course theres not nuts in it or any other special ingredients for that matter *winks* glad you stopped by to read my Smedyish entry! :-) The Smed is always welcome!!
from lonelylatina :
thanks for the note my friend =)
from beckers-j :
Aw, yes, your poor Cubbies. If I weren't such a die hard Yankee fan, I could imagine myself as a Cubs fan next. :) And were your residence just a bit closer to my own, I would be happy to take you up on any post-season event involving drinking and mockery. I haven't had a Labatt's in a long time.
from beckers-j :
Hey, thanks for adding me! I'll be back to check out your diary as soon as I get a chance. :)
from harri3tspy :
Thanks for the note. I realized that after I posted. I always forget that album is so early . It got revived in clubs in the 80s (I was too young and my parents too square to have heard it the first time around) because, I think, it fit so well with the sound. And also there was that whole German pop influence.
from yeahimadork :
Heh. I would have added you a while ago, but I had to clean up my buddy list. I think I am almost going to have to start another diary just to fit all my buddies.
from eggsaucted :
Wait doesn't everyone have a bullhorn on their desk? I hate processing return mail, which is why it piles and then is an even bigger pain to do, which makes me avoid it. It's really a vicious cycle.
from dulligirl :
Ha! Thanks for your note. Nothing like that feeling of panic while you're innocently cooking something. By the way, I can't comment too much on your essays about the Beach Boys. I've never been a fan though I like a few of their songs. But I know a lot of people love Pet Sounds so I don't discredit the devotion.
from onewetleg :
exactly! its like ring the doorbell and run, except you leave a very easy to follow trail behind you!
from eggsaucted :
Tell me about it, Mother Nature has obviously been taking crack or something, it's almost 90 and it's freaking october. Sleep? Who needs sleep? I actually did get a lot of sleep yesterday.
from harri3tspy :
Aw. There's very little that cheers me up more than a little voice singing a song half out of tune.
from megsicle :
I think I could be an "American Poet" as well...if I did that much peyote. Sorry to note-stalk you; it's a boring night. :)
from megsicle :
Do people look at you like you've got three heads when you say the Doors were overrated? It's a problem I've run across. Your daughter is adorable, by the way!
from workcrush :
I don't know whether she posts over there but her screen name is velitari. She's awesome cool and she and I and BlondeBabe have formed a Smed fan club of sorts.
from workcrush :
Just received the following in an email from Krumpet. If you do come up here in April, we definitely need to meet up. "Hey, I was on TWoP forum for the apprentice, and someone said something I agreed with that was in the minority (which is usually the case), and I looked at the name and it was SMEDINDY!!!! I�ve had a crush on him from before I even read your diary, and didn�t even put it together until right now."
from joiedv :
Got it. When my dad was growing up there (he was born in 1928) they were suspicious of the Catholics. He said there was one Catholic family who lived way way out and came through town every sunday to go to the only Catholic Church, in yet another town. He said eveyone would just stare and whisper "there go the Catholics." That was it for diversity back then. You can imagine everyone's chagrin when he went into the army, went to Italy, met and married an Italian Catholic (my mom) and brought her back home to meet the folks. Although, she says everyone treated her well, she couldn't stomach the food and quickly lost a lot of weight. They stayed there for a few weeks and then hit the road to California, where my dad had 3 older brothers and an uncle by that time. NOW the three sisters-in-law did not treat her well. Go figure.
from joiedv :
Okay, 2 things...what the heck is BFE? And I have the following perspective...I grew up in Los Angeles, in a very racially integrated city and school. It was a Catholic school, but maybe 60%white, the rest were black, asian and hispanic. And we were family. There was not race. I never ever heard any racist things my entire childhood. Ever. And I have lived much of my adult life in racially integrated areas. And the only true racism I have seen is by Asians against non-Asians, and by hispanics against whites. I think most white people, with a few lingering exceptions, and maybe more in some less integrated areas, have had it bred out of them. That is why I resent this book so much. It paints us all as evil, and it does not reflect my experiences (46 years worth!) at all.
from sparkspark :
I asked Martha (she's suddenly more available to talk to me these days, now that she's confined to her living room) and she asked me to tell you that it is important not only to think of strippers when hearing "War Pigs," but to envision the George Lucas-looking computer animator geeks in the front row, joyfully punching their fists in the air and singing along.
from goingloopy :
Okay, so I finally checked you out...and I added you. We little public speaking nerds must band together.
