messages to peth:
(click here to add new message):

from echoman :
It's always fun to pop back round to d-land now and then. It feels like one of the few places on the internet nobody knows about.
from meism :
Peth! Which of Blanche Sweet's films is this image from?
from addieplum :
oooo, i forgot about notes. delightful! i need some damn dansko clogs, dammit.
from hose-clamp :
from hose-clamp :
<p align = center><img src = ""><br>"the servant must wait... while the masturbates."
from bean-n-bacon :
ummmm. before me sits a rubio's cup, filled with one part icewater and one part gin. what do you want from me? it was the easist thing to steal from my parents' liquor cabinet. so now i am drunk, and thinking of confessing my bitterly unrequited crush on you. won't you make out with me under a eucalyptus tree? won't you?
from bean-n-bacon :
hmmmmmmmm. pethie, did you know you have 787 entries, sort of like a largish aeroplane? did you know THAT?
from bean-n-bacon :
cada vez i drip some eyewater into my cleavage, i think about you. from now on.
from bean-n-bacon :
you are so fine, i just wanna take you to an ice cream parlor and do the sex (to steal another's terminology) to you right there. did you know that?
from bean-n-bacon :
blammo, i can't stop mah sneezin'.
from nyquilgirl :
finally. update. here. pethie goodness. i'd help you fling cow dung at him too.
from quiconque :
It saddens me that I will have to wait until July to be tortured by you.
from puddleslut :
oh-HO! itchyfaced pethutista, roll your lovely shoulders on over westwards! and, i think, a little south. new joisey has it toooooo good. would you like some green tea ice cream? it has nothing to do with pistachios, or pineapple as some call it, but it's tasty all the same.
from puddleslut :
hm. perhaps you can attend in my stead, as i will not be going to any 420 extravaganzas this evening. just put on a brown wig and shove tera sorvillo around. they'll think you're me. there is red velcro (and some other fine gifts) on its (their) way to new jersey. and i am having a cherry danish, wishing you were amongst my california compatriots. cheerio
from puddleslut :
i'll wipe your cutwounds with lemonfresh moist towelettes. did you know they have special moist towelettes just for vaginas? i saw them in the gynecologist's lair.
from puddleslut :
oh! oh! notes are operational at this time! five party four party THREE TWO ONE. my inner right nostril has a wee itch; will you send me your kitty to scratch it? velcro--clean, shining velcro, in many a color--is soaring your way. and how catchy is that maroon 5 song? "this. love. has. taken its toll on me. she said goodbye too many times before. her. heart. is. breaking in front of me. and i have no choice, 'cause i won't say goodbye anymore. whoa-oh-oh." a bit too much for me to handle, just as your loveliness. hit me back, just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is stan.
from novembre :
from weeme :
mmm...yes, pangs can be bothersome. And never so bothersome as when they get weirdly curly, but the under type curl, so that they're rolling at the way top of your forehead like a window blind or a sausage roll. When those pangs happen to me, I cry.
from n-poledancer :
What I was trying to say was: It just means what we all knew before that you are really fucking cool.
from n-poledancer :
I tried to post both on your tag board and your g-book and tag board tried to tell me it didnt exist and the g-book gave me the finger.
from nonce :
3/16/2004 - so hookers wore striped stocking in the 1900s? Or are you talking about the 2000 turn of the century? Have you ever seen this video for a band called Les Rita Mitsouko (it's called C'est Comme Ca). She had on similar stockings to those. And strangely that I think of it...there definitely was a potential hooker connotation to her...
from weeme :
I have bangs. I have pretty much always had bangs because I am no good at growing bangs out. i've tried. I've failed. but now they cover up the deep crevice-y wrinkle that developed in my forehead when i was like ten, and spawned a twin at twenty so it's all good. And i hear they're back in fashion. woo hoo.
from sooner :
There I am. Over to your right. Through the squint. Hello, lover! There I am! Don't unsquint or you may see someone else.
from n-poledancer :
Oh thank you dear Peth. For some reason guestbook isnt emailing me anymore when someone signs it.
from sooner :
Oh. Peth. I thought about throwing you out, but I came up with something even better. I grant you a temporary respite!
from sooner :
You are my hero
from weeme :
Also among his requirements is small breastage. Or non-breastage. There's my golden opportunity vanquished. I am a bear of much breastage.
from weeme :
O, but peth... you must understand that he is a man with NO cavities. No cavities! Can you imagine? And as such, he must have his standards.
from blandman :
You Ah so Paap-U-LA.
from weeme :
and seal it with a spank!
from weeme :
Pinch, pinch, pinch!
from weeme :
of all the peeps I've ever pinched, Pretty Pethipants, you're the plushy-est.
from sooner :
Oh, Lover.
from sooner :
Lover--may I call you "Lover?"--Lover, I'm totally craving some serious coffee right now.
from weeme :
I am filthy with graphite dust right now. i'm dusting my keyboard with the stuff. Not intentionally. O...and I had a dream about you last night. I'm so not making this up. You had written me an instructional guide about how to have sex. I'm not really clear on the details, but i remember it involved wearing pink socks (Me: must they be pink? Peth: absolutely. yes, pink. The pinkest you can find. And if possible, striped) and spanking arses. It's true.
from heckafresh :
from weeme :
mmmm... landfill is my second favouritest smell next to wet dog, don't cha know?!!'re reading The Little Friend?!! So am I. I'm in the middling pages....they are poking cottonmouths with sticks and being all sun dazzled right now. I'm much enjoying the language and vivid descriptions and am quite besotted with Harriet. Am also quite certain any pickles I attempted to make could be used as industrial strengh herbicides as well (just oneof the little details I loved). Gimme yer review, sugggar.
from weeme :
O peth! I adore you, simply adore you. I just had to tell you that, because I haven't in a while. I wish you lived here.
from zantimisfit :
I think you guestbook hates me. I may have signed it, I may have not. It won't play nice. Anyway, I was just going to confirm your Laurie Anderson memory because I remember it too. but I saw it on TV.
from weeme :
o...what a bland,beautiful bottom! Painted ladies and a bottle of wine.
from gods :
:z says he'd use notes as well, but sadly he was taught a valuable lesson by andrew: noting is a privilege, not a right. by proxy thereby: "pethymon, long time no see, thank you for remembering me, not sure of the context, but yeehaa!"
from weeme :
Today, on the wolf walk, I saw drifts of diamonds and two parched leaves wed in the hollow of my yesterday footstep. And, less poetically, my under eye wrinkles look far more wrinkly and REAL than they did yesterday. EEk. But I'll drink your coffee. I rather enjoy the coffee when cold and sludgy with Splenda.
from weeme :
And wot's the deal? Am I the only one who ever uses notes????
from weeme :
Never, not once in my life, did I ever imagine I would have a theresa story to tell!! Never. Not once. Oh, fancy that! It's the magic of the Green Munkie working it's mysterious charms. Although, as of yet, the Green Munkie charm seems to be only affecting New Jersey and it's environs. One hopes that It'll soon spread. Like to michigan or somewhere equally exotic.
from weeme :
O Pethiknobs! Happiest of New Years to you and yer pink lady friend! I am so glad you're out and abooooot again, prettying up the desktops and such! Whaddya git fer Christmas? I got a whack of kid's books and a stuffed sheep. And socks with munkies on 'em. And a bunch of less interesting stuff.
from weeme :
o but peth! That is such a wickedly delicious image. The blonde beauty that is you knitting and clicking away on things wonderfully hued as the kitties roll and pounce at your feet!!! It's almost enough to make me want to knit too. Almost. I should feel utterly ashamed for being all self-promotey about it, pathetic and grovelly too...but It's me barthday todey. Yup. I'm becoming progressively more ancient and rickety limbed. And I dreamed that all my teeth fell out so maybe this is the year i become toothless. yay!
from weeme :
o Peth! You need to learn to knit and you need to knit now! You've got to pearl one, pearl two up a banage for that bloody wound! o...I just canged a lightbulb and now I have spots dancing in front of my eyes. I think they're doing the running man. The spots, that is.
from weeme :
o Pethocules, but of course! No craft day would be complete without you, your glue gun and buppy treats. Erm...what ARE buppy treats any way? But be warned...I may have expended all my craftiness on the gestapo army snowmen cupcakes.... I'll probably just rub myself against your legs and bat at the tinselly bits and spill sprinkles on stuff whilst chatting incessant nonsense about antlers and olives and Eloise and such. Oh...and absolutely NO KNITTERS allowed. We can't have the Knitters showing us up on crafts day.
from life-like :
what is going on in your tag board? my name is up there with a post i neva left.
from life-like :
yes that was me, wondering who will teach us to knit in the real world... because you and i deserve some yarny scarves, for reals. why is your tag board crazy?
from weeme :
and Peth? don't go anywhere, ok?
from weeme :
o peth. I have half a mind to buy an orange velour tracksuit and stamp your name across my ass. Cuz what could be more Juicy than Peth? In other news: i'm feeling a little nostalgic over the diaryland that once was before sooner packed it up (for all intents and purposes) and Nekono raged and tormented and there were not so many people resting in peace. Fortunately, life-like's gingerbread concentration camp entry perked me right up.
from raven72d :
Is Steig the little donkey stuffling, or are you lamenting Wm. Steig?
from weeme :
O pethie... pot roast is a wunnerful winter dinner! And it's easy peasy. I don't have a set with most things, I tend to wing it. But basically, I start by heating a little veggie oil in a big ass pot, dredging the roast in flour(seasoned with salt and pepper) and browning all sides of the roast. Then I sautee a bunch of onions in the same pot, add a couple cups of water and a beef bouillion packet or two, a healthy glug of red wine (1/2 a cup know, more!), about a dozen new potatoes (the little wee ones), baby carrots, some celery and chopped up leeks, a sprig of thyme, a bay leaf, a little pepper.... and let it simmer away for about 45 minutes until it's all cooked and bubbly and yum. And that's pretty much it. Oh, and if you find it's too salty (sometimes it is as a result of the bouillion) I add a tsp or two of brown sugar or a little apple juice and that cuts the salt nicely.
from weeme :
o...and what did you think of the Lovely Bones?!!!
from weeme :
o Pethelicopter.... I'm so glad you like the green boy. I call him island boy. Your opinion matters to me more than most, you know. Mainly 'cuz of all the brains in Diaryland, yours is the one I'd most like to spend an afternoon or two tumbling around in. O, to stroll your vistas!!! In other news: tonight I'm gonna try something called Drunken Salmon. It sounds decadent, doesn't it? Like it might come with a tattoo of a nekkid lady and an anchor.
from nyquilgirl :
hi pethy.. i've gone on lockdown. leave me your email address and i will send a password.
from mr-sparkles :
Well, Sam used to be my internet girlfriend, but now YOU are my internet girlfriend.
from sooner :
I believe the juice box may just be the solution to many of your mango product problems.
from satchmo3 :
I always forget the notes exist. Saturday sounds good to me, although may be cutting it close as I would need to try and deal with the big arena by 7ish (I have no idea how far that is?). E-mail me, and we can exchange numbers. Happy Thanksgiving
from solarlab :
that cowboy illustration is the best. you are the best. in a dead frozen frog kinda way. but different.
from mr-sparkles :
I don't particularly like masturbating in the dark really, my bed is all creaky, and I rather not stand and do it in the dark 'cause that's plain freaky. I usually use my imagination 9 times out of 10, but I guess it's not really imagination, I just think about highlights of past sexual excursions.
from life-like :
thanks pethy! that would be great if you could host that pic... except i'm a computer tard so i have no idea how that works. but whee!
from cassiopeia- :
Happy Halloween! Trick or Treat! BOO! kisses, cassie
from weeme :
er. crap. Fed.
from weeme :
But answer me this: why is it I never ever ever wanted to do the library science thing but I seem particularly drawn to all those who either have/are in the process of doing it, or want to? why? Why? was I not feed the correct nutrients as a child? Is it a vitamin deficiency? A mutant virus? A birth defect?
from weeme :
oh pethifiddles. you're just swellagant.
from queentrixie :
It would be fabulous if Theda Bara was your mother. You would be 80 but it would be fabulous. However, my royalness hereby dubs you Thedaette: keeper of spiritual Vampness, slayer of squirels, and princess of the seven veils. Rock on with your bad self.
from satchmo3 :
I'll be there Nov 29th and 30th, perhaps some coffee? I'll probably stay at the same Super 8. Coming down by myself to see Phish on Saturday, and leaving in the late afternoon Sunday.
from spunkygypsy :
Oh Elspeth, your Smith's reference was divine. I think chunky ladies should wear the clothes slightly tight, with big big sex-laden go go boots as well. The world agrees with me, but doesn't know it yet.
from insilico :
I do not know about John Currin but I'm hoping we can arrange a time to rendez-vous in the next week or two when you can tell me all about him. Your email address floated away with my last account; send me email or just leave a note and we'll work shit out.
from mr-sparkles :
Well, the E on my hat, I don't know really what it means. Probably an obscure sports team logo, (I found it at a thrift store for a dollar) but if I had to guess, it would stand for "El Gigante"
from corazon :
Oh Peth, you gave me the courage to comment on the formation of pubic hair. I guess my preference would be a clean and trimmed area, but all the shaving/waxing stuff freaks me out a little. I had one guy tell me that he preferred a woman be totally bare and the pedophile alarm went off in my head. I don't think that you are doing anything wrong. You seem to be a very unique individual with distinctive tastes in decorating and maybe those who would invite people to a sell-you-something party would not think that the mass produced crap would hold an appeal for you. It's really better this way--trust me. Love, C.
from weeme :
o Bless Yer Bum! You draw the loveliest arses.
from solarlab :
you are a shriekback fan?
from participant :
Speak of the devil, I just got a Son House CD from work!
from sooner :
Dear Peth. I'm still unemployed and unhappy about it. Happy Jewish New Year. The End.
from weeme :
feeling what? The love? Can't you feel the love? it's oozing from my every pore, don't cha know...'cuz no one makes me ooze ike you do Peth. No one!
from weeme :
from weeme :
I am chewing really flavour-less gum, drinking scorched and muddy coffee, hiding from the remnants of Isabel and contemplating what it means to be someone's destiny. I'm hoping you can provide further erudition on that last point. I'm thinking maybe it means I should add her to my faves list, hmm? And also... I would like an update on your frolicksome pussies, please. at your ealiest convienience. Did I spell that correcly? It doesn't look right.
from ska-t :
down in the hot joint, taking the pill....
from weeme :
guestbooks are evil. And I stole your cocktail dress. It smelled all lemony fresh and Peth-like I couldn't resist. And no, you can't have it back. and now the tag boards aren't tagging for chrisssakes. What up with that? Notes, as i keep teling all who will listen and even those who won't, are where it's at. i'm telling ya.
from pro-keds :
from weeme :
o look, Peth...I've an admirer in yer notes. Fancy that! Hey, Pethy... could you maybe fish soon-soon outta yer heating ducts? It's kinda lonely in d-land without him and he might be useful in the kitty training department.
from life-like :
who is weeme? i love him/her/shim. i'm sending you some dreamy pixie dust stat, and it is guarenteed to give you dreams about boners, even if they're attached to something you don't want them to be attached to. I'M HELPING!!
from weeme :
OOo... I hope they are really juicy rumours involving sexual transmitted diseases and African Water Chevrotain. Or mayhaps a rare pygmy hippopotamus! But I should warn you, I may have to retailiate in Fotolog.
from weeme :
and further... some day you must teach me how to IM. But not today. I'm unreasonably distractable today and so far behind in the munkie colouring.
from weeme :
I think you should know that I'm colouring Munkies today. i'm colouring them olive green. i would like to make them lime green, but i think I shall have to reserve the limes for the crocodiles. The Giraffes, of course, are orange. And slso, I've recently enjoyed a Pluot. It's true. And all because of you!
from weeme :
oY! I know, I know... it was the pipe cleaner animals that sucked me in this time, but then I stayed for the cupcakes of the month. And also, o lord, there's a sprawling section on CAPES! and we all know about my weakness for capes. I beginning to think I might have to have a baby to justify my interest though. Lord knows what I'll have to do to justify my subscription to Mortuary Monthly. O... and dlightful to receive an honest-to-jolly boots diaryland note. it's been ages.... my notepage just isn't the same since Sooner got all swept up in unemployment and lost himself in your heating vents. meow,
from weeme :
o peth-o-lope, your new template is most lovely and composed of many of my favouritest colours!!!
from pro-keds :
In college I did a thesis paper on The Story of the Eye, Venus in Furs, and Justine. Suffice it to say that the template was set for my (cue) Adult Education.
from salmondriver :
i'm a-leavin' you a note. i forget that i can. wish i could have spent more quality time with you last night. ya know, quality, as in, gossip and scandel. soon, my pet, soon. i think i'm still sleep deprived. warning.
from weeme :
o pethsicle... your hair looks ultra shimmery fabu-low-centric burnished reddy goldy copper shiny shiny autumal yum yum! perfect for red clogging days, and you mentioned Exene and the big black sun and violet folding cups and i have to tell you, solemnly, like I swearing a secret oath, that I lurve you so much I could squeeze you until your middles fall out. But i won't, 'cuz you might need your middles and I'm sure that I wouldn't be able to stuff them all back in just the right place. I know this because I can't even fold a road map correctly and I'm sure the folding of slippery middles is ever so much more exacting. yup.
from asitwere :
I am definitely going to start kissing my female friends. This is going to be awesome. *Snap of fingers*. Damn. For all the ones I let get away :-)
from habbit :
i dreamt about you a month ago, not last night though. you were wearing shoes, talking about shoes or something.
from pro-keds :
then send me your resume, move to New York, and be prepared to drown in vapidness.
from naomiwest :
chiggers. neat. but bandaids won't fix that.
from naomiwest :
how did you find me? i purchased a whole new box of bandaids.
from life-like :
i'm so transperent!
from sooner :
You have always been fond of the dumb, ugly, and mean.
from cat-heaven :
but that's what a rumpus room is for! that slight smack of the is the very personification of the rumpus.
from life-like :
southern comfort?! i'll one up you... i'ma bring us some night train, firecrackers, and vodka-injected oranges. baby making '03 is on!
from life-like :
forehead wrinkles?! you're nutsy cuckoo lady - you are a coppery vision of freckly stunningishness. wanna make babies?
from weeme :
o... your hair looks luscious and fun and wonderful.... but i know that it takes some adapting. and what exactly is a pluot? is it tomatoe-y,? Is it plum-ish? Pear-like? do tell. I've never had one. I've recently bee eating the most wonderful red pears... they look like apples on the outside and are bursting with ripe pear sweet flavour on the inside. i forget what they're called exactly... starts with a p.
from life-like :
cat-heaven just bounced a paddle ball off my supple ass and blamed it on you! that's right, i tattled.
from weeme :
o pethifiddles... that's the third reference to that sugarcubes tune i've come across this week! and it makes me ache for strawberry cake every time. not so much the naked man though. and your entry... It was all dancy and jittery. things kept jogging and jitterbugging. it made me dizzy. but in a good way. and please... don't get killed by the old ladies. save a frying pan to throw at them should they come a creeping.
from life-like :
hey, do you think the words "escape hatch" sound dirty? because, i so do!
from wild-fire :
Hello there, I've seen you around other diaries so I stopped by to see yours. I haven't read much yet, but I will.
from weeme :
okay..that was long and exhausting and just riddled with error. So sorry.
from weeme :
pethy... I used to love, love, love kate bush until i found out my sister-in-law (who sucks the kewl outtaevrything around her...especially musical artists... like some kinda freaky, suburban mini-van loving vampire) was fixated on her and well... my passion kinda dwindled. but she has a rocking fashion sense, I must say. O peth... remember the good old days when people updated regularly and the notes would fly and we would laugh and laugh and laugh? Remember? and i have to tell you... I had a dream in which a dream in which Jack and I had just purchased this dollhouse apartment which was attached to a extremely posh hotel and restaurant like the just like the Plaza in the "Eloise", one of my favourites. The walls were painted bright pink and some were wall papered with neopolitan-like wallpaper and there were ornate gleaming chandeliers everywhere and shining goblets and pointy nosed actresses and a cherub festooned fountain and small asian boys galore. But there was this added element where I had just has a shower and accidentally locked myself out of our apartment and somehow ended up in the back room of the hotel with soaking wet hair and a towel wrapped around me and I was being shuffled out by a very snooty french chef who was regarding me with extreme suspicion and a better humored bell man and it was all kind of embarrassing. hmmm... what does it mean?!! and also, the hubster and I are thinking about spending a couple of days in NYC this fall. We've never been. What would you consider to be absolutely essential to see?
from life-like :
i'm sorry about that knife fight scar. but remember the sweet sweet love we made on top of a pile of stolen money after that fight? it almost made losing my left hand worth it.
from life-like :
weren't you the one that gave me crabs?
from life-like :
i think we knew each other in a past life...
from sooner :
I am already your personal assistant. I'm your ugly, mean, dumb personal assistant.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. I am too mean and too ugly and too dumb to be employed. So even if you had the second job, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to give it to me. I cannot be employed until I stop being so ugly and dumb and mean.
from greatgadfly :
I messed up my diary template and now I can't leave guestbook messages for anyone either. Woe is me. I think I am going to take up autoharp now. I can always fix a string.
from weeme :
I'm trying to convince the marigold masher that being a Troll is a goodly occupation. Won't you chime in?
from pro-keds :
well, you DID meet up with me!
from pro-keds :
what up peth! just had a midtown lunch meet-up with hillspan, dirt dirt, frank, im a nerd, flo-pie, junglaro...
from pro-keds :
what up peth! just had a midtown lunch meet-up with hillspan, dirt dirt, frank, im a nerd, flo-pie, junglaro...
from sooner :
I need a slurpy lick.
from saint-louise :
I do check. Doesn't matter how many people list me as a favorite. I check MY favorites. 'Cause yer special. And stuff.
from weeme :
is he? Is he really? Because I've been wondering whatever became of that posy smushing little scamp! I've not seen hide nor hair of him for zonks! Oh... and you will appreciate this, I took out a gazillion kids' books from the library on Saturday, amoung them is Eloise Takes a Bawth! it has a center fold foldout and pix of Eloise in her altogethers and this passage: "sometimes I'm just the loosest cannonball in all the Caribbean."
from weeme :
o pethie... how do you dye Queen Anne's lace? do you just stick 'em in with food colouring and let them suck up the colour? That sounds enchanting. I have to try it. There's Queen Anne's Lace everywhere in the park.
from weeme :
I did not come here to talk about how handsome Kobe is. I didn't. honestly. I can here to talk about attic fans. really! But when I arrived here, I was suddenly gripped by the compulsion to Kompliment Kobe, and so was forced to flee. screaming. limbs flailing. with toilet paper affixed comically to the bottom of my shoe. yup.
from sooner :
Peth. I have just called in a bomb threat. It is my hope that all talk about Kobe Bryant will instantly turn to talk of evacuation and terrorism. I know it's a little extreme, but should do the trick. Let me know if there's anything else you need me to get done.
from sooner :
you were always too good for their club.
from dirtnerdluv :
i'm all Walker in Point Blank in my head when i get mad. WALKER!!!!! they scream after i get my money back. the re-make made me almost cry it was so bad. lee marvin should come back from the grave and Walker Gibson's ass.
from sambadelic :
Yeps, it's from the vinyl. Everybody needs roughage, like Lee Marvin in "Bad Day at Black Rock" ruff! ruff!
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. There ought to be a law.
from dirtnerdluv :
big chief notebooks! i liked the Dunces as well.
from sooner :
Once I ate brocolli and it gave me gas. But another time I ate tuna and it repeated on me. So, basically, you just can't predict these things.
from sambadelic :
Right now I can't imagine anything more delicious than seeing "The Sound of Music" at a drive-in!
from sooner :
I kinda miss the pop-ups. They had links to great offers at all time low prices. I miss that.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. You need only ask for a digest and I will do my best to provide. It's a service I'm happy to provide.
from weeme :
lately, I feel naked a lot, even whilst fully clothed. yesterday I was in the pet food store petting a panting West Highland Terrier named Jordie and I suddenly thought... o my god...I'm nude! I wasn't of course. i was wearing all sorts... i was even wearing long sleeves. And it happened again today whilst I was out walking the woof. I felt suddenly stripped and bare. I felt my girlie bits were hanging out on full display. What's up with that?
from sambadelic :
Hey, I haven't forgotten that you said you'd like a CD like 3 months ago, I have a coupla goodies for you. Send your address to [email protected] and I'll mail 'em!
from christy13 :
I'm sure it could be. Some of them are supposed to support up to 350 lbs, so your partner could get in on the action. I think mine's leaking, though.
from sooner :
Yes I do. But I will be in Baltimore this Friday and Saturday. Tommy has just moved and he needs help with the unpacking. Will there be raving or bowling or rave bowling on another time?
from othelladub :
ya'll gots to get me some peth-button love!! can a brother get some love!?!
from oldmaid :
thank you for the d-land love. it hurts to lose one of my baby kitties, but it helps to know that people understand.
from sambadelic :
Go. Thrift. Now.
from tuff517 :
You are so elegant, so recherche, that I almost can't stand it.
from weeme :
o pethipanters.... I tried the sunless spray-on tan yesterday to cover up my whiteness of being, but i didn't do it carefully enough and i woke up to find I have blotches on my knees and a white handprint wrapped round my right wrist like I was recently apphrehended by a flour coated cop. I fear i will never aquire the appropriately convincing hue of a baked potato skin. never.
from z0tl :
from weeme :
o yes please, pethie! start the diner. i'm thinking of doing one devpted to signage... I'll call it "sign of the times" and I can post my super service and Eamon's camp pictures! Whee! Hey... have I told ou yet today how much i adore you? I do, I do, I DO!!
from mr-sparkles :
Why don't we just buy a 100 CD changer and just put it on random/shuffle and make love till we listen to them all? Just plan a whole week off, stretch, take in some carbs, rest up, and make sure that the changer has an anti-skip, 'cause the place is gonna be rockin', thumpin', bumpin', and shakin'!
from mr-sparkles :
That might work but I'd probably be all butter before you even get to the A's in your record/tape/CD/8-track collection.
from weeme :
o pethickers... you just sent me galivanting all over d-land to find out wh and how louise smells like me. It seems I do not spend nearly enough time lounging about the guestbooks. hmmm. and i wanna know.... why were you incarcerated? Did it involve bad things done to midget folk? flippered folk? .... o, peth. I feel woozy and swimmy and creased 'cuz the wolf hurt her paw yesterday and now we can't go walking and I overslept by a bajillion hours trying to keep her in a state of slumber where she can dream about ripping through the woods after sooner biting squirrels instead of ACTUALLY doing that. And I like yer bathing beauty buttons. Jetbot is giving away some magical ones. You should see if she will send you one. I bet she would.
from z0tl :
yes pethicoat, i brought the lemmons you didn't want me to sell you on ebay and plan to have my wifey juice them for me. thank you.
from sambadelic :
I just heard of Fanny Sunday - something on a flyer about Fanny - the vocalist is performing here? or maybe putting out some new recording? I just realized I don't say "Fanny" nearly enough!
from z0tl :
i sold my wife to suge knight way before you were born, give me the benefit of humor and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! i'm sick of dealing with simulated notes. you give everyone the benefit of the doubt, you're nice to all, instead all there is is a bunch of snakes waiting at every corner to stick it to you. good for you >;)
from z0tl :
dear pethicoat, i've not heard from you in aeons? i can email aeond and ask if he knows where your lemmons are, i do have a pair but their mine. send my regard:z to your secret lover. likely this email is bad, because my cat runs like nuts around the house, but what can i do, i'm only human, i make mistakes. *hugz*
from weeme :
ooooo...sea glass. I love sea glass... all smoothed or gently pitted and divine.
from othelladub :
hey pethster - what's going on, homie?
from z0tl :
you know, sometimes sheep like to be herded :)
from z0tl :
and tell soony the following: if you MOVE to Canada, you are fucking cretin!
from z0tl :
alternatively, hagi is a pretty good soccer man himself and he does have a brother who runs a pizza parlor in l.a. - now that is what i call a STRONG connection. the weeme shit, that's the WEAK force.
from z0tl :
pethie, lemme tell you this wee secret. the brazilians will ALWAYS kick all your asses in soccer. and you know why? because they have the hottest chicks in the gallery! isn't that what they call the stalls in brasilia? galleries? anyway, with those hooters to cheer them on, there is no fucking way in hell anybody can take the ball from them. so that's why weepee they don't play much soccer in canada :) not that there's anything wrong with that.
from fragilehouse :
Thanks for the compliment. Taste of Cherry was pretty interesting. 995 of the film takes place in a car, I should warn you. If you're into foreign flicks you should look into Divine Intervention. It's really funny but it makes absolutely no sense. I think much of it is cultural jokes that American's don't know about, but it's still fun to watch. take is easy!
from weeme :
o Peth...thank you for tending our little midget friend whilst I was temporarily illiterate and boggling at the light. I had little orphan annie eyes for the better part of the day due to an eye exam. Good new is I'm A-Okay. Whew. And you have the fanciest Chakras i ever did see. The Fanciest!!!
from sooner :
Peth, I'm afraid of the Brazilians. I guess I can never have a fotolog.
from sooner :
I have seen the lemons of you. They were spectacular.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth! You are always "to the rescue" as the punks say. I will create magnificent cornrows in your hair as that is how bored I am.
from sooner :
please, won't you note me? I'm bored and lonely.
from weeme :
o yes... the death metal. always puts me in mind of spring and gentle trees and koola bears and stuff. soothes the soul.My left ankle feels slightly abraided, but there's no mark on my cadaver white skin. Poison Ivy would surely leave a rash of some kind, right?
from weeme :
will you be joining us today, darling pethifiddles? For the cavorting and the slandering and the nonstop nonsense?
from sooner :
Once, there was a girl. Wait. Oh, yeah. Nevermind.
from sooner :
from weeme :
oooo...i was admiring fungi just moments ago. A tall penile mushroom of somesort that was all veiny and luminescent. It look like tripe. It kind of frightened me. and awwww.... yes, the foto addiction. It is becoming all consuming. I toss, I turn... what should I post and when should I post it? How long is the acceptable intrevals between posts? Should I group by subject matter? Does Jetbot thinkk I'm a freaky stalker because I keep fawning all over her? And what up with the Brazilians?! Egads. they're everywhere. And I must buy film. (and salt, dishwasher tabs and deodorant.... don't let me forget those things....) And what if it's all crappy and rainy this weekend and I cannot take photos??? How much is a decent digital camera anyway? What's the best kind? And why did it take me so long to click into the foto fabulousness of it all?!!
from sooner :
Oh peth. Stop blaming yourself. I blame Gardenflower.
from scanzilla :
Sold! Be careful around my erogenous zones. My mom says that only she can touch those special areas.
from mr-sparkles :
So you know Mr. "dance your ass off" Bohannon do ya? You get more sex points for that. Try BT Express, Dexter Wansel, Jimmy Castor, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Fearless Four, Roundtree, Ohio Players, Rhythm Heritage, Incredible Bongo Band, Lafayette Afro Rock Band..............etc etc
from salmondriver :
oh peth, dr. teeth is way dirtier than i realized. i think i may be in over my head. wisha me luck.
from cosmokane :
i am not into smacking people over the head. but friendster can be a glorious waste of time. it helps if you have friends in many places, because then they might be connected with each other, and that is fun to see. the celebrity thing is fun to do, too, especially if you look for minor celebrities, like major figures in underground scenes. i've never seen the tutorial; i'm the type to use a product straight out of the box without reading the manual.
from weeme :
you caught me.
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
oh pethie, a most bizarre coincidence has led me to take possession of 2 wonderful lemmons. in exchange i offered to give 2 tomatoes (sp? tomatos), anyway if you believe these may be your:z i would oblige and return them to you when we meet one of these days. lemme know if they're not yours and then i'll just lemmonade them :z
from weeme :
But of course!!! i'm up! I'm up! I'm here:
from weeme :
O Greater Pethopolis... I have been scanning fotos for to start my very own elspeth-inspired fotolog and such like ('cuz i hear that all the cool kids are doing it) and I have to ask you this: Where o where do you have your images hosted and stored. Do tell.
from rumblelizard :
Heh! I hope so. I wouldn't have wished that wedding and the soap in the hotel on my worst enemy. (Well, maybe. That soap, actually, would have made a wonderful tool of revenge against the jackholes that occasionally pop up in my life. I should have taken a sample, but I'm afraid I would have been detained at the airport for transporting dangerous chemicals.) Anyway, I don't know why people pay thousands upon thousands of dollars on a "perfect" wedding and then go and let some uber-dipshit DJ spoil the whole thing. Like I said, that DJ woman would have been running for her life within the first three minutes if it had been MY money paying for all that food being ruined.
from z0tl :
panterra peth!
from z0tl :
what is this unfolding you speaketh of? my suggestion (never to be taken as advice) would be to wear your most comfortable pethicoat :)
from weeme :
Do the FUN TIMES involve embroidered tomatoes? I really fancy your embroidered tomotoes. i would like to have embroidered tomatoes cavorting across my chest. And maybe a happy apple or two. and peaches, but of course. And I too am most sad and aggrieved about this nation being utterly Target-less.
from sooner :
zig zag rig fag what did you ever wear to that wedding? Signed baby Jesus.
from sooner :
you are speaking in riddles.
from canadianna :
I'm extremely jealous of your nicknacks. The tea towels are okay, but I especially like the tea/flour/etc canisters. Did you get those at Target also? Darn. I don't think we have Target in Canada yet. How dare they NOT come across the boarder and take over Canadian industry. Oh, the humanity. --Angela
from weeme :
peth? when do the FUN TIMES start? Can you alert me when they do? Because I would not want to miss that.
from weeme :
o dear. I have just noticed I'm becoming progressively more foul mouthed as time moves on. how i, how i, how i learned my lesson...
from weeme :
treat me, treat me, treat me riiiighhhttt!
from weeme :
also: X's version of "breathless"' is just..just... well, really fucking good!
from weeme :
o...these days i'm on a full-throttle X kick. I was rawking out to the X anthology n my car this morning whilst waiting in line at the drivethru at william's coffee House and the boyz trimming the hedges were giving me baffled looks. Because there boyz and they jist don't understand.
from weeme :
Peth? peth? Are you like actually WORKING and stuff?
from weeme :
unfortunately disappointment is easy, stew or no. But Pethifiddles... I have to tell you... just seconds before your note popped up I was thinking intently about you. "riding with mary" by X is on my itunes playlist and is currently spilling from my speakers and there is something about it, all richly layered but raw and raggedy arse and i don't know, maybe it's the statues of Mary or the immaculate love or something, but it really reminds me of you. Yep, Riding with Mary and songs about eating babies raw. It's a curious combo.
from weeme :
SHIT! ....EASE the disappointment! O peth. whatever will i do with myself?
from weeme :
you know what if i would do if i had Soonie within reach and my oven was still warm? I'd roll him in pastry and four and twenty blackbirds and bake him in a pie. Methinks it would easy the disappointment of burnt lemon bars.
from weeme :
o..fuckwit. i spelled like seventeen things wrong down there, but you know what I mean, You KNOW Pethie, don't cha.
from weeme :