from eggsaucted :
I've heard that idea before. Her highness is not an early riser, ever. So this morning was bizarre and really poorly timed. Hopefully we'll be back to normal.
from haloaskew :
Will take that suggestion under advisement. It's the only thing, besides quitting, that I haven't done yet!
from eggsaucted :
resent the goldarn email.
from eggsaucted :
Hum diddely um....I don't know...I'll check. Yes I know Noonan is a good guy is was a fave when he was with the Blackhawks a bagillion years ago and I was in awe when he walked into the lockerroom I was showering in. I was by then fully clothed. That weekend we drove back to Chicago in a packed to the gills Volkswagon Golf and since there was no other place to put it I carried the Noonan's stick with me in the front seat and numerous jokes were made about me having his stick between my legs the whole way home. Then rob lovely man that he is went and told Brian about the joke. Ok...checking on the email.
from eggsaucted :
So speaking of minor league folk'll and stories....I was showering in the visiting team dressing room at the T&M in Vegas one morning when the visiting team started showing up. I managed to finish and get out before it was disasterous however that visiting team was indeed the Ice just in from Indy. I did manage to get a signed stick from Brian Noonan out of the deal, which is currently sitting in a corner in my living room.
from eggsaucted :
I sent ya an email....I don't really hide these things, but I also don't want him to find my diary.
from foursquare :
I just realized I never updated Diaryland with my new e-mail address, so I haven't been getting notes notifications, therefore I'm not sure when that was you left one- Anyhow, yeah, sleep, ha! Actually it's become better just this week, the baby's going about four hours in the first stretch and then more sporadically from there. He's also not eating nearly so much & for so long at night, so I'm hopeful he'll start sleeping through before too long. I hope...
from sparkspark :
I like those suggestions. Bonus: some of them are just obscure enough that I could casually fake that I wrote them. Not openly SAY I wrote them, but just like, avoid mentioning the original artist. (Until I'm found out, as I inevitably am, because I am a fraud, just like Kenny Chesney.)
from goingloopy :
Thanks...better late than never. I'll check your stuff out. :)
from nicim :
AACK inside joke to an outsider. No fair! Actually, it was spelled that way on purpose, based on its meaning (my own inside joke I guess). XXOO N
from nicim :
Hey midwestern boy (me too - from just outside St. Louis) - re comment you left on MMMMMM..... Cake, which name is spelled wrong? I'm a real stickler for spelling!! XXOO N
from ricklets :
Oh of course I'll keep reading :) As for writing, it will happen from time to time. I added you to my buddylist because you have showed up on two of my favorite diaries comments (the wonderful, fabulous,beautiful etc etc Wilberteets, and the quirky funny enjoyable etc etc Workcrush) so I figured you were Ok. I was not disapointed, in fact very delighted that you are better than ok, but indeed great! I am sure I will find more of the greatness as I read on. Feel free to read my dribble drabble if you so perfer to...most of it I think is junk, if you search you will find gem entries though. Have a nice day.
from bunny828 :
Hardy Har Har Har. Thanks for the link and Ohh I found my dh's favorite saying there: "If thou assumest, thou maketh an ass out of thou and the Lord thy God". Who knew it dropped from the 10 commandments? (Maybe it was one of the 15?)
from joiedv :
That is the crazy thing...he is at a division II school, with no scholarships either because they want to keep education standads high. But the baseball coach treats the program as if they were division I.
from eggsaucted :
I can't really afford to buy a stick of gum at fields, but I am majorly disappointed that the tradition is disappearing.
from joiedv :
Thanks for your comment...I am not saying that he couldn't have worked something out re: the labs. However, the coach was a bit of a be here or die type. And they expected a full-time job sort of commitment time-wise. With extra-curricular obligations as well. And he just didn't want to be on the 5 or 6 year plan, if you get my drift. He has his eye on med school, not playing ball and then being the master of nothing when it was all over.
from sparkspark :
Its quite a place. The dancers choose their song from a jukebox, so you never know what you're going to hear. "War Pig" went over quite well, although the ensuing "Sex Dwarf" was only mildly well-received. Go figure.
from nilliem :
Ok, I'll keep the warped thing in mind! lol Thanks for the nice note!
from zuzus-petals :
I think perhaps what is disconcerting is that even someone who purposefully searched for information on Ioganson and perhaps even read the entry, wasn't interested enough in a USSR-era art book produced in a City that no longer even exists to try their hand on convincing me it should belong to them. Cassie/IndigoMonkey kind of won the contest by default - not because she exercized any creativity (I KNOW the kind of creativity THAT girl has in her) but because she was the only one who attempted an entry really. Oh yeah... put those damn books in order, will ya? - Zu
from bunny828 :
Sorry to hear about your head Smed. (head Smed ... I like that.) I guess we are all practicing for the Dork Olympics. You may have me though. I did not hit my head. The bump to my head must have happened earlier in life.
from workcrush :
Ah, Smed, you are so right, my darling geeky man. Geeks are the new hot.
from badbadzoot :
oh dear, I'd say that song was before I was born! heh! :-)
from badbadzoot :
oh no! not a mama duck! sigh. There is a flock of geese that hang around a pond near my workplace, and someone ran over two of them. I think they were aiming for them because it was in a spot where there was a stop sign- so like you had to slow down and stop and junk. duh-huh.
from dulligirl :
Heh. I knew you took my comment in the spirit it was meant. From one dork to another!
from awittykitty :
Oh, I'm sure you were dashing, and I probably would have put my eye out with the screwdriver or made an entire species go extinct somehow, so you were way ahead of the game. I was just teasing with ya! Dorks are, in the words of Paris Hilton, HOT!! :-)
from workcrush :
from workcrush :
Thank you for all your support through this, really. It may not always seem like it but I do appreciate all the support I get from you and my other online buddies. (((HUGS)))
from eggsaucted :
Several people have commented that I should have made prints or video of the G.V.C. of 2005 however in the middle of the night last night with slippery hands and child greased up enough to swim the english channel a few times it never occured to me.
from sparkspark :
oH MY GOD! It's so much worse/better than I could imagine. I can't decide which is better: the "bored in shop class" doodling of Janis Joplin or the "Ronnie Wood by Ronnie Wood" creepiness of, well, Ron Wood. Is there anyone on Earth who would welcome an print featuring a super close-up of Jack Nicholson's evil, grinning face? Ah, of course there is. Who am I kidding?
from sparkspark :
"You may already be a loser!" Yeah. How about "It's a bad thing"? (Obviously there is a reason my career as Tagline Developer has not taken off.) In other news: I demand to see the transcript from Grace Slick's art school days.
from haloaskew :
Tarragon? Cumin? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am so afraid of the garden of herbs! Then again, if they could make me up some nice Italian Seasoning, in a little shaker, all dried and ready like, that would be something else.
from badbadzoot :
I know- NO BOOZE. Needless to say NO ONE was dancing. Ach- oh well. I guess if I want people dancing at my wedding, I better let the alcohol flow! We still had fun though, or tried to make it as fun as possible! ;-)
from hissandtell :
Okay, darling, so I clicked your banner that did NOT feature heaving bosoms and cleavages. Don't say I never do anything for you, possum! Panting sighs, whimpers and smooches, R xxx
from vickithecute :
Well, see, I found out his sister lives about three doors down from my friend Lillibet (who's been a friend of mine since high school so she knows this guy) and Lillibet in turn lives about half a mile from me so I decided I should just drop him a quick email just to say hi, how YOU doin'? But I don't want to ask Lillibet to ask his sister for her email address bcs that would be just weird so I decided to find him myself but I've had no luck so far since he no longer works for Microsoft. (Hee. I just typo's Microsofa) Anyway, I bet he's working for Amazon now because that seems to be where most of my old friends end up, either Microsoft or Amazon. Or they're videogame designers. Why oh why didn't *I* go into a tech field too??? (Well, I do have one friend who is a videogame designer by day, drag queen by night. Hee)
from vickithecute :
Dunno. Are you blond with a big ole nose and an evil social climbing b**** for a mother and do you now live in Seattle and you're divorced and working for Microsoft except nope, you don't work for them any longer because when I got Chel to write to his buddy at Microsoft for your email address I was told you don't work there any longer so who knows where you work now and NO I don't spend ALL my time stalking ex-loves, shut upppp. So no, I guess it's not you and I'm not her.