o pethie darlingbabyhoneydewdropsquidgything..... how much do I heart you? i heart you so extravery muchly. thankyou for the woolf snap. it is most lovely. like a sad cameo. and I've been meaning to tell you that your most recent fotos are every so marvelous. you have such an eye. How I would love to follow your breadcrumbs through a gallery or two... which reminds me... I must put on my list of things to do this summer to travel to the National Gallery in Ottawa where there are many fantastical art-ifactual lovelies on which to fed my starvin' orbs. And i just say on the news this morning that there's an intresting looking exhibit at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) called "Photographia" which is about all things arcane and photographic.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. I hope no babies were injured in my drug induced rampage. The children are our future and all. And that was really great shit, so I'd hate to think there were babies injured.
from ghentgirl :
I liked your survey answers so I decided to let you know. I know this may be the highlight of your 34 year exsistence but try to go on with your life and achieve this zenith when you're 35. (I lied, HONESTLY, about being 24. DON'T TELL!)
from nekono :
Peth, i may soon be your latest neighbor. we can enter the bake sale together. yes thats right, i may be coming BACK across the bridge, i couldn't stay away!!
from z0tl :
insecta, i eat plums from costco on a daily basis thinking it's the last bag on the face of the planet. but seriously, i still have 2 tomatoes, we could exchange 1 of your lemmons for 1 of my tomato:z
from weeme :
o that's wonderful, thank you. despite how much i want his lemon bar portions, I still hope Soonie shows. You two need to rekindle your passion.
from weeme :
Pethie? Pethie? If Sooner stands you up like he is wont to do and leaves you with only your centerpiece, gin and the Sims for comfort, may I have his share of the Lemon Bars? See, we have mad cow disease up here now and so there's nothing good to eat anymore and I really, really like lemon bars.
from greatgadfly :
You wear the sansabelt, you suffer the consequences. And I do believe it was pastel yellow sansabelt, at that. Oh, dear.
from weeme :
That something in the air aside from atmosphere? It's making my eyes itchy and my nose run.
from z0tl :
i once sold my wife for nothing (i also sold my soul for $5 bucks, i used to be called bart at the time), but now i says shurly, i'll give you my wifey again, but then she'd be like a wifeyz and next thing you know she'd be like a wifeyZ and finally it'll all go to the same shithole place in where was it? that being said, i'm still in l0ve with mystique:) and science on the outside, except if you wanna hurt me, then i pull a tor transformation on you and pull yo head thru your as$holee:z ps: checkit, i'ma go buy me some lemonade (already made, so i won't have to suffer when you 0ff me, so to speaky:x still.i shall buy those wristicuffies if necessary. you (try) & keep harry potter if you wants:z
from z0tl :
i could be jes now part of an arranged indeean (sic) marriage that cannot be broken for she can't play soccer worth a dam! bullocks, you say? (i shall copy this to my notes, so i don forget till tomorrow :) thx peth, your path is jes as good, but i couldn't go 0n with that and if i went 1n with it, then bullocks will have a completely totally another meaning :z
from z0tl :
in those 4 infinitely wide spaces, we have wee small garages and in mine i have 2 tomatoes and in yours you have 2 lemmons and i saw one writhed lemmon in a basket and the other one i plan to invest in as soon as i sees the opportunity, but can you propose a way in which we all end holding nothing in our hands (or holding not our hands on our ball:z and boob:z), yet tasting the flavor:z jes as well.
from z0tl :
* pethicoat i coatipeth *
from sooner :
OH, Peth. My garage feels so empty since you took your ass out for a spin and never returned her to her nice warm home. Bring your ass 'round quickly, won't you? Bring your ass 'round quickly.
from weeme :
o pethsicle.... I am all multi-shaded too, now. the cherry is diminished and I am decidedly ginger now with snips of copper and streaks o blonde. and my roots are all golden. But whatever the haircolour, we will always be kin. the kinda kin that bite and chew on each other. It is a looong weekend here in canuckersville.... Victoria Day, wherein we celebrate England's famously crabby Queen and try not to be too amused. We are going for a drive shortly for to spy on the magnolias and flowering things and see if the sailors have started to venture out yet. The wolf will ride shotgun and drool on our shoulders.
from sooner :
Peth. This is just a note to say hello and also to accuse you of stealing my pink straw handbag with the leather clasp. Give it back, bitch.
from sooner :
I have all of Saturday set aside for the Peth hang. If there is saurkraut at the Peth hang, I fear I will shoot my load even more quickly than last time! But I've been saving myself up so we should be able to go three of four times.
from z0tl :
& if u a vur' taff bargheneer, zen we must arrange for u 2 keep 1o1 & i'z keeps the 0ther 1o1. either way, same mathemartistical rezult :) trust me :] i speaketh your language with correctitude :}
from z0tl :
pethicoat, do you have my tomatoes?-) i gives you your lemmons back:z
from z0tl :
today is sunday night & i treat it like it's wednesday for you which is why i work hards as a mofo to send you a pethable note :)
from z0tl :
also, i forgot to tell you about that reloading of the matrixy, i looked and i thought i saw 2 lemmons (yours?) there, but then they appeared as 2 tomatoes, in red too. that puzzled me enough to confuse everyone over lunch with various other nonsensical?'s
from z0tl :
pethicoat, underneath it all, your amplitudinous breasts are indezcribably beautful! have you named them both yet?
from weeme :
ooo that's so comforting to know. really and truly. it made me a bit weepy.
from weeme :
oh. Thank god. I thought I'd lost you. whew.
from weeme :
where IS everyone?
from pirate-ships :
ludovic is the best. green socks are always deepest #1!
from sooner :
from sooner :
I have just learned that the Nudeplatypus and various others will be experiencing commencement one week from tomorrow. I propose we murge the shit-shack hang and the commencement celebration into one action packed weekend of carnal pleasure! I will be there from Friday until Sunday at 5pm ish with obligations Friday night. Are you at all flexible on our plans? Saturday the 24th or Sunday the 25th is the hanging to be done? What about Bitchy and the Plum and various others? If there is no flexibility, there are no worries, There can still be hanging this Sunday with hot monkey love and sun warmed babaganoush!
from brain-dump :
thanks for saying my banner was pretty! and thanks for leaving a note :-)
from d-crash :
The first time I heard the song strange fruit I was hooked. I put the CD on repeat and didn't stop playing it for 2 weeks.
from z0tl :
no 0ne ever invites me over on sunday:z
from weeme :
Sooner certainly seems agreeable today. I believe that's the third yes he's posted today.
from weeme :
from canadianna :
Hey! I have several Jadite pieces too! I've a batter bowl, a few plates, mugs, cups/saucers. But no pie plate. Now I'm jealous. :) --Angela
from sooner :
from weeme :
from sooner :
from ska-t :
Don't you watch my size, I'm dangerous! Love them thrift store sprees.
from sooner :
from z0tl :
the unresistiblistical peth!
from z0tl :
i cannot resist you, peth, i can't & i am reknowned in the assimilation business :z
from weeme :
I believe it is a fortnight.
from weeme :
I've been thinking, and the conclusion I've come to is that you are irresistable. I bet you would be hard pressed to name three people who can resist you. that's what I think.
from weeme :
Have you seen the new photo on Meism yet? It will make your day.
from weeme :
I am a completely unrepentant finger-snapper, toe-tapper and bum wriggler. Yup, it's true.
from weeme :
oh yes... paint it turquoise! It would then be the happiest chair in all of creation. I think striped would be nice too.
from z0tl :
foie gras!
from weeme :
It appears Addie is not pregnant. So I'm guessing she'll not be producing any babies for you to eat raw, or me to BBQ. damn!
from ska-t :
I need Turner Movie Classics. Like, now!
from weetest :
Oh.. ignore the "weetest"'s me, wee, and weetest is just a temp diary I've set up for previewing template changes.
from weetest :
yes...that's it. I, myself, prefer my babies broiled and/or BBQ'd. And served over ice cream.
from weeme :
I've just been listening to that song below as performed by Lyle Lovett and for some squirrelly reason it made me think of you. Maybe it's the fluffy.
from weeme :
[ Bears ] Some folks say there sin't no bears in Arkansas \ Some folks never seen a bear at all \ Some folks say that bears go around eating babies raw \ Some folks got a bear across the hall \ Some folks say that bears go round smelling bad \ Others say that a bear is honey sweet \ Some folks say this bear's the best I've ever had \ Some folks got a bear beneath their feet \ Some folks drive the bears out of the wilderness \ Some to see a bear would pay a fee \ Me, i just bear up to my bewildered best \ and Some folks even see the bear in me \ So meet a bear and take him out to lunch with you \ And even though your friends may stop and stare \ Just remember that's a bear there in the bunch with you \ And they just don't come better than a bear.
from z0tl :
perchance remember that pic you gave away for everyone to see what that might be?
from sooner :
Dearest Peth. I am planning my first evah Alias party to be held in September for the spine tingling season premier. I'd very much like your assistance with this event. To begin with, Will you be able to provide the wax lips? How about an orange sofa for extra comfort during the Alias viewage. Oh, and can I have my party at the shit shack? You won't have to do anything except clean it lemon fresh before hand so as not to embarss me in front of my guests. And then I'll need you to clean up after too. Oh, and don't forget to return the rented party materials as I'd lose my deposit if you forget. Also, we'll need guacamole, so you should provide that. And chips too. Let me know.
from z0tl :
from weeme :
O you are such the pethographer! Love the granny film shots! Gorgeous. And you can taste my pudding anytime! I can assure you the cardamom makes it all the more special.
from weeme :
o pethiness.... how is it that you can wax poetic over the extreme architecture of Adrien Brody's nose, yet not appreciate the lush landscape that is Sydny Bristow's lips? they are so monumental and monstrously lovely and as far as i can tell, free of all the continent shaped flakes of dead and dried fushia tinted lip skin that encrust my lips. I envy her smoooooooth.
from sooner :
Now you listen to me! Those thigh highs are MINE now. They got my scent all over them, bitch!
from sooner :
lamecore is not your word you stealer!
from d-crash :
Oh shit! I forgot about the rubber band ball. Good idea.
from dcalienz :
Ya about the apples, I have seen many unspoiled apples here. Your mirror idea seems like it may just be popular. I hope you are proud of that idea, as it was an excellent one. I took two pics of me in the mirror so far and one is too dark and the other is too light. hmm
from z0tl :
look all way:z before crossing the street!
from weeme :
from weeme :
o peth.... I am not sure it is wise to take gastrinomical advice from a guy named Mr. Moles. I'm not sure about that at all.
from z0tl :
oh, peth, but isn't it obvious? infinity only presents itself accompanied by blue berry fusion, but of course :z
from z0tl :
oops! 6 sips, zorry :]
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
oh, peth, i posted my sorry infinitely duplicated blurry ass on mirror & you didn't even blink!
from z0tl :
i can't believe the amount of love floating towards my general direction.
from z0tl :
bon apethit!
from z0tl :
but ms.wee, wasn't the chocoz0tl satisfying enough?
from weeme :
o peth... I'm feeling the need to bite something. Are you game?
from weeme :
o, peth, you unsentimental smackass.... I wuv you.
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
finally, i think i might have an affair with eunice one of these days, it certainly is a possibility, pethie, she finds me "kind of hot." tell that to those in your circle who find me rather repulsive, eh?
from z0tl :
oh, pethie, i still think you & cinny could just as well be half systahs, to prove me wrong, sleep with her! cockaroaches crapzozoic faux pas, those geese. i knew i shoulda used amoebas or something to garnish a wee murderous feeling in you. ummm, what else, oh, your secret lover is the best grammatician there is, pethie, i succeeded in pissing her off gravely with just 2 notes (and a possible banner), i can't recall events when they make my knees tremble with fear.
from weeme :
o... and i almost forgot to tell you. I'm no longer blonde. For the first time in my life, I have screaming hot wild cherry RED hair and i feel utterly glamourous and just a wee bit dangerous. I feel like I should be wearing vinyl and razor thin stilhettos and brandishing a whip. I feel BAD. it's nice.
from weeme :
I so love the thought of you with your ever so smart black bereted and bongoed up baby! What would you name it, this beautiful wee babe?
from solarlab :
what city do you live in?
from whyihateyou :
I remember when we were growing up and you made me eat your first tampon and I was so in love with you, but NOW I FUCKING HATE YOU IN WAYS THAT MAKE MY TEETH ACHE, FUCK WAD! YOU MAKE ME FUCKING CRAZY!
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
the weekend is here, pethie, go around and stroll in flower fields and peth the wee turtles and be good to all animals except geese. it has been document that these are to be chased down and neck wrunged, allegorically speaking.
from weeme :
o, you will be beautiful when you are striped and green. you will dance and twirl and all eyes will be upon you and everyone will be murmuring "who is that glorious green striped girl and why is she clawing ut the eyes of the hapless young gent with her blood red talons?" and I bet you'll smelly minty, too.
from weeme :
o peth. My Easter was egg-less and my nose is chilly and now Nina Simone is dead. This does not bode well for the rest of the week.
from sooner :
Also, you should know that I failed to shave this morning.
from sooner :
Well, in my dream, I'm also a pony with silver bumpies and ribs. What do you think of them apples?
from habbit :
Hi Peth, You're cool. Mr. Habbit.
from greatgadfly :
ohmyGOD, do it do it DO IT!!! i think if you treat it like a camping trip or something, and gear up for a day's worth of meditative artfaggery, you'll be all the better for it. oh, do it.
from roxygrl15 :
Thanks! I love Harold and Maude, it's such a great movie. Joni Mitchell is the best songwriter ever!
from jdm5k :
i'm telling you, those faux nerdies, they mock me! how can they mock me so! also, you're really nice to me. thanks.
from d-crash :
Thanks, good to be here.
from weeme :
o pethickers... heeding the advice of Sooner McSoonerson from McSoonersville, i'm considering cutting my hair like Paula Zahn. Well, that's not entirely true. I will have someone more skilled in the cutting of hair than myself do it, and pay 'em good money to boot, 'cuz if I did it myself, me head would indubitably look as though I had been chewed fiercely by drunken, vengeful varmits. Like the kinda crazy varmits you might see on a classic Fog Horn Leghorn episode of Bugs Bunny. What say you? Should I go for the Zahn?
from z0tl :
pethie, i'ma significantly tone down my notes outpour here, because i understand these notes are sometimes counted and if they exceed a certain limit, the owner is labeled as overly dramatic & perhaps needy. because no one likes people to have too much time on their hands and spend it on notes anyway, because that would be very obsessive and ultimately crazy. so there, i'll just try to send you one note a week, but know you're great and you deserve a lot more notes than that. thank you kindly :z (also, please always let me know if my non-sensical humor starts to annoy you, i will just perhaps send you weather reports then, those can be fun :)
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
pethie, can i ask you a personal question? is addieplum your lover? oh, you hang out with wondrous people, pethie, i would be ever so shy to meet your crowd, ever so shy, but knowing the probability of that has been worked to be close to zero, i pretend i'm all cocky in my wee lil cardboard box here under the bridge. god bless hi speed wireless and may you have a wonderful easter, pethie, you are a very kindred soul :)
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
see now, when i said pethieloo, i hadn't seen your pic, but now i now, you ARE cinny's half sistah :z
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
you know i'm a lil furry creature and i make the best pethicoat if skinned properly. and the best part of it, for those selected few, i will put myself in autoskin mode just becau:z
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
pethiloo, i've not heard from you in a while and needy as i am for your notez, i fell sick with a fictitious viral infection, so i could stay home and mope and hope something anything at all even a whithered brussel might come my way from your general direction, but alas i was left to heal on my own. i hope you shall at least participate in weeme's egg hunt, the only requirement is that you wear some kind of flappy ears. you know i could eat a pethri dish if you cooked it for me, you know that pethie, right?
from btchelicious :
HAHA! I found another college station. 88.9 from Burlington County College. They've been been playing all your favorite new wav hits fromteh 80s - Flock of Seagulls, Missing Persons, Robert Hazzard, The Fixx, some weird-ass mix of "cars". It had blandman all disoriented.
from z0tl :
oh, pethie, your kindness is unmatched, thank you kindly. i'm looking for someone who can present my true whorishness to the people and also the queasiness of my whorlin wordz. also, some spin control, pethie, if you would have something on your resume like 'internship at the ministry of information, baghdad' then your spin powerz would indeed be preshiousss. but visual presentation & layouts is good too, i hear food can be had in exchange for that kind of skill these days.
from dirtnerdluv :
weird. just yesterday i saw two albino people in my neighborhood. one had dreadlocks and the other dressed in all pale blue...they should start a band.
from weeme :
you know...ever since you mentioned your jar full of fortunes, i've been collecting 'em. i hope to have a jarful one day so i can be just like you!!! I only have eight right now...not even enough to fill an egg cup.
from weeme :
my understanding is that with type 2 diabetes, the state of being diabetic depends on your blood sugar levels and if you can manage to lower your blood levels to a normal level and maintain it there for some period of time (without medication), then you're not technically diabetic any more, although, of course, you can become diabetic again if your levels get out of whack. But there's no real "cure" per se. Type 1 diabetes is different in that you will always be insulin dependent and thus, always be diabetic.
from z0tl :
red carpeth!
from z0tl :
o peth. o peth. o peth. you have upped my clickthru rate to 50% (3 out of 6). conversion rate still sucks, would you like to be my marketing/PR advisor? o peth. o peth. o peth.
from sooner :
I quite liked the pun myself.
from weeme :
the poster on the wall behind my computer features an orange dump truck with square wheels. you don't see the square wheels very often. That's what makes this dump truck special.
from weeme :
o peth. o peth. o peth.
from z0tl :
* click here * - this is z0tl's poor man's banner. i am a link whore, won't you add me to your fave list for no reason? god bless the galapagos! :z
from weeme :
NOT mushy...i'll remember that and will think of you fondly whilst munching the tender-crisp brussels. In other news... I just wrote my 100th entry. It was a little anticlimatic. I kind of expected fireworks to erupt the moment i sent it ... but no nothing. not even an e-mail from Andrew congratulating me on my new non-neophyte status or praising my ability to refrain from submitting controversial banners. oh well...
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
if i come up, will you fix me a batch of them legendary 'sellsprouts?
from weeme :
and i love my daddy dearly, I do I do.... but i kinda envy you for yours a bit. he seems really swell.
from weeme :
o pethippiddles...what fabulousity in the fotolog...!! But I come here on an urgent mission. What is the best way to prepare Brussel Sprouts? You seem to be expert in the area of things whic brussel and sprout and i just bought some really nice fresh ones at the store, but I don't know how to best prepare them. Please advise.
from solarlab :
if that really is your father, i am not surprised his sperm made a little spitfire like you. can i borrow him, i need a role model.
from weeme :
oooo you must not mock Gordon Lightfoot. If you do, a canadian goose will come a searching for you and peck out yer eyes. It's true. Mocking Gord is the worst kinda karma. Besides, when my brother and me were wee, my dad would play Gord's The Pony Man on his guitar every night when he tucked us into bed, singing us to sleep.
from btchelicious :
from btchelicious :
stop teasing me with jeffery lee!
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
mama said the ribbon of darkness is at the crossroads. sit down young stranger if you could read my mind because i'm all about cobwebs & dust, pussywillows, cat-tails and heaven don't deserve me :z
from sooner :
I will wear my panties on the outside to the next H&M ring party. I'm sorry I was so shy with you at the store.
from greatgadfly :
Koko the Gorilla's special recipe: Fine Nipple Applejuice Pie.
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
these brussel sprouts are heavenly :D
from weeme :
I think yer new stove makes you even HOTTer than you were before. Yup.
from weeme :
I need a new kinda kicks. Something I ain't had before.
from weeme :
o pethipples. Remember the days when people gave you pineapple for no particular reason? remember those days? Those were good days.
from d-rex17 :
tether tan. I would even without the umlaut.
from z0tl :
pether pan!
from z0tl :
peth, do you have anything strong to drink? perhaps 98% vodka or something to knock me out for tonight? shouldn't be very hard to find something, i hardly ever drink more than a drink. thank you kindly :z
from sooner :
sometimes I wish gerog would come visit me again and pay me another compliment. He thinks my site is very well designed and has interesting content and he invited me to visit his site, which I did, but now it's like he won't return my calls and I'm lonely. Lonely for georg. And lonely for you and Bitchy and the rummaging through of cotton tops.
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
peth, you are a mystery that transcends any and all endings. in other fewer words: you are an endless mystery :z
from quotheraven :
Well isn't the end coming? Hasn't it always been coming? Even if it is a thousand years away, it is in fact coming. I'm not a radical on the issue, however, if that's what you meant.
from sooner :
I am back, as promised, but you are gone. I am sad, as unanticipated, and you are a mystery.
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
are you an end timer?
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. I was surprised, it's true. Nothing like sexy girls to turn me on. The whole thing was like ain internet site. No, no, Bithcy. Use the palm of your hand in wide flat circles. That's right, Peth. Put it on top now. If only there had been a camcorder. Oh, well, perhaps next time. Hey, I'm missing my anal beeds. You don't still have them, do you?
from quotheraven :
You asked if I am an "end timer"? explain please...
from quotheraven :
You asked if I am an "end timer"? explain please...
from z0tl :
i'm feelin pethilicious tonight :z
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
the rumblelizard shall carry your long long trane :z
from rumblelizard :
Or maybe share some of your pickled beets.
from rumblelizard :
Oh, just kiss me.
from z0tl :
i will purr for you ever so loudly!
from z0tl :
rollin with the g:z!
from z0tl :
pethie, you just say the word and i will bring you shredded rumblelizard soup for your tasting pleasure.
from bevin :
the two topmost ones won't show up on my screen.
from rumblelizard :
Ease up, woman! Fine! You aren't cool, you're just fucking bizarre, which in my book is six of one and half a dozen of the other! Sue me!
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
from jdm5k :
whoa! I LOVE JOSEPH CORNELL!!! i want to be joseph cornell.
from d-r-y :
hi peth! thanks for that sweet little note you left me in my guestbook. *smile*
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
oh, lookat, i get to resume where i left yesterday! i feel ticklish...
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
where was i? your metapeths are confuzzling my thought processes. if it's one thing that beacons me home, it's my love's unconditionality for you :z
from weeme :
your wig there puts me in mind of cousin it. It's not easy being in the mind of cousin it. There's alot of hair in here and it's tickling and stuff.
from pablo :
i was thinking (not on purpose) and i suddenly thought that i hadn't said hello in a while and also wondered if you'd forgiven me for calling Kate Winslet "Fatty". Anyway, I was hoping to get right back into your good books some way and then we could be friends again because that would be spiffing. you know?
from weeme :
yes...that's it... little blue biologically marvellous and square birdie eggs! Wheee!
from bevin :
I should see the Shit Shack again so that I might SimReplicate it knowing how it looks now instead of how it once looked. I think the children stay in military school forever. I had a panic attack a few minutes ago when Spunky was kidnapped by aliens. She came back, though. I hear that the kids will turn into adults, I've yet to see it happen. I hypothesize Harry Wackenhut is my prime candidate, as he is by far the most mature, good natured and sociable of the children Sims.
from sooner :
Please, won't you give me the explicit banana details? Please?
from btchelicious :
DUDE! That sucks! You have to be a member of Shutterfly to view pictures.
from weeme :
I also rather enjoy being bitten. Firmly. Not enough to draw blood or anything, just enough to make the presence of teeth and tension known.
from weeme :
oOOOOOOoooo... me too! I'm a biter and a nibbler and just generally fangly! it's true.
from weeme :
Ooooooo... and stretch...and sip... and streeeeetchhh... and sip... and stretch. I too am enjoying coffee (sans cocoa) and some stretching. And I have munkie diversions I will stick in yer guestbook later when i get in gear here (read apres wolf walking) o peth.... I want to chew on you like one would chew a Maynard's wine gum... with lots of jawing motions and an expression of relish and delight.
from z0tl :
i don't just like you because you can feel zymoglyphic at times and your braided arm hairs are so sexy, i like you as a peth would, unconditionally!
from z0tl :
mmm those were so good, thank you. can i be your peth sometimes? pretty puhleeze?
from z0tl :
i checked every stone in your tiara and i haven't found my diamond yet. i will recheck again and again and oo ... but thank you kindly for sweet talkin me like that :z
from salmondriver :
from weeme :
carafe. barrel. keg. spigot. corker!
from weeme :
...and someone else is scrawling about fewmet and tesseract and charles wallace and I'm just gaping dumbly going "huh?" and feeling like I should be left behind a grade or maybe a desk should be assigned to me in the special education classroom. it makes me thirsty.
from btchelicious :
dammit your tag-board is gond again!
from weeme :
holy crapoddle. pethipants.... you have 136 fans. That's practically a hunnerd more than me. I'm so jealous and envious. And jealous and envious of your too big pants too. perhaps you need some too big shoes to go with it and a loud daisy strewn turquoise purse (shiny vinyl) to go with 'em. I have a mysterious pain in my lower abdomen...right side... i hope it goes away soon. I have totally lost control of my notes now... people keep yammering on about stuff and I ave no idea wat it means. Sooner ging on about some conflict I am apparently having with Matt Lauer, zOtl going on about all his z related stuff, and......
from hapithoughts :
i meant STRAP ON, not pull on. fuck i retard.
from krazieespy :
I dont think halle berry is cute either...
from weeme :
It makes me ever so sad that Nekono is gone now... she introduced me to you and soon-soon, y'know? she was good yuks!
from weeme :
I've been getting a tremendous amount of addieplum generated spam lately... you?
from weeme :
o peth... are gentle spring time breezes blowing up yer skirt and making your nethers feel cool and minty fresh? What kind of minty freshness is your favourite? Me? I enjoy wintergreen.
from z0tl :
vyx has taught me the art of the blade. i carry my head under my left arm; she carries a big blade. if you need practice with your small blade, my nutsack is still attached.
from z0tl :
you know you don't need no stinkin test to be my peth, you know that, right?
from yuta-shohei :
pEthiE! i received a couple of magnets from you - all dreamy & floaty. i love em! thanks! (^.^)
from bionicgurl :
yo yo. i never leave you notes. i'm starting NOW!! the miss america contestants are diving in fermented squid guts filled with fish scales on fear factor. they�re having to drink a glass of it too. oh now, she's going to puke. man. i can't believe they are making them do that. ick! Does it get any better.!
from surly :
ah --you are always the one who 'gets' my love for aztec camera & lena lovich & what nots. you're pretty great, lady.
from surly :
ah --you are always the one who 'gets' my love for aztec camera & lena lovich & what nots. you're pretty great, lady.
from z0tl :
pethrol gauge!
from sooner :
Unfortunately I missed the Alias-Steamboat Willie crossover event last night. I must have been dozing, or else masturbating. One or the other.
from z0tl :
from weeme :
Why do you and Sooner always want to eat my animal friends? A couple months ago, i told Sooner about spying a deer in the woods and in his response, all he could do is rhapsodize about chowing down on deer stew. i find tis trend very disturbing. i find it very disturbing indeed. i'm hoping this rapacious desire to eat my animal friends is limited to librarians of the current and former varieties and do not extend to the diaryland citizens at large, else i'll have to pack up my piggies, my deer and my dogs (and all the rest of the varmits and critters) and seek asylum elsewhere. like Blogspot or Live journal. I've not heard of any rampant desire to consume wee piglets there. P.s. they'd be mighty large sandwiches.... each piggy is about the size of a loaf of French Bread. er... excuse me....i mean Freedom Bread.
from weeme :
and pink as shells.
from weeme :
Sooner's babbling to me about potato curry. that's just not right. I saw seven spanking new piglets today, pethinhay! They're ever so delicate and wobbly.
from yuta-shohei :
how could you leave dirt around just like that! *litters litters*
from yuta-shohei :
pethie! i've sent out yers. i'm a lil late, urm, as usual. hee! *note: you might wanna read the instructions at the back. :)
from bionicgurl :
mmmmmmmmm. magnets. i love my vyv magnet. and i totally made hers with her in mind. i'm not going to paint anymore magnets though. that wasa one time deal. now my magnets are going to be fuzzy evil things that i sew and stuff or photography or whatever. i have a nice orangie type magnet lined upfor you for when the time comes but for now i've quietly dropped out until i move to a new place in may.
from sambadelic :
"I feel so peth when I order meatloaf." - Gary Numan. ?You wanna CD over there?
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
the appethizer was great! bring 0n the entree!
from z0tl :
i'm not a cheap bastard, you know!
from z0tl :
here, this tippeth is for you! (now we're back to the extraneous 'h' in case you wanna look it up :)
from z0tl :
this time not pettel, pethtel, yes!
from z0tl :
what's your pethtel?
from z0tl :
puppeth show!
from greatgadfly :
I'm chewing on my fuck fries right now.
from greatgadfly :
French dip? You mean FREEDOM DIP? Of course, with my French > Jingoism > Gadflizzle translator, it becomes PLEASURE DIP.
from weeme :
er... madE me think of.....
from weeme :
oo pethirish....Thanks so much for the green doored goodness! it' s most loverly. It mad me think of the Cramps' version of "green door" which is always a good, good thing. Erin-go-braughless!
from yuta-shohei :
hi peth! thanks for adding me to your list of faves. *glee* i hope you wont mind trading with someone so far away. :)
from yuta-shohei :
*hail royal pethness* we are fridge-love partnuhhhs! :)
from z0tl :
i sure as hell could use some lentils.
from z0tl :
pethymon, you know the only other mon i have is cinnymon, so i think i'ma bring you home and i'll have two of you. or three if you wanna count z0tlmon in as well. and the toads.
from z0tl :
why that is might simple to do being that pethy is on the east coast (all smart people are there) and i am on the west coast (yes, all of us are here) and so all you'd have to do is live in say Kansas City with chubbychic until she moves to Virginia, then you'd have to get your very own place. solved!
from weeme :
I might be inclined to get in between the two of you... I might... if'n I could actually figure out where the two of you were. Geographically speaking.
from z0tl :
no weeme is getting between you and me. she isn't, but if she was, i'm just saying i wouldn't stand for it. *passes blue ball* it's also her fault i know dream of pethy peaks. :z
from weeme :
I have decided that you are somewhat lentil-esque. In the most endearing way, of course. little joisey legume!
from weeme :
the sky is falling! The sky is falling!
from scanzilla :
My dog's ass smells like a tuna fish sandwich! OMG! LOFL!!! :)
from greatgadfly :
Oh. Pilgrims. I knew that. Honest.
from greatgadfly :
Awww, don't look in yer guestbook. I left something awful in it. SEE. Yer such a wonderful person! But ya got pilgrams! Oh, whoa, whoa, WHOA! (Bad Bowie imitation over.)
from z0tl :
what wheat? where's the wheat? do i smell wheat in your hare? my ears are long. stop pulling. i'll be back soon to keep our flame alive.
from btchelicious :
I am cool.
from scanzilla :
I'm not cool, I don't even have my picture on the cover of a bubblebum card. :)
from dcalien :
So rarely does anything occur where I live that requires censorship, that I hereby welcome you to expand your remote viewing at will. As it is hard for me to express tone and inflection and all that, I will say that without sarcasm, I enjoy your subtlety. It is so, you know subtle.
from yuta-shohei :
I used to have a peth hamster with brown and white coat of furr. Thank you for adding little people to my guestmap and the note, peth. :)
from elvisload :
yes...yellow is the most difficult paint color to make cover...but now u no that...trala...
from greatgadfly :
Oh Pethles, I need some skoolin' on the whole Amish dad's family is all German Baptist, which is kinda more hardcore than yer common Mennonite but less hardcore than yer capital-A AMISH, but being the worldy hellbound bastard that I am, I'm probably completely off in my estimations....aroo?
from dcalien :
How did you know shredded wheat was my favorite serial? I forget, liberians know lots of things. ;)
from sooner :
Are lentils beans? Or are they merely lentils? Can you solve this mystery for me?
from weeme :
ahem....extravagant throat-clearing...o I do love me SOME graham crackers
from weeme :
o I do love me so graham crackers. yum.
from cindie-loo :
you are usually double the pleasure!! haha
from dcalien :
Yes, I agree. Thanks for the breath of fresh air.
from sooner :
you are brave for risking your life to obtain those loverly Theresa pics. And now you will never be able to look at her the same again. That's brave.
from z0tl :
i will compethently cure your cough now, so you can miss me without the drops. boil these pethals in pethrol and drink with impethus. there, cured! sincerely, your whippeth.
from btchelicious :
and because of that, they are working again.
from btchelicious :
you've dumped the tag board again.
from weeme :
i'm sticking to you bambum cuz I'm made outta glue ... anything that you might do bumbum I'm gonna do too.
from weeme :
o pethickers... I have an itch deep inside my ear canal. IIt is most annoying. Now that yer all limber and stretchified what with your power yoga and whatnot, do you think you could climb in there like a good little chimney sweet and scrub it outta there. and perhaps mist it with something lemon fresh and clean? I would be most appreciative. And you give good joni. the best.
from btchelicious :
I think that seaweed salad turned my poo green.
from sooner :
You are a remarkably brave woman.
from z0tl :
pethronas towers. very tall.
from z0tl :
can't you at least pretend you miss me? you cruel vixen! pethards everywheres...
from vyv-xx :
Ooh, yeah, lip skin. When I ate of the beef jerky, I'd peel off that lip skin-looking layer of... stuff from the outside of it and chaw on it by and by. Now that I've shunned Slim Jims, I do the self-canniblism with the lip skin.
from weeme :
also: there's a man in my notes claiming you blackened his eye and another continent shape flake of skin has been plucked from my tender rose lip. This time it looks like South America. I'll save this one for a magnet. The other one was burgled, possibly by the thing that clattered horrifically on my roof last night. Or maybe I swallowed it. Either way, it's vanished. Like Cher's $10,000 black and teal wig. I'm sad.
from weeme :
I couldn't agree more. i just couldn't. I'm at maximum agreement.
from sooner :
wee agrees. Alias is a lifestyle.
from weeme :
monkey village
from tobehis :
Yes, God's love is WAAAAY bigger than the biggest Pyramid in Egypt. :)
from dcalien :
Ya this is true about bread. I prefer brownberry oatnut. :)
from btchelicious :
I don't care what anyone says, squirrelx has teh best banners.
from surly :
mark e. smith-a! i searched for him all over shoreditch in london once. ran into the pet shop boys instead. rough justice.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. Alias is a lifestyle, really. It's right for some, others find it's not for them. I want to give you a conversation heart that says "stay dry." But I can't find one.
from solarlab :
we didn't leave "hears" we left "heart candies"
from solarlab :
you are so cute when you're compulsive. one v-day, we had a big party and we left hears and pens on the table for people to vandalize them. like "be mine" became "beat off a minor" and i love you became "i love your mother's tits".
from weeme :
in the mean time I've been chatting with Mr. Habbit about crazy kids shows. You should get in on the fun.
from weeme :
o pethinboots... I so adore your fridge, especially the little woodstock and the tony the tiger. I love stuck-on-the fridge stuff, but unfortunately I have a stainless steel fridge and despite the fact you might think it would be all magnetic-y and stuff, it's not. Nothing sticks. It makes me so sad. So I have to maintain bulletin boards instead. I wish i had a digital camera.... I could show you right now. Maybe I'll try scanning one and see what happens.
from z0tl :
you shoulda put a smilie at the end or something, now i'm all shittin' my pants and stuff, insecta!) that'd be a black eyed smilie, you got it.
from z0tl :
how to make a trumpeth 101. if this gets old, please tell me and i'll think of something. we must go 0n.
from z0tl :
an impethuous note for you.
from brennass :
i think it would be better if i just rolled over my own head with my office chair until the voices stopped
from scanzilla :
Flintstones chewable vitamins fit easily into the tip of my erect male shaft. :)
from vyv-xx :
This page is bursting with flavor.
from scanzilla :
When I was growing up my dad told me never to stick my penis in an orange. I still live by those rules to this day.
from solarlab :
speaking of sexy, miss verbal strap on, your ever so delicious compliment is making me a little inspired to get back to what i like best...mmmm...
from scanzilla :
We are! I'm a naked 13 year old boy in a catholic confessional right now. :)
from z0tl :
what up, insecta?
from sooner :
frog lady of Alkatraz! (that's you.)
from greatgadfly :
As soon as I am with-Sims, the wisecracking voluptuous neighbor lady will be named Elspeth MacSexxxy-VanHott.
from peteandray :
from weeme :
frogs ARE sexy..... it's the damn TOADS that disrupt everything and creep me out. I find it particularly awful when they fall en masse from the sky. Awful and apocolayptic.
from sooner :
I couldn't help but notice that time we were having sex that you are a frog. I thought I was going to get laid the traditional way, but instead you sprayed your eggs in the bathtub and left the room so I could have privacy for fertalization purposes. Since that day I have adopted the following motto: "say what you want about amphibians, they're sexy as hell."
from sambadelic :
Yeah, I can see that there's definately a danger of too much T-Rex. A little bit, just one little bestof record, though, is mighty fine indeed, and brightens up the minty experience.
from weeme :
o poor pethipuke.... I do hope your tummy is settling. I find that pudding is always a comfort. Also toast and canned peaches and or pears. Stay away from eggs and anyhing tomato based. Too acidic, y' know. Tea is always good and soothing, especially peppermint and chamomile. and cornflakes. frosted ones 'cuz they're Grrrrreat! and have a stripey tiger on the box.awwwww... I wish i could be there to tenderly hold back your hair and apply cold compresses and recite silly nursery rhymes to you. We could build a blanket fort and snuggle down in our Powerpuff sleeping bags. awwww. be better, pethlet. kisses!
from greatgadfly :
Oh Peffles, but I DO want to be sullied by The Sims, I DO! I think it's really the best option for channelling my overwhelming need to control entire populations without my head ending up on a pike. Now THAT'S not sexy.
from weeme :
I fear my coffee.
from weeme :
o pethberta.... screwed up the url on the sock monkey fashion....go to ... I inserted a semi-colon instead of a colon in yer gbook. It's Monkey Monday!
from solarlab :
it's hard to hear "new Language" and "solar system" and not think the world revolves around me. HA! get it? what i wouldn't give to drop all this if only for a weekend with you and the sims...
from pirate-ships :
so fresh and so clean!
from z0tl :
and and happy 505!
from z0tl :
from z0tl :
i'm pethrified.
from weeme :
My brain feels a bit swollen and like it might esplode. Yes, I meant to say esplode.
from weeme :
Maybe you should start making Joseph Cornell boxs with your collections. And Icarus's leftover wax and feathers. You have frosty mug taste.
from weeme :
Why are there feathers everywhere? Did Icarus crash in your living room again? And what happened to Sooner? Did he anger one of the Gods, who was then forced to smite him? With a thunderclap and a bolt from the blue, of course. I think it's kind of spectacular that you have a jar of fortunes.
from greatgadfly :
Because the terrorists won that day.
from z0tl :
i am making lemonade.
from weeme :
Does Andrew look like the Swappington's sailor? Does he wear a little sailor cap?
from madrigle :
My pencil was dull, so I had to wait to sharpen before I could write you back. I realize it dosn't take most people days to sharpen a pencil, but well you couldn't expect ME to have any normal pencil, now could you? Anyway thanks for the lovely valentine card! Hugs in a big way. Love, Madrigle.
from z0tl :
peth me more.
from weeme :
hmmmm, yeah. I think most of my images are as small as possible, but I'll check 'em again. hooking up to one of those photoalbum sites sounds like a pain in the arse so I'll probably break down and pay for the upgrade. I've gotta renew again anyway. Thanks for the info though. 500 enteries... that's impressive. There should be somekind of reward for that. Like dish sets and champagne or something!
from weeme :
mundane, gotta-ask-it question: Do you have a gold or super gold account? 'Cuz i'm running outta image storage space and was thinking I'll either have to upgrade or start dropping old images. Unless there's a way around it. Do tell.
from weeme :
mundane, gotta-ask-it question: Do you have a gold or super gold account? 'Cuz i'm running outta image storage space and was thinking I'll either have to upgrade or start dropping old images. Unless there's a way around it. Do tell.
from greatgadfly :
Ghostie's gonna send you a love letter...STRAIGHT FROM HIS EFFIN' HEART!!! (you are aware, aren't you, that your next entry will be #500?)
from greatgadfly :
Yes, Pethers. And I think Pete and Ray celebrate at least a bottle of gin's worth of love for you, too. Jury's out on Eunice.
from weeme :
hubba-hubba. Happy VD!
from pirate-ships :
from weeme :
it's the "spic and span" part that gotcha, isn't it Pethibits? I forgot to mention lemony fresh.
from spunkygypsy :
Oh, Sexxxiest Elspeth! Had I only known it was your birthday, I'd have sent proper regards earlier in the day. Also, I'd have sent naked pictures to you over the internet. Alas, the moment has passed, and we must wait another year (though there is Christmas, I suppose).
from gardenflower :
Happy Birthday, Lovely One!!!
from weeme :
o peth 'n' fiddles ... have you been inundated with birthday love? Is the love running outta your every orifice, overspilling, so filled up with birthday love and happiness are you? i hope so. I hope you overfill and get birthday love also in the form of a cake. Mayhaps a lemony fresh cake, with icing three inches deep. and candles. Lots and lots of burning dripping candles.
from sooner :
as my exotic Asian Lover, I will expect you to bind your feet.
from enid4seymour :
graham cracker dust? you're *absolutely sure* it's not dandruff, right?
from sooner :
My porceline princess flushes, bitch. But you can be my exotic Asian lover.
from weeme :
Lola is so beautiful. And thank you for the buttony goodness.... my heart is fluttering with happiness and pethibliss!
from enid4seymour :
If you promise to burn your "Hammer" pants, I'll let the flat ass thing slide.
from abhorgod :
I wouldnt exactly say im a drunkard, im Irish baby. And yeah, i could go to and find out what a "tankard" is but i really dont care for words i dont already know by the age of 20, please use a limited vocabulary with me. Im not the cleanest hooker on the block or whatever the saying is.
from abhorgod :
nevermind. you missed it. i still love you even though i dont know you, only because im drunk thoug,
from pirate-ships :
my favorite is the canadian strongman competition where they toss hatchets into treestumps and hoist themselves to the top of the stump, simultaneously cutting away parts of the stump as they get past them. phew!
from sooner :
I am drawn to Misty in that way that men have been drawn to the unattainable for all of recorded history. She protests, surely. But in her "no!" I hear "yes!" She sings to me, Peth. She sings to me in lilting Asian tones that are both beautifully foreign and comfortably familliar. She is my exotic flower, a gentle snowflake on my tongue, the bee sting that makes me swell up and stop breathing. One day, Peth. One day Misty will be mine.
from btchelicious :
If she doesn't want to play then she shouldn't have dealt herself in.
from youscareme :
i am not asian. i have never been asian. i will never be asian. and i don't really miss any of you. i don't care if you all feel the need to read my diary. but don't leave any comments, notes, emails or guestbook messages and everything will be fine. agreed?
from weeme :
alcove is a fine word.
from weeme :
I would like to roll around on a table in the Tax Journal Alcove with you. But I think I'd prefer to do my spooning behind the puppet theatre surrounded by eloise and curious george and lemony snicket and alphabet books.
from weeme :
o pethelda.... I would make an excellent beach stylist, I would i would! And about latin american movies.... why do they always have dwarves and spooky bleeding things? Why? I remember watching "Sante Sangerira" ( I think that's what it was called... something like that ) and it had dwarves and this tremendous white elephant that laid dead in the courtyard, its blood running out all over the sunbaked and cracked red earth and spilling down the stairs and that sight is stamped sorrowfully on my brain for all time. As a result, I haven't watched many latin american movies since. I prefer my elephants to be happy and trumpet-y. And you know, alive.
from enid4seymour :
Our Bossa Novabots could battle and destroy the Teeny Bopbots and their foot soldiers, the Bopperbots.
from enid4seymour :
I should build a Brazilian space robot and name it Astroid Gilbertobot. Actually, I should build an army of Bossa Novabots . . .
from sooner :
I had a dirty dream about the Russian Egg Lady last week. I dreamed she was an Asian Russian and we were lovers. We made love in a bed of egg shells and then she turned into Howard Cosell and I sucked his cigar.
from sooner :
but, wait. I can't be Misty's lover. She's not Asian. This is just a disaster. What are we going to do?
from sooner :
Yes, but how does it work if I miss you and you miss me and misty misses you and misty misses me and you miss misty and I miss misty and then the three of us have sex because misty is bi? Then what is it like?
from shutupmom :
i just erase them after i read them. but feel free to come bother em anytime. i like it. i like it.
from dcalien :
I love hotel california. Now it is stuck in my head.
from shutupmom :
youre so right on. plus rosy cheeks and a big butt.
from cabrona :
'Tis delightful to be able to SWIRL someone. I think that maybe yeer Greek salads by Greek pro-chefs can go stick it up their greasy hairy Greek BUTTS, that's what I think. Tomorrow, I go on a bikeride (perhapssss), with a Lindsey, a possible Sydney, and unfortunately a Megan. Won't you join us? It'll have breffus' first. And then, if I am allowed to, I go to TERA'S HOUSE FOR A BIG SHINDIG!!! You should come there too and we can have a sleepover and maybe even get drunk and call Stephanie at three in the morning to declare our neverending lofffffff. MAKEOVER TIME!!! >>besos, ~rachel~<<
from weeme :
o that would be delightful. Me and the hansome boy are going five pin bowling this weekend and might in fact do some cheese ball spearing, or at least eat something hugely processed and disgusting. Would love to have you join us! and also: I saw a possum today. A real live honest-to-god out in the wild possum. It was sniffing about the peapad (home to Percy the Peacock and his little grey harem) at the park where i walk the wolf. i also saw two blue jays, a cardinal, and a whole mess o' squirrels, but the possum sighting was a first. I was disappointed there were no babies hanging off of it though. I was under the impression that all possums came with babies hanging off of them.
from weeme :
o Pethickers, Lisa Yuskavage is in a class all her own and a much, much finer painter, I agree. Petrucci paintings are but processed cheese slices compared to her fine wheels of aged cheddar and gouda and swiss and edam. But sometimes you just wanna eat some cheese balls, y'know? speared on those toothpicks with the colourful cellophane curls. And o, you should absolutely get out yer easel. I encourage that heartily.
from weeme :
There are times when I think that my horrendous spelling will be the death of me, that i will be consumed whole (with perhaps a little President's Choice Thai Chili Dipping Sauce slathered on top of me) by all the improperly spelled and horrifically mangled wordage I've produced over the years... but today is not one of them. Today, in a mildly amusing tangle with my e-mail in which I was attempting to e-mail myself a possible d-land entry, I discovered that my illustrious knack for splaughter.... that's a new word I've just coined, a combination of "spell" and "slaughter"....I'm ever so clever that way... that I would be so much cooler and have ever so many more d-landers listing me as a fave diary if my name was "melspeth." whaddya think?
from weeme :
{hmmmm... leguminous skin eruptions. That's very vyvid!} O pethinpetals... i bloom best for you! Your sunshine is the bloomiest! I think I will try for stripes in my blossoming this year, yes! stripes and maybe some ruffley edges, like parrot tulips. for you. all for you, pethiloops!
from buffyslays :
from sooner :
It's important to eat AFTER strenuous activity like arse screwing. It helps avoid cramping. Your baby takes good care of you.
from dcalienz :
The notes you leave me mean a lot. Thank you Elspeth. -dcalien
from cheshireluci :
i just wanted to personally thank you for signing my Guest Map! i don't remember if it sends out a thank you email or not, but anyway, Thank you! i like your wallpaper girl. she's cute. i wish my ass looked like hers. luvs.
from vyv-xx :
That's weird. I have a zit right under my nose that is the size and shape of a lentil. What's up with the leguminous skin eruptions?
from weeme :
A hat, really? To work?! Impressive! Was it a blue beret? Are you also wearing stripey trousers with peek-a-boo spots on the hips? Becase that would be super fantastico! I have a blob of white paint on my right thumbnail and a blob of lime green paint on my left and I have to massage my dog for a half an hour a day now according to her chiropractor. I'm hoping I can find a doctor out there who will write me a prescription for a massage a day.
from weeme :
Pethipopulous.... darling love honey sweetie girly thing? If I made a little button would you pop it on yer page for me? It was soooo much easier for me when I had a little escape hatch on yer page. It's horribly lame and awful of me to ask, i know, i know! but I'm going to ask anyway.
from shutupmom :
keep in mind.....HES COREY FELDMAN!
from buffyslays :
Thanks for the welcome to the Harold and Maude ring and thanks for creating it. I was surprised to find it. Bud Cort was so deliciously moody and morbid and just made me want to suck on his earlobes and do naughty things in the back of that custom hearse. Mmmmm.
from ravenheart :
WOW, my favorite Peth has a new layout, I love ♥ it!
from weeme :
ooo...flan. and Macs! Yes, we must be soul sisters then peth'n' beans. My gum keeps sticking to my dental work. This is problematic for many reasons. I wish capes were popular again. Capes are dramatic and swooshy. I think men look great in capes. All dashing and pilgrim-y.
from ghostie :
Slash fiction - I had to look that one up. I just hope it doesn't involve me fucking characters from Star Trek. Kirk and Spock erotica is just wrong wrong wrong!
from blandman :
Topic Winners: habbit, peth, bitchy. The contest isn't OVER. Vote for one of these three for the best overall essay!
from ghostie :
Baby skin tastes a little gamy - saltier than you'd imagine. If you cook it right it becomes very crispy and delicious, like pork rinds. You almost forget you're eating a human child!
from solarlab :
oohh delicious demon, your site is all ketchup and mustardy. i love it.
from habbit :
ms peth, would you be so kind as to catch me on IM and tell me about your experiences w/ Doom, The Sims, and any other videogame you've played? I'm doing some informal interviews in prep for this upcoming class...
from obscuritron :
thanks for the welcome note, i appreciate it.
from weeme :
o darling... you mustn't carry the burden of my notage or lack of notage all by your little lonesome. It's a SHARED responsiblity... It takes a village to please a wee, don't cha know? No, seriously, you didn't think I was blaming you, did you?
from weeme :
and no one sent me any notage yesterday . None. At all. It was a completely note-less day. I haven't had one of those in a very long time. I felt so unloved. So if I sounded ungrateful below, hack off my head and roll it down a bowling lane or something, 'cuz i'm thrilled to bloody bits to have received your note today. bloody bits, peth. Honestly.
from weeme :
oh peth... i do not feel swell-o. I feel cold and stupid. I can't figure out how to load a font onto my computer. Correction. I've got the font on my computer, I just can't figure out how to get it into the appropriate application. Woe is wee.I've been trying to access it for two hours already and am most unimpressed with myself. And it's insanely frosty outside, but the wolf still figures she's entitled to a trudge 'round the park and I don't wanna go. I really, really don't.
from blandman :
Your vote can sway the contest! Please get your vote in for the Blandman Essay Contest. Any body can win this one!
from solarlab :
it is called "unconscious rivals". see how the stone child removes the mask of an old man...uhhh....
from solarlab : one of my favorite works of art ever. i freefall into it. xo
from weeme :
er... encased. but you know what I mean.
from weeme :
o Pethell-O... there is nothing I would like more than to have you deliver yourself to me in cased in shimmering orange flavored gelatin, a dollop of whipped cream perched delicately on your head and fruit bits swimming serenely at your feet. that would be marvellous.
from weeme :
o pethibrush... there's so many more paintings I could post in your book. so many lovely lovely thangs. Tooooooo many.
from sooner :
Sometimes when I'm driving the northern end of the Jersey Turnpike, the industrial spew end of the pike, I close my eyes I can almost catch a whiff of the sour feet smell I associate so much with my Peth. Of course, this causes me to swerve dangerously and generates a great deal of honking. Still, the nostalgia is worth it. May your feet always be ripe.
from weeme :
yeah, vinegared eggs. all rubbery and sinister-like. me too. hmm... the Artist's Way is a 12-week "course" that's s'pose to help you unblock your inner artist. I'm not so much blocked as profoundly lazy and apathetic. i'm still on chapter one. I was faithful for three days and then got side tracked working on a real paintin for my mother and i figure actually being creative is probably better than trying to figure out what's blocking you from being creative. so I've resolved again to resume next week. argh. I feel all boneless and floppy and full of the argybargy agnst ants which is to say i'm itching to do SOMETHING and yet really want to do NOTHING and I'm not fit company. I radically unfit.
from weeme :
I don't know this for a fact, but if I had to guess, I would guess that you're feet ALWAYS smell like Froot Loops.
from weeme :
oOo, Pethibits... hm, well the portrayt of Bitchy was not entirely original. I mean, it is, but it was a sketch i had in my sketch book from a life drawing class long ago and not actually one of Bitchy's perfect arse. I've always liked it so when i saw her note on your tagboard, I gussied it up in photoshop and sent it off to her. i have a question to ask: how do you know when a painting is good? I mean really. I did the fine art thang and the artschool/design school thang and I still don't really know. Maybe that's why I'm more comfortable in the commercial art arena. You know it's good if it is the right solution, if it evokes the feeling / mood / reaction you intended. sigh. I've been very much missing communing with other designers/illustrators. Don't know any here in Toronto... left 'em all behind in Calgary where we all went to school together. I'm working my way though "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron at the moment, in my usual haphazard fashion. Do you know it?
from blandman :
The contest is OVER. No one entered an entry in "2) Why I'm a liar and I can't really be trusted" essay topic. Only bitchy entered the "4) Things I would like to see someone eat but I would NEVER eat" topic. BUT we have some good competition in the remaining two topics. Essayists, habbit and cracklaugh are battling over "1) Why I like money". There is fierce competition for the "3) My most socially disturbing and offensive opinion.". That competition is just delicious. See for voting directions! Also see my note to you essayists at:
from solarlab :
mmm gurrrlll...i love it when you get all secretarial on my ass.
from n-poledancer :
Thanks cupcakes, I guess I was just being a lil worried that other d-landers were gonna think I would have them beheaded. If I told you that I followed your links the other day and saw pics of your apartment - does that make me look like a stalker? Anyways, it looks pretty hot. Your apartment is sessy.
from ghostie :
Finally, a lady that realizes there's nothing wrong with a little (or a lot) of topping on the pie! You do understand that I will have to stalk you now, don't you?
from sooner :
I amn't ignoring you! I amn't! But the pouncing is sexy. Hey, can I see the portrait of you? Do you like it? I want to know!
from weeme :
i did it. i pounced him. Now you go!
from weeme :
Peth..... have you ever had it blue?
from habbit :
all good points peth, and how about gential haircare for men? I, myself, am proud of my unkempt yeti crotch, but I know in due time, it will be seen as uncouth. Can you recommend some hairstyles for men?
from weeme :
so pethibet... how's your belly for spots today?
from weeme :
Question: are hot cakes and pancakes the same exact thing?
from scanzilla :
You've come to the right man. Many a sweater is sinking at the bottom of the Hudson river. *wink wink*
from weeme :
I have to go now. But if there's any booble brushing or nipple nibblling or nudging of the front bottom in my absense, I want a full and lengthy report. Please and thank you.
from weeme :
ooo... Noel Gallagher has a Paul Weller brolly ... the wellabrella. It's fancy. and life changing apparently. When are you coming out with your own fashion line and accessories Pethibus? I think it would sell like hot cakes and clementines.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. I will wing them down to you and I will peel them and feed the slices to you as you recline on the orange couch. And if my fingers accidentally graze your boobles from time to time, you must consider it a compliment and not creepy. And I will bring my own step stool. I always do, you know.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. Last night I bought a small crate of clementines. Do you want? They're not lemony, but they are tart. Do you want I should share?
from weeme :
I think you might have all three... scurvey, ricketts and the Gout. I fear for you and your health, Pethigator. I do, indeed.
from sooner :
I hate to disagree with my esteemed and learned colleague, Weelick, but I don't believe the symptoms you've presented with indicate scurvey. It is my expert opinion that you have gout, dearest Peth. Gout. G to the izzlout.
from weeme :
o pethipuddles... is it scurvy, do you think? I told Sooner that your lack of notage might give you scurvy. I told him you must have notage to prevent it. Notage and lemons and limes and things that are orange- scented. and what about the ricketts? You may be in danger of getting ricketts if your sock-monkage gets low.
from weeme :
errr... that shoulda read: I'm really ever so and very glad. But you knew that.
from weeme :
o you give the very best gbook love, pethibits. the very best. And i loved your movie reviews. I can't decide which of you has better dreams... you or Might. Might has never mentioned gnarled old gun runners, so maybe it's you. But then she had the minature house full of wasps and that was good. and flying bears. Hmmm.... you can see my quandry here. And the Night of the Hunter.... i've been looking for that movie (sporadically) for years now and can't locate it! You're review has spurred me on again... I will find it I will! Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better. I've really ever so and very glad.
from weeme :
mayhaps i should cut down of the coffee today. hmmmm.
from weeme :
I am live nerves / voodoo bundled / burlap bag body, tentatively sewn. Touch a seam and I come unzipped/sawdust and scraps / come spilling out/but not enough to fill your palm.
from dolomite :
I bet you one fine looking white lady, all educated and sweet smelling and shit. You and you nasty white friends talking about the sex. Yeah, I think I dig this.
from sooner :
good. I'm glad that's settled. Sex on the sofa and Bitchy can photograph it or participate, depending on her ever fluctuating mood.
from sooner :
we will meet this month. I guarantee it. I will swoop in. There will be swooping. But then we have to have sex. Ok?
from weeme :
And when i'm done, i'd like to lounge on your orange sofa alongside Soonie and sip on hot caffeinated things. Perhaps I'll sit ON Soonie. That might be fun.
from weeme :
I am in most urgent need of a full body massage. With oils. I also need to change outta my snowpants as they make me feel like I'm wearing diapers and all hermetically sealed and stuff.
from weeme :
from sooner :
were I there, I would brew for you. Then you would have caffeine and you would be happier. As I'm not there, you're in quite an unhappy fix.
from sooner :
It has just started snowing again on my side of the turnpike. Still not sticking to the roads though.
from sooner :
For some reason, notes pages, yours included are taking like four years to load on my machine. Stupid government network.
from sooner :
I am drinking diet vanilla coke and wishing I was lounging lazily on your orange sofa.
from sooner :
Last night I was at Trader Joes and I bought cheddar and walnut raviolis. They are beautifully green striped. Will they be delicious? Who can say?
from sooner :
the inundation begins.
from weeme :
and do my utmost to ensure they kinda rhyme
from weeme :
So notes I will leave you, many at a time
from weeme :
I'd rather leave you songs, but I'm no crooner
from weeme :
copious notage you requested of Sooner
from weeme :
diaryland's the stage and you are the star!
from weeme :
six lame notes, I've left you thus far
from weeme :
heartshapes carved painfully, all naming you
from weeme :
seven drunken sailors with various tattoos
from weeme :
and an army of sockmoneys to fight with all night
from weeme :
windchimes that tinkle and twist in the moonlight
from weeme :
a whistle, a chipmunk and room for three
from weeme :
a pack of piglets and a tinpot for tea
from ghostie :
Coochie-shaving?!?! Please say it isn't so! It did put me in mind of fucking, though. . . .
from weeme :
I'm so glad there's you.
from superniguer :
welcome to supernigger
from weeme :
o loveliest-best-smelling-orange-and-lemon-violet-shrinking-full-of undiluted-spangly-sock-monkey-sockage Pethilicious Pethendous pethological Pethie-poo .... my doggie is woofing little smothery woofs in her sleep and i am sitting her with freshly wahed and still wet hair wrapped up in a big juicy terry towel thinking that I have neglected you dangerously and feeling very bad about that! let me make it up to you with gigantic buoyant wishes like stripey hot air balloons for a spectacular 2003. May your every dream come true and serious sock monkage be yours always and forever more! xoxoxo
from muppethead :
wow! someone besides me that saw 'conspirators of pleasure'. i never thought i'd see the day.
from dcalien :
Merry Christmas peth.
from habbit :
has anyone given you a d.i.y. sockmonkey kit yet?
from scanzilla :
Crystal and I are making a moresome movie called: The Dlander Suck Fuck Fest 03. We'd like you to be the "taking it deep, while jacking off a drain pipe" actress. Please send a resume.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. I read something about SquirrelX stealing your monkey and using it for her own advertizements? I'm not sure where I saw that. Anyway, if you like I will surely get to the bottom of it.
from bluknitscarf :
Thanks for the warm welcome to your Harold and Maude ring! I accidently left the ring but am now all back in safe and sound! I see we both listed Tortoise as one of our faves! I keep my diary locked because of a various reasons, but if you would like to take a gander at it, just lemme know and I'll give you the codes! --Elizabeth
from sambadelic :
Peth - thank you for that exquisitepsychedelicelbowsuckboredomcorpse!
from solarlab :
that is the best picture on the planet...elbow-sucking mermaids...and hold on to that parasol! I LOVE MICE.
from dcalien :
Peth squirrel-x stole someone's monkey and put it on a banner. What nerve.
from ghostie :
Peth, baby, I am much hairier than that fellow. My body is covered in a thick layer of white matted fur. Kind of like a satyr. Or maybe a yeti.
from weeme :
o pethimas! Thank you for the b-day wishes! You know... I think his name WAS Tad! I seem to remember shrieking that as i wheeled around on the weird cheese wagon with the mice poking in my arse. Yes, yes, I do!
from dcalien :
Still chipping away at your entries. Making better progress. Thanks for the get well wish. And I am weller, but you can call me....
from ghostie :
I don't have any pictures of cookies for you, but there is a photo of a naked man at my diary for you to enjoy!
from weeme :
i think my doggie is about to vomit.
from btchelicious :
Oh no! Don't let the TV mesmerize you! You will be it's slave! As much as I would like to smash it, it is really up to you. Smashing it yourself will allow you to take control of your own destiny.
from dcalien :
I embarked on a journey to read your entire journey. Other than your more currents, I started at the Start (what a bright boy). So far I've made it all the way to number 1. Think I better go pack a lunch.
from sambadelic :
It's those chubby little reindeer and the rocking horse that do it, right?
from dcalien :
Peth, I left a note for you unintentionally on vyv's notes, can read it there, and...I have no further comment. Except please don't kill me.
from z0tl :
i imagine i tasted it was tasty.
from ghostie :
Mismatched and hairy? I think Ghostie's in love!
from solarlab :
oh my sweet lunatic, one day i will tell you the best thing about torus...but not just yet...i promise it will be RAD.
from weeme :
uh.. died, not dies.
from weeme :
I heard once that Nico dies when she fell off her bicycle and hit her head on the curb. Is that true Pethaloons? I figure if anyone would know, it would be you. "I'm sticking to you (ba bum) 'cuz i'm made outta glue (ba bum) Anything that you might do (ba bum) I'm gonna do too..."
from dcalien :
What are you blinking for? You wouldn't want to lose them lashes. Hug vyv for me when you see her.
from habbit :
argyle is coming back. it's more haute relatives (checker, houndstooth, & certain drip-dry polyesters) might get better press...but argyle gets better ass. it's all preppy, esp. if it's forest green and navy blue. you can pretend you're from yale in 83, doing keg stands in your penny loafers. how hot is that?!
from solarlab :
don't get me wrong. i would fuck a sqaure and a diamond in an 8 ball heartbeat. but argyle...bleck ahhkk yuck buuurrp...somebody get me my nine iron!
from weeme :
o bother. My ode to your arse is all marred with typos. And it made be feel nuke bomb dirty and now I must go bathe in candy-licious scents designed for the bath. and Pethie... i've been meaning to tell you, I think the shit shack is going to be divine. I love the colours!!!!
from weeme :
Let me wax about the sweet pethie arse... it is as white a sugar and scooped like ice cream and sweetly dented and creamy tasting and all that an arse should be and on the right buttock, you will find a tiny scar from where I bit it just a little to hard.
from ghostie :
I don't mind if cuffs and collar don't match, but I do prefer an all-natural hairy appearance, just like the sweet baby Jesus intended. And what about your arse?
from weeme :
I bet your hair really is the bomb.
from sooner :
Dear God. Thank you for Casperwoo and toting apples. Amen.
from sooner :
Will you thank God on my behalf for anal beeds and poppers?
from weeme :
Oh GOD and LEMONS, peth! We must remember to thank him for the lemons!
from weeme :
and notes. Did I mention notes? Thank god for those especially!
from weeme :
and the idea of sugarplums. Have you ever had a REAL sugarplum? What are they?
from weeme :
and windex and fooz ball and nail polish that smells like artic=ficial bananas. chemical bananas.
from weeme :
and candycanes and cranberries and double ply toilet paper
from weeme :
and moonbeams and farts and pretty scented bath products
from weeme :
and snowflakes and seahorses and pre-stretched canvases
from weeme :
and thank god for Gorey and Alias and oranges from Florida...
from weeme :
Every night before I climb all the way up into bed, I kneel and fold my hands and thank god till fat tears run down my cheeks that there is a Peth and there is mascara and there is sooner and there are doggies and there is Addieplum out there somewhere with a jaunty striped scarf and are notes! NOTES are the most wonderful thing. and it's true I am a note whore!
from ghostie :
About your hair - does the carpet match the drapes? I have to know these things.
from vyv-xx :
Ze Art, she howyousay, keeks ze asse all ovare ze place, no? I must have some more around here somewhere.
from weeme :
it seems it's all about cake these days. cock cake, fish cake. cake cake cake. How 'bout a cookie?
from solarlab :
never be ashamed. you delight me.
from nekono :
must you always play pranks
from weeme :
And don't forget to bring your Casper Woo bag... how I long to see one in real life, slung casually over the arm of your pethilicious self!
from weeme :
O pethopuss! That sounds wonderful! When shall I expect you? My house is the white one with the peaky rooftop and the deep cranberry colored door and the fat and sassy scotch pine in the window. but skip the hat and bring a brolly instead... it's raining ferrets and hamsters today.
from sambadelic :
Some Velvet Morning, I'm gonna open up my gate and that sock monkey will be there. I look at it, but do not touch! Wahhh!
from weeme :
oh no Pethlet! You must be ruthless! You musn't let me hum it. Not even off-key. Promise me!
from weeme :
especially me.
from weeme :
I just referrenced you in a gbook message i left at I used the term "uber-frumpy" and I feel really special and sparkly now. I'm feeling like I might burst into song, so grateful am I to you for coining that term. I feel like I might start singing "wind beneath my wings." I think you should do anything in your power to stop me. Even if you have to resort to violence. Even if you have to fill your Casper Woo bag with bricks and whack me over the head with it. Because no one should ever sing "wind beneath my wings" again. ever. not even me.
from bukowskigirl :
thanks, peth.
from weeme :
Man, everyone's stealing my bits today. I was gonna say "We don't hate you because you don't watch TV, we hate you because you're so HOTT and stuff." but now, it just seems lame. P.S. I KNEW you would understand, Pethlet. I knew .
from sooner :
My page won't load because of the tag board. If this problem doesn't work itself out, the tagboard's days or numbered.
from sooner :
We don't hate you because you don't watch TV. We hate you because you bite your nails.
from weeme :
Gobsmacked! I almost fellover dead when I saw all the notes you and that cheeky monkey Sooner left for me this weekend whilst I was busy giving myself a rash while trying to manouever my man-eating christmas tree outta the lot, into my car, outta the car, into my house and then into the christmas tree stand and into the bay window where it will beam out holiday happiness to the neighborhood while shedding copious needles and filling my house with pine-scented goodness (that is when it is not contemplating spontaneous implosion and the fierce and fiery consumption of all that is mine!) Sooner is trying to reinstate his run now, you know. I'm only sad I wasn't stationed in front of my computer as the battle raged.
from weeme :
from weeme :
are a
from weeme :
from weeme :
from weeme :
from ravenheart :
I ♥ Peth and your new pictures!
from madrigle :
Moondog? what the hell? :) It is one of my fav kids books though. HUGS dahhhhhhlink.
from solarlab :
i am so down with your fun times. my entries are fucking heavy. you inspire me to hover a bit more. for that i thank you.
from janna182 :
Hmm, yes, my place of employment keeps me locked away from AIM behind a firewall, much like a modern-day Rapunzel. Good grief, I'm a big dork.
from guttersnipe :
well, thank you for the nice comments. it's greatly appreciated
from weeme :
Really? You really mean it? You're not just saying that 'cuz I was all mopey and pathetic, are you? Can I bring my Hello Kitty sleeping bag?
from weeme :
o pethelope... I am crushed, utterly crushed, that you have not asked me to make a fort with you. I can understand why you asked Might, certainly. she has so many pretty words and makes mention of so much that is delicious and soul-warming. And she has a dingo. But I am such an excellent fort-builder and know how to make six different kinds of shadow puppets with my hands.
from kingbastard :
Yes, I am better than you. I didn't even mention the original SOLARIS because my reveiw wasn on the original SOLARIS. It was on the movie I had just seen.
from vyv-xx :
Ooooh! Arse monkeys! Those are the best kind.
from vyv-xx :
Would that be a figurative monkey, perchance? Because I have enough of those already.
from weeme :
o poor pethers! I'm trying to think of a way to get turkey and stuffing to you STAT !!! I wonder... what if I stuck some in the cd rom slot... would that work? hmmmmm...
from guttersnipe :
further evaluation, led me to think that it wasn't so bad.
from bokayshiva :
you know i've been there when there's a banana in the handle
from sooner :
I wanted to tag you, but I can't. It's broke.
from sirbobalot :
MWAH to all of the future generation, Cindy.
from nekono :
pumpkin and cranberry wrapped in foil. my sweet, my twinkling loden star.
from guttersnipe :
so you say
from robin-smith :
I'll send you some Free Cream if you send me a muffin, muffin.
from peth :
sumatra mandheling
from un-bad :
Breakfast Blend? Oh pshaw! IUt's Verona all the way.
from circusfreak :
sock monkeys. i mean really.
from guttersnipe :
hmmm... i beg to ask... was that comment good or bad?
from kingbastard :
I'm going to add both you and AddiePlum to my AOL Instant Messenger.
from kingbastard :
I'll leave a note for you anytime babe!
from nastenka :
So they do, AddiePlum, so they do. Am an excellent navigator. Do not have experience with thermoses, though do know the manufacturing process. Have vast stores of useless information pertaining to misc. subjects.
from addieplum :
and the notes roll in...
from kingbastard :
Thanks for the note. I don't know what it means, but I have a feeling, neither do you. Anywho, keep reading my diary...or else!
from nastenka :
I lack the legalities for driving purposes. My apologies.
from sooner :
I tried to add one. Under the push/pull. I tried. But it messed up my whole template. So I abandoned the idea pending html schooling. Are you willing to help me? Are you?
from vyv-xx :
Fuck. For some reason my pulse is in the 130s right now.
from weeme :
P.S. i just got back from the dentist who told me I'm brushing my eye teeth too hard. Who knew you could brush your teeth too hard?! The had a coon etching on the wall opposite the dentist chair. It was wiggin' me out a bit, so i had them remove it. Actually, I didn't. But I was thinking about it!
from weeme :
I'm going to copy that fine story and illustrate it in my sketchbook, I am. And one blustery january morning when evrything looks dark and dreary and your staring at your feet, willing them to move when the whole of Peth is screaming, SCREAMING, to stay in bed where it's cozy and warm and safe, I'll post 'em and give you a reason to get outta bed. Methinks I'll do it as a graphic novel. You're the BEST peth! You sparkle like a holiday.
from bathtubmary :