from badbadzoot :
ha ha haaaaa! Airports are an evil, naughty place.... and I love you in that you've adopted your kids. I want to adopt kids. Let's just spread the love around..... see you in 2184! (because I'm not a homewrecker.. ha ha!) ;-)
from bornearly :
The closest I see any time soon is that we'll be in Chicago and in Rockford, IL, in October. If you go to the website and click on our schedule in the upper right, then choose "our listing," you can scroll through all our confirmed gigs into 2006. Not exactly down the street from you, but those day-trips can be fun. :)
from eggsaucted :
Gracias, my weekend will be just fine. Of course that is largely because caller ID is a godsend and I don't have to take a single phone call from my parental units.
from workcrush :
Aw, Smed, 5'11" is still tall in my book.....
from sparkspark :
You know, as long as I can drink my PBR in secret (while listening to "Burning Sky" and "Feel Like Making Love") I can be happy anywhere.
from princessreva :
hey! sorry I've been out of the loop - we have a friend here who is working with FEMA and more houseguests coming tonight, it's a zoo! I have been reading up though - and your story on how you got Katie was so wonderful!!! Truly lovely:) I'll get back on the ball after this weekend - thanks for thinking of me!
from vickithecute :
Sorry, been kinda downhearted lately, just not able to update, I'll try to write tonight. I've already tried several times the past few days and haven't been able to, so no promises. Sorry.....
from candoor :
looking back on your entries, you remind me that I had a fantasy draft this morning... I forgot... I'm not sure if it went on without me... it was private, so it may not have since there were just two of us in it last time I checked... it's on Yahoo... I tried to get a group of diaryland fantasy players last year, interested? (or is one enough? :)
from hothead :
have i mentioned that i just *love* smart men?? faaaaaabulous!!
from badbadzoot :
oh, almost forgot! Actually, no bar! The bride and groom are christian and did not want alcohol at the reception. I've often contemplated whether or not to have alcohol at my wedding. Maybe just champagne for the toast, because I don't like the thought of paying for my family to get drunk, or to have them drunk at my wedding period, because they are a bunch of drunken bastards!
from harri3tspy :
Yes, we were all a little concerned when the lion began sharing a desk with a fat little piglet, but so far the law of the jungle seems to be lost on AJ. And by the way, having moved from the east coast to Chicago while my parents were living in your fine state, I am among the perpetually confused regarding the time zones. But although Indiana's liquor laws are odd, there are plenty of other states that are weird in that regard too. When I lived in Boston, they still had incredibly strict blue laws. The year New Year's Eve fell on a Sunday was a tragedy. In Philadelphia you can only buy beer and wine at a package store or at a bar and there are separate stores for hard liquor. In South Carolina, bars are only permitted to serve from those teeny airline bottles and they must use the full content of said bottles in each drink, thus resulting in some of the strongest drinks around. That law has, I think, been changed but has not yet gone into effect. The weirdest of the Indiana laws, I thought, was that children were not allowed in restaurants where you could see the bar from the dining room, even with their parents. They were, however, allowed to enter liquor stores. Go figure.
from badbadzoot :
and I thought North Carolina was whacked out! ha ha! I guess all of these wonderful states have their quirks. And don't get me started on New York state, ugh.
from harri3tspy :
Thanks for the notes (especially the one about the cute kids -- I agree, but of course I'm biased!). And the big top was amazing. I highly recommend this particular circus if it's ever in your area.
from eggsaucted :
Yes I don't know about this whole matchmaker thing. Her father had some serious questions about the young man I taking her to meet yesterday, which was difficult to explain since I've never once mentioned diaryland to him. But since he has a 17 year old daughter already, I think he's looking to avoid the whole dating thing with her highness and perhaps he can cut off right now. Yes indeed I sacrificed myself for a stupid speedpass, but I found it and I've showered and I think I'll survive.
from workcrush :
Thanks, Smed. No, you don't sound scolding at all, no worries. I feel a bit better. I just needed some outside support. Now if only I could figure out what I want for dinner....
from vanoonoo :
I'm about still living my disasters. I'm locking up soon so remember the keys in future :)
from badbadzoot :
thanks! And airports are bad, evil, naughty places. Ugh. I'm sure to have some doozy of a story when I get back.
from metame :
hi smedindy... nice to meet ya :) thanks for all you notes! I look forward to being a new reader... time permitting of course! I'm so far behind on diaries right now (among other things), not surprising I suppose.
from lonelylatina :
yes my friend you were lucky. no caffeine headaches are the worst.
from harri3tspy :
Excellent advice, and all is, it appears, well. Thanks for the note!