i sometimes forget which one i am, dawn or mary. when i'm shy and quiet, definitely dawn. the shyness helps me remember. if that ever goes away, all bets are off. both mary and dawn love feta cheese and now we want some thanx to you!
from sambadelic :
Does Sergio take the sting out of going Brasilian? OOch!
from weeme :
Which isn't to say i'm not a sucker for Meg Ryan movies, and Julia Roberts and the whole stinking romantic comedy genre. Because I am. It's shameful but true. Will you still love me anyway?
from weeme :
o how Agent 99 of you... you and your ringing ring. Of course I will love you forever, despite and maybe even because of your aversion to Meg Ryan movies. But I am sappy and weak and watch these movies for the home decor. It's true. I'll watch hideously bad movies just for the homes. Take the movies Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. Awful movie. Just pathetic. really stinks. Fabulous house, I've watched it twice. RENTED it twice. Bad good money to view. It's a sickness, Peth. It is. Another fab house: What Lies Beneath. Not as absymal as Practical Magic, but not good. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that house though! Watched it three times because of that.
from sooner :
I'm not trying to rub it in, but I just got a note from mountainboy.
from weeme :
o Pethie, you're the sweet chewy centre we all shuffle around, don't you know?! The sweet chewy centre!
from weeme :
Peth, the quarter round queen!
from hapithoughts :
ummmmmmm. i'm nervous leavign a note for you!!! but... umm... yeah, i am reading addie's knitting diary! and i think i'm going to start one of my own, too! yay!
from weeme :
o your royal pethiness... sorry to hear you are unwell too. i've recovered somewhat but I still feel like I've just stumbled off a Tilt-a-whirl. i'm even sorrier to have missed out on you shit shack shin-dig! So.... what are you naming your crow? Is it a he or a she or a hermaphodite?! Do tell all at your earliest convenience and recover to optimum Peth-tastic health quickly. xoxoxo
from pirate-ships :
sorry, I was watching a free on-the-house movie. if I'd known you had things I could have stolen, believe me they would've gotten stolen!
from weeme :
I finally tasted a Krispy kreme and you are right Pethie. Except for te consecutive Ks, they are overrated. Would you like a crow? You may pretend it's a raven if you like. let me know.
from sooner :
Oh, how I miss our days at the Dunkin' Donuts. Remember how I used to call it the "D-n-D" and you used to scold me for it. "That's awfully familiar, don't you think, Soonie?" And then you would lift me onto the counter so I could see the selection of fine donuts behind the sexy gypsies who worked there, but it was just an exercise as I always but always ordered a cruler. And I always loved how you tended to my milk mustache with a paper napkin and a bit of your spit, even though I protested loudly. Oh, Peth. Do you remember those times? Do you think we will ever have them back?
from btchelicious :
Why doesn't your dad have email conversations with me?
from weeme :
your dad and I have been having email conversations about what a bright kid you are. Which kind of makes me feel ninety, but in a cool old great aunt way.
from pirate-ships :
you and me should get together and drink us some bleach.
from cabrona :
Oh, oh yes! Oh yes! At sevenish I SHALL BE THERE! Thou must be sending me the address so's I might hop on a plane and be there in a matter of moments. Did you know I have a report due tomorrow on Judaism? 'Tis true. BESOS!
from weeme :
o yes, please do! That would be pethtacular!
from salmondriver :
ooh i love "new england". such a good sing-along song.
from weeme :
hmmmm.... you do not seem to be suddenly french. I am much relieved. Although, I gotta tell you, before i red your entry today, I did not have burning, itching eyes. Now I do. Burning itchy. what's up with that?!
from salmondriver :
lionesque. i went and looked it up.
from weeme :
Mountainboy has returned. He's french now, which is a bit discouraging for those of us who are staunchly anglophone, but whatever. I'm so happy I could sing! I hope you get falling down drunk and covered with confetti and that someone probes your secret crevices in a far more fiendly manner. Oops...that was suppose to say "friendly", but I think "fiendly" is far more interesting and desireable. Just don't become suddenly and irrevocably french. please. Have Fun!
from bother :
"blanket me sweet nurse and keep me from burnin'; i must get back to the woods, dear girls; i must get back to the woods." (have a nice time at the wedding.)
from weeme :
well, I checked. High and Low. No manual. But I did find a rather frightening baby buggy filled with headless dolls and a couple of tattered Archie digests, so it wasn't an altogether fruitless search. The best treasures are the one's you never expect to find. I think I'm going to cross-stitch that on a pillow. Loved your haiku for Mountainboy, M.I.A. by the way.
from weeme :'s been awhile since my days in Hitler Youth, but I think so. That you spelled it right. I have an old manual somewhere here that instructs one in how to do the salute correctly... I think it's in the attic with the rest of my fascist memorabilia and spelling bee trophies. I'll check.
from sooner :
I left Mountainboy a limerick. I'm doing my part.
from weeme :
I'll try long as my poems don't have to rhyme and I'll be graded on a curve. I'm really worried about him! I haven't uncovered any evidence that he's been lurking about, and I've looked. I recognize his IP address on my stats and as far as I can tell, he hasn't stopped by wee world in weeks. ohhh mountainboy, are you lost in the wilds somewhere?!!!
from sooner :
I miss you too! I have no plans this weekend. Is there something happening in scenic Camden, NJ? Should I plan to be in the vacinity?
from sooner :
I'm ever so certain that I am an abismal poet. But I will try if you think Mountainboy can be wooed. I will try for Mountainboy.
from cindie-loo :
are you okay....??? im starting to worry about your great love for the orange couch. are a funny one!!
from weeme :
mmmm... that's the most gorgeous colour! And just in time for halloween. You will look sumptious lounging on it in the dim and chill of winter, like some wonderfully spicy and exotic hors 'd'oeuveres. I think I spelled that wrong, but you know what I mean. And I love that orangue hued swatch/painting in the last frame. Warm. Mangolishious orange! I must go gift shopping now. Someone near and dear is having a breast removed due to cancer and I need to get her a post-op gift.
from minderella :
dude, i bet if you just ask strangers on the street to give you their pennies, they will. totally. i would. i hate pennies. good luck.
from weeme :
ooohhh saucy fruity cakey goodness! And coolest canine! What's his/her name? Are you gonna get a pooch of yer very own now that you're merrily ensconced in the Shack? And I'm ever so envious of your Shit Shack floors. I want hardwood in the worst way! Maybe next spring... ! But I'm thinking light maple. And possibly laminate... Pergo... as it's takes more wolf wear.
from bother :
"at sunrise the monkeys will fly and leave me with pennies in my eyes ." not really, though. i will save my pennies for you, since i suppose i should be saving them for something.
from weeme :
o i love love love Eloise!
from weeme :
Imagine I am a BareNaked Lady and I'm singing this to you "...But not a real green dress, that's cruel..." Actually, I think the dress is lovely and I can complete relate to the jiggling white breast flesh... And finding a decent strapless bra is SOOO difficult. I took yer compatiblity test and guess what....?! We are 87% similar and 89% compatible. Does this make you love me even more or what?!!!!
from sooner :
did you defend my midgetness? Did you say, "Hey listen up, Wessenator! He is so a midget!" Did you say those things in my defense?
from sooner :
Wait. What? Who doesn't believe I'm a midget? We must make her believe. The truth is on our side.
from weeme :
i too have squeaky shoes, but absolutely no knack for finding good parking spaces. o peth... I'm contemplating moving to Camden where I will haunt you day and night till you take me to all the good sock monkey places and show me many more paintings of big breasted girls. I will even spring for the starbucks sludge and supply you with all the raw sugar you could ever want..
from weeme :
So, are you saying that my great great great great Granny Butler was NOT a hotcha gal?!!! C'mon.... look at the provocative head gear and those full, full skirts. What about the grim set of the lips and the hooded eyes...!!!
from weeme :
o god! Joni Mitchell is Canadian! How could I have omitted her?! I such a naughty Canuckelheaded thang. I should be flailed with a switch cut from a massive and blood red maple tree, don't you agree? Or gnawed alive by rabid beavers and mosquitos or something.
from cabrona :
Nobody told me that we can't do html anymore in these note dillies. More's the pity, wouldn't you say? LEMON FRESHNESS FOR ALL AND SUNDRY, I say... nothing better than things which are lemon fresh. Did you know that during my hiatus, yours was practically the ONLY diary at which I peeked consistently? It is so. besos, ~rachel~
from cabrona :
<p align = center>OH love, you be flauntin' yeer Sherlock Holmes madd skillz once again. I love it when you do that; it's a big turn-on. �Ol�! Did you notice the semicolon?<center></p><p align = right>besos, ~rachel~
from sooner :
zig zag rig rag, what am I gonna wear to that wedding? signed, baby jesus
from peth :
new note. note note note.
from weeme :
o and bitchy and sooner are BOTH claiming to be the frightening bush scuttlers. Which do you think is more likely?
from sooner :
Oh Pethie. Haven't you heard? Frumpy is the new little black dress! Everyone has some frump. Everyone who's anyone anyway.
from weeme :
why are we bringing on the hairy-men? Did I miss something? O pethie the twiggy chopsticks sound marvellous, but will they protect me from things that scuttle in the bush?!
from pirate-ships :
yes, bring on the hairy men. where are they? and: when did people start thinking of pvc as clothing, and not as car-seat covers?
from weeme :
o pethie, you will be so lovely and plastic and sparkly, the belle of the ball. You will in fact, be in like flynn. Thanks muchly for that by the way. I'm just ever so grateful and informed.
from weeme :
o pethie, I sent you a note recommending a diary, but i think I forgot to give you the diary url. It's I just have this weird ultra-plush feeling about her and she's a newbie. Hoping you'll roll out the welcome mat. Thanks. and P.S. You make me feel squishy. In the best way.
from weeme :
I got sucked into brownboy's black hole and saw a note there from you and now i just gotta know... what was the name of the Brazilian instrument that sounds like a tupperware lid?
from btchelicious :
What is "gay hot"?
from weeme :
oooooo Pethie! Can you come out to play?
from nekono :
this saturday i was on the other side of the river and I caught the west nile virus, preventing me from checking email to this hour on Sunday. I missed it. I always do!
from nekono :
No, you don't want a neko jr. They are NEVER housebroken.
from weeme :
something special. something unique. something short and snappy and Oscar Wilde witty. That's the kind of note I'd leave for you today if i could. Sadly, I can't.
from sooner :
I would like pizza with mushrooms, but no olives. I don't like them on my pizza.
from weeme :
I figured it out! all by myself. The sooner biscuits, I mean. Don't let me horrendous spelling and grammar fool you. i'm very smart, I am. And yes, pizza sounds good right now. With extra cheese AND black olives. mmm.
from weeme :
okay, I won't even ask what Sooner Biscuits are. I'm aware now after months of corresponding with the pair of you that I might not WANT to know!! What I do want to know, however, is whether this amazing orange balancing act of yours qualifies as a super power or not.
from sooner :
You are the first to admit seeing the biscuits of sooner. You are first.
from weeme :
oooo pethie! Gimcrack! what a marvellous word. Gimcrack Gimcrack Gimcrack, the kind of word i would have loved to torture the bus driver with when I was six. And like even better now that I'm way beond six (chronologically speaking anyway). I suspect the reason no one ever wants to know if you're a midget or not is 'cuz you're a Diaryland legend and as you know, legends always appear in the imagination to be LARGER than life, whether or not their actually stature merits such inflation. But I do want to know one think: What kind of super powers do YOU possess? I know you must possess many, among them the power to pick out perfect spectacle frames, and uncover words like gimcrack. Do share more!
from nekono :
peth, must you always hobnob? ALWAYS?? hobnob \HAHB-nahb\, intransitive verb: To associate familiarly.
from gardenflower :
I don't know, Peth. Your old lady looks to me like she's about to dip her shoe in that toliet. Very daintily, of course, but dip nonetheless.
from nekono :
Actually i DID stalk you recently, i just didnt tell you because stalkers never reveal their secrets.
from nekono :
peth, i stopped stalking because I always had to tinkle and you offered me no respite, none! but now, NOW i can stalk freely and without fear!
from nekono :
My bra keeps riding up. I think I need that 18 hour thing.
from weeme :
i've been trying to broaden my diaryland horizons lately but am finding it most difficult to find any interesting diaries that you haven't already discovered, Pethie. You sure do get around!!! Oh and I should mention that the Joeseph Cornell inspired shadow box I made for J's b-day was a big hit. thanks for the inspiration!
from weeme :
Puppies! Kitties! Ponies! oh wheeeee!
from bother :
i would need hundreds! maybe thousands. i expect i would be very balanced, though.
from bother :
you have more notes than i have toenails! that probably isn't very hard, though.
from nekono :
I think that actually they are a reddish-brown.
from bathtubmary :
oh my darlin' pethintine - i think we live in the same house in parallel universes. those little critters are the very ones that make my fancy cakes get all squeamish and proclaim he hates our house. well, they're one of the things. thanks for id-ing them so i know what i'm squishing in a napkin. peace, d
from mountainboy :
Oh peth! Just as I wrote that last message it sent me to a page with one of those banner advertisements and on it was a woman tied to a WHEEL! It was a picture from that b&w french film "Woman on the Bridge", which I need to rent by the way, remind me.
from mountainboy :
I think this a fabulous opportunity for you to spin your wheel of change!
from weeme :
I just have to tell you, whenever I look at that vintage postcard in your guestbook, I get swept away on a little mini-vactation and I can hear the surf, feel the island breeze and smell a fragrance like jasmine. I also smell a fragrance like Ernest Hemmingway but y'know, fresher. Like Ernest Hemmingway at fourteen.
from weeme :
I like cuteness from Japan. I think I would like cuteness from other countries as well. I like to think I'm open to global cuteness.
from nekono :
why must i always update twice in one day, within a 5 minute span, confusing everyone.
from weeme :
where is neko? Notes are no fun without neko.
from sooner :
you should pay me back the money you owe me. It would grease the wheels of our friendship. It would make me more comfortable around you. It would be the right thing to do.
from janna182 :
Why, thank you! (wink)
from sooner :
I am mean. Mean like little rodents with teeth but no wings.
from jennielou :
ooh i like the grammar school tiles. in my school they were green and brown, which was gross, but green and black, that's very snazzy. much impressed.
from gardenflower :
All girls that work with Theresa immediately go to heaven upon their demise.
from mountainboy :
You're divinely clever. I think that would be simply the most lovely wedding, I don't know why but garden weddings and edward gorey seem to compliment each other nicely.
from weeme :
ooooooo peth-i-licious. I read somewhere (and I can't think where now) that you minored in painting! Really?! I did not know! This makes me love you ever so much more!
from gardenflower :
Could you make me a dress out of your kitchen floor? I love it bad.
from nekono :
you are always at BOYS houses!
from bathtubmary :
yeah peth, givin' the people what they want. the green apple/black is fabolous and i don't even mean ghetto fabolous. will you be my decorator? mwah, d
from pirate-ships :
i went to look at carpet samples yesterday with my mother. now i think we should forget about the damn shag and just tile the whole house!
from sooner :
Fine. We'll hash it out in Court. If you feed squirrels they will breed. We don't want that.
from sooner :
I am still torn over the photo dilema, as I have taken to calling it. Maybe you should be forced to deal with my lawyers on this issue. Since you won't negotiate with me, maybe you will listen to the law firm of Caviglia Sulio & Fink L.L.C. Maybe they can get your FUCKING ATTENTION!
from sooner :
I'm thinking of forgiving you for publishing my photo. But I'm also thinking of not forgiving you. I'm torn. What do you think about this situation?
from mountainboy :
All my love peth darling. P.S. By The Way: I tried to change my HTML to make it snazzy and swishy, but it was a horrible disaster in which I panicked and almost ruined the whole thing. But everything's back to normal now. I think.
from mountainboy :
Oh peth a new look sounds like a fabulous idea. Unfortunately, I haven't the faintest clue where to begin.
from bother :
nigella lawson can get jelly all over her fingers any day of the week, if you ask me. is our favourite mark really that wrinkly now? i'm tempted to take you seriously (heaven forbid). and, no, i'm not trouble... thank you anyway.
from weeme :
no wonder he fakes his death all the time. I would too if someone forced me to eat beets! In completely unrelated news, I changed my template again. i know. i know. i'm so very flaky and flighty. but when my muse calls, y'know I gotta respond. i just gotta.
from weeme :
o pethie. you're sweet as a peach and purty as a nectarine for leaving such sweet messages in my guest book. I decided i best stay clear of yours after the mess I made of it yesterday. I admire your stamina in the face of soonie's great wrath. You're so brave. Hey, why don't you go over and leave a nice note on mountain boy's page. I think he's lonely. And I'm pretty much the only one on his note page of late. You can ask him if he has a silver IKEA chair. He just might.
from nekono :
hello i came home just for you peth fairy. it was so HOT there, but i was close to cuba and saw naked girls. So really, it wasnt so bad afterall.
from weeme :
o pethie. I tried to write in your guest book and made a huge mess of it, leaving you yet more to tidy up. I'm a pathetic worm. forgive me. This is why I generally stick to the notes page.
from sooner :
from sooner :
First, I think bitchy is trying to start something about the money you owe me. Second, I'm coming to terms with my photo being on your goddamn site. I suppose I should probably thank you for chooseing a photo pre-wheelchair. Props to me for being a glass half full guy. Props to me.
from sooner :
from weeme :
oooo soonie is wee! I love wee things. and citrus things. and songs with "chicken " in the title, although there aren't many. Nope, not nearly enough.
from bathtubmary :
i love both billy squier and steely dan without apology. i'm a little ashamed of the hall & oates thing, though. peace, d
from weeme :
oooh and so glad you caught the fairy farts! I've gotta remember the little story behind was MAGICAL. Is magical. whatever.
from weeme :
Wonder how they would use the "mirth pods" at the happiness whorehouse?!!! And so glad you like my shiny new template, pethie. It is purty ain't it, all aglow with little asterisks. Like little pethie jewels twinkling merrily in a sea of green and wee me.
from weeme :
At last ! I think I can sleep now. Thank you for answering my most pressing jewelry related question! I'm forever grateful.
from weeme :
And gawddammit, what's a lavalier?!
from weeme :
I saw pix of you over at addieplum's and i still think MY postcard was more acurrate. At least on your account. I have no doubt whatsoever that soonie has a feathered cap just like that which he wears with great pride on festive occassions and also big chicken feet.
from weeme :
that's suppose to say "wasn't sophisticated enough". makes more sense that way.
from weeme :
I want to be pressed into a dog tiara. What's a lavalier? I looked it up in my dictionary ...really i did...but flipping to the "L" section, the first word i spied was "labia" and I promptly fell into the kind of flustered giggling fit second-graders fall into when they here the word "fart". I recovered eventually of course, but the word lavalier must have decided I was sophisticated enough to grasp it's meaning and evacuated my Oxford large-print dictionary. And do second-graders still laugh at "fart" or are they too jaded now? Perhaps it takes something stronger now, like "gonorrhoea" or "fellatio". Hey, what's going on? fellatio isn't in my dictionary either. What, was it compiled by nuns?!! Nope, apparently not ... just found the word "cunt". I'm so confused. o dear, i'm leaving naughty words all over your notes. That's not very lemon fresh and clean of me. You may banish me to your guestbook ,if you wish. Or strip me of my self imposed "bloody Mary Poppins" title.
from pirate-ships :
actually I'm reading "the shameful life of salvador dali" and "captain beefheart: a biography" in tandem. and thinking about contemporaries and not letting the dog in because I had a nightmare moment.
from weeme :
Hallo lovey! Who knew you were such a booze hound? Tom Collins, Gimlets... are you a girl drink drunk pethy? I'm going to edit my last entry right now and change "banana yellow behind" to "banana yellow arse". ARSE! hahaha. So very evocative. Hey... I used to work in a library, i did. really. i did so. i did.
from weeme :
mmmm...yes,please. Must say I've never had FROZEN pineapple before. What's this about your infactuation with the Dutch Boy. I must have missed that somewhere along the line. And good for you for getting that it was a frisbee. That's the one problem I've always had with that illustration, "will anyone get that that's a frisbie?!" stayed up nights worrying about that, i did. Now i stay up nights worrying that maliciousd is gonna come screaming out of nekono's notes and beat my ass.
from weeme :
Well, I'm not gonna pretend I'm not disppointed about the fact you're NOT the mastermind behind Pringles, but as I am referencing things which are lemon fresh and clean just to win YOUR favour, I'll let it pass. I'm very magnanimous that way. Comes with being Canadian, I guess. We're reknown for being polite, y'know. Although [shhh don't tell anyone] I'm actually a DUAL citizen, Canadian AND American. Born in Idaho of all places. Let that be our little secret though.
from bother :
i hope your proud of my grammar.
from bother :
is that what pedicures looks like? so red and juicy. i've always wondered. thanks for being so very enlightening. kisses, as always,
from ravenheart :
My old red couch is dark dark dark dark red, it used to be light red. You wouldn't want to sit in it. I just keep it for visitors.
from weeme :
oh and by the by, I'm still waiting for you to reveal everything you know about Pringles chips. I'm beginning to question whether you REALLY are the mastermind behind Pringles.
from weeme :
Eeeewww. What kind of foot [blood] bath is THAT?!! It looks like the "very special" punch my mom used to make for my birthdy parties, a caustic mixture of ginger ale, lemonade, and Hi-C. Did you notice my "lemon fresh" diary reference today? Did ya, huh, huh Did ya?! It was just for you, perky little Pethy, you big pen-miser, you.
from weeme :
oooohhh pineapple! I was in fact (and this is no word of a lie) thinking about going and getting me some fresh pineapple just scant seconds ago. yummmm. it's the universal symbol of hospitality, y'know. But being the devotee of Martha I know you are, you probably already knew that.
from weeme :
serious question: being that you're the mastermind behind Pringles and all that, just how is it they (you) get the chips to snuggle up so precisely? And what is the secret ingredient that makes them so utterly, annoyingly addict?....oh gawd, it's Solient Green (sp?) isn't it? It is, it is!!!
from weeme :
oooh pethy, you're so wonderful I could sprinkle 'hundreds and thousands' on you and eat you for dessert. But secretly, like in the 'corridor'. Under cover of night, or in the shadows of the book stacks, which ever was most convenient and farthest away from the "No Japes" sign.
from kittybukkake :
Ohhhh. Thoooose glasses. the ones on little me! A-doy. Thank you. I started wearing glasses when I was one. One! So wee. You know what they say... "Guys don't make passes..."
from weeme :
so what you're saying is that squirrels are NOT among the many things in life which are lemon fresh and clean.
from btchelicious :
I realized the other night that sooner doesn't really think of us as friends. He just tolerates us.
from nekono :
I really dont like sleater-kinny. not at all at ALL!
from kittybukkake :
what you mean 'why no note?' and which glasses? I just woke up so I'm confused. Good morning Peth. I am going to search for my glasses...
from btchelicious :
Ah, for a minute I thought that said "Blessed be, Peth." Then I would have had to get out the wiccan alarm.
from weeme :
I read. I gorged. I'm in love. Vintage bathing suits AND sock monkeys on your banner. Bliss be Peth.
from weeme :
You're very accomplished then, and I'm much impressed. I'm going to have to read your diary now. It must really be somethang if you actually make the time to write in it between all your Pringle creation activities, stalking skins for your girlie suits and snaring geriatric zillionaires.
from nekono :
There is a girl in my notes that thought you were Buffalo bill. I, of course, corrected her!
from nekono :
My lawyer likes to joke he is THE howard stern, but he really isnt. Instead he does my business transactions but when he tells me I can't afford a house, i scream and yell and cry.
from nekono :
I only wear green eyeshadow and eat candy and bring my homely little assistant with me everywhere i go!
from ravenheart :
IKEA is great and cheap (here in Norway), we like to think of it as a Norwegian thing, even though it's really Swedish. I still have my red little couch that I got when I were around five, from IKEA. It's still great, but it's not so red anymore.
from janna182 :
Well, at least variety is spicing up someone's life! (p.s. heh. good one. you got me to giggle)
from ravenheart :
Mmm, I love that red room in the picture in your diary, I always wanted to live in a completely red room or house. I think of myself as a royal in it, that whipped the servants. The floor, walls and roof would be soft and cushion alike, just like the rooms where they put the insane, just so people could sleep around everywhere.
from ravenheart :
Dreamweaver yes, I know that one :)
from nekono :
Pethy, i don't really get "rings" and i am not talking about the MOONstone kind either.where have you been? I yelled at sooner yesterday I was so mad you werent waiting for me in your web.
from rosedandy :
Thanks so much for the welcome. I couldn't help but join the ring for one of the best movies ever made.
from bother :
o ar est� morno e seu copo de ch� pequeno est� sentindo superaquecido sempre assim muito. meus p�s s�o tired. mim est�o indo ao partido de pablo esta noite.
from btchelicious :
Does it make you sad when nekono is mean to you? I will protect you or perhaps misty will protect you.
from bother :
eu devo parar de morder meus pregos assim muito freq�entemente e assim muito viciously... na outra not�cia, eu sou pesaroso ouvir-se sobre o acorde�o.
from nekono :
Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand Love letters in the sand - I remember you Through the sleepless nights and every endless day I'd wanna hear you say - I remember you -Skid Row's first album. a blockbuster it was.
from nekono :
I am going to find all of Winger's and Skid Row's lyrics and leave them for you one by one.
from spunkygypsy :
To quote from my as yet unpublished "A Gypsy's Guide to All Things Bridal: Maid of Honor Addition": "The act of bow balancing is a most precarious one, and has been known to cause fits in the most compos'd of brides to be. As maid of honor, it is your duty to catch all falling bows and save the bride from impending death." Did lotsa research for that one, I did.
from pooz :
must rent scent of green papaya. and cyclo. and vertical ray of the sun (again). we'll have a movie festival and eat summer rolls and ultra chocolate ice cream. gorgeous.
from pirate-ships :
back hair deserves waxing, but chest hair proves virility.
from ravenheart :
kitty vomit? that sounds really nasty. No matter what, Gary Numan is just the best, but honestly I've never heard of Gary Wright, or have I (?)
from nekono :
I have been on a richie havens kick for years, but did not realize it was indeed richie havens i was kicking for until just 2 months ago. I love love love "follow" more than anything. i do i do! Peth will you put me in brackets and make me bold?
from bathtubmary :
i'm having my own issues with my own shit shack, but it came with a brand new toto so i guess i can't complain. it may be the best feature in the joint. peace, d
from pirate-ships :
martha martha martha. my tongue itches for lickin'.
from btchelicious :
There is just not enough Diaryland love circulating lately.
from bother :
meringue-like books? crispy shells of egg-white caramel-coloured sugariness that give way to chewy delights of intoxication. with strawberries. i feel you. kissssses,
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. I think I have too many diaries. As I type this I can see Pezpunka's banner. my asshole itches.
from btchelicious :
Nekono will steal her from you and sooner, but not from me.
from nekono :
p.s. wendchymes is my new friend TOO. I am going to steal her from both you and sooner.
from nekono :
honkey? Must you make me cry on a daily basis?
from btchelicious :
I have yet to see your banner.
from btchelicious :
Dude! Make them all stop putting eye balls on their banners!!
from nekono :
I am now all famous like in MISTY's diary. She is so silly, let's make her come to the diner too.
from saint-louise :
No, ma'am. I think I might be inadvertantly following YOU. Or maybe we just both have really good taste in diaries. And dairies. If you dare.
from nekono :
I read pezpunka's entry about his father and i was intrigued and moved. He will now replace Sooner, since HE is too poor and secret for my taste!
from sooner :
I don't want you to hate me anymore.
from nudeplatypus :
Kill my roommate...kill my Celine Dion-loving coworker. You've become quite violent lately. Is it all the paint fumes you've been inhaling making the shit-shack a delightful place?
from sooner :
from meism :
L'Oreal. Expensivest. (Or maybe Excellence)
from btchelicious :
I will give you a hand job.
from pirate-ships :
not only is everything better with priests, everything is so very much better with new menthol priests!
from addieplum :
i see you are enticing pooz with talk of william stieg...why have you not wooed me thus?
from nekono :
I saw your banner. I didnt realize you had the fancy GOLD membership. How ever did you afford that? a COUPON?
from nekono :
did you know i used to stay up nights reading your archives taking in every word with a bitten lip and a latte?
from ravenheart :
As I have mentioned before; PetH is my pet! I would eat you on a blank polished swedish spoon if I had the chance PetH, just so you know it.
from disappeared :
Lord, girl! Why you gonna make fun of a stupid old black woman with a broken down body?
from haberdasher :
i did nothing of the sort
from btchelicious :
I like how sometimes you include pictures in your entries that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
from nekono :
hey, mrmodular and i stalked your shitshack about 10 times last night. We then stalked your apartment in hopes of finding you for a tour. But you were nowhere to be found. I hope it was your shitshack, we assumed it was. it's SO BIG we are entranced.
from manchichi :
you should definitely come to yoga! i haven't been able to stop the gas flow. of course it could be all the raw onions i ate last night.
from pirate-ships :
I like jan svankmejer. you too? nice.
from blandman :
I respect those people with tastes different than myself. Some pleasures I might apprciate but I will forgo due to the associated hassles involved. You know, things like fisting, genital piercings, plaster and lath (pronounced LAH-TH).
from manchichi :
you should really think about waxing those ass cheeks. all that hair could catch fire if you hold the lighter too close.
from peth :
I was going to do the friday five, but I chickened out.
from btchelicious :
The day we closed on our house, there was a heap of trash out front. I kept a couple things...
from blandman :
Ignore the <b></b>. Well, duh, I didn't realize they stopped all that fun in the notes.
from blandman :
It appears that your diary doth have a JavaScript error. Try adding a single quote before "Oh Peth, I long to chat you up." As in OnMouseOver= "window.status=<b>'</b>Oh Peth, I long to chat you up.';return true;"
from btchelicious :
Time for something foul: Sometimes I go into the bathroom at work and I go into a stall and sometimes when I go into a stall I think, "The lady who used this stall before me really ought to go see her doctor about that infection."
from manchichi :
i want that cucumber so i can cut it into thin slices and then break those pieces in half with a satisfying crunch and then it the seeds.
from btchelicious :
You should start with ihatepizza's survey.
from btchelicious :
Peth, why have you not filled out any lame surveys or created any lame surveys??
from sooner :
I'm coming clean. The truth can now be told. I am Janet.
from btchelicious :
The fabulicious real doll....
from ravenheart :
Mooshe was a strange name, I've never heard such a name, but then again American or english names are almost always strange... for me... Here in Norway we have something you would call moose, it has horns and sometimes it kills people. We had one in our garden one time, a big one and my grandmother sat on the lawn there, in a deck chair. We were in the windows and yelled at her, to get in, but she had a ear problem as it was sort of useless. The moose ate her wig right off her head, she never noticed and then it left.
from btchelicious :
Oh, you are fabulicious!
from btchelicious :
Oh, you are fabulicious!
from ravenheart :
Raven is going to see Donnie Darko any day now, and then I'll tell you what I think of it.
from btchelicious :
You neglected to mention the pony play and the X-TREME flower watering.
from nudeplatypus :
Ahhh Peth, did you make a new teeny-bopper friend? You have such a diverse group of friends...I'm envious.
from peth :
I think SOMEBODY deserves an award for being humourless, juvenile and hostile. I wonder who it could be?
from icelily02 :
Wow, are you ever a genious. Yes, you found me out, Peth. I just put on a dress to have my picture taken. Great work, Sherlock; you deserve an award.
from ravenheart :
The Cu�ca was very cool indeed, but what was most interesting is that I've never heard of Donnie Darko and considering I'm the Queen of movie watching, -it's weird...
from nudeplatypus :
I love love love Donnie Darko!
from blandman :
How often does your cable go out? And for how long? Why is eating kidney beans sexy?
from k-boy :
Giorgio Moroder... WHAT!?
from ravenheart :
The picture in your guestbook was a bit extreme, in every way. I hope it didn't kill you, or that you end up thinking odd things about me.
from ihatepizza :
I would have loved to enjoy a burger instead of pizza. Unfortunatly Papa John's does not deliver hamburgers. Besides, it was his birthday so I was basically his bitch. When are you going to give me an example of a soiled delicate cake, anyway? Smooches.
from btchelicious :
Flame + Kidney Beans = BRRRAAAPPPPTTTT!!!!
from ihatepizza :
May I please have an example of a soiled delicate cake? :D
from nekono :
I had to scroll a mile to get to your notes, so I am a bit worn out. Garnets are falling from my wrists clinking clack on formica. I am quite intrigued by fagman, i followed his link and read another story about him which led into the geeky story about "lambchop" it was thrilling, titillating. I suddenly realized that your diary is akin to the "choose your own adventure" books of yesterday. and that is fantastic beyond words. As is your future bungalow. Promise me to invite fagman to one of your festive frolics, i need to talk to him.
from nudeplatypus :
Granted...she is a fan of Celine Dion...but don't you think that death is a bit harsh. Now if she were a Britney Spears fan...I would consider it.
from heckafresh :
I just realized how hard it is to figure out the song if oyu don't allready know it. The first one is that one that goes Doo-doo-doooo! doodoodoodoodooDOO! Doo-doo-doodoodoodoodoo Doo-doo-doodoodoodoodoo. The second one is obvious but just for the simpler folk, here it is DOO-DOO-DOO-DOOOOOOO! DOO--DOO--DOO-DOOOOOO!
from heckafresh :
Your name is easy to sing in any song. Listen. Peth-peth-PETH! Pethpethpethpeth-peth-PETH!! Peth-peth-pethpethpethpeth peth-peth-pethpethpethpethpeth. Or PETH-PETH-PETH-PEEEETH! PETH--PETH--PETH---PEEEEEEETH! See?
from heckafresh :
You know just what I like. Just!
from heckafresh :
<I><B><U><TT><font=poostyle><color=monkeyskull><veggiecorndogs=yum>You don't know my kind bad Peth. You're a sweet girl and all, but a guy like me will put you on the path straight to heck. You'll start off going 55mph in the left lane, and progress to not carring whether you get paper or plastic at the grocery store. It seems glamourous, but this life leads you to nowheres-ville, and the cost of living there is ridiculous. $2000 for a one bedroom with no parking space? What a crock.</I></B></U></TT></font=poostyle></color=monkeyskull></veggiecorndogs=yum>
from heckafresh :
For the love of... You know what this is about right? About seventeen years ago my sister dibbs'd the last piece of birthday cake after my moms birthday party. The next day she didn't eat it, she wanted to "save" it she said, but I knew she just wanted to rub it in. So I ate it. My mom told me it was underhanded and that that type of selfish behaviour would bring bad things back to me someday. And now this HTML thing. Shit, it wasn't even the piece with the rose on it for christs sake! I'm sorry I dragged you into this peth. You never ate the cake. You should still have interspecial skeletal fruit chompin shenanagans available to you. Thats what happens when you get mixed up with bad news like me though.
from ravenheart :
Well, I've yelled at Andrew on Diaryland about the notes thing, he should listen or die.
from ravenheart :
Ah, look, they have removed the HTML thing in the notes, now how terrible is that for news!?!
from heckafresh :
Thanks Petheroo! When I saw it it made me think: YAY! I also had me a chocolate chip cookie today. It was large but not huge. But you know the one about other fish and what-not. YAY!
from spunkygypsy :
Oh Dearest Peth, your starry cakes and happy wishes are greatly appreciated.
from btchelicious :
I spelled that wrong, didn't I?
from btchelicious :
Oh, sorry, I meant LUSIOUS BITCH!
from btchelicious :
from heckafresh :
What the hell is going on in *here*? Monkey skulls and human skulls doing the ol' lady and the tramp trick with bananers? I like that sort of thing. I really, really like it!
from so-annoyed :
where are my notes? i cannot find my notes. why have you erased my notes. besos rachel.
from acerbity :
just in case you would like to know ive opened my diary back up
from ravenheart :

Genetically modified cold-climate giant banana
from ravenheart :

Yes they are good...
from nudeplatypus :
Ohhhh! Italo Calvino. I love his If On a Winter's Night a Traveler. Your note made me yearn to read it again. But I think I gave it away. That's the problem with giving away books...I always want them when they're gone.
from blandman :
Okay, I was a something of a Seymour but less pathetic, yet also, less artistically pure. Both you and bitchy were Enid. That was the problem. Two Enids. Together, you two would be come Super-Enid. Do you remember that? One at a time, I could deal with you. When both of you were together, you were invincible, caustic, monstrous, Super Enid.
from nonce :
That image you left in my guestbook made my eyes hurt.

I thought you were the queen of the amazing images....and then you go off and show me that you are up on an even higher playing field.
from ritathevixen :
devotchka: i was curious about your penis-envy diary ring...did you by any chance get the idea from the freudian theory? or perhaps the crass album entitled "penis envy" based on the freudian theory? just curious i suppose, bored, and coming down from pills that have kept me up all night, midnight ramblings thats all..viddy well, -rita
from sooner :
Don't! It's too painful.
from mandavoshka :
from redblur :
I straightened it all out. See my entry with the phrase "more madly rad," which, along with my use of the word "snazz," caused someone to add me to their faves list.
from en-trance :
thanks for the weclome! i love harold and maude! :D so if you want to be you be you and if you want to be me be me cuz theres a million ways to be you that there are!
from btchelicious :
"And Bitchy and I would spy on people and make up elaborate worlds which they lived in..."