from the-moo :
if it makes people like you leave me nice notes and join my online life over here... then I'm glad I'm me too.... *BIG LOVE* there will be more specs soon my love... just for you!!!! xxx
from harri3tspy :
Oh, I am most sympathetic. Our house is vintage seventies and came with the decor to boot. We've gotten rid of most of the psychedelic wallpaper and we lucked out with fairly neutral (if rather grimy) carpeting. And thank God no wallpaper on the ceiling. Oh my. And thanks for adding me to your list. Are you from Indy? I'm a former resident of that fair city myself.
from vanoonoo :
you make me grin :D
from thenoodle :
Hey there. I dropped by to read your diary after you had left me a note. Your entry about the K-Y commercial had me cracking up! You are too funny, my man. Oh, Butch and Sundance are adorable.
from foursquare :
Hey there, I just wanted to drop in and say hi, you'd left a couple notes to me recently mentioning your own little girl. Anyhow, I'll have to take a look through sometime when I'm not falling asleep at the keyboard. Thanks for stopping in!
from eggsaucted :
Jason Priestly! Tell me about it. I can deal with the fact that I live in the midwest and we have humidity unlike the dry 110 they get in places like Vegas and Phoenix. But at least I could always know that sometimes it would cool off for a few days or at least at night, but last night at 11pm it was just as humid as it had been a 3pm. I got out of the car and brought her highness inside and I was sweating like a pig. Now there's an image for you. Anyway....yea humidity bad! Bring on the snow.
from princessreva :
*cough cough* nice footwork:)
from tagamii :
from fightn4life :
Oh my gosh, I was going over your past entries and found the one I saw and was totally in awe of. "Madness I Say! - August 15, 2005" I read this with tremendous interest. I had written an entry back Saturday, Feb. 05, 2005 � called A dance through life captured by lyrics of an album It too set the stage of life through songs. I found it interesting you had written about song lyrics as I did. Just wanted you to know I was fascinated by the entry of yours. Thanks for sharing a part of you in connection with lyrics. Sandyz
from humanspirit :
I randomly came upon your diary and thoroughly enjoyed the entry about Butch and Sundance. I actually just got my first kitty last Sunday. Take care.
from eggsaucted :
Used to hold her highness on my lap all the time when I typed entries and notes and such, but now she wants to type, so it doesn't work so well.
from eggsaucted :
Wow you listed a lot of favourites! Hey I was just writing my entry and one of your banners was watching me do it. HA! What a keywinkydink! Ok, I'm off to bed.
from zuzus-petals :
I do think that in an era that encourages isolationism, individualism and in a fear-based culture - to love and respect people is revolutionary. Is it sad? I don't know... not if you live in a world of revolutionaries!
from badbadzoot :
ha ha! being stiffed for free water. hmmm. it's funny how much power the service workforce yields when it comes to the atmosphere (i.e. happy/sad/mad/raging like a bull). ;-)
from the-moo :
Hey there... I'm not dwelling on whether I made a good decision. It was absolutely THE ONLY decision and I never doubted that not for one moment. I was just reflecting. He's the only person I've ever gone out with that I'm not still in contact with because it's too hard for him and i can't cope with making him cry and it's all messy (yeay info overlaod now you know EVERYTHING haah sorry) I just find it hard to NOT keep everyone I meet IN my life somehow.. because then I don't know that they're ok.. and I worry about them!! I'm weird and pathetic all at once but thank you for stopping by my diary and for digging chicks in specs... I have a complete glasses fetish.. though men don't seem to indulge me as often as I'd like!! GRRRR
from wilberteets :
You are a pun-isher. I gnu there were guys like you out there. I was raised by a pun-isher so I know the ways of the bad pun wielder.
from cheeky-kiki :
Good to see you list Kiki as a favourite. You can visit Bar Land anytime and I will knock you up a great Old Fashioned, just be careful what you say and do while you are there or you may end up the subject of my rantings...!
from eggsaucted :
What a key-winky-dink I was going to wear my tie-dye shirt and plaid skirt to work tomorrow. I swear it, go look at my most recent entry if you don't believe me.
from fayble :
Thanks for linking me on your journal, I returned the favor. Interesting read, btw. *smiles* I'll be lurking. See ya around! *hugs* -Dee
from eggsaucted :
Hey...thanks for listing me as a favorite. You must be the numerous hits I got from Indiana yesterday. Thanks again

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