ummm, we still do that...

from btchelicious :
Blandie & I laughed our asses off during the car convo scene. I swear I have yelled at breeder pedestrians in the same manner as Seymour.

I think if we put Thora Birch in a blonde wig, she would look amazingly like you.

Also, you should explain that Enid and Rebecca were us when we were 15 (although Enid is more like a combination of us) and Seymour=Blandie.

from sooner :
Once, there was a boy named me and he missed working at the library.
from corazon :
Pethela (I don't know why), You said the manboobs would make nice matching party hats. I agree, but I don't think you should wear them to just any party. I think they would be best worn to a manboob appreciation party. Really.
from sooner :
If I visit you at the library, should I bring you a straw? If so, standard size, or extra long?
from nonce :
I wish I had a nickle for everytime somebody...
from ravenheart :
I didn't like that black plastic friend of yours on the picture, he's scary and he looks human, but still not human... no, I dont like him at all... I hope you dont know him too well.
from peth :
i feel extra bold love all around me.
from nonce :
I accept no appologies from you.

They are superfluous.

As soon as I saw the name "peth" on that message (the one I mistook for a KOT-related one) I went: "'s only my love Peth".
from btchelicious :
I ate about 6 pieces of french toast today and now I am exhausted. The party rocked.
from nonce :
You have the most beautiful and classy images on your diary. All of them....the crappy sofa...the girl with the MESSY-FUN fetish with the pizza...the girl with the rollers in her hair...that damn whisk. They are ALL art. How the fuck did you manage that?

How much time do you put into finding images? Or are you just jinxed with photograph-finding good karma?

I'm leaving this note really cause I read your g-book note to me...but because of all the recent KOT sheenanigins...I was on GUARD...and got completely confused...taking the note in a different sense then in response to my most recent post about misery/love. (as in....mess with KOT, eh? I'M GOING TO FUCK YOU UP THEN...I was think his "buds" might be coming to get me....oooh my)

Dontchahate when that happens....take a witty/snarky message and mistake it for something malicious?
from nudeplatypus :
Ahhhh! The whisk!
from nonce :

I think I need a legend to explain who was who in the Sooner-initiated IM post. I'm guessing he was the hilariously annoying one. Where the others just poor pitiful unsuspecting strangers? Or duped friends?
from sooner :
I could fit all of the bendy straws into that bunny's ass.
from truest-blue :
Hey, hey. Could you tell me if you know the 1-900 number so I can get a gold membership?
from sooner :
I will not battle you with straws. Not even for the fetching Wendchymes. Besides, if we go at it hand to hand I can accidentally brush up against your tit and it will be quite natural, but also a turn on for me.
from redblur :
There are interlopers in Atranta!
from nonce :
Evil evil you....

Linking up to pictures that are on other people's sites....that is such a no-no. What a rabble-rouser you are. And that photo of "Kevin" below....from the background geodesic playground dome in the picture I can tell it was from "You Can't Do That on Television"....and now I can almost remember the kid in the picture...I figure he's just about to get "slimed". I had almost forgotten completely about that show.
from manchichi :
don't get your hopes up, it's not that great. will you bleach it for me?
from btchelicious :
You forgot to talk about the magic that was Denise in the mall parking lot.
from btchelicious :
You forgot to talk about the magical obese man and his oxygen.
from btchelicious :
Magical 300th entry.
from btchelicious :
Yes, it is true. I did not consult you as to the chilling. When I related the story to Blandman he was appalled that I had not even given you a chance to decide. He said, "Maybe Peth wanted to chill with them."
from nudeplatypus :
Nothing says party like gigantor ant carcasses.
from nudeplatypus :
Who wouldn't want to be wrapped in cotton candy?
from spunkygypsy :
Words of encouragement from one who has been hated by that liar are much appreciated. I sha'n't be licking her asshole ever, no matter what she says. That dirty, bloody, tender-assed stank whore. Her lies are as dirty as her ass. DIRTY!
from fluf :
pablo had no part in it, but i think you should have words with him anyway, like: "mmm, let me lick your head," or something. it's late at night, and i'm sorry for suggesting that.
from btchelicious :
This entry about taxidermy and such was lovely. I enjoyed it muchly.
from bevin :
I heart Morrissey. I heart you, Peth.
from nudeplatypus :
Damn exterminators...I think some of the gigantor ants have's beginning to frighten me a bit.
from manchichi :
i think that it was just over inflated because of all the humidity. you know like your fingers get when they're really hot.
from btchelicious :
Kevin misses you!
from btchelicious :
from fluf :
with nuts in. that probably goes with saying.
from manchichi :
you always know just what to say to make me chuckle.
from btchelicious :
Wait, let me give you more enticement:

Vivianne (AKA the dancer with the lovely big booty)
Learning pole tricks
Lap dances
The boob exchange
Bitchy dances on the satalite stage

from btchelicious :
Remind me to tell you all about the great day I had on 4/13/02. You will be interested because the story involves....michelle...
from sooner :
Please, if you will, tell Theresa I miss her. Is that girl I don't like gonna try to come in tonight?
from ravenheart :
A little sheep for you Peth
from apt-allusion :
from btchelicious :
So, I guess that explains bukake.
from btchelicious :
Love the pic of B. Ferry. He looks like he is ready to hand me a glass of champagne and sweep me off my feet.

As for the other pic...
That woman isn't even riding that girl! And many ponygirls do not get down on hands and knees like that.

And here's a joke I found on a pony play site:
The Dreaded Amish Flu
First you get a little hoarse.
Then you get a little buggy.

from nudeplatypus :
ahhhhh...the piano stripper!!
from corazon :
You are a funny girl. At least I hope you are being funny about the sex being worth death thing. I think I could love sex a lot, but I doubt that I will ever think that it's worth death. Sorry Pethie. Love, C.
from nekono :
i have been disconnected, the telephone is off at the root. With my hands tied behind my back, knee deep in cement and sand I am trying to get my mind (and my internet connection) turned back on.
from btchelicious :
HAHA! Do you really think that is blind lemon's signature???????
from whyihateyou :
Don't you ever fucking blame your titty rash on me! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE, YOU URINAL LICKER!
from ravenheart :
Ah, those damn profiles. Isnt it weird that all the HTML codes in migrainegirl's profile works, but in no one elses... Ah, it made me get a migraine pain...
from manchichi :
first of all i would like to say, yippeee! second of all i would like to say, i'm sorry my sumo wrestling picture didn't work out. it was drawn by a child in a japanese school. third of all i would like to say, you get more notes than anyone i know. fourth of all i would like to say, should i bring a hot glue gun to the party?
from ihatepizza :
Yes it is true. I am married and I do have a strong dislike for straight white men. (Yes my husband is unfortunatley straight, but I've tried to persuade him otherwise.) I know this makes me sound hypocritical but I cannot help it. You see, I LOVE boys for some reasons but then I get so angry at the bulk of them for A LOT of reasons. I cannot help it if I wish that boys were good. Then I wouldn't feel so pissy about thinking they are so yummy.
from btchelicious :
What the F?
from peth :
from btchelicious :
Scarey ass lamb...
from btchelicious :
I kiss you.

You lamb is distorted.

from corazon :
Pethie, I just wanted to say thank you for your support on the award thing. If I were togive you an award it would have something to do with your flat broad ass, your creamsicle couch, your penchant for bearded boys and your recognition that garbanzos do indeed look like little butts. Those are a few of the wonderous things I appreciate about you. I'm glad that I am not into awards however because I am nowhere near creative enough to make an award that would symbolize all that. You will just have to be satisfied with this note of appreciation. Also, I wasn't really trying to inspire jealousy in Bitchy by telling her that you would get first crack if I decided to go girl, but I am secretly glad that I did inspire a little envy. Is that wrong? C.
from http :
You wrote me a nice note a long time ago, but my diary was abandoned back then. I've decided to return to diaryland recently, so now I have this opportunity to thank you: Thanks! Your diary is just outstanding!
from btchelicious :
That is so unfair. Corazon is going to let you have 1st crack at her instead of me!
from btchelicious :
You're welcome. Now you must read the Lemony Snicket books.
from ravenheart :
What does this mean; -'I threw out my back again?' and is it good for me to want to know?
from nonce :
If it was Shakespeare...then that is good. However, if it was Scotish...that is probably bad. About a week after I chose the name and started doing entries a girl from Scotland informed me what "nonce" means in slang over there....not nice.
from bevin :
I pass no judgement on those without childhood thrift store trauma who shop at them. I celebrate wonderous thrift store finds with people. I just can't handle being in thrift stores.
from sundaygirl :
oh your lemon indeed! (??) ha ha, what?
from sooner :
from btchelicious :
1) Are you Navy, Clyde?

2) That Salome pic gives me a flashback.

from ravenheart :
About that Nigella woman. You know, she always have so much hair moving around her head, I mean imagine all those dark long hairs that fall off (I mean the human is supposed to lose over 100 hairs every day)... I wonder where most of Nigella's hair end up.
from ihatepizza :
Thank you! :)
from manchichi :
i have three words for you, CINCO DE MAYO!!
from manchichi :
i think it was a sumo wrassler sittin on my belly, but he has left for japan. your basket(trader joe filled) was the cutest thing, it oozed craft know-how.
from chzza :
That pic of Nigella about to bite into an unidentifiable oblong pink object, plus the phrase "Nigella bites" has assured me that I will NEVER EVER EVER love Nigella. I'm sorry, but it's a matter of principle.
from btchelicious :
big fat cock. i killed milton berle.
from peth :
flat hot ass. i killed dudley moore.
from nonce :
Sure I like Autrech (I prefer Luke Vibert...but I like Autrech). Why, what's the problem?
from btchelicious :
Hey! I've never had a minion before! Thanks for being my minion! ROAR!
from coolassaward :
No one ever said Bitchy was loved. We just dont understand what her deal is. I'm not even supposed to communicating with you, but I wanted to make that clear.
from ravenheart :
Now that was not good.
from ravenheart :
Personally I would love it.
from ravenheart :
I dont think Peth power would be too orange, but maybe some would think of it to be too green?...
from ravenheart :
Yeah, Raven power would be something quite different than girl power, maybe it would'nt be better, but it would be different. I'm sure Peth power also would give a creative streak.
from peth :
My God, I am so COOL, I can hardly stand it.
from coolassaward :
Oohh, I've started a trend! Yummy! Hey new friend, just came by to give you a great big huggies! Did you have a super day today? Well I hope so! Rock on Cool Chickie!
from btchelicious :
HAH! Now I will spam all over your notes!


from btchelicious :
from nekono :
You got a COOL CHICK award? I am scathingly jealous! i am!! They even have a picture of buffy on their diary. I guess buffy is a cool chick too. gosh, i wish i was.
from coolassaward :
When's the last time you got an "AWARD" for being you? Do you like your ego stroked? Do you like stroking other people's ego? We all need a good stroking now and then. Have you ever gone to a diary and what the diarist wrote brightened up your day? Or really made you think? Have you ever wanted to let that person know what thier writing and diary meant to you? Well Cool Chicks is the place for you. I know your like what the hell is Cool Chicks? Or maybe you already know what a Cool Ass Chick you are. Well good! But isn't it time to let the world know about your Cool Chickiness?
from btchelicious :
Shit (haha), that shoould have read:

Funny euphemisms for having a bowel movement:
Pinch a loaf
Drop a chalupa

from btchelicious :
All the sudden my notes is the place the ladies go to talk about their pills...

Funny euphemisms for having a bowel movement:
Pinch a loaf Drop a chalupa

from nekono :
The southern drawl of my co-worker is lulling me to sleep. 9 would be best, 8-30 a strong possibility but 8 is pushing it. i have a hair-do appointment prior. please, dont say no. it must happen tonight, the moon is full.
from blandman :
It's my fault. I should have invited one of them back with us. Maybe they 'play' Who knows? Maybe they would have said 'yes'. Ya don't know unless ya ask. Next time for sure.
from btchelicious :
You lie like a rug! That is sooooo an update!
from redblur :
Wut's a haitus, anyway?
from nekono :
I thought you should know that Thursday is Benito Juarez's Birthday. Let's have cupcakes and fanfare.
from nekono :
It's my friday, but your monday so you are not allowed to go out tonight.
from bevin :
Archives AREN'T THE SAME, Peth. What's going on with the house? When will Addie stop licking things? What movies are you watching!?! Enquiring minds want to know!!
from bevin :
for how long and WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? Is there a Peth Patch available for those of us with serious addictions??
from btchelicious :
That's it? That is your update? WTF??
How long will this haitus last? A few days only, I hope.
from nekono :
chinchilla, i am so happy to find your font in my in-box.
from nekono :
you're a gym-a-holic.
from nekono :
enable html? i dont know how to do that.why is your head dry. my eyeballs were dry last night, i tried to make myself cry to help out but nothing seemed to make the tears flow. Not even thinking about the time my car ran over a turtle.
from castigada :
All my favorites favor you, but cada vez I pull up your diary to see why, I get a blank screen. What gives? Am I unworthy to enter the temple of your thought? Or is your page just too damn hi-tech for my crappy Netscape browser to handle?
from nekono :
well i never! Mr. M and I skulked around borders not once, not twice, but three times we looped up and down searching for Peth. Mr. M pointed out a blondey girl that from the side may have been you but when i saw her full frontal i chided him saying you are NOT the sorority-type!
from minderella :
peth, you're not fooling me. i am going to put YOU up on hotornot and then you will see that the whold world thinks you're cute!!! :)
from nekono :
mistermodular and i will be at the borders on 73 around 9ish. You can find me in the cafe writing thank you notes, and mr. m in the erotica section of course! come visit!
from nekono :
why are my notes always doubled? I dont do it on purpose. i swear. of course a diner would be nice, a milkshake would add nicely to my bloated feeling of late. However, i am awfully shy sometimes, especially around girls. girls scare me. but you arent an average girl, so it might be ok.
from nekono :
Peth sometimes i feel so average. Tell me how to be exceptional. I want to drag my hands in dirt.
from minderella :
oh, give it up peth. you are adorable. we all have our "i look like i weigh three hundred pouds" days, but you don't get away with it because you are too cute. i actually thought that shallow hal was good for the ego because you can think "ok, hey, at least i'm not *that* big". i walked out feeling rather thin. take care of your teeth- you might want an apple when you're 80.
from nekono :
I am sorry, super sorry, i cant make it to the library today. My car ad is in the paper tomorrow, so i have to have it ready to sell sell sell. Father Neko gave me a stern talking to about the state of the Honda so now i am knee deep in grease and dust scrubbing my way to a million. Can we meet later for wine and brie? can we be fancy??
from nudeplatypus :
I'm bored...I was wandering around on diaryland and came across some rather nifty diaries...but I didn't add them to my buddy list, I just wrote them down to add later. But I accidentally threw them away. And the lady has already come and taken all the trash away. You really didn't need to know that...I'm just really bored.
from nekono :
you go to the gym during the day! i dont understand your schedule. i cant keep up with you. we will never be friends now! dejected, neko.
from nekono :
meet me on the treadmill tonight, we can gossip about the c-town locals while flipping through our Glamour magazines.
from dianecourt77 :
hey there peth...i will work on adding links then. harold and maude is a good reason to.
from manchichi :
no, i have not tried the aforementioned sobe. so sad about the house. i thought gray would be the perfect color for you.
from nekono :
Neko's leaving (Leaving, Ooh) On a midnight train to Georgia! Neko's goin' back to find a simpler place in time (woooo woooo)
from nekono :
Mrs. Shankly, of course you can come, i thought that was an unspoken rule: wherever sooner goes, peth goes and so on and so on. Few people know about the drive-thru, its hidden in the back. I wont tell!
from corazon :
Oh Pethie, I hope you will not really end up in a shit shack. I think that it would be difficult to experience contentment in a shit shack. Towels make good wrappings for glassware and you can make air cushiony type deals by trapping air in plastic grocery bags. If you don't have enough of those, let me know and I will send you a million or so.
from ravenheart :
Oh, yes, I always wanted to have a gay pet Peth. It would be the sweetest thing to have. You made me gayhappy now and I feel like bursting out into a passionately wild song, about all things gay and fluffy. Could I not?
from corazon :
Do you think Bitchy will ever update again? I think she needs some inspiration. She needs someone to piss her off. Would that be easy to arrange? I wonder.
from btchelicious :
Do you think I will ever update again?
from ravenheart :
Ahh, she told you... Anyway I did know you were a MAN Peth, I was just joking around. Seriously... Mmm... gay men often seem like women... please dont come around telling me you are not gay now. I would not tolerate it, I'm such a wiseass and I like to think I know things I dont really know anything about.
from corazon :
You farted in Sooner's coffee? That is so great. How come they never include anything like that in a General Foods International Coffee commercial? I hope the farting cures Sooner of the world of hate thing. I really do.
from sooner :
I can see you over there. But I don't want to look, because I can see that moody girl I don't like right over your shoulder. Still, it's nice to be able to keep tabs on you. I just have to look up. (It's all I have to do.
from nekono :
Peth, i have a new template from that beauty-land place! Its cranberry like the lipstick on your mirror.
from corazon :
Lovely Peth, her last name is not Lewinsky. My Monica is well, much less emotionally screwed up than that Monica. My Monica is often quite oblivious and self-absorbed, but on the whole, a fairly good friend. Besides, if she were Lewinsky, I am afraid that would make me Linda Tripp for talking smack about her. There are a lot of people I don't want to be and Linda Tripp is right up there on the list.
from sooner :
If I were a note, I would so want to be part of your notes area. That's how much I love your notes area. I love it that much.
from corazon :
Hee hee. I was just thinking that it's kind of funny how you mentioned breaking wind in front of Flame. If I were to take that literally, I would worry about your bum catching on fire. Don't let that happen!
from nekono :
Dear Lolita, i have developed a strange attachment to your words and colors.
from nudeplatypus :
I worry about what that boy is doing to the poor dog. Is he poking the dog with the stick? Is he holding the dog up? It's quite a picture...I am strangely drawn to it.
from corazon :
Pethie, Thanks for coming out of the fart closet. You have given me the courage. I too am a gassy lassie. In fact, I have a candle burning right now.
from tainted-lust :
from nekono :
I just realized the beautiful shirt was "ball breakin" not "ball buster". My faux pas! However, last night in my new shiny car i WAS listening to Will Oldham's version of AC/DC's song, "big balls". It was fantastic. My life was perfect for 2.8 miles.
from nekono :
Peth, I haven't been going to the gym, I drove by last night but didn't go in. There were too many pick up trucks and "bad boy club" stickers on the windshields. I got scared and went home. I wish I could have told you that I was the girl with the "ball buster" shirt.
from nudeplatypus :
I had some fancy shmancy popcorn in my mailfolder...I don't know if I want to eat it...what with all the anthrax running around.
from corazon :
Pethie, just so I am sure that you are aware. I tried last week to talk to you. I'm thinking that it was one of the times you were sleeping. Just so you know. I am yeahohwell, but don't tell anyone. I am sorry that you were warned. It did seem unnecessary. I have often found that people just suck. Can't let that get you down though.
from madrigle :
Hey Peth, it seems we have the same IM habits. I'm forever leaving my computer connected to the net, that or AOHELL has the most disturbing habit of connecting itself to the net once I've left the room. HATE that. Hugs.
from ravenheart :
Pretty much all old women are strange,"Stephen King creepy characters" in my opinion.I've always been scared of them.Specially when I were little and they always wanted to touch me,grab my cheek and such.I always been more afraid of falling asleep in an old dusty womans house,than being out on an emty highway in the middle of the night...maybe it has something to do with that my grandmother became a hardcore Satanist when she became senile?...
from nekono :
Formula-One Racing Girls!!
from redblur :
Great googly moogly - that's the picture!
from chzza :
I just signed your guestbook, but I'm not sure where my signy went. I've checked under all the rocks in my goat pasture, but it wasn't there. Could it have gone behind the orange couch?
from nekono :
Remembering, even in sleep, your crossed position. The blood blooms clean in you, ruby.
from madrigle :
hey! yeah, I take this GREAT multivitamin called soilent green. Have you heard of it? It's made out of people. :)
from corazon :
oops, I meant that I would have to come see your living room. I will be the one with the pumpkin pie kitchen. I bet your kitchen will be cool too though. Not like I would come visit, look at your living room and say oh, I have seen enough I will leave without even a peek at your kitchen.
from corazon :
I am definitely going to have to come and see your kitchen. I am thinking of going to visit a friend in Reading this summer so perhaps I will go on over to NJ. Who knows? So, I wanted to comment on your dislike of the word boob. Do you not like palindromes or do you not like slang terms for mamary glands? Just wondering. I was also thinking about how terms we use for sexual body parts are also used for insults. I mean why those body parts? Why not call someone a toe, a forehead or an elbow? Why aren't those insulting?
from nekono :
let's have an all out roller derby on your street. I already have the knee-socks, i just need the competition. Who will be the roller derby queen? (gasps all around!)
from nekono :
Rothko,russians, and red wine are added to my list of superb peth-isms.
from nudeplatypus :
So, Sooner wants a note. Have you ever noticed that Sooner likes to be the center of attention? He is not exactly the shy, retiring type.
from fluf :
more cherries! less sore bottoms, please. (kiss.)
from corazon :
Pethie, I have not been meddling in your notes for the longest time. Have you missed me? You get the best entries in your notes. I am excited about your bungalow. I hope all your dreams for your bungalow come true. I think that the stuffed donkey you put in my notes might have aspirations of pro wrestling. I think his pro wrestling name should have the word ass because it's one of my favorite words. I found another peth-corazon connection. You like sock monkeys and I like monkey socks. Really, I have some monkey socks and I get happy whenever I wear them.
from nekono :
how long, long ago. By the bridge at Uji, In our little boat, We swept through clouds of fireflies.
from meism :
i am so in lust with those patent leather platforms...alas, they are an 8 and I wear an 8 1/2...just one of the many naughty things i found cruising ebay this weekend.
from bikinikiller :
That was a cute pic of Kathleen. And yeah, the revolution has got to spread, seriously.
from btchelicious :
There is absolutely no reason for me to leave this link in your notes.
from twolumps :
you also get a note though you are not wanting in the note department.
from nekono :
ok peth and sooner, I will be showing a little leg on haddon trying to hitchhike a ride into mexico. Make sure you pick me up.
from nekono :
You only want to watch trading spaces "just a little" i plan on parking it for the next 48 hours and watching all of it. However, I don't think i can stomach too much of Frank (the one who is "married" to his "wife" yeah right frank) He is such the worst designer i dont know why the have him. But if its genevieve i will be happy. Peth i sent you a pin up girl in my dream and you were happy as a frou frou fox in a midsummer fire.
from crossmyheart :
i think i can loan him to you for a weekend. also, thank you for the picture.
from nekono :
Latch hook, i gave up those days because the canvas stuff you had to put the pieces of yarn through scraped my hands. However, my mom did make me a latch hook frog face rug. however, i feel compelled to say that a "flash dance shirt" is way cooler than latch hook anyday. I had a modified flashdance sweatshirt that had glitter cats on the front but my mom made me wear a turtleneck underneath as not to be promiscuous at the tender age of 7. I was pissed.
from nekono :
what do you mean "the way those people decorate" what is wrong with wood paneling, macrame and metallic-tinged wallpaper??? by the way , lets trade postcards and pulp covers. lets lets lets!
from ravenheart :
Are you a nice pet,or a bad pet,or an extremely mad pet?...or a small fluffy sickly sad pet to put in my bag?
from nekono :
peth, wawa and mercury rev and strawberry shortcake and sergio mendes and japanese prints and neutral milk hotel and pornography and lambchop all topped off with a bit of an orange hue. all make neko one happy cat.
from ravenheart :
Will you be my pet Peth?
from sooner :
It is back!
from sooner :
Do you think it is the V-Day Terror?
from sooner :
I have an entry missing. Have you seen it? This is very disturbing.
from toothbrush :
Hi! I am so entertained by (and envious of!) people who put lots of pictures in their profiles! Like sooner! I am so easily amused.
from addieplum :
oh, and when you do get that book, i will be first in line to view it...i promise not to get any, uh, drool on the pages...
from minderella :
i like the word monkey. and sock monkeys. and sexual cartoon images. and pethebeth.
from sooner :
booga booga booga.
from manchichi :
i had a crushed velvet sofa once upon a time. it was red and missing some cushions, i replaced them with plaid cushions. i came to say feel better and aim your vomit away from me please.
from addieplum :
best best b-day wishes to the delightful and sexy peth! really.
from propensity :
i think its just some of the pictures that dont work... i do put the "" around the www.blahblahblah itjust messes up or maybe i do mess up... im not sure
from btchelicious :
Happy Birthday
from sooner :
I'm at Tommy's and he had a leak, but the maintainence man came to fix it. It was hot. In six minutes I have to tell Tommy to check the oven. He is cooking. That is hot too. How are you feeling?
from manchichi :
from manchichi :
i like that house. i the shade.
from nudeplatypus :
I feel sorry for you peth...I feel lots of sorry.
from addieplum :
oh, i like that house...we could sip mint juleps in the shade on the porch in the
from propensity :
my note was ruined...
from sooner :
I think it is smeared on purpose so that later she may say the paper delivery man, the one that smells so nice, tried to take advantage of her in the elevator and of course she aquiessed. Of course she did.
from sooner :
Oh, Peth. I am watching you too. I would come be with you, but that girl I don't like came into work. And what is with her lipstick?
from k-boy :
not only do you get images, you get them to do things.... SHOW OFF!!
from addieplum :
i want one. now.
from btchelicious :
from btchelicious :
1) You said anal.
2) Peth doesn't wear panties. I know this first hand (no pun intended).
3) That was no 83 year old man, that was my husband.
from mel839 :
from sooner :
Flame seems to me to be the type to eschew publicity, even the moderate publicity available through the anals of my diary. I didn't tell about the way he wore your panties on his head for the bulk of the dessert course, and I didn't tell about the way he picked up his plate and licked it citing economics as a reason, and I didn't tell about the way he tried to start a food fight with that 83 year old man because he didn't like the way the old man had winked at you. I didn't tell of these things becaue I wanted to protect him. Protect his privacy.
from addieplum :
did you see? kenny said he's gonna show me his whisk!
from bevin :
"Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one Anymore Take me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more And if a double-decker bus Crashes into us To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die And if a ten-ton truck Kills the both of us To die by your side Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine Take me out tonight Take me anywhere, I don't care I don't care, I don't care And in the darkened underpass I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last (But then a strange fear gripped me and I Just couldn't ask) Take me out tonight Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care I don't care, I don't care Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one, da ... Oh, I haven't got one And if a double-decker bus Crashes into us To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die And if a ten-ton truck Kills the both of us To die by your side Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine Oh, There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out"--The Smiths
from sooner :
I think being you for a day has affected me in unexpected ways. For example, I came home and painted each room a different primary color, even the ceiling, and then I insisted everyone I know call me Mr. Monkeyshines.

I think we should make this a regular thing. Perhaps once a month?
from btchelicious :
Who gave ravenheart the secret??
from blandman :
Thanks for RedBlur. I'm investigating.
from corazon :
Pethie, you get very interesting notes. I was also wondering of the hot monkey sex comment had anything to do with the rest of the entry or you just thought everyone should be informed of your preferences.
from riatsala :
I tried the color test thing and it told me that I was my own worst enemy. And it told me to smile more. *sigh*.
from dialog :
wait. I don't understand. You like hot monkey sex?
from ravenheart :
Just wanted to say; I really love your brown couch on your index page. My sadomasochistic true me Love it in a big way.It's one of those I wouldnt mind killing myself in. My last memory would be the feeling of that brown terrible 70's funiture deppression.
from ravenheart :
PETH; You with all those nifty pictures in the notes and profile, will you go put a strawberry or a wicked banana in my notes?! I promise you I would love you forever and ever if you did.
from manchichi :
wicked gnomes, wicked peth.
from addieplum :
i am concerned because your diary keeps making netscape on the ciculation desk computer shut down. why? and also, do you think that at the party btchy and blandie are gonna try to pick me up? what should i do?
from peth :
i don't know, i guess the point of the story is, don't roll in shit.
from btchelicious :
And the point of that story was...?
from twolumps :
do you mean a real live one? cause i don't know where any live ones are, but there's the mounted head of one right here in this building with me. the hide is also here. but you can't have them, they don't belong to me. how about a nice rabbit fur instead?
from sooner :
Peth. Do you have any gum?
from meism :
i'm laughing my ass off that the two UGLIEST pair are getting the most can see me wearing the tacky ones in the photo in eBay's About Me....eeeee
from btchelicious :
Wait! You have 30 favorites!
from btchelicious :
Eggscellent making the pics on your profile smaller. That helps with the loading. Do you think Badjuju is dead? She hasn't updated for more then 100 days.
from btchelicious :
A bungalow would be perfect for you. But remember, houses are a big step. And once you get one, it is sometimes hard to get rid of it. I should know.
from thebot :
Hi. Very wonderful picture of Wesley's cheeks you left for Sooner. I salivated. You are the goddess of all that is good in male ass photography posting.
from sooner :
Sooner update: "there is a lot of school realted crap going on, but I received an official invitation to a party on Friday, so I'm excited about that. I will bring the nipple rings. Nipple rings for all!" I think that sums it up.
from corazon :
Pethie, I think you should do it. Get a house. Get a bungalow. It's fun to say and it's arts and craftsy. I love arts and crafts design. Do it do it do it!!!
from meism :
my friend says the truest way to judge a person is by their think?
from addieplum :
you may have mentioned blonde, yes. i believe you did. nico is the embodiment of blonde. and also, i love her. pardon my lack of eloquence...i don't do too much talking these days.
from bevin :
That ad for Wesley's gay tales is the best thing I've ever seen. EVER. Even better than the Mullet with the moustache in Le Tigre. Wear the bad bridesmaid dress. Wear it with fishnets. And combat boots. I'll wear the drama dress again. Of course. xoxo
from gaytales :
Yes, Wesley rocks...Wesley ROCKs and yes that is a pic of him on the BUCKET hat so BUY IT DAMMNIT lol!
from nudeplatypus :
Wesley rocks...He rocks. Is that a picture of Dear Wesley on the hat?
from nudeplatypus :
I'm beginning to wonder about your couch obsession. Not that I've spent much time thinking about it...just a passing thought
from addieplum :
it has come to my attention that found magazine is there in the booktrader, just waiting for us to...find it.
from redblur :
Ohhhhhhhhhh - well - that's a horse of another color! Why didn't you say so before?!?!?!?!? It all becomes so - so - so clear, now
from sooner :
I noticed that even Wesley sees you in a bride's maid role. I've noticed that.
from sooner :
three times a week?
from sooner :
you cannot know all my secrets.
from btchelicious :
I love you peth.
from btchelicious :
Concerning the pic you left in Wesley's notes: You should buy one of those for M's bachelorette party to give to her.
from btchelicious :
from btchelicious :
(I think I am responsible for creating this frenzy).
from btchelicious :
My god, now everyone wants to know the very elite secrets of the pictures in notes.
from mel839 :
lets twist again.. like we did last summer, YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
from gaytales :
Peth, you most definatly...should look into crushing hard on "Randy Harrison" although you are only alowed to look and not touch he's all mine...he play's Justin on Queer as Folk. I would post his pic here in your notes but I DONT know HOWWWWW at any rate, thanks for the nominations...but I am not eligible for my own sites awards good gesture though:)
from corazon :
I would like to help you with your search for a new celebrity crush. What are the criteria for a crush? I have a friend who has large nose and over 40 criteria. Let me know how I might help.
from madrigle :
I've already voted, and recruited several other votees... but, please Mistress Peth, may I still suffer the lash? Also, I'm thinking me and Jean need to make some snickerdoodles while she is here.
from gaytales :
from johnpowers :
i've been worse than that
from bevin :
So many peth flavored notes today. yes. nine dollars. plus $1 tip. And a hearty wink at the bartender. I placed a lemon-scented trash bag in the can today and thought of you, sweet Peth.
from propensity :
thank you for lisa yuskavage
from sooner :
the riatsala pic, you see, is a coffee queen. Look again.
from nudeplatypus :
a party? to celebrate brendan fehr's excess of tongue? i can think of no better reason than that.
from manchichi :
i'm sorry i can't reveal the real name of the person in question. mainly because i couldn't remember the real name of the person named by ms. plum. i think you'll have to take it up with her.
from sooner :
please leave migrainegirl's notes alone. They are mine and I am posessive.
Look at this.
from mel839 :
you'll be there when i needed some body!
from corazon :
Darling Peth, a snickerdoodle is a basically a sugar cookie that is rolled in cinnamon and sugar (rather than just plain sugar) before being baked. They are quite yummy in their simple sweet, buttery, cinnamony way.
from mel839 :
i am if you listen hard enough
from corazon :
I am so excited that I now have a picture. I am also excited that it has a chile pepper on it. I was very jealous of the other people who had pictures, but I didn't want to say anything. I'm thinking that the after-sex presents could become a ritual to replace the postcoital cigarette for health concious individuals. I think doughnuts would make a good post sex gift although not really much healthier than cigarettes. I also wouldn't want to be known as a doughnut prostitute. Hmm. I'll have to think this through a little more before I go making any big announcements about my idea.
from btchelicious :
Where is my note?
from sooner :
Also, I bet you do know "Bob." I bet you do.
from sooner :
I've gone on a note giving rapmage so here is a note for you. 8-)
from sooner :
I've gone on a note giving rapmage so here is a note for you. 8-)
from mel839 :
i've gone on a note giving rampage. so here is a note for you. :p
from twolumps :
i've gone on a note giving rampage. so here is a note for you.
from twolumps :
thanks for the picture.
from mel839 :
love love me do, you know i love you, so pleaaseee love me to :)
from addieplum :
of what library log do you speak? i bet it was bevin, wasn't it. tell me! what does it say?? i must know! i pick my nose in the car!
from peth :
you are a well-rounded individual, btchy.
from btchelicious :
I have both cried and picked my nose in the car. But not at the same time. What does that say about me?
from madrigle :
So Peth, I'm of the opinion that crying is, in general good, I mean it removes toxins from the body, clenses the nasal passages, and, is my beliefe, that it actually allows the body to cope with stress better. Just my thoughts.
from madrigle :
You like corrugated sheet metal in interior design too!!!!! Oh my gosh! *Big ass grin* And yes I still like Virga as a girls name, but I conceed, Corazon, that I probably should give her some more mundane name to be called in public and by friends so the whole teasing issue won't be such a torment. Besides, with a name like Virga, maybe she will marry some dashingly handsome meteorologist. And when she's just a little girl we can drive home to the deserts of Southern New Mexico on a lazy, to hot early July evening, and watch the storm black towering cumuluses tease the sun partched plateaus with their release of rain that does not hit the ground. And I'll stop the car, and we will watch and I'll point up and say, "Do you see that? The rain that is falling from those clouds?" And she sill nod, and I'll continue "See how beautiful it is? See how it evaporates before it is hitting the ground?" And she will nod quietly, because she will be one of those silent profound children, that knock your socks off with the things they do say because they are constantly observing. And I'll go on, "That is Virga, that is what I named you after, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in this world." And we will sit there sharing our silent moment, just taking it all in.
from addieplum :
grouse has an entry about...tangelos!
from crossmyheart :
i can not believe you didn't get any cotton candy. and it was pink!
from corazon :
I like your pictures and the description of the girl with the figure-8 mouth. I don't know much about how you draw, but you describe stuff well.
from blandman :
Remember, I am dense, did you really go to a Sixers game? You Mary Ellen and Saint Peter are the last people that I would imagine going to a Sixers game. (confused)
from karolv69 :
I didn't leave that note. I forgot to log out and my cousin was on my comp. my cousin left the message. Ugh I can't believe it.
from addieplum :
ps--you're sexy
from addieplum :
pethie, i am sorry i made you read my love letters and that i am a rotten friend. don't be sad anymore, ever. i can't take it.
from blandman :
Thanks for the tips on chzza and pablo. My initial examinations of these diaries where certainly somewhat positive. I will continue to explore. The negative is that now I feel my diary should reflect my age and artistic sensibilities. I am (at least ) chronologically mature. And sometimes I do tire of porno. I'm looking for inspiration.
from sooner :
from manchichi :
no way! ah my old stomping grounds. but how could the food be delicious? that just doesn't seem right.
from addieplum :
we made the viggo description page in manchichi's diary. link it up baby! we should probably just call the ring viggo cause he is more than just the hottest man in the lord of the rings! so much more!
from manchichi :
but what shall we call the ring???
from manchichi :
you are always so kind to me. but what else can i say about him except he has a beautiful chin cleft and is 43? i'll think of something good.
from corazon :
Peth, I think you and Maddy are cut from the same cloth. You both like corrugated metal in interior design. You both like falsettos. You both like office supplies. Okay, so you are not a personal product snob, but Maddy could probably change that. You would probably even appreciate the velour shirts that Maddy has/had that were silver and bright green. You might even agree that Verga is a good name for a child. I'm beginning to think that I am Maddy's straight man (only I'm a girl).
from btchelicious :
The pic for my diary in your profile does not work. Why?
from manchichi :
just dropped by to thank you for the delicious turkey. the temperature of the meat never changes. that makes it extra yummy. i'm listening to 'i need a hero'.
from mel839 :
hahaha i fucking love you :D
from addieplum :
tsk, tsk. trying to steal your woman? that is unpardonable! i knew he was seedy, but this is too much!
from corazon :
Peth, thank you for not leaving me to be a lone freak. There is nothing worse than being a lone freak. You will always be like Cotton to me. Forgive me if I don't tie little red panties on you, though.
from btchelicious :
No, no, don't give out the secret!! We are elite!!
from fluf :
pardon me for interrputing your swishiness, but could you explain how to make those pretty pictures appear in my profile? i put in the img src bit, but it adds some hobgoblin blah to my link, and i end up with little red Xs. help! i will love you more than ever if you do.
from fluf :
i'm quietly adoring the new graphics. you are ultra-modern.
from nudeplatypus :
If that lovely office cot smell makes you happy...more power to you....
from sooner :
I am here, but you are nowhere to be found. You said you needed help.
from peth :
my hips are too wide for a duster, i think.
from nudeplatypus :
Lovely pezzy goodness. As for office cots as sex toys...they make your fingers smell...and not in a good way. However, the orange one is rather likable.
from bevin :
And I'm really torn as to whether or not I'm more disturbed by your skin-ed squir-el or by the monster testicl-ed squir-el on Sooner's page... Both make me a bit queasy...
from bevin :
Peth, one of the most fashion forward and cool dressers I know... Peth, she who wears uncomfortably fabulous shoes to the liberry... Peth, who leaves a trail of glitter as she walks... Peth does not have a black duster?? P.S. Thanks for the girl head!!
from blandman :
I saw the beginning of Gatop Bait years ago. It started with such promise and then put me to sleep. I remember a creole castrati...
from blandman :
Gee, thanks for the Robert Williams. His work graces the walls of our house. Now it graces my diary. His images inspire me to live up to those standards.
from sooner :
you are now more obsessed with squirrels than me. It is official.
from peth :
1)yes. 2)i like the reaction the flashbacks cause. 3)what diaries?
from btchelicious :
1) Omigod, my late husband!!
2) Stop making me have these flashbacks!!
3) How the hell do you have so much time to read so many diaries?
from johnpowers :
It means you are lacking puppies in your life.
from addieplum :
lord a'mighty! finger cots, sausages with mustard...what next?? i think i better hie over to the library and see what it's all about!
from peth :
that last note was from me, and not sooner, though I'm sure he would agree that the cots seem edible and alluring. we have to stop playng with each other's computers.
from sooner :
i think i am just going to chew on the finger cots. they smell good and are wriggley.
from bevin :
I didn't find your answers are douche-like, simply because if they had been more about feminine hygeine I probably would have used the terms vinegary and fresh. Finger cots, though, are actually handed out at lesbo clubs. I have some right now, sitting by my bed in the safer sex hat box. I gave one to one of the fag roommates to play with once. He kept pretending it was a ghost and freaking out Michael. I don't actually know anyone who has used them for safe sex, i think a latex glove is a little easier to use... And I would just worry about them getting lost somewhere unpleasant...
from peth :
i think that makes my answers douche-like.
from bevin :
Dear Peth: Thank you so much for signing my guestbook. Your answers were as delightful, fresh, lemony, and delicate as a quiet Spring morning. xoxo, bevin
from corazon :
You are correct in saying that Madrigle is a beauty product snob. He really is. I think it has something to do with Martha Stewart. No one would ever question his gayness though.
from nictate :
hiya peth- thanks for your note. i like your diary muchly, too, and will be back to read more! ciao now, nictate
from peth :
i am indeed. A little bubbled over into K-boy's lap this evening, as a matter of fact.
from blandman :
You are so ruled by Lust. It wants to bubble over the sides. It squeezes out. Just admit it. It's not embarrassing. It's quite cool actually.
from corazon :
So, I am bored and procrastinating at work again. Not enough depressed people about. I noticed that I am in your favorite list as well as sooner's. I was very excited. I also noticed that Bitchy stated below that you are having trouble finding a bar to play trivia in. I hope that problem has been resolved. Trivia is important. How's that for oxymoronic?
from bikinikiller :
hi peth, thanks for taking the time to look at my site and leave me a note, and for the info about the sigur ros video and the photo book that it was based on. that's why i like this online diaryland webpage community. it's a good one.
from sooner :
Hello, Judger. I'm sorry to have seemed rude earlier. I was working on Journal stuff and was a little distracted and schizo. Really.
from peth :
yes, daily. i follow it up with a sip of pepsi twist.
from btchelicious :
Are you lemon fresh because you use the Lysol douch?
from karolv69 :
I'm baaacckkk! New and Improved! -.-{Karol}�.�{Version 6.9}
from sooner :
Don't you judge me. Really.
from fluf :
goodness gracious me, i have never seen harold and maude. i feel that i have not yet lived(!) - should i join the ring anyway? i think maybe i should... because peth is delicious, and rings should be joined, because rings are delicious too... and i have little of any importance to say.
from btchelicious :
Yes, many secrets were revealed. *wink, wink*
from bevin :
And I think I've neglected to mention how delciously pumpkin your new design is. If you find me wielding my carving utensils remind me that I can't afford a new computer screen.
from btchelicious :
I can hardly wait to put my ass on your couch.
from bevin :
Wilkommen to your new couch!
from meism :
could you make it look like The Curious Sofa? then you'd have some tales to tell!
from heartshaped :
thank you so very much. not enough people are in with the harold and maude crowd, yo. :) keep in touch.
from alexsdaisy :
firstly, i love an orange couch. i look forward to visiting, taking a nap on it and dreaming of citrus fruit and creamsicles. also, apparently my new years resolution is supposed to be to hang out with fewer people to whom i feel superior. that'll be hard.
from bevin :
My roommate and I had an orange-y couch senior year. I'll bring you a picture. It was fabulous. We loved it. It had a matching loveseat and a non-matching cushy chair went with it. It looked nice with my chasing amy and breakfast at tiffany's poster and our quite ugly brown carpet. Many a forty and many a champagne were drunk on that couch.
from btchelicious :
Why can't we find a bar to play trivia in?
from btchelicious :
Oh, that's better
from btchelicious :
Did you stop your entry in mid sentence?
from manchichi :
i love the colors. they make me want to eat creamsicles( is that how you spell that word? i guess i never really had to spell that before) which are oh so delicious...
from riatsala :
Thankses for starting a Harold-n-maudular ring, darling! We feel so forward, though, joining without asking -- we're usually so shy...
from corazon :
Tried to fix the link to my notes, but could not. Oh well. I will try again someday. I do like the orange change. It's very sunny and refreshing.
from blandman :
I have to agree with you about porn. It's the best when porn is all up in my face. When it corners me and sits on me, and I can't escape.
from peth :
i have fixed the prev next dilemma. I have also changed the text color so you can find the links.
from btchelicious :
And I don't see a next and previous buttons/links.
from btchelicious :
I didn't think it was messy. I like it. I like the orange too though.
from btchelicious :
Sooner, if peth cannot go with you, I will go with you.
from sooner :
It's all about the salsa verde. We should go. What are you doing tomorrow?
from meism :
you are so silly!
from addieplum :
yes, furtive cigarettes are the best kind.
from crossmyheart :
<3. oh my god, that's so a heart.
from blandman :
BTW: <3 looks like lips to me.. or maybe deer prints:
<3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
from blandman :
Office plants? Check my diary...
from riatsala :
We Feelers don't take too kindly to Thinkers. Grunt.
from addieplum :
oh yes. and i agree with btchy...they look more like camel toes the more you stare at them...
from addieplum :
well. harold and maude. i am pleased. but what shall i do to help? shall i write a page extolling the charms of the movie or the fittingness of cat stevens' soundtrack? list all the links of merit i can find? do a little jig all by myself while sipping oatstraw tea and playing the banjo? hmmm?
from btchelicious :
<3 <3 These look less like hearts to me and more like camel toes <3 <3
from sooner :
Yes, it's true. Corazon is a delight to read.
from crossmyheart :
oh yay! if you started a harold and maude diaryring i would join.. it would be my first and you would deserve big fat computer hearts. like this: <3<3<3 (x a million though.) i think you deserve them anyway though, so.. <3!
from sooner :
It is not fair to tempt me to tell you with gum. You know how I love it so. You are a cheater. It's true. My secret remains mine as I am stronger than your fruity gum.
from btchelicious :
I love Trivial Persuit. But no one will play with me. When we used to play with my mom, she'd win every game. I don't think she can do that now. I'd like to come over and play a game of TP with you but I might just stare at your herpes all night.
from riatsala :
Dearest 'peth; about my housemate's sister, quoth Camille Paglia: "lesbian icon". Complete drivel--I've met the sister. And that's not the only reason Ms. Paglia is a woman of straw. Let us not, then, give tuppence for the mutterence of old Camille's tut-tutterance. Let us live, and let us love, and all happinesses to you and yours in the new year. AT.
from sooner :
I will not tell you what it is.
from sooner :
Also, Have a wonderful Christmas.
from sooner :
I have a secret. I will not tell you what it is.
from addieplum :
but, my dear, i am not red-headed anymore. p'raps you should make my description something more up-to-date like, ummm...grown out bad bleach job head?
from blandman :
I never thought of myself as evil... but maybe a little at times. Will this mean I will now prosper? I think not. Don't forget about them Failure Monsters. They trump everything. Even Satan, Jesus and every other God with agenda.
from alexsdaisy :
oh dear. sawed off limbs? the tamarind sauce did taste lovely though. i will pray for you and the baby jesus.
from scot2hot :
Some people take what they can get. Some day i should tell you more about my friend and her anatomy.
from addieplum :
good lord, i didn't realize things had gotten quite so out of hand. well, ok, maybe i did, but...when you put it that way it just seems so much worse...
from btchelicious :
Ohmigod!!! That's terrible! Do you think it was Santa Claus? I will pray that you get your shoes back.
from sooner :
no, it is not in tatters. It is whole and complete and beautiful.
from sooner :
It isn't true. there is still love. Don't break it off with me.
from btchelicious :
The Pillow Book. Yes, I remember this movie (I mostly remember ewan's penis). It was a very interesting use of the medium. Besides Ewan's penis, I like the texture of the film.
from btchelicious :
You should start a Tijuana Bible ring.
from manchichi :
uncle bob came clean about all the celebs he's been impersonating. check it out.
from minderella :
i doubt that you are 'joli-laid'.. that means 'pretty-ugly' but not in the sense of 'hey, that cat is pretty ugly' but more like half pretty, half ugly.. and it makes no sense. but if you want to be pretty-ugly, i'm down. if you need motivation, let me tell you that practically ANYONE can learn fluent french. i mean, just look at all the millions of idiotic french people who have done it effortlessly? uh-huh.
from btchelicious :
check out these notes.
from litterbox :
thank you my dear... my best friend myhardcandy has told me much nice things about you! haha i cant wait to accidentally run into you at the CLD! :D
from punk-princss :
hey - it's me- Jack. I had to change my diary cause of that prick that was harassing me. Just wanted to let ya know of the change! My new diary looks sOOOO much Cooler too!!!
from myhardcandy :
i do believe i have only gone to the hoyts when the movies were really bad... i missed the cemetary man, which i regret so much...
from meism :
we are SO on the same is a fav site of mine and the pillowbook is definitely in my top 20...mixing of languages, poetry, calligraphy, naked bodies as canvases...greenaway is a painter...and speaking of portraiture (sort of) your earlier vermeer image is one i've seen face to face in den!
from addieplum :
tush! delish! botticelli....
from blandman :
And I do! I do appreciate. Peth, for what reason do you give us this pretty behind? From where does it come?
from btchelicious :
Oh, my. Blandman will surely appreciate your latest entry (the pic). And I too am weary. I think it is the weather.
from blandman :
I think I would like ground peth on salads and hot rice but I'm not sure. Is it gauche to use peth powder or peth salt? I'm quite sure that fresh peth is the best but when is peth in season?
from btchelicious :
We all want a taste of your peth...mmmmm....
from emmaweed :
hello my darling, I was here for a small taste of your peth (do i wanna know what that is?) and i'm sure i'll will be back really real soon to dig in the 'chives, but for the moment, I am more in a sleeping mood than a reading mood. lovey doveys, emmmma
from btchelicious :
RE: Your Last Note to Me Regarding Court
from meism :
i enjoyed the party too...even from a great distance. nice to come and stay awhile and then go without feeling guilty for not helping clean up. :)
from crossmyheart :
i'm sorry about the vase.
from jack32483 :
sex sex sex. HA!
Complain about my sex talk in MY notes please! LOL
from btchelicious :
So, are you going to give us your take on the party in your diary?
from btchelicious :
Oh, yes, I also wanted to say that the pony play at Peth's was terrific!
from blandman :
I wanted to thank you about your party. I can't believe that you didn't plan the sex and B&D. All that paraphernalia in your bathroom just suddenly appeared? Sure. Look, it was cool and we all want more. Klismaphilia?
from fluf :
oh, and yes. i couldn't think of a suitable ending, and now it balances between mock religiousity and.. um, not mock religiousity. it really does sound like a lot of lumpy old bollocks, don't you think? i wish i could be more spontaneous, like peth, with the blue penis and not-blue crustaceans.
from fluf :
i enjoyed your party. there was undoubtedbly some tension between me and pablo, presumably of a sexual nature. by the end of the evening (about five minutes later) he had invited me back to his flat in finsbury park to spend the night. i declined, but i believe the offer remains open. (i love you, and about half of this is true.)
from btchelicious :
I just want to tell you that your party was great - the shrimp jobs, the coprophagia, the smoking... My Friday nights have never been so good.
from nudeplatypus :
I did not stand you up. I got lost because I can not even follow the simplest directions. And I didn't have my cell phone with me. I hate that stupid thing. And then I got frustrated because I hate driving in this stupid state, so I went home. So, I did not stand you up. I'm just an idiot.
from peth :
good king wenceslas looked down, on the feast of stephen...
from nudeplatypus :
I too took the Art Test. It said that I was Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory. I am a surreal landscape composed of several disjointed and bizarre components. I like to keep an eye on the time, although the very concept is fluid for me. People are never sure what they are seeing when they look at me. I think the test got this all wrong....I should play with it until I get the answer I like.
from blandman :
Fooduh, Fooduh, Fooduh. we're bringin' sum Fooduh. Tastless, unentertaining and particularly boring Fooduh: Fooduh that you eat with a stick. Fooduh that you would prefer to kick. Fooduh which could make you hoarse. Chunky Fooduh, rather coarse. Fooduh that makes feel hot and puffy Chewy food, raw and tough-y. Food that may have yellow pus. Party food, to you, from us.
from jack32483 :
Penises are totally not free of fluids... Cum for example it's so not fun wipin a pool of cum off yer chest after yer man just fucked yer tits... ah well. lol
from jack32483 :
I want a "My Guy Has A Big Dick" diary ring!
from blandman :
I know that there is a "My Guy Rocks" diary ring but maybe there should be a "My Guy is swell" diary ring. There is a difference, right? Or how about a "My Guy Swells" diary ring?
from addieplum :
va-va-voom! i really do wish i had a much more handy, so easy, so uncomplicated and free of, well, you know...fluids...
from jack32483 :
i joined the penis envy ring for a good reason- the reason you wanted- check out my latest entry and you'll see!
from bevin :
Oh, and also, may I perhaps bring christmas cookies or something in lieu of the martinellis? I don't think I can carry the martinellis but I can carry the cookies.
from bevin :
I have read so much and have so much to say. Florence Henderson's upside down pinapple hairdo is so very MULLET-esque. That's most important. (So pleeeeease don't get one.) I also must say that my car often smells very coffee-like which is nice, but probably only because I take a lot of sugah in my coffee. I will always have beige interior for the spillage reason. And also, I meant to say before I was hospitalized, that the sexy cowgirl on my shirt often makes me feel a bit insecure. But I take some comfort in the fact that she's a bit more slutty than I am and while I'm easy I don't ho' around like she does. And there was kissing recently. Not with the shirt, but you know what I mean.
from blandman :
Dearest Peth, I'm afraid that you are confusing the masses with your description for your penis-envy ring.
"You are a girl, you want a cock. Of your own. To pet, feed, take for walks. And maybe, some balls to match."

This could be understood as "Penis desire" as in "I want to fuck a penis" rather than the desire to have a penis as part of your body. Them are simple folk out there. You may be a-confusin' them.
from manchichi :
i've always wanted to hold a crustacean to my ear...
from blandman :
I am sorry that I didn't leave a 'note' before. I am so socially backwards. My 'bitch' let me know that I should return a message for the message you gave me. It takes me a while... When do you read other people's diaries? I don't have the time to add entries to my own diary or even read my own messages. How much time do you spend each day in diaryland? On your diary? on Others? When? Wait! These are things we can discuss at your 'diaryland' social gathering, right?
from peth :
because we are quintuplets, separated from birth. another of our brood is meism. Another is that funny-looking guy in N'sync. The fifth, we haven't found yet. it could be anybody.
from manchichi :
peth, i am also the mona lisa. why are we always the same?
from peth :
btchie, they were right about the cleavage. hubba hubba.
from jack32483 :
i wont have sex on the rag because my boyfriend thinks it would be nasty- personally i wouldn't mind trying it. ;)
from btchelicious :
Holy crap! I am the Birth of Venus! "You are Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus. You are a beautiful and alluring composition, not afraid to show off a good deal of bare flesh. People surround you and gaze at you with the adulation due a goddess and friendly breezes gently push you along your path in life." Bullshit.
from peth :
mayhaps, mayhaps.
from btchelicious :
I hope you are going to have name tags with all that information on them.
from k-boy :
i don't know about the meat-cocks you eat but i try to stay away from anything with thick, hot yellow stuff on it!! that could bring you some troubles down the road....
from sooner :
Please, if at anytime in the future you do get married, Miss Monkeyshines. Don't change the name. Or at least hyphenate.
from btchelicious :
I would start an "up yours" diary ring but don't you have to have a paid membership to make rings?
from peth :
yes, yes, bring some friends! well-behaved, well beehived.....wee-behinded. come one come all.
from fluf :
i liked the bottom art, and will try to be in attendence for this party. can i bring friends? they'll be well behaved.
from btchelicious :
If you start a penis envy diaryring then yes, yes I will join!
from addieplum :
the only real objection i have to the showing off of camel toes, is that it might distract attention from my sword-swallowing act. or, wait, maybe it will get me more attention. hmmm...
from peth :
i wish I had a webcamEL, so I could get a shot of btch's camel toes.....
from meism :
just missed you today on the ole instant message machine...wanted to let you know that I'll be coming to your party, just unable to mingle outside the walls of the me = messomorph
from btchelicious :
Actually, I think everyone who goes to the party should wear something that shows off their camel toe.
from addieplum :
if btchelicious is going to be showing off her camel toe, i am staying home. unless there is a reading of george and martha stories at the party. my tummy hurts.
from btchelicious :
I will try to wear something to the party that shows off my camel toe.
from btchelicious :
Don't like the PHS site???!!!???? Take it ups with MR. ED CYR!!!!
from addieplum :
hah hah! green swords...hah!
from alexsdaisy :
in chat formation i'll gladly appear!
from addieplum :
party, party, party! but you forgot to mention that the Sisters Fuller will be there, and we will be the best part! rah!
from nudeplatypus :
you a good person...swerving to miss those innocent little furry creatures...we know that sooner would've swerved to hit him instead...squirrel hating fiend that he is.
from nudeplatypus :
chocolate pudding wrestling...nobody told me aobut his...sheesh...
from peth :
i wrote to andrew, and basically said, "what up with the cup?" and he hasn't written back. I don't know why I can't add the image to my ring snippet. if anyone has any clues, tricks, etc, please send it my way. if anyone has any gum, give it to sooner.
from manchichi :
something needs to be done with the cups. no pressure. i visited the diner last evening but i did not keep my eyeballs peeled for the mystery ring members.
from addieplum :
woe is me! for i am not fit to have the diner coffee cups grace my page! i am but a lowly diarylander, with no gold membership to allow me to showcase peth's fine images. weary sigh.
from sooner :
You're the one who's been obsessed with 'nam of late so let me ask you this. Did they have gum in 'nam? Do you have any gum?
from crossmyheart :
i just looked at my notes, and you left me one. i feel special. i think i should say bless you since you sneezed twice in doing so, and my goal was to say bless you.. even if i didn't hear it.. and it's a few days later. so yes, bless you.
from btchelicious :
We are trying to make little Jagermeister anti-social right off the bat. I'm hoping his first word will be "cunt".
from alexsdaisy :
wait! what's this about a diaryland party? i'm perfectly willing to hop on a cross continental plane and jump off before actually leaving this particular continent, just so that i could attend. also, i could add more and different strands of long blonde hair to the mix!
from sooner :
I've never done it in chocolate puddin'. Will it be terror puddin'?
from peth :
No! heavens, no! The wine, I can give up, as It is a new pleasure. the cheese also can be avoided, except when on a fine crappy pizza. but the chocolate must stay! i will ask doctor Useless about Imitrex.....perhaps, a few evenings spent with you, chzza, and Brian Eno would fix me.
from meism :
you and i need to talk about a wonderdrug called imitrex and i happen to be the everythingyouneverwantedtoknowaboutmigraines book or, if you prefer, internet research guide on two lovely bare feet (i'm working on a new ((cheaper)) fetish)...i'll run right over, fingers poised for head massage, ready to spout the cold hard facts like: No More Cheese, Wine or Chocolate For You.
from chzza :
According to Phil Manzanera, Eno once was in a Thai club and the owner recognized him from the cover of a Roxy album. He took Bwian up to his whore-filled woodland hideaway, where his Enoness did stay for free for many and sundry a month tasting of all manner of delectable and gratis poons of tang.
from sooner :
Peth, Bitchy says that if you install a mud pit at your D'land party we can have one final throw down and I can remain undefeated in mud wrestling. As my undefeatedness is very important to me, I'm sure you'll have the requisite materials when we arrive in a little over 2 weeks. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.
from btchelicious :
I'm sorry. I am unstable. Please remove the last note of mine. Thank you.
from btchelicious :
Please go to my diary and tell me what it looks like. Should I leave it as 3 columns or back to 2 columns like I had it yesterday?
from peth :
bevin is so absolutely right about the boys being scared by the flaxen's true, they are just more noticeable because they are so long and luxurious, and wrap around things and get stuck absolutely everywhere...I think Flame is just fearing that someday I will strangle him with my long luxurious hairs.
from manchichi :
i think it only really works with primary colors. if you type in anything else it just does whatever the hell it wants. off to macaroni...
from sooner :
Please, tell me about your coin purse.
from bevin :
I find that many boys with long haired girlfriends need reassurance after their alarming discovery that their gfs hair is everywhere. They must be reassured that everyone loses their hair, it is simply that you can see long flaxen locks much easier than you can see short dark tresses. But boys scare so easily, really.
from sooner :
Is "racker" a word?
from peth :
you hafta type -soupson- because you can't type the cedilly or whatever, or can you, wait let me check..... AHA! Alt+0231 makes that thingie for soup�on!!!!!
from sooner :
It is not me in the bathroom. When you pee. It isn't. I just like to wash my hands. It isn't. SOUPSON!
from peth :
soupson! i bring bread! we eat eat eat, ignore library patron, they stomp round, shout at theresa, she give them tootsie roll.
from sooner :
I love notes, but not as much as I love you. Is soup on? Will it be toasty again on Saturday?
from peth :
but the color, it is not juice, it is not anthrax, it IS Grape. It is wine grape, it is shirazific! Oh, what am I saying, I must be drunk. It is whatever you want it to be, my loves.
from alexsdaisy :
yummy. i love the new looks! it makes me think of drinking bug juice at camp, except i never went to camp.
from bevin :
the new look is so grape juice-y that I feel refreshed just looking at it. The question remains, however, is it anthrax flavored grape juice?
from addieplum :
diner-rama! hashbrowns! drool! love the pretty new shades of evil on your page...who the hell is that guy with the balloon though?
from sooner :
another delicious change.
from btchelicious :
Pretty, pretty, pretty. I love these colors!
from myhardcandy :
i found out the other day that my boss goes to the cld. my boss!
from bevin :
So I don't want to start any trouble on D-land at all, but does anyone else find it "convenient" that Peth was "on the 5th floor" while the anthrax coated donuts were simply laying out on the circulation desk and then inspired a huge terrorist incident in the computer lab? I mean, we already know that Peth is immune to Russian Anthrax...
from btchelicious :
Ooo, nice new text color. Little hard to read against the BG, though.
from peth :
yes, it is that very diner, my little mulletina. we shall all go there late one night when the moots and such are well behind us all.
from bevin :
i spent much of my 1-Hell year researching diners in south jersey. is the crystal lake diner the one that was voted "best diner in south jersey"? the one next to the mcdonalds and near a blockbuster on some new jersey route? i quite enjoy that diner. i quite enjoy the snotty atty-tood of the waitresses and they never disappoint me with their use of the word "yous".
from btchelicious :
Bri says you need to have a party that he and I are both at. I agree. But not on the 17th. The 17th is just for us...
from btchelicious :
In reference to I decided to take The Spark gay test and I am 50% gay. Imagine that. BTW, I have had dreadful experiences at the Crystal Lake Diner.
from manchichi :
but how can i show my love for CLD? where do i join?
from btchelicious :
Ahhh, so your thrift store shoe obsession haunts you still. Wow. I remember this years ago when we used to go to thrift stores. In fact I think you might have induced me to buy thrift shoes a couple of times. I think I might still have them (I never wear them).
from meism :
You've done that thing again and read my mind or something....I was JUST thinking about how 900 books weigh WAY more that 800 (I underestimated my shoewhore numbers so as not to frighten anyone) pairs of shoes. It's a packing dilemma. AND the fact that I never wear most...or read anymore. These d-land coincidences are starting to weird me out TOTALLY, dude.
from btchelicious :
Your friend Bri is catty!
from bevin :
I cannot believe you actually ate that obviously anthrax-flavored candy. Damn commie bastards and their damn commie anthrax candies.
from addieplum :
sexy you!
from peth :
you know it is, baby.
from sooner :
is that you with your monkey?
from btchelicious :
Shit! What the hell is wrong with me today? Someone is going to have to pay for my mistakes and it ain�t gonna be me!
from btchelicious :
HaHA! I meant "NO,/B>" shame. heh.
from btchelicious :
I noticed you are now pimping for diaryland, informing newbies that they can upload pics for a small fee. Really! Have you now shame?!?
from peth :
I agree with NP, anything PeeWee is fine by me...he was splendid in it...and I agree with Btchelicious, she is the diaryland whore, and we are all thankful for this...
from nudeplatypus :
blow may blow...but pee wee herman was in it. Anything with Pee Wee Herman has to have some redeeming qualities.
from btchelicious :
I think I'm now a diaryland whore. And I think it is all your fault.
from peth :
oh yes. Miz Lori.
from addieplum :
lee as in Lori??
from manchichi :
peth, what a lovely monkey. i have a monkey his name is alven. he has no eyes or ears. i never gave him a hat either. he is loved anyway.
from addieplum :
the horror...the..horror
from addieplum :
my god, was the candy THAT old???
from sooner :
Peth, You are a dear. I will take a break soon and we will play. Scali.
from btchelicious :
Thanks for cluing me in on this Diaryland thingy. And just so you know, the diary listed above mine, "whitewash," I read it as "Whitetrash" and I got really excited...
from meism :
whoa! you've done it again. suspiria is a favorite of mine and i just rented it again for halloween viewing. boo.
from alexsdaisy :
i just had visions of tom, knees bent, crossing leg over leg, snapping his fingers across the stage.
from bevin :
I think waving always makes people look like they're from the midwest. But the swishy skirts will probably make people think: "Is she from the midwest and just transplanted with fashion taste?" "Does she have fashion taste and thinks that she's in the midwest?"
from manchichi :
who are these moon pie people? moon pie was logans nickname for all of 2 days. i'm glad you like the remodled version.
from manchichi :
no it all worked out for the better though. the bathroom has never been cleaner.
from alexsdaisy :
A hayride? A creamy hayride? An invisible cream creamy hayride?
from addieplum :
from ronkc :
ooh! Latkes!! Have fun on your hayride! smooches, Chris
from addieplum :
Pethie! Hayride! 7:30 at Figby's! Be there! Potato latkes!
from alexsdaisy :
yo quiero habla espanol un pequito. no me gusta empenadas. te llamo los todos muchachos con guittaras! gracias.
from meism :
Oh!Oh! I just saw Lynch's latest too. The New Orleans Film Festival and all... Hmmmm. Car crashes and smeared lipstick. You make me think I should update about the only thing I really know. Movies. But Bjork's on HBO and then there's Band of Brothers. (While you've been obsessing about Nam, I've been all into WW2.) What did you have for breakfast? If you say apple ricecakes, I'm going to be soooo weirded out.
from sooner :
I think I'm gonna type in some html tags and mess up your notes. You can't stop me, but you can love me. It's all I ask.
from addieplum :
RULL ring? it is ready? does it exist? what is going on?
from addieplum :
wow you got more notes now than you know what to do with, don'cha? i think that "invasive" was my fave, but "flutey" was nice too.
from meism :
You are one wacky chick.
from alexsdaisy :
Thanks muchly. I'm going to Trader Joe's at lunchtime and now I'll have to get those zebra snacks. Yea. Thanks.
from ronkc :
PETH! I'm going to have to transfer to RUL now so that I can join your webring. I had better start packing...
from addieplum :
only 48%!??!? wow, how does that work out? how am i more gay than you? somehow, things have gone awry.
from meism :
i didn't know - until now - how appropriate those last words careful bombing possible?
from meism :
jebus! i just bought new boots too. they are kickass ass-kicking boots and i'm ready for the next world war. but i'd rather just be a dead hippie for halloween. you?
from meism :
what an idea!! we should approach her with "your g-string's askew...allow me...."
from meism :
isn't juju the baddest?? let's run away from all this and hang with the likes of her. oh yeah, and imagicam....hhhot!!
from addieplum :
i think that the lime-green colored Mad Dog 20/20 is the answer, actually. it's the dyes that do it.
from sooner :
if flame had a diary I would leave him a note.
from addieplum :
i have no pastries to speak of. but i will have delicious birthday cake in about 5 minutes along with delectable ice cream in a variety of flavors. mmmmm....
from sooner :
I wish I had a kitty! licks and smacks for all!
from infelicitous :
i have cheese scones, stale to perfection. with just a dash of warm margerine, all your worries will be consigned to oblivion.

